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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1884)
T f t . , 4 - ' ' > r OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , APRIL 26 , 1884 \ ! Disiignriii Itching and Burning Tor tures , Humil iating Erup tions , such as QALT nilEOM or Emms , Paorlaslj , Scald Head , Olnfaatlloor nitth Humori , and every form of Itchlnjr , Scaley , Pimply , Sorotulous , Inherited , Con- UBlouj nd Copper Colored Diteatet of tbe Blood , Bklniuid Scalp , with Low of Hair nopoiltlvet cured by the Cutlcura Remcdloa. Cotlcura Resolvent , ( lie new Illo-d 1'urlnw. clean * ) ! the blood and pemplraflon nf Irmiurlttcj and poisonous element ) , and thui toinoica the causa Cutlcura thoRrcat Bkln Cure , liittantlr Mlaxs ttch < inland Inflammation , clean the Skin ai'id Scalp.heali Ulcers and Sores , and restores the lUlr. Cutlcura Soup , an exquisite Skin D-ntilltler and Toilet IlcquMto , pr. pared from Cutlcura , U Indls- pousaMo In treating Hkli Diseases , Babv Unuiort , Skin Blom'iho' , Rough , Chapped or Oil ; Skin. Cutlcura llemodlca are absolutely pure , and the only real Blood Purifiers and Skin Bvautlflers , free from mercury , arsenic , lead zinc , or any other miner * * l \fgetablo poison w hatsoe > cr. It would ro'ulre thli entire pa | < er to do Justin ) tea a description of the curoa performed by the Cutlcura llcsohcntlntcrnally , and Cutlcun and Cutlcura Soap oxternilly. Kczeuia of the palms of tlio hands aud of the ndj of the flntccrs , very illlllcult to treat And usually considered Incurablu ; snail patches of tetter ami tail rheum on the cars , nose and sides of the face. Scald heads wltli loss of h lr without numbvr ; .heads corned with dandruff and scaly erup tions , especially nf chlUrcii and Infants , many of which alnco birth hart been a mnsa of scab * ; Itching burning and scaly tortures'milled ovca Tcllef from ordinary remedies , seethed and healed an by magic ; Psoriasis , lourosy nml other frightful forms of skin diseases , scrofulous ulcers , old notes , and discharging wounds , each and all of which have bcco speedily , ipcnnancntly , and economically cured by the Uutlcura JUmc-lles nhrn physicians , hospitals , and all other | Sold every where. I'rlcc : Cutlcura , 60 cents. Hcsohcnt.Sl. Soap , 25 conU. 1'orTta DRDO AND Cun.MtCAi.Co , BOSTO.V , MJHS. u l for "How t Onie Ski I 1)1 ows. CAOTOtf BRO'S & GO , , JIaro established themscUes In Omaha to transact < ageneral br ikerapteand business. Wo will buy all , liases of good * at wholesale or retail , and guarantee 4 > 3rfcct cat'.rfoctlOD In prices , as wo can buy cheaper than j nurjclveo. You can se the advantage of IIHV- u jimr goods bought by one who will work far our Interest and not trust to a merchant who liaj ouiethlng ha Is anxious to bo rid of. We villa' - prompt -ncntio'i to selling anything entrusted e us , and ROOKS consigned to us will bo carcfullv eked it. GorrciDondenc > solicited STHecronoes-Oinahi Natlcual Ban * , McCague ro'sBank. ddrea * 111 S. 16th St. . WHITTIER ! % 17 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A REGULAR GRADUATE of two medical college ! jt\ . baa been engaged longer In the treatment of CHRONIC , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD Diseases than other physician In St Louis , a city papers show and all old residents know. Consultation free and invited. When it Is Inconvenient to visit the dttfor treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or expreti everywhere. Curable cases guaranteedwhezo ; doubt exists It Is frankly stated. Call or write. KerronaProstration , Debility , Mental and Physlea Weakness , Mercurial and other affections of Throat and Mouth. Old Sores and Uloors , ImpedT menta to marriage , Kheumattum , Piles Special at tentlonto cases from overworked brain. SURGICAL CASES recelro special attention. Diseases arising from Imprudence. Excesses , Indulgences permanent 3y cured. MAEEIAGEvTo.y vTo-.y OirTTH33 3 marrywho may nol why , caiuci , coneaqueuoss and euro. Mailed for 26c ; costazo or Dtaraos. * o ? * < ) 1 -WITH year work is done for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE le World to produce a more durnnle material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. OZRIDIEIRS IFOR ANY AMOUNTOtf OR MAGADA : filled promptly. Samples sent ant estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. . Sioux Falls. Dakota. DUFHENE& MENDELSOHN. ARCHITECTS tyUKilOVKD TO OMAHA NATIONAL BA BUILDING. I QURE FITS ! when I i cur i ur uui utn lutrtiy to tlop iLtm ITir Urnand llur | m them return g > ln , I m n ana. . cal cure. I htr * m > d * tit * dlxu * cf FITS , EriUmr or FALlJNOBICKNE3a lir locgi udy. IwinmlBj ttmMy to euro th > wont cuei. B t ui olhtri HITO tll d u no r aion for nut now receiving a ct 4. OUM lor irtMli * au4 a Xro Bottle f mr f r o j , Ulti Hipre nd I'uit Ome * . It r VatolBii for a trlnL * nd I will cur * ICE. Idditw iir , U. 0. ROOT. 1M re | .V11 In the trA\v. I'mir candidates sat such nn noxloni band I At a table wlioroon n li'r jftck pot Uyj K.ich fl lied us ho looked At the cards in Ills laud , Anil womlorod just how It wcro beet to plsy ; For booniors may b > om , but the votora give l vv , And the l.'sito rttMl \ U nil In the draw , With n jack ) > ot on the Ublo. Ono counted an office And ipolls nt commauJ , Aud ouo on n book tint WM not yet done , And ouo on n war record took his stand. . And elegant hoptsof Ohio had one ; For thore'4 plenty of sand In a candidate's crow , And ho sometimes forgets thnt it's all In the draw , With a jack pot on thotnblo. They chipped , nnd they raised , nnd they bluffed M they bet , And tried nil the various tricks of the ramo ; But no ouo had gathornd the jook pot in yet , Though all were so oogor to capture the snmo ; For cheek , asftiulo , ti more potent than jaw , But the Ifauo at lait U nil in the draw , With a jack pot on the tablo. A dark little man nt the corner atoppod In , And ordered them sharply ta come to a show ; lie laid down a hand that wni certain to win , And gndly the candidate * turned to go ; For the sharp tooth of grief nt the gizzard will gnaw. When a ( nndldate loins his nil on the draw , And farewell to the pot nn tlm table ! [ Now York Sun. RELIGIOUS , The ntntuo of Luther which Is to bo sot up at Washington has arrived at Baltimore. A Hebrew synagogue In Philadelphia his allowed women to vote for n rabbi , and given thorn equal privileges with the male members except holding office. A Now York lady , who wlnhes to remain unknown , has ( jveull { < jv. Dr. John Hall SGo- 000 , tn bo used in luying off the dubts of strug gling Presbyterian churches. Finland , with it * 2,000,000 Inhabitant ) , has 210 pastors , 487 churches , and tin chupbl * . The 1'ltiulsh Lutheran * support a mission In Ovambuland , South Africa , with six mission aries. The Philadelphia Baptist City Mission has been in existence but four ventx , and lun al ready ten missions under its charge. Four chapels have boon built , aud plaus for another have been adopted. Thn 300 Buddhists of FarU want a temple and are con-idortng the propriety of sending solicitors out among the Chriatlau churches to collect funds for the purpose of builjlng OLO and equlpiug it with deities. The youngest prelate nf the Roman Catho lic church in America is Uov. Benin M. Brad' Iny , bishop-elect of the newly created see of Manchester , N , H , He was born in Ireland iu 1846 , aud came to America at the ago of eight years , The Salvation Army claims to have on this side of the Atlantic 5i corps , 17 out-posts , OtJ stations and 238 officers , of whom 102 nro at tached to headquarters and 13U are Mold cili ce . Thoanny has Invaded thirteen coun tries and prints n paper in various languages. The Methodists of Chicago have SO Sunday schools ; Lutherans. 35 ; Cougrogationalists , 2i ( ; Presbyterians , 23 ; BabtUts , 25 ; Episcopalians , 15. The conversions during the year , accord ing to Mr. Jacob's report to the convention recently hold , number : Baptist * . 377 ; Congregationalists - gregationalists , 157 ; Lutlnrans , 102 ; Metho dists , 117 , and Presbyterians , 1G7. An effort is being mtdo just now to find out the highest church in England. Forest church in Teesdale , in Durham , is nearly thirteen hundred feet abavo the level of tbo sea. Heathery church , in the adjoining valley of the Wear , Is nearly fourteen hundred feet above the level cf tno sea. Allenhead church In the same neighborhood , is higher by some hundred feet. The inquiry still proceeds. The following testimony to the permanence of i eaults in Mr. Moody 's work is from a recent London paper : The fruits of the London work in 1875 are to be found in every port of the city , and in almost every to wu in England. When the meetings were at Claphuin a lady helped in the missions who had worked in the Cainbcxwell hall in 1875. She took the names and addresses cf those with whom * he con versed iu the inquiry room. She has kept up a correspondence with them in all these years At Christina * she sends them cards. Not one in the thirty-fivo lias gone back. Tha Evangelical Alliance is to hold a grand mneting during the coming summer at Stock holm. The proposal to hold the meeting in Sweden wns warmly encouraged by the King and Queen. It appears , however , that the meeting does not command universal favor. A large number of bishops and clergy , includ ing many theological professors , have just signed a declaration prot sting against the meeting. The objections are baaed maiuly on the ground the national church cannn : fraturniza with certain dissenters. The meet ing will bo held all tne same ; and , while n bishop will preside , several loading ecclesias tics and theological professors wll [ deliver ad dress. Tno st t > church In Sweden is a great barrier to Chiiatian unity. MUSICALt AND DRX3I.VHC. The "Silver King" has not been accorded brUiant reception in Boston. SfgnirSahinl is anxious to come back tc this country again next season. John McCullough talks of taking a trip tc Mexico with his friend John B. Carson , Theodore Thomas will sail for Europe tbe lost of June , mid remain abroad until the lat ter part of October. Mr. George Itlddlo has been nngaged by thi Madlson-Squaro Thoalro for a period of threi years to go starring In a iiay called thi ' ' . " 'Lion's Mouth. John Howson , instead of going nn the roac with the \Vnllack company , will join W. A Mcotayor , as a partner , iu the production o : "Madiui Pluor. " Mi s Coghlan will not play in "Lad ] Clare" with the Wallack Company after tin Boston engagement. She intends to spenc the summer in England with her mother , MUa Harknoss , the Boston violinist , ba just finished a triumuhal tour through bchle sia , where she bora the stage name Anna Son krah. She goes next to the province of KM Prussia. Mine. Piccolomlni , the once celobratot prlma donna , whoso name the boys of twent ; yeais ego mod to try to pronounce seven time in quick succession and yet keep straight faces is to bo given a testimonial benefit iu London where she lives In poor drcumiUnce . Miss Emma Thu bv nails for Europe o : May 1 , where she will ramalu all summer havlog arranged for nn extonaive concert tour under Mr. Maurice Strakosch'ii manig4inent She will eing in London -with the Philharmnnl eoclety , in Bt. Petersburg , Vienna , and tb principal cities of the European continent. Clara Morris says her " stage tears are ren tears. " Well , grtut Scott , tiny ought to ba She's paid enough for them. The Idei of ; woman getting SGOO for woeplng and thei palming off imitation weepi on un uimnp clous , confiding aucllonno that has paid $1.6 for reserved seats ! Why. wo didn't supdos that uny actor or nctiusa of prominence woul cry anytblcg but real tears. You can't expec the property man to furnish emutlou , wo don1 suppose , [ Burlington Hawkeye , Abby"ii spring opera has been very disai troua. lid prime donne luvo been ill and hi bills have hud to bo changed , and things hav been at pretty Ioo3o ends up at the Metropoll tan Opera House , Soaibrich was to Imve u [ : peared nn Wednesday evening In "Komeoan Juliet , " but she was laid up with n cold , an " Trovatora" wot. substituted , with Madam Fursc-li'Mndl as Leonora. The houhO wr very uuull , as most of the people who had ei gaged tickets for the " Iloiueo and Juliet performance backed out when they found tl opera was to be "Trovatore , " because the had probably heard that opera just about i often as they cared to , SIOampanlm has a gigantic amunomoi scheme well planned for next * eason , 1 proposes to bring a complete ballot troup > with pconery , etc. , from Milan , and givosuc : ballet * M are produced in that city throuR out the larger cities of this country. He do > not contemplate abandoning singing , ho\ ever , but says be shall give a little conce > after each ballet performance , and betwei the scones of the ballet have grand ayniph nlcs played by an orchestra. He will leave i the 30th inst for Italy , where he hopes to able to complete successfully tbe negotlatlo : for the enterprise , -Which are now well a vanced. Mm. Maurice Banryinore the that w , I Georgia Drew WM discharged from t company for n very atmislne ro.v oon. 1 1 seems that on n recent occasion Minn. Mndjoska purcha rd an olcg int now pair of Mlk loirglin , which f ho wnro th < t night n Viola In "Twelfth Night. " Mrs. Bsmrmoro had not POOH the o Uwlns , nnd when she c'iino up in the stage she WM so much fa clna- ted by Iholr beauty that i-lio lltcrnlly fo\stod her eyes upon thorn , This iiiado Mmn. Modjeskn very nervotu , as she liiisglnod Mrs. B'irrV' uvoro was guying her ; In fact , the mtdamo bo- cauiD so queered and hi'xlmwil ' by Mr * . Harry- moro'clojo scrulluy uf her > h poly lcg < , and now legglns that she ctme very linr breaking down In her linos. The result of it nil wai that Mrs. Bnrtytnoro was dUchargod for unprofessional - professional conduct , dojpllo her oxpnvtuln- tlons that she mount no wrong. The wh"lo circumstance striken us ns being one of tha mo4 , romnrknb'o exporloncos the history of the stage affords. Kororur "Oh , woo Is mo , " the poor man cilod , "In sorao near gravovAid glvo mo room ; I nm n jioor loni candlitato , Who in the null has lost hU boom. " [ Merchant Traveller. EUUCATION.VLi. The avornro salary for teachers In Misstrslp- pi Is only $22 per month , Gardening Is practically taught in moro than 20,010 primary schools in Franco. Mmo. KownlosVI , a Kutwlnn lady , occupies the choir of mathematics at the high school In Stockholm , The annual report of School Superintendent Jasper , of New York City , allows that the average attondauco ill the public tchools was 143,177. The professor of chemistry nt Wellesley collrgo , Miss Ent n , U taking n two years' courts in that science nt Newuham college , Cambridge , England. Sir W. Thomion U to deliver eighteen loo- turw on "Molecular P.vnair.lct * " at the John a Hopkins University during the first twenty days ot next October. Tim avorngo attendance in the schools of England and Waltn ii three and nno-elghtli million pupil * . Of the 80,000 toachor-i em ployed two-thirds are women. The attendance of boys bxceods that of the girls by ubout.n quarter of n million. Every pupil received Into the Ircoums nnd colleges in li'runco must giva ovldeiico tlmt ho has been \ acciuatod. Slues the onfoi cement of the now law tiot a sttitrle civao of variola or vu- rlolold has appouretl at the Lycca Louis lo Grand , where the utility of the restriction was fully tested. In on article by Charles F. Twing nn "Gifts t Colleges nnd Universities , " recently pub lished , It Is stated the amount contribu ted to college and university education in the United St.it03 during the past ton years is $35,622,000 , and since 1847 the amount given has not bsen less than SoO.OOJ.OOO. The lancet is of opinion that women nro too delicately framed for gymnastic exercises , and with nil the blindness of professional bigotry , condemns those who advocate thn develop ment of the muscular girl. From this opinion the Natlonu ] Health Society dissents , holding tlmt thi physical education of girls is neglect ed , and that a general adoption of moderate gymnastic exercises will be beneficial to the sex. " A writer in the Birmingham ( Kng. ) Post says of Rugby school , in Tunnortsoe : ' The aim of the company is to establish for the southern and central states of the Union a public school modeled on our Ilugby and other English public schools. There are to bo three lluirbelann in the council. Our English Kug- by has traiuod generations of men , honorable , manly and intelligent , who have won positions of responsibility and have acquitted themselves as men. I know we shall all be dlspofcd to wii-h heartily well to the new Kiigby on the other lido of the Atlantic rollers , and iball rejoice tn know that it , too , it shaping and moulding the character of men for worthy achievement. " MA1)DENE1 > OHEYENNE3. Swift Retaliation lor Cowboj'a In- nail to n Chief. Ft. Keogh Special to St. Louis Globe-Democrat On the Rosebud river , twenty-nine miles from Fort Keogh , are encamped a band of Cheyenne Indians , who are peaceably engaged in agriculture , and on the Tongue nnd Rosebud rirers nnd trib utaries are , in all , about 900 Cheyenne Indians , who have been there aince 187 ! ) , endeavoring to earn nn honest livelihood for themselves. In 1877 Gen. Miles hod a fight -with these very Indians on Lame Deer Crook , which stream empties into the Uosobud sixty miles aboqo the point whtre the latter pours its waters in the Yellowstone. When the hostiles were coqnuorod and the mass of them sent south to other agencies soon after the Ouster massacre , these few lodges of Oheyennos were permitted to remain and engage in agriculture , more for experi ment than for anything else. They gave up their former nomadic habits , abandon ing the pursuit of game which was then becomingscarceand has since disappeared , and settled down to the ways of the white man , in which they have succeeded fairly well. But , with the advance of civilization have come numberless Hocks , herds , ranches , and , last of all , the Indian's greatest enomv , the cowboy. Zook and Aldorson built a ranch on Larao Deer Creek , near the spot where Gen. Miles hed his famous fiuht with the Cheyonnee and Siouxa in 1877 , aud a few miles dis tant on the Rosebud , Black Wolf and hit f people had pitched their tents and were tilling the soil. The ranchmen conv mouced the business of stock rcieing ae soon as they arrived m the country , bul it was not long before bad blood begar to show on the part of tlm cowbc-yj to. ward the red men. A COW'IJOY'S DEVILTUY. Black Wolf , head chief of the Chey onues , a peacably-dispoaed , fair-minduc Indian , rode up to Zjok and Andorson'i ranch lost Thursday on hie cayuse pony , and was greeted by the three or foui cowboys present with the customory wes tern ealutation of welcome , "How. " Tin savage alighted , lariated his pony anc was invited to partake of the uud-daj meui then about to begin. Ho accepted and , after dinner was concluded , went of a little distance , sat down on a log anc quietly commenced emokind. While en gaged in this occupation , with his bad tt > the white men , ouo of the latter , 2 hard-case cowboy by the name of Tul ford , in a spirit of deviltry , wage ret with ono of his companions that ho couK shoot u halo through the Indian's ha with his eix-bhooter and not touch tin latter's head. The bet was prompt y no cepted , when Tnlford , drawing his heav ] Colt's revolver , took deliberate aim al the Indian's hat nnd fired , Black Wolf tumbled off the log , but i moment later staggered to his feet vf ill the blood streaming down his face fron a deep gash cut along the crown of hi skull , quickly sprang on Ills pony , nn ( hurriedly mndo hit escape through fea of being killed. The cowboyn Being hin depart in the direction of the village dashing at full speed on hii cayuse , anti cipated trouble , BO they quickly mountei their ponies and rode oil in tearch of aa nt eistanse. Help was secured , and when lo a few hours later , the cowboyn were re lee turning with increased numbers the hh saw a band of Ohoynnus coming in tli hes direction of the ranch , and a race com es menced between the two parlies to BC . ttr.rt which would roach the desired spot firsi en but when the white men came with ! lOnn range the Indians opened fire , and drov nn the former from the field. They then si be tire to the ranch and outbuildings , bun td" I 'ur | them to the ground , after which the [ quietly returned to their camp on tl M 1 Rosebud. .he 1 Of coune , the news sprerd like wildflr The whole country TTAS aroused , nnd every cowboy within ft rnditu of 100 miles hastened to _ ( ho spot , tciuly and muttons to cxtcrmitmto the bloody Chey- euncfl without dolriy ; but the c.iptnro of the guilty ones wns cfFccted , fortmmtoly , without bloodshed , IUK' in n very plmrt time orory warrior in the cnmp whs imvde a prisoner. TUB INDIANS MAIH5 PltmO.VGUI. Deputy Sheriffs Louis King , J. L. I' wards nnd Billy Smith started with poise on last Sunday morning for the scone of the Into burning , and by the time the pirty reached Rosebud their number had increased by nearly every white man and cowboy in tha county. Secretly the camp was approached , completely lurrondod , every knoll , bush and tree concealing an enemy with a deadly rillo in his grasp Nothing would have suited these men hotter than to have opened fire nnd commenced the woik of annihilation at once , but there were wise hoadfl among the attacking pnrly , nnd ono Thompson , an interpreter omployml nt the post trAdor'sosIa1 lishod at Fort Ko gh , volunteered to go in alnno and ni'gotiuto a surrender. 11 o procodud into thu heart' of the village and was welcomed by the head men of the tribe , to whom ho re lated the object of his mission. The chiefs listened in respectful silence , acknowledged the burning of thu much , but could not bo convinced that their action was other thnn just and right in view of the treatment received by Black \Volfatthoirltnnds , They looked upon retaliation as a purely just monsure under the circumstances nnd did not want to go to law about the matter ; but Thompson informed them that resistance was use less , and to prove his words , guvo an agreed signal , at which every bush , tree , shrub and rock gave forth a cow boy , armed to the tooth. The Indians made no furthcrroaistanco , but surrendered nt once ; and thirteen of their number known to have boon en gaged in the recent incendiarism were nancuQod and brought to Miles City , where they arrived todny _ . They are now confined in the county jivil awaiting trial , while the rascal Talford is still nt large , and is probably by this time fur on his jourmy south into Wyoiniing. The trou ble may not end hero , for the Choyonncs scattered all through this part of the country are gathering in and about Miles City , evidently at a loss to understand why their relatives and friends should beheld held in confinement when their action was simply in retaliation for an outrage corn- mi ted by ono of the whitoi . Baby'o Petition. Lltotsrcitlees , ilijB nro Hooting , Children bloom , but tllo In tpfthlW \V ri > liir | laVc , nil Mends anH mothers , Watch the precious girl * and brother * ; U id the homo 1'fe ' of Victoria , UhlMrrn nine , all hiulCASTOltt' : No K coplots night * , by baby sqnsllLipf , Ulic larks tbov rlso In curly miming. Dress .Goods , A Very Great Bargain Wo place on our counters this morning a small lot of dress goods we wish to clear out. They consist of nil wool Do- beiges , Nun's Veiling.Laco Bunting , Silk and Wool Plaids , Bosket Cloths and Albatross. Wo will lot them out at lOJi cents. They are worth 37A cents , For convenience those goods will bo removed troin the Dress Goods and taken iu the Domestic Department. On our dross counter wo shall also offer another small lot we want to close. They consist of all wool Debeiges , French Serge and Nun's Veiling 44 inches wide. They are wnrtn a dollar , we offer them at 50 cents. This is almost giving them away. They are only a small lot and will < > out quickly. N. B. FAI.CONKII. T. MANUFAOTUKGK Of ' GGRWECES. WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS.SETC. a LQ 3LatiX KAITX . Mtn.HASKA. DISEASES OP THE * ! * & i ' , 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Ooaa.U.M t Until otllcoi are repaired from roiult of fire , oitl with Di. Parker , Room B , Ctt\fhwa \ lliock 1Mb ana UOUKIM streeu. FALCONER'S HALLS. Contain ? a Supper Room ctptble of mating three hun ied , and a Dancing Hall , one of the largest In thccltv. There h I o akltchun witli ejilciiJId cookIng - Ing range and table uaro for rue hundred potsons. Thtro Is olio LaJle ' aud Gontlouen'a Viexlng Hoc inn with 01 cry tomtnlouce. llent for both halls * - > 5. SlntIoball , jl. ' . . Apply to MB. FALCONER , 10th and Douglu. N. B. FALCONE ! ! , ON We Will sell Silks The Silks wo will cell on Monday vril be the greatest Bargain that has been offered fored in thin country in the last Dvo-and twenty year * . Particulars later , in this column. N. B. FALOUiSER. N , B. FALCONER After Late Suppers TAUK to Tarrant's ' Seltzei tot t , In APERIENT to INto toet et ti HOT WATER tiay , 10 AMD ALL UNPLEASANT AtTES-KFf GQTS WI BE AVOIDED. Hallway Time Table. U. P. 11 R , , MAIN LINK. MAT * . ARKIVS. frclfla Riireii.lOA | p ra Atlantis Wwlrn n ff ei 8 W pm . n. I UnJPws..40)i : ) m a. ItUnd I'ut , llw : m Lincoln Ki . lSSO : | > tn Lincoln Ki..l.M p tn DIVISION. ihft ! TllO , 8X0,9-00,10:00,11:00 : : m.W mi 1:00 : , C.OO , S.-OO , 4W : , KXO , fl.OO , tOUO p. m. On Sun- il ) i : 7:10,0.0 : llrooA. m ; too , < : t oo.-oo , 10:10 : n. m. Anita kttikn fcr ilr | < ot 20 mlntitoInter ; Bro V w y deKitCouncil ( IIhiI ( , SO mlnutoi Met. T/cucCviundl HhiI ( , llronl y depot , 8.TO , OXW , io.-oo , nee .m. : w m.too. ; : 10 , s.-co.imRWo.eiw , 10:40 : p.m On Simdnji : S.oo , 10:00 : . ; m ; S.-oo , 60,0:10,10:40 : : p. m. Arrive Tnuifer depot , 10 mta < utot ! ter. IxAra Council niutri Trentfcr depot ! 8:25 : , 9t5 ; , 10:25,11:25 : : ( k.m.H ; ml:54 ; : , 2:28S.fS , 4:26 : , 6:28,0:25 : : , 7:06,10:5i : : p. m. Arrive Om h 0 mlnutra Inter. L vn OMAIU. MAT * council , imrra. Paw No. 1. , , .7:55dm Tata. No. , . . . 7:56am : " No. 10 6:45pm : " No. 16 " No. 4 S:50pm : No B. . ,11:20 : km " No. 8 8Mam : No. Bt , . .7:18 : pm * ' NH , fl.fl16 ; ft tit No. 1. , . , 7Mpra " No , to. . , . 0:50am : | JSTlio abote it Omaha Standard time Is SI minutes faster than local timo. 11. & M. RAILROAD TIME TABLE * CENTO HUB. BimxK BURMA. VIUT ROOM P. KiBT HOCKD . ; . ARRIVK. 7Sopm : S:40ara : 8S5 ; pm 10.05 am AnhUtiJ. . . flSl pui 11:11 : am 4:62 : pin 8:11 : am Uncoln,10.CO am 12Mrm : ISM pm Crcta . ilRO : pm 1:61 : pm 2:11 : pm 3:01 : am IlMtlng ! . . 5:15 : nut Euupra' : 11:51 : am pm Itnl cloud. R.uo am fl.M : pin 10:23 am 8:25 : i in McCook..lO:6\am : 10-35 pm 0:1.1 : pm 4:10 : pm Akron , , . . .1:4 : * pm S\tatn : 12:60 : nu HHKpm Denver. . . . 7:25 : ] im 33'iom 0J5pm 7:30 : am ilI830UIU I'ACIKIO-STANDAUD TIME. BKl'ART. I ARRHK. :00am | < 14,1pm H. 0 MT. JOK * 0. H.-n.-STANDAHn TIME. 4 lldnlly . . 9.16am ei ri > , dally Ki'rc | ! > , dally except Mon- oiix'pt Satur ! (1. ( 5 am ( ] ) 7:45p : m Mall , dally 7:15 : pin 0. , St. l > . M. & O. STANDARD T1MK. ( DoiKit Uth and \Yclutor Sti. Nn. S mlx d 7:45 : n m . Imlxtxl , , . . 6SOp : m KrulKht 2fflpin Freight ll45am ; AtUntlcKxi 340pm ; Atlintlo Kxp. . . 0:16 : am Atlantic M all. . . .7:45 : m AtlanticJlall. . . . 7.0pm K\ery day , ( Tiantler Depot , Council Bluffs. ) WABASI1&8T. LOUIS. txiaxo. . . , ? , " , ' . 7:80 : a m I Arrixo 11:20 : a m Unvo. . , . : ; . _ . . 8:50 : pm | Arrlvo 4:20pm : C. , B & Q R. R.-STANDARD T1HK Itatl * 0:16 : a m I Kxprovi ) 0:25 am Ernrom 4Mpm Mall * 7:15 : p m All Trains Dally. O. , It. 1 > A P. R. II STANDARD TIMK. Wall * 7oOam | KxpreM. " 10-00pm Exprem S:50pmM | ll' 7:26 am Sundays excoptcd. C. , it. & St. P.-STANDARD TIIIK. UUVB. ARRHn. Wall * F.I- . . . .S:00aro : IPaclBoKx 9:2f : am itlantloKx . . . .8-80p m I Uall A Ex" 7:00 p m 'Sundays excepted , 0. It N. W. R. U.-8 TAN DARD TIME. UaU > 7:60 : a m I Kiiirow 10:00 : am Kx ror 8:50pm : | Uall' . .7:25pm Sundavs oxcoptod. Vj S. O. & P. R. R. 31'ANDARD ' TOTE. W U" . . . . .0:00am : I Exproas 10WJ am EiprcM..0OOpm : | Mall1 76pm Sundavi cifco ted. Oponlng and Closing of Holla. BOUTI oraa. cunm. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 0 > * N.W,0.R.I.aiP.C. B , & O. , St Paul & Sioux City .11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : Bi6 : a , M. &S.P. S. C. & P. In Iowa 0:00 : 6:40 : Wabash Expreas . 12:30 8:16 : Wabashlocnl 8:00 : 6:40 : K. O. , St Joe & C. 0:00 : 9:00 : 6 : o eto : tlluourl Paclflo 7 0 6:40 : c. , at. r. M. & o . 6.00 7ra Union Paclflo , ovoiUnd . 6:00 Union Paclflo. Denver Kx. . . , 4:00 : liSO &R publlcan Valloy. . . 1SO : 11:35 &M. Exprew . 7:00 : 7:40 : iiSr. for Plattumouth , B. o ; d , Ashland and Llncolu.ll:00 7:30 : pen Hundaja from 12:00 : m. t 10 p m. O. K COUTANT , Po tma tor CORNFIELD 509 North 16th Street. Wm. Gentleman's Block. CholwCuti of Meat * tncct&'ty. ' [ Onion will bo re- cclveilby telephone , No. 110. \\1I. U. UHIK30N , Proprietor. F.SCEEUERMANNM D BKJULAU OK1UIA Homcopatliio Physician. SPECIAUBT OS W01IKN , CHILUUEN tt C.'JIIONIO DISKA8K3. Houra At Rctililenoo , No. 1443 B. 10th Street , til ) 10 n. m. , nJ alter Z t > . m. Houre At office , No. US tnd 105 8. Uth BL , Uoum 7.from 10 iv. m. , to S p. m. N.B. The Tape Worm will bo romarod , w { bout dtorer. In ttmt of from S to S hour * . SPECIFIC MEUIOINES. TRADE PJIARtC n OMAT ti. .t nn of. MARK Lien URMIDT. An " unfailing cure for Seminal \Vo k- neu , Sjw rmatorr * hcoi , ImKtflnoy | , and all Dlsonos that follow u > o < | uenco of Self- . Abuse ; aalonjol Memory. Unlver- " > -rr'ORETAKinfl.e iu AFTER TAKIHB , In the Back , DtrnucM of Villon , l > reinaturB Olil Ajte and Jinny other dlseawi that load tolnianlty or Con. lumptlon and a Premature Grave. ftiwiRB of adrertlgemenU to refund money , when druggists from whom the medicine la bought do not refund , but refer you to the manufacturers , and tbe requirement * are such that thuy are leltloin , if ever. compiled with , tied their written guarantee. A trial of one tingle paokogo of Urny's Specific will convince the most vkcptlcal of It ) real merit * . On account of counted/alters / , we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. larKull imitlculars In OUT pamphlet , which wedo llro to send free by mall to every one. YT.boBp . Mo Medicine is Bold by all drui < tUu at 41 per pack' ( je , or six packages for ? i , cr will bo ncut free by mall on the receipt of the money , by aildreialng THK OHAYMKLICINaCO. , MUffalo , N. Y. Sold n Omaha I' ] y 10mA Tne u < of tno term " HDOI IJne" In connection wtththi corporate name of a ( jrottroid , _ _ conveys an Idea of ustwnat ill ! required by the traveling nub' I I M LL 11 ° - * Short Line , Quick Timi I I r u > d the best of occommoda klBVkil tlous-all of which are fain. tahod by the greatest railway In America. QHIOAGO.RUlLWATJKEE And Si Paul. Itowoi and operate * over 4,500 mlloaof Northern JUlnols , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and aa ta main lines , branches and oonnec tloiii reach all the Kroat buslnoa centres of thi Northwest and Kar West , It naturally answers tit ) description of Short Line , and Best lloute betwesn Chlcaito , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , U Cross * and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Alierdeen and Ellcndal * Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and Btlllwater- Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauiau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Be vor Dam and Oabkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Ooonomowoo. Ctilcauo , Milwaukee , Modlwu and Prairie du Chlea Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Belolt Janestl'le ' and Mineral 1'olnt Chtoaao , Elglii , Itockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Kotk Island and Cudar lUplds. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Bloux Falls and Yankton Chicaeo , Milwaukee , Mitchell andCliambcrlaln. Uock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Oaluior , Bt. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Car * In world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE STf PAUL RAILWATI o piawngonby courts out employe * of tbe company. B. ti. UKKKITA , A. V. H , OAHPSXTHB , Orn'A. Orn' urn' I'M * . AK U < OKO SI. Ilr.\fK01lD , JAMES Y , CRAIG , AND FLORIST. Plans speclBr-itlonsand estimates of cost ot lav'n ' out new or rtiiiDdellug oM lawns , gradliiy , s < > ddln | etc" will la I on application. Oruwer an dealer mallklnUi of Howurf , Sbrubs , Ornamenti * * ' Liwn Decoration. Omen llouw n4 re . Flowen and Howe t. ne r Kort Omivha. Cut lnpoU > r lo at ll seuon. , ta cin orU'lU6"1 ) . Orders by B > U iiroiuii ly attended to. I drctl P. 0. lias 6J5 Ooutit , Neb , RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Propriotore. Suporintende tc. Omaha Iron Works U , P. RAIL WAY , - - - 17TH & 18TH STREETS t \ f 't * . MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN learn Engines , Boilers WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM' WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. "We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract fcr the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing- Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System. Eseflispecial attention given to furnisning Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made tor same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE. Om a. Neb In the event of a stroke of The yvinnings oed fortune you cim win are guaranteed hy 500,000 marks Government. fou are invited to participate in the chances of winning in the grand draw ing of prizes guaranteed by the State of Hamburg , in which 9 Millions 620,100 Marks Have to Be Won. In the course of these advantageous drawings , which contain according .o the prospectus only 100COO tickets , the following prizes will bo forthcom- ug , viz : The highest prize will be ev. 600,000 Marks. Premium of 300,000 Murks. 253 prizes of 2,000 Marks. 1 prize of 200 000 Marks. G prizes of 1,500 Marks. 2 prizes of lOO.OOO Mnrks. 515 prizes of 1,000 Marks. 1 prize of 90,000 Marks. 1030 prizes of GOO Marks. 1 prize of 80,000 Marks. OQ prizes of 200 Marks. 2 prizes of 70,000 Murks. 03 prizes of 150 Marks. 1 pr.zo of 60,000 Marks. 29020 prizes of 145 Marks. 2 prizes of 50,000 Marks. 3450 prizes of 124 Marks. 1 prize of 30,000 Marks. 90 prizes of 100 Marks. D prizes of 20,000 Marks. 3050 prizes of 04 Marks , 3 prizes of 15,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 07 Marks. 20 prizes nf 10,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 40 Marks. GO prizes of 5,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 20 Marka. LOO prizes of 3,000 Marks. in all 50,500 prizes. Which will be Sure won in 7 Drawings within the space of a few Months , The first prize drawing is ofllcially fixed , and the prize is for A Wbolo Original Ticket only 1 Dollar 50 Cts. or G Marks. A Half Original Ticket only 75 Ota. or 3 Marka. A cjuartorOriginal Ticket only 38 , Gt . or 1J Marka. A.nd I will forward these original tickets guaranteed by the state ( not prohib ted promissory notoe ) even to the most distant countries , in return for the tmount forwarded _ prepaid. IS very ticket holder will receive from no gratis along with the original ) ticket the original prospectus provided with the arms of the state and immediately after the drawing the oilicial list without any charge. The payment and forwarding of the sums won to these concerned will have any special and prompt attention , and the most absolute secrecy. E2 ? ° A11 orders can bo sent by the medium of a Postofllco Order , or pet registered letter with Bank Notoe of the United States. E2TPleano address the orders before 17TH OF MAY on account of the approaching drawing of the prizes in all confidence directly SAMUEL HECKSCHER , Sonr. , Banker and Exchange Agent at Hamburg. Germany. The largest Stock in OmahaandLlMes the Lowest Prices Furniture ! DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received an assortment far surpassing anything in this-market , compriaiag the latest and moat tasty designs manufactured for thin spring's trade and covering , a range o ! prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the . latek tomers , the newest novelties in styles in Turcoman. TSdadraaauA Suits and Odd Pieces. Lacw Curtains , Etc. , Etc. , * f > SiAl Alor rd I Elocant Passenger Elevator to etLTPloori. CHARLES SHIVHRICK , 1200,1208 and 1210 Faraam Street , - . - . OMA.HA ,