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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1885)
G THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 24 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE OOUNGIL BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning , Fob , 24 , SUBSCRIPTION EATE3. Or C ttel ! . - - - - - - > 0 cent * p r week By 1UU - - - tlO.00 pel year o. 7 rml Btrstt. Near Broadway. ' MINOE MENTION , McDongal & Polsloy have opened a moat market at G12 Broadway. John Dolln and Win , Scott were each fined yesterday for bolng drunk. To-dny Is the thfrty-firAt annlvortary cf Rov. Ffxthor MoMenomy'a priesthood. In the circuit court yesterday the case cf Foraj the va. Smith wni being trlod. Ravlval meetings contlnuo at the Methodist church and with good"auccoaa. . A. J. Miller , late of Maryvillo , has opened "an equal righU" barber ahop at CIO Broadway. Goorga Sexton and Ella Ilelchort were yesterday given permit to wed. They are both from Nooln. No one would hardly know from the way Council Bluffs carried Itself that George Washington ever had a birth-day. There promlaoa to bo a liyoly attempt to got the now court houao if ono la voted located near the Masonic To tuple. John Thompson was the name given by one drunken follow who iras arroatcd foi exposing lila' poison on Washington avenue yesterday. Work has commoncad on the iirat floor of the now Masonic building , fitting it up for county offices. The move will bo inado now week. Editor Lorcho still la in the tolls , hav ing boon unable yet to got bondsmon. There la llttlo aympithy felt for him , but mush for his family. Lot'a aoe. Didn't the police commit- tea start an investigation of the force oomo tlmo ago ? Wht has bocoma of it , and what hai bacomo of the committed Orvllla Wheeler , who wai Bhot by Jof- loria , waa In about the aamo condition yesterday aa on Sunday. Ho la quite low , but death la not Immediately ex pected. Capt. Seoloy'a lecture In the Masonic hall this evening shall draw a crowd , and the relief fand for the orphans and wid ows of the bravo veterans shall rocolvo c largo amount of cash. A half-hour after-meeting Is now hold nt the close of the Sunday aftornoor meetings at the Y. M. 0. A. These alter meetings are for young man only. Ai the ono last Sunday ono young man wai con vet ted. Tlog-a-ling. Drop the curtain. Th > farce la over. The police Investigating committee have finished up in ono act and the small boys must clear the gallery BO that the janitor can swoop outtho pea nut shuck * . Mr. Lawrence Kinnohan , who la a' ' the St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha , ! ; rapidly recovering from the effects of tin last amputation , and in a couple of week will return to thla city If no unfavorabl eymptoms ect in , The Council Bluffs carpet company 1 getting all to lights in Ha now quarter In Seaman's old stoic. The attention o BKE readera is called to the now advoi tlaemeut , and they are Invited to person ally Inspect the stock and Interview th firm. firm.Chief Chief Waltera , of the fire department now rejoices In the arrival of ten pound of now and young democracy , which h has named Cleveland Hondrlcks Walton If that boy grows up to bo a republican It will bo a sid take-off on the chrhsten Ing. Mra. Ewlng , who livbs in the caster end of the city complains that aho ha been ( mulled by .1 follow named Wm Wagner , who persuaded her to go t Omaha with him , aa hla housokoopei and to sell oil' her tbinjfg hcra. Sh claims that after getting her to lot hie aoll off her household goods hero , h skipped with the cish. A meeting of the board of trade I called for Wednesday night at Odell Day's ' office. There la aomo very la portint business concerning the mam facturlng Interests cf bis city , and over business man and property owner intei Cited in the growth of thla city ahoul attend and give the benefit of his advli and encouragement , The mooting cilled for 8 o'clock sharp. Jndgo Ayleswortb , who has a war : aide for the boys , noticed cue little folio listening to the evidence In a trial yetta day , and knowing th-.t tome of the teit mony would bo unfit for ao youthful oar ] ies id : "David , I with you would j down to your father's oflioo for me ; wl you ? " "Yej , air. " "Well , I wish y < would tell him' that there la a cnio goit on hero that la not fit Lryou to hes and that yon ore not coming back. " TJ boy hurried offon the errand , before 1 yet it through his head what the full h port of the meaaajo waa. In tbo supsrior court yesterday tl caio of Eva Porrin against Dawson w oi' . trial. Eva claims that while DIWB < wnint hfr housj , which beara no eavoi name , ho git mad became she uouldc < lrink with him , and slapped her , wher upon the hit hick , and he then hit h with a beer Rhsi , cutting her head at face hidly , and oins'ng acinus bjurle the being pregnant at the time. offered to confess judgment for $04 , th being fli ? actcal amount of herded bills , etc. , but she would not settle f that , A jury was tboreforo called , co : els'iap of A. Sohwerger , M. A.JHcnr Wm. Robinson , Gocrge Magiroo' ' , Wr Galvin and George Loucks , Col. Da'lcy ' and John Lindt nro the attorncya for the plaintiff and Jacob Sims , Esq. , for the defendant. Anne orgsn , half price , nt Beard's wall paper ( tore , next to poatoflico. The True Alternatives. To the Editor of The Bee , I notice In the Nonprall of iho 15th an editorial article , which gives nvldouco of a tloalro on the part of the editor to pose as an oracle on economic questions. Ho apoaka of rasulta as If they wcra roanlta In the most reckless manner ai if anxious to vindicate hla claim to bo a worthy suc cessor to the peracn who used , two or three years ajo , to do the foggy articles on social and political economy for John Chapman's organ. IIis statement that "tho amount of carnlngi must natunlly depend upon the prices of the product In open market" ia all right except that It lacks the usual acknowledgement cf quotation marks ; and the same would apply to hla ramarks upon supply and demand ; but ho uncon sciously utters u terrible prophetic senti ment when ho declares Urn"In * the end the law ( of supply and demand ) was euro to asjoit iteelf , alwnjs bringing disaster to thcsa who endeavored to impede Its natural operations. " The man , or combination of men , who attempt , either by direct or indirect methods , to Intoifera between the de mand and the supply of that demand In all matters whore the demand Is legiti mate , thereby constitutes hlmsalf or itself n. public enemy , and Is debarred from any equitable claim to the consid eration cf his or Its right ) by society , and It la the plain duty of legally consti tuted authority to Interfere to prevent , by all powers nt ito commanit , any such attempt from bolng brought to a succcia- ful culmination. When the laborers of Now York , Philadelphia and Boston ara chmoring for broad ; and at the same titno the farmers ofjNobraska and Iowa are burn ing coin for fuel ; or when the children of thcaa farmers are lacking for clothing and fhooa while the stocks of that class of goods on the hands of oaatorn dealers never were larger , U would seam tlut somebody had been tampering with the operation of Iho lair of supply and demand. Whoever ia to blame will suffer just aa surely as Ho who said , "Vengeance Is Mlno" has an exist ence. Man is created In Gad's imago ; ho Is the favored craatura of tbo Or Qatar who gives heed to the falling of a spar row to the ground ; under the divine plan , man is made dependent on the land of the earth's surface for aubslatonca which is a naccsjlty to his mortal existence. Therefore , the first demand of man h land. I lay It down as a well known fact that there Is land enough to supply the demand , yet how many men who desire to cultivate the land directly arc denied access to it by men who bold possession of it under the law for speculative pur * poses only. Wo have In history many exam < pies of what punishment mer deal out to that class of obstructora ol the operation of tbo law of supply and demand when their operations have reached their climax ; but It Is reserved for the world to come to reveal the infinite depreo of punishment reserved by a jus1 God for those whose conduct Ho has con- clomned and forbidden in His law one dononncul by the mouths of His proph ets and apostles. Under our present organization of BO cloty and division of labor ia thovarioui processes of * production , together wltt and largely owing to the introduction o machiucry Inbotb agriculture and mann factnrea the supply of all connnoditlei has vastly Increased both in quantity anc variety ; but it is evident that by the nut versal law of compensating balancea tin demand has at all times been ( fully com mensurate to the increased power anc variety of production. Here wo come t < the next great disturber of the proper adjustment justmont of supply and demand. The administration of the affaire oi production under corporate control became - came possible , and indeed wai the bes manner of managing snch vast interests ai thoao of manufacture become , and there has grown up a class of impersonal , irre spoiuiblo nnd consequently tyrannlca entities styled corporations , who have ar rogated to themselves the authority t < control tbo volume of demand by meani of shortening the supply. This empirical cal method haa prevailed in every department mont of production , If wa except that o idiots and criminals. The issue of car roncy has been entrusted to a corpornti monopo'y which makes money ECUCI and dear when it desires .to saize proper ty pledged to eecura loans made whoi money had been raado plenty and cheaj BO aa to 1)3 asod as an Instrument for thi acquisition of mortgagej by the sami class who by shortening supply immodor atcly Increase the demand. The monopoly of transportation ha been given to another c'ass of corpon lions who have not ecrupled to prot c themselves In levying enormous toll upon the proceba of supplying demand b ; the abolition of competition by moans u the pooling system , or , In fat , ontoiin Into conspiracies to withdraw the suppl of transportation in exchange of prodac as a moans of increasing demand. The control of the mining intcroiU ha drifted into the possession F corpcrtt monopolies , who have used the very earn tactics of interfcr.nco with the tame Ian and the railroad , bulking , manufacttuin and mining and cattle raising corpora lions hive joined hands with native an rn alien corporations of landlords to oius an artificial scarcity of the prime factc in production in Iho land , in order the they may take advantge of a deman thus arbitrarily incrossod. This constant Interference with th law of supply and demand adopted b corporate enemies of society as a settle line of policy has for its aim the accon pllshniQut of the robbery of the people who an unorganized mass or worker , lowered down by toil and dlstracloi b falio itsucs wlun exercising the r'ght ' < suffrage submit , sometimes graccfulb sometimes after n contest to the inovi able consequences of na organized wo administered tyitem of robbery. The : periodical round-ups of the laborln classes , and these tarrlble reductions i wages , have tholr ciusa farther awa than is apparent to the roan who Is bi trajud Into a temporary cessat'on ' of h nor. The evident deiiro of a larga clai of Ifglslators In this country Is to divld the piopio of this country into tw daises lords and serf * . The corporation , uncontrolled by an law , except those of its own procarin through venial legislatures , is a fit ir atruraent bringing about such a clssi Coition of the citl/.jcs of the Unite SUtee. The assumption by apologists for tbl policy that the Inexorable law of suppl and demand is responsible for tbii wholi silo reduction of talea and comequer fa'ling oQ In prices ia a p'.eca ' o ! chci which would do credit to a lightning-rod peddler. The key of the whole question la In the Umpcrlng with that law by means of legislation for the purpose of establishing privllodRod classes and the manufacturer feels the effects first , and ho bolng able to protect his Interests by cutting down wagoa , does so or ehnts up hla ahop or factory. Let the people demand a restoration of the public lands by the railway interest ; stop the fencing up the land of the people ple by cattle khiRS , and forbid the hold ing of title by aliens and thus check ono monopoly. Tax all lands heavily when they are hold unproductive for specula tive purposes and atop another oppres sive feature of what U really robbery. Pass railroad restriction laws in all the states or what would bo far better , let the government tike charge of the trans portation of freight over four pounds weight through the poitoih'co ai It now does under that weight , and make pro vision for the transportation of pisson- gora on the aamo system. Compensate the people for the disad vantage Imposed on them in the past by data legislation by assisting Bottlers in good falth to make a successful starton the public lands , certainly an easy a thine and as lawful to do aa the aubiidizing of a railroad. Do away with the national b.uiks and lot the representatives of the people de termine the currency for tholr uao In ex change. Provide for the safely of men engaged in mining and manufacturing pursuits and through state beards of arbitration fix the dlatributloii of the product between labor and capital. Make claim for labor performed the first lion upon product. Chock monopoly nt all points and I von- say that theeditorof the Nonpareil will' not trouble the public with such shallow prattle about matters ho don't dare to probe to the toil of the disease f or f oar of offending an advertising pat ron and having to apolrglzo for itafttr- \tarda , On the contrary , let the present state of affairs continue ; lot the United States continue for a fosv abort years to pursue the course they have followed dining the paat winter , and the children of the con querors of Vickaburg , New Orleans , lUcomond and Appomattox will join hands with these of their father's foea on thoao well-fought fields , and marching in Insurrection to Washington and Now York , ro-cnact the scones ol Paris and Veraallles in ' 93. These are "Tho Altornativca. " It haa como to bo a question , not entirely of wages , but of the rights of man. The children of men ara crying for broad ! Our land overflows with plenty and our children arc freezing and starving. Our fathers conquered the wilderness and established a fice government for free men in a hind where there is room enough and land enough fertile enough to answer gladly and smilingly to our de mand with bountiful supply , and wo arc fast learning why the supply ia not forth coming in response to our willing toil. Let the public robber beware when he hears , as wo now hear , the cry of the mul titude for bread , because soon the multi tude will become i mob ; a revolt easily becomes a revolution and revolutionary mobs have queer appetites and never lack for measures of gratifying them. A PRACTICAL Beckman & Co. , 525 Main street , will wash and oil your harness cheap now. PEUHONAli. J. C. Reagan has returned from DCS Moines. Nate and John Phillips are on their way to 1 Boston , J. M. Adams starts for New Orleans to morrow. P. W. TJpham , : of Marahfiold , Wis. , was at the Ogilcn yesterday. A. W. Coureon , of Cincinnati , left yester day to work Nebraska. Otto Voegler started out on a week's trip yesterday to visit the harness trade. W. S. Amy is reported .13 crippled end con fined nt homo by an Injury to his knee cap. " J. F. Burke went to Hastings , Nob. , Satur day to work up Y. M , C. A , interests there. The family of Dr. McCrary , pastor of the Methodist church , are expected to arrive in a few days from Pennsylvania to take up their homo hero. A. J. Baldwin , late of T. N. Bray's store , fjoca with Smith's dry goods house in Omaha on the lit of March. Mr. Ilollingsworth , late with T. N. Bray in this city and Omaha , left last o\eniup for his homo in Des Moiues on a ten days' trip. Notice. Harmony Chapter No. 25 O E. C. , will hold a special meeting this ( Tuesday ) afternoon at 3 o'clock , for the transac tion cf important business , at the resi dence of Jno. Keller. A full attendance is requested. By order of the W. M. "J > reBS Up. " James Franoy , the well known mer chant tailor , has not only to far recovered from his illness as to bo able to give his personal attention to business , but has got his new goois in , so that now is the tlmo for his many cuatomors to drop in on him and "drees up.1 Ho certainly haa as larjo and varied stock of goads as can bo found in this part of the world , and as to good fits and excellent make everybody knows that Frnoy takes the o lead Put in your orders early. Komi Khtnto Transfers. The folio ( ring ia a list of real estate transfers filed yesterday in the recorder's oflico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , na famished by A. J. Stophcnson , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , February 23 , 1885 , John E. F. McGee to W. S. Cooper : lot , block 2 , Burns' add. , § 50. W , 8. Cooper to Charloi Baughanj lot 3 , block 2 , lots 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 , block 3 , lots : t , 4 and 5 , block 5 , lots 13 and 14 , block 20 , lots 1 and 2 , block 22 , and Iota 7 and 8 , block 29 , Burns1 add. , § 1,000. Wra. Yt Lloyd to Rachel Brown ; o A n w .J and o A a w . [ and n w j n o j 2 ? , and a w 1 B w I 22 , and n i a o 1 21 74 38 , § 12,800. Horace Everett to H. Hnohdonk ; a w } n oi,33 7042 , ? COO A. Schloph to Autjuat Hanson ; lot C. block 8 , Mlnden , § 000. John S. Morpau to John Morgan ; w J not , 31-7C 38 , $1,385. E. K. A. Kmtag to Fremont Benja min ; n o 4 3 7C 38 , 8350. Total tales , $01,085. y S Before you buy a harness call on Beckman - ii - man & Co. , 525 Main street. i- MANDEMAKER & VAN , AROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Br. ad way , Council Blaffi. Rn UB A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys' , Misses * and OMldrens' New Jersey ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers , CHICAGO TERMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines oS BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our COMMON SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main Si Office , 412 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. "MURIKER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , the lost flvoyearathcro hua not been a death from diphtheria In any cano where Dr. Thomas DUUTNO ' and euro was used. It has been the moan a ot saving thoneanda of lives. Imlla- ponslhlo In mill Id eoro throat. In malignant scarlet fever , chanRlne It In 48 n > urs to the simple form. For sale only at the doctot's office , No 23 South Eighth street , Council liluffe , Iowa , Send for ft ; price S2. Dyspeptic , whylhe in misery and dlo In despair with cnneer ot the stomach ? Dr. Thomas JclTfrla curca every CJBO of IndlKcatlon and constipation In a very Bhort . time. Beat of rcleicncta given. Diepepssia Ia the cause ef all of ninety per cent diseased conditions. F. H. OHCUIT. S. T. FRENCH. . . . . . . I. M. TiunxoR. SUCCESSORS TO Casatiy Orcutt & French 405 Broadway Council Bwffs\ \ Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , comer of North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. COMMEKOIAlj , COUNCIL Biurra UABEET. Whoat-No. 1 milling65 ; No. 2 , CO ; NO. 3 , eo. Corn Now , 25c. Oata For local purposes , 23c. Hay 35 DO@G 50 par ton ; baled , 50@60 , Rye 35e. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at ynrda , 6 00 ® G 50. 50.OonI OonI Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; soft 4 CO per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at 9 a , Flour City flour , 1 50@2 90 , Brooms 2 953 00 per doz , LIVE STOCK. Oattlo Butcher cowa S 25@3 75 , Butcher etoors , 3 76 ® i 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hoga 4 00@4 25. PBODCOE AND TBDITS. Poultry Live chlckensper | doz. SOO drosa- od chickens , Sc ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dreaa- ed duclo , 9c ; dressed ROOSO , Sc , Butter Creamery , 25@2So ; choice country 18@20c. Kfga 27 per dozen. Vegotablea Potatoes , 50@GDo per bushel ; onions , GOo per bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 3 00 ; beano , 1 00 ® 1 CO per bushel. Cider 32 gallon bbl , , SO,50. Orangoa 100 nor box. Lemons 4 60@5 00 nor box J. L. DisBBVOISB. No , 507 Broadway Council Blafli. Railway Time Table. Corrected to January 7,1886. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The ( allowing are the times ol the arrival and do. pirturo ot trains by central standard time , at the local denote. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- atea earlier and arrive ten mlnutoa later , cmoAQO , uuRUKoroti AND QDIBCT. LIAVI. A1U7I. 1:35 : pm Chicago Express 8:00 : am 9:40 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p u > li0 p m Accommodation. 1,00 p m At local depot only. IAK1A1 CTTT , ST. JOl AND CODNOIL ILVm. 10:05 : a m Mall tnd Express , 6:25 : p m 8116pm Pacific Express , 8:65 : pm CITJOAOO , 1IILWAUKII AND 81. rADT , eS6 : p m Exprcsr , 9:06 : a m 9:24 : a m Express , 0:66 : p m CITJOAOO , KOOH IBLAND AMD rACIflC. 6:26 : p in Atlantic Kiprete , 0:06 : a m 9:26 : a m Day Express :6i : p mme mo a m 'Dei Voinoa Aooommodatlon , 0116 p m At local depot only. * WAiAan , BT , Lena AND pAcinc. 6:10 : pm Aooommodaton 9:00 : am lSOpin : Louis Eiprcea 8:1 : ! . pra 4:50pm : Chicago Expreea 10:66am : At Transfer only CHICAGO and KoarimsTiiM , iM : p m Kxpreea , t'.to p m SiJi a m Pacific Expreu 9:06 : a m BOtrx CITT AND rACIFJO. riO : p m HI. Paul Express , 9:00 : a m rilO a m Day Express 7:00 : p m onion rAcirio. 8:00 : p m Western Expreu , 8:20 : a m 11:00 : am Pad do Expreai , 4:40 : p m UllO a n Lincoln Eipresf , 1B ; p m At Tranifer only Pl'MMV lllAl.Mi TO ( JM1IIA , Ia\e-7:20-8:30-C:30-10SfJ-li:10 : : : : : a. m. 1:80 : 2:30-8:50 : : -G:30-fl.SO : : 11 : 5 p. m. burning 7:20' B.30 11:40 : a. m 1:30-3:80-6:80-0.30 : : : 11:05 : p.m. Anhe 10 minutes before lca ln | ; time. Krom trins'er only , Irs HJ Hilton H.D. , , , , . . , PHYSIOIAN & SUEOEON , 112 ISJi'l Jijoiivjr , CaucU XluSl. SMITH tfc TOIiI.KIt , ACTS. LKAHINU Merchant Tailors ! 7 oud 0 Main St. , COUNCIL Lu'i-Ts , . . . IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on band rrhlc wo will soil In roUll or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. MholcialoicdrcliU dta m Ir drain ami l' lcd Hay. eonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. . Sc " Oornor Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UounollDlnlln. AGEKTTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt , 310 13UOA1WAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 mi ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and IT. WAYNB.IND IT rOSITIVKLY CUIlKflKUney nd Liver Complaint , might' * DliouH. . HhmlmMIsm , KcutklvU DjipcpKte , Ncnonsnesi WiBtlnjj Woaknteo , Paralysis , Spln l Affections. Indigestion , Hp tt Uiwan , Fits lliindacli , Umo Uncle , Co'il fcect , nd ull diseases requiring luoroasod motho pjwcrs. Now fniproted o ' f3 and 15 ; old etjloSZ each. W. P. AY3LSWORTH , Brick buildings of any slro raided or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. 1'rnme hous moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best In the world. w. p.AYLSwoimr. _ _ 1010 Ninth Street , Council lilulls. H. II. FIELD. W. C. ESTJ-J JIR T "RT TFP "F ? . S No. 317 Broadly. Council Bluil's , Iowa. Office Calls Attended 1'romptly , Day nnd Night , 1'nrtlcular nttuntion given to Ihnbalminfj SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special vertlsemcntB , luo B Lost , round , To tioan , For Bale , To Kent , Want * , Board ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN GENTS FEU LINE for the first Insertion tnd FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent n- ertlon. Leave advertisements * t our offloo , Ho. Pearl Street , near Broadway WAHT3. WANTED Woman pastry coolc Immediately at the O dcn house. VWAN1ED student In dental cilice. Siiatha\o ! I T ujcaos ot self-snpport. Call on or address at No. 12 1'carl St. Council UInUs. W ANTKD A poodglrl to t'o general houecmork , Call at IC9 Bancroft street. FOK S1LE Ararechanretojiet a line , well 1m- IjnncJ farm of 400 actcsithiu a few miles of Council Bludd , at a bargain. Low pilcc and easy terms. bwjtx & WALKBH FOR SALE AgoodpaiDR hotel property lth lliocy stable , in one ot the best small towns In western low a will sell \\lth or without furniture , or will tiaib for a Email farm with stock etc. SWAN & WAIKKII. FOIl S&LE Eighty acres unlmprcneil land in Union county , Iowa , Similes south-cast of At ton , the county ecat , or will trade for Nebraska or Kansas land. SWAN & 0R SALE A 29 aero tract of good land aboul 11 1 ono and a half Miles from Council Itlulli peel office , nt a bargain. SWAN & WALM it. IrvOK SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres 1 crass land , all under fence a 100 aero fani with fine improvement * all under cultivation except 20 acres grass 83 acres good grsss or pasture land , md several other tracts cf from 40 to 100 acres ol unimproved land. SWAN & WAI.KBR. IJVDU SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. ' If you want a f aim In western Iowa , Kansu Nebraska or Dakota , letua hair from you. SWAN & WALKKH. FOIt SALE Special bargain. A largo twu story frai o dwelling , ton ruoms with all modern im piovcmcnts. well located nnd almost new. Fiico < 5300 ; $1COO cash balance long tlmo SWAN & WALKKR. WANTED To correspond with any non-resident owner of property In Council IfluIIs or 1'otta- wattamo ! county , or any on wUhlng to buyer or sell propeity In western low a , Kansas or Nebraska. SWAN & WALKKR. SA1 K A larEO number of business and resi dence lots In all parlH of Council Iull ) ! . See us before you buy , SWAN & WALKBII. I OH HENP Wo h > vo several houses on our Hat F for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKKR. POH SALE Parties wishingto buy cheap lota to build on can buy on n.onlhly pouncnta ol from $2 to S10. bwA.v & WALKKB FOH KENT Wo will rent you a lot to bu Id on with the prlullage to buy If jou with tin very liberal term * . SWA3 & WALKr.n. TylTANTED To oorrcfpond with any one wlehlnca VV gocd locttlon f r tlannlng mill , eaeli , door and blind manufactory , wo have building and machinery , well located , for sale , Irase or trade ; SWAX& WALhKB. KENT- Large two ttory fromo bulldlrg suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot. B AN WALKKR. TTlOll IlllNr UU aAL.r . , Mu.iJlJK and grounds 1' sulta ) U for saall foundiy and machine shop. Good boilerengine , tupala , b'oncr Hlth flicd shaft ing etc , icady toput in motion , SWAN WALKKR , H > OH SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. JD Ptcprcn'on , 60S Hret avenue. FOIl HALE A top-buggy , flrat-ilm make and in excellent cundltlon. Or will trade for cheap ior. Address f. M. Bceotlico , Council BIiiTs. N1 > ttOOD OeorKO lloaton , am liro.d- COAL . Bells coal and wood at rcasonablo prices gives 2,000 Ita. for a ton , and 123 cublo for a cord , Try him. Every body in Council Blutls to take WANTED Delivered by carrier M only twenty cents week. OLD I'AI'EUS For e lo t Bu office , tt K ocnU hundred , fACOH SIMS , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL I1LUFI B , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Iloom 8 , Hbugart end L'euo llock. Will piactlco In State and Fedcul courts. N. SCHUEZ. of tie Peace , orncE OVER AHKRIOAH EXFRXU COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. ORDER YOUR Cob , Coal I Wood OF 33 W. 3TO1M3EIEI1 I > , 0. address. Lock liok 1180 , Council Bluffs. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and Office with N. Schurz , Justice of the Fekcv , C'uccll tlude , Io . JOHN NAGEL , SUCCESSOR TO HASTINGS < o NAGKL , Wholesale Produce And Commission. No , 386 Holladaf SI , DENVER , COL , Solicit Consignments and guar- hutee quick sales and prompt re turns. Give us a trial. References Bmdstrcet's or Guns Agencies ; and First National Bank , Denver. raoi. omcuEi vr. n. 11. rein Council Bluffi , in Established 1856 Dealer ! In Foreign and Dontectla Exobkngi and Horn * Stcurltlei , E. Bice M. or other tnmon romoyed without thj knUo or dr wloj [ ol bltoi. CHRONIC DISEASES0'- " * * * * * . iTConiulta/lan lrc . , W. H. Sfcorraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonnol ) Blade IOVB. \ OOUNOJL BLUFFS Wholesale and Hotall Dealers In Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O .A. W. H. PIBLBY , Oflico , 88 llaln St. Yard , on 0. K. I , 1 > . ( .ml C. II. k St. I' . Hallway. Schmitt & ; Harb -THK Have removed from under the Opera House to | NO. 402 BROADWAY , They lll oontlnuo llielr CIOAK AND TOUACCO milnesi , and Inv Itc all their old Irlendu and the pub Io to call and BCO them. The Hutst cigars to < ioco al are on hand ,