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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1884)
THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB , , TIlTllSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 28 , 1884. GO / FAR FETCHED FACTS , News of the Day in Lanfls BoyoBfl tbc Sea , Progress of the Attack at Fee Ohow Wolseloy Goas to Egypt to Plan the Eeliof of Khartoum A Keqiuest For Canadians to As sist Him , A Eumered Alliance Between Franco and Germany , Other Notes From tlio Other Sltlo of the World. XhoWarln China' LoN'DON , August 27 Uispatchcs oflo [ day from Shanghai , to loutor's agency says : The French loss in the bombardment of Fee Chow was Eoven killed and 14 wounded. The Chineselman of war , YangWan was exploded by a torpodoaftcrit'firedivbront'sidonttho French torpedo bonl , The boiler of the latter was ex ploded by hand grenades thrown from the Yang Won nftor which the boat sank by the Volta to prevent being captured by the Chi- neso. The i'ronch expected to occupy the heights commanding the I'agodn anchorage. It is reported that seventy-five thousand Chi- ucso troops are in the vicinity of Fee Chow. According to reports received at Sontag , 8,000 Chinese troopa Invaded Tonrniin , and had nn engagement with the French. In this battle - tlo it is asserted the French were annihilated , while several thousand Chinese were killed. LONDON , August 2" . The Times' Fee Chow dispatch , dated yesterday , says : There has been heavy bombardment of the Miustnn forts by the French iloet since daybreak this morn ing. The forts are believed to have boon si- Icncad. No attack has been mndo on the Kin 3'ai forts. Ho.vo , August 20. The French out ward mail bout stopped here to-day and trans ferred her malls to a neutral atoamer. An immediate attack is probable on Woo Sung , in order to clear the entrance to the part of Shanghai. PARIS , August 27. It is Pemi-olTicially nn- nouncnd that Admiral Courbet lenve.s the Min river and will occupy Formosa , which will remain in the hands ot the Kroach until China pays the indemnity demanded by France. THE Fm.IXf ! IS TIUDK CIIICLKS. LONDON , August 27. _ Circles interested in commercial relations with China are debating the advlsibility as presenting n memorial to Karl Granville , secretary of foreign affairs. This would urge the foreign department t co-operate with America and Germany in icp- resouting to Franco the serious injury which will ba inflicted on trade by interfering with Chinese treaty ports. THE FIIENCH BIDE 01' IT. 1AB1S , Aug. 27. An official report from tno bombardment of Foo-Chow Saturday , was received from Admiral Courbot ns follows : Foo-CHOW , Sunday Morning , Aug. 21. A good beginning has been mado. Wo opened riro yesterday nnd in four houra 0 Chinese men-of-war and 12 junks pank , nnd the Krupp battery commanding the arsenal was silenced. Our loss is ( i killed , 27 wounded , The licet sulieicduo serious damage except that tha boiler of a torpedo boat burst. The Chinese losses arn heavy. During the night the fleet was beset by burning wrecks ami logs. The torpedo cutters will cloir all this away to-day and afterwards wo bomqard the araonal. Wo hall not leave hero before the 'JUtb or 30th. Ono of our torpedo boats sank a largo Chinuao cruiser. The vessels which took patt iu the action were the Volta ( which noistcd my flag ) the Dtigaay , Trouin , Trium- phantu , Villars , Destaing , Aspict , Lyn and Vispore , with two torpodj boats. 1'rivata telegrams received in London report the Chi nese forts on the Min river are holding out well against the Frunchlbombardment. The French gunboats are still iniablo to pass down tha river. Chinfiso authorituj are confident of the stngth of the forts' nnir : CONOKATULATEII. PAULS , August 27. The minister of the marina telegraphs to Admiral Courbet the sat isfactiou ( if the government nt tlio brilliant b - L'iuuing of the campaign in China and wishing him success , KN. WOWKMIV fiOEH TO EOVl'T. LONDON , August 27. All newspapers ap prove the dispatch of Gen , Wolsoloy to Kgypt to asHiimo chief command of the troops there. The official announcmont of his appointment enye : "Preparations which have been in progress eomo weeks for the expedition up the Nile , resemble in a great decree thee adopted in 1870 for the 1 ted Hivor expedition , wnicli gave \Volselay an experience which no other ollicer possosao ? . Tliern is seine reason to hope that Mai. Kitclmer'.s mission to Don. gola will shortly afford moans of opening communication with Gordon again , but tlio government nro of the opinion , having regard for the approach of the cool beason , that no timu should bo lout , CAIUO , August 27 Major Kitchnor tele graphs from Uongoln that a spy brought in a jeport that Gordon gained agioat victory over tha rebels Augtut 11. Two rebal leaders wcro killed in th engagement. A HIVii-MAN : ! KOII KGVIT. OTTAWA , August 27. The gover nor-gcncrn has been ordordd by tlio homo government to hocuro the hervicos of liOO Canudiau voyager.ito go uj > the Nile to the relief of General ( ioidon at Khartoum. Tha class of men lequired are tlioso whoso constant occupation has been run ning limber on the Canadian rivers , They are needed to take ilal-bottom boats up the Nilu and In milling portages around tlio rapids , and will Imvo to sail from Queheo tlio ICth of .Sep tember. It N inlonded to take UQO mon from thu Ottawa district , The governor-gor.oral has written to Iho militia department asking for ths names of Boinu militiit officers whoso services can bo ob tained to take chnrgo of tha contingent Caun- dlan voyagers that will ho sent to tha relief of Gordon. HOW T1IKY HIIIVK THEM IN I'liANtT. C iI'AiUH. August 27. The trial of the direc-J torj of tha bumpia Lyuns et Lolawlilch { failed two or three year * ago , was concluded [ to-day. M , Savony the ox-deputy , nnd at on time under secretary of otate wns sentenced ti five yoaM In prison , fined 20,001) francs and t < Bulfcrsuspeusiou of his civil nnd politica ights for ten years. M. X.ilcnski , manager was sentsnced lo five inonlhs In prison nm fiuod 8,000 francp , Thi rent wore only finci amounts ranzing fnnn 1,000 to 10,000 francs , M , Savony , chief offender , has fled llio coun try. 1'HEI'AnlNO I'OIl ANOTIIKIl OIIKEI.Y IlOimOIl. Sr. I'BTKUsiiuiin , August 27. The ministry marine has Issued to feveral now societies a | > lan for n Russian polarcxpedition. The idea Is to h vo several Inrga parties stnrt for Jcnnotto Island , nnd jirococd entlrnlv on fool acrois the ice , leaving largo depots of provis ions in the rear. It la thought that there nro many Islands iierlh ot .Jcanelte that can bo utilized. AX Al'STItlAN I'AIMJIie. VIIKNA , August 27. Tlio sugar trade in this cily Is ceasing through n crisis. The failure of the great firm of It. Wcinrich caused a panic on the Bourse yesterday. The failure was duo to a rush in speculation. A year's respite was given the firm , nud it is hoped that it will light itself. These interested in the firm nro doing their utmost to support it. t'AMINi : IN INDIA. LONIJON , August 27. Advices from Calcut ta state that famine is inevitable , owing to drought. The authorities nro taking no steps lo provide relief. LONDON , August 27. General Wolseloy will slnit for Kgypt Sunday , nnd proceed to Cairo t > assume immoiliata command of the forces in Kijvpt nnd direct operations for the relief of Khartoum. A SANITARY SC1IKJIK AND A GOOD ONE. BERLIN , August 27. Germany has submit ted n proposal to thu powers lhat Ihero should bo at Suez a strict ( ptarantino f three weeks For ships from cholera ports which passthrouch thu canal. AN ALUANCU OIT.KNSIVK AND DEKKNSIVK. I'AIUS , August 27 , Adi patch from Berlin , o Mntlu asserts that the France-Gorman alli ance is arranged Frnaco to obtain certain ter ritory on condition of not opposing Germany's claim to two ports on the North sea. Both countries ara to assist cash other in acquiring colonies. I'llKK SI'KKCH IN TUltKKV. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 27. An under secretary of foreign alfaira is under arrest for using seditious Inugunge. THI : ui'FEcr OP Tin : WAU ON INDIA. LONDON , August 27. A Calcutta dispatch says the war between China and Franco thus : ar had little if any effect on Indian trade or the money market. It is bcliuvod the elfect will bo only light unless prolonged. TUG ntlNCESS STILI , ILL. BEIU.IN , August 27. The fever from which the 1'rincess Victoria , wife of Prince William of Prussia , is sufTerinpr from continues with unabated severity. The princess passed a restless night. . . ' ' . . nr.IlM.VNY ACQUI1UNO AI'HICAN TEl'.IUTOUY. LONDON , August 27. Advices from Madeira state that Derko Nachtigal , special German commissioner for the west coast of Africa , had annexed the coast line south of Cumoroons river as far as Bnlloona. Ho also hoisted tlio Glerman flag at Thellmba and at Little and Great Botausea. GLADSTONE ON HIS THAVKLS. LONDON , August 27 , Gladstone started for Edinburg today. Ho wns greeted by largo crowds nt the railway stations. At Warring- ton Gladstone addressed the puople. llo said the government would do its duty , but iu a considerable national issue the crisis of tha isuo depended upon the action of the conn- try. At Kdinburg preparations ate made for a grand welcome oftuo prime minister. ALL AUKANGKI ) . BKHUN , August 27. A meeting of thothreo nnpcrors , each attended by his prmicipal mill- btere , has been definitely arranged. ALEXANDER GOING TO WAUSAW. WARSAW , August 27. The police of this city have posted placards in public places , an- louncing that Iho c/.ar will airivo nt tha end of the month , and giving the people permis- ion to decorate and iUuminata the houses on ho occasion. WHY WOLSELKY GOES. CAIKO , Aitstust 27. General Wolseloy's np- lointment is due to the Rtalemont Hint ( Jeiitjr- il StepliRiison's present plan of the campaign via the Nile is impracticable. MOlli : TALK 01' GERMAN INTEIUTItKNCK. I BERLIN , August 27. 1) . K. Couriel will re- < .urn tomorrotv from his conference witli Bis- narclc nt Vurzlii. His visit followed the invi. .atiou given at his own reipiost and the great est Kignilicnnco is attached thereto as nlfucting , ; ho 1'iiinco-Chinoso difficulties. I.K I'AIUS ON THU SITUATION. PAULS , An ? . 27. Lo Paris' Berlin corro- pendent attributes the attitude of Germany ownrd JCngland and France to Germany's deigns - igns upon Holland. Lo 1'ans has leasous to iclievothat China will notd clare warngainst France. M oasnros will bo taken , the paper , says , to provision the French fleet in event of Cugiiah ports being cloaed , aud the French : vill work the ininq.s at Kclung until China iayn the indemnity demanded. CLERICAL VS. LIllKKAL. BRUSSELS , August 27. Tlio Burgomaster las issued nn orper forbidding clerical moot- ngs the Hame day ns libernl mootings. E.verciHlnf * the Navy. NKWl'ORT , Aug. 27. The president carne : ashore this morning with Secretary I'lnllips and M'easrs , IMIlloriiud Tiffany and made sev eral calls. At ten o'clock the north Atlantic quadi-on got under way and proceeded up the Kty where the torpedo experiment und mun- itivois took place ; the president going on the Jisjiatch nnd Secretary Chandler on the Al- ntrois , Tha exorcisoa will last Hovcrul hours. To-morrow there will bo exercises nt the tor- > edo station , . ' > A Nest of Anarchtata llaldcd. BKIINK , Auguit27. The palico yesterday aided the houses of certain well known anti- chists lu this city , and made suvoral arrest ) . ' ? hey secured n iitock of highly inflamatory ilacards ready for posting. The Swiss govern- ncntol dcnouncos thomoasurui of increased tringcncv euforcod against the anarchists. Duo HillH AVnn't Do. Nr.w YOIIIC , August 27. < Tudio Wnllncoto. lay in the United States circuit court , decid- , d the caaoof M nrlow vs. The Texas < t Pacific ailroad , that the coinjiany must pay Its Inter- hi in cash upon income nnd land grant bonds . or 1882 and 1883. The case Involvoi SiOO , ' 000. LENOICE , Ark. , Aug. 27. Todny Joe Bay- ) ml , colored , aged 18 , wan huog in the presence - . once of three tliou and people for raping a ' white girl named J then , nged 11 , In .lunuary last , HOOF AND HARVEST , State oftbo Grain and Liyc stock Marmot at Chicago , The Market Exporionoos aud In fusion of Lifo , The Grain List Rises an Olosos Strong , A Similar Movement m the Live Stook Market , A Day of Good Sales and Good Prices , L'nrlr , However , Obstinately Itciniilna nt Old Figures , Glilcno Markets. Special Dispatch to TIIK BKE. CHICAGO , August 1.7. A great deal of lifu was infused into the wheat market to-day , and other cereals also were more tlmii usually active - tivo lu sympathy. WHEAT Speculative trading iu wheat wns on n rath er extended scale , and there was a marked increase - crease iu the amount of outside business , The feeling was stronger and prices higher , influ enced largely by a reported decrease in the visitlo supply , the New York statement ehow * ing oven n larger reduction of stock than did the Chicago statement. The Chinese war news also scorned to hnvo soiro ollcct upon the course of the market. Marly trading was nt nn advance of jj to i'c ' , then cased ort i to fie. then rallied , and cloned on the regular board ? to le over yesterday. On the afternoon board the feeling was again stronger , nd trading progressed nmld considerable excite ment. Va ties rose J to gc , the market closing at OJc | for September , S2J for October , 83Jc for November , and 85e for December. was in fair demand and mlcd stronger. The market opened j@Jc higher , then declined ? © lo under free offerings , but rose again and closed JCjc ? nbovo yesterday on the _ regular board. Ou the afternoon board prices ad vanced : } @ 3c , closing nt 53J for August , 52jj for September , 50 for October , and I ( > i for November. OATS ruled strong and higher , closing nt 2jij for August , 2JJ for September , and 2GJJ for Octo bor. roiiK was unchanged for the year , which closed nt 12 75. LAUD was stronger , closing nt 7 EO for'August and September , 7 02i for Octobei. CATTLE There was an active demand for all sorts. Prices ruled a eluido higher all around ; first- class chipping and export cattle ( i BO t7 00 , fiecond class 5 fiOto ( i 25 , rrasscrs 3 7 > to1 00 , cows and bulls 2 25 to 3 20 , stockera 3 20 to 3 80 , feeders 3 75 toI 25 , Toxaus 'i 40 to 3 3D , Montana and Nebraska Toxaus 3 75 to1 80 , good to choice shipping , 1,200 to 1,300 pounds , j 00 to G CO ; common to inodjum , 1,000 to 1,200 pounds 25 ! to 5 75 ; inferior to fair cows ; - ' 20 to 3 00 : medium to good , . ' ! 00 tu 3 ! )0 ) ; range cattle , ftiiner at 2 08 ; Wyoming , 1,108 lonnds , ! S. " > ; gra s Texans , 700 tolCiO pounds , UO toID ! ; Americans 00 to 5 25. HOGS. There was a sharp demand for the best. Heavy to' strong , lOc higher , best making -lOfefi 50 ; 1'hUadelpliias , 0 ( i5 ; medium , ( i OU @ 0 20 ; common gr.-merrt. fi 50@5 75 ; light orts were not wanted and slow , making ( i CO @ (53j ( for the beat , G OOf"1.1) ) 50 for graanors. flarket closed steady , with fewer in the pens unsold than for any day this week ; light , 150 o 210 Ibs , 5 75@ .00. AN ALLEGED JL'OSTAIj JFK&TJ1 > . "Whoso Head IH In Dauber ? WASHINGTON , August 27. Under llio con- rncl for furnishing postollico envelopes ro- ently annulled by tbo postmaster-general , md previous contracts , envelopes supplied vero required to bo of certain exact dlmun- ions. It appears upon investigation that tin- sizes rsqulrod were difTurcnt from tlioso kept n stock by the cnvclopo manufacturers in gen- The elfoct of the requirement was to irovont the great bulk of manufacturers fioiu jiding upon tlio proposals , IH uxtunclvo and ostly changes in lh > ir machinery would bo required for the mnnnfacturo of nizos which would not bo warranted by the profits from the inntrnct fnraeinglevoar. Therosullnt the last etting was to limit the number of bidders to six firms. To obviate this difliculty the pro- ) oaals just Issued for the supply of UICHOCII- velopes provide that Mzos tnuv l > o slightly lar ger than llio dlmontloiH given hut no smaller , .hus allowing all manufacturers to compute 'or the contract. The Critic says : "It i sorl- usly intimated that collusion cxUted in Urn xMtollico department witli the contractors , md that Postmaster-General Grcshnm is at STowport to consult with the president bo- 'oro taking final action in the promises , ami t is not improbable that the Iiuud of a promi nent postollico official will roll in the biukct. " WASHINGTON NOTES. WASHINGTON , An ? . B7. The Swain comt narlliil is postponed until Novumliur 15th , us ho chief counsel for the accou-t'd it uiiablo to ippcar before that time , Theconiptroller telegraphed to thu hank 'xainlniT to take jchurgo und upo'i rho condition of tha Xuniu bank , Highway CoiiiiiilHslonarH ol Illlnoln , SrniNopiiai ) , III. , Aug27. At thu meeting f the highway commiHftiowr } , state conven- .Ion , which assembled in Springfield on the 2d of last April , it wai ordered that thu con tention would meet a ' .iin ut the aforesaid ilnco , 'it such tinio in may bo fixed upon in a c.tll of the ( permanent executive commtltoo , nnd naiil committee were authorized t.i call n meeting of the convention accordingly. In pursuance of such authority , Raid committee hnvo called s id convention to meet nt Spring. Hold on Wednesday , Sept 21th , at 10 n. m , The member * of said convention will consist ol 0110 deli'giUi'from each boardcotnmlRsloucKi oil highways iu towns In conn tic * under township - ship organization , to bo eolcctcd by the com missioners , ami ono from cnch hoard of comity commt siouorn in counties ot under township organization , to bo npixlntod by said board , The several committees of tha convention ro requested to moot at the State- homo in Springfield on the day before thn coincution. Arrangemcnta will bo maJo with the nevcral railroad * lending lo Springfield to carry dele gates to nnd from the convention nt half furo. JJy older of the committee. ( Signed ) II. A. STKVKNS , stcrotnry. BL'OHTS. Tlio Xnrf. HAIIATOOX HACKS. Track heavy Tlireo-quartors mlle for two year olds Troubadour won , I'ogusus 2d , Till- lymnn.1iltimoi:184. : : , nil ages ilond heat llel eon Soyor. uipn , 1'nt and Hcochcrbrook , DOMIO 3d ; time , 1:17. 1'uwo divided. Three-quarter mile three year old lion- winncM Annlosto won , Lnrnmlutn ! ! d , Inspector specter 3d ; time , l:18i. : Mlle nnd nn eighth -OcorRo I * , [ won , I obo and IJlnntou ran dead hoht for second place ; time l:0o. nmaiiToN unACii HACEC. UIIIOHTON lUuaii , August 27. fast three-quarters mile nil BRIM lion Thomp- KOII won , Col. Morris 2d , Harriet 3d ; tnno IslSJ. IslSJ.Mllo nnd n quarter fiellhi ( ? nllownncoi Logan won , Jim Carlisle 2d , Tony Poster 3d ; Iron I'ler handicap mile all nges Little Fred won , Marsh llodon 2e , Lady Loud 3d ; lime 1M II. , . Milo and furlong-nil agesMus ; Browslor won , Bnrnoy 2d , Wave o1 Light 3d ; tnno ' Savon furlongs maidens-all ages Adonis won , .TannottnTiido 2d , Yorktown Sd ; tlmo 1 : 821. llurdlo rnco milo nnd iv half six hurdles Nimblefimt won.'Compnnlon 2d , Charley Ba- dcr 3d ; tinio 2:53J : , HAltTKOltl ) KACEB. llAliTKOHD , Conn. , Aunust. 27. The fourth day's races at Charter Onk pork opened to- "first raco-2:23 class-King Wilkes won , Judge Linvis 2nd , Butterfly 3d , Walnut , 1-Jnrl , Cornelius nnd Bessie wcro drawn InJ0x d'a ' tancud ; time , 2:211 , 2 32o5 : nW o,2o. 2:24V- : " ' - 'Clnss 2:28 : purse 51,000 divided llolf won , Little Dako 2d , Uollo Shaokett 3d , Ham- blotonian Last , fourth , Polly B nnd Windsor Mdistiiucod ; time , 2:201 : , 2:25 : , 2:25 : | . While the pacers were exercising on.tho track for the 2:17 : class n serious accident occurred. .fames Golden was driving I'rinccss down the trrick , and "Knapsack" McCarthy was driving GoorRoG. up tha track. Both were goimr nt n rapid pnco on the homo stretch when they tried to pass each other. Bnth drivers pullc.d in the eamo dircction _ nad the result was the horses ciimo in collision. Botli horecs wont into the air , and foil flat on the ground. George G. got on his feet and walked n yard or two nnd fell dead , Princess was fa tally injured. George G. was buried within the grounds , in view of tha people , and the haml playing n dirge. George G. win owned by Frank llussell , of Boston , nnd had a 2:17 record. Princess wns the property of linns Penn , of Pitlftburx , nnd had n record of 2llt : | . Hach was vnlued nt about ? ? 5,000. , McCarthy driver of 1'rincps ? , wai t hi own from his sulky and sprained hit ankle. Tlio disaster loft but two pacers to compote , ixrtl nfter Bussio had taken the 1st hont and Lor'uo the L'J nnd 3d , the race had to be poutn ZL'till tomorrow on account of darkness. The time of ho..ts paced wns ! : % ' , 15:20 : ? , 2:2CJ. : JAY KVi : SEK NOT J'OK SAI.K. KAUINI : , Wis. , August 27. M r. Case authorized the followiug stntenicnt with rof- ereiico to various rumors that have been afloat is to Homier or any ono else buying Jay Kyo See : "No ono has nn option from mo to buy ) r authority to soli Jny Uyo See. Ho is not 'or sale. " JIAUI ) H. AT HAUTFO1II ) . HAiiTKoni , August 27. M nud S. ' reached Uharter Oak nt noon in chnrgo of Hair. Slio vill bo trained for an effort to lower her 2:0' : ' ucord before being retired from the turf. OL'lio Oar. IlAiiTronn , Aug. 27. The vinglo scull race , , wo miles with turn , and for n hundred dul- art n eidc , bctv.'oen .f. U. Quilly of Spring- iehl and W. J. Shea of this city , was won by Shun by three lengths ; lime , not taken , I'riHtry without nutter , The American tie Ima buua aubjoct to nero unjuac nbuso from foreign writers ; han any other of our distinctive ) pro ducts , it'wo excupt , tlio recent tirade against the American hog. And yet wo cannot say that it liao boon altogether uu- deaurvcd , because of llui villninoun com pound , thick , hard and heavy , that in too often to do duty aa a. "cruat , " nnd ivhich by courtesy 5a called "pastry. " Light , tender , flaky and digestible pio- cruat and nil kindn of pufltry can bu made nnst readily by the uao of lloyal Baiting Powder without any butter , or with half ilio usual portion , if preferred , or with a small quantity of lard or other Hhorloniny is desired , rio-cruut lliui made is inoro wholoaomo and digestible , bcHidua more economical and caaior rupnrcd. la ad dition to oavlnt ; all the butter if desired , one-third the Hour ! M alsu dispcnflod with , aa the crust la rolled tliut much thinner , llio leavening qualiti",1 ! of the Key al Baking Powder nwulling It to the requis ite thickncaa. If drippings or lard be used the Royal Baking Pov/dur removes any unpleasant taste , rendering the crust as short , sweet and pleasant aa if made From the Jincst butter. Those -who know thu appetizing qualities of the gen uine hoino-inudo American plo will ro- loico that by the uid of Royal ISuking Powder in the pastry it can bo made quitu aa diegoatiblu au . la delicious. Dishonorably CINCINNATI , 0 , , August 2(5. ( Four inoinbcrrf of thoLytlo Grays , looul military company , were dishonorably disrfinrgiid today for - owardicn durlug tlio coiut house riot ln t March , The cnon were tried heforo court nurtlil. ( iovcraor Iloadluy itjijiroved the finding. Hlalno HUM Itucovorod. BAH HAIIIIOH , Me. , An/uHt 27. Blaine down bUiirj to-day in his usual health , DEATH-DEALING DISEASE. Alted Discovery of a Cholera Casein Toronto. The Authorities Endeavoring to Discover the Sick Man , Inhabitants of an Italian City FlooingtoKoinoi On Account of a Kumorofl Quar antine , Dooroaso in the Death Bate at Toulon and Marsollos- Tlio Dlsuuao 1ms KvliTcntly Him KB Kaco In ThoHO CltlCH. Cholera nt Toronto , Special Dispatch to TilK BII : : . Tono.NTO , August 1 ! ? . A local paper pub- lisliod mi account of .llin arrival of a cholera sttickcu iiuiniRrant in this city at an early hour this morning. The individual was ( loathly si elf , and had symptom * of cholera. HonUtod that ho arrived iu Canada by a Kuropoau voasol , and came to Toronto by train. Tlio hotels refused to admit him , and when last seen ho wns looking for n doctor , There Is great excitement over llio report , and the pitblia hoallh authorities aio making n dillgont ( oarch for him. The laxity of quar antine regulations in the St. Lawrence river make It quito evident that Infected immi grants could OIIHIj- ! lines thi-ougli from steam ships into Laku Ontario , TUB CIIOI.KIIA II.HIWIIIIIIX : : HOMK , AuRiist 27. A false ropoit ; ot abroad in the Cirlta Vet-chin yesterday that the government wns about to establish ip.'ar- untino against thai city. This created excite ment among tonrista mid vlsitorn of nil classes , Kightoou hnudrod persons of ! ! _ sorts , includ ing even the hotel waiter * , bosoigcd the rail way stations * nnd took freight trains by storm. Kivo hom-s were pont In parsing over the thirty-eight miles to Homo. TOULON , AufUHt 27. Two deaths from cholera hero Inst night. The condition of the city Is improving , MAIISEIU.KH , August 27. No deaths from cholera hero last night. The health olllcca will close September 1st. TUHIN , Aug. 27. King Humbert nnd Prinio Minister Doprotis arrived yesterday at Busco , a city of 10,000 puoplo In llio province of Cuciio I'iodmont. They vlsitod the cholera patients at the hospitals and left § 2,000 for their relief. Tha Italian peasants in the cholera dialricls repel the doctors nnd jirofer to trust in charms and superstitious obser vance. The peasants are profound believers Iu the powerful ollicleney of nrocossion. There was a furious tumult yesterday ah Luco 1m- cause the prefect prohibited n procession. It wan necessary to call out the military to ( pilot the disturbance. Several rioters were wound- od. MAnsnii.Lia , Aeg. 27Tlio public sub scribed 600,000 finncs for the cholera sufferers. Tout.ON , August 27. No deaths hero from cholera since morning. Two deaths from chol- er.i at I.ourves today und one nt La Hoync. Thorce rd of cholera in Toulon for llio Ul liours ended tonight is , admitted , discharged 7 , deaths 2 , under treatment Jli MliltHKir.LKH , August 27. Four deaths IK.TO today from cholera , " KO.MI : , AuRiist 27. Cholera record In Italy for the past twenty-four hours : Deaths 38 ; now cases 78. At Ln Spogia fur the pabt thirty-six houra there wcro seventeen deaths. of tlio liivostlK" " " " l t < III IlllllolH , ClUC'Ano , August 27. The Broodorti Gn- /otto will tomorrow publish llio results of tlio invosllgallon as to the dixtilhulion < < f the cat- llo sold by the man named Kplor hint winter , From which is supposed the recent cases of plouro-pnoumonia origina'i-d. 1'urchanort were miulo at that sale by M. 0. Clark , of CJonova , Ills. , D. A. nnd S. II. Trip ] ) , of I'o- oria , I'orlor YatoJ , of Spiiiigfleld , I'Vaiik ' ( Jus- ton , of Normal , Bovlf , of Virginia , 111 , mid Itnwlingn , of .InckHonvillo , li'rom UICHLinfcc - Lion wna can led to thu lu'nl of Koofor at Sterling - ling , 111. , ifnlm Uuyilnt Klmhurst , and O. ,1. Bailer , at 1'ooria. In all these herds there wns sickuoHH and thirty- two animals died or hnvo boon killed bocaUBO nlfrutcd with plenro- pneumonia , Of thosn which died before the infection wns made ] > ubllc , the dincaBO was variously stated as a Hoviiro cold , pneumonia , plcuro-iniommmla , lockjuw , ami hopatizutioa of the lungs. A conslduniblo number of other animals , ei ther of tlii < oiiglnal herd or of UIOHO iufctituil by thorn , hnvo been sick with thosymploms of lung trouble , but rcco\orod. Dr. ranscn , state veterinarian , loft for JCImhurtt to-day for the imrpoHi ) of killing cilovc.n heaJ of cnltlu on the farm of John Boyd , bolicvcd to bo affected. The llrisode.ra'jiixetto ( oxprcMses a hnpa thd vigoroiiH moaHiiios instituted will huvo the elfect of ( tamping out tlio disease beloio it ho- coiiion wiileHioal ] , butwarni cattle owners of the necessity of vigilance und the prompt ipiarantlno of suxpcctud nntmnlH for KOIJIO tiinu to como , biicautifl of tlio Imtidloim natiiro uud slow duviloinent : ] ) of this dixciiKO. WAHIIINOTO.V , August 27. Dr. Salmon , chief of the bureau nf anlmul industry , hax hubinitti'd a report to the criinmiiisioiior of agrlculturi ) relulivo to thu invcHligntion of plouro-piKMiinonla ainung ttm cattle ol Illinois. Jliih'iH found eight cnxes in the vicinity of Chicago , two near Sterling , four near I'ooriu , one near Springfield , two near Virginia nnd ono nnnr JnckHonvlllo. A uiimbor of reported can-s hnvo not yetbe n trucod. Dr. Hulinoii further says : "Jt In impnsiiiblo to getiixpvri'jnced men to nsilut mo without moving them out from my work in New York , and thin 1 do not want to do uulem absolutely noccHh.'iry , Men who lutve had no ixporlones with plouro-pnemnouln would ( III UHulOHH. IllinOJH llQH good I.'IWH and the otato vcteilnurian mid * lho governor will inane a proclamation on tlio ; uubject , and direct the JRolntion of infrctod herds nnd tli slnuphtfir of dieft cd animals , 1 Khali soon direct niy attention to othir states Iowa , Missouri nnd Kentucky ho ti'celvod nnlmnls from llio Infnctoil henl * . I telegraphed the governor of Kentucky a few daysngo with regard to tlir > animals thai wont there Vfv Imvo not been nblo to decide which of the animals brought it lo the Virginia sale , but ouo that cnmo from Dye , of Ohio , won sick from IntUmmatlon of the lungs. I sup posed the troubla nt the tlmo to have been thn roonlt of exposure. This most llkjly tlio origin of llio ( liscn. e , nud if llio tuspiciun makes the matter J tlll worio. Dntius Iyo is the most axtcnitvo speculator In Jersey cows in ths country , nnd has wilt cattle Into nearly pycry lienl lu ihe wost. If hli iiont i In- Ilictod the di < o.iso must liavo boon spread to nearly every U\to in Ihouiiion , lnhall invo - tignto UiU maltur ns snon 1x1 poasiblo , mid if the infection is traced to Ohio will move nil my men that will como. 1 thould consider thii n last recoil. In the mcantimo 1 shall Indulge with the hope thai Ihis will not prove trim. I will itar positively this diioaso Is not the re.Milt of * ciofula or exposure to Inclu- ment weather or llkn OHUKCR. It Isconlngiotm pleuro-pncumoulit , and I nm ju > l as ccitain of it ns 1 nm that such a dUcnio minis. " Actim ; Coniniiajidncr Carman Ims rofunod llio request ot tlio AInb.uuacattlo linn to Im port n number of Jersey cntllo for oxhibillou nt the Now Orleans ux position. F1NANOIAU nnd Other Coiu- merolnl Troubles. NKW YOIIK , Aug. 27. Sheriff Davidson has tnkou pOMWiion of the Bnnkers' & EorchauU' legrapl olllco on a judgment for Mr. Ihicb- ling for $70,000. NKW YOIIK , Aug. 27. The report wns clr- luted today that the sheriff had taken pos session of the Bankers' fi Merchants' Tolo- prnph company on a judgment for $70,000. Tlio mipcriiitc.udont of thu company snyn the report Is untrno m > fnraa ho knows , I'reaidont Dates , of tha United Telegraph lines , tinid hu hnd no knowledge tif nlTnirs , but even if Into it would in no wnycfTcct the working of tha United lines , NKW YOIIK , August 27. The nhorliT today took posesHion of the sain nnd ollico furniture of the Banker * ' and Merchants' Telegraph Company on a judgment for § 70,515 in favor of John A , lioohlii.g & Sous , for wire fnru- ithod. Tlio otlicurs of the tolcgraph compnny say the nboVn story is not true. The Kveulng Test says : "Mutters are now In nbnyanco , nnd thu sale of the property will l > a delayed , ns It is uxpected tlntt nHOtllemout will tnko placo. The value of the property levied upon uudor the execution is snid to bo Insiilliclcnt to eaaii- fy the judgment. CINCINNATI , Aug. 27. The Timos-Star Xonia , ( O , ) npccial says that the Second nati onal bank closed Its doors Ibis morning. No particulars , I/ATCU. There wns n , run on the bank yos- tor.hty , but the paymontH were mndu so promptly that confidnnca was restored , and ninny renewed thuir deposit * . The cashier , Ankonoy , has gene wivit. The bank to-day IH lu llio hands ot an olliccr by the comptroller of currency. No htitemontof Its ooiulltioii is made yot. Cnshinr Ankonoy had been engagnd in grain tr.insnctinni with It. M . Smart , to whom the bunk , through Ankcnoy recently made largo advances. Smart t'avo n mortgage tn KCCIUU tliU inonoj- , but the direct ors were notified nml demanded Ankonoy's res ignntion. Ho wont went next day. nnd this caused tlw run of yesterday. The stock- hplilurs nro rcFrtrdnJ | itHbolii ) ; nblo to moot nil liabilities though llio uinouuc h not yet made l > ubliu. Niw : Yonic , Atisunt 27. The cor ospondont of thn suxponiled Second National bank of Xonia , Ohio , says the 6U9pcr.u'on will Imvo no effect in ( inniicial circloa Jioru , Its nccountH lure nro small. Special Dispatch to IhoG lobeDemocrat. . ST. .Tortin'ii , Mo. , Auunst 2. " . The wholesale - sale drug Iiousu ofV. . It. I'i'nich it Co. wiis today turned over to the preferred creditors of the linn , roprcFOutlngaltngothornbnut SHy 000 of the IndobtpdnosH. The firm IH com puted of Col. W. K. I'onlck nndhisBon-in-hiw , L. Hnritnon , of Omaha. Their cntlro lliibili- tius lire about SliO.OdO ; niHoti not yet known. Tlio failure is anld to bo owing to tlio presanro brought to bcir upon the firm by Dr. Diilln , of this city. The liouso has been o.mharrnBHod Hoycrnl years , but struggled manfully ngainst Koveru oildii. NKW YORK , August 27. Schodnloa in llio insulvenl assignment of the firm of Howe k Uenmiin , rnilluing materials , show the total nctind liabilities to bo . ? ! I'J,00 ( ) . actual assets 53J.COO. LANOAHTEII , 1'a. , August -AKHiRiimmils in bankruptcy were filed on account of Abra ham Bitnor and llio Lancaster watch factory , lliliuir has been mnnagor and principal stock holder of thn watch facto.iy , and n largo real cntnto ownnr. The estate in heavily titicum- buied. Linbilitiea of Iho watch factory consiKts nf a mortgaged IndobtenoHS of § 50,000 , and other diibts aggregating § 27,000. Tlio mana ger claims to hnvo stock on hand which cist Iho company SfiO.OOO , In addition to reul ostato. The watch factory IHW had n prouirious and unprofitable oxlstenco for cloven years. Over $ IUO,0 ! 0 has been Invested in the concern since i : , Pa , , AugtiKt 27.Tho com munity was startled this iifternoon by Iho an- noiinceinunt of the defalcation of Samuel Hob- orlH , Into paymaster of Cliorlon 1'arriuli & Co. , coal operators. The amount is liotwoon ? 50- 000 mid S7ri,000. UubertH hai been the confi dential clerk of Churlcx 1'arrish for twenty yuan , llo IM widely known throughout thu stito. Ho tninsferred his property , which in cludes stock In the Hod Ann Coal company , to 1'arrinh , and the latter nuthoii/.cH Iho Anaocl- ntfld IVubs to state that u Hcttlomont has boon effected. ItoburU hml sunk Iho inomty in hoiisolioldoxtravagancoii and rolluioiw objects. llo was Hiiporintondcnt of a Siinday-echool , Iloruccntly re iKiicd all nflicos for the purpose - pose of going lo Kuropo. ] lo Is prostrated uw ing to tlio exposme. ArrcMt of a IMurtloror. ST. LOUIH , August 27. Tlios , .T. Chapman , the alleged murderer of Iho wealthy bachelor farmer , Nicholas Huboit , near Charleston , 111 , , v-iu urri.'ilod at Poplar Blnlf. Mo. , yes tnida ) ' . llnln now en route for Cliarloaton Ii ciiHtoily of deputy fhorilf'lohiiHnn , Chapmni formiily lived nt 1'opliirJllulf. Hostartei for that plucn , wharu his wife now is , Immedi- u'/Jy after the killing of Hubert. Ho does notackuowlcJi , ' . ) or dimv tha murder. A Itnnkriipt. Country , CAIUO , Aug. 27. Huronrs are cnrront that J2gypl has nutilled I'higlund that flh is bank nipt xlno.i ynnlordayund miubhi to moot cur rout exjicnses , Mil' in Uiimulti , TourHMoinII , AiiKUHt 27. Lleutonant Oreo Jy lift for iMiiiilrcul to-dav to uttoud thttmcct ing of the British PAYNES PLEfl. ThsOklahaiiiaBooDier Tell His Woes to a Reporter , Ao Claims to bo a Muoh Injured Man , The Oow Boys Wanted to Assaa" sinato Hihi. The Trials of a Sqna fc in dian Torrit ) S4 ' e- eD ( D How tlio Military Autlio , . lltclnsctl to Kccoent/.o Civil ere , ' Font SMITH , Ark. , August l { \.n associa ted press reporter today visitcij tain D. 11. L'ayuo and his Oklahama followers where they ux ) held prisoners nt tno camp of Linutonant Jackion nnd a detachment of the ninth catAl ry in the Cherokee nation , opposite Pert smith. Payne said : 'I first went to Oklnhamn- five years ago , when informed by able lawyers that those lands wcro opened to white settlement , nnd ocatcd a colony. Since then I have boon uovcd sftvon or eight time * by the militia , I pout last winter at Washington [ city and earned the Cherokee outlet , was open to sot- leiuont , nud thn title was not in the Chore " : ces but in the United State * I OllflANIZED A COLONY. _ f five hundred and settled Itock Falls four idles south of Hunnowoll , Kansas. General latch on August G ordered us out. I told ilm not to bring his soldiers ns wo were wili ng lo go inlo court to have the question net- , lcd , anil nskod him to lay the matter before In secretary of war. Ho refused. The next morning nix coinpaniofl of Iho fliitli cavalry nrrived , accompanied by Indian \Kont TuftH. nnd his clerk , n Chorokco Indian ; irrestod J" . B. Cooper , editor of the Oklahoma 3hief , in charge of the colonists , nnd others. Most of the mon were absent at the tlmo. The cattle men nnd COW IlOYrt WKIIK AGAINST UB , and threatened to assassinate us. The cow- joys toro down our ling to use for a saddle ilnnhct , but Captain Moore secured It , and a- ittlo pirl came to us with the flag wrapped iround her , nnd ft pistol in her hand. We voro taken to General HatchV camp and lock Falls was burned. Wo wcro allowed to ret our clothing nnd furniture bn Mr. Cooper est some valuable papers nnd his clothing. iVhilu nt General Hatch's camp I AGREED TO GO TO FOIIT HJIITH or any place designated for trial if released , md ottered to put up fifty thousand dollars se curity for keeping my word. But Gen. iinith said his orders wcro to take mo to Fort Smith , and ho intended doing BO. Deputy- Marehal Williams served the writs on us , and , wanted to take UH to Wichita courts for trial. Lieutenant Gardner , who was in command , refused to turn us over or recognize the civil minority. About sixty soldiers guarded IH an fur us the Clmnrron river. The olficorM seemed to fear the cowboyswould'nttempt ' to iiKuamuato us. Half the soldiers returned and thereat are within. Wo want fo pot our , matter before the courts of tho- " country , for wo believe wo have the right to locate homo- ' Htcads oa Ihoao lands , and intend to keep on irying until the matter ia properly adjudica ted. " Solontlllc August 27. The fifty-fourth innual meeting of the British Association for ho Advancement of Science opens hero to- lay. The weather is line nnd cool. It will > o olio of tlio largest and most roprcsQiitatiru nootlngs ever hold. At 1 o'clock the ireneral committee met to nrrangu the business for the association. _ GnrJioId'n Old Ilcglmcnt. SANDUHKV , O. , August 27. The forty-sec- oml Ohio , Gmfiold'H Kogimcnt , held a Reunion it Lakcsido yesterday and today , and voted , o moot there next year on the last Wednesday if August. Since the death of Garfield , no iretideiit hw : boon elected , the vica-presidont iresidlcfr. About 200 me.mlxirs sutvlvo. J.ipt. Hubbel of Cleveland U pre idliiB vlco-prosldent and C. 1C. Hcnrjr , secro- tury. No special action was taken thin year. Letters were received from Senator Sherman , llenurnl Morpau , Mm. Gaifiuld , ex-Governor Foster. Major McKinley , Amos TowiiBeml md otlicrs , ARSIIOUS RYlNGTOHOlDDOVm tARLBAKINGPOWDEFT ITAMBOUNDTORIsrX CREAP/J S1OOO , Given Ifnluinoriiiiyiiijurloiis tiibsinuccacun L > 0 found hi Androwii Jonrl JJalcliiK Powder. Is jxw. \vnterfjV (