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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , MAY 4. 1885. BEAUTY OH A BENDER , Pifle'n HnnJrtil Lailits on a Stowing Excersion to Omaha , Tlio Cnrnlvnl of Ilubblca t Homo Commcntfl of the PI-CBS on Friday's ' Kij Pomlnlno Flurry oi BhopplnfT. Lincoln Journal , May 1 , No such aggregation of loveliness was over soon in Lincoln as gathered at the Burlington & Missouri river railroad de pot yesterday morning at U o'clock , the hour nt which the ladles' excur sion started for Omaha. Many of the 700 ladles who gathered there wore beauti ful , most of them were young and all wore charming. These members of the loss gentle sex who hovered about the depot to gizo at the viiion could not therefore bo blamed. Lot any gentleman who can call to mind his experience In getting one lady upon the train Imagine the scene when 700 of the fair creatures were eager to got aboard and secure a seat. 11 Is this our train ? " ' When does it start 1" "Which way do wo start , " " Arc you sure this is our train ] " " Whit a pretty car this is I Lot's got upon It. " "May bo this car switches off at Wrf- Torly for Denver. " " Which way la Omaha south V " No , north I" "East I" "West ! " This was the merry chime of sounds which saluted the oars of Tom Eagan , the gallant depot policeman. Tom's trong point Is his gallantry , but when ho had helped 200 ladles on board and and answered 1371 questions ho showed signs of distraction and at the 600th lady and the 2023d question ho became a raving maniac and was carried from the Bceno , The cars looked vary odd all filled up with women. A man or two of moro than ordinary nerve ventured In , but InsUntly the sound of a million voices or moro died out and and after a unanimous "Sh thoro's " dead - a man , a ilonco struck the Intruder like 5 staffed club and two hundred pairs of eyes were turned upon him and ho turned xcd and looked sheepish and shrunk up And floated out of the window. Then the conversation proceeded something like this : -"Why don't wo start ! " There's Sade She wouldn't go , moan old thing ! " "Whero'a my bundle ? " "Oh , 1'vo lost my chopping bag stop the train 1 Oh. wo ain't going , anyway , are wo and its got n y ticket In why , there it is up in thai , iron thing whore I put It ! " "Sh ! There's another man ! " Then there was uilcnca ag in , another victim was crucified , and the conversation was renewed. Eight caaches were filled and a bag gage car was brought np and provided with impromptu seats. When 700 ladles woio on board and all the men except the Ulrica blessed conductor and brakeman - man were eliminated the train started. At Waverly saventy-fivo passangors were taken on. The train was full by this tlmo and passed by Greenwood , Ashland and South Bond , leaving npon the plat forms of the respective dopoU 150 , 225 , and 100 Indignant and disappointed ladies The agents at those places escaped out of their back windows and fled lor their 'lives. At Lonlsvlllo twenty-five passen gers were taken on and fifty lefc. Two coaches went up from PUttsmouth. Five hundred husbands or thereabout stood waiting dismally on the depot plat form at 9:45 : when the return train came In , and the reporter remembers nothing moro of the arrival of the train than at indistinct vision of 700 women , 500 men , 5,600 bundles , two dozen hacks , a street car and Inextricable confusion. It wa1 a big day for the ladies , and the pranki pltyod by 500 pro torn widowers , wen they to bo told to their trusting spouses would make the blood run cold in thi veins of 500 truant but repentant wives and cause each particular hair of 500 fe male heads to stand on ond. But th 500 husbands are sworn to eternal se crccy by a mutual oath. SIDE SCENES. Lincoln JYeu'ev One party of thre ladles in the excursion had only to cents between them. The one with gold ilmraed specs remarked that if they ' 'go loft" two of their number could pay thol way homo on the street car. Whole blocks of lots are deaolato io day. Houses locked , children sent t the neighbors to bo oared for , and womo gone on the Smithtown excursion. Froih fish were plenty , but purchase ) fow. Restaurants and dining halls fed largo number of loose , disconsolate hut bands to-day. Ono young man introducing tbp no Bible by prospectus became dbcoui aged and said ho wouldn't act aa boo V agent for the best work In or out of prci In a town wboro the women were so a mighty scarce as in this city , which f < to-day , at least , could properly bo calle Stagtown. It ia reported tha1 ; the conductor wl took charge of this morning's speoia full of Capital City angels , has got crazy. The widowers and bald-headed bach lors have prodably found the streets i Omaha lively a any May day plonlo the ever enjoyed , and superior to the attrai tractions of a Bonnet camp meeting. A traveling man who came in on U noon train s ys the special , freight ! with women , picked r > p others at Wi vorly and Greenwood , packing them Inl the cats like sardines. At Ashlar there were 1G5 women waiting but i tha I riln already had on all that cou ! crowd In it , did not atop but whlsth through , leaving the disconsolate dam to go homo again. At South Bend the were over 50 , at Louisville 125 and other stations there were largo nnmbe but the train did not stop as It was i ready loaded and the train men fean a riot If they should stop and then n let the crowd on , If anybody notices cerulean hue In the atmosphere b tween hero and Omaha they can at on attribute U to the remarks of the feu nines who were left behind. TUB PLAITSUOUrU CONTINC1INT. Plattatnoueh Journal , April 30. Tbo cunning racket adopted by Omaha merchant succeeded In almi depopulating the cities and tonni ale the Burlington & Missouri as west as Lincoln today of the b tor half of their reap live populations. At 11:10 : thla morn ! Englroer GaorgoOole , with the ancli 22 swltsh engine , pulled two ccac' ' packed full oi ladies , in charge Conductor Sparks , to Oreapo where connection was made w a special train of eight orowi coaches and a baggage car from I coin. There word 103 passengers In I two coaches from this city , all ladloi , and In the entire train there must have been fully 1,000. Train men oatlmnto the number beyond that. The great Inducement appeared to be the free ride offered In good company , and many ladles no doubt availed themselves ol It for the solo privilege of seeing the np-riror city. As ono looked at the crowds of well-dressed ladles hur rying to the depot ho could hardly re frain from wondering who was going to got dinner. It was a precious cargo , and whatever they may purchase in Om aha will hardly Increase the the anxiety with which their return is looked for. It ia generally understood about town that M. O'Ronrko , W. D. Jones and R. W. Hyors were nil applicants for posi tions as special Burlington & Mis souri conductors to-day , but the company evidently concluded that so much femininity might got away with tholr mental equipoise , and put the train In safe and experienced hands. COUNTRY 11KLLES. Plattsmouth Herald , Apitl 30. Omaha citizens to-day are looking upon moro handsome women than it ia their lot often to behold. When their country cousins , and their sisters , and their aunts , go among them fifteen hundred strong , they see something of Nebraska. Notice. Having dlsp'csod of the Rubber Stamp department of our business to Messrs. Gross & Austin , wo take pleasure'In rec ommending them to the business public aa well worthy of confidence , and bespeak for them a continuance of the patronage so generously bestowed noon us. REES PRINTING Co. The Rubber Stamp business will bo conducted by us , and wo hope to merit the confidence and support of the former patrons of Rocs' Printing Co. , and also of all others In need of anything In our line , by producing good work at fair prices. Respectfully. Guess & AUSTIN , 1308 Farnam Street , Omaha. CRUSHED PUMPKINS , Tlio Omnliaa t-ait Down Upon by the YcBterdny'a Ball Gnmo llccordH of The Club. The Sherman avenno park waa the sccno of a Tory tame exhibition of bane ball yesterday. The Indianapolis and Omaha teams mot for the second tlmo , the latter stronger by reinforcement at several essential points , than on the da ; previous , when they mot with BO ban ning a defeat at the bonds of the Hoos- iers. In fact , our boys not only had some idea of making It Interesting for the visitors they thought perchance to defeat - feat them. Bat such are human hopes 1 For some reason Bandit couldn't "nip eff" the Indianap olis runners at secgnd base , Salts , bnry didn't pitch with his accustomed correctness and fatal vigor. The infield couldn't handle the grounders and the outfield couldn't attend to the files , and when the end of the ninth Inning was called , the Omahaa found themselves far In the rear of tbolr opponents , the score being 13 to four , with a declined half In ning for the Indianapolis. The game is not worthy of mention It : detail. The homo team stand credited with nine errors , while iho visitors oi < caped with but three. Ten base hlti were made by the Indianapolis team , and five by the Omahas. The aid tale Is officially unfolded ir the following SCORE. IHDIANAF-OLIS. Runs ISarnrd Indianapolis 5. Two Bnso Hits Poorman , Moriarity an McGuire , Struck Out On Salisbury , 3 ; on Casey , Base on Called Balls By Salisbury , 1 : I Csey , 8. Bases given for bitting man with ball 1 Salisbury , 1 ; by Casey , 1. Pasted Balls Handle , 8 ; McGuire , 3 Wild Pitches-Salisbury , 1. Time of Game 1 hour und 55 minutes. Umpire Jno , Bromon. Official Scorer-J. L. S. THE RECORD TO DATS. Thua far the Indianapolis clnb atom at the head , but It la hard tolling ho long they will remain there. The reco ; HIIOHT STOPS , ll. Wednesday night the Omahi club talc ll.5d the road. Ot The U. P. boya will clianco at twcnl fire conta a chance on the game. flea The Indianapolis team appear to ea daises from away up near the head of t croek. The boya oipoot to hare blood in thi eyea to-tnorow and go for Indlanapo like painted warriors. an If tbo Omahas expect to make a reco ant as ball playera thla aoaton It la abc fagr thing. time for them to commence doing aon ot eo Information Wanted , Ing Information is wanted int whereabout ! of William Albert Sail bcs who left homo lait June and his i bcsof bean icon since by his folks. It lathoci Hi , that he ws at Fort Omaha about Si 1th tember lit. Any information ro arfl led htm will be thankfully received by Jn. father , R. A. Sailor , Lillarpo , Hone thejcounty , 111. THE FAIR AND EXPOSITION Something About the riniis ami Prospects Tlio Subscrlptlone. Slnco the State Donrd of Agriculture awarded to Lincoln the eUto fair for the next five yoari , thcro has been n feollng that Omaha must have a grand fair and exposition of her own. This uontlmont , a thoroughly well-grounded ono to begin with , lias boon steadily growing. And It now looks as though this city can and nill tnpportsnch a fair and exposition on scale of greater magnitude , and of moro perfect appointments than the ono at the capital. A reporter calling yottorday npon a member of the Omaha Fair and Exposi tion association learned something of the plans and present prospects of the organ- IzUlon. It Is composed ol members of the Douglas County Fair association and these of the Board of Trade and ropro- sonis enough business pluck and energy to push forward the scheme to BUOOOBS. The plans of the association contemplate the holding of a fair and exposition ; the fair qo bo hold at the regular grounds on Sixteenth street , and which will con tain all the agricultural , stock and busl- nets exhibits , naturally belonging there besides having the attraction of thoraces races , while the exposition which will bo located at a point central , will Include the moro dollcito textile exhibits , besides these of a description naturally reqnlrin goof shelter. As to the place whnro the exposition brai.ce Is to bo held nothing as yet can bo determined. If the now exposition building on Oapltol avenue Is finished before fall It will bo used for exposition purposes , provided all necessary arrangements can bo made. In ess , however , the building Is not finished In time , the exposition feature of the projected fair will bo dispensed with until the year following. It Is the purpose of the gentleman In charge of the plan to offer larte ; and so- ductlvo pureoa to horsemen to trot ther animals In the races. The speed prem iums will bo made an especial feature of the fair , and It is hoped that the exhibi tion of horse racing will bo the finest yet seen in the state. The capital stock of the association is fixed at $50,000 , of which not moro than 10 per cent Is to bo paid down. The ob ject of this fund , IB simply to insure prompt paymsnt of all liabilities , In case rain should make the receipts too small to meet all liabilities. As soon as this stack Is subscribed , work will bo at once commenced upon the the plant for the fair and the scheme will then bo fairly on Its feet. The committee appointed to raise subtcrlr. tlons roporl enoourazlng success , and the necessary funds are fast piling np. Moro than ton counties in this vicinltj announce their intention to participate In the fair and exposition. The outlook Is a bright ono , and re < flection suggests that perhaps it was nol such a bad thing after all , that Llncok carried clF wfiat she Imagines to bo i priae. A GAMBLER'S ' TALK , A Curious Observation Quiet Gamei Htccrcrs and Cappers. "Thoro ia one thing over which I havi long puzzled , " said an old gambler , ( whi has llkwlao been a dealer for many years to a reporter last night , "and it Is this I have noticed In the conrso of my expo rlenco that a 'sucker * or a green hand a gambling nearly alwaya boats himself on of success when it is within reach. Wha do I mean ? Just thla. A yonng felloi who has never played much will com into my house and lese steadily. As general thing ho will continue phyin until ho has lost every cent , and then h will turn away dead broke because h baa no moro money to throi into the gamo. Bnt on the othc had suppose that ho wini instead of loaea. Now , I have notice that just aa noon as he ( succeeds in Gal : Intr out $10 or $15 , or , perhaps , $20 o $25 , and fairly gets Into a fat streak c luck , ho will stop , draw his money an leave , because , ho arguoa , ho Is ahead c the house and had batter draw ont b < fore ho falls behind. He will go to som other house probably and lese every cer of money ho boa made on my dealing and moro too. Hero io just where tb foolishness of those people la lllustratec If they would keep on playing whe : they once "strike tholr luck , " a big hai would bt theirs , and their winning would pile np into the hundreds , Ii stead of this , they will rush oil wit their potty $15 or $20 , and forfeiting tb success which awaits them If they kce on , bite off their own noses. " "Thero is something carioua about th mania for gambling , " ho continued mod Itatlvely , "scmeting curious , Tbci boys and men who play at odd hours ft diversion are perfectly crazy , some i them , on the subject. They wonl rather win $2 from tbo faro bank than I earn $5 by hard , honest toil , Why should bo so , I don't know. And fu thermore , a novica always regards tl money ho has won In the light < something like aacrod veneration. Yea ho continued , laughing , "I have actual seen men who have won $3 or $4 I gambling , clasping It in their hands , ai peeping cautioualy at it every once in while , miser-like , to make sure that It still In their possession. " "Are there many private gambling la ouU In Omaha ? " ' -'Yoi , there are quite a number of pr vato club rooms where merchants m benton business men can go and enjoy private game of piker. I know of b one of two myself , but I am told th there are aevcral placea which are ri very qnietly and to gain admltalon which la moat difficult phcos whe OS there gather aronnd tbo gaming table tl 'pinks of propriety , ' of whom yon wou not think snob a thing , unless you caug them In the act. Yea , there la plenty private gambling going on , and card be obaervatlon baa led mo to believe th be there are very for men who do not on In a while toy with the charma of tl tir tiren Fortune. " Us "How about akin gambling ! If the much of It carried on in this city , " rd "Very little. There are no boutesrt rdut ut nlng publicly , I believe now , thou there ore of coarse ono or two skin gan atill running atrlctly "on the qule Most of these "fly ateeren" will have look out for something elte , howov he No , according to my notion , a "sU-oror or , not the same aa a "capper. " Yon a tot a * I look at It , there are two clauei ; ht thoie men who work on the ontslde. > ping - There la the straight "capper. " ing makes the acquaintance of some new his rival in town , whom he aeea to be on ' > ck sport and takes him into some hoi | itelling his protege that ho hu good I in that establishment jland la sure to win $75 or $100. The stranger puts up the money for the girao , and In case hie gambling friends skill brings in any profit an even divide is made , In oiso ho loics , the stranger is jnst so much minus. This is where the greeny is brought to a Equate game and the capper really tries to win. But when ho is "steered" against a orookod game simply for fleecing pur * poios , then the man who guides him bo * comes a "itoorer , " a confidence man in fact. " ' I'EHSONAU A. J. Cornish , of Lincoln , Is in the city , 0. B , Kuitin returned homo from the east yesterday. J , D. Evans and wife , ot Sutton , are guests at the Paxton. Rov. M , S.tvldge spent the Sabbath at Springfield , F. T , Joqucs and wile , of Chicago , are guests at the Paxton , lion. N , M. Ilubbnrd , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , Is at the Paxton , J. 12. O'Hcanla and K. W , Murphy , of North Platte , are in the city. E. L. Stone and wlfo have returned from a six weeks trip through the south. N , S. Harwood , Louis S tulle , and Robert Ryan , of Lincoln , are at the Paxton. Morris Greenberg , of the misfit clothing parlor ? , wont to Kansas City Saturday. Mrs. Charles Mack and children leave thla morning for a visit to relatives in Atlantic , Iowa. Melville D. Laudon ( Kli Perkins ) arrived in Omaha lust evening and ii quartered at the Paxton , Miss Ada Denbam , a charming young lady from Clyde , Ohio , is in tbo city visiting Mrs , A. B. Davenport , The Hon , Wm. A. Paxton , returned homo from the west yesterday. Ho looks rugged and sun browned. H. C. Plunkott , A. C. Rocber and R. C. Boothby , prominent citizens ol Cheyenne , arrived in Omaha yesterday , Gorrott Smith , chief electrician for the Western Union Talepraph company , Now York , h in the city on a tour of inspection. David Mooney , of Now York , who baa se cured a location in this city , will return in a few weeks from Kansas City to open up busi ness here. The Rov. W , J. Hanohn and wife , accom panied by Miaa Mary L. Divine , leave to day for St. Louia and other eastern cities on a visit tofrienda. Geo. H. Crosby , Denver ; E. F. Woiren , F. I. Ransom , J. 0. Watson , Nebraska City : H. Hazleton , St , Louts ; C. A. Newcoinb , Chicago , are registered at the Paxton , Mr. E. P. Broweter of Grand Island , who has benn visiting in town and vicinity the guest of Mr. Louis Llttlofield of Saratoga , left Saturday evening for his borne on the Denvor. At the Metropolitan : L. L. Price , Odell ; Geo. H. Powers , Beatrice ; O. Reynolds and wife , Fremont ; David Hanna , C. A , Marion , Plum Creek ; C. Kltts , Fremont ; Matt Mll- lor , David City ; James Crr , Fullerton ; R. St. Glair , Mlnden , and Henry High , ol Grand Island , Neb. D. S. Jackson , Nebraska City ; Mrs. H , Morrison , Mis. Butters , Plattsmouth ; Mrs , Fair , Lincoln ; William SarJj 'Jennie ' Gillett 1 D. O. Lane , Des Moines ; W. O. Riddell , Mo , Valley ; R. L. Taylor , Snowv'illo , Vo. ; C. F Billings , Denver , Col. ; W. B. Maynard , Western , are at tbo Canfield , Hoyt A. Sherman Jr. , traveling passengei t agent of the Union Pacific at Dea Moines , hai resigned his position on account of ill healtl and will travel In the west for the company Mr. J. B. Holmes , late of tha Pennsylvanli railroad , ban been appointed hia successor with headquarters at Des Moines. Railway Rumblings. Joe Knight taya that he would rathei give $1 00 to stay out of a circus than t < go in for nothing , and set through the per formanco. Mr. S. T. Smith , general manager o ! the Union Pacific railroad , left yoatorda ; morning In his apoclal car for Denver. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan train duo here yeatorday evening , wa . six hours late. Hoyt A. Sherman , jr. , who for a Ion ; time has been the popular and officlon travelling agent for the Union Pacifi company at Dos Moines , Iowa , has re signed his position there on account of il health , and will be tra aforred to duty ii the mountains. J. B. Holmoa , from th \ Pennsylvania road succeeds Mr. Shorma : at Des Moinoa. a Mr. A. Alloo is henceforth to act fo j" the Burlington & Missouri River rom pany as their ppaclal travelling agent and will have his hoadquarteus in thi city. Social" Events. Mr. and Mro. John Groves celebrate ° lajt Wednesday evening the tenth ann ! of tholr wedding day , and enter veraary _ _ . _ . _ _ . . tainod a large circle of friends. Th evening proved to be a voiy onjoyabl one to all concerned. Saturday evening the North Germa society cf this city , Plattadoutchc Veroin , gave a May festival at German ! hall that waa largely attended and prove to bo a great social ancceis. A good ! number of Riitsls were present froi Council Blaffa , and also other nelghbo ; Ing towna. This society under the ai tlvn interest shown for ita welfare by I preaont presiding officer , Mr. J. P. Lunc - ia In a flourishing condition. Among tb 7- distinguished visitors Saturday evenlc waa H. F. Jasper , president of the gran ledge for the United States. A Small Blaze. About 2 o'clock thla morning the fu department waa called out to suppress small bhzo In an old stable on Capiti avenue , between Tenth and Elovent streets. How It originated no one kno and the damage waa not heavy. The d partment arrived In tlmo to aave tl . building from burning down entirely. ul The five-year-old child , grand-daught at of Mrs. Aibuckwell cf Council Bluff ) wl oo diiappeared yesterday , WM found in Omal 10 by the police , and returned home. Sue cat over alone ou the train. r ° About 12 o'clock last night a thief w n- diicovered trying to steal Joe Stewart's hoi from his barn on Fourth street in Coun Bluffi. The police fired several shots at hli t. " but he WM too fleet of foot for them , got Ic to the bluffs and made good his escape. at. An Information waa filed before Just Frelney in Council Bluffs Saturday agams 36 , Of taloon man by tha name of Gay hod o there , charging htm with seduction , but 1 Bo name of bis victim was 'not learned. It i pears that iha is now in Omaha. Aa Gayl , he was boarding the "dummy" to visit thla t se , last evening he WM arrested and lodged In ick county jail. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAH MONEY , \TONKY To loan on chattels , WooDcy It Hutlion , 111 Room 20 , Om h National bank building SSt-tl MONEY loaned at low rates.ln amounts to rait on chattol.collaterals or other good security. Flnan- CUI exchange , 1KB Farnam it. JS3-ml p MONET TO LOAN On real ettata and ehattoli D. L. Thomas. 740U. MONEY Loaned on nhitteli , cut tati , R. R ticket * DougM and told. A. Formin.SlS S , 13lh 81 B79-tf MONEY IXANEI ) t a f. Heed AOo's. Loan offlco on furniture , pianos , hortea , wagons , person * ! property of nil kinds and all otho rirtlolet of value , without removal. Over lit National Dinkcorner 18th and Farnam. All builnMi strictly oonflilentUl MONET TO LOAN In rani of 1300 and upward. 0. r. Davis and Co. , lUal Eilali and toaa Agents. 1EOS Farnam St. 1Z3-U WANTED FEMALE HELP. WASTiD Glil to do general house work ; apply allots California . 031-5 A girl for general houio writ , three WAVTKD miles from Post office. Inquire CIS Pletiant tt. kin. Joel T Qrlften. 075p ITA.vriu Dlih waiher at Emmet houso. V 932-7p iMKD Acliambermntd ttUhoillllnrclhotfl. 077-2 A irood Rltl for general houio work In n WASTKn Umllj- . Apply to 11 ts i A Oilfflth , E29 S 21tt t. 873 6p lifornia tt. TyAKTRU-Qlrl 1713 California street , small family. - situation by a ladv n a laundry , to WANTXD-A ; uddroee IOCS Jackson st , 010 < p TTTANTKUA good girl for nenetal home work 1817 YV cnlcago Su C82-1J A wet nurse , 19C9 Furnam Street , WASTED 933 2p Qrl for general houio work ; good wa ged to good girt UriCorbctt , 181 $ Howard , 843-2p Flrgt-clacs dlnlne room girl at the Met W ropolitan ; hotel ; none other need apply. S2MI ANTED A Roodcookat S20 South 10th St W 765-tf WAKTSD-18 good girls , 7 eipeilenced cooks Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf WAKTID Lndy agon ts for "Queen Frotcrtor daisy stocking and skirt supporters , shouldo braro > , bustles , boss u forms , drois ihMda , lafcty beltssleeve protector , etc. ; entirely now devices un precedented profits ; wo have COO cents making $100 monthly. Addiess with stamp , EII Campbdl & Co. , B South May St. , Chicago. 679-ml9p RANTED MALE HELP. "TTT'AXTKD A Hood boy or an apprentice boy In hit- T I bcr shop. Address C. E. 11 art foul , SUnton Neb. C71-4p - Flrst-clMs carriage trimmer. Orctton WANTEDFlrstclMs end 1317 Harney st. 037-2 TTTASTKn Thrre or four flrst-clau carpenters and W cabinet makers. Frank D. Uead , ! 09 south leth St. 018-7 'ANTED At once , two tillers ; one for pantaloon W woik ; and one on noat' , steady work for good men. Apply to N. Eriokson , Plum CluckNob. 059-2p A German prescription drug clerk single glo ; references ioqulred. Address D Boyden , Grand Island , Neb. 931 8p Good canvassers to secure orders lor our WANTED edition of the Revised BIHo , liberal terms apd gocdtgiiitory-.ollat 14i8 ! Didee et. Wm. n. Alcxacder , Manager Western Branch , Ilenry Bill Publishing Co. G69 4 - flrst-ctatsfurniture Balcamin. None WANTRD-A need toaprly unless you ha o trool refcrerceas to ability and character. H.F.Martin. 803-11 SITUATIONS WANTED. A eltuittOD by a first-class nurse who WANTSD the vtry best of references ; address "MI83. H."caro of Ike office. 874-tf Steady s'tuatlon In n small family by a WANTED German girl to do cooking and general housework. Apply 829 South 22d St. , up Hairs. 058-p WANTED portion by a > young man with 5 y carl experience in a country store , can glvo good recommendations. Address "C. L. W. " Bee office. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. D By gentleman and wife , one largo un- WANT ' room with board for one In private family. Addreis "W. J. " 1203 Douglas st. B7S-i - hoarder ! at 416 North 10th St.and WAHTiD-Day furnished room to rent 809-2p WANTED Everybody to try our Prepared Corn Meal , ready for instant use with the addition of milk or cold water. Put upin 3 and 0 Ib. packiges. Sold by grocers. W. J , Wdihans & Co. , Manufact urers. 070 tf Uaple trees south cut corner of Wheaten - ton ani ? Indiana St. , 083-4p Et enicg Instruction In Spanish by three WANTED mon , instructor must be thoroughly competent. Adtlres' "B V" Bee oflice. 999-ip can add A I ; simples small ; com- SALESMAN cuh , Chicago agent earned 24'0 In 81. Rt Limit Ii 8. W. agent ? 32W In 84. J * . O. box 287 ? , New York. GS5-2p ASTBD A man or woman In every country In U VV H $ ' ,25 sample free $75 per month , salary or commission. Send stamd. Paul Tabel , Cbluago III , T\7 ANTKD A gooJ lamily hoiee at 1&05 Famain Bt , . To rent a largo furnished room , In WA.VTHD ' block 10th and California , with board , also a few more table boaidera 76211 ? 3 60 will buy one dozen Iloger Bro'c WANTED [ .latodtable killVM at MooJy's ' china ttore.cornor loth aad Davenport Bt. 445-tf 'ANTED Kvery ady In need of a sewing ma' ' W chine , to see tha new Improved American No , P. K. Hodman ti Co. agents ; 220 N 18th. S 3tt 0 fOIl KENT HOUSES AND LOTS , BKST A brick house of8 roomiVlSpermonth FOR to John Husde , Hardwire store 2407 cor CumlngandBaundereiti. 1' , Clark. t > D3-6p 12 good lotsUirlon pliee three blocki from street ciri on ny Urmi. W II ( licit over lit Nat'l bank. B82-tf a UNT-Two itortii , rppoilte the Krpoiltloi FOR to l built thii kuuimir , corner 1(11 and Capitol a > e. BOT-4 ti > OR BTI A sters cheap 809 nwtn IStn. J1 OOO-Sp i , . o ITsB BUTT 10 acres on W rtl ai nworth it AI I1 Tuk.jX Uulfl.ldi. BSUf TT'OR BINT few lioun 11'rooms ready May lit 1 ? W a month ; Iniuire of Q E Thompson , ST cor lltn and Harn r. EiC-tf SHXT A ootUge 8 rooms with summer kltchei FOR Street , b iwe n Campbell and Irene il 883-lp OR RI.TT Tbre * stcry and basement , brick tlore F 4 < lt front f < 26 per month. Two new ( tores on 10th St-ftO per month each 0. K. Uajrnt , 8. W. Cor. 16th and Kartam. 771-4 T70II KBIT 10 room house , modern Improvemente 0 JL1 liedfoid , Souer & Davis , 213 8. 14th HI. 763U F fbreeitory brick itore bulIJIng ; er quire ot Eilnard licrrU & Co , , room IB Cioun Block. 467 tf la TT'OR IXT Store dwtl Ing att cbeJ.W. per raonl V UtiThomu. 605-tl TT'OR RENT 2-8 room houses Inquire Jno. X1 Uarton,8melUog worki , or 914 North St. 104-tf " ° TTtUllKENT-NewootUge , looms. .PalpiBo " I ? 161 ! B 8thBl. isi-tf IjiUtt HUNT store building 44xKu tuiix ) itory ac F bafement ho. llOandlU 14th. Inquire 141 to Dodge BU 9n-tl TTiOiKENT KornUhed cottage , 7 rooms , wl JU closet * , i antry , eta , In beit locality In City c uay not with board. Call In afternoon at 625 1'lci DI bt 170 tf 'er ' [ j > 01l liENT Three brlok stores ooraer 18th aj [ Cunilng Ht. J. L. McCajue , Agent. 191-1 ofl UOO&I8 FOR RENT. Ida the FOIl ItE.NT Single ro m ( or ( entleman or In with or without bsard , lit clugaoaommodatlo Irlckhouic 191 $ Chicago it. MO- FOB t vr llaml omc furnUhrtl room with bathing loom altacliid at 2209 Doiljtest , 870 Bp RRNT Fmnl < hed front room with bmrd In Fox piltat family , 1017 Cblcaeo it , Wt-tf FOR lnxt-I.-vrjie fnrnhhtil rooms nJ board 1017 and 1019 CApltol nve. 972 4p uxnT Fumlshel frons patlrr with t J room Ipo ' Inlng.nUCalllorrUbt. 1'rlc * ro : 055 tp TCR niLTrl nicely furnished room * one block from JL' Et Mary's ave. ears ; Inquire J44 HonardsL Furnlihitlroom tor one or two gentlemen - FOKROT blocks from rest office ; Inquire Opera IIouso Cigar factory. 817Tp MINT With board.nlcely furnUhM front room FOR and bath , 14'8 Jones 987 tt TJtOR RITT-I wtll furnished roomi In nfdlck'lblock JP 1W9 rarnamgood ; Tooatlon.tleaiant for two or 4 Itentlemen. Inquire of D B Duinet ! , 318 soUli 13th street " - P Ion RtvT Kirst-claM offloo , tjtlo'i Dlook Farnam F itreet between llth and 12th. 84-8p FWArr WA-rr DT i rent f urnlined room with board 808 louth 17th itreet. _ D Roomers and boaHetiO.8 south 171h treet B -P _ F OK RC T Nicely furnished rooms 105 N 18th Ion RH-rr-Furnlihcd room. wltn bond. Suitable F lor t o Rentlemen. 1417 Howard. 77B-5p .OH IlEST Futnl ho1 rooms , modern Improve F ments : , 15th aud Capitol > r. Old- * RI.NT N ly furnUhod linnl room 'arge * ni FOR v Uh u ) of organ If dotlred , south cut cor 15th niid ClilotRO streets 3 Mocks north of Pott office , (29-tf ° IK RIXT Furnished rooms 1621 Capitol are. F T7on BiwT-Sulto of rocnu centrally located , well JL1 flnlihod suitable for oflice or lUIng rooms , fc SI Eaton , 111 south llth St. 8S4-tt TOR RUSTS or 0 rooms cloict , cellar , city water. JP Inquire at COS Ncrtn 18th St. 79J12p TTOR R NT-Offloo and third flour BUlUble for whole. JP sale or manufacturing , at 1207 Farn m St.8cO 8cO ti OR RKM Newly furnished front rooai 613 south 15th St , < -4 F ° -Nlwiy furnished rooms 1818 Dodie. RRNT Two rooms at $1. per nonth ; arrlv t FOR mTeoulhHthst. I OB RKMT- Furnished room 1S18 Jackson st. F 842-mCOp " RUST Furnished front room with homo com- E"OR . corner Kth and Cats. 810-2p I OR BRvr Hlctly furnished room for Sgenilem ) n F 2226 llojgc. 854-tl I OR RUNT Handsomely furnljhod rooms. Address F "W. " llco olHce. 853-2 RBSTEulto ol rooms , bath room connected , FOR four gentlemen , l o room for gentleman and wlfoMthdret-cUssboari ? . 1821 Hurt. 7(13-11 ( HKST Twolarpo fr nt rooms furrlshcd or un- FOR convenient to board. N. W. Cor 2Cth and Webster St. 799-tf HRNT Nicely furnUhod front room for lady FOR gantloman ; lunul ; 621 I'leaaantSt. 712 tf I OK RKNT-Nlccly lumlshoa rooms 1617 Davenport F 722.J5JJ IOR BKNT-A furnished front rnnm with moot par lor , with email family , 2107 Chlcagfc it 727-3p 00MB With board.dnUabli f ir summer. Apply , at Bt. Chailes Petel. 237-tf TT < OR I'.ENT Several fine t Dices In Crounno' block , i ? Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 18 Crounse bloo * T7 OR RENT Furnished room 1818 Dodz < - f OR UKNT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Cass F St. 230-U _ FORSALE FARMS. HALF.Fa m and unimproved land Iota and FOR on long o- edit B&Uliand clllco , 620 > . 13lh St. Vadicka&aoantner. EBl-rolSp BALK Good farm In niehlogton Co. ; 171 FOR ; SO acroa oultlvatotl ; good buildings ; Una orchard ; running watei ; all fsjcod. Edward Norrls Co. , room lOUiounse lilock. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES-LOTS. ORSAiR IViO lots In blocks , Hanscom place , F 60x180 , eaot front , finest location In the cityap- ; ply to W U Alexander , 1108 DoOge street , or J A WakefUU. EM-80 SILK House full lot , well , cistern , bvrn.all in Fox condition , one block from street cars f 1 800 caty terms. W H Green , over lit Nat'l Bank. 041-tl "I70R BALK Good 6 room houte , lot 60x132 f eteaa P front , 81800 ; 8100 cash balance (15 per nonth , W. H. Qieeo , overlat National bank. 831tf FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. SALS S well matched bay ronoa and 1 llghl FOR horse weight about 1100 each ; all young kind , sound and reliable ; one heavy Newton Itflsbi wagon and cno Bet of double work harnee > ; will c l cheap. John P. tcbmlnke , Boom S , Redl.k bloik IMaParoam St. Bett ! TTOR SALK A pairof extra good work hoist * JJ weihlrg about 1MO pounds each ; fiveyoirs eld sound and will broken. Iteaaon for selling , to < valuable for my business. InqulreatOeo. lleaton's 628 llroadway , Council Bluff * . D.'i-7 Sin -Spring limbs at O. per head dciiverec FOR any part of the cltv ; olto Ireeh cows. Tele phone number f 03. Henry Eull , 31st and Californli Stioots. 0"-8p CALK At a bargain , a good lot and now housi FOR fuinlturo , l 05Qoorgla Ave. KMUattli City. 897-6p ( OR SALK A f/esh milch caw at Edtulm & Erlck F i.on. 871-4 BALK Vlano , a $7CO upright piano at a bni Foil ln , 1719 Douglas. 783-nil REAL ESTATE BROKERS. T > KALESTATK BROKERS Lobeck & Co' , 1222 Farnat JLL street corner IStli , real estate bought and nol on cmnnilwon , exchanges of real or personal propel ty effected ; the pair nanei.f parties having real cstat or stools of goods to sell or exch > ngo at reisQmbl pilccs , Ii solicited , ana will have our bent attci Hoc PERSONAL. PttiiOMAL If you want a detectlvr , tend your a < ! address to the Otcaha Dotcctlru Agtiiry , I * O bo 544 , clllcm 21S south 14th U. oC9-m7 OHR.XAXD midwife receives ladles In her bout MRS for confinement , No 1432 8-utu 18th St ,0mahi 719-2 K. U HOOFER Tranct aud hea MRS t * * * * wir i t AIUUI V clalrroyant , M Ine rceJlum ready for tnulneii over No 023 S corner Ifltb and Webster , Teiins reasonable. 482ml TO EXCHANGE , T70R SALX OE nciiAifas 1 desire to retire from bu P Inns and offer my store and stook of goodi , I Bbeffleld , Purcan Co. , Illinois , conilstlng ot gr * 'eili books , stationery , notions , clears is. , for sale or 1 xchanKefor h brask or Kaneai Und , free froi nlcumbranot ; gnodi or ( tore toU teparately or tc gcther , Addrcil II P Uuuparey , 867-4 FTlt iiciiAXOE I hive fifty thousand acrei of Che. _ L eine county land which I can exchange at figur blcb will b * profitable tot eastern pioptrty. Con and see It. W. J. Vaunlce , Sidney , Neb. E04-tt po IICHAKOI 440 acrei well Improved land | ml I I rum Kasex , Iowa , for a stook of general mcrobai ulao or hardware. Addresi John Llodcrliolm , Kwi Uwa. 584 tt 11 BALE Or exchange. We have for sale tl exclusive right in tnls state to sell the oo itnomlier and soot destroyir , destroys tlio soot ai will save twenty per Mnt on coal , will u > \ \ coun rlxbt i or the sUt , or will exchange tor retl eatate M/ teed property on application will send aaim 1)1 al aud give pa'tlculin. Reaion for lellli ) a icannot give It hi * attention ; a rare clianco f 1 ) ten : Ilcdfnd , Bcuer & Davis. 278 tl BUSINESS OHANOES. OK HttB Darber uliop 1 Into tit or whole of i ja ibalr thop , good locntu n ai d town au1 tocd ; trs object for telli' K , golrg Into another bu < Ineis. Ui ton , & Hock , richtyler , Neb , T70RHALKOB EK\r-4 fulooti In good locality , 1 < U bulUlugand Uxtuies. Apply to John A Fieyhi No 1306 Douglas bt , Omaha , Neb. 6Dl-t OB situ In Oakland Neb. flrst-claiimeat marl F alio the lurnl ureol lh St I'aulh itel. KCII tloulam , Inquire or wilteYizgera A. Uehllnjr.Oakfi Neb. ei-ul HALB-Uruz itore in a desirable locality , ' FOR about il.WO 110 fatUrion , NE ror 18th and Parnaui. 4tM 1/OU HALB Or exchange a full stock ol clothl J ? booti anJ ihOM , gent' furnlahlnggoodi , will change ( or Nebraska Lands. 0. U.VeUnsn.faO 10th St. , Omaha , Nib , JSS- BOA11DINO. JTllllST-CLASa B J and board 1JU Capitol are , Ita3J LOST AND FOUND. I srRAt-OnAprllSW.adaikbay horse at > oiit S ) earsold , black rrane an ] tAll ) ftBl ral tearit lll be paM for III uturn to corner ISth and I ) vl o , 0 K llfoflefl , JUSOKLLANEOUS. ROARM.XO Nlrely furnlshtrfiouth front rom to rent with bond ; new tfildcnce with modern oon- vcrlenc ; tcrmi reasonable jKtcllenun i referred 5S5 1'leasant st. WanteJ on nolos > < rut d by mortgage on proi > ertr worth tT,00 , half to be Mjable In one yrar , balance In two year * , will give tfii per c nt Intersil and also a bonui of f W for th * UM tf Uie money. AddrcM "Loan" Uc offloe770W 770-W PABTt'RR-On Hkhorn ana TUtte. T. Murray. 800-tr plisw ( IILVIR TAO , tti fruit flavored , taji reilfcmut V atine oenteaoliby the dealers , Pojcke TNSTRDcnoN on banjo gi en by O K Oellen. JL beck , at 1110 Capitol ate , iSO-tt PKIVT vaults , finks and oosspooh o'eaned ' any time- olthe day In an entirely odoiloM way with our Improved pumn and apparatus Onlore by mall I romntly attended to. A. > an > , ofllco and residence 1208 Dodge St. Up stairs 409 mp SliluwsiLVitR TAO , U iloegnot taint the breath , tagi VJredteiiiccl at one cent each by the dealers , $ T IdUT.MXci HOPS-J J HcL ln has for sale th best JL/rodi manulaoturtd In fie United States annealed clecttlo itNl oentor oovcrcsl with sheet copper , orders < cu ce < vrod > or repaltlng old ones promptly attended to Address 1011 tiaundcig it SSO-inB liRW HILM > R TAXI , docs u .t give jou hoirt hum Vjragsiedecmodatono cent , each by the dealers. . 883-tf T5RIVY , vaults , sinks and otsipools cleaned at the JL shortest notlco and satisfaction guarantcctl by F. P. Abd. 1' . O. lloi 87H 400-luZp MAMOTH MUSEUM-THEATER , ( Koiuierly Academy of JIuslo ) S. A , DniEsnAcii & Co , . Proprietors Cou J. U. WOOD , Manager The Boom of Omahnl Crowded Houses Nightly. . Uno week , commencing , Monday , April 27th , ' 85 Every Afternoon and Evening. Appearance of the talentotl actor , GKOUOB FKA.NOB , Supported by the Eminent Actrr PS , MISS In the Great Sensational Dramn , BLOCK GAME ! Introducing his wonderful dramatic acting ( ioffB , HovKitand BnuNo. OUU CU11IO PAKLOUS , In the Palace Museum of Amoricp , Prof. R. A. StondclPu Electro-Mueical "Thamnoscope" The MyetonoujJ Kodn , the Floilioc Lntly , The Fiji ! Family and Canibal Princes ? , Pan or.iimo Views 20 in number , Cages of Wild Animals , Birds , etc. , and the Monkoyl'omily , 12 in number , and a hundred other curiosities. Change of Programme Twice n Wnek. A Resort for Ladies , A Resort for Children Museum open from 1 p , m. to 11 p. m. Theater Matinee daily , 2 p. in. , and night , 8pm. lOCcntR. ADMISSION. 10 Cents. Sacred Concert Sunday afternoon end ove- nincr. nincr.Wanted Wanted One hundred eminent and reaped table young ladies to compete for prizes offer ed in our great leathering of beautiee. Apply to the of the manager museum , i Stallion Jack Jr , , Sheppard , Will stand for ( took at v'maha Fair grounds the ecaaonoflBSS Ho Is 16J hinds h l h , v eight 1285- Ibe , his tire JACK SUKITARD It lull brother in blood to DRXTKR 2:17 : } , alio to DiCTATORthe tire of jAr-mit-sitir 2:10. : KALLAS. 2:1' : } nd Uiurcroit S:17. : Ca'l at > the fair Rr uuda and eco him and get bla ro izrro la In full , terms 825. for the neason. A. THOMSON. in dclmimuhat , . _ . . - . Bohemian. Sailor . . . . , . . .lir meiu Sodmuscr . . .St. inhnuee)1. . . . _ .St. Louis. Best B . . . . _ . . . . . . . MilwBukw * . 3chlitz.-Pl Her _ . Milwaukee. Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic imd Rhine MAURKK. Vnrnnm S . HAIR'S ASTHMA CURE This Invaluable ppec'fb readily and permanently cures all kinda ol Asthma , The most rbatlnate anJ lore standing cases' Iclil promptly to Its wonderful cutlntproperties. . It U koown throughout tha world for Its unrivaled tlllcacy. J L. C AtiDWELti , city T Incoln , Neb ; writes , Jan ID , 18SL B nco using Dr. Iltlr'a Aethnn cure , for more than ono > ear , uiy wl'c hat becnootlaly well , and not even a symptom of the dleei8uhaiappared. WIMIAM DKNNETT , Rlchland , I iwa , wrltosNov. Bd. 1883 I have been millet eel with Hay Kuvor anil Aethmi s'nco 1850 Ifollonod joir directions and am happy ' " Ba > ' that 1 nuvcr slept butter In my life. I am K'Mthat I am amonir the many who can epeak BO favorably of your remedied. A aluablo 64 pto | trr atl'o containing slir liar proof from > very Htato In the U. 8 , Canala aLd Great Urltaln ; Hill to mailed upon application. Any drungUt not having It In stock will procured , to order. Aek lor Dr. Hair a AgthmaCure. 1)11. U. W. HAIU& SON , I'rop'sCln'tl , 0. WeakNervousMen Heeklng perfect restoration to health , full manhood aud uuxiiul vigor without Stomach Dru Klng , houlil send forTrea- tlnooii tlio Jliirxion liolim. YOUDR men ami others wlio Biilfjr from nervinsnand physi cal ilel > lllt > - . cixhiiiittnil vltullly , iire- tuitnro ( lecllnn , Varlrocolr , Ac. , are pcclally boncfltoil by coruiultlng Iti coutenU. Wnoascs of the Proututti Ulnsiil , JClilni-yn mill Illuililer effectually cured Kndorned by tbouiiandB who lave been cured. Adopted In Hospitals and by l > byalctann In Kuropo and America , Bcalod U'rratlio free Aildnna MAR3TOH REMEDT 00. or Ds. H. TBEBKOW , 40 West 14th St. . Now York. H. S. ATWOOD , Plnttsaiouth , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grudo Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Duroc and Jersey Itad Hwioo , FRED W. GRAY , ( Sl'COKBSOK TO ) FOS'J'KIt < GRAY , -vcr j LUMBER in iI I i > WIIITK PINK , YKLLOW PINK , OALU FOHNIA HKDWOOD ut"d ABII , OAK , JJhAOK WALNUT , SPANISH OKDAK. ,9 , ,9ril ril ner Bear Cieek Lime , Loulsyllle Cement tt Poitland Cemoot , Iowa and 1'lai- Di ( ter , Hair , Ktu , Ktc. ei ID U Cor. Vth &