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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE > FRIDAY , AUGUST 29 , C3-OIOXTC3- PKINCIPAL LINE rnoM CIHCAGOrEO LV&ST.LOUIS , nv WAV op OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVBB , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER Connecting In Union Depots nl KnninsClty Omnha and Dem ci w Ith tlnoiigli trains for And all jxilnts In the ( West C3-OI3XTG- Conncctlng In ( Jrantt Union Depot nt Chicago with through trains for NEW YORK , JtOHTON , And nit I't 'torn GUI * " * . AtPcorln with tlm > ft' ' < tmlns lor Indiana ; ; oils , Clncinnntl , ColtnS , nnd nil points Ii tlioSouth.K.'tst. At he'fouls with " tmlns for nil polntx .Sc < > ) i. KIcgaiitDayConoliei , I'arlor Can , with Ho cllnliiB Clnlrs ( seats lice ) , Smoking Cars wit llcvolvliiK ( Jlmlrn , I'nlltniin I'nlaco Blccpliu Cars nnil the lainoni < J. It. A , o. Dining Oar nmclally tonnd from Olilcngo nnd Knnsns Oily OMlcoKunnil Council IHiilN : Chicnuo nnd De Jlolnus. Olilcngo , St , Josupb , Atchlson uni Topclca without change. Only through llm Tunning their own tnilns between Chicago Lincoln nnd Denver , nnd Chicago , ICnnsis : City nnd Denver. Through can bct cun IniflnniipoUs nnd Council Ultiins , via 1'uorln ivoiiTir ANH SOUTH. Solid Tmlni of iiontit ; Day Couches nna Pullman 1'alncaSlGrplnir Cam nro run dully to nna from St. LouNj via Jlunnlbnl ; ( Julncy. Kcolaik , HurlliiKton , Cedar KiuildsiiiHl Albert LcatoSt. I'nnl nnd Minneapolis ; I'nrlorCnrs with Uccllnlnj ; CJhitlrs to and fioni St. LouH nnd I'eorln. OnlyonoclmiiRaofciira between St. LoulHnndlc JIolnc3 , I own. Lincoln , No. liRLskn.nnd Donvcr , Colonnlo. It Is nlso the only Through Line between ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and Dr. PAUL. It Is known M the great TIIUOITGH OAIl IiINl'j or America , nnd Is universally admit- toil to bo the rincst E ulppod Railroad In the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets via this line for snlo ntnl' II. It. coupon ticket olllccs In the UnltedStatoa and Canada. 1' . J. ' G.n.I'EnOEVAL LOWELL. VlM-l'rr . 4 G.n. - a1 , MANUFACTURE ! ! OF GALVANIZED IRON I1 * CORNICES WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS ] ETC. O.1.Q 3ti-oot , MAUA ALONG TUB LINK OF XHE | Chicago. St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of thla line from WakofloM op the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the CfAN through Conoord antl Coleridge TO TT A.3Ft'3I-X3 > arca-TC'03Xrl , Itoachoa the best portion ot the State. Bpoolal ei- onralon rates ( or land teokera over this line to Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and \la IJIali to all principal poltiU on the SIOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Tralna oror tht 0. , St. I' . M. & O. Railway to Cov ngton , Sioux City , 1'onca , Uaitington , Wayne and Norfolk , Ooxxxxoot ot Fr omont , Oakda.o , Nellgh , and through to V l- online. KTVoi rates and all Information call on F P. WII1TNET , Genera HOLBEOOK , SBELTOH S BE1HY. Engineering ) Surveying AND CONTRACTING WORK Done within the city and throughout the State. taromoo Crelgkton Block , opjioslto City Knglnoer'a ollloo. al2-lm THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , CSUCOESSOllS TO T1IK J. M. 11 , & 1) . CO. ] THE MONARCH The moil extensive manufactureti o [ I : IN THE WOULD. olui Ilockitrassor General Agent for Nebraska and Western Iowa. K B. Tenth Street OMAHA , NKU. fVPrlcei of Bllllnl antl Fool Tables and material * tunthed tin application. 11 HAS NO UPERIOR. The Steck is a Durable Piano. THE BTECK HAS BINQ1NQ QUALITY OK TONE FOUND NO OTI1EH 1'IANO. SOLD NLY BY BROS , , 215 OPERABROS OMAIU KE1J. M , R. RISDON BEFBEBENTS \ rbvuUAtgaruioaOo.,01 tiondoa.Oub Awet WMUbntcr.N. Y. . Cipiui oo.oar.o * flVSerrJtuiU. oJ Kewuk. H. J. , OtpItU 17tOOO.OC plt J l.ttn.OOO.O DUFRENE& MENDELHON. AEGHITEGTS ri i/ov / > uao OIIAIJA. MIOAKAI. BINE UUILDIN9. The feeble ilrov tlrom when ItMtet ter' | 3tom ch Hitter ; Uuicd to promote as ilmlhtlonollhofooi nd enrich thblood. . Indication the chic obsUelo toinMqiil tltion of strength bi the weak , Is an ll incnt which Intalll bly tticcumbl to th ( action of this relies1 corrective. Lo ol ( huh and nppetltc , fAlluro to deep , And prowln ? evidence ol prom ttirodefny , r liecililr counter > ct < cd by the ( treat ln < vlgorftnt , which braces up the ph - tlflci the conttilutlnn aRAlnit dlicMo. For Nile by All dcaiangencr&lljr. BITTER ; , . . . . tbl API. , ml kll Aot orM ciir * Iitfirt4 * , t trtlcy. f.t.r Illor4.r f ! ! > Iflr ii * * OKtnl t > fr * drot Itnf .rt d.ltrluol fi.vM fe RlMl f ctikmn. n.t knl 14 ll iimra.r Jrinki Try II , tnd t.v.r * .fcmnibr-riu > .k fMir ftor * r4ninl'lfor U , | MH 1 Gl JIIIOADWA.Y J\T. \ V I > j.cclally . In Choleri infnnttim In the USD ol UUgo's Food ln\alun blc. ITuny cases coulc bo cited where every third clio hail tilled , j ltlilo'8 | Food hag icon tried and retained [ ) y the strength Impar tul and Its neutral no Ion on ihyilclan hasbecnahli i ) line such remedies ai to effect peifect rcxto- it I on ol the patient to nualtn. Four ( Izca , 3Sc , 05c , 1.25 and J1.75. Sold by druggists and many Rro DM. No. 4 tire most economical for family u u J. , onUlicl. ElED STAR LINE tolglan Boyal niulU.B , Mll HtOMtiiora SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWKEN JEW YORK AND ANTWERP 'helthine ' , Germany , Italy , Holland and Franct Steerage Outward , $20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tig xcurslon , 930 , Including boddlnir , etc , Zd Caliln , J50 ; ounil Trip , ? 90 00 ; Excursion , 3100 ; Haloon from $10 } (90 ; Kicurelon 110 to 8100. IVPeter Wright & Song , Gen , Agents. CS Broad y N. V. ; 0 Uwcll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. ] P. R. Fled in It Co. , 2U8 N. 10th Street , Omaha ; D. E. Kim ill , OmahaA nnta. od-ly lealth is Wealth ! IB. K. 0. WIHT'H NKRYK AND HRAIVTRRASMKNT , a larantccd nncclfla for Iljstcrla , Dzzlness , C'onvul- SUB , Flta , Ner\nu9 Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoun OBtratlon council by the USD of alcohol or toblmcco , akcfulncss , lltntal UopregBlnn. KollcnlriK of the aln , resulting In Insanity and Icaplm ; to inleory , cay and death , Premature Old ago , llaroiiua * , Ion powcrln cither Bex , luvoluntary Losses and Hpcr ttorhoracauaod by ovorcxcrtlontof the brain , self' mac or oxer Indulgence. Kadi box , contains ono onth'a ticatmont. $1,00 a boxer six bottles for .00 , lent by mallprcpald on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXEJ i curoiny case. With each order received by ua r nix bottles , accompllih d ulth $ S 00 , wo will semi o purchaser our written guarantee to refund the moy If the treatment does not t'Oect a cure. Guar tees Issued only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. , jy 23-m&o ry 802 Madison St. , Chicago , lit. Amelia Biragtu , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE' 617 St. - Omaha Dodge . , , TKLKMIONK No 1U 'EXAS ' TRA CATTLE , \bout 2.COO hooil , mostly ono and two 3 oars old ; ors. Will bo at Ogalalla about August 20tli. In * lr of or address IB. II. CIKIMKH V SO.m&o 1m Ozalalla Neb P VVITTlP T AY men "Poisoned H 1th Potash. " This Is the 1. case with hundreds who ha\o boon unwlso ough to take Harsaparlllas , Potash mlxtureu , etc. , til digestion Ii almost fatally Impircd , Sulfts cclflo is a \ getabio remedy , anil restores the s > s- 11 to health and builds up the nasto made by tbeeo isons. "I wta Buffering ttllh Bhod Poison , and treated ural months with Mercury and Potash , oily to ike mo worse. The Potash tookavtay my appetite d ga\u inn d)8 | > ei ) la , and both Katomo rliomna- in. I then took Sara > | > arllla , Ltc. All tlicxu made iBtlll uorso , as It drat o tlie'pnlHiin lartlarlnto my item. A friend Insisted I should take Unlft'aSpecl- , audit cured moot the Illood Poison , clrovu the rcury and Potash onto ! mysistcm , amlto-daj I i as well out oteruas. " QUO , U.\ViUMANJr : , Ualuin , Mass lohu A , Smith , the lurgoHt nurrlmnt In GalnisiIlle. k , UIIJTS : " 1 sCITerod for 5 earn from the combined uitaof llrjelpclas and Kczcma. I ( outbuild to ow wr o under motllcil treatment and by taking ididno coiilulnlng Potash , H. S. B. cured mo thur- KhlyandntHoIutely. My apiwtlte , btrength and > h returned I waa cur oil with It. " ur Treatise an Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free pllcanU to THE SWIFTSl'KCIFIO CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa. N. Y. Onico , 169 W. 22il St. , boUeun flili and7th onucin. 1'lilUdeliilila otllco 100 Chi stnut t , [ mpcwted Beer YK BOTTLES. Irlongor , Linvarin , ulmbachor , Bnvana. ilsnor , Bohoininn. [ aiser . - . . . < . . . . .Brnmen. DOMESTIC. tudwoiser St. Louis. Liihausor. . St. Louis. test 8. . . . _ . . Milwaukee. chlitz-Pilsiior Milwaukee. [ ruu'H Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhino NTiuo. ED. MAURER. DOCTOR WHITHER 017 St. Cluirlos St. , SI. Louis , JIo. n lultr r < lu t of l o > 'e ' llt.l Collrcri , L h.i-ii longer DB S I ) la tti lI'MUItrv.turulof CHUUNIC , NBMIOVIHhi bU IIU > AD Iii.i.ii.ttan tar vltcr I'liyikUulu ut. Lvui4 I cltr | . | * fl l > ow .ui4aU l i irttileutikuuw. Ner out Prottratlon , Debility. Mental end livilcal Weakness ; Mercurial and oilier Aflec * Ions ol Throat , Skin or Uonoi , Ulood folionlng. Id Sores and Ulcers , > ro n.nrj uh uni.r ii ioj jctc.i.cnUuilitUpllllo i rlocll In. B.'tlr , I'tli.ulj , Diseases Arising Irom Indlicrotlon , Excess , iipoture or Induisence , tii < ii i tixiuM MU. of tin > llg ln | rOictll li liooli l. ( JcLlhlr , dlluucil of llfUl udilcfccthv lurutorliutln | ou Ilio u , t'by lc&l dtety , reriloulolU . ( Icitilei , cimlu It. oU irUk , tnderlnir M.rrUco Improper or unhappy , ru u * lljreurtil , l.oiptileiM ( iMoutli. ) uiv , Mui D.i lr4 tuiclo | , frrtilu anjr kddrt. * , Cc.ulutli > DM P ' certu.llfii. . . audluvlictl.tili * rwriue | Uooi. \ PositivoWritren Guarantee drr.ln .U c.rbl.c.ici. VKdlolo tvtryvbcro. I'aiopblati , Enkll.U or Ucrw.n , U4 v > , < ! * wrllituu above al.uoic. , In uala or ftnaalt , yji J2. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! : W I uc . Ho. | > > * ' . llltilr.M la eloili 4 (111 tladlot Aciueuv/ p ui.i .tmri ir cotrri , x& . Tbli toc ! 0uUlu U Ik. curloui , dawbirul t r laiinl.ltiT. WKDI u iu. . i Ixck ( ir l lutcrul t. .11 , UtilUi , Un 7 , art manvJ tHi .Hits AN UNKNOWN MONSTUIl. Queer Mnrlno Aiilmul That \Tn Cnpturcil In Tonncssoc. Niulmllo American , A rttrango marine monster WAS brough to thla city yesterday , nnd will bo put 01 exhibition tills week in a building non the Eiiunro. Hill Orloy and Nick Aloloy two old fishermen , caught it in the rive just above the waterworks a few days ago and since that time it has boon faatonoc securely to the rlvor bank by attxkoi driven nround its body , in addition tx which It is log-chained by the tall to tht bank. When soon in thintposition yesterday torday it appeared to bo about the sizi of a largo Newfoundland dog. It htu webbed feet , that were attached to the body by logs without joints. Its bed ) and back , except the stomach , is covoroc with largo diamond-shaped bony scales , The long , coarse , yellow hair grow ing out of these scales and the skin , which bulges out in welts bo. twoon the scales , hangs together like thai on an Angora goat and is aa coarse nnd tough as coconnut skin fibers. But itt mouth is well worth a detailed descrip tion. It is certainly the most hideout opening that is developed In the counto- nenco of any nnimal extant , or told about by nciontiats. It is about the size of that of n largo alligator but shaped like that of a shovel-nosed shark , being very blunt at the end. And the tooth I Ihoro nro no less than throe rows of thorn in both the upper nnd lower part 3f the mouth. The tooth nro nil abort , illatnond shaped and jagged , the upper rows fitting into the lower rows , and the the jaws working latorly so ns to make the tooth grind to powder everything that falls into thorn. The reptile , devil ish or whatever it is , crawls sideways ike a crab , and iti eyes are placed ono tbovo the other in the top of ; ho skull and bulge out like .ho pegs of a hat rack. There ire no lids to the eyes , so that .ho nnimal can not wink , but it pops its iyns in and out of the eockota so fast vhou the monster is angry that the nolso nado by thla working of the eyes is siml- ar to Hio sound made by a cow's foot rhon the animal is walking in soft , deep nucl. The tall is shaped like that of a > eavor , and is covered Trith warts ot arioua sizes , the smallest being nbont ho size of a dime , and the largest about ho size of n half-dollar. Each of these rarts Booms to possess the power of mov- ng separata from the other , nnd irhon lip whole mass gets to moving it is somo- hing frightful to behold. It has rather nero the appearance of a swarm of boos longing from the limb of a tree than nny- hlng olno , and is altogether the most tokening sight imaginable. The whole nimal is covsred with a'thick ' green limewhich seems to ooze out of its body , nd especially its tall , where it scorns to riginato from the contorpf small mouths or pollings , ono of which is in the center of ach of the warts mentioned. When iroddod with D stick the animal snaps its yes , grinds its tooth , and each particula air stands on end and ovor'y inch of it ody seemed to writhe and equlrm am ark on its own account , and in the man or nnd direction that seems to give i lie most comfort. The tongue Is forkoi nd black and darts out nnd in like tha f n son serpent. Mr. Robert Grave ; ya Mr. Cave Williams has offered a irgo price for the animal , and will prob bly exhibit it in a wagon-bod ospociallp onstructod for the purpose on the public 3uaro. .Tho two fishermen who captured , have followed this moans of making i volihood for many years. It scorns thai : io existence of this animal has been nown to them and a number of old river ion in this city for a number of years , 'hoy ' say it has made its abode under i igli bank on the loft hand aide a you go up the river , in i lace suitable for such a terrible , ucanny thing to live without molosta on. They have boon much annoyed by iis reptile and have boon put to a great oal of expense in repairing their lines , 9 fish-hooks seemed only to whet its np otito. Aa if by instinct it know whor nd where the lines were sot , nnd would 'nit ' to devour the bait and destroy the nos , which it did almost every night. > ut lately a now method was resorted to > r dealing with the monster , which ro- jltod in its capture , to the great delight , 3 well as astonishment ot both.the iish- rinon. Instead of resorting to the old lethod of lishlnt ; , they procured a long , oavy clothoswiro and stretched it mid- ay across the river. It was attached to 10 end of a ton-gallon keg , that acted as buoy. To anchor it down an old Iron > g-wliuol was used. About slxy foot om the shore the bait was sot in a largo col trap nnd lot down. It was at long before it was gobbled , as fisherman who was looking after ; her lines discovered. The keg was ion bobbing up and down , and sudden- r disappear altogether. They common- id to haul in thu line , nnd canio very oar upsetting their skill' . The reptile Y this time was furious and lashed the atom Into a white fonin. It was found upoasiblo to land it with the boat , and took two hours to pull the boast out on ry land. An old blanket was promptly irown over it nnd secured by driving .nkos around the outside. The monster it , snapped , and struggled all night to oo itself , until finally , when it was ox- ixuatod , live men brought it across the vor in a lliit boat and loft it at an old iw mill , just above the water works , hero his sntnnio majesty now reposes riles Piles ore froquontlr.procodoil by n sense of gaux. At tlinoa , eym "totna of Inillgcwtloii o i > ro oit ! , aa llatuoncy , nnoiuilno 8 of the onmcli , etc. A moUtcro Ilka perspiration , rotlucIiiK n Aory disagreeable Itching partlcu- rly at night nftor pottine warm In bed , Ita iry common attendant. Interim ! . External id Itchlue 1'iloa ylolil at once to the nppllca- on of lr , Uouanko'a 1'ilo Komoily , which acts iroctly urcn the narts alToctod , absorbing the imora , allaying the intense itching , and of- ctlug a permanent euro where other roino- ion have f allod. Do not dulay until the drain i the system produced permanent disability , at trv It and bo ourod. Hclirotor & , liecht. "Trado Buppllsdby 0. V Goodman. " A llnttlcHiinlcu'ti Suicide , The letter of Edward F. Hardman In aturc , with reference to the suicide of ack snakes , recalU nu incident whichf ] ice witnessed , ( an Indiana correapoii- Hit writes to Nature ) . I was quito nail , but my memory of the strange oc- irronco is very clear and distinct. It M in the state of Illinois , whoa nt that irly day , a short , thick variety of rattle- lake was very numerous , so much so lat the sUto acquired an unenviable rep- : ation tn the older parU of the union , armors in "breaking prnirio , " as the nt plowing of the pralno sod was called , ould kill them by dozens in the course ' a single uuinmer , They were very inomous , but owing to their sluggish ituro and their rattle , which was always lundod before an attackbut few persons ere bitten by them. Moreover , there as little danger of death if proper rom- Hes were applied nt once. * I was ono day following ono of the largo breaking plows common nt thai timo. It was drawn by five or six yoke of oxon and thoroworo twojtnon to man' ' ago the plow and the team. At wo wore goln ? along ono of the mon discovered a rattlesnake as I remember , about twelve or fourteen inches in length. They rare Iv exceed eighteen or twenty Inches , sc that this ono waa probably about two. thirds grown. The man who first seer It was about to kill it when the othoi proposed to sco If It could bo made tc bite itself , which it was commonly re ported the rattlesnake would do if an gered nnd prevented from escaping , Accordingly they poked the snake ovei Into the plowed ground and then began tensing it with their long whips. Escape was Impossible nnd the snake soon be came frantic nt its Ineffectual attompte either to Injure its assailants or got away from thorn. At last it turned upon itsoll and struck its fangs Into its own body nbont the middle. The poison seemed to take effect in stantly. The fangs Troro not withdrawn at all , and if not perfectly dead within loss than five minutes , it at least showed no signs of life. That it should die so quickly will not seem strange If it Is berne in mind that the same bite would have killed a full grown man in a few hours' timo. The mon watched it long enough to bo euro that it would not bo likely to move nwny , nnd then wont on with their .work. I trudged nround with them for an hour or more , nnd every time wo came where the snnko was I stopped and looked at it but it never moved again. In this case I do not remember - member that the snake had boon injured at all. I have often hoard of rattlesnakes biting themselves under such circum stances , but this was the only case that over came under my observation. Horflford'H Acid Phosphate , A UEL7.AI1LK AUTICLE. Dn. E. CUTTEU , BOSTON , Masssays : "I found it to realize the expectations raised , and regard it as a reliable article. " Victoria's 1'rlvnto Fortune , London Truth. Her majesty possesses an immense for tune. The estate of Oabprno is at least iivo times aa valuable as it was when it was purchased by the Qucon and Prince Albert about 40 years ago. The Balmo ral property of her majesty now extends over 30,000 acres. Olaromont was grant ed to the queen for life In I860 , with re version to the country , and her majesty purchased the property outright three years ago for 78,000. Probably its market - kot value is not much under 1GOCOO The queen also possesses some proport ; at Coburg , nnd the Princess Hohonloh' left her the Villa Ilobonlohp , nt Baden ono of the best residences in the place With regard to personal property , Mr , Niold loft the qucon over 500,000 , ant the property loft by the Prince Censer is believed to have amounted to nearly 000,000 , but the provisions of his wil" have boon kept a strict secret , and th iocumont has never boon "proved.1 I'hn queen must nlso have saved a vas sum out of her income , which has alwayi t > eon very well managed. Since thi loath of the Prince Consort the genera ! \dministratlon of the Queen's ' privat ifialrs had been confided to LordSydnoy , , vho is a consummate man of business , . ' iavo reason to believe that , in du : ourse , application will bo made to Par lament on behalf or the children of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Indeed , itero is to bo a royal message on the sub ioct of Prinft Albert Victor's establish nont next season. The country will not , lowovor , bo asked to provide for tin roungor members of the royal family , Che Duke and Duchess of Edonburg an ilroady wealthy , and on the death of thi 3uko of Saxo-Ooburg-Qotha they wll ! nigrato to Germany ; but the Con mughts , Albanys , Christians and Ration lorgs will look to the Queen for provis ons ; and so , also , will any of the youngo : ihildron of Princess Alice who may hap ion to make poor matches. It will been < eon , therefore , that the Queen will havi ) lonty to do with her fortune , largo aa 1 mdoubtodly is , and although in thi ivont of her majesty's death the country /ould bo asked to provide for Princess Joatrico , yet she will naturally occupy n important place In her mother's will , JIB Commander. Chicago Ilorald. "Logan may not bo elected"roraarko ( , man on a suburban train after Sunday light's demonstration , "but you can bo 10 will have the votes of the soldiers 'hero never was a bettor man lived to laudlo volunteers. I admit his disco line wasn't of the bost. The boys ii iis command were lively foragers , bul hey could fight as well as they couk orago. They had a fighter to lead 'em , bo. Ono of the men in my rogimoni ras charged with robbing and amusing a ridow irho lived near camp. The hargo was brought before Logan. 'Is Ilia woman a rebel ) ' ho askod. Ho was aid that she was ; her husband having eon killed in the ccnfedorato army. What evidence have you to support this hargo1 ? 'The testimony of seven eye 'itneasos rebel prisoners who were un or guard there. 'Jlobolsl'Jack shout- d. 'rebels ! You want to convict a Un > n soldier on rebel testimony ? By G ou can't do It. Lot that man go , ' " "I saw In ono of the papers that lOgan had had good luck for a man that ras such a lighter , insinuating that ho ras never wounded. But ho was. It 'as at Dallas , and I wasn't twenty foot rom him. A bullet struck his loft arm. [ in aids rushed to him and sent for a urgoou. Aa they crowded about him ack yelled out so wo hoard him for rods round : 'Daran.t to h 11 Got away om mo. You follows crowd around so can't ' BOO the robs. ' In ton minutes his rni was dressed an' ho was on his horao gain at the huad of the column. " , The Internal Machinery. Even when wo go to sleep , the com- Heated apparatus of the inner man ia intinually at work. Heart , lungs , liver , Idnoys and all , keep at work from birth ntil death. How Important it is that 11 theao should bo in perfect order I Lot ly of them tun down , or lot the blood pcomo Impoverished , and the result is isoaso and decay. But Brown's Iron ittors in a sure restorative. 'Witness , ir instance , the case of Mrs , Gilloapie , : San Antonio , Texas , who was for a ing time a great sulforor. She says , "I ivo used Brown's Iron Bitters for dys- opsiaand general debility with great jnefit. " Tlio Storey Kbtntc. CHICAGO , Aug. US. JuJgo Knickerbocker , the probate court , to-duy , upon report of ro oxjirrt physicians , submitted the question the jury \ > hlch found that Wilbur ! ' . Storey the Chicago Times n Incapacitated for bun- ota. The BWioliitinont of conservator of the Ute Is new being considered by the court. A CARD. To all who ire fullering from eircri id ludltcretloni ol youth , nertouiueaknetu , call ) cay , low ol manhood , etc. I will eon J a recl.e tint 11 cure jou , HIKK OF CHAIUJK. This great rem- y was duoovettxl by a lultelo.erv In South Amcrl- . Bond aell addrcwod eureloptt > HIV , Jcwiril T. MAS , Station O. New Yoik. Uf m & eod A CHEAT IMPROVEMENT U NAlIjS. Out orilesseiucr Stcc n Simple 1'roccsn. Journal of Commerce. A dispatch from Pittsburg states tha if the steel nails proved a success the experiment porimont would revolutionize the trade as n few mon could do the work of hund rods. This has created nu little excite merit , and wo have received n number o letters asking how this could bo , and b ; what process the saving is effected. _ The reason why steel nails can bo mad with less labor than iron nails ia because cause the stool itaolf U made by the Bos seiner procees , which turns out immons quantities by very simple machinery while in the case of iron used for nail the process is by hand , very laboriou and slow. A Bessemer converter cai make from 120 to 250 tons of stool po day , simply by the help of a few men ti nttond machinery. It is an onlargoi foundry process , where metal is moltec and operated upon chemically. Thi metal is poured out into ingots , nnd thosi ingots are heated nnd rolled into stoo nail plate , nnd cut the same na the iroi nail platos. But the case is different with thi plates for iron nails. First , the pig irot is put In a puddling furnace , a half-tor at a time , and worked laborously by tw ( mon a puddlcr and n helper , for an houi and a half. Five "heats" constitute or dinarily a day's work nnd the product ie in the neighborhood of n ton or a tor and a quarter of iron , which it hoatoc and rolled into nail-plato and is cut inte convenient lengths for the nail cutters , Twenty puddlors and helpers might turn put twelve to fifteen tons of iron plate in a day but the snmo force at a Bosso- moa plant might turn our ton or twenty times that quantity of steel. A Bessemer "blow" can bp made in thirty to fiorty-fivo minutes , and produce from five to fifteen tons , according to the capacity of the converter , simply by the labor of unskilled mon to till the con verter with the necessary material nnd the labor of a skilled man to turn a little wheel tto regulate the blast , bywhich the impurities of the material nro oxidized and eliminated. Ono Bessemer plant makes 700 tons In ono day with two converters - vorters doing their best , and this with the work of a small equad of laborers. It would require the labor of from 1,000 to 1,200 skilled iron workers to make the aamo quantity of puddled iron , aud then it would bo vastly inferior to the Bessemer - mor stool. The actual labor of cutting the nail plate up into nails is the same with either iron plato or steel plato. The sav ing in labor is in the preliminary process described. There are nt present two Bessemer plants making stcul nail plato. Ono is Bellairo , Ohio , and consists of two four ton converters. Its first blow was made April 23. A few men hero do what 200 iid boforo. The second Benseraor plant .a at Worcester , Mass. , and also consists Df two four-ton converters. The first jlowof this establishment was made on the 2nd of Juno. A third plant is in process of erection , md will probably not bo in operation intil aomo time next year. Hero Is a present and prospective capacity of six : onvortors of four tons capacity each , sasting in less than an hour. Hand abor in the rolling mills la being slowly Iriven to the wall. Steel is supplanting ron gently , but _ the revolution has ob- oineda strong foothold , and nothing can irreat it. Steel rails can bo made choap- > r than iron rails , and are much more .orvicoablo. . The same will bo true of > thor forma of Iron , aa progrcsa ia made. There nro at present sixteen Bessemer iteel rail establishments in the United States , with a productive capacity of not ar from 2,000,000 tons ingots per an- lum. Under the decline in railway luilding this enormous capacity has do- irnssed prices. The complaint made as , o stool nails ia that they are smoother lian iron nails , and therefore have less ; rip on the surrounding material , but .heir uao has not been extensive enough o say what they are worth compared to ron nails. They will certainly last longer , md being made with lessor labor and mt of cheaper material , they can crowd ron nails out , juat aa stool rails have irowded Iron rails out of the market. The process of pudding ironis costly bs .ausp done by hand. The spongy iron ii Manipulated for the purpose of having ho foreign substances removed by oxy ; on ; but in the Bessemer process air ii imply forced through the molten notal , and its oxygen unites with tin oreign substances and loaves the roai iuo converted into stool. In the hand irocoss 1. o. , pudding it ii impossibl 0 get n strong or hot enough blast to rive out the foreign substances which olong in crude iron , i. o. , carbon , phos horus , sulphur , < tc. ; but by the aid ol oworful blasts in the Bessemer process vorything wanted out is sent out at ono pcratlon by chemical and mechanical ction. This somewhat glowing account of the riumphs of Beasomor stool wo have rom a source wo deem reliable , and wo ivo it in answer to the Inquiries pouring 1 from all sides as to the f uturo of this rado. Torpedo Pyrotechnics , FIIOVIDEXCX , Aug. 28. I'listiiiBbter General it-ulmm an 1ml nt Nawpoit this morning. ho exorcises at the torjioJo station began at L a.m. u lieu the president waa reccheclliy aptain Solfrlilgo and given a aalutu of fifty irpodoes. The hull "Joioph Henry" was lown to atoma by contact with n torpedo uctiically controlled. The Triami after- art ! * wont out aud fired gun cotton tor- Why IR It hat the sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla con- nucs at such a rapidly increasing rate ? ; ie , 1st : Because of the positive curativn line of Hood's Sarsaparilla itsolf. 2d : Because of the conclusive evidence : remarkable euros effected by it , unsur fused nnd seldom equalled by any other icdicino. Send to 0. I. Hood it Co. , owoll , Mass , for book containln ttmany , atomonta of cures. A Tomr/cranco Convention. ST. Louis , August 28. The eleventh an- tal meeting of the National Woman's Chris- in Temperance Union , will ba held nt St. .mis , Octobei 23 to 20. It U expected the atesand territories \ \ \ \ \ bo represented by ilegatcs from local auxilarlcs. The "Kx | ltlou Unuerscllo do 1'art Culo ilro" awarded the lilgnost honors to AIIKOH. m ISItlorHiu the most ollicaclous stimii. nt to oxclto the appetlto aud to keep the ill- dth o organs in good order. Ask for the gen- no article , manufactmod only by Dr. J. O , , Sicgurt & Sons , aud beware of imitations. The Tallapoonu Wreck , I'llll.AliKl.i'lliA , August 28.Tho Medical OUB i\litoiiilly ; ik'inumls uu examination to termitjo the question of color blindness rene the nlllcoiu of the Tallapoasa. to deter- hie the question whither that fact isre- onsiblu for the sinking of thtt vessel. Cremated Soles , NEW Von * , Autruat 23. BarmUtor'a shoo ictciy burned this morning , loss 9200,000 , BESt TONIC. 3 Thi ! medicine , combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics , niilokly nnil completely riirrs ) - | | ln , liiillKrMlnn , Wrnluirn % liiilinrn lllnoilniiilarlnC'lilllHnmll''c i'r , nnil Nriiriilidn. Itlsnn unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Klilnryn nnil l.lvrr. It is Invnlimblo for Ilscn cs pecnllnr to AVonien , nnd nil ulio lemlecdcntnr ) lives. It docs not Injure the teethcause licmlncho.or produce constipation ofArr Iron medicine * ilo. Itcnrlchesnnil purifies the blood , stimulates tlic nppctlte , nlds the n ' Imitation of food , re- llc\os Heartburn nnd llclchlng , nnd strength- cm tlio niu clct nnd nerves. For Intermittent revere. Lassitude , Lnckof Energy. Ac. , It lias no equal. v 43- The penulno 1ms nbovo trnrto mark nnd crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. B.clioiitjbj IllHm.MIIF.JIICAI. (0llU.TIJIOIltllU. Chartered by thcStateofllli. 'inols for theexptesspurposo 'of ' RivlnElmmcdlate retlclin r.all chronic , urinary and prl- t > , vatc discos ? * . Oooorrhif j Qlect nndSyphills in nil their complicated forms , also all disease * of the Skin nnd Ijlood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme diestestcdlnnl'orfj/l'cnrj * " Special 1'rnctlcc , Seminal . . . , , , . ,1. Might Losses by Dreams , I'lmples on ( hsFaceLost Manhoodii > sltti'eli/citrcdTlicr6 linoexnci lmrmfir ; . Th ! appropriate ic.r.cdv sa Atones used in each case. Consultations , per- or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- ' ( Jnj * ntnt bv Mall and Express. No marks on J.ICKUCC to Indicate contents or sender. Address \JhJAMES.No. 204Wn5hinQton5l. , \Vlll pnrliY the BLOODrcpn. 1 itc i tliu LIVER anil KIDNEYS , anil JiRsroius Tint IIEAiTH antl VIOOK of YOUTH. Dj - popsla. Want of Appetite , in digestion , 1/ick ol blrciiRlli , ' ly uircil. Hois3 , muscles aim in res recoil e now force. Lnll\cn3 tlrj niliiil ami supplies Jlrjlu I'ow cr. omplaints . _ 3 pccitll irto their BOX will End la DR. E',1 BTEll'S IKON TONiO n enfo nnd redy euro , tillvcs a , liealtliy complexion. Ficiiticnt ritternpts at c 1lnTprfp > tliiK only add to the popularity ol tbo origin il. Douotcxpcrl- inent rcttliu Oiiicii.VAr , AND Hi-ST. f Send roiirnddrrssto'lboDr. llnrtprM d Co.1 Mst.JxjnU. Mofor our "DREAM BOOlt. " V > rullof BtronEaond useful InlormaUoD.froo. , ( Faculty I'rizo Medical College of Ohio. SPECIALTY And other Diseases ol the Anus and Rectum. Boyfl's ' Onera House. " T o\oedand wtl For Men. Qatck. mre , life , nook fraa ClTlr.lo JUencj. IN Fulton bL , New Yort Science ot Life. Only $1.00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KHOW THYSEIF , . A GREAT MEDIOAfc WORK Exhuusted Vitality , Nerroun and Physical Debility , Prematnro Decline fn Han , Eiroraof Youth , an the untold miseries esultlng from Indlecretlnns or ex- jssBcfl. A book for every man , young , nlddloged , ind old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute ind nhronlc dlaoasea each one of which Is Invaluable 33 found by the Author , whoaa experience for 23 tears la such a3probably never bcforo fell to the let ) f any phyalcan 800 pages , bound In beautlfn French muslin m oossoct covers , full gilt , guaranteed ; i bo a finer work n every eonso , mechanic * ! , lit- irary and professional , than any other work sold In : hla country for 12.60 , or the money will ho refunded a every Instance. Prloo only 81.00 by mall , poet- ? Md. illustrative flamr.b 6 cents. Send now. Gold nedal awarded the author by the Natlonol Medical Association , to the oincera of which he refera. The Scientxi of Life should bo read by the younger or Inntruollon , and by the afflicted for relief. t will uonofll til. London Lancet. 'Ihoro Is no member of society to whom ThoScI- mco ot I.lfo will not bo useful , whether youth , pir- int , cuardlan , Instructor or clergnnnn. Argonaut. Address the Peabody MoJlo.1 institute , or Dr. W. I. Parker , No. 4 Bulllnch Street , Boston Mass , who imv 1 > 9 consulted on all dlaeasoa roqulr'ig skill and ixporisnoe. Chronlo andobjtlnatndltsoat. is t hut here ulllfd Jho skill of ill other phj a-51CTB I clane t epcctiityi Unoh tretted BniwoafJLHffully ilthout an Inetanco failure. TUVCCJ F OMAHA NEBRASKA. Tbo scholastic year commences on tee First Wednesday in September , he coun > e ol Instruction embraces nil the Klomon irynnd higher branches of a finished education iltlorenco of Ucllglon Is no obstacle to the admls- ion of youn ; Udlca. 1'upila are rccehed at any me of the > car. SRMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Deluding Board , Wnshlnp , Tuition In English aud rencb , use of books , riano , | > er ecislon of ivo Months , - - § 150.00 EXTIIA CHAUOnS-Drawlng , Painting , Germi [ ari , Violin , Guitar and VouuMiulc. Ikforenocs are required from all persons unknow ) the Institution. For fmtncr Information ap ! y 10 .LADY SUPKUIOR Ivll.mia NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY SUCCESSOR TO DAVI8 k 3N7DKB. ) Ocnoril a $ * AT LwJiflifi .tiUl 15C5FABNAMBT. . . 05IAIM. o\t prlc and on . rtiM rtd In til r rta o tha UtiU , ; Honor loaned on improved | nnt Notary blie l r y. U , offlco Correspondence "Uorlle * i fo l for h.i Selb , a I drutilm. ffIra l. fecut increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Daviswho is well and favorably [ mown in Omaha.Thig will enable us to han4 ji/ / die an increased listT of property. We ask ijhose who'have ' desi- cable property for' saleto place the same . The new firm mil be SEAL ESTATE South 14th Sfe