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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , FEBRUARY 23 , 1885. fl i > - n 3''ir.o , combining Iron with rur 7int < Li tonlr , rinirkty nnd romj i'arrn l > yirinla | | , JmlUrMlon , W ( niiiurn Illnnil , TII Itirln , Chill" unit tml Nrnrnluln. . ii is DII 'infiilUm ' ; totnodj- fur Diseases of thi ililiii' > niiil I. nor. U Is InvflluMilo for DIMM' * 7 * ' ! " to ISimiou , and nil who IMI ! fodenthry lit c . ttiltX'i not Injure the tenth , ciMfc li .Bdnrtri > , < M ii o constipation ( T Iron mtdlcm'i i ) p " the blood , Mlraulstw (6PiMKjtltfc.Rld < the n lmllntion of fo.xl , r Jfv Htnrttmrn and llclclilup , and t' ( the nitisclj * anil ncr\i t ? < > r Intermittent Fevers , . . .r-EiltuOe , < nt rtO' , cW lias rio equal. ttr Tic pcnu'nc ' IIM BKITO trade mirl t. " /Oarcd lines OL. wrtj'pcr. ' Tftkr > " > 'r < M.n l hkOirill'ilillClb fax. Pll til Unquiet la tie BROAD CLAIfv. VEEY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AIID Brer olTerctl to tlio uubllc. IABUEGAIEBICiN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Fi-ance and Germany. The aieamshlpa of this wo'l known tlno are built of Iron , In water-tight oompartmonts , and are fur- nlshoJ with eicrv renulBlto to make tbo pasatgo both eafe and agreoablo. They carry the United States and European malls , and leave New York Thusdays and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cbcrbouff , ( PAlllI and HAMBUItO. Katoe : Stcorapo from Hamburg 810 , to Hamburg 810 ; round trip $20 First Cabin , 85G , (63 and 976. Henry Pundt Mark Ilanscn , F. E. Moorcs , JL Toll , agenU In Omaha , Gronowctr & S.hoentgen , ftgcntnln CouncilBluOa. C. D. KICIIAUD & CO. , don. Fans. Agta. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chaa. Koz- tnlnskl & Co. , General Western Ageata' 170 Wash ing St. , Chicago , 111. , . , medyhrdcovproi niihnplomosrsotBelf-cure , hich bo wn > ennil FHKK to hia fellow-eufferera. Tor M n , Quid. iflr , r . Hook ftM. VIGOR CltI.Ua Ateacr. 100 Fu"oa a L. Ne w Tork * M. R. R1SDON , Gen'lIflsnranceApnt nEPRESENlai Fhconlr Insurance Co. , Londoni Cosh A8 ot3 { 5,881,000 Vr'cutchoator.N. V , Capital 1,000,000 ThoMcrclmntaot Nowiuk.N.J.Capital. . . . 1,275,000 dIrani Fire , PbUodolphla.Capltal 1,200,000 Woman's Fund. CarlUI . V.M90CV3 m BOTTJiES. Erlanger , . * . . Bavaria. Culmbacner , . . .Bavaria. Pilsner . . . . .v * . . . . . . . * Bohemian , Kaisor. . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . -e.Bremen , DOMESTIC. Bnd-rTe.ser St , Louis. Anhaueor. . .St. Lorois. Best's. . . . Milwaukee. Behlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee , Kru 's Omaha. Ale , Potter , Domestic nnd Rhine Wine ! D. MAUEER , 1213 Farnam St. GOULD & Ob'S. IS CONDUCTED BY Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( \ QOVERNUENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 : Days. 1IOKET8 , fl.00. ' ' HALVES , 11.00 Bnbeo to no minlpnUtlon , nol oontiolled by tbi partloi la InterMt. II U the falml thlni In Iti nMure of ohanoalo exlitencw. For tloketa apply to 8UISKY & CO. . 1212 Broad i ay , N. Y. City ; A. MOLL A CO. , 117 Walnut Bt. t Louis , Mo .or U. OTTENB & CO , 61D Main St. BD8AJ City , MO. A FINE LINE 0 F THE ONtYJEXOLDBWB IN OUAHA'fNEB. § ftfi ! it4 t.t .crptloa cf KOKJ i JbidO Druffl < uua lllt. idJi - .er.WARo " GREAT AND GRACIOUS , Fonr Pnincnt Stitesraui and Ttoir C&aitteris'ics & ' , Ijainar , llnntlull , ntnRliaiu mill Cnn- non Tlio Ijszy lioafors of the lloiiic. .Special Correspond once of the KEB. WAMHWOTO.V , D. 0 , Fobrjnry U MoUphorlcally epoakiBg , the housa sjcma to bo fa'rly standing on itj head now trying - ing to rush through the appropriation billi. Ifccngrenj should bo in session HG5 d ys in the year , tiking Sundays to priy over thd sins of the ether ix days ' Tron'd bo the most Impor'ftiit legislation crowded Into the last few days. To some nn extra seeslon of congrcts would bo aGed God tend ; to other * a bitter pill. I think the minority prefer no exlrj scs sion snl will put on high prjasura. It will bo a good deal as Itindall sijs about It , though , as ho is most decidedly an ad vance guard of the hens ? , nnd a candl date for tpcnkcrship of the Forty ninth congress. It Isn't easy to toll just what that man's plans are at all .times. Yet ho can bo counted upon for koop'ng an eye upon his own bast interests whtlo serving fiithfully the ' democratic party. If ho gold the sponkershlp will depend in a great measure npon who is put intD the cabinet , and If the "solid south" gets the lion's eharc , and it looks that way now , Sam Randall will have n clean sweep. HE IS AFFLICTED WITH TUB C10UT just at present a dlscaso that stmawhal Interferes wi h the calm , mirror-like E'ir- ' face of a man's temper. Yesterday ho was so holploes that Itwas necessary to carry him to his carriage , and couldn't chaperon the guilelets members that wonl to Philadelphia last night to attend tbc "Amoricus club'1 reception. However , Gen. Blugham hid them in charge and I think they were well protected and of all class of innocents away from homo members of congress need the moil careful attention. Gen. Bingham , like Mr. Randall , represents the pious Qua ker element of Philadelphia , and ii es pecially renowned for his "silent devo tions" to the cauto of humanity. Ho has a handtome residence In Philadelphia and lives like a prince not the prince ol Wales , for ho is a widower , and the object joct of sheep's eyes from the galleries. Ho carries himself well , and is not given to much epoach making , thank heav. n , ] always feel devotional toward the mem bers of the house who ara intollligenl enough TO KKEl1 TIIEIK MOUTHS SHUT when they _ haven't anything to say. Gen. Bingham is that member. Ho h r.Vher distingue looking , being very bald headed and wearing glasses and altogether a pink of perfection in dre > s and Dppaaranca. Not a very tall man or a very largo man in pliya'qno ' , but good deal of a man in most things , and ii one of Blalne's devoted admirers , or was during the cnitennlal year , as I happened to bo a visitor across the street when Mr. Blaine was so ehoontely on- tertslned at Gon. Bingham's homo. Men have been known to change their minds after bslng elected to congress and learn ing the ropes , eo to speak , and possibly Gen. Bingbom may not be to in love with the ox-senator as ho was. As Mr. Bhino Is now only spoken of socially , wo cannot judge how it is with Gon. Bing ham ootliat | footing , as ho Is not In society this wintcrhis wife having died but a few months ago. However the code for mourning is very brief In Waahinpton , haven't time and political life is too ileot- Ing. ONE OF THE BUSIEST MEN , and makes the least fuss about it , Is Mr. Cannon , of Illinois , who Is a leading re publican member cf the appropriation committee. Ho seoma to have the greatest facility for gliding about , dart ing hero and there , alwaya oa hand to vote , and drawing in the lazy pokes who rather lounge and tell good ( ? ) jokes In the cloak rooms , or lying sprawled out on the sofas In the rear of the house. I do feel that eomo of these loungers are indecently disgusting in the way they flop around on the lounges , smoking cigars , and talking and laughing loud enough for the galleries-to hoar. At the luttance of Mr. Cannon ( [ am now epeiklng the republic m side of the house ) , off they roll with a dull thud , like eo many saw logs , and In the hzlest manner possible drawl out , "Mr Speaker , no I" or * Yes ! " as the vote may require. Mr. Cannon is cno of the watchdogs , tho' ho Isn't eternally talking at a mark , as eomo of the others are. When ho has anything to say ho says It In a forcible way , and well understood by the gillcrlcs. This Is eaylng much , for It is l.ttlo wo understand of the gib berish beloir. Mr. Kasaon was consld orod the graceful , elfgant man of the house. Ho could bo BO when eolf-for * getting , but his manners were studied and adectod and at times most rndo nnd iniDolite , while Mr. Cannon is alwaya eo gelt and very graceful in manner while speaking , and not being the p'd man that Kaeson is , ho enjoy * society in a ra'ional ' way and waltzes beautifully. Ho is abpvo medium height nnd well per. tloned , light brown ha'r ' and whijkcw , and a clear pink and white completion that a woman might envy. Hit Friuce Albert ccat fits him perfectly , showing oft his broad shouldrrj and full chest to per fection. Ho doesn't look to bo nvoi forty , yet I presume ho ii for ho lias baer In congreis ever since I can remember , ; You cm dooldo that matter for yonruulvoi by lookiug In the Congressional which gives correct lUtes about ages o conwr , as oao i member writea his owi hi'.tary over two years. THE THICK OF BODOINQ A OA11D Is not one of Mr , Cannon's accomplish mcnti. Tlie llos those pear little psgee who deliver oirda to the member j , hav to toll la appalling. Whoa poBsiblo , Mi 0 in non responds at onoe and In the moe duTerenllal way llsteni , tlion quickly an honestly responds to the penittont hanf or > on ho alwaya has an axe to grind. 1 the ladles he is charming and attentive and 1 believe has something of a ropnti tlon of beluga "ladles man , " and ci say very prdtty nothings that go to fi up time , aucli ai talking about th weather don't you know. 1 del'ghts women to have thcs ' eminent men talk to thci about the weather , inything so they tal lo them , Mr. Cannon bat n wife nn daughter with him at Willsrd's hotel wh doBiciety honors extensively and bet very delightful ladies to raeor , aa the ; icem t } be blessed with this world goods , dnas liahly and fcaodnomel ] 'Mist 0 nnon Is a. fine-looking younu lad with pleading address and ucnfrecte manners. She has not caught the "si clely giggle" eo prevalent hero , and is i . vorito at the hotel as well as In society generally. What moro can the yonng aiy desire 1 THE LATEST GOSSIP about the incoming cabinet Is Hut Sena tor Larnar will bo chcstn for the interior. It Is evident that no national view is taken cf the "ttcnml fitntss of things. Senator Lunar Is a great moii , a learned man , a good nun and a mcst gifted and accomplished statesman. A statnnnu rather than n politician , yet none have a bettor knowl- ulga off or Is a more clcso stndcnl of political economy than la he. Do is n earnest legislator and at times impetuous , but this is physical.Vo all know that be is called , and ii , thn most tcholarly mm in the senate. Ilia people , tbo Misiisslppians , revere him , believe in him and repose their full confidence ia him , and I believe the entire sooth feel that Senator Limar Is the wan they would select to fill the high position rf ( ccrelary of state , yet would struggle agilnst having him Icavo the toca'e , for who could fill his place there ? But Sen ator Bayard Is the one chosen for that position From high authority I have It that Bayard will go Into the cabinet aa necrotary of slate , and Mr. Lamar will bo offered the Interior. If he'll accept It or not Is another matter. Ho is looking well phys ically , moro like the active legislator of eight years ogo. For the past few years he has been in wretched honllii and his taken little or no part in active debate. The death of his wife a few wcoks ago was a terrible blow , and ho says ho haa but little heart in personal honors. Mrs. Lamar was one of the most devoted wives end fond mothers it has been my pleas nro to mott ; a woman of rare cnlturo and accomplishments , and In every sense a fit nndjtruo companion of her gifted hus band. Society know very little of her , aa she preferred the closer ties of homo and a few choice friends. Tliolois of such a companion la Indeed n great sorrow to Mr Lamar and his family. Hla yonng unmarried daughter is with him , a lovely girl of about 10 years , very like her mother In appearance and lovable traits of character. Senator Lamar his never mingled much In gay society , Is domestic in hla hab.ts , and is too much of a book-worm to enjoy par ties , balls and recepticns. Yet , should ho RO into the cabinet , ho will do the so cial honors , assisted by h's ' young daughter , with o-sa and simple elegance. Senator Baratd Is moro heard of In so cial circles. Ho likes a good dinner , and knows how it should be cooked. Ho prides himself upon the art of cooking terrapin , and is also fond of thothoatre. ] Last week , while Horny Irving and Miss Ellen Terry were hero , ho wai often seen at the theatre , and gave a box party and a supper afterwards to Miss Terry , his daughters being of the party. This only shows how well England will fare when he has International affairs to attend to. While Mits Terry played the part of a charming young lady well , I siw nothing great In her , wishing to call out very marked atten tions from our most distinguished statesmen , but no doubt she is a beautiful dinner commpanlon and understands the ait of pleasing , and as the Princa ol Wales delights to honor onr beautiful women , and bestows favors npon our actresses , It is veiy kind and clever in Senator Bayard to show such marked at tention to Miss Terry. While this dis tinguished supper was going on at Welk- ore , Willie Walter Phclps , M. 0. from the Jerseys , assisted by the Blaineeos were dining and wincing Henry Irving at Willie Walter's homo. So these Eng lish actorj rfbt only cirried away a whole pile of money , but a whole pile of re nowned attention , enough to furnish him with advertising for yeara to come. CON. For C oiifihH nnd Throat Disorders use BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. "Havo never changed my mind respecting them , ex cept I think better of that which I began thinking well of. " Ittv. Henry Ward Bccchtr , Sold only In boxes. The annular eclipse of the sun occurs the 10th cf March. It will enter the United States about twenty miles south cf Eureka , California , cut across the northwest corner cf Nevada , Fakertown- Oregon , and Bo'se City , Idaho , and will cross the line of the Northern Pacific near Tcsten station. ] f the moon were a little nearer to us at the time , Iho eclipse would bo total , but it is fcraua'o that it la not ; for the annular eclipse * Isj minh the mott Interesting. At the time cf the eclipse the sun and mcon will bo in the constellation of the Fishes and within a few degreces cf the vernal Equinox. The conjunction of tho'snn and moon at thia particular point arc by some consid ered as indicative of important epochs in natifre and human afftiln. We know that the conjunction of the tun and moon affect the t des ; and If the water ? , then they wonld offset the moro mobile ele ments of the atmosphere , audio tome leas extent the moro solid material of the earth's crust. These COD junctions how ever occur every year and month and will riiffer little thii year frsmordinary month ly occurrences. Blue Under the J3jcs. There is no beauty in that leaden hue which appears In a deep streak nndor the oyee , Indlca'ing disordered digestion and dismal dtblllty. Ladles who carry with them thia evidence of anfl'ering should at cnco take Brawn's Iron Bitters the sov ereign remedy for feminine weakness and impoverlthed blcod. Mr. J. N. Brad ford , of Quntsvillo , Texas , says : "My wife was in delicate health and greatly debilitated. Brown's Iron Bitters re- lloved her.1 I'rluco Demldofl * ' The Princa Paul Domldolf , wbotc name lus become well known of late years through the scattering of ail the mar vellous works of art that had been gaUi ered at San Donate , near Floreuco , died lately in Paris. Ho wai a man of enor mous fortune , n principle owner of tin malachite mines cf Itipsla and as great i roue as the Emperor Yitelliui. Undo the empire has escapades wore the talk o Paris ; ho gambled mtlllciuairalnst one o hii wealthy countrymen , andfllked to b r , compared with Nero , for which purpos at ha made his servants dreta like gladiator idS and fight bifjro him. Then ho mvrriei SL'o and a year afterward hla wife died L'o Fearing that people might not think bin sad enough he resorted to all sotti c mshdramatlo tricks to ( how his g id in hung his wife's druses about his root ill and wandered about the streets In sordic be garments. He sold his vahnblo collect It Ions simply out of caprice , and so'.d thi 39 old p&lao with them , Since then- nn 1880 he his made another collect ion Ik whicbls homed in a villa at Pratolliu nd near Feiiole. ho At Cedar Rapids the wjdowed mothe of' ' three helpless little children was dlt covered daring the recent terrible col weather , on the verge of aUmtion . Weak with hunger and cold the nlmot ed insane mother w s trying to prevent he 10-1 little ones from , freezing by huid ing al a1 together In a scantily covered bed. HURT BY AN ELECTRIC SHOCK , A Man WhomsHafloa Cripple for Lifcbytdo fculiile Final Trial ol'Ills Cult lor nmnn CB Against the Coinimny. Denver Tribune-Ilepubllcan. The distnjt court was engaged yester day afternoon In the trial of the case of Charles Lubber ve. the Colorado Electric company , which la ganeially known aa the Electric Light company. The a.tiun was for damages fcr InjurioJ caused to the plaintiff while In the service of the defend ant , nidged upon work which lie was di rected to do , but which was not within the ntuil scope of h's ' omploymcnt. Ho Is by trade a carpenter , and It was us n cirpinior that ho was usually emiilojod by the dofcudnnt. But en tbol7ihday December , 1881 , ho was directed by Mr. Ilutul'o ' , the manager of the Electric com pany , to go the corner of Fifteenth and Champa streets and remove an electric lamp which was situated there , and which would no Kngor bo in use. The lamp was placed upon a polo nt in olova- tlon of about fifteen feet atovo the sldowa'k , and Lnbbar had to stand upon a step-ladder in order to ramovo It. After ho had removed the lamp , and was In the act of uniting the ends of the several wlroa , so as to complete the elec tric circuit , and while ho had hold ot the with each haud , a carrcut of electricity was sent through the wlror. Lubber re ceived the full foreo of Iho shock , and wai thrown backward upon the sidewalk , falling upon his head. Ho was seriously injured and was taken up in an uncou- Bciuiu condition and removed to his homo which was with his mother. Ho testified that ho did not fully re gain his consciousness until the 10th of January following the Injury , and that ever ticca then ho has been subject to epileptic fits. His heating is impaired , ai B-O also the nervcsof his loft eyelid. In consequence nf the injury his eyelid ho ii unable cither to cpen or close hia loft eye without uting his hand Ho went to California with the hope of regaining hi ] health , and wai absent from Denver for about fifteen months , but his health was not improved. Sinca the receipt of the Injury complained of Iho plaintiff has fallen five different times from buildings upon which ho was work ing ni a carpenter. Ho Is about 23 jcira cf nga , and is the only support of his mother. General Sam Brown and Judge Mills appeared for the plaintiff , and Mr. Pctt- tcwon appearing for Mr. K. 0. Wolcott a * counsel for the defence. The case was argued bofcra tha jury last night at a night saeslon. The dofouao introduced no testimony of much weight , but confined their of- fotts tD n fight over the legal and technical point ] . They claim , with soma shorr of reason , that a suit like the one brought by Mr. Lubbers cannot ho'd good In law ; that corporations cannot always bo held responsible for careless ness In employes , and that tlio mansgera of the company were not to blame for the turning on of the current at the time named. The defense presented Berne strong authorities to sustain thesa and similar positions. The court , however , partially dissented from the claims of the defense by refusing to grant a non-suit and letting the caeo go to a jury on its merits and the arguments of attorneys. Tha jnry returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for § 5,500. BECK AND.MORGAN. A Very Warm IDeliate In tlio United States Senate1 , During the debate on the Texas and Pacificforftituro bill quite a Bcniation was created by the tilt between two dem ocratic senator" , Beck and Morgan , which well foreshadows what Trill bo a frequent oourcnco within the democratic party whtn it comes into pow\ir. In the courao of some remarks on the hill during the debate , Mr. Beck eald ho supposed In 1878 , when the Thurman bill was passed , that congress had Eccurad tome practical control over the Pacific roads , but ho had been mistaken. Now this house bill Is met by a counter prcposi tlon. The Reagan bill had boon met by a counter proposition , A number of other measures had been up , but had been foaght to the end. This was whut the ra'lroads ' wanted. Ho would not vote against Mr. Sheimiu's amendment and others because ho thought it batter to have imperfect legislation ihun none at all. all.Mr. Mr. Morgan said rtho effort of Mr. Beck to Impeach the democrats who had opposed the Reagan bill and had adopted an independent corns3 on this bill would not deter him ( Morgan ) from doing his duty. Ho had been in the democratic party baforo tin senator from Kentucky ( Beck ) enjoyed the privilege of citizenship - ship In thia country. Ho ( Morgan ) had been a true and faithful democrat and it did not rest with the senator from Ken tucky to Impeach his democracy by such ( lings as that convoyed by his last re marks. Mr. Morgan would bo found to bo a supporter oE the Incoming adminis tration , also , of principle , If it should be an administration of principle , and as long as the senator from Kentucky he would stand by the dornoc'a'ic croed. Ho did not enjoy these declarationaraado at the expense of party associates ; they wera not kind. Mr. Beck disclaimed any allntion to the senator from Alnham * ( Morgan ) , or any other i en a tor. "Ho U not quite si Important , " Mr. Berk slid "In my esti mation , In regard to those questions as ho may tbink he la. " "I did net happen , "continue Mr. Beck , "toba born in this country : bub I was not consulted about my birth. ] have been a citizen of the United Statei since 1838 , That la a good while 0.3,0 , The cenator may have been a very lm port ant man at that date , but I doubt It I have endeavored to perform inv duty a' ik private citizen and a public officer tc the boit of my ability slncn tint time and if the senator thinks It adds anything to his dignity or dlminlthes from mj standing to make the suggestion that J was born in Bojtlaud instead rf th < Uni'oi ' Slate * , ho ij welcome to all h"no ! ho thinks bo has made by that fling a the plac3 cf my nativity. Very man ] good men.hava bcn born in Scotland very m ny 5 and very nuny men who havi bean born here trace with pride their an oestry bsck to the place whera I trac mine. I might s y mora but I will not. In conclusion Mr. Bock mid : "I regan tha suggestion as to my nativity ai tin worthy of the sen tor , unworthy of tin senate and tmwerthy of a reply " Mr. Morgan said he made no reforeno to the senator's lutivlty , only to thotimi ho bad been in the domccfat'c ' ratty ane while hl ( Morgan's ) sof vices to the demo cr < ktlo patty had not born as orniplcaom is those of Mr. Back , they had been at honest anil heartfelt. Mr , Beck , after explaining hla posl- . t'on with reference to the bill nndor dlja cnsslon laid : "I IHVO Haver had wraugB' tha * . 1 now recall In ray sixteen yearn Borvlcson this lloor , or anywhere else , 10 regard to roy public duties , and I hav never given just came for offeiiio to any one who did no'fso ' k tho'opportunlty to bring It en to hinnelf by some nssunip- t'ou ' that WBS not to bo drawn ftorn any thing 1 had said. " Tee matter was then dropped nnd the tccn'o adjourned. "That frad feeling" from which you snflVr ao much , particularly in the morn ing io entirely thrown oil by Hood's Sr- Saparilla , fl. DKTKOriVWS TALK. SO 1110 1'fOlVnHlOlinl SOlTOtB. "I've get to toitify in a divorce case nest week , " said n private detectho yesterday , "and I'm * afraid that the cas3 will injtito my busino.-s ; but I'm itibru'Dasd , and I guess I'll have to Bland the consequences. " "Is that your Una of btuinoir ? "Well , hardly ; but you osso that catch- iog criminals Is not as trocil as tracking husbands , wives , and yoonc men. It pjys bettor , there are no ri ki in It , and looking up the whereabouts cf criminals Is n business that 1'vo given np. " "Who are ycur customers ? " "Take a woman who wants to find out how her husband acts at "tho ledge" era a young woman who is engaged to a wild yourgitor , and they'll pay almost any rr'co for the Infoimatlou. They're a queer s.t , and when 1 make report to them they road it over and over. I've got § 25 from n woman on n Srnth Side avenue for look ng up her would-be hus band. The f allow wni a bad 'un. Sh-s thought ao , but couldn't find out himself , BO I was employed. I made a report of his doings , and the roault wao that the match waibrjkon , and the young fellow was out a nice rrlfo and quite a fortune. ' "How do you manage such cases ? " " 0 , easy eriuiigh. Now in the ciso cf a young woman ho has aoma doubts ante to the inorils cf a man who Is to wed her , of obuno she docs not want to marry a man who la not Iho pink of propriety , and wants to find out just how ho siols. He'll tell her that ho doesn't drink , gamble , play billiards , etc She doubts It , and hires one of our men to catch him. After they return Irom the theater ho bids her an adieu and starts direct for home. Wo follow him. In nine cases out of ton ho enters the first saloon on his way and Indulges in about eight hot whtsnic . Then he has a game of seven- op with some boon-companion and takes several moro drink ? . Ho arrives home at about 4 o'clock in the morning. "Wo make a regular report and sand It to the w emi n. The next time the man calls on her ho is asked If ho got home all right , etc. Ho says ho did , and then the reprrt Is read to him. He woakcm , confesses , and the wedding Is Indefinitely postponed. I caught a bank clerk that way several weeks ago , md it remit ed In a disagreement forthwith. " "What about the divorce cess ? ' "Well , that was queer. A South Side woman had eomo doubts as to the actions of her hnahand and wanted to ssccr'aln ' what kept him from homo until the early morning hours. Hia lodge had meetings every night at least , ho told his wite such was the case. She thought differ ently and employed me to follow him. Ho was paying attentions to another wo man , and when his wife found it out thera was a scene , and the divorce pro ceedings are the result. " This was a nice ll'.tlo story , but it is more than likely that ho was drawing very largely on his imagination for these "facts. " The average young woman , i upon becoming engaged , does not hire a k detective to follow her young man. No poison in Red Star Cure ; No derangement of atonmh or system. Itarbcd Wiro. New York Herald. Two influences have tended to main tain a high price en barbed wire , which in many parts of the country , where etono ana wood are difficult to obtain , hla be come almost a necessity to the farmers' . These influences are patents , and tariff on wire and wire ro3s. The fanner have been held by ft clcso monopoly , which has been able to retain Its monopoly through tariff , and whfch 1m "farmed ' out at exorbitant royalties tha privilege of mailing mo of all or of some of the pat ents on this article. Such bes boon the demand for barbed wiro.ttat a Jarcjo uum- her of wira mill turned to its manufac ture , and , until recently , were willing to ( ay the royalties demanded. Now , however , tha cesa Is very differ ent , and for B m ? yearn a contest has been pending between the holders of the patents andttusa who mo them. The cjutts have bean called to paHj npon the validity tf the patents and every possible means of evading the piyment of thoroy- allies. Natuia ly the Western farmers have shown the r strong interest in this question , and it looks as if they were at last to have cheap wire * , for , us well bo saon by a despatch wo print th's ' morning , one of the Important patents has expired , and is now hold whcrj It ran bo used at lower rates. To reduce the royalty by two-thirds would prove a great benefit to mrsiref who are selling their wheat at prices which hardly cover the cost cf production. To complete the benefit the tariff on wire rods ehould be reduced. All "Played Our. " "Don't know whnt alls molataly. Oan't oat well can't s'oep well , Oan't work and don't enjoy doing anything. Ain't rca'ly ' sick , nad I really ain't well. Feel all kind o' played out , someway , " That Is what scores of men say every day. If they would take Dr. I'ierce'u "Golden Medical Discovery" tluy would soon have no occuion to say It. It purifies the blood , tones up the ryttom and fortiCiei itagaiiut ditoato. It iaagreat antl-bilioui remedy as well. < The National tobicco manufactory in , Franco , which Is a monopoly , is becom ing very unpopular. The complaint If that no regud IB piidto tbo wants of iti cintamerc , and that anyone purchasing i box of a certain brand cannot obtain thi duplicate a abort time later. It is the same trouble with porm'ar brands of cic arottoi , and the company will bo compel 1 ed to open new factories and pay som < deference to tbo nubile. The plantinum mines of the Ural monn tains , In Russia , now supply the work with that motel. It is shipped firtt t < dealers in Franco and England , wliera 1 brings about'28 per pound cf pure mo tol. It is neceaaarto refine it carefully In the crude state It cnns'stf ' , accordinj to recent analysis , tf 75 1 of platinum , 1 1 platinum , 3.5 rhodium , 2 G indium , . ( onmirldium , 2 II osmium , A gold , 1 con par , and 8 1 Iron. At a meeting of thu director ! of thi Woodbury County Agricultural society i * aa decided to hold a trotting meeting ir June , provided citizens would put op i giurnmeo fund of ? 1COO. 1'rrc A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE I'ur Cough * , nro Thr < > nt , ll < mr cnc s lulliirnzn , Culil . lironclillS. < 'roil is Whooping Cnttch , AMI. . nui , gnln.y , | > ln > In I'liwt , m-ltitljtr IT < VII ninftlnThront ' l.uiiE * . t'rlfo no ornt fttinttiK Pnlil I' ? Iniccl t nnc1 PMt- CM. l\irttf -lettnnilii'ttWr < l itcrtni > mmi > ttu Oft tt.ror lit , in irin re. < li f on l by fftutlnff otn < ( ! nfl < u to i iiiiit. llnlltmorr r ) Iiri'l , V. B. A. Shift's Specific has cured my cancer which w s , Inmnow In ( Inohotlth ; nc > cr better. IInon IncJS5 pounds f.lnco t boffin l tlti ) ; Swlll'a k S. Uminvnii , ItiitonMlIc , Tcnn. CANOKIl KCU MANY VKAUS. A Sonant hai been Rnilctcilfor tr ny > O M with a c nicr en her noolilcli roilntcd nil ports u ( trcntmcnt. tjliow cured untlrch with Swift's S ] > ccina ' JOHN HILL , Dtuiijlst , Thornton , ( ! . NOSr. EATEX OFP.-A jouni : man near this town rnJ an online cincor on his fico wlitch hml do- ttroyuil his HOPO > nd MM oatlni ; ton aid hla o > c As n lost reeort I put him on Snllt'a SiicelHc , and it has cured hlmBOimil and well JI. F. CitUMLKi , M. I ) . , Oglcthcrpo , Da , Ihiuo seen reiuirkablo resn'ti from the u o of Snlft'st-pcclltJ In cancer. It has cured SDU'raUascs under my own ojcc. UBV. J. H. OAMrnrM , , Commbus , Oa. Snltt'a Srcolfio Is entirely vcRotnblc , andBccmsto euro cancers by fo cl c out tbo Impurities from the blood. Treatise on Blood'n'id Skin Dleonses mailed free. The Swift Spcclfio Oo , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , or 160V. . S3d St. , New York. QnlpU. JSnro Cure * . Iff A trrttten ounrnntca n-OBtaupa for Celebrate AdJreM , F. I ) . OLiAnKZ2 , HI. , iS < t Soull , Clark Street , CHICAGO. ILL. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY [ ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIB & SS'YDEB. ) OF.XKUAL DKALHU3 IN 1B03 FARNAM STREET , - - OMAHA. Have { or s.Vo HX OOO acres cuefuDy selected lands In hiutcrn Ncbraa > a , M low pitcc and on ( nay terms Impimcd lariiu for silo In , Dodge , Colfax , Platte , Durt , Uumlng , Barny , Waahlngtou , Mcrrlck , Saundcre , cnl Duller coui.tins , Taxrs paid In all parts ot the elata. Money Ion cd on iinpro\od 'anus. Kottry Publlo always In oiDco. Correspondence solloltod G17 St. ClinrlGs St. , St. Lonls , Bio. i regular griduiteofmo Medlril Colleges , has been lon ci tDpsged ID ttie tpecUl treatment of UUOKIC , Xt'itroLii.SitiJi and HLOOD DiiiAiiAthan any otter rbjMelna la Bt. Louia , u city r pcri ihow and all old reiMsnu know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menltl and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otner L - lions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poffii Old SoreS and UlCCrS * are trntM with unr raneu < i inceeiB , on latest scientific principle. M'clr I'rhatclj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess , ExpOSUrO Or Indulgence , vhlch produce noma or tha following f fleeti iiervouiue * ! , dtMIUr , diiuocn of tight nd defeetlro memorjr. flmplcs en tlio fare , ( 'hvileal dccaj , verloD to tht locletj or reinalr t ourtj I oflJcajctc rendering Uarrlaeo Improper or unhappy , iJ rennniifttlyccrcd , raiDpblfi(3ft ( [ agcsjontue atoie , teim in leilinl envelope , free to nny AJdrrn . CouinUatlon iitr Ceo or bj mail free , and invited. Wrllo fur quciUoni , A Positive V/ritten Guarantee five * In ill cunblo caics. UrJlclnei tent tTorjwhtm. Tamphlcti , English or German , O4 paeei , d - tcrlblue abavo dneoBCS , In male or female , 1'IIEE. MARRBACE GUIDE ! ft > 0rge9. finer tci llluilrnteJ In cloth and tilt bluJlDl Xtt.roonejor- , , " Tbli litol eoutalns fttl tbo curious , doubtful or lnquUlttTe v know. took ctRrent Ut rut to Ul , UckiUl , 0 - - Vt llriirlfirlhci ELOOD/rcfito l.lle trie LIVER ami KIDNEYS. uiitl Iti'.sroiiK Tint UKM.TU . mill VIOOll of YODTJL U > * ' ' " , \Vnntnt Appelltc , j > On , I.ick : or Htrc'Tiptli. uurod. llcucs. iuuvu. . . . 1UTVP81 ccclvo ncvrlurcp. lii.livens tlio inliKl ntitl nupullcB llruln row IT. Sqrrcrlnxlrom roinplulnu _ . . M - * ti'Cl.irlo ] ! their HFY will led InDK. flrER'SIHOM TONIC n unfa end Cecily euro , illvcaaclciir , LcalUiy coniiiloxlon. 3 rccjuonl irlcmpts at cw > "Strnng only add tlioimpiilarltyol ( hu orlvlml. Do uutexpvrl * JCHt gutllluOlllUI.NAI.ANIlllfHT. Homl jnur utlilre toTbo Dr. llnrlwrM i Oo. BMt.lxn'j. Mo..ror our "DKEAM BOOK. " I-Nillor tr&o20nj > < 1 iiwfal Uiformaljoa.rm jnnen net OTTIIT . nuiirli'hmcut. It nvrroi ltli blmiifrfictly , " u rit < H u moth er lli.nrinilHof _ _ _ Hiinilartir-tlino * nliln , nn well n * UIOKI Irom rputoliln plis Hlrtaim throiiflmiit tlicmlmln I" H .IcBlIfy to Uixudilli nf 1IORLICSS FOOD FOR INFANTB AND UIVALIDB. ltuiuir n lioriinkliiit JlivtfcKhl In health or tick. : KH 4U uinl 75 rta JS'nlliirnuv-i > < M llofik t-uit Ireo. IIOUI.ICK'S ll > CO. , Kuril' tVfn. . * _ -bcitljy wall on ruccli'tol ' i > rlco In Hi .nil's , ( ud i. , k i ttuBaabtulu/.dtil ML / U. II J. W. VTTJPPIE1.AH1T , COIJ AOIU1 , at isnoAitwjT. tr. r- lly the mo i Jloilcttcr'u Stomacl llitteri the liaigan appearance ol thi countenaucoandgil lounuu of dyipep- lies are 6upantix | | ly a hcaltblvr look and AS the food i fcMlmllattxl.llif b-d idiiUrt-a tubBtauca Apiwtlle la reitorvd , anil the neroua } tcm rofuthtxl Itl much needed Blum b r , through lh u ol ttij ifDJiclnti , wUdi U alio Lcne lirlal toiHireoa of I rhcumatlo trndcno ) pn > "th offerer , * & , * . * * < * - ' The remarkable growth ol Ornkhn during the hat few years Is matter off great astonishment to those vtho pay n occasional visit to thia growing oltr. The development ol the Stor-V Yards thr necessity of the Bolt Ltiib Head U finely paved Directs the hundreds of nc residence ] and costly hnalnoai blockt , with the population of onr city moro than doubled In the laat fire years. All thia ia a great enrprloo to visitors and IB the admiration of onr citizens. Thli rapid growth , the hnsluesa activity , and the many nubstantlal Improvements made n lively demand for Omaha real estate , end every inveatoi has mndo ft handsome profit. Slnsa the Wr.ll Street panlo May , , with the subsocmont cry of hard times , there haa boon iosa demand from npocnla * tors , bnt a fair demand from Invostoru seeking homos. This latter class arc taking advantage of low prices { n build * tug material and are securing their homoc at much ICES cost than will bo possible R year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real onto' ' a cheaper now and ought to take advant o of present prices lot fntnio pro ta. The next few years promises greater ) divolopmonts In Omaha than the past fi v > years , which have boon as good aa wo could reasonably doslro. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo Job bing housed are added almost weekly , am * , all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omahn and through' bnt the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha ronl eUato , would bring them much greater returns. We have many bargain : ) which wo are conn dent will bring the purchaser largo profits In th near future. We have for Bale tlio finest residence - dence property in the north and weste'rn parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenuo,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Gumiug , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnnm , Califor nia and Davenport streets lias made accessible Borne of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Faruam , the pro perty in the western part of the city- will increase m valnn We also have the agency for the Syndicate aiid Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the unco in a short tinia. Wo also have some fine bunineso lots and some elegant inside resi- deuce ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bcrgains by calling REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 213 South 14th St , Bet.reen Farnham and Douglas. P. S. We ask those who have property for sale at a bargain to give [ us a callWe want only bargamn We will positively not handle prop ertv at more than its real value.