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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1884)
" I ) T / - , . * * " r OMAHA DAILY BEB---.THURSDAY , APRIL 17 , 1881 5 B lions _ symptoms invnrinbly nrise from indigestion , such as inrrod tpiipuc , vomiting of bile , giddiness , 8ickhoa nchcir cgnlnr bowels. The liver secretes the bile nutl nets like filter or sieve , 11 demise impurities of the blood. Ry irregulnrity in its notion or suspensions of its fitncliona the bile is liable to overflow into the blood , CHUsing jnundico.snllow com- poxiony'lloweyeslnliousdinrrhaa ] ( , n lnnguid\venry feeling and uiiiny other d stressing ayniioin9. : Bil- iousnpss nmy be properly termed nn nflection of the liver , nud can ho thoroughly cured by the grand reg nlntnr of the liver mid Inliiirr organs BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Act upon the stomach , bowels and liver , making honlthy bile and pure blood , and "pens the culverts nnd sluiceways for the outlet of di enso. So'd ' everywhere und guaranteed to euro. AVhen you coma to think of It , It U not odd that literary | w > ple prefer vlpo to a clKor. It IB handler to finoVo wLcn tlicy are writinir , and over BO much cleaner. And then It ffhM them the trua caxmco and flavor of the tobacco , The most f&atldlous cmokera among all naUons and all claBBM of men HKTCO that the tobacco fcrown on the Golden Tobneco Belt of North Carolina U the men tello. loua and refined In the world. Iiig ter thui Turkish , moro f r want than Hai.'it , freer from nitrates nnd nlootlno than ai other , It f Juit whit the connoisseur rraleca and the habitual unokordemandi. The vcrr chnlccct toliacco mrown on thin Belt la bought br Black- well's Durham Tobacco Co. and appears In their celebrated Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Itli known the world o\er. aettbogenulne.withBull trade mark , then you will bo sure of hiring abao- lutclr pure tobacco. ( HI PORK. ) " ( AFTER. ) T7LECrno-VOLTAIC BELT nnd other Eticrmo JCJ ArrLIASCKS nro sent on SO Days' Trial TO MEN ONLY , YOUNQ OB OLD , who are suffer- nig from NEUVOUS DEBILITY , LOST VrrAUTr , WASTIIO WEAKNESSES , nnd all tnoio diseases of a FKBBONAI. NATOIIE , resulting from ABUSES and OTHER CAUSKS. Speedy relief and complete nxtoratlon to nnu/rii , Viaon and MAHUOOD uujLiuirrxrD. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Adaresi VOLTAIC HKI.T CO. . Mnr.hnll , Mlcfc. THE MILD POWER CUBES. UfOTPHREYS' H OMEOPATHIC - SPECBFBCS. In use 3) yeirs. Each number th tpcclnl pro- ncrlptlon of on eminent physician. Iho only Hlmjilo. HifcnndSuroilcU clue forthop > ople IJST rniNcirii. noa. CDHES. rues. 1. Fi-rer' , Congestion , Inflarantlonn , . 25 2. Worms , Worm tercr. Worm colic , . . .25 3. frvlnx Cnllc.orTeetblnFtof Infauti .23 , .t. IMnrrliea of children or Adults . 25 ff \ n. l > t entarv , Oriplng , Dllllou" Colic , . . OS ; ' ( i. ( Mialnra MnrbiK , Vomltln ? , . 23 7. ( 'ougln. Colil. Hroncliltls . 2S \curnlBli. ! . Toottinebe. taccacho . 2ft O. llon'laclie ) , Slote lleadacbei. Vertigo .2.1 111. lly < peiiia. ! 1)11. ) Inns fetomncli , 35 11. HnnpreiiiMl or 1'alnful IVrlodn K5 12. IVfiltci , too I'rofuso 1'crlods . . . . .25 1 I. CJrnnn. Cough , DlOlcult llreathlnx , . . . .25 14. Salt Itbrtim , Erysipelas , Kruntlons , .25 15. IllicumalU'n. llnciinmtlol'alns , . . . .25 IK. fever and AKUP. Chill , Forer , Agues .SO 1 7. Plies , mind or lilcedlng. . fiO in. C : * tn rrh. acute or cbronlc ; Influenza SO 3d. Whooping Cnuzh. violent cougln. _ .no 21. Onncrnl Oelilllty , Physical Weakness. SO 27. Kidney . . . . . . . . SO 2H. IVerrnus Debility . l.OO : iO. Urinary Wrnlmcu. WfttlnRthe bed .5U 3 . Illnonse oflhe Heart. Palpllotlon. l.OO bold by drugtl t . or sent by the Case , or sin- plo Vial , fren of chnrge. on receipt of price. Bend forDr.lliimnlircyii'nonkon lM cio > c. ( lit pave * > , also liliulroleJ Cnlalnguu FllRUT Aadreis , II imnlireys' Home npnth'fMea. . . . aoOFultnn Street. Sew York. Taken in Hot Water CUBES AIDS COSTIVENESS. DIGESTION DIGESTIONi i RELIEVES ItEOULATES UEADACHB. T11K BOWELS ( li. 0. Wear's NEHVK AND IlnAiri TIIEAT. -J , a cunrnntood enncifio for Hystonn , Uizzj noes. Convulsions , ViU , Nervous Wenralgia liradacho. Nervous Prostration caused by thp use of alcohol or tobacco , Wnke-fnhicoa , JTenUil DB- proesiou , BottoninK of tlio Drain resulting in in- winity und lending to misery , decay mm death , I'remnturo Old ABO. Jlnircnneea , loss of power in either BOX. Involuntary Losses and Bpermnt- crrhoea caused byuvor-oxortlon of the brain , self , obueoor OTer-indnlgenca. Kach box contaius < ino month's treatment , Jl.ttu box.oreix bnxw lor$50X,6ontbriiiuil ) prepaldon receipt of price IVK .UA As.rTii : KIS : BOXKH To cure ciny raso. WiU each order reomvea oyn for KZ boxes , eccomjianiwl with fca.OP , wo will eend the purchaser our written ( runrantoa to ris. ( nndUia raouov if tlio treatment duoanotonect n euro. 0 uarantnea wsuoa on ur D7 raF. QOODIIANN , DniggUt ARtuU for Omaha Neb. . DR. FELIX Lt BRUN't G PREVENTIVE AND CURB. FOR EITHER SEX , The remedy being Injected directly totkeieat ol the disease , requires nn change of diet or natuoous mercurial or poisonous medicine * to be taten Inter nally. When u-ed u a preventive by either MX , It If impossible to contract ny private disease ; but Iu the cue of tuo.a already unforfunatvly atllloted wo guar tntee tin M boxr to cure , or wo will refund the mon y. Frioe by mail , postage paid , It. per box or thru boxc * for ti. ti.WIIITTKN WIIITTKN GUAnANTEES tnued by all autborltod agentt. u Dr Felix LeBrun&Co. SOLE PRUriUBTOKS O F. Ooodman , Drugdil Sole Agent , fur Omaha n THE BOARD OF PUBLIO WORKS Opens the 8t. Mnry's Avenue Sewer Dills Lust Kveiling. A special mooting of the board of pub lic TrorkswashcIdTuosclay oroningtoopcn the bids for constructing the St. Mary's nvcnuo sower. Clmirmtxn Croighton nnd members Wilson nnd Barker wore present. Permission wns grnntod the Nebraska Telephone company to erect n GO foe polo in front of the Ilnnscom building three foot nnd throe inches from the outer curb line on the north side of Far mm street. The bond was fixed nt $2,000. The aowor bids were then opened. There wore nine it nil. The contract wns lot to no ono. On account of so many lateral branches tu this sewer it was necessary to refer the matter to the city engineer to determine who is the lowest bidder. Ilugh Murphy & Co. nro thought by Engineer Uosowator to bo the auccoasfnl ones. This sewer by the late bids will cost between § 27,000 nnd 830,000. The rejection of the former bit's nnd the ro-ndvortisomont for now ones resulted in saving nearly 88,0 0. This proposed sewer with its branches will bo moro than two miles in length , heads nt Phil Sheridan strcel running east on St. Mary's nvonuo and Jackson struct to Seventeenth nnd Jack son whore it empties into the Soutl : Omaha sower. At the lower end it will bo thrco foot in diameter. At its head will bo a $1,000 gallon Hush bank used for the purpose of keeping the sewer clean. Chairman Croighton and n contractor Indulged in n little rough nnd tumble , "cntch-ns-catch-can " in which the - - - , con tractor wns floored nnd thrown out into the hall. The board then ndjourned nntil C o'clock this afternoon. _ Valuable nnil Convenient. BnowN'a BltOKClllAL TuocilEa are a safe nnd euro remedy - edy for Bronchitis , O'Uglis , nnd other trou bles of the Throat nnd Lun a. Sold only in 1'rlco 25 conts. Woman in Socioty. Chicago Times , April 15th. The Ilov. A. A. Lambert , president of the Jesuit college at Omaha , delivered a lecture on V1 Woman in Society , " lost evening , at St. Ignatius' college hall , on Twelfth street , near Blue Island avenue , over two thousand persons being present. Ho expressed some noble sentiments , and drew some pretty illustrations to show the influence exerted by woman on society. The reverend gentleman -was introduced by Justice Prindiville , and after prefacing his theme briefly ho declared that woman was the grandest and noblest creature molded Gy the hand of God. To her belonged - longed the shaping of human character ; she was an all-powerful factor in human society , and was a port of the great plan of the Almighty. He talked eloquently of woman in her influence on society , of her virtue , and purity , and paid a clowing tribute to her even in her humblest walks. Mother hood was where ho believed she shuno the grandest. Referring to the woman's rights movement , ho said that its leaders were ignorant of the social problem or they -would not drag woman from her real sphere and duties. Before Christ and His ( gospel woman had boon trampled in the dust , and her present position in society was owed to tno God Man. The speaker paid a beautiful tribute * to woman's work on the battle-field , in the the hospital , in charitable institutions , in the slums and abodes of vice , etc. , and closed with a nicely-worded illustration of a mother's infliignco upon a son. "I'm All Broke Up ! " This is the usual exclamation ol one afflicted with rheumatism , or Umenoai. Rheumatic people are Indeed entitlnd to our sincere evm- path" and commiseration. Speedy relief is offered them in Er. Thorn * ? ( electric Oil. It ia the sworn enemy of all aches and pains. A Postal Ghango. On the 22d inst. , .Postmaster Coutant , in accordance with instructions from Washington , will turn over to the post master at Council Bluffs the entire outfit now used by 'the Omaha office for the through registered package , or "striped pouch" business , as it is designated in the service. The excuse for this move is that the permanent establishment of the fast mail renders it necessary. This is laughed at by men posted in the work ings of the mail service , and the assertion tion is broadly made that the change will result in a delay of from twelve to tvron ty-four hours on matter for all points north and south of Council Bluffi ) , and local matter coming into or leaving this state. It will not aflcct the service on the Union i'acilic to any appreciable extent tent , the handling of the packages taking abuut the same tune as at present. The change wilt require the opening of a branch at the Transfer , and the employ ment of two or three additional clerks , nnd a slight increase in the force on this side , as the local business to which this ofllco will bn confined requires a moro detailed tailed record. Dr. Tanncr'H btonmcli. Dr. Tanner certainly lias a great Btomach rreut because of its Htrength and endurance. We may nrr in B.ijinir that the doctor uses lltcrdock lllood lUttcrt , hut if he doea , his dittos- tlvn po erH are easily accounted for , Jturdock lllood Hit ten being a utundard medicine are sold by all druggists. Again nt IIIn Post. Mr. Ira P. Higby , for some time past clerk at the Paxton , has returned from an extended tour through the south and has again taken his place behind the desk. This is joyful news to the patrons of the house , to whom Mr. Iligby has ap peared as a fixture , and Ins abdonco made the place Boom lonesome. Mr , Hall , who has temporarily filled the position of clerk , has won for himself many friends by his kind , courteous and affable man ner , and it is regretted by the proprietors of the house that ho cannot bo retained. A Hypocritical Flond. The following is gleaned from The Evauston Chieftain , and refers to an Omaha man , hence will bo road with in terest : 'Wo understand that P. O'Shea raises serious objections to eating meat in the jail on Friday. This hypocritical fiend incarnate didn't object to partaking of a slice of Michael Delaney'n carbon Friday , March 28th. It may bo explained by the fact that ho acorns to have inherited a decided preference for gore on Ml occaa ions. When it is taken into considera tion that ho stands to-day the nelf-con- f eased luinor of a highly-respected young girl of Omaha , and whom he swore by the cross and all that in g oed and holy to many iu order to commit his hellish do- signs mul whom ho refused to lead to the altar on lonrning of her clolioAto condition - tion , wo do not wonder nt the enormity of his lust net. Some of our most _ prominent nnd respected citizens now aver tlmt hid they known of the facts just related , for which ho wns hold in jail hero thtoo or four days , ho would have complied with the wishes of the Indy and innrriod her or ho would have ornamented a telegraph pole. O'Shon is n coward , t nut u cor , and a murderer at heart , and it is the earnest dcsiro of this community that ho bi put behind prison bars , vrlioro ho properly belongs , to eke out the remainder - maindor of his miserable oxistonco. " NOTICE. The Following StnteniontN nro I'nb- llsliod lor tlio llciiulltof tlio Tub. llo IU > nd ntul Itcllcct. "I consider that I owe my llfo to Warner's "Safo Curo.1' F. 1) . lUNDOLrn , Jcrtty City , N , J , " 03 , .luwott Avo. ' I have u crt eight bottles of Wnrnor's Safe "Cure , nail honestly bcliovo it saved my llfo , " A. F. CAKLISLE , IMitur Clarion , Carlyle , 1'a , , felt , Stt. "I was given up by my jihplclanto illo with "dropsy , but Wnrnor'a Safe Onto roitorod "mo > 1) . E. McOAUTilY , Virginia , A'cv. Chronicle , "Three bottles of Warner's Safe Cure cured mo of severe burnlnc jiatn in the kidneys , "especially at night. J. M. MUNDKLU lM < li , Cat , "Viva bottles of Warner's Safe Cure cured "roe of a very severe case of kidney com- "plaint. " K. U. SBMI-LK , Denier , Col , Clerk , American llouso. 5- "Warnor's Safe Cure saved my wife's life "whoiitho best doctors and mineral springs of "tlio country did her no good. " Wiritcd , Conn , J. B. Woonnurr. "I had enlargement of the heart , which wag "pronounced Iticurublo , and I was often "thought to bo dying but Warner's Safe Cure "and Safe Tills restored mo to liatlth. " LAFAYETTE WAtiiNaKom > . East Rochester , ff. II. fi"O\vnR ! to the liiph tompornturo of the room "in which I worked I contracted a torrlblo "cold that produced serious kidney disorder. "Warner's Safe Cure restored mo to lioalth. " iacter , N , II , JAMES JBuucn. "Warner's Safe Cure lias saved my boy's "life. Doctors pronounced his the worst case "of Blight's Disease they over saw. " E. B. BUCK , Editor Mncoupin County J-.nquirer. Carlinville , Ill .t March lit. * "I was 'treated by Doctors Agnew nnd 'Webster , of Now York , who pronounced me "afflicted with Bright's disease. I was bloated "oxcoodlnRly , but Warner's Safe Cure , I "verily believe , saved my life. " GEO. 0. STEVZKS. South Nonoalk , Conn. "I had kidney disorders , indigestion , rhou- "inatiam and lombago for throe youa. I "grow worse and felt as though a hundred "pound weight was dragging down my liver "and kidneys. Warner's Sale Cure has fully "restored me. " C. D. DaNoviaLKS , Albany , W. Y , 040 Broadway. "Previous to a year ago I was severely 'afflicted with kidney difficulty. My bucic 'iched , my urine was ' mdsy , ' and I was in a 'bad way. I had tried various remedies , but 'only with temporary relief , until I the 'use Warner' . ] Safe Cure , thrno b ittios of 'which , with the Safe Fills , iffcctually cured 'me , and I have not had an nituik mnco. " HKKHV IloiiiM , Cleveland , 0. Captain of Police. "For years I have hid excruciating pains in "tho small of my back , nnd was not able to "raUo from bed or bo in a sitting pnaturo. The "doctors claimed that I was suffering from "spinal disease , and I never expected to leave "my bed again. Though having no hope of "recovery , Warner's Safe Cure was rocoin- "inondod to mo , which I commenced taking , "and eight bottles have madn n permanent "cure. MBS. CHIUSTJAHN , No. 28 Thirteenth street. Clucago , Feb. SCtli , "About two years aga I resorted to the USD 'of Warner's Safe ( Jure , taking in nil thirty- "two bottles for kidney nnd uniary affections , 'and it has proved a complete nuccess , and "radically cured the pain in my back. A lady "of this county , a confirmed invalid for three "years past , with what the doctors have eaid "was internal cancer , beyond all skill and "hope , in the doctors' opinion , has been raised "almost from the dead by the use of nine bot- "tles of this excellent modicinn. J. H. HUDSON. Altoona , Pa. , Feb. S7th. Board ofKxiirulucrs. Postmaster Ooutant , Assistant Post master Woodard , and Chief Clerk Lawton - ton , have boon selected as a local board of examiners under the now civil service commission. They have been notified by Commissioner Giogory to provide a suitu bio room in which to hold the cxamina lions , in the postoflico building if possi ble , and to Bocuro an adequate supply of pena , papers , etc. No funds to cover the expenses , however , were sent with the instructions. Notwithstanding this over- tight , Mr. Coutant and his associates will hold their first session in this city on May IfJlli , and all applicants for positions in any of the government departments at Washington are invited to present thorn- selves before the board on thai dato. A .Double Uobo. George Itrnuso'a residence at tho1 cor ner of Nineteenth and Loavonworlh streetswas the scene of joyous festivities Tuesday ovo. Two pairs of loving hearts ( or in other words , four of a kind ) were united j in marriage by hii honor , Judge liunocko. The happy couples were Fred Dulschner | to Muta Kubbort and John G. Dichukor to Anna A. Simon. The cere mony was performed in the prcsonco of a party of friends , after which a happ } time was had. Two Oar-loudx of Mormons. Two car-loads of Mormon missionaries , bound for various points in the east , will roach this city this morning over the Union Pacific. They oomo in clmrgo of W. 0. Borland , the company's agent at Salt Lake , who will at this point hand them over to the northwestern people for transportation to Chicago. The mission aries are going east to seek now converts for the church of the Latter Day Saints , which is growing in numbara and power every year. Election or Olllcors. At the annual pariah meotincr of St. Barnabas parish , held Easter Mondaj evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Sanior warden , Mr. George P. Ljbagh ; junior warden , 0. W. Mead ; vestrymen , Messrs M. H. Goblo , W. H Bowen , 8. J Rhoom D. W. Woodman , A. W. Noson , H. L Howard , Robert Ensson ; treasurer , Mr. Milton Darling. Biiloldo at MliiiioapoIlH. MINNEAPOLIS , April 10. A etrsncor , whose naiiiu from the papers on Ids per son appears to bo D , Smith , committed suicide at VVuterville , Minn. , last night. From a remark made it is believed ho formerly worked at LaSallo , 111 , and was on his way from Furuo to Burling ton , REPUBLICANS IN COUNCIL , The First Congressional District of \u Intensely IntorcsMnK nnd Inr < tiionlouH Ontlicrltif ; . Mltorlnl Corro iK > udonco to Tim liKn. NEUIIASKA CITY , April 1C. The republican congressional district convention , which closed its labors n J0 : ! ! this morning , wns in many respects one of the most interesting nnd exciting > olitical gatherings over witnessed ii Nebraska. While the proceedings wore at no time marred by disorder or turbu once , the contest waged between fac tions and rival candidates wns decidedly ipiritod. The grontor part of the time during which the convention vras it session was taken up by the Gngo county contest , which wns made the test of the relative strength of thu two factions into which the convention divided itself from the outset. Before the convention moi t became known that Thurston ant Jrontch , of Douglas , and Church lloivo , of Nomnhn , had made n combination vith what is known na the } olby faction , nnd it wns eon developed that Humphrey , ol ? awnoowns iu this pool. At a caucus ol no Douglas county delegation , hold nl ho Morton homo in the afternoon , the imposition to support Church Howe with . auiid vote mot with a good deal of in- ignant resistance. Six of the delegates > ositivoly refused to bo delivered by iroatch tIlowo , nnd those delegates lao declined to commit themselves in ad- , 'aiico to the support of the Colby dole- ; ation. Broatch himself , who had nlmnst worn nt homo never to join hands with /liurch Ilowo , was now making the most ervont npponls to the dologa- ion in Howe's behalf. This lop wns by no menus surprisinc to mo. remember that Broatch wna most vio- ently opposed to Church Howe when ho tutored the legislature three years ngo , nd then voted for him in the republican caucus. The Hpnro-Thurston-Colby coalition amo to grief on the first test vote , which was taken immediately after the convon- ion had organized by the admission of ho uucoutostod delegations. Tlio vote aken by counties , showing n mtijor- ty of over 20 against the combination. Jut I am putting the cart before the lorao. The convention was called to rder by Hon. C. A. Holmes , of John- on , chairman of the congressional coin nittuo , a httlo after 8 p. in. Hon. G. V. Humphrey , of Pawnee , on taking the hair as temporary president of the con tention made a neat nnd forcible speech. Yed Nye and lohn Steen were appoint- d secretaries. A committee of five , with Courtney , of Lincoln , was iirectod by resolution to report ho uncontoatcd delegation back o the convention , and the contested lolegations from Gage were referred di- ectly to the convention. While thu xnnmittoa was out , brief speeches were made by John M. Thuwtnn , E Rosown er , Captain Mitchell , Pat. 0. Hawos and iVultur Bennutt. About half-past nine the committee on rodentiius brought in its report , which was adopted without dissent. Every ounty in the district , except Sarpy , was epresentod. Why nobody appearodfrom Sarpy remains a mystery. The temporary organization was made ormanont. After a very lively debate , n which Thurston , Hawcs , Uosowator , nd Bartlett of Douglas , Whodon of jancaster , Holmes of Jackson nnd Howe if Nomaha participated , a motion was carried by a decisive majority , that he delegation headed by 0. S Smith , bo allowed a half hour to open the contest , ho Colby delegetion to follow with ono hour's response , thu > mith delegation to close in half an lour. This debate was exciting through- > ut , and was listened to with a great leal of interest. When a vote was final y reached the mith delegation was ad mitted by iho following vote : For the Smith delegation Cass , 13 ; 3ouglns , 3 ; Johnson , 9 ; Lancaster , 21 ; Jtoo , 11 ; EJuundcrs 4 ; Gage 1. ( Thu alter being an uncontestcd delegate on jotli tickets. ) For Colby Douglas , 1G ; Richardson , (3 ( ; Pawnee , 8 ; Saundurs 8 ; Pawnee , 11. This gave nn aggregate of 02 for the mith delegation nvfinst 5G for Colby , The convention being fully organized a > allut for ono candidate nt n time was rdtrod. Mr. Woolloy , of Cnss , nomi nated E. L. Hied , of Weeping Wntor Vlr Thuraton nominated W. J. Broatch , > f Omaha. Mr. Holmes nominated Mr iilstoad , of Johnson. Mr. Everest nominated Dr. I/irsh , of Nebraska City. The informal ballot jenultedas follows : Reed D5 , Broatch 51 , llalstod 12 , Larah 10 , Gilchrist 8. The first formal ballot : Rood G5 , Iroatch 51 , Hulstod 9. Gilciiriat 7 , jarsh 9. Suvural motions to take n recess were voted , nnd a second ballot was ordered , Pho result was as follows : Reed 09 , Broatch GO , Hoisted 9. Third ballot : Rood GO , Broatch CO , G'lcnrist 12. Fourth ballot : Rood C9 , Broatch C4 , Gilciiriat 12. The chairman declared Rood duly lected. Amid great excitement a ballot was or- ieied tor a second delegate , pa thu third ballot Church Howe , having re ceived 71 votes , was declared duly elected. Throughout the entire balloting the Uchardson county delegation voted solid .vith Church Howe and Tliurston's crowd on every ball-it , ugainst Oaas , Lancaster , Johnson , and Gugo , Otou and Suunderw voro dividid. This vras regarded us sig iificant and very unfavorable for thu re lominatiun of Judge Weaver. Mr. Uroatch waa made an alternate , > ut that will hardly sooth hU disappoint ed ambition. Dr. Larah was made the other alternate by unanimous choice of iho delegates present at 230intho ; morn 'ng.A A resolution offered by Bennett , of UdugUs , that the delegates elected to Chicago should stand by Blaitio first , las ! and nil the time , brought out Mr. Gil chriat , of Saunders , ana others in oppo a I iuii , and the resolution was voted down Che convention then adjourned without expressing a presidential preference or instructing the delegates. E. R , 1IOWK AT HOMK. Special Dispatch to the Uuic. AUBURN , Nob. , April 10. The citizen ot Auburn , with a brass b nl , nietOhurc ! tlortu , Uulegato-oluct M thu national con vimtion , at the depot this ufcernoon an escorted him 10 thu Talma go house Ilowo made a neat speech thanking thorn for the reception Huloltl" lli-twottii Two Wivon. , IOWA , April 17 , J I. Lee , ngod 00 n contractor hero , com- lilted suicide this afternoon by hnncing. The cauao was trouble with a now wife ud a former divorced ono. O VKIt THK OCHAN. TIIK ( IKllMAX r.Ml'Iir.SS 11L. BEHUN , April 17. The Empress is tillering from catarrh nnd fever nnd is onfincd to her bed. Her proposed visit 0 Llndon has boon abandoned , Till ! QUKKN OX ALDAXY'8 DBATIt. LONDON , April 10. The queen has orirnrded n letter to the papers tliank- ng her subjects for nympUhy with the oynl family nnd the duchess of Albany 1 their borcnvcmont. Her majesty Buys : 'Tlio appreciation of my beloved son's ; rcnt qualities of head nnd heart , nnd the tfectionato sympathy of mylnyal people , vhich has never failed in weal or woo , is very consoling to my hoart. 'hough much shaken , sorely nllhotod > y many sorrows and trials , 1 will not ese courage , nnd with the help of God I vill strive to labor tor the anko of my ihildren , nnd for the good of the country love so well. TJio duchess of Albany , ho bears her loss with touching resigmi- ion , is deeply gratified by the universal xprossions of sympathy. " The queen expresses her gratitude o the people of nil other countries , esiec- ally the ono in which ho died , for sym- > nthy nnd condolence. UKK , QOltDON ins received from thu English povorn- nont , n mes.iafto urging him to withdraw rom KhnrUium , but ho ignores the nd- ice , and a dispatch from Khartoum dnt- d April 7h | , says : The people nro himrt ok , hoping for English relief. The iwn is now in thu center ot nn enormous obol camp. Our Krupp munition nro ithor short. The situation is rnthur ritical. The rebels fiustrntcd an attempt o send n steamer to Durbar. Gun. Gordon will probably bo driven .o rotrent by wny of Central Africa. Ru- roat to Berber is impossible. Sliver WASHINGTON , April 1C. The house ommittoo on coinage , weights and icasuros to-day unanimously instructed toprpsuntntivo Lacey to report favorably lis bill to prohibit the issue of treasury lotos less then $5 , nnd to provide for thu 83UO of ono , two and five dollar silver ortificatos. The bill provides on and Ftor the passage of the not it shall bo nlawful for the secretary of the treasury o print and issue treasury notes of smaller onominatinn than $5 , and any holder of ; nndard silver dollars or silver cortifio- tea may deposit the snnio with the troaa- iror or nny assistant treasurer of the Jnited States in sums not loss than $10 nd receive therefore silver certificates f a denomination nt the option of the loldor one , two , nnd fivodollars. provided othing therein contained shall interfere with the issue of silver certificates in thor denominations as now provided by aw. The following feature of the oriqi- ul bill wns stricken out , "Provided , whenever standard silver dollars in the roasury not hold for redemption of silver ortificatos of thu denominations of one nd two dollars shall exceed ho sum of $20,000,000 , the ocrotnry of the treasury may suspend lie coinage of standard silver dollars > rovldod for in the act of February 28th , 878 , during thu period such excess con- inuos to exist. " The yeas were Bland , Dowd , Pusoy , janham and Bedford ; nays , Hardy , jacoy and Chnco. _ Stanley's NoweHt Exploration. LONDON , April 1G. The Times says lenry M. Stanley , the African explorer , who was announced n few days ago to bo oming to Europe on a long leave of ab- once , has resolved before leaving Africa .o break up entirely now ground and olvo a problem which trill excite the ; ratitudo of geographers. Ho intends to jaoh from the Congo country ono of : io Egyptian station iu the Mombuttor ountry on Willemakna rivor. This is 10 task that General Gordon waa in- ending to attempt before ho was di- erted to Khartoum Home. INDIANAPOLIS , April 1C. Ex-Govornor londricks nnd wife arrived to-day from Suropo. They had boon gene just four nonths. The governor is in excellent enlth. A serenade reception wns ton- ercd thorn to-night by several hundrud itizens , irrespective of politics. Hun ricks was introduced by ex-Senator Mo- innnld in a complimentary speech , and loko half an h ur. Politics were not lludod to. | _ _ Pcorla Plow \Vi rJcH DoHtroyed. PitouiA , April 1G. While thn convon- on was in session to-ni ht , about 9:30 : ) m. , the Puoria Plow works caught ire , and at this hour ( midnight ) are still urning , with the probability of being otnlly destroyed. The buildinir covert early half a block , filled with stock lanufactured for the present S UBOII. The loss will prolubly bo $100,000 ; in- uranco unknown. A lioulilu . 'in ul rur DropH. LEXINOTON , Ky. , April 10 John tush , colored , was hanged here at noon or the murder of Jiimos Vunmotor , n onlthy fanner , in the winter of 1881. Jttforo the fatal shot , Vanmoter fired ni iush , but the charge took effect in thu liigh of Vnnnietor's fourteen year old Hughter. She died a week afterwards. Huh had two trials , each resulting in a entenco. Ottlm'H Troiiblcw. HAVANA , April 10 The authorities lava ifrmod all the laborers nnd other unployes of public roads. This atop has uused u painful surprise. General Badeau is out in a card deny- ng nil i itercourso with the rovolutioniaU , r that ho * was recalled , and averts that ho government at Washiiigtou um to remain , Anutlior Rxju-rt In NEOSIIO FAU.H , Kns. , April 10 Dr. jaws , of Oonull univeraity , is hero , and ogethor with Dr. Holcomb and uiein- > ors of the eanitary commiuion , has commenced n series of investigations and experiments to satisfy himself as to thu laturo and ciuso of the oattlo disoueo ox- Bting north of horo. Ho will remain until thoroughly satiofied. A I'eiiiiHylvanui Strike. NEW OABTLK , PA. , April 17. The em ployees of lour f urnacoa hero struo t to day for an advance of wages from $1 CO wi $2.00 per day. The employers refused od to grunt the increase and the furnace closed down. Several hundred inon are idle , A CurhMiu OAUUSLE , KY , April 17. A fue to-day destroyed Pijier'a block * cauniug a low of $ 70,000 ; insuMiicft $40,000. lieriiliuiili Mow Alieud. PAUIB , April 10. Mile. 0)lombic has boeii comiuittod for tribl for "out raging public morala" m her buok "Sa rah Banium. " HISTORY OF OSCULATION. The Kisses of All Connlncs anfl of All Times , 'ten ' Whn KIsH ntul Tlipif HcnwoiiR fbr Huuli Hnltitntlon A Now Knthlntt of Imllnl Hnlutntlon. Jew York Star. The researches of laborious dolvors in ho mine of useful information have nado it nn longer doubtful that the art ) f osoulntioii Uono of nn nntiqulty very omnto indeed. No doubt the term liisignating this charming process is ono f somewhat "learned " length"and of ibilnnt , if not of "thundering" sound , kit it is susceptible of easy translation , t isn noun , and n very proper ono , tjon- rally spoakingj but oven if somolimoa n ittlo naughty , it is always nice. Holy Vrit is replete with records bearing on his subject. The practice is unquca- ion.ibly of Oriental origin , ns in truth is lint of the rnco with which it came in to toy.There There nro seven references in Genesis 0 kissing. In the nffiiir of Joab nnd iinaaa , recorded in 11. Samuel , it is con- eotcd very intimately with a tragedy , > r it ii recorded that : "Joab took Aninsa y the board with the right hand to kiss tin nnd then ho Binolu him in the fifth ib. " Libial salutation npponra nlso to iwo been intorchnngod by Jacob nnd Lkchol ; Lnbannnd his sons and daughters ; loses nnd Aaron ; Orphn nnd unrabilo iotu her molhor-in-lawl A - - good girl mt Orplial Strange ns it may appear nt first blush , lie allusions to thu practice of kissing in lassie literature nro comparatively few , nd those mostly of n contemptuous char- otor. It is well known that thu old 3 reeks nnd Romans especially the Int er -had no tolerance for elFominney in ny form , nnd poihnps , from their point f view , kissing came under that ban. So , too , nmoiiK most of thu great Ro man writers. Pursms nnd his greater ucccssor , Juvenal , hud their hands full 1 lashing thn giant vices of thuir time , nd qiwo no hood to trifles. Whether isaing prevailed to nny great extent dur ig the dark ngos is n question involved i nn obscurity na profound ns ita im- ortnnco. The dnwn wns some time in breaking , iut about the beginning of the fifteenth ontury the long-hidden sun-god burst ort in nil his ottulgonco. The people of Europe , nnd for might that can bo added o the contrary , those of Asia , Africa nnd he islands of the sea commenced to kiss , t was ono loud reverberation from Indies o the I'olnl In 1448 , Lorenzo the Magnificent oignod in Florence. Ho wns the most munificent patron of learning of nil kinds including thoscionco nnd nrt of kisaing since Mtuconas. During three contu- ios following Lorenzo's rcigncthor choice pirita bore sway in high places. Thty voro nearly nil mnlo und female devo id and assiduous patrons of the fine nrt f kissing. Contemporary liternturo is ull of it. Shakespeare overflows witn muving delineations of this absorbing mstimo. There is hardly ono o ; his dra- nas tragic or comic in which there is not n reference to kissing. The term kiss" nppoars ono hundred nnd forty nine (14 ( ! ) ) times in the plays ; "kissod" nid "kissing" are used in eighty-two (82) ( ) nstnncas , making a grand aggregate of wo hundred nnd thirty-ono ( 31) ) times u which the bard recurs to a soul-absorb ng exorcise in which , no doubt , ho was limsolf proficient. At the court of Lorenzo the form of Issing was most decorous. Henry VIII issud in a sort of catch as-catch-cau nshion ; so did Catherine II of Russia , n Spain the nrt was brought to n very igh point of rolinoment , ns indoid night bo expected from the chivalric haraotor of Spain's sons and the beauty f her daughters. The Spanish kiss is [ escribed as passionate nud prolonged , 'heso conditions , too , were to bo expect- d for wo have it on high poetic authori- -ono of the "boss" busaora of his ago that : The Spanish girl Is no coquette , Nor joys to see n luver tremble ; And if eho love or If she hate , Alike she knows not to dttmombla. It was in Franco , however , that the ias bloomed into the full flower of per- fction. Mesdames Pompadour nnd ilintonou have given names to the forms f the salute ; both have been described courtly , but not frigid. Ninon do 'Enclos , who perservcd her charms up 0 her dcnth nt 00 , would bo embalmed n thu nmbor of history on thu same nc ount , if upon up otnor. The kiss a la 'Eiicloa was distinguished , like hcrsulf , or its vitality nnd u decided disposition "etick. " The pools of tlio Restoration in Eng and sad dogs most of thorn wpio never irod of descanting on the kiss , with arintions not lit for the cnra polite of ur day. After them ciuno Fielding , Itnollott and certain other like worthies Everybody knows what thu nuthor.i of 'Tom Jones" nnd "Roderick Random" verc , and so there's an end on't. Rich- rdson , the virtuous author of "Clarissa larlowo , " wns , of course , too good n nun to speak of such u naughty subject ave in n cold , Minurvn-liku wuy. It should have been said tlmt the Pur tans of thu Cromwulinn | pcmod word omowhat addicted to kisuing , but after n nest discreet fashion. In fact , a quaint author of the puriod , who probably hnd been tlforu , " compared thu clmstu salute if a Puritan maiden to the thrust of wookpeckur's bill. Pussing the Georgian nnd Victorinn _ ws , during which Byron sang "The Tirst Kiss of Love , " nnd Tom Moore itruck his hnrp nnd warbled liku u night- iiRolo of "bowerH , " "smilea. " "wino , "kieiou" nii'l coginitu subjtcts , ono cornea to n now pliunu ot' thu mninuiitouH Idas ing [ ueation , und nt thU point it bocomea tucessary to dwell n lit lti on the charac ter of the dudua Amtrlcunua , or grisat Vmerican dude tint latent product of our 'socioty" and civilization. As a sort of zoological title lias boon bestowed m the dud , it is proper to re- novo any fitlso impresaion that ho is not an asu that is , not in form or fea ture. In fact , ho bus none of the quali ties of that noble animal none of hia gtit , obstinaoj or staying powers. The judo hasn't even the redeeming nuality of bad temper , like that other noble ani mal "without pride of ancestry or hope if posterity" the mulo. A dude may bo dotcribed in thu main as the combined product of a tailor , a shoemaker nnd a hattor. At his birth eillintss marked him for her own. Insipidity took him in tow nt an early age and will hold him fast astern through life. The dude if indoud , that nature had any part icuUi design in giving ouch a being animate ex istence is probably designed to furnish a casual paragraph for the newspapers and to supply an occasion for mirth to all persona who have not taken leave of . their senses. J One would have thought the absurd I 1 ties of this abnoimnl creature , m dree * j and deportment , had reached a climax eng ngo ; but no. The latest "wtlnklo" mong the dudrsquo frntornily ia thai hey have taken to kisaing noi nome ithur fiillow'atitaiur or wiiu ; oh , no , irmt ivould involve noino rink , but to kissing > no nnothor. Careful investigation proves .hia to bo a fact. When two of our mot * onolitnn dudes moot now , whether in ublio or private , they forthwith embrace nd then the oscuUtory opuraHr.ii 13 por- ormod. It is the proper thing , yon now , by Jovol " \'cs , " said n well-known aooioty man , who ia not n fool , however , "It nppcars o bo n fnct that the dudoaquo brothor- oed have fallen in love with ono nnoth- r. Most of thorn now ombrnco And lsa ! honovor they moot , like simpering chool-girls. It is the 'nt jst crazr. "Woll , taid the star man , who had the iloasuro of mooting the _ society man , hat think you will bo their next ruanl- oatntionsof silliness ) " "Heaven knows ; nm sure I don't , " ro- iliod the mnn of the world. "In point f capacity for doing outre and absurd liincs , the genius of your dude is simply loxhaustablo. Ask mo something easy. " " 1 snw tha most dis ustini ; sight my yes over lit upon the other dny , ns I was riving up Lexington nvoutip , nenr Forty- ocund street , " siid nn old citiz MI to the oporntr "Nothing less than two young Howe , with long Ir .ck coats , tall hats , ght trousers n'ld tiny canes in a word , brace of dudes kisaing openly in the .root. It occurred directly opposite the 'andorbilt house , at Lexington avenue nd Forty-second street. " 'Upon my soul , " ho continued with nnoccssary emphasis , "this is n fact. loavonsl Whut are wo coming to nny- \v7" And so it ia. That famous "paroxys- 11 al kisR , " of which all the world hoard nly n few years ngn , has , perhaps , gouo iut of fashion , but the kiss dude will , no oubt , bo found n fit substituto. The regress of this latest aberration of dudo- om _ will bo followed with interest. Cor- ainly , in respect to osculation , the dudes can point to a noted prototype and ox- implar in the person of Absalom who II. Samuel , xi:5) : ) "kissed nny man that ; nmo nigh to him. " Of course it would a too , too painful if n few of our dudca ihould mcot with n like fate even as they 'allow his practice. TEIiEURAlMt NOJL'ES. The town of Wndsworth , Nov. , is reported ostroyed by firo. Moody nnd Sankoy Imvo begun their mission work near Haiopstoad. The trial of Frank Jnmos bozan in the IT. \ S. court at Iluatavlllc , Ala. , to-day. There is great oxcltomont nt Wlnnopog over .ho discovery of silver mines near thoro. A majority of the republican delegates from /nmbridge to the district nnd alnto convon- onu favor Edmund * nud Lincoln. The will of the late Mrs. "Valeria G. Stone , F BuRton , whu left $250,000 to charitable In- itituttons , is to bo contested by heirs nt law. The Htoamthip Faraday cleared for Nova Scotia yesterday. It carries the fi t install ment of the Mnckay-Bennott cihlo to the amount of 1,100 mllos. The Nawton , Iowa bank books show a de ficit rf $30,000 and the excitement among de positors is naturally intcneo. J. G. Colton , ho cashier , has skipped the country. His 'all was duo to grain speculation. An analysis of the list of yeas nnd nays on the question of comidiring the tariff bill Tuos- d > w , shown the aflirmatlvn vote was cast by 135 democrats and 5 republicans , nnd the neg- ntlvo by 09 republicans nnd 29 democrats. The republican affirmative vote came from representatives of only three states , viz : An derson , of Kansnv ; Jnmos , of Nevr York , nnd Nelson Strait nnd Wnkofiofield , of Minnesota. The democrats voting in the negative hail from u larger nnm- bor of states ns follows : Now York 8. Vir ginia 2 , Pennsylvania 11 , California 4 , Ohio 5 , Now Jersey 3. Comioctloit 1 , Maryland 1 , Illinoin 1 , Vlabainn 1 , Loublann 1 , and In diana 1. Over 80 congressmen have already : ilaced their names on the list of the chairman 'or speeches. Tlio debate is expected to oc cupy from 10 to 20 ( lava. Trjlne to Outwalk Weston. , DULUTII , Minn. , April 10. J. S. Her- rirann otartod from hero this afternoon to walk to San Francisco on an attempt to oat Weston'a 5,000-milo walk in Eng. and. Four houra after starting ho had made twenty-three miles. Mackinaw Straits Open. CHICAGO , April 1C. The Journal's Eacanaba\Via.special ( ) fays nil ice moved > ut of the lower bay last night , nnd the Straits of Mackinaw are now open and navigation has resumed. There is still lomo ice in the harbor , but the steamers : an cosily reach the docks. A. HOWIHU Mutch. ST. Louis , April 10. Jake Gardener , .ho oarsman , lisa challenged Hcuiy . 'otorson , of San Francisco , for n m-tch f $500 a side , to bo rowed at Crovo Ca-ur luke , near this city. Saved From tint Hope. LEXINGTON , KY , April 10 Jno. Bush [ colored ) , the murderer to have been ' 'inngcd hero to-day , hnn boon granted a ion- trial by the court of appeals. An Iowa Uln/.e. ANAMOSA , April 1C. Smith's livery table burned early this morning. Eleven oraoa , two carriages and three cows were ; oii8umed. Loss , $2 000 ; insurance half. G lATTB BPEOIFIO MKUIOINES. TRADE i , in UKIUT to , nnJC MARK , UBIlIlEUEUT. Au f fe v unfailing euro for k r A Seminal Woott- I "fRtf uoij.Bpi.rinr.torr. ho.a , mipoleiioy , end til lllceuee that follow us a sequence of Belt Abuse ; as Iocs ol ; p AFTER TAUJIO , u thu 1'wk , Dlinncs * of VWou , I'rtm xuro uld AKB tin ! oMiy otliardlwascii that lead to Intimity orCon- lUiniitlon and a I'reinature Grave. JKWAIUI of ttUtcrtlfoincntB to refund money , when .ruiretett from whom thu tnedlcina le bought do not e'vni.1 , but refer j ou to the manufacturers , and the be moKtnkcptlcalot ill real ucntfl. On nxcouni of couutm.'eltcri , Me tiave adopted tha Y lluw W rappct ! the onlj umulne. tJTVM tartlculara In our pamphlet , which wede- ilia to BcnJ ttit by mall to every one. i The Spe- , lllo Mtdlclue u sold by all druggUt * at tl per pack- ice , 01 nix paok 2C § for IS , or will be sent free by mall on the recclut of thu money , by addreMtoir TUB OHAVIIKDIOINHCO. , HUffalo , N. Y , Bold nOnnhal TO INVBNTuRSl VATENTS OBTAINED FOU OUlOlNAIi InvcBtion , Discoyery or CAVEATS , DISCLAIMERS , Elo-iesuos and extontions filed , and ap peals acted. AtL PATENT BUSINESS VnOUPTLY ATfENDKD * 0 Host reftrencei. netsopahlecbarces. Wn'etoWm. HYUiballTUJr.ei8"U."Ht.N. W , 0. 0.SEGER & TONER. 1IANUFAOTUUE113 AND DEALE113 IN WU1PS , ETO. We make amy Cno lUht harnftst , and hate al- fi ' vtajsouhuid a full Uue ol Huna Clothmg , Curry Couiba , > , 116 N , 1611 St ,