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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1885)
If THE DA1L * JBJEJE TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 2d , 1885 , THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUT ITU J Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From ; NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGAM PASSENGER ELEVATOH AND- -AT- : aclorf Prices , -AND- EASY TERMS. Send for our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere , MAX MEYER & BEO. And Solo Impoitora of Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry. Wholesale and Hetail. Cor. llth and Farnam Sts SOLE IMPORTERS t -AND-- Meerschaum Goods , IN OMAHA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GHms , Ammunition , Spoi'tiny Goods Notions and Smokers' Articles. { Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Gocds , Full and complete line nnd BOTTOM PRICES Max Mover § c Co. * J020to1024 Farnam Sts. , Omaha Who have trilled away their youthful vigor and power- Who are suffering from terrible drains and losses , w h o are weak , IMPOTEN T , SUM ! unlit for mar riage. H fl B" 6 H of ullages , who find their RUH BRJ power d vital itv i H H Ha IH nerve and SEX- U Al , STRENGTH weakened , whether hy EXCESS or early habits CAN i < > "eivi > a positive fit last- inc CU5JE , 'O matter of how loiig standing your cuso may he , or who has failed locurc you , by a few weeks or months u e of the celebra ted Myrtleain Treatment. At hoin ? . without exposure , in less . - - . , time , and for LESS money than any other method In the world. Weak back. Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defective memory , Impotence , Impediments to marriage , epilepsy and many other symptoms im.aPdiu" to'Consumption ud | nsanity , are promptly removed by the MYHTLT3A1N TKKATIJIKXT. . . . . . . . . . - MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PEKFKCT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , long life and the love anil respect of a faithful wife. No man should over marry who have been guilty of early indescretions , until he has been restored to ihli- 1ECT MANHOOD. We guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken. Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs " "d testimonials. Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Rflo. v H. T. CIcABKE DRUG- COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIG-HTON & CLAHKE. Jobbing t > nizhouioliotwo nCheiKH ! and San Fra csco. ! CAPITAL STOCK. $200,000. W ttne st' Loulli Irlc03 with freight uddcil Our ipoo'alty ' will ho . - - - JPui'eltriitiH. 3nnt8 , Oils and Wiiitloiv Glass Imatou alvcn on I' glaaa. Tt tho.o about to embark IT the dru , ' l.uslncpa will do i well to i consuli heir Interest b > olllutf on uaor bjn.l for our price list wLich will auj-iar about Ja"W"y s'h ' llclted. 1114 IIAUNK.y WHOLESALS RY Jjlt AA 1013 Jones Btieet ASK r on OED onosn. \ OMAHA KEE CHICAGO , &St The SHORT LINE. And BEST ROUTE. FHOM OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY EKTWKKN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Cedar llaplds , Davenport Clinton , Dubuque , llockford , Hock Inland , Kreeport , Jtncsvllle , Klftin , Madison , La Orosse , Bali It. Winona , And all other Important points JIast , North' east and Southeast. Ticket offloo t 1101 Funam ttoet ( In Paxton IIo < t l ) , md at Union I'tciflo Depot. l'ou.iii > BLKiciKKDUidthe FiSBflT DIMKO CARIU nil WORLD wo run onttm uulnlluet ul the Chicago WllwauUee & St. Paul IVy nd every attention lipild topiwt'iig ri by oourteoun cmplajeiol the company , a S. MLURII. ! , , A. V. H. OARPENTEn , GeuettlUuikgcr , Oen'l l' onser Agent. K UlLuKlt , QEO. r. llEAt'COUI ) , AM't Oeu'l JUntger. A , t Ooa'l I'au A ent. J , T. ULAUU , Oeu'l Supcriateudeat. . _ Is apbrodialae , nroui- ir on activity , poiltlvely 11 ourei luu > otoii" ' . lo t _ ' * < meriy.u rvou debil ity all weakneeiofsenpratlvo uytti'm .t'ltlierbox J , ll\Vuruvr , < . > l'Tbt ' ) tobt.fhies7 > A BIG CAT FREE Also 13 yalunble nnd reliable re cipes ( never before published , ) anyone ono oi : wliich is worth 51.00 aru from that to 825.00 , and n copy > the ' Cultivator" sent FltEB t < any ono that eends 'd stamps to pi ] postage etc. , 3 comic picture cardi will also be enclosed in the pick age. These recipes are valuable ti Jhe household and any energetic per ii knowing the secrets they diaclosi need never want for money ; Pleosi write name and address plainly. Pu tt stamps in a letter and address i to the WESTERN PUB. CO. , bo : 505) ) , Omahai Neb. Few people are awai . liow c s ly HIdge Food r > u be prepare A houiiilteiper nee never be at a lot ! f ( iluteit it thefeli acj ol Kiltie' * food al ) In the house , lleblK | end PUnc Mao e ulj each ma. JUjKcs loc Unow ( li l.y tutti uro-trs Dru'glitna ai mil It. la can lour u. a5o , UJxj , * l.rD ind 81.75. N I canel. che i'f t Icr regular family me. Ileiuember , H Food dcci not tax the d'irwthe orgm * . WOOL i 1C 1 CO , , Boiiua Miu , oa I be ) , COUNCJLJLUFFS ADD1TJONAL LOOAL NEW S. THE DEMOCRACY , George Blaxsim and W , B , ReedNoml- For Mermen , Tlio Fourth AVaril Hurrah. The democrats hold their ward can- cutsts last night with the following ro- suits ; * PIUST WAttD 0. D. Walters , chairman. Gco. li. Jackson , aocrotar/ . Delcgatoa G. A. Holmes , Goo. II. Jackson , 0. D. Walters , P. H. Guanolla , 0. M. Mnjnard , Jolm Dunn , Phillip Botlz. SECOND \VAUD. J. G. Tlptoj , chairman ; Wm. Pollln , secretary ; Jolm S. Templotou , assistant tccretary. Dolcgotos W. 11. Vaughnn , W. A. Mynster , Joa Dollavoii , llonry Wnjnor , J. G. Tipton , Wm. Brlx , M. P. Hubert , Robert lluntington , Wai. Alalonoy , Gco. Graves , City Contnl CotuinUtEo Tom Bow man , Wm Brlx , Jacob Noumoycr. TllIltD WAKD. After ccmldoinbln wrangle In the or ganization It was finally ulTectad by the choice of A. 0. Giabnm , chairman , end A. Swcarlngen , Eccrotary. Mike "Nolan nominated Utor o Bhxsim for alacrman from that ward , end at once movoi that ho ba cho3cu by ftcchaa'.lon. Tat Lacey amended the motion by asking for nn in- fonual ballot , and tf.or quite a wianglo and flourish of pe filamentary rules , the amendment was carried. The informal ballot resulted in Lewis Znrmulilen ! > Ucorgo BlaxBim. . . 23 A. C. Graham 2 VntLacey 2 On mellon of P. t Licy a formal balljt was had , -wllli the following results : George Blaxtim , 28 J > owi8 y.urmuhlen 10 A. C. Graham 2 It was moved and carried that the clac- tlcn of Blaxtim bo made unanimous. Mr. Blaxslm thanked the convention for the honor they had conferred , and piomised that if oloctid howould work for the best interests of his constituents regard ksi of any cliques or rings. The fallowing delegates were chosen by a viva vccj vota to Ilia tity convention , to be hold Wednesday : P. Lioy , Ohaa. A. Fox , John Greene , B. Donaho , Fred Iamb , ar. , Forest Klnnoy. The delegates were instructed to mo their Influenca in getting A. 0. Graham nominated fcr ono of the park commis sioners. The members of the c'ty central com nitttea wore , A. Swearingen , Max LIchn , Walter Graham. THE FOURTH WA11D was of conrso the great "hurrah'1 of the ovoning. John Jay Frdney displayed the grtatsst piece of paying-rock choak ever known oven In bis history. Ho called the ciucua to order , and then his hcnchrcan , Billy Galvin , nominated Frainoy for chairman. A few voices were heard in favor of FrAlopy , but the "nays" swelled Into a deafening uprcar. Despite this "sstting-down" Frainoy in sisted that ho was chairman , and declared all olher nominations out of order. Every thing was ripe fcr a row. Thcra woto demanda nnd votoa for Col. Keatley to take the chair. The colonel icfnsed to take the chair under such tircniujtances , and made a scattering speech , bnt his good judgment and wisdom saved further disgrace. At last Frsinoy concluded to lot a vote bo taken on Col. Keatley for chairman , and ho was elected unani mously. Getting down to business then aa in formal ballot was taken for aldennan re sulting : W. B. Beod 80 ; J. A. Church ill 8 ; J. A. Murphy 1 ; C. Wesley 1. Mr.Kood was declared the ncimneu by acclimation and unanimously. The following delegates werochcsan ; Brcokn Rood , Martin Hughes , Goo. A. Jacobs , E. B. Bojuuin , James Madden , Robert Percivsl , Wells Conk , John Schoentgen , J. J. Brown , R. D. Amy. TEOUELE TO TRAVELERS , Bonio of tlio AunoynnccH toVliicli tlio Fulillc is Specially Huh- In Council liliill's. Council BlulFa is getting distlugaishod for the diflioalty wnish strangura par ticularly meet with hi getting the rail ways ttrilght In thtlr hueih. There arc a largo number of tiuuk lines terminat ing hci'a , and each haa a local depot , and they all atop at the transfer or Union Pa clfic depot aleo. Tho&o who want to Btoj In the city find great difficulty ln gottiiif their baggage taken off at tbo loal depots - pots , U Invariably going through to tin transfer. Then I ha paetonpor hes t ( wait for It to bo acnt back cr pay an ex prcsnnan extra money for hau'ing It tij town. PaBBongcra , too , ara often mixed aboti ita' whore they ought to got elf. The loca depots are nothing bat llttlo huts net ita In tbo county , and the trains atop bnt t moment at tboeo placer , BO that tin average paesengor Ia led to believe thai the train Is just stopping at a. crossing jr water tank before getting into the cllj proper. At the transfer tboro are still othoi troubles , 'Jhero &ro tlmci dm ing tin day , but especially at night , whin It It Impossible lo find any moans of gottini > np town without telephoning up foi > . ' aomo private conveyance. ODO Inntanci sufiices for many , Airs. N. J. Bond ar rived from Denver Sunday mnrnlrg , t10 Union Pacific tn in by which aho cami was fifty minutes hto. Her husband Jadgo Boul , was going to tbo transfer tc ; meet her , and hid relied on the stroo or being on hind at 8 o'clock to rldi down on that. After waiting In vain hi took the foot route and airlvedatthi transfer to meet the Union Pac'lio ' trail en airlval , Tlio same diQicoKy was ex perlenced on his return , There was i10 street car for over an hoar to bring thor up town , so they had to taVe tbo B. & M , train which fortunately was waiting By that train they riscbed tbo Icoil de .re town and then walked the rest e'l pjt np c liii the way hurno. ed Not lone ; alnce a Yankton lady cam lor hero to visit some friends. She expocte them tu meet her at the depot , bnt whll they expected her to Ret elf at the Inn Ith depot , sbo oxpscted them to meet her oJ tha transfer , At the latter place , nr finding them there , die waited and td le < phf'iied ' up to her frlenda , By tbo tlm she got a response the attest cars and a oilier modes of convajanco wera gem and she waa Informed there would ba c way for h r lo got up town untl | morn- IDR , unleis she took the 11 o'clock dum my train. Uor friends were obliged to Hctn ( arrUfze , and over the roughest kind of road ? , and with necessarily the slowest sort of epecd , they made tha trip to got then ) . There are many such annoyances. Seine of them small , but together they rnako a good deal. At the transfer the stranger who hna to telephone- anyone in Council Blufl'i la charged fifteen cant * . The transfer is in the city , and the rate for telephoning in the city Is ton cants. The atrangar wanting to go over to Onu- ha and return , finds there are no round trip tickets for sale there. Numerous other llttlo brlarj makes the pathway of the traveller , especially the stranger and aojoarner in this city decidedly annoying. Death oflMis. IlutcB. tv5 ! The announcement of the death of Mrs. Caroline Francis Bates , relict of tbo hto N , S , B&tcB , conies with surprise to nuny of the friends and acqualntaneca of the fimily , for althongh she has been ill for nearly two weeks , yet it wai not gen erally known that her condition was alarming , but at 2 o'clock yesterday of- tarnoon nho breathed her Ust , dying at her homo , corner of Ninth street and Avenno B. She wan nearly CO years of age , and was born In Ontario county , Now Yoik. With her husband , carao to Council Bluffs in 1858. Her husband , who died sovci'il yous ag > , was during his llfo ono of the mst prominent and best known men of the city. Ho was atone ono lime m&yor of the city. Five sons are now left , ono of them , Ed Bates , be ing the present deputy city niarfihal , the obhora btiog William , .John , Alonzi and Still. Mrj. Bates wai a woman whoso llfo wan ono of great faithfulness to homo duties , and yet BIO won and hold the ee- totm cf insny outside of the homo circle , and her death will ba mourned greatly , especially smoug the older residents and early settlers of the city. The funeral will bo held this aflerncon at 2 o'clock. Y. M. O. A. Tlio literary and ooclal of the Y. M. C. A. will bo held as usual this evening at 8 o'clock. I'HOalUMME , Singing llociUtion Mien Bcrtio Dugol "Scenes of iny childhocd , " as food recollQC- tlons prct-eot them to view , continued , by n number of the boys. RECKS9. Sons Male Chonif Ilocitntion Mlfs Kvo Barnard Ueadirjgof the monthly " 1'on BudRet , " by II. E. Twltcholl. 'Tointcrs Goat , " L , M. C. Sloyor. Officer Wheeler last night arrested two suspicion ? acting fellows giving their names ai William Dallcy and Jamea Welch who had ia their possession a sack containing a fine laproba , which they had boon trying to sell. An owner is wanted for the robe , and the follows are beirg hold. Mayor Vaughan says ho yesterday urged N. P. Dodga , Thos. Oflicer and A. W. Steel to run for alderajon , bnt they declined. Aho telegraphed Congress man Pasey to accept a like nomination. Ho eays the city needs snch men now. Yes , decidedly. The democratic city commlttoa moots Wednesday at 1:30 : p. m. , probably In Dohsny'a hall , the city building being too small. John Wall and Mes 0. E. Block , bcth of this county , wee yesterday married at the parlors of tin Bechtclo hotel , by Justice Schurz. Xow 1'or Suing Work. Western Agricultulis , Prepare now fo ) spring work , Lay well your plans. Matured , thoughtful p'ans , well worked ip to , are the royal road to successful farming. Don't lot the work Ecsumulali aboaa of. you , but keep well ahoed of your work. Don't lot np for a day on ho care of the stock to keep them In fnlllssh , yonng and old , until grass , warm toath'r or work. Pre pare tbe farm mialnery for work by ordciing repairs neessary In ample time. Now look to your aed. Secura the bast seed of nvery kiul uat is available at any coat , but beware of wonderful now things not to bn hai in the regular trade. Order from TTO ! known seedsmen or your Iccal daair , Prepare to add nioro grass for the itosk , ni it Is the chcapt-st and best fed when abundant. Add to your supplyof fruits on the farm until yon have an abundant supply of small friths of al kadr , apples and other frolte , and a goal grdon of the many excellent - collent varletiasot vegetables that every farmer should luvcfor hi ) family. Pre pare now the gerda and orchard by lib eral application of lannro , give the gard : en an early plovin , with thorough cultl- \aticn , as early asx > .sible. Ti'o ' drain. Ing should novborovidod for , if any ii to bo doao this leron , and ihero are bnt few farms wlare tile draining ii not needed on sono parts of the fields Fences and ferm mfr-vniienti shoula now bo taken ia bid. Look wall to the details in every dmrtmcnt of the farm work , and the raits will ba uniformly it crowned with succa. ' Tlio Presimt'a Double , a Baltimore Herald , The habitues of o saloon at Wlllard's hotsl were rather look up to BOO Presi dent Arthur walk and order a whltky y punch. From MHard'a ho s'rolled down to Shoemnk'a , where ho tossed elf another punch. lie was all by him- eolf , and the unprodentoi tpaotacla of Ilie president proiuding | tha avenue g attmated general amtlon , Everybody r oonttoslcd , but thorcsidcnt responded o with a stony clar < "Why , Arthur la - painting the towrod ! What does it nieant"'j said evcbcdy. Down the avenue the presidt went , hiltlng at , Harvey's whera hmbsorbod a gin cock o tail , with throe frf oyttorscna fork , 13y this time * the rsldent's faca was un duly rod , and hla pecks atuck out like fried tomatoes , pt hn bravely mean dered along the atnu unlit ho reached a hotel , when ho.'zain ouoounterod a - bntkeepar. Ht'rcbjBtandor ro.iio bold to apeak to die addressing him as m "Mletar Preside1 ! 'Mister ' "that's - who'piledtho ? man ; not my name ; r name'a ' Appleton , eof TaTte aumthln ? " of Appleton { B thfttoror of a club in St. LoulF. lie had t Ills home in the aa glowiog est to farnadlne the pale at- sd racspboio of thoU. In th < mornln ? , lie with his o'abcr toiltt and h'a ' slightly pinkish face , hwas a plctura of the president , lene Dentil of a ll iiiKCon Merchant. ne BoitusoTON , Id , Februsry3 Wesley all Jones , wholesale iiibant , thU city , tiled thli , m irnlnp o ( heart dis , after u Illness of no ) wo monthi , PAOT3 AHOUT Till-3 OAHINI3T. OlllccsVltliont Much lolluenco le- pnrtincntN I lint nro llnril lo Now Votk Mall and KxproBi. The Impoitanca of cabinet olliccrs is greatly cxairgoiated Due of the roatona Icr this lies In the fact that thtrj Is to much ( pace given to the discussion of these cllicara prior to the formot'ou of * n admin's'.ration. ' There is grett public curiosity concerning the make-up of any now president a cabinet. This curiosity In ono sense Is not personal. It de sires to know the make-up of a cabinet simply because It is generally regarded as a test of the ability of the president , nnd to a certain extent gives an accurao guago of his future policy. The small nan In the presidential oilico Is alwjya ndlcatcd by his fear of being over shadowed by his surroundings. [ t Is only a great nun who can ntfjrd , o sur.-onnd himself by the great. Bnt when a cabinet is once form- id the cabinet members loto much of their importance. Aside from the patron- ajo which they dispense In their depart- nuns era ovor-burJenod with simple routine drugdory which cannot bo ovnelcd ) r put upon anyone else. Unless they javo unusual opportunities , through for- Innate circumstances , of having name public question pressed upon thorn for : oiuidcratlon , they go through their toims of office doing the work of hlgh- clats clerks and bciag in every sense cf the word secrctirics to the president. Of all tbo cabinet cilices the state de partment Is perhaps the osictt , although It is ranked iirjt. Thsra ii lest drudgery connected with this divliion. Except in cases of Intornatli ml question ? , where a li'gli order cf ability is called int ? play in tha prepartlon of dispatches , there Is but llttlo to do. An hour n dsy is enough fbr the Boorttary of fitftto to go through his mail and do all of what yon might call the routine i\ork of hU pao. ! The socrolary cf the treasury has an enormcmj amount of drudgery , no is obliged for tbroo hours nt lout ovcry day to sit and merely write his mine. Do ban lo hoar otgumonti in appeal cases from his various bureaus , and to rectivo delcgat'on otter dc'cgation rcpresanting commercial Interests. Thoccstoma regu lations of the country seem to bo mace for the purpose of hanussing and aunoy- Ing importer , ] to the la\t digrco. They are Cjiistantly making appaah. The sec retary of the treasurer must hear them. In this way ho is burdened with a great amount cf work. The war depart men t is an easy plice. Everything there is ar > ranged to run by machinery , through the fact that the department is chiefly ofii cncd by men holding commissions in the. army. Their positions being peraanott , they nro very llttlo disturbed by changes cf secrotarlo ? . The navy department is practicably the o < mo aa to the ease cf the plaea and the arrangement of its work. Some years ego congress created the t Ilicts of aesl&tant secretary of tbo navy and of war. These places have never bean filled. Their salaries have beni cDvered Into the treasury regularly every year ; probsb'y the only instance on record in the history of the government where two good places have been provided by con gress wi'hont ' their being promptly filled by the executive. Tha poetollico depart ment is a very bmy place. But for labor which is absolutely endless the In terior department should be commended. This department has grown to such a great extent that no secretary , by work ing twenty-four hears in a day , cou'd ' do all the work he Is required to do at ilia head of this department. Practically tbo secretary of the interior has more work than the supreme court in the hear ing of appeal cases alone. The pension bureau has practically become an inde pendent department tnrough the physical incapacity of any aecroUry to supervise It and attend to the work under his ncso every day. The department of justice , the last in line , is comparatively easy. The duties are so light that they would bo a mere pleasure to any good lawyer. The attorney general is only called upon for occasional decisions. The real work of the place would not occupy him over two or throe hoorj a day. "I Peel So Well. " "I want to ( hank you for tolling mo of Dr. Pierce's "Favorito Prescription1 writes a lady to her friend. "For a long time I was unlit to attend to the work cf my household. I kept about , but 1 felt thoroughly miserable. I had terrible backaches , and bearing-down sensations acrcsi mo and was quite weak and dls c.uraged. I sent and gottomo of the med- icioo after receiving your letter , and it has curad me. I hardly know myself. I feel so wo'l. " "WAI/THING ( IN UcmarkrUdo Evliihltlon a ( a Skating Kink Jn Nc\v York. The Now Yoik Times says : Hundreds of jouug men and maidens and old men and children circled about the Manhat tan roller skatirg rink last evening , mov ing in time to marcboj , wal'z.s and gal ops executed by Gllmoro'd band under the personal direction of Mr. Gilmore bimsplf. Among the attractions of the evening was the execution of a solo by Lory , the cornotist , which wai heartily encored , and a descriptive fantasia enti tled "A Skating Scene , " composed by Bucallojsi and rendered by the full or chestra. An exhibition of fancy skating was given by Kobert ) , Ag'ntsn ' , who , so m.inngor Moxon alleges , "was born with skates on. " She young man sk ted baoknard wi'h as much c.vo and ai many grictful circumlocutions as lie did forward. lie made faster time on ono skate than tha iverago ortltt docs on two , and crowned all by actually executing a waltz on roll- era , The beginners' room was the tceno of many ludicrous spectacle ? . It looked ao easy for otbcra to skate that tlu neophytes always started out with cocfi donco , only to bring up very suddenly with a dull report and a cluttering of rolhrs. Tlmo and again gallant but awkward amateurs stumbled t ) the assistance anco of EH unfortunate maiden , only to add themselves to the heap of fallen hn- uauity. 1 ho Instruct M had their bends , and their arm * , too , continaal'y ' fall , lit- ora'ly and figuratively. Washington's birthday Is to bo celo irated at tbo Manhattan by a special lllmcra matinee , to open at 11 o'clock In ho morning. "It AVftH Very This is what the hunter mid on return- ng from a night spent In ttorm and dark- nois amid Ilia grorla of bears , tha houla of wolvoi and tbo expected approach of iorp3tita. The combination of horrors cnown G.i dyspepsia Is even more diia- groeablo than all this. Get rid of ii by taking Brown's Iron Bittars , as Mr , J. E Gliky , of Hamilton , Texai , did. Ho say * , "I used Brawn's Iron Hitters for dyspepsia and am greatly benefited. " CHAS. SHIVERXCK , I UPHOLSTERY AND DttAl'ERIKS , Klcvnlor to nil iloor § . 12M , 1208 anil 1210 I'lUnam Street , OMAHA , XnU 1409 and UlUDotteeSt. { * * % & & ? * } Omaha Ne- And Don't Tins Chance. tbJ.8 The beat opportunity over oITcre.1 to try your hick in thcso hard limit * . t In order to pl\o the pulillc in ( fenarnl the ailvnntnuo with n email Mini of tnnnuy , to par- tictpnto In n renl Gcrintm Money Lottery , gu.irnntcod mid unnctionfd by tlio Gotni'in govern- inent , we offer five wliolo orlgnal tickets which wo liavo made Into Hi dilforrnt nnnihera of the 237 , HnmburK Lottery , In club playa nnil sell pnmo for the nmnll sum of $5 ui lone a wo have seine on hand. Tho'o tickotR nro Rood for Iholnnt tliroo principal drawings whicii comm - mnco Match ll.lSSD , nnd tcrmitatoon Mny 13 , IfSu. This Lottery has been fnrnvorllS yen in existence ; IIRH ODO hundred thousand tickets nnd fifty thoimnnd BOO winning numbers which is over ono half the nctual amount of tickets. Knch Iio'der of tickotn receives , after the c'rawiBRH ' , the Oripinnl List * , nho tlm nioiint of the prize if won. Wo hope , as wo give 10 different numbcip , that every ticket holder , on receipt of the winning lists , will bo fattsficd with the result. The capital prlcon are mark 000 000 , 300.000. 200CO , 100.0CO , 90- 000. 70,000 , 50.00P , HO.OCO , etc . tlio smallest boirp 146 mark. It IB of interest to each nml everyone to invest as soon ng popMbU- before the tickets are nil sold. Kcinit either by Post- oilico order or draft and ticlitts will BO forward nt once. Original tickets of the Hamburg & Ufuuhwick nnd Saxim , conetnutly on hand. O. F. HP11MIUT & CO. , C2 Congress Street , Detroit , Mich. JO. TPYA.TT. Guinings and 20th Sts , , Omaha , Nob. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . LIME AND CEMENT. ItnUli , Window Cipj , lion Or aln9 ! , Metallic Sky-llghti , &o. Tin , Iron ted (1 * tt , HO Qonlb IStb Ctreel Omabi Nebraska. 11 LI I 151 Abiolutely Pure and Unadulterated. Entirety Free from FUSIL OIL. t ' iiliyttlcliui dlsjM-iisIiif ; room , 'tuf. V .V VONIIKII. wrlti'S "I'lirlly lt lf- liioun.MiillVliUUi - > . I know It to bu Duirj'ii Molt Wlilikcy. It tlm imiert llqiuir iliat I clean und iinudultoruUHl. " liiivvcrorarinlyu'd , lirin t llii-n furji in rilUll. II. HAWKKH , M.II.ofRnrtirati > rK.Y. rucoinnuiiil it to llw niiUlmil | inift'i loii. a Kii natuof tliujtudliiu KnrujM'aiirullt vt M.naytu "j TliolatollAKViV : rJIIM , .M.I . . pluHCTllMiyour Mull \ \ liULry III my prui tint IKTI > , of tlm Kacultr. and l'iof. > "rof Iho lUltlmoruMtd cuiitlcItT ft viiy riix > rlor li'lluMu uitldn nnil cnn leal UulicKi , . av " I ilnd It ri-umrkubly fire limiHIy iifmnini'iHl Utiiluwmutiitfnr fc-HTn , iiculc runllull mul oilier nlij > i'tl" ' " > bl maUrlitiu lu often InlUniiiiatluiiM , und d < prtwlni ; muludlm K < "dully , fuuud In the uliUklni uf tliv | ire < lit day uiid ulin ii4 a tonlo In fuliUt < llw ctlnn nnd ri mnl . fimrt M 1 ttf hLatun Inland tllH * ' 'W''U flolll UCUle llUtUM'lf , nlllT > Illl ulcullilllO author I Iinscribo J.\MIH of : i an I vlLi alcoholla rVAIniVviiv rtlinulant , I orUcryour ri" lr" > Vit,1 fa : ' , ; * ' . uimoimllii. ' , ; ' ; ' , ' ? , i' uattd. ud , , jiK < .an , n. i'iuidu I IN FACT , IT IS A BEVERAGE AND MEDICINE COMBINED. mn nnUCTTMDTTtFnC oni1 tiuwn mulcted with iii.iH : urniA ; i'.s , > 1 U bUJMijUIfAr AlUliOj IVIi AVI I , I , on rrcolptof MX JOIIIIS , V m-nil to niiyinldrcNN In tlio l/nltcl SluteH ( I'Jmt of I ho Hoi-ky MnuntaliiH ) , nil I'\- > iir Nn OliaruuN pri'l"1' ' plain C-UKII ( tlun uvoldlrii ; nil opportr " ' - uontalnliif ; Six Unurt liolllfw of our I'l/ltlC / ? I.VITVIllsK nrltlut ! iinil under the Seal ol'Jhc < ! oniiiiiiiy a Sllltl ! mill I * ' " ' i'ONHIMfl'TION mill other AVASTINIJ IMSUASI'.S in Ilicl Konniilii hiisbi'fnprfjiurulespoclullyforiisljy tliiKretttlfriimnHcl ( iill ! . . , Itran lui pn-ikiritt lir nnv fiuullv liniiM > kc < > iM-r ut slli/lit fxiH-nsu ( Haw Itccfstouk nnil ourv * 2PTTX4.E ! XWC JuXjr1WrBikxiSHXiaJ lilnuof tin. JnBmll ntH. ) ! Alli-r Hilti propurutlon IIUB liei'ii tulccn tor u r w u i-i-Uu , tli piiivloiuly coiiBplciioiulv prnin * Incut lioni-u luimtli'iitH BUlTorlnir from Ontniinptlon und the Ifku dkuubUM , * ' ( coinoU njth a ! thick coatlnc or fut and inubckDm Hiinkcn and | jIoMllcwflifH ) ( III nji nnd amuiiiDii roHV liiiu , . the drooping Hplrlta revive , whllo nil thu iiiiisulrgoftlii ) Imly , and cliluf iiiiinni : them thtOu-ait , ! ure btronscr unit better ublu to perform thrlr ftuictloiiH , ln'cuuao of I > UIIK | nouii hcd uilh u i Idler blood thun they Imd Ix'i'ii iH-fortt In othi'i onU , the nysli'in is Hiippllcd nltli mom , curbou than thu illBvuHu van oxIiaiiHt , tlivrt-by Klvlnt ; imtiirtt thu HPIH.T hnnil In thu cuulllct. ! SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS AND FINE GBOOERV HOUSES J * Sample Quurt llottlt-n wnt to uny addn-ss lu tht < I'lilti-il Ktnti-a < Kit > t of thu Itorky MOIIII- ! tains ) , bectimy piiufaiMl In plulii OJIMJ , J xjircmi cluirura jirrjialU on receipt of J&3L.2CJ. ! THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO , , BALTIMORE , MD , , U , S. A , : !