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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1884)
OMAHA DAILSf BEE-SATURDAY , APRIL 26. 1884. \ f RH. HORNS & GO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo make n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and YARA 01G A RS. All Cigars sold by us uro of our own mnnufacturo aud warranted aa represented. ' OPERA HOUSE OIGAR HOUSE , | C52 Broadway , H. II. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. A8ADY , ORGUH & FRENCH 'aim , in .Laco , rib , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc .oicest Stock West of Chicago. omo and bo convinced that \ro are headquarters for all goods in our line , hoapost itlaco to buy Houao Furnishings in the O'ty. OUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Caro. uropean Hot The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " He-w Building -New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMP110VEMENTS-CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We eua-antco the euro of the following named ills- eoases , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Uloere , Catarrh , a 1 Blood Biid < kindtscatcg , DvilKpsIa , I.Ivor Complnlnt , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thorn Spring * are the favorite resort of the tired anj debilitated , and are the FEEULE LADIKS BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , livery and bathing accomodation both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wftbtsn railway , t EronaorO.B. & Q. , at Albany. Corrcpponuenc aolldted , REV. U. M. illOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloara Springs , , Qentry Ca , Mo , ANALYSIS. Spodflo Gravity 1.001 Reaction Neutra Carbonla Acid Cos SO In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 85,921 Grains Carbonate Iron 7,041 1'j Sulphate Uagncsla 3,188 " Sulphate Cald > im 1,148 Chloride Sodium .7,200 SlUlca 1.BC8 Alumina . . . .0,010 Organlcand Volatile matter and loss. . . . .1,469 Total sclldi pel gallon 67,174 WRIGHT & MKKBIU , . Chemliiti AUCTION SALE of LOTS in TOWN of PERSIA ! 80 Choice Lots will be offered at Public Sale on WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 1884 , . at 10:30 : A. M. Ponfo la locate ! in Ki'rUon Coun'.v ' , lovra , on the Chicago , Milwaukee 4. St. Paul IWInay. thirty mil. 8 north of Council niudi and Ouiiha. 1'erala U not arettwo > e n oM , but already huiHroiid of people hate made new homes and eaUhlsheJ prosperous lU > lni8i ! l'hlnhcr berUers , andthoro Is gtlli room lor many in , re. Ver-li , in addition to being the conf eroplatcd p-lnt atwhlct the projected short lln from Sioux City to Chicago will Intercept the main Hoe , la In the midst of a most productlvo agrlcul ural region , and with auch manliest od\antages cannot fall to devilop into city of surprising proportion * at no dUtnnt day. The Iota are distributed In each and every block In the tiwn , and are therefore both business end resi dence Iota. The buslcess lota are locat d on theOevel plateau near the di pot , and are fully ai denrable as any of those now built upon ; they are of a uniform size of 25x142 ft. The residence- lots are touted on the beautllul'y ' elo > ated portion of the town more re mote from Ihi depot , and are 601142 ft in alia. Business lots will no eoM and designated as the cast and west half of lots and Mocks. In all cither re spects lots will be sold 03 per p ! t of town M It ap pears on the Ooumy records. 'I ( tie perfect. All luU tobasjldto thahlgreat toiponsibla bidder on the following t.rms , viz : One-tblrl o ( purchase nrlco to bo p l 1 when lot is mid. A contract for deed will lie given , conditioned that llio ba anco of pnrchaae price be paid In six , twelve and eighteen months with Interest at 8 per cent per annum. A discount of 6 per cent on deferred payment ! w.ll be made for cub. An agent will bo on the premises with a mip to show property to all Visitors prior to sale. Address TJ. 0. BALDWIN , Council Blufla , la. A , OASPER , FLORIST AND The Largest and Urxt Complete Green House In Western Iowa. Over 24,900 Feet of Gliws in Use. The Greatest variety and the Choicest plant * . My collection of 1'Iants and Ho en Is now corntleto In reryrm cct , and the publlo'ro ln\lted to call and nspect the Mine. I was awinlcd the First Premium at the Councl Tluffi District H cJr in Septi mber. 1883 , i ver all com petitors : wic1" I ave eln e odd'd U'any now and choice v rlo lo * . nd am proivruJ tn fun Uh 4 IIFW claw of pUntl that hiveluret lorJ l en unattainable in tbl market , for wh'cli I maVe MI cxtr * ibarito Cut flowers and 11 > ral dealznn 'vrnUbi d r ni | tly , and on snort notice. Jh veju4 1-nuuJ n w cit aloguelor 1B3I , which will be uiit frtoi > naj > | .lia'lon ( , Green Vetfotnblon the Yi'iit-Kounil. Horse Rdt h In bott'es. 23 Pierce St. Council Bluffalowa AI.ONO TUB LINK Or * TUB Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis am OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of tuls Imo ttutaVaUufleld u the IlEAUTIFULVALLEYof the OAJ through Concord and Coleridge ro BCA.n.'apiKrca-Toixr Iteoches th < best cortlon of the HUte. Bueclal ei cunlon n'ot tat Und teekeri over thit line t W yiw , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Ulalr to a l > rlnUut ) po' ' . its on tlie SIOUX 01TY & PACIFIC IUILUOA1 Tnliu irVer tlit 0. , Ht. I' . M. & 0. IliUvay t < O'H DTtoi Sioux Uty , Ponca , ilaitlnjtoi , NVayno an Norfolk , < Joxi.Xi.oo1 ; vt rSlm-lsr For Fremont , Oakdae , Nellgn , and thuu h to Vi cntlnn. tJffot rates and all Information rU on F H WimNKV. General Areot , B * 3 { I BuUdUg , Cor , lOfte and Parnam 8ts , Oibaba , Ke Kct din t * oar < t at dtpot , oorntr U H , K , BUEKET FUNERAL DIRECTOR AtiD EMBALMER 11 North IlSth Street Omaha SEGEE & TONER. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN II J WHIPS , ETC. We make avcrv line lUht harness and have al ways on hind a full line of Uoree Clothing , Curry Combs , Uru&hetf , etc. No , 116 N , IGtli SL EUROPE ! ! COOK'S GRAND EXCURSIONS leave New TorV In April , May and June , 1RS1. PASSAGE TICKETS by ad ATLANTIC STEAUERS. Special facllltlea for securing OOOD BERTHS. TOURIST TICKETS for travelcrnln EUROPE , bv a'l routas , at reduced rates. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with maps and full par- UcuUrs , by mall 10 cent * . A'ldre3 TUOS. OTK SON , -It Broadway , N. T. or Wormy Veins of the Mrotum Oflrn the unmt- fMed catut o/ Lost Manhood , Debility , ic. , qalckljandpafnlcji/i/curr < f by the Elastic Cradle * Compressor. SO. ( llavt Ultlna CticullrKrre. C1YIAJ Z ESUIDllL AOEHCT , 160 rnltoa Gt. , How letk. Nebraska Cornice AND- MANUFAatURURS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES XJonxior w iaadox T-ei , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIH , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIO SKYLIGHT , Iron Fencing ! Cresting ! , Balustrades , Verondaa , Offioo and Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc. COB O.ANDCtn STREET , LINCOLN NED. RAISER , M r THE MILD POWER CUBES. OMEOPATHI C SPECIFICS. In u o 3) years. Each number the ipcolnJ jnly jcrlpilon of on eminent pl Hlnipl .8ifoandSurolIeil < . . fever * . conge tlonjn\\'Srm Col e. . 31'iiy ' ! ? tffl6ror'leotiilnB"fInfants 23 . I. Diarrhea of Children or Adults 2.1 A. li entnry , drlplng. DUllou-Collc , . . 3 U. Cholnra Alorbui , Vomiting , .2.1 1. < : oil3h . Cold. IJrnncliltia 25 N. INeurnlgli. Tootlincho. Inccuclio 25 O. Ilon < 1uclici , bick Ueadaclies.\trtlgo .25 l | . l > v pBnla : , lUtiloiis btomach 35 . Hitnnreiiicdor I'nlnfiil IVrlodi 25 it. ' l'crlod , 25 i. Wlille * . too 1'rofuso li. Cruiin , Cough , DimcnUUrnatliiiiK , . . . .25 14. Hnlt Itlinini , rrrslpola * , > rui > tlons , .25 15 , Klieiiinalliiiii Ilneninotlo Talus 25 lit. Ferer and Aaun. ChillFever. Agues ,5O 17. I'lles. llllnd or IileedlnET. SO 111. Catarrh , aautoorcaromci Influrni * 5O 311 , \ Vliooplnir'i'imh , violent cough > _ , AU 2 . general BebllUy/Pnyslcal . * .fit a7. Kidney lll rn r ; . 35 : BJGSjsf Kiiv . ; ? . " 3J. IHicn.Borilio llcort , ftxlnliotlon. l.UO Hold br drugglm. or sent by the Cane. Or iln- trie Vial , tre of chargn. on receipt of price SendforDr.lliirdnlireva'lloiikon ll e e > C-e. ( U i > ure8ial oiiiuir tril t-'otalogueFHlTb. ' Mefl Adareu. llnninhreya' llomenpathlc tJU. . . . ana putim | etrcel. Kow York. POISON n the blond U apt to show Itsell In the spring , arc alure thould by all meiumbe auls'ud In thruKln I itt. Swift's Bpeiflo duel tliU eductUcly , It Ui pnrily veiUab'e , nan-pols mout remed | , blcli help tatu'otu furc3 kll < heplion or Hint out througl hepnre ot the skin , Mr , Kibdit A. Ka'let , of PI-kKOD , Ttnn , , writes unilo < iltt Manh in 18S4 : "limit tli Hi and 'ore followed by rlitmutUui , fur thrta JCJM. BO tkat WJD not nlio toiittui 1 1) ny lm lneii : bid tnua tl luout c\uiy U" I o ! Hie < llrliie , an I found no relic I A file id ncom'iiB'.drd . Swllt's Hiieolllo. ItrlUmi rotlle tud in } health boiMii tal nirotu. 1 continue uitll I i ad tnkeii > lxb. tiles , and It ha net mo o my fejt , a sound an I well as ever. I recommend I tuaiUI' ' lUrly illlictul" l.ttte Irnui tneuty three ( E5) ) of the leadln ; rotn i ilru/Kl.tKo1 Atl.n'o , w y , uiderilato ol Mirth illl 1681Vg : i"ll more ol Kwlft'n Hieoino | thuu un iir.rnie une < ly , aid three to ten time * as much i oiiy 0'ln.r hiol mediilne. Wetell lito all dxa e and IIMIIV of tha but ( nulllu , uie lat a feucr unic. Our tr'-atbw on lilooM and Skin Diseases malli true MkuuiiuuiM. THE 8WIFT flPECIFIO CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , 0 % . N T. Omne , UOW.23J St. between eth and Tth Av HAIR ! HAIR ! H All ALMA E.I KEITH'J I'AXTON HOTEl , Mllllneiy and Hair Qie&slng & Patlon arM. * xi. xi3. Mltxroot. Hair I Hair ! Hair I Cheap d. The The inhabitants of Term del Fnogo nrr described as n remarkable rncc romarka bio In so far ns they mo\ohi the lowest grades of cMllzation , The men are ugly the women uglier thnn the men ; nutl both vi'j copper-colored , ha\o matted black hair , nnd hugeshark-liko mouths. Iiulecd , their months must bo larger thnii those of any other known race. Considering the strutf glc3 they haxofor existence nnd the hu midity of the atmosphere they live in , they are more fully fleshed tlKin was aiiticlpat- * ; but , like the trees of their lorcsts.thcy w not appear long-lUcd , no old indlvidu- \a being seen among them. For some time the manner of disposing of their dead . cmalncd n mystery , but n woman was lound burled in a split in a rock , from which it is inferred that the dead are placed in spills or ca\crnsin rocks nud covered with stones. Lflbrta were made to ascertain where they made their canoes , but they wcro unsuccessful. Portages made of trees wcro found , however , over which it was evident canoes lind been car ried , nnd it was supposed that tjio canoes wcro made in the interior and carried to tha seashore. Those -who followed the ship lid so in bark canoes , aud as each succes- .ivo port was reached went ashore , where li * . ry erected for themselves huts of boughs T'ili skins laid roughly over them. The inta were too low for a person to stand up- ± lit in , aud , like those occupied by lisqui- juiux , were semi-globular. In spite of the coldness of the climate , Uo natlveo remained almost nude , even ring the winter months , though occa- .1 aally some threw sealskins o\er their liC'.ildcrs. They relied upon coatings of 'i : ' . for warmth apart from they ob- # lncd hy crouching over fires , but were . .v.i s shivering with cold outside of their 7 gwams. So long as they were supplied a' ° ri the ahip with proisions and these i qucutly disagreed with them they ' ould not flsh , neither would they work , VjliiE in this respect closely akin to their jMigcners , the Australian aboriginals , ' . ' .ough they have Ihes , they eeem too In- ; tut to cook much , nnd frequently cat liLirscal lltoh au nttturcl , oven when it is ccomposed. These on board the vessel - : mild-mannered , but gi\en to annex- 1 g r.rticlcs belonging to the sailors , and < n this account a close watch was kept up * vm them. Generally the rate nio suspic- ous of strangers , and until their contt- tcnco in them is thoroughly established vh women are always sent inland. When , Lclr suspicions are dispelled they miuglo J' Luropcans freely enough. A " \Vonclcrftil Telescope. The San Francisco Call tells an extraor dinary story respecting a monster telescope mndo by Professors Lefovro and Lougtour , French scientists , and erected at Fran cisco. The lenses are twenty feet iu di ameter , and this is what happened when the astronomers and their friends turned the instrument to the heavens : "M. Dufrcro was the first to apply his cyo to the eye piece of the telescope. For fully live minutes ho looked on iu speechless amaze ment , then , without -word , turned away to hide his emotion. Ono by ouo the gen tlemen present tested the telescope , exhib iting their astonishment iu various ways. The planet which happened to cast its beams upon the great speculum was Mars , and the revelation is too wonderful for credit. The eye-piece of the lowest mag nifying power was first placed on , when the planet presented a most astounding sight. The powerful lens brought the sur face of the planet nearer than that of the moon has ever been brought hy the finest powerful telescope. The green of 1 ho sea was brought out iu unmistakable color , aud one could almost imagine fiat he could see the waves upon the btirfaco. There before the eye was spread out a splendid panorama of hill and dale , dark yellowish patches that looked like autumn fields , silvery threads that must bo rivera , nud uumistakablo volcanoes in action , " Folsnii Spartnnburg , S. C. , March 13,1881. Yyur most valuablemetllclna ( SWIFT'S firs. Cine ) has done me BO much Rood I fee like sa\inp tills for the benefit of those who Buffer like I did. I was poisoned by POISON OAIC , and saw not aoll day fur fix yoirs , until I used SWIFT'S SI-KCIKIC. In the six years I used almost evnry kind of medicine , but none had the dcmrod effect , After using tlx bottles of SWHT'S SFKCIHO I nm rf stored to perffli t health - with nnt a siijn o/ that awful voison left' Youra Truly. DAVlt ) NESBITT. Treatise oa Blood and Skin Diseases mulled fren THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Co , Drawer 3 , Atlan ta , Ga. Where arc our Boys ? One of our exchanges asks "Where arc our boys at night ? " We can't tell. And it would take a prophet or the son of a prophet to tell where some of them are in the daytime. When the first bell rings iu the morning the good little boy hies away toward the school house , and as soflj'creck is out of sight skina off towar-Jiio should for n quiet swim. And fens ani the his- bo mastering vujy-o ] ] js monkeying up lory of his,6creeki ( llvju ( , Off the bank n"J ? $ iiig knots in the clothes of the other Cad boys. Then ho tomes back , and at noon turns up nt the dinner table as hun gry as n bear and hurries back to school. In the afternoon he varies the programme by going down in the woods and having r , game of seven up , or learning the myster ies of chewing plug tobacco down uchintj the corn cribs near the depot Wo are pained to see this. Instead ol studying and becoming wise and aien like wo are , they will go the other way and eventually get to bo nothing ; aero than mere politicians and members of the legislature. Turn back , before it in everlastingly too lute. Wo once knew a little hey who wouldn't go to school. Ho monkeyed around town peddling hills for the shows , ringing hells for auctions , ek. , anything under the shin ing sun to stay out of school. Well , ho didn't amount to much ns n scholar , but ho ; ould swear just like a grown person , chew dog-leg tobacco , aud lie like n stump ipcaker. There was a/great and good man living In the same town who had gone to school vhcn ho was yonug , had been corporal in die militia , assistant secretary in a cluircn choir , wore a plug.lfat nnd wanted to go to the legislature. Among his other vast ponessions ho owned a mule. As ho ( the mule , not the man ; was rather light be hind , and it was dangerous within a w diui , of forty feet from his heels , the states r-i posted a sign reading , "iJCWAinrim MUTL. ' ' People whi had been to school read tin sign ami "licwt-ired , " hut this bad IK > J couldn't read it mid he walked un uHbrav as u lion and took u good look nt the mil nial. Thohlcepy mule fjanccd out of th < corner of hU north uycuiul in twomcoml Mio had hey went ttirmigh the roof an ; way up uin.ii ) : the twinkling stars unti ho could look down on the hliining spirt of the Ntw Jerusalem. A p irt of him li over iu the next ounty and n part of lilt : is going yet. Jlis gnef MricUun parent couldn't gather up wiouli ( to hold an li quest OUT , and it all hnpjiencd Just lx cause this had boy didn't go to school. Boys , remember , and wlu-n you start f ( school go there , and you may bo w so mi great , and wimo time will ho president c the day on the Fourth of July , or may 1 a Ueuteuaut-CSoveruor. i A Uud Breath I ! I , Inrmfi-erable. We don't like It. A per. ' with , utronK broatk muit not innke hlmf I very f amllUr with ui. An Impurft breath Icaused by an unhealthy toimM-h. IlunU 11 Hood Uttttri will correct this evil. They i I fee beat totn ch medicine known. A 1'npcr tlint IMcnsotl Kvcrybotlj' . There is an editor Mho has nchlr cd the .bat of ruuhiug ft newspaper to suit every- I dy. Occasionally , to ho sure , he has cmplnints ut hono\cr falls tosatlify the omplaiuers that they are wrong , lie only "dopted the system after ho got desperate. L was ono flno day after ho received seven "ompluliits that lie adopted it. A mnu \iiuo in and said : "Why iu tophct didn't you print the whole of the proceeding ! ! of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Hogsr The editor replied : "Oh , you nado a speech that wasn't in the report , r ? " Then ho went around the counter. 1 o dust How for a few moments aud then Vi became moro quiet. The editor relaxed Aia grip on the man's throat ruifllcicntly to .ot him speak , and ho said ho guessed the irticlo was all right , and ho had only come : o renew his imhscriptlon. Ho was let up , w.Id his money and left , and as ho went > ut ho collided with a man who had an .t"ly glare in his eyes , and dancing up to ' .oeditor said : "Wlint d'yomcan , ir ? I ry for a sensible newspaper , and get a lot .4 * truck about crulty to hogs. You ought .0 bo put in jail for printing such ridicu- ous stuff. " Vho editor went around the counter again .lid again the dust Hew. It was fully ll\o Unities before the editor could get the tutu's coat torn olT nnd put him on the toor with his head in the coal .scuttle. But K did it nt last. The man said : "Wo ucd't ' prolong this ugony , Your paper is ho best In the world. 1'lltako it ten years u advance. " Kiglit moro \isitora had the amo experience. Then came ono that Ilia ; dltor couldn't , thrash. It was a woman : SVlitit d'yu mean by publishing fashion ulicles from thiee-ycar-old magazines ? " ( ho asked. "I made a iMimict according to /our directions and it is three years be- iiur.1 the style. Oh , you wretch I You mean , horrid , insignificant oh oh ! " "My . .oar madam1 , ho said , "you are right. J ,111 not fit to run n paper. I will stop at jnco. " ( To a reporter. ) "John don't send a\ > any more copy. Kill that article saying /lib lady was the hello of the lull last night , " "Stop I" she cried. "Your paper is n household treasure. I don't care about 'lio bonnet , and I came to ask 3 on to our nouso to tea to-night. " The editor says ho Couldn't diop the rule for anything , everybody leaves satisfied with Lis paper. SCROFULA. A tncdicno that destroys the germs of Scrofula and lias the power to root it out is appreciated by the af flicted. The remarkable cures of men women and children as described by tes timonials , provo Hood's Sarsaparilla a re liable medicine containing romodia agents which eradicate Scrofula from the blood. 100 doses $1.00. Sold by all dealers. 0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Entomologists use n mixture of sour beer nnd niolassc * , upload on the trunks of trees or on boards in the evening , to attract moths. It has been suggested that it would bo n good way to destroy the moths of worms destructive to fruit J y poisoning the liquid applied. &avcd the Itatiy. "My baby , aged fifteen months , wnn attack ed with croup , hut wa cured with TWO DOSKH of Thoinai' J electric Gil ; have unod thin mcdl- cine for the older children. Have the greatest faith in it. " Daniel Mann , C21 Seventh St. , Buffalo , N. Y. Y.OMAHA OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th and Doug ) as Sis. Capital Stock , - ' - - 8150,000 Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 Fiye Per Cent Merest Paid on Deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE cfia IDix-ootors JAMUSE nOVD Prculitcnt. I. . M. HKNNBTC Vice I'rolilent. W. A. P'XPON Managing Director JOHN E. WILBUR Cublilcr CIUS F. MANDEOSON , THOS. U KIlIBUib , J. VV. OANNKTT , MAX MKXKx , HENUY I'UNKr , n. L. STilNE. fitBRASKA LUND AGENM ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIS fc SKTDKK t General Doolcti In OMAHA. Bkve lor ula 00,000 Mrea urolully Mleoted Until tn K tern Nebrulu , ftt low prloo Jid on euy tormt. improved nrma ( or ula tn DougUs , UoJee , CuUax fmtto , Hurt , Onmliiz , 8 rpy , WMmngtoD , Menok gaundcrs , and Butler Counties. T xi paid In all parta ol the BUM. H"nnvh no < l on Improved f nnf. Notary 1'uUio alw y < In offloo. Correspondence ollclt'ii. ollclt'ii.WOODBR DGE BROS , , 215 OPERA HOUSE , OMAHA , NED. Solo Agonta for the World-Ronownod STICK , Decker & Bon , and IJallott & Guntton Pianou. Also manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Organs and Musical Merchandise. ( or Tricon. tnfc E. A , KELLEY , M. D. AND 0. A , WILSON , M. D , , Physicians and Surgeons omcKH-noTryB omiti nnireK. MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 818 14TH 8TREKT. BET. FAUNAM AND DOTIOLA8. 30.t e > cl TO PURGIIASE For rJjiot Ca'h U ll on or mMrrm Mr , or lr ! Btopheu J. IIUOUKIUCK , fllB Hnutli IDt'i rtrott. Stove Repair Worka Furnlih lUipilr * lor at Stovvi mode In tbe UNITED STATE3 AND CANADA Btovc repaired and remouuteJ equal to new. To phone No. 4i O M. KTOV , Ptop. Pioneer urug Store 8. E. OOR. UTU AND JONEB BT8. DE. F , S. LEWIS , - Prop * AQEN1 PDU Ohio Oil Oo.'a West Virginia , 0 and other Oik , constantly op hinfl A PITAL PBIZE , $70,000 . Shftron In i'rojxirtlon'M Louisiana Slate Lottery Comua " W' < do hereby certify ( Aat tit tupmut tkt i rnnyetntntt for all tHr tlentMu and Seml-Annwu Draieingi < tf th Inittiana Statt Lottery Company and in ft nan manage and control IAI Drauinpt tbtmiefvet , and that tht lame atn amdiutei uitl lume4ty/ainuM. and in good/aUk toward all p f ilti.arxt ut autkoritt lk company lo uti thiietr t'\/Uattuit > tfae-timtlttci/ iiitt adtirtiiimtntt. " taearponted In 1883 lor 16 rr by th l fftll ta lor ednoatlonal and oharttabl * purpose * with a cap Ital oltl,000,000 to which a rewrr * tuad ot ortl | 6(0,0uo BM ilnoe been added. Dy an overwhelmlne popular ToU lit tianohlc WM mar > a part ol the prevent state oonstliuUoi adopted December SJ , A. D. 1879. The only Lottery over voted on and en dorsed by the people of nny State. It norrr scales or pnelponca. Its grand single number drawings taki plrco monthly. A gploiulul opixirtunlty to win n Fortune , Filtli Grixml iWvhiR Clnwi K. ItithoAcnd- t'luy of Music , Now Urlo.Mi , Ttioiidnr , May 13th , 1R84 108th Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , 876,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Uach. ITrno- UOIIB , In Viftli" lit proportion , Liar OP riiiZKs. 1 CAPITAL PKI/.K { Tt.oa 1 do do 2JOOi 1 do ilo 10OO S PHIZES Of (4000 1,00 5 do 2000 10,001 10 do 1000 10,0CM 10 do tOO. . . . . , 10,001 100 do 00 20OC 800 do 100 80.001 roe do to si ooo 10UO do 24 26,000 ArrftOiiM moN rnixiu. > Approximation prliei ol | 760 0,7K B do do 600 4,60 9 do do StO S , ! & > IMT Prttci , amonntlnK to f26Jia Acpllerttlon lor rates to crabs should be made enl ) at the oOloe to the Oompanj In New Orleans. For lurther Information write clearly giving roll addreea. Make I' . O. Uoney Ordon pa ) able ant address ItcgUtored Letters to NEW OHLKANB NATIONAL BANK , Mew Orlcani , La , Foetal Kotos and orJInarjr letters by itall or Ki prcsa ( all auras ol $5 and upwards by Exprms at oni expense ) to H A. DAUPHIN , or U. A. DAUPHIN , New Orlcani , La. 007 Seventh 8t , Waihlnrton , IX 0 THE MERCHANTS ox * Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000 Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000 Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000. BANKING OFFICE I N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13ih S OFFIOFR9 : FKAITK UcRrrjT , President I SAM LE. Room , V-P DM. D. WOOD , Cashier. | Ltrmu Duut , A O nmECTona : Frank Murphy , Samuel E. Rogers , Ben. B. Wood , Charles O. Ilousel , All. D. Jones , Luther Drake. Transact a General Banking Business. All who have any Banking business U transact are Invited to call. No matter how large or small the transaction , It will receive our careful attention , and we promlM always courteous treatment. Pays particular attention to business tor parttct residing outalde the city. Exhango on all the prin cipal oltlM ol the United Statea at very lowest rates. Accounts ol Banks and Bankers received on favor able terms. Issues Certificate ol Deposit bearing t per cant Interest. Burs and Mill Foreign Fxrhange , Countv , Cltj ar > d Government itoourltin * OK OMAHA , S , W , Cor. Sar/iam and 12th Sts , Capital , - - 9100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Prea't. S. 8. CALDWBLL , V , Hres't. M. T. HARLOW. Ok.har | > DIIpIOTOBS : 8. 8. OALDWELL , ' B. F. SMITH , , 0. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAKLOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Acoounta solicited and kept subJect Joct to sight ohook. Cortlfloatos of Deposit Issued pay able In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on demand without In terest. Advances made to customers an approved securities nt market rate of Interest. The Interests of Customers are closely guarded and every facility compatible with principles ol sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on nglandlro land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu rope. Sail European Paseago Ticket * COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. United States Depository First HaW Bat OKOMAHA lOor. 13th and Farnam Sts. Tha Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , SnOCESSORfl TO K00NTZ8 BROTOKUil. omnttad la 1808. Orgaukod aa National Bank in OAPITAJj S200,00 SUllPJjUB AND PIIOFITB - lfJOOOt omoul piuaoroa * I lluuix Kotnrm , Prentdeni. JOUM A. OEuauroM , Vtoe President. A SUSTDS KoiWTn , 24 Vioe rrwWrnl. A , 3 , Porrunoi. , U. I > i M , Cwbln Wjn.Maoo.mi > , Anlntaut CVtlilur , Ttaniacto a eunrr l bankliiK btutnobs. iMUMtlni OMtlfloaton boarlt K hterrat. Im > * draft * en B < Krandsco aud ntlm-liia ] < iltle In tlie Unltwt * < tat" Alto London Dubllo , Kdlnburyb and the prtitlii rItlfci ( if tli i o jtiiirni ui Kur p k SCUMBLING &IWiSUII NEK , DKAtKKB IN on South Uth , between Jack on and J iien Sta. All Job Woik In Booflng. OutterliK , fP-i fior oorui. THE CHEAPEST PIAOE IN OMAHA TJ ( BUT RriEl DEWEY & STONE'S ' , Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STATES TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR. Tcxti.o. : PROPRIETOR PAPER 100 ml 103 South llth Street , Omaha , Ncbnuka. "CorrcsponJenoo Solicited. " HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OP EASTERN PRICED DUPLICAlhD\ \ 11 FAUNAM RTRKH ' - O1VTA.HA. Garry the Largest Stock , offer the Lowest Prices ancl Easiest Terms ot any Dealer here on PIANOS and ORGANS Besides Many other Well-known Makes , we sell thex World Renowned AND ARION PIANOS. , Clough and Warren , AND THE CELEBRATED SHONIRGER 'mi" ( MANS nonts Ranted and rant allowed if purchased. Piano on installments , $10- Monthly. Organs , $5. Call or send for Catalogue and terms. WAREROOMS. - - flfR. ) 11TH AHDJ Would call particular attention to their new stock of RICH JEWELRY ! FINE WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , AND AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OP Diamonds and Precious Stones , FULL LINE OF HOWARD , WALTHAM .AND ELGIN WATOHJSS. WAB.ERQQMS - - COR , ILTE AND FARNAM ST& t. CONNAUCHTON 03 JRA'DY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatabliahod 1878 Catarrh , DcafutM , Lungaud Nervous Diaeaflos Speedily and Permanently Cured. Pationtt Oured\t Homd. Write for "TiiE MEDJOAL-MiBsiONAity , " for the People , Free. rJonsultvtion HwCorreapondotico Gratis. P. 0 , Box SJ92. Telephone No , 220 , HON4EDV ARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , soya : "Physician ol oca A Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , Mjn. Fine BIICCCM. Wonderful Curca.-'Hniirii. S in 5 INROOFiarg AN COVEBING WALLS VAN" PAPPELKNDAM PARENT TltES t Made of Sheet Mital with PreMed Ornwne > . . . , , nd Dur ble. Np Leaking No Cracking or Blowing - ' of Oheap ing olf. Fire P. Juit OnmnienW K Made. Practically "tortd " for Ncarljf TeiTEar fitrj % Most Giatifylug Resiills , SULtilVAM Agents , Jfi ' p'n | ' eiiting n numbw . in. SULLIVAN BROTEEKS , _ a- MANUfATUIUIta Oy ROOFING I SMOKE STACKS , * anil General Iron fort TIN , IR < > \ & SLATB BOOFISG , , - - ' IB-------V Satisfaction Guaranteed * -Ul SOUTEt SIXTI 8T.k n \