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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY ; MAY 4 , IS85. { THE DAILY BEE * vt f/rrvw , Turnn 7JOWJ Bow * far * * . fi . rf " * ' * * . * * HMIAM f wnw > _ Jf MAWfef mAtitf f n jiMUS-l h. U" ! rnv * rr v < w * * " vr r/ rntn , ri lnm Alt O M * n nr 4 tvrm * . THE BEE PUBIKHWO CD , A , T > 7 P. fj , Qn h , tha < vpnrn { < .it of r/vfn * . ftf Un < t afford no r lfof IA M. U to r * ? , i7ftn to K , Chnrah ff < v Till f , < m SAl ( > i bra * * . ffa CM M * mttf. h % nd U K'l of itata 7 t4rlnAfin , cf h * 7/XI * In t Ih * f' * * dnrtnpc nt ( > nt , o folV , n77 h T9 within tha rwlloi 6 KB n M In the MfiO < < < k land f.ffice. If -wo hf/p It will b * fc onon ofr thfl TJisrn rnnld riot h rnnoh In e ih njlnf ; { n fJtlnVIn VtflT repntdl c n ItiT * Jim 'Cur. llcrrdd findu f * ltwith th rnop ; -rtimfrt , And IM * TU tht they th e rtb. Dr. Miller nhbiild not Ui t the ffto wnrcif rn d * Orover Ulsre- lftn < l prenldsnt , nd thin f > mtt \ > thi /irniM the gbTBTnrnent V/B nro prcimlned Ifut the liy the iMt If Uktnrn will ha rewly fo dollrery And dUtrlhiition by the rnlddl V/e c nnnt K JT nhfther thl month or Jnrio of next year The Gbttfttltrttlori rcrj lre * tha' the 1 - rid jotirrifclft nh ll be { irlnted dlxty day utter the clone of the fteiulori , but the ; hArennver been printed until six rnrmth after the Ifli11'1" ; ' ' ' ' * hm ndjtmrned. TIIK riTiltirn fmblt Is n. gronlnt ; evil nhrjnld be promptly checked. Th olty c'jnr.cll rnoontly ptuned nn ordlriaric tar the HilppTosnldn of the opium dnru ' ritl'tno niithoritlr.fl nre to lib otnnmeridoi for the HtepN which they h vo ttken t enforce It. The rul/ln nhould Lu kept n\ \ itni\ ( \ no "honthon OhJnoe" hiJl d ro t oondnot A "joint" In thnalm. The opltir finbit Oftntiot bo entirely miiijirmiiiod , bti It can bn chocked. There I Imrdly a dmij nloro In the Un Umt h n not one or more oui t/nnorn Trho lake opium In nemo fortr Wo KOB the violliiin on the utreiitu , In th ofllcen nnd nl thnlr horneHt They nro pal lid , lUtlotn olMR , lukliii energy t carry out good motive * , Arid with tn rnuoli pride to pArUolpAlo In nrlrno. A. folis of the world , AH to whether the wr with UunalAwlll nlTeol thn ( itloo of hrnai nnd klndrnd lopiot , hnvo no In tor nut fr thorn , Life nnd the every dny nlftlr * ill i llItif ! Are burnn , and rxlntenco In a chool orndn ony In whluh llmdellfrhtn of ojilui Are the hr/f / < hl nhndon , nnd nil thlii ) whloh man live for the dnrk. An n nncrvnllnu liAblt there In riotin worne , In viler thnn Inloxluallcii nnd banor thr crlrno. to A circular linucd 1 to paronU of Muho olilldron , Oiimlia rnnkn the lunexi nmoi trrenly lending olllim vrllh roforciico iMilliinnK nnd nhnuioo in the noliool Thin In rallior n niirprlnlii ) ; ( itatnuioi ; but It U iiovorlhelcnii trim , We o ; Lnrdly iitidoatind why Oni ! i shun Ukn no low a ruiik In thin nupcol , in h linr niimnroun nohool-hounen are oo vonlonlly locAtnd , and n * n rnlo nro en of AOOCRII. In Ml other ronpooln o nohooU nro nil tlmt oould bo donlrod , lliuy Are nuppllod with AM excellent oor of loaohorn , nnd every facility In afford for the propur Inntruollon of tlio ohlldro The nikln OHIIIO of 10 much latillncni probably duo to thu fnot that parot do not nlarl tliolr olilldron to nolu piomplly onouijh. They allow thorn roinalii At lionio until Iho very lant it input , which oompoli thoiii tortuh nil { wny to thn nchool roum , did thin , ooiirnc , rcnulln In ninny Inilanc In UrdlnoM. Tlio UrdlncnioaiiboroAl | { roduood by A proper ollbrt on I part of | iarvntn , I'linoluallty U o of Mm very llrit ICHIUIIH llml ihui lie taught to children , and homo tlio plnon to ImprcM upon tlioin It * 1 porUnon. A child that bcoauio * tnr nt nohool li very Hallo to pornmnrn ! noijiilro the habit for llfo , Abionoo frt nohool U A matlor of itlll uroatcr Itnpoi Alice. 1'au'iiU are ( on Apt to Itoop tin ohlldren out tTnohuol upon the llKht < roit | Rt or ( uunio , Thli U n uiUUV klndiipni , for It dUarrniio | { the cblli oonrio of itudlo , nnd oatno * in aniui nuoo lu Iho tonolior , Wo hupo Hi paroiiln | [ onoi lly will onrefuUjr ro Muperlntoiidciit .laiuoi' clrouUr , unit o iloa\or tu Aid him In reducing the Urd mid nbionco. TWJS MORX * * * fnntiivi n tha O'nlMd Jn thrt AAtnrt o < t p in in rAilltWll if fi fArth tft KwitfJv thrt , tAd hy tfirt r , < fi Art ahar drtth thii < th TUmnnd * fa * * Sam. np hIvv Yf.r.-l * tliw i * r.n trtrt man fc-wn dnly t r.f t f.i Ui { in bihittf t > i thrt pvlTlf A c. I * ( mhoiJMr ! In th thn hftd7 < fmt li ittfnd. TA jfa\A \ t ! thfl Ji d > nUtnr * or jnrf A th < * ri ht * ftf onn- t nM TW M frrvM rwswnft to imry datj * < v * ( fivi * nd mn , Thi * h ( Imply A rfflfUr.iw fit th * lw t rl ) A l nrl n. Th < yrflmrr ! * tha fclthfnl to cohaMt wlit * roany wf.w.ftn a * th y can Afford t/ set afif/nld b7 a ra7ftTAiMi ( , allAjjtd to h- i coTrttftA'Adftfl to fffar np th i children an M lfie , th * ; ; finder th * * ptfi ewmrali rr.ur h n < to thaarftTnptV.n * fr&rn fnnbhtn n , T criminal ictx coTAmitfed nnder tfci ThU U A country g07ftTri l by Jaw , m 7BT ) wh nl w * ara r/vl thfty are bind in ; npf < Tj th < wo who M\vr& \ and th < w < do not bllA7e. Under tb < of all tha aral bigamy anc Inr 1 marriage * ara cl * * ed among th rlrnlnal r.ffe-n < < , arid nu dlatinstinn * an UffffA rTi gMrnnt of rac4 or religion , ha riAtl Tixl fcglxlAtnrft ban th col * ' ) - er to entahllnh laws for tht peopla ol ha UrrltoTltR , ani those whllro nnd si 18 American flag ar In dnty bonnd t/ thene lawn. No rx.pQ , bi ho j 01 : ilrltn l rnler can ahwlra them frotr i lr obligation * to obey the law * , and nt or GOTmccntlottx cotnpnnctlnni an b < > allowed to override nd nnlllfy the laws of Iho Ur.d like slavery of old ttornplH to prolong IU ezlxUnee by prop \r\y \ \ Itielf with the bible. For mmjy i cntnry the people of the tenth wen an ht from Iho pulpit to bellovn slaver ] dlvlna Inntllntlon ordained by tbi Jrnlf/hty. When Noah ciirasd Ffam an < U denc < ri'Jerit , the Ron of ifarn , thi e/ro , wan do' h red to bo A borahrnai orover to tha wblta rnari , boauio hia nn enUir had incurred the wrath of nn oh rurikftrd , I'utalnvery ha bnnri abed thed , nnd the believers In IU dlvln have f > r cafully nubmlttnd to th u evl table , Without Aixallinnny ; rbli lotia dogmi r crnod , wo only oxprotn thn urilvena pinion when wo say that polygamy 1 he twin dt slavery. It cannot install Inalf ftlda by alJo with free IrialItiitlon * 10 matter how , when or where It wa > rdanod. ! The Mormons who ntlll adhori o the doctrinn of polygamy at of dlvln Igin matt submit to the Inevitable jus the people of thonouth havoaubrnlttoi to the decree of the majority , which nun lined the union And Abolished nlavory [ ho Hotithrm alavoholdern were con rlnced by force , nnd force will oonvlno ho Mormon people , If they Ara foolli enough to ronUt tha law. It Is simp ! dlo and abunrd for thorn to Inlk abou .ho outrn0 [ { upon human right * an Iborty by the oroatlon of thu Utah ooir rnixMoii nnd abolition of tholr local torr ! : trlal Irglslattiro. For nioro than to , 'Ofxm thn jiooplo of the dlitrlot of Co InmblA under tha very nhadovr of th Ioiiio of the o ] iltol and ltd sfntuo < liberty hnvo been governed by a oornmli ion of tbroo mon , They bnva been dli frarichlnod nnd tholr rnlori , the coinmli inlnHlonorii , Ilka thono of Utah , hnvo bee appointed fruin dlntnnt ntaUn. And yi tlio rcH'dMilnof tbo district of Ooltirab have not rebelled , nor lamed n bill i l/rlovancen to Iho American pooplu. MAKING ) HAINTH OUTOIMCNAVBI A dead Indian Is n good Indian , U U hood bocniiao ho Is Imrmloaii , For tl inino roanon , doubtlcna , It has bcoon the faihlon to omit A wealthy man afti dnatli , who during hln llfotlmo uovor d ! n'lylhlnj ; uummondnblo. It makes t dlffiironoo whether ho has wrung h wealth from the nwonllng brow of labo or Atnanaod It by honoat loll niidlndustr The moment Hint ho dlei , | iosaoaacd money , bo booonioa At onooA lalnl. Tl ( ircAohcr oxlols him from the pulpll , AI sols him up as a model for young men follow , The ooiiftrontloi | { la dci > { > AlFectod , tram urn shod , nnd people u denver to convince thomiolvos tlmt tin had placed n wrong cotlmato tipi the oharnclor of the dind ma At the nruvii the nauio iiiooko la pursued , and when the lombalono nroolcd Itoarrlos out the Ho with A laud lory tilladi. | The cemetery ia full moniimonlal fAlaohucdi. Could the doi riio from tholr grnvos long unotigh toroi tholr opltipln they would bo lurprlioil mo how Kocd A porjon bocomoa win death roinovoi him. Homo of thorn wou oiolilm , " 1 WAS too good for the worl H la Indeed atraiigo tlmt I should ha1 llviul sit IOIIK and not have boon Ajiproo ntiul during my llfo tlmo. " There roconlly dlod a iiromlnotit cltizc of A Nobrsslii town. Ho WAI promluui almnly from ( ho faot that during hia 11 ho had noonmulatcd oonalclorablo wrall by cent per cent methods , Althoug oillod n banker ho WAI nothing moro in Inn thin A nioiioy ahark of ( ho mo And unnioulro character , II i -TIM tort nd fcfmn jfn ,7 tJtrt p f.plrt ( if thi < anmnjimlty In Thfrth. h > \ ra.iMdrf. H1 TW not n rtd lot Sw T H Jii { r.i > h * hnd ao It ; 7 , and hrt TW ia nr pnbrt ( ! t nfAatrif. HJ tnivt.ii , TA p Mf.lrtnl Mixipivpin In vhfah ho : ! aioi t hlttafly itiaL d inri bnn { ptaAiwvtra elrtiari ant o < rsnp at t/ H aiftnir.r/ . a pnhliii mtatfnq ; TM Mf aM rtnAtntlr.r.n A * tn th enmmnaitj In th l iri , pvafwl htnv irhdn h. % - M W/u / th M * 7 ? &ttf.t hTpAWsry th s V.nM thrtM mjikir > % ta.- % late to ifiA ( nt UIciAnfift nd tfc saAnt i the Hvlr. J 77 > .Ai Incnntir * N than thft 7Mir. to Hrft npr hi and ? .t if the dUhortMt and ara cqntlly pr Mniwith thorn at It be filr and hon < * r.A to fc * t < w Bpr.ti Jy Of.nM , - thrnh ; at hU rlftath a VM iren to thfl ? / ! ; philAnthr p' WM hon tly ar.enmTiUt d act lA70t d to the tenAfii r.f hi lmr tnAn ) LV/s think nc < 1 Tha le ) on Un ht by all th ao hollfr ibltoiry roock riAK I * ileaply , "ga money , honently if y&n can , hut g Aoa 7. " It U hljjb time thit MM pre h- rat * inform , and btnlxh by > oerl 7 rd fAhehor d fr&Tn their fonera TM them no longer attetop o rr.a.t a Mint f.nt of a ltn7 , Let then frcitn pladc rftilly hor.ftst an ; men pen the acn Ie7elxlth ra r rognes. Let thetn itc ] If they cannot hocwt'y pralj- , tb n let there perform the burii In * alrnple , btmin M'Hke man er , acdlet themiay with ? /Tarc Ac tony 'I come to bury Cwair , not to prat * , AJTBB twenty-three yearn of ihtn b en finally decided that tbo eatati f the late Cvrai II. McOormlck la en I tied if , $10,4. ; ! and Intercut from thi Vnnylv nla railroad. The init gre ? -nl of the If a i of penr > nal baggage whicl n agent of the company , a alnnt thi ill of the owner , In order topromoti he ( of hix employers , for warded to Chleigr * , where It wa leiitroyed by fire at the depot. Darin ] here many yearn cf litigation xotno ver ntrlcato principle * of the law governlni common carriern have been pimed upon The verdict p.iven to the plaintiff wa or the full tmaunt naed for , and wit ! the In lore * t for twenty.three yean th udf/rnent amonritn In over $40,000. A he caio hai been sharply contented u > 'jth ilden , and 10 thoroughly tried o every point It will DO doubt bo Uke ; loreafter an A precedent in all nlmlli actions. Hour of the ardent I'Ulno men I Vermont are laid to bo opposed to th re-election of Senator Edrnundi. The ; complain that ho did not take M active ) rt In the prcaldentUl campaign an hoe oo ht to have done , and now en thla AC count they want to too him defeated Although Boaator Edmunda can probable ) o re-elected , If he no dcniroi , it In to b regretted that there ehould bo any oppo Hlon to him arlilng out of the IJIain ampiixn. If the IMaiuo mon nro t rnnVo the republican party a parly of ri vonj/oi , they certainly cannot hope fc victory for many ycnrn to como. It About tmo ! that the lililno campaign w ( ended. Ho far an Honntor Kdrnunda concerned Vermont would mika a Harlot mlntako In riot returning him ( o bin o For ho ii ono of the ablcot mun in tl Hotmlo. OAMKOKNU mlllhnalrvn hnvo a bi habit of breaking their promlien in nffal of Iho honrt , and the roiult la that tl fnlr vlotlmn nrn trying to break the mi lionnircB. Lucky Itildwln , lllto nil tt runt , ban boon ratbur unlucky In ROUIO i hit lova odvonturcn , uud ho it now mat difondant in n broach of promlio unit I which the lady demaridn ? 5COCOO , dar a'/on. Thin , however , is nothing now him , Ho ban had lovoral iuch Hit demnndn made upn hii purio , and 1 will probably compromise thla affair ho Ima other * . HAM. lUmiAU , IIM ruturnod to Won Ingtcn with A date nil rondo op for tl distribution of tbo fodoinl ofllcos in Ton nylvinlo. It In neudloii to nay that 1 bollovoi In protection of hli politic frlondi. Whether Mr. Olovoland w ondorio that Blato without n ilnglo oran n r D remains to bo noon. THR appointment of Kent Iv. llayd AH bank examiner of the diitrlot of D brinVn And KatiHai la n ploacant aurprl to hli many frlondi in thin olty. M Hayden ! ynuou man of oxoellc oluraotor , and his long experience In I ! lutlonal banking butlnesi ndralral imilifien him for the ponttlnn. IK Secretary Uayard'n notr policy , Bonding AI our roprosonUiivcn to forcij countrloi men who nro uatlvoi cf tbo oounlrlor , in ilriotly oarriod out , A Chin man oiifjlit to bo nppolntod AI our mini tor tu Iho coleitlal omplro. TUB lion nnd the boar linvu oonoludod take n little moro breath before tin tacVIo otoh ollior. The fight may bo d olnrodolT fttr All. HIT.Villartl Hcott it luUuihiK from A i mo attack of brouchttli , and will nut bo at to bo out ftflalu for icvoral dayi , THH ASTI/ THAT , - Thrt Fifth aa lry r fninnfvhirJi han rtn n h < ny m thin ifapnrimpnt , hnrt Snnn ir nnth , - hnrt thn Ninth anvilr ? , hi inm nf Col. ffAfi-h , vrmM ip fc-im Win nnth it ifjonii pnnti la thnit \ \ - f ihfl Ptatta. Thn yintli < wilrj vlll pr.TJ * anv lty In thm pnrtnf thn nnntr7 w it m i amor1 * } fifinwuf. flnn7 \ V ffrnr ? , M an-v Inntor.tflr m rsrfn pnntiiM ie thnun tn otflwr < i < ihn JTmth "Waitrt t - M M inmmanii A < " art S1H , IM tan Inrfi m Jrtrr.Srtr ? , I hnJ fAiw rtrirl nfrr > tany. nmfar ain I > ir ihrt tivi 7 < viri * nr { \ half thnt Ivu thnr % nnt A nn In rfc rtrtirtn , ihrtts MM nn 17 rf.v7 ( irmlr , and th r > - w an inn. Thn - ni-r l fm-f ! ( liart * nrl /mrtnr.t if ihr. tr.inpn * * * M pur&r.t u that thn - rtri.I. Vll thn ntSivri srhrt HAO * v r tfti tlrlth hi m - 111 lAJitlf 7 trt thn wmn Thn tfl ft nn97 JW * Mtarir ! lint ftnliatnil m.m. hit7 Anri f..r7 ipplIirAtinnn tn bn put < in thin ha7 % tffn mfn Thnri AH > n thn vrn-j ? ty AT * m nvho Bi WJsr ! thn frxll Ii in 7p v.tAri that thu rf H < 4vlll < Urt otfxiA Ahoni r.n. . 1 tnUt.d thn AfcMntfi-.n r.f i ! ! inr.ra AfT.17 eSc ( r IA Ihn K t thn other < i 7 tr.rl r rf.Ati/d th it I inppoumi H ai % Ic.r.jftr in t& wrtfi * , " Mplfai th , * * I tn'tf.r ] , w.vr.rwkAt tnrpvUtf tt'l a pli7 that hd rflrl r.r.t er.niin thi * army jrt , if ii h id no HX * * ? > > , " i < l tt cfSftur. "Col ; wan Mdi t rl fr n Fort Orr.Aha to Hmcr.ih h wanted a llttl more tir.-.rt rf.TR If a He to H n lr.r on to mUt hir.i in ? ttiwt n * tension r.f and thft i r.itcr Uid tha th. . cr tAr7 f.f w / , and crjed ; that Corly'i rp rxir.Vrl. . Tfc CT t4f7 jfo * bU fcac' np h'CAnji' ! Cftdy bid , icttad ti Itfp.iE ; { niet , pTMr.z& fl to make nch a re n itt , AC/ eo r.rrlertd him t 1 WM aa ( Titra A. ' ! trly ys n nhfiTild treiiArl ith i < ittln X-T'laritir-n . who eU7 t ( - ! ? by m. n WM r tn ht h pcmtlon > icnpty b4ct < u h wa , Lincoln's IC.TI U eniro t ft damn him forever In the eatl- cl thA triiA noldiftr. C 'ly' . pa rn Rlva the name of thirt ] > ittlc In which h foc ht. 7iob Lincoln n7 np < jdeT. . I h&ith NehriAitj will tika np the CAM of &ST3UQI > /ly , thn life-long toldler , and rnakfl i ffort to havR cocgrem place him on tha re ired liAt , by np ciil ; "Jamfc * K. Cbenowlth , ol Te Mwh * b n appointed first aa itoT at Waahinsf wa * a elArn te of mine , " aairl .Indfi . ' 'and ffr < Juated with me in IffiO ai Anbury tinlvernity In Indian * . He was s ilttct reVx.1 , and at tha ( ximm'inc ififtnt ol th' r r ha commanded a realment. Like H nv . .jr Joa Wackfcurn , of Kentucky , if had a ort of ro-rlcg cornrr.lMlon. AfUi hnwarwM over , Chenowlth nerved in th < Kentucky Utfl i nata , kftar which be weni to Texa , witra he Viecime Jnd e of OTIS c. tbo - Tlin edtabllthrnont of a Credltoin' AnnociAtion , " which offftin to col Mrt any and all kind * of debt * by methrxli 'x > culiarly IU own , call * to mind a lmilAi ffort ra de hy an enterprinIcK yonug man ir thin city a year or two nffo. lib pnaranteed tc collect anytfiinK In the thape of a debt , ant ia/1 no difficulty in iecurlnf { nnmerotuancienl Jlln for collection. Ho employed a bl ; darkey ax hi * collector , and putting hln head a tove-plp , beanng thi n , "Thui it I'mhem'i collector the cf > l nctlon of old and Ud debti a ipecialty , " hi itartod him out with a bundle of bills , witl direction * to ittnd In front of every man'i door , who refuxed to p 7. until ho lettlocj nin third day the darker returned to Mr L'unhem'ii office in a very dilapidated condi , lun. Hii none wan manhod down , he bad i jjl cut over the rlht ( ( eye , and bin hat wa cruili'xl down over hi * head. Taking the ha off , Ii banded It to his employer , and said 'Mama ' I'unhem , dls hcah hat U A little to heavy for dli heah chile. Ine no furder ui for it. I rcnlfrn rny poilih M collector for di hoah nfjoney. Iteffwog to look around for mciih inplah occupation. " That ended Mi Pimburn'i novel collection agency , STA.TK JOTTINOK. 1'oinilation of Valentino , 3.000. Krioi county farmers are pluntinp coin , Hartinftton thrives without a graviiyard. Grand Island Is again talking water worki Tlio treasury ol Vrernont is worth ? 'I1'J3 7 ( Hpring wlirat is In fine condition througl out y title county , The ladles who fudtho Odd Fellows In Lir coin cleared | i00. ! Inilianolani planted 1COO , majilo and oh ti Don on Arbor day , A maid of 40 and a youth of 1H tied up i : Knur county recently. Fremont is preparing for a general obaerv unco of Decoration day. Five hundred mon nrn employed in the I ft M. shops at 1'Uttsmouth , Hiuhvlllo Is laiiig thn wires to capture tli county tuat of Hlioridau county , The 1'latUmouth Cunning company ha stored away 'J > , ( KO cans for trio fall campalgi The oinnnu ! l mooting of the Ilaptli paiUrs will Lie lioIJ at Central City to-inoi row. row.Tho Kisly farm ofIJ5 acres ne r Hoope Dodge county , was recently sold for ? V,0 ( cash , Cbadron In bating a great boom. Kstlmati nt its pruiont populallou aru placed as high i . ' 1,000. Antolopovllle is the name of A now tow just started In the weiturn part of Cheyom county , Button proposes to draw the line at tu salooiiH. confident that a full > ialrcan provoi u drouth. Thoi. Htilliogiir , a plck-pooket in jail i Central City , skipped out bntwoen the don of the jailor. Auburn will ham A fight to the finish wit Itfownville , on the l8th ! , for the county sei and L'Btu money , Lincoln proposes In refund ? fi7,000 10 pi cent bauds for A similar amount at 0 , If Ui voters ogreo to it. Kostirroclionlsts are nald lu bo depopulaUo Wvuka ciiinutery near Lincoln , It nn't sal to b deb t nowadays , Fifty prairie schooners fpaincd tliroiiR \Vlmior liut wruk , the majority bound for tu While river ooJintry , HnuaUors have already gene to war on th Hanlim rusorvoUon over conflicting boundam and datoi of location. The school housi at Jackson , Dakot county , burnivl last week , entailing a loss c : RX ) ovur the insuranco. Htromsburg has reoelved aisuranues thut 1 will Kot h douomliiatlonal ooiltije for tliomrr pittance or bonus of J10.00. Thomas Ifrwlo , a Cats county farmei ) lnnlr < { i r > r. e fif t l 'i yaunifvfiUnn mil thn mnrJicr , tnd ? nt Jl.1 Sir thn walpn. Tan L"jit. t { Kritlmn f Hnmnr. Dnirnfj anunfty. wn h vttt plunn { riv a Mr t ohnreh 6.1 annK frnm Jl ' ( Wi ) M IT J IC.IX Thn Bnr'm An t M.tmnnn nnt riilnad tBif N. hrwlri linnnii1 : hi aidnth n < W ( inn snr .niuJs < if snra. 5"f imnne hnn in iv riil mil htrt fu'.bir ? mplrtvIdiT thirty lit hiimiii mil turninir nt .m (1 ( rtv-rillii mil ill ihtri * mnntMy T * H IMr i tnndiir'iiaft frnm niinnfn. ifennli Wonii fa R d OrtUrl ini ! lust ' ) ' ! e thn ilil difck mil bnKp nimii. . Thn Iw.ti ! ( ferine * nt thi brmlcA Citj iv.UInir hAiimi ' 'tottnda' thn itmrnphnnc uhTt7i. imi enRa for n hnmfn nmnrt ? . 3. R. ftnlt t rtf PUttn Cnnt r , m innthoi tr.tfm rtf drtmnrjitjii rif.irai , hailnif hfnn ip > nmtwi panful altt'x tnC 'itn 'Jm.ihn % nt' Thn hrm * of t jimtwir * hnmorf m A B * nM T IT , thirty an f. ft f/irn thn inrf . vranniji h thn diiurl A * ! ! AI A ilsa'iUt rfimvun ullod " ' "hr.q- o rnii'hi g ( unian h7iirionrthiA , Jin i-x'tno pnnn m Rnrit BInJi pManct , Cam -mat ? . M * . I7n 7\n , of Boatrm. i hfl < i 7i { tfaq nn inn Aft BUir , * * thrn n fa hfi w.i .7 t fr hSrtnod toim , dwfccaftia hit hniiMAr. MhiimHi A irjiict itin icrf ( in tA pUnS A ! 12COfl M A A ndrf. . ' . > ; t Aftt r.iptM { tihnot A rtfchi r.n thn fcottrtmn oppijiiin PUttir.irtnth , t hit sjf * In thn opor tiAn. Thi ana r.nriUrj . AJi rant nf Iftrfa rJ la th thriiS of thi tU ii-.n r.f VvrKft ACIM , c.f gniV.n , AU < M not r8r.w * l till in AaoAfJi-.Q wtia AO < < nrf , rt in doath. Thn r.vwtfs of Sh Omiha unr.r.ii r.n r.f thn tntir7 s'itlinul thnisnll bn hi ! < Blair , fcpiflaaisjt Thrt itwun vill IMS thr n dATi. Thn fli i ? cr.cipan ? hw A Ha fr m Chtdron teA A t > rrr.inr..i Abr.nt An nit I. Ir * T/VT7 A AfAffjrJlrzt Jfc.rth ftr.i fiiVri t < > orMn thn boaarjiry Iran H iH IIT * SA fien A purAfyzisor rf.-.cV.t EiU. Prfzn ipontin * ciAtihct Ar hut ( ? - * < tr.A-7Ml frota blAvi. Th % HA tfr.a tmn vhiob Uoi pirt in th } crAtontl went d.vm At th < Srit bo ! And withdraw. Thn Il .7 , jAoob AdrfAcen , cf jAnn'sto-wt WA viiVd on hy A d-I iU/sn of iu eocjn ffAtlon U t wenfc , who preient d him inth snrin anffiewnt to pnrchije th revennd gtn niin A irjad mill A eiroilAtlr.n wr n . nd HftrAld Ar s nmqn * ipdre ni nf ciretM lUh Th fdlUn Ar nvili of Komarot Lacudtn In the fAfcricVjn ? lm . Oulin holdi that tha pTr.f uloai ( TAmbl U A hocoTAble A citiz nwa houn thl f. CroiV.1 g n TAlly HATH a poor optnui of th * Jnd7 < s , Mfcially when hs drop * ci them with both iMt. Xicf ! , l and Alfr'd , two inck d m&lUh r , AM Uid np in Lincoln froc wr.nndj received in A hMty hnnt. They di not know jnit how it hACp n d. Thay wil bo hontid for a few diyj At l * jt , A JniAn In .Teffcr on CAtiaty , In boring ; ell , at a depth of 127 fo > t , * ttncic a vein o wit/ir that l hot enough to Kcald. The ( An hit Ante * from th taae U not At all stffee blo , ai Dirtier can hardly utand around thi w ll to draw It. The fctir year-old son of Commiutorr hn on , af Do-'jje county , WM nearly b - isaded by a tram Mend y Th * youn ? > t stack hU head np betwfn th timbers of ; Til vert M a train waa pvalofj , and ii now > a.\A \ M when bc/rD , The CAM county ( frand jury will inveiti ate , a-notigoth r thiD r > , a fensatlonil cav 'implicating apt rjonof hi therto good standing md that p r > on a woraAn of this city ( Platti month ) In the commission of a crime moi oul. " I oller when jou're ready. The seniational ditpatch from Cnlb < rtioi giving details of an alleged row at Trentoi .ntl the killing of four men , turni cut to b ho work of a cow punching Mnlhatton , con coct l for the pnrpoie of scaring a tenderfoo "cto giving a gang of tramps a ride to town Bill Jchnson , a Wood Hirer soak , who im jibes freely of Grand Island budge , was rui n bllin' the other day. A vlgiUnce commit r.e. called on 'the veteran sot and ictred hln out ol a month's spree by a display of rope Ie wa < smuggled oat of the bmlding and rai or horn * Hkn a porp with ft tin can danglioi o his caudal. Ii. B. Mevenger , of North Platte. th > onanza stock farm mansgar , his joined th American colony , and will summer In Canad ; ir some other friendly clim . II n is said t lave bten a true disciple of Gould In th itock waterlog basine , nnd S-IO.OCO wouli lardly coinpensate his victimi , The yonngiters of Plattsmouth are s numerous and hankering for the three R1 .hat additional ichool room Is a "crying ne ceMltr. " Tlio school census shows 1038 child ren of school age , while the present school will only accommodate 800. Here then Is . jrind opportunity for reform. Ed. Bogue , thn fireman of the ecgln wrecked at Lincoln , denies that ho acted th ole of hero by staying at his post of dutj Kd. thinks , and wisely , too , that the her ousinets Is too slender for this practical age and that It Is much moio comfortable to lee ! at an englna rolling down than to remain i the cab and plm.k laurels in the berrafter , The gallant bachelors of Hastings , wh withstood the blandishments and Eoul-crack inf siittis of femnlo admirers during leap yeai tendered the girls a complimentary pirt Tuen'lny night , and sort of evened up the at tnntloni and trials ol the guadrenmal terroi The girls are now en the anxtoui seat and few good catch'in are gamg to waste. lUvul towns are nprlnglng up close to rrii < nals along tlio line of the Sioux City & Paclf in the northwest and real estate Is lively an the owners hot A new Gordon has entere tlio race for permanoiiey , half a mile from tl o'd town , Thr oo weeks ago thn site was vlr gin prairie , now three saloons , a prlntln office , a bank , stores of all kinds , and otln conveniences of bolder civilization , are then Grading gangs are already at work on tt now li iV M. extcntlon from Holdrcgo I OgallsU. The puippso of the company ev ! duntly is to have tfiis branch completed i time for lha full stock businois , and an intei n > tng ! rivalry between the 13 , & M. , and I. P. can bo depended on. Kvon at thla'earl day , the competition for stock Is BO nhar thkt Block tr. Ins on both roads run on 26 an 30 mile ordersand ; frequently passenger tralr are tide trucked to glvo the steers a cle : road. Conprrmman Dorsey notifies the amhitior ynug men of tliu third dintilct that a coinpeti live examination of candidates desiring t enter the Avnapofis naval academy wil ) I huld at I'rmnont Jone 3d , A committed wi examine all candidates and Mr , Dorioy wl recommend for afpointmutit th , ono bei qualified for udmissson , Candidates must t over fourteen and under itlghteun years of if and physically sound , Tncso who wish to pn leutthumirlves to the committee are request * ti writ" to Mr. Dorter , who will f uruUball no ossary Information , "Old Man /.iraa , " of David City , who wl brutally assaulted with clubs by the thri Ka ner brothers , died of his wounds on tt 2nth. The murderers are in jail , The retook took place at the wedilirg of the old man son to a sister of the Kaanoru about A inont ago. linth particn reside some teu mill uoiUiwoit of lavid City. After the wcddlc boor was tapjted and frcnly used by the oaten bled guests und from tffocts of it a quurr arose between Frank Xima. father of tt groom , and tlirco brotb'rsof the bride , Jame Charles and Joieph Castner. The quarr ended m open light and about 9 o'clock in tt aveniog old msn Xlma was pUked up firdeai baviiiK had Ids skull crushed with a beer glai In tbo hands of one of thu three brother ! . A telegram was received In this city Baturds by a well known banker , sent frciu Vt'aihlcf ton , and announcing that Mr , Kent K. Ha ] den , cashier of tbo Nebraska National Hani : hi been appointed United Status Dank oxamini for the district of Nnbraska , Arkansas , Mi lourl , K nsas and Southern Illinois , Tb news is undoubtedly authentic and will bo n crired with Brent pleaiuio by tlic friends i Mr , Haydeu in this city. The olficu is one < molt rti-ponsible truit and will bo doabtlci null filled by Mr , Haydeu. CAPIIAL LIFE. [ He Rasi 3f GffliM- W th r "WaitafB Hoe C th < ; Cnrr-wpnnrtcnoi of Taa Bit : D. 0. , April 2'J. - ] ar.t 50 Ihrr.cgi agta ( ThaS I I.ITH thrcn- . t&d l.ut i-vo ar.niha f : t fifty y aj In tha , " TU by oca o < ca : meat tn t eoin.iafra ( a tii ; tfcrt othar djy ; "Trhy , ' uld ' tiers M an rjnp-wi p tid to yea f.t Taa fallow td < tv&ryvb.aTa. ti 07 rsntn , to thu cipdol , to thi ) pc aide do svirythJn ; spr.n 127 ihotild r thi bcden falLi. sy collea sa d < only zi7 * da aascyiace 5h y dca' dca't ocdentvad. Th7 wcrr ; at tod\th. Gccd felloTi , all of thaia * ? th.ia I a , ( thLi w 4 7er and cis ht thi tut of th bci they dco't rsultza HOT Ispc 1 : Li to gat i 7enl hs 'hac iy icpUcanu ofiien ill tt occu Why , tr , 1 : U a phyiicil hap albUity t. niAke the as f ll < wi a&dersU&d thit the ; cia'i jet Anc ci fcr theukisg" ' Ace th tirsd-on ; i nator haned wearily bicl aadC3tiiilj \ clc d hli ( yea , while thi herdti slowly bat jnrely carried hlr > n-mzd the teit hoci , where a d Uga tion froa his itite araitad hfj escort t < 'he prea cce of the p ? adtat ! o ! th ( tTalted Stites. A hand erin , the fin' ' of the leaaon , pUtag , "Pat He La Mj Little B d , " only cade the sitaatiot tnoT-i pith tis , lad my heart WAJ fall oi tender sympathy fcr the ranch hattec down aerraat of the ptople. * JuSXi STILt THEY C01CE , d lsg Uoa after d ehgUioo , car load aftei car load , frcto thafr.zjn north and tcnnj south , the balisy eiat ind windy west they corae with great expeditions li their heirta and positive twoiaace di- pieted on their noble broa. Bat atai "hops deferred maiceth the heart sick. ' D n'c tt thocgb , and these delegation return to their homes aidder If not witei men. It U an amusing tea : of "fidelltj to pirty"to aak one of theae dltappointec office seekers what he thinks of tae ne i tdmlLutritioa. Hh face at once aa aumea a grejlsh hue of caaticn anc aloly he fondlea hia monitache while h < tike i en a far off look and replies : "i el ] , now , pretty well pretty -'well , conatderlng. Too iee It takes time to adjnjt things takes time. What do I think of the president [ maonall ) ? Ab , yea ; jast sWell rtally I am anrpr ted at nls great poweri of r&els'iog the terrible presanre npor aim ; he wishes to do what he believes tc be right ; a trills too independent to be popular with hia own patty , bat then he bis something to leira we ill have in thla political world. Pretty good tori of a fellow after all. " And so the polltl cal wheel goes on tarnlag around anc around. PEOPLE LOOK TIRED hia lazy hazy spring weather , cr rather on weather la moro aaggestive of Fourth c July ; eighty-fire in tbo shade latt Thura day , a moat uncomfortable degree ea [ uclally with hot winter clothta on. AI nature looka smilingly happy , trees leave Ing oat C o are the politicians ) flowers li bloom , btrda singing , negro's sound aaleei on tbo atrrot corner J , gnus green , and on ; sentimental congressman writes poetry , talka poetry , and takes mcon-Hght strolii through our lovely parks. The ecataci of blisa can be realizsdby meeting. by moon light , some auaceptible aena tor ( all of them are more or leas 10) ) witl some fair onchintreea on his arm unleti ( aid arm be otherwise engaged scraa times it is. It ia the republican senate : who his time for moon light strolls now hia democratic rival has previous engage ments. Wo have hai a good deal to make ui tired during the paat two months , a : many celobra'iona , and things and It li not at all .stringo if wedq feel "doncy like. " The attempt to celebrate OEH. QUANT'S BIUTIIDAY was a fizzle In point of distinction o prominent men present on tha "auspicious occasion. " I think thi tlmo to celebrate a distinguished man' birthday Is while he Is living , so that hi may know who his friends really arc That Gen. Grant la dearly loved , and tha nowhere ia ho more fully appreciate ! than In Washington there la no question but why there was not moro enthusiast ] over the meeting held at the Motropolitai church ia duo to the fact tbitt It was belt at a chnich. Chutchea are good place to have f emerald In ; but hardly the fi place to be bjrn In. Oholreinglng i alto appropriate for funerals , but some how altogether too doleful fjr binh days. People want to bo cheerful am hllaiioua on birthdays , giro rent to thel joy ; tbo church puts a damper upon hi larity and crushes out all disposition t dance for joy. Whoever had the matte in charge tent Invitations to the grot men of the hour , and it was publishe that the president , his cabinet , Phi Sheridan , the general of the army , Arc would bo present. The president , hi cabinet , Gen. Phil Sheridan , itc. , vrer not there ! and neither was Jim B'alne ' but bo wrote a letter expressing his regret grot that the Invitation didn't come Booue so that ho might have rondo arrangement to attend ! It matters not whs his engagement might have been If all his shifts were In th wash and ho put the last ono rn the da ] botore. This Is sometimes the case- nothing so urgent , unleas it be that law suit In Indiana , that ho could net hav been preaont. There are aomo rery bit ter words at the end of my pencil , but withhold thorn for Gen. Grant' * aiko Men who have been conspicuous in pub Ho llfo wera noticeably absent. Wbei Gen. Grant was thought to ba dylti | President Cleveland postponed a pablli reception on tha very ore and hoar of Iti taking place , md all the world applaudec him fur it. Now , bad hu and his oabino given tholr distinguished prison 00 to thi meeting , even If it was only in a Methodist dist church ( I think that's the reas&i they didn't attend ) the people all eve the country would have been pleased am the general good fueling for the preset ! administration BO strengthened tba many a blunder would be forgiven , However over , Senator Mandorson presided wltl hfs usual elegance and case of manner and some rery kind words wore spokei for General Grant ; and If the heartfel players nro answered Gen Grant wil live to celebrate hii own birthday foui yoais from now , and President Cleve land , hia cabinet and Jsuua G , I3Ului 2107 brt tn-rfimi in tiia A buck thfn in tin talisman In Amun- hlsti'.ryvSuri ! i htrtid 17 b.M bi-.iin by thrt eouatry it larj-u Tliu call nc iii ab inr7iaiu : af thit d.ij oomii r' t&e nmch , tr.ii It u i ttrmura tliii dfunf bud ef thi y iCtonJii bis mfnainif. ca-iaumi tn m < snfc Cot. T j lop G-sa , Lrt 'j M durlai | tJm , iad am f telfsip itiil U4 i tn b r thi > r Tr rai So-vird tin umih , t mid "Thiii Li Gto , Graai i burtiiLiy. "Tan , ' rsplttsit ha , ad ha jjulw of thn old hum -vinh : noui& Ucilrtrartus ( n hia la a tn.ian < ir M afoii aitat tlut 317 adaatr tlr.a T imaaad foe bin of 712.17 pT aS thd th21 4 , wia * Bind ad dM aach acmils to ad Miua ClrtTS- Lisd , who tad ill taii rraaysania-i to fiitfsct thai i : ao tisntvii thdru zaa- er l crsah e.t pecpn * ad clutiaa , u la uacal * S thca. publlij Mcupttcoa. Of Ihrtra wai aitica laipatiaaca flot- in ; et ia , bat only eurula anabus W-M ktiaiitt d 15 cn , aad thereby a J vs. 7old d. The hcnia TTM jfaiply bunlzd in pc d pl ati aad eni dj-wsra , tin h ha.i tk ippijimaca at a drvtr jaddn. The ntia hccflii , iccpi tht ) pn aU bcaiaess raocts , ware thtra cp c lad tha "daw poopta" suda to faal th.tS they ara cf ii-.ciii acr.tiat , M veil u tba jirsiy nd na77 aad diplomatic corps. Ccnaid- ris ko-v csvay Tot r3 cepculisd by th * ? ssy aad navy ad diplctaatic corpn fir tha ekcrica of the ssaa ad vctoaa to prenide i : tha wbita fee four y an as lews , it T-W iced and kisd cf th.3 pr id st iad hit afatee to hoar.c tha ceople the in : recaptlac worthy cf th a for foe ? yenn. Coy. iPBIL W AHEB , The R po ot the signal Ofllctfr for th Pawtt Jlonth. Tie ig ! f 4i thli coiat hu aabtnitted hia weathar report fo ? the month &f April , froca which tie fallow ing general U mj are gUac d : HlsheiibircniJe ? 30347 , date 13th. Loireat baroiseter 20 619 , diteClii , Monthly range o ! birocieeer 0.7-3. Highsi : temper tur 77 2 , dat * 5th. Lo es : taap'rataia 23 0 , date 3th. Gr atea : daily range ot teap rtara 33.3 , date ht. L as : duly rang" of terspcntaie 7- , date Sljt. Mem daily racgi cf temceratcra 17.8. Mean dally depoin : 40.3. Mean dally aelatlve hamldlty T2 4. PreTiillEg dlrectijnof wind , north , Toul movement of wind 7,767 mi'ei. Ei heat velocity of wind and direction , 33 , njrthweat , date 10'Ji. dumber of fcgy daja 5. Clear dii , 5. Fair day ? , 14. Clondy days , 11. .Ci amber cf davs en which rain anowor fell , 15 ' ' " Dates of frcata , 3J , 8th , 24th. Another North Bend Man "Gone Wrong" or to Canada Re minders to the Extent of S2.-5.000 Ijeft Behind. Fremont Herald , May 2. For some da ; a ( and eapcclally since tbo abrnpt departure of Messenger , the "stock kin ? , ' ) there have been rumors that tbo financial affairs of John Y. Smith , of North Bend , were not in the beat pcsiible condition , and that unexpected transfers of teal ettato had a tuaplclons look. A year erse so ago tie dissolved partnership , with Mr. Gallon , and stnco tint time he has largely been engaged in baying corn over In Iowa for a Chicago commission firm and tho.r cgonr , Lc.tod at Ames , Iowa. He also retiined hia basinets connection at North Bend , and was theio much of tbo time. About two weeks ago he left the Bend , with bis wife , repre senting that ho was going to Arnoa. Soon afterwards telegrams began to arrive from that plica Inquiring for him , from trhi.h it was evident that they expected him and tint ho had not arrived. Before leaving the Bond he drew two or three drafts upon tbo house before named , which wore canned. It Is learned that a letter has bean received from him , dated Now York , einco ho loft , but notblcg else to indicate his present whereabouts. Bo has an nnclo In Canada , with whoso money ho bai largely been doing business , and it may bo surmised that ho has gone there , Tbo amount of hia shortcomings , BO far AI known at present Is about twen ty-three thoueand dollars. Of thle , the agent before mentioned Is interested In 813,000 , and the firm to the tune of 810,000 or over. Bttirocn the business at North Becd und In Iowa ho WBI supposed to have a largo tup- ply of com to ihow for his drafts , but on Investigation it doesn't oem to materialize , Tliora Is probably nothing moro criminal lu the traninc- tiona than broach of faitb , and a ) there is nothing of hia earthly poiaeaaloni that can bo got at except tbo farm near North Hend , which wai already mortgaged for about all it 'a worth , It would teem that his Tlo'.mis can whittle for their own amusement , Ramsey it Buel this morning procured an order of attachment out of the district court of Dodga coun'y ' aRainat Smllb > for Iho sum of 815,000 , and Sheriff Ourran 1ms Rene up there to gobble what ho can find by virtue of mid attachment. Mr. Smith haa atood high as A trnatcd busi ness man , and thla break came upon Wa frlunds llko a etreak of lightning oat of a clear sky , _ _ _ _ _ Gen. Gr .nt' Oomllllon. YOIIK , May' ' . Lwt night WM the wor t with Gen. Orant In two weeks. Ho lent after retiricc only at abort jntwaU r nutil ix thia inormuK when bo fell Into a ileen whloU continued until eiht. Then he awoke nijain. but afterwards dozed until about ten. TheKenerarB ntrvounneas ia.At- trii uted by Ur Dousdaa to cerebral excita tion reiult'Dg fioin work on hia book nnd the unfuvomblo condition of the weather. Ilia throat and Reneral phyileiul condition ore not tucb aa to cauie uy uneauneaij The coniultation wlllUQ held to'mpriow ,