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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY APJRIL 17 , 1884. THE DAIO BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning. Anril 17 , SUbSOtllt'TION HATES. -SO < - n - - - - - - - . | 100up.rcat OFFICER No. 1 Foarl Street , Hoar Broadway. MINOE MENTION , Additional local on novonth \ > ngo. The board of Buporvisors moot to-day. All railroad tickets bought of D. W. Buslincl ! nro guaranteed , also all rebate ordora given by him. t Urn. Davy , thn old lady lately injured by falling down a collar-way , ia very low nnd not expected to livo. Kato Oliwtoii appeared last evening at the opera houao in "A Sea of Ice. " To night the "Two Orphans" is to bo given. Tuberose bulbs , double and single I * * * mixed , at fifty cents n dozen , post-paid. Address H. 0. Raymond , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Iowa.A A young follow named Qunckonhosh waa arrcstod yesterday afternoon for fighting , ho and "Big Sandy" nnd Borne other follow having had n round or two. About n week ngo a daughter of M. D. MeMahon , of Doniaon , took ono of her father's best horses , after nightfall , and disappeared. The girl is only 13 years of age , and no causa scorns assigned for the act. The democratic county convention moots at the court house at 10 o'clock this morning for the purpose of oolocting thirteen delegates to the atato convention which moeta at Burlington on the 24th of April. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn were surprised at thoirhomo on Stntsman street Tuesday night by a gathering of friends , who cnmo accompanied by aa orchestra nnd ether < needfuls for a good time , and a good time wia had surely , Mrs. Ben Heath died very suddenly of heart disease at her homo in Dow Oily. She wan to have taken part in a concert the following evening , and a lady who called to practice with her found hot lying dead on the floor of the parlor. Johnnie Eponotor now wears aa his own the beautiful gold modal , made by Michael Bros. , having won it in Ihroo con tests at the skating rink as the fastest milo skater. The engraving was made com plete yesterday by the scroll being filled with the words , "Won by John Epenotor , Time , 3 minutes , 43 seconds. " Yesterday afternoon a young fellow giving his name as Charles Blanchard was arrested for indecent ozpoouro of person , at the 0. , B. , & Q. depot. It appears that he helped some country ladies get s trunk , and after loading it into the wagon , got mad because they re fused to pay him a quarter , and BO insult ed them. Dr. Willis Danforth.of Milwaukoo.asist- ed by Dr. A. P. Hanohett , of this city and Dr. W. S. F. Hanohett , of Omaha , performed a very delicate nurgical opera tion upon Mrs. J. McNaughton yesterday ' morning. Mrs. Mo- Naughton'a many friends' " will bo pleased to know that she rallied from the operation very nicely and last evenIng Ing was doing well , with a good prospect of ultimate recovery The following have bnon selected as superintendents of the various depart ments at the coming fall fair hero : Horses and mules , J. W. Porogoy ; cat tle , Col. W. F. Sappj hogi , George F. Wright ; sheep and poultry , P. Lacy ; implements - plomonts and machinery , E L. Shugart vehicles , tools and hardware , Thomas Bowman ; poultry , kitchen and dairy , W. S. Pottibono ; grain , vegetable , fruits plants and flowers , Henry Eisoman ; line art , Capt. D. F. Eicher. The festival given by the ladies of the Lutheran church at Marten's skating rink proved a great success every way financially and socially. The attendance waa very largo and the arrangements were so well planned and happily carried out that all who participated had a merry timo. Mr. John Kost was the general manager , and had the affairs in charge , and much of the success of the occasioi was duo to him , ho seeing to it tha everything went off smoothly and joy ouily , Charles St. Glair scorns to bo a kleptomaniac maniac in the boot and shoo lino. Hi lately stole a pair of shoes of Eineman -Rodda & Co. , and was sentence' ! to thir - tjr days in jail. Tuesday hU time was u " * and ho had not boon released an hour b fore he was walking up the street with pair of rubber boots stolen from Bono < Co. Mr. Bono overtook him , and aikec him what ho was going to do with thoa boots. The fellow oooly replied that In was going to sell them. Ho was then told that he had better pay for them first , but he remarked that ho "didn't have to , " whereupon ho was led to the eel r. Yottwday he was sentenced to thirty days moro in jail. ABB YOU G01WQ ICO EUitOPE ? la another column will be found tha an- . .RouBOomeut of Hewii. TH03. COOK & BON , Te rUt Amenta , 201 Broadway , New York , r l tiv < to the very complete arrangemonU tlw h * ? * intrdo for tours In Kurop * \it \ ' famlag Sprfujf and Stumnar. "CooVa Kicur- atoabt , " containing map * and ( nil iiartluuioi IS . will be mailed to any acUlreu * on receipt of 10 Fot0r , the ilorut , on Harrison street juwil Bluffc , hu the largest stock west the Mi * U lppi. Bend for catalogue. ] * tMici * lgM /nrnituro and the for the same ara fur- . J , Mandl , 325 Broadway , A BAD BREAK , Tp Crooks Try lo Get a Thonsanil Dollars in Gold , Mr. Green R Tilttlo Too Bhri > for Tlicm. An amusing aUompt was mndo the other day by a pair of crooks to got away with n W of gold. The would-bo victim was ono of the city'a ronl cstato and loan men , who alums the notoriety of bring named in connection trilli the affair , but who vouches for the facts given below , as learned by Tun BEE. It ap pears that frr some business pur pose ho drew from the Citizens' bank $1,000 in gold , it being in n bag , which ho carried in his hand from the bank to his ofllco. It was just before the bank closed , nnd the loan man was evi dently noticed by the crooks. By a pre vious arrangement made with the bank , the man finding that ho culd - not use the gold that day , slipped into the roar door of the bank an hour or two after wards and rcdopositod the money , The first intimation the loan man had that anyone was trying to put up any job on him , was parly in the evening when ho chanced to bo near the Pacific housp. A Pine look ing man fltoj-pod up to him and greeted him as Mr. Ohrisinnn , and of course wanted to know how all the folks wore nt Atlantic. The loan man promptly denied being Air. Ghristimn , the stranger apolo gized for the mistake , and remarked : "Oh , yes , you belong in town. I remember - member now of seeing you about the town. Lot's see , your name is . " The loan man began to catch on , and told him oat and out who ho was and whcro his place of business was. The two parted , and after getting his mail , -was starting for his oflice , when stranger No. 2 called him by name , and began talking with him very familiarly , and trying to make the loan man romom bar him as being in the same line of bus ! ness in another city , and was evidently intending to accompany him to the oflico , whore in talking over business matters ho ceuld Imvo n better chance to either confidence or garrote him out of that gold which was supposed to bo in the safe at the oflice. The stranger No. 2 in accosting the would-be victim "by his right name was rather surprised to got the reply , "No , sir , that is not my name. My name is Mr. Green , Don't you see something green in my appearance ? " The stranger gasped out that ho didnt. "Well , I'll toll you what I see in you : I see an out- and-out crook , and I'd advise you to make yourself scarce , very ncarco , and at once , too , " and ho reached behind him as if for his revolver , while whatever schemes the follow had for that bag of gold disappear ed with him in the darkness. Instructive Heading. Some of the testimonials from different people ple relative to Thomas' J.clcctric Oil , and the relief It has given them when distressed i with hondache , earache , and toochacha are an Interesting reading an you will find. This bo- inff a dtaudard medicine , ia Bold everywhere by druggists , LABORING FOB LABOR. The Resolntioiis for the Council to Consider , A Protest Against Letting Street Work by Contract. The committee chosen at the working- men's mooting to present the resolutions prepared by Mr. John Ahlos , protesting against the train railway for dirt hauling , has a number of ether matters in hand , which are to bo considered in the inter est of labor. The resolutions prepared by J. S. Goggshnll and by the moss mooting placed in the hands of its coinmittoo to present to the council are important as they touroh upon the letting of work by contract , and express the feelings of the workingmen on this matter. They are as follows : To the Hon. Mayor and City Council ol Council Hindu , Iowa : GENTLEMEN We , the workingmen o ; Council Bluffs , in moss mooting assembled bled , would respectfully present for your attention the following memorial : Wo ask that in conducting the affairs of our city you would boar in mind tha' the true prosperity of a community ii conditioned upon the reception of tin greatest good by the greatest number o : the citizens and apply this principle to every action of your body , aa a test o its popularity and justice. Wo are in formed that your honorable body ari considering a proposition to allow n track to bo laid through the streets of our city for the transportation of earth for grad ing purposes , and that a steam shove' shall be used for excavating the Bluffs and wo would respectfully admit tha such a proceeding would work a soriou injury to such of pur follow workingme : as now derive their support and that o their families from wages earned in excavating < cavating and hauling said earth for sail d grading purposes.Vo would rospoctfull. dy call your attention to the fac : t as consumers of the commodities sold i : n the city , wo are charged with the burdo of the payment of the throat bulk of a 11 city taxation , and have a juut right to b heard and hooded in our wishes in matters tors pertaining to public rights and th. disposal of public privileges. And furthermore ormoro , as citizens , if there are profits t ( bo made in the management and suporiu tendonco of city work , wo hare the rich to demand that the city should roceiv the benefit thereof ; and on that acooun wo insist that no city work shall hereof to bo lot by contract , but shall bo done b ; the city directly , under the managomou of the proper authority. Pure Blood , Many families pi Me tbeinuelves on their n hie ancestry ) but here , In this democrat country we do not core aa much about our pe < Igree aa our health ; or , at least , that ought bo the principal object of our solicitude , \ \ cannot have good health without pure , rlr blood. When the blood U out pf order , dl ease manifests itaolf in the akin mid flesh , on In fact , in all parts of the body. To bu r stored to health , take SCOVIII/3 HA11S I'AHIIXA or BLOOD 4 LIVKH 8Y11U , . Physician * speak In the highest terms of th medldno. _ Dr. Uverett , Cooper PJalnj , 8t uben Co. . N , Y , , mention * two cases of Scrofula and Kryslpela * In which BcoviU' SaruapaiiUaor Blood and Liver Syrup affected a cure and says , "I think It one of the best puriBcra of the day , It has mot with perfect success lu every case where I h&ve used it. " Railroad Commissioner Ooflln , of Fort Dodge , is nailing off hii farming implo- menti. VAUGHAN'S GALAXY , The Stars Now Glisten on New Bine Broadcloth Suits , The 1'nrmlo Ycntertlfty. Yesterday Mayor Vaughan showed up the now police force to the public gaze. A parade of the mon being made , the Bavarian band furnishing the music. The mon were nrrnyod in their now uniforms , and so far as individual nppoaranco was concerned showed up well. Collectively it was not so great a show , aa there wcro but eight in number besides the chief , Tom Skinner A stranger seeing the mon marching down Broad way with the mayor at their head must have boon struck with some amaze ment to learn that this waa the entire police force of n city claiming 25,000 inhabitants - habitants , and scattered over a whole township. The parade was worthy of note for sev eral reasons , ono being that it was the first time in the history of the city when all the policemen appeared in now regulation umformo. The now hata urn the same as those uocdby the Chicago police , a toll , stiff hat , with n military cord , nnd the loiters in front , " 0. B. P. , " and the number of the oflicer. The nulls ere of navy blue , frock coats , and blue pantaloons with white cords on the outer soams. Now bolts and now billies have also been provided , BO that the policemen look quite metropolitan. The parade yesterday consisted of n march along Broadway nnd Main streets , nnd an inspection nt each of the newspaper ofliccs , the force stopping in front of each ofllco long enough for the now clothes to bo inspect ed , nnd the tired newspaper men to bo refreshed with music. After visiting all the newspapers , photographic views wcro taken of the forco. The getting of now suits of clothes for nine mon was not much of n thing to make such a "hurrah" ever , but it was the best thing that Yaughan had yester day to "boom" on , and as all know , ho cannot sit quiet. It was the best ho had , and ho made the best of it , and bettor that than nothing. It livened up the streets for an hour , and made a stir. All this fuss about the now uniforms re minds ono of the story told on Officer Morse. Police business was dull , but finally ho run in ono man for being drunk. Field , who was then chief of police , soon after entered the station , and finding the man locked up there , was surprised , as ho did not.seom to have boon drinking much. Ho asked Morse why ho arrested him , and was told that it % vas for being drunk. "Drunk , " said the chief , "why , ho don't seem to bo drunk. " "Well , " said Morse , "ho was the drunkest I could find. " The parada was the best that Yaughan could do yes terday to keep the town stirring , and it wasn't his fault that there was not moro of a show , ho hiving out all that the council would furnish him. TcllB the 1'rutli. "This modiclno I , can highly recommend. Burdock lllood UiUirt nro the boat blood puri fiers wo have ever used. " Charles A. Hurt , 15 Court St. , Buffalo , N. Y. VEnSONAJU Supervisor Klrkwood arrived yesterday , and is at the Pacific. W. D. Stockman , of Chicago , Is at the Pa cific. cific.II. II. A. Crane , of Chicago , reached the Pa cific yesterday. H. J. Chambers , the Avoca attorney , was In the city yesterday. A. K. Grow , of Logan , was at the PaclGo yesterday , Dr. W. Danforth , a prominent Milwaukee surgeon , was at Bochtolo's yesterday , sailed to this city on a difficult caao. Ho loft yesterday for homo apatn. II. F. Hastings , of Toledo , Ohio , is at the Ogdon. W. A. Evans and M. Ilolbrook represented Missouri Valley at the Ogden table yesterday. Fred W. Beach , of Batavla , 111. , reached the Ogdou yesterday. M. L. Boyloa , of Kookuk , Iowa , la at the Ogdon. Frank L. Allen , of Chicago , 111. , ( a at Boch- tolo'rt. D. M. Jay , of New York , arrived at Boch- tole'it yesterday. George W. Drach , a Cincinnati tourist , ia nt IJochtelo'ri with his Biunploa. COMMEKOIAli. COUNCIL DLDVrS MAnRET , Wheat No. 2 spring , C5o ; No. 3 , B5c ; re jected , COc ; good demand. Corn 1/oaleru are paying SOo for old com and COc for ui > w. Data In geed demand at SOe. Hay 4 000 00 per ton ; fXo ) per baJo. llyo-40@40o. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 © 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 6 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'i , wholesaling at Ojfc. Flour City Hour , 1150 < t 3 20. Brooms 2 95@8 00 per doz , LIVB STOCK. C ttle-3 50@4 00 ; calvoa , 5 C07 50. HOM Local paclcora are buying now and there Is a good demand for all grades ; choice packing , 0 25 : mixed , 5 23. FI10DUOB AND FHUITH. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , commission - mission merchants , 638 Broadway. Butter Creamery , S5c ; chdco country rolls , In good demand , -Oc. Kggs liijo par dozen. Poultry tteady alechlckensdrossod ; , 12)o ) ; lire , Dot turkoyn , dreasod , ICc ; lire , 12c ; uck , dressed , 12Joj live , 80. Oranges t 004 25 per box. Lemons 3 60(534 ( 00 nor box. Bananas 2 60@3 60 per bunch Vegetables Fotatoei , 40360 ; onions , 76c ; cabbage , none in tha market ; apples , ready gale at 3 234 00 for prime stock. Missouri Valley Times , 11 : On the first day of the first fair ever held in Mis souri Valley , Ed. Cusack , of this city , swallowed a pcach-stono , and was unable to got it either up or down in his throat. Friday evening ho was taken sick and vomited up that poach-stono , and WnuA. Evans now lias the etouo in his possession. Ed. feels better than he bos since the day ho swullownd that stone. For fourteen years ho had boon unable to swallow meat of any kind , or any substance in large quantity. It seems strange that a poach- seed would remain in a man's throat for fourteen yean , but such is the fact. The drunkard swills alcohol. Wise men u o Samaritan tfcrvlne , the king of all remedies. "Our child had fits. The doctor said death was certain , Samaritan Nervine cured her. " Henry Knee , Yerrilla , Tenn > AtDruggJ ts , LADIES ! WE ARE REOElVINGr SOME VERY FiNE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. TB LIN1DSEY & CO. . 4-12 Council BlulTa ) - Broadway , , T/\WA 1U W Al West Side Saunro , Olonndn i MAYNE & P&LMER , DEALERS IN US" Hard and AND WOOD , BULK 'AND BARREL LEUE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OEMKNT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR JL VTHlTWRR PlPF " No. BgB Broadway. - COnNOU. BLUFFS. IOWA Wo hnvo tlio The Intest nov finest stock and elties for Spring nil the Intest de Overcoats w e signs to select Imve just r - from. ceived. See them NONE BUT THE LEADING HANDS BEST OK ESH'LOYED. SKILLED HercM Tailors 7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. All kinds of 3BI. Engineering Land Sur- quantities calcul tttod , | I ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COdL BLUFFS , IOWA , eta , cto. All Ordoro by Mall Promptly Attended To. : AH'ORGUTT ' / & FRENCH urtalns , In Lace , ri fc , Turcoman , Eto. Oil cloths , mattings , Linoleums Etc oicest Stock West of Chicago. jomo and bo convinced that wo are fhoadquartors for all goods in our lino. hoapost place to buy Houao Furnishings in the City. OUNCiL BLUFFS , IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd with Care The only Hotel in this City on the Eurpoan plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building ; Now Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS-CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant , PETER BECHTELB , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , DEALER IN ALL THiS LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHY DOfTT TOO' ETSDME OF FITGH BROTHEBS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? reifoct Fitting , Best and Cheapest. Fine Linen Collars and CuCi. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , lows , . 3D. IMC UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH TNT. 3Vt , iaa. t = tt. . Cfo-u.xa.oll GRESTON HOUSE. KVEHTTUINn riK3TCLABS. . Nos. 217 nnd 210 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement ! , luch u Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , Board' log , etc. , will be Inserted In thU column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS VKR LINK lor the Dnt Insertion and FIV15 CENTS PER LINE tor each subsequent n- sertlon. Leave advertisement * at ouroHloo , No , 1'earl Street , near Broadway WANTS. YXrANTKU AlUnboy with i > ony tn carry roui > V tor Bw. C ll at CounUI Dlulfs Bu olnce. WANTEU Every body in Council UluOs to take Tusllii Dellvorcd by carrier at only twenty cents a week. 0 LI ) 1'AI'F.HS For sale at 11 ottloo , at 25 cents a hundred. AQKNlti Ladles and K ntlemuii can make tint class nagei by Bellini ; the ' 'Champion liosorn Stnttber aud Ironlue Itoird. " Itutalls at 8100. Any lady can do up a flno shirt without a wrinkle and glr * i ! > as nicely as the nest laundries can. Address forpaitlcularaO. B. 8. & L Co. , fin ottloe , for one mouth. \\7ANTKD-A pooditlrl at K. a Ilouie , 1H > 7 , H 11 tth stMet. Non other need apply. TfANTKDAnciJESKementwi hthcatiicaltroup * . M 29 , blith Avenue Council I > luff , Ion a. " \X7 ANTED A situation as bookkeeper or ! < f man ouudence or contract work llelt JJ..B1U &th It anil Oth a > n. W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blnib. Heal entile oolleo Ion aeen ? 011 Ke < l ) v Over uavlnsi bonV. R. Rice M. D. or otbcr tumors removed without the knlle or drawing ol blood. CflHONIiJ Over thirty years' practical experience Office No C I'earl street , Council WuOj rnoa. omcu , n. M. rosir , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Oounoll Blulf * . . Ia. Established - - 1856 Dealers la Foreign and cmeetlo Eichince an IIoiM Becuritl ' " 9 WHOLESALE DEALEtlS IN HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Oo.tox-ox- Tlxo c li nUIIHonrs. 1'artlcRnKprcUltv. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17NorlliMninSr. , COUNCIL BLUFFS REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Strcot , - . COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Hardware , Mery , Timer's Sloft Etc , jOTSpoclM attention to orders my Mall. GQITO QTL BLUFFS , 10 V A. Fig loaves are out of style , so nro goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets havoi cone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on KORENE & LANDSTEOM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { L. A. CASPER , The Largest and Most Complete Giccn IIouso In Western Iowa. Over 24,900 Feet of Glnss in Use. The Greatest variety mid the Choicest plant * . My collection of Plants and How en Is now comrleto In every ro i cct , and the public wo Im Itcd to call and Inspect the I was awarded the First Premium at the Council Bluffs District fair In September. 1833or all com petitors : nndjume Bin o added many new and choice vulo.1lea , and ain prepared to furnish n new class of plants that limolieretMora been unattainable In thli market , for which I make no extra charge. Cut flowers and floral designs furnished j romptly , and on suort notleo 1 have just Issued a now cat alogue for 1831 , which wilt ho ecnt free on application. Green Vegetables the Year Round. Horse Rvlifth In bottles. 23 Plorco St. CounclllBIuffelown. N. fcCHURZ. Justice of the Peace. OFFICE OVER AMERICAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. & BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. PULLER , Oommission Merchant No. SSJPenrI Street - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ; are the times of the arrival and de- arturo of trains by central standard time , at the ocaldepote. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- earlier and arrh e ten minutes later. CinCAQO , BUUUNOrOS AND QUIKCT , LKAVB. ARMV . f.35pm Chicago Express 9:00 : am 9 : a in Fast Mall. 7:00 : p ta KANSAS CITY , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLCWS. 0:05 : a m Mall and Express , 7:05 p m 8:05 : p m 1'acine Express , 6:50 : p m CUICAOO , HIIWADKIIII ASD CT. PAUL. 5:45 : a m Uall and Express , 7:10 p m 6za : p m Kxpress , 9:40 : a m 0:4o : a in Expreea , 8S5 : p m CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND AKD TACmO , BSflpm : AtUntlo Express , 9:40am : 9:50 : a m Day Express , 0:50 : p m 7:15 : a m Des Molnrs Accommodation , 4:40 : p m At local depot only. WABABII , 8T. LOUIS AKDFAC1F1C. 9:55 : a ra Mall , * p m 4:50 : pm Cannon Call , 11:15 : a in At Tranbferonly , CHICAOO and HORTHWKSTIIIIS . B:30 : m Express , 6.50pm 9.4iam PaclDlo Express , 9:15 : a in BIOUX CITT AND PACIflO. m St. Paul Express , 0X0 a m m Accommodation , 0:50 : p m DMIOH Mcino. 17:59 : p m Western Express , 8:33 : a m 1:44 : a in 1'aclflo Express , 4:34 : pm 7:49 : am Local Express , 0:54 : am 12:14 : a in Lincoln Express , At Trail for only. DtrilUT TKA1M TO OMAHA. Leave 8:24-9:24-10-24-11:24 : : : a m. 1:24-2:21-3:54- : : : 4:24-5:24-0 : 4-7:24 and 11:04 : p , m Sunday , 8:24- : 10:24 : a. m. 1:24-3:24-5:24-7:01 : : : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar I m DO minutes before leaving time. GASH TALKS ! At the wollrknown Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council Blufli. Notice our reduced l'rlc List. We give 15 pournli Kitra 0 Sugar ( or ft 00 11 pounds Granulated Huzar. . . . . . . . . , , 1 CO 25 pound * Cholc Oatmeal . ,100' IS pounds Navy Bean , 100 Sin pounds H-stBulU Starch 1 00 12 pounds Carolina We * . , . , , 100 IS pounds Choice t rums , . . . . . 100 bar Buffalo Soap , 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound , . . , , 1)9 ) Choloo Mines Meat ptr pound , . . . , , 10 1 doion Mackerel 15 Colorado Hour , Winter , per cwt 290 10 i-ouud Dinner Htapj . . , , , , , 1 CO tOpo.ndih uilor , . , , . > I CO 6 gallon keg riyiup , , , 1 70 White KUh , per Ml 80 Mackerel , uerklt , 85 't ' per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 10 T. T. T. All gradei , according to quality , lee to 8Co per pound We l o carry a lull Hot ol Men' * , Lodlei' and Cn'lJreu' * flue Shoe * and Ueo'i Flue liooU at my lowprlcon. Alia lull Hue ol Tinware and trunoial Call on u and be coavlncod tbi1 you can aavo tuoncy k ; dealing with us. Ooods dellvtrnl fiealnanvi rtof the city. ' la a word , we an bound to sell and challenge a I Uudacl oonifOtlUou In this oountv. J , I r I Lu ERT' SILOAM We tfua-antco the euro of the following named dis- scasos , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , all Blood andklndlscarcs , Dytpepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Ncu- ralgia and Asthma , Thcsa Springs are the favorite- resort of the tired an.l dcbllicatad , and are the rEEBLE LADUS BEST FRIhND , Good hotel , Ihery anil bathing accomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality hlghlv picturesque and healthy Accessible by Wabssh railway , Evona , or C.B. & Q. , at Albanv. Corrcsponacno solicited , REV. M. II. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Siloam Springs , iGantry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spoclflo Gravity 1.002 Reaction Neutra CarbonloAcidOas ? 8 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,921 Grains Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! ' , Sulphate Magnesia 8/S8 " Sulphate Calcium 1,148 " Chloride Sodium 7,260 Sllllca 1,608 " Alumina . . . .0,010 Organloand Volatile matter and losa . . . .1,469 " Total solids per gallon 67,17 * " WBIOIIT tt UxnBiLii. Chomleta JACOB B11IS. E. P. CADWELL SIMS A CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Oflice , Main Street. Rooms 1 and Shugut tt Mo- Uahon'i Block. Will practice In State and edertl oourta SPECIAL , TO Consumers ot Water I THE * COUNCIL BLUFFS h City "Waterworks Gom'y . ; AT THE Request of tbo City Council , ( or a 30 days' cxttnabn aa evidenced by resolution piaicd March 18,1811 , hereby anti iuncei thit It ? will put In service plpis I ) tliu curb ol tbo street on the line o ( Its main i , for ft'l ' purtlo * who desire t ? connections made 1th the street mains , and who A will make application thorotor to the company be lore the expiration ol said 33 day * ' extension , | APRIL 18 , 1884 , At the following prices , payable In advance : Ono half Inch Service Fine , $326 Five-eighth Inch H rvlcel'lpn 0 fo Three quarter Inch Service PIpe 10 76 Seven-eight Inch Service Pipe 13 26 Ono Inch Service ripe , 15 00 These prices Include the coat of opening and closing tbo street , tapping the etroit water main , furnlsmnc and putting In c tri strong lead eervlca pipe , ( urmshlng and putting In cum stop , stop box ami cover complete , and making all necessary con nections between tha ctrcet wat r m ln and the curb of the street , which are about one-half tno cost to the conniKi cr ot doing the fame work. InIew ot the contemplved paring of certain streets In the city , rnrte ! are recommended to make application Immediately , at the office of the com pany , 26 Pearl Street , In order to stv the necessity and avoid the In. croa'ed expense ol breaking up the street after pav ing has been done. BHIKINBINB , Chief Engineer. ROLLER SKATING CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVE , Open 10:00 : a , m. , 2:00 : n. in and 70jp. ; m. , Uiuloou Monday , \\edueaday nnd Friday eve ADMISSION 2S CENTS. No objectionable characters will be admitted. IL 11. UARTENS , rKOI'KIETOR , Mrs HJ Hilton M.D. , , , , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURQEON , 222 Middle Brocl-v r , Council Ulnflg , WeakNervoHsMen MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim ol carlr Imprudence , caailng oorvoot febllltj , immatura clecaetc. . , bavlne vn J ia > ala ever known rerard/ , has dliooTtred a slmpla ineaiu of self-cure , which ha will nod FltUli tow wutT T < T . Adilraw , .U.ltliU VES. iSChTlbsmBU New York