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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE -FRIDAY , MAY 9 , 1884 , JACOB SIMS. E. P. SIMSd. CADWEUL , -aKaw , COUKCtli BI.UFFS , IOWA ORlcfl , n\\n \ Street , Hoonu 1 und RlitJCFirt A Yo > Rahan'Mlloo'x. WUlpractl04lu Pt t and edr < coutr * Justice of the Peace , Omntm and Council JHutVr. C9t\lo rollca ton ftRcni Oil VoMov N , SCHURZ. rjslice oflle OFKICB OVKll AJIKIUOAN UXl'KKSS. 00 UNGIL BLUFFS. - IOWA , MrsHJ , HiltOBM , D , , PETSIOIAN & SURGEON , 223 Mlddlo Bri < tira7. Couuoll BluQii. E , Eice M , D. f ( k WHUDI or oitle * t'iniors removed wlthouHho UlL11uMU | knlto or ilranlntrol blood. GHR01UC DISEASES * * * * * . > Otcr thirty yeANtiinctlul experience OlEoo NeB B 1'oarl stroct , Council liluda A.t the well-knowu Esfcublislimeut OF J. P. FILBERT , 20 ! ) Upper Broadway , the OJ Council lllull ) . Notice our reduced 1'rico List. We g\\o 15MumIi Kitra OSuear for $1 00 11 pounds QmnuKted Sugar 1 eo 25 pound Choice Oitmeal ion 25 pounds Na\y Beans. 1 CO 2.1 pounds Out Hulk Starch 100 1 ! pounds Carollrm lllce 100 12 poundsClioico Irunis l 03 25 bars BtuTilo Soap 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound DD Choice Mlnco Meat per pound 10 1 doton Mackerel 16 Colorado Klour , Winter , per c\\t 200 101 ounds QliiL'cr Stapi I CO 40 poi-tids h mlov 1 CO 6 gallon keg Syiui " 1 70 White Kish , pcrW. . 80 Mackerel , i > crkit 8S Dates , per pound 10 10 3 pound cans Stndard Tomatoes 100 All kinds Cnli'oinla Krulti SpoundLusk'uStatdardl for 1 CO T , All grades , accordlns to quality , 153 to 80c pur ponud Wo also carry a full line ol Men's , Ladles' nnd Cn'lilrcn'a ' line ShocKand Men' * Kino Boots at > cry low prices. Also > full line 01 Tmwuo anj Rcni-ril merchandise. Call on us and tie convinced tint \ou can sato money bv doallnc with uj. Uoods delivered tree Inaiiv nattof the ctt\- . lu a word" , waar bound to sell and challenge a'.l lau.laolo comiiotitloii in this countv. J. I1. KILPnUT 200u cr liroMHay ROLLER CORNER PEARL ST , ANDjFIFTH'AK ' , Open 10COn. : m. , 2:00 p. in nnd730p. ; m. , CiTlIuaio on Monday , Wuducsday and t riJay ova nings. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. No objectionable o aractcrd will be admitted. II. II. MARTENS rnOPIUETOR. THOS. orricBK , n. H. PUSIT , Council Bluffs . Established 1856 Uoalorx In Foreign and omcstlo BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant o. 30 IVntl Street Council Bluffs , lotta. WESTERN WA NORMAL -SC'IKN'TiriC AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BI.UI'T3 . - JO1VA Will Open THE 23D of JUNE , 1884. A ciraplcto ooursa for tcaclicm and those dcHlring a higher K'lellnh education , a full business course , with tralnligin actml liutlnoea prncticuandjfier- ( a correapoiHtcnro , short hand , ornamental pcnxan- fclilp , ( lucutlon , ( itrniMi and music. Splendid rooms , Uritfi light and well furnixheJ , ihar es very nioder. ate , cost of Ihlu'romcmaUe ; , society coed , expert' cnuod teaclicra i'or further patllcuhuH , Inquire of UGA'tUdLKY & 1'AUI.SON , Jlluila , Iowa. CAN GEE 1h dtop \ mont ol the trail r cnt rt IXiMi wllr Sn Ill's SjAjclilc teems \\omlcrlnl , that all so anile ted snould write . CAbCER FOR. U YEARS , Spartanburs , H. 0. , March H , 1S3I. \ 1m o lor 14 ycirs been stiltmr from a tunning niro on my face that cvorjboJy "lied a Cancer. 1 fiavo mod o\cr tSM north of rtvdlclno and found no relief. About four months ao I bought ono bottle of 8 ltt' Spccincltom IV , II. K. Ilclnltsli , and lnc < haxohoitght fixe iitheis , Imottkci Ifami thcv hax < cured mo sound nnd well ! M ) loco It in ( r < o Iro.i noroas anbrd ) ' and my health l > perfectly to > toted I f d like 'orUMe.r * had been llt'ed olT in ) head. YOUM thanXliilly , F.I.IXA llNSt.KV. Mr II. F. Hums. Hope , Ark. , ray * , under d.te ol Jan. 22 , lrS4. "I h\\a laUn tvo hollies ofSnltt'i Si crifle lor n iiorfl on mj toaiple ralil to bo a cancer I ntxo liccutomlcrlutly btntlUcd nnd vt111 icon bo l well nun. " Mr.V. . H. Ilnbln 'n tax ! bore Oa. . < rites , undei date Jan. 3,1SJ4 "I am celtlms on finely , the ulcel Is frradualljr noillnc. I tecl that S Iff * Specific wll cure the horrible cancer which has been feeding or mo for oxer KOjrAM. " TroatUo on Blood and Skin Disca < c9 mailed tree TIIKSWIFTSI'KCIFIO CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa. N V. Olllne , U9\V. 3d St. , bet Oth nnd 7th a > t. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo cuvantco the cuio ol the follonlng named dl 9cAsei , or no pay : Hhouinitlsin , Scrofula , Ulcera Catarrh , a'l ' lllood andeklndiscatcs , Uvtpemla , Uvot Coiuphlnt , Kidney nnd Bladder Dioeancs. ( lout , Nciv ratgia und Asthma , Thcsa Sprlnits nro the faxorltc ciort of the tired an.l dobllitaUd , nnd are the FKKllI.r. LADIKS I1U3T KI11KNI ) , Oood hotel , Ihcry and bithlni ; nccnmodatlon both winter nnd oummer. tocallty hlibly picturesque nd healthy. Accewlble by Wnbisn rallnay , Kvonaor C. , n. & O. , at Albany. Corrcspotuieno jolieltod , HF.V. M. M. THOMPSON , JIamier. Albany , Hiloam Springs , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Oraxlty 1.002 Reaction Kcutra ( 'arbonlo Acid Oaa 20 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,1)21 Ur.Un ; Carbomto Iron 7,011 Sulplnto Magnesia 3/iSO Sulphate Calclnm. . . , 1,140 Chlorldo Sotllum 7,201 Sllllca 1.60H Alumina . . . .0,010 Orpantcand VoUtilo matter and 1039 . . . .1,459 Total solids per gallon 07,174 Waioiir.t MKtir.iLL , Chomlats ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , S17 and S19 North Main St. , St. Louie. WUOL&SALF. DKAI.E113 IN ROOK , ) E3 A 5C2ir8BCJWHITING - * f ? . il8rIiSNJS&7lwiiAi KMV'KLOl'ES , CAUD BOARD ADD CVCaii ? paid lor H za ol al OAMON BR3'S § & 00 , , Ha\OMlablnhed thein c'vos In Onialn to ttansact aKCneral bn > keraoaiid ! bmincs.i. Wo "ill buy all hisea of goofo \\holtsaloor retail , and guarantee porfose Batlnfactlon In prices , as wo can buy cheaper than ynuracltcs. You can soj the aiHa\iti \ > si ) of hav- n jour goods bought by ono who ntll work for our intercut anJ not trust to n murchint who hai uu.cthlng ho is anxious to bo rid of.V'o will also prompt > . 'tontloii to selling anything entrusted OU3 , andgoo 9 consigned to us will bo carefully oUcd to. Correspondence aolicltod _ p < CrTt'eforcncos Onuln Natioial Bank , McO ro'uBank. A.ld real 111 S. 15th St. DISEASES OP THE , _ aEwi 13 J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until onicca are repaired from result of flro , oJl with Dr. Parker , Uoom E , Crci Uton iliock 1Mb uiu UoiiKiuiBtr ccts. Recently of .Boston , ] has opened an elegant . 'new stock of UNDUIl THE CIMPIn5SprlngWci htc. r I II U I In Summer Wuightn. ' ' "Kino Uvllxli I. Io. ANFl U ( KM PHY InnnofrcnchJlabriggan /I / llU nUolLlf I. U'i Merino and Cotton. NEWEST AND LATEST DESIGNS IN NECKWEiVR , JEWELRY. IIANDKEROIIIFS. BRACES , ETC. Coaching , Walking , Street and Evening Gloves. FINE WHITE & COLORED SHIRTS. KuglMi , I'iquc.and I'ull llross ShrlU. SHIRTS aiADE TO MEASURE. Pioneer uru Btore ! B. II COn. 13TH AND JOKES STS. DE , F. S. LEWIS , - Prop'r , AOEN1 "OK Obio Oil CO.'H West Virginia , Cylinder nnd ntbor Oilp cnn tvitlv on band. AND EMBA1MR ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELKGRAPII ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH 3XT. 3VI < x1-n Jt. . Clouxxoil GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call nnd sco them before buying olBowlioro. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETER , COUNCIL ULUFKS S07 nilOADWAY , , . IOWA. WHY DO3SPT TOO * QKTSDME OP J 00 HIBTS ? Pcrfuct Klltloir , Best and Cbcapm. Flno Mnen Collar t'jd CuCd. Ho. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. < L COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. DEPARTING DENTISTS , TlioCIosliiKoftliclrMoctlni ; niul tit Klcctloiiol uilluctK. At the mooting of the atnto ilctilftl society cioty yestordny two now members wer elected , E. Shownter , Woltcnns ixud 0 A. Vnngha , of Eagle drove. Ihsoluliona prcsnutod by the presiclcn of the stnto board of examiners were VMS cd refusing to recognize any diplomc from the direct college cf Dolorau Wi.i cousin , tt being claimed thrvt uny on could get n diplonm from that iuatitutioi on pnymont of $10 , Tlio following were elected ofliccra fo the ensuing year : President Dr. S. A. Garbor , of Tip ton. ton.Vico Vice President Dr. L. 12. Uogors , o Ottumwa. Secretary Dr. J. B. Monfort , of Fnir tiold. tiold.Treasurer Treasurer Dr. J. S. Kulp , Muscnlinc Dos Moincs wns solcctud as the for holding the next mooting of the BO riety , and it wns also decided to holi every alternative mooting nt Sioux City mnking that n sort of permanent head quarters. Souio interesting clinici wore fiivoi in the afternoon by Dr. Low , of Chicago Dr. Darby , of St. Joseph , and Dr Mcrow ! , of Mnnkota , Illinois. J. W. LAINR haa only six weeks lougc to close out hm stock. 1OVVANKWS. Drinks nro not now available in No ola. ola.A A test vpto goes to show that Poll county will isauo no liquor license. They have Sabbath-breaking fisl ; Tor breakfast in Marahalltowii ou Jlon day. day.Tho The Ilardin county Rrnnd jury lin completely exonerated Fred R wo , now of Cedar Rapids , of any complicity [ n the Cowau defalcation and forger ies. ies.Tho The forty-fifth annual mooting ol the general association of the Con Rrogational churches and ministers ol Iowa , will bo hold in Cedar llimds June 4 to 8. McCabe & Co.'a store , at Malvorn , WBE burglarized on the 25th of March ol about § 200 worth of cutlery and revolv ers. A portion of the stolen goods wai found on the 5th iust. in Croon's second' hand store. The traveling men stopping at the Morgan house in DCS Moinea had r match game of base b.ill the other diij with the colored employes of the house , As usual the traveling men got nwnj with th baggage. The News understands that the sjoro stood 89 to 103. The assessed valuation of the real anc personal property cf Davenport accord ing to the assessment just miule is $ ! , 127.055 , against avaluatiouof S-t,4(53G10 ( in 1883. A barn at Hawthorne , Moutgomerj county , belonging to John Schnoibakor , was struck by lich tning on the night o the 3d inst. , and burned to the ground Four horses perished in thi ) llamos. Leas ? 1COO. Lumber prices in Dos Moines are mucl higher than they ought to bo , thatsovcrn persons preparing to build are nrranginj to buy their lumber at Muscatino , D von port and Clinton , claiming that they cai save at least twenty-fivo percent , by buy ing their lumber in those cities. James Clark , a jealous DosMoinos hus band , had his suspicions of one Ed wart Wilson. Clark undertook to persuade Wilson that his suspicions were not wel founded , and the argument was con eluded by Wilson knocking Clark dowr. with a brickbat. When Clark rocovoroc consciousness his wife , appearing on tin scene between acts , said she thought h ( 'had bettor got into the house and gel his head sowed up. " ASciiHlllo Man would UHO. Komp's Halsam for the Throat nud lyings. It iu curing inoro ciacs of Cougln , Gelds , Ast hma , liroticliitU , Croup , nud all Throat nm ! Lviiit' trouliloi , tluin any other niuillciiio 'J'ho proprietor lias aiithorlzocl Scliroedcr & llocht , to refund your inonoy If , after tnkiiio threo-foitrtliu uf n bottle , relief U notolitaincd , 1'rico fiO cents aud 81. .For sale by Schoadci & Jiecht. A Itciiiinlsccnco of Gov. Sliorlduii In J80H $100 for AFtmiiltiuKii Sutler f.-Tho Piiiis I'uid by CIll/.oiiB. Loavonworth Cert St. LouU Hcpubllcan. Yesterday , while looking ovorsomo old legal papers , I happened to run across uu entry on n justice's docket entitled , "The State of Kansas vs. Oun. P. 11. Sheridan at al : " and fuithor on found where the juitico had fine'd the general § 100 for aaaault und battery. As this case was made and tried in 1808 , and lo cal history of that date failing to give more than more mention of it , I hunted jp all the fucta in c.iao and now send ; hem to you to show future gomtrutions tow law was applied in that day in Kan- sapbi > t in order to dcj o wil have to start with Grunt at Vicksbnrg , for it was at .hat point ho first conceived a liking for .ho parson who was subsequently the irosecuting wittiest in this case. In that locality above montionodOrant icard of eomo exploit of bravery per- 'orinud by one M. L. Dunn , i\ private soldier , and , wishing to reward all such , nado Dunn an orderly norgeant on his stall' , and as ho paid strict attention to lis duties and was withal a good soldier , 10 received anoUior promotion making litn vragonmastor of that department. rU the close of the war Dunn was dis- : hnrgud , and , with the endorsement of lieiierul Grant , wan made pout sutler at ? ort Loavonworth. This last promotion iroved to bo his ruination. It was lluah imca in Kansas ; there was plenty of nonoy among the noldi ra and the out- lor'- ) stern WHS a veritable bonanza to U proprietor. Dunn coined money , ind there was nothing too good or too ich for him. Ilu drove the flnost cam , drank the best wino , and had the iiout fragrant brands of cigars that npnoy could command , Other Jioriors vero thrust upon him , and ho was made xmtmaslcr in addition to his ether dutieu , \s liib honorn increasud , no did hia ajiiKi- its for forbidden things , and , not being onteut with thoao onumuratod above , ddcd women to the lint and ho was lost , t is said that norno of the orgiex ho and iia friends indulged in were moro lioni 'ying than aiuuHing ; that the women vero inndfi drunk and all the revels of u lacchanalian feast were indulged in. To such an extent wa tiu ! carried on that it was reported to department hcor ininrtcrs RIH ! the following order issued Font LKAVBNWOUTH , Kan. , July 2(1 ( 18Q8 Major General Albert Uibbi con mandinir , Foil Loavenworth , Kan - ( Joneral : The major general command ing directs Hint Mr. M L. Dunn bo re moved from the reservation and that li bo forbidden to return until further orders dors from these headquarters. VcryATCBpccfully , Cii.ui.vov Mi I\KUEI ; , Assisinnt Adju ( vut General A coj.y of UioorJor waa sent to Duni and ho loft the reservation , but roturnci on the 25th and shortly nf tor entering th postotlico , anorgoant with n lilo of moi waited upon him nnd ho was informei that it was their duty to escort him ol of the reservation. Dunn objected , bu the order wns imperative , and rather thai stand a siege ho concluded to go ou west , but with his going tlicro was n rep istcred oath that ho would gel oven will his removers , Mid going before a jus tic of the peace , aworo otit a warrant o which the following is a copy ; "M. L. Dunn vs. P. U. Shcriihii Alfred Gibbs , Ohnuucny Mulvoovor , Peter tor Loary , and Hiohard T. Leo. Clmrgo Assault and battery with sabrca , takin postage stamps , postal envelopes , t'nitci States treasury notoa , nud postal cur rency to the value of § 2,000 all on Jul ; 25th , about noon. When the case was called for trial nl the ehnrgos but the one for assault am battery were withdrawn. The case occti pied two days , and among the witness fo the defence were some of the brighter nnd best ollirors that our country eve know Tliero were the gallant Cutter with his long auburn locks : the littl lighting Irishmen , Lieut. Loary , and th bravo Lieut. Moylnn , but the characte of witnesses availed the defunsa nothing nnd the jury brought iii n verdict of guil ty against Hon. Sheridan nnd Corp. Lee the former having issued the order am the latter executed it. After the vordic hud been rendered Justice of the Poac Tholon assessed a flno of $1 against nl the parties with the exception of Short dun , wnom ho fined 8100 nnd costs. When Sheridan left the court room i is said that ho actually a were. Intact ho damned Luvonworth , her justice , h juries , and damned the man that didn't but the justica would not rolen nnd the flno staid , but the majority o the citizens boliovcd that Tholen hai shown n potty spite in fining Sheridan si excessively in comparison with the ether thai n purse was made up nnd the lini paid , so thttt Sheridan only lost his tim nnd trouble , but his rulllod temper wni not mollified , nud to this very day lu never mentions Loavonworth withoul giving her a benediction that turns tlu air bluo. An order was BOOH afterwards issuci from department headquarters rovokinj the ono that ordered Dutm from tin post , but his turbulent and wild life hac commenced to tell on him , nnd ho soh out his ullccta nnd wont to Colorado , and laid out or jumped n minor's claim ncai Pogasa Springs. There were no courtier or jurors to act as mediator in this case and when Dunn and the minor met then was but ono resort , und that was the ra volvor and knife. Dunn came out of tin nll'ray fatally injured , ho having no les than nine knife-holes in his body. Hi lived for two days , nnd his rcmaiui were laid away in a pilgrim's grave bo ncath the snow-capped pcaka and tin low moaning pines of the llocky Moun tains. Ovcrdoliif * ttio on Hnwkeyo. "Do you love mo as dearly 53 men hav over loved women ! " said Mnf > el , lindin an easy anchorage for her cheek about th latitude of his upper vest pocket and th longitude of his loft suspender. "More , " said George , with waning enthusiasm thusiasm , for this was about the twenty fourth encore to which ho had rcspandci einco 8 o'clock. "Moro , far moro dearly Oh , over so much moro , " "Would you , " aho wont on , and then was a tremulous impressivenoBs in ho voice that warned the young man that tin alar was going to leave her lines am spring something now on the house "would you bo willing ip work nnd wai for mo , as Rachel waited at the well seven long years ? " "Seven ! " ho cried in a burst of gonuim devotion. "Seven ! Aye , gladly ! Yes and moro ! Even untilsovonty times seven Lot's make it seventy , anyhow , and provi my devotion. " Somehow or ether ho wns nlono whoi ho loft the parlor n few minutes later nnd it looks now as though ho wouli Imyo to wait about 700 years before h. saves fuel by toasting his shins at the lov down grate in that parlor again. Ther nrp mun , my son , who always oyordo tin thing ; they want to bo meeker thai Moses , stronger than Samson , nnd toi times more particular than Job , tin printer ; that is , ho hn't ; but ho ttse < to be. A XclmiHlca Xowii on WhcclH. Chicago llernlil , _ "A _ freight car doesn't appear to bo i big thing , hut you have no idea what i will hold until you como to crowd i once,1' remarked n passenger aswo paaeoi i "boarding car" for track hands. "I'l .ell you what 1 Haw once out in No Jraska. At a station called Button " 01 , ho extension of the Burlington road , tin whole town for about n month wan om freight car. Yes , sir , just ono froigh car run out on u couple of old rails by tin sidoof the track. It contained thofrioghl jflico , ticket ollico , telegraph oilico. wait ng room , express ollico , post oflico , iu' a real estate ollico , a grocery with wol goods attachment , n small atopk of drj ; oods , and the agricultural itnploinenl nati had his stock scattered all around , > tnd his ollico in the car. The railroad igent's family lived in the car , too , and lis wife took in boarders. Nor that ain't 11. The last day I was there I aaw n ign on that car , "Furnished Rooms to lent , " but I afterwords learned that it noant a bunk in the tent on the roof. wouldn't exaggerate about this freight ar just to got in a little joke like that. " Tlio I'\ivorllo i Hutchot. ' /Is / your vfifoa musician ? " eaid M * . Crimea to Mr , Groathoart last week. "I nm proud to say she is a musician f great power , " ws the reply. "What is her favorite instrument } " "Tho " organ. "Indeed ; what make tlooa she prefer ? " "Her preference is the nasal organ. " "Too nasal organ ? Why , what do ou moan ? " "Jim what I say. You can satisfy ouraolf of the truth of my statement any ight after 11 o'clock by placing yourself vitlun reasonable , distance oom. " Too MucU Klour for tlio Whisky , ilaho Cour d'AIene Kalo. ( A train of aixtoon inulea , fifteen loaded nth whisky and ono with Hour , arrived .t Ktglo a few days ugo , and u man from Montana wanted to know what thuy were going to do with all that Hour. A COIilSKl'M KOIl CHIOAOO. Now niul OlKnntio Aittuopiucnl Kntci D.itt Oostclld'M Chk'Ugo New ( i. A stock company of Now York nnd Ch cage cjipitalists , representing ? . ' )00,000 hits been organized to erect the Clncag Uoman collaoum , which will be like Mail ison Square Rnrduii , in Now York , thoiti ? on a much larger senle. Dan Costcllo , tit celebrated Now York shopman an "muiur , " is QUO of the leading spirits c the ontcrbriio , 'They want a ehango in ntwucmoiita , ho eaiit yeskrJay. " 'Ihey have bee 'showed' out , 'aung' out , 'played , out and generally wearied of the present ays torn of entertainment. Did you eve think how many women and. childre there were in this city who had no plac of amusement until the cheap museum opened ? This new enterprise \ull bo show for everybody , but it will bo till ferent from the museums , A lease c ton years , with the privilege of twontj has been obtained of the vacant block r Wabwh avenue ami C ngros ( , street Architects are at work on tlio plsns mv and will give them to mo soon , may b to-morrow. Tlio building will cost § 500 000. It will bo 110 by Jliitl feet , facing u the nvenuo. The stngo will be the large ! in the world , 1)0 ) by 110 foot. The seal and atago will bo so constructed that the can bo raised , leaving nn area 00 by S2H feut , which can bo used aa a rink or fu tournaments. The Boat * will face a sot of court , which will bo surrounded by 20-fuol driving track , one-eighth ot mile in length , to bo used for chariot n ces nnd the like. The lowest scats will b about live feet above this track , BO thn no accident can happen to the spectator ! On the inside of tlio track there will b n sort of rostrum which the jndgea ca use. When thostngo is set it will bo con nected with a pavilion , Ou by 85 feet , i in which a procession can form am march directly on and oil' the atnge There is a London theater built ntto this'manner , and it is very convenient Uack of the stn o there will bo a tiO-foi ) court , which can bo opened to the viu\ \ of the nudiencu by making virtually stage of 170 feet depth , nnd wsll ntlbn great facilities for panoramic views. Th building ia to bo 85 feet high. The thin story will bean open promenade ; nbov it nnd supported by heavy pillars will b a flower garden. In the center of all th upper lloora there will bo n well-hole cov ered with wire , which will permit th quests above to look down onto th amusements in the ring. The main towe nt the corner of the streets is to bo 12 feet high. The building will easily accom modntu 10,01)0 ) , the seating capacity c the theater being 0,000. The standn price of admission will bo .0 contc whether the amusement be grand oper or something else. Wo expect to brca ground soon nnd to open the building b thanksgiving day. _ The Moral of HID Walking Matoli. I'hilndolphin Kecord. If Una been said that n walking mate ] is more brutal than a pii/o light , ninco i is an exhibition of the Ion eat aninin quality of which the human race is pos Bcascdiz. . , endurance , and since itaevi ellects upon the nyatem are B i inticl greater This may bo so , yet results ar worth something. The cash result t Fitzgerald is said to bo § 12,500 ; to Row oil , § 5,000 ; to Pancholt , § 2,750 ; toNorc mac , ? 1,750 ; to llorty , $1,250 ; to Vint § 1,000. and to EUon , § 750. Those i were all that were left out of fourtee : who started on the six-day raco. Lot us , in imagination , substitute yeai for days , nnd replace the fourteen pode.i trinns by fourteen young men of 20 yoai of ago , each of whom haa for the proviot three or four yearn been straining over nerve to qualify himself for a profession- the pulpit , law , physio , painting , arch lecture any learned or artistic pursui Lot us reckon up the earnings of tliet young men during the six years , and , di ducting therefrom what it has cost thei to liyu , let us see if tlioy are likely t have in their possession nt the end of ei years the sum of twenty live thousan dollars. During that time the chance are that worry and want of work wil have killed two or three , and that worr ; andovorworkwillhaveinjurcdthreoorfoii oUiors ; BO that the only ones that wil in u few moro years bo left to achiov substantial success will bo , ruling encases cases of exceptional good tortune , thos who are possessed of the greatest otiiyin power , the most endurance. So long n the public subscribe amounts like tin for the privilege of Booing men walk , B long will there be walkers. The degrn ilation , if there is any , rests with th spectators , while the foolishness ia abon equally divided between them and thee wlio enter upon the race without prBscs sing the essential qualifications. Train Tulle. Chicago Herald , "llow much are yon going to tax m to-day , conductor ! " inquired a pnssongc who not on the train without iv ticket. "Where are you going ? ' "Chicago. " Two-forty. " "That's too darn high , conductor. Yo chaps on this road tax a fellera oed dea more than they do over on the Central. "Two-forty , please. " The money wan paid over and quiotl ; transferred to the conductor' * ) pocket but no memorandum thereof made o ; the conductor'u note book , "It boata all how this tariff reform idc in spreading , " remarked nn obaorvin passenger , nftor the conductor hud passoi , o the ether end of the car. "What makes you think HO. " "Why oven the railroad men nro got .ing BO they believe in taxes for revonui All lUyO tO J5llnlllH8. ! Wall Street NOWH , A Brooklyn man who hit wheat for i ow thousand last week rushed aroum nnd rented a brown stone front , and thei sought the services of a furniture mover "I'll take it by the job and do the fail ! iinr ( by you , " replied the mover. "Well , how fair ? " "I'll ' say $50 for the two. " "What two' * " "Why , the moving this week into tin jrown atone front , and the moving li about n month , from that into a cheap rame house in the aiiburbal I alwuyn jol lie two moves together in the case of i ; rain speculator. " CAU'JION. No , 210 GKANII HTHKRT , JKUHKV Cirr , N. J. , Fob. 28 , 1883. Two months ugo 1 suffered with a veri > ad cough , which kept mo awake all night was recommended to put on my choa wo Allcock'a Poroua Piasters. Unfor unutely my druggist perauadcd mo to trj Homo other ad-culled porous plaster , oat my matioy , for they were worthies md not of the slightest benefit. I thoi irocured Allcock'a Porous Plasters , unt hey completely cured mo. J. F. MoQlNNISS. Imitation Porous Plasters are boiii ; advertised and offered for sale , liowar of them. "Alcock's" ' i the only gen uinu , THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY XT U RUE 2CS'S ' , Quo of the Best and lurgost Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , .EHMASUN JOBBER OF EASTZRA PRICED DUPLICATED 11 TTAHNAM STIIEK OM AHA NRB. Heating and Baking > : t In only attained by using IM T MA TKR OAK jp P 1 % stoves d Ranges , M GAUZE OVER BOOR &lfi l\fe \ ! v , " , Fci-flnl ° by. - sMILTON BOOSES & SOIT3 ( SUOOKSSOIl TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) UWE AMD CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6tli and Douglas Sis. , llMiiiu Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. [ ENDORSED BY FRANH LISXT. ] DOSTON , Marcli let , 18U. r.Miil'ON : PIANO CO. ORNrLBMEV Your liislriimontn. Orand , Sijuaro and Upright , ore roiilly noble Inatrumtnta and unrivalled for baiuty of tone anl llnlsh. Allow mo to congratulate you on your sterling , pronromi. OUSTAVE HATTtll RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ' I " H fi C3 "TCDTin SOLE AGENT , - JtdL J KH5SIT JtLl n IGIO Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb I4II DfldRoSt. , ' . < I OMAHA , NEn II WW Mf 'i EBESTTHREAD FDR SEWING MAGH LUMBiSE I ufj a > § .3 - CQ o 3 20TH ST. OMAHA NEB " . , , , i 6k H. WOOD & CO. , HUt'C'EHHOHH TO WKSTKUN 8TF.AJ1 1IBAT1XO CO. , 3LTJ3yiBElKS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , 215 North lOlh Street , bot. Capitol Avo. und f\if\ \ LJ A f\5 ETD > Darpi.port . Street. Telephone No.11)5. ) . W 8VIA H M , l i , tlD ( J , S. DEPOSITORY. J. JJ. LOLLAUD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier , Capita ! and Surplus , S45O.OOO. Mhm SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ! ' Fira uiul Burglar Proof Safes for Uont nt from 85 to $50 per annum