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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1884)
* - . * ; i iHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. FRIDAY MORNING , APRIL 18 , 1884. NO. 358 GRIMES OF CHILDREN. A Maryland lad Kills His Father to Sars His Mother , tit The Former , in Drink , Endeavors " ' to Slay the Family. A Kansas Girl Disappears from a St , Louis Convent. Leaving a Note Indicating Inten tion to Suicide , A Oouple of OMoago Lads Sui cide With Eat Poison , lu Pear Tholr 1'aronts Would Dis cover Their School Delin quencies , A. PAIlIUOinE. KILLS ONE PARENT TO 8AV11 ANOTHER , Special Dispatch to TUB UEK. BALTIMORE , April 17. Liter news from Dorchester , Md. , gives an entirely now phase to the tragedy which occurred yesterday. It is now conceded that Frank Shonton killed his aged father in order to save his mother's life. Elder Shonton had boon drinking heavily of late , and early yesterday moraine ; began abusing his wife for somo" fancied neglect , and threw her to the floor and began boating her in a brutal manner. His son Frank remonstrated with his father for his cruelty , and this aroused all the ferocity in the old man's nature. Turning from the prostrate woman , ho seized a pun and TOKSTfiD UPON HIS SON , who fled and hid behind the woodpile. Just as Frank reached it his father fired , and the ball passed within an inch of his head and imbedded itself in the lumber. Without follbwing him further , the now frenzied man turned back to the houao to wreak vengeance on the wife and mothoi. Fearing for her life , Frank , as soon as his father wont back , followed him , and the sight that mot his gaze as entered the door fairly froze the blood in his voiug. His father had his mother on the floor , with ono hand clutched in her hair , and in the other ho had a largo knife , which ho was' brandishing aloft. Frank seized a heavy club which was resting against the wall , and rushing up to his drunken parent dealt him A TERRIBLE ULOW on the head , fracturing his skull and kill ing him instantly. Public sympathy is with tha boy , no ono believing ho in tended to kill ftis father , but that while laboring under excitement , and in his anxiety to save .his mother's life , ho struck the 'Wow which made him a patri cide. _ i _ S A CHIUD KLEPTOMANIAC. ! " DISAPPEARS UNDER THREAT TO SUICIDE. Soecial Dispatch to THE DUE. Sr. Louis , April 17. Cora Weber , aged 15 years , of Atchison , Ks. , disap peared yesterday morning from the Visi tation Convent in this city , where aho was attending school. She left a letter addressed to her mother in which she said : "Before you will receive this I will bo in hell ; you know I cannot but steal If I go back home 1 will steal , so I will kill myself. " The girl's parents were tel egraphed to , and arrived in the city in search of their daughter , who had * often displayed evidences of kleptomania. .ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Begular 1'ross Dispatches. Sr. LOUIB , April 17. Another mys terious disappearance occurred here which is attracting considerable attention. Miss Clara Weber , aged 1C , of Atchison , Kas. , loft the convent of the Visitation , at the corner of Cass avenue and Nineteenth street early , yesterday morning , and has not since boon soon or hoard of. She loft a letter addressed to her mother , in which she said aho was going to drown herself if she caunot help otealing ; that she didn't want to disgrace her parents and friendo. It seems she had broken a rule of the convent , and was punished. Thin caused great humiliation. It is possible she may have drowned herself. The general theory is that aho simply ran away. Her father has consulted the po lice. Every effort is hiring made to find her. THE CLOW KOUND. LATER Thn girl was found between 9 and 10 o'clock to-night at the house of Ed. Leggett , No. 1536 Washington av enue , whore shu had engaged as a ser vant. Her parents took charge of hor. She said she was dissatisfied at the con vent , and wished to earn her own living. DREAD OK A DRUBBING. IT DRIVES TWO J10Y8 TO IXEATH. Special Dispatch < x The BEE. CHICAGO , April 17. Julius and Curtis Linback , brothers , aged 10 and 12 years , were dismissed from school some days ago for misconduct. They did not toll their parents , but pretended to continue going to school , leaving homo at theE roper time in the morning and returning E i the afternoon. finally their fear of severe punishment , when their deception should i > e discovered , BO wrought upon their minds that they decided to leave this world of whippings and stone- bruises , and took rat poison. A physician was ( summoned , who applied stomach- pumps.Their recovery is still matter of doubt. RUDDtiN SUMMONS. A \VOULD-11E HUIOIDK DUOlVi DEAD. NEW YORK , April 17. Edward II. Wierman , aj > oi 45 , formerly President Johnson's private ( secretary , died in the Coleman house to-day. Ho was a native of Kentucky , Among his letteru was one _ expressing his intention to commit suicide , Ho was subject to heart dis. caio , and dropped dead at the clerk's desk. JOHM CLANCY , aged 05 , a wealthy lumber merchant of Grand llapids , president of the Grand Rapids National bank , was found dead to-day m a room in the hotel whore ho had been a guest for the past eight days , Fatal Boiler Explosion ID a BarrackH , BEOWSVILLK , Tex. , April 17 , The " "a pumping machine exploded in the garrison to-day , inflicting conaidcra ble damage and seriously injuring Sergeant goant MoNally and Private Mooney both are scalded and will probably die. . The building was wrecked , A ploco o the boiler was found half a mile distant. THE RAILWAYS IN IOWA. A Dcnd-IjocU Over the Appointment ot a Commissioner. Special Dltpitcli to Tine linn. Dns MOINES , Iowa , April 17. A dead lock is apparent between Governor Sher man and the oxocutiuo council on the ap pointment of a railway commissioner. McDill was nominated , but the council refused to approve him , demanding the retention of Anderson. The corporations want McDill. The outcome is uncertain. It is concluded that the governor has made a serious blunder. A 0. AND N. W. 1'URCHAHE. llogular Press Dispatches. DUHUQ.UK , April 17. It is officially announced nouncod thattho Chicago & Northwestern railroad has purchased all of the Blair railroad interests in the Northwestern , including the Iowa Falls & Sioux City , the Sioux City it Pacific , the Maple Valley , the Fremont , Elkhorn it Mis souri Valley , possession to bo given July 1st. The sale does not include lota and lands. By the terms of the purchase , the Northwestern will issue over $14,000,000 stock in exchange for the stock of the companies bought , and assumes the bond ed indebtedness of the companies. The transaction seems to bo to obviate the building of a line between this city and Freeport , and it will probably bo aban donod. Reception to Jj. Heed Special Dispatch to THE BKK. WEEPING WATER , Nob. , April 17. At eight o'clock this evening about throe hundred of the people of Weeping Water assembled at the residence of Hon. E. R. Reed , delegate elect to the Chicago convention , to offer their congratulation. Mr. Heed was called for and responded in a very neat speech , thanking the people for their congratula tions and support. Speeches were made by several , and a general good time pre vailed. MAD MANIXOQANS. The Prime Minister us Kobellious ua the Most Discontented , WINNIPEG , April 17. Prime Minister Norgwoy crncludcdhis budget speech to .ho legislature to-day. Ho declared the determination of his government to sub mit no loger to the unjust discrimination ) f the federal authorities against Manito ba. Ho joined issue with thn opposition mil believed undivided action by the leg islature will force justice from the Do minion government. The proposed ex penditure of 'his ' province is about $200- )00 more'than the estimated revenue. The Dominion must furnish sufficient iunds for the administration , of the af- 'airs of the province , or the province must separate from the confederation and control her own revenue. Previous to ; ho confederation the province , with a our .per cent tariff , had ample funds ; low , with an average of over 25 per cent arifi' , with which the people are burden ed , not enough is received from the fed- tral authorities to pay the expenses of , ho government. He believed the justice of our causa was such as would ultimately triumph. A largo number of farmers' union meetings have boon held in the province showing that the people are as determin ed as over. All endorsed the farmers' convention and several declared that se cession was the only panacea for their grievances. FRANK JAMES. Us Trial Dcglnti for the Mussel Shoals Ilohhcry How Ho Made A. .1. Smith $5O JJOO. HUNTHVULB , Ala. , April 17. The .rial . of Frank James began to-day. Ho wan charged with conspiracy to rob A. J. Smith , a government official. James sat with his wife and child , and v.-as Ircsscd in a cuit of broadcloth. Smith , ho person robbed , testified that when bur miles from Flnronco , about 4 p. m. , on March llth , 1881 , three men halted lim , presented pistols , and took $50,000 n government money and $200 of his own. They bound him in the woods un- , il dark , then lot him go. Smith bo- iovod the prisoner was ono of the rob- } ors , but would not awear to his identi fy. Thomas Pedon , a keeper of a saloon icar Mussel Shoals , could not awoar pos itively to James being ono of the three men who followed after Smith as ho passed the saloon. Adjourned till to- norrow. DOUBIjK DltOWNlNG. Youtli and Ago Go Under the Water at Quinuy. QUINOY , April 18. There wore three cases of drowning hero to-day. Mark I'holps , an old resident , and three oth er gentlemen started to a point about five miles above hero to gotsomo piling. The fiat boat in which thny were in became wind-bound ; in trying to got it from there a skiff was used. In some manner 'twas cap&ized and Phelps was drowned. In the afternoon two boys John 0. Mur phy , ind Olef Magmusses , aged 11 and lt ! , started to cross a bay in a leaky skiff ; when a short distance from the shore the skiff filled and sank. The boys boinu unable to swim , were both drowned. Tha ItcmnantB ofJay Cookc'a Wreak PHILADELPHIA , April 18. The sale of the remaining assets of the Jay Cooke estate , held for exemption , dividend scrip , first and second issues , began to-day , The property included the stock of the Ponn. Canal Co. ; 185 street lots in Now York city , the lot and dwelling known as Cherry Hill at New Uarbodoes , Bergen county , New York ; upper lands in Louis county Minnoaoti , farming land in Web ster county , Iowa , and Lincoln and A ah land counties Wisconsin , and lands in Lake , Carl ton , Louii. An oka , Franto and Chicago counties , Minnesota. ( NEWS OF THE NATION. Attorney-General Drowsier Has Hi Say on the Star Routers , About Bliss' ' Bills-Tho Trials No Without Usefulness , Seaman Norris' ' Story of Danen- hower's ' Brutality , Progress on the Bill as to Election of President and Vice , Ex-E E ' Wilson of .Iowa , , Att'y , . , Looms Up as an Anti-Monop , The Charge A alia Swulm Flz- /.led OonercRtloiml and Other No\vs. STAU KOUTK STISNOH. THE ATIOHNUY GENERAL ON 11LISS * BILLS. The Attorney General to-day sent to the senate a letter concerning the action of the department of justice , relating to foes of special attorneys in the star route case , in which ho says in part : "Had il been originally supposed that the cases would occupy the time they did , probably the rate fixed would boon asked or given. When , however , the trial was tediously protracted by the policy of the defence , the sura total paid for the services oi Bliss appeared excessive , and I im mediately urged some abatement to bo made by him , as I did also to the other. Counsel Kurr's bill I reduced and Morrick made a reduction at my request , but I1LI8S INSISTED upon full compliance with the require rnontfl of the priginarcontroct , in one in stance claiming that it allowed him to charge for arguments a sum in excess of § 100 per day , which I refused to grant , and on the 4th of November , 1882 , ho wrote a letter threatening to withdraw From the case if his account w.ia not paid. While the cases wjro in progress I thought it injudicious to insist upon con cessions which would bring about a with drawal of Bliss. I don't think the amount received by Morrick and Kerr excessive or out of proportion to that oaid on cases of oven less magnitude bo- iween private parties. In the first trial of the cases of Dorsoy ot al. , I I'EllSOXALLY AlTllAKED n court as often as my other duties would permit , followed the cases with care from day to day , and made the long irgumont before the court and jury. Two of the defendants wore convicted on , ho first trial , but the irregularity and incongruity of finding subordinates guilty and failing to convict the organizers and general conspirators , those who had made the whole gain and those who had sot on "oot the whole game to beat the govern ment , was so manifest that the verdict wan sot aside on motion of the govern ment. In the second trial there was an acquittal. The public men who were nvolvod in these cases were not on their rial before those juries alone. They were on their trials llEt'OKK THE PEOPLE of the United States , and they were con victed by vhe common judgment of the vhole country. They are not punished > y imprisonment , but they had bettor bo n prison than now at larqo objects of scorn and aversion. Thnso prosecutions mvo not been without their usefulness , either. Some officials have assured mo 3oforo those cases were begun that the mils of the poaioilico department were SWAIlMIKd WITH TIlEflB DISHONEST .1011- KE1IK. They are there no more. The wholpsomo terror of these trials bus expelled them. The thoroughness of these investigations ias made it plain that there is no place so high that it could become a sanctuary 'or n thief or public robber. BENM. H , BREWBTEU , Attorney-General. WANKNHOAVEll'S DIABOLISM. SEAMAN NOUHIS TESTIflEH. WASHINGTON , April 17. Seaman Norris - ris was examined to-day before the Jeannette notto committee , and said that during a retreat ho had seen Lieutenant panmi- lowcr hoarding food , and hoard him nay that if the wo t caiuo to the worst ho would leave the partv and escape on his own account. Upon being asked if there was anything else ho would like to testify .o , witness asked that the ladies leave , ho room while ho should report certain ibuaivo and Indecent words addressed to lim by Melville. The request was granted , and the language repented to , ho committee , but is entirely too low and llthy for publication. Lieutenant Danenhowor took the stand , ana testified to unimportant mat tors. _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK PKICSIDUNOV. THE I'ENDIKO IIILL. WASHINGTON , April 17. At a mooting to-day of the house committee on the law respecting the election of president and vice president , the proposition to limit to twelve months the time during which cabinet officers may perform the duties of president was acted upon fa vorably. It provides that if the duties of the presidency fall upon a member of the cabinet more than twelve months be fore the next presidential election , ho shall issue a proclamation for a special election. Eaton was directed to report the proposition to the house na on amendment - ment to the senate bill providing "for the performance of tb.6 duties of the of. fico of president m case of removal , death , resignation , or inability both ol the president and vice president. " WASHINGTON NOTES. T/IE NAVAL IIUOUKT. Special Dispatch to THE 13KH. WABHINCITOM , April 17. The house appropriation committee will to-morrow take the naval bill as it was passed by the sonato. Talks with prominent members bers of tlio committee show a determination tion to fight it to the very laat , and al indications point to a long and determined ed dead-lock on the bill. THE TiKIW DEIIATK. The ways and moans commit too was to have hold a mooting this morning to dis cuss a proposition fixing the limit of debate bate on the tariff bill , out failed to got quorum. It will do so at its next meet Ing. THAT KEY WEST COLI.ECTOIl. Koffulur Press DUpixtchc * . WASHINGTON , April 17. The sonal hold n brief executive- session to-day , am the recommendation of the president tha Collector Wicker , of Key West , bo re moved on account of active sympnthj with tlio Cuban insurgents , was taken up The recommendation had been roforroi to the senate committee on commerce and was reported back favorably. Objcc tion was made to immediate consideration tion , and the subject wont over. A recommendation ommondation of this character ia unusua and is duo in this instance to the inter national feature of the matter. MISSOURI KIVEll COMMISSION. The houao committee on commerce hai agreed to favorably report the bill pro vidiug for the appointment of a Missour river commission. THE RWAIM .SWINDLE FIZZLU. Mr. Batuman , the banker who mad the charges against Gen. Swaim , has written n letter to the Secretary of Wai withdrawing the charges , stating tha the duo bill on which tha suit was insti tutcd against him ( Batoman ) wae to-day returned him. In his letter Bateman concedes that his charges against Gen. Swaim were "made under a misappro licnsion of facts. " MAO DONALD LAUNCHED. Ex-Sonntor Jos. E. McDonald was formally announced as n candidate for the presidency by the democratic asso- ciationof this city to-night. Resolutions favoring McDonald's ' candidacy worn unanimously adopted. Senator Voor- lieca made a speech supporting the rcao lutions. WALLACE VS. MKINLEY. * The sub-committee of the house com mittee on elections will to-morrow re port to the full committee on the contest between Wallace vs. McKinley , of Ohio. The sub-committee , by 3 to 2 , report in 'avor of the sitting member , McKinloy. The democratic members say that when : ho cnso ia considered by the full com- nittoo the eight democrats will vote for inscatiiiR McKiuloy , leaving six ropub- icans and ono democrat in favor of Wal- aco. THE EDUCATION DILL. The house committee on education has [ pcidcd to ask that the Blair education > ill , which recently passed the senate , bo akon from the speaker's table and refor- cd to the committoo. THE fll'.EELY 1'AHTY. The secretary of the navy issued to- lay , in accordance with the resolution recently adopted by both houses of con- ; ross , a proclamation ollbriug $25,000 ro- rard for the discovery and rescue by any > rivato person or vessel of the Arctic aig- lal service party of Lieutenant Grooloy. NEW YOIllt'S SHERIFF. * Acquitted of the Charges of Extor tion , Etc. NEW Yoiiir , tfpril 17. When the tes timony for-tho prosecution was all in , in the trial of Sheriff Davidson , under in dictment for extortion and receiving money under false pretenses , his counsel asked the judge for a direct verdict of acquittal. The district attorney admitted that the indictment would never have been found if the evidence brought out on Ross' examination had boon before the grand jury. The judge then directed a verdict for the defendant , and the jury promptly found Sheriff Davidson not guilty. The other two indictments pending ing against him for the same alleged of fenses , committed in other months , were quashed on motion of Mr. Ohoato. The shcrilf received the congratulations of his friends. A South American Outrage. LIMA , ( via Galveston , Juno 17. ) The city of Junin has been attacked by 1,000 Cacercs Montonoros. The prefect of the city , with 200 men , opposed them and they retired. After their departure the prefect seized two citizens , Vera and Jurado , whom ho accused of intrigues with the rebels , and both were shot. Jurudo ho killed with his own hand. This action of tlio prefect causes great excitement in the interior , ai both vic tims were well known and believed to have boon innocent of designs. Mo\ico Borrowing Money. CITY OF MEXICO , April 17. The government - ernmont is negotiating with representa tives of the Franco-Esyptian bank for a loan of $20,000,000 , 10,000,000 to bo paid the present administration , and § 10,000,000 to bo paid the incoming ad ministration , $3,000,000 to bo advanced immediately. The success of the nego < tiatioa is probable. Kunoral ol' the Dramatist. Byron. LONDON , April 17. The funeral ol Henry J. Byron , the dramatist , occurred to-day. It was attended by a numerous concourse of mourners , among whom were many prominent in theatrical cir cles , including Wilson Barrett , Ban croft , Grossmith and Toolo and Nellie Farren. Many wreaths were aent from the theatres. The remains were interred in Brompton comotry. The Oiliest Ijocoinotlvo Dead. INDIANAPOLIS , April 17. The body ol Goorgn Leah was found in White river , near this city , to-nigjit. Leah woa tin oldest locomotive engineer in the Unitoc Statco , having boon the first man to drive the locomotive Kockot which was exhibited at the recent Chicago railway exhibition. Ho was 81 years old , I is supposed to bo a case of suicide. HOT Si-niNfiB , April 17. A fire latt. last night destroyed eight buildings on Lower Central avenue. Total loss § 110 , 000 ; insured for 810,000 A young man named Joa Crenshaw died from excite mont. Two for Edmunds , New YOUK , April 17. Geo. William Ourtiu and John M. Cruno were chosoi delegates to the republican national con volition from the Iut district Both ur for Hdmundt , The Central Faolllu Fnet Mail. SAN FIIANCISCO , Cal , April 17. Th first fatt overland Central Pacific ma train arrived thin morutng on time. SCORING FOR THE SKIRMISl The Preliminary fork Proceeds o Choosing Delegates , A Question as to Whether Penn sylvania is for Elaine. An Opinion that Lincoln Before Elaine Would Sound Well , Henry Wattorson Declines in Ad vance to Go to Chicago , Results of Various State and Dis trict Conventions Yesterday , Hlnlno Killtors Kvldontly Very In ( llifltrlnus In llnpatclics. wisu. THAT UK HE NOT HUNT TO CHICAGO. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 17. An ad dress will appear to-morrow from Henry Wattcrson declining to bo a candidate for delegate at largo or otherwise from Ken , uoky to the national domocrntio con vontion. After acknowledging past lion ors at tlio hands of the dem ocracy , ho says : "I can aoo no onaon why I shall put upon myself ; ho sacrifices and responsibilities of sor- rico at all points dillicult find thank- esj ; doubly BO at a time when party strifes and private aims give the people inch scant assurance of disinterestedness n their public men. I have 10 doubt that the policy of 'ovonuo ' reform , now fairly inaugurated , will bo completed at Chi- ago in a frank , honest exposition ot iomouratio principles and purposes , and -hat a ticket will bo named in harmony nth the integrity , traditions and spirit f the party. I shall do my duty none .ho less faithfully and zealously because f my resolution to servo in the ranks. ' P11ESID13NTIA : I S. PENNHV LVANI A'S CHOICE , pocial Dispatches to TIIK UKK. HARRisnuiia , April 17. The Pcnnsyl- ania republican state convention has not dvauced Blaine in the race for the prcsi- ontial nomination. It is true the con- ontion adopted n resolution declaring lim the choice of the Pennsylvania re- > ublicans , and instructing the delegates t largo to vote for him at Chicago as eng as his name shall bo before the con dition , but many .of the district dele gates are really opposed to Elaine's nom- natipn and do not consider the resolution winding upon them They will fly off 10 track at the first favorable oppor- unity. NEW JKllSEV. TRENTON , N. J. , April 17. The ro- mblican state convention was called to rdor at 12:30. : Senator Griggs was oloct- d temporary chairman. Ho made a jooch in which ho stated that the indus- ios of the state looked to the republican tarty for safety. Ho hoped the delegates rould bo sent to the Chicago convention minstructed. Congressman Ilorr , of Michigan addressed the convention. Af- ortho appointment of committees an djournmont was taken until IJ o'clock. Upon reassembling the temporary or. animation was made permanent. It was csolvod "that the wise , conservative and latriotic administration of President .rthur comnmnds our cordial upproval.1' 'ho platform "views with alarm the Imost solid array of democratic votes in lie present congress in favor of persist- nt reduction in the tar ill' ; that ny revision of the tar ill which nay bo needed should bo entrusted to ho friends and not the one- nios of the protective system. " 'ho resolutions approve the reform of ho civil Burvico act , and ask the repeal of the law requiring the superfluous coin- go of the silver dollar. The delegates at largo to Chicagaaro : Congroaiman W. W. Pholps. John 0. Gardner. Sena- or Sowoll and ox-Judgo Fort. Ex-Sec- otary lloboson received 135 votes for lulcgnto at largo ; nocosaary _ to clioico , 123. The delegates wore uninatructod. Adjourned. iiou O'LINK NOT A CANDIDATE. CHIGAOO , April 17. Robert Lincoln writes a friend hero : " 1 um not a candi- late for either president or vice president and therefore do not wish any clubs brmod for mo. " "LINCOLN AND DLUNE , " Special Dispatch to THE Jieic. WAHHINOTON , April 18 An active ? onnsyvania democrat , who attended roatorday the Pennsylvania republican ionvontion , said to-day : "I thought .hero was a great deal alleged Blaine on- .huaiaain , The fooling was quite as itrong for Lincoln. If somebody had iad the nerve to get up and move to nul Lincoln first on the ticket and Blaine second , it would have carried. IN NEW YOIIK. UTJCA , N. V. , April 17. The Twenty third Congressional district republican convention lias chosen A , M. Lamphor and W. E. Scripture delegates to Chicago both for Blaino. Blaino.IN IN OHIO. CLEVELAND , April 17. The Ninth dis trict republicans elected as delegates to Chicago IS. L. Sampson , of Aehtabulu county , and J. 0. Converse , of Gcaugua instructed for Blaine TI3NNK8SKK. Till ! IlKI'OULIOAN CONVENTION. NAHHVILLE , April 17 The republican ntato convention mot ut noon. Judge Frank T , Kcod , of the circuit court o this county , was nominated for fjovemo by acclamation. There was no otho nominations. The vote was unanimous The uornineo was a confederate soldier serving through the lute war as n private in Forrest's cavalry. THE PLATKOllM endorsee the administration of Arthu because of his prudence , impartiality anc patriotism as u lopubltcan and berausi his conservative honojty , whdon auc Btatesmanship have given peace , pro greas and prof parity to the country charges the democratic party will nrctumlint ; to favor low taxes and fewer office-holders , yet making taxe. higher and ofliccrs more numerous j con damns the democratic tariff policy ns cal ciliated to bring American labor in dam nging conflict with the convict and pau. per labor of Europe and all the world. The dologatcs-at-largo to Chicago are L. 0. Houk Knoxville , J. 0. Fapior , Nnehvillo ; 1. F. Oassolts , JtjmphisV. ; . P. Brownlow , Jonosboro. District delegates - gates were also selected. Delegates nro without instructions. SOUTH OAUOIilNA. HUl KIUNO. I'coploln Slarlon County on thcVcrjc oC Starvation. COLUMIHA , S. 0. , April 17. The Pec Doe Index , published at Marion , says : "Accounts from difleront sections of the county roporta many cases of actual suf foriug caused by persons unable to got broad. There has boon no year since the war when provisions were BO scarce. There are , perhaps , hundreds in Marion county who cannot got enough broad to oat. The largest liberality must prevail or starvation in some instances must on sue. " Tlinro are no reports at the de partment of agricuUuro intimating such a condition of all'airs. The crops of last year wore short , but the township corrcs- [ londouta don't olludo to a lack of food. A Lively JMIdnlKlit Klot. Prrnmuuo , April 17. Between thirty and forty Hungarians and Poles employ- 3d at the Edgar Thompson Stool works , Braddock , Pa. , engaged in a bloody riot ihis morning , about ono o'clock. Pistols , oiivcs , clubs , and every conceivable woa- ion were brought into service and freely used. The light lasted about two hours and when finally quieted by citizens where ro compelled to organize a vigilance jommittoo to suppress the riot , it was bund that throe men had sus- aincd serious injuries , and a number of others slightly hurt. L'Jio riot was the result of bad blood be tween the Poles and Hungarians. Laat light the Poles living in Bruggoman's row were celebrating the return to this country of llyo of their number and dur- ng the evening the party partook freely of liquor and frequent minor quarrels oc curred. About ono o'clock Miller wont iut for a drink of water when ho was at- nckod by the Hungarians. His friends : amo to his rescue and a general melee bllowod. AVhilo the battle was in pro gress the citizens who became'alarmed organized and marched on the mob , which dmporsod without bloodshed. Five riot ers wore arrested and lodged in jail. This naming at n hearing they were hold in ? 500 bail each. The wounded men are loing well and no further trouble is ap > rohondcd. Train AVrcoku. 3'iTTsnuiio , April 17. A freight wreck occurred at Hanover , near Newark , on ho Panhandle road , lant night , the on- ; iuo and four cars poing over an onbnnlc- . McOai-ty and another -ouiig man stealiug a ride to Coahoolon torn in ono of the cars wrecked. Me- Carty was killed instantly and the other lightly injured. The train men escaped > y jumping. CINCINNATI , April 17. The driving wheel of the engine on the incoming nas- onger train on the Louisville short line oad broke this morning in Newport , vcnlucky , throwing the engine and pos- al car from the track badly wrecked. ) aniol Huflhaglo , fireman , fatally injur- d ; passengers uninjured. ATo.\uH Ijanil OAHC. WACO , Tox. , April 17. The celebrated and case of Williams vs. Conger , on rial the past week in the United States ourt , was decided to-day in favor of the ofondant. The suit involves 28,000 crca of land in McLennan county. The asu will probably bo carried to the Jnitcd States oupromo court. Navigation at Mackinaw , MACKINAW , April 17. A tug , after working hard to-day to roach the Algo- nah , gave it up indefinitely. About 9 ) 'cloclc to-night all were surprised by the Algomah arriving at the dock here with- iut assistance , minus her rudder , the ice mving opened up and released hor. The weather ia mild. TOXAB Coxv-Iioy Outlawry. SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , April 17.- Sixty ndictmonts have been return in Medina county , for fence cutting. The district ittornoy believed to bo able to secure 20 indiotmonts against parties for fence cutting , fence burning , perjury , conspir acy and killingshorifid. I'ubllo IJOHSCH. FIIANKLIN , Mass. , April 17.--Tho stockholders of the Franklin Rubber Co. were voted an assessment of 50 per cent on the capital ntock ( § 150,000) ) , owing to largo losses during the year , and the largo stock on hand. A Costly BUKNA VEHTA , COLO , April 18 , Hillor Hallook & Co. , hankers , have assigned available assets estimated at $25,000 liabilities § 50,000 , The failure was cauBfld by expensive litigation concerning the Nest Egg mine. Iowa DoiiHicratf , BUIILINOTON , April 17. The democra tic state ronvpntion to be huld here the 24th inbt. , will moot in tlio Now Orant Opera house , which has ample accmnoda tioiifl for the large dolugationi expoctec from all over the Btato , A Cordon Around ilit * Ji'llllUHtcrH. KEV WEHT. April 17. TJio war ships Alliance and TonucsseL , two revenue cutters tors and steam launches form a cordoi around the islund , to prevent the departure parturo of any Cuban expedition. I'onnHylvunla "Wool-Girowort * . PI'TTHUUKCI , April 17. fno Pennsyl rnuia Wool-Qrowors * association con voncd hero in annual session this after noon at 2 o'clock , Delegates were pres out from all parta oftho _ state. The Liast Franclsuan Pioneer. SANTA BAIIHAHA , Col , , April 17. llov Father Sanchez , the last pioneer of tin Franciscan missionaries , who arrive ! hero in 1811 , dioil to-doy , aged 71. A IjoulHlunu Town Obliterated. TJIKNTON , Lit. , April 17. All tlio busi ness places in town , throe excepted , have been burned , LOST , $38,000 : insurance. KERNEL KINGS. The Monarchs of the Cereal Markets Still Strngfc A Stronger Fooling Develops iii All Grain Yesterday , Trading in Wheat and Corn Ao- tivo Values Higher , Provisions Comparatively Un changed , but Oattlo Lower , A Sharp Demand for Light Ar rivals at Good Prices , Thirty-Six Cai-Loail.H ot Nebraska Snoop at $ .ViOt * $ a.5O. OlIIOAOu'S 1T.ELINO , Special Dlsuatch to THE BITK. OincAno , April 17. A strong feeling was developed in all cereals ti-day , and provisions also were firmer. Trading in wheat was active throughout the entire session. The market opened onsy , but became firm almost immediately under frco buying , and by noon prices had ad vanced with oniy slight fluctuations at 1 to Ijo , then ruled unsettled , receding g to jc , fluctuated and closed 1 to IJc over ypBtorday. April closed at 84Jc , May at 85c , Juno at 87jo and July at 88jc. On call sales were 1,000,000 bushels at unchanged prices , with the exception of May which advanced c. CORN ACTIVE. Trading in corn was quito active , the fooling stronger , accompanied by a sharp advance in prices. Local operators bought freely , and the rapidly advancing priooa induced the "shorts" to cover freoly. The market prices opened a nhadti easier , rallied steadily , prices ad vancing lAo ' to Igc ; later a decline of ic occurred'tho mark t closing Ic to ijc over yesterday ; April closed at 49 o to 49o : May at OOjjo , Juno at 51JSond July at 53 s. On call sales were 400,000 bushels , May advancing Jo and Juno de clining c. OATS. There was a speculative market for oats , which was unsettled , with an early dcclino of o to io , but under a good demand - mand iv reaction of Ic occurred , receded slightly , and cloned about } o better than yesterday. May closed at 32Jo , June at 32jc | , and July at 32Jc. On call board tales were 50,000 bushels , prices advanc ing Jo. PORK. Ruled irregular , with trading moder ately active. The market opened 100 to lee lower , rallied 30o tc 35s , receded lOc to 15 , closed steadyMayclosodat ; S1GG2& " to $1005 , Juno at SlG77Ato 81080" nnd JulyafclG87 to $1G)0. ! ) On call board salon were 2,750 barrels , at unchanged - - changed prices. LARD was fairly active ; opened 5 to lOo lower , rallied 15o to 20c , receded 2Jo to 5c , closing steady. May closed at $8 27A to § 8 30 ; Juno at 38.37 * to $8 40 , and July at $8.47 * to $8.50. On call , sales of 500 tierces at unchanged prices. CATTLE. Receipts 7,200 , against 0,230 last Thursday , making an increase of about 5,000 over the corresponding period latt week ; There was an active demand from all classes of buyers , and prices on all descriptions ruled steady. There were a few loads of cboico cattle that made very good prices , ono lot making $0.80 , the highest price for the week BO far. A curious feature of the market is the sharp demand for light cattle from dressed beef dealers , they paying high prices for stock avoraxing under 1,000"and as low as 800. There is also an extraordinary demand for light young cattle for grazing and feeding , and oven calves bring high figures. A lot of choice corn fed Colo- rados made § 0.30. and there was a drove of choice ccrn fed Texnns on sale that were held at high pricua ; 1,350 to 1,500 pound export grades , $0 40 to § 0.80 ; good to choice shipping , 1,200 to 1,350 pounds , § 5.00 to 80.30 ; common to medium , 1,000 , to 1,200 pounds , $5,40 to 5,80. SHEEP. Among the Bales wore 10 or 12 car loads of Ncbroskas , averaging 125 pounds , at $ , < 5,40 ; 8 loads do , averaging 128 pounds , at § 5.45 , and G loads , sver- uging 110 pounds , at $5.50. North On roll un s Now Episcopal WILMINGTON , N. 0 , April 17. Rev , Alfred A. Wilson , D. D. was consecrated to-day , Bishop of the new Episcopal diftcoso of North Carolina. There was a largo attendance of clergy among whom. officiating win Bishop Lyman , of 111. ANDREW ns no u RYIUOTO HOLD DOWN EARLBAKINQPOWD ITAMODUNDTORISC In Andrewj' foarl Baking Powd * ? . 1 P ° - ( IvclypUnE. licliiilciulorMH iuu's&UiuoiiUik nvem-dUGHia-jcli chemUtsasH. P&.IU JIa > , Bort- tuii : il. Dclofoutalnc , of Chicago ; and Uuvtavu * Ucxlo. Jllhv uiiU'C. Kovcr snlil lu bulk. 29