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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1885)
6 THE DAILY BEE COuNOIE BEUEJFS-MON DAY MAY 4 , 1885 THE DAIL * BEE MQIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning , May 4 ( 8UBSORUTION HATK3. BrCatrUl . . . _ - - 90 cents p * week By Mall - . . - . . - - (10.00 per Teat OPFICBt No , IB Pcnrl Street. MINOB M.BNTION , Some of the saloons were dealing out drinks yesterday , but rather on the sly. Brick for sale , In largo and small lots , by J. A , Weaver , No. 815 Seventh nvonuo. William flanpt wns arrested yoatorday on a charfio of aisaultlng o boy named George Iloporwho was also arrested on a charge of being drank , In connection with the first > orvicos of the now pastor of the baptist churah yes terday morning , the s.cremonfc of the Lord's supper was obiorvod. A bracelet , picked up on Broadway , can bo had by the owner by applying to S. S. Keller's store , proving property , and paying for advertising. At the Congregational church yester day morning four persons were received Into the church , and four babes batized. The communion sarvlco was alio hold. Miss Loulso Swan Is planning to build a neat cottage on the lot In the roar ol the family reaidonco on First street , the now house to faoo on the other street , John Oastolo had his loft foot cut off at the Instep Friday nltht ? In the yards of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Panl , railroad while ho waa doing some switching. The judicial contest between Judge Aylosworth and Judge Loofbourow to BOO who.Ia entitled to the seat npon the dis trict court bench is sot to oomo np in DCS Moines on the 18th , Several boys aged from eight to eleven years , vroro yesterday qulto drunk , and now the query is vrhoro did they got their drinks ? The police threaten to bring the offenders to light to-day , It Is expected that to-night's council meeting will settle the question as to who will bo the chief of tbo fire depart ment. It is to bo hoped that n man will bo selected who will insist on some degree of discipline. The mayor having got tome fancy city warrants printed In the cast , Is now making a move to have them float at par , having got several merchants to agree to take them nt par In payment for goods bought at their places. Thomas Wilson , who was caught going through ono of the rooms of the St. Jo house last Thursday morning , had a hearing before Jndgo Ayloaworth Satur day morning , and was bound over to the district court. Being unable to glvo ball he was sent back to the county jail. The foundations of the now county jail are not quito completed , and the work Is being watched closely by cltfcons * who rightly feel that this Is one of the most Important features of the enterprise. It should bo BO done that there can bo no doubt as to Its stability. The postofEco at Walnut was burglar ized Thursday night , an entrance being gained by a rear window. The safe was not locked , but the burglars not knowing or noticing this , wont at work at It , bor ing a hole , and with powder blowing it open. They secured about $30 In money and some stamps. The Hancock Hatchet is the name of a sprltely llttlo newspaper that has been started up in the Interests of Hancock , In this county. A. T. Cox and M. B. Cox ere responsible for it. They start In as though meaning business , and If kept np to the standard of the Initial number It must prove a success. The city council moots to-night , and several Interesting features arc on the I programme , which will draw a crowd of lookers-on. It Is expected that there will bo an election of city ofiicers , some action on the prohibition question , and the disposal of a number of Important matters which have been on the table a number of weeks. At the mothodlst church last evening the pastor , the Rov. Dr. McOroary , preached a strong sermon , in which ho took the position that prohibition was a divine method of doing away with sin , and mpdo In effect a reply on the sermon of the Ilev. Mr , Maokcy , who favors moral suasion Instead of prohibitory law. The sermon was listened to by a largo audi ence with much interest , Miss Fannlo Westcott , of 'Dabuquo ' , presided over the organ at the Congrega tional church yesterday , and favored the worshippers with , some of the choicest musio heard there in a long time. She coitalnly bai gained a wonderful mastery over she pipe organ , and pUys with so much ouso , asonracy , and expression thst it Is a great pleasure to hear her. "Where she Is known she Is willingly given place among those in.the front rank of musicians and from what appeared In her playing yesterday she evidently merits au h recognition. Active preparations are being made for the meeting of the state pharmaceutical society , which opens here on the 12th of Msy. The representative of Goodyear'a rubber goods Is already hero preparing for a very une exhibit of these goods , and displays are being prepared by Park , Davis - vis A Co. , of IJotrolt , F. Stearns & Co , of Detroit , and numerous others , Some of the goods to be exhibited are alteuly arriving , and it is evident already that this feature of the meeting will far exceed - coed the expectations of the committee. The exhibits and the Interesting secainns of the society shonld cause , and doubtless will cause , a largo gathering hera from all parts of the country. Judge James was mad clear through yesterday. His quiet Sunday reveries were disturbed by several cows , which got Into his fine yard and were doitroy- Ing his lawn , and when ho went in hot haste to the city jail to got ono of the marshals to take the cows Into custody , ho was told that there was but ono man on duty and ho could not leave the jail. The judge thought that with ono marshal and three deputies , there might bo ono to look after such cases , and ho wont off In wrath , and implored the protection of the police force. Chief Skinner and Officer Casick wont to his relief and soon had the wandering cattle In the pound. They in turn got a cursing from the owncr'of the cows. Thus Is the path of duty thorny. Artists' Materials at G , 11. Board's Wall Paper Storo. Send for price list. FEEE ADVIOE , Ono ol the Justices Wants a Iilttlo of The Bco's Advice and Gets It. Ooorgo Gorspachor was arrested on Saturday on the charge of assaulting his wife , Belle Clever , It being claimed that while under the influence of ontl-prohl- bltlon ho got mad at her for uomo trivial oanso and sought to thump her in ro- vongo. It scorns that soon after his trou ble with the woman , ho had another diffi culty with Tom Bncknor , a colored man , and that ho used Tom very roughly , in flicting some bloody scalp wounds , end leaving some marks on his faco. Gorspachor'a case is before the superior court , where it Is to bo heard to-day , but for some reason that part of it which pertains to Bncknor fell into the hands of a jnstico named Framoy , whoso peculiar acts have been the subject of Bomo comments ia tbo TUB BEE. Frainey , in accordance with the magisterial dignity which character izes his actions , thought it would bo a brilliant pleco of wit to take advantage of the Ignorance of the poor colored man , and send him on a fool ji errand to the editor of THE BEE. Tom accordingly presented himself at this ofiice with the following note : COUNCIL JBLUFFS , Iowa , May 2. H. W. Tilton : Have just issued another warrant for ono George Got- speaker , who assaulted the boarer. Do you think it advisable please let mo know by bearer or columns of the BEE. Yours , oto , JOHN JAY FIIAINEY. It appears that in this particular case It is a llttlo too late to give advice , as the warrant had been Issued before the re quest had been made , and not only that , bnt It appears from the written confession of the justice , that ho has decided already that Gerepaohcr la guilty of an assault , even before ho hss boon given a heating. THE BEE feels that advice good advice , such as THE BEE always gives like pearls , should not bo thrown before swine , but for once this rnlo of the office will be ignored , seeing that "Jno. J y" Is so anxious to know what THE BEE thinks. A justice should bo honest. A justice should bo honorable. A jnstico should be a perfect , gentle man. man.A justice should look after the inter ests of the public , Instead of studying how many foes he could get for himself. A justice shonld not let his personal quarrels lead him to try to use his official position to get revenge on these who offend him. He should carefully avoid being mixed np in any saloon rows , and , if so unfortu nate , should not have such a case brought before himself. Ho should know enough about what decency requires of him and his position , not to have to ask a newspsper for advice , but If after putting the foregoing advice into practice he should find It necessary to do so , ho shonld pick out the BXE , for he may rest assured that ho will not be ad vised to do anything moan or con temptible , and will not bo advised to start cases which ho will be ashamed of afterwards , that ha will want to drop them quietly , lest the real facts should bo brought out in public. Base * Brutality. Mrs. Jacob Loink has caused the arrest of her husband , and tells a story of his brutal treatment of her which , if true , shonld bring upon him as heavy a punishment as the law can provide. She says that when drunk ho Is apt to bo very cross , but that on Saturday ho ex- ceaded even his wont. It seems that he had threatened her so that she doomed it best to go to some of the neighbors for shelter nntll his wrath had spent Itself. Ho found where she was , and came for her. She had with her their llttlo throe-year-old boy , and the man started back to the house , leading the little felloe by the hand , while she followed on behind. Suddenly turning upon her ho drew a knife , and threatened to kill her , and she turned and lied. Soon after that ho came up town with the boy , and got still drunker , and as ho had threatened to drown the boy , she sent an officer after him , and when ho was arrested the boy was wet as If ho had been put Into water somewhere. Afterwards It was discovered that the man while In the bonto had been making lisa of his knife to out into strips some of his wife's clothing , and she filed an addintlonal Infoimation against him , charging him with malicious mUchlef.Vhcn Marshal Guenolla was taking the prisoner to the county jail the man stopped , pulled out a pocket knife and declared that ho would go no further , but the marshal caught him by the throat and made him drop the knlfa and change his mind. A hearing will be had this morning In the superior court. Art Exhibition. The Misses Itehse , Oralg and Hatcher give an art exhibition next Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and evening at No. 502 Broadway. Admission 25 cents. PEHSONAU Kobcrt Kirkwood was at the Pacific yester day. Judge Loofboarow WM at tht , Ogden yes terday , Sheriff Dan Farrell w , in the city yBitcr- day. George W , Peck , of Bntte City , Montana , wan among the Sunday gueiti at BechteleV , O , 0. Campbell , of Cleveland , WAS among jestcrday'8 arrival ) at Beetle's , SNOW AGAIN , His Store Vlsltctl by Successful UargtiirB Wlio Secure $ OB In Consequence. Yesterday morning it was discovered that R. P. Snow's store had again been visited by burglars , this being the second tlmo within a nook. An entrance was gained by the front door , n turner's chlsol being used to pry the door open , the iron holding the bolt of the lock brosklng Into many pieces. This time the thieves , Instead of taking provlsjpns , got money , about $65 In all. There has been no ( race of the fellows gained by the police as yet , and there Is little likelihood of there being any. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squlro.101 Pearl street. Mysteriously Airs. R. M. Roberts loft the house of Mrs. Sarah Roberta at 8 o'clock on Mon day morning , April 20 , and has not been hoard from since. She wont away with her little girl , aged 6 or 7 years , andtaok no sttchol , extra clothing , nor money ; In fiot she made no proparatlonf for even a day's absence. Her father , M. Y. Bulott , has boon nt the house of every rel ative and intimate friend , far and near , and has telegraphed tonolghborlng towns , bnt has received no clue as to her where abouts. It is feared that she was sutler- ing from temporary aberration of the mind and has wandered away. Later Yesterday , about noon , Mr. Hulott re ceived word that a woman had boon aeon wandering In the country west of Cobnrg on Tuesday of last week. Mr. H. im mediately took his departure for that locality to work on the clue. Up to the hour of golnt * to press nothing lias boon hoard from him. Red Oak Sun. A.GoncoBBlun to Telegraphers , CHICAGO , May 2 Notice has boon given by the Western Union tolegahph company that It will pay Its operators hero for all extra work. Tills is in accordance with the custom in vogue until a few month a aero , and for the restoration of which the operators petitioned General Superintendent dowry. He ! pine the Canadian Pacific. OTTAWA , Ont , , May 2. Sir John A. Mc Donald baa Riven notice in the house of com mons that on Monday next ho will move that the government make a temporary loan to the Canadian Pacific company of 55,000,000 , to bo repaid by the company to the government on or before July 1st , 1886. ' ' Facts worth remembering when you buy wall paper : 1st. That Beard , next door to pontoffice , has the largest stock to select from. 2d. That his prices are as low as the lowest. 3d. That ho Is a practical interior decorator and employs none but skillful workmen. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6th Arc. and Pearl Street , ( Formerly Martin's Rink. ) PALMER & SANDER , Prop'ra & Managers. Monday Evening , April 27tb , Engagement and first appearance of the world famous and original GEORGIA MINSTRELS 15 FIRST CLASS ARTISTS 15 In a refined programme of wit and humor. OUR CURIO HALL Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will be found the world reputed won der , MISS EX PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armlosa Wonder , POCAHONTAS , Princess of the Todas tribe of Mexican In diana , MADAME HOWELL , The Bohemian Glass Blower , THE LIVING HALF LADY , And many other novelties , A Resort for Ladies. A Resort for Ladies , Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. rn. Theater Matinee 2 p. in. Evening 8 p. m. lOcts ADMISSION lOcta SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Spodil vertleements , rue H Lost foand , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board ing , etc. , will be Inserted In thli column at ( he low rate oi TEH CENTS PER LINE for the flrrt Insertion ind FIVE CENTS PER LIKE fof each subsequent rtton. Learo advertisements at onr offloo , Ho. Pearl Street , near Broadway WAHTB. SiLK AT A BARGAIN' The desirable residence FOR dence or bualne > s property on Upper Broad way , known ii the Powers place. Quo. R. BIAKD , 82 Main street. , SALE. . , .other hotel In a lv\ . Nebraska FOR town , now doing a business of about $150 per month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal. SWAN & WALKIR SALE OK TRADE. 8(0 acres of land In FOR county , Mo. Will trade for Council Bluffs city property er eell cheap for cash or ran time. SWAN It WALKSB TO TitADK. Uood IOWA cr Nebraska WAN1B land for a email etook of hardware or geceral merchandise , well located. SWAH& WALKXU. Tj OU S LIC A rare chance to get a tine , well 1m- J ? proved farm of 400 acree , within a few miles of Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low price and easy terms. hvAN & WALKRR ElOll SALE A good paying hotel property with ll eiy eUble , In one of the best email towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will tiadu for ft email farm with ( took tto. SWAN & WAIIBB. POIl 84LK Eighty acres unimproved land In Union county , Iowa , 3) ) milca south-cast of Al ton , the onunty seat , or will trade for Nebraska or Kantas land. SWAN & WALKKR. I/Oll BALE A 2t acre tract of good land about JL1 one and a half miles from Council Il'ufli ' poet nffloe. at a bargain. SWAN & WALKER. ij'OU BALK In Uarrlaon county , Iowa. 820 acrca J ? grass land , all under fence a 00 a < re farm with One Improvements all under cultivation except to acrei graeo 8) acrca good grass or pasture land , aid several other tracts ol from 10 to 160 acres of unimproved laud. SWAN & WALKIR. Tj OU SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved , J ? If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us bear from you. SWAN & WALXIR. 170U SAl E A laree number of business and rest- i. ' denco lota In all parts of Council Bloffs. See us before you buy , SWAN & WALKRR I710K SALK Parties vlahlngta buy cheap lots to L1 build on can buy on n.onthy ! payments of from 2 to tio. HWAN & WALKBR FHHl ItKNf-We will rent you a lot to bu.ld on with tbo prhllage to buy It you with on very liberal term * . SWAB & WALKRR. VXTAN1 Kit ro oorreepond with any one wishing a IT good location f i [ tanning mill , gash , door and blind manufactory , we have building and machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ; SWAN & * ALKIR. FOK KENT Largd two ttory frame building lult able tor warehouse or itoiage purposes , near railroad depot BWAS WALIIR. T7 OR HENT UK BALK Bd-iulng and grounds I1 eBltarlt for iraall foundiy and machine ihnp Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with flied shiftIng - Ing eta , ready to put in motion BWAK WALK . lt bALK llGuw . Lota and Land. A. J. "teprennon , &Cg Pint avenue. tk/AMTCLi Kve/y Oouyui Uouncll Blufll o iak TV TiiiBn. Dtllrertd by carrier at cnly twinly nta a tro k. OLU PAPKUU-Foi etlo at Du office , al U cent * a hundred ; HARKNESS BROTHERS 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CARPETS , CARPETS. CARPETS. 'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. Dry Goods , Dry Goods All the Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices. We make a suecialtv of Store Sliadiiigs- Office Mattings , the furnisliino- churches offices and public buildings. Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs I KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whlo wo will soil in retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Reoresented. TVliotftaloindrcUll dfckrpln Grain nd Eeltd B v. trice eonablu Satisfaction Guaranteed. & Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OouncllBlufia. W. -&YLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any nlze raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs .7. JR. McPHJERSOST , CEOWEB AND DEALKB IN VEGETABLES Vegetable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will beready for shipment by May 10th. Orders shonld be placed early. J. R. McPHEESON. 1281 East Pierce St. , Council Bluffs , la. HAIR GOODS Waves , Langlry and Pompadour FrizesSwitch- es , etc. , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever , Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GUXETTE , 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs. T ; AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. TUB ONLY AIXNIOHT HOUSE IN THE ciTT. Evrrything served in first titan style and on shoil notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. Good Agents Wanted Drs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No 80 , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , BLUFFS IOWA. COUKCIL , - - - AGomplete Line of New Goods to Select From. ? C f eTtry description and at prices low u the lowest. Bpccl.l attention to ouetom work. The remain der of my stock of NOTIONS are belnu dlspoeed ol at COST. A FAUTcali and beoonilncod. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. Iowa Dr. W. H. Shorradoa DENTIST , Masonic Tempfo , Oonnol ) Blnflf j Iowa N. 80HT7RZ. ipp nf flip PPPPP lbtf Ul lllO iuubu OTKB AMKE101M BXPHKtS JOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Eice M. D R. . , fl PlDO ? o - ttuton inter * , wltbort UM Ufifl UlmUj kalfi tl tnwtof ol Ui. CHRONIC DISEASES"wo * Orer Ibirty jmi pnctlo-1 jMiUM JlM * * I , Pearl strut , OooncU Blob. MTQoasalUSla- . J. L. DtBKVOISE. No. 507 Broadway Council Bloffir , WAR , WAR FOR TEN DAYS OKLY. "Mako hay while the Sun shines ; " "Never put off until to-morrrow what you can J day " "Strike while the iron ie hot. " "Bo " BKE ; sure your right , then inako a line for CHAPMAN'S PICTURE STORE , 105 and 107 Main Street. New stock of FRAMES , MOULDINGS , Pictures , etc. , have arrived and cannot beer- celled m the weat. Engravings , Oil Paintings , Water Colois , etc. , will bo sold at actual cost for 10 days only. See the Following Prices : Steel Engravings $1.65 worth 83.00 Steel Engravings ? 2.fO worth $3.75 Steel Engravings. . . . . 2 0 worth 4.50 Steel Engravings 4.CO worth U.OO Water Colored Panel 2.25 worth 4.00 Oil Paintings In deep gilt . frames , 24x30 at $1.50 former price , S3.7G Oil Paintings In 4 Inch gilt framon , 22x30 , at S2.DO former price 84.50. Cabinet Frames ntcost , Brass Picture Hids , Brass Brackets ; Picture Chain ; ) , Brass Nails , etc , will be sold at bard timea prices. If you hnvo pictures to frame , call and examine my new styles of mouldings , which will bo sold at wholesale prices. W. GHAPHAH. 3 J.OS and 1O7 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. Beautify your homea by using the above. Over 500 designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES JBeautifuZ , Strong/ and JLastiny. Estimates given on any style either put up or delivered here , by applying to KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock , 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part of a photograph of a NIAGARA vine , planted 1878 , as It appeared Pall of 188O with 63 clusters wolghlnc 26 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood 1st , The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Aug. 20th , 2d. It never drops from the stem If left to bang till frost comes , and improves in flavor the time. 3d. It is purely native , and therefore hardy , Has stood 85 degrees below zero without .njnry. 4th , ( Hears a good crop the 3d year and often the 2d , and is a regular Ixmrer , and , no waste , us hunches are compact Never fails to ripen its crop M the thick leathery foliage holds even to the bate of the canes until frott kills it. fith. Vineyards are in bearing in various sections from Georgia to the Northern Loken and Canada , and from Kansas to UIH Atlantic coast , there being moro than 1,000 acres planted within the last five years , and over 209 acres were planted nt Hrocton , ChautaunuCo. . , N. Y. last spring , (188-1) ( ) ; Jonas Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest vineyard of Niagaras , beinff planted it Highland , Ulster Co , , N. Y. , by Sam'l Hogers , Ksn. , which contains 80acres of this one variety , and he Imi realized from 20 to 30 cents per pound for his fruit , while Con cords grown In the lamp locality brought from 4 to 0 centa only. 6. All parties planting vineyards have signed a return all the wood and cut ting every year bacV to tha Company up to , aad including 1883 ; so it has bson the mile owner of all the stock , and no one but the Company and ltd authorized agenti can sell and deliver genuine Niagara vines , 80 all persons should examine agent's certificate of authority , and see that it has the corporate seal of the Company attached , and every vine that it baa a lead seal attached , bearing thelmprfstionof the Company's registered trade mark , 7th. We now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines at retail at ? 3 00 each with out restrictions , to be delivered en and after March 1st , 1885. WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa Hiving accepted t | > | > olntroent n special igint ( ortlieNIAOAItl WIIITK OJUl'K CO. lor lowiiodNe- 7,1am now pr.pared to pjcmptly deliver "fllAQAHA" vlnti under th Weg'itertjJ ' Trade Uirk Sc l Com piny ,