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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY FOURTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , NEB , , SATURDAY MOKtfHW , AUGUST 30 , 1884. HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST. of a Car CrowflGit Many of Them Burned to Deathi and Many More Injured Only One Narrow Window Open for Esoapei .Horrible Sufferings of the Unfor tunate Victims , A Mass of Burned Trunks , Legs and Arms. Sickening Dutnllt * of the Horrible Catastrophe. Col. , August W The News Greeley , spociil sajs : 'llio burning of a circus oar nine miles north of Groaley was attended with indecriablo honor * . The burned car was next to the engine i n a train of seven teen cars , containing Orion's Anglo-American girciis which left Collins about midnight for Golden , over the Groeloy , Salt Like & , Pacific cificroad. . The triin was nearing Windsor , a mall fltaiion necr Greeloy , tunning about twenty five miles an hour , when engineer Gvllepiicst discovered the car to ba on firo. lie t oversell his enginn , and throw open the whistle vaho. HIXTI MKV warm is rite < nnangad in three tiers of berths on cither side. The forw ard side door w'oscd , and the men in bunks were sloeplui , against it. The i > ur side door vvm also closed , and the man who woke diecoveroA the lower unoccu pied berth next to it , containing rubbish , to bo on lire , filling the car with smoke , and cut ting oil escape in thit direction. The only means of egress w.n through a small window between thn c ir nnd the engine1. John L'ltie , Kdgorton , Mr. Corson , and IHoaer Millet of Iowa , crawled through the opening and tried to pii-s in water from the engine tank. Owing to suffocating gases it was dif- iicult to arouse iho uleupeM. Some were kicked and hrui ed in a ehoc'ving manner , nud pitched out of the window. The ecroaim of those nn ible to ijit through the blockade was terrifying. The WILD OI.MIK 01' THE IT AMhS , and the erica of the burning uetims outside who were Waiting in ngony on cactus Leds , caused the wild bensts in tlie adjoining cars tj becjme trautio with teiror , nuking llio eceno api'ling ' The perfo iiKjis who ociupied the re ir cars ga/'id with wmto faces on the aw fid p ° cticlo. In t'io midst of the contusion two or three lioiiic souls wno appo ired to be eriUAl to tlio occasion , bravely cue their way to their oompamoiis to hnd them already THE AGONY OP DlJATIt. Albert Ijako , in charge of the anim I's , nnd his friend Kent , wnlked over the cactus in their bare feet , pouring buckcti of oil o i the bbstored unfortunate , wrapping them in blankets Au o'd I'.tcific coast tailor luuicd MoUondd , formerly of IVirepaugh's show , was terribly burn d , hu fle < h lumjing in tluudf. Tim rand ring ctieaof the men on vli s piir'o , tilu biuolhtjio i AI-PIAIU OP THE nvi.vawiTHiN THK CAII the roir of the Hani's ; the howling of the am- m ih m ido the scene tefriblo bi-y md descrip tion. The odor of ro tsting il sh nnd the dis tant cry of coyolea added to the general horror of the ecene The voices of the dying prevv faint r and soou cea > ed. Meantino the engine had OONB TO GMELKir FOlfAbSISTAN * K , returning with Dr. Jessie HartiJ , presi dent of tlio state medical as oci vtlon. Many of the rescued in being pulled through the small windows had limbs broken , joints dmlo- cated , hands nnd feet were burned on * . ] toasted tiunlcs of bodies were found in one place , legs in another , and piles of roistod and shnvole-d care uses were pulled out of Iho ruins. At d iy light a flat ctr carried the chirred Indies into ( Jreeloy for into incut. County coinmii- aioncia buried the remunsin a iaoB cotri.v bv.IM ITET w IDK. nnd tun feet lo ig , in Greoly Cenuttry. Itev. lr. Heed , ef tin 1'ri-sbylerinn church , con ducted the funeral servico. The corniit r em pannelled a jury who were un iblo to lonrn the causn of the lire , as thu managers with thu remamdir of tha umipiny lot imnicdi itcly for Golden 10 nil the afternoon ongijjcment. It is impossible to got a con.plo'o list of the dead , an miny were nngigKil but a day or two , and their mines were unknown. Ji N\ru , AiiKiist 21) ) . Tlio iiamoj of the ilcad us far as Jo trued , ao as follows : Ale * . MoLoi d , AlonticclloVis. . Thomas AliCartbv , Indeptiidcsjice , In. John Kelly , New York City. Oth > M known as Soverthorn , Andy , 1'ieii hy , Franlr , George , .Smithie , and ono unknown. The following is a Jist of thu Ruf- for K by the circut car fuo , now at St , Luke's hosnitil , in Um city : 1 , . K Kairbanks aped 22 , arms , legs , fnco and body b idly burned. Alb rt Harden , aged 17 , logan , ICis , ; aims , frfco and billy buiucd. Tb imas Gel Ion , aged 17 , Detroit , Mich , vary bidly burned on bick and legs , tSlX. J. Xirninornun , aiail 18. St. Louis Mich ; arms , legs , back and /aco fearful ! ; biini'id. -n. 1'riuk King , Munuininco , Mich ; bull ; burned. Michiil ArcGlonn , t'venty-oight , Halton Michigan , faoi , hinds billy liiimod. liiijli ODoiini * ! ! , fifty-six Xevv Orloan , L i , badly burned ii'imit face , arms , hands and baulr , will probably die , A nunibsrof thu rescuu 1 ones agree that in thccir were tvyo birrdU of guoln3 ( > vhl cli \foto oxplodud t'illiar by su irks from the en gine or from naked torch with which the men were accustomed to light themsulvei to bad , I1O.VOKS TO Till : Two of the N'omliiooH for Pnsl ( loiiH on * the Hiuto Tlulcnt Soronailcil. Diapitch to Till ! 1'KK. ASIIL\NI > , Nun. , August S9. About fiv Jiundii'd citizens of Ashland formed in pro cmaion on Silver street this evening , headoe iiy the Ashland cornet b ind , and marched t tTicTridenca of tlio lion. 11. H. ShodJ , ro uShcan nominee for lloutenint-govcrnor and xteiidedcongritulations. lion A. U. 1'ul- er spko in behilf of the citizen * , and Mr , hoJil rcKponded In nn able nnd hnppy man- er. There is grcit rejoicing over bis noinlna- on. on.SKVTMID , Aug. 29. Hon. Win. Ice gvas rcnadcel by the largest number of people vor gatheroJ hero on inch an occasion. The Mumod Knignt club consi'ting of ono him- red men in unifoim , hoaiUd by Iho Quick' .op . coinot bind , nnd nccompinled by a dole- ntion of citi/ens reg.irdle < s of pirty nllilli ions to the number of live hundred nn clicd o the rcsidoncoof the next attorney general ; Nebraska. Mr. hecao was called for nud responded in Ins usual manner , Music follow- patter which speeches were made by Kx- ieutennnt Govesnor Cirns , Judge T. 1 * 'orval , Hon. 1) . C. McKilUp , T. U. Sim- ions , editor of the Nebraska Ucporter , nnd tbur le-vding ctlizens , reg.vrdlesj of parly tilth. The name of Hon. .lames Iiiird being lontionod It was grouted with a hearty round ' clioers. The republinns of Suwaul county ro thoroughly in narnost and tno nomlmtion f Mr. Loeso h f really added to tha w ido- ) rcad onthuslism on every bind nnd Ihls ounty will roll upa rousing majority for the opublicin ticict this fall. As wo send oilier iiticU of the city are geicnading Sevvard ninty's favorite candidate. JIKVIVBI ) , ixlo of n Girl as u Sluvu N. Y. By a Cubixn * pecial dispatch to Tin : UIIK. Tnor , N. Y. , August 20. The Siratogn orresponde-nt of a local papei tells of the sale fa slav oin Saratoga Tiiojdvy. The girl Is escribed ns having been the property of a ealthyCubrn family. Shs was sold in Iho -gular way , save that the dnto of the bill of ile , which was drawn up by a Sara- > gi attorney , was Havant Juno 28 1881 in- .cad of Saratoga August 20 1SS1 ( Iho latter ping the actual day of Iho transfer of the irl ) . the payment of price lixed at § 1,200. 'he girl has a light complexion , is comely , and nly wenty years old. Kho has been in family that owned her. Her purchaser is u idower of Ion yoirs , with no children. Ho to ba nurried m Havana in October , and it s sidd _ tint ho intends presentiu g the girl to is bride as her maid. A Warm "Welcome IIoiuo. peIal Dispatch to Tin : Hiv. . KCAIIM.V , Nob. , August 29. The band nnd 10 citircns of Sheltou greeted Joseph Scott candidate for land commissioner , as the tiaiu nlted nt tha depot at Gibbon. Hosts o iimdi congratulntoJ him. On arriving nt Cearney the band and inhiihitants , tcgardless f political ptcferonce , welcomed him homo. Ion. A. H. Ootinor delivered nn address of volcome , to which Scott feelingly replied hort speeches were undo by Miill iliuu and 'atn , after winch a ( joneral Imid-hliaking and efroshmenrH were in ordon The enthusiasm vas unbounded. Crcmntcil In a Sleeping Car. Co. , _ Aug 29. At eleven o'clock night tha train beloi ging to the Anglo- Vmericnii circus.M ile * Ortou , proprietor , Mt 'ort Collins for Golden , vii tha Greeloy , Silt aku ft Pucilic toad. Forty inmut'S later , bon nrar Greely , the sleeping sai in eventy live men unplojed ns roustabnuts of ho circus vveio f.alcep , caiuht bid iml was vholly coiibiuusd. Ten men peribhed , two vere i-.erionsly nud five eligiitly buinecl Thn ire will commuuicited from the opan torch vith which the c\r was lighted to a ninntity f g. eohno which was being carried ill thu * amo car , causing nn explosion. It is impo i < > le to leim the names at present. It is beloved < loved tint the emp eyes of tlio circiu aio en. irely rouponsible tor the accident , Alt IIHiiolH Aleatory. ST. ] .ouib , August 2'J Fuither informa < ion from O'Fallon , Ills , is tj the effect that llrs. Crother died between nine and tin 'clock last night , aftpr repeatedly Billing .hat she killed MIH. Conine , but without giv- ng any reason for the deed. It teems lo bo veil knoivn , however , Hut bho entertained jid feelnus toward Corinac , grown.g out of ouloti'y and that she had eeveral times lire itened to kill her. She was a woman of IS years , and wife of Thonm Ci other , a coil nlner. She hid been dlvorn d from two hus > ai ds before innrrjiug Crother. and had lived _ \ery unhappy life. Mrs. Connie is the vielowed sistei of U. J. Vancourt , owner and iperator of the coil mines near O'Fallon , a lolitician of some local notD. Shu was n vnry uglily esteemed lidy who lived a retired life i short ilistinco from tovrn , and It doesn't UP' > anr tliat she kiiuvvMrs. Crnthrr WHS an cue ny. John A Lehman , n son in-law of the mcide , sajs ha never knew of unv trouble bu- 'Ween ' iho women and regal da the ulfair as cry inj. stei ions. Yellow J.irk in Nu\v York. Nl vv YORK , August i ! ) An unknown lilor wai found imcinticious in thu street iVidnesdiy. Hoilinii in the hospital of jel ow fever. Tina Is the hr. t c mo lie-ro TTORPJD BOWELS , DOSORDERED LEVER. _ and P.1ALAFJIA. ' 1 romlliesobourccg iiiUo tliico lourlliiof t o iliscises of tlio liuinnn nuo. Uli so j iiiptomalndJcato llioli oilstone o : r.oai ol Apiitdle , Jton.lH ciiNtI\c , hlcit Ifonil- v. In , fullnoiS nftiTcntliifT , nv tr lou to exertion of Imilor iiilnil , I riictntlnn of fooil , Jrillalilllly of tcmiicr , J.oiv BpIrJN , A , ft olliifi of Jill-vine iirKlftcil iiiiHotlnty , nizzlticsSjI luttciliiKnttlio Html , J > oU before ! io cyi n.lilfrllly < ol- Jiril irlt o , < O.VITIJ'A'rjor niul do- ma-id the use otn lomcdy thnt nets illiectly un tlio J.lver. Asa WverinodioInoTrJTT'H l'rr < r.SJia\oiiociiial. Tliclrnctloiinntlio v nil Impuiltles Uirougli tlicso tlneo 'mnv- .fici of tlie > t in , proilucln npp-i. tlto , sound dlKOStlon , r < ( 'til u Btooln , a t It ir BkiniiinlavlKoiousbody. TJ'rT'.s 1'inr.S eiuso no imuicji orf"lpln nor Jnturlcro fvithtlilly woilnn < laioiipi-rrect ANTIDOTE TO RflALARSA. t IJco lIMumiyfat.N.Y. GHAT Jfviu on M'HiHKi its clinnieil In- Bluntly to n ( inossr JiLAric liv u hlnglu up- plication of llilH Jli ; . hold by Diii Uti , or sent by ospross nn rruelpt of 31. OllicoMinray Btiout.Kevv lorlr. VU1T8 lYIANUAL OF USEFUL RECJIPTS NEWS 0-ALL NATIONS. ThcFrciicliSliil Firius AWayin llic Min ivcr , The Nest Move Probably au At tack on Shanghai , The Duke of Edinbure : Heartily Roooivod at Dublin Ouba Quarantines Against Ohol- era and Yellow Povor , 'ranco Does Not Want so Many Englishmen in Egypti riio Cliolora , Kcccml for tlio Day Other Foreign Xous , Mauling the I'AIUS , August 29. The olliclal report concerning - corning the I.angson affair , from Gen , Millet commander of thu French forces at Tonquiu , raisoa the valor of Col. Degonno , who is in coinmand of iho detachment sent to occupy Lingson , but says ho acted too precipitately. DC gcuno was under orders la occupy LniiRBon loaccfully. When lie found himself con- 'ronlcd by the Chinese , the general of winch said ho received no orders to surrender , Do ; enne ought to have asked further orders from IiMot by telegraph. I'roncb newspapers are oxullint over the success of Admiral Courbot in destroying the lafeiisos along the IJivcr Mm between Fee " . /how and the HOX Losnov , August 29. Thu Timei' corres londont at I'oo Chow telegraphs that the 'oreign settlement is quiet. In the city the natives bcom friendly. SIKNOIIAI , August 29. Tha Trench lle-ot las dnstrojed the ron.nining Chinese works nt Kir P.ii channol. Tlipy are b lioved tobivo eft Iho Min river to-day , but their domination rriuains uncertain. It st'Uns probable that , liey will como to Shiughai , LONPOS , August 29. A Too Chow dispatch expl tins that the forc'ignori' qu irtors , looted Liy the Chinese since the French descended the tivur , is the ono ii < jar the arsenal. Tin : siiANaiiAi itoosTn.3. SHANOHM , August 29. The 1'uropoin resi dents of Sh mghai remain unmolcstoil. Many fidneso , hou aver , nio alarmed and loiviug the city .mil foreign bcttli'inont. The cluot matjidtiato and consul issued placards urging tb'j unlives to rpnialn , ns the French have no | irCEcnt intention of nttackins ; Shanghai or \Voo Song. The ChincHO nuthoi itie'S ln > ro received - ceivod an impoitinfe tolegfnm fiom Pukin , the liurport of which is not precisely known fhcro are reports , however , that China n du- iiroifcMifcomin. ; to an agrfemcntwith Frinco. The \iceroy of Canton ordtred all Ficnthinen to leave his prov iuco imtuodi itely. THU CHOLERA nCCOIU ) . LOVDOV , Atixust 29. The tteamor I'.jper- nn/i , from Maiscilles , b.w arriveil at Cardilf , with cwo caos of chalera , and his been qu ir- nntmed. , .1' , August 2p Two ele-allu at Ahrpril- lei"and five fit Toulon list night. AtFchs- fono , ne'ar IJiognollcs , five de.itln occurred yo'touliv. Tiio Froucli are pstahli hing n coal de-pot at I'ondicheriy , comt of India. NAPIW , August 29. There is much un revonablo _ opposition to the transfer fif cholera pi ionts to the hospital prevailing among tlm iiopuUco. Torciblo opposition was yosterd ly olf-nd in the person vv ith tlio ills- ease was being convoyed to the ho&pit il. Four of the. riotera wounded and nthoiviho inaltroatod hcvoral policemen. At the h uno time crowds of women afsailpd the infant's school for fear tin children , if thuy became unwell , would bo taken to the hospit'il. The Ijvndichnb asked the archbishop to help en lighten the people. AN KM1I.IMI FAILIIIK. LlVklirooi. . August 29. The failure of W. T. T Sutchlfe , commission niorch mt , in nn- noimcod. Liabilities 80 000 to 100.000 pounds , mostly in London cirgecs. Loiscs in Liver pool are light nnd all covered. DEMOVSTI1ATIO.V lOlt THU I'Ol'K. August 29.- The clergy hav _ Gt.irteil a mon-ter demonstralion in ever } ' church in favoi of the tumpornl power of tha pope. Ainoni , ' the lust signatures to nn ad- dri-33 foi tins objnct are the leading prelates and nobl-H of Spiln. CHINI.SK Ml N OP WAK NOT TO GO. LOMIO.N , August -Oernnny has pro Inbited tlio dep irlurp from Ivlel of two ro ci ntly launched Chinese mon-of-war. The'r cummandeM and ciow return to Chin i , rilANCK OI.JHCTH. P \ltis , August 29 Figaro In an oilitorlnl comments upon the inuuaso of Kughsh triops in l'gpf. from m tboii iud to fourteen - teen thou and moil , nndFa.s an ovpl inatinn H nrcfssary. If it Is tlio design to stop the jn sago of ' the ] 'Vench through thu Sue/ can il inevuiito'f an Anglo-Chincso allmneu , ] > 'i- giro si > s Franco kcojis 51,000 troops in Al- ioii i and Tunis who are in ready to crews i'lipoll and bd/o Cairo vvhun KO ordeied. A IIUTI U 1'AHis , August 2'J. Owing to belter fooling - ing prevailing In consequence of tumors tint Cliinii was disposal to eut'r into negotations for the settlement of the Toiiquin ipie-stlon , routers woio quoted before tin opaiil ig of the COUIHO thid moruinn' ac "H francj 87J ecr times. mcTEMronvi , rowi'ii ov Timroi'K. M\iim > , August 2'J. The chrjcy have started n.monhlir demonstration in every church in the country in favor of tlio tumpoi a ! power of tlm pnpn. Tlm firtt siifnaturcH ti addroji on this subject mcludo the lending iin-I ites and nobleti of Spain. The movement hai grown out of the speech of Sewn C'ldol ( J Mon , , minister of ngrlciihiiru and commerce , in tlio d ( | ) iitlt'H souio weeks ngo , in whit h ho npoko dfllghl'iDgly of the rastoiation of the temporal jiovv er. _ \HQVAIIANTIM : . IlAl.ltAX , August 2U. Advw'H fiom I'orlo llicn uro that > o sels arriving llioro from Hull fax end Lunenbcrg will bu iiiiaranlined hfleui days. The Hp inlah o JIIHU ! liuro sent a dm- putch to the governor of tliat islind that there is no contugloimlisuiso nt cither port , i I.OVV KUAI I'll ! 1IIIHII MIQlnJllK. August 21) . The Duke Kdlnburg vith the Channel Kltct is visiting Dublin hnr- or. The Duka w * < well rcfiv ed , Thousnnds ock to Kingstown to > i it the fleet nnd the M'nlngi made htillinnt with bill , Hrovvorks nd Illuininiitng. The rrenimin .lourml T marks that mirh oceurrencos ni this indicate iow loyal the Irish might bo if only nccord d their just right * . TIIKOKIIMAV COtOMKS. limits , AuRU t Stl. ! It M n intended to nisi' a corps of old soldiers for colonial sprv co for ( tcrman col nial linns which toqiilro illltary protection , and who will provldo unds tor the corjis. Such ( in otvanbitum is cccssirv to the Pmniiati inllitiry sjstim , hich will not allow the regular troops to bo ent abroad , TAKT AT HIS NMV IOST. ST. Pmnsncno , August 29.Alphon o 'aft the now Amoricnn minister arrived from 'icnnu loJny. A suoAit VAii.vnr. VlKN.VA , August 21) ) . An Hher largo sugar nil Ins f.llod. Liabilities exceed Wcinrieh's ho lolled for 3100,000 Monday. THEY ALL DO ir. C.MltO , August Jlk'-lVauds nmoiinting to ! ; 0,000 were dlscoMTCtl In the nilniitrv of nance. 1'oroign olllcials of high standing re implicated. MUHDI3UHl > 11V CONOUESS. llorrlbto fctnto of An'alrH An In- illiiiiTrllio ftarvlnn to Dentil. , Montnnn , August 29. Governor Crosby Btatea that a ppsclnl aifcnt stnt by him t inquire into the condition of thu Picgnn ndlatis has returned , or.d found that of those ndiam about two thousand vvoro dj ing from lie1 oltccts of gradii.vl starvation , at the rate of no n day. The men nnd women nro gtnnt nd spiritless , tlio children emnclnted. All ro to woikonod by the lack of sulliciont feeder or the past two years that dreadful eulfcrings n < l death will occur shortly. The appropri.i ion for this only ieri"ltn the ngent to istio two pounds of beef and tlircn ponoda of ad Hour ] > or week , an amount entirely Inndo unto to suppoit well people. The governor iporU nn unuatur.d nnd inhuman stito of Inngi existing nnd calls upon the secretary of lie interior to nstuino Iho responsibility of mif full rations until congress moots. WASHINGTON NOTES. 1st ) C110II11\ IOWA. August Sl' ' . Tha surgeon cneral of the niiiino hospital Rorvico rocclv cd lettc-r from the , secretary of llio state bo ird f hu dlh of lotva saying tint the health nlhco , t Canton reported that the dlseaso tccontlj iroveleiit there was disscntiry and nothiiiK nore , and the poison who ori in-itcd tlio report - port of the i usloncn of cholera was imsin nnned ns to the facts. The only contagious .iucauo in the distilct is whooping cough. \VIieie.iliotils ICninvn. W.wmsmov , Aug. 29. Since dipt iln lovvgato left hero two jeirs ago to csc.ipo > rosccution for cmbc/zlciiicnt ns an ofliccr of ho United States Signal bervico , after nuk- ng hia escape from custody of the marshal , hero Ins been frequent Inquires by detectives fa to tlio amount of rowaid olfcied for bis ro- : aptme. Keceiitl } a detectivoc.inio lic-ro vvitn .he luforin ition thit ho know HovvccitoV vhorenbout .mil could produce him if money 'iioiiuh IV.M uifuruil. lie , however , could not iml that uny toward could bo paid. Tins in- 01 in ilion was to tha cltect that Honcnte has , mcu last spring been In Houtliorn Mutyland. COM , Ct TTI.II , P.i , August 29 The co il ind iron pohco 1m o made no arrcxti tmcu L'uosd.iy , and the striking niineu Invo grown loldc-r Novioloncebia beoa olTurcd , but a lumber of lion union inlnurH e ly th it they i vo bouu threatened. Bip ads of strikers in JOI'B and on foot were out hi fore duyliglit bm inoriiiiigtoiiitorce-iit mm unionists on their vny to work. They were not successful , h .w - ver , in perfiiidit'g ' the workmen to their ionic's , and in ono in two instance ! , weio given o undorNtiind thuf if they peisistod in their indentions there would bo tumble. Good Ijitclt" Coiiili'tiiniMl. Ci DAK IlAI'lIH , low.i , Aug. 29."Hood jiick" Mibstituto for lager , inaiinfuetund bj Zihristi.m Miignus , a brewer , wus this nftrr- iiioii condemned ai Intoxlcitlngby a Jnatico if the Ponce' . Thn Inpioi wns aualj/c'd by _ 'rof. Pope , of the low i Agricultural Colh go , ind foiin 1 to contain tliroo and bfty-foiir him Iredths pure nlchohol. This wan regaided IIH a te t c.iso. Our Glorloiin Navy. Niwroiir , Aug. 2' ) . President Attlnu lined with .lainen Uoidio Jionnctt List night. 5lxteiii ) giiCFts wi ro present. 'Jhu war HIPIS ! Ins niormng inocjedfd to Fen , win ro they will nai envre. 'llio iiroMilent in on thu Despatch l Been tary Chiindler on llio Allmlrnss. That Tired Feeling Tlie warm weather has a delillll itlng effit ( , isiiclilly ] upon those who mo within iloors most of tlio time. The peculiar , > i I common , toiiiilalnt | knovvn as "that tired feeling , " Is tlie lesnlt. This feeling c.ui be until ely im-iinmo by taking Jlond'n Hirsiparllli , ivhleh gives new life and Ktrength to .ill Iho functions til the body. "I could not sleep ; had no appetite. I took Hood's hirs ip.irllU anil soon liegin lo slup Nouiiilly ; could get up without tint Hid and languid feeling ; : mil my apiietlto Improved. " It A H.VNi'OUD , JCent , Ohio. 8trciif/thvn the System Hood's Kirsijnrlll.i h ilmncd rl/Pil 1J three pecull ultles : 1st , the romtitnatlon ot rcincill il nucnts ; 2d , tlm jiropnrltont MI the priiies * of HI airing the nctlvo incillcln.if qu illlles. 'J Jio result is a mi dlelno of unusual htrciiKlh , ( Ucetlng cures hitherto unknown Huul for book containing ndilltlonnl ovldunco , " Hooil's 8 irsanarllla tones up my hy tcm. pm Ilk s my lilooil , Mi irpons my amietlto , and fei ms to m ilio mo over. " < l. r. lnourHUN , JCi glslur nl De'cils , Lowell , Mass , "Hood's Hirsapirllli beats nil oUiem , and N worth Its vvuiglit In Kohl. " I. DAituiKuroN , 1JO Waulc atrcet , Kcw York City , Hood's f Sarsaparilla Hold by nil ilrucelsta. $1 ; nix for $5. MkdO only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Ixiwcll , Mass. IOO ° Doses Ono Dollar. CASUALTY CHRONICLES , Lively Blow Strikes Evansyillo Indiana , Sondinc all tbo Vessels in the Eivor Aground ( loportod Sinking of a Steamboat With Great LOBS of Lifo , A Severe Fire TJpsots Portland Orocon , The Criminal Booord for the Day. IimlorH , Uoliltory and Vnrlous Other SciisatloiiB. HorcAH Gels In lilH Work. Ilv\\a\nIK , IND. , August St ) . At nine its inoiiilng the most destructive hurricane ver hem bioko upon l.vausvllle , doing a aiunfit of not lesj than n quarler of n uni on dollars In Iho city [ and vicinity. Houses voro blown down nnd roofs carried away , 'hreo or four stores \vero badly injured , 'liounimls of shade trees were torn up by the nets and other injury 'done. It is Impossible t this hour to rive the nmnunt. The dam- igo will probably fall short of tlio ligures giv- n. The heaviest individunl lo < er is J. IT , [ oclker , whoso now foundry wns almost holly demolished. Tlio steamers Josh 'horp and Silver Hotn were badly damaged , 'ho ' former wns almost w locked , Several hurdies tmffoicd seriously and ono now cliool IIOUHO wns blown down. J3v\NsvniK.INI ) . , August 20. The most rrific wind , r.un and iiaii norm over Known ifilod Kvansvillo this morning at eight 'clock , lasting over an hour , the wind blow- ig a hurriciiip. The Silver Horn withslciin p had her cblmnojs blown overboard , but In ) boat was not much danngod. The nlcnm- r Two Slnlcs wnn blown from hrr miHuings nd landed on the upper coal dock , but not amnced. Josi ill V. Thorp had just nrrlvod ml IMIUIC ! ! . She broke nil her lilies nnd rifled lo the upper 1 Hiding , losing her cluni- ieys nnd narrowly eectped being burned She vai bully \viecknl , Tlio bar in front of the liy is full of buge'S , nni'ing ' Ihem n Iransfcr iiigeloided wltli height cars. The feirv oiitvvasb'own ' on tin b ir hnrd nground limy IIOUSCH wire demolished iiiofs nnd h mm js blown down , htieits full of fallen h ido life-H , but no liven lost. Nothing is as ot heard fiom other poiuls on Iho river. OSM TIIHI.I : ri iisoss HUIIV iK. . ClllOMH ) , Aug. 2 ! ' . A d lily Now Hvaus- illi * , liKliuni , Hpicid F.IJS the htcamcr Itul nout , the transfer ste unor which leaves hue 18 o'clock every morning , wan i-ttinK by iliu lorin Ihreo miles this hide of UencU isun , ilovvniK bnr barg mid oiii lo the li ink , blow ng luir cliiiiiiiovf oil and tfij lng her idmosl nutiiitly. It JiriM > theio v\ire over hirty pi oplo on tiphint jum in K tlneo are ted - * ' the epoi Bjive-d-allVw8bnynamed 1'aug , k mil the pilot'vfclnrwmn ashore. This TIIIHIion is rtc-jM froiii n man wlu > cinie in > by land. All tnjjiwiies nro dow n mid m ist if the oo.its mo ciiirt'hd so an to ho unnbiu to ; o to the Hieno of Jlvivvreck. The passoi/gern / letertid tlio biigo niYn eais for thn boat , nnd tKeems that moht , if not all , wi 10 hut. Tin : sTrAJiru's" LOSS iiotim'U. 32V.SSMII.K , IMI , Aifuiifltr" 2 ! ' , fJepor's lint the tiansforHti'mier Itoflhoul wax ttutik Ins foroiKion by a hunicine , ut lloiulorsOnV ow head nnd twonly HVCH lost is not geuuf' .liy endited nmoiig river meu. 'IhiMioitls .irolmbly damaged nnd nshoiu. Tlm liver m no 1 > w to bo il ingeroiiH , nllliongh the Btorm ns terrific' . Nothing but rumors yet. A MOHK10SITIVI. HTAIKVIUNT. Tlio loss of the traiiHfor ntuamir IJelmont mil the drowning of 10 lo 15 poinons n eon- irinod. Thu ImrricinolliH forenoon capsi/rd ho bimt nt Stinley's landing tlneo miles bovn HondcrHuii turning hercoinplotely over 3ho WIIHgoing lo HcnJernon , wiili a cnrKo , nntalning JIVM ngurn of the li'imsvillo tC > ra hvillo railioul. Tin boat seiiiated | from hobirgonnd nil on tlm Intti r were saved , mil ullon the boat escept loin or live worn ost. Amongst Ilia hmt 1110 C.ipt dn John Smith. llt Liur-iLyon nnd pister and Sdlio Ilry- nl leachiM boie , and their motlior Mrs Wooilward , of Huiiderson , nnda liulv nd bale , with siileln I , with a mid in it ii'irKccl ' "Mrs. Hattie Alnrrny , Ciookhuld , The bodies of llio llireo Intli r vv urn found. DID teligraph and telephone to Hemlorson is irokcn. HUB AT rilllllANI ) , OHIIIDV. I'oiifl AND , Orignn , August 2' ' ) A hro tliis noinimr di lroyed KtrowbndgM'H block. I > OHH- x , II j ; IMvvuidx , fiirnitnro de.dur , blJ > ,0 U , iibined fnrSlii.OOl ) KinouA , Aliu belli , gon- ra ii.erchandiHe , S3l,000 ) , inmired for U.tD.nOj ; , Ht.ruvvbiidgo , 510,0.0 , euvt.rcd by insiir- ince. Tincsroiiii IK IIIIMHM. CIIICAIIO , AngiiBl2) . A Duly NOWH , Gar ni , Ills , opeei il says. A MIVCIO wind and nin utorin vihltud this place this inornliig. ioveral b llilingrf vu'io duinigtd , and lorn hronghoiit the country WIIK d imnged by tin vliul. Tlio dwelling i f Win. Xflglor , a farm ir was struck liy lightning nnd contmmid I'vvoof his children wi ro dangerously Klnicked. Urn , John H ilfer , in the huiine at the time , wi.s iiihtantly killed. Jlsc-iN.VAll , August 21.I'rlvato diHpitch .0 tlm ownern of tlm htrainer llelmout hero 'ay ' thai fomlonii lives wi ro lost by the mnU- Hiig of the buat near Iivunsvillo , iiidmnii , to- lay. A HI MC , 1 ' _ _ JJoso.v , Aug. 2'J. The Hteamnr Itosn Stnn JlMli , plying bitwein lioslon , Dovi r landuii/ I'd Itiiiuham , was mink J.ut livening In xighi of bci wharf liy iiL'illi.sion ' with the tug Wtdy A. ( Jove. Tlio haibor WJH crowded wiln pulling crnft. Them was no time fm cither boat t > J Hignil the oilier. AlLlioutrli tlio KUui- dish wont down m lens than six iianiitiHiift-r " D wia struck co excellent VVUH the dircip- llnii of her crow and piomnlnoKs of aid fiom Mirriiunding VOI-HI Is lliut all of tha 101 pa cn- ( , ' < ! i aboard were mm d "without oven getting tlulr feet wet. " 'I he Hteamor co t ? ( ,0JOO. ( A IIAKOIA CIL'I/IM' . Huio.v , Dakota , AugiiHt 27. A cyclone [ limed cant of this illy to-day , ilealroymg sir * * " ' t i't t" > * * i'I " iirything in it * jiath , M-\fral Inmdrrd frrt I le. 'I ho ftnnn furniid thrco mile * nottli of Ids citv and trn\ i Ird In a roiitln a < t rly din c- ion. Thn rcstdni ees of .lori-ph HloiKlgood , Iuiinn Conk and Itiorgn P Co k worn hov\n o atoms. Mrs. ( < eo Conk 'Hid child wi to irrn d POM tal hundrud foil nnd cons ikriblv riiKcd , but not fnlilly liijnted , Points in outh D.ikotn report lu\ingsoon the Btorm ising but no results were Riven , A SCU'JOtl ) Af ( IDkNT. Clttrti.o , Am ? 2'tTlio ' seAffoldlng on the iow Hoard of Trade bulldim ; on which wme Ix workman , gi\o way today. Two men ell a dlxtiincoof .SO feot. One WAS killed , nil' th-r f tnlly mjureil. Tour others fell n short 'istanco and niannge-d to tntheniseUis. . ouiiiN\ii itKcoitn. \ KID KllltSll. A l ) ily No , Vatulnlli , 111. , spicial says hnt Oeorge Mattock nnd I'rank Hooper , god 11 niul In , ipiarrelcd nt a church picule n Coid ( count ) jestonUy. Hooptu nUbbcil ilatlock fnlnlly in the bnek nnd tlnglu IIUIIIWT HUIIIIKUV MISKOUIII VAIIU , In , AiiRiist Jll-O. C. todgen , a wealthy ciittlo r.u ir , whiln iidlng long two mile's lust of hero Inst night , wns ndcbiilv set upon by two well nrnieil men , ho had been ill ambush , nnd robin d of 9SOO : i money and \nlunblo piiu-rs nnd jewelry. imioomo Arniu. OsK\toos\ . . August 20 Oeorgo .rones , paloonkeupi r , shot a colored mnn named Viljiam Leo in the fnco In an nlti ri.ition. Vhisky WDS the cnmo. Piiuniit nctloa on the itt of ijhcrilf IJnrr nndaids checki-d .m infu- inted mob. HTUU.SO ur IN KINK HTM r. SmtnVFroirr , August 2D. Herry Johnson coloied ) Miitonced for the murder of Inn wife , us hanged to d ly liiHido tlio p irlfh j ill. Ac- ciding to the law of the last loginhitmo only ftreu porsniii were admitted totliooxe'Uiitlon. olmsoii iidndttod josterday that hu killed labnilnCiilennn In Ited Kner ptiinli four ears ago , being hired to murder her by another eglii woman. iir nius'r our TUB MONM. Pin'siiuuii , Augmt i > . A locksmith mined loineman entered the ollico of a monuy liangor nainud MontKuuei - today nnd . .ibbed him In the nccU. The a'slstant pio- eoileil to open the t.afn , Niijijxising his \Ictmi as entirely disabled , but Ivaiier nunngodto each the w itulow , smnsh the glass and nliout help , " lioriiomnim Hod without tliemoney , lo was captured Inter , nftor aiolout trugglo. Ho baa lived a long time. In Ainer- JISl'OSINO OF I10MH PllODUOIS , OrloniiH AVonmii KlllH her Nou Born Balio and lhro\\H IL In a Well. Ipecial Telegraph to Till1 111 r. OKI I\SH : , Xi n , August 23. The deid oily of , i new bom girl fully dovulopod wns mini nt the bottom of a well back of the liloimhoiHo birn thin moimng. It is sup- ioHcd to hava boon killed by Its mother by IIMIIB of a blow on the brad and droppeil ute the mil three d } sngo The Hiiiposid ] iiotlurnnd inmdeicss workodnt tlm hotel nd li ftVi dniHilny for hoi old homo. Bho vill bo ninctul tomglit. Lit AnsjroHHlvo OiiiniinlKii Cor Itullrr , I'nii AID irill.v , 1'a. , August ri ) . At llio onfuonco of the nation d greenback labor .ueleirt with Genual lluller atVHHnnin irovetoday , an iiggiessvie * 2 llll'lK'r | ' waxfde * idcit on. ( iiiiFral liulli t vrtll nmka four nero Rpeccln-1 in Hie tta o. nt ( I'hilridfi'phla , 'ittahurgund two other pluvus ot to bo du ll mined. "Kroiii IHAW until tlm nlitn i ( > nveii- ion , Sjuptenibei IS ; ut lleilefnntu will ba dn- oled to ) > eifueling' llio orgimi/ntloit nnd Ihng up llio local tickets. At tint time bo sioikingi | : .UU.HH will bigln. A ted i NO na icenleaf waa dielded on ns the Duller i id go. A Virginian Split. PriKitsiiimi , Va , Anguit 2 ! ! . Two n pub c-tn ci ngresMoii'il conventions .ire being held 110 ted ly , to nominate a iiindidnto for con- le-is frniii the Fourth rongreHsIonal diHlrict fA'lininln. A convention was culled to bo eld at tlio court hoiiso nt noon , but pboitly i fore that hour the anti-Brady faction oltid , and letind to the acadoiny of music , loth conventions h iv o ollictcd temporary m- an/itinnx. ! Two HOPunto congressional oiiiiiiations will Im miido. The convention f tin antl Itr.idy faction is now being ad' iCK-ed by lion JMfmrAllin and Clovornor lamcion. ijenatoi Mahom is in the city , NKW8. PAIIIH , August 2i ! 'llio Itipublnpio I''nm- Uho pruiHcw Admiral Coiir'eit' ' ) aitiiteuoes in tiding thn gunboatx elf the Aim river tin Hth.July biforn lioiilllitii'i begun , tlniH en bling tlio guiib nil < n o cupy a I ocition or ho blind sub ) of the formldaulo fuits on the ink of the liver. ( ! > nuial Millet , ioinnianii ! > r of the Krencl on i" , telegraphs that neent riconni/anci howcd a miivi input of tlio CblniMO tovv.iu ! in < Si. Ho docs n t beliiuo , i sulous attack will lu made iijion Im position , but , if n , bo in piopared to meet It. LQNI o.s , Aiuimt < ! > . Tlio Iliilisli tddp rarl liuucoiibln Id , from Olisgow for Ban 'i inc.iico , was binned at tc.i , urn ! burcriw andid ia'\'uliaraiKi. | PAIIIH , Aug. 2l. ! Five deaths fiom ihohra it Minn illes to day. MAIIIIHI , Aug 2' ' . A iiinrantitio | of ten I > ys his boon Orftabish ] ( d at nil iSpuiush port ugalnU vessels hum Algon i. Itovii , Aug. 'MAn nvungolicnt letter nl , ln ) Pope iiaiiiNl ) the action of the Freud : > i vcrninent in adoiiting tlio now divorce law n i cndy for prninuhfutinn. The Pope lemindi I'raiuo tliut ho hurt nho.idy fteiiiontly | ad nonishid hei ptopleng.iinst lnws i 'intr.irj to , be iliurch piisxidhy tin ir in Iris. Hoinutructa the bldhoiH | of the various diociMrs IIH lo the LOIIUO thuj should puiaiii ! in nidi i to iimln- 1 vn tlm pnncipliH of tlio cliurch in ien' id to the saciamont < f iminiazii. H\vAS\Aug 'J ! ' . Tonight the hloamer city of Mi inlan , fiom V'erv Cnu , Angiibt ! l , for Ni'w Vorlr , is in the liailurou lu. ! I'rob. ably ic will hi a totul louu , l.nvnnN , August li'l. Advil ° s reieived by loaillng Cln < a IIOIIHCH HI Lundoii , flow their branehiH at Km Chow and Sh inuhal , show that no lire ui is enteU ine 1 lluu of u n.itivo upriiildjr , ItiiBinofH prnuidri IIH IIHIIU ! , In l.ondon piuiiiiinisim vuMrU in Clilnosohiaa which ndviiiKcd to wnr latin JUVD fallen to day to niiinlnil latis CJiini.d cominciclal coiifiilenco piovailK wild in uuly Betth.'inont of the Kiuncj Uhincbo ilillicu't'ii ' ] it looked foi. Ton lolo /lui'iilciin. , Angint 2i ! , A tciriblo nieident ccldi nt oicmred today at HlackNtoiiu pit "oar Paruluy. KOVIII pernouswi ro kllhid. RAIJ.HOAD RACKET , Lively War fo Rales Inaugurated in 'iokots ' to Ohiongo lied to Fourteen Dollars w-4 2 Philadelphia also Trea to Obeap Eatos , % . 'wolvo ' Dollars From That Point to OhioagOi IcniH of IntorcRt Concornlnp Knll- road Alattcrs. Down Uo 'L'lio lintcs. YOUK , August 29 Tickets to Chicago id nil points west uru ncllinp tcday lielow 'Ridnr ' rated. Tlio rate l > y the Now York 'cutnil ' to Clm'-iRo , excepting by ono train , iff iv otity dollars. By the Wett Shcro nnd 3)rlc ) > IS fiO ; the Centralallowing pgents a rebate of tv only per cent , which allows tin ; tickets to be DH low as Stli. This cut his boon no West Shore , whoso ngentsnto telling tick * , sntU loportcil Out In llntcfl li'roiu Phlla- ( Ii'lptiln , 1'illl.AliKl.rillA , I'a. , AuiH8t ? 11 ! ) Ollici.U in. irmatlon was ticeiul today tint mm of the trunk lines was KolliiiB largo blocks 'f ' tickets to nnd from Chicago at , twelve tlol- , rj. It is Billed in railroadcircles tint this as thought to bo the im option of nioro ex- mlvo culling. The reid charged with the ITon-io vv ill bo inv cstlg.vted , and if it docs not iond it , of course other * will follow cutting , ml war in passtngor rntt-3 will bo actively bo- Tn.liincllon Grantcil. NEW YOIIK , August 20. Judge Kartlottiit 10 Hiiprcino uiurt today granted a prelimma- ' injunction restraining Alfred Sulky , pn-si- , ut of the C nnocticiit construction cotnpi- anv from dimiofllng of cert lin stocks nncl iimls of the Central lovya llnilroid compiny. Inch ho hadrecelvid in payment for cei- ieoa pnrjormcd under contract between theao ompanics. Tlio Knellsli On Tlio AVatmsIi. . .IINHON , 28 Tlio Knolish holdi ry ot Vabinh railroad bond' , formed a commiteo nd opposed President Jay'a echomo of ri-cou- ruction. Arrrstcd For Complicity. rilll.MiiinilA , - ! ' ! . , Auffint 29 The ithoonor .lillia HivKer , on board f which Capt. "AWIS wasalltgid ti bniniirder dnrti\edheio odliy. Theodore KraUnu , n Norwefrun boy , Anly onoYeiiniininif of the oupnal crow , I nrrostcd immediately. Ho HSJH did not see LOH die , but obit's the Htory nH previously published ; .old him by the man at the heel. Ho beluwcit he ciptuin was killed by mita Walker .nil itoward Gome ? Ho was tnkoa to Now 1 rk .y the federal olluor' . mill * Dlalno'H Libel Suit , lens , Aupiist 2' ' ) . In the Bin ilbol suit nguiiHt the Sentinel the fifteen days time allow id the dofen o in which to answer ixpirod today , and the nttnrnovH _ for Mr , ihoi maker i ntoring nppoiianca. This action ' H neci"xary to cccapo default. The do- piiso will now hive its own time iinlehB the ilaintiir's attorneys secure an order rciniirinfr in iniinedinto answer. In the latter cafe it ia customary to grant ten days furth er notice DivcrH lO.xiiiniiu ) tlio ViNFVAiin HAMN- , August 2l. ! Tlio wreck f the Tallniioosi wa oxamincd by three iverH. 'I lie loik in Iho hull is eighteen foot ing and on to ) ) tha cut in the deck is 74 feet , 'ho cut extends downwards 18 or 20 feet to lie ttnnd in wbt h the steimer is becoming mbedded. Caieful coarch was made for nidus , but none werif ound. FINANCIAL. Wu MHiiAimr , Pa. , August ? H. Latar de velopments in iko it cortuin that the amount itolenby Koboils W.IH about SJIOH.OOO In iddltlon to Bpacnlatlon , it is liurned that JtobortH h IK hjpoUucutLd bonds and socur- ItlCH. 'rtRSIIOUSt ' RYlIIOTOIIOlOCOWtl'11 ; . , y-c n.-DAI < IHG POWDER ' ' TAMqoUUOTOfilSi/ r % 'ItL'M- ' 'ItL'Mimwi& CREAM TAt5T/\R Ifnlum ornny injurious tubnuneiscan U > fouiiA In Andrews' Joarl Hakintc 1'ov/dor. Is p < - IvclyPURE , lleliucniUrieiintnIti .llii > oiilaUi reci-fv cd Irom bitch clicmlst-J as S. Dana llnj . Ilo * . ton ; M. Dcla'ontiuno , of Cliliasjo ; rtiiu utistnvn * llode , Jlllvvniikco. Never wild in l > Utu. -297 iai.ltJ.iSHK. wa recogriizeel t"o krt but .01 P [ t e \ \ tU.I l * > K.