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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. N FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MOKNING , JULY 9 , 18ll. SO. 18 v THE DEMOCRACY. ThcNaiiODalConyentiOBOpsat Chi cap in a Snirilod Manner. Barnurn Galls it to Order A Presbyterian Makes Prayon "While the Band Stirs up the Pa triotism With "Dixie , " Hon , E , B , Hubbard , of Texas the Temporary Chairman The Unit Eulo Proves to bo the Entering Wedge of Warfare. Zelly Attempts to Emancipate Tammany from the Gaer. The Convention Finally Decides Against Tammany. By a Vote ol 463 to 332 in Favoi of the Unit Eule. The Vote Taken as a Test of the Strength of Cleveland. John Zelly Discovers a Eevolt in His Eanks Last Evening. Oolonel Vilas , of Wisconsin , to be Permanent Chairman. < The Resolutions Committee Finds It self a Tie on the Tariff A. lie- view of the Bay's ErcntB. OPENING OVERTURE. A CIIOni'8 OF DISCORDANT SOUNDS. CONVENTION HALL , CHICAGO , July 8. The day opens auspiciously for all the purposes ol a grant convention , held in the heart of July , save that there is a mist in the air which may grow into rain. The air is cool and bracing and summer apparel does tiot burden thb person. Crowds began to gather in tto vi cinity of the great hall , in which the democrat ic national convention is being held , at an early ly hour in the day. The door tenders and ushers reported for luty at S o'clock , with people then in waiting to enter and secure their seats. Inside the auditorium however , there was AN A1TKOACH TO CHAOS , laborers still being engaged in giving the fin ishing touches. After having been employed during all of the preceding night , they did not desert the main platform where the tlncorationa ' .wore being hung , to wltblnhalf nn hour of-tho time announced for opening of the convention , when the workmen quitted the building and the scene was clear. The picture presented was majestic and truly so with its sottin ? of 14,400 auditors , every seat in the vast amphi theater appeared to bo occuuied. It is conceded - coded that in picturesquonoss the arrange ment and dressing of the ball exceeds that of the convention of four weeks ago. THE CHEAT VISTA If the old half has been lost by the placing of the main stngo at ono side , midway , in stead of at the extreme end of the ballbut the arrangement brings the entire audience very much closer to the stage proper and the delegates. The decorations are not profuse but striking and pleasing to tlio eye , the national colors predominating. Tno only retarding feature is the main plat form which is dwarfed in comparison with the magnificent proportions of the hall. The del egates are in a Hanaro immediately fronting the speakers' platform on the dead level of the convention hall. Between the delegates i.nd the platform are the quartern assigned the press representatives , which is provided with tnbleH in raising tiers , affording those workers the wostcomplnto view imaginable of any in cident likely to bo provoked during the ses sions. To the tight and left of the delegates nro.the SKATS KOll THK Hl'KCTATOUS , sloping upward easily to a point thirty feet from the floor level. The only additional word to bo offered in the way of description is that the lighting of the vast hall in complete , being flunked nnd crowned with great windows which pour their Hood of light upon ovary portion of the auditorium , oven with a dull , leaden nicy overhead. At lll0 ! the Horlot coated band of thoFirst Illinois regiment took n position above the speaker's platform , and BOOH burst forth with n national air which proved to bo the signal for the airivnl of the delegates , From that moment the crowd streamed in without ceas ing until at noon hour , when the hall had its full complement of people. THK KKI.LKY ItKVOLT. The breach in the ranks of the Now York delegation , as indicated in those dispatches last night , In being used as a very effective weapon by the opponents of Mr. Cleveland , and there is oxorything to indica o that the Bouthorn delegates will turn toward IJayard or McDonald , and to this end those who have been startled at size , and character of the Cleveland movement are now working , In diana is being urged to stand by the favorite , and not to be tempted from their present line of action by a vice-presidential olfor. Speaker Carlisle arrived from Washington this morning and goes to swell the active force of revenue reformers now on the ground. The committee on resolution ? is generally re garded as having n majority for A CO.VSKIIVATIVK I'LATKOKM. It contains , however , extremists of both vices and a number whoso position has not been clearly defined. In any actionof the committee ihoro will bo a majority and a mi nority report and It is now believed that the subject may have to bo fought out on the floor of the convention. Another of the things which now appear certain to occur is a fight In the convention over the unit rule and notwith the claim ! ) mndo yesterday by th Tammany portion the Cleveland people do clnro they are ready for this conteit also , nm will defeat it by a handsome majority. THK AlTIiOACH OK THK HOfll for the assembly of the convention was market by the arrival of the delegates In largo bodio , and n prcat crush of people at the door way , whieh provoked confusion , The arriva of the California delegation carrying a banno at their head , provoked the first out burst o enthusiasm In the body of the audience run the cheering was hearty. The presence o the distinguished loaders among the delegate did not appear to bo caught by the crowd am there wai no nnplaus to nmtk tliolr acrlval , Till held true until the familiar fiRJro of Svnnto riiurman , of Ohio , wa.s.dlscernod when n dice arose which swelled Into n roar as the mull once came to know the occasion of the ap platidlng , While the oxrltomont was at it height n California delegate , named M. T Thompson , addressing the chairman who wo nnt yet In his place , and said : "Tho Calif or nia delegation , niter traveling 200 / miles catches os its first elirnppo of paradise in the person o Allan G. Thunnan , t Ohio. " Soon afterward when the band struck up "DIXIE" there was another great shout proceeding fron the southern delegations originally , and as tin import of the applauto was understood it wa taken up by the audience. Among the U. S. Senators present , cithe as delegates , alternates or f Implo spectators were Hampton , Vnnco , leck ? , Williams , Me 1'herson , Farley , Voorhos , I'omlloton , Jones of Fla. , llainson , Lamar ; Jonoa and Call CALLKD TO OltDEll. At 10:10 : Chicago time convention was called to order by ox-Senator liarnuin , chair man of the national democratic committee , Prayer was offered by llov. B. C. Murgoard , of the Northwestern theological seminary. Hi prayed for "a blessing on this great nssomblj of representative citizens ; that they should bo endowed plentifully with that wisdom which Is lirst pure , then peaceable and gentle and easy to bo entreated ; that nothing should be done through strife or vain jealousy , but that they should bo filled with thath charity which is nnt puffed up and doth not behave itself unscomingly. " lie prayed that their deliberations would bo guarded to such conclusions that would best promote the jlory ot God and the wolf are of the nation , BAI1NUM ON HAIHIONY. The chairman said : Gentlemen of the con vcntion , harmony seems to bo the sentiment of the convention. Every ono hero seems saturated with a dcsira and determination to nominate a ticket for president Hid vice president , which will bo satisfactory to the north and to the south , to the east and the west ; nay more , a ticket that will harmo- line thodeinocracy _ throughout the union and Insure victory in November , Harmony prevailed - vailed in the deliberttiona of the national committee. Noolfort _ was inado to nominate a temporary chairman In the interest of anr candidnto , but on the contrary ono who shall ircsido over the deliberations of this : onvention with absolute impartiality. Jn .hat . spirit , and to that end , I have been direct ed by thu unanimous votu of thu national com- nittcu to name the HON. niCHABI ) H. IlimUAItl ) , of Texa ? , for temporary chairman ( if the con 'ontion. AH many an favor the election of Ion. 1 . 1 $ . Hubbard for temporary chair- nan will say aye ; contrary , no. The Hon. I. 13. Hubbard is unanimously elected emporary chairman of this convention. The ihair appoints Senator 1J. F.Jonas , of Louis- ana , , Hon. George T. ] 3arncs , ( if Georgia , and Hon. A brain S. Huwott , of Now York , a ommitteo to await upon Mr. Hubbard and onduct him to the chair. Gentlemen of thu convention , I have the listinguiched honor of presenting to this con vention Hon. Richard 13 , Hubbard , of Texrs , Iccted the absolutely impartial temporary hairraan of this convention. MB. HUOBABI ) , i taklng _ jtjio cluiir , gave thanks for thn honor one him'jti > d which ho accepted not as a ributo to himself , but as a complinient to the rejit state from which ho came a state . Inch was absolutely cosmopolitan in every bre. The democratic party in all its elements rut the Hamo as it was when founded by ramers of the constitution nearly tliruo-qnar- ers of a century ago , Men died an the leaves i autumn , but thu principles underlying berty _ and self-government were eternal , and 10 principles that underlie the democratic arty could nut perish from the earth , although letr authors might cease to be. [ Applause. ] THE DKMOCUATIC PAUTV osaid , was as much a party organized for ag- rossivowaras when xictory perched upon , s banners. The democratic party now had 10 house of representatives , and would have to senate but for treason inthe senate chain- er itself. ( Cheers ) . It would have the pres- dency , too , but for the hands of robbers , who ; ruck down the expressed will of the people V means of perjury , bribery and corruption. 'ho presidency liad been stolen from the dem- cratic party by men uttering falsehoods trough pale lips and chattering teeth. Homo f the men who had participated in the crime ad passed "beyond the river1 there to give n account of their stewardship. That HTKALINO Of THE rilCiHDKXOY as the greatest crlmo in the national history. 'ho great leaders of the party ( Tildon and tendrlcks ) with the grit which becomo-heroic ; atesmen and patriots , had submitteu with iu courage of men who love their country utter than self and power. [ Cheers. ] The emocratic party now would work n reform , . nd should put forward candidates whose ames would bo in themselves a platform , Cheers. ] It wanted a platform , too , that ould speak in no doubtful tones or us a del- hie oracle. It should declare against cor- iptlon in thu government , against the oner- lily of thu civil service , against the so called - opurtment of justice , ngninst the abuses of 10 postal service , against robbery In high laces that thu burdens of the government | tall bo based equally and equitably on all asses of the people , and that the hundred lillious of surplus riivonuo shall not bo al- owed to accumulate. : Harmony and conciliation should rule your ounselrf. Tlieru never was a time in the his- ory of the democratic party when THK KNE.MV IXVITKS THK VJC10HV n now. The great and unnumbered hosts of ihsatlsQed men of thu republican party are card in the distance in Now England , in ow York , nn fiio lakes uud in the west anil verywhe'rc ; and whllu the democratic party : lould not deviate onu iota from the palnciples ' its party , It should with optm arms Kay to ieso man hundreds of thousands , ( indernnt lore may bu "here , hero In the party of the ( institution and thu union that loves our ommon country : coma hither and go with user or honest rule and honest government. " Injconclusion ho urged that whatever candi- atus weronominatcd , should be HUpported tyally , declaring that ho would not so support tern { would not bo a good and ardly it patriot. [ Appiuuso.j IRK UNIT THK CONVKNTION DKCLAHKS foil IT. The rest of the temporary organization aving then been announced , Mr. .Smalley.jif Vermont , n member of the national committee , ofTered n resolution that the rules of the last democratic convention shall govern this body , except that in voting for candidates no state should bo allowed to change its votu until the roll of the states had been called , and until ovcry state had cast Its voto. THK WIIXIK OV WAIU Mr. Grady , of New York , offered as an amendment thu following ; And when thu vote of a state is announced by the chairman of tliu delegation of tuch state and is challenged by any member oftluulelo gallon , then the secretary shall call the name of the Individual candidates from the stat and their individual preferences ns oxpronsoi shall ho recorded ns the vote of such state [ "Hi ! hi ! and applause. ] John It. Fellow * , of Now York , said that thu convention of his state had decided that ii compliance with Immemorial \\t\to \ : In tba state the sentiments of thu mnjnrity should be first ascertained , and that haing been doni tlio vote of New Vork delegates should thera after bo CAST AS A UNIT. The convention of Now York having placec upon the delegates that trust , ho qucstono ! < the right of this convention to strip the No\\ York delegation of the rights themby con ferred , buch nctlon would not pass withou protest at from saino of the members o that boilv. The speaker then read the instructions to act ana milt passed by the Saratoga coin on lion. Ho continued by saying that as far n < the methods by which the vote of the delega lion should bo governed , Nuw York nlonu hni Bright to command it in thu state convention. Every member from this state in the conven tion voted for the enforcement of the unit mlt and the delegation itself had declared , bj iiioi-o than two-thirds majority , that iU Uiair- man should express the will of the statu by casting its 72 votes as one , Hu b.tdo them provo before they struck down ruthlessly the oxpresaod will of the sovereign state of New York , as given in a resolution which hu had read. read.Mr. Mr. Menzoie , of Indiana , offered as nn amendment to the amendment that no stata shall change its votu until the result of the ballot has been announced , mi. QIIAIIY , or NEW YOIIK , spoke in I support of his amendment , He claimed that the delegation from Nuw York had been misrepresented in the matter. There was a great deal of danger ho said , that through the uower and inlluuiico of political machinery the honest and truthful opinion of Now York might not have its proper force. Hero the newspapers might bu bouirlit to print in their columns that seventy-two solid votes from New York would be cast for the cimdi dntoj but there wns no power to make it so. [ "Hi ! Hi"J. ! There were resolute men in the Now York delegation who would not only give their reasons ivliy ono candidate should not get the nomination , but would have the right to givu their votes to that candidate- who they thought would bu elected. [ "Hi ! Hi ! " anrt"0h ! Oh ! Oh ! " nnd hisses from thu gallery - lery ] . Air. Harris , of Virginia , made a point of or der that thu discussion was not in order pending ing the temporary organization of the conven tion , but tbo point was overruled by thu chair man. man.Mr. . Grady continued his speech. IIu said that when the Now York delegation left that state it was understood that their votu would be decidedly ono way , but by political coiubin stions the people's will was sought to be inter fered with , so they nmdo this , the only pro test they could make. They made it for the honor of the party , nnd HO that Now York might take its place in the democratic column. IIu hoped that this convention would adopt THE OLD DKMOCIIATIC MOTTO. "Let ovcry man speak his sentiments and vote his sentiments , " then whatever senti ment prevails should bo slow tointnrfcro with the power the states have over their dele gates. ' Tha federal constitution provided that votus for president should bo by states , nnd that thu voice of tbo state should ba obeyed by its electors. Thu same attempt that was made now had been made in the republican convention of 1880 In favor of General Grant , but had beeu defeated. Ho admitted that the state convention of Nuw York had adopted a resolution in favor of tbo unit iiilo. and ho had not opposed it because ho believed the choice of the majority would bu what it was not to-day. ( Laughter. ) The fact still re mains that whatever wns done in the New York state convention could not control the action of the national democratic convention. There was no power in the convention that could make a reporting recretary placea lie in tliu minutes of the convention and KALSIl'Y ITS rnOCKKDINGS. If the chairman of the delegation announced twenty-four _ of his colleagues as voting for a certain candidate for whom they already an nounced their Intention not to vote , nnd jf the secretary so reported them , ho and his colleagues would bu reported as setting in a form which their lips denied , and that would bo an outrage on free speech. General Glunie , of California , said his dele gation had enmo all the way from California to volu for the greatest political reformer of the afn , Samuel J. Tildon. Speaking to the question at issue , ho said the dologatlon from Now York had been eloitcd by districts , nnd xt large , nnd it would bu an outrngu on thu minority not to permit them to vote according to the wishes of their constituents. In thu iiiimo of justice , decency nnd fair dealing , hu "tiled upon the convention to perm it the dis trict delegates to vote in accordance with the ivisbes of tbo.-e who chose thorn. Mr. Powers , of Michigan , advocated the ivmendmont offered by Grady. Why , ho iHkcd , should a man ba presented ns a reform uudidntu nnd an attempt ba made lo nominate tilm by UACiii.s's MKruons. Api > ! aiuu. | Mr. Harrison , of Illinois , nr { lied that if the statu of Now York had in- ftructed Its delegates to vote ns a unir , and if they failed HO to vote they would bo din- ibuying thu state , but that the convention Inul nothing to do with that. [ Applause. ] Ho would probably bo found voting differ- jntlv from Mr. Grady on the question of jnndidates , but hu wanted a free vote now , Mr. Jacob * , of Now York , paid ho was of the minority and would nxercisu his privilege if voting against tint choicu of thu majority , but as u democrat , and as a man loyal to his onstituents , hu would bo obedient to the or- Icrs of the state convention , and bow to thu will of tlio majority , [ Applause. ] Mr , ( irady asked him if ut the Saratoga pmonli n there had been n word of discus- iion tui to thu unit rulu. MR. AOCII3 replied that there had Hit boon , but it was 1m jauso evmyhody had agreed to it inadvnncu , John Kollyof Now Vorkadvo3nt < l tliu ( Ira- ly amendment. There woru ho said in thu Unto of New York 7 counties , of which but 10 or 12woiu democratic , According to thu urzuinentof Mr , Follows the great democratiu counties of Nuw York ( which would elect a democratic president if an opportunity wcru /Iven to them ) would bu disfranchi/cd. This was thu piinciplu which wet now prese-ntcd , nnd huappealed to the house and liticrality of of the convention in fn\or of Mr. Grady' promotion. Air. Fellows , of I > ow York , again npok ngainit the Grady amendment , i'hrrn hai Ix-on , ho aid , nn oxtrAonlinnty mlnconcrptlni of the i H\io Involvml. It did not look in uti fling tliu voice or rclin'Ming ' the sontlnipnt o of any delegate. _ The question was whothc the state convention hail n tight to sny how th will of her majority fhould bo indicated. IU would not tHTinlt her 72 icparato units to n * press 72 diffi-n-nt ilpflros on any ipio < tion K foit ) the convention , Ho raoognlznj the donw cratio method of nHCCrtalnlug her wil was , but when the WILL OF THK JIAJOIUTT won ascertained , she had a right to prcsctil. . a form In which that willnliould bo i-xpros.ied Ho nskwl KiOIy Ihow it was that they , too had obtained the credential * which pormittoi them to bu hero nt nil. Kelly replied that M'r. Follows represoMto ono domoci-ntic party In the city ot Now York ( Ivi-lly ) another. Mr. Fellow * suggestoJ that they represent only ( lilfercnt organizations in thu domueratii party. Mr. Kelly ald that the gentleman' * pur posu now was to ignore him ( Kelly ) and not It allow him a vote In the convention. It wai against that , they ( the Kelly men ) protested [ Chooers.J Mil. FKltowa proa-edud with hln argument. All that tlu majority of the Now York dolpgAti-s dnsirccl was to do what tht-irsUto had Instructed them to lo t-xpross their sentiments In a certain prescribed form. The convention should not take away that righU It was a right dear to tlio Rtato of Now York. If i-ho were stripped of that riirht slio would fool degraded and dls- lumorod. Ho declared [ Ironically ] Hint Mr. Kelly nml himnelf were in tender sympathy with each other. Ho confessed that ho had n jtighter hoX)8ctbnforohint | of bcttermothods and purer forms when he- found from thu lips of Mr. Kelly and Mr. Grady such eloquent denunciation of M.UMIINK MKIHOD3. Laughter nnd npnlnuso ] . They all understood that everything which they did in New York vaa the Hiontunoous [ outcropping of the popu ar will [ laughter ] , nnd that the hand ol nr ) itrnry powur tiovor controlled their political lU'tbods. In conclusion ho aikod whether ho national convention would strip Now York of its pjwer In this matter. [ Cries of 'No. " ] Mr. Bragg , of Wisconiill , rogardodtho ques tion OH ono whether an nltornoy with n dclo- [ ate's powers could bo permitted to violate and exceed these powers , and whether the convention , sitting ns a judpo on that ques- ion , would recognize auSh violation anil bo lound by it. j Mr. Unrke , of Louisiauafnpoko of thu JJUAIlllKI-S AND COXTBOVKIlSIia and claims of the two domqcratic factions of STow York , took the same view of the ( | ue.s- ion ns that presented by Mr. liragg , of SVis- consin. If it would bo an outrage , ho said , to leprlvo individual delegates of the right to heir own choice , it would , be a still greater lutrago to duprlvo a great state of her voice n thu convention. Ho then mured to lay the iradyamondment on the table. After porno parlimoutary objections , the notion to lay it on the table was withdrawn , and thu proviousqucstion was moved and sec- o ded. The amendment offered by Menzoiea , of ' 'ndiana. wnB withdntwn , and tlio convention iroceeded to vote on the amendment ollered ) y ( ) rady , of New York , requiring the indi vidual preferences of the delegates to bo re- curded as thu vote of the /state. / There was great interest manifested during ho TAKING OF THK YOTK. The vote of the state Of New York was vithhold temporarily , and when all the other tales. were . heard , the njjg/pgato ( without Now ' - " " - - - - - - York ) The ntid ion. . . . . . _ Hint vote WOH challenged bj ; the convention , mt the temporary chuirmauXmd the votes ecorded as annnunced. KKLI.Y The general result was then announced ayes 350 , noesH5. . The vote was then taken 911 the orlglna usolution offered by Smaller , of Vermont , nd it wax adopted. A resolution was then offered and adopted or the appointment of committees on credcn- ials and permanent organization. A commit- eo on platform was also ordered nnd it was rderuu that all rcsolntion.1 in regard to tbo ilatform bo referred tothatcommltteo without ebate. Mr. Francis , of Missouri , moved that when ! iu convention adjonrnwl it bo TILL , 11 O'CLOCK TO-MOHIIOW MOHNINO. The motion prevailed. The secretary announced a correction of 10 veto on Grady 's amendment ns follows : 'otnl vote cast , 7 ! ) . * > : for the amendment S3'2 ; jainstH.'i ; not voting 7 , Adjourned , OAHTKH IIARHISON. 1IIH 1IRMAI1K3 IN FUI.LOXTHK UNIT lll'I.K CllR'ARO , July 8- Carter Harrison got the oor amid continued applauru , during which mo the chair seemed to bo laboring under onuiderablu difficulty to learn the immo of onr istinguluhed follow citizen. Finally suc- eediug , order wns restored , nnd the mayor aid : "Mr. Chairman ; The- question IH whether 10 convention shall miiko iti own rules or ot. Wu are told by the gentlemen from \ow York , that thodelegntui nro Instructed 0 vote as a unit. That may bo * < > . If thny ailed to instruct HO , then they dlBoboycd lieir state , Itut this convention bus NOTIIINO TO 110 WITH THAT ( JUKSflON. It IH for them to return to their constituent ! ud say tii their constituents whether they mvo done well or done ba/Jly , not for us here. want harmony. I don't know but when the imo comes , tliu gentleman frpm New York , M > . Grady , and I may bo wide from each tber in whom wo should votu for. It Is not a question of candidates ; but , sir , sup | > sno the halrman of the ntato of Illinois announces hat It casts HO many votes for ono man nnd so lany for another ; if ho has cast it Improperly , lave 1 not the right to clmllungu that vote. Applauno. ] Thu chairman of tliu Now Yoric elogation will announce , if hu choosey , uoven- y-two votoH from Nuw Vork ; but , dir , there Hainan orado/.an men , or there may bo oity men , say , who declaruthat thu chairman las not announced it correctly. Ara wo hero n ovcry question to hu compelled to ask wliether the staten inutructi-d for thu unit rulu 1 not ? That is not for this convention to do- ide. Wo make our rule , nnd our rules iiould bo that every man , when challenging liu vote of the chairman muni bo heard and It nut bu righted , And for thu Bake of liar- lony , if HUTU bu one , two or five votes from Htuto that wants to challenge the vote , 1 DON'T ' WANT A TWO-TIII1ID BULK VOTK n tins state to have n two-thirds vote an- ouncu a falbit vote. I want nn' honest vote nd I prolably shall vote in opposition to my friend from Now York on ovcry occasion , but 1 want n free vote now. [ Applause. ] .IOIIN KKIiIA' . Ill * imiAKKH OX THK I'XIT ( ! An. ClltCAUO , July 8. In the dobalo totUy c5 the unit" rule , ns Mr. Jacobs took his sent , the rqunro outline of John Kelly's face became - came visible above the heads of the New York delegation , nnd n yell rosu up from nil parts of the liouo In which could bo hoard mlngloil cries of " ! " " " ! " " "Kelly "Kollyl" "platform "plat form ! " Thn chair- The gontlnuian from New York , Mr. Kolly. The gentlomtn from Now York will proceed. Mr. Kelly , of Now York Mr. Chairman. Iain pleased to sou tint nllbornllew Is taken of tha amendment offered by the gentleman from Now Vork. [ CriW of "Louder ! " "Loud er ! " I'lrttform ! 's " 1'lalforiu I" nnd a few hisses. ] The principle [ Moro yells of "Plat form ! " nnd cries indic.iUvo of n di' ! ro on thn part of the ronvuntion , that Mr. Jvolly should taku the platform , ] Thu principle invuhcd in thunmondment gnos to the very foundation of tliu democratic party thu right to MISOUITT of the delegation In the democratic convention from the statu of New York. Tlio howl * of "I'Jiitform ! " weio romnvod and porsistrd In to Kiich nn extent tint the chair finnlly felt L-allod tiiion to rubuko tlu * convention a.s fol lows : "lly n vole of the convention u\ery dele patoniU9tHi > oak f rom ) UH sent. fApplnU80.Tho | chnir , of court i' , will tnke pleasure Inputting n motion that any gontlemau bcfo-o the convcn- ! ion flmll tnke the platform. Thu gciitleman fiom Now Vork will plcono proceed. " Comparative ( | uiel having been ivstorxul , Mr. Kelly , procoodt'd ntt follows : Them are li'J rouutie-t lu thu sUto of Now York , and but ten of them ( leiurerntle , and by ilia argument of the senator from New York , the great democratic county of Nuw Yoik , which elects your democratic president f an opportunity js t < lvon to thorn , s to bo disfranchised in a demo cratic convention. That in the principle which n hero nnd now presented to tlio convention. When the question itself was before the state convention , it is true a.s Hinted here , that no liRCUwion took place , nnd It was with the prontest difficulty that we could pcrauado and irevail upon the mnjnrity of thn convention to ulmit u.s upon equal terms with these who op- ) ese us In the county of New York. Having iccomplUhed that , and having also pointed out to thorn THK DANliKU \f what they an ) golntr to do , wo have r.o ) ther rcsourcoK , no other appointments , but to tppeal to a democratic convention to give to ho democrat ie delegates f mm the great cm- ilro Ktuto of Now York an opportunity to vote or their choice in this coiiTontion , The gen- loinin Hays there aru no procr.donts for thu lositlon assumed by Mr. Grady. My rccol- ectiou I'oes back to tbo convention of ,11H. I'lie very saimi question came up in that con vention , and by tbo wish , the will and the good fooling and liberality which prevailed imong thu delegates , it was concoodcd that no nan's voice , representing a constituency in n lomocratic convention should bo Ignored. Applaueo , ] 1 will not trouhlo the convention vith a history of democratic conventions from hat dav to this , but I hope that this conven tion will take into consideration this import ant point , which I deslro to present to them. Supixwo that you disfranchise thosn demo- ratio counties to which 1 hare made refer ence , WHAT WILL UK THK FKKLINU of the constituencies that havu sent their dole- fates hero to represent them , in view of the act , that a majority of the delegates icpro- entmg the t-tatu of l\ow York are In a minor , ty in their own counties ? Will our voices- hen , representing majority constituencies , bo Btitlod in a democratic convention ? I appeal to thu good HOIUO , to thu iberaljty , the sound judgment , .and the wisdom of Iho Selcfraleo hero assembled to rive to the democratic constituencies thu same ight which they expect for themselves. And laving , Mr. Chairman , Raid no much , and not loslring to occupy the convention any further ipon the subject , I have stated it to you ns loarlyns I understand It , ami I hope , us I aid before , that the question will bu met with bo liberality which it deserves from a tlemo- ratic oonvi'ntion. [ Applausu nnd cries of Question. " ] _ _ H > _ _ FKMiOWS. HIS IllM'LYTO KIEU.f. Follows Haid : Mr. Kelly mid myself repro- cnt upon thu floor of this convention as far as oogrnphical divisions nru concerned , the Hamo ongressionnl district. [ Applnuso , ] Will ho ell mo if in that council of democrats from : iat district hu and 1 received the votes of einocrats , what conven ion it was that gave ilm ono nut of instructions and mo another ? Mr , Kelly , Will the Koutleman allow me ? Mr. Follows. With great plenwiro. Mr ? Kolly. My friend from Now York ( Mr. tallows ) and I are on the beat of terms in thu world , You gentlemen will recollect that wo hook hands over the bloody chniin in Cincin- tati. [ Laughter and applause and crips "Von vill do it iiKain. " ) Thcrr.foro In asking him o permit mo to answer his question , I know ut would do it , becausebuforu wo adjourn in Ills convention wo uxucct that ho and I again will flmko hands OVKK THK Ill.OOnV CIIAHM. Loud applause. ] I will ask the gentleman .his question , and befortt asking thu question. Causes ItH victims to bo miserable , hopeless , confused , and depressed In mind , very irrita ble , languid , and drowsy. H Is a dlseaso which does not ict ; well of Itself. H require * careful , persistent attention , ami a remedy to throw oft the causes and tone up the < llte.s- ; tlvo organs till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's Barsnimrllla has nroven just the required remedy In hundred * of canes. " I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla for dys pepsia , from which 1 liavo sullercd two years. J trlcil many other medicines , but none proved to satisfactory as Hood's Harsaparllla. " TIIO.MAU Cooir , Jlrusli Klcctrfo Light Co. , Kuw York City. , . , Headache4 "I'or the past two years I have lircn ami ( lyspcp- afflicted with M-UTO headaches bla. J was Iniluccd to Iry Hood's Har apa- illlii , ami have found great rcllof. 1 cheer , fully recommend It to all. " . > ' " . * * J\.HNAIIIH , New Haven , Conn. " "ir.ij Mrs. Wary 0. flinltli , CanibrlilRcport , Mass. , and bli-k head- was n Biiffcrcr from dyspcptla ai'lio. Bho took JIooil's Harsajiarllla fttid Xoiinil It the best remedy bho ever used. Hood's I Sarsaparilla Fold by all ditiKKlsts. llj Ms fores. JIauo only hy 0.1. HOOD & CO , , Lowell , Mass. lOOf DososIOnoi Dollar. if ho will permit mo. I will rnnfr * nn oxplonn lion. Will the gentleman pcrmft * ( ? ? Mr. Fellnwj-Certainly. Mr. Kelley There is n dlvMYt * of th democratic pirty in the county of New York JliiTO arc three county orKntiizntifttP , nl i claiming to bo tlio regular organization of the tfcinoerntlo pitly. In thngood feeling -hlcl prrnvdlod nt Snrntogft , nnd in con ldorntlf1 ! ! o tlin gTint question hn nnd t had lo lueet In Iho emln,7 presidential flection , it was conclude t t bocnuso hu and 1 had "shaken hands over MM blotxjy rltasm , " v o nhoiild eotno hero to d thrtamo thing nifain , and consequently I w.v put on TKKTAH , Or TUB TICKET. Mr.follow * My friend Mr. Kelly , has well < iprossod thu cordUlity of the relations of n iH'raonal clmi.ictorwhich oatots between us , and I most hcnttily nml cordially reciprocate thbin I ; m . Wo may differ as to mctlyxln ; wo may ditreras to org.iuijutlon fi > rm ; but I nay for him. ns 1 i > ay for mycolf , that wo have but ( jiio end to attain , nharod by ovcry democratic dplogatu upon this floor. [ Applntur. ] Jlut his exclamation hardly moots my inquiry. That wns diri-cted to Uio quoUion ns to Ixiw ho nnd 1 obtained the credentials which per mit to bo here at all us , either from the same or from different coiiRrofHlonnl distiictH. Mr. Kelly "I Intended to a k n question , but I did not suppnsa that it was nccrjHnry t iwik It now. As bo has referred to thu manner by which the delegates were chosen , I will ay that ho represents oxr. DusioritATie I'AUTY in that city nnd county of Now York , and I represent another , [ Laughtor. ] Mr. Follows-Ono democratic organization uf the sumo party , [ Itonowed laughter nnd npiihiuin. ] Mr. Knlly Very woll. And bocaiuo wo reiironont dlireront organixntloiu , and as neither of the orgnniza tons could cheese two , It was consented that hu and 1 should repre sent thu district. Hut the point for the convention to consider is this : this foutloman proposes now to Ignore wo , and nut to allow ino to vote In the convention ut all. ( Laughter i\ud npplnuto. ] Therefore ho is willing to VOTK VOll MK , iuullt is against that that 1 protest to this con vention. I Applause ami laughter. ] Mr. Follows My friend Is quite mistaken. It is quite ponslblo that during the progro i ) of this convention n do/on questions may arioo in thu Now York delegation where ho will bo ono of n very largo majority and I ( hull bo In the minority. Then no , having his will expressed in thu debate in thu delegation , finds his voice and that is thu point of this contention through and by thu forms proscribed by Iho state whose authority wo boar. That is nil that thnro isof thlaquustton. Goiitlomon of this convention , wo are son t to thm convention , NOTIIY CONOHKsmo.VAI. DtaTUIOTH. The convention nt Saratoga apimintod n jommitti'o logo out and report the names of novcnty-t\vi nominees to bu elected ns dole- fates to this national convention. When UoM ) nninuH were presented , the convention if thu utato of Now York fleeted IIH dclegatcH md wfthont that nution wo could hnvo hud in authority. No Qnntlemon of the minority icro can contend , for onu moment , that if thu onveiilioii had ivgrottnd tbo i' nninns , voted .hem down , that any of thu nninuj tlms pro- Rented would havu had any bueincsH in this convention. It wns only the action of the : onventlonof tbo state of Now York tlmtRavo , o Its delegates any authority hero. Now .hat brings mu to thu question that my u o- piunt friend from California HCCIIIS to have iverlookod. Whun NW ! York 1ms oxprusiod ler will by a majority , how shall that will bo ndicatod to the country nt largo ? The utato convention said , an It has often sati ! to ovuiy nan in this convention ! whoso hairs ar.i whitened by the flight of time when they were jluck w'th thu huua of youth , nnhl that Its state VOTK AH A UNIT when thu will of a majority had been ancei- tilnod by fair democratic methods. - [ Ap- plkuse.l Now , gentlemen , a woitl or two fur- tber. What do they priposp to do here ? I reveal no secrets of our deliberations in thu delegation rooms , becausu presently the result of thctiu deliberations is < i bo Indlcnteij by our nctlon. When I say that after long ruforonco t wns agreed , mid such wai thu nentimont of all our delegation , that its will being ascor- ; ained by u majority , the chairman of our delegation should arise in bis place and say ipou thu pending innatlon | , "Tho statu of Now York , obeying thu instructions laid upon her lolegatos , obedient to the will of tbo majority if the delegation , cast 72 votes eo nnd BO , and that remit was arrived at by the following vote ( stating that vote to tlio convention. ) Apnlauso. ] Ho. you xeo , Mr. Chairman , that ill wo dcsiro is what onr state instructed us to lu , to convoy its sentiment in a certain pro scribed form. Do not take that rl bt from us. [ t is a dear right to thu state of Nuw York. HHKC't.AIMH HKII I'OWKK nhoront in liorsolf ; not granted her by the will of her sister states , but rcponod in 'her iwn strons ; arms ; envolved from her own HCIISO of right ; thu product of her own judg ment. Sbo claims the right to iirrscrlbu the methods and forms by which nor ambaitsa- dors shall execute her will. lo not under- lake to strip her of that sovpruign light for 1 toll you that Now Yock will fool degraded and dishonored by thu action of this uonvcn- .ion , if not ever questions which are to ba Iho object of your entire deliberation , but over | uo tlnns which refer only to the forms n nd nothodsof her own delegation , you shall tin- lurtuko to right her lawn Instead of per- nittiiighor to do it hornelf. [ Applause. ] And apropos of thin question , and of this dis- ciiDsiiin , it seems to mu that thu delegation mist have learned something ( if TIIU rousim.u HOTIVK which aiiimntps Ilia coiilontlon now through ho expression that dropped from thu lips of hu gentleman from Now York ( Mr. Coch- uno ) when ho said that the reason they did lot oppoxo tlio adoption of thu unit rule at Saratoga was bucauso they siqiposrsl then they lud n majority of thu delegation. [ Applausu mil laughter. ] Mr. Cochnmo , of Now York "Mr. Chair- nan , I would like to auk him n question , 1 uoiildlllio to nnk the gentleman if hu understood - stood mo to say that that controlled our no- .ion , or whether 1 did not say that wo did not 'eel called upon to oppose it , because nobody cnew how thu delegation htooil. " Mr , J-VHowH "O.juotnt all. " Mr. Cochruuu "Aiulthnt It wnHHUpjiressod jy thoongineiirs who now givu it expression 'or the first time. " Mr. Fello H. Not lit nil. Mr. Chairman.- I did not understand Mr. 'ochron to say anything of thu port. Mr , Cochriiu. I dosiru to correct that gen- loman , thun , lr , I'VllowH. In what respect ? Mr , ( Jochran.To correct you as to the words which you have placed in my mouth , Mr. Fellows.1 stated the fact that hu Bald hu reason they did not oppose thu unit rule nt iuratogti was hccauxo at thiit Unto they imig- ; ned that the delegation would stand dilfoiuut- y from what they find it to eland to-day. Mr , Fellow * 1 certainly did not understand lim to nay that It was that which influenced heir npi.Tatioiiii , May thu Lord of the demo- : ratic hosts forbid , of course , that any such tano nnd surbld consideration should huvo act- lated him , [ Laughter and cheers , ] Kirs , all Is > Hy. nil in hinnony. all is perfect accord , Mr. Kelley and mysrlf , ulnLe \ P iiresentcil ourselves in the attitude HF. THH JAV1I > ASH I THB JONA1VAN. ifforn the domoctatio luntx of thta eiitntfy , nil nhook haml , are in tender lympatTjy with each other. [ Lainhtcr and cheer * ] ; n > .d I feel it n distinction to chalco hands with hlln every hour In the day. Jlut I confess tlrnt I havr-n brighter hppdsot l oforoinoof bottflr motlmls nml purer forms when I find through the lira of these gentlemen such nlnquont tie- nunciation of aiacninnmetlnxlK. [ Cheers antl Inughtc ? . ] Mr , Kelly and Mr. Grady nnd myself , and beyond us the country , under' stand so well that everything wn do in Now i'ork Is n spontnnoour1 outcropping of thu popular wll. | Oreat hughUT.J That the liand of nn nrbltrary power noviT controlled or Imposes or dictates our action to tnakit their protestations necessary. [ Laughter and npp iutu 1 I cnmn to thn question ngain in M iolomn n fornr of f.TJitir < Iorj anlirtii prwcnt to yo.i. Jjit mo any forwi majority of this delegation that thatKvtnr Kvtnr VOTM .ho mlnnrity may cast will bo proclaimed np- in this rtoor , and every ninglo expression of sentiment tliey may desire to ut- . ' r , will bo braid npon this floor , but New York hns told us that we shall meet in deloga * ted form nnd tnko a vote upon every question submitted to ns for nction , and that when the majority Is fairly nrcrrtiHnnd Unit majority represents o < ir democratic wilt' mid sentiment ; and she wants It | irolnimed t J tliu nation in acorUin waj. in no defiant speech 1 nay this. luv spirit uf tbo mostcandor and con * sidcration IH.-VV to you , gentlemen of our sis- trr states , with regard to this rwrvml power of control over the forms and methods of our own delegation , will you 11AIIK YOU strip her of It ? [ Applautc. ] At this point ihoio , wcio roar * nil over the huuso for the cpiCKtion. The chnir finnlly reccgnlzed I5en- ernl liraff , of Wisconsin. THIS UNIT UUI.E. Till ! VCTB JIY HTATEK. The following Is the detailed vote on G rady's amondmont. t AYKH NAV8 Alabama . 1C 5 Arkansas . 14 California . 10 Colorado . | . ! Connecticut . 2 10 ) clawnr& . . . 0 10ft 'lorlda . a ft iooiKla . T > 12 Illnols . : . . : . 1KI 22 ndlunn . 30 owa . 0 0 vnusas . 3 1 ! \ontucky . 10 ! ( jinilsiana . - . . . . 10 \\n\no \ \ \ . 2 10 Uaryland . 1(7 ( " \lasKaclni8otta . 21 7 Uichlgan . 12 12 Minnesota . It Mlfsisslinil . 18 Itit Missouri . 8 it Nebraska . 5 5 Nevada . < ! Sruw Jersey . 11 4G s'ow Hampshire . G Now York . * 72 North Carolina . 10 12 ) hio . 25 21U ) rogon . U 'annsylvanla . 21 3 ! ) Uiodo Island . ' . K louth Carolina . 3 14 LVnnassoo . 17 7 [ Vxas . 12 10 Vermont . f. 8 Virginia . G 18 WostVirginla . It Wisconsin . . ' . . . . . 0 17 * As nnnounctd by the chairman of thu Now York dologatlon. SUMMING UP THK SITUATION. CI.KVKMND'H HUCOKHB vciir I'EOIIISINO. Special Dispatch to THK BKK. CHICAGO , July 8. The anticipated fight bo- ween thu Cleveland forces and the opposition mike out soon after opening of the convcu- ion. It was jireclpatitcd by n resolution in- riHluced by Sonntor Grady , of Now York , 'ohn ICelly'ri lieutenant , that the unit rulu ba irokon. If this rule , making It imperative ! ipon thu states to vote n * a unit as the major- ty of thu delegations directed , is observed , jlovolaml s nomination is an almost forrgono conclusion. Jint If the rulu is broken mid the lologatos votes ns they cheese individually , a eng and bitter light will pr.ibably result. AR bo case now stands , Cleveland has a majority of the votu of thu delegates , but it will take ; wo thirds of them to nominate him. The situation still is , Cleveland ngaimt the field. Dan Manning is greatly elated over tbcjiciult of to-day's buttle. A 1IBVOI.T IN TAMMASr. At a meotlng of Tammany delegation , to the surprisu of Kelly , n disagrecmout developed in lis own ranks. Ono of the delegates said that ; rent odium was being visited on _ tbo Tiun- nanyitos and ho , for ono , was tiring of it ; J'nmmnny wa.s rapidly bringing itself into din- [ Continued on ffth ARSNOUS nriNCTOHOtDDOVm INO POWDER. ITAMBOUllDTOniSC/ , [ f nluin oriuiylnjurloimiihrtimcvdcun l < u louna la AmlrowH' jL-cai-l JJalcinB Powder. , Is pos- ivi'l/PUnf" . JlufiiieiiUo oilaii < IU-i > tininniali reeofvoilTriiiuflilrli elicinUtsnBH. luimllays.3)o . on ; M. Ifoturoiilnln-- , ni'ChtniKo ; and lloile , JlllwuiiUtf. Never sold in tiullc. "J t