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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1884)
r . 3 OMAHA DAILY YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. SATURDAY MORNWtt , MA10 , 1881. 2M $10,000,000 , , , of the Brant c& Ward alnra Grown Larger , of Queer Transactions [ Dating Baok Six Months , Jjnocj | [ the Firm Acknowledges "liabilities of $8,000,000 , , , Carious Individuals Mulcted for i flalf a Million Apiece , rTKelBailway Collaterals Consid ered Amply Protected , _ _ Frtrili Grant Out ofailob nnd Looking WWWBJ If ' . : - Otlior Developments. W01LSB AND W0118E. My 8. The suspicion the Grant & Ward failure is mucli'iuorc ' sjrious than at first supposed. " ' VJ - * 'WB4 AAwell'known ' member cf the stock ex change to-dny slid : "For four or five moullja I hwe hoard rumors of queer transactions by Grant & Ward. I do not ttiinkj § 8.000,000 by any means an ex- tra'fagaut estimate ot the Inbilitks of the firmftoy beliefs they exceed § 10.003,0 0. When'tho failure was announced , 1 said it would be then WALL sriiEur EVEII suv , add am mnro firmly convinced thin ever of the .truth of the oatimatos. What the assets can bo , none knows , but they are probably very small , nnd the disparity in tlio figures will undoubtedly cause n surprise. A clerk of Grant & Ward's said' the amount of liabilities will un- undoubtedly bo very large. They are discovering now business every day. * 'Ye's , I know the names of some persons caught , bnt cannot give them. Some gentlemen are in for $500,000 , and others . .for'still larger sums. " JJ&VVm. 0. Smith , of the stock exchange , , , a member of the firm , said"I do not ; think the statement of the nsaignco will ' bo ready until the latter part of next ijfweok. I don't think the amount of lia- Jbilitina will roach $8,000,000 , although that ia o. mutter of which I have no knowledge. The figures are all gossip , 55hd are , I think , extravagantly largo. Tlio railroad companies which received rt'loans on securities , which have boon transferred to other people , are amply ' 'protected ' andjwill lose nothing. THE LOSSES . 'will fall "chiefly upon individuals who have invented their money with the firm. This business is conducted by Ward. Of course they were fully aware of the largo -amount involved , They had been led orilby Ward nnd will of course lose very vd ; i. . M _ _ THUD OUANT , ni * interviewed said ho was looking for Pemploymeiit. ; had nothing to do now. It - "would depend on whether anything was frtsavod from the wreck whether he wont into business for himself. ' . ? ? * , THE MAUINE HANK has begun n suit against Ford. Ward to recover § 700,000 , the amount of over ' draft's paid out by the bank on Ward's account. An attachment was granted against thu houto and personal property of Ward. The Broklyn sherill is in posseeion. ' : " 'Ttfl WARD'S Fuuxirunn BEIZEI * . , -.NEW YOHK , May 9. The furniture andlill the efl'ects of the residence ot Ferdinand Ward , of Grant Ward have bjcn attached. I , Jj $ . ATTltin'T TO AUUEST WARD. The Brooklyn Eiglosays : Persons passing ' ' olbnq ; Pierrunont street this morning were . startled to FCO two well dressed men ' grasp the head of a horse attached to a coupe nnd ordered the driver to stop. Many thought they wore to witness a highway robbery , but wore mistaken. Tlio inmate of the coupe was Ward. Ono tof'Jho , men said : "Mr. Ward , you are , 'our' prisoner " Wnrd asked for proof of * authority. A search fora warrant was bo- , gurffjA ! troubled look overspread the .cddntenanoos of both men , and the pock- , . , etsjrf | each , were turned inside out and , bundles of papers they carried were er- , aniTriod about seventeen times , to no availfr They gazad disconsolately after theT'coupe ' ns Ward was rapidly driven toward New York ferry. The houao is elaborately and expen sively furnished. Ward lived in the house five years. Four weeks aao ; their only child wan born. Ho wns christened Ferdinand Grant Wnrd , after General Grant. The refuge of thn Grant family will bo the homo of Mrs. Grant's mother George Jones , of the New York Times , nays : "OKNEUAL GRANT'S of § 200,000 is absolutely safn. Hitherto wo paid the interest annually. The first of May of each year found General Grant in possession of § 15 , HO interest in full on the investment. Hereafter wo shall pay him quarterly , not only because ho needs the money , but because wo do not mean that any one shall lay hands on it. I wns with General Grant Sunday last. Ho was in complete ignorance of the impending disaster. Other than this fund lie DOESN'T POSSESS A DOLLAR ; "More t haivthat ho ia deoplyalmo6t ir retrievably in debt. What ho did in Wall street ho did for his sons. It acorns too sad that the man who has done so much for his country should bo loft in Ilia old &gu dependent on the nation ho helped to savo. " THH HECKIVBll. Julian I. Davits has been appointed receiver of the assets of Grant A Ward , the auspended broker * . 7\ \ Ward had not been out of the house more than half an hour when a deputy sheriff arrived with a writ of attachment for the furniture and other effects. As Ward could not bo served with the paper it was NA1LK [ T1 THE FllONT HOOK ; and excited great curiosity. The deputy | made 011 inventory of thu house when the i family commenced preparations to do- I part. TUB UUSARI.Vfl HOUSE. NEW YOUK , May a. A meeting of a Icommilteo appointed bv the Clearing IJIUUBO association to report euch amend * m uti to the constitution and by laws as would prevent the rccurranco of cases like the Marino First National bank was hold to-day. The projidont of the First National bank uppt-nred with counsel to protest against his bink being hold responsible sponsiblo for § 275,000 of worthless chocks drawn on it by ( Snmt Ward which came through the Marino bank. Ferdi nand Ward hod only § 1,200 t < his credit In the bank. It won argued that in such n case any bank would I o AT THK MtttlOY of miy ono of its depositors , no matter how small his deposit , who could got an other bank to accept his checks for a Urge amount and thus send them through the clearing house. The only proper way , it was argued , was to na-ow the amount drawn by Grant & Ward on the first national pro rata on all the banks it the CLEAUINd HOUSE ASSOCIATION. Inquiring all choeki nbivo n certain sum to bo certified was suggested as one ' means to lesson the risk , So much of the business of the city and country , and especially of Wall street , is done on cred it it was thought advisable to move slowly in the nnttor. The committee will moot ng tin Monday. INSTANCES MUI.TIl'I.Y of deception practiced in the name of the firm to carry on the wild schemes in which interest on "proH'is'1 wcro paid those who invested in them , Mr. Chaf- fo's deposit of securities to tlio amount of nt least § 500,000 dollars was secured from him within a recant date , Ward depicting the great prosperity of the firm. J. li. Work st'crolnry Mexican South ern railroad and nephew of Work , a wall atroot operator , Is said on good authority to bo a creditor to Grant and Ward to the txttiit of § 100COO and his friends nro also victimized to the extent of about § 100,000. It ia assorted by General Grant's friends that ho supposed up to the time of the collapse that ho had to hia credit in the firm profits of § 210,000 and WAUI ) LIVKl ) IN A STYLE that would require a larger income than § 30,000. A person who ought to know said Fish insisted on receiving his "profits" and drew out of the firm § 5CO- 000 in 1888 , and § 300.000 this year. THE M Tlio Conference Still In Session. 9. The Methodist conference ro-asaemblod this morning with Bishop Bowman in the chair. Rev. Dr. Cox , of lotva , conducted devotional exorcises. Bishop Hurris announced in response to the resolution adopted yester day that thu election of three additional bishops will adequately provide for the requirements of thu Episcopal office. The standing commissions roportoi recom mending fixing an Episcopal residence in Europe and India. A delegate moved reference to the committee. Him Ohan- dora BOSE , n lay delegate from North l dia , moved that further consideration of the matter bo postponed to Monday. Ilov. Dr. Alfred Wheeler , of Brio , as a dart of his speech minority report to the t fleet that resident bishop 3 India and Europe are not demanded by tlio inte rests of the church. Dr. Wheeler main tained tluit the resolution contemplates the establishment of Episcopal residence in Europe , and in the same way as at Boston and San Francisco. The project appeared to bo to establish a residence with a permanent occupant of the Epis copate. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , May 9. The re port was referred to the committee on episcopacy. The committee on judiciary reported that under the third restriction rule the general conference haa power to appoint the missionary ! bishop or superintendent for any fnroiga mission , limiting jurisdic tion to the same and with the exception that all our bishops shall bo equal in mthority and jurisdiction , and Mibject to tlio same assignments to work. It is the opinion of the coramittco that the jenernl conference hai power to fix the residence of nil bishops to cny part of the country occupied by the Methodist Episcopal church. Thu comir itoo on the atato of the ; hurch received the report of a sub com- nitteo on mirriuuo and divorce. The report was adopted. It ia lengthy and includes in a comprehensive preamble letting forth the danger to the social fabric from the irrovoranco for the mar riage vow , and the granting divorces for ! jthor than icriptunU causes. It contains itringont resolutions on the subject of i livorce , and several actions wire ! ) it rec- juimonds to bo adopted by the general 3onforcnco as additions to the discipline Duo section is : ' 'No divorce shall bo rec- ignizcd as lawful , in the sight of God , ox- ; opt for adultery " Oropi. DETROIT , May D. For May l.ho crop returns have boon received from seven mndrodand ninety-three correspondents , oprcBftiting 028 townships. Aa in 1883 ind 1882 , the month of April was a cold nonth ; at Lansing the average tempera- ; uro wii 45 degrees F. , ns compared with 1C in 1883 and 45 in 1882. There was a icarcity of August rain-fall from the 10th to the close of the month. Wheat on sandy soil works fairly well on clay lands ind lulls , especially on the northern slopes. The crop is badly injured. Es timates show the condition of the crop in the southern four tiers of counties to bo 87 per cent. In the counties north of the southern four tiers 07 per cent , of the condition ono year ago. Two per cent , of the average is seeded to wheat and will bo plowed up because winter billed and otherwise- destroyed it. Con siderable area in thought to be injured beyond recovery. It will not bo plowed deep became the ground has been needed to clover or grass. _ Tlio AVi-uiliur To-ilay. WASHINGTON , Miy ! ) . For the upper Mississippi valley , fair followed by part ly cloudy weathsr , and in northttrn portion tion local rains ; variable winds , slightly wurm. _ For the Missouri valley , fair , variable winds , shifting to westeriy , stationary temperature. _ Fatal Ij RAIXIQH , N. 0. , May I ) . Lightning struck ftlcDuIFy it Son'u mill this morning and killed inituitly thu engineer and two negroes , and injured another per son. _ A I'urlluiiieiitArlini Forger , TOHONTO , Ontario , May 9 R. J. McKirnm , member of Parliament , Las been arrested for forgery. NEWS OF THENATIOM , An ElTiirt to bs Mane to Pass tbc Postal Tclcaraph Bill , Hnllett Kilbourno's ' Vorcliot Sot Aside as Excessive A Salute in Honor of tbo Alert to bo Fired On Her Woigbing Anchor ToDay - Day in Now York Hnrbor , Ths Testimony in tbo Jonnnotto Oaso Yesterday. I'roucciliiiKH In Congress Hoivltt to n. New Tar IIV Hill. WASHINGTON XOl'KS. I'OSTALTl'.UHlllAVII. Special Plsp.Ucli to tholtKK. WASHIMITOX , May 0 Now that the taritf bill ia out of the way , there will bo nil cH'ort niaclo to take up the postal tele graph bill. The bill as reported from the committee authorizes the post master- gencr.U to advertisn for bids for postal service by telegraph , and to accept the lowest. It ia believed the maximum rates under this will not exceed , onnn average , one-fourth the present rates. HALLKTT KILllOUUNn'.S VKRDIOT. Judge Wagner to-day sot aside the ver dict of § 37,000 as oxcoaaive , in the case of llallott Kilbourno vs ex Sorgoant-at Arms Thompson , but suid that if the plaintiff would accept § 21,000 it would bo allowed to stand ; otherwise ho would grant n now trial. A SEND-OFF FOR Till ! ALKHT. The secretary of war has directed a national salute of twenty-one guns to bo fired from Fort Columbus , Now York harbor , to-morrow , on the occasion of the departure of the Arctic atcamer Alert in honor of the English ensign , which will bo displayed at the ioro This is in recog nition of the action of the British gov ernment in giving the vessel to the United States for use in search of the Grueloy party. THE JEANETTi : . In the Jeanette inquiry to-day Mrs. Emma DolJong , wife of Captain DoDong , testified she thought the ship was as cure- fully and completely furnished with clothing and provisions as possible. She felt perfectly satisfied that everything had boon done for the relief of her tjut- band that could bo done. Mr. Bennett told her ho considered Captain DoL-mg's death the most heroic thing ho know. This closed the testimony and the argu ments will bo made to-morrow. ANOTHKU , TAUHT DILL. Representative Hewitt , Now York , will introduce in the house on Monday next to amend , simplify and make clear the present tariff lavr with a view of obviat ing some of the difficulties experienced by the treasury department in construct ing and carrying its provisions. Ho has some thoughts of incorporating a series of provisions intended to reduce the tar- ilF , but has not como to a final decision until ho has had a conference with other democrats in the house. Mr. E/iton / , of Connecticut , said to day that if no tariff bill bo introduced tlna season , the democrats who aided in defeating the Morrison bill will publish a statement , giving their reason for their opposition to it. Hewitt said to-night that if lie decides to make the bill a tariff reduction meas ure , the changes will not ho BO radical as those of the Morrison bill When ho came to Washington at the beginning of congress ho brought a tariff bilt , which would have been introduced had Morrison not introduced his measure- . Ilia ( Hewitt's ) bill provided for a reduc tion of revenue from customs duties amounting to § 70.000,000. It placed on the free list a number of articles in addi tion to those made duty free by Morri son's original bill. FOllTY-EIGUTil OONGUKSS. NBNATIS. WA.sinNnro.v , May 9. The appeal of Air. Beck ( dom. , Ky. ) from the decision iif the chair regarding the motion of Mr. Fryo ( rep. , Me. ) for a conference com mittee on the shipping bill was laid ever till Monday. The senate then took up the Indian appropriation bill , and Mr. Dawos ( rop. , Muss.briefly ) recapitulated its provisions. The catimntes for the year , ho said , wero88-lCO,80 . Tlio amount of the bill ns it came from tlu house was ? 5- , 15(5J80 ( , ! ; the six amendments proposed by the senate increased the amount $757- 113. The total reported to the senate for Indian service the coming year was 50,210,802. This exceeds the Indian bill nf last year by$810,144. The chief element - oment of increase , Dawos said , was the amount for Indian schools. The bill wna considered by soctioiiB.and considerable progress inudo without de bate , except upon the appropriation f"r education in Alaika. Tlio sonata com- mitu'o had reduced the amount from 815,000 , allowed by the house , to $10- 000. 000.Mr. Mr. Ilawloy ( rep , Ct. ) moved to make the amount $25,000. Mr. Plumb ( rep , , KB. ) opposed this. Mr. Conger ( rep. , Mich. ) advocated the motion. Pending the debate , the sonata wont into executive soesion , and when the doors ro opened , adjourned to 12 o'clock , to-morrow. About 1 o'clock thoaonato will proceed in a body to attend the unveiling of the Marshall memorial statue. HOUHB. The first twobil's ' on the calendar wore considered and discussed together. The first appropriation of § 0,000 for the relief - lief of Willis N. Arnold , of Henderson , Tonn } wa * reported favorably by the committee on war claims. The second fur the relief of Hiram Johnson and forty-six other people of the anne place was reported adversely , and both these claims have been pending in congress for many years. They grow out of a rebel raid on Henderson m November. 18G2 Property to the value of 820,751 was de stroyed , of which ? 18,171 belonged to loyal citizens , $3CO ( > to the Mobile and Ohio railway , and $5,080 to the United States. On account of these depreda an ( wnossmont was made on the dis loyal citizens , and the money turned over to the provost marshal. § ! ) . ( ! 00 of the amount assessed WAS paid ever to Aldrich tf Patterson , two of the BuHerera from tl'o raids , and the remainder covered into - to thO treasury Willis N. Arnold clnim * to bo a loyal citizen , nnd that ho sull'erou n loss of § 15,000. Hiram Johnson ot al were disloyal citizens , on whom the assessment was made , and who now claim the sum remaining inthotrcaniy should bo divided ntnoni ; them pro nxta The speaker also laid before the house * n communication from the secretary of war recommending an additional appro priation of § 100,000 for the relief of suf- furera by floods in the lower Mifsmippl vulluy. llofurrcd. lloccss till 8 o'clock , the evening scs- Uon to be for the consideration of psn- aion bills. FOll AHl'IIUK. MW : Yonic coLOiir.i ) MKS rou HIM. NK\V YOUK , May 0. The colored re publican central committee to-night en dorsed the administration of Arthur and recommended his ronmniuation. The conmiittoo also asked for n inoro thorough recognition and suggested Una could lie obtained by placing a colored man on the national republican committee. LiAlU'i 1 < 'KI I JUTS. TIio'IiowcRt rntoH Kvor Known Con tracted for CmoAflO , May 9. The tnmon for the grain tloot of this port hna been vcr > backward : owing to the limited call for carrying room freights have g'tvo down to n very low per cunt , Notwithstanding which many largo vossola have not yet loosed sales , while n number of othom have gone in Eiaannba for ore.- The tirst decided movement wnt to-day , wluui charters were made , mostly by W. T. Baker & Co. , for 400.000 bushels of wheat to Now York by lake and oannl , nt ( > J cents , nnd 100,000 bushels of corn nt Oj per bushel. This la about the lowest r.ito ever known and is < ! cents under thu railway rates which is very low. f SHARON'S hHAMIC. , * Another Perjured Witness Aeknowl- ctltrcH His Quilt. SAN FiiANC'isco , May 0. The Sharon divorce case has entered on a period of surprising revelations. Mrs. Martha Arisen testified yesterday to having giv en false evidence in behalf of the plaintiff , and to-day Harry L. Wolls. who testified for plHiutiff that he hoard Sharon intro duce MiflB Hill to Mr. True ( since deceas ed ) of Santa Ortiz , ns hU wife , coufuBsod the story waa false ; nothing of the kind ever occurred. In making the confession the witness burst into tears , nnd said "True told mo there was $250,000 in the nfiair , nnd T wns to havnt At Now York NeVYlp ! 5j"Detroit , 0. \ At Providence Providence , 3 ; Bulla- lo , 1. " At Boston Boston , Oj Cleveland , 2. Pittsbarg Allegheny. ! * 8j Pittsburg , 2. f St. Louis St. Louis Americans , .T ; Columbus , 2. Louisville Ky. , Louisville , 2 ; Indian- npoli , 8. At Cincinnati Toledo , 1 ; Cincinnati 9. 9.At At Cincinnati Unioni , 7 ; Baltlinom Unions 4 , At Milwaukee Milwaukee , 9 ; Minne apolis , 0. Chicago Keystone , .Philadelphia , 2 ; Chicago Unions , 0. , j At St. Liuis. St. Louis Union , 12 ; Nationals , 4. ' At Philadelphia Chicago 7 ; Philadel phia 4. At Fort Wnyno Grand Rapids 3j Ft. Wayne 2. The Doctor * Waul 1'rAjror ia Tholivi WAKIIINOTOK , May 9. At to-day's ses sion of the American Medicnlassociation , Dr. Van Cline , of Ohio , pflfered a resolu tion that , ns many members are infidels , freethinkers , iratorialists , etc. , the cus torn of opening the annual session with prayer was an imposition on some of the mombard , and therefore ought to bo abolished. "I move the resolution be laid on the table , " promptly called out u delegate. The vote was put and carried without a dissenting yoico. The associa tion adjourned sinn die. Killed Tliuh-Guard. MT. STBKUNO , Ky. , May 9. A peniten tiary guard in chnrgo of eight convicts , whom ho waa transferring from FronK- fort to prison on the Knnluoky Cm in' railroad , reached hero yesterday al tor- noon and started on f > > o for the prison. Ono of the piisonorH compluincd that his handcuffa were hurting him , and the others took advantage Of tlio opportunity t ) ovorpovrorj the guard , soiled liin gun nnd killed him. Tlireo prisoners cscnpud. The other five were jttynig to reach prison. , - A Failure to Oliont ilio OallovvH. AHIILANO , O. , May [ ) Ooorgo Hoin and William Mibbouor J sentenced to be hanuod May 10th forth.0 murder of Har- ry Williams , took morj ilno this morning trith suicidal intent , The dootorft thwarted their purpodo Thn KroonbackerH of tluj twelfth illntrict o l have nouilnatcil ) V. B , Iluaeltlue fur The rfljmrt that tha king of the ItolclnnK had despatched Htanlov with an oxi > ( iiltlun ] from CUI > K < > t < > aid ( inrdon In rotroatliiK from Kliurtouui , In untrue , : Henry Irving , In un lijtarvlow at London , Hiyn It U ImpojiNlblo for i n KuglMiman wliu lion not vlHltod America 'to ' cmicoivo of tint feeling of Americana toiviril tha mutlior coun try. try.At At Wlrwtnn , N. 0. , 'Tburuday nWit , 'J.'O clti/.ons tonic Henry H'.fjlm from j ill nnd lynched lilin. Hwniin wiU charge < l with the inurdorof Mm , Itced , 011 Monday lo t , with the purpofto ( if robbery , The in ay or ud dressed the crowd without ellect. The leailliiK inaniifactUrorH of Now York and adjoining ntntoa inet at Now York , la > > t ovonlc/ dovisi ) IIIO.IIIH by which coiik'ri'Hh1 can bo Induced to M diitled on run matorbl anil no modify tlio jrexnnt tarllf that tbo burden Klmll full more e < | uully u'on ( thone fnK'"g < l 111 muuufucttirluf. It WM retolvod to unite In uti tu < jiclaUoi | to ho known on the manufacturers roforui leaguJ , the object of which uhould be to furthtr tbolr IntortwU Iiy opIKDHluff iiroteotloo and dvocatli > ( ; fiuo trade , EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE Socialism Again DisroD'iDE ' llic Prus sian Rciclisratli , Bisinarok Sponks for a Bonowal of tlio Tliumb-Sorow The Englisli Tories Patohn Peace in Their Randolpli Ohnrohill Announces Ho Will Not Sooedo , A Campaign Inaugurated Agains the Frauohiso Bill , A MrotliiKor tlio Nalloiiu' tion iio fur N \t Suudiiy 1'nuilnlntcil , x Ni-nvs. SOCIAtlHM. , May ' . ) . In the roichatag to day the debate on the bill to renew the special auti-ROcialiat law waa returned. Rtch'or pronounced the law a failure' , emphasizing til' ) fuel tlmt it had nut pro- vimtod the attempt tobloiv up the Niodo- orvwald monumont. Von Piittrkiimer , Prussian homo sec retary , aaid the ocourronco , iniloiul of being an arginnont ngxinit the pro- 'ongaticin of the law , was iv reason iiu- t. _ If th law luul not been enacted the iuisBlon would have been atoned for in torrents of blood. All states which do not possess such a law are being under mined by anarchist ideas as a legimate consequence of social democracy. Dismarck also spoke in defense of the bill , and said the government could not make a law more lenient , but hoped through social refurma to give workmen their duo ; namely : work so long as they were able to labor , and support when they wnro unahlo to toil lon ger. Parliamentary obstruction sim ply impeded the government. If the bill should bo rejected the gov ernment would replace it with another. If that parliament should reject the bill , the government would bo exonerated of all responsibility and c-wld regard the further development of social democracy with a quiet conscience. Till ! ENOUHH rOHIKH. LONDON , M ly 9 At a msoting of the conservative members of the commons to-day , Randolph Churchill intimated ho would support the leaders of the party. Tlio lories are jubilant. They consider the split in the party ended. The liber als expect the feud soon to re-open. The meeting unanimously agreed to opponj the franchise bill. AN IHtait Mr.l'.TINd BUri'llESBEU. DuiiUK..May ' 9. The authorities have' proclaimed1 a mooting of National Lengua Sunday next at Abboyfelo , I/nnoriok. IIANQUKTINO UARdliNr. Br.iruif , May y. The American col ny i gives u banquet to Sargent before his de parture on the 25th. Minister Mortun , from Paris * nd Ex-minister General Noyes are invited. It Uli lit Ilfivo Ilcon In NoIirnRkn Two or thrco years ago , while the Wis cousin Legislature un.s in session , a mem ber gave notice that ho would introduce : a bill to investigate the atFiiirs of a cur tain railroad corporation. Two or three [ lays after ho was hunted up by an ollicer of the road , who said : " 1 neo that you intend to investigate the affairs of our road ? ' * "Yes , sir. " "Ah , yes ; in what direction , may I ask , will your .investigation load ? " "Why , I want to BOO if there is any way I can pans my old woman down and back from Oshkoali ? " There probably wes , at least Iho Jbi was never heard of further. Wall Street Ncw . _ _ Tlio Iliiiikrl KliopH. CHICAGO , May 9. The representatives f a largo number of bucket shops in .owns throughout the middle and western states , which have been cutoff from the iiarkot quotations ninco the Chicago board of trade took charge of its own market reports , hold a conference with a uommitlee of the board to-day , and an ar rangement was made by which tlioy will bu { ivon reports as a basis for soliciting hu.i uoau./or members of the board of trade , .hoy signing a contract and giving security lot to use the quotations for bucket aliop business under punnlty of being cut oil' again. A considerable number availed themselves of the opportunity. rroforo HhontliiK to SALT LAKH , May 0 Fred Hopt , thrco times tried and u mvictod of murder , has been nenlonced to bo executed Juno . ' ! 0. The Utah statute permit persona iun- toncod to chose hanging or shooting. Hopt choao the latter. The attorneys gavu notice of appeal ; should a stay of execution bo ordered- lynching isprob- bale. The murder wan committed four years ugo. The case has coat the terri tory $15,000. Duncan Hogs' IjutoM rind. OLEVKUNI ) , OUo , May D. Duncan 0. ( loss hurt issued i card stating that ho will match Charles Lingo to spar Jumu.i 0. Daly or Hial rUoddard , ring rules , hard gloves , to a finish , for $500 a tide , thu contest to take place on Luku Krio twenty miles from shore , opposite Olevo lind , American dido. If Langu bin's Daly and Htoddart , ho trill bo pitted against Charles Mitchell. M ( irund Hlunil , OIIILMCOTHB , Oliio , May 9 During a base-lull game between the Oliillicotjio uud Portsmouth clubs this afternoon , tlio grand stand , containing two hundred people fell , injuring twenty , The most uHvcroly hurt are : Jeremiah O'Koo , in ternally , will probublv die ; Dr. Joseph ( Tanlcy , spine ; Joeoph MuGuiro , head ; John llfgbeu , broken lug. Thu ladies escaped , Tlio AVepJt'H l'\illurcH , NEW YOUK , May 9 The buuncss fnilureH for the last unveil days in the United States were lf > 8 ; in Canada , III ) . Knot Down ut. 1'nllH , NEW OIILUANH , May 9. The Pica- yuno's Ha/Alhurat spuciul gays : In the trial of Wheeler for the murder of Mat thews the testimony shows that Scott nu < oit thn uu to Whveler tlmiugh thi window of the building in which tin -loction wns held , that only plonsati' .ifllulntions passed between Mnlthowsnnd \Vnee1or , and tlmt Matthews voted nnd wna shot down , OMAHA l.\ flic Ilonra of 'I'rnilo Ht Al. > tlio Unnlcu City. SpotUl Dltimtch to thu Hif . CIIIOAOO , May 1) ) . The mombcra of the Omaha board of trade nnd their friondh arrived hero at II o'clock this afternoon , in their special train of noron sleepers , dining , mnoking and bjgnnpo cars , ovoi 'ho Uhicngo , luriiijtou ! ) ; t Ojuinoy rend They spent the day nnd evening in visit ing points of interests about the citytuid .ittouding thi ) tlioatri's Nearly nil of theiulmvo quarters nt the Pnlmcr. There is no rtguhir iirogramnie of Biglitst'i'injt or plenaun ) Beuking , o\ory ono following hii or her own inclination. Tlio pirtj will not return in n body , but the mum- burs will go b.ick , each when ho gets i endy. IMcdloIno Pli'ii at W WAHIIINOION , May 8 The c.ipitol wax brilliantly lighted this evening in honor of the National Medical Associa tion. Tlio members of the association , many of them accompanied by Indies , were received in the nuukblo room of the ronnto by sptakor Carlisle and Sonn tor K.luuMids , as istu : ! by Rotmtor Blur- rill. ] < ator in the uvening they Suited the army nuulical museum , where Uiey were received by Sumoon Oonvtitl Wales. 1'AiifiONH , Knnsas , Mny ! ) Tlio boiler of a locomotive exploded in the Missouri t'uodlu round houao this afternoon. M. A. Slnttory and Doloy Tomonto wore blown through the roof and instantly killed , . ! . W. Nich-'ls was fatnlly injured , thrco others wuro bndly hurt , four sta tion * of tl-o building were demolished ; loss ? 30,000. The engine wns old and was undergoing tests when the explosion occurred. Mexican Trnlii Uol > lxrn Fall , Er , PAKO , May 'J. The Times to-day say a : Robbers attacked the down train on thu Mexican Central forty miles below Ovorotaro. They , toro up one of the rails , derailing the trainbutnot wrecking it. Ono of the robbers was killed , the others fled. None of the passengers were hurt. ? 00,000 in silver was on the train. 1\ > tic I'nrdoncil In Onlci * to Ilnn r. PiTTHiiutto , Mny i ( . Dotcptivo Brown ing , of St. Louis , who identified John D , Shea , serving a term hero in tbo peni tentiary for burglary , na the murderer of Policeman Dornn , will apply to the .state Iwnrd of p.irdons for the release of Shea in order that ho bo taken to St. Louis and executed. ATU5 YOU GOCNUTO KUHOI'K ? g. < 'In aiwtlior column will ho funuil tlio nri- liounMnifmt of MWWM. T1IOS. COOIC& SON , Tomist AniitH ( , " 01 lJron < l\vny , Now Vnrlc , rolntivn to the very complete air.iiiKomi'iits they have inailo for toiirs In Etiropi ths coming SprliiR nnd Sumiimr. "Cuok'H Kxcur- flionUt , " containing in.ipH and lull lurUculur * , will bo mailed to nny addrnaa on rocoint of 10 conti _ _ ] ' ' < ) l1lill NUWH , LONDON , May 0 It is reported flint Ivini ? Hubert , of Italy , has commissioned Ismail Pasha , ox-khcdivo of Egypt , to confer with Gladstone. Austria and Gerui'iny wish to place Italy equal with l''iMiioo in the Egyptian discussion A llnpn Fleiiil JliHK < * ( l. COLUMIUA , S. C , May 0. .lames S. Coleman , ( colored ) wiwi hanged this mor ning for the murder nnd outrage of Sarah Willis. Ho wan n loading republican school muster of Lnurons County. Drowned In tl'o Allo li < : ny. FuKii'ORT. : PA. , Mny 0. DWl Orij- xon nnd Alek Iturkot , well known citi zens , wcro drowned to-day while crosi- ini ; thu Allegheny river in n sail boat which sprung a leak nnd sank before it wns possible to be rescued. Now OrloniiH' ICuiUvuy Kin ; : Nrw YOUK , Mny 9. The funeral of Richard J. Morgnn , of Morgan's Louini- ana & Toxits steamship company , took place to-day from St. Thorn im church , Hov. Brs. Morgan nnd Conklingofllcintoc ) . There attended niuny railroad men. 'H Add PhoHplmto , In Doblllty. Dr. W. JI. Holcomo , Now Orlonns , Li. , fliiya : ' ! found it an admirnblo rem- zdy for dubilitatcd titnto of the system , produced by the wear and tear of the iiorvoim energies. " _ Tlio TrAiiNcoiilliiiintul I'ool. ST. Loum , Mny 0. Tlio .Trnnsconti- iciitnl nFBocintion ronchod no c inclusion Lo-dny in Iho ditcuinion of a plan for Lho formation of a pool , They will meet igain to-morrow. Tli at J lot Hin-itiKH Homicide. HOT Bi'HiNH , Ark , May 9. Robert Priutt has been acquitted of the charge nf murdering John Flynti , in the Doran Flynn NKIIHAHUA KTATK G\wrrKKR & Bnw INI'AS DjiiiKnoav to bo iesuocl in July , 1884 , price 81. 50. J. M. WOLTK , pub- lUher , ItiOS. 14th St. , Omaha. Tried for KlL-ctlon Friiiid. LAWHBNOK , MASS. Mny 9. Mayor Stunders 1ms been held to trial , for bat' ' lot box stuffing. i Klt-niiihnui NJW ; OULKANK , May 9. It. is rumored the stnamor Alpiu exploded on the upper river nnd several persons w ro killed , Tlio Timlin at , Si. .lolin. ST. JOIIN'H Mny 9 , The Tholis , cf the Oreeloy expedition nrrlvod this morning. No U , I DIvldoiMl. BOSTON , > fiiy 8. Thd Union lias passed if * dividend. AnAllmiiy AI.IIANV , N. Y. May S.-AjTno , F. Smitl to-day. A Happy Family. rom tlio l rwist , xiuectml ( ram the ligttle. liHUlll vonrall milk will carJIo : Ilatiy lallol'ijiliuriil lint nlKl t , llouxc held buiupliiic laaJa In awful frlgliL Iio-i't dfiiy.'tuao tlmt with VlctorU , NliSt u M > luoii without Ciutorliv ; \V1ien oollo lit ; lor i > wu > ( ul iluiukvr , Ali said tholr ftt ) vr ftud tlo t like ILundif. CORN IN COMMAND. Chat Gorcal the Leading Fcalnrc or Ycslorfiaj's ' Rblcaeo Market , Trading Aotivo and Excited and Prices Advancing. Wheat Only Moderately AT'VO ' with Lower Prioo , J _ i " > * - Oats Firmer and Higliorv 1 o Change iu Provision f i M I * " * " Oattlo Ooutinuo to Gain ! mand and in Values ! § > and n tOo Drop Is tlio CoiiNCuuiio. | : SIAUKKT8. conns TO TUT. Spociul Dlnpatch to Tnic UKE. OIHOAOO , Mny 9. Corn W.M the loading - ing feature in to-dny'n traiiaactiono on 'chango , and trading bocauui nctivo nnd excited as prices stenaily ndvnnced. WHEAT. Trading in wheat wns only moderately largo , but nf tor nn easy opening , it recov ered itn lost ground and remained steady during the greater portion of the session. Under fair tpeculntivn offerings at the opening , prices declined A to Jc. At thiu decline there was n better demand , stim ulated by n report that soinu largo pur chases of Mo. 'J sptim ; had been made foe direct import , thu amount being stated at 350,000 bushels. Later freight engage ments were reported for 409,000 buahola of wheat , largely through to Now York , nh Oil cents freight. In all , prices ad vanced 1 to Irfc , receded nnd closed about the s.iuio ; vs yosjdny. . llaceiptn continue small. Juno cloned nt 94 c , and July ! )0o. ) On call b ard , sales wore ( KO- 000 , July closing Jc lower. CO UN was decidedly stronger ; outside buying was good and the local demand also ac tive , with shorts covering rather freely. The market opened gtoc highur , declin ed I to If , ndvnnced lc , ruled steady , closed Jo 11 far yesterday. J uno closed at C88 , July , ( iOJ to 00.1 , Aucuet , OOj. On cull sales nero 400,000 buabela , August declining. OATS. Were firm and ranged Aohiqhorj Juna closed nt SiJuly \ ; , 34iJ@3tA. On call aales were 1UO , < OOj Juno and July ad vanced c ; August ixdvaneod rnovisioNS. . Showed little change ; 'Gunoipork. oloa i od at 17 CO < & 17 C5 ; July 17 07 uan lard closed at 8 02J ; July 8 72L Oa call sales were light al unchanged pricea. OATTtn Active with n strong r : igo of pricea , and an advance of lOc on best fat cattle , Stillors having the preference , among which were some lots that sold as high na $0 115 and culla dovrn asow as $4.-tO. There were no Texntis on ealo to-day. But low stockor.iand feeders were among1 the arrivals , and they sold al fully ns high figures at any timo. 0 od to choice ship- pinf , 1.200 to ltW ; ) llw. $0.00 to SO 40j common to medium , 1,00 3 to 1,200 Ibs. § 5 40 to $5.60. . imns. The market opened aoiivo nnd prices , ruled a ulmlo firiner for u time , but late * , V \rhen spcRiilntorn found that of thu big packing firms were not/ buying to " nny great cxtont , they in turn hold offj hunco toward the cloao trade wns rather dull , nnd pricea 5 to 10 lower. NHU'York VN. I'lillixlolpliln. PHILADIU.I'HIA Mny 9 Ono thousand persons witnos&ad the All Now York iigninst thu Gentlemen of Philndclphjck cricket match to-day. The Philadelphia ti'iini noon start for England. The score was : Now York J > -Philadelphia : 98 , with two wickets down. DoniCHtlu Iiirollulty and W SAN FuANOisc-o , May O.Dr ; A. Gird- ' ' - nor , a young mnn lately married , livinijftt Sun Pueblo , California , took 30 grains' * ' morphine Inet night. Ilia wife also n wal V v lowed a dose of poison , The wife waa - saved. The husband nied. Doracatw infolicity. ItuplHt Ky. , May 9. This morning at 1 o'clock a masked mob took' from the jail Miles Petty , n negro who , Boyornl weeks ego outraged Miss Van nert , _ , nnd carried him a few miles f rom , t and hung him to a tree. Mliincaotu MINNKAVOLIH , May 9. The anli-rao- nopohata of the fourth uangrnaaional dis trict have elected dclegatoato Chicago , instructed for Uutler. ARSNDUS RTINGIOHOLDOOVT ) * EARLBAKIIIOPOWOr. ITAMBOUIIDTU'RIBr PURE : CREAM TARTAI S1QOO. Given Iralnm or uiiy Injurious Butistmicc'HCim to fauna 111 Andrews' I'onrl Baking ; Powdor. . Is ix * . MclyPURE. ) l : linfundor > > c < tandutIu\onlaU rcuclvrti 1'roin tuoh chcuiUta nsB , Duim'IUj-s , Jiii * . tou ; ) I. IMafontalue , of Chicago ; and i Undo , 111' * . . . . 1.11. . . . . .i- ( * >