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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
THE DALL * BEE-MONDAY , FEBRUARY 16 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Febi 16 , HATES. B OarrUt . . . - - - - eenta p ' " ' By Ifall - . . . . - 110.00 per year OFFICE ! o. 111 earl Street. Hear BroadVMr.l MINOB MENTION , The city conncll moots again to-morrow evening. There wore fourteen free lodgers at iho city j il Saturday night. The Knights and Ladies of Honor moot thi ) evening at the residence of E. Huntlugton. The circuit coart did no business yes- tsrday , except adjourning until this morning. Lorch , the newspaper follow , has not loen able to got bonds yet , and lies in the connty jail , Ford's English opera company appear at the opera house Wednesday ovonlng in "The Bohemian Girl. " Next Friday and Saturday evenings .Tamoj O'Neil will appear at the opera housain "Monto Crlsto. " The Council BluiFi Maonnerchor BO- cltty give their tenth annual masquerade at Beno'a hall to-morrow evening. Ilesarved 'toils for Capt. Souley" Ice- tnro Tuesday ovonlng , the 24th inat. , can bo procured at Bnshnoll'a and at Fostei Bros. The caaos of Ilayden and Thompson , the tivo dark duellists , who shot at each other on tipper Broadway , hava been CDU- tlnued until next Saturday. Some meetings are being hold in Washington township In oppatition to the court house , Another one is to beheld held thij evening. A goodly delegation of the Ancient Or der of Hibernians have arranged to go to Omaha this evening t ) participate in a dance given by the order there. The Ancient Order ol Hibernians are planning for a parade and dance on St. Patrick's day , and expect to bo joined by their Omaha brothers. In the case of Miller vs. Klncald the jury , after remaining out all of Friday night , returned a sealed verdict Satur day , which will bo opened in court this morning. Rev. Mr. Hammond again oscupiod the Congregational pnlpit yesterday. His morning discourse was on the life and character of Paul. It was a most excel lent sermon. . f Another operation was on Saturday performed on L , . Klnnohaii. Ho atooi the operation well for ono in his weak condition , and it Is hoped that ho may now recover , though his case Is verj * tori , vua. Jim Lee , the hackman who took the lady stranger to Mollia Wallace's bawdy house instead of to a ho'cl ' as requested was lined Saturday § 14 GO for a violation of the ordinance fixing the fees of hack- men , ho having charged her too much. Ho ought to congratulate himself on get ting elF so easily. .James township has a family ia destitute tuto cirjunntincoj. They are an olc man and wife living In the north part o the townthip by tka n.imo of Thompson The old Rontloraan Is sick end the ol Jady tot tlly bliad. They wore found b ; aomo of the neighbors nearly frozen tha cold day last Tuesday. They had nt fuel. fuel.Tho The chief of tbo fire department say that It is not true that the steamers haw bean neglected and allowed to got dirt ; and rusty. Ho and some of the member of the department began polishing thctn up Saturday , two or three days a'tor tb < publiiklng of the item. Of course the do neb need cleaning , but were polishcx up to satisfy the public. By a telegram from L. O. Brockott I learned tbo egd HOWB tbat his wife dice atlljchello , IIli. , Saturday , and the ro rmina will bj brought to this city to-day Ono weak ago yeatcrday she left ho : home In this city for Uookford , Ills , ant being taken ill stopped at Roohollo and telegram summoned her htiiband from this city. When ha reached her she was past all hope of recover/ . The event ia indeed as sad as it Is itaddon , and calli forth the deepest tympathy of this com mnni'y. ' L. F. Whitehead , agricultural implc inent dea'or In the Mynslcr building 01 Broadway , hiving cloeod his business.tho * general agent for wveril eiatoni houses who hava boon making their eeadquarters with him , have to an compelled to look for qusrUra tlsawhoro. 0. D. Harm-in of the Hocuier Drill company , his hia otlico now with Van Mrnnt , TlKiupion & , Co. , H. 0. Addic , of the P'ikias Wind mill company , II. L. Miller , of the Oeorgo K. Oyler uianufaturiii < company and 0. S. Htayland , of the Pom Plov company havu removed to Shugut Waite it Wcii' oflico. Before yon buy a Imrnesi call on Beckman - man & Co. , 525 Main at reel. Mora liilwrallty Needed. The Vincents of Tabor , who claim to bo running a liberal paper , seem to b ysttlnt ? any thin. ? but liberal In their pol icy , and are Indulging in the most bitter elangy , dlirsspcotful tieihiient of bellif , which others , s honest ta themselves , hold sacred. The Vincents sjem to have run all of milV , tha milk of human Uad- iios. If they should get really wanned op once with a love for Ihotr erring fol lows , and get their tfe of Lnmanity broadonoi a little , eo tint they could get the idea f-ut oth r men in tbn world h ve a rlg'it mt only to Hvo dill'rently , but tabs'o-o dilrentlj ! f om tbo Yiu- cnts , they would ba aahimod of their ( Hi week's latuo. Sorno of its articles rero too blasphemous to bear reproduc- lon. There are many who do not bo iovo In Ohris'Unity , who yet hold the nemnry of some siin'cd mother , tie acred to srailo at tibald jokei , up in the jolicf he'd to dour by her Then thera n ht least Bomo honest Chr'stians. The Vincants concede this , for iho older of the atni'y Is aaid to have been n proicher I'mstlf at ono time. Ho will hardly dmlt that ho WAS a hypocrite then. If o , how could ho expect confidence In his iresmt rrnfiMeions of faith , or lack of a'th ' ? If then there era omo honest Jhiiitiam why should not tlieir belief \ ) > ntitUtl to sjtro rcspouiful treatment at ho bands of the Vincents. Ii it neccs- irj for a nun to bo btutil in order to bo lanU The Vincent ? , if they havu got ( laic higher vi ions of truth thin other nortala'have , should seek to point it out , j o lisri , rather than RC mad , and try o punch out the eyes of others , who say buy cannot sco it as thry do. The Vin- eats toad a broader chaiity In crdisf to ; o ical "liberal. " Beckman & Co. , 525 Main street , will waeh and oil your harness cheap now. TROUBLED BY THIEVES , Edwin ClinVrJ , tin * Actor , Hoblioil of ills rockelbook Petty IMirerlne. Edwin Cliirotd , who has bean hero with lis thoilricnl company for two or tbreo [ ays , had h's ' pockttbotk acd aomo valua- > lo pspcra ato'cn from the dressing room if Iho opera homo. Ho had btcn intsr- towed there by a yonng man namtd Ed Spear , who tcpicsontcd hinself as a news- > per nun , and desired to It urn the com- ) anyB ( vjuto and some other fict > . Clif- 'ord's overt o it way lying on a cha'r a the tiiuo , and In the pocket wore sonic caluablo papois and a poskclbook con- aniag § 20. About an hour a ttr the wing man had left , Clifford discovered lut his pocketbcot and pipars wore one. The p ilco ware notified , and soon ftorChiif Skinner and Oflicir Cusick lad ( lie young mnn in cus'ody. The tolon property Aval found on him , except ho money. Ue offered to show wbora hat was but on being taken out of ill to do eo ho tried to bleak from the flicora nnd run. He wr8 quickly put > ack again , and then refused to glyu any more information. Ho has waived ex amination , and tha bones have bo. n ixed at SuOO , which ho will not prnbihly ) o able to glvo. The young man was for a for weeks in the employ of a dry goods irm hero , but wai discharged for dls- loneity , and only a few days ag" > ho was eanght taking eighty cents from a barber shop , but compromised tbo matter. KaMB Fftlkenstono is now under arrest 'or fctoalirg a pair of rat loons nnd n > znsh from the St. Joe housa. Ho will uwo a hrarlug this morning. John Btnion was arrested for ttn1ing o handsaws and a sqmro from Geotge 3oidd , but the latter not caring to prose cute the c.iio his bnPii dropped. A fine organ , half price , at Beard's wall paper ttore , next to postoflice. The True niarlc of n Ghilstlan , At the St. Paul's Episcopal church yes terday tuorning , the pastor , Bev. T. J. McCay , preached the following sermon The word translated charity , In this gospel , in the now version it more properly orly translated Iovo. The teaching of St Paul In this pasjago Is simply the teach ings of Jesus , enlargedIn the mouth o Joaus and of theapibtles it was not a new teacbiog. Moies hid taught the chil dien of Israel that Clul had commanded "Thou ohalt Iovo thy neighbor na thy eel' . " While Jeans quoted tbo second groa commandment of the liw , "Thou anal love thy neighbor aa thyself , " it was no u now teaching In one sense while in an other sense It was. There was tbfs diff etonco that whereas in the old JuwUl dispensation It had a narrow , con'rudei ' moming which prevented its apnlicatiji save in a limited taaga cf actual kinship , or trllnl rdlations , It was now to besom of world wide force and meaning. In th hands of the Jewish rabbis the won nolghbor WAS irmdo to moan very small circle of perhap Imuiodiatu fr'endj or close relations In the widur applicitioii which Jesu gives the word it comes from him as in deed a "now commandment. " It wa addroesed to the whole of his followers "A new commandment I give unto you that ye love eco another. " ISut that h < Intended that love to go no further thai to the small cliclo of followeis to when ho spakn wo cannot for a moment eup pose. The grounds upon which the com mand io forbids such a tarroir in torr ] tutlou of thu words. \fa are commanded to Iovo each other because Christ loved us nod gave biiuael for u ] 5ecauao God lived us and pave Ilia son Into the world to take upon him self our HI-BO. Tlid Iovo of God was slnwn by the Iovo of Jesus. "As the Father h&ttj loved mo , so I have lovnc you. Continno yo in iny Iovo. " Greater Iovo hath no man than thla , than a in HI lay down his life for his friends. "Yi are my friends if yo do whatsoever ] command you , and thoeo things I com mand you that yo Iovo ono anoihcr. " It was omineiit'y a now lair that wo ahouk Iovo ono another , and mere tban tbi : that wo should Iovo aa Ctiiiit loves. Kvon , if necessary , that In proof of our Iovo wo ihould lay dotru onr lifo for ILc brethren. Wo must keep this truth squarely be fore us if wo are to understand ttrlghi the moming of St. Paul's words in the gospel. The gift of tongues , the gift of pro phecy , yea , oven iho pojstsiion cf tn 1 a faith tbaU would remove mountains , ull are valueloea if Iovo bo warning YVlut a loiion hero ia fir those wht wou'd ' put faith and knowledge bolero ifoof activd Iovo The whl'o pruotice of Christianity is compriicd in that ont word "Lovo. " A chrUtau is uo hing without it , aid with it ho has nod o : nothing elso. It U by love ( hit a Cfcr'stlau Is to ba known. All prams and ommuniti a have sline distinguished mark , The I'tatlsaes w ra kuon by their minu o ceremonialism and Ihelr salf-rightsous. nuis and proud bearing ; tbo dsiipoio' tbo phlloeophers by their kotnntts ol obsotvat'on ; and scholastic learning ; the vatioin worshlppfrs of heathen idth bj thtir devolhn to their deitur , bnt Christian ! were to be known by thiir mottal 1 vo This was the murk of the oaily church. It was a communlly gov ( raid by tbo cimplo rule of love , cemtnt cd trgetbur by th < ) enthusiastic luve , nod si it became a puwer in tha world for gocd , ciusing the admiration of tbcir mojt bitter pertocutu a It was otilj when poreccntlun tcastd that the Iovo o' the bru hren watid cold , The iailj g'ow of devotion htcainu tinged w th the spirit of lelDshneis uatil nt hst the say ing , "Sco how these CbiisiaQH loio o o n thcr" tecama tern 'atjo In thr mouths of the enemies of the Christian church. Dow nocosaaty it is to i jvivo thlstarly spiiit of 1 ve 1 need not to'l you. Lo k around you and judge. S" shatjt are tno tUviaiora , to tiMor tt o d s cDMtiin In the Cbiutlun hoit , tvnt men f tha wotldptintmi ckingly nt us nnd xclilm , "Behold how good and joful R hing it Is for brethren to dwell together nunlty. " Is It not a fact tbat tha Invo f Christians bai grown so cId trnt BAVO or a few exceptione , it Is ta d truthfully hat a man in dhtrtsi nuald bo surer f subs'nntisl aid nnd sympathy rom the sinners In a community the nmblcts and outcasts of society than rom the members of Christ's kingdom , vhii'.e banner and badge ii Iovo Lo > k nto your own hsarts , brethren. tn ronrgiving how llltlo there n of the pirlt of the early church when nn man tiled what lib had his own. Contrast the ew dollars you RVO ( for the support of mbllc worship for the oitinslon of _ the tingdom of God , relieving the necessities f thoao who need , with what you expend n your own ploasaro oven , much lees for our own comfort. Do net sty that this s n sordid way of looking at this suject. Vaj it si'3id in Jesns when the woman who was a sinner came and poured tbo > c x of proclons oinlmont over his fcot to ay , "Sho loved muchl'1 Think for a moment how llttlo thla ; iaad prlncip'o ' of lifo guides or controls ' "ur life. You Iovo your own family. Whttof that ? Do n.t oven the pub- iciiu of this city the same ? You love y < ur friends ( somewhat ) Do not the mbllcans the same ? You Iovo jimr hurch. But your Iovo and your joy 110 expanded in titglng , or , porhap > , irayors. Judged by Christ's law of love , ho men who troct and malntiln a club lousoIovo Ihelr club more than joti do our church , the ark of the living God llemoinber I am mt judgingyou ; It is Jed it Is Jesus. By Jiis strings yo are uttiQod in your own eyes cr cjndemned. ? ho tree is always judged by its fruit. Shew mo a man who is said ta bo con- ortid and a Christian , but who keeps hit afo kty In his deepest posket and zo l- onsly ba ever sdch to his over increasing ) ank account and br ad acics , and I will bow you his counterpart in the worship ers of Mammon. Do you really love ny ono ? Are you over weary uf giving or such an one ? Is thera a pleasure In ifo greater than spending and being pent for such an one ? Is any sacrifice oo great toward the object of your love ? Wlut Is money good for save as it minia- era to a loved -ono's comfott and pleas ure , or OB it enables us to glvo pleasure ind comfort to others ? The keenest de- Ight tf a true toul ia found in deviainy chomcs by which others are mada happy In tpandlng , not In hoarding. When a ronobud is formed , if the soil s soft and the sky is genial , it Is nit eng befo"o it , bntste , for the lifo within t Is so abundant that it can no longer contilnitall , but In bbstomed bright ness and sffinnn ng fragrance , it must ntcds Kt forth Its joy , and gladden nil ho air. And if when thus ripe , It re- 'natd to expand , it would rot and die. Cbrittian Iovo la simply piety with its petih fully spread , developing itec'f and inking this earth a happier world. Died ofTricliinii. A Gorman woman by the name ol Vierek , who Ins been alck for several weeks , * died l&at Monday of what IP termed trichinosis. She cimo with her husband from the old country last No vember , and ata'cd tint prior to her departure parturo she tad eaten raw pork , au < deccrlbed the first symptoms of the firs stage of the dleoase , which she experienced enced some tlmo ago. Shu had been feeling qnlto badly with tbo socondar ; stage uf tha terrible disease ever siuc die airlvod hero , until over two week * go , when she was compelled to go t bud. Medical treatment , of course , wa of no avail , end the attained the silcu majority. Microscopic Investlgatio proved the diagnosis to bo correct. Walnut Bureau. Joseph Itciter is off for New Orlnang. } > \ . Joseph Knotts armed hero on Sntur day , Dr. West is now the happy father of a littl daughter. J , A. Hamilton , ol Xeol.i , was in the IMufl Saturday , Shnilff Korrull , of Glcnwood , iu th city yesterday. L. F. Whltehead now goas en the road fo Shugart , Wnit * & Wuls. JDO. V , Organ and J. W. Fry , of Neola spent Saturday night at Beclntolo's. W. S. I'ettibone has so far recovered froir his sovcro illcutH aa to be able to bo out agaiu Capt. GeorRo C. Crane , of the New Yorl circus , wai at the Pacific yustorday , tn rout for California. W. U. Cujipy , ot Avoca , who is enthusiast ! over tli9 erection of a new court house costini $509,000 , if need be , provided it can bo bull at Avoca , up'-nt Sunday nt the Pacific. S V. 1'ryor , of thu firm of S. V. 1'ryor Son , manufacturers of shoes , Rochester , N Y. , iptnt Sunday in the city visiting relu live ; . He La just established in Omaha a brunch house to facilitate tbo distributing o thtir gouda for the western track1. L/aco Bowman , who by his connection w thu luadicg hotcU of Omaha nod Couuci Bluifu ia aleut as well known In thli pait o the country us any ytucf man , is at the 1'U' cifio. Ho now reireB ° nts the liurcbn Pain Company , ] > 4vo U n success wherever he Ii put , MANDEMAKER & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTOUS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Br-adway , Council BlulTii , COMMKHOlAk , OODKOIL Bi-nrra MABKCT , Wheat No. 1 mllllnff , 65 } No. 2 , CO No. S , 0 , Corn Now , 25c. Oats VOT local purpose * , 23c , Hey S5 00@0 50 per ton ; baled , B0@60. Ilye 35o. Corn Meal 1 80 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yards , 6 00 ® S 50 , Ocol Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; toft HO per ton Lard Falrbank's , wliolcsallng at 9 ? & Flour-City Hour , 1 50@2 90. Broom * 2 D5@S 00 per dot , LIVI STOCK. Cattle Batcher cows 3 25@3 7C. Batcher toors , 3 76 ® JOO. Slieop 2 60@3 00. Hogs 4 00@4 25. PBODCOI * N . Poultry Live chlckensjper doz. .100'dreaa ; ed chickens , 8cj drcwaed turkeys , lOcj'dreea e < l duclu , 'Jo ; dreisod gseee. 8c. Butter Creamery , 25@2S3 : choice country . Kegs 27 per dozer , Vegetable * Potatoes , 50Go per bushel ; .alone , fiOc per buj apples , choice cookins ? o eatmp , 3 00 ; twins , 1 OOOJ 60 per bushel Clder-32 gallon bbl , ? < J.50. Orangoa 01 ji r ix > x , Lemoaa 1 f < " * 5 00 utr b-x -AT- Harkness Brother ; FOR the purpose of reducing stock and making way for spring urcliases , we shall , January 6ih , offer our entire stoc. . of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Curtains Etc , , fo be Isold without regard to cos This stock comprises a Fine tine ot choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels Ginghams , Prints , Etc. A' choice stock Newmarkets Brocade elvet anti- Seal Plush Cloaks. Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace Ties , Hchtie and Embroideries ; also a lot of homemade Comforts Blankets , and Table Linen. Our Carpet stock is complete and offers sepcial Inducements for select ion from choice variety of patterns. It includes Exminster , onuettes , Bodv Brussels. Tapesiry Brussels. Three Ply Ingrains Hemp , Hattan Matting , Napier Matting , Etc. , Etc Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco man. Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades elegant in beauty of design. Begins January 6th Customers will secure BEST BARGAINS , DV Di -AT- 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , "MURDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , the last fhoyears ; there Ins not . bconadoath from diphtheria In any CMO hero Dr. Thomni DURING preventive and cure wa used. Itliaa bucii tlio moots ot sa\ttig thousands of llvoi India iicnslbleln putrid son'thr at , In mvlgnant scarlet le\cr , chaneinir It In 48 n urstotho Hlrnplo form. Foi sale only at the doctoi'n office , ho 21 riouth KiRhth ttreet , Council llluffii , Iowa , Send for it ; price 82. Djspeptlc , whvlive In misery Mid uio in despair with nancer ol thostonmcn ? Dr. Thomas Jdlcrls cnrci . evendJto of intikcetion and coretipatlon in a very short time. Bojt of rcfetcncts given. Dispepsaia it the cause ef all of nirittv per cent diaoaecd conditions COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholoaa'o and nota.ll Dealers in Hard Soft any Blossburg O OA. . W. H. FIBLEY , Manager. Onioo , 38 Main St. Yard , on C. IV. I. P. and C. JI & St. 1' . IVaUwky. " * ASK YOUR GIIOCEU FOR Corn Meal , Graham f-lour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. REMOVED Schmitt & Harb - -THE Have rcuJoifJ from under the Opera HJUM to ) . 402 BROADWAY , They will ccntinuo their CIOAR ANDTODACCO builnesi.and Im te all their old friends and the pub Io to call and tco them. The flncet clgar to EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited . Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.50. Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. E. EEMEK , Manager Ul Broadway , COUNCIL BLUri'S , IA. J. L. DfiBEVOISE. 1 No. 007 Broadway Council Blnffi. Railway Time Table Corrected to January 7,16S5. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ths following are the tlmei of the arrival and da inrtnre of tralni by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln utea earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , BURUNOroa AMD qDUrOT 6:85 : pm Chicago Kinross BlOOam fM a ro Faat Mall. T:00 : n rr tS.-SO p ra Accommodation. IsOO p m "At local depot only , ( AKIAJ OITT , ST. JO I AI DOOU Olt lDT7S 10:05 : k m Wall and Kipress , 0.25 p m 8116pm radflo Kipress , 0:65 : pin OniCAOO , WILWIDKM AMD SI. fAUI. SJ8 : p m Kxpreor , B:06 : k m SSS : k m Kiprees , 0:66 : p m onioioo , iocs ISLAND AMD rAcine , ( : ! 5 p tn Atlantic Kipreu , 0:06 : k m 96 : k m Iay Kipress 8:61 : p m TiSO k m * I > e > Uolnes Aooommodatloo , (116 p u At local depot only. AlASU , ST. LOUIS AMD | ClOpm Aooommcdatoa 0:00 : k m 1:80 : p m Louis KipreM 8:45 : p m 1:60 : pm Chlta o Exprebs 10:66 : m At Transfer only Oiiciooand KOKimrumy , CM p m , 0:60 : p m ) ; ZJ k m Padflo Kxpreu 9:1)6 : ) k m I10DI CITT AND FACiriO. fltOpm St. I'kul ExproNi Boo : k m fllOam Day Express 7:00 : pm OWION F 8:00 : pm Western 8:80 : km lloo : km I'adflo :40pm : Lincoln Exprcea , lilt pm At Tranifer only M'N\n TRAISH TO OMIFI.I -7:20-8:30 : : P.30-KW 1110 m. 1.80 SSO-80 : < :3J : 5:30.30 : 11 p. m tunda > a 7:20'-S:3I-11 : : : < 0 a. m 1:50-3:31-1 : 39-830 Il-i6p , in. Arrhe 10 minutes before Icailnj ; time from Uioa'cr only. P SMITH it TOII,1)H ) , ATS. ( ! l.HAIUNO Merchant Tailors ! 7 and I ) Main St. , Corxcn. Bi.rtTs , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , KIEL SALE STABLES Keen Homes nnd Moles constantly on baud whf c wo will soil In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. Vtolruli imiclkll ito fp It OtiUt d l' ' l l H v. 1'ikfl Satisfaction Omriutcwl. ? . & BOLE' Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllDloffa. " " NORENE & LANDSTROM , Winter Goods Ready. Suits Mmlo to Order in Latest Style ca Short Notice nnd nt Reasombln Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 805 Main btroet , - . . . . Conncll Blaffij. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt. 810 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 EMI ST. , IAt.tAS , TEXAS ; and KT. WAY.Vn.IND IT rosniVHY CUUE8KMncv anJ Mrct ' Ijersla. Nenonstc , , WjtluK Wcafcn'w , l' aly.l Complaint ? . Spinal , Atl.otlon llrlKht'i , . ) Indigestion' lloaiJ' IMM , | Nouralslk , , tilt Jach , Lnmo Dick , Co d loot , and all dljoasoa rciiulrliu Increased motive pjwera. N w hnutoiod e > nu to ; old Btlo$2 tnclL v W. P. AYLSWOBTH , Brick buildings of any sl/.p raised or moved nnd untisfaction guaranteed. Frninu houses moved on LITII.B GIANT trucks , the best in the world. nousta W. P. AYLSWOHTII. 1010 Mnth Street , Council UliuTs. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Spodnl TCrtlfomcnts , sue g Loel , found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rant , Wants , Board Ing , oto. , will bo Inserted In this column it tba Ion r te o ! TEN CENTS PER LINK for the flrst Insertion ud FIVE CENTS PER LIME ( or oioh onbeoquonl a- ertlon. Leave dvcrtl8omont at oar oOoe , Ko. Pe ll Htroet , near Broadw&v WANTS. UBNT Two rooms at No. 530 First Ground floor , fnintiD on park. FOB SILK Ararcchan o to ct a One , ucll im- proved farm of 400 acics , uithin a few miles of Council iiiufLj , at a Ij rgaln. Iow jnicu and easy terms , &U.AN & WiLhKR FOR SALE A good paj irs ; hotel property with HloyEtablc in ono of the best mull lowna In western Iowa will poll with or without furniture , or will tiada for a email farm ulth ttock i to. Sw.vv & WALKKR. OR SVLK KlRhty orrea unlnpro\cd land in t Union countv. Town , 3J m lea south enst of Af- ton , tlio o lintecat , or will trailo for Nebraska or Kunraa land. SMAS it WALKFII. JjlOH SALE A2'aoro ' tract of Rood hn < l about 1 one nnd a half a ilua from Council It'ull ' post olflcc , at a bargain. S < \ It VI'ALM R Jj > OIt SAI.K In Harrison count j , lown. 320 acres 1 units land , nil under fence n ! 00 ivru ( arm ulth line linpiouir.uni ; all under cultnntl , n c\t ; | t 20 aTcnKran-8'ncrfs gnod cr-si or pasture land , aid bc\oril other tracts cf from 40 tn ICO ncrca of unimproved land. Sw\\V. WILL MI ITIOll SAI.KOH THADK 1'or oed citj proiiertp ; 1 iiiCott cil Bluffs of improved Mini , my biitK livery Btnblo nnd entire s'ocn or the stock only anil lease of ( table for IHo.U'isor imrj 1)11 a buni- ness of over iJB.Oro In 18 4 w th cUht Ihcrv liorsea. W. L. I'utton , 23 N. Main street. Couccil Liulfj. 171011 SM.K Lauda linprotcd ftttd unlinrro\cd. 1 Ifcu wanta faun In ue Urn Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us tcir frcmou. . SWAM FOIl S4LK Special bargain. A 'nriro twu ttaiy fraa o ilmll.nL. , toi r omiulth allmodern [ 1m piovcmcnta nell located mil almost new. IMco < 5/JO ; jl.lOOcaab balance longtlu-o StVAN k W.M.KKR. \\fANTFD To corrcsiwrd with anv non-resident T owner of property In Council Hiuflj or 1'otta- watttm'o county , or any on > < within ) ; to buy or utll propotty In westernlon.i , Kanaka 01 Nthroaka. SWAN & WALKKR. IT OH SA1 F A lariro number of huslnoan and real. 1 deuce lota In all parts ol Council IllulU. Sea ui bcloro j ou buy , bWAN & WALKKR. fOll KENT Wo lm-OBC\eral houses on our list 1 for rent , vacant now , Kw > & WAI.KKII. OR 81 rartleiwIsbiiiKto buy cheap lots to build oncanbuy on uonthly jmunenU otfrom Tj'OIt ' IlKNI WoNvillrcntyou a lot to bu Id on I1 wfth the prldlaKo to buy if jou with on very Ibcialterm . fi . x& WALKKR. Y\/"ANTEI ) To cnrrcxpond with any onn ulalimi ; a TT Rood loeitlon I r ( lannln mill. Haiti , door and 1 > mil manufactory , MO hate bulldln ; and machinery , el ! located , for eac ! , Iraso or tnvlo ; FOIl UKNT I.arin tmxtory frame bullilirR suit able for warchouso'or ftoiao ) purposes , near railroad depot. KUAN WALKER. 1 011 llRHr UK BAl.ra uu.iJljR ami grounds 1 Biiital Io for fn-ull foundiy and tnachino ehop , Jooil lullcr , onirlnc , cupa | , bluwtr with lUcd uliati- > K eta , icady to put in motion S AS WALKKU , 171 OH SALK Sbchlng , ccuutern , tablia dobl * , gas 1 llxtures clo. Ki.iiilrool | II. e.Ktaman , paper , books and xtatloccrv , 'Ml llroadway. Jr\0ll HALh 'lHohoi en. tinitlu bugw , and llcht eliHlo harneus. o , II. llolcitson idt Ilroadv ay. I OU MAI.K Mi/UBtB , Lain end Laud. A. J , n , M3 Mrst iiniic. J.10K HA1.K-A toji-bu y , flMt-il n make and 1 in ex client condition. Or will tr do for chuip , n > . Addro'it f. > 1. Ueorlllte , roimcll HluTB. > OAl < AMJ nUUli Oouigu lluaiun , oia W way. nellsooaland wood at reasonable prices Kites S.CHJO Iba. for a ton , and 128 cublo for cord , ry him. WANTED Kvory body in Conncll llluffs to Uk Ttiilln. Dollvcrcd by carrier it only tw olv nt k week. ) L1) I'Al'KKS Kor ule at lin office , tt 85 cent * k hundred snis , Attorney - at-Law , > COUNCIL BLUF1 0 , IOWA. ; Office , Main Street , Iloom 8 , Rhugart and L'eco iick. Will practice In U ate and federal courts. ' N. SCHURZ. ( ; f. OfFICK OTEK A11KRIOAJT EZP11CS1 OUNCIL BL UFFti. 10 ORDER YOUR Cob , Coal l Wood Ph OF 'u 33. 0. ' , 0. addrtw , Lock lion 11(9 ( , Council llludi. Irs , HJ , Eaton , H D , , PHYSICIAN & SUHGEOtf , S2J VTiI Broviwiy , C unoU Blofli. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff nnd GeneialCollectionknt , ' o Offlco w 1th N. Schurz , Justice of the Peace , C uncil UluSd , Inwa. raoi. ornoisi TT. n. u. rent Conncll Blofft , Established 1858 Dealers In Foreign nnd Domcstlo Eich o ud Horn * St CANCERS , CHRONIC DISEASES0"1' ' Over thirty je rs ptoctleil azpirluua 03N f , Pe rl aVrcct , Oonncll Blullt Irie. DENTIST , Oonnoll Blnflr af HjSM [ BGTTEilft. , . Unvarin , CJulmbachor , . . - . Bavaria. 3ilauor . . .Bohemian. BOMISSTJC. Sudsmaer . Sfc , Louis. Anhatiaar. . . . _ . _ .St. Lonis. Sest'B. . . . - . Mihvauko" . Schlif z-Pilgnor - . Milwaukee. Sruti'iJ . Omnha. Ale , Porter. Domestic nnd Rhino . MAUREIl , 1213 Farnam St. TUB IIKST HOUTK AND Omaha iGouncil Bluffs and Chicago. The only line to take for Dm llolnoK , uroh.ill- lon , Ccilar lloplds , Clinton , Dixie , ( ; | ICAIO ( , Mil- wan k no and all | > oliita ea'-t. To tbo nuoplo of Ne- bia-lia , Colorado , Wjomlitf , Utah , Idaho , Neva < l . Oregon , WuhliiKtau nnd Callfornlt It orfurn superior adrai Ui 8 not pomlblo by any other lino. Anxing a few uf Iho mimoroun , . of imperial- Ity 01 jo od by the patront ol this raid between I'mnha ami Chicago , uro Its twutitloa day of UAV LXMUUKHuhlch art ) thoflneit that human ait anil Ingenuity an rreate ; IU 1'A IMCK HI.KKI'IN'O OAKS ulilch tro mcdolaiil comfort and elcKkiicv ; ltd I'Alt LOU DHAWINQ K001I I'AHH , unaurpasscd by any ud lib uldely r l bratud I'AIATMI , DIMNOOAIUi tha tqnal of hl < Ii cannot bo fou'-cl eUt horu. At Council Illuffd the trains nt the Union 1'iclflo lly. connect In Union DL > | o < ulth ttiose uf the ( 'lilca o&North ejtein It ) ' In Chlrayn the tr ina of thlu Ino make cloito oonncctloa wltb thoao of all eastern In f . For Detroit , Coluinban , Inillanapo'la , Clnrlnnatf , v'iifori KhIU , Uiilfalo , riltiburi ; , luronio , Montreal lout ! n , New York , I'blUdUjihl * , litltlinirc ii- iiKtonauil nil puliiti In thu Katt , a k the UUiet Kent for tickets via the N'MIT'I WKaTKBK , voiiMiintho tx-tt accommodation I AllTtloket ient cell tlckett via this line , IHKIIIITT. IU.1IAIH , Ueneral lluta/tr , Oei. l'J i . Agent. CHICAGO. M. R. bcfinlz IiiBurinco Co. , Tendon , Cub . . . . . , .fj , 881,000 > uhuititrN. r , CaplUI . . . , beMtroh uU ol Newark N J. , Capital . 1,276,000 liard Klro , I'hlbulelphla.CkUUI 1 , 00,000 'c.mia'iruadUIUl. , . ,