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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS SAfURDAY APKIL 26 , 1854. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning. Auril 26 , SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ur Currier - - - - - - - < - nl per week / Mail . - - - . - - JIO.OO per year OFFICE ! No. 7 roarl Street , Near Broadway. . MlftOR MENTION. See J. Iloitor's , apring goods. Socd corn at John Hanthorn , 700 ID roadway. Spiritual sociable this evening. Music and dancing. The democratic delegate to Burling ton returned yesterday morning. The veterans who attended the reunion t Marshalltown returned yesterday. Ladies , go to Mrs. F. P. Jones' millin- cry opening to-day. 14 Main street. A postal note found on the street is .awaiting its owner at Justice Schurz'a office. Elegant line of black Plumes just ro coivcd at J. J. Auwcrda'u , 317 Broad way. way.All All railroad tickets bought of D. W. Uuahncll are guaranteed , also all rcbato orders given by him. . Monsieur and Madame LoFlour are 3iow charged before Justice Schurz with Jcocplng a house of ill-fame. It isn't much of a town now that can not at least arrest ono man on suspicion of being Glover , tbo Missouri murderer. Strawberries appear in the market , and 4ho churches are planning to steal a march on each other by giving the first festival A St. Louis merchant named Hayes yesterday got an injunction restraining the sheriff from selling Smith & Tailor's JBlock-as advertised for Monday next. Engineer Birkinbino , of the water works , has presented Chief Temple ton , f the fire department , with a really ole * jant ; spanner which the chief will keep ibr Sunday use. Thomas Ousick and William Chapman were the names given yesterday by two fellows arrested on suspicion of having stolen some plated spoons and knives which they were found soiling. "Thereis no death ; what seems so is transition. " ( Spiritual cirelo to-morrow afternoon and evening at Spiritual Hall , { Shugart & Bono's ulock ( at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. Entrance on Main and Pearl streets , two doors south of post office. "The Western Wonders" who appeared at Dohany'o proved wonders only in the fact that they got oven a few to go to their show , and that they got anybody to > jjftay half through. If those few had road ' 'TnE BEE , they would not have boon sold mo badly. Arrangements are being made for a contest hero at the rink , to decide who is the fastest two milo skater , the contest to bo open to Council Blufls and Omaha skaters. John Eponotor. , who won the ono railo contest hero , will atop first as Council Bluffs favorite in the two milo race. Ono of the Bimo American Express teams which ran away Thursday took an other run yesterday on the same street , Madison. The driver , Ed. Bennett , jumped out of the wagon. The runaway collided with n wagon by Wios & Clau sen's store , smashing ouo of the wheels of-tho wagon. Meetings under the auspices of the Y. M. 0. A. to bo hold as follows : Bible jitudy and song service this evening at 8 o'clock in room 1240 Main street. Young xncn art invited , and the regular gospel service for bcth ladies and gentlemen at the Presbyterian church to-morrow af ternoon at 4 o'clock. All will bo wol- -corned. Misa Stella Hall , the little daughter of Ii. N. Ball , attracts much attention and calls forth many complimentary remarks whenever eho appears on the floor of the akating rink. The little Miss is only eight yean old , and she is so skillful enrollers rollers that she glides about like a little fairy , and she is getting well along with fancy skating , some of her movements being remarkable for grace and skill. It oeems that Council Blufla in to have MO representative in either of the nation al conventions. The democrats , by a xow among themselves , lost the phanco of getting & delegate to their national convention , and it isclaimed that the re publicans of the city , with an eye to get ting tbo congressional nomination , are going to personally give the delegates to "aomo other county. Three young follows giving the ramcs cf William R , Klnnus , Dick Miller and f c Charles Daley were arrested on the charge of stealing n revolver from the head waiter at Boohtole's. They had a valise which they handled suspiciously ' " > and which they took to the express ofilco for shipment. The young men wore locked up , end tbo value overhauled , but no stolen property was discovered , so they were released on the payment of costs. About a week ago some one fired some koU through the windows of John Mar. i'fcl's house , in Omaha. Margal caused James Smith , Walter H. Bennett , and Joe. Huffman to be arrested as being the ones who did the shooting. Smith had his examination before Justice Schurz yesterday and was discharged , the evi dence showing that none of the three were at the place , and all were at homo with their wives at the time of the shoot ing. The cases against Bennett and Huffman will now probably be dropped. There was a ciowd of ladies all yester day at the cooking school in the Boston 3" # * Store , interred iu learning bow to uke sice brp&4cod , Virit tha Boston * - < l7 aud jwe how pasy it is done. In. free , JONES CLEARED. The Charge of Stealing from the Ex press CompYDoes not Slid A Largo DclcRtit ton Ironi Ncoln The trial of Chnrlca F. Jones before Judge Ayloaworth yesterday , caused n nrgo gathering of the citizens of Nooln , whore the trouble arose , eomo being witnesses - nesses , many moro intorostcd spocUtors , Tones has boon doing the transfer bust * ness between the two dopota , and Jot. lobinson , ono agent , claimed tlmt ho do- ivorod to Jones two money packages , ono for § 10 nnd ono for $4. The other agent claimed that Jones novar delivered the packages to him. Jones was not in , ho habit of giving receipts to Jones and .ooknono from the other agant , but claim ed that the package received by him had joon delivered to the other agent , BO far as ho know. After spending most of Lho day in hearing the case , Judge Ayloa worth discharged Jonos. The judge held that that there was evidence showing that Jones received the packages , nnd thnt the other agent did notrocoivo thorn from Jones , and that probably Jones would bo hold I'csponsiblo in a civil action but there vrna no evidence that ho hid acted criminally. The packages might liavo boon lost by him in transit or disap peared in seine other way. If a picco of ono ot the envelopes or part of the mon ey had been found in his possession , there would liavo been nome evidence of his having converted the money to his own use , but there was no such ovidonco. When the accused was discharged , the crowd > clapped their hands enthusiastical ly , and Jones with his friends marched off in , triumph. The fooling between the two agents at Noolo , and the division of sentiment and sympathy in the community , have led to much strong fooling back of the outward ciso , and Noola has boon greatly exercised - cisod over the arrest and prosecution. What Everybody Ought to Know. That Prof. Horsford's Phosphatic Baking Powder has for its active agent Prof. Horsford's Acid Phosphite in powdered form , which restores to the ( lour a largo porcontigo of the nutritious phosphates which are taken from the flour in the process of bolting , the defi ciency of which is a frequent source of ill health and retarded mental develop ment. Phosphate of limo , an essential con stituent of all grain , is the principal in gredient in this powder. It is not only an important nutritive principal , but al so an indispensable element in the con struction of all bodily tissues. The bis cuits , gems , etc. , made with this powder are remarkably light , sweet and palata ble. They may bo eaten warm or hot by persons with delicate digestive organs where biscuits made by. the ordinary pro cess must become stale before being eat- on. In raised , biscuits the carbonic acid is obtained at the expense of certain nu tritious elements of the flour , while by using Horsford's Baking Powder this loss not only does not occur but the elim inated phosphates are in a great measure restored and the products rendered moro easily digestible. The highest medical as well as chomicil authorities consider "Horsford's" by far the most valuable among the great number of baking and yeast powders , and it is fur sale by load ing grocers everywhere. Prices sixmo as other so-called first class goods. PJEllbONAti. C , Woods , of Persia , arrived at the Ogden yesterday. E , W. Stanley , of Boston , la at the Og- den. den.E. E. I' . Lorngo aad 0 , M. Druao , of Lincoln , wore at liochtolo's yoatonlay. Charles S. Early and A. Flatt , of Sao City , dlnod at Boohtolo'a yoatonlay. .T. W. Chamu , of the Hod Oak Express , re turned home last evening. W. W. Oliver , of Contorvllle , Iowa , was In the city , and at the Pacific yoaterday. James Turner the wldo-nwnko news agent at UJuourl Valley , was In tlio city ywtonlayV Prof. K. It. Talgo , now of Chicago , U InXho city looVuiR nftor his property Intercut * here lot a few days. S. W. Ferguson has returned from Grant City , Mluourl , where ho spent his tenth wed- ling anniversary with Ills family wnoaffTvla- Itlag friends thoro. ' " Col. J. W. Chapman rotumoif ytalerday from Washington It la whUpoiod that liU mission thither WM In the Interests of the Union Paclflo road. There will bo a practical demonstration of tbo superiority of Prof. Horsford's Phosphatio Baking Powder at the Boston Tea Store to-day. Ladles call and see the proof of the assertion that ' 'JJors- lord's is the best in the world. " Boeing is believing. Itcnl Batata Transfers , The following transfers wore received for record at the county clerk's ofllce , April 25 , reported by P. J , MoMahon , real estate agent : Hoyt Sherman , receiver , to Joseph Boiler , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. D and G , block 5 , Walnut 200. Robert Tindalo , ot al , to Ilachol Hay , lot 12 , block 3 , John Johnson's addition. 9150.00. Hoyt Sherman , receiver , to J. 0. Spanglor , lots 10 , 14 , 15 and 1C , block D , \Valnut. 3170.00. 0. 8. Robinson to W. U Freeman , part swj nwi 12-70.40. $10.00. Total sales , 6805.00. Fast In Yoaterday afternoon there was a com- poUtivo exercise in rapid computation between the pupils of Hits Swan's room , and thoto of Mis * Lyons in the Bloomer building , The figures were placed on a board behind a curtain , which was thcu dropped , and the pupils would mark the rcaalt in chalk on their slates and hold them up. The judges were Mr.Ed Mott , Mr. Frank Cook and Mrs. J , K. Cooper. The pupils averaged in ago between seven and ton years , and their compulations were certainly remarkable both for accu racy and rapidity. There were ten pu pils in Miss Swan's class and 23 in Miss Lyons' . The first exorcise consisted of ten ex amples in additon. Miss Swan's pupils averaged 7.5 in correctness and Miss Lyon's 8.5. On six of the problems Miss Lyon's class was first to give the result , and Miss Swan's class first on three problems , while on ono there was a lie. The second ixorciso consisted of four problems in combination of numbers. The result was about as the first exorcise. The third exercise was a test of J time in the addition of twelve numbers. The first result was gained by Miss Lyon's ' class in the speedy time of four seconds. Ono was gained by Miss Swan's class in 20 sccondn. And the two others by Miss Lyon's class in the same lime. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , BHch u Loot , Pound , To Loan , For Bale , To Hint , Wants , Hoard Inifi etc. , will ho Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PEIl LINK for the first Inuortlon and KIVK CENTO 1'Klt LINK for each euhocquer.t n nortlon. Leaio ailvortliomctits at ourolDoo , Mo. 1'oarl Street , near Droadwav WAN1H WANTKU A ll\n hey with iiony to carry rout for DUE. CV11 at Uuunill Dlulfs IlKK OIIICC. WANTED K\ory body in Council Bluffs to take Timllitic. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. OLD I'AI'KUS For sale at III * olllco , at 26 ccuu a hundred , AGKNT8 Ladlca and gentlemen can make first clwu wage * by selling the "Champion Besom Btrecthor and Ironlug Hoard. " Itetallt at It CO. Any lady can do Ui > a line shirt without a wrinkle and gloij It as nicely as the beat laundries can. Address for ruiitlculars 0. D. 8. & I. Co. , Bill office , for ono month. , "pOR SALE Genera ] stock of Merchandlso , Uu | . -T" ness established ten jean. Qootl reasons for olllnr. I'art payment , i < ait Umc. Address I * . O. BOX 201. Noola , Iowa. BOOGE'S SIOUX 01TY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 39 Pearl slreot * Council Bluffs , Iowa. ROLLER CORNER PEHRLST , AND FIFTH AYE , Open 10:00 : n. m. , 2CO : p. m nd7SOp. ; m. , ( VMiulo on Monday , Woducaday and triduy ere nlngs. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. No objectlouablao aractorawlll be admitted. H. II. UAKTEM9 PROPRIETOR , W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Utnaha and Council Bluffr. Heal unto colloa Ion ngcni Old FeMiv vcr avlii s buiV. MrsHJ , HiltODM. , D. , PHYSICIAN & SUEti-EON , 223 Middle Bro -lTiv. Conuoll BluQo. R. Rice M , D. t or other tumora removed without the knlto or drawlnic of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over thirty year | ) iractlcalexperlcnoa Ofllce No S I'oarl etrwt , Council IiluOi < ffnnoiiUotlnii ! Iron TOOS. omc a , u. u. runr. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Coonoll BluUi1 . . I * . Established - - 1856 Dealer * In Foreign and omeetlo Etchingo an innK -tirti | . GASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishment OP J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH 0-XX.OOHift.-V 01 Council lilufli. Nollw our reduced Trice List. We gito IKpoundiK tradSugar lor . . . . . | 1 00 11 pound * QranuUted Suirar , , , , . . 1 no i5 ! IIQUII Ji Clioles Oatmeal . .100 B | > oundiNa\y lcann. _ , . , j oo 20 poumli IVetHulk Starch l 00 12 | > oundiCarulIniklUoe. , , , . , . , , , 1 00 IS poundi Choice irumi lee ZSbaniUuOaloSoap. , , , , . , , j oo Extra Lake Trout , j > er pound , , . ( ,9 Cbolco tllucallctt per pound , , . . , 10 1 dozen Uackerol JB Colorado Flour , Winter , per owt , . 200 10 poundt Qlnner Bi.apj , j CO JOpoundih mloy. . . . . , , , . . , , , j fo 6 Uilloii kct ( Syiup , , i jn White Kith , per kit . , . . . . ! . " . po Mackerel , per kit . , . . , , , , , . . , , . , , , . , 8H Uatot , per | > ound , . jo T. T. T. All trade * , according to quality , 150 to 800 [ per Wo alio carry a hill line ol Mou'i , Ladlet' and Oolldren'ii One Bhoca and UenV Fine Uoot4 at cry low price * . Also * lull line 01 Tinware and general merchaudfoe. Call on u and be convinced that vuu can aavo money Vy dcallnc with ua , UooOt dillter d lr In any part of the ttty. lu Kvtoru , wear * bound to tell and challonce a'l lau Jaule competition lu thli oountr. J. 1 * . FILHEHTI M * * ' tr Broadway N. 80HURZ , ice of OFflOE OVKH AVEKICAM COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. JACOll SIMS. E. ft 8IMS&OADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL DLOFfS , IOWA Offlc * , Ifaln Street. Iloonu 1 and Bbuzut * Uo- M hon'tWodt , WUlpraoUotlo BUtc tad tdtrtl LADIES ! WE ABE 11EOEIVING SOMK VERY FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. L1NDSEY & CO. , 4:12 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) \Veat Side Square , Glurnuln i MAYNS & PALMER , PIU1.K1U ] IK AMD WOOD , BULK AND IJAnilKI , LIME , LOUISVILLE AND POHTLAND CKMKNT , UICUKIAN rLA&TKB , HAJK No. cao nronnwav. - - AND 8KWKU - PIPE. COTTNOTT. r.I.TIFPB. All kinds ot / r. sac. KugliiccrlnK I 1 and Our-1 \flVltiBcattn < culuilatod qunntltloal , I BOOH NE OPERA HOll lUFFS , IOWA etc. , etc. \ All Ordoro by Wlnll Promptly Attended To. GALVANISED IRON CORNICES , I98e Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOV'ES. Call and BOO thorn before buying elsewhere. Stores and Tinware. JOHN EPENETER J PADWAY , , COUNCIL ULUKES. IOWA. KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 Soufli Main Street , Countil BhifFs , Io\va. \ .Wo guarantee our work as firat-clais in over manner and style at low pricps. Wo make a specialty of Gtoupcs , Families , nnd especially children , which wo take quicker than a wink. . COME AND SEK US. SCHMIDT & KILEY , Proprietors. 01TTS3ME OF FITCH BROTHERS' ' COSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Beat and ChcapoaC. Flno Linen Collars Md CuCa. No. 715 Fourth Street Council. Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH 3XTO. X-flL OKT. GRESTON HOUSE. EVEttYTIlINO FIRSTCLAS3. 217rmrl 219 S. TSlnui St. . - - OOUNCTL BLUFFS WHOLESALE DBALKUS IN HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA L1VKTQ KATT KESTAUR&NT AND CAFE , Ojtvtoror to OC"Iao Ed. Olfson 1 401 Broadway , l at Ml Hour * Ch t d'culxlno f Cnuncll I'artlciaRpeclaltv. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North Mnin Sh. . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE ' Ctnnt" ltn ? ID mubi , IilL COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. otlcntlon to orders mr Mall. . Fig leaves are out of style , so are goat nnd sheep akin ; sliaivla and blankets liavo cone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , O DC * O la. & , Zl. t * I ? L ± 1 O X * & Their Prices are Truly.Eeasonable { MRS. S. J. NORRIS , omplete Assortment of the Latest Novel ties'in IfiJLJjljlii ? jJ& V JL Ja.JS.iU A " OElir : 033173S3D , IQ5S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. S. .GOLDSTEIN. ! - - - - 510 Broadway , Council Bluffs HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , O DEALER IN ALL THfJ LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PIPER 1 Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Largest Stock in the City Cityi And Iiowest V Prices Guaranteed. Window Shades , Materials , BOOM MOULDING , CORNICE POLES -AND- Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , OOTTlsrOIIli NEXT DOOH TO THE POSTOFFIOE. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.