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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , MAY l.'J , 1881. NO. 2613 * * . Ufec REIGN' OF RECKLESSNESS , * ' ' * SabinV Failure Threatening to lie a , ; / Grant & Ward Affair , . ? § , - /Vuvia' / ' ItB.SBaniifioations Extending all lvor ) New England , jNoarly Every Bank Holds | 0ar Company Paper , : iStiUflgoFira Claims to be Able ' ' $ ! " > Pay all Liabilities , * ' ! MtftfaW Considerable of a Kim on Stillwa- First National Bank , OfllclriV Announcement of tlio Y/nlinsh Itccclvcrshlji. X11K IWANGIA.LI F Till : SA1UN FAILURE. BOSTON , May 12. Senator Sabin lias been a heavy borrower for his car com pany from capitalists of Now York and Boston nnd many of the smaller cities of How , England. IIo has sold stock in Norwich , Conn. ; Fitchburg , Lowell , Manchester , Bangor and ether places. Trust funds are said to bo largely invest ed in it. Considerable preferred stock was sold with half common stock thrown inks a bonus. Ono linn in Boston is Bald to hold nearly $100,000 in stock and in paper of the car company , bnt it is not expected that the firm will be atl'ect- od by the failure. Sabin lias boon east several times lately , making the sales of stock and negotiating loans not many months since. A loading firm hold near ly $200,000 of his stock and papor. HECEIVEH BROWN. ST. PAUL , May 12. Receiver Brown , of , the Northern Car Company , will begin the work of obtaining an inventory on all the property of the concern without do- lay. This property embraces email lots of machinery , scattered throughout the country in the hands of numerous agents , as Trull as the commercial paper hold by the company , the enormous plant and a largo amount of material on hand at the works. Mr. Brown says ho will pay off the hands on Thursday , the 15th of the present month. TUB SHOPS WILL BE SIIUT DOWN 'for a few days to facilitate the taking of an inventory. Senator 0. D. Gilfillan , first vice pres ident of the car company , says the inten tion is to continue operations under a re ceiver for ton months after which time it , is thought tlio company will bo in a cou- , i'dition to continue under a management " "of its own. The senator says there has been mismanagement , but ho still be lieves that the creditors will bo paid in full. -"KO EASTERN FIBMS AFFECTED. " NEW YOUK , May 12. Wayland Trask , an intimate friend of Senator Sabinsays : "No ono iu the east will bo hurt by the failure of the Minnesota firm. There are no failures here t justify the heavy decline - cline in wheat reported in the Chicago dispatches.1' TUE BITTEN IN BOSTON. ' . BOSTON , May 12. Fogg Bros. , bankers - / ors , held some paper of the Northwest ern Car company , but decline to sy how much. A leading broker says "Sabius" are into about every bank in Boston and hold all over New England but nobody is going to lose anything. The assets are abundant. Ho did not believe Sabin bor rowed much money except at low rates. AT WOKCCSIKIl. WORCESTER , Hats , May 12 Paper of the Northwestern < W company is held by bulks hero but not in amounts to cause inconvenience. At the City bank it was stated that all paper they held is amply protected by sound securities. Stock of the company has been sold here to some extent , the agents being Messrs. Rico & Whitney. It is thought not more than 2000 shares wcro placed horo. THE WOUUIED WAIIARU. NEW YORK , May 12. It is officially announced that the Wabrsh company bo placed in the hands of a temporary receiver , until plans for placing the prop , orty on a solid basis , are efl'ected. It is estimated that ninety days will bo re quired to reorganize under consolidation mortgage bonds to bo exchanged for first preferred stock. This action sots at'rout the reports that the Missouri Pacific would bo called upon to take care ofVu - bosh debts. NEW YOFK , May 12. The story that a receiver had been appointed for the Wabash is not true. A tnmporary re ceiver will , however , bo appointed , as al ready reported. QUANT AND WAKI ) . NEW YOUK , May 12. Nothing was learned at the oflico of Grant & Ward this morning. Ward had not arrived at 11 o'clock. The report of the bank ex aminer will bo forwarded to Washington shortly. Until it is made public no ofli- cial statement of the bank's affairs can be obtained. THE MINNESOTA FAILURE. Reports were current here this morn ing of heavy losses in Now York on ac count of tlioallures in Minnesota. Nw information confirning those reports can bo obtained , and they are believed to be erroneous , NOT TEN MILLIONS. HJAt the oflico of Grant it Ward , Receiv er Davioa was investigating the books. Ilo refused to say anything. Mr. Smith says that the report that the liabilities are § 10,000,000 , is exaggerated , and he know np combination of creditors bring ing suit against the firm , Ward ia in consultation with his counsel , TWO DKTEUTIVKH continue to shadow Ward. Kxaminct Scriber will have his report on the Ma rino bank in two days. Director Ellwoll said that the reported synopsis or rough report of Mr. Scriber is founded on guess work and ia not accurate. "It ia reported that wo have no funds in bank ; we have § 400,000 in cash ; also $500,000 in real estate , making $900,000 not shown in this statement. I think the depositor/ / : will be paid in full. A UUN ON A ST1LLWATEU BANK. STILLWATKU , May 12. A run wa midoon the First National bank thii morning , growing out of the car com- any complications. The run was soon necked when all demands were mot. ) nly about $2r > ,000 were chocked out. ho car company crow and Townsonu Tills nro still at work. Sabin is expect- d to-night. Ho leaves Washington this ftornoon. WARD ASStONH. NEW YORK , May 12. Ferdinand Yard to-day lilod an assignment for the jonofit of his creditors to Goo. 0. Holt. Vnrd assigned his interest in Booth s Theatre , six lots and buildings on Madi- on avenue , eighteen lots and buildings n Brooklyn , also all his lots and build ups in Stamford , Conn. , known as Rose- nont , Strawberry hill , together with his arm and buildings , furniture and plate , lorsonal property everything. The as- iRnmont first directs the payment of Yard's individual Indebtedness , and hen his liability in the firm of Grant & Ward. An attachment was granted gainst the property of FUKIir.IUCK 1 > . ( IRANI u the suit of Ilarvoy B. Ilollins , Yank 0. Ilollius and Fernando A. Tztiaga. Y/.uaga stales that on April .4th Grant made a note promising to iay on demand to the 1T. S. National JanU or order , $2i,000 , - Hli interest at : per taut. The bank transferred the loto to plaintiffs , who demanded pay- nont from Grant but ho neglected to do his. A CANADIAN COLLAPSK. TORONTO , May 12 The British Cann- lian lumbering and timber company has issicned ; liabilities , $1,000,000 ; assets .rilling. Among the creditors are the 3auk of Commerce for SUDO.OOO. MOKE SABIN SUSPENSIONS. STILLWAIER , Minn. , May 12. The Railway Transfer company goes into the lands of a receiver this evening. R S Stinson will bo appointed. Senator Sa- ) in is a lurgo stock holder in this com > anyas well as in the Union Water com lany. The old firm of Seymour , Sabin & Co. , which was still doing some busi- loss , succumbed to-day. It is feared a well known lumber company will follow. TUB MARINE BANK DEPOSITORS. WASHINGTON , May 12 The examiner of the Marino bank of Now York , in a letter to the comptroller , expresses the opinion that the depositors will receive 75 to 80 per cent , and in case the estate of Fish and Grant & Ward are properly managed the depositors may bo paid ii full. AN OREGON FAILURE. PORTLAND , OREGON , May 12. Ohonoy Spraguo's lumber yards , of Spokane Falls , has ben attached by D. A. Small of Walla Walla. The com iiy was or zanized last year , with a capital ntock o $3,000,000. CONNECTICUT CROOKF.DNESS. BRIDGEPOIIT , Ct. , May 12. The city was greatly excited to-day as it became known that the property of John Iluri had been attached to the amount o $1300,000. An accounting is demandec in the interest of the stockholders of the Housatonic Rolling Ilook Company The company was organized in 1881 bi John Hurd and Fred H. Miles of this city , and Wm. H. Barnum , of Limerick with a capital stock of $500,000 , dividec as follows : John Hurd , 3080 shares Fred H. Miles , do. , and W. H. Barnum 1000 shares. It was provided that the parties might increase the number o shares and issue stock for the same fo their individual benefit. It is allcgot Hurd and Miles have increased thai stock to § 1,005,000. The plaintiffs complain that Hurd & , Miles frequently refused to disclose what had been done with the funds Stock in the Housatpnic Rolling Stocl Company and other similar organization had been sold in largo quantities througl Hurd , Miles and others. It is estimate ! Hurd made § 1,500,000 from his opera tions. K TKAGEDY. A Now Yorlc IIiiHlmiul ot < ! O Year Slays His Wife and OliiUIund SuloldoH. NEW YORK , May 12. To-night Isaa D. Edrohi , a chemist aged CO years , liv ing apart from his wife , ago 4fi , visitei her lodgings on Eapt llth street. Their son Charles , ogcd 0 years , was playing ii the room. After some conversation vritl his wife Ediohi naked her to live will him again She answered no. Thereupon on ho drew a revolver and fired upon he as she turned to 11 40 from the room. The bullet struck her in the back , fracturing her spine and causing u wound undoubt edly fatal. lie then shot his little soi killing him instantly The father llei from the house. While running up lit ! street ho placed tha pistol to his righ temple , lircd , and foil dead npou the sidewalk , MILWAUKEE , May 12. The anti-mo nopolists of Wisconsin have elected nov ontoen delegates to the national conven tion of their party at Chicago , May Mil and adopted u resolution to the ell'ec that all monopolies , whether of land , o means of labor , or moans of communica tion , > r transportation , bo abolished , am the control placed in the hands of the people , and that all public oflicers , a far as pacticablo , bo elected directly by the . people. _ _ A Bloody Social ( allifirliiK. CHATTANOOGA , Tonn. , May 12 At social gathering last night near Madisoi county , near the Alabama line , an oh man named Atchloy nnd a young mai named Tuckott quarrelled. Their friend began firing , and ono of Tuckott's broth ers was instantly killed , and another dan gornusly wounded. Atchloy received mortal wound , and his uon was danger ously hurt. Tlin Hc iiliii "t Mollno. CHICAGO , May 12 The oxccutiv board of thu Mississippi Valley Amatnu rowing association , at u meeting to-da > decided to hold the 7th annual aitociatioi regatta at Moline , 111. . July 10th am Jlth. H was also decided to hold the regattas of 1885 and 1880 at that place. Nntliiiint UYotU.'in , CJIICAOO , May 12 The board of review view of the National Trotting associatio mot here to-day , but owing to a lack of quorum adjourned , A iluiiunuHo I'rlnco. SAN FHANOISCO , May 12. Princ Yamanhana , of Japan , has arrived to-da from Yokohoum , BRUISERS AND BILLIARDS , Glovc-FigW and a Game Which Were Eplly Mitoholl Has a Little Fun With Edwards Last Night in a Soft-Qlovo Contest at Madi son Square 3ardon , ! ho LastNaniod Bruiser Roooivos an Ignominious Defeat , 'ho Balk-Line Gaiuo Between Sohaofor and Slossou , Tlio Fortnrt Wins the Malic Iilno Oliainploiislili > by a Guiiio o ( llrll- llitiit 1'lnyliiK SloqBOU'N Miser able Seoro. " GI.OVKS. MlTCIlKl.ti VS. r.l NEW YOUK , May 12 Eight thousand ooplo gathered tit Madison Square Gar- on to-night to witness the glove light lotwoenChark'y Mitchell and Hilly Ed vards. Tlio Inttor appeared to bo over- rained. Mitch ill was the picture ol icalth and in perfect condition The non had never noon each other before. idwards led with a blow at Mitchell , blow which hnd little oll'ect , oxcoph to et the mob howling. Edwards hit again vith his loft , but was neatly stopped and ccrived a counter on the haul that nmdu lim turn. in : DAKcnn err with Mitchell after him and finally fell indor the ropes in his corner ; while on lis knees , Mitchell hit him twice in the aco. The crowd nailed "foul ! " persist ently. Capt. Williams appeared Mid .old Mitchell to go to his cornorv which Mitchell was disinclined to do , and Sdwards came up to him. Both put up their hands , but Williams insisted on rust. At the opening of the 2nd rouiu Edwards hit short with his left am Mitchell went for him right and left , KNOCKING HIM DOWN TOUR TIMES. within as many minutes. After the Fourth knock down Captain Williams again interposed and separated the men in spite of the unwillingness of Mitchell For the 3d round Edwards came no smil ing but very grrggy. Ho was prompt ! } lloored by Mitchell with a right handor Mitchell was preparing for another on slanght when Edwards should got to his 'oot , when Captain Williams stopped the Ight and the match was UEOLAUEI ) A I > UAW. Edwards was completely used up anr could scarcely stand , Mitchell showoc great improvement in style , and i anxious to moot Sullivan again. SlIAEFKlt AND StiOSSON. CHIOAOO , Alay 12. Geo. F. Sloaso and Jacob Shaofer played a game of bil Hards in Central Musio FTall to-night fo the balk line championship of the worlc and a wager of § 300 a aide. The 1ml was tilled with an audience inckuliii ; many ladies. The game was the rogula 8 inch balk line , 800 points up. Slossoi opened the play with avrhito ball. 1 was a one sided affair from the begin iiing , Schaufcr quickly secured a coin manding load which ho steadily increasc ( as the game progressed , a very largo pro portion of his points being made by delicate cato play along the rail , though brillian spurts of execution in around-tho-tablo play were not wanting , and he made sev eral very difficult masses. Slosson , on the other hand , Boomed no in playing trim , and foil far short of th the expectations founded on his practice Not until his last inning did ho show th delicacy of touch and tlio certainty nf execution ocution which ho has exhibited on ferine occasions His rally at this point though too late to retrieve his fortunes was met by hearty applause as the nuin burs to his credit mounted up into th hundreds. The following is the score : Slosson. White 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 4. 22 3 , 2 , 0. 0 , 21. 1 , 03 , 13 , 7 , 0 , 0 , 35. 1 200. Total 384. Average 18 (5-21. ( Bes runs 200 and 03. Schwfor Black 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ! , 1. 211 0 , 4. 121 , 5 , 23 , 100 , 102 , 4. 100 , 12 , 20 14,3 , 40. Total 800. Avorugo 382-21 Best runs 211 , 121 .IPO. 102. 100. THK STKAMSHM' DISASTER. SIW'IOIOUH BILHNOE Ol1 THK HRAMK.V. QuKiir.u , May 11. The brig Theresa with the remainder of the survivors eState State of Florida arrived und were takoi charge of. The agents of the steamer re fuse to talk about the accident. Ollicer Thompson is much depressed. The sea men are less reticent than the ollicer , bu are all unable to throw light upon the cause of the dinaster , having been askec when she collided. Theresa had smal accommodations and spare rations Those saved froni the Poiiema were Captain Jloybiirn , Angela Rosa , Thomas Know. The Ponomu was in ballast fron Liverpool for Miramichi , The sailors of the Florida are sccuroi by tlio ngentand kept away from news paper men. They seem Impressed wit ! a belief that Thompson was to blame fo the collision. One sailor of the bar ] perilled from exposurein ( ho boat Nicholson was on the lookout at the timoof the cohsion. Ho ascribes th fault of the disaste to the steamer. All spca favorably of ollicer Allen , and agre that the City of Homo refused assistance She was so near that it was impossihl for her not to Imvo HOOJI , and unck'iHtoot the signals. All corroborate ) the bra\er of Engineers Biin and Anderson , am testify to the activity of the second ofli ctrof the Florida , who was lost. Tlio Bloxlimu Kalhvny , MKXICO CITY , May 12 The Moxicat Central directors and party , were cinlor tortained this afternoon by the Mexic Jovkoy club. A largo crowd was in at tviidauco. _ TJio TJieriiiniiioirlu-ISiu-oiiiKlor Ohio , May 12. Arthu L. Blue was arrested to-day on a clu rj ( of swindling. Ho is a member of the Cnn of Gordon & Co. , Indiaiiapolic , who ccontly sent circulars through the mails o all parts of the United States and /anada representing that they inanufac- urcd a combination thermometer and laromotor , and agreeing to furnish ono n receipt of a certain prico. They re- cived thirty thousand letters containing noney and sent out but three gross of nstrumcnts. MKTHOIIISTS , 'lio lltHliopn Optioned Innn Episcopal Ucslilonco Almmil Color No Itnti Oilier ProopcilliiRa of ilio ConlVrcnce. rini.AiKi.i'iiiA , May 12. In the Moth- dist conforcnco Bishop Uarrbannomicod ml the bishops mot Saturday in Hshop Simpson's room to consider the ucstions presented to the conference , nd agreed upon the following : In iew of the action of two of your stanrt- ig committees concerning the catab- aliment of two episcopal esidencos abroad , and of the ijciiMton by the general conference , weave ave been greatly embarrassed in ox- easing an opinion relative to the ( plos ion , but yet feel it boat to express our oliborato and unanimous judgment that ; is not wlso to fix an episcopal residence t. this time in Europe , India , Africa , or ny of these countries , and if so decided ilia would not all'oct our opinion hereto- ere expressed as to the number of ( bisli- to bo elected by the conference , resolution was adopted declaring liat color in no bar to right or privilege o any olllco in the Methodist Episcopal hurch. The committee on fraternal delegates cportcd , recommending Friday evening or reception of delegates from the con- ; rcgations of the liaptist and other ovun- ; olic-il denominations. This report was , dopted. A CUT FltOM DENVHlt. ' H Kates Ever Known to tlio ICast l'iiHHeii crH Crtrrlctt Free to Kansas City. DENVKU , May 12. For several days .Mssongor . rates from Denver to the Mis souri river have boon in n very unsettled condition , but not until to-day has a cut jooii openly declared. The agents of the Burlington & Missouri , Union Pacific Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo , announce i cut unprecedented in the history ol Western roads ? 5 to Kansas City , St. Louis § 8.50 , Chicago $11.50 , Now York § 28. In fact they are selling tickets tc any principal eastern point for Kansae City to that point , and as eastern roade refuse to prorate on the cut , the result is the above named roads are carrying through passengers free to Kansas City Pool Commissioner Daniels to-day issued a circular ordering a restoration of ratei to take effect on the 15th inst. Thii order will surely bo ignored. TUB OM > WORLD. TUi ; FKANCO-oniNKSE T/tKATY. / LONDON , May 12. The t'all Mall Gazette zotto says ; Tlio Franco-Chinese treat codes to Franco moro than Franco ovoi claimed. The Gazette pronounces t'lii serious news if true , and says it is dilii cult to understand why Li Bung Chang who has been disgraced , should sign tlu treaty. If the news be confirmed , il says further , Prime Minister Ferry wil bo much stronger and bo able to rngaii the position once hold by 'Franco it Egypt PAIUH , May J 2 Later dispatches con firm the report of the signing of tin Franco-Chinese treaty. It is stipulate ! that China shall withdraw her troop from Tonquin. The treaty has been al ready ratified at Pekin , oven before tin signatures wore ollored. After the sign ing of the treaty by Li Hung Chang am Captain Fournior , the former gave grand banquet in honor of the latter Li Hung Chang dines to-night at tin French consulate , at Shanghai. JIAKKIt I'ASIIA. LONDON , May 12. Baker Pasha ar rived in London to-day. At the railway stations people cheered him as ho cam in sight. Tlio Florldii-I'ononiii QUKIIUU , May 12. The barque The rcsa , with the remainder of the survivor of the State of Florida , has arrived. Tin names of those lost on the Ponoina itri not known. Ono sailor perished fron exposure in the boat. All speak in glow ing terms of the activity ot the HUCOIK oflicor of the Florida , who lost his life Thirteen of the crow of the Ponotna won drowned ; Captain Hoyburn and twc sailors ouved were in a boat thirty-foil hours. The Theresa picked them up. KaccK. LKXWOTON , May 12. Throe-quarto mile heats First heat , Charley Lucai won ; Kilmeny 2nd : Princess 3d ; timi 1U. ( 2nd heat Kilmony won ; Josie Cartel 2nd ; Charley Lucas 3d ; time , 1:17A. : 3d heat Kilmony won ; Charley Luca 2nd ; time , 119J. ; Bfrn. And Ml other famous women have won a rep utatlon for f tidal' bounty. A line coiiiploxlui make * onn handsome , ovou though the face I not a porfuct mould , Hun/ode Jlltx > < l { litter act dlroctly upon tlta circulation , and mi glv the nidi ) a clearness and mnuuthuoiu othurwla unattainable. _ Murdering tlin OlirlMlniiH. DuiuiAN , South Africa , Moy 12. Th Us n tea attached the Norweegiaim ii Hlabatki the 4th inst. Three wor killed , though the missionaries wor unarm ! , The marauders returned a i.ight and killed all the Christians the could find , DovulopmoniH in unncor 'J'roadiion Mr. W. II. ( Jllbort , Albany , ( la. ! "A ( 'Oiitluumii nnmoil Moore , hear thlu ell had an ontlnK cancer on liU face , which hu oiiton awuy lilu nofeo iind liU midrr lip , nu had Rxtemled up until It had nearly ruacho hU eye , Tha cancer WM uatliiK hlu gimiH an nail renilurod hU tuoth MI loose tliat ho UioiiKJi tlioy inluht at any time drop out. lie ho bcuii tukliiK Htvin'n Hl'Kuinu about tlin ; iiioiitlis. and IU effect han bern wundorf ill. 1 Ima (111 veti the pol un fioiu ItU nyatuin , tli cancer line hauled frotly , hU teeth hiu o b ( coino tron oKain , anil he tlilnkn lie has boo rescued f oin an awful duatli. Hot \ the inos onUinnIario man I over tuw. " , TreutUe un Wood und Bkln Ulioascs inullc free , TiiKSwiiT SfEClClO Co , , Drawer 8 , Atlanti I V'8 HEWS OF THE NATION , Unnsnal Spnrls in Both Honscs of Con gress Yesterday. The Indian Appropriation Bill Discussed in tlio Sonata. Vest Eulogizes tlio Jesuit Work Among the Red Mon , Belford , of Colorado , Makes an Earnest Plea for Pokon A Sohoino to Unseat Eight Auti- Freo-Trado Oougrossmon , Homo StnrilliiK Sl f-llonto ScorctH Told l > y Contrnotor J. A. II CONGHKSS. SllNAVn. WANIIIMITON , May 12. Mr. Van Wyck ( rep. , Nob. ) moved to take up his resolution directing the secretary of the interior to withold from the Northern Pacific railroad patents to certain land grants. Agreed to. Van Wyck'n resolution alter n short debate was laid over. The Indian appropriation bill was taken up. The pending question wno on llawloy's motion to increase to $20,000 the appropriation for education in Alas ka. ka.Mr. Mr. Vest ( dem. Mo. ) said ho would fa- yor the highest amount the senate would appropriate for Indian education , pro vided both sax * were educated. It was usolecs to educate the Indian boys and leave the girls without an lulucation. At the end of their school term they went back to their tribes and were jeered and ridiculed forthoirwhito accomplishments , and wound up by becoming moro barbar ous than the ignorant men of their tribe. Although n protcstnnt , Yest/jfolt [ com pelled to say that the Jesuits had shown the only success in the education and civi'ization ' of the Indians. Two tilings had contributed to their success : Ono , , that when the teachers wont among the Indians they did not look back to civil ization , but devoted the whole period of . their lives to their work. The other that they'educate both sex. Boys and girls were equally educated and civilized and grow into manhood and womanhood with the prospects and anticipations of Christian marriage. They did neb gc backgto their tribes , but became a part , and parcel of our civilization. Mr. Ingallo ( rop. , Kan. ) thought the best thing for the Indian was to make hin amenable to the law. Ho had hoard enough of state denunciations of the gov eminent for its extermination of the In duns , There had been no such extermination nation , there were as many Indians 01 the continent to-day as in 14112. Mr. Fryo ( rop. , 5lo. ) moved the ship ping bill bo taken up in order to retain it place no unfinished business Agrom to. Adjourned. iiousi : . In the honso bills were introduce ! and referred by Mr. Payson to restric the ownership of real estate in torritorie to American citizens. It prohibits 11113 non-resident alien , who has not declarer his intention to become a citizen of tlu United States from acquiring or owning possessing , or holding any real cstato ii , any cf the territories. The bill relating to police regulation in the District of Columbia wan passoi after considerable discussion of the aec. tione prohibiting the sale of lottery tickets i ots , Mr. Brown ( Ind. ) characterizing tin Louisiana State Lottery as the colossa 10 swindle of the ago. The clerks in oni of the government department oxpendoc § 10,000 monthly in lottery tickets. Mr. Bel ford denied the right of congress r- gross to prohibit an individual fron spending his money as ho saw lit. Die 10 the gentleman from Indiana think congress gross should prevent live or six rcapocta bio gentlemen from sitting down to i game of poker ? Ho did not want any o this puritanical kind of legislation ; the whole thing vras a humbug , nnd wh i the Iiouso got through with this bill hi would move to strike out the enacting clause and commit the morality of the nation to the care of the state of Indiana as its political virtues had been commit ted to the state of Ohio. Mr. O'Neill ( Mo. ) introduced the fol lowing bill , providing that after July J the following oflicorn bo exempt fron duty : Raw sugar , not refined ; molasses iilt , rice , rye , barley , potatoes , oatmeal currants , raisins , prunes , peas , beans butter , cheese , live animals , vegetable : and chickory. Referred. O'Niell estimates that the bill will ac compliflh a reduction of § 57,000,000 ii thu revenues. Adjournod. "WASHINGTON NOTKH. TAIIIKF I.KfllHLATION. WASHINGTON , May 12 , The indica lions all point to more land' legislation Hewitt has introdvco J his now tariff bil putting raw material on tlio free list , ant making a kind of a crosa between tin Morrison bill and the present tariff. Tin election committee which is said to havi received orders to "firo out" oyory republican lican whoso scat is contested , is holding i long secret session , The case ol MoKin Ivy , of Ohio , is under consideration now and JIB it was understood before thu con volition nut that ho would huvu to go it is probable a light is being inado 01 this point , The plan is understood to h the removal of Mcltinloy , Moroy , Peel and Wise , and to make eight moro vote for the tariff bill which the ways am imam committee will maKe up fron Hewitt's bill , WALLAH : vs. M'KINMJV. WAHIIINOVON , May 12. Thocominittc on election , by a vote of It to ft , ha agreed to report in favor of Beating Wai Isco , the contestant in the Ohio olectioi case of Wallace vs. Mulvinloy , HIOUN UlTV'rt IWANOli 01' TIIK U. I1. . The house committee on Pacific road has instructed representative Himback t report favorably a bill authorizing th construction of _ n railroad from Hiou City westerly via the Nlobrara Valley t a point on tlin U. P. It , It , , west o the 100th meridian us the company ma select , under the provisions of the Thur- man act authorizing tlio construction of the Union Pacific railroad. A provision is added that the uorltonof the Thurman act authorizing the ijsuo of land and bonds shall not apply to this , and that it bo completed within live years. ( IKM'.UU , SWAIN testified in his own behalf to-day that ho had a speaking acquaintance with Col. Morrow. Ho refutoi to loan Morrow $8,000 ; possibly gavohim anoto of intro duction to llatonmnj had no knowledge that Morrow's account * had been dupli cated ; dcniop ho over had the conversa tion related by natonmn. Witness said the only transaction ho had with Morrow wns loaning him $ lt > 0 without oven a note. KTAU HOllTK HTKNGU. WALSH'S r.XTKAounixAuv TKSVIMONV. WASHISUTON , May 12. John A. Walsh , before the Springer commtton to day , relating the story of how ho became a star route contractor said : " 1 was to got S18f)00 ) for my route. A man named 1 lines came to mo and naid ho wanted money , and snid if 1 didn't pay I'd get loft. 'Woll , ' 1 roplird , 'I'll got loft any. how. " Ho wanted § 2,000 , and ho proposed - posed to Imvo the pay on the route in creased. J naked him how to got moro pay. Ho said it would bo very o.i y. 1 agreed to pay Hines the money , and almost simultaneously , the pay on the route was increased to ? 1I5H)0 ; ( ) annually for the next tlirco years. The increase , though , didn't last long. A UIMUIiAK WlUllUVINl ) was raised and an investigation begun. The newspapers claimed that thcro was fraud and that 1 was in it. 1 was called before the investig\tion committee , with Blackburn as chairman. Nothing , however - over , came of the investigation. After- warns 1 was Approached by Charles Andrews , a nieo young man devoting his energies and intellect to the sixth auditor's ollico. Ho handed mo a list. 1 was glal to see any list. Ho hud mo down for § 8,000. 'What for 1' t asked. 'That congressional investigation , ' ho said. 'Well 1 didn't have any money for congressional investigations. Then An drews said the 'old man' wanted to sco mo. IIKAIIY WAS TUI : 'OLD MAN. ' I wout to BED him. Ho naked about the motioy. I said , 'Andrews was not in earnest. ' 'Yes , indued , ' ho replied. My God , ' I said"l haven't any § 8,000 , Shortly after the route was cut down to ono trip. " The witness then told how Brady , asked for "ginger ; " said ho wasn't in creasing routes for amusement , and wanted § 8,000 for the con gressional investigation. " "I told him T thought , ho would bo indicted. Ho said there was no danger of that as ho had a 'corner on the grand jury.11 Shortly afterward Brady declared Wnlsli a failing contractor. Walsh condemn Bliss as a"damncd scoundrel , " but oxoti' hrates Browster. The witness will np pear again to-aiorrow. UKASONS FOU TIIK 11IOT. Hamilton Cntinty'H Grand .Jury lie ' " jiorlH on tlio CaiiHCH ol' tlio Cln- ol n 11.11 i Jtlor , Attorney Tom Campbell Iiullotcil CINCINNATI , May 12. The specie grand jury appointed to consider th crimes in connection with the riot am > the burning of the court house made roport. to-day to Jud o A vory. Tliu ro port'treats at length of the causes leadinj to the riot and speaks of tlio commoi , report that jurors were bribed' , of tin general complaint , that the courts Inn too many delays , and that good cili/.un ! avoided jury duty to the detriment of . fair administration of justice. It alsi points out the defects in the crimina eode. The report commends highly tin conduct of the Mill regiment at tlio timi of the riot and praises the br.ivory o Capt. Desmond who lost his lite in tin court house. Fifty-four indictments wen returned covering twelve different gradei of crime , but nothing further , would bi divulged concerning these until tlio ar rests were inado. Judge Avery inrecoiv ing the report mndn a brief defense of tin courts andjromnrkcd that the public woul judge whether the jury had done well o not. not.It It hus boon inado known that there wa an indictment found by the special gram jury against T. C. Campbell , the attoriii1 ; who defended William Itorner , tUo murderer doror of Kirk , for bribery. Catnpbe ) upon hearing of the indictment , wont ti tlio court , waived legal notice of indict incut , pleaded not guilty , and gave bone to the sum of $1,000 for appearance a this term of court. Hull I'uMturdny , AtBoiton Boston , 7j I'olroil ' , 0. , At Pittsburg Allegheny , 9 ; Brook ! lyn , 0. At Now York Now York , 4 ; Oluvo land , 0. At Providence Chicago , fij Providence donco , 0. At Peoria Peoria , 10 j Minneapolis , 3 At Terre llauto Saganaw , 8 ; Torn Haul , 7. At Ft. Woyno Orand Rapids , 0 ; Ft. Wayiio . At Quincy Quinoy , 10 ; St. Paul , 1 At Philadelphia Baltimore , 13 ; Ath letio , 7. At Washing--Washington ] , ' 1 ; Mot rojiolltan ; t. At Milwaukee Milwaukee , 14 ; Still water 4. At Philadelphia -Buffalo , 1 ; Philadol phia2. ItclloT for Khartoum. LONDON , May 10. The relief oxpcdi tion to Khartoum starts in July , J will nrolubly number 8,000 , iiicfudin the Indian Contigent. It is suppose that the main expedition will prucoe up the Nile , and the other by thu Re Sea , A camel depot will bo eatablmhe in Assouan. Nubar Pusha has arrive in Kin/land for thu Egyptian conference Ho will only bo allowed to be preuen for consultation , An Indiana Jlimkoil Mob , FT. WAVNE , May 12. It is roportoi that 300 masked men pro at thu fai grounds awaiting the arrival cf iroro a their number by train , when it is suf posed they will proceed to lynch th imirdeiersof Bockusto , at Borne , Adam county , Itrowory Ilurned. A NRW YOHK , May 12. Mayor's' browc ry burned , Loss f 00,000 A TUMBLE IN TRAFFIC , Great Uneasiness in Chicago and a Rnsli to Sell Wheat , In Ooiisoquonoo There ia a Drop of Tliroo Oonts a Busbol , 1 And a Depreciation of Six Cents Since Tuesday Last , Derogatory Humors as to tlie Stan dard Oil Compaq si - I a Wm , Young & Oo , Ed Jr 1 as Soiling Their Prop f. Corn nnd Ontn Showing Fir nnd Holding Valiio Cnttlo nt CIUCAGO MAUKK A TUMIII.K IN WHEAT1. Special Dispatch to TUB BKE. CHICAGO , May 12. There wasn reflex of Wall street in the local markets to-day , accompanied by a aeries ot disquieting rumors which caused prices to tumble rapidly. The feeling was ono of great uneasiness , and timid holders threw great blocks of wheat on the market , which sank under the load , pricas declining nearly throe cents and fully six cento during the lost two trading days. The rumors wore of nil kinds , and not only included such corporations as the Standard Oil company , but the Wabash receivership was used as a weapon by the bears iu POUNDING THK MARKET , Then it was openly declared that Wil Ham Young it Co. who MO- supposed to bo heavy holders of wheat , were sclling- their property , but this was denied A halt was called when J.u y wheat approached preached ninety cents , and the most per sistent hammering failed to sand the commodity below that point and on _ call board it rose to UOJo but fell off. again to ! > 0&c. Cash wheat closed at 25 cento un ' der the price for the same day ono year ago. with the name amount of wheat in cluded in the visible supply. Ono time 7 during the session wheat fell elf 1 } cents with but very little trading , the Uoclino being so very rapid. Tlio closing was about 2jo to 2o under Saturday. May 1 closed at 87c to 87 0 , Juno at 88jj , July . atOOJ. On cill sales were 1,725,000 bushels , Juno closing at 88A , July at ! > 0 . CORN. h Showed remarkable firmness dospita ! of the downward course of thn other mar ' kets and cloa"d : jc higher than Saturday , though at ono time during the day it ran to about In under Saturday. May closed tit 55J to f > 5.J ; Junoat50Jto 50 ; July at 58 On oill sales woio 250,000 bushels - els , prices advancing Jc for the cntlro c- rango. " / Showed firmness in comparison with wheat , but closed jc under Saturday. Juno closed 03 to Ii : ; July . ' ) . ' ) } . OQ call salon were 80,000 hunhols. July de clined jc. PROVISIONS. Were ninottlod and nomowhat lamo. : Juno pork closed at 17 27A ; July 17 37A. Juno lard closed at 8 05 ; July , 8 45. On call Juno declined 2A. OATTLB. j There was a brisk domand'for nil sorts , and in Homo instances 10@15a per hund i red wa obtained , bnt the market gener ally was not much higher than on Fri day and SiturJay. Good to choice ship ping , 1,200'WO ! pounds , 5 ! )5i ) ( 30 ; common to medium , 1,000(0)1,200 ( ) Ibs. , 5 TiOciO 00. lions grade low and prices waalc from first to last , and at the finish were about D to 10 lo orjon goad oven packing and shipping , nnd at least 10 to 15 lower , and common und assorted light. Big packing linns seem in no hurry to got in and specula < tors were afraid. Receipts were too heavy to handle lit an advantage. Skips and fights , MS to 201 ! Ibs. , 5 40 to 5 85 ; packers and strippers , 128 to 280 Ibs. , 3 05 to (5 ( 00. Tlio "XVcatlu-r To-iluy. WASIIINOTON , May 13. For the Up per Mississippi Valley , cloudy and rain , variable windn , lower temperature. Missouri Valley , partly cloudy und local raiiie , northwesterly winds , slight fall of toinporaturo. A Nv York Itemovtil. NEW YOUK , May 12. Judga Wallace has removed Chipping Commissioner Duncan , for not having properly per formed liia duties , and .appointed James U. Rood instead. Rood iu President Arthur's iceretary while in this city. tilriko. v/i | ui n * Jt & itvuj PEOHIA , May 12. 400 coopora struck to-day against roduotion of wages. PURE CREAM TARTAR. 81000. Given If alum , or any Injurious substances cuu bo found In Anrtrows * I'oarl Baking Powder. Is JKW- lively PURE. Helm ; t'nilorbi'il , and UntlmoiiluLi rccclvixl from suohcliemlsta us H. Paim Hays. ] ! * ton ; M. DolafouUilne , of Chicago ; ami Oiuuvui lloue , illhviinki'O. Never told In bulk. [ . ANDREW ; e ' "J SS'M'e Water St.