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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
IHE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , DECMUBEK , 18 1884 N COUHCILJIUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NRV/R. FINE ART. Tito WnmlcrCiil Display nt J. J. Illlss' " Kfltnltllilmicnl. The art tl'splay , which opened at J. J. BHsV millinery ea'.abltshmant yesterday , la certainly the finest over teen here , and druw a largo number of admirers , who wcro cnlhuiuullo In Ihoir praise. The arrangement of the display the ITS rare taato , oud the articles nto certainly of merit , Some o ! the paintings cro from the nkillfal brueh of MM. Blien herself. She has n very line painting of n scone on the Sdinu , a copy of D'Aublghnoy's wonder * painting , n favorite picture with Napolann III. Shonleo has two nmallor paintings which nro real genius A number of ether pieces by har ozclto praise , among them being a winter acona on a tambour ine , and somn holljhocke , nnd apple - plo blcEp.otna ara nleo excellently done Miss S. D. Rohan , the talented artist , who is n slater of Mis. Uliss , linn eomoof bur best work displayed. JJer painting of Hip Van Winkle , na ho nwakoa from hla long eloop , la highly appreciated by nil who over uaw Jo Jtitersjn. A wheatfield - field in the subject of one of her boat patutingi. She him also n study from still lite , which mcrita appclal praise. Slio has numerous otuullor pieces and bits of decorations of pwttery , grain ahoavef , elc. , which ahow her vuisaiility aa well p.a Bktll. In connection with this art display therp In H , pleasing showing of the latest fatmiona in the millinery line , and n va- itoty of novelties to particularly interest the ladies. The display certainly is a morltorioua ono in all Us details , and can not but well repay all who take tinio to visit it. Pluah work baakoto , perfumeries of the finnst grades , toilet aeta , elegant fans in fact too many beautiful urttcloa to name , yet oil worth soeiug. Closing out our ontiru ntoclc at greatly reduced prices for 30 rlays. Oall early. DB VOL & WitiaiiT. Mr ; , John Dohany ! H qulto 111. Old Mynstor ii laid up with a.fovoro cold. II. II , Home ia confined to his room with malaria. Al. Ilussoll nttcr eovcral daya about again. 0. V , Schclfllo and wife have returned from their eastern tiip , riattoOvei ton has returned from his east ern business trip. Thos. W. Ivory , of Glemvood , was nt the Pacific yesterday. D. 0 , Tucker has returned will hia btido from their woddiuff tour. Juke Htrb , the baibcr hns gene to the transfer barbershop for nwhilo. Kx-U. S. Marshal .Too. T. Stewart , ol Shomiandoah , was in tha city yestnrday. W. W. A. Smith lias 30110 to Atchlson , Kas , to speni the holidays with fiiends theto. 1'inley Burke of Ornngo City , son of City Auditor liurko Is hare for a few days coin * bination of busineaj with pleasure. Mrs. 121am Clark is now with S. I1. Moreo & Oj. of Omaha , whore her Council Bluffs friends will find her at the notion counter. Masons Attention , You and yonr friends ara cordially In vited to vfait the art display now given ut J. S. lilies' , 328 Broadway. It ia the fine-it display west ot Chicago. COCHOIL BLurrs Wheat No. 1 milling , 57 ; No. 2 , 55j No. 8 , 4 > . Corn Now , 21c. Oata For local purijoses , U3o , Hey S I 60@ti 00 per ton ; baled , BO@GO. Jlyo 3 o. Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 iiounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 003 f 50. 50.Coal Coal DolIvnroJ , hard , 0 50 pet totij soft I CO per ton Lard Falrbank'a , wholoaallng at 9Jc. If lour City Hour , 1 OJ2 UU. Urooma 2 033 00 per doz. L172 BTOCE. Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 253 75. Butcher stoere , 3 754 ( 00. ( 81ioai > 2 60@3 00. l 2i. raoDuca AND rnoiw. Poultry Llvo old linnx , 2 f 0 per iloz ; dressed rh < ck LH , Sci1rosbcd ; tin keys , 12Jo ; dressed iliiBl : ' , Untile ; drji < od Kaeli" . 10l-c ; tprlnfj chlukenn , per ilu2 2J. Uuttor Oroamory , i.ri@2Scj ! choice country S 22 per dozon. Vo tables Potatoes , 30 < 2l4Pc per bushel ; oalons , tile per bti : applcw , choice cooking or eatilifr.J 60@3 10 ; beans , 1 00@1 50 per bu h l : Swcnt mtatoos , 2o wr 11) , Cider 82 Ritlloii btil . § 0.50. Or aiigo.1 0 CO per bhl. rrsursALB BRO'S. IOWA 1THDIS. The money-lendora of Darlington are ao dosu thtit they refuse to take a city loan of $18,000 ut eight per cent. They want ton , The arrangements by which the B , 0. H. & . , und 0 , M , & St. P. roads have used the same depot at Clinton Is busted. The former has fitted up a freight car for temporary use , The town of Audubon , following the example sot by other cities , has Issued an ordinance licensing the enlo of cider , pop and "other drinks not prohibited b ; law. " The liccuao wis placid at § 25 pel month. TAxlng insursnco companies : Sovara Iowa dtios aru at present discussing the advisability of taxing Insur * nco compaulee on thu premiums received by them In tin various towns and cities in question , anc many who are opposed to licensing aa leona ere in favor of this latest expedient The B , 0. H. & N. railway now opor otos 713 miles of road. The total re coipta of the company from January to November 30 were § 2,507,707 , a sligh decrease over the receipts during th same months in 1882 and 1883. Duiin the month of November , 1881. the com pany's receipts amounted to § 275,13 ! ? . It ha been ascertained that ieas that one-third of the voters of the state ox presiod themselves in regard to the amendments to the constitution at th late election. They were all adopted however , by comparatively lumy major ' ttles , aud are now n part of lowa'a or ganlo laws. Secretary Littler nimounccs that th tiluth annual convention of the low * But ter and Choose association will ba held a the new opera house , Strawberry Point V'n'on ' enmity , lowe , February 20 , Cl nd 22 , 1835. An excellent programme of practical toplci and intaretting and impotent epo kers hai been arranged . r , and a gnod lima is promised. Straw- > 3try I'.iint is on the Devunport line of 10 0 , M. A St. P. , ton miles north of ) ivenport. The indignation of western farmers bout the low Rraln prices aud high rail- ay tirifh la increaiiug from day to day , nd if the present fouling is allowed to row n second edition of the farmorV rfiogo movement tuay bo the result 'oreona who are In n position to know 10 ins aud outo of railway trafllo are in- lined to the opinion that a special SF a- ion of the legislature would not help matters very much , although the demander or such h pcsstou may bo to uuivor a.13 o induce Governor Sherman to cill the egialatora together. Llawkoyo. CUUEIj I'iiAUrtOAlj .IOKIi > G. PlajlnOH tlio Credulity ofan Octo- Fanner xtul lllH Well , to-tlo Bon. Kugcno 0. Austin is a troll-to-do armor living near Attica , Wyoming utility , writes a correspondent of The 'on ' Yotk Sun. Do la a man 40yoara Id and u man of Quo .personal appear- nee. While perfectly rational and apablo In every ether way , ho btliovca lat hla genius ao a politician has made urn ono ot the znist prominent iigurca in 10 country. Ills father , o wealthy armcr , 80 jcara of ago , aharea in this > oliof , und duriucttho past five years haa > cut thonaauda of dollars in furthering 10 political advancement of hla sen. ) hio eccentricity of the two men has been ncouragod by persons , wh > nd iiumsoment in the extravagancca into hlch the singular maain of the Auatiua ead them. In 1870 the elder Austin aojnrod hla on that ho could secure the republican omiuation for member of assembly. 11 o lirni-'hod the money with which the \nvnes waa to bo made. Lie bought a illy-ho coach aud eiigiigcd u brans band i ten pieces. For weeks the younger Vuatln drove thia coach , four-in-hand , irough the country , the bund riding m do. AIosl ; domonatraliona in htu bo- mlf were hold iu many phces , nt which 10 undo speeches. Tins freak coat sev- ral thousand dollars. After the election of Gartlold the elder Austin urged hia BOH to go to Mentor nd present and urge hie cUima to a for ign muaion. The son did oa , the old entlomiui paying all the expenses of the rip. The tailuru to obtain the appoint- ueiit was charged by both fithor and son o the treachery of trusted friondi , and ! ioy renounced , allegiance to the ropubll- ana. In 1883 a strange man and woman ap- icaroct nt the Austin farm. They said [ ley wore man and wife , and had come rom Canada as ambassadors from Lord lalford , who had been attracted to the oungor Auatin by the fnmo ho haa mad o n political circles in the atntca and who desired to have him become the hnsbaud of hia only daughter , the rich and boauti- ul i-ndy Anno. Old Mr. Auatin furnish ed f auds ta thoao two straugora to return ,0 , Canada and arrange for the marriage , and subsequently aout them hundrcda of dollars , wiilch they said was necoesarv In the preliminary formalities of the proposed - posed wedding. Thoao two swlndlera irere evidently aided by partiop in Attica who shared in the money obtained from the credulous father and son ; and when , ho story of their operations became mown tricnda of the Auatiua interfered nd stopped the game. When the republican national convon- Ion met in Chicago last summer , letters were sent by practical jokois to the oungor Austin , signed with the namca of republican leadora , stating triat the > arty must have hia iiillacnco once more , and offering him the second place on the national ticket. Old Mr. Auatin insisted hat Eugene must go to Chicago and look fter his interests himself. Ho gave money to a largo number of persons to my their expenses to Chicago , where hey wore to boom his son. When Logan waa nominated for vice president the Lustins denounced him aa a traitor. ? hcy declared -that there was nothing eft for them to do but for Eugene to uko the cocond place on the democratic ickot , and swoop Now York away from ilaino. Old Mr. Auatin chartered a pcciul train of throe cars which ho was o fill with supporters of his son , and ont them to Chicago to work for him. lo invested largely in banners , mottoes , nd decorations for the train , and had all m arrangements made for the starting f the party , when another sou , El- irldgo Auatin , who had long in vain pro- oatod against the actions of hia father nd brother , asked and obtained the In- erferonco of the courts , and the Chi- ago scheme wan stopped by legal pro- ocdings. The practical jokers s'ill kept up their working on the woakncca of the old man and hia uon , and they received asaurancea hat the latter would certainly bo the iomoeratio nominee for vica-presidont. When llendrioks waa nominated old Mr. Vustiii insiated that now that they had icon betrayed by both partioa , tluy heuld go to work and defeat them both , and this waa to bo done by Eugene be coming an independent candidate for ireBident , which ho did. Jint before ilcction ho received a letter written on io official paper of the governor and eignod with hia name , bogging Austin to withdraw from the canvass In hia ( Clove- and' ) fiver , aa that would surely give the democrats the victory and in return .ho now president would make Austin a member of his cabinet. Austin with draw. Laat week ho wont to Albany and launtod the executive chamber for two or three dayo , endeavoring to secure the promised appointment. Ilo spent a great Joal of money nnd was bled right and left by pretended intimate friends of the [ iresident-eloct. This reached the oars ol Ills brother and ho went to Albany and induced him to return homo , It ia reported that the brother will now use every means to ascertain who tlic men arc who have been prompting 13u gene in thia nud other matters , and il successful will test in the courts ihoquea < tion a * to whether they can not bo held responsible for damages , as hia brothoi and father have wasted largo an aid o1 money in consequence of the euggcs'ioii ! und encouragement given them in thcii oxtraucgint schemes. Proceedings U sottlu the question of their ( sanity anc the custody of their property will also b ( begun. Dialogue between two men abou town : "What is the difiWonco between a stool exchange and a bucket sh"p ? ' ' "I'll explain to ytu. When a felloi wins ho s ys : 'I've made money on th stock exchange' ; when ho Irson ho re mrrkc : 'I've been robbad in a bncke shop. ' That's the difference. Frenc Paper. A Clinton man has named hla * U Fact , Facts are stubborn things. A BTUANOn 1'JLlL.XOilKNA. n Kjo-WltiirNi lias to S.y A'loitt the UmlcrnrnuTul Now UaKltiK I Count- , Virginia , Among the recent arrivals in the cily , nays the Louisville Courier-Journal , WAS Mr. EJward B. Elder , cf Highland county , Virginia. Of late there have been reports from that section of the country of a utrango phenomena which was naul to have been witnessed in the mountains a fotv miles from Monterey Conrt-llouae , Highland county , where the earth was said to bo one burning maoa. The fact that Mr. Mu'hatton waa known to bo in another quarter of the globe gave the story some credtncs , nnd more especially so ns it was vouched for by responsible ! men. A reporter learning of Mr. Elder's arrival went In search of him last ritijit to see If ho know anything conccruing the matter. Ho was found comfortably ensconsced in a cushioned chair at thu Gult house , tslking to comp friends. When aakod if he had heard of the strange porfarmnnco nature waa eald to bo guilty of , ho replied : "It ia certainly true , and Is the most remarkable thing I over hoard of From present indications I should Bay that wo are likely t ) have another edition of Mount Vesuvius produced in the moun tains of Virginia. The phenomena con sists ot fires which seem to bo raging under the earth , on the top of the poaka ia Highland county , and the [ jrtmnd for a cjusidorablo distance sc'cmu to bo a smoldering mass. The first heard of it was n report brought by u bny who claimed to have walked over the place which was on fire. The country around is almost inaccessible , and it ia very nel- doui that anyone ventures BO far up on the mountains , therefore it was only by accident that the discovery waa made. A few days ngo the boy , who waa iu search of some lost sheep , wandered on foot among the hilh until ho got several miles from homo. All at once ho felt the air around him grow warmer , and experienced a strange sensation , aa if some burning aubstanco was beneath him. Ho vraa on an elevated plateau , probably a quarter of a mile rqnaro , on the top of ono of the small mountains. At flrst ho waa greatly alarmed , and atartodto run nvray. Ilia curiosity over came hia fear , however , and ho atopped to BOO if ho could find the cause ot the unuaual warmth. II o atopped nud placed his hand on thu earth , nnd WDB startled to find that it was no hot cs to almost bliator hia llesh Ho did not pur sue hia researches any further , but pro ceeded at once to hia home , where ho told of the strange occurrence. Ko faith was put in the narrative , audit waa thought by the neighbors that the youth was going crazy. "The news finally raadhed the town cf Monteroyand oorno eclentifically Inclined persons determined to investigate. Pro curing the boy for a guide , they wont to the place and found that all ho had aaid was truo. When they returned they told even a more wonderful atory than that told by the boy. Thia produced a great scTisatlon throughout the immediate country , aud a great many peraona wove nearly frightened out of their wito. The superstitions were of the balief that the day of judgment waa close at haud and began to make preparations ta respond to the call of the trumpet , which they momentarily expected to wako the silence of the mountains. I lived some distance away , but when the news reachad mo I determined to satisfy myself. After nearly a day's travel over the roogh mountain road , which wound around cliffs at the foot of overhanging rocka , I arrived within a abort distance of the re gion. I hoar loft my horse , andtogether with a couple of frienda who had accom panied me , proceeded as best I could to the place Indicated. I had heard exag gerated stories , and was almoat prepared fur anything , but I must confess that I waa greatly startled. The earth for yards around seemed to bo a smouldering heap , and was as hot aa an oven. In places a hard crust had formed over the clay , and largo fissures made by the heat. The air seemed very dense and foggy , and in many placea a bluish emoko broke through holea in the earth and spread over the mountain tops. Wo dug down to the depth of probably throe foot and came to a yellowish sort of clay which was almost as soft aa putty. When a shovelful waa thrown out on the ground it smoldered like a heap of cahoa , and a quantity of smoke eeonicd lo rise Irnni it. It was very hot and glowed with a strange brilliancy , which lasted for honra. Wo tried the experiment of digging down a number of places , and r.lwaya with the same results. The deeper wo went the more pronounced was the phe nomena , and wo found it difliculUto otuud over the opening. How Ijng this has been in progress no one knows , nud the moat learned are ballled fora reason. Ic ooks aa if a volcauo was at work , and eady at any moment to burst an open- ng through the earth and throw out its olume of sinokp aud fire. Hundreds of eo | lo have visited the place , and ull avu come nway moro mystified than STUUCIt DUflJU Wll ILK SWEARING Ir. Iiyinan , of Indiana lilt Fcrnl- Jin bits anil IliH tiurrihlo I'unUliment , The people of Lao township , about oventjlive miles north of Louisville , n Brown .county , Ind. , are In a state of : xcitcmoht over the caeo of James Ly nan , who waa instantly deprived of all sensation a few days ago. Lao recently inured into Lae township. His family consists of a son and two daughters. In early years bo was a noumau , and al- hough ho tells but little of his pist hla ory it la believed from relics aud other louvonirj which ho has In hla possession , hat his advmituroa on the ocean would muko a volume cf romauco. It is eald nl him that when eleven vearn of ago hi. ran away from his homo in Boston anc determined to adopt a sailor's life. He concealed himself in the hold of a ahi | about to weigh anchor , and was carried oil' to sea on board a voascl. Ljinat BOOH learned to swear. As his years In- croaaod his profanity became moro vol uble. Hia ship touched many forelgt shores , and by frequent association wltl the natives ho gradually acquired tin-it manner of speech , end in time became the master of four different languages In all of these ho was an adept at swear ing. hWEAUINO 11V WHOLESALE. The slightest trifle met with a vollei of oaths and the air would bo perfect ! ; sulphurous with his wicked declarations When excited his wrath waa terrible and none dared to remain within earaho while curses and imprecations rolled wit ! mighty vehemence Irom his tonguo. On day lait week , while superintending force of hands in making a clearing , silly accident thiew Lyiiun into an ex cess of passion. Words more blaaphe nious thin over before utterjd rollo from his Uaent tongue , while he dance about In a perfect puoxysm. Suddenly the ii iviun declarations o accd. Lyma * fell fnco downward to the ground atii was uuablo tn move H muscle. A qonu- Ino thunderbolt or n ballet through the he.ut could not have paralyzed hU senses quicker. Sight was tlestrojcd , speech gone and motion impoctlblo. After thirty minutes' prostration ho recovered slightly , but WAS uuablo to regain his lost fpecch. ilia eyes wcra nUo dimmed Oii4 the arms of two strong laborers ho was'bornoto hta houio , where ho has nco been resting in a half conscious onditiou. A roAvuuruij INTOXICANT , Iio ProparMlon Upon "Whloh the Mouth bua Inlanders Got Full. an Vrancisco Call. "Do you know what thftt is ? " said the iptain of a bark lately returned from a ruiso in the southern acaa to a Call ro- jortor. Ho hold In his hands what ap- icnred to bo a gaudily painted barber's > ole shrunken to the size of a police man's club. "That , " continued the upper , ' 'is n piece of _ gagus stalk. It amo from Gauptt island , near the ilolncca group , I have navigated the outh acne for many years , and 1 never aw it growing upon any other island , td I don't think you will find any ooa- ariug man who hails from thoao waters > ut will bear out what I say. It ia a jcciea of cactus. Gauptl Island la a nail ono , but it is well populated by atlvca of the Malay race. In the In * orior this plant grows wild , flourishing 'specially in the rod rocky soil. _ It opka beautiful when growing , as you light judge by the bright hues with Inch thia ia spotted. The main stalk a covered with sharp , nettle like protur- > anccB , nud a prick from ono of them ill cause more paiii than o handful of ed popper thrown iu your eyes. When oung the plant conslst-of bat ono stalk , vhich shoota up straight to a height of our or five feor. It ia a brilliant acarlct i hup. Toward winter a number of oil' * loots spring out until the thing looks ko n broom stood upright. Green and mrplo npocka then appear all over it. A jrovo of gaguii ohrubs la a very pretty ght. But it ia the properties of the lant which dlalingui&h it. Opium is a > otont drug , but 1 will back the extract ' ggU3 stalk to oilsct moro damage on 10 human system than all the opium In 10 world. The natives cut the plant in 10 early fcpring , After , they have gath- > rcd a snllicient quantity they pnt it in argo bowls and crush it with largo ntonca . grayiah sap runs out freely , and thia ley collect mid drink after letting it for- nout , which it docs cnaily. Ono drink : a pint ia enough for an ordinary man ) ut 1 have aeon natives drink moro. Vithin half an hour after Imbibing it the rinkcr becomes perfectly stupid and lies .ke a log. The apoll lasts n day or moro uring which time the natives say they vo in paradise. " "Do white men drink it1 ? "I have known sailors to try it , but ley never tackled it twice. Three yoara ; o I had a man iu my crow who waa riven crazy by ono drink. " "What effect does it have upon the atlvea ? " "Well , that ia whore the gagua displays self. If you could see some of the tor- bio examples of gagua drinking in j-iuptll you would bo horrified. The irat effect cf the liquor is to soften the ) oues and gradually cat them away , 'hero are natives there , the victims of ague , who are indeed boneless and un ble to walk or mo their limbs. _ They ion ibegin to wither Away like this stalk ntil they die in misery and convulsions , mmcdiately after death the head of the orpso becomra soft as pulp , no bones an bi > felt ; the skull is completely oaten way. The body then begins to swell as lough it were inflated with gas , and im mediately burial la necessary. " "How long drca it take to thus dovaa- ate a human being ? " asked the reporter. "That'e according to the appetite of 10 vintim io the stuff. Usually two ears will finish the hardest man. Oh , 10 sufferings of the slaves to the drink re terrible. " TJio llullit Passion. [ innoajolis Tribune. ' Well , how did this inveterate gam' lor , this Tom Malloty , come out , final- i ? " asked the reporter. "Ho lost every cent ho had , " said the entleman with the light-ojlored pants , lost evrry cent ho could borrow , and inally waa driven to the necessity of ; oing to the College hospital when ho was Hacked with the typhoid fever. There 10 diod. The night ho died there were ovoral of ua who had not heard of hia Inosa before preaent. and I will never ergot the ecene. There waa a physician , minister and three or four sporting men standing around hla bed In the ward. Yhon I came in bo said to mo : "Frank , old boy , how goes it ? " " 'All right , Tom , ' eayal , 'how coos it 'oursell ? "Well , I fool pretty bid , says ho , 'and ! don't knon whether I am going to pull lirough or not. ' ' 'Uo is not going to pull through , ' aid thu minister'and 1 have been trying. o impress upon him the necessity of pro- wring for the next life.1 'Air. Mallory , ' le continued , 'the physician here will ell you that you cannot live. ' " 'Cannot live ? ' said Tom. " 'No , ' said the physician , ' 1 think il > ut right to toll you tlio truth you can not live an hour longer. ' " 'Now loolt hero , ' said Tom , rieing ir ho bed and looking like an auimatec & 'hoBt , his eyes aa big as moons , and the land of death plainly marked upon his ice'you follows eay I cannot live an lour. I'll tell you what we'll do , I'l mt up my pants over there against any > air of pantaiu the house that 1 live two luura. ' " 1 know It would ploaio him , so 1 tald all right , Tom ; it'a a go. ' "In an hour we saw that his last hou tad come , and I made hli head easier ot ho pillow. When wo were expecting ilm to drop elf , ho rose and said : 'Lss again , by gingcrl I should have coppered that bat , ' ud ho sank back on the nilloi dead. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8TOI' THAT COUGH Hy URlnf ; Dr. Frazier's Throat aud Lung Da ! 0:1111 : the only sure euro for Coughs , Colda Hoarseness and Sore Throat , and all disease of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect cough. It may provo fatal. Hcores and rtundreds of RrHteful people owe their lives tc Dr. Frazier't Throat and Lunf Balsam , anc uo family will ever be without It after enc < iisiuR it , and discovering its marvelous | ewer It is put up in largo family bottles and soli ( or the email price of 76 cents per bottle. Bole Kubn & C * > . and 0. V. Goodman. PitUbur ? Chronicle. A new industiy in this city consists ii canvawin'X for imurance companies tha Insures the lives of babies. The c n vasscr occasionally escapes with his life A CARD. To-Uwho jo y ? rf f tn met Io 9 ol cab < xxJ * ttat I vUi " " ' tbat will car * "UJ1XG MOWN HlhU" IIoxv n \ p ornllo l < van ICvntlctl tlio Gtcntvst Diniunlty Hi set the BiifllnRton Au account ii goiii ; ; the rounds nf the press of n woman vrhorta ao illlictod ivith rheumatism for fifteen years thnt icr entire muacnlar system bcciuio riglil , md fur nil tlmt period ahu wca lept ; nlive > y Krucl forced hotwcru her tvoth. A promiucnt Now York phjeiciati wns ouco naked what rheumatism uns , Ilo rhplivd , "God only knows.1 ' Ilo vrns mi. Uoubtcdlv right , because rheumatism springs from it ( UUeront cnuso in ovury ndividual caso. If its origin ia n myatorj , ta ifl'tiota nto too well und too \udoly jnowii , for thoto la acrrcely any acnaon of the year when some paraona nro nut nero or less nfTiictid by it. Iu general lovrovcr , it provall.i moatly among the > gcu , making their last day 3 luird to > ear. A prominant physician once ro- imrkod in our hearing , "If the aged could cacapo the tortures of rheumatism , holr last yoara aa n rule would bo quiet , > oacoful and painless. " Apropos of tlio above , Mr. W , DJ. > ona , of Polla , Iowa , acuda 113 n com- nunlciticm uhicli ordinarily wo rroulci lot publish except at BO much n lino. ) ut thia experience hna boon BO remark- bio that wo think wo are justified iu giving place to It. Ho ni\ys : Dear Sir ; 1 am 78 yeaia of ngo. 31 ifo has been active. 1 am well kno rrn u this town , and what I tay I do not hink will bo doubted by tiny ono who cnowa mo. Up to n year or two ngo , 1 v/as the poaasuor of eplotidid health , and loped I should wear out my hfo gradu- lly nnd gracefully. Two yoara ago , how- vor , 1 win ovurcomo with that curao of Id ngo , rheumatism. When It first pros- rated tno the pain w&3 ao ncuto I thought t was neuralgia , which medicil uthoritica toll mo Indicates low nLUo of the eyatcm. _ I fancied that thh attack waa the be- inning of the cud. I cent for a good nctor , who treated mn with clcctdcal nd other Dgencioa , but I grow wotao lo finally unid my ct-aj waa n Dorioua beumatic one. For aix mouths I could lot uno my limbjnt all , and \\aa handled > y thrco strong porcouu , llko a holpleaj hild. Thou came n period of bolter ecllngo , but louctlon followed , and for iz long menthe of pitiful suirerlng I wan confined to the btd. For over n our I groaned in agony. 1 trlod all ro- mtablo lotions , litiimenla , plasters and irrparatlona , in vain. At thiii abgo , iy friend Elder Ovorc.iuip to coo no , and upon hia urgent recommendation began to uaa Warnor'rt Bafi ? rheumatic uro , a few bottles of which give back to 10 the use of my limbs. I am now looping without pain , eating without intrcss , nnd fool na spry aa I did when I vaa GO ycara of ago. 1 cordially recom- noud that preparation ty all pcraono illictod aa I waa , and especially to the of cgcd men and women whoso hat days uro embittered by thia action. " Mr. DoGona' letter ia endorsed by Hdor Ovorcamp , who oaya ho ia a mom- icr of hia church , and hia case to him a surprising and marvelous. Mr. F.V. . nlao endorses the ntatcmont in terms. There ia uo doubt that this ia a true recital of the case , and Mr. DaGena' ospoticiico ahould bo an cncouragomont o ull othcrj sufl'oring as ho did , to uao he menus ho so tmccossfully employed , or nothing bettor , if indcoi , as good , can bo had in the market. A Kelic of ttio .Revolution. Bethleinen ( Pa ) Times. The jubilees which are being hold in : hia vicinity by the democrats have un earthed a relic of thu revolution which ? oiy few of the younger people have per- laps over heard of , much less seen. The relic is n cannon which is being uaod in Iring silutoa at democratic celebrations tn this and adjoining counties. The cannon , it is aaid , was captured from the British at the battle of Princeton. The cannon waa evidently intended for uao on aoard of a ship , aa it cannot bo mounted on wheels. It ia five feet long , with a3 | inch bore , and the charge used ia ono and a half pounds of ponder. It was Durchasod many yoara ago from the late Lawyer Gibbona of Allentnwn by the ate Captain 0 Rlttor of Ritteraville. The latter sold it toistockcompany.con- " inc ; of S. Herman Ginkln or and Frank , William and Tilghman Reichart. ilr. Gmklnger now controls the greater port ion of the stock , and ho haa been the ; unnor/or the past thirty years nnd haa ittoudtd many poltical ctlebrations. SKIN MlbEfiSJBS GUItKI ) . [ iy Dr. Frnzior's Magio Oiiiliucnt. Cnroi ns if by magic : Pimplea , UlacU Jlenda or Grub , liloichea und JCruptioiiH on tlio fuco , leaving the akin clear und beautiful. Also cures Itch , Suit Ilheuin , Here Nipples , Sere Lipo and old , Obutiuuto Uleera bold by druggists , or mallwlonieceipt prlco. CO conta. Hold by Kubn & Co. nnd 0. K. Goodman. Txvuntictli Annlvi rsnry ol' I'rcsUlent IjInuolii'H Ii ntli , Sp2cial telesram to Till : Ben. CiliCAQO , December 1C. Inter-OceanV , riiiBfitld , 111. , eaya , tbo coiiiinittcoj from tbo Munncrchoir nnd Tumvoreln of St Louis were hero to day in consultation with the I.iuc In Buaid of honor , with a Uaw to ft mu- ilcal coinmenioration uf tbe twentieth anni versary of Lincoln's death , April 15th next. The committees wuro appointed to o irrcHxmu | with kindred HJiietles tbroiiRhout the country a-kniR tlioin to send delej-ationa here t that tune t ] anoint In mukini ; it a national ntf ir , HrralcliiK Up LOUISVILLE , Ivy. , December li ( , The pala tlal Fourth stro , t ruMJenca of George 0. llu chanan , now sojourning in Canada , chargot ' ith duplicating whisky warehouse receipts waa thrown open to the public to-day , ai-d tin ualo of honethold citects begun by an auctioneer oor of tbo Trust compauy , The IIOUHS waathi moet raugnitisont In thu city and waj furuuh ed to a degree approaching fplendor. Tin walls uro designed to hnltato leather , inoUl m ] olic4 and po cflain tilts , containn all thi luxuriwi aud nrtlatlc appointinenta tnonoj omld buy. The liuclnnun family Htlll occupi tha bousri , locko.l them in a room , and duruif the tale tlm nebs of the wlfo werj frpimonth hepnl. Tbi ( articles otTarod brought goii prices , jrurdcr and Biilcltlc , Dccomber 10. This inornmi Boncto Duran tried to induce the wife of rancbcrn , named Hanchez ti elope , Kho de dined , whereupon , bo shot her fatally , thu : killed himself. Both are Mexican * ) , Incrcuan ol'Tiinc. ImuoiT , Dojomber 10. lo addition to th cutting cf all the extra work tta Wester Union Telegraph company hn notified th operftton that tuo time of u dajM work wi bo Increased one-half hour. That conquering hero , John L. Bull van , it ii taid , will affjct a siuglo eye glass , There must be something wren with Johnnie when ha contents hlniee with one glass. 1MV01JTKPS AND MANITAOTVUIXO s rno ann I j .Lulu u Fine Diamonds , Eicli Jewelry , French Clocks , Bronze Statuary , English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday Ifovelties , iji u * * a UUM fjam vwvwu * v xj w nuu um v P h I I iloin line QroininQ CA11UY IN STOCK ALL THI2 CELEBRATED MAKES - OF JLower JPrMfl yTvrnifi fills JMonfIt titan ever offered before. JL i'f f * > o w ictu'erooins solicited. - A WUFAOTI7UKKS OF- , . * - % p * j 5 II i M - * ji7 v * a ftniiaynrv * ? ! ? ' r\ * p\ * ! IP t Olllllll iLillO Rill r 1 , > l'\ u LjLu > Dcinsi Wlndowl , Ftnlit'c ' , Window Cflp , Iroa OmtlngB , IWMt'.c 8kjllxhte , Ac. II j. Iroa eni ! Mn * ? i blG finatb ISth fllinoi Om\V. NcbrA k RICHARDS ft OLA.I4EK , W. A. CLA1MTK , Propriotora. ; ron Q. P. RAILWAY 7TB & 18TH f.5THJL'E'JS ' MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IK m WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , 'j'fiSft' * filffl * , KILL FURNISHINGS Oc ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THF Gskbrated Anchor Brand Dufour BDlting : Gloth STHAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIP1C. . . . iV7i / \ tfO ff3 jfQ jf v j "pi vM Pi 'ff.'T'STM * * 5TdrrMTiWJl ! niaO yWr-"l.\lWlf.VXM fi l ASS GOODS ABsB FIFE FFW1M&B ARCHITECTURAL AND U1DG o We are prepared to furniob plans aud estimates , nnd will ocntract for erection o Flouring Mills and Grain .Elevators , or for changing Flouring Milta , from Stona to the Roller System. J ° i3apecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pu. po e , and estimates made for seine General machinery re&airrf attondo promptly. Audr < sa ETOHARD & CLAKEE , Omalia.Neb THE BRUNSWICK , BAIKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , TO TIIK J. U. U , & 0. CO. ] 7be moit oitondve manufactured IN THB WORLD. Joha HootatiMsor Oonernl Aienl or NebraiU in Weetorn Ion * . M B. Tenth Btwt . . . . OMA1IA , NEB. tar iUtlou DUlUrd tnj Fool Tablet and toatotla AXOHO TnU LINK OF TUB Chicago. . Si. . Paul , Minneapolis aod OMAHA RAILWAY. ? be new citen.oi ! ol Iblu line Item W lMU.ld np Ui. i BKADTIPUL VALLEY of Iho GAN Ihiough Ctncoril trid OoIoiMga hjs tlitt tort portion ot tha Plate. lee r&U'S forlorn ! tuikm u\ti thl line Wujne , hcrlollf hQil Haj'.lngton , uid vlfc llla'.r ' to Frln6iul t-oti.U on tbo BIOUX OITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD TriliiB over tht 0. . HI. V. M. fc O. iUllvrnv to COT > rtnn Blcui City , JPfioca , lUitlngtaD , Wsyc * ip4 Hoilolk , OOXXX3.OOt Xt g Tgvt-P * otfiuioat , OkkiU.o , Nell/n , n1 thioajb tu Vi | > tatlna. ornwUI D v. iiicill