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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1885)
1HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 21 , 1885. NO. Jf > 9. HEBBASKA SOLONS , A Liroly Sel-lo on Railroad Ma'ters in ibe The BrasB-Oollarod Gang Word Considerably Startled , But Finally Eeoover Their Wits and Notify the Lobby. The Prison Committee Visit the Penitentiary ! Stout Gets an Appropriation of $6,000 , for a New Boiler , A Nninlxir of rtp ] > r < > i > rliMlniis i'nescd by tlio Hotific for Various OIiJcctH. THK SENATE. SESSION. Special Telegram to THIS BEE. LINCOLX , Febtuary 20. The monotony of the tonato was broken this afternoon by a lively set-to OD railroad mutter * . Immediately after roll call Senator McAl lister moved to go into committoa of the whole to consider file 157. This is the famous ootnmiision bill which the ring wanted to nab- stituto last week for the freight bill. The movement great ! y startle 1 1 ho brass-collared gang , but thi motion prevailed. Senator I'aill , before tbo president had called anyone to tbo chair , moved to adjourn till Tuesday at 10 o'cli ck. This was lost by a vote of 10 to 10 , McShuno and Klnsel being absent to gain time to lay their plans. 33 i-un Uowe moved a call of the house. The doors were locked and office n sent for tht absentee ! . McSliane was soon found. Ho raited a point of order , at did several other * , and a little parliamentary war eEHued , whtli the senate remnined ia a Btato of suspended animation , The call wes dispensed with be fore the rtturn of Mr. ] 'Mnrol , ai thu railroad men had collected their wits and informed the lobby. 1'aul was called to the chair and McShano moved to adjourn , but was overruled. The clerk read a few linen of the bill aud a motinn wai made that the committee rise. This car ried and a report was made. Hro n moved to amend the report by in- Herting a part of the freight bill , known es the Melkejohn amendment. liurr moved to adopt without amendment and Snell mnvud to lay the report on the table , which was cinlcdby a vote of 21 to II Tins ended the scuttle , _ after hulf a dozen roll calls and some sarcastic word-cros ing. The rrgular business wa < then taken up , several bills being rvail the first time Among them was Johnston's house roll 321 , exactly the same bill ai 171 , BO Ignominiously defeat ed by eho enato last week. After its title was road 13urr moved to irdefinitely post pone the b'll ' , Sewers srcnndcd McAHInter took the Hoar and plead earn estly and emphatically for Homo railroad legislation. Jiurr followed and moved the previous ques tion. tion.The The bill was postponed by the following vote. Ayes : 13uckwortli , Burr , Cherry , Clark , Durlaml , Kinpol , J"il in , Hoebel , IIowo , Ilyprs , Liwis , Love , MoShano , Metz , Norn's , Skinner , Smith , Suoll , Sowtjrd , Spen cer. cer.Nays : Brown , Uiy , Dolou , Goohnor , Ilai- tings , Ifowell , McAllister , Meikeljohn , Mills , I'aul , Putnam Sherwiu , Smi h , Snull. IIowoll and ICinsel sent up explunatious of their voiea. Seveial bills wera read a third time and pasted. lathe committco of the whole , thirteen bills were considered. THIS HOUSE. AND KVENI2TO HK3S10N. Special telegram to the Bei : . LINCOLN , Fob. 20. At this afternoon'H HOS- sion the house roseivod the report of the pris ons committee , which said they had visited the penitentiary and found e\ery thing bloom- Ing.In In the committee of the whole , Barney ng chairman of the general appropriation bill I , again occupied attention. The section under consideration was that i elating to the normal school at Peru. Tha sum advised , § ! ) ,2ro , wai passed without comment , ami just an the section was to be diepused of finally , Troup muvtd an addition 1 appropriation of5,000. . ThU led to considerable speech-making , In which Troup , Kmefll. Uaisettand Stuveism joined la Mipporl of the additional num. Thev weroopp > red by liuiley , Hi 10 Newcomer and otliorii The iimaii t not being allowed , tha other state iuatitutloiu were allowed their usual grants until it C-imo to thn state pcut- tontia y. Miller attacked tbii with consider able vigor , aud cnucuntrated his foice on Stout's new boiler , for which an appropriation of 0.100 was asked , Tha c'linmilte > was in doubt whether it bhould burst the said boiler by refusing the monty , but aftur Buveral amendments the S(5)00 ( ) was allowed. On tht reform school allowance of STjQjO asked foi ahop-butldlug , machinery , tojls , etc , , wa' stricken out. An attempt was made to strike out tha fisl commlriiion appropriation , but after u loop argument it was allowed ai estimattd. 'lln other portion of the bill waj paisod tbrougt without commtiut. Hou'olloll 2 , which pro\ ides for Iho pay ment of state ollicern was next taken in bant aud run through. Miuh time was devoted tt the question or adjouriiment or recess. Tin members who wore anxious to see the Bo hemian girl were disappointed , and nn oven In ? cession was arratged. The home aat from 7:33 : until 11:55 : p.m. and pvtfoJ HBveral bilU of minor important through committee , afterwards adjourning until Tuesday inoiiiing. HOUSK HAl'I'KNINOS. Bl'KCIAI. ORIIKRi. Special Carrespondeuce to thu BEE , LlNCOLK , Febniary 19.At this afternoon' cession cf llio house Mr. Whltmoiu succeodei in attaching one hundred and nine bills t J th li t which he wished to maka a special ordei If Mr. Kitoy had not objected in time th whole of the bilU before the homo would lia\ bucu oiado special orders. After tin's had beei dUpoiuiil of nothing * of importance took phc until tlw general arpropriation bill came u in committee ol thn whole with Mr. llobmunn In the chair. The vote of SG,20J , for the governor's office was Agreed to with > ut comment. M aho WM the following votesi teeretaiy of state , S2 , 00. adjutant ( reneralV otlico , $1 ( > , UO ; trcAnucr of state $950 ; superintendent of public Instruc tion , SI 1,100 ; RttoitiovKPticr.vl , $2310 ; public lands cnmmltsiocr > r , $2,300 ; txmtd of laiuh and buildings. I2A8U ) . board of ducation l lands , S10.000 ; nUto library , SJ , 100. The appioprlation for the * tate university coming next caused considerable del ate , Mr. Holmes wished to aunment the ordinary op- proririatinn by an adillti'.nal ' hum of S'5,000. > lr. Wright moved that the cluncellor of the university bo nllowcd to address the com mittee ol the whole , which WM granted , The chancellor took the floor nnd for nn hour tnlkul to the committee. He attempted to explain what tlio university wanted in tha way of money and htl remarks were listened to with attention , Mr. Miller was the first t3 addrois the committee after the chan cellor had made his speech , nnd he said ho should like to know more definitely what had become of the lar-t appropiiation made. Ho would like to have seen the re port of the committee , which wouM bam bi en a guide for the present action of the com mittee. Ha wan opposed to the appropriation under the tircumttances. Mr. King would always bo found support ing educational uppropiiations. fir ho thought they were the backbone of the state. Ho would not support the present however , because - cause bo could got no light ns to what was done with the money that had already been voted. Mr. Ste > enson objected to the appropria tion berausa thr committee Ins not dcno their duty and specified how much w .s required for earh item of expenditure. Mr. Nlchol objected to tlio appropriation under the circumstances as did Mr. Winepsar who said , in behalf of the Douglas delega tion that if the medieil school weiu abolished thn vote would Ret their unanimous support. Mr. Kalcy in a long speech supported the extra allowance , Mr. Whitmoru made a strong speech against the mndical school and hinted ho could not support the nxtra appropriation Speaker Field in a somewhat long and per sonal Hooccb , mainly directed against Mr. Stuvcnton , supported the appropriation , Mr. Nottletun said bocaujo thu commltteo had hf Id back reports ha could not suppott tha votn for extra money. Mr. Bla no thoucht likewise. _ Mr. Kilcy showed the absurdity of having a medical school at Lincoln where there weru no hospitals , and said ho would not support the vote unless a guarantee was glvon that the medical school should bo abolished. At thn Junrturo thu committco rose wUhout having doun anything towards appropriating the inonry desired. Ti is bill will be consid ered to morrow in committee of the whole , and the hou'o adjourned until 7:30. : At thu e\enlng session excor.t the bill to provide for a etate constitutional committco which shall devise moans to amend the con-titution , noth ing was done except to raho frivolous points points of order and moro adjournment of the home. After two hours opont in this frolicsome - some way the house adjourned until tomorrow row at the usual hour. SAWDONEH 8NUI1I1KD. Special Telegram to THE BKB. LINCOLN , Febmarv 20. The Stata univer sity appropriation has passed through the committee of the whole , but not before the sum allowed for the Medical college was stricken out of the bill. Oregon's Senatorial Jluddle. SAI.KM , Oregon , February 10. The last day's ' balloting for senator began promptly at noon to-duy. At the final caucus this morning. Uirsch'd friends resolved to at and by himuntil be was elected or inked them to vote for same other candidate On the first ballot bo re- cetvtd thirty-four , a gain of five On the fifih ballot he Irst ono and his vote has stood unchanged - changed till this hour , -1:30 : p. m. Through tha twenty-one liallot.f several motions tr > tulte a recess were voted down. The members lent out for Imi'tieon and utu it in tbo cloak room and lit their dtsks. Most of the antillirch republicans voted from the first to tlio eighth ballot for It. I * . Kailmrt , secretary of state , nnd on the ninth ballot changed to Gov ernor 7 F. Moody. On the twentieth ballot Moody received eighteen votes , being the entire atti-Hirih strength. The proceed ings are growing monotonous nnd the prof nt state of affaird is likely to bo kept up until lato- this evening. It Is rumored that If Hirsh's vote cannot bo swung to Moody , ox- Seontir H. W. Corbett will bo proposed , yet there has been no movement towards a vote for the mild republican , as suggcste 1 by the - demociatlc national committso. Two mem bers of the legislature , one republican and ono democrat , are abcent , and forty-live votes are required to elect. At 9:30 : p m. a resolution passed adjourning the joint convention at 11 The llirnch fic tion is by the resolution to rtay by him till 10 o'clock , and it U impossibly to pay where hi vole will go. A strong t If ort is be ing mude bv tha democrats to bring out ex- Senator John A. Mitchell. Adjourned wi bout an election , Hirach re ceived 37 vote ? . Prohibition atKcnla , Special to the BKK. NEOLA , Iowa February 111. The mayor marshal , and board cf aldermen < .f this city were arrested yesterday and taken before Squire lUloy Cla k , on the charge of con spiracy to Utfrat the prohibition law and aid' ing and abetting tha H lo uf Intoxicating liquoiH , The atatn was represented by M. 1) O Conor , The olliciaU were arraigned and pit ad not guilty and waived examination giving bond for their appearance to-morrow The arrest caniid excitement and f : largd crowd tilled and Ml" " rounded the tquire'i ollice to watch the outcoma , Tlio Yale Aluniui laniiiots | Bcnatoi Kvurtu. NEW YOHK , February 20. The Yali Alumni association of New York gave a re ceptiou to-night to William M. Evartx , Unitei States senator-elect , After the lunrjue CliMinccy Depew , president of the association made a pleasant Huecch , in which ho rtfcrroi to the grief of bim-elf and Kvatts at the mug wump principles of many of the Yale alumni Ho expected they would not boMtate in th future to criticise any rLcaatiroa which llyart inipht ad vat co Kvarts responded briefly and said ho believed ho was the first Yalemai tn represent the state of Now York in th United States senate. A Kiual Hlel hrUlo I'lIlUDKI.rKa , Feb. 20. A special fron tbu Muncy Valley lays ; Joseph Habereckei hia hU wife and two children went aluighini in a largo two-horse sleigh last evening Oi the way homo the horaea ran away , overturn ing the sleigh and dragging the occupant everal hundred feet. The fathei's neck wa co broken , one child WAH killed outright andi expected the others ill not live. WASHINGTON NEWS. Appropriating for PnWIc BDilflinss at ConiicilB.uiTs'diiiLooisyillo . , The PostofEco Appropriation Bill Qrindinc The Honse Eidioalo Oar WashTub - Tub Navy In Discussing the Naval Board and Appropriation Bill , The Houeo Passed Fifty Pension Bills in the Evening , PaBsaco of the Appropriation HIU for tlic Department , of Agri culture , SENATE. WASHINGTON , -February 20. Cullcm pro- snntod a memorial from the legislature of Illi nois urging ccngroes to take btvpi to acquire ownership In the ship canal connecting tr o waUra of Kewccna bay with thojo of Lake Supoilor , and to make the canal free to the commerce uf the lakes. Referred. Miller ( N , Y , ) , from the commltteo on agri culture , reported favorably with amendment the lioupu bill for the protection of foreita on the public domain. The Dos MuineJ river bill wai placed before the senate , nnd Lapham > csumed his remarks in support of his prop sed amonumenl , rcqulr- in ? thu partien In whosa interests suit may ba instituted by the attoiney general to file bonds giving security for cost ? . The amendment wss voted down yeas , 23 ; nays , 29. Lapham then offered an amendment re- iriog that in all actions commenced under tlio a t , in which the defendants shall be suc- cntsful , the costs shall be given sgaluat the Unit * d States. The amendment was also rejected yea ? , 10 ; na > R , 31. L'ipham occupied the time till 1 o'clock dia- ousting other amendtnontB proposed by him At that hour Lapham still having the floor , the mutt-ir wont over. On motion of Hile the ngricultmal appro priation bill was taken , up an I the c iuidora- tion wai proeoedod with. The bill , after dome debate , passed Eubjtnntially a ; it came fium the senate committee , thu principal change being in thu item for the cultivation of eor ghum , which , on iiioti-in of Ulumb , was in creased from S O 0 0 to $50,000. On motion tf Plumb the postoffioo appro- pria ion bill was taken up Hawley hoped the teLato would disagree as ti > the senate committsrt'a amendment reduc ing the amount for clerks in the pi < stoflices from § 5,300,010 tj SJ.IGO.OJ. A sect ! n as it came from thu houao provided that letters shall be charged at the rite of 2 cents an ou < ca instead cf half au ounce. Drop letters ( where there is no free delivery ) 1 cent an ounce and nowsap rs in bulk to regular sub scribers 1 cent a ponnd , but sample copies at 1 cent per four ounces Allison Raid it the vote of the senate should strike out the lepislition referred to , it would bo a declaration that wo nil til keep a general legislation in appropriation bills when the leg islation suiti. , sr.d strike it cut wlnn it doas not. This legislation being of ileelf ad mittedly good , this wu : a good place for us to stand by our rule oud nhow our virtues. Dawea favored standing by the rule , and agreeing to the comumteo'u amendment He thought the cerate postoitico committee ongh. to wako up nnd taka hold of such a subject as thU and report a bill on it. Aftercontiderablo further ditcussion aa to the operati n of thu sen > to rules , which was participated In by William" , fherraan , Miller ( N. Y. ) Miller ( Gala. ) Plumb , Hawley , Hoar , Mitchell , Cock- rell an J Kdmucds. The icnato disagreed to the committee amendm'nt by a vote of 33 nays to 18 yea ? , so far as thit amendment re lated to letter postage , leaving the newspaper provision yet to bo acted upon , The renato went into executive session , and when the doors were reopened adjourned un til to-morrow t.t 1 o'clock p. in , BOUSK WASHINGTON , February 20 , The house mol in continuation of Thursday's bebaiou , and unanimously went into committee of the whole on the river and harbor bill , To expo ditu matters the friends of the bill yielded to the Mississippi river clause. This witharew the bone of contention from the committee and thu dame will ba restored in the house , The clause relative to the Henuepin cana being recurred to , the chair delivered an elaborate decision on points of order , whlcl were railed against it , He hold that the sub ject matter was germane , and that It was no in the caturo of now legislation , and therefore overruled the points which were baaed on these , groun F , but sustained the point that the coin mltteo op rivers and harbors had not orlgina jurisdiction on the subject , and that it nhoulc properly have been contiJeiol by th committee on railways nnd ctnnh and upon this ground ho ruled th clause out of ordiv. and must be stricken from the bill. Henderson , Iowa , appealed from the do cieion , pending which the committee ro p , 111 IIOUHO adjourned and tl)9 ) fcetslon of 1'riiU began. llurns ) submitted the conference report or the consular ntil diplomatic approprlatio bill. Agreed to. Motion to reconsider tbo vote by whlcl the house some days ao refused to paex tbi bill granting a pension of $50 per month tc thu widow of Major Thoruburg , agreed to , The bill paed. . Hingham , from the committee on postoflicci and poHt-roida , reported resolution calliui ] on too postmaster general for information re I atlve to mpplyicg inferior envelopes to thi p istollicB department , and annulling the con tract with Kellogg & Co. , of Kpringlield Massachusetts The huueo proceeded to business and undo the tpcclal rule. On motion of Wilson , the bill passed ap preprinting 31UO.COO for the completion of tin public building at Council Jiluffd , On motion of Willir.the bill patsed increas ing to flOiXCOO ) , the limit , of the approprla tlou for thu public building at Louisville it. Kentucky. ' Tto house went into committoa of the wholi on the navy appropriation bills. Upon the section relating to tlio increase of the navy and contalng what Is known * s tha lUndall plan , havtig been read , It wa < igrced that four hours debate ba allowed on it. . Kelfer opposed the plan contained in the bill because he believed it would not give the country a single voisel which it would dard to put n > to thiwaters. . Ho likened the situa tion of tbo United States to that of an over grown child , who was hurt whenever tiuchod , and was without power to strike back. Ho made n detailed ctitlciern of the section and ridiculed the conttruction of the proposed board , characterizing It at a juiiUAriinoniTK ASSBMDLY op NAVAL SIKN and citizens , and predicting the country would never get n ship from such n board. IXHIR raid the poeithn of the gentleman from Ohio ( Kcifcr ) In favorirgan Incrom'd navy and la opposing the ineMuiea proposed to secure that increase , rciniLded him of A fllory of a man who wai "in favor of the Maine law but against its execution. " The plan proposed mieht bo faulty in detail , but ho favored Its general features. Our navy was AN AI.rHAIIKT WOODEN WASH TOD. There was scarcely a nation BO poor as to da it reverence. There was cot on all these wooden th'ps ' a ticco of rrdnanco of more value In war than a child's pop gun 1'eo- pie laughed at the navy , and rulbhcd the joke of the "Tullapoos * " balng run down by a coal b.uco. They lauched at it as u kind of Pel- el 1 Hull burlesque. P' tiding furili r debate the committee rnso , and the house took a ret ess until teven. The ovminR scfsiou is to be for the consideration of pension blllj. Tbo house at the evening session pusod Gfty pension bills and adjourned until such tlmo to-morrow as It may bo called to order by the speaker. Tlii < i Is the last eveninir of the prCM'ut congicss which will be devoted to the consideration of the pension rmilnoe * re ported by the committco on invalid pensions WASHINGTON 'NEWS. ' IN THK HWAIM CODItT ilARTIAL to-day Gen. Swaim testified thnt ho never fc aged horses that ho did not owu. The ex amination then close I , and the defense rested the case. Tha court decided to hear'no argu ments , and immediately west into secret ses sion to consider tha case. Tbo court remained in secret session but ten minutes aud then adjourned sine die. There U an impression abroad to-night that Gen. Swalm ha ] been acquitted. CONFIRM AT10XH. C. F. Hou er , Lena , Ills. ; C. B. Loop , Bol- 15olvidete , II' ' . The Illinois Legislature. SrniNGFiKU ) , 111. , February 20. All menv bers were present in the house and senate to day. In the bouse a joint resolution urginc upon Illinois ccnators and representatives In congress the p.tesa o of tha Hennopin canal bill. The joint resolution passed bo the sen ate was presented to the housourgingcongiess to place General Grant on the retirement list. Lmd on the table , 80 to 52. A resolution , to refer the matter to a committee of five , with Instructions to insert tbo name of 1'ltz , Tnhn "orter along with Grant , was carried , 70 to 4. The objections made to a count of the 'otn ' were referred to a committee cf three. SritiNfiKlELl ) , 111 , February 20. The legis- atute met in joint convention to-day and ir > ceeded to vote for senator Tha fir t bal- t stood : Logan 102 , Moirison 93 , Haines 2 , r. H. Ward 2 scattering 5. Total 20-1 On he second ballot Streutor made the firit break nd voted for Morrison , which was received vith applause. Uo was followed by Murphy , who had heiotofori- voted forLawlor , but now ast his vote for Morrison. Thu vote then trod : Loizan ICO Morrison D7 , Haines 2 , catteiing f > . Total 204. In the third and last ballot.'p'Shea changed lis vote to Morrison cud Mellan yutid for "jcgan , both of which were received wiih reat applause. The vote tnon stood Logan , ilj Morrison , OS ; pcatteiini ? , 7. Adjourned ; o 12 to-morrow. House adjourned. Cabinet Speculation , ALIIANT , February 20 , Frederick O. Vrlcca , I Boston , called on I'residsnt-elect Clove- and this afternoon and had n general conver sation. The report that Francii Lynne Stet- ion had been dispatched to confer with Sena- , or Thurman and Colonel Vilas is authorata- .ivcly donifd. John E. Devlin , who dined with Cievelind Jait evening , said to-day that 31ovelund hod not fully decided on all the members of his"c binot yet , but thora as one : hing ku balio\d sure , and that was that Manning would bo secretary of the trensury. It is e.iid to bo the fixed intention of the president to give the south a repre sentation of tbreo members in liln cab'not , in cluding Senator lUytrd. The other two rep rocontativos will c'ime from the circle of ten l" tore , and the choice , It is understood , will b ' restricted virtually to Lunar of Mississippi Gailandof Arkansas , and Jackson of Tennessee nossee , and it is possible that in addition tc Manning. New York may bo awarded anothei cabinet office. Illinois Horse And Oattlo Statistics Special telegram to TUB BEE. WASHINGTON , February 20. The depart ment of agriculture has just issued report i-liowlcg the number of farm animals In th United Stateo. Tha number of horses in Illinois is 1,033 , , 375 ; mules , 1,15,730 ; milch rows , 910 805 : o > ei aid other cattle , 1,171.41)1. ) The valuer horsea in Illinois Is put down at 878 , < M'J,2)1 ' : ) mill * * , SIOK9 331 ; cows , $ : I2I07 ( , ' 17U ; othe cattle , $12,179,1'IB Illinois , accoiding to this report , has i larger number of horses than aoy other state no other leaching a million in number , am none having so high a total value. KA.ILKOAIJ CHICAGO , February 20. George W. Vat dorbilt and David Daws , of New York , t ( day presented a petition in the United Stab circuit court , setting forth that Samuel i Tilden had ro igned his position M trustee I behalf of the bondholder of the Chicago J Northwestern railroad company : to secure tli payment of those bonds and interest , an asking the court to appoint an his kuccetnor i trust the Farmers Loan and Truit comp.inj of New York. The court ao ordered. Infernal Machine Foil nil ttSturftl I STtmnn , Mich. , February 20. There wi considerable cxclteinont here to-day cause by finding an infernal machine in the bas ment of N. Frank's buildiug. It was BUS pended by wires , and the fmo had bren llgh ed , but went out. The building was vacan excrpt the necon-1 djor , which was occupio by Mr , F/ank'ii family. The masons had ju vacated tlio tbird floor , and the storeroom c the 'first floor WM temporarily empty for i pairs , FOREIGN EVENTS. El Mahfli Erecting a Fort Oppsilc the British camp , Immenas Amounts of Ammuni tion Preparing for Egypt , Grave Fears Entertained for the Safety of Gen. Buller , Who is Beine Hemmed in at Abu Kloa Wells , Three Thousand Goal Minors Struck at Mons , Belgium , t\ Lower Cauadlmi KdltotIH Cow- lildcil In llio Utilise of Com- iiions nt Ottawa. , KOUKIC.N NKW9. THE TIlANSHKn Of OPFICRHS BUSrENDKI ) . LoxnoN , February 20 , The government baa suspended the transfers of officers from the regular army to the reserve. This action created n profound sensation , and a general feeling of alarm respecting the safety of the forces under Generals Duller , Wolsolcy anil Hrackonbury. The opinion is widely ipicad that the war office rrccived uioro startling In formation from Wol < olry than was conveyed iu the telegram of this afternoon in relation to Bullet being hemmed in at Abuklea wells. IMUENSK QUANTITIES 0V AUUUHiriO.V KOU EOVIT. LONDON , February 20. A greater nmount of ammunition is being prepared fur transportation - tation to Egypt than was cent out of the countiy dining the entire period of the Crim ean war. Thin fact is evidence that the frov- i-rnment is preparing fur a long campaign. News received from Kortt is to the effect that the Mahdi has senta force of three thousand to erect a fort opposite the English camp at Guiat. QKAVK FEAI1S OP QKK. DCLLKn'S BAFKIV. Private dispatches Indicate , that Woleeloy will ha\o to send strong reinforcements to Gen. Buller If the latter Is to be rescued from his perilous position nt Abuk Lea Wells. Grave feais are entertained that Bulli-r will suffer Uo fata of Garden unless speedily cue- cored , IlEiaiUM MI.NKHS OKA STIIIKB. BRUSSELS , February 20. Three thousand minors struck in the coal mines at MODS. rArtLIAMENTAHY. LONDON , February 20. In the lords to-day Karl Giauvillo presented the queen's mes sage calling Lilt the reserve ami ordering the embodiment of the militia In view of tlio ntcessity of tbo defencs in J ypt , and the protection of the interests of thu empire. Gladstone announced thu question of granting a special allowance to the family < > f the late Gen. Gordon was receiving careful attention. The government in accordance with his promise ycaierdny , to-day named the date for Northcute's debUoun Sir Staf- ford'a motion of censure Gladstone fixed Monday next asthn day. lla also announced that on Monday the queen's message sum- m nlng thoieaerv-B will be considered. The government's motion to give the redta trlct union seats bi 1 precedence over nil orders of the dey was iidoptpd Under the supervision of the lord mayor , a . . hold for ol mi.-ui.ius will soon be tbo puipase making arrangements for a national memorial to Gsn. Gordon. ' A COHl'.SE ACCIHENTALLY OBEMATKD. MONTUKAI. , February 20. The drapery around the corpse of Madame Kicocot caught lire from the candles. The tire spread so - rapidly that the boarders were forced to jump - from the windows. The corpse was burned to a crisp. LANOLIER , CANADIAN EDITOR COUIIIDSI ) . OTTAWA , Ont. , February SO. In the com mons this afternoon , Landrey , mrrrber for Mont-Uagnoy , couhided Charles Langller , editor of the Electeur , nnd a brother of Lang- Her , member from Quebec , owing to an article reflecting on Landrey , DEATH OP OKN. STEWART. Koim , Ftbiuary 20. General Sir Herbert " Stewart , wounded at the battle of Abu Idea , , died on the ICth at Gakdul Wells , to which pi iice ho had been removed. His death coats a glcom over the entire British army. The Burgeons state Soward'a wound was of such a character that recovery was hopeless Iron : the Brat. AN OVERDUE RTKASIKR. LONDON , February 2J.1'ho .British steamer Preston from New York , January 20th foi Avon , baa not yut arrived at destination. Great anxiety is tult in regard to her safety The third uattall n of Grenadier guard IH started for Siuikim to-day. Previous to theii netting out from Windsor they were addreseet of by the prince of Wales , who said lip felt Him they would uphold tbo honor of their country er The queen sent nutopraph letters to the elli cers. a JIOPKS AND FEARS. ak , Should the Mahdi threaten Dongola , Lori Wolseley will retire to Uebbeh , Ic is foaroi that the appearance of the Mahdi near Don gola would lead to a puncral rising iu hie favor iu Nubia and upper 1'Uypt , THE PATH 0V THK MINISTRY , to- apparently dependu u ] > on the option of Par ,03 null. If ho tfupporU the vote uf c < 'nsroth _ ,03J. formation of a cabinet would Bocrn luovita in ble. THE MAHIH'H ORDERS. ha LONDON , February 20. A dispatch fron lid ICortI statei the Mandi ordered all tribea 01 In the past bank of tbo Nile to assemble oppj Iny. cite Ciubat. A Sensation Developed nt tins Corn ? , nci'n Inquest on the VIcllniH of the Fire at tlio West Phila delphia Almsliouio. led I'JULADVLl'lllA , ] ' 'obruary 20 , At th coroner's inquest this afternoon in regard t 'ho death of the twenty victims of the fire t * tbo Berchley almshouse , a sensation was de veloped by the confession of Joseph Nadlne ijt I n young negro , that ho had eet file to then on building and was instigated to the act b lev I'otcr J. Kchroeder , one of the chief attont I ants , ftadiuo is about 23 ycais uf ap was committed to the Institution M an imbe cile , but it is laid by the otllcvrs of the Inttl- tutiou tlut ho is inn ally respontiblc , and that hcwaa Irrqlicntly pirmUtod to pn homo unattended - attended , A's a ruiult of Niuliuo'a corfesslon Scliroedtr was arrested. Nadlno raid Hcbroe- der had given him n in itch on the night of the calamity , nnd told him to set the place on tiro. Nadine thru wett to the ( trying room , and lighting n match applied it to some rubblth on the lluor. lie then called Hchroe- der , and the two , with the nfMstanco of u attendtnt named Muller , endeavored to get the patients out , but the fire gained such headway they were forcwl thomsnlvcs to lea\o the building. Nadiio lays thatwhon Schroeder der ga\o him the match he told him to eot fitc to the building , that ho was tired ct the place mill was goirg to leave , and ho disliked Dr. Richard- ion because ho had refused to give him a railroad pas ; . Nadiuo intimates that atti ml- ant Mullen atro knenr of his Imving set fire to the building , but thinks ho did not know of it until thu next day. Mullen was placed In custody , but will bo detained as n witness ngatu t Scbroder. In his further testimony Kadiun sayn ho twice before set lira to the building , but both tunes the lUinos were dUcovficd and extingtiiihed. On both occasions he afterwards told Schroder of hi ] acts and that latter anturod him ho would not report him , Is'atllno told of niiny cruelties practiced on patients by Schroeder , and Schrocder denies tlio truth of the utory. CIIC | KO'H Inttcfct Vive. CHIOAOO , February 20. The loss to the tenants of Granno' block will not exceed § 50,000. , None of them , except II. M. Kins ley , Uuroham & Hoot , and McDonald Bros. suffer any contiderablu loss , Kinsley , whoso Cftfo was iu the Boutheaet corner of the base ment , loses about 320,100 The fire extended Intu the rear part ot his lunch room and rostau nt on Washington street. Tlio greatest damage was done by water. The fixtures In the cafe cost 58,000 snd the bar goods and ( tuck about $2,000 more. All this is a total lois. The restaurant and lunch room wora damaged up stairs aud down stairs , mostly by water , SID- 000. Kinsley is insured for § 15,000 In Ihr- roll's accucy. Burnhnm & H ot , architoctc , place their JOBS at § 15,000 , iniiunviico § 5,00 ' . They lost many original specifications , 'luo los es of other tenants will probatly not average ago over $1,000 each. CHICAGO , February 20. The Journal's Mendota (111. ( ) special says : Thu pacrenger house In Union depot , the baggage and tulo' graph rooms burned with contents this morn. Inc. Loss estimated at $50,000. Idvcly Time atllio I'ltlsliur Oil I-Jx. . PITTSIIUKO , February 20. Trading at the oil exchange to-day was more exciting than for many weeks , The opening sales made 72Jc , but within a few minutoe " 3ic was free ly bid , The bears mndo several unsuccepsful attempts to break vnlura , but the bulls moro than held their own , JJiuInf ? the inorninf session lluctuatlons were conlinoJ com pa > a- tlvely to a narrow range. At 11 o'clock the prlco was 73jjc , but on heavy buying jumped to 7-1 ic. Sale. } to realize broke values to 73'Jc nt which liguro it remained until 2 o'c'ock. 'I hat hour ulegrams were received that the McLaughlin well wau dry , and prices shot up like a rocket to 7-1 i'c. The sudden advance forced the thorts into covering , and amid tbo wildett excitement vulucs went climbing up the scaln nt liyoly rate , and when the cong Hounded at the cloEO , 7Ccwna bid. The trans actions for thn day were Inige and probabl ) exceed 5,000,000 barrets. Pholiin Atlcndtd. lira Body Guard KANSAS CITY , February 20. It hai tran spired that Phelan , who arrived hero from New York on Wednesday , was attended by two detectives ns a body guard. They wil remain in Kansas City until I'helan's safety i assured. One of them in an interUew etate that it Is positively known that Kansas Cit ; has been selected by the Kiiglisl govoinmen as an outpost of a eccretcervice circuit extend ing from New York to Now Orleans and San Fruncieco. Further Particulars ol' the Virginia Midland Railroad Accident. ALEXRNDKIA , Va , February 20.The latest report from the scene of the railroad accident at Four Mil.,011 , the Midland road , makes it certain that live men were killed , a 1 train hands. All the passengers , seventy in num ber , escaped uninjured. I > pnthnrOr. Wakctloltl. BIOOMINOTON , 111. , Fob. 20 , Dr , Cyrenc- aue * Wakcfiold , the well-known philanthro pist , died tonight , aged 70. IIn estate in estimated at nearly JJli.000,000. He leaves four children , TKLKGHAl'H NO IKS. The romaina of Mrc. James Kusaell Lowall will bo interred in London. Two firemen were killed in St. Paul while testing a new-fangled flic-escape , The Swiss government has decided on the wholesale oxpuliion of anarchists. , The Ilatnburg plow ( .factory burned _ thii morning. Lcss"SI,000 ( ) ; Insurance , 320,010 The local buthoritlos of Victoria , 13. C. have decided to rc.ilat the enforcement of thi dominion liquor law oulered by the Ottaw : government. The returns to the American Iron and Stoe association of the liessemer steel productioi in this country for 1881 show a reduction o only nine per cent below the maximum output which was in 1882. HM j Gen. W , F. Kogers , member of congress gross fiom Buffalo , is understood to bo a sue censfnl aspirant fertile ponltion of Rovernmcn printer under tbo Cleveland IH abaut to resign from the national guard. Mrs. Kaymond , wlfo of Hon. John B. Hay mend , c ugrosenmn from Dakota , died at tb Providence hospital in Washington this tuoit ing. She had l > eou an invalid six years , am in the course of that time had undergone ton B6i-ero eurgic.d operations. Thu last was th immediate causeof her death , Secret senlco doioctivu ) have arreste Pnnii'l Cdrrigan , ex-cblcf clerk of thu bmra 0- of modicinri und surgery of thu navy depavl ment , who vita indicttd two yoira ago fc passing false vouchers on the governmenl The hunt for Cjrrlgau wax a long one. II was cluued to Dakota , to Baltimore , to Ch il ho cage and St. Louis , and was finally capture to in Brooklyn. teat at Don Miguel Montana , a wealthy Monica and leading rolltimn , of Las Vcgns , N. M together with his wife , were foully immloro last Tuesday night by Jose Trucgello , wli he lied to the mountains. Ho is nut yet cai by tured. It Is reported that Truegello was I id- \ewith > Mrs. Montana , who repelled bin He killed both out of re\engo , Oil 'CHANGE. eaJi'BiArticls on 'Change ' Ycslcriay Were Rjierally Steady , The Fat Oattlo Trade Steady find Prices UnohtiDgedi The Hog Market Aotivd and Sub- Btantially Higher All Around , Wheat Steady , But Quiet Under the Dearth of Features ! Jorn Quotably Firm and Steady at a Slightly Higher Eango , OMH Oontlnno Very Qnlot Ityo IIclil Ita Own I'rovlsloim and ljl'litly Traded In , CHICAGO Special telegram to Tint BEE. ClltUAflo , February J C. Leading articles m o-day' market wore in n geneial way steady , not heavily traded in , and ruled quite f oat : ro es * . The receipts were slightly better , whllo : ablc advices showed no particular chango. Aery few outside ordcra came in. WIIKAT ipened steady but quiet under the usual earth of features. Aa on yesterday the local uterosts tried to hold the market , but it aggod elf jc , later recovering on liberal buy- ng by homo parties. The entire movement n the morning session was only ic. No. 2 pring sold at 78Je. The e'oso at ono o'clock au steady and quiet. conx was quotably firm steady at slightly her range of figures , but as usual the mar- tet was featureless and only received moderato attention from the regular local traders. No. ! cash sold at 38iu 38.c } , with light otferingn. Tha close of the morning session was steady. OATH continue very quiet and featureless , in thu mmediatn nalghboi hood of Hla for May do- ivery. There is practically nothing doing In any other future , and but little in this. BYE leld its own at about yesterday's quotations , > ut was lightly traded in , with restriction in joth receipts and i.fl nngsj No. 2 freeh re ceipts were hold at G3J@Flc ; Feb uury , regu- ar at ( We , March at C3 c , and May at G8c. ruled practically featureleat , and -wore very ightly traded ID. Thereyrasn weak spot at ttio opening , when May pork dropped unite rapidly from 813 20 down to S13 124 , but it soon lecoverod , and duiing the bulk of the morning Be sal on ranged between SKI 60 and § 1320. The packing Interests wcro outoE market , and scilpera eceing no profit Iu either tide , lot the deal alone. CATTLE The cattle trade wan steady and prices un changed as compared with yesterday , but lfi@ 23c lower than on Wednetuay , which was the highout day of the weok. 1'iices are now about the same nn on MoneUv. Now York buyer * were practically out of trace , as re ports from that market quoted a decline of 23@W'c ' , with 120 ears on sale. 13ut with the di essed beef i paruturs and other outtido or der * , there woa a demand for all Buitablo stock. The quality of the cattle is of the poorest. Among the arrivals of the past two days there were but a few lots that worn good enough to make 86' ' 0. The bulk have been sold between S5 00@f > 50 , while common to medium continue to sell at $ 1 S0@ J 80 and thereabouts First class butthuiit' stock was in active demand and linn. Canuing stock ) ! ontifnl , with the low goods limning poor trices ; stockeis and feeders were in good emand and ftrady ; steers , 10.r,0tol20l Ibs , 1 2o@l 80 ; 12LOfsl300 Ibs , $5 OJCffl1) fiO ; KloJ o If 00 lb' , $5 60 ® C 00 ; PiportB , § 6 'Jj@H ' 50 : uutchero cows , etc , SZ-UKSlS.'i , mainly § 3 00 $3 40 ; Texans. ? : t C0@-l 75 ; stockers acthe nt * : t E0@l 00 ; fecdere , SI CO-1 CP. HOGS. This market won active and substantially lighcr on all foitg. Common and lough > ackers sold around about SI liO l-1 7) , the lest bo t mixed SI 80t UO , and choice heavy $5 )0tf ) ( > 5 20 ; light , SI C0ia4 C5 ; gord light , ? 1 70&-1 80 ; light , 150 to 210 Ibs , 4 40&8 52. Knilurr * . NEW YoitK , February 20. Failures for the aat tovou days , 2'JO , as compared with 270 last weok. Rheumatism Wo doubt If there Is. or can bo , a fpcclflf ; remedy for rheumatism ; but thousands who have siillercil Its pains have been greatly ben efited by Hood's Sarsaparllln. If you haw failed to nnd relief , try this gi cat remedy. " I was mulcted with rheumatism twenty years. I'rcvlous to 1883 1 found no relief , but grew worse , and at ono time was almost licln- ! cs , Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo moro good tlian all the other medicine J ever had. " II. T , DALCOM , Shirley Village , mass. " I had rheumatism three v ara , and got no relief till I took Hood's Baisaparllla. H has tie done great things for me. I rccommenu It to others. " J.r.wiH liuitiiANK , Dlildeford , L'u , id ur Hood's Barsaparllla Is clmractorlrcd 119 lie three prciillarllli-s : 1st , thn combination ot remedial aKCitts ; 2 < l , tlio piojiortiont 3dtbp : ( iraetm of securing the active medlclnai. au ( jualltli's. The result Isamcdlclnoof uuusua' : rtor strciiKtlii effecting cures liltlicrto imknowa. Bi'inl ( or book containing additional evidence. itle " Hood's Hirsaiiarllla tones up my system. [ iiirillcs my bloiul , xbarju'iis my aniii'tlto , ami iled M'cnis to make me over. " ,1. r , Tiioiil'dOH , ed Keglster of Duuits , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Hirsaparllla beats all others , and an Is wnrtll Its Wl'll-lit III pnlil. " f . IIAUIU.NUTON , . 130 Hank atrcct , New York City. I.od odIn ' Hood's Sarsaparilla In Bold by all druggists. (1 ; six for (5. MaC * onlybvtt J.1I001 > & CO. , Lowell , MOM. ! OO eDosoQQino recognizeet ' Smoking Tobacco < inD