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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
G TIIE DAILY BEE THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 1884 THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morniue , Dee , 18 , STJUSOim-TION IIATK8. r-7 t rtlw . . . - - - - wnto pel Br WAU - - - - 9WM IK jre t ornot : P.Tl ntrnst. Wnir Krnaflwar ' MINOR MENTION , Art display Wednesday at Bliss' . II. Hi Stewart , artist , ot Chapman' * . Son J. Hoitor'a now stock of clothe. ' buckwheat. Try McOlurg's Bolt-raising It pays to trade nt the Pooplo'a store. Oloiks at your own'pricea at the Poo- plo'd atoro. Nine lodgera were in the oily jail Tuua- day night. Everybody Ia Invited to BHs ' art dis play to-day. Party kids , gloves , f.inj , fbvrora and nookwoar at Bliss's. No house in the west can undersell the Pooplo'a atoro. Matqttorado coatnraoa for rent. Mrs- J. E. Motcalfo , 218 Broadway. The masquerade of the fire department drew a largo crowd last night. All winter goods sold regardless of cost the Pooplu'a atoro. N. W. Rjyoa , a fkrnnr Gardner township , paid the penalty yoatordoy for being drunk. Sco the beautiful line [ of Holiday oods at the Piioplo'o storo. 1 Council BluITi has another variety nhow which has just opened on Broad way nbovo the Ogdou. Artio overshoes almost given away at the People's storo. A Congressman Pusoy is being named by Bomo of the democratic papora for the nomination of governor. Dr. Cook has lost hia black and tan "Jim , " and ia anxious to have him re turned to hia residence , No. 029 First avenue , Oa Tuesday ovoniug Alias Ada 0. Syl vester , of this city , waa married to J. M. Brown , of Omaha , in the presence of a aoloct few. The enrollment of the pnblio schools for November waa 2,187 and average daily attendance 1,802. The ( schools close Tuesday until the firat Monday after Now Year's. The pavora wont to work on Broadway yesterday , but at the end of an hour gave it up on account of the cold. As Boon ns the weather moderates the work will bo , rushed right along , and a few days of ' Suitable weather will coo it finished. I The board of trade ia to moot Friday | _ ovoniug again , and aa there is business of / importance there should bo a largo at- U. tendance. The business men and prop- $ jv orty-ownors , by uniting their offorta , can do much toward furthering the int crests of this city , and if there over was a tirao when Council Bluff citizens should pull together enthusiastically , it is now. The county board continued in session yesterday , iu rather an informal and partially otar-chambor manner , the work on hand being the comparing of the books of the clerk of the courts with the re port of the accountant recently employed by the biard. The nature of the busi ness la such that the board did not want to bo interrupted , and there waa nothing to glvo the publlo until the balance vraa reached. In tha euparior court yesterday the examination of the colored man Henry Jones , for the robbery of n man named Bjono wai commenced , and will bo con cluded to-day. The prosecution claims that Jonca bjguilod Bjono into an * alley , knocked him dotrn and robbed him of § 30 , and left him lying there in an insensible - sensible condition , where ho was found by thu police and taken to the station. The deforms claims that Boone was on a drunk , and did not know who ho was , or how ho lost hia money. Col. John II. Keutluy , of thia city , ia receiving many favorable notices for the position of pouslon agent of Iowa as suc cess1 to Jacob Rlah. The Missouri Valley Times , the Dos Moiucs Leader , the Audubon Sentinel and Dos Molueo Register all sucond the motion AS ruado by the Oaes county Democrat. Aa it > Booma Battled S'uno democrat must , under the now udmiulstration , bo given thU position , a better selection could hardly ba uudu. C > 1 Koatley waa a gal lant soldier , ns a citizen ho has boats of friends , and in point of ability and lion- ettj ho ranks highuat among those who know him best. Ho hf.i clone most of- fc.stiv < j work for his p rty , and is a man whom the pirty should delight to honor. UPSKT \LK AT M IJTOALF BROS. J n. A. Golhiif , lto of Toronto , hai opoiittil nn art ntudio in the rooms of Barkn'a : illory , 100 Main struct , and ia jn up-mid to sujtp y portraits iu oil and cra > mi iu the Intuit Mvlo. SHU fiction and inspection invited. UPSEr SALKAMEl'OALF BROS. e lt-riiug Iniokwhoit ( lour roudy fur mo. 'JVy it. Dr. 0 0. UHSSHI , DoTitbtT 100 JlahiBt. Very lmi > manr. \Vhero you ovn be supplied with the bebt jnoiij ; for the lout money in the jiiivi.lrnnd . Ailvawaro line , and the plann t/i find thom la nt 0 B Janpoinin t Co "a , 27 M in Ktro t Wo do l in now and lirat-uUfB gnnda onlr , direct from the boat inanufrtctiirerf. Piuaaq cill nnd ex nniinu our largo stuck of now nnd deeira- lo ! iioveltitB beforn purolmtlnt ; clao- whoro. 0 B JAugu MiN t Co. Bo euro ynu got MuOlurg'a celf.rialng buckwheat DR. CROSS' CASE , mo Proccn'ion ' Claims to Hate Dis- csveretl Some M and Im portant One Kyc WltncH tr > tlio Shooting of MoKiino. Ithm bccu gnnorally supposed that the case of Dr. Oroaa for the ahootlni of Dr. tlcKuno would not coino to trial at this term of the district court , but tint It would bo continued on acoonut of the absence of witncmo , or cent on a change of vouuo to aomo other county , or other * vlso delayed nnd put off. District At- ornoy Connor is preparing , however , for ho trial of the case , and ia Dotting his oatlmony In chapo to make a strong proaecnlion. It is claimed that two now vitntssoa hnvo been found , who have not boon bufroo the grand jury , mid jcs- inrday notice of thut fact nasnerved _ on ) r. Gross. Oao of thcoo witnesson la said to bo William Uocd , manager of the opera hotuo nt Oharlton , Iowa , It ia claimed that Heed wan nn cyo-wltncaa to the tragedy and that ho la ready to tcatify hat Dr. Gross begun the quarrel , nnd ftor striking at Dr. McKuue , ehot him. f thia fa true Hood ia n most important wilnctB , and hia ovldoncu on the atnnd will provo n nonsntionnl feature. The other witnesa ia W. T. Trotlor , n woll-known rooidcnt of Avocn. It U claimed that ho will testify that not long before the ahooting of Dr. McGuno , Dr. Croea tnado threats In Troltor'o hearing , nvowliiR that ho wonld ahoot Dr. Sic- vuno on the Grot opportunity , and that 10 was waiting for a good chance to do BO. BO.Tho diacovery of this toaUrnony will add now bur/duns to the defense , and will awaken freah Interest in the public , for ho claims uiado aa to what theoo wit nesses nill testify are decidedly against ho claim of the defendant , that ho ahot imply in aelf-defonao. Aak your grocer for McGlnrg'a eolf- ralaing buckwheat. Try it. Wall paoerand Interior docoratioua at P. 0. Millor'a , 13 Pearl atroot. UPSEI SALE A'TMEUOALFBROS. DISSATISFIED DEMOORA.TS , Chcy Urge a Contest on the Election ol District JinlRO. ThcrO'W\3 ( n meeting yesterday at Bcch- clo'a hotel , of mombera of the democrat- o comtnitteo of this judicial district , to aka action in regard to the declared oloc- Ion of Judge Loofbourow to the district > onch , and the defeat of the democratic candidate , Judge E. E. Ajloaworth. There were present nt this conference Jndgo Comfort , ot Crawford county , who served'ns chairman in the abacnco of 3eo. A Holmes , of this city , the regular chairman ; Ojl J. H Kwatly , .who aarvod aa secretary ; T. W. Ivory , of Glen wood ; A. B. Keith , of Doniuon ; Eli B.iboook , of Avoca ; Mr. Jones , of Uaos county , and Mayor Vausjhan. The follow ing resolutions wore pro- contcd by Col. Kcatloy and unanimously adopted : Whereas , Hon. E E. Ayleiworth , of Oouucil Blufl'a , was placed in nomination ay the democracy and the greenbickers , jy fusion , for the position of district judge of the Thirteenth judicsl district j Iowa , for the term commencing on the 1st of January , 1885 , and the Hon. 0. F. Loofbuiirovr , by the republicans for the eatno ollice , and for the earno term ; and Whereas , Several of the oflicoia of election in several of the proiincts of Glrueno county , for the purpose of de feating the will of the people of this district in making a change in tbo judicixry of the eauio , in violation of law iltorod the returnaand permitted tarn- paring with the ballot boxes , and changed the apparent result ; and whereas the state bo&rd of canvassara , with the ex ception of the governor , gave their ap proval to this unlawful manipulation of the i > ell lists and poll book ? , nnd went behind the returns flrat made from said county of Greene , in relation to oaid election precincts , and approved said un lawful alteration ? , and declared eaid Loofbaurpw elected district judge of said district for the full term of four years , commencing January lat , 1883 , therefore , Resolved , By the democratic commit ted for the Thirteenth judicial district ol Iowa , assembled nt Council Blnu'i ; , on this 17th day of Debombor , 1881 , thai wo , hereby representing a maj irlty ol the district who cast their votes in said judicial contest , express our ccnauro o tlio said election oiticcro of eaid precincts and of the mnj irlty of the ntato board of caavasieri , for thuir action in attempting to defeat the manifest will of the majority of the voters of this district. That it iu our dolibi rite judgment that the facts disclose aalliclout grounds fur Judge Aylusworth'a making a legal con test m the courts , for the posessioii of said judicial oflijn , in order that the will of the pooplti concBrnlng the same nny have full ill'ict , and we urge upon him the necessity and duty of making euch * n contest , and pledge him to that end , our moot cordial oo-uporttlon , aid nnd osaiat- unco , aa far aa it in iu our rightful power ea to do. ] Muesra. .1 01103,8 I ? ° ry and Bibcock were appointed a committed to wait on JuJgo Loofbnuron- confer with him in regard to miking up an agreed uUlu- mont uf fact a to | > D eubmlttod to some tribunal to determine the contest , Vv'.intod , nt Ilomvr'a china store , No. Mum Btroot , young lady to cull Ghrintmita preionta Koltli on i lu > I'op Keith , of thn Bulletin , does not take kindly to the way other towns nro copy ing after Council Blulfi uotJrloU3 pop ordiimnoUooayn : A moaouro ia on foot fn Vail , and snri ouely contemplated in D nleon , luolinu to the liconuluu of enlouna to Bull lugel drink" , RS A cover for the illegal ealo c > f ardent upirif. Whilti the Bulletin is H consistent advocate of a judicious licomc law , it protests against legally waldinp nno shorn to another Prohibition is n sham In practice because it In illogical ni d nnn'itnral in theory. But to ( ffVt prohibition and 1U financial draw hackd to the town by n leg l recog nitlon of the public diarftBpeo'f ( law , if unwiao Lucenning the milder dritili for the purp s nnniod \irtuilly serv ing notioi ( if nullification on the iitate of lo a. That individuals wink at the vi btion of a law , and that that law ia iu leolf inimical t- > the lotrests of a t-wn , a no reason why n ' ub > rdtnato au'hority ihould by legal tnetMiros attempt tinul fy it. Moreover , a licen'O carries with i the protection of the municipality nnd f the license ia Itiu d ha the cover for ; ho sale of unlawful drinks thu town is o the eamu extent pledged to prot-oct , ho vondura of those dritike a plod o it could not redeem In court Such n meas ure , therefore , refl'Cta no credit on n city council , nU'nrds no ptotoctlon to sellers And is amply compounding ono barloa- quo with another. THE AVuOA. COURT , The First Cnso Filed lor Trial Tncro. The flrat term of court to bo hold nt Avoca ia to open March 9 , and ycatordity ho firat case waa filed , nnd in the clerk's oflioo hero a tin box hna boon put up OB- ) ecially for the reception of any caaoa which may follow. The firat case la on- Ulod Samuel Beat versus L. nnd J. votcham , it being n claim for landlnrd'o writ of attachment. No clerk haa been appointed to take char o of Avoca C.WB , md probably will not bo until the now clerk of the court , J. J. Shea , conies in to power , when ho can appoint hia dep uty there. McClnrg'a rolf-risinj ; buckwhqat floor a the beat. Try it. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Bpodal \ettliKtncnts , one ca Loit , Aland , To Lcr.n , Fai Gale , To Ilont , Wants , tioarJ ng , eta. i will bo luacrtiM In thin column ak the loir ate ot TKN CKNTS I'KU UNI ! ( or the first Insortlon tad FIVi : CKNT3 PER LINE ( or each uubseqnont n- ertlun. Lease tihcrtIsomonta atonroCQcc , Ho. foul Btroot near Drondwav WANY3 IjiOK 8AT.E llousfB. 1 ota iinct Land. A. J. X1 Hop ) u I'Oii , M3 Hrtt numu1. TjlOll SALK A tOi'l | > uxKyt flrrt-1 RI mal o anil JL1 in ox client cnmllti u Orulll IruUi for chujp ot. Addro-ni.M BOJI inic , I ouncll COAL AMD WOOD-GOUIKC IKaton , 023 Br d- wny. cells coal and wood nt mnsonnblo juice * , ttivifl 2 000 Iba. to i a ton , and 123 cubla for ft cord , Try him. F Oil SAT , " Piano , II. K. Soamxn , Fapcr , Book * aim SUtloneiy , Council TTTANTKD Every body in Council BluOs to tike VV TiuDTii. Dollverod by carrier at only twenty tB woek. OLD PAPERS For sale at Bn office , at 25 cents a hundred j. L. DEBEVOISE. No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The tallowing are the times of the arrival and do- mturu of trains by contra ! standard tlino , at the 'oral ' denote. Trains leave transfer depot ten rnln ntei earlier and arrive ton minutes later. CHICAGO , nuBUKaroN AND cjuuoi. UUTI. AKCTX. 6:85 : pm ChloftRo Exproas BiCOata 8:10aa : Fast Mall. T:00pn : > 7:101 m fil&ll and KiprcM , Tl13pm l : SO p m Accommodation. SliO p m At local depot only. XBia CITT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL DUJTKJ ICC5 : a m tlall nnd Uxprcca , G 55 p m 9:15 : p til FaolOa Kipresu , 6:45 : a m CmCAOX ) , UILWACim JLSD DI. PACT. . CIS p m ExprotH , 0:06 : a m 3:23 : a m Express , 6:35 : p m CIIIOAOO , SOCK ISLAND AND MCI7IO. 6:25 : p m AtUntlo Express , 0:05 : a m 0:25 : fc m Diy Uxpren 0:61 : p m 7:20 : a m * Doi Molnea Accommodation , 6:15 : p m * At locil depot only. ' 7ADASU , ST. LOC1P IND PACinO. 1:13 : pm Acoommodaton 000 am 1:30 p m Louis Expresa 8:45 : p m ICO : p m Chlca. o Express 10:55 : a m At Transfer nnly cnwao and NORTirwxsrzxa. 5:55 : p ni Express , 9:50 : p m } ; 25 am FaclfloExpress BOCam : DICCX CITT A > D PACinO. f : < 3 p m St. Paul Exprcst ) , 0 : < X1 a m 7UO a ci Day Expresa 7:00 : p in raioH pAcino. S:00 : p a Wodtern Exprcce , RM : a m 11:00 : bin 1'aclOo Express , i:10pm : 12:10 : a m Iilnooln Kiprcsa , 1:13 : p m At Transfer only. ' DtTJMY TRAINS TO OMAHA. 7:20-8co-0so-ioso-iiio : : : : a. m. iM-2:3 : : :30-5ao-fl:30-ll:05 : : : : p. m Sunday 7:20"- : 9:30-11:10 : : . m. io-3KO-C:30-0:30-llo5 : : : : : p. m. Artlt * ID mlr IB Imfuio loavluR time. "From transfer only. ADMI5310N-Ocnt3 lie Ladles lOc , ' SKATES-dcnte 150. Lodlca 100. Admltslon Free to Ladles each morntn ; and Tues day and Thursday afternoon ] . Use of Slcatca 15 ccnu. I A. r. n. n , MAUTENS , rrouiletoi N. SCEUEZ. OKF1OE OVEll AWKIUOAI ? KXPnE3.T OUNCIL BLPFFri I ( VA ORDER TOUR Cobs , Coal Wooc OF EJ. a , CTOTJISEJ , P. O.addreei , Lock Dox HOO. Conncll liluCs. [ THE THETo To purchase At Bottom Prices , is HOMER & CO'8 httt Store , ' . ' 3 Muin Street , Council Bluff * JTACOIS 8IM8 , llforney - at-Law , ootwcir , ULUKIB , IOWA. ffflce , Miln Strn t. lloom 8 , Rt-uetrt * nd B no fclicL. Will pmt'ce Ia 8 uW ted iVc al courts HAS ARRIVED IN FULL FORCE AT- J" . 0 103 MAI ! STREET , THE LOWEST PRICES , T > You Will Find that You can Buv for Less tlian Anvisrliere Else. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN TIIB rnicKS OP i fIN f Tlio ecoFon Vtlntr olar f.dvanccil I liave concluded torilnposiof tny etovrs RKOAr.DiV83 OP COST In pr ! < ercnce to etoilLg lliem untULcit sciecn. Cull early as Iwlll not boun c'EoM t'vnnjouo. A. J. Mandel , 125 are dway , ( Jouuuil HAILETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by Fiuxz LISZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or F ) tilth i KIMBALL PIANOS Best Modern PrloetoBuy. "Tho Kimrmll Orsran , BO long nnd favorably kn iwn In the west , rpcornmendi STEWART. Sole Apont for above lines of Goods. Wftreroome , 339 Bluffs uucil Corieupondcnco Solicited , Agouts Wonted , 200 Upper Droa < l By , uga'n to the tVnt. Btixl- , , reflect and como mid Kxamltio , nml sco for your'clttH wlint jou can buy ( orCaih at my pla.o. quote \ou a < follow e : 13lbngranuU'cdBUuror | $1 00 101 i' ' n'iar for 1 CO 16 lln While mOauptarl r 1 CO 2J burs Klrk'rt wliitc llus-lan noun for 1 OJ 22 uara foln'a ixjml tn Kirn's rtnsxlin uonp for. 1 CO 20 biisKlrk'nhlnelmlit eoiplor 1 00 Dupont'fl lii'st po d'r per 11) , , i ! ' IS li xorf of mntchca for 25 I'ron h mixed CAiidv | or Ibl2)i. ) m rup California 1'onev dilps , per g l 60 Sjrup. wnrantoj ttiiitly pure Vcriront inaplo pcral | 1 00 SorKhani per pal 60 A No. 1 English ciinnnti H lli for 1 00 lc\\ls'T.y" , ( .ermine 10 loxoif'r ' 100 Celine I GliCKbo'rles prfeoived , 6 rain tor . 110 Cnrim'J 311 > y How ! > o > chs 11 whlto mrupO for. 1 CO Camuil 311) Istqmli'y T'matoea lOfor 1 CO A Ho. 1 whiteflah , | 70 Tobioro , Lor lard Cllmux , per pmind 60 T T. T. I onn sail jou according ta qual tj , lom I6oto70optrlb. Kl'.ur-M'o sill tlio celebrated Patent Fancy per cw. 75. Wo kopp everything ofliallv kept Inn First Clisa C'rocory , ami uarranta > erj thine vo fell. Qoodi do. IKurul f > ce In ary partoflho city. I also liindle GIou'H an i Mlt ens , Pry goilu piul N'.tlom , Iio/la nil Hh09'Bnn aeo < d Khturtnunt cf Tluw. . ro llu- m-iibn- ; wl'l ' nrt only bo not undersold on any I."VMB ! , but vl 1 Bull 0 per cunt bUowanv Computltl M Intheriiy.'e are now reiclil K an Imo'ci ol D.1U In * liloli wo can give the ( in a'cst banaii < 811 cr nlfcro i In the city 11 y expenxni are vcrv llxhtvltli no Itrnta opay I amunalled and will Soil cho p far ( JA8II. Cell when you Kiiatthobo of Ilargaliis In wy lice. J. P. FILBERT , 209 TJppnr Hrraclwajr , nnnrll DlnHa Tiioa. orncBit , u. n , ti , Oonncll Elufl , . . . U. Established - - 1856 P Vm In Voro'cn ' and Pcmoetlo Kzchacea and nonio rtn' $20 REWARD ! Si * A HEW I HI ) paid lor Information o ! prcsint -\l lo'n'.l1 n iialr t-oirtt , wagrMi anil rumens , mottir-Rei b William I > lla'l toThomu ) aU'Uilon Bay hoieo feton je r * olj lfOJ I < OUII'M ] , B3tr t ft liind ICK , lirriii nlno y trs old , siirln ( rrr- a il ip l'i lnr'K'it liin.l lug w nonUonrerinaLe , tti-o Inrh Kt ibahlo h riio-d , tilcnlr Jin l'ii. ! tt. an io ooutity In n.'iiit Tin d > llarj roA-an ] ( or < l9K > or < clmlil IU11. IU11 it rrrl eilta abgut 6 'ect 10ncii | , tniJv cm | lei on , bilj IJBI. rn top wi kcib triunlelircd etJiul li built , Iout 43 cir * od nlv to I.o naril Ur'rott , attorney at Uw Cuarll Iufl ! : Iowa , InnJHiltonE IL , , , , PHYSICIAN HI Ukiaio lirwidwaj , Council B'u3 , . EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid orrall Or ders over $2,50. Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. E. REBUSB , Manager 711 Broadway , COUNCIL , BhUFl'S , IA , E , Eie © or other tumors removed without thi InUo or drawing c blood. ( lUROIflC DISEASES0'0'1 ' ' Over flirty years jiractln > l eiptrUnu CJtco C , I'wirl jirx't , Cnm.rU UltCi frtw , 3. R. TAT33 , AT LAW I'rurtlco In Bt to a&d Fedortl Courts. Oolloctloni promotly ittcuJed to. lloom Ifl , ShuKart' * Boildln ? , COUNCIL CLUKFO IOWA ? , "W. H. Shovradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonncll BlaCa ; lot ? * . PEOPLE IIAYE A CHANCE FOR Like the One Now Offered by , tj lHQuvw u H tu& H BUikn'H'U'llBr ' ' ' In theMasonic Temple. Council Bluffs , la , Owing tea ! change iu the firm wo are desirous of re ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Stoc of Lace Madras and Turcoman Cur tains , Shades , Rugs , Mats , and Mattings , Oil Cloths , Lin o-.eums , Table Linen , Napkins , ed Sproids , Towels Piano and Table Covers , Blankets ono. Comfor ters Etc , , Etc ; The entire Stock Such an opportunity was never before offered to thi public to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings a such a sacrifice for Nice , New Desirable Goods. HOUSEKEEPERS , HOTEL MEN , GOUtfTHY MER CHANTS. Now is your chance for Unheard of Bai gains , The sale- will continue until the stock is very much reduced , Those who call early will get the bpst bargains , WE MEAN BUSINESS and shall make the lowest prices ever heard of , & FREM8B , Masonic Temple , Gout-oil I AW THE WK TBXN AJKNT FOR TUB TUBKATi. " NO.3. Th'i ' s Mhath mai.1 thp skate iiiinuactnrcra ci'l B'Tluh , Mmt HO cillit" . r li\\l \ rj'mp Clui. " It Ins | < ur H , nn ht d bon ins , -orru.t. I s unL. It lafiil ' i > kvl | > it d Tuo Kott nn M i * 0 i to Uttliosoli nf ih.isi > B . / li n j'crf rtj , trt rul.y e\it Himt fru. n I nituMi ucil n It h iv to clampa dlLnt c ti er li s'u > or lue ! > trn a 'Iio IKC ! s'ri | x aru prif i-n'ilo ' to tionl cui | n mot cjsv B , ad' h titr ii ht , \ u 11 Hire mtli-n tlio i-iUcuft HI pruv.n I > ' oroiaul | iai ( il ( < lrnt < M li ihefliub'lo Kliu s' > .ito In thu i m < ot , and om are t l > sj. It hu | i irj l'ur < rv II \ > ef hftli lh brisi hushins < , 11 \ , \rj JJ iiuim 11 dum'i' mi IDV rv r i ol pi 11 ' , y tru . i .1 i nil K ca * l 111 nanuraiclKu.i / It ) ? . 1 nlbi > otryn ( nil line i'f Una sk'itj Iu f ll u riji * , xl t > itto'in vit fu llllne ( . ( all c r.s , vidHiiull and lrsu brju. Inidil * h e Wrl uf it ji IMJ IV'muntl c.i a accomjiai Jinyor Icr ; u.huceujnH ; . 0. li. ' U.I , . illljiiU t , Wont-ru , 1U/J , fjurUi Aronm Council li.uda , Ion a. , , Keep Hortca nnd Jlnlca constantly on hand which wo will Bill in retail or wholcenlo lota. fill Stock V/arrantnd / as Represented , WholofBle andrctUl di-alcrs In Grain nd Balid Hay. 1'rUfl 'athdrtion Gu > r.i > itrcd. Corner Vifih AVP. it Conncll BHIXH & TOLDEIl LEADING MEROHANT TAILOEO 7 and 9 Mala Btroot ? IOWA. A Complete Line of Now Goods to Select From. AGENTS WANTED. ITS. Judd & Smith's Nev ? Improved Electric Belt. IWOAMVAY.COr.VCir , BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM hf , HM.tA8. Tl XAS ; nnd IT. WAYNE , JND IT ' 031'IVH.Y ' nt'H11KWney ! n.l I.l'er ' ComplalDi , llMlit' ( ! < Dlfva c , ' htuiratlmn , Nuur ltl * iiotj | Nenoinffi. * W ntlDBVakn I'mly-di , Hjlnil AH r'li-ni. In ilc'tli'in , llcait' , Plti uiiach , Idiii" Hk k , Co d Hcu'.uauiJI Ulncaijsru | Jliliu lucnoajJ motive ji ( Wire. New Ini4rouil bol S3and 5uld bt > lo $ ' iach. v wAwji trvtKffyt av ; ust"v SfTf * Zftt T10K &LOVE ! 032 auJ 341 ITroadway , COUNCILLLOETS IOWA , Wiuter U.joih iJeady. Huits Made to Order iu Lnlntl Style oa Slinrfc Notioo and nt KeiiHmi hi Priceu. HATIbJj'ACTlON G U AKAKTJUED. 205 Main Street , . . . . . . Cbuiicll Blafli. Noa , 217 and 319 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS