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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , FEBRUARY 10 , 1885 I ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Chenpost , Moat Durable , Smallest in Size niul Lightest i Weight. ' amount of work prnrtuccO.such little , ( ton" > Wlth'noIU I-rencnol any kind can the . .ndo"rtoUlril.o,1ll | . x car , ) a. can bo done with the EtUI Improve ! M.rhlne , W.r rai , , er to JIU.Y Ir IH. . T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , St CCEEDINO LEIGHTON & CLARKE , AnTCif ' ( ' . In Iho lrn l.uslneM will dj well to consul * rf.o T ) these vbont to unl.irk < Pi unites irlven on , ho'lr InUrwt I v UuiV on 5s orjml rr , our , , rleo 1 t which will auf. Mout lanuary till. Mj U ordii it i/ , r 11M 11A tin r * I oiiiiuij L .elicited THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From : STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOK Words of Warning ami Comfort j ou are sufTurlnff Irom poor lioalth or Ungulthini ; on n ! > eJ el aloknrai , tike enter von are Dimply ailing : or It jou loci woikaiiddUjiiritod , without cluir v know- lei : why , Hop lllttcrn 'will surely care jou " It j ou are a minister , and hfcvo overusedjnurselt with your ptatotil duties , or a mother , woin out vita care and wotk , or a man ol business or Ubur , weakened by the strain ol jour overjilij du ties or n man ol letters tolling o\or jour mlanlght work , Hop UltUra will most aurtlj atrengthen jou If yon are suffering from ovor-pating or drinking , any indlecrotion or dissipa tion , or are younij and growing too fast , aa la often the case , 'or II jou arc In the workeliop , on the 'f nn , at the desk , an ) where , and ( eel 'that jour BjBtoui needsclcinslnu , ton- ' | DF , Bt ( mutating , without lutoxlcat- Miie , 11 j outre old , blood thin and Impure , pula ' ( coble , notvoeunatcidy , Uculllcj 'waning , Hop Hitters Is what jou need to 'xHo jou now lilt , health andvlgor. " If you are cnfltlv P. or d'peptic or Bufler- Inisfroniaoj < f the other numerous dis- enitj o ( the stomach or bowela , It is your own fvilt If you remain I'l ' , I ! jou are wanting awajltlian ) form ol Kldnej dl'tase , btop temptiiiR death tide moment , and turn lor a euro to Hop Dlttero. If yon are sick with that terrible sick ness , Norvonsnest ) , yea will find a "Balui in Gilond in Hup Bittors. If yon nro n frcqnuiter or a resident of a miasmatic district , barricade your PJ'H- -tcin against tha Hcotugo of all countrius Mulari i , I'pulemic , llilioua and Inter- inltttnt ( overs by tlio uss of Ifoji Uittera. If you bavo rouRb , iibnply , or sallow alcm , liid bitatb , Hop Isltttra will K ° y ° u flllr , uch blood , tlio nvvtoteat breath ami beal h. § 510 will ba paid for a ca o they will not euro or hull ) . Almdj'HVlHli. . "Ob , how I do wish my skin was as clear 'i cj Bolt ns your * , " Bald a latly to a friend. "You can cnnily make It so , " answered the friend "Ho r" inquired the first lady. "lly usiujf bop UuUra that mnkos imrc.rlch blood and blooming lioalth , It did tor .no aa TSl.Nono Reunion without n bunch of green Ilopaon the vvhlto label. Hliun 11 thu vile , ixjidonom , Btair with "Hop" or "Hops" in tluir nnuit1. BITTERS. tftior. now t j. w. vnirprjUAiuT , et tf. lly the ir-o o 1 Bi IliiiUttir's Stomach 1 Ilittrratln In trunl ' iV 'v miii TiD7l ot ihc Ik-a ( ID n bottliicr look ft d aa tliu loot ) ft14IUllll'Otll < l < b ll iculrt HiMancu Apixllioli rettoroil , ant llivctrtouii > * tcin rolinluil whli much in cilt j ulutu Ixr.throujh the noel ol tell niMllclne , wUch Is nlo Unc li hi to iMjruia ot a ihouuiatlotuulouc ) > nl n Inettlnuli'o ' | 'in ' uth client , , , . ie > ill wo kucBoficiifratl\i > mm , < itiirr n'i ' 1 Utauil. . J , , V107bt < Ui'btCJiiCiSi ALDEBMANIC DOIN5S , TlioCllj Oonncii Furnish a Bntcli oi A muEt'nj ! of the city council vas held xttniday evening , : it which the mayor and all the aldermen , except .Tame ? , were present Mr. J. P. "Weaver appeared before the council and naked perinlaeion to fill his ot on Eighth avonua between E-'ghth and Ninth streets to grade. Referred to , bo ci'y ' attorney. A warrant on the apecUl aafcsamont fund for § 3,19 ! ) 80 was Issued to Eegan 3ro hers & McGoriak. A warrant f i $450 was drawn in favor of MM. Key , as pti award foi daniagea. An ordinnncQ providing for an addi tional jailor to the night jailer win placed on second reading and rofoirad to the city attorney and police committee to ombcily the matter of the nppcmtmcnt of both jailors m one ordinance , and to roocinmond f it the compensation of the cflicerspro\ldod. Aldcinnn IMynetar piomlaed ( list the police coiiinuttoo would so n make a psrt of their "inBtigation. . ' J'hooonllict botwetn the police regoh- : iona and the ordinance as to who shuiild tike charge of the ifl.c's of prisoner ? , aa re'erred to the city attorney to decide which of tha tiiloa is aupirio : and should stand in force. Tlu ) petition of 'SquiroBipgBani others T a temporary sidewalk on Seond aiiect was placid on tile. The committee on tticcts and alloys icporled on the bill of WicUuni Btos , for l8 ! for curbing on Mum s rott in ftvcr ( if paying for the earns in caih. Allowed , An oidinanco estabhihiog thrao public park coinmieBkners , to hare exclusive control of ths public parka of the city , \\MB \ read. An ordinance regulating the talephom ozcliuge and Unas , granting the tight o way t ) the Council Bluils Telephone rom piny , wss placed upon its third leading and referred to the committee on ttreoli and allojK. A nntlon < ; ! > , ngYlokhamBros null Juno 1 to put in curbing on Sixth anc Seventh streets \\as laid ovci until Tius day c\ciiiog. j Alderman Mjnater moved that thi Icammittoe on streets and alleys bo In structed ta grade Ninth street aa recom mended by the said commit tee. La'c ' ever until Tuesday evening. Alderman Soldontopf moved that thi city attoinoy bo Instructed to comtnenci action , criminally or otherwise , ogalna the se\cral railroad compinlos for ob slructing the sewer ditch. Alderman Sloduntopf inoroi that Hi committee on printiui ; bo imtructrd ti aecuro from G. A. Ilulmes and W. A Mymtor their figures on tha cost of ooin piling , revising and cujifjiag the city or dlnaucee. Owners of lots on the south aldoo Willow avenue , hatwoen Sixth and Set cnth ntroetr , weru ordered to lay aide walk within thirty d yj from adoption c notlco The ordinance licensing insurance com panlea wa5 roftired t j the jualclu'y om- inittop. Adjourcod unlil Tuesday o onlng a 7 an nVWb. The Court HOIIKO < ttichllon. The Walnut Bureau tills one of its co' unma with a "howl" against the proposei court houio and jai1. TJio fi a arc a ] Ignoiodandalutof fiction Indulged In to the etUct that the total coit will I flUa.OOO , interest and all , and that an ether appropratum ill bi aiked for ba aides this , tt j. , etc. It la naelets to argu a matter with thcso who will not see the truth. The facts are that good and an Hi cient bonda nro given tbat the court house and jail both , all ready ffr o u- p&tuy , ahall net exceed $180 000 , nnd the myments aio S" arrAtged that not n coat ot special tixca ui 1 hnvo to bo ] nid until about two yc ra from now , nnd thtn it will bo S3 email n nao that not half the tax payers would know nnythirj- about it unless trU. If the i people ot thii county vote the pijooaltion down the cost cf rtntlni * buildings , bosrdins priconora , rtc. , will make taxes honsicr than to build n court houss and j il , nnd at the oml < > f ten ycais they will bo without - out anything lo show for tbo taxes pUd It is foolUh toaltcmpt to make taxpayers bollevo that by votlnsr down the proper' ' tlons they will lefscn their taxoi. With no court house or j ll. this county has uachodn point v hero it mult incur ex tra expense , whtthtr tha taxpayers want to or not , rind It is not a qusatlon .13 to wholhar propcrty-ovccu shall vcta an additional tax upon thcmselve ? , but whether they will uss the extra exntnso to go toward now buildings or Into iho pocicota of landlords and sheriffs. IJoaiiliful Rev , Mr , Mackay has ordered three bfautiful stained window 3 for the new Episcopal church , of which tha following doacrlplrn is Ri\an The soulh trinsept will bo twenty three foot in hu Jit and twelve feet wldo , In three dlvteions , aep- arntcd by masuvo raila. The window will b3 a sluglo point nt the top , nnd sep arated ataboiqus or rose glass in various rkh colow. The toso window in the w si front will bo twelve feet In diame- toi' In tUo cluncel there bo five pointrd windows \\iih Rtiined glass , There is nn iDfi- nito vsiloty of co'ors in ll of theeo windows. It ia intended that they shall all bomemui&l , and the illustra tions and illumtiutuna are beautiful and npproprinto nnd almost The chancel \ \Miido\\ are the childron'e niBinorials. The led r has given the order for nil these windoTS accoi ling the dosigin juat ttatad ; nnd it ia no ! stating it too blrjngly to say thit nolliiug can bo more buiutltul and appropriate than the BO selected. Heal Kbtato Transtcrs. The following is n list of real ostnte trainfora filed yesterday in the recorder's office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , BE fnrnlahoi by A. J. Stophemon , abstrac tor , real oatnto and loan agf nt , Council Bluffa , lowj , February 14 , 18S5. W. II. Powell so Frank Longcoy , pait nej.n j , 17 , 7 , 3 ( ) , § 10. 'ihomns Downs to Riclwul O'Ooniiel ) , part no } , mJ J and mJ J , no } , 2' , 70 , 42 , S1.137. Mary O'Connors ti llaslo Olive : , part block iio , Neola , § 275 0. B. & ( J U R. Co. to Charles Rich- anlson , ne } , nc ] , 13 , 74 , 38 , $1500. llosa .Oliver to John F. Crane , part swj , swj11 , 7 " > , 42 , § 300. L > . F. Dryden to Rosa Oliver , patt swj , sw } , 11 , 73 , 42 , § 100. Total sales , § 2,422. 1OAVA ITEMS , The grand chanty ball .it Des Molnes % cleared $700. The hoadquartars of the Diagonal read u ill bo removed from ] \Iiaahalltown \ to Molno ; . Citi/.eui of Cccston are tiaasuilug as curios the bolts and splinter * of the great Barllcg'on .ck. Farmci3 of Hamilton county are sell ing their old rails for Cro wood and pur cbniing barbed wire with the proceeds. Dr. Turner , of DCS Moinec , < flerj tt contribute $1,000 as ono of six hundroa to pay oil' the city indebtedness of $ ( > 00- 000. Fifteen hundred miners are said tt be employed in the coal mines in the \icn- ity of Boon ? . The output this season has been immense. J. P. Qtiigly , a prominent resident of Dubnquo , took a doio of laudanum b } mistake on the 10th , and came nosi gciac over the range. Creston panned out verdancy enough t ) help feed a "baby endowment" \\m dlo tint insured unborn bablta to r > ach the ago of ono year. Sioux City pays $30 a year for each gas lanio ; Davenport pays $25 , burned to midh'ght ; Iowa City $ JO , Keokak $32 , Cllntjn $37 , Council BlollsSSO , Diibiunie $25. $25.It It has leccntly been discovered tint a Van Boian connty trotsurer , who \\ent out of ollico live years ago had , in hit eight yeatH of official life , been .iblo to rol the county of $0,000. The state bai a claim of $ : tO,7f > 5 against the federal government , incurred while raising ; ( .loops to suppress the libellion. The committee oa war clalint from the houto liavo reported favorably on onteitalnlng sach claims. Article ) of incorporation of the Dec Molnos Railway company have boon filed with the tccrttiry of state. Thle company has f r its more particular ob jcct the building of a great union railway depot In Des Moinc.s ! 'IhpKookak city cjuncll , after many Indefinite , undecided halts , retraaU and < advaccjs , dully takes water , and now grants licenses to pUcos irhero "lie ] aid- are sold not prohibited by law , " for \\lrcl privilege they paa quarterly tax of $100. Siboyn In Sionx City , ranging in agt from tiirolvo to fiftjenyoirs , were broughl before the roafor chained with stenlln coal , Th ? evidence loft no doubt aa tc their guilt , and the mtyor ordered thtl they saould give a woak's labor to the 6im whoao coal they had stolen. Iowa bankeu say tiat a great deal ol lou.i money is being sent nest which will never loturn. Jinny thocsinda of ill lira have been sent this winter , chiefly tt Dn'iola. ' It is usually forvardej to rch tlvea who era harl uji and who nro wil iiu ; to piomisa Rood Interest. The neir systora of mileayo" instituted by the ru'lffaya , to take the place of tti 1,000-mile tickets , ec.iblos the bntincsi houses to keep casts on Uoir traveller silfsmen , It Is , however , correspond' : ingly unpopular wi h the runner , vvhohai heretofore been abloto have n little turn of his own now and then without det.c inn by the house , Mr. HiKqlnbpttom , of Onuha , cu ui meer , latj mine Inspntui in Hnj.j'and ' hua bson examining the clay of the It dian h Mimrg company. He ropci i the liio c'ay tao bes ; tbi t ho bai sojn i Amer c\ and tb.vt It tJntn'ca ' tvery ijuali' iy for nmkmg iiiai cl.w fuo brcic , oiui hies f u tiii ltiig oroyel'oiv ' vsji ' , t'fickurj of all ki ila , aiwu' p pa of any size op t < in (1 aihoter , teira cott.i uitfu and oreinun , il , Des llolnci Reg'stor : Yesterday ai old gentleman went t > the county treat nrer's dllico to p.xy his taxes. Ho foou ; the amount to bo n little moro than $20 nnd taking from bit p cVuc a roll of bill he handed them t > the treasure and eali he believed tltero was § 25 The money w s counted nnd the old centleman WM Infenned that there was but $15 In good money , the other $10 bnng on old coun terfeit note Ho was gmtly surprised and dl tru acil nt the due. . very , but be ing partially blind he did not know when ho received thd cote nor f.nm whom , butte to him it was a to'nl loss. \ MHUTOUM - < T < > M. Vobmnry 14 The Standard this afternoon published n tllspati h from Its cor- rcepotdsnt at Ivortl statliiR the me6 onger juit nttl\od at Koitt declares Khartnuni hai not been taken by the Mahdi. The rncs- eonger a' irts ho left Kli.irUnnn ixilnj a after Col. Cb irlcs Wilson nppoared bcforo the city In bo ill tent from Gubrxt mil when the 11103 eengor left Cion. Gordon still held Khartoum. Tha Kou'rnmont olliclnls do not behove the meeacDgor'a itur\ and state that no Hkml In formation confirmatory has btcn rccthed , A COfNClL 01 WA1U Karl Northbrook , chiocollorof the Kxcbequ er , and Hnrcourt , homo eecratnty , uttcnilixl tlio council ofsnr to day Thu dtiko of Caiiibrlilgo , coaiinnntler n iluef of her maj esty a irimos , to- Jay n Mderal ot io\i wt'd the gu irdt order' d to l-g > pt , ) lu pronounced them thoroughly cllicleut. IO.SOUASCK is lam. Another dlppitcli fiom Korti ptttcs the tneBBcnuerlo arrived there fiom Khtr nuin pmfoia iRnonilico rcgaidinR the fall of Kim- toum or of the death of ( ! .ii. Gordon The Mmllr of Domolii ; rcfuipa to credit the IP ports coccernlng the c-ipturo of Khtrloum by the Mahdi nnd the of ( Jordou uiul Gntrisou. UKir IV THE IIMIK. Jlesiingcra Imo aruved from Khartoum who wtro HIX days on thu journoy. Thu new * tiny bring of lecutt o\tnt9 nt KhnitJUin ha\o not > tt beea maJo knoun , \KToniA TO mr most. LONDON , IVbtunry 14. The governor of Victoria cabled tha homo go\ eminent , ton deriug tn ilia queen ainurllica thittliotol ony ot A i.-torm will do Its part to aeaht T.n- gl md in Kg } pt. cvvvnv's ou'Fit. The Btitemcnt th'xt the IIOIIIP goNorntnont refused thu Canadian offer to aisiet 1'nglaud in Kgypt Is not eonpct. No reply bis lueii gi\euand itisuiuletBtoodtlntthe matter isttil' ' undtr consideration. The Mauiui1) ) of Lorno , ex govurnoi gpniral of Canada , . d\Uestho at cuptanco of their services. ON TO \NTns- . 1'Aiiia , Tobruarv 1 1. Ln 1'ran'o sn > s General oral Urlcrra de Lisln. nfter taking L iug ou , will match against Cantiui , T1IK ITVLIAS-i IS Il.H'T. KOMI , Fobruiry II. Dispatches from Slas- sowali st to the Htimtum IUH decidedly im- lirovid tinco the Itiliiaoccupition. The commnniler of thn Silctta has been or del id to ( lispsrao .1 bnnd of u xinu'ierieiit to the vicinity of Massawah by thoMhadi It is reported th it the guvdrnmaat will send ilia Italian g nernl to , THE MMIIll'd Sr\klM , Tobrmry 14. Spies report a large assembly of hostile tribes from the snulh at r.unai , to assist the intlidi. The spiea say they ara pcifectly auju intcil with the details of the BritieliiLtnry at AbuMei nnd Gnbit , but they consider tlism unimportant compired with tha pronhol's micusa in recnptuiing Khartoum. The etory of this euccoas baa been spread and magnified every where among the Arab symp ithi itig with thu prophet and all are apparently greatly elated. t.KHMAM'S IIAII ) . Fnbmary 11 ] Jul Derby , colonial eecretnry , this afternoon received ofhcial uonhrmation of tha report published yesterday that Germany had anooxod the nland of Samoa despite thu protests of the Knglish and American consul ? . lie Mint. NFVV Yonir , February 14. [ .Special.An ] accident brought to light to day tbo theft of u considerable amount of silver bullion from the United Stntos mint at I'hiladelpbia. Honj.amln F. Calm , a manufacturing jeweler of this city , entered the olficoof Charles S. 1'latt on Wednesday afternoon nnd olfeiud for dale a large bai of refined silver. The bar bora the stamp of Ilia Omaha nnd Grant Smelting and Kefining compiuy , of Nebras- leu , and waa numbered 1G'J2'J. ' It weighed 1.0J3.70-100 ounces , or moro than h5 pounds troy , aid was worth about 81,200. Mi , Plate fo rrrerly did the assaying for this com pany , nn d ho knew it wna not the custom to send out such bars singly. They always were sold by the dti" > nor more at a tuna. Sus pecting .something was wrong , he asked Mr. Calm to wait whi'e ' he sint for information to the npints of the company , Clirk , Codgu & Co , No. 51 Wall utixtt. They said they 1IV1I SOLIl TIIK I1AII with eomo twenty others to the firm of J. & . W. Sillgman A , Co. No. 21 IJroad street , on Jan. 20. Mr. David Selieman said thia waa true , .ind tint ho bid sold the bar vvlthothera to the United States government on Jan. ill. They had been sent at once to the Phtladel- phi i mint. Ho had rec'ived a receipt nnd p lyment for them from the mint ou Jan.I. . Mr. 1'latt knew tbnre waa no way in which the bar could have left tha mint un e a it had boon Htolen , .ind ho told Mr. Calm that ho would retain the bar until a further investi gation hid been made. Ho then notified the supoiinti ndent of the nst.ay ollico and he coin- munic.ated with tbn mint. Mr. N. 15. Uoyd , assistant miller nnd refiner , cainu to tin * citv from Thil. > idelphu today. Ho nt once idin titled tin as belonging to the mint , nnd taiil tint the lo's of it had not bocn difcovmetlnt the mill1' . M though the bar wtighul over seventy pounds avoirdupois ho thought it probabl i tliat it had been picked up and htolcn by somovisitor who \vai being Bhourn throuph the mint. Mr. Calm , who olfered the bai fnreale , givoi thin exf lanution : "On Tuesd iy I received .1 telegram fro n n jevvi lor hi Philadelphia whom I have known for Mxteen years , and who is on- tirolj a rujpon'-iblo man , asking mo if 1 could sell A I AJU.K AMOLM OK I'L'UE S'l V Ell. [ in iJc In > | ulrio > , and teleprsphci him th it I could nell it readily. \Vednnday after noon he entered my ollico carrying tlm bar in a liiinj sachel. I looked tbo bir OUT , and fount ; It regularly stamped and nuin bored , 1 thmizht It nil light f thtn took it to Mr. PUtt , intending to tal.o it to the afHiy ollico if lie refused ti buy it- I do . not know bom the PnUiululphin jowelei bought it from , .But 1m enld ho rot It from a reliable perHin. I have been forblddui to lull the name of Ihe jeweler. " The superintendent of tha assay oflico hf re Haul it was very strange that euch a robbery could h wo been committed in the Plilladol phia mint , and thut it waa ridiculoim to sujt- pose that any viciior could carry off nuch n heavy weight of imUl without dttection. It U thought that thia chanca discovery will load t * the unearthing of extensive and ejstew itic robberieo of tbo mint by itn employoa , Cnr ov MKMCO , via Oalveston , February 11. J.a 1'fltrn this morning vouches for thi truth nf the phenomenon of a vtoman m tint uty giving birth to xevenchildren in ono d.i } , All died but the mother live s , DOCll Of TlllKt. I'ETHisiituo , Va , February 14 1 lt ) | > or A. Co , made a died of trust to dav in favor of their creditor * . Asset ) and liabilities noteiven , The linn u the largest holes ill grocery In the city , Hcc uiiincnilcd for CommUnimiri. Nm DitiEvsh , 1'ebruary ll-TL ( > r im PU' coogrees to-d ly endorsed Col. Kob. rt 15ev erly , of Virginia , for the appointment of com mi > loner of asrkultute cf the United Stat , or tin seiruary bipof agnculturp , ifthuppnd ing bid ilull pang cangre 8 ere ititgthat i Ihce , ilia National Cattle convention , a' ' HO in m H a on In le to-day , recommindi'd F , C. Moore- head fur tha fame pin'ma. A Duo i'onti > ontxl , cin. , Va. , February 1 l.-l > n. .Set ! Belling waiarreattd un hU arrival here thi. . nnrnlog fiom Hlchmond , cburcd vvllh lx u ( uliout t i-nfrnge In a duel. The came of thi other patty In not known , Gen , L'tlling gavi 51,000 bondn to kttp tha n < ae for tcrti monthti , Ife u i > o tnaUei : In this i-ity TIIUKH uinsTnsjNu i > iv > u > sns , hut n ( latlMit Voiintr < llllrer Sr- Billed DiuliiR n Itnia un n "Do yell lemombor the di&nnnda that you found up nt old ( irny JnkoVagne : i house when v > J wtio making that httlo raid around Tnyluuvllle' was atkod of Col. Andrew 31 Benson , of 1'crtlaiiJ , Mo , net bng aup , by a forni'r cnmpan Ion with whom hoafl tilling fit Sjn cuso. The cononul at iiisi ricall the circDimtancc , but on the mention of a cottnui Miss \Vagnet s name n rolsxi tlon cf hia features showed that all rocol- Ice mi of the oplaodo was not lost , and the dinner party was to311 In poaaesaion of Iho facts , aa follow H Iu the latter part of the ytar 1804 , Col. B nion , then iptaln of the let District nf Columbia Ivary , with Col , Jtmoa M Ooro , alto a , ptaln at thtt time , Col. Wnlpnlo , ol lyracuso , nnd Lieut. Con all of Vermont ere confined in the prison-pen at Col mbla , S. C. , and during December they saped and reado their way to nb Orchatd , on Dee river covo. 'hero ' they foimd n company f o-ght ; throa slrai ; jllng federal soldiers , "hough in the heart of the ucooiy a cnm y , the inambci i of this little band were uddtnly tt'mulatod ' t ) oxccsiive bravery hiti moetinj wi h their follo-vs , and con- olvcd that it would bo a Imo ] eke to uko n httlo raid on T.aylorsvillo , n M ! earl } Cfty miles further north The dar : ig ot thu Bchonie appeared v\hon , upau xamimiion , itia found that thirty of ' 13 uicn lud juit ono round of aicmuiu oa , tvlulo thuty-ouo had only ono extra iharge. Six , however , were m uiitcd , r.d at the head of this plucky dulnh- : inentaf cunlry , Capt. Ilenaon was placed. ! tipt. Goto lud the infill 17 , mid the 'hole tqiitd vvjs in command of Lieut araes llarthy "Such , ' said tha colo- ol , "was the make up of the bund that Urlrd out with moro plutk than pjwdor o cjpturu Taylorayillo. " Aboat forty nilcs nad bojn coviroi wl on tin planta Ion of a iovol was raachcd who vni in oriona in nil the country i jund A 1 al ivas ordered to ( mt with iho owner , 5ray .Iiiko NVagnor , who s at the tlm uat wilk ng out to ftol bn ho s. " ' you want ; but cnly pare my life , ' cr.oi Gi iy .like Wnsn brewing up his hands hko a Hull n dropping hia pail of svill aa n bullet wills led past his ear , ncUii ng him of hia di .mgnithed vlsiti rj. "Wo vvant , ' said Captain Beaeoj 'nhatovtr you have cf use to us. ' And r. to k but a glnaco to tell the astonished planter that rargod company 0 lately cccnped f com the horrora of n obcl prison. Now , ampnj ; other mom bora of the Wagner fnmily WES ntutt daughter of the old rebel , aged 18 , wno had jutt returned from boarding jchpo" to spend the holiday ? . .After listening to the convcisition with her father , .ind catching a glimpse if the vlaltci , slio rai "rlgntjuod to her o\vn room. The troop ; sirmod about the place like bees ani rushed into the houao at every door Several soldiers soon found their way oven to the r oai of the e&crod young 'y and domandoi the Immediate snr render cf her rev olver and amniunitton " 'I have no revolver , ' cried the fr'ght entd g'rl. " 'Von have , ' yelled 0113 of the aol- diuj , with on pain , 'and you will giyo i up. ' But at just this juncture the ta ) "orm of Capt. Banson , who was then i [ Uahltig olhcur of twenty-eight , ap loared , and ho took in the eltuation nt i l.iuca. Dialing his revolver , ho ihra&t died to drop thu first man who touched a thing in that room 01 failed to loiv ' room without a word. The men withdraw in silence , wbilo the ftightened Miss Wagner , with tears and nubs , t\- prcssedhor lunrtfult thanks to her 'ant protector. ' " 'What did jon find In the house ? asked Capt. Bacsan of the infantry clli car , as they left tha place. 'I found those diamond,1 ho quietly added , point 'ng to three cllttaning tcii-dropi on hi. . ihonlder. The raid did not e.\ttnd very 'ar bt-yond Gray Jake Wagnei's. Tay orivillo they learned IMS full of robe soldiers , and the little ( ntty barely man aged to reach the union lines. ' Miss Wagnei obtained In ( omo wa the address of her boaofnctor and af m ward , by letter , It is said , she sent ho : thanks , which she conld only paitlally express in the ezcltomont of their moit 'ng [ Syracuse ( N. Y. i Herald. Bow Item a Pish. Very few people know that boars tak to wutc r naturally. They roam over th mountains and through the foie.sfa , dl open rotten logs for ants and woim : , tin eccuro all the hornet * ' noat.s tLey can , ani tear tbeJi to pieces , and cat the youo lu , pick liarrioaof all deecriptions an eat them , and would seem to belong to the dij land nniinale. Thu fact is dilfcrent. They love the uat or , not perhaps , aa well as the moose and deer , but better thin most dry land animals. Thof aia very fond of fish and ara ex- part liihermeu , and show moro cunning nd instinct , If not reason , thin many city chaps I have neon about the Jakes. 1 came suddcn'y open n vciy largo bear in a thick a tramp , lying upon .1 lai u hollow log acrosj a bi'jok , liHhiLg , and he wan BO much interested In his ojioit that he did not notice mo until I had up preached very near to him , so tbat 1 could aeo exactly how ho baited his hook and played his fish. Ho fished in this vv so. Thuro waa a loigo lula thiough tha lot ; on which ho I by , and ho thrust his foiearm thi jugh thu hole and held hia opun paw in the uitor nnd w itod for the lioh to gvthor around and into it , DUO when fall ho clutched hia fiat aid brought up a ban iful of fish and sat and ate them with great gusto ; then down with the paw again , and BO ou. The brook was In rly olive is 1th little trout and ted sided suckers anil some black suckers , HO the old fellow lot him- till out on the fishes. Ho did Lot eat their heads , There was quite a pllo of them on the log. I suopoeo the oil in his paw attracted the fhh and halted them even better than 11 ; hook , and Ln to ; rails Troro hit hooks , and sharp onm tin , and once grabbed , the fish are euro to stay. stay.They also catsh frogs in these forest brooke , and drink of the pure water in hot summer days , end love to wallow in the muddy ewarnps , as well as our pigs in the m'rv. ' Tluj , often cross narrow places in lakes by Bimmmlng , and also rheii and seem to love to take a turn in the water. 1 onca r.ivr om swimming fiom the main land to the big hltnl in Mooiclmaguntic lake , with just n ttreak of his bask out of the water. Scmu imes } ouseoonly tiiu'r ' heads oat of water ; at other times half of tluir bullui are to bo io n.Voaco uat for this difference by their condition. If fat , iliojroiso ; heips buoy tbum up , if han thijaink lower in ilia water. Tlio IJnuK SlaliMiient , XKW Voiik , Februarj U. 'Ihe wttkly bank HUteinent ii as follows : Jserve ! , de- ciiaie , $ .1,371,000. Too baoliK now [ hold ? Mt511tO'J , m eicwa of legal rdiuiremcutd , CHAS. SfflVEMGK , UPHOLSTERY AND DUAL'EKIES , I'ASSKNOKR KLEVATOIl TO ALL FtOOllS. | IMS. ltN met 1S10 F irnm S . Oir h , N * 03 ACTORY 1409 and 1411 Dotise St. { } Omaha Ne Don't ONC T/itN Tlie best n | > portutnty over olhrej to try jour luck in tlu-so hirtl tlmioa. In order to jrlxe the public m general the advantigo with n mnMl mm ot mnnpy , to par- iclpatu Inn real German Money Lottery , guaranteed nod sanctioned br the Gornmiv. govern- noiitveulfer ( noUiolo orlgn il tickets which wo Imvoimdo Into Id dilfarpnt numbers of the 2s" , Hamburg Lotiiry , in club plajs ami Bell fwno for tliu email um of $ . " > ivi long na wo Imvo soiuo an hund The o tickets nro Rood for tha last tlneo prlmipil drawings winch com- n nco March 11,1NN > , and tcrmicnto c it Mny 13 , 1885 This hnttory Ins bmi for over 113 .onra in existence ; lias onu hundioJ thousand tickets mi'l hlty thousand .100 winning numbers which la over 0110 lulf the nctunl amount of UiUt't * . Ihc'i ' holder of ticltoU leeches , , fter thn drawings , the Orlpiml 1 me , alto the f mount of the pn/o if won Wo hope , as wo ; i\i'lddilli > nmt number ? , that every ticket lioldor , on receipt of tlm winning lists will bo itMipil vvilh the rtaiiH. The capital prlcoi nro mark 600 000 , .100 001) ) , 200ltl ) , 100 OfO , ! )0- ) )00 ) 70,0X ( ) , oll.OOO , 'iO.OPO , etc. thn smallest boirg 115 nnik. It is of interest to oich and iveiyono to invest as won as possible bflforo the tickets arn nil sold. Itonut eitlior by Post- ilhco order or draft and tickets willeo fortvntd nt ouco. Ongmal tlcKoti nf thn llamburgit trunswlck and Sa\on , constant'- ' hand. C F. SnllMIUT Jl CO. , Gl ! Congiose Strcut , Detroit , Mich. MAXMEYER&BEO Are noiv offering PIANOS ORGANS AT The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! ! FOR CASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Als o great reductions in Diamonds , Jew- elrv. Clocks and Silver-ware. The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Motions and Smokers' Ar ticles. GEffilfAN D. WYA.TT. OumiD sand 20th Sts , , Omaha , Neb. ( SDCCEaSUR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . LIME AUD CEMENT. Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWART & CO , 1013 Jones Btieet FOR BED CHOSS. \ OMAHA NEB