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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1884)
I ) MAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL FRIDAY. MAY 9 , 1884. DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Friday Morning , May 9 , SUBSCRIPTION HATES , fly Carrier - - - - - - - ' enl * per week liyMMI - IO.OT | t jcar OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Btrcel , Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , Sea J. Roller's , spring goods. The ox-firemen nro planning on a fishing excursion. 150 D07.BN Ladies' mid Children s hoHO at loss than cost nt Laing's. The city haa eleven suits ngninst it which will como up nt this term of the district court , David Jormanis gelling out hia invita tions to the nnnual May poll-lax parly. Tickets nro $2 , The Epiacopnlinns had n social last cv oningnt the homo of Mrs. Dr. Stillmnn on Miller avonuo. Wcnthor permitting , the Bavarian band will give nn open air concert in Bayliss park this ovoning. There ii talk of having nntroot railway on Graham nvonuo connocling with the line on lower Main street. The Congregational sociable will beheld hold nt the homo of Mrs. T. J. Evans , on Oakland nvonuo this ovoning. The Masonic lomplo will probably bo all finished in time for Iho mooting of the gnnoral ledge of the otato in Juno. The mooting of the atnto dental society hero haa boon morojlargely attended than nt nny previous mooting of the society. The first dog to occupy the now pound got mad yesterday and was despatched by a bullet from Officer Brooks' litllo gun. gun.D. D. M. Connell haa received word from the relatives of Dr. Btudloy to send the remains to Massachusetts for interment thoro. Bennett it Woathorby have bought John Joncs'tlivcry stable on Main street , and propose making sundry improve ments. The trustees of Iho institution of the deaf and dumb finished their mooting yes terday. They have decided lo build the addition to the inatituto but have not ully decided on plans. J T. Garspachor and George Guanel'la , yesterday showed themselves rnaslor buildnra by conatructing a beautiful dog rack to sot in awajOui ; KitTi which to go aroupj ] > KVo'wn and gobble up doga. 0. Thompson , who lives in the sub urbs , while driving along noar'Koolino'a yesterday , mot with an accident , the horse tumbling into the crook , dragging the wagon after him. The wreck was cleared up without any serious loss or in jury. It ia to bo hoped that some arrange ments may bo made for a series of open air concerts in the park this season , but unless moro satisfactory arrangements are raado than during the past , it will bo difficult to got any baud to give the con certs. J. J. Armstrong and O. L. Armstrong are now in the toils on thn charge of robbing Jim Tiffany of a watch as the lat' tor was sitting nsloop in BIcOauloy's em loon on Broadway. They claim to bo from Omaha , and say they simply picked up the watch from the floor whore it was dropped. On Tuesday evening of next nook , there will baa contest between girls un der fourteen years'of ago , at the roll er skating rink , for a ohatlaino watch , which will bo presented to the ono re ceiving the most number of votes , by Mr. H. H. Martens , for being the most graceful s kater. Two deaf j and dumb boys , ono of whom is colored , were arrested nt Mai- vorn the other day for vagrancy , and placed in tha calaboose ever night. It was learned the next day that tboy were runaways trom the institution hero , and Mr. Hammond , the superintendent , wont after them and brought thorn back to this city. Ono of the most successful displays and openings was at the dry goods and carpet house of Hnrknosa Bros.'last eve ning. This well-known establishment never appeared ta so good advantage as H 'I last evening , and the display was ono which would do cradit to any establish , .mont in any city. Harkness Bros , have not only many now goods , but they know how to display them in a pleasing manner. The opening was well attended , and drew out many words of praiao. Mayor Vaughn , of Council Bluffs , takes so to heart the defeat of hid aspirations for a place on the democratic delegation to Chicago , that ho la reported to have Said that ho carried with him 4,000 votes of this district , and that ho would ace could not that a democralio congressman bo elected in this district this fall. May or Vaughn should keep his linen on ; the republicans , , without his aid , by a wise nomination will eeo that Mr. Pusoy B nuccefisor i not a democrat. Malvcrn Leader ] W , H. Bentley , of Randolph , haa ru covered his fast pacer which was recently Btolen. The horse was found by a farmer or named James Small , in Harrison coun ty. The horeo was found tied in the woodo about fire milea eouth of Logan A atrango man was observed in th < neighborhood about five day' before , and from the appearance of the animal Bonms that the thief had abandoned \ horse , having it to .land five daya with out food or waler. The uoreo was con aa Uy emaciated. Mr. Bentley ma well congratulate liimsolf on Retting lli hone baok at all it _ _ WM a valuable one * zj | Q 5jjtjyf The recitals given by Miss Lydiallorris in Omaha have caused a desire among many music-lovers hero to avail them selves of the presence of that talented young Chicago artist and secure a recital hero. Accordingly arrangements have boon made by which n concert will bo qlvon in the Presbyterian church next Monday evening , at which Miss Harris will bo assisted by Miss Maud Ponnoll and Messrs Ponnell and Brcckonbridgo , of Omaha. Miss Harris has many friends hero , and the remembrance of the enjoy able recitals given by her before will doubtless cause largo attendances. She is capable of giving a most enjoyable musical entertainment of herself , and the vocaliitn who will assist her will add so much to the programme as to make it a real treat indeed. Mr. Ponnoll and his sister have already won much favor hero , and Mr. Brcckunritlgo though not so well known bore has the reputation of being fully up to their high standard. The trial of "Texas" and the gang of colored women for robbing an old man named J.V. . Noble , of Harrison county , brought out a sickening amount of nasty testimony. Noble , who is about sixty years old , and said to have a very re- spcctablo family , claimed that ho visited this dusky brothel , and after fooling with the coal-black maidens missed § 50. There is no proof as to who took it , and Justice Abbott discharged the dofondonts. The old man is gray haired mid bald headed enough to have had experience sufficient to have guided him into hotter ways , and the thought of his family , if not of himself , should have kept him out of such a placo. The ladies of the Episcopal church have headed the subscription for a now edifice with $1,000. This ought to put the men on their mettle , and cause the subscrip tions to bo prompt and liberal. Blk Cashmoroe , colored _ cash meres , camel hair dross goods in now grey at less than cost at Laing's. FATAL OAEELESSNESS , Aljitllo ClilMGotHillnlf of a Dottle of I'olson AlloyOiuiKlitby n Tumbling Hod Other ItcdOnk News. ' OAK , May C. In trio 'family of Mr. Bird there were tv/b cases of inter mittent fever. Xho attending physician finding thorn somewhat difficult to euro , gavojthom a vial of Fowler's solution of ateonic , and directed six drops to betaken taken thrco , times daily and put on the bottle a caution label "koop away from children. " After the two patients had taken all of the modlcino necessary , the bottle containing about half an ounce was carelessly sot whore a little follow , throe years old , could easily got at it , which ho did , and drank all o ! it. Result , death from nrsonio poisoning , in spite of all that two physicians could do to avert it. Another case equally roprohtmsiblo though not attended with fatal results was that of the widow Kcnna's son , employed to work at his unclo's corn-shollor. The tumbling rod being loft unboxed , his clothing caught on the coupling of the rod , mashing his arm very badly and making him in all probability a cripple 'r life. All those accidents could bo easily .voided by even ordinary precaution. Lost evening the grand ball given by Vormly & Co. at their magnificent rink as enjoyed by lovers of the art : rpsichoriaii , and the merry dancers : opt stop to the splendid music of the "forth western band until the woo sum' ours of the morning , It was a splendid uccoss , and the firm deserve great credit n their efforts in the way of securing nnocont and enjoyable amusement for ie public. The planting season is now at its bight , ur fanners putting in every honr in letting their corn in the ground , of rhich there is to bo an immense area in creago planted. Wheat , oato and rye ook'fsplondid , and the promise for a lountiful harvest of these grains was ever better than now for this time of oar. _ MY entire stock of dry goods at less ian coat to clojo out. J. W. LAITHJ , DEATH OF /CONDUCTOR. 3d. Bond Family Stubbed In ait Altercation In the Wcit. MIR.SOUUI VALLEY , la. , May 8 , A lot > or received hero to-day brings nowo ol 10 dealh , at White Illoreo Plains , Mou- ana , of Ed Bond. Mr. Bond was for lovon years a conductor on tho.O. it N. V. llo only left here a few months ago , living run the Missouri Valley ant ouncil Bluff * "cannon ball" pasaongor rain for a lout : tiuw previously. Nown f his death is inoagro , it only being atat- d ho was falally stabbed in a dillloulty rith Bomo man. Ed. Bond is well knowi i the Bluffs. FAV. White and colored table linen at loaa mil manufacturers , prices at Laing'a. Bushnol ) sells railroad lickpta cheap U 11 points. PKllSONAU Simon Ebornnn has keen spending a few iay at Colfax. Mm. Jolin LU iH IIM K no east to spoud aw wooka nt tlw old lu liana lioiuo. J. S. Turner , of the Kansas City elevator mmuUcturiuif ooiupaay , was In the city yw orday , and starloj across Into Nebraska , Ho i putting lu noveral of his ol v tor In Omaha ind after attending to BOIUO other btulne . | in . Jnaoln and Beatrloe , will return to tliU city and look after mftUws her * . S K. Crane , Uia nisont for llorefond's jftklDK rx wder who JiaB been * ° cnorBeUcally ) hewing up iU inerlta hero , wont acrona. the riveryo torday to look after the Omaha trade , Jfot only In buslnoau inattew lias Mr , Cxano' * work In Couudl Bluff * bean a succoaj , lut he acquaintances hero who many IM ftl o gftlnod will gladly welcome him back here nt w y and all Uinea. _ _ 150 dozen corseti at L inn'a t low than COSt. ' " " ' i "TTTfT JTSr ybody.w UoumU Uufli to takj BREAKING UP A NEST. A Second Hand Dealer Arrested For Boing.'OfleofaGangofBnrglars , His Wife Seems to Take a Hand , Too , in the Business , Inlorcstlnjr. llovclatlous. Some rnthor startling revelations have bean g.ilnod concerning the burglarizing of McCftbo's hardware ntoro at Malvorn , which occurred last March , and when about § 2GO of cutlery and revolvers were taken. Itnppoara that throe or four daja after the McOibo robbery , F. 1' . Oreon , who koopa o second hand store at Bed Oak , received from some source 20 I knives and lit rovolvora. The knives ho turned over to n gambler of that place , requesting him to keep thorn for a time , and the latter put them in a trunk. Green in a few days took them back and hid them in hla store , putting only n few on sajo at a time. The gambler posted Sheriff I'nlmor , and Green bring watched it became apparent that ho was connect ed with the gang of burglars. Green's wife appears to bo one of the gang. It has boon learned that about the first of April slip went to Galesburg , Illinois , talcing frith her four dozen of the knives taken from McGabo's storo. The nox.t night after her arrival a hardware store at Galcsburt ; was broken into , and about the 10th of April Mrs. Green returned to lied Oak with a trunk filled with cutlery. The Croons formerly lived in Galesburg - burg , and lionco know how to work there. Green's ' promises were snarchcd , when ho was anostod , and forty knives and four revolvers found. The revolvers were identified as belonging to McCabe & Co. In Green's pocket was found a memo randa bonk with drawings of prominent rcsidoncos in lied Oak , among which a plan of Mr. Fisher's house which was burgularizod recently , Green is now in jail at Glonwood. ( Sheriffs Palmer and Farrcll wont on this week to Galoaburg to investigate matters further , and as they have telegraphed for some of the knives and rovolvora to bo forwarded to them at Galesburg it is evident thai they have got hold of another interesting end of the affair. NEW GOODS. Soorsuckors , chambrays , satinos , percales and cambrics at Now York cost at Laing's. Concert. The following programme lias boon ar ranged for the open air concert to bo given on this evening in Bayliss park by the Bavarian band : The concert will begin at 7:30 : o'clock. Holmlicho Ltobo , March. , , , . Astahr. Selection , Mnrltnna . Wallace. MaratollnVnltzon . .Koller , Silver Stream , 1'nlka . Kollineon. Ovotru.o , Loldoaka . Keutzer. Wreath of S parka . ItollItiHon. Niagara , March . Holllnsou. COMMEHOIAJj. COUNCIL BLDFFS MAKKET. Wheat No. spring , CDcNo. ; 3,55c ; rejected , COo ; good demand. Corn Dealers are paying 30 c. for old corn and 50 for now. Oats In Rood demand at 30o. liny 7 00 per ton ; 70c per bale. Kyo-40@4r a. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , G 00 ® 703. 703.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Fair/bank's , wholesaling at V'jc. Flour City flour , 100@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 par doz. LIVJC STOCK. Oattlo-3 50@4 00 ; calves , 6 50@7 60. Hogs Local packers are buying now end tbbrols a good demand for all grades ; choice packing , 0 25 : mixed , 5 23 , FUODUCB A D mUITB. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , con * mission merchants , 538 Broadway. Butter Creamery , 25c ; rolh , llffijiric. KKRB 12Jo pot dozen ; toady sale. Poultry Jloady BnlochIckon0droBaod ; , 12Jc ; live , Ste : turkeys. droHeod , I5c ; live , IL'c ; .Ducks , ( IroHnod , 1-Ja ; live , Be. Orangon 1 00@1 50 per box , Lemons 3 50 ® t 00 nor box. Banana * 'J 50@3 CO per Iransh Vegetables Potatoes , 35@-10 ; onions , 75c ; calbbago , - \ cents per pound ; apvloa , ready sale at II 25@ > t 00 for prime utockj.'lkiaiis , 150 @ 2 'J5 per bunliol. reductions than ever to oloao out my stock by July 1st.J. J. W. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Sjwcl J advtrtlsomoiits , IUQ M Loet , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To lltnt , Wants , Board Injr , cto. , ill lie InwrteJ lu this column at the low tata of TEH CKNTS PRIl LINK for tha Ont Inscttlon and FIVK CKNTS 1'JTO LI.tK lor each BUl > 807 cnt n Mrtlon. Lo advivtlwmenta at ourofflc , No. Pearl Street , ntar Ilnwdwar WANTB. f\iX > I'AI'KlS'-l'or tale at III * ollloo , at 39 eeuU \J AGENTS Ladk * and gentkraon can imJu fire claw wagoi by sitting the "Champion " mrccther oud Ironlnjr ISoan ! . * lletalU bX 81.00 A y lady can U up a One tlilrt without a wilnkli aint f\'ii \ It a nlenlya tliu tic l V > un Jr Its can. Address 4 > r HiitlcularsO,1 ! ! . b , trl. Co. , li otllce , for on \ BALK * n > ral > U > cli ol MfrchoiiJlso tiiu 17\OIl vitaUI li < l ton ytntt. ( lood rcAtiMH I r lllnir. I'art | > a > mfmtiu"t tbu > . Adilrej * 1' . U , DUX Ml. Nuolu. Iowa. Railway Time Table COUNCIL BLUFFS. The ( oltoHtntf are tlntluwiol the ttrrtuil and il traif.i by ciuitral Btandard tlia * , at th lecil dei > rtt . Tfaluil * truiitor clopoi. tea ruin lit * earlier and'arrh vten uikiutoi later , CIIIOMO , irauMoron AMD quiMn aa B.-ooa : : iO a ui tV i Mall. 7:00 : \ > i KANS.ViaiT.BI. J0 AItDDOUKCIU3lVrra. lu:0 : am uUl ami Kx | > roM , 7n5p : I 8:06 : p lu mclfle Eiir M , ( j'&O ) ) OIIO400. M45 u m MaU.aiulKiir | u , 7:10 : f ti-M \ < m K vri'oa , 0:40 : a 9:16 : a m. Kxprcw , 6oS : \ \ ClilOiOOyKOca ULiSU AMD ( AClrlO. 6'JO p n AtUntlo Express , 0:40 : a > u tf .60 a w Uay Kiprou , 0.&O p ui 7:15 : a * D tUolnt > * Aaognima&Uoa , : Wum At local depot unjy. 0tB a m Mall , : p m llO : > m Cannon UalL 11:16 : a lu At TrantleruBl ClllCJLUO Uld hOSTUWUTUV. 6:3) : m ExpreM , 0.60pm 8li a m 1'aclflo Ei | > r M , VU5 a ui DIOUI CITY AMU TAClnO. ta St. l' ul Expreai , D.-co a ui m AccouuuodiUon , 0:60 : p in ITMOH riciric. 8:00 : p m Wtuteru Espruu , 8 M u 11:00 : tin 1'aclUo K iiro , 4tOpu : 7:10 : a ia Local Ki | > rt , 0M : a n 12:10 : a in Lincoln l-U | > rot , At Tranifcr ouly. , DDVtir TRA1M TO OMAUA. Leave 7.-l2tf-:30-0:30-lo.3O-ll ! ( : : : 0 ft. m. 1SS' : : SOa4J5 11-04 p. in Bunday-SOO-llMC , Ssi:30 ; : as lli : 6 f. ta. AJ I\Q 19 wlu H. H , HORNE & GO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and YAHA 01OAHS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I & 52 Broadway , II. II. IIOHNE&OO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. tr * The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " Now Building New Furnishings. ALL MODEUN IMPUOVEMBNTS-CENTitALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms-Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B , QRGUTT & FRENCH urtalns , In Lace , ri k , Turcoman , Etc. OH cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc jhoicest Stock West of Chicago. omo and bo convinced lhat wo nro headquarters for all goods in our line , hoapoat place to buy House Furnishings in the C'ty. ' OUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care AND WOOD , BULK AND BARREL LUIE. LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND DEMENT , inCHlQAN PLASTER. HAITI No , D89 Broadwa ? , - . AND BEWKR . PIPE. . COUNOH , BLOTTB , IOWA. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE American Plan. Furniture and appointments all now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs , KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Street , Countil Bluffs , Iowa. Wo guarantee our work as first-cla < is in over manner and style at low price Wo make a specialty of Groupos , Families , and especially children , whie wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. SOHSIIDT & EILEY , Proprietors. All kinds of , ] ' .n lnccrlng I Land But- ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc.V . All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. WHOLESALE DEALERS JN HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVE 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA GRESTON HOUSE. EVERYTHING ! /IIISTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS HL -MANUFACTtmEKS Ht , , i.d I'1 ' " 11 " PAllPCTS CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES i. NO. 300 BROADWAY - * ' * " ' . . col\OIL ; BLUFFS. M < A rt * tlftMfw rfI tf "fl * MRS. J. J. 29 Main Street Council Blutfs. MRS. S. J. NORKIS , omphte Assortment of the Latest Novelties in fcj' 1 05 S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS- VAWiTicW. MJ to T72JLO ZIPvi.T3lies Ed. 0 linen 401 Hroadnay , f Moils ftt nil Hours Chef il'cuUIno Council Bluff * . I r.attlcn ft Spcrloltv SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North Main COUNCIL BLUFFS DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCLL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Hartae , Cutlery , Tiler's ' Stock , Etc , jHTSpcclal attention to orders my Mall. GOTTMGTL BLUFFS. IOWA. Fig leaves are out of style , so are goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have Rene by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Seasonable { The undersigned is paying the highest market price Rags , S. GOLDSTEIN , ; - - - - 540 Broadway , Council Bluffa We have the The latest nov finest stock and elties for Spring all the latest designs Overcoats \r e 4 signs to select have just / from. ceived. See them NONE BUT THE LEADING BEST OF SKILLED HANDS EMPLOYED. Merchant Tailors 7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. New Goo Now en Ipring Stock in all I IS . IN ALL GRADES. The Latest Styles , Choicest Patterns Of all kinds , Dimension and Color , Bugs , HarknessBros. , L