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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1884)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY" 8 , 1884. NO. 17 LTHE DEMOCRACY. The Question of a Caiiaisu Leaflci Still a Foggy Profilem , Caucusing and OuBsine ; Fail tc lte Accomplish the Objeoti t. The Question Still Hindng on . New Tork Delegation , A Cleveland Victory the Evident Eesult of Yesterday , As Indicated by a Meeting of the Empire State Delegates , aSHt Sist ix But Kelly Still Belligerent and up 9 to Tricks. Tilden Sends an Ambiguous Tele gram to Barnnm , Which Only Emphasizes His For mer Ambiguous Letters , A Rumor that Eeily Will Name Sammy as a Dernier Eessort , Ilio Scones In and Around Demo , crncy's Headquarters at fe. Chicago , THE DEMOCRACY. CHICAGO. July 7. The Bconos of activity about the 1'almor houao , which is at present the great national political center , were re newed early this moiuing. By S o'clock the main corridoraJJ of the hotel and thorough1 ftaroa loading up to it ware filled with great masses of people , which by their very num bers made progress of the cable cars and car riages \ery slow and at times well nigh im possible. In the dining rooms and cafe ? in the vicinity of the hotel was an army of men , Jiats in hand , waiting their turn for Beats at the breakfast tables. In fact the crush has now become so great as to inako comfort a matter of faint possibility and the discomfort has been greatly Increased by the fact that the headquarters ot thu party HAVE BEKN CENTKALIZKD instead of beinp divided and.scattorod as was the case with the ropu ican national conten tion. Still the crowds to be accommodated are much greater than at the first con mention , duo largely to the presence of the great march ing organizations , some of which resembled a full marching regiment by their number , and while it seemed probable last night that all had arrived on the scene of action , this morn ing witnessed the arrival of additional posts , \ delegates , clubs , parties and individuals with out limit , and as they moved directly upon thu hotels these places became , as the day wore on , inaccessible to every one except STALWART rusimis. The national executive committed hold a session this forenoon aud arranged tor distri bution of tickets and seating of delegates aud alternates. The national committee will be gin its sessions at noon to-day and the meetings - ings of the various state delegations began at 1 o'clock. . Ohio is the only state whoso meet ing is postponed as Into as 3 o'clock. The reason assigned is that some delegates ha\o not yet reported , but it is expected that a warm contest may occur in the delegation and it ? session Is postponed , it is claimed , partly owing to that fact. The Now York delegation wont into sessional 11 o'clock aud the Interest which centres in its action appears to actuate every one In attendance upon the convention. The out and out supporters of the Now York governor are greatly encouraged at the action taken by Kings county delegation , last night , in decid ing to support him. They oven go HO far a.s to nay that the nomination is practically settled , for of goes Kings county to goes the state nnd the whulo convention. CLKVELAXIl'ii HUl'TOIlTKIUi are working haid to off-sot the adverse effect of Kelly , Faulkner aud the other organi/ed opposition. At the Grand Pacific hotel McDonald talk is the loudest. Karly to-day another Indiana club , strong in numbers , came swinging into the hotel , waving the McDonald banner and cheering for their man. The Indianaiis are tilving hard to impress others that ha is the most available man and will heal all strife. Among the delegations arriving at the Palmer housu this morning were a number of Mary land men and the remainder of the delegates from Minnesota , West Virginia , Virginia , Louisiana , Tennessee and Mississ ippi. The nuartors of the various states presented - sentod the view of wearied man Bleeping in chairs , after a night of vigil. The principal work of the national coinmittoo will bo to narao n temporary chairman , William F. Vllas of Wisconsin , and Governor Hubbard of Texas , are the two gentlemen most promi nently mentioned. NBW iOIW'H CHOICE. At the caucus of the Now York delegation , the first ba lot gave Clo\ eland , -ll > ; Slower , 1"J ; scattering , L'l ! ; r.ocomi ballot , Cleveland 17 ; Flower , iUjHoattering 3. Tammany ia now making an elTort to break the unit rule , Tha Now York delegation have boon In BOS- nloii since. 11 o'clock , and are , at 1:45 p. in. , still ouduavoring to como to some agioemont It Is reported In the lobbies of the hotel , that a vote taken showed 47 foe Cleveland land with the rest divided among Flower and Bayard. The Connecticut delegation - gation this morning agreed to cast 112 votes for Cleveland , and Vermont will also vote as a unit for him , A MKLIl DOOM , A strong point ii being mada ( or Justice I'iold that his opinion In cases involving con * tlltutlonftl questions present sound donu cratlc doctrine aa to the limitation of the powers of government am that ho nomination would attract strong republican publican suppoit. 1:15 ! p. in. The national committee wl pro ont tlio nnmo of liov. Hubbard , of Texan lor the tctnxnary | chairmanship of the con vontlun. _ MONDAY'S 11KVIEW , THE KVKXT Of TIIR IANKW \OIIK. CaiCAno , July 7 * The exciting oventof th day was the struggle In the Nc-vv York delcga lion and the heavy vote polled in favor of th unit rulo. It was argued that It would fore the Tammany opposition into n clogocornor but notwithstanding what apueared to bo famous victory of the Cleveland followers very few of the leaders were willing tocoi code the untrammeled success of Cleveland i allotlng. owing to the fierce nature' of th trugglo and the failure of n portion of n tick gallon to como out openly for the majorit ) candidate. It had been acknowledged that f the caucus had ended with a certainty tha New York would cast her full vote for Clove and , a mifticlent western nndsouthoriistrengll iVimld bo at hand to make his nomination euro. The fact of the lack of unanimity It the delegation is now being used by the friend ) of other candidates in pushing their claims for recognition. TUB CIKUKI.AND liowovor , are In high feather and claim a * : osult of the day's work that the fight had al ready been won and that it onlv requires m sitting of the convention to seal the victory. Tory few of the states winch pel footed their organization to-day took a test vote as to their presidential preferences. A portion of Penn sylvania is known to be for Randall , Delaware for Bayard , and Indiana and Kentucky for McDonald. It is given out tint Connecticut will cast her twelve votes for Clev eland. icm.v to day took a vote and will on an Informal ballot givoCleland 21 , Bayard S , Tildon 2 votes , and one blank vote was cast , ( IKORIIIA. was addre od by General Faulkner , of New York , who presented objections to Cleveland' * candidacy. A reply was made for Clovelaiul by JOSKl'H 1TUTZEI1 , of the World , who frnoko at length and with great earnestness. The impiosslonon the del egation was favorable to Cleveland ; while there was no formal vote , it was understood the vote of Georgia would bo caht for him. Vermont Instructei their chairman Jto cast tbcir vote as a unit for Cleveland. Massachusetts is bOLII ) VOR UUTtEK hut in the event of his defeat , it is believed the delegation would bo divided rather evenly between McDonald , Thiiniian and Bayard. It is contended that the xplit in Ohio delega tion in in a measure healed. It is declared McLean will bo chosen for chairman unan imously. The adherents of Thurman are making this move , but it is claimed at the eamo time that Thuniiaii has 27 votes in the delegation. New Hampshire 1ms instructed its delegates for Cleveland. A threat which has boon vaguely niadu heretofore of an attempt to defeat THE UNIT HUM ; . w as received with gi eat vigor thia afternoon , and it is now believed that a Tight will be made in the convention , which will bu led by Tammany and its conceded. If it wins it will seriously complicate the situation , and leave the Cleveland oppo sition in Nevy York fieo to act. While thu lower campaign appeared to hae ended as a. result of thu caucus this afternoon , his sup- Dorters contend they are not opposing Cleve land , and that if the unit rule is defeated , those who went over to Slocum will return to Flowers , mid make it a rallying point for his supporters generally. A caucus held to-day in John Koiley'ri room , with the tolo purpose of organi/ing a campaign against the mat rule , contends that the national convention of 1863 ordained that the unit rule could be dispensed with any time at the option of any subsequent nationaf convention. As n result of the caucus , it is declared Massachusetts. Iowa , Kansas , Delaware , aud other ntates have de cided to support the proposition on the floor of the convention. The Massachusetts delega tion held a meeting thisafteinoon , which was addressed by GKNKHAIi nUTLElt , in which ho said : " I will suppoit the nomi- ueo of this convention , no matter who ho may OHIO. The delegation mot at 3 p. in. John K. McLean was unanimously elected chaiunan , 1 { . S. Shield member of the committee on cre dentials ; Durbin Ward member of the com mittee on permanent organisation ; M. D. Shawmemborof committee on rules ind order > f burliness. A fight then occurred on admit ting J. O. Converse on a proxy of L G. Ber- npid. Comcrso was admitted by 20 to 1 ! ) victory for McLean men. A. J. Warner and il. O. Convert nominated for committee on resolutions. Converse won by Til ! to 18. This shows the real strength of the two fac tions for the convention. W. A. Armstrong was elected by acclamation a member of the nntiohnl committee , Jacob Mueller was ie- eli ded vice president by acclamation. THE COMMITTEE MEETING. TIIK NOOK SESSION. Chicago , .Tilly 7. The democratic national committee began its session at noon to-day , Chairman Barnnm * presiding. States were leprosentod as follows ; Alabama , If. C. Temple ; Arkansas' . John J. Snmptorj California , ( James T. Fnrloy ; Colorado rado , T. M. Patterson ; Connecticut , William H. Barinim ; Delnnnio , Jgniatus C. Grubh ; Florida , Samuel I'uliston ; Georgia , Gooige T. Barnes ; Illinois , W.C. Ooiidy ; Indiana , Austin H. Brown ; Iowa , M. Ham ; Kaunas. CliM. W. Blair ; Kentucky , H. D , McIIenry ; Louibiann , B , F. Jonas ; Maine , II , Wilson ; Maryland , Utitrrbrido Homey ; Massachusetts , Frederick O. Prince ; Michigan , Hdward Fun * tonMinnesota ; , P II. Kelley ; Missouri , John ( J. Pr.ilher ; Nebraska , J. .Sterling Morton ; Nevada , It. P , ICeattmj ; Now Hampshire , Alvah IfollowoyjNow Jersey , Oiustes Cleve land ; New York , Abr.iiu S. Hewett ; North Carolina , N. W. Hanson ; Ohio , William W. Armstrong ; Oregon , A. Noltner ; Pennsylva nia , William L. Scott : Hhodo Island , .1. B. Bnriiabyj South C'aiolina , J. W. JJauson ; Tennessee , Uobert I1' , l.ooney ; Texas. F. S. StockdMoj Vermont , Biadloy B. SinnU ; Vh- ginlo , John S , Barluur ; West Virginia , Alex ander Campbell ; Wisconsin , \Vm. 1' . Vilus. Mr , Barnes of Georgia nominated Augus tus O. Bacon , of Gcorgiafor , temporary chair man of the convention. Mr. Stoukdalo , of Texas , nominate-d Governor Jtobert B , Hub- lurd , of Texas. Mr , Martin , of MisnisBJppi , nominated Chun. K. Hoolcer , of Mississippi for temporary chair man. man.Tha committee proceeded to ballot with the following rcault : Whole number of votes cast I 37 ; Hubbard received 2' ' , Bacon P , Hooker ( On motion of Mr. Prince , thr nominntlon o Mr. Hubbard was niftdo unaniirou" . On motion of Mr. Hewitt , Mr. Prince wn oli-ctod temporary secretary of the convention The following were- elected a'slstaiit cecre t rle : Keel Merritt , Illinois ; Goo. W. Guth rle , Penniylvania ; G , TJohninn , Iowa Holwrt M. Bashford , WlMconsin ; Charles W Vallandighau , Missouri ; * Mlchncl J. Barrett Now Jersey. The follonlngwero elected lending clerks T. O. Walker. Iowa : The , S. Potitt , of hous of represontatlvo'i ; Nichol.-vi M. Bell , Mis souri ; James U. Jforriion , New Vork ; Ansoi Optianhelm , Minnesota. Ollicial stenographer , Kthvard B. Diekln son , NuwYork. Sargent at arms , Hichard J. Brichl , Lull an.i , TUB IlfHM VS. A STAiirKDK. The coinmllloo docidwl to rcoummcnd to th convention that the rules of the last ( em ocratio convention govern this body until oth e vviso ordered , subject to the following modi ticaUons : that in voting for candidates fo president , no Htato shall be allowed to clmug its vote until the roll of Utos has boon called ami each state has cast their vote. As a result of a long discussion , the com mittee decided that uudotichcd coupons wouh not bo accepted for admission to the couven turn hall. The coiniuitteo adjourned until ton o'clocl to-morrow , with no anticipation , however , u Imviug any busine" < s in hand , WI5W YOUIC. TUB 11KI.KUATIO.V IN HKSSIOV. CHICAGO , July 7. The New York delega , \on \ met at 11 o'clock , and continued in sea sion four hours , ( treat interest centered in this neotlng as having \ory important boat ing on , he final action of the convention , and the mil-way in ft out of the room in which the H'ssion hold was filled with a throng of loople anxious to eecuro early tidings of the esult. It was understood that at n meeting ate last night Tammany decided to insist on a tvvo-thiids majority for the enforcement if the unit rule , and thy question was whether : hat number could bq mustered. There was a long and excited discussion the tenor of which hai not yet been learned. Humor * of , ho results of thoi balloting crept out from , imo to time , but could not be verified. The following is given as the ballots to-day or the presidential preferences : 1'iist or informal ballot : Cleveland , -ID ; Blower , 23 ; Thurman , 1 ; Bayaid , 1 ; Tildon , Second or formal ballot of the changes : Dloveland , 47 ; General Slocum , 15 ; Bayard , ; 1'lowcr , 1. It is undei-btood the Flower men compll- nonted Slocum and Bayard with the view hereby of winning the votes of King's county n the convention. The vote on the ouforce- nont of the unit rule stood , it is stated , 01 08. 08.Another Another account has the following addition- 1 points : Having failed to break the Clove- aud column the next move of his opponents van to smash the unit rulo. It had nlioady een decided by Kolloy's followers that this liould bo attempted as alaitiosort , When lie motion was made to cast the 7- votes of S'ovv York ns n unit for Cleveland it was met y ACTORS ! Of 011JKCT10KH , nd the real fight was on. John Kelly , enatorGrady , and others threw themselves ito the breach. They attacked Cleveland's vailabilitv' , and intimated thAt a bolt might ccur if Cleveland's nomination was forced pen them , but finally cooled otf and haid ; ioy did not moan it. Then they declared lie unit rule was an injustice * , and that they rould not ba bound by it. Grady declared lint the state had no right to iiistiutt the elegatc ) from districts. The Cleveland .nen igisted that the stnto convention appointed be delegate ? , rial had authoiity to instruct licin upon any and all questions. It vyas rgod that every delegate who was attempting o break the rule had voted for it in state onvontion and promised to abide by it. For over two hours the exciting discussion as continued and then the Tammany dulo- ates asked for an adjournment , that they light have a chance to consult. This was ranted , and n recess was taken. A few mill- tos afterwaid Senator Grady and General pinoln , nfter _ a hurried talk with John Kelly , dged their way through the crowd , and wore shored into Chairman Manning's private loin , where a long consultation with a viovv 0 a compromise of differences failed to result 1 an agreement. When the delegation as- embled theru was ANOTHKIl ongand excited discussion. In thu meantime wo more names had been gained for Clove- and , and ho now had 1 ! ) at his back. It was naliy agreed that the state shculd vote as n nit , but the anti-Cleveland men Insisted that n explanation of the vote should be given to 10convention. This was conceded , and note oto was thru taken upon the final motion mt the cliuir shall announce -IDdelegates : NewYoik are for Cleveland and -'A for ayard , Flower and Slocum , but that under 10 instructions of the state convention , the J votes are cast for Cleveland. This motion as adopted , Cl toll , the Tammany nnd two , hera voting against it. HTATE OIlGANlHtVTIONB. FOR THE WEHT. CHICAGO , July 7. The following state del- gallons compjetod their permanent organl/.a- ons to-day , and the coinmitlomon lierouith amed will bo repotted to the convention to- lonow , OAI.UOIl.VIA. Chairman , not chosen ; 11. M. Lome , vicu loxideut ; J. J. DIscall , secretary : F. J. lunie , resolutions ; Milon Searlos , notiliea- on ; Lawrence Orchor , permanent organlza- on ; member of the national committee not et choion , IOWA. II , H. Trimble , chairman ; 1) . M. Hoiris , redontiala ; K. H. Mayer , resolutions ; N , B. iyatt , permanent organization ; F. Braniiiiu , ce-prosldent ; Daniel Farrell , secretary : M. 1 , Ham. member of the national committee ; . G , Kumo , committee on notifications , JIAhHACHUBKTTH , Hon. Joslah ( i. Abbott , chairman ; J , W. ovcney , ticcrotary ; B. F. Lowell , resolutions ; ohn VV. Corcoran , credentials ; John W. iimmings , oigani/ation ; J Ion. James K. Ks- abrook , vice-president of the convention. I'JCNNHILVAMA. llckleyll , Coxo , chairman ; Chnrlea Hun- cker , heciotary ; Malea in Hny , rcgclutions ; Libert 8. Patterton , crscan'.zalions ; H , B. Al- en , credentials ; W. L. Stewart , vlco-prcni- eiit of the eiinvcntion. TEXAH. A. IS. Hubbard , chairman ; ) ' , H , Bailey , ecretaiy ; Silas Haie , credentials ; W. H , Bur- ois , organization ; D. C. Gldiluys , ruiolutlons ; 4 , 0. Alexander , vico-prcaldent of the con- ention ; Will Lambert , secretary of the con- entlon ; O , T. Holt , member of the national oiumittea , KOUTH CAIIOMVA , Wade Hainptoii , chairman ; W. St. Julien .Tewey , ccrelory ! TJ. F. Yoomnin , ro olutioin 1) , S. Henderson , pernmnont orgauiziUon : C H. Snlicr , vice lirosldi-nt ; ( } . J. Pattemon credentials ; 1\ . Da sou , national e'omnut CluulcsH. Chase , chaininii ; It. T. Htm- deltr , secretary ; W M. liii't , vleo president ; P yon Tucker , pcrnianent orcniilration ; D. H Hunting * , rMomtioin ; Jamo * F. Knnson , credentials ; Kdimind Wilson , unlional com mitteo. ' \flf-CONSIN1. \ - . Ocnernl Bropg , chalrmnn , It. M. BNhop pocrotnry , A. K. Delaney , oreanizallon ; J. ( i. Jenkins , rosrnutions ; .1. N , Morrow , creden tials ; J. L. D-tolittlo , vieo president for the stales H. M. Bashford , secretary for the stale. JtAIlU.AVl > . John Lee Carroll , chairman : J. M. ( .iiynn , re olullonsj A.'P. Uorlmin , national commit teo. TKNNKSSKK. John F. Ilotiso , i'h air m an : If. J , Lynn , secretary of the delegations Albert T. McNeil , platform ; John Slack , credentials ; L. A. Champion , permanent oruamzatioii ; John L. Williams , > fco jiresldoiit. AUAUAMA , 0. W. Pottin , chMnnnii ! L. Pope WnlKcr , resolutions ; II. - C. T.nnpUns , criHlentials ; Jo cjh Johnston , organization ; C. L. Scott , vico-presidout ; Johnp Cllsby , secrelnry of comimlleejT. C. Clerk , ne-crt > tary of conven lion ; moml ; -j.'ational committee nut chosen. ' , \TJtviONr. Chairman , J. C. UurUoj secretary , W. A , Klchnrdx ; ciedenlialc , Amos Aldricn ; organ isation , J. D. Ilaiirahan ; resolutions , .lames A. Brown ; vlctj-prosident of convenliou , Franlt If. Ba'coin. J CONNKCTItlT. F. Jf. Waller , ch'airmati ; Charles H. An il rows , soccctnry ; 'D. ' , M. Itead , credentials ; John C. Byxboe , b'rgini/itioii ; A. K. Burr , resolutions ; Joshua-A. Perkins , vice-president ; W. II. Shields , secretary , ( ! ou. K. H. Lawlon , chairman ; 13. P. .low oil. resolutions- ) ' . K , Simmons , crcden- ialj ; W. T. McArtliutj orgnniratlon ; Patrick iValsh , national committeaman , John JL Palmer , chairman ; W. H. Barnes , ecrotary ; A. J. O'Connor , credentials ; Win. \ . J. Spr'ks , permanent organization ; Win. t. Mjr/Ison , resolutions ; H. Corning Judd , lational committee ; A.F. | StoveuHOii , notilica- ion ; Anthony Norton , * v ice-president ; 1 ieury lubons , convention Hocietary. * NDU8TKIODS "MKE" O ATUKKINGS special Dispatch toTiju BEE. AN INTERVIEW TviTIl I'CMTZBU. ClliCAfiO , July 7. W1'10 * ' Georgia delega ion General li"alkiicrTf Now York , made a eng Bpeoch in favor of I'lov\er , which v\aa at entively but tllontly liitenod to , and when ho md got through , Pulitzer of the Now York Vorld , did as much for Cleveland , asserting n round terms that hoSvns positively tlwonly nan with whom the democrats would hope to arry the state of New , York. Theno two [ icecheo drew such crowds to the he.tdquar- era that a policeman wa called to drive them way , xo that the delegations might not bo rushed. "What do you Hay 16 the OPPOSITION TO THR WTOIlKIXa 1'EOri.F. E Now York to Cleveland"was asked Mr. 'ulitru-r. ' To begin with , " he * aid , "It has no merit. f auv of them are dtuvllectcd , it is because 'levoland ' vetoed the , V'ovated ' railroad and liereby compelled rlclrT-S&plo tony \ 10 rents tide whi'u ' the poor people paia 0 cents , for hat wax the elfect of the veto ; so that , vvu hink , the disalfection is like the froth on a lass of beer very likely to Hubside. " "At what do you ustimatu thu independent epuhl'can vote uhlch Cleveland can get in Mow York state ? " "I should say it could not bo less than 0,000. Why , every newspaper in Now York ity , except the Tribune , is for Cleveland. If o should be nominated ho will sweep the auntry. Illinois will bo a doubtful state. " "Con you elect him WITHODT TASIMANV. "If ho is nominated you will sco Kelly ] on lie etiimp for him. " "Yes , but will not Kelly knife him at lust , s ho did Hancock , who was his own choice ? " This question made PitliUor remove his Igar , spit violently , make a very wry face nd reply sadly : "O. I dent think Kelly would do that. " "What is the matter with Bayard ? " "Bayard is a great man ; but ho is n tariff efoimer and Blulno is thu exponent of pro - ection. It takes very little wisdom to nee liat if they run against each other the cam- la'ttn ' would become simply a controverny ver the taiiff , and that in such a controversy lie manufacturing Ktates of Now York , Now eisoy and Connecticut would mdo with the u-otccttonist. The truth Is , the demociat louse gave the piexidency to the lojmblicans , nd the republican convention gave it back to he dumociatx. It romalim to bu Keen now whether tha democratic convention will give t hack to the republicans , by nominating a nan who will emphasi/otho tarllf coutroveiHy , nstoad of a man HKo Cleveland , who has it n his power to harmonl/u all branches of he pa it'1 on that vexed question. " Thu first ballot showed that Cleveland's trenuth had not been overestimatul. It re- ulted 17 for Clov eland , U for Thiirman , and 'J for Flower. Senator Jacobs then Haid that Mi. Flower's fi lends como bore to present the uinu of Mr. Fovvcr , not to defeat Cleveland , nnd on the Heconlballot ( | , Flower's iiamo was Iropped and - votes were cast for General jlocum ; Cleveland had CO , TheTammanyltes lad hood [ ) to break Clevelaiid'H ulroiigth by luttingup a man favorable to Brooklyn , i ailed , however , and Slocum received only the .he votes before given for 1 'lower. Kelly will ittempt to overthrow the unit rule in the eou < ention , HiIs seconded by Butler , McDon aid and other candidates , KANSAS oted against thu unit rule at iU mooting , but ant lit votes for Cleveland and ! for Bayaid , 1OMA net nnd decided to vote for Cleveland , 121 jeing given for the Now York governor , nnd 1 blank. imong the delegates to thu convention dovol mod a great many Btirprixex , and fuither com- mealed the situation , Taiumany made Itn icciiHtomed attack. It went into the mooting uf the Now Yolk delegates nnd finding Clove end's adherents In the majnilty , attempted o repeal thu unit rule adopted by thu Suruto [ o convention. A lusoliitiou was Hiibmjtted > y Kolley. and its object was to divldu Jlov eland's vote. It wax defeated bv n bluaru 'oto of 05 ( o 7 , thu TammanyiteH finding no riendn niiuing thu Flower or other men. Then ix ifnolution was offered to ritESENT TUB NAME OF CI.KVEr.AND New Hami ) hiri iiistrueted its dologatot or Cleveland also. The diift wan toward Clovejnud after the New York state meeting but Kelly's throat to dcfoit tKo null ruin i regarded as likely to itijuro very or ! otmly. Flowers' elmiices are iu t injured , m It is claimed , by the turning ofnsvo \ to > t < Slocum. If the unit rule is ahohthnd hi * wil bo brought forward ngaiu. livery Indication points ti > n A 1 0X0 AXtl IIITTKII COSVKNTIOV. The Thurman luomhers of the Ohio liolrcn lion mot this afternoon and finally decided to put Allan G. Thunnan In the Hold. TMi eompllcates the situation moio. Jolm U McLean Is to bo given Iho chairmanship of the delegation ns n reward foe MipH | > rtiug Thurman. THR OHIO MVN meet this afternoon , when tinThunuon mot will present the nmtter to the McLean faction It In said that McLean would not listen loth plan , but that remains to bo toon. IIL-JI.EU'H rmxiK. "I lll ( tippmt the nominee of this eonvcn lion , whoever ho may be , " ftld General B. F Butler this morning in n npcoch to the Masxv cliUHetts delegation. "If the democratic party should HCO fit to noniinntii Itlainolnn democrat enough tt > support him. " General Butler w.-vs lepljing to ROIUO of the statements made to the clfect that if ho did not get the nomination himself ho would probably head n epanilo ticket and by HO doing draw nwny < nnugh votes todofoat the democratic nominee. The meeting of the delegation lasted more tian | nn hour. General Butler was Uioro Ihrough it all , while Dr. Hall , of Lowell , William Carl , of Port MaBiiiro , and others burned inccnso before - fore him and filled him with oily vvoids. When ho left thn room * Jn > crowd on the corridors riders clapped their hinds onthuMastically mnl the general smiled benignly upon them. The delegation urgaiilrdl by ole'ctlng the folhmini ; ofhcerH nndmemburs of the commit- tco : Chntiman , the Huu J. G. Abbott ; mcn > . tnry , J. W. Covony ; nrgam/atiun , Jolm W. CummiiiRs ; cre-dentlnln. John W. ; resolutloii'i , B. F. Butler ; vice-pi opulent for the state , Jnmos K. Kstabrook , KIOIUOll KKIjIiY. STILL VEIIMXST CLKV KI..VM ) . CIIICAOO , July 7. In an interview with a 1'i iiioa toportor , Immediately after the nd- ourmueiitof thocnuciisof thn New York dele gation this afternoon , John Kelly said : "If the lelegation does not reconsider itn action aud itiil insist * upon presenting Clovoland'H name , Tammany u ill appeal to the eonv ention. Wo shall Ktnto our case thcro clearly lAid plainly , xud attempt to have the unit rule broken , If the convention fails to do It , the responsibility rests with it. Wo will have ilonu our duty , " Whom elao can New York present ? " vsked the lopoiler. "Slocum , " ropliinl Kelly. "Would he make a utrong cnndidato ? " " I don't know. I nui not clear on that wint. Ho is popular in the Blnto , mid has nadu strong IUIIH , but whether ho would bu 'or presidents 1 can't say. The fact is , vvu vaut n candidate who has been enough him * iflod with the national government , and who ins had experience enough to bo called n talesman. Cleveland made n good nmyor md a good sheriff , but ns a governor ho has icon sfailnte. . Slocum has made n good eongiofleman. but how ho would do as pies- dent is problematical. Wo want a man of vidu experience and broad views V" "Aro them any horu who would fill thcho ' ' oquiroinontsj' "Yes , two Bayard and McDonald. " TAUTOIjOQlOAIj TIM1KN. ) IK UKl'BATB 1IIH AMIIinUITV. NEW YtiiiK , July 7. The following is an intheiitlo copy of a cotninunicatiuu to Mr , Sarnuin , fcluirmau of tho.uatioual committee , rom Mr. Tildon ; GKAAHTONE , , Tuly7 , 18SI , TII Hon. Win. II. Barnum , Chic.igo , 111. : I have icccivodyour telegram infoimliig mo f the disposition to nominate mo foi the iresideney nnd Asking , ' Will you accept n nmnlmous nomination from thu convention ? " mil alho a lelegram from Mr. Manning saying : 'It neoms abnolutely necessaiy that you ( I ) liould answer Itanium's telegram ns soon as losBiblo. " Your inquiry was explicitly an- wered in the negalivo by the letter of Juno Oth to Air , Manning. [ Signed ] S. J. TILDKN. UK HLHHES TO I'llIC.VCO , W.\HlIlN.roN , July 7. Immediately upon ho adjournment of the house this afteinoun , toprosontativu Handall wont directly to the epot and took n train for Philadelphia , his ntention being lo remain Ihoiu n nhort llmo and leave by the night eiprem for Chicago , 'lio Ciltic says : "Air. Handall was Kept here it gioat pononal inconvonicncn and to thu 'real disappointment of his friends at Chicago , vhoru ho desired to bo in connection with the mining of thu plutfoim ; but ho full it was us duty to be at his post until the naval up- iropiintum eontrovomy and the bill paH.sed. KTOKKY ANI > WATT1311SON , fjV OIIICMIO 'IIJIIW-COClllKll-JOUIIN.VL. Cilli'Aiio , July 7. By nn arraiigemoiit be- , weuu the Louisville Coiirler-Joiirnal and Iho Chicago Times , n Chicago edition of the foim or for thu benefit of Kontuckmns nnd ocen- iviui ; four orfivu coluuiiiH , inclndlnn Hon. Icniy Wattoition'H editorial , corrOHpondenco , ditoilal parnginphs , utu. , under tbn reKuhti Dourii'i-Journal head , is being published In ho pages of the Tiuios each morning. JlOIjTEIl IUII8TOAV. UK WOl'M ) HITI'OIU' FIEI.U , NEW YOUIC , July 7. Genoial Biintow , ox- secretaiy of the treasury , vsnx asked to-day If ID could support Justice Field of the supreme com t if nominated for president by the demo cratic convention , Bristow loplled promptly and emphatically , "Certainly , I would HUD- ioit Justice yield cordially. " KKIjIjY'H OIjIBIAX. lONUIBTII.DCN. CinoAdO , July 7. A minor in curiont late to-night that when thu time for nominal'ng Bpcochos arrives , John Kelly will present the name of Tildon , Owing lo the lateness of the lour it IH Iiiipoi < slblo to get n confirmation 01 or denial , A Tlmml-GiiUor 'I'liroltlrd. ] [ fHSM.ivii.i.i : , Ky. , Juno 7. A mob of ( .0 armed and masked men mounted on horse- iack came from Todd county to this place lust iiiaht between II null ] - o'clock , took D , Henderson , colored , from jail and lynched lain. Henderson wan charged with cuttinv thu throat of Young Ailumn , nwhlto boy , at Pmehnw , In Todd county , ! nnt Aijiil. Hen- eiHon was biuught heio from KlUtln , the latter part of May , to escape n mob of veil- { oance. Adams' wounds weiu not fatal. TIIK VKK'S8l KOIAl4 MAUKKTS. VollticR ntnl the Grow IIIK Crops Hav IttK n XJnU Unvct on Prices. Special Dispatch to the Buz , CWCAOO , July 7. Very few featuresoxcopl weakness nnd n dViro to ditpoeo of nbonl ovtTjthing on the H t entered into tn-dny'd trading. The wliolo list vvns heavy , made ( by uulto free nvi'lpts : nul nil .ontlti * lack ol support accorded the market by either for- uign ndv ices or Now Yittk iiuotatloni. Man > of the brokers took trips tv > far Into the coun try as the thn t * days mljintnimont would * , < or- luit them tugo , mid onw notMng but n inng- nlficcnt outlook for the growing crovs , with ovoij thing in great abmnla.nct' . Nttitrnnj they cnmo back fee-Hug very boirlsh , and ini nuiiiatoly iK-gan to nell thu ntuS. Tlionocn lug In whont vvns nominally Ic. hnvor ( or July , liit othtr options held mi with greater Him nets. Few outside buyinp ordora cniucil nu ndvanco of nbotit Jc. , but in Iho morning the tone w as very heavy nnil frro soiling The bulk of the morning nossion broke prices down lo in August mid Ifjo in Soptew bor from the lowest prices. Thoio was n later recovery of about } c , Iho close of the morning ( .ositUm biingntcndy nt IJc decline in Augtut and * , 'o In Septeirtber. Cash wheat was numl- nnlly HIJc. cons iponod gonornlly slondior nnd firmer than ither grains , but. on the other hand was later .ho subject of n nioro | irononncod boar raid , I'ho entire on the morning session w-nn { c , in August and September , with n rcco- very of jo. tovvntiltlin close , when the market lecamo n sliailo stondior , though not much letter that weak. Cash coin HOle at Me. OATH VITO ngnlu heavy and depressed , with _ the crowd of Hollers mrgo. J'looiordurs woiogivon 0 the boars , who let go heavily of July. The May option wan nomlunlly'.WJoliut not wanted it any price. Karlior dollverioa absorbed Iho nilk of attention. KM : vns quiit and weak at lllo fompot ; ( iOio for 1 illy ; f > 8o August and fiOo for September. moviHtoss v ere more actively traded in , but worn less irmly hold , nnd recorded n decline , except in iptioue , which held their own. CATTI.K. Among the fresh receipts wore about 1,000 roxniiR. Under heavy receipts salesmen con- Idered It oxpodtont to make fair concessions nt the start , Hence the avcrngo eiden shown leeline of from 10 to ICe on nil giod cattle , nudnt the i eduction there was a fair ntuady leinaud ; yet the market closed rather vvcak ; [ iiito n nunilior carried over , TOXIUIH wore n ntrouc ( Irmand and sold shade higher nt ango of 110S ( ) I 80. There wan 1 ttlu or nothing doing in Miockers and feeders , nnd the leiuaud for native butchers' stock wns light , iwlng to the plentiful supply of Te.xniiH. 3ood to choice flipping , ] , l0p ! to l.HOO Ibs , > IU to li 00 ; common to medium , 1,000 to . -'OOlbs , 5 00 toP DO ; grass Texans , 7f'0 to 150 Ibs , 100 to 5 DO. 1IOG3 , The niaikot generally opened fairly active at about the ninrkut pi ices of Saturday , on- H'cinlly on chuico heavy best , Belling fully an ligh. Light BertH vvoro not in UH active do- unnd as on Saturday , and then they were nero plentiful. Thuro were larger proportloun of Hunt among the fresh roeeiiits than nnr lay last week. Sales woromiido nt I 10@5 10 or xlvips nnd Unowllts , 5"0@575 for mortod Icbt , nnd D'JO@085 for heavy packers nnd iliippnrj , < \ - FI5UNINBX Tim FOUEIONELtS. A'lolont OpiioHltlon lo tlio liiiiidrta- tlon of Kuropo/ui Ijaborers in I'oiiiiBylvnnln. PnTSimiui , July 7. A Hnrlzdale , Pi nnnyl- ania , special says : The continued wholesale mportatlon of foreigners into the bituminous ; oal fluids of Clearfluld , Bedford , Huntingdon , elfermm , Cambria , Blair. Somereut and other ountios has amused must intense nnd ugly ocling among the nastvo c.illieix. Largely attended nud enthusiastic mccllngrt have been it-Id nt which resolutions have been passed [ enouncing tha course of the railroad nnd tuning companies for bringing nu obnoxious element into n coal country. .Secret noJutlcx .ro being formed to drlvo tlio foreigners from ho districts , tatnl Car CriiHhiui * at Oakland , Nob. Special Dispatch to THE BEIC. OAKLAND , .Inly 7. Mr. W. A. Clark , of jiaig , got on board the " p m. train nt this station to-day , and just as thu train was puli ng out ho nndoitouklo get elf again , nnd , ho ng intoxicated fell to the ground with Ins left land on the rail , the tear trucks passing over and lindly mutilating it , Ho wan removed to , ho St. P.uil hotel where Dr. J. C. Moore pin- ormed the amputation , loavingu stub and the .hunib. Nu blnmo is attached to the railroad company. His condition and habits uio mieh as to render recovery doubtful. Hoviovv of tlio Mni-kotH. LONDON , July 7. The Mark ] < ano JJxpicfrt n its review of the grain ttado say * "J'Jw mt weather Increased in Hovontyj ( luting the week , but the dionght in now npiinioutly biokon , rain storm being reported from all [ i.irU of the country. No ciops mo thick , but weak owing to tha want of rain. They niu coniidcred to bo of n gi l ivveiago quality. Thu foreign trndo Is lestiieted by demand be ing for coiiHiimption only at baioly ] iroviinm rates. In the off coast caigoos have been liuv * ing n trilling inqnliy and jirices were Hlightly iiiwoi. t'oiitini'iital bnyoiri whoBiipportod the market thu punt fortnight nowhusltatoto buy. Eighteen taicoes nrtived , noven vvciu cold , .hiiiouero withdrawn and twolvn lomalned. J'liirty cargoes 010 now duo. I'lour in dull md unchanged , Mai/o , ; i(2id ( ( doarei ; barley i rm , _ Tlio .Oliocliivv Troultlo , Fr. SJIITII , Ark. , July 7 The Choctaw .rouble is loportod PH Im reusing. Two broth orsof ( iovornur McCiirlaln and u Hcominuy ifChoetaux fiiim MiCalluter have joined , ho Militia. Governor McCiirtatn Is doturm- tied lo MipprptM the otitlawiy nt wlmtover cost , MIlu Hoyt , tha bend of thu outlaws , vows' ho will kill Govoinor McCurtam and > olh hU brothoi a , nnd in cndeavuiing to get , ho Oherukoos to join Ids itnniln d. Ho has ruined n flag and is oiganl/.lii ( , ' forei H.J TlioAVcathor To-Ilay. WAHIIINI.ION , July 7. For the upi -r Blis- ni nlpp ! valley ; Local shnweiH nnd partly coudy weather , Hoiithoily winds , lower barom- , er nnd higher tompi'rnturt1. ForthoMUiiouri valoy : Increasing clondi- IOSH and local show 01 d , southerly wind ; sta tionary tempaatnre. IOWA PHOIimiTION , ' Scarcely HioSll jhtcHt AUrntlon Pnld tolhe 1wnt Dnl/nqno , _ DmiUQtK , July 7. This is the fourth . . . , since Iho prohibitory law wai lo go inlo opcr- ntlon , nnd no far it has had no viaiblti effect iixw | the liquor inler < t of $ hh city , The bmvverloH closed Sunday nnd corned to deliver , but to-day they nro nil ruining as umial. A largo number of p.iloons nlfto closed on Sunday , but they toi are lo day iif * nly dirvetsing nil kinds of llin . . from lielmd their nllll.01'1 lllll.n IIIMII LICIIIT.ll UHIT 11118. So far lint n iduglr saloon out of ono hundred anil twenty-nits licmse-d by tFji city h oliMsiv- iug thu law. ICeyond n disposition lo clsoo on Stnulnj-H nnd hdnliivs , nnd to txcrciii ) mom care In telling , thn faloon-kci pors hnvtr deter * ; miiicil to paynonStontion totWlaw. ! Whole aalo dealers seoin to bona nctlvens ever , , but packages have wimvetl now Bhr.jn-s and seek dilforonte-liannols i > f tranxportv.wu. Sinuv. Cltr , July 7. NotwitlnUndinrt the boastn mnilftliivt thf Bnloon keepers wouht pay mi attention to the prohibition l x1 , neArly veiy 0110 closed on thr Ith. 1 imo evi dent , however , that thltnvuio nl renco w furHH < e > curm $ liiiuor nud Injor w iLicenied \ , ns every ouo whodoireif ithad ! i V * To day n largo number of the nan _ jtv\oro- mimed , mm nil will proVnbly bl cn'od bj- tu-ini rrovv. A ; lovling briber tinyn his bun- ness hasdoubletfimma the law went Into effect Ottun > wn'a Now Aiuwiiitlcuo Connoc - tliin. OrrtJMWA , Town , JulvTho Chicago , Milwaukee ! z St. Paul railronduxtenBinn from Cudar llaplds to Ottumwn , IK ) miles , on which the last rail was laid JIIIIB 28th , to-day lint on regular thioiigh traiiif , b th passenger nnd frei ht. Thin is an imiwrlnnt conl branch of the Milwalikeo nnd is pnit of Its through line tonn ] nt City. By Ihis rcnto Ottumwa nnd all this portion of I own te'curts a now linu to Chicago , btMili'H n direct route to Milwau kee and ether pi.lntx in Wisconsin , nlno ti > - St. Paul. 1'Vom ' this city to Chicago by the Milwaukco the dJHtanco in justiiOuJlesgreater than by the Burlington route * , Goulils mill IjovviHcH Kir oil Out In Sr , Iiotils. ST. Tiouw , July 7. A uotico wnttpnstod up u Iho Republican ollico to-day that no union Hilton would bo ciuplovod _ thcro Iwroaftor , ml 8omu thirty-flvo comKwitorK | were dis- hnrgeil. Tills nftoruoon the typographical inlon took the matter tip and circulated a iionstur imRtiT rontully berating the man : igors of the Republican , calling on the- work ] , tigmcn to boycott Out paper and threatening' .o defent every candidate it may hereafter uppoit. a MnrkctH. l'.t.n'N , IllK. , July 7. The checho market ; nleil dull to-day. Tlio offerings vveru very iftht. No re'gulnr sales. Butter wns dull nud tegular. Sales of 1DS- 000 pounds nt 18i@18ic Private sales , of ' ,071 , of cheese , and " "in.HOO pounds of miter nro reported. Total sales § 77 , W. 'he maiket closed weak. The K , O. DKNVKH , Colo. , July" . WoorechalferACo. : , 3. Coblauch it Co. , W. G. Mortimer , nnd W. ioblneon , of Now York , bondholders of the ) envvr & HI" Gioudu railroad , made appllca- , Ion before Judgu Hallotl to-day for a receiver or that corporation. TJCSB HourH More " \VnRcs. PlItLADKU'lilA , July. 7. A delegation of ; uetul woikeru ftom Chicago , ' Mihvnkee , and jther cities , In uonventimi here , huva adopted i constitution and foimed n imtfiVhai union. dhorter hourH and better WBgoH is their ob- oct. Imva'H Doinocrntlc State f Convonllon , CIIIOAOO , July 7. The demociAtic state entral committee of Iowa mot hero this after- loon nnd called thu democratic utntu conv en- inn of Iowa , to nominate n stntunnd electoral ickotH , nt Davenport , September 3rd. OanntiHcbok'a IIiiHlmnd Dead. BOSTON , July 7. F. L. Pillot , ngod GO , the niHband of Mine. JanauHchek , the. actress , vns found dead to day , from heart dis- \so , in his apartments. EXCITEMENT. "What C.IUROH the great null nt Schroter & . Bocht'H Drug StOrol" The free distribution of sample- bottles of Dr. Boannko's Cough nnd jung Syrup , the most populnr remedy for Boughs , Colds , Consumption nnd Bronchitis tow on the market , llogular size 50 cents and $00 Travelers Trouble on Oannila'a Kor- tlor. MlNSKAl'Ol.lH , July 7. The Journarn St. Viiicont special says : There m great iudlgna- ion ovpressod nt limorson , by p.uiHeiigors held IVIT Sunday by the conflict between Canadian , custom oflicers nnd the Canada Pacific. The flilnmd company refuse to pay 517.50 extra , > er month required by the custom oflictal. All i.iins .no delayed nights and Sundays and lolidays for regular inspection. The ttuvollug Mibhuaio jiiotesting loudly. ARSNOUS YINCTDIIOtODOWH EARLDAKINDPQWD.y ITAMBOUHDTOniSCX PURE CREAPfl YAEITAR. $1OpO. Given Ifaluiuoraiiylnjurloiisinbsainecscuii , bo founit In AndrowB * i'oarl BalcinR 1'owdor. Is pos- fice-fveiliromHiicli rhemlstsnsH. Dana lluys.JJo * . ton ; M. Dclafimtulne . of Ulileaco ; nud Qiutuviw Jiixlc , MHnuiikco. Never told In bulk. 2Sr. aasi & 201 K. Water 8t ) , Because e emrw 2- * r recognizeei 5eeaPer )