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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
8 TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE-THUKbDAY DECEMBEJR 18 1884 THE lULY BEE Thuraday Mornine Deo. 18 , LOCAL BREVITIES , The Mi ? onrl Pacifis train from the south was ( our hours Into jcstordny morning , Many n man took ft faU yesterday owing to the slippery condition of the sidcv- Next Sunday afternoon at Turner hall the llmical Union orchestra will give ft grand concert. An order nppolntlnf .T. A. Griffiths furl ngent of the Union Pacific road was issued yesterday. A young maa named Albert Weber , w i injured by jumping from a moving train [ \n \ the Union PuciGo yards yesterday. Tueeday Joieph K. Kemp swore Jout a peace warrant against Alexander Schaarf iSchimf wan arrtwtod and furnished the re quired bond , - AH Christmas draws near the atorei han dling fancy Roods are thronged with customers who are in search of BOILO llltlo token of love for ( ho dear ones. . Tbo choir nt St. Phllnmona'a cathodaal will sing Mozart's Twelfth MMs on Christmas morning nnd will bo accompanied by the Mu sical Union orchestra , -C. 12 Fuller , the Mick "con" man , has been working thn residents of Ida county ant the iheriff has wrlttun to Marshal Cummlngs In regard to the matter. -Tho ghoitnt the city jail still makes It nightly nppear.Mico to the Inebriated lod.era at lint p'aco ' , but 1M. Goiman Bays that ho has failed to see anything \\hlch looks like a spirit form. Itmny eeem etrargo , lut it is nevcrtho loss a fat , the Missouri river last night closed IU doors and made mi assignment to the ice houses. In other words , the ri\er ha frozen up , ( .trowing out of the late unploasantnes" of the pcaeo warrant affair in Justice Bartlott's court , Mrs. Schnap charges that Judge Flint rudely laid his hands on her , and nuaultod her in the Gees hotel yesterday. The piers for the U. & M. . bridge over tin U. P. track at Summit were completed yes terday. The workmen will begin putting on the f.dso wooden superstructure to-day , after which the iron will be put in place. The first proofs of the engravings for THE BE KM annual i Instated rt > view were taken yctterday. The work on this supplement is progro'slnp nice y nnd if nothing happens it will bo Issued on Now Year's day. Numerous complaints hae been made of late about the use of south Kifihteenth ntreet near the county jail ai a wood-yard. This nuisance has occunied tlih thoroughfare for gome time past , aud should bo abated , The Big Muddy at this place waa yester day frozen over for the first time this winter nnd the people of Council Blulls nnd Omaha are looking forward to aa interchange of hospitalities upon the first fall of snow. J There will be special meetings for young inoa n thuY. M. 0. A. rooms on this Friday and Saturday evenings ( December 18,10 and 0) ) , commencing nt ! 7:30. You ara invited. Como and bring your friend * . Attention , Myrtle Division No. 3 , U. It. K. of P. All members are requested to be pio'out at Armory to-morrow evening at 7:30 : o'clock , , conferring the rank and business for your attention. By order Sir Knight Com mam'or. The second alarm Tuesday night brought No. 4 hose cart from Eleventh nnd Dorcas stieots , It was their first run , nnd old ' Bol ivar" pulled the two-wheel cart up Sixteenth Btroet at a lightning gait , after a run of n mile and a half. The funeral of Clara Pierce took placo'from the First Methodist church yesterday after noon and was largely attended. Itev. Sav iilge preached the sermon nnd Miss Lizzie Calder wood nnd the Quartette glee club sang n bo.iutiful hymn. There will bo n mother's tetnpoance prayer nt the First M. K church , Thursday afternoon at 2:3) : o'clock. All members are urged to bo present. After the prayer meet- rig arrangements will bo iu < da for the New Year's reception to bo hold at the rooms , ol MM. K. Stevuns. The question of holding vacation has been firmly settled by tlw nlno membars of the board of education signing n written utate mont directing tint tha tchnols cloaa Tuesday evening , Uaoatnber 23 , and ro-open the morn ing of January Oth , lSj. , Work on the two ndditions to the stock yards slaughter houses , le-nod to George Hammond mend t Co , w.13 begun yesterday. A con tract to laiao the roof in the slaughter hou o proper haj boon lot to B.ildwiu & liohni , and ono story mnro will bo added to thia already cipii ! > ui building , Paul Itoacman , of Dillon , Nebra ka , is making Inquirina In Omihi for ( laorgo Fotibt , nn old ninn from Cedar Itauids , loivn , who in mippoml to bo lo't In thU city. Foust left Cfdar llapidi nu the 2ith ( rf November .for ( Moll , Nebraska , and sinci then nothlcg hao been heaid from him. The "Star of Buthlohem" n vieiblo every nidrning nt present In the mmthern heavens Iroin five ! > ' luck a. in. until daylight It can readily bft dialingui hd by its brilliancy. It will dUapprartliurtly amlnccn diig t a lro noQilcal < ib : ( rvjti inn v. ill nutbu viaiblo cgnlu f jr four buiulnd ycntB. Thi ) iron opinna at tlio struct crossing ] on Kuiue > f the pivcd Atraots fir.i duignrn things when citvnrod with n coating f ice us they now arn. Durirg the past two days n nny n man haa takrn n drop in the \vor'd nd it is ainii'ir ; ' to watch thoripra-'eiiiii of n jnnn'it romitctinrua its his form cornea iu con tact ulth tlm lion slab. Canon Pntuoi , nf this ilty , his ruculved iutelllKCiico that stitnling rooimltteos of -tlo vnrtmtt diocfsi-a In thoUnit'dt'ktoi have rati oJ the i lection of Uisla'p Worlhionton tu the NfbraRkn t'plsci'pato. Tno light leverrnd will bo heruoaily in l > ' < ibnuiy , Mill haa fignl- III'd 1U iiittnUim of buildii g n rcalilcnco hrri1 , wlu'ro 1m will ic3lilevlt.h hij brother ahttr , The pinperty owners on routh Fifteenth tinaU Bt night held n nuctlng in No.-1 on- j-lim liouto ivliloH VMS largely attainted 'Jho iljcct of tlm niM'tlpf ; wat to dliirussEome iiiOJiitnf ie-i tli g ih'i ' tax a > 8a-6Mil for the priiUlnif of eolith Fifttt-nth utrjct. Itaa firally ilttrrmined t < > ccciire thi ) torvlcoi of General Couiu Kiid uUt thd collection by en Worimen for tha Chlcojn , 'U. Pjul , Aflrnrnp'OU & Omahi rullway y.cUrday bi. PT.'H thu coiihtructiiin of th.i Ice biidro a' Cutinpt m , In Uiis et l , nnd will complutu it In n cnuplo of ( lny , Until Mmuluy next the frti lit over thU reid \\ill 1)3 taken acro-x the JIi iouri hy tin B'ulr ' bliJifa and pitgpngrrn wl I bo carried aornst thn river at Covlngton Ity tliJ cuetimary tracufer beat. - , HUNTING FOR HOWGATE , Two Detectives in tba City After the Ex-Signal Seryics Gflicf , A. Firm Belter Tliftt Ho Is In Mis Hourl lilvcr Town in Xhlu Btnlo. 1'oatcrday George Springer nnd Wil liam Bassott , two members of the United St&toa oecrot service , arrived in the cily from Washington , D. 0. These pcntlo men , ns near aa could bo ascertained , die not register at any of the hotels , bnl took their inoah nt n restaurant in the centrnl pnrt of the city. It was loarnee lao last evening from n detective In this city to whom they communicated tnoir mission , that thcso gentlemen are in pur suit of Captain lion-gate , the defaulting ohlaf of the ntynnl eotvlco office at Wash- ington. llowgato , it will bo remembered , was , about three years ngo , at the head of the signal nervico at Wauhington , where bo lived in a ntjlo becoming a prlnco. Ills elegance and msgniticonco aroused the tmplcloiia of the federal authorities that ho was living beyond his meano nnd dotoc- tivea were put upon hia track. It waa learned by this syetom of espionage that ho waa supporting several mistroases iu diffuront parts of the city. Ills wife was acquainted of thia fact and oho ono day went to the residence of ono of hia para mours nnd not finding her nt homo burst opou the door nnd pisaod in. Mrs , How gate opened n truck nnd found In it letters - tors from her husband , his photograph aud other evidences of hia infidelity which changed her flickering hopes of hia faithfulness into hate and almost do- apalr. This paramour of Ilowgato waa named Nolllo Burrill and wna appointed tu the treasury department from thia at.ito. It ia oaid aho received this sine- euro from nn cx-Bonator of Nebraska. Prior to her goinij to Washington Miss Burrill lived near a little vlllnuo in south eastern Nebraska named Do Witt , where aho now ia. The day of reckoning nt last c.imo to Howgato. lie waa arroatod and kept in the custody of the law. Ono day ho sig nified u doalro to visit Misa Bnrrlll and his request was granted. Ho was taken by an officer to her hoaso. Howgato waa given a private interview with her , the bailiff guarding the door. After some time had elapsed and Howgato did not appear , the officer entered the appart- muut but the signal service chief was no where to bo found. Slnco that time , nearly three yoara ago , ho has succeeded In eluding the oilicerd of the law. De tectives have boon continually hunting him down , but their game constantly ca- capea thorn. That ho haa not boon op- prohonded , having such a peculiar op- poaranco , is something wonderful. Llowgato ia a man over six feet tall , heavy aud powerfully built with a largo head , n piercing eye and a neck that would almost defy the hangman's noose. Above all these characteristics llowgato ia lame in the right leg , having been thrown from a carriage m Washington several years ngo , which accident resulted in a fracture of his right knee cap. Hia gait is such n peculiar ono that it conldnotbo mistaken by ono who has over ccon him. Ho is a man of remarkably fine presence aud gifted with a seductive and fascinating address. It ia now known that Howgato was kept in hiding for a long time in Wash ington , but this fact was not discovered until after ho had loft the cipital city Tlio detectiyea hnvo scented him several times but hia friends have always assisted him to effect an escape. Owing to the fact that Misa Bnrrill waa in Nebraska , botwceri whom nod Howgato there ousts n otroug attachment , it wns thought ho might bo in Nebraska. It is now known that ho was in Ne braska City a few weeks ago as ho wna even on the streets of thht place in the company of a prominent attorney tornoy of that city. With thia as a clue Springer nnd Basnott have bean trailing Botvgate for some time past throughout the otate , and yesterday came to Omaha in pursuit of him. It waa thought by them that ho might bo now in the city , aa ho haa distnntrolativea at Fort Omaha , Springei- and Bisaett yesterday went out to the birr&cks , but returned without Ending their man. They fairly believe that Howgato is in ono of the Missouri river towns in thia state , nnd say they will not give up the cliaso until they Ijavo conclusive evidence of hia presence elsewhere , Theao gentle men think it only a matter of time when ho will be delivered up to justice. Hia financial resources they _ any ore nearly ex bauited , and when thU takes pUce hia /rienda who have an many times assisted him , will abandon him. Becoming weary of thii eternal vlftilauco as the prlco of his liberty , ho will cither surrender himself - self up to the authorities or bu turned over by thooo in whoeo hands ho places hituaolf for protection. A. "Well Known Asoncy , Mr. John Hockstrasucr , the efficient maripgor nf the Brunswick , Balko , Col louder Oo , , of this city , at 009 South Tenth street , has also accepted thu agency for the Standard Sjlooii Fixture Co. of Chicign , who are , without a doubt , the largest manufacturers of ualaoti. ollicnnnd bank iixtures in the world. Mr. Hoch- ntrassor is prepared to furnla'u designs for any of the above goods to order , nnd on billiard und pool tabloa ho can oiler the trade ivi good baraoiai ufl can bo secured any where in tlia United States. Ill it O Mnrrln/rn at ilio Milliard * Yesterday a gentleman stepped up to the counter iu the Millard hotel office aud registered ' B. 0 Koolc , Amelia , Iowa. " Ho wan eomowhut nervous and taking ntThle hat naid that ho had a lady nad would like a private room. "Ueg- ialor yourlndy'a name , " eaid Clerk Dav enport , with u rnrnjttmiklo in hinryo "Must I wrilo the Wj's unnu(1cn ( ] uln il the young gei t'cman ' and upi n 'mine ' ; nriawnrnd i'i th aili-tmtir > placid 1 Hutt'ii Dirk , Bryan , Ohio , " upon the MB" of the regintcr. The cnnpln worn iw'gnod ' fo a room A d in the afternoon the gnntlornan pave otloo that th < > y intended to bo married , minuter MIIH called in , nnd Mies Dick iikinir no ohiurt-fon , cho tvaa speedily made Mrs. K O Kook A Sail l < * iiucral. Yuitorday two little girls , not more than ton yoirs of ege , entered Drexel & Maul'a undertaking rooms and inquired the price of a very small sizad coOin. They were ukod their names but they j \ refused to tell who they were or where they lived. They were then nskjd if thoi know what tlr.a coffin they wautcd and immediately they produced a string just the length of the corpse. This made thf undertakers more curious than over and they fte&ln made inquiries but the little ones refused to divulge their Identity Finally ono of the boys § y , "Well , how old was thobsbj ? " "Ob , " said one of the Httlo mourners , bursting into tenrs , "it wasn't ' a baby ; it waa my darling lit- tie dotj " She said his name was Peiro ardhownaof the Mexican eprclcs. A llttlo coflia was fixed up and tied up in nice little package and the girls paid for It nnd taking the bundle between them marched off to attend the funeral of the dead pot. Mr. 7 , Thomasen , of Ojallal , Is t the Paxton. Mr. A. II. Swan , of Cheyenne , is registered nt the Millard. Col. E. Summer , commnndinK otlicer ftt Fort Ntobrara , is In the city. C. 0. Hulett , cashier nt the Millard hotel , Ima gene to St. Louis to meet fiiouJs. J. Jr. Nye , son hnd d nigh tor , of San Fran cisco , registered ftt the 1'oxton yesterday. Limit. Levi F. Burnett , of the Seventh infantry , la in the city , staying at thoPaxton. lion. D. P. Newcomer , republican member- elect tf the comlnR legislnturo , Is iu the city. Charlie Inne , Union Pacific agent at Uluo Springe , Gage county , la in the city on busi ness. ness.Mr. . K. S. Vim Tassel , of Choyenne. arrived In the city yesterday .and Is EtaylnR at the Millard. Mr. nnd Mrs. Josie Murphy , of Stnnton are In the city , the guests of Mrs. J. L. Lovott , 2101 St. Mnry'a avenue. Misa Frieda Ulbrich , who has been visiting frlenda in this city for sotno time , left for her liomo in Atlantic , Iowa , yesterday. Mr. A. Schrotor , of the firm of Schroler & Bocht , left this morning for Ottumwa , Iowa , to visit a friend who is very 111. Capt. J. M. Hamilton , of fso Fifth cavalry , Fort Robinson , Is in the city , nt the Paxton , rounding out a short leave o ! atsonce. UoL Hoover , a member of Gen. Logan's staff during the war and a great admirer of Black Jack , now of Blue Hill , ia this stnte , c.imo up to Omaha yesterday on business. Mrs. Geo. Dickinson , who has lived for many years in Omaha , left last night for tivnnston , Wyoming , her future home. She will bo misaed by a largo circle of friendn. Mr. W. 13. Annin , formerly associate editor of the BEE , now of Fort Kobinaon , ia In the city shaking hands with old friends. Hewll return in a few days to bo at home by Christ mas day. C. C. Wklto , Valparaiso , F. W. Ivcs , Hastings - ings , H. O. Whymnn , Norfolk , J. T. Davis Blair , J. C. Kohe , Schuyler , 1O. . Keete , Ashland , K. Sagier , D vld Fyo , Lincoln , I. S , Parker nnd J. Cummicgs of Albion , Neb. , nro nt the Metropolitan. llichard Fruen , ono of tlio cattle kings of Nebraska with hoadquartcrs at Cheyenne , nnd general manngor of the Dakota Cattle nnd Grazmt ? company ia in the city at the L'axton. Mr. Fruen is on his way to Superior , Wisconsin , where he and hU brother , Morton Fruon , have large landed and other interests. Mr. U K. McConaughy , ono of Stroms- jurg's most prominent business men , and hit wife , were in Omaha yesterday on their way to Mr. McConaughy's old homo in Kocholle , Illinois. The gentleman has been in poor liealth for some time nnd hopes by n rest at ths old fireside of his mother to recuperate. of Nebraska. Just Issued , in colors , allowing cUie ? , tiwns. railroads and connHon. Mailed for 15c. J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. 14'h at. , Omaha , Neb. d5-2v The Child's Hospital. The ladica in charge of the Ohlld'u liospital had a silo and suppar at the hospital , on Dodge street , Tuesday night. About 175 persons took lunch and tea there , and it was universally abroad that the "spread" could not have boon sur- pvsed. 0 ving to the inclemency of the weather bhero were not as many pcopln present as there would have been if it had been a more pleasant evening and in consequence - quonco the ladloa did uot succeed in dis posing of all their fancy articles , that they liad expected to sail. These will bo kept on silo until Christmas , and thia will be n rare chnncu to secure eomo nice things for Christmas presents and at the same time help in the good work. The ladies who have charge of the liospital , certainly doaervo great credit for the manner iu which it Is conducted. 'And ni pond lost , is seldom or novrr found ; AH failing glass , no nibbing will rrfre-h ; As flowers dead , lie wltli"recl on the ground ; An broken Rlais no cement will rCBtore , So beauty tileuiMtod once forever lost In nplteof phy ic , paid nnd cost , " Unlesa j ou usu i'uzz jui's mudicatoil com- plesioii powder , whiih rmtor H freshness to thi ] ulilii and impart ) n durabb softtieea equalled by none other. Kcul KHtato Iransforn. The following tranefcra were filed in the county clork's ' oflico Tuesday and re ported for T.TE DEK by the Amco" real ea'txto agency December 13 , 1884. W A Wolfa to T Wolfe , w d , lot 8 , block 7 , Jtoed'rt first addition S3 000. J Oaynca cud husband to W A Wolfe , \7 < 1 , lot 8 , bluek 7 , Ucod'a ' iirat addition $ 4,000. Sheriff D N Miller to 15 J BriRC'i , dord. 30 acres , BPO 14 , 1C , 10 § 4 ° 0 fiO 0 J Pratt to J Morrison , w d , lot 19 , Keyes' sub-divioiun 82,000. W B Smith and wif.j to W A Redid : , w d , part of lota 1 and 2 , block l'/8i 85,000. T A , Baumijardner to 15 Kistel , w d , k of lot 7 , Griffin & Isaaca' addition ? 3 300. J S Ularkson andwlfoti Bo 5a & ) , parcel.of ceo 17 , 15 , 11 81,300. Rrnnko Seal ( if North Carolina Tobac co. Tlio Now I.iiu . Tim Thirteenth struct car line waa Martod l 1 o'dick ycatcrdny efternooD. The car * fnntitrly used on the St Maiy'a nvcniieluio are used on thia Hue It ookf.d inmawhat queer to BOO the car * rminii'g ' acroEE F.inutn ttrcet inarund of eiiKthrtlsa of it. Thn cars will run every twenty minut. s and nro tiiitrki-d Tlitrtncnth and Cumins ; otreot. " This nu will pruvo n ( { teat convenience tile l-o raildontA in the eoathern portion of tbo city. To ixohangn wild or improved ' ed lands in Nfbras'cft ' or Iowa for Hard- wan * , or atouk of general morchandiao. Address J. Liuderholm , Genoa , Ninco county , Nsbr. m-lm DODSON'S DIFFICULTY. Is Foiled Gnilty of EmlifzzleiiiBnl- An Affect gScfiEC in Court , the Ix > TpJoy CHBO Now on Trlnl Before fore JmlRO Dnmly Other Court M ( tcrs. In the police court yesterday nftomoon the cases of Frank Burns and Pat Corulti- ski , charged with obstructing the duo nd iniuiatration of jnstica by intimidatiu Lottie Coombs , the witness in the Duke's burglary case , came up on preliminary examination. The hearing was not con eluded owing to the absence of certain material witnesiu ? , In the district court before Judge Wakiley the case of Gottlieb Killiugcr , who suoa for himself and all others similarly situated , against John George Hartman waa on trial all day. This cjso involves fourteen lota and a rc- serve of seven acres all in H&rtman's addition. The history of this suit goes back into the early days of Omohi when the Dubuque Homestead company first made its purchase in this city. It was brought against the defendant iu hia ca pacity aa trustee for this company , to ob- Uin the above described property which the petition alleges ho appropriated to his own uae by defrauding the company. Before Judge Neville the case of the state apAiuat Dodson , which hna con- fltimcd five days was given to the jury at six p. m , After deliberating nearly four hours tve jury returned a verdict of guilty on the first count in the indict- tnomt , that of embezzling $1,850 from MoCord. Brady it Co. .During the pro- grers of the trial , the defendant's wife , three eons , and n marrlod daughter have been constant attendants and hav3 watched the cao with unabated interest. When the words "guilty aa charged iu the first court in the indict ment , " wrro road by the clerk , the heart broken wife fainted away. Restoratives were applied and the wife coon regained consciousness. The youngest child , a boy about 12 years of ugo , thou foil into a swoon and upon his recovery was un able to tell where ho was. Amid the team and sobs of hia wife aud children ho was taken from them by the bailiff and put in the county j\il. In this court W. 0. Bartholomew in stituted suit against the city to recover the sum of $380 damages alleged to have been sustained by plaintiff from the opening of north Seventeenth street. In the federal court the case of the United States against Lovejoy occupied the attention of Judge Dandy all day. The evidence for the plaintiff waa nearly all adducsd and gees to sus tain fie genuineness of the bond although the witness sirnro hia tiignatnro to it as wltnesa was not in his hand writing or placed there by his authority , Upon the convening of court yesterday morning , Juryman Curry was not In hia aeat , and not appearing after waiting ten minutes for him , Judge Dundy iasnod an attachment nnd he was brought in by Marshal Biorbower. Mr. Curry was not fined , but was softly reprimanded by the Court. Arthur S. Potter , the recsiver op- pointed in the case ogainst the West lmt Butter and Cheese Association , was yesterday given hia written authority and will this morning ntart for Cumiug county's capital and take possession of this property under the order of the court. It is expuctod that the motions in the 0 oo laud fraud caees will como up for argument at the conclusion of the Love- joy case. Theao defendants will not bo tried this terra , but their caaoa will go over to the February term at Lincoln , where the expenses of the trial will bo greatly reduced. Marshal Bierbowor will thia morning start for Chicago , where ho gees to arrest the defendants in the perjury indict ments returned Borne time ago but not yet made public. WEBB In this city , December I7th , at 1:30 : n. in at her late residence near corner of Go' > rgia and Poppl tou Avenues , Mary A. , beloved wife of J. E Webb , iiped 51 jeara. 1'uneral notice will bo given hereafter. JOHNSTON. In this cltv December 16th , at 10 30 o'clock , p m. , Mary K Johnston , aged 07 years and 0 month * . Funeral took place at 2 ypsterday after noon. Interment nt Prospect Ilill cemetery. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To bacco is tbo brnt. > In this city , Decpmber 17tb , by 11. M. Judson , J. P tforon P. Pet- ersim and Misa Anna Lund , both of Omnhn. tARLCAKIKO POWDCJ ITAMBOUUDTORiSC/ H CREARfl TARTAR. S1QQO. Given If mnrn or r.r.y i niurlons riiribtiuirvb ca bo found In AntlrowuTearlUoklnKPowilr . Is JXM- tiNolypURE. tan ; ; endorsed , mult ImonlnU ; ceoiseUlroni6Urli chemists us H. Dana lays. Bos- : im : M. Dclatontaiue , ofOhlcacn ; nnd Guitavus IJoJc , IIllnuuLvc Never sold Iu bulk. J. 23 bU 2S7. l&U it 2UI 1- \V at. * Bt , , - , / , Si-cop , im Mcnure , WenUe- , .JN. DreilRer , Kc * SJ ( Waintr , 1 nmat , 1'umpl.ia , Starch , Win * * n J 1 nu ! Strainer. Tvrelre tuclct ia cut , R Orcttt ! CtaM- in Kit blflni corabliifrdl hmytofly llktllheml W ralk Ul | Sltt ti c4 Miirit S a JwCK yw" i < , r h&nj tad i .u. : ru" ; ; ; ; Co , ClaclnntU , O. . 5BOLD W.TH THEE BESNGTHE : BE DCTnOIT-CHICAGO-BUFFALai -souo.av. sr The Western Live Stock Hemody , I highly recommcndc 1 1 T Farmers nnd Itri'Cili' Aqrlcnllurnl nml Live * > t < rjournals. . 'Ihou-nnds of dollnri § ( ivcil unnunllv hy Us u o For ml'1 by ilrucsUtn. Illuflrntcil cirrulir , ulsovnlimblc "SUK pcstions , " to Furtucri ami llrceilcrs free. Addtcs tbo Western fomec/y Co. , Sole 'rittniifactitrera , Oinatui , UNPA1SAJL With raih rumlicr of DOMOKKSV8 MON'Tllt.N M O * ZIJK ill lie g veil a full tlic fashionable Patton - ton of any ttioof stjlcs helic d. lutMtRtncltopa- tori during thcyittrs \aluoof over thico dnllla > , besides the mitt I opulnr , cntcrlalnir nnJ u'cful rnnpFz'ng Siniplo coj > ioj i ! o otrly , . Adilre u W. Jonnlnis , Denote tt , I I'.nat 4lh St , New Yor IN THE PASTRY BF VnntUn.T.emnn.OrnnRC. cc.lnvor Cnltei Crcum .I iitlillni : , .tc.n > dcllcnlvlynnd lint- nrally a. tbe frill I from which they arc made. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. PREPARED Or THI Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , III. St. Loula , Mo. mxin , or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pcivdar AND Dr. Price's Luimlin Yeast Gems , licit Dry I9 i > Vcnit. WE 11AKB BUT ONE GUiUIV. OMAHA INSTITUTE. 1118 EOWAKD STKEET , K. H. Corner 12th and lloutrd Kts. ) For tlia Treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , Of the Nervous System. And Private Dise sesof the Urina ry aud Sxunl Organs , a specialty. Catarrh , Bronchitis Ami All illfrascs of I lie I.unsi.IIcad anil Thrrnttrc. % id hy the now n ctliuil bf Mullcatiun bv li b&la. tlon ( Tlia NowOtrruaii Ii tale orAtomucr ) t'ca'.i'd by an cx'erionccil Spccli'lst ; din meant ill' Iliad , I , Her , Mouu-li HUlnix BIIlul ilcr. Nenrulcii , HniuiimtlFui , I'lUc , ' 'ancer , He. Ktn Our nlllca und coi.sultnUon ronrra re fuinl-liod nlth thu finest and u > < btjlual > U ) rolluftlon u ilcdlCJil , Furijirfl1 , nul Alintnnilcul Apiiaia'm ti lif f > unil In any llcs ltul , Ibflranry or llidical Instl- tutu In theUuumry. CONSULTATION A ii'l ' Examination Frpo to ynur dlnoco , aril pi e > ou pcl nllflc ct I ) Mirt.vni | > toirHi Inn nri'i | ialns.'it don t ihim to euro ull lvr-"in siiffcrlni. from In curable ) clijcuuo u.ll Ijo candidly Infonnud of thuii oundltlon. I'ttlonti * Ishln ; ; room j UI besiipjilltd tn the Ia tltuto tulMiiR All loltcra ai.d cuntultitlous Strictly ITeillcti fi cut i. nil i art * o ( ilia tuun ry by et- pitGjito rbU p c Ltlfr u ' hjcriatu n , if fill ! d. > | . oi cnsdls thca. Ouu J.LI > OI al luaine * flint' d if COTIV nleiit. Pall or v , i t- < fur t Irrulan rn i lire n Tl ro Burgi at IHton te , UIKIMI u > > uliar to I'umcJtii , 01 I'nvatu liUe'U'O' , 'inilnal Kcaknviiii , Sexual Incu p tltv , JScrtoilii , RelillitJ < t , * tc , llodlcil anil bU'gli1 ! ! n oo OPEN AT ALL HOURS JJ V ANU MUHT. Ad.lfcts alllt-ttDrs to Omaha lila'n n1 & urei al TnsliMite 1118 Hownnl at. , Om lia , Neb. xroriia ftticrlfUou r Uitd. ) Duiirlti < inlllll. ) -LARGEST STOCK OF UBS' ' Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDBED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for rhe Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA ON ALL ALLR AT.T51 -0 F 113 SEE It EDUCTIONS Suitsfornicrly $ $7.50. now $ j . tiuitsfoi'incrlt$2J.OO now $ Z8.OO. Over Coaf s formerly $ 8.1W now $ ttvcr Caafs formerly $ JSOAW now $ And evpry other article in proportion. Call aud ECC our prices. UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , PASSENGER' ELEVATOR TO ATjL FLODItS. | 1201 , 1203 and 1210 F.irnam St. , Or-uln , No / ; ! 409and 1411 DodeeSt. , { QOlraplALUtUN I n BEADY ST. , BAVrJNPORT , IOWA , V. f. A. 1073 J.n'r.iora : , Lnng and Nervous Dleaoaiw SpewI'Vy and Ieruii On wid. IVJor.ti % c cd at ITciao. Write for "Tns Mnnioiii-MisjH - AB.V , " for thu Poop'o ' , u Oonualtatlon MKi Onrrcapont'erec Qraiii. P. O. Bor. t'f 2 T'l f-nc Wo. 2C. * IIOII. EDvVMlD RUSSELL , Posrmafitf ? , Bcvcaporc , BPVU : " I'hyclelar. of Rou AW.ty ! Mf.rkod Sucosts. " OOMGRE33MAW MDUI'HY , Duvcnpctt , g wt'lci : "An uoi ' 3 * > < bln . . Sfsn. Flno fincoc.iu. VvoniJprfr.l C na , " Hours 8 t i fi. B. vivi't ' Av ? Q 'r < ? ? xrpziTiirt T D. V3 -J CO . G5 I | 1 1 I 1 I 03 ; i31g § 31 W M ODMIHGB AND 20TH STS OMAHA , MSB THE OH EAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY \ Om of the Best and Largest Stocks inths United St atea to Select From. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGEE ELEVATOR