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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
t t. OMAHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , MAY U , 188J JACOB StMS. E. P. CADWELti SIMS& CADVYKLL , Attorneys-at-Law , , IOWA Offlco , Main Street , Rooran 1 and ShujMt t Hon - n hon'i Block. Will practice In SUte nd eiler l court * \ W. R. VAUCH AW. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Uluffir. cnato collec Ion ngcni 0 U FeUo v N. SOHURZ. ' Justice of toe Peace. OFFICE OVKIl ASIKIUCAN KXPIIKSS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. Mrs.H.J , Hilton , H , D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON : ; , , 222 Middle Bro < 'i = ' y. Council BluQa. E , Eice M , D. n A } jriflJ ] ? ( or other tumors removed without the UiHlUllUIJj knllo or drawing ol blood , CHRONIC DISEASES - * . * - * Otcr thirty yearn I practical experience Ofllco No C Pearl street , Council llluds iiTConcultatlon tree At the well-lmown. Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 20J ) Upper Broaaway , the OI Council liluflj. Notlco our rcducoa Price List. We gi > o IK pound * Rttra O Sugar ( or. . . . , $1 00 11 pounds ( iranulatcd Suzar 1 oo 25 pound * Choice Oatmeal . . 1 00 25 pounds Navy Beam 100 20 pounds B"8t Hulk Starch 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Illco 1 00 12 pounds Choice I rums 100 25 bars UuflaloSoap , i 00 Extra LaKe Trout , per pound 09 Choice Mlnco Meat per pound in 1 dozen Mackerel 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 290 10 pounds dinner Snapj 1 CO 40pouml8li mloy i TO SKallon keg Sym > i 70 Wlilte Fnh , per k SO Mackerel , ocr kit 81 Datci , P r pound 10 J" 3 poumlIDS PS "I'nrdTonutocs 1 00 . .liviiid , atlfornu r'ruiU 3 pound Lusk'a btai dnrd 4 for 1 CO T. T. , according to quality , 153 to 80o per pound We aho carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and Ch'Jdrui's flno Shoes and Mcn > Fine Boots at very low prices. Also & full line oi Tinware and Koncral inerchiUidltc. Call on us and lie convinced thai you canta\eu.onnyk.v dcalins with us. Goods delivered free In auv part of the cltv. lu. word , we arn hound to sell and challenge all " ' ' i & , mjoatlon in this county. J. P. F1U1EHT 201 u cr Broadway ICE CREAM PARLOR. f KOLLEU SKATINO ON SATURDAYS ONLY. KINK FOU KENT AT $15.00 1'EH NIQIIT. i -tB-LARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN. H. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. Tnoa. OFFICIU , /OFFICER & PUSEY Council Bluffa It. Established - - 1856 Dealers la Foreign nd omostlo Exchineo an IIOBM &rain& & ? BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY IIAMS. ' J. . FULLER , Commission Merchant o. 33 Pearl Street - Council BluftN , Iowa. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL SCIENTIFIC ) AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFF3 JOIVA Will Open * * THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete rourso for teachers and those desiring a higher Kicllsh education , a full busincaj courde , ltli tralulni ; In actuil Lnslncsn practice and Kfiicr a correspondence , nhort hand , orntmcntal ehlp , f locution , Oerniin and music. Splendid runmi , laih'u , IlKht and well furnisho 1 , charge * very moilcr nti ! , cost of llvlntr remona'jle , society k'ood , uxperl uiccd tcacluri t'or further partlcuhrn , Innulro of I1EAUU31EV& PAULSOX , Council Hlulh , Iowa. 1h \elopement of the trpatmcnt n ( Cinccr "ith SniltV Swcltlcfccnu 90 wonderful , that all so allllc- IcdgnoiiM wrltous , * CANCER FOR 14 YEARS , Kpartantnlrir , S. C. , March 14,1 S1. I h vo for 11 years been uHcror from tunnlnc core on my fwo that oxcrybonlv cilleil k Cancer. I ha\o used o\er $300 worth of iredlclno nJ ( omul no relict. About four months age 1 Kincht one bottle ol SnIll's Spccine fiom Dr. II K. Htlnltth. anil fluco haxo boiiRht n\o others. ha\eUVca ItMid they have cunxl mo soumlaiul well' My ( * c Is ni frco from fcdoroasanjlKvlj'iinnil my liealth In perfectly re- iturcd. t fed like forty } c\n "had ) > ecn lifted ofl my head. Yours thankfully , KI.I7.A 1INSI.KY. Mr. 11. K. Burns ttopo , Ark. , my * , under lUte ol Jan. 22 , 1SS4 : "I have taken Mo bottles olS llt's Specific lor a sore on ray temple slid to bo rancor. I imo been wonderfully liencfltiil nud nlll noon bo a well man. " Mr.V. . H. llnblnniMi , ti\l lioro On. , writes , timlcr d\to Jan. S , 1SS4 : "I am ircttlnu on llnclv , the nicer Is pradiiallv healinr. 1 led that Sultt'ispoelflo will cum tha horrible cancer which bin boon fe 4lngoii mo for over 20 j car * . " Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. TIIiS\VIKTSl'KCIKIO CO. Urancr 3 , AtLvit" , On. N V. Onico , U9W.SAI St. , bet Olh and 7th s. \\'o KU.vauteo the euro of the followlnc named ills scarce , or no pay : llhcinnitlsm , Scrofula , Ulrers , Catarrh , a'l ' lllciod and > l-lnillsea'cs , DvtpopslaI.lver Complaint , Kidney and Illaddcr Diseases , Oout , Neiv rall ( and Asthma , These Sprlmjs are the faTOtlte csort of the tired nn.I dcbllltatad , and are the FKKUM : LAUIKS IIEST KUIKND , flood hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and summer Locality hlRhly plcturcsquo nd healthy. Aoccislllo byVal > sn railway , t K.ionn.or C. , U. A Q. , at Albany. Cornwpotiucno solicited , UKV. M. M. "THOMPSON. " Manager. Albany , Slloim Springs , , Oentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. SpcclDo Clr < u Ity 1.002 Reaction Kcutra Carbonlo Acid Oas 28 in. per cMlou Carbonate Calcium 3S.W1 drains Carbonate Iron 7,011 ' , ' Sulphalo Magnesia 3 , 8 " Sulphate U.llclum 1,140 " ( Chloride Swlluin 7'JeO Silllca , l,6fifl ' ! Alumina 0,019 > Ortranlcand Volatile matter and loss..1,159 " Total scllds per Rallon 07,171 " Wmunr& MXBRII.II. ChemUts 8T , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , S17 ml 219 North Main St. , St. LouU W110LESAI.K DEALEUS IN nooK , > WUITINO NKWS , f WllAl'l'l NO GANNON BR3'S2& ' CO. , ave e3tthUiio 1 tlionnclvoa In Omaha to ttantnct general * ir i\r { uanil Imslnen.Vo ill huy nil hflspi rf > ; ooNnt u holisalo or retail , nnd Kuaranteo .xirtccc satl-ftctioii In prices , aa wo can huj ch < 'a ] > cr .ban yourselves. You can sea the ad\autao of Iriv- n your ( -cods bo'ight by one who will work for our Interest and not trust to a morchint uho hm omcthiii ) ; ho U inxl'HH toborldof. Wo uill nho prompt -'ontlo-i to aellln nnjthln entrusted ous , nnd ROOKS coniigncu to inlll bo carefullr okcd to. G'orropimdcnc3 aolidtc-,1. J f -Koferonoei-Oniahi National BinkjTMcO ro'ellaim. Adlrojj 111 3. 15th St. DISEASES OF THE J T. ARMSTRONG M. D. , . , . . , OotxXlst ta-xxd. ' - < a-TW.x-iE t. Until oHlco.3 are repaired from result ot lire , offl with Dr. 1'arLer. lloom G , Crclghton Block 15th and UouKKnisir eeta. Wlioi < a ( Iul llli3' | uxlmiiMllon nnd prem&tura tlccity ni e ciust-d uy Aiocsfacx. errors of youth , etc. . are perfnctly restored to r il ut Itrulth and nutntiooil hy THE JMARSTON .omnch di ; . Tniatjrcatment ut A'vrtoqn JlcMllty ai drill Hecnvu uniformly enccosBful [ mcntiso uancrt on P rfcoi (9Ciiifiii ( > * l vli k\viiiiil direct nicthndi ftnc voidtB ( ttnroiiifl'tii'H * . tvttfld Treitiso fnn. * nnSTON RPMP'4 Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture of train * by central standard time , at tlio local depots. Trains Icara transfer depot ten mln ILCS earlier and arrho ten minutes later , CHICAGO , HUHLINOrON AND ODIKCT. LKAVH. ARRIVK fi:35 : p m Clilc.ijo Express 0:00 : a m D0 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 p tr HAN8A3 Clir , RT. JOB AKD COn > CIL BLLTF . 10:05 : a m Mail and Exprcsi , 7:05 : p m 8:05 : p m 1'aclflc Express , tDO : p m CHICAGO , MILWADIinK AND HT. FAt'I , . fi5 : ! a m Mall andKxprcas , 7:10 : p m 6:25 : p ui KxprcsH , 0:40 : a n 9:16 : a m Express , 0:65 : p m CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. 6:30 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:40 : n m 0:50 : a m Day Kxpresi , 0,50 p n 7:15 : am i "Doa Ifolncs Accommodation , 4:10 : p m "At local ilcpot only. WABAXII , 8T , IXIUIS AND 1'ACinO. 9:55 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4:50 : pin Cannon llall , 11:15 : a in At Transfer oiJ CUICAOO and KORTIIK IUTKRM. 5:30 : m Express , 0:50 : p in 9:15 : am Paciflo Kxprcis , 0:45 : a n 8IODX CITY AND 1'ACIKIO. m Ht. 1'aul Express , 9:00 : a in in Accommodation , 6:00 : p in UNION pAcirio. 8:00 : p m Western Kxprcss , 8:39 : a in 11:00 : a in 1'aclllo ICxprctii , 4:40 : p in 7:40 : n m Local Express , 0.61 a n 12:10 : a m Lincoln Exjiroui , At Tranifer only. DUMUr TRAIKH TOOMAIIA. Ixiavo 7:20-i:30-9:3o-ioSO-ll:40u. : : : : : m. lso-2:3fl : : 3:33-4:30-5:30-0:35 : : : ll:05p. : m Huiiday-9:30-llll : : ) a m S:30-4:30-fl:35-lli'5 : : : : p. [ m. Aruve 10 mln utcB before loavlni ; time. ID UHDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalio Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGlT . . " . . . . . . ONTo. l-a. IU" IVXcvixL Ot. 231ifr/5 GALVANIZED IROM CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call nnd see thorn before buying olsuwhoro. Stoves and Tinware. JOHfT EPENETEE , V r WHY DON'T YOU HTBDMK OP I FITCH BROTHERS' ' OOSTOHi 1'er/tK.t.Klttliiir / , But and Cheapest \ die I .men Collar * i' < d Ho. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Zowa WIFE WON BY STRATAGEM , Thomas L , James1 First Loyc and Romance , The VUlonof Loveliness Ho Hnw nt n Clmroli Fair Ills Kvontdtl Career. Is'ow York iTtmnml , Thatnas L. . ) runes , ox-editor , ox-Cus- torn House Inspector nnd ox-Postmaster , is a living example ofrlmt n poor boy endowed with pluck , energy nnd perseverance can accomplish. llo wns born in Uticn on March 2 ! ) , 181U. His father wns n printer fnir-to-do. His parents sent him to school until ho waa fifteen years of ngo. Ho wns n bright , smart little chap , and never made nn enemy. Ho was universally liked and respected by his school inntcs , After he left school , "Tom , " ns every ono called him , wns apprenticed \Vestly & Baily , printers , in Utica , for five years. Tom my was nn industrious worker during business hours nnd Attended faithfully to his duties. But when work wns over ho wns changed. Hardly n house In Utica but where he wns welcome. No party or ball of any kind wns complete unless Tom James woe present. Ho wns Iho gayest of the pay. The girla adored him. In return Turn was in love with nil of them. Ho wns their champion. At the ngo of twenty ho determined to leave Uticn. When his purpose became known his many friends tried to dissuade him from it , butte to no avail. Ho had given his word to Hon. Francis B. Fish to go with him to the little villngo of Hamilton nnd engage in the newspaper business. When he told his friends of his resolve they tried no more to dissuade him , for it was well known that when Tom James gave his word nothing on earth would cause him to brenk it. The young man wont to Hamilton and with Mr. Fish started u Whig paper. It wns called the Madison Count } ' Journal. Hero ho became ns great n favorite na in Utica. Ono advantage Hamilton hnd over Utica wns thnt there were moro pretty young girla living there. It waa nt n church fair that lie first nindo the ac quaintance of the pretty little maiden who afterwards became Mrs. James. Her name wns Emily Ida Frecburn. The handsome young editor who stood in front of her table was charmed with her , and wns easily wheedled into buying nn unlimited supply of dolls , ribbons nnd Bibles by the vivacious little miss who presided. She was barely eighteen nnd n blonde. Scotland was her native land. It was , indeed , love nt first sight with the susceptible Tom. Every night for the week or moro that the fair lasted Tom was generally to bo found nt or in iho vicinity of Miss Miss Frooburn's table. Her voice and her sweet grnco made n deeper and deeper impression on the young man every night. It BOOH be came evident to his friends thnt ho wan much in love with the fair young girl nnd ion the teasing began. lie bore it all ood-naturedly , however , and never do- ied that ho wns in love. Ho was too onest. All this time , however , ho hnd o moans of knowing what the young ady's feelings were towards himself. She was very shy and extremely sensitive. Vhen lie asked permission to call on her t her homo , however , she granted his ilea with BO much apparent pleasure that 10 went homo jubilant , fccliug sure aho id care something for him. He made jroat progress in his love affairs. "Ho was such a fine , manly follow , and ook mo so by surprise , " said pretty Mrs. amoa , afterwards , "that 1 could not help oving him. " Every night Tom and his sweetheart ook cnrriauo rides or rowed out on the aim little lake which was ono of the attractions of the town. Finally ho pro > osod and was accepted. lie then wont o her father and asked him for his laughter's hand in marriage. The old ; entloman was very wealthy nnd also ory proud. Ho would not listen to the iroposition for a moment. The suitor vas forbid the houso. Tlio young man md pride equal to Mr. Frooburn's. The only apparent effect the refusal had on lim was to make him work harder. ) nly for a little stratogom things might lave remained as they wore and Tom never boon married. On January ( i ho was tendered the ) osition of the Lincoln .National Bank , n Forty-second street. Ho accepted it. At once Vanderbilt and other well- cnown magnates began to dcposite there , so great was the power of Mr. James lamo. llo ia slightly above the medium leight , with scant hair always neatly crushed , kind , genial face , lighted up by a brilliant light-blue eyes. Ho is courtsey tsolf. His employes are always eager to show him how much they respect nnd eve him. With his lovely wife ho hvoa in a palace like house No ) 'M Grnmcrcy Park. It happened fortunately that Emily bad for n maid a good hearted girl , who loved her pretty little mistress dearly. When she saw the latter pining away day after day she made up her mind to do something. She went to the village doctor , a good-natured , fussy little man. To him she stilted the whole matter. Shortly after ho visited tlio Froobura residence. Ho saw Emily and appeared to bo greatly surprised at her looking so ill. Ho at once ordered her to lior room. Then ho told her father that some secret trouble was at work within her eating lior young life out. The old gantleman became frightened. Ho also told the doctor of the youug pooplu'a lovo. The latter looked severe , said no good could possibly come of separating two loving lioarts , but it was none of his business , and ho went off. Mr. Freoburn became frightened. Im mediately ho dispatched a letter to Tom to come and BOO him. The affair of the heart was hnnpily adjusted nnd they were married in the fall of 1852 , and thu grand wedding that took place is still spoken of by some of the old settle in that little town. His wife seemed to bring him good fortune. Soon after his inarriago ho wiu appointed custom hougo inspector , will a salary of 81,500 per year. Ho removed to Now York. Hero a ain ho became ono of the most popular gentlemen ii the city. Ho made hosts of friends n all conditions of lifo. His popularity became unbounded. When Grant be came president ho made Mr. James post muster oi Now York City. Ho rotuuiuc this position until the advent of Gar field , The latter , in ncknowledgmon of his long and faithful political servico.1 , niHilo him postmaster general of tin United States. Ho remained in thi ofllco until the December folowing tli death of Garfield , when ho resigned , lit also withdrew from politics. } " ISmvurn ol' Mining Hooinw. Ban Francisco Chronicle. A short time ugo the Colorado paper reported a great new mineral diecovoi ; at a pkco known n Mount Pisgah , 1 : that ctatu. It was "the richest eve known. " It wns "extensive too , " and it wns not the vulgar nnd tabooed { silver , but "gold in chloride form" and worth thousands per ton , with boundless thous ands of tons in sight. Of people went after it they always do. They w cut in 1850 by thousands after "Gold lake , " abandoning diggings that paid "an ounce n day lo the hand. " They wont again in 1852 the Bamo was after "sold blull' . " nnd again in 1855 , nflor "Kero river , " nnd again , in 1858 , after "Frnsor river. " They were sadly disappointed every time , but it did not euro them. The fools still live and they are on the way by thousands ngnin after the phan tom Mount Pisgali nnd Cu-ur d' Alone , nut as the former bubble Ims broken nnd boon explained ns n "salted1 fraud , some thing like the famous diamond "salt" of ten years n o over somewhere in the doaorla of Utnh. Those who hnvo enont the savings of yonra in "outfits nro swindled. A few rascnla are bonelitted nnd n vast amount of misery will unsuo. Of nil men in the world , these who follow gold and silver mining nro the most incorriijnbly gullible ; nnd they do not seem to Improve by experience. Some thirty years ago , half n dozen woll- to-do minors rend In the papers of a rich gold discovery aomo where on the Amazon zen , in either Peru or Bolivia. They lee had "ounce diggings" nnd ono of thomnn nccumulntod "pilo" of 885,000. With out sending an ngont to look into the now mines nnd report , those men raised n company of 100 nnd wont out blindly. They never found a mine that ] > * M bettor than $1 n day : but most of th in , following the old Spanish route taken three centuries before by that dashing adventurer GonEalc * Pizarro , found graves among the snowbanks of the Andes or the sandbars of the Mirnn- on , nnd of the whole lot only three got back to California , and they penniless nnd with broken constitutions. But they were not cured. They went again to Frnsor 1858 and to Mono still Inter , with like distressing results , and if anyone ono of the throe is still alive , wo have no doubt ho is either on the way to Mount Pisgah or the Cu > ur d' Aleno. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Any man who earns 82 n day In this State or haa n fair prospect of earn ing it nt any honest buuinoas , had bolter remain where ho ia than run the chance of finding ounce , or ton-dollar , or live- dollar diggings in those- now mines. Oiinco diggina tlo not mean an ounce a day regularly for any length of timo. It is an ounce ono day nnd nothing the next , with the prospect of starvation , rheumatism , rags , pneumonia , disapoint- ment , and death in the mine. And yet , good nnd sensible ns this advice is , wo feel confident that if Stanley should strike n gold mint ) on the Congo , right in tlio heart of the sickliest part of the dark continent , the California delegation would bo the most numerous nnd among the first to arrive nnd the last to leave. OAUTION. No. 210 GiiAND STIIKKT , JKKSEY CmN. . J. , Fob. 28 , 1883. Two months ago I oulforod with n very ad cough , which kept mo awake nil night. was recommended to put on my chest wo Allcock's Porous Plasters. Unfor- inaloly my druggist persuaded mo to try omo other so-called porous plaster , I oat my manoy , for they wore worthless nd not of the slightest bonoiit. I then rocurod Allcock'a Porous Plasters , nnd .hoy completely cured mo. J. F. McGlNNlSS. Imitation Porous Plasters are being .dvortisod and offered for nnlo. Beware if them. "Alcock'a" is the only gen uine. _ 1'oBt Olllco CtmngcH. Post office changes in Nebraska am wn during the week ending May 10 , 1884 , furnished by Win. YanVlock ol -ho poatoflico department : NllllUAHKA. Established : Purdnm , Sioux county Goo. F. Purdum , P. M. Name Chauiroa. : Sand Hill , Franklin county , to Alpine. Postmasters Appointed : Alpine , Franklin county , Charles A. Griswold -"roomnn , Gage county , Elizabeth Mum- 'ord ; Lone Star , Butler county , Clias. S. Stevens ; Rock Blull' , Caw county , Chaa. L , Gravca ; Willow Springs , Wheeler county , Ilichard C. McClimaus. IOWA. Establiahed Lesan , Rinsjgold county Owen L. Lesan. P , M. McCoid , Washington county , Harvoi J. Miksch. P. M. Park , Core Goido county , Henry AV Bennett , P. M. Postmasters appointed Erie , O'Brioi county , John Cottrell , Gladstone , Tama county , A. IT. Tracy Livermore , Uumboldt county , Join II. Ford. Ontario , Story county , F. M. Collcll A. SiiiKlo Fact IR W < > rtli a Ship-lout ol' Mr. W. I ) , hathrop , of South Kan tun \IRHH. , undordatu of January 7 , 1881 , miy "My fatlior liad for years nn oatinu cancer on il under lip , which luul been giadimlly grow- nfj worno until it had union away Ills uniloi Ip down to tlin cumn , nnd was feeding Itsoll ou the Inftido ( if lil check , anil the mirgoone H.ilil u horrible ( loath won noon to conio. We 'nvo him iilno Ijottloti of Swift'o Specific anil 10 linn boon entirely cured. It IIUH cruutail mat excitement in thin hcctlun , " TroatlflO on Hlooil uud Skin UleonsoH mailed roo. roo.TIIK Swirr Si'KCino Co. , Drawer S , At auta , Ga. Downcil DyCoiiAlut Imlior , 31ilcnfro 1 feralJ. Thu big cur and wagon nnd agricultural mplemontcstabliRhmont of which Senator Sabin is president , leading stockholder and manager has gene into the hands oi a receiver. There ia the usual talk ol " " " difficulty "slightombarrassmont , "temporary culty , " and assets oxceuding liabilities iy Huvoral millionu , but the chances are thai .ho oollnppo , like most colhpai-H in theai days , is completo. Thin is the conpany , with the chairman of the National llopublicaii Committee nt its head , which has been utalizing tin convict labor of Minnesota. The din patches state that It omployrd from 275 U 1100 convicts regularly , and that its pros out embarrassment was partially cuuaet by the fire at thu Stillwater ponitonlian a few months ago , which destroyed mucl of its machinery nnd raw material am left the convictH idle on itu hands. Mr Sabin owns $7i > 0,000 of stock in tin company , nnd up to the time of the fin it was uuppoBcd to bo waking money but latterly the stock hai dwindled dowi to nothing on the market , and thu scna tor , who wan believed to bo getting n > rich by meani of convict labor , may b worth nothing at nil , or may have trim fortune hidden away. A Si'iihllilo Mini vtiinlil UHII. K < 3iiii'i | < HalBiun for iho Thiout u < l f.nnx- It in cuilujj mure CVKJJ of Uuiij'hit , Ooldu , j\ \ hum , Jirnuchitiu , Ctouji , and all Throat un himtroublcH , than any ether uicilldiu 'f'fiu proirlitor | haa untliurUutl Kolin dfr . llocht , to refund your inoiiuy If , ofter tuklii fourtlm uf u bottlo. lefiH notobtitiiioi 1'rlco ro cauts and § 1 , Yue nale by fjuhotiih lievht. 3tannnl IMii'callon. WHAT jA > tra T. rnii.Ds wori.n ix.Mvinn in ; A nov AOAIX. 1 Ihlnk I would Irani to two my left laud as frocly M my ri hl om % w > 11ml If anything happened lo either of them the tlicr would lionlheady to write mid "linn- llo things , " just nsif nolhinnhad wcurred. There U no reason in the world why both muds hluinld not bo eduented nllke. A Itllc pnu-tleo would soon render one * ct if lingers ni expert IH the other ; nnd 1 ia\o known people who never thought , vhen n thing wns to bo done , which par- icular hand ought to do it , lint the ono leurcst Ilm olijeet took hold of it nnd did ho oflleo required. 1 would leatn the art of using tools of various sorla. I think I would insist on earning KOHIO tinde , even If 1 knew there would bo no occasion for mo to follow It vhen 1 grew up. What n plennuro It IM in liter life to bo able to niako mmicthlni : , ns hoKjiyinp IB to consttiuit n nent Ixix to ioldonos ; pens nnd pupcr ; or n pretty cabinet for u sister's lilmir.v ; or to frame u iivorito engriiving for n ClirsUmns present o n kind , dear mother. AVlmt n loss note o know how fo mend n cliulr that rcnisca oslnnd up strong , only becuuso it needs n few lucks uud u bit of leather hero and here. Porno of 119 ciinnut eren drive u mil straight , nnd should we attempt to saw oft'nn obtrusive piece of wood , ten leone ono * linger would bo lost in the operation. It is pleasant relaxation ON cry ihiy to rnvo books nnd studies nnd work nn hour ir two in tool shop ; nnd my fiiend , the ptmird nnd lovable 1'rof. Olher Wendell lolmcH , lluds such : i comfort in "mending hiiigH,1'when bin nctivo Imiin needs re- tosc , that ho sometimeH bieuks n piece of uruiliire ou purpose that he mny have the elief of iiutting ft. together ngnin much lotler limn it wns before , llo is ns peed a iicclmuic UH hois n poet ; but there is nolh- ngmcrliiinii'iil nbouthU poetry , nn you all know who have lend his delightful pieces. Vn J'lnglish author not longngoNiid to mo : I'rof. Holmes is writing the best English of our liuuis. " And I could not help nd- ling : "Yes , mid iinenling Ihu best stereo- copes , tool" A boy ought nlsoiobo nt homo in nlinrn , nnd Irani how to hniness hoisu , tinker ip n wagon , feed the nnlmnls mid do n inndrcd useful IhingH , the expeiiencoof vhich nmy bo of t > pccitil herviee to him in fler lifo us nn explorer or lrn\eler , when mlooked-for cmuigeneies befall him. I mveseeii an rx-1'iesideut of ( ho United States , when nn old mini , descend fiom liis ; irriugonud renrrango Imcklco and slian | bout his horses when nnnei'itlentoceurretl , while the clumsy eo.iclnuan stood bv in lopcleas inactivity , not knowing the be l liing lo bo done. Tlio ex-1'iesident told ic ho had learned nbout such things on u arm in his boyhood , and ho wns never ul los-s for leiucdiea on Iho load when the nrrlnge hroko down. If 1 were n boy ngaiu 1 would Icurn hove o low n boat ami handle n Hail. A 8AVI < Mtl.O\V13ltS AS by n. AVatulmuin , Ilol'InyN the llnln ol'Ovci'workoit CiiHlilor. NOWR. Ho wns n tail watchman who were nelnl buttons on his coat , n dark lantern in the inside of his wrist , nnd n bolt with i club in it about the sir.o of n small HOC- .ion of a Imiomhandln. llo stood nt the corner of Clark nnd Jackson atrueta lenn- ng ap'iinat the Grand Pnciliu hotel while lu llaahud n blinding streak of light west ward along the brown side of tlio huge lostolry. Ho chuckled as the rod shaft struck nn astonished porter in Iho face nt , hu hotel entrance nnd sent him stnggor- ng backward. Having accomplished this bit of pleasantry the watchman turned and walked northward on Clark street. llo was a good locking young follow , and ho was dressed like n clerk. Ho talked like ono , tot. So 1 hold the light for him , nnd after n few trials ho opened the door. " "Much obliged , ' ho said. 'Coma in and sit down awhile. ' "I thanked him , nnd said I couldn't stop. I moved on after seeing him go to work on a big ledger. I was uneasy , though , nnd came back to the Btoio in n few minuter. Ho had turned thp lights down and was sinking n stool drill into the lock of the safe. Ho heard mo und bolted , but I caught him us ho dived through the back window. Thou ho be gan to bog. Ho Bnid the firm employed him us assistant cashier at n salary of § 8 per week. Ho hud nn aged father and invalid mother dependent on him. It was his llfflt olfonse. Ho shod tears. Ho begged mo to take him b"foro his em ployer instead of locking him up. But I didn't. llo was behind tlio bars UH quick as 1 could cot him thoro. Ho proved to bo un old nnd expert burglar. Ho got ton years. " "Uo you prevent many burglaries ? " "Well , n good many , 1 suppose by no- curing fastenings. People nro cnrolous , nnd leave their doom unlocked nnd their windows open sometimes. Gnu night I found thu key of a store slicking ouUido in thu lock. There nro plenty of thinga to look nfter in the dark , when all the shops nro shut up. Good night.1 ItiltoiH itro uiiilorHod by nil thu lending | iby llaiin : and chuiiiisU , for their inulty \\liiikummeiiui8. . Itowuru of coiiu- torfuftH , ami ink your grocer or drujkt ; ( ! for tbo goumno article , iirujiurod by Dr. J. O. Jl. Siegert & Sons. llo I Vnrci > Nt ) I < Vf. Arkiuisaw Traveller. The memory of a drunken man ie sometimes ntrikingly nlive. A well- cnown citizen stood in u bar-room at. .erupting to induce every ono to drink , Very naturally , his wnr experience soon came up , nnd with that chust-swoll of irido which" over ohaructcri/.CB tie old tuldior , hi ) haul : " 1 fought seven battloa during the woi nnd ain't afraid of no man. " "Como on and go homo , " remarked t 'riond , taking his arm. "No , 1 won't go homo. I foughl seven battles nnd nin't nfrald of no man , jut I won't go home , I am n married Of tlio many rcinuillux liulorn the public for Norvoim Debility anil woaknuKH uf Norvc [ Jonerntlvo HyHtuiii , thrro in ilium 0iial | to Al < ICII'H Drain Fond , -which jiriiniitly | anil | > onna- nontly rOHtorftH all lint \\x \ < n" It miv'ur fiilln , | .k . , ( ! for 8.1.-At. . ' PUBLBC SALE - OK- 100 Head of Short Horns ! AT Till : DKIVINU J'MIK Council Ul nil's , - - - - Town May 21 & , 22 , ' 84. At 1 o'tluck | L in. ol ouch ikV. ! J5 FirKt-clusa Voting Uulls , Of Choice Cows and Hoil'erH , all re corded or olijjiblo for record. jttrficnJ lor Cutilo ucu tu i-ltlar ol tlio undc ilk-nod , T. r.TilKVKOIl.Ooiuinll Illiiirn , Iowa , II. ( I. WlllJKUUtl.lOJubolt. lu u. W7-H-J 10-17 THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ilr i I I U Ono of the Best andSlargest Stocks in the United States toJselect [ from. NO STAIRS rTO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! i O South Main Street , Countil Bluffs , Town. Wo minrantoo our work na firat-cliw in over nmnnor nnd style nt lo\7 prieo AVe make n spooiaUy of Oroupes , Fnmiliea , nnd canecinlly children , whio wo tnko quicker Hum n wink. COMK AND SKK US. SCHMIDT , t R1LEV , Proprietors. All klmla ol or. ffife ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , i-tn.oto. V. All Orders bv Mnll Promptly Attendee ! To. A 1 J - i I WlIOIiUSALK DKALKUS IN 343 nnd 344 Droadwny. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA KVKItVTIIINn Nos. 81 7 mill ! 31i S. Main St. . OOUNCIL BLUFFS \ nrtatna , In Lnco , flic , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clotlin , Mattlnna , Linoleums Etc jhoicest Stock West of Chicago. nnd ho convinced that wo nro headquarters for nil goods in our line , ilncu to buy House Furnishings in the C'ly. L BLUFFS , - IOWA. Mnil Orders Filled Promptly nnd with Cnro AND WOOD , UIK AND UAUUICti TJUB , IX > U1SVILI < K AND POIlTTiAM ) CKUKNTi MIOU10AN VLABTKIl , I1AIU AND SKWKll 1'11'K. o , 039 Broaaway , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE THEPlan. . Fiirniluro and appointments nil now. Nos. 208 nnd 210 Brondwny , Council Bluffo. H. H. HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN INars Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nud rAUA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by usiiro of-our own manufacture and warranted s represented. OPERA HOUSE OIGAll HOUSE , B52 Broadway , H. II. HORNE AGO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. E3. 14Mnin COUNCIL HLTJKFS.IO'W.A. MRS. D. A BENEDICT. Jl VNUI'AirTUUKIl OF Water Waves and Hair Goods O ± ) ' NO. : w7 , w imoAinvAY COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA tto.GliuiliiK ut Nutlnm nml LuillBs Om > iln nt IMPORTERS OF AND JOBBERS OV DOMESTIC OlAES.TOBA'uCOSJIPEStSMOIEES'AETICLlS . ' PROPUIKTOIIS OF THK FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Seina Victorias , Especiales , Eosoa in 7 Sizes iroin ( \ 60 to $120 per 1000. AND TOT ! FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT 01GAKS ; Grapest Thi&tle , Lawrence Barrett , Oara-caels. SJew Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN FE1 8KND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. J a - ' * Bj ffpt-'E t ri $ ® ffim PPi . . . _ ufv % M I 'JJSJ , ! ! ® nfe'lfel aHSSkJ " .tw - ' K1-/ | ® < V S f"T'S CTlit * * IJ * * 1 * * IV" VI'.VITkJ / * * * . \ * m.w ® wf , * i _ - uMW . - S _ Jm _ . ' - . < . . Ism . , ® tVA TT UT ft .VJ > * ; i * * l MMsSIE M4 z- S SS Sf S K ,