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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY , MAY 14 , 1884. ' THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , May 14 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. , Bv Carrier - - - - - - - SOcnU per cc K By Ma" 1000peryc omen : No. 7 Pearl Street. Near Broadway. MINOB MENTION , See J. Jleitor's spring goods. See Harkncss Bro'e. , now advertise ment. A public dance taken place this even ing at the rink. Head the now advertisement of Hark- ness Brothers. It will pay you. Z. F. Lindsay & Co. are erecting n thirty foot addition to their store. Ilarknoss Bros , are having a fine con crete walk laid by their building. There will bo a sociable at the Metho dist church parlors to-morrow evening. Dr. Soyhort has boon chosen as the city physician for the coming year. A good choice. David Tostovin'waslockcd up yesterday , ho being on a little whirl , and acting strangely. J. W. Tiffany was yesterday fined $3 and costs by Justice Schurz for assaulting Win.Brix. . Ex-Policeman Barhyto now nurses ft broken too , as the result of being thrown out of a wagon. "Nono of your darned business * ' was arrested yesterday for being drunk and disorderly. At least that is the name ho gave. The boy Toms arrested for stealing clothing from the Colorado house , was discharged yesterday by Judge Aylos worth. It ia to bo regretted that ox-Governor Fairchild , of Wisconsin , cannot accept the invitation to apeak hero on Decora tion day. Two violins , a clarionotto and bass composed the orchestra at "Hearts of Oak. " There ia atlll room for further improvement. Peter Bochtolo ia providing for the summer comfort of his guests by placing awnings at all the windows of his Euro pean hotel. E. E. Cole made a kick on the pavement - mont Tory hard in front of his place on Main street yoatorday , and to please him that part of it was rolaid. Frank Vandorborgh'a challenged Wal ter Nason to a contest in fancy and plain skating , and the same to talco place at the roller skating rink on Saturday even ing. ing.Tho The district court opened yesterday with a call of the calender and assign ment of cases. The grand jury was im- paunolled , S. S. Keller was selected foreman and George F. Smith , clerk. A fast girl known as Jennie Graveyard was arrested for fast driving and for being - ing drunk. She was shown ono of the best rooms on the parlor floor of the hotel do Malta-/ , but proceeded to show her displeasure .by kicking out ono of the French plato windows. A gang of about thirty workmen who have boon employed in digging out the ditch st the river for the waterworks , quit yesterday because the company was behind in paying oil' . Ilnrry Birkinbino did what ho could for them by telegraph ing the officials east , from which source money is expected doily. Last evening there was a happy wed ding party at the residence of J. Bassott , whoso daughter , Miss Mary A. Bassott , was given in marriage to James L. Wos- loy. Rev. Mr. Bates , of the Presbyterian church , officiated , and following the cere mony were many expressions of congrat ulation and well wishes. All then par took of a wedding feast , .and a merry , social season followed. i' . O.'und W. D. Kirkland are now get ting their now store No. 314 Broadway in pretty good shape , nearly all the Btock of jewelry being moved and put in placo. The now place is a "dazzlor" and the establishment ia ono of which they may bo proud. The walla and coil ing have boon handsomely decorated and the stock of nilvorwaro and jewelry shows up very finely. Mrs. B. Weber , a Gorman woman , who lives at No. 1010 Sixteenth street , merits praise for her public spirit and generos ity. Yesterday she came to Bayliss park with a goodly quantity of flower seeds , and with her own hands planted thorn in the beds about the band stand. Ia previous years she has put plants in the park , and such acts on her part form an example which is worthy of following ' by others. There are many others , not foreign born either , who in comparing ' their own interest in thoparkjwith that of the Gorman woman should fool a little tinge of shame , and a little bit of blushes .creep into the chock. K. Thornton's team , attached to a wagon , made a lively ruu on upper Broadway. Mr. Thornton was thrown 4 > ut but not badly injured. The team collided with ono of Conrad Geiio'a boer irAgoni , breaking the ruu somewhat , and then dashing to the front managed to freak off the tongue of tlu ) same wagon . l y come queer move. The runaways al . so succeeded in breaking off a hydrant by Wie * & Clausen's store , and a piece of the wreck broke ono of the largo win dows. Thu runaways also started up nU. . Gralil's hone and wagon , and they went flying down Broadway but were soon topped. VAUGHN'S ' VOTARIES. They Seem to be DrnramiDfl ; np Busi ness for His Jnsiicc Shop , How ft Stcnsrcj S lnry Cnn tiol'locrd Out I ) } ' OliartflnK up Justice Keen. The "Carter Hnrn'son"of the Missouri alopo , " as Mayor Vnughn'a henchman , John Jay Frainoy , has christened him , socs a protly fair way to tnako up for the ? ( ! 00 salary as mayor which ho dooms so meagre , when other cities are paying $1,000 or more. Vaughn holds on to the oflico of justice of the peace , too , with a keen grip , and there are many grists bo- ting put in the hopper , for which costs are axed up , of course. The arrest made by the police are gen erally disposed of by Judge Aylcsworth , who In the magistrate of the superior and police court cases of preliminary oxami * nations. It makes little difference what magistrate conducts the examination , but in many other cases the fees , when the case is hoard before Judge Aylesworth , goes to the city. The present drift spurns to bo to have the police force business brought before Vaut'hn , who taxes up the coats and thus pieces out his salary. Since the first of May there have boon brought before Vaiighan 30 criminal cases , about three n day , and as the feus in each amount to several dollars , the justiceship Is evidently more lucrative than that of mayor. About a week ago on Saturday night the police arrested three drunks. The city jail was being repaired at the time , and the follows wore placed in the county jail. Instead of being brought before Judge Aylcswprth , who Is paid n salary of $12,000 , while ho has much or little business , informations wore filed in Vaiighan's court , and early Monday morning they were brought before him and fined , ho yetting the costs instead of the city. Cases too , which havoboon virtually dis posed of by Judge Aylosworth , form an excuse for filing of the informations and taxing up the cost. For Instance on ac count of the row at Bokompor's saloon , John Peters , Mike Kildaro , and George Pete's were fined by Judge Aylouworth $14.GO each for disturbing the peace. Now there are filed in Justice Vaughan'a court one information charging George Peters and Mike Kildaro with an affray. A second information charges George Peters , John Peters , and Mike Kildaro with riot. Still a third information charges John Peters with assault and bat tery. These informations were sworn to by Dandy Dunn , of the police force of which the mayor is the head. Those informations , all growing out of the same transactions , were filed up , making quite a bill of cost for the justice and mayor , if not for the benefit of good order. Another instance ia that of Albert Carroll who was arrested for somodomes- tie trouble , ho having had a rumpus with his wife. One information filed before Vaughn charges him with a "broach of tho'Sabbath. Still another information charges him with assault and battery. A third information charges him with in tent to murder , thus making three Infer mations on which to tax up coats. John Jay Prainoy who hangs around the court a good deal , and who Is known as Vaughn's right hand political helper , stands ready to take a part in the cases , either to defend or prosecute. Some time ago ono Arthur MoDormott had some dealing with Frainoy and some civil suit about a horse grow out of it. It is claimed that McDermott in settling with Frainoy turned over to him n horse be longing to McDormott's father. An in formation was filed the other day against McDermott for perjury. Still a second ono for the larceny of a horso. Still n third ono for the fraudulent conveyance of personal property. The information for perjury has boon dismissed. On the two others the accused waived examina tion , and gave bail , to await the action of the grand jury , If it takes any action at all. all.If If informations are to thus bo filed , two or three out of the same transac tions , and cases naturally belonging t i the police court , are to bo brought be fore Vaughan , it is to bo hoped that tlu county board will examine olosply into Vaughan'a bills presented at its next mooting. County Attorney Mynstor , who generally inspects the bills , is i warm friend friend of Vaughan's too , bu it is to bo hoped that his friendship wll not blind his eyca to what is fair and square , and that the people's interests will bo protected. There is also some grumbling already hoard ) because by Vaughan's course as justice , fines and costs which will other wise go into the city treasury , are turned aside by the cases being brought bofori 0 him. If to gain a few dollars costs fo ir himself , ho is thus acting so as to diver rt the revenue from the city into otho ir channels , ho ought to boast loss of havinp the interesto of the city no dearly % heart. 1'KUSONAU A. Ovorton returned from the east yesterday - torday , Mayor J. I' . Organ , of Noola , was In the city yoatorday. Mayor llako , of Avocn , wan looklug at the old court house here yesterday , Mrs. K. Clark now loaOH for a few weeks visit to Nebraska frloudaand relatives. Bon Newman , of Omaha , was on this uido of the rtvcr among hU old friends yesterday. F. 0. Klrklaiul , who U now caulnor of the Fannoru & Mcrchaiita'bunk , of Oxford , Km. , li here for a few days helping to got the jow- lry entabllahmont niovod into Itn now quarters 1 ho lolugInterested in tlint builiieaa. FEIENDS OF THE HOMELESS , Tlio 1'urpoBfH of ItrniiuhcH Katal- III OlJltT 1'JUCOH. In various towns in wofitorn Iowa or- Dank tioiiBhtvo been formed of branches of the Homo of thu Friendless association of this city , and as many here do not un derstand fully tit ? purposes of these brunches , the following 'from the conntl tution adopted by each of them , ia to lie Point : The objocU of this association shall be 1st. To co-operato with thu ITomo ol . _ . . , _ . . _ the Kriondlc&s fit * /t & auociation of Council ItlulFj ) , Ja. , in maintaining & homo whew destitute and orphan children may bond cared for and educated and , at the pronti age , given a trade or profuuioa. And alto where poor aud friendless ours , re cardies * of age , race , creed or B r , mnv I bo given chrutian care and BUj > j > ort uutil such limo ns they mny bo ftblo to euro for homeolvcs 2nd. To ralso money by entertainments - monts , lectures , private subscriptions , or in nny other manner thnt the local so ciety may direct , to bo hold by its treas urer and used in works of local charity ; or , if the society sees fit , for the purpose of paying duca and assessments to the pa rent ansociation , d. It shall bo the duty of the officers of the association to hear and pass upon the claim of members against the parent association in caao of sickness or death and promptly report tto the manager of the parent association the character of such claim. It shall bo their duty to enquire - quire Into and pass upon _ the claims of such as dojiro ndmisuon into thn Homo. NIl'l'IM ) KOU K A Young Sinn GclH a Suit of Clotlics On Billy Hinlth'H Credit. A young man named James E. Uailoy was arrested yesterday on charge of for gery , lie hao been at work for Billy Smith , of the Ogden , taking care of horses. Yesterday ho went to Fnrman'a storoand purchased a § 11 suit of'clothes , presenting an order with Billy Smith's name to it. After leaving the store with the rlothcn. Oscar Kopllngur had his suspicions arouaed that the order was not all right , and soon had his suspicions confirmedby _ running across to the Ogden and asking Smith about it. The latter pronounced it a forgery , and Kopllugor immediately hurried after Bailey , who had gene up the street , and brought him back to the atoro where ho was detained until Mar shal Guanolla arrested him and placed him in jail. The hearing is sot for 10 o'clock this morning before Judge Ayloa- worth. llcnl KslatoTrntiHtorfl. The following transfers were tiled May 12 , 1884 > nd reported by P. J.McMahon , Council Bluffs : Christian Jensen to J. " B. Johnnson , lot 5 , Billow's add. to Walnut ; $100. J. B. Johannxon tolliloy Duncan , pare of so } sw } . 0 , 77 , 38 ; SL'fiO. Joseph Cowty to Reuben Morris , part nwj soj , 12 , 7510 ; $250. It. ll. Woodmanoy to T. J. Evans , lot 8 , block 10 , and lots 21 ! and 27 , block R , and lot 11 , block 9 ; $300. Margaret S. Darner to Mary Smith , part of lot 87 original plat ; $200. Total sales $1,100. Total nalos for the week , § 11,435. S lo ofKvprcHH 1'uuknKOB. To-morrow morning the American Express company will begin to sell a public sale at 50 > ! Broadway all aorta oi unclaimed property from all points in Iowa. Trunka , valises and every conceivable kind of articles are among the collection to bo sold to the highest bidder for cash. This gives a chance for all to speculate and a ehanco for all to got n bargain. There will bo ono sale in the morning another in the afternoon , and if all th goods are not then sold there will bo an evening sale. Nothing Succeeds Ijlko Success. J , Mueller sold aud shipped last week four pianos , eleven organs and filled for ty-soven orders for general merchandise Monday and Tuesday of this week ho has shipped two pianos and three organs and nine cases of merchandise. Ilia fen men on the road keep him busy. Busjmoll soils railroad tickets cheap to all points. A pony belonging to Taylor & Caloff , which had boon in harness but once before fore , got to prancing about considerably on Seventh street near the Bloomer school building yesterday , but succeeded only in breaking a shaft of the wagon. Ilcgular dinner , 35 cents , troin 11:30 : to 2 o'clook , for gentlemen at Chris Schwongor's , 108 Main street. COMMKUOIAIj. COUNCIL niurrB MAUKET. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 70 ; rojoutod fit ) . Cum Local purponna , OaU For local piirpofloa , 3 "t@10. Hi y 810 00@1'J 00 per ton Uyo 10@46o. Corn Moid 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; pricoa nt yards , 0 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft 5 00 per ton Lord Falrbank' * , wholesaling at Ojo. Flour City Hour , 1 00@3 30. Brooms 2"y.5@3 00 per doz. UVK STOCK. OuttIo-3 50 ® I OOj calves , 5 50@7 50. Hoga Local pnckors aru buying now an there Is a good demand for all grades ; choice packing , U 25 ; mixed , 5 25. ruonucK ANI > nioira. Quotations by J. M , St , John & Co. , com mission merchants , 538 Broadway , Butter Croamorv. " " " rolls , IKdllfa. Kgga 12jo per O'tdy Halo. Poultry Jtoa ly > \ * i.dttwaod , 12ii HMDC : turknys , ui ua , Uc ; live , 12i Uuclui , drosHod , U'ic ; live. Ha. Orungoj 1 O0@l 50 per bet , ] .onions 3 50W-1 00 per box. Banunaa 2 50@3 50 per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 35 40 ; onions , 75oj .jbbugo , 4 conta per pound ; apples , ready sale nt 3 'J5@4 00 for prlmo Block ; Boaua , 1 50 " 1225 per bushol. * SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOS. HjwelM ft Vertliwmeiiti , BUQ an Lost , Found , To I/oin , for Bale , To Kent , WiuiU , IlosrJ- lug , etc. , will bo liuortod lu thli oolimm at the law r to of TKN CKNTO IT.Il LINK ( or the flrit Inwrtlon Mid FIVE CENTS I'EH LINK lor each ( ubsvquenl n- twrtlcm , LC&VO acHurtUomonU t our office , No. Poail Street , m > nr liroadwav WANTS. OM > I'Al'Klta-Kor ulo at 1I offloe , at 2S cciiU a liuiulniil. - AOKNTS Uullet and Kontlemon can maka first ttago * by volltnK the "Chaniiilou lloaom btnct--r aud Ironlnir llnard. " IUU1U at tl.OO. Any lady can douiia line uliltt without a wrinkle and Klc't It an nicely MtheUntlaiiuJrlonran. Addrc ( orittitlculanO. U. a. & I. Uo. , ln offlcu , lor our mo'itli. T ? ° " HAl.K Goiwral ( took ol Men-handUe Iluj- | J1 licit eitablltlieil ten i earn. Uooil riunoni lor 11Milllnir , 1'art | > meiit , | iart time. AddrcM I' . U BOX OL Noola , low * . . W ANTKU Kvitry boityiu Council lllud * to take Tuillita. I ) llrt.r J by carrlorat ouly twenty couU " \I7AN1 UD A cuiuiiiitoiit itlrl tadOKtneral liouto. > I work liia niallmllj. ( Nona other uoed ap ply , at 421 South Second tie t. t.MIW. . T. K. OVVJ.f , TI J'UNIBIIKI ' ) KOOM.-Klnelir ( urnUhtxl , lor rent. i 1 ? i/ociitlou ceutril. Aildtun J. Vf , II. litu of. llco. EDWAED KUEHL , iCAQIflTKU Of ? J&UYer&Rr AtrtJ CONDITION ALUT.Si)9T eaiiraruam aod liar - uey , wil , with too aid ol guardian plrits , obUInlnj | kn ) on * Kianoe oi tu pail and ptcicnt. and th . I eitalu oouOltloo lu tfio future. Uioti aud > ho * < ll"lia J wd r. f ttltat w tiiiaotlo ru rar.U 1 , New and Beautiful Attractions -xnxr- Dry Goods HARKNES Having just purchased in Eastern Markets .1 very choice stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc , wo are prepared to oiler an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , and sail do so at * UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES These goods have j'usb been opened from the manufacturers , find comprise Win latest designs and novelties of the season Note below n few of the MANY BARGAINS wo are offering : SILKS , SIIiIEIS , Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 5c ( ) ; Summer silks , 75c. Those ore special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Hood black silk at 50c , wortli 75c. Choice black lladzimcr silk , § 1.00 , usual price , $1.30. Black Gro3 Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at S1.75 , worth $2 25. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinne at 81.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co , and Autue , Guineb &Co. , at Lowest Prices. Good plaid at 5c , worth lOc. Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth 15c. Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never soul for less than 81.00 Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES. Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table at 40c. Choice all 'inen ' table at GOc. Very fine all linen table at § 1.50 , worth S3 * 0 Table crasli 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels at 12c each. Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin , 5c. Good unbleached muslin Gc. A finp assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices Full stock of Domestic Paper Patterns. ( "Catalogues free. Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets Moquettcs , Axmiusteis , &c. at lowest prices in the west. Harkness 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. wod'fri-sat-mon - - IE. STOOIKIimiRT &c OO -MANUFACTtmEUS OF- FINE PARLOR FURNITURE CARPET * , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , anil KEPA1HINO XDooox-fvtloxxs xvxxcl TTi lx o NO. 309 BROADWAY - . A Specialty. . . - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ST T . e * . U. 29 Main Street Council Blutfs. MHS. S. J. NOR11IS , omplete Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS I05S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS 1012 OJIKAM. "VKT. Oo-tcx-or Tla.0 E < 1. Olllson ' 404 Broadway , Moth at nil Hours. Chef il'culnlne Council Bluff * . Parties a Specialty Sinn-Mel , Gram ifl Fresco-Pato. Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs. DEALER IN ALL TH LATEST DESIGNS OP ML PAPER interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Putlprir TinnpiAj Ctnnt" Ptn , ulllltjljf , llUllljlb fMUliL Jjj. [ | ? fSTSpcclal attention to orders my Mall , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Fig leavea are out of style , so are goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have gone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { : s The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN. ° - 540 Broadway , Oonncil Bluffs We have the The latest nov" finest stock and cities for Spring all the latest designs Overcoats w e to select ' signs 'have jusfc ref from. ceived. Seethemf NONE BUT TUP TEADINQ BEST OP SKILLED i HAND3 EMPLOYED. ' MerchaDt Tailors Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. LL Largest Window Shades , Stock in the City Material -AND- And ROOM MOULDING , Lowest CORNICE POLES Prices Guaranteed. Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , NEXT DOOJl TO THE POSTOFFICE. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.