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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1885)
_ THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 21. 1885. H i HE DAILY BEE i Tuesday Morning , Feb. 24 , LOCAL BREVITIES , KdWal h > IM returned from Lincoln where he h s been actively "engaged" durin the putt week. Tha case ot Al Hlxon , charged with th 'seduction of Sarah K. Kray , hM been com promised , and will not bo tried In Judg JJrando'a court. The Omaha Circle of ChanUnquans rneo at the reiidento of Mr . 1' . P. Shannon , 100 ir rnam street , this croning. A specla LonRfellow programme has boon arranged. The Young People's atsoctation of th Second I'resbytcrUn church Is usttlnrr up Longfellow entertainment for Friday evenIng Ing , which promises to bo a very pleasan affair. Mr. Alfred Kennedy will bo married tt M ! i Lizzlo Lolnnnring this morning nt 1 o'clock , the ceremony tikinc place at th < residence of the brido'a father , 7CO South .Eighteenth. The Hock Island last evening was one hour late , the fast mall on time , ai the othc eastern trains. The Union PaciBo west Iwund loft the depot thirty minutes late delayed waiting for the Kock Island. The county commissioners In looking over the now furniture of the court house , have found that eomo of the desks and platforms are under size. Contractor Feigo , of Ea i Soginaw , Mich. , has been notified that tin articles will not be accepted , Fifty cira of corn came in from the weal Sunday , 3 of merchandise , 18 of coal , 3 o hogs , 5 of stone , ID ot lime , 2 of hay , and 6 o bullion , nil consigned to local trade. Six cars of merchandiio were shipped ouat , wheat , 4 of corn und 1 of hogs , A Fifteenth street physic ! n has offurei Owen Connolly , alias "Whiskey Jack , " a S20 Id piece if that worthy will stick to his poranco pledge until the end of the prost - t year. Jack says that ho is bound to win ho double cngle. The First Preibyterian church choir Is " 1'rofundo. " The soon to have a now "Basso addition has already arrived In the shape of an addition to the family of Mr. F. S. Smltb , a buxom baby boy having put in his appear ance last week. Lafayette Garner , formerly of Kansas City , anived in tbis city yesterday and will take chat go of the business of tha American and Wolls-Fargo Kxprcss companloi , the sltion formerly held by Mr. Charles Sloan , division superintendent , now of Kansas City. There seems to bo a dearth of Hock Spring soft coal. Owing to the snow the usual supply has been unable to reach this plnco and the company Is unable to supply the demand. They are now a week behind their orders with no Immediate prospect of catchIng - Ing up. up.Asmall Asmall blaze was discovered at tha resi dence ol A. Tram an , corner 10th and Hurt , Sunday evening. The fire originated from the grata in the parlor. By the a ° slstanco of the neighbors the fire was put under control before the fire department was called out , damages light. The Glee Club boys are now planning a concert , to be given some time in Aptil or May , in conjunction with the Mendelssohn Quintette Club of Boston. The organization is now in a ilourisfciuR condition , and has granted a hamljomo rntseof salary to Director Smith for the currant year. Harry Mooree , son of Frank Moores , of the Wabash corner , was exercising in the high school gymnasium yesterday afternoon when > ho slippsd aid foil from a horizontal ladder , being violently precipitated a distance of twenty feet. His arm was broken by the fall. Dr. Uoffman set the fractured member , Jacob Villeboisa well known bartender of this city , has suddenly become imano in fact , n raving maniac. One of his fancies is that of ' transcribing the Bible in rod Ink. Ho Is now confined in the county jail and will bo taken to the Lincoln najlum. The breaking down of his reason is supposed to bo duo to the ro- ont lees of two children. It is a good thing for the thoatro-goers of ' Omaha that Clara Morris was not booked hera last week. Had fiho been booked nho could not have filled the engogomeDt , owincr to the enow Blockade and then her leading man was troubled with so bad a cold or loss of voica that it was impossible for him to speak above a whisper. Under such circum stances a performance could not have been other than unsatisfactory. An exhibition E canine sport took piece yesterday in a fight between a brace of bull-dogs owned by two local sporting business mon , neither of whom live fur trom Fifteenth nd Farnam. The event , which came elf at a suburban "road house , " was attended by a tolect num , ber of invited initiates. Neither of the dogs was killed , though ono of them was badly used up. Capt. Her was thrown out of his buggy and considerably bruised , about 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon. His horse started near Tenth and 1'ierua and Ixjcamo suddenly frightened , running down Tenth to Castellar. Hero the buggy was overturned and the Captain thrown out. The hor.e , with the buggy dragging on the ground , run into an adjacent yard , and tunning tgninst a post the vehicla was violently shattered. The school bo.ud hold an extra session lint night in the board rooms. The plans drawn by Mtndolisohn & Fither for the now school buildings on Twenty-eighth and Itanium and ° Kighteenth and Caatollar were examined. Toe plans aud specifications wore upprovod and to-day bids will bo advertised for. The Farcam street building will cost $20,000 , and the Castellar building S18.0CO , differing from tha first only in point of exterior finish. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Insti tute has removed from the coiner cf Twelfth and Howard utreets , into the building former ly known a > tha Cioightou loute , corner of Thirteenth street and Capitol avenue. This has fifty largo aud commodious rooms for the $ accommodation of patients md Is now one of tha best appointed medical institutions in tbe n entire country. As all departments are under the supervision of tkilled phyniclnns , Omaha will duubtles * soon become celebrated M a point for medical treatment. Mmo. Ahlimder-IJergntrom , the famous Swedish nightingale has been stopping a couple of days with her comptny in Omaha , She Ins given a series of concert * in Illinois and Kansas with very good success , aud re turned home to-day to rest a few weeks. She then intends to start outigiinona concert tour in Westein lovra and Minnesota , and is proviilluj upon to give a concert In Omaha bo'ore going north. She has u lurga number of friend * In thU city , who , together with all music lovers will be very pleased to boar the charming tones of the Swedish nightingale. COURT OULLINGS , The District Jmllclnry AVlokc Yontlis ArrAljjueil Minor Items , In the district court yesterday the cas of Stephenson vs. Corrigan waa on tria before Judge Wakely. Before Jndgu Neville the crlmlna docket waa pissed for tha day , the wit nesses In the Gazelle murder casa botn dismissed until to-day , when a jury wil bo impanelled and the trial commenced Poor boy , very small and very wicked were arraigned before Jndgo Neville , on transcripts from the police conrt , T\v of them , Owen Connolly , eon of Owen Connolly , Sr. , bettor known as "Whisky Jack , " and Willy Mulltr , were charged with stealing some turkeys and with be ing generally good-for-nothing ; It ha < boon the Intention of the Judge to sent both bojs to the reform school , but their parent ) plead BO strenuously In their be half that It was hard to rofnso mercy Accordingly , Judge Novilo promiiod to suspend sentence until Wednesday ii order to gain time for rellcc tlon. Lon liiowott , nllai "Sleepy,1 was arraigned on a charge of being a yuuthf al tough and a fit sub ject for the roforro ichool. Jtlis parcn's ' liavo been ordered to appear bcforp next Saturday and show canso why he should not bo sent thither. Dan Thomp son , a youth of classic proclivities , wai arraigned for having stolen a book of poc try from CaulQeld'a book store. Ho was discharged , as the evidence against him was insufficient , The following is the call of cases li this conrt to-day BBFOllE JUDOE WAKELY : Stephenson vs. Corrigau , contract. Thomas vs. Thomas. Alette ot al. vs. McGuckin. Mor'arity ' ve. city of Onuha. Estabr > oks ot al. vs. Coots. Grosch vs. Svaslna. Kuhhman vs. Pujckoetal. Lucas vs. RypinskL Chluborry vs. Sin ill. ( EFOBK JUDQn NEVILLE THE C1UM1NAL DOCKET. M1NOH ITEM9. Ill the county court yesterday the casa of Cavan&ngh vs. Doyle for $105 on n boot and ahoo account duo from defend ant , was on trial. Before Judge Bencko yesterday after noon , John Bonnor wan arraigned on a charge of throwirg bricks through a neighbor's window. As there waa no convicting evidence , Bonnor was ro- oased. The case of the State of Nebraska vs. ; ra Pronty , who fs charged with nt- empted rape up-m Mrs. Maggie A. lames , of North Omaha , haa been con- Inued In Judga Weiss'court until next week. Mrs. James , according to a phy aiclan'a certificate has not snfliciently re covered from the shock to testify. Fjthian I'erpetratirms , 1 ho next aocial of Myrtle Division No. , Uniform Rank of the Kniuhta of 'ythiaa , will ocur at Metropolitan hall , ornor Dodge and Fourteenth streets , on Wednesday evening next' Ever fond of arlety , these gay Knight ) will make this octal a calico party. Wo do no- know 3 much about calico as wo should , but wo believe the novel feature of tbia on- ; ertainment will bo that cash lady is ex- looted to appear In a toilet mainly of alico. She aho takes a p'oco of calico , matching in color and pattern that com > oaing her dress , makes it into a small ow , or favor , suitiblo for pinning on a ontleman'a coat. This bow la placed in blank envelope , and , upon arriving at 10 place of entertainment , Is handed to 10 muiagar. After the company are all assembled 10 manager places the envelopes In a > aaket and from the basket the gentle men draw , hap-hazird , ono envelope ach till all are drawn. Each gentleman lion opens hia envelope , hunts up the ady whoso dress the contents of his en elope matches and becomes liar cec rt r the grand march. In addition , the rst half cf the dancing programme , anclng partners will bo selected exctn- ivuly by the ladles. No gcntlnmnn , will urlug that time , bo perm tted to invite lady ta dance , under penalty of a for- t'iluro of a box of clg r. < , for the use of bo division for each and every ollbnoe. j.idlea will bo expected to promptly ro- > ort each Infraction of this ulo to the manager. Gentlemen [ jus left without partners will 10 expected to adorn the walls , .11 wall ) wors , with amiable ro Ignation , and will smile and try to luolc SB though they Id not caro. At the cloio of the first > ntof the dance programme , the l > rdi if creation will resume the excrcho of holr natural privileges , nud escort tbo adius to refreshments , after which they will select dancing paitnors for the re mainder of the ovouiutr Any Udy who nvitos n gentleman to dance , during the ocond part of the programme , will incur forfeiture of well the knights luvo ot yet decided just what ; that is thus ar a secret ; they are n very mys'orions ot of folio B. These tociala of the vnights of Pythias have been oxtremnly > leaant to all who bnva hid the privi- ego of attending them , and this cillcj mrty promises mro amusement to those merry follows and their fa r ladles. Itcul KHIIIIO TiiuiBl'orB , The following transfers were filed Feb. l with the county clerk and reported or the BKK by Ames1 roil eslato agency. Sarah Adeline Roberts to II so E. lilph , w ii of lit 8 blk 5 , Reed's 1st add o Omaha , w d , $2 250. A fl. Sander and wlfo to Peter Olson , ot 8 in A n , Sander's add to Omiha , w ,5500 Wra. MorRoll and wife to John F Jned , part of lot 0 Capital add in HA-I of nvj of sec 22 , 15 , 13 , § 2,600. U. P. R'y Co , to Hlinebangh it Mor- lam , lot 0 b k18 , PJatta Valley , w d , $10. $10.Joh. Joh. Nolkorn aad wlfo to Clam Strrm , and w 4 if lot G and all of loti 0 7 , 8 nd 9 In b'lk 11 , Mil'aixl ton , w d. $500 W. T So man and wifa to Jilm R' ifcKonzie , w 20 ft of Jot 10 blk Y , and ft 0 ft of lot 0 in Uk Y , In Shlnn'n ad add 3 Omaha , w d , $1 700. An Answer. 'o the editor of the BEIC. Will you ploisa allow mo through the olumra of your rapt r to antncr a qaet- Ion asked in an editorial of Saturday's venlng'a BKK , for your information , is well as others psrlupa In the city. "la It possible this measure waa quietly ashed through by enterprising book- ' gent ) with 211 eye to bus'msi ? ' As for einj done qtrelly it Is true , but the benefit to the book.fgent Is a myth , Ex caeca are needed for many things. Mr Editor will you please glvo the "hono to wbom honor Is due. " for it is an honor nnd ono of the happiest , prondos achievements of the Woman' * Uhilstiin Temperance Union. How rejoiced w are to have the name of Nebraska mlde to Michigan , Vermont , Now Hampshire Now Yotk , Rhode Island and Foonsyl vnnln , showing "scientific tcmparance in sirnction secured [ byla-v , " has been pasioc by thn legislature of Nebrask * . Please Ctvo the credit it the legislators at Lin coin , nnd the Woman's Christian Tern peranco Uubn of this state , the foresight to too 'tis the dear children wo love nui c to fcr , boliayioe , "Tinin up the chil ( Iron In the way they should ao nnd when they ate old they will not dopatt fron it. " S. _ If you have a Sore Throat , n Cough o Cold , try B. H : Douglass & SonsrCap slum Cough Drops , they nro pleasant t < the tasfe , peafoctly harmless and wil surely euro you. C TEUSONAJj George Oanfield left for West Point yesterday day morning on business. Dr. Amelia Burroughs has gone to Cblcag on profession 1 busineas , Miss Ada Buttry , of I'lattsmouth , and Mis Josephine Thompson , of Ashland , took dinnc at the 1'axton hotel yesterday. Mr. F. S. 1'usey and Mr. J. McCllntock , o Council Blulfg , were In Omahn yesterday am [ oak dinner at the l'a\ton. Mr. C. A. Brings , of Klyrln , Ohio , has ar rived in Omaha , and will accept a position in the ollico of the Gas company. J Mr. J. K. Boyd has returned from his tr ! to Now York and other eastern points. H also took in the exposition at New Orleans 01 his return. C. F. Annett , general manager of th Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company with headquarters at Salt Like City , Is in Omaha on business , J. E. Webster , Denver ; A. S. Whittlesey Lincoln ; Gcorpo II , Kincald , Sioux City ; MIF Webb , West Point ; B. B. Baldwin , Elkhorn 17. II , Balllnger , Chicago , are at the Cunfield Mr. Gustavo Mortimer , manager of the ilo'aud llced comedy company , is at the Mil ard. Mr , Mortimer is slightly indiaposot and will rest here until the arrival of his com- ) any. any.W. W. II. Sharon , son of Sharon , of Sharon- lill notoriety , with his bride , pa end through ibis city last night on their return from a irldal tour. Dr. George L. Miller , editor of the Herald , oft Sunday afternoon for the east. It Is now said to bo a sure tiling that Dr. Miller will be the postmaster-general in President Heve'and's cabinet. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Phillips will leave for Washington to attend the inau juration ceremonies of President Cleveland , from Washington they will go to Now York and will visit numerous points in the east bo- ore returning , being absent from homo about our weeks. Mr. W. J. Cappelle , agent for the Daly 'Vacation" company , Is at the Millard. The ) aly party is composed of four brothers and ono sister , Ono of the brother ? , William ) aly , has an honorable prefix to his name , laving been a member of the Massachusetts last year. Mr. F. A. Langheine , managerof tbo depot atlnp h.3use'has returned from a trip of four veeks through the east , lie was accompan ed by an excellent little lady , who he Intro- luces with an air of great satisfaction ai Mrs. jangheino. The happy young couple have akcn rooms on Park avenue. Mr. James O'NollI , leading man of the Monte ChrlBtio"companyi < quartered at the lillard. Mr. O'Neill gained considerable otoriety , as ho was cast in the character of Christ" in Silma Morse's great "Passion" lay. It is rumored that Mr. O'Neill will ; art next season in "Hamlet. " Mr. S. V. Pryor , of Rochester , New York , s in the city making arrangements to open a istrlbuting hou o ta eupply the western trade ith his bojtH and shoes. Ho has a largo nanufactory in Richestor and realizes the act that ho must have a liouso within reach f the great trade which is springing up in n's vviHtern country. O. M. Young , Botlinc ; L , M. Whitman , , G. Anie , Sciibner ; J. W. Manning , Paw ea City ; W. M. McCartney , Lyons ; B. F await , Huntings ; M. A. Shipmau , Plaits- nouth ; L S. Estello and wife , Blair , N ib. ; V. M. Chick , Kansas City , and C. A , Iluggs : Klgrla , Ohio , are stopping at the Metro- olltan. .Agricultural Statistics. To tbo public I have the pleasure of V ubmlttingtho accompany iog tables glv- ng the totals for the year 1834 , as there- n sot forth and giving you heroin a com- arisen with the year 1883 , which will , think , deseivo yonrjict'co ' and careful onsideratlon : Wheat , acres , 1881 , 1,050,421. Wheat , acres , 1883 , 1,772 U1K ) . Decrea'o in acreage , 710,605. IMimatlng tha yield fiom the reports re- civcd , ftt 17) bushels ; gives the total yield or 1881 18,4e7 437 bushels , being a decrease f 8,093,803 , tinhel . Corn , acreage , 1884 , 3r 8GS03. Corn , acreage , 1883 , 2,813.303. Increaee In corn area , 773f,00 acrrs , Estimating the average y old at 1 84 bushels , ivestho total yield for 188J. 138,001,915 lU'Imh. Increase over 1883 , 32.913,016 iii'liela. Ilytt , acres in 188 , 82,753. llje , acreiin883 , 01 170. Increaee hi acreuge , 18,577 acres. Katimatiog the averagi vifldnt 22 J bushels , ives the totul yield 1,801,012 , , being an in- reaao of 1,502,814 bushels Oats , acreage , 1881 , 027 529 , Oats , acreapo , 1883 510 , ' 01. Increased acreage , 87.3IJ8 acres. Estimating the yield at 35 buthelu , C\yos \ the otal yield 1,913,51 , an increase of 33,615 mhel , Barlfy , acreage , 1881 , 105 205. Harlfy , acreage , 1881) ) , 103.8 0. IncreaBol acreage , 1 , 1(15 ( acres , Estimating the yield at 1Gbwhels , gives total of 1 , 70,422 bushel ) , an increasj of ,61'J bushels. I have no report of the flax product of 883 , Flax , acreage , 1881 , 30,212 , W. O. T. U. arcotln/ / ? . A meeting , with a view to the organl- itlon of a branch of tbe Woman's Chris- Ian Temperance union , will bo held In bo A. M. E. church , corner Webster and Eighteenth streets , on Tuesday , February 4th , a * 2:30 : p. m. Such an attendnnca ud Iriteioit In the subject on this occas- oii la hoped forund expected as sball Inure - uro sorco proQUblo rciulta in this do- artment of Christian labor , Ml < S , L. UCItKOUQIIH. _ Plat , pratident. 'OIGUT-LAHSON. In this city , February 23d , bv tha Rev. .T. 8. Detweiler , Mr. Her man Voigbt to Mies Cariie 8 , Larson , both of Ojraha , A PLEASANT WEDDING , The Village ol Klfchnrn tlio Hccno of n NoUblo Wedding , EtKiionx , Feb. , 10 , 1885 , For Uia Jail two weeks onr little burgh has been filled wilh rnmois ot rm op- pronchlng wedding , ono of the contrtcl- Ing parties being oar esteemed fiiondnnd towmm n , Win. S. Canon the druggist of onr city. The brldo , Mrs. Elizabeth lleovcs , widow o [ the hto Jtsjo llceves , of Spring" Grove , Douglas county , Ne braska , la well known by all the old settlers tlors of Omiha aud Donglai county. The ceremony took plao3 nt the ro i denco of the biicle , in the presence of n few Intimate friends , the llev. Mr. Thompson , of Albion , Nebraska , officia ting. ! Notable oinong these prcsant wor Mr. and Mrs. Proslou Reeves , Omaha , their mother , Mrs Elizabeth Reeves , of Omahn , familiarly known as "Grandma Reeves" ; Mr. J. 0. Reeves , Mlsn Della ROOVOB , Mr. John Qalnn nd wife , of Elkhorn ; Mr. William llanoy , wlfo and daughter , of Wat or lee ; Mr. John Bar low , of Bancroft , Nebraska ; and Mr. BlafrrJ Barlow , of Elkhorn , brothers of the bride ; Mr. Dan. W. Canon , Elkhorn , son of the qroom ; Mr. Doorson , Mn. Uickey and son , of Spring Grove ; and Mies Anna Evors , of Omaha. "Grandma" llaovcs came to Douglas coun'y ' with her SDBB , Preston and Jefse , and their families in 1855. Slnco then she has drawn around her a largo circle of friends whoio faces always brighten when "grandma" cornea. After a bountiful feast and a pleasant evening , tbe guests departed all wishing the brldo aud groom a prosperous and h ppy vojajo. Every lady uaos Pozzoni's medicated complexion powder. It Is a houeoholo treasure. The madam finds It impossible to go down town without first rubbing it on. If the bahy crros she gncs for the paff box. If tha "old man" cornea homo ralf.-d or chafed , because business Is dull , otc. , Pczzom's powder cools and allays lila troubles. Then sll Is gladsome joy. No family should bo without it. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao CO. IS POLICE OOUHT , A BlR Grist Ground nut by the Mill of Justice. Thcro was a regular jam in police court yraterdsy aorn'nj , aa la usual on Monday morning. Not alone was there n rush out eido the gate but the criminals' dock was filled to overflowing. P. Jordan waa charged with being a vagrant. Ho very demurely pleaded guilty and was consigned to the tender mercy of Joe Miller , frith no heavier diet than bread and water. Wm. Johnson , for being a vagrantgols ten days board in the county jail at the 3road and water table. John Nnhoa and Oias. Kirk wore both clurged with vagrauy. Both pleaded not guilty and said thy conld provo their innocence. Their CBJOB were continued. Hans Boyaon , a gre t , big , ovenrrown ' 'ellnw , with loss ambition than a saall , was charged with vagrancy. Ho lazily slesded goilty and as le had been nptor- oral timoj before on a iko charge , he wua given thir'y claya on braadanl water. Chaa Chappy , Thci. Jloach , Levi Jen- iins , George Lenox G. 0. Brunor and Inmes Lyona , each iahis turn pleaded guilty to drunkenness and waa fined 85 and costs. Seal of Nerth Carolna Smoking tobac co is the best. The GhostWnlks. On "Saturday nlgit a "Phantom wrty waa held at tie residence of Mr. j H. Korty , on Hcrard street. The > aity was'ln the marc of a surprise , nd iho guests assombsd at the residence f Mr. llichard Wildojcorncr Eighteenth . . . . . . . * u. bul M..M .W l.wu J tlOlbUiO > VilnljU hrough the many wlntings of the waltz or on hour or so , wlintho masks were omoved and they sawhsuh other face to 0 ace Dnncins was thn Indulged in un- il nearly 12 o'clock , vhoi refreshments vero eorved and the giii.a took their do- 0Cl kirturo , united in thulbjligf that Mr. md Mrs. Korty knoj low to entertain Cl heir friends. Die DieT 8 AbsoluteljPure. Tlili powder never varies , m rvel ol pnretr , trengtb od bo'eMmeneM. ' re economical th n lie ordinary klDila.n'il ' canno ' old In compctl- ion with the tuultltudo ol I tet , short weight lum ol rhvufhrte powders. W only la tuni. IOYAL SJAKINQ I-OWDKII 108 W llBtN.y. ; St Chariefflotel , , A BTOEET , BET 7tb nd8tb , WNCOLN , NED. Mrs. K > U Coakly , 1 Hetoreu. R ly and elegantly I I. Good umptt DL roomi on firit floor. . Qoo. VTermi II.M to 12 per d > > t UI ratet f\rto Arch members ol tbe legislature. DOitd-lm-mi Washington , D. C. CUT TO THAN I GENT A MILE . ° fclnt nl . nntondi llJ.8US" l * u .4th o March , 1885 , with but little cost , the Orig i .r n .i . . inal Miufit Pflrlors , 1J12 Douglas St. , the snvmgs ; by purolmsing your outfit for the occasion from thorn , your fare Tfl I IRFHTV EH Saved by buying thst S12 pair of Pantaloons for § 5.30 , custom-made at the Misfit Clothlnir I U & .IDE BI ' J Parlors , KU2 Douglas St. vunuiut [ A b B Saved by purohulng that olonnt $18 pair merchant tailor made PanU for S8 00 at the I ni ILILij Original Misfit Parlors , 1812 Douglas Street. LilU.f B 9 1 § < ? 7Sn7 Douglas llnyilf Street. lf ! ihlnt $21 On8lom 1Mul ! ° Ovcrcoat f ° r § 11.25 at the Original Misfit Parloru I Saved by securing that $28 merchant tiilor made Overcoat for 51-1.25 at the Original Misfit P 1312 Douglas Street , r Saved by purchasing that olpgint $35 cattom made Overcoat for $17.20 ot the . Misfit Clothing Parlurs , 1312 Douglas Stroot. ? ll < J ° oyopcuring that handsome . satin lined SCO custom mndo Overcoat , for $25.70 at the Mlsfi Parlore , 11112 Douglas Stroot. Saved in making the Pn ; cha > of that bamliorao fonr button cutaway frock suit , made for ? 50 , Misfit Parlora pnco $23.0 ( ! , 1312 Doughs Street , up-stairs. Tfl H E J IIII K V Made ln Proolrlnttliat } elegant cork screw four button cutaway suit , made for $00 , Misfit Cloth- TO G LEVEL AH S ) Mad ° 80locUag that handBOmo Prince Albert anit made for S70 , Misfit Parlors price , $32.50 Tsl PITTQ R { I Rft Saved bV buying that handsome silk lined $70 custom ma-lo Overcoat far $30.50 , " Misfit Cloth Iv riB BUUI/nUi ing Parlora 1312 Douglas Stroot. TO VlfASHINGToN , D. C. S ° * * This is a sure f/tiarantce at the Misfit Parlors. One call will satisfy Truth is Truth AT THE- . 1312 DOUGLAS ST. , ITP-STAIRS. Electric Light. Electric Light. Open evenings until 9 o'clock ; Saturday nighta until 10 o'clock. j N' ' , .TW { ! 8 P'easod ' , tot\e f om ? U tnilors hairing misfib or uncalled for garments to dispose of. Ad dress Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1812 Douglas Street , up-sta rs. Cmabn , Neb. IN THE PASTRY OF . Vnnlllri.r.cmon.Ornnce. . etc. . flavor Cnke , dellcntuly and nut rally i the fViiltlVoin which they ii remade. Oil STREXOTJI AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. PREPirtCa BY THI Price Baking Powder Co. , Uicago , III. st. Loulo , MO H KIBI or ] r , Price's Cream Baking Powder AND r. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems. Hot Dry IIn | > Ycimt. _ WK MAKH HUT ONE QUALITY Imaha Medical & Surgical Institute 13th St. , Cor Capital Ave , hronic and Surgical Diseases scascs ol F irale , cl the Ncrvoug System , Pr rate Disorvscscf the Urinary anil Sexual Ow lie Mid DlBoosca ol thoHeiMl. Thtoatand Luuzr. SpoclalUes. EYE AND KAIl , seasfa trtawd by aneiperienc d upeclallrti also cases of tha Heart Liver , Stomach , Kldnerj , xdilcr , curalKU , Ilheumat'sm ' , Piles , Cancer , eta . . . OATAUnil. BHONOIIITW , ' 'O'n ' cllccases of the ihroatind lunnt real ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send ( or Inhaler or clrcu'or on Inhalation. ) Ul dl B es of the lllooJ , Urinary and SexiuJ Or. ia. Prl > ate Dlsoasca and Piles Cured or no Pay. (16 ( Years IloiplUland Private Practice. ) imitation and elimination free. Wl or write fjroircularelon chronlo dl a > ea and ormltles , Dlseaara of females , Private OlsaaMi the Urlnarv ami Sexual or ran , Benilnal Weak. , Nervous Del.llity . or Kxhaustltn.eta , .toV.ind new restoratlvctreatment II Ict'cn and coneultailonn Confidential , tedlclnea eentto allparU of the country hy ex. u , securely packed from observation , U full d . ptloncf case Unlven. One personal Interview ferred If convenient. Open at all bonrs. ddrosa all letters to uaka Medical & Surgical Insttuto 13th St. , Cor. Capital Ave. IVTendelssohn & Fisher looms 23 and 290mahaNaU.Bank Block 8CCCKSSOU TO Lifrene & Mendelssohn L. FUher , ferrnery ltb W. U B. Jenny bit c , Chicago. JmUelm Having quite a number of From our Merchant Tailoring department , we offerthem to all purchasers at about one-half of their actual value. These are no Ready Made Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real Merchant-Tailor work. giELSABLE OWE PRBCE Clothiers t and Merchant Tailors , JL2A6 Far-Mini , Street. LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDEED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Department given for BuQalo Scales exv cluBively , Scale I SECOJP , AT 1405 DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA , NEBRABF ;