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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1884)
Iff THE DAIITX BEE MONDAY , ITEBHUAttY 4,1884. Dr. WnRticr's Kcmovnl. Dr , Wagner hM icmovcd lilj office from No. 841 Larimer to No. 333 lArlmcr , where ho will bo pleased to flto his friends. The Doctor Is to bo conprnUihtcd on the completeness nnd elegance of his now bnlld Injf. It is ono of the best In the clty.-tDcmcr He < VUl > ll-an , Jan. , 1S3J. THE LEARNED B R 8 338 LARIMER STREET. Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. Wognor'i methods of cure : 1 , "Dr. H. Wftgnor Is a natural phjfJclan. " O. 8. Kowinn , The Greatest MVUIR t'hrcnologlat. "Few can oxco J ou aa a doctor. " Diu J. SIMMS , The World's Greatest Phj sloffnomlst. "You nro wonderfully proficient In jour kncml cdgo of disease and uiculchics. " Dn. J. M.mtinffs. 4. "Tho afflicted find ready relief In } our pres ence. " I'n. J. SIMMS. 6. "Dr. II. Vv'asnor la a rcprular graduate from Hellenic Hospital , Now York city ! has hid \cry ox tcnsh o hospital practice , and Is t horouthly ported on all branches of his belated eclcnco , especially on cbtonla diseases. " / DRS. Unon-Mtu , It Ewisa. 0. "Dr. H. Wanner has Immortalized himself bj his wonderful dhooicry of specific remedies for prl \ato and sexual diseases. " Virfflnla City Chronicle. 7. "Thousands of invalids flock to sea Mm. . " Han FrAiicisco Chronicle. 8. "Tho Doctor's lone ; oxrorlcnco as a specialist should render him my successful. " Kocky Moun tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tlmo R discussion of the secret vlco was en tirely molded by the profession , and medical works but a fewj cars ago would hardly mention It. To day the ph } slclan U of a different opinion ; ho U awara that it la his duty illsagrceablu though It may bo to handle this matter without gloves and cptak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and 'guardians will thank him for doingeo. ThorcsulU attending tills destructive vice were or- mcrly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance being attached to a subject which b ] Its nature does not imlto close InvestigationIt wn willingly ignored. The habit Is generally contracted by the young whllo attending school ; older companions through their example , may hi responsible for It , or It may pe acquired through accident. The excitement once ex perienced , the practice will bo repeated again and again .until at lost the habit becomes firm and com plctcly enslaves the victim. Mental and nervous at factions are usually the primary results of pclf-almse , Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or irrascibillty of temper nnd general debility. The hey seeks seclusion , and rarely Joins In the sports of hia companions. If ho bo n youn ? man ho will bo little found In company with the other sex , and Is troubled with exceeding and annoying boshfulncss in their presence. Lascivious dreams , emissions and eruption a on the face , etc. , are also prominent symptoms. If the practice. (3 ( \ iolontly persisted In , more serious disturbances take placo. Great palpitation of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall Into a complete state of Idiocy be fore , finally , death rcllov cs him. To nil those engaged In this dangerous , practice , ] would say , first of all , stop It at once ; make ever ) possible effort to do so ; but if you fall , If your ncrv ous system Is already too much shattered , and consequently quently , your will-power broken , Uko seine nerve tonic to aid j ou In j our effort. Hav Ing f rccil yourself from the habit , I would further counsel jou to go through n regular course of treatment , for It Is a great mistake to suptiosi that any ono may , for some time , bo tox.crysolitr'e glvohhnsclf uptothlsfascinatlm : but dangerous ciUtcmeiit , vv ithout suffering from its evil consequences at some future time. The numnci of jounirmcn whonro incapasiatcd to fill the duties enjoined by vv cdlock Is alarmingly largo , and In most of euch cases this unfortunate condition of things can bo traced to the practice of self-abuse , w hlch had been abandoned } cars ago. Indeed , a few months' practice of this habit Is sulllclent to Induce spermatorrhoea. J later } cars , and I hav o many of euch cases under treat meti t at the present day. Young Met Who rmy bo suflcrlnK from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretions vv ill do well to av all thomsclv cs of this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of uuf- crlnK humanity. DR. WAOMIRlilfruanuitcotofor - cit$500 foroverycoseof seminal weakness or private disease of any kind and character which ho under takes to and falls to cure. Middle Aged Men. There ara many at the ORO of SO to 00 who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , often accompanied by a tlight sinartlng or burn ing sensation , and a weakening of the s > stcni In a manner the patient cannot account for. On oxamln- * Ing the urinary deposits n ropy sediment will often be found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear , or the color will he of thin mllklsh hue , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There arc inany , many men who die of this dllflculty.lgnorant ol the cause , which Is the second btago of scminal-vv oak- ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect euro In all cases and a healthy restoration of the Kentto-urinary or gans. Consultation frco. Thorough examination and ad vice , ( S. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Ilcnrj Henry Wagner , P. O. 2389 , Denver , Colorado. The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. II Wagner , Is worth Ita weight in gold tojoung men Price $1,25. gout by mall to any address. A FBIEMD TO ALL. Ono Who ia Needed and Nobly Fills his - Placo. Denver Is moro tortmuto than she Knows In the noascss on of the talents and energies of a man who has given his tlmo auJ thought not merely to the perfection of his skill as a practitioner of hlu pro- iesalon of medicine , hut to tha Btudy of those profound - found tilings of BC'CUCO ' and nature hlch tend to the moro complete understanding of the problem of life and of the laws of nv.uro and the means of gaining the greatest practical goods to mankind from the Information - formation thun dcquireu In the abstract. Such a man In Dr. II. Wagner , who is looat J at 813 Ivirlmer street. Dr. Wajcncr devoted nnny > oars to thoao- iiiisitlonof the knowledge nocceusary to his profus- blon In a number of tha luadliu medical ujhools of the most eminent and profound teachers , such names as Dr. Orosu and Dr. Pancoast appearing among his prcccptois Nordh his studies end hero. 'ITiev continue o in the field of the practicing family phlbiclan and In the oxperlenccu of a man nf exten- elvo travel. He haivMted every ecction of the Uni ted States paying fctudlouu attention to the different ch > ractcrUtlcn ol the v arloua portions of the country , particularly with regard to thtlr elftct , cllmatlo and otlicivvlso upon ntalth and the dllfo out forms of dis eases. With the combined jioweM of cio o study , rx tonklvoob.crvatlon and almost utdlmtcd practice , Dr Wagner came to Denver three > cara ago equip ped an law have the right to claim to battle tbo too uf mankind , the dro tue < l euemy , dlsoate. In order to render the greatest good to Bociety , Dr. tfa ner cleci. dtd to lay aildu the general branches of practice and bring all hss r i > e kn iwlcdge and pnor to bear up on. Uio foe which am ng the army of Insidious death agents U the croatost. Ill * wide experience , hod taught hloi what wcapous to U90 and which to discard , and after equipping himself a i hlo trained judgment wan bo vv ell anlo to advUo him ho com menced boldly and confidently his attack. In esti mating the rctults and uuoceau achieved , it li only ncncflsary toknowthodoot r'HHtiltloiiuiid utandmg todaWhile located In thU iaty , hU | rortlco In by no ineans confined to rn lioiiti nor thU sect on of country , JllKoorrespondencsand etpiunbo.i.nus- tlly In black and hile to hi * lies tun un ol a Held ol piactlco buuiMtd nniy by the Hutu which bound the cngthamlbreauthof the cmntry , ftid which has laced him vv hero a nun of hlnnktliand Intellectual attainments ilojerfis to 10 , and iho Id to l.o ti.ii.blti him to reach the hlgbett uphcro of mefuliiesi to buf fcrlng bnrnanlU the piano ol fhi ' Ual Indcpun denic. DWujcutr IIM cuntributed f liln pro , .rl < tytotheiubsUiilUlhnprovemeot of Dsnvo'ln the ere tion of aIIno 1,1 H.IC on Incluicr > tr < . t , uti 0hltu hU prcjcnt olllc , .Vo. 3D. It will ha ready for o < yu iiancy Inaitw wctkn , undli an vvldt.ii < : o ( lut tlio uoctor U to bo niimbeio 1 mnoiig the pf r J antint aid fulMcl Izcni of thi metropolis uf the | < Uliu - | Dt.n ver Tribune. DR. H. WAGNER & CO. , 33S Larimer ; SLSAddrcB-'i Box 238P , 12 "WOMAN'S She is over-worked , poor thing ! Proud , honorable , faithful , womanly , she determined to keep expenses tio\vnnnddothc work herself. Right : obly has she done it , but at terrible .ict. The sparkle that was in her t'e when she was a bride is gone. aicir once plump and rosy checks i'0 now hollow nnd colorless. She used to step lightly and gracefully9 but now she drags one foot after the other with painfiihveariness. For lfk2 sake of the family she docs not mention ur aching back , acutely-painful nerves , her rhcu- inatioXingcs.hcrdyspcptictroublcs , or the heavy weight she feels in her right side , that tells her her liver is coing wrong. She thinks nobody knows about all that , and she will suffer on in quiet and unrcpining pa tience. Alas 1 her secret is an open one , for it tells its own talc. Whisper this in her ear , she ought to know it : Madam , Jirowifs Jrott t vour&yspcpsiatandccrrcctyour liver Dollar a boltl c. Nearest drugcist. 0 The moot tno term " Hhoi H Una" In connection wlthtbi D corporate name of a irroatroad a convojiian Itlcaof list "hit rcHiuirul by tlio trnvclln pub he n Short I.I no , Quick Timt nnd the best of accoramoda _ _ _ _ _ .iR tlons all ofhlch are fnro lehod by the greatest railway hi America. QHIOAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. Itovrns nnd operates over 4,600 miles of'M Northom Illinois , Wisconsin , Mlnnoaotn , lonati Dakota ; and as ts main lines , branches nnd connec tions reach all the irrcat business centres of the Northwcstnnd Par West , It naturally answers tl description of Short I.liiu , nnd Hcst Route bctnoon Chicago , Milwaukee , St. 1'aulnnd Minneapolis. TJChicaroMilwaukee ; , Li Crosse and Winona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllcndalo Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and SUllwatcr' Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Ilcavcr Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukexha and Oconomowoo. Chicago , Milwaukee , Mmllaon and 1'rairiodu Chlcn ChieaKO , Milwaukee , Ovtatonna and Fairibault. Chicago , liclolt Jancs\l'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elirln , Hockford and Dubnquo. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island nnd Cedar Ilaplds. Chicago , Council DIulTs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls nnd Yankton ChicAgo , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Hock Island , Dubuque , St. 1'aul and Minncauollg. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest DlnlncrCars In world arc run on the mainlines ottho CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is laid to passengers by courts oua employes of the company. S. [ 3. MERRILL , A. V. II. CAIlPr.NTER , Gcnl Manager. Ocn'l Pasn. Agent , J.JT. CLARK , OEO H. IIEAFFOHD , ' ' . Oou'lSup't. Nebraska Cornice AND- BMANUFACTURERS OPj GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT SfCTAUC SKYUdllT , Iron Fencing ! Crestlngs , Balustrades , Verandas , Office nnd Bank Hallings , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc. OOH O. ANDBtQ STIlEi:1' , uINCOLN KEU. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 217 nnd 219 North Main St , St Louis. WHOLESALE DKALEUS IN ROOK , ) B5)AOieC ) O ( WRITING' NEWS , / E * * A * IT * IS K ! 53 5 I WRAPPING KHVBLOPESCABD BOARD AND oald for Kaes of all Ji : 1 ( J. WEST'S NKKVK * vv DHAIIJ TiinAT. uniir , n Biiarnntoed hnecifio fur lljotcrin , Jiizzi- nosi. Convulsions , Vita. Norvona Neunilffin Uouilarho.Norvoiis Prontrrtioncnuucd by tlionso of clca > hol or tcibiccf ) , WnLcrnliioss , JlcnUil JJo- prooaiou , Hoftoiunsof fho llniui rcr.r.ltini ; in in panity mill lending to misery , decay nnd death I'iuinaturo OldAfio , HnrrciiTies'j , Ixiss of i > ovrer in either BOX , Involuntary IJOBSCS nm Bnermnt- orrluxui c.m ( xl byovor-oinrtjo'i of tholirain.Gejf. nbuso or iiver-indulKonoj. Knrh box conlnins one month's troutmont , SI f ) n boxer i < ix bases torfi.OOhcnt Ijj'innil jiWfraidou receiptut linos. \VK CUAJlASTTKi : WIX IJOXEtt To euro r.ny cci With each unlir rccoivnl bynt for nix IJOXUB. nminnpunied with SIUK ) , uoril. . Bond the parchasi-r our v/ritton Bunrantno to to- fluid the imncy it the tn-ntniontdouanotouoct ncuro. Oix.r'iTit oH isHiicd.nlyby f > , F. GOODlfAN , A cimaha Noh. DK , FEUX L BRUN'S PrtKVKNTTVK AND GUBK. remedy being Injected turoctly to the Boat fc.Y4e , roqulrea no chaise of diet or nuistons , oercuritl or poisonous modlcluco to be taken Intern' iy Then 'iBx ) M a preventive by either ux , It It U'lxwliilu to contract any privito illtoaso ; but In the itm of tboeo already untariwu&ely attllctod we KU r- threw boxes to cure , or wo will refund the rooty , IVioo by mall , pottage ( mid , J2 pe > lx ) , or ihrct bozoi ( or ) S. ; WlinTENJOHAIUKTKK ue4 by ill * uthorttednentr. ! ( BOLK I'HOriUETOES. C. F , Ooudmui , Drun'rlat ) , [ Sole Aceut , for Oraahi mto wlv J. It. OAMlMIKUi. I' 8.S. CAMWIKM , , Campbell & Co. , i i | PKOnUCK , PllOVISIOXg , K11U1T3 , ETC. 105 South llth Street , between Dougliu and Dodge , ' OMAHA , NKH. I'.cfcrciiMH-Virst National Bank , bteelo , Johnson , t ( . , Oiuuha ; Hunk of Coas County , 1 latUinouth , Noh , CONSIGNMENTS EOLICITKD. IlETURNS MADE I'llOMITliY , DUFRENE ft MEIWELSOHM , JJa&JEl\JJL * 10 OUAIIA NATIONAL BANK COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , IVnlcr for the Homo. The following loiter , received by llov , J. G. Lemon from Uio president of the water works company , not only speaks well for the generosity of the mnnngo * mont of that company , but for Uio evi dent interest felt in all that is for the in terest or well-being of Council Itlnfl's : NBYOHK , January 39 , 1881. DISAU Sin : I am in receipt of your es teemed favor f the 23J inst. , inquiring whether this company is willing to do nate a watur supply to the Homo of the Friendless. The citi/.cns of Council lllulls have , as a rule , treated this company with proper consideration. NVo came among them as strangers , and wo have given them the boat appointed and best constructed ays- torn of water works of any city in the \\est. The enthusiasm shown on the 17th of January last , when the ollicinl test of the waterworks was made , furnished mi- mistakablu evidence that the citizens fully appreciated what this company has done for the progress and improvement of the city of Council Bin Us. 1 therefore say in reply to your letter that wo nro glad of the opportunity , which your inquiry has Riven us , to show the citizens of Council Blull's that wo are not indifferent to the appeal of pno of their most deserving of charitable institu tions. I therefore take pleasure in informing you that I have instructed our chief on- jincor to furnish free of expense , to the Homo of the Friendless , until further notice , such a supply of water as the in stitution way roquno. I am , my dear air , Very Respectfully Yours , SIDNEY W. lloricixs. MIsHOtiH Valley WltlsporH , MISSOURI VAIUIY , February 2. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. Harris , nco Emma Jones , of Topelcn , Kansas , are hare ou n visit. P. E. Hall , general manager S. 0. ( fc ? . railway , is in town. The S. 0. & P. railway will , it is siid , certainly locate now shops hero in the spring. Jack Cain , the crook , who "hold up" .ho . old Gorman citizen and robbed him , vas to-day recaptured , nftor having re cently escaped. W. H. Moshor , of Council Bluffs , has ) con appointed agent of the American xprcss company hers ; vice II. T. Beobo rosignoo. to accept a run on the Burling- , on railway. Tlio Germans nnd Swedes gave a dance ast night , which was largely attended. The project for an opera house , which is badly needed , is again taking form. Trade is reported quiet nil over town. Young Porrow has returned from his eastern trip , and again settled back in hia easy chair. Mrs. B. H. Donico , who has been in Arizona several months , is homo again. W. 0. Ellis is now in Florida , where iis health is improving. The report about town is that the Northwestern is to erect a now depot early in the spring. Several approaching weddings are on the tapis. George Williams surprised his friends by suddenly returning to town to-day after his long absence. Sam Wright , of Sioux City , is in town. Moro anon. FAY. COMMEKCIAIj. COUNCIL BLOrFS MAItKET. Wheat No. 2 miring , 05c ; No. 3 , OOc ; re- jcctod , 45c ; good demand. Corn l/oakrs are paying 33o for old corn and 2Cc for n"v. . Outs In good demand at 22c. Hay 1 00@G 00 per ton ; 50o per bale. Kyo 10@4Dc. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00@ 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 DO per ton ; soft , 5 00 par ton Butter Plenty and in fair demand at 20c ; creamery , 35c. ICgga In good demand at 25c per dozen. Lard 1'nirbank's , wholesaling at lit Poultry Heady sale ; dealers are paying for chickens lie ; turkeys , 14e. Vegetables Potatoes , 40e ; onions , 40o ; cab bage , none in the market ; npplcs , ready gale at 3 00@3 50 for prime stock. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@4 00. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LIVK STOCK. Cattle 3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 00@7 50. Hogs Local pockeni are buying now and there is n good uainand for all gradoa ; choice pocking , 6 35@5 55 : inixcd , 4 75@5 25. A Model Adams County Kami. Hastings Gazctto Journal. A few days since wo had occasion to visit the farm of Dr. J. N. Lyman , which lies about four miles south of town , and , finding things in , around and about his promises in f-.uch good systematic order , aa compared with many other farms , wo thought a brief description of his prom- scs , stock , etc. , would not bo amiss and might perhaps oncourngo some other far mer to fix up e. little for the comfort and convenience ) of his acock. The doctor h&a about two hundred and fifty head of full blood and grade cattle , fifty four head of those are steers which lie in feeding for market. The balance are cows , calves and young stock. The feeding stock are in a yard by thomsolven whore they have ample shod room to oliolter thorn from 'the ' cold windn and storms. They are fed all the cora they will eat from tronghc , from which there ia no wisto. Their nay is delivered tothom _ in racks , approach- sJblo from all sides , from which they take ail they require , and do not waste or muss what they < ] o not oat. They have a full 8upply of water at til times. Thic they got in troughs also , which are fed from a tank at tliq wind mill or by pump ing from cisterns or reservoirs when the wind docs not furnish 6ho necessary amount. The surplus water flows into n set of Uoughs lower down , from which the hogs got their water without interfering with that used by the cattle. This water system Is the earno throughout all the yards. There is one largo tank at the well from which pipes are laid to each cattle and hog yard , and also to each of four cisterns. The stock cattle are in a largo dry yard by themselves and a large barn , one hundred foot long and about forty foot wide , all open inside , furnishes ample and comfortable shelter. The loft of this barn ia kept filled with hay and corn , to guard against the contingency of a storm in case of which can bo fed under cover and without exposure. Ho has about 450 hogs of all sizes and at < os , every one of which ia provided with good warm shelter , plenty of water , and plenty of good dry straw for litter. All his stock looks aleok and in fine order , and are aa fame aa kittens and show by their looka that they faro well and have a humane owner. Unsidoa the yards , barns , and Hhedo already described , ho has a largo building in which ho keeps young calves , pigs , etc. , and any animal that becomes sick or crippled , n sort of charity hospital an it wore. Wo aaid his stock was tamo. There nro steers weighing from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds , who will walk up to the visitor and show their appreciation by rubbing their heads ami necks against you as fa miliarly aa n hand-raised calf. The lioga will stand by you while , with n corn cob you scratch their sides , allowing clearly that care nnd kindness will domesticate any of the farm animala. The doctor has long ricks or stacks of hay and straw , cribs of corn nnd bins of small grain , amply stilllcicnt tu carry hia stock over until grars grows. Besides being a prominent atock raiser , Dr. Lyman is ono of the most practical farmers in the state. Hia farm ia in n high stale of cultivation. Ho has several acres of line young orchard , around hia house are hundreds of forest , shndo and ornamental trees ; ho hiw miles of good fence , part of his land is in tame grass , from which ho can cut his hay or have early or late pasture ; ho has several acrca of pasture land in which blue grass is malting a line stand ; liu has everything arranged with a view to use , convenience and economy , nnd it needs only n brief visit to hia promises to convince the most skeptical that farming pays in Nebraska. Tlio Kiul ol a Lemuel Thomas , of Jenkintovrn , n su burb of Philadelphia , gnvo n banquet to twelve friends on the evening of January 14. After they had been seated a short time ono of the men aaid the reunion , on account of there being thirteen pres ent , was BUggoativo of the last supper. This was received with yells of delight , and Thomas presently proclaimed that he was the savior , and charged ono of the royaterora with being Jndns laciiriot , It is claimed that ho next broke some bread in pieces and distributed it , with glasses of beer among the guests in mockery of the last sacrament. In the midst of the feast , while thirteen men were eating , drinking , and shouting , Thomas uttered a terrible oath , and made use of some blashcmous expressions that shocked oven his comrades. They all started up with amazement at hia word , when ho suddenly grow pale , and putting his handa to his head complained of pain. It was about eleven o'clock that this occurred , nnd the supper had opened shortly after eight. "I'm afraid it's my last supper , after all , " the miserable man moaned , then clutch ing his hair , and rising with difliculty , ho announced to the rest : "I must vacate my chair , boys ; you must got some other president. I'm going home. " They all tried to dissuade him , saying that ho would bo bettor presently , but ho p r- aistcd and loft the room. Whoa Thomas reached his house ho said that ho felt as if ho had boon atruck a violent blow on the head. Ho complained of being weak and fooling as if on the verge of the grave. Ho liucorcd on , his relatives fancying that his sickness - ness was imaginary. A few mornings after the feaat ho waa found dead in his bed. A horrible smile played o'er his features , nnd hia eyes wore starting out of their sockets , "as if , " said a woman relative , "ho had scon something awful and died while staring at it' , " lodhlo of rolncstnm Is ono of the strongest of the inliicraU used In nuxllchio , and ha ) produced much eudcrln hi the world Taken fora long tlmo anil tn lartfo tlosoj , it dries up the gastric juices , Impairs digestion , the stomach rcufacu food , an ! the patient tltcllncaln health nud weight. I'ersono with Bleeder or Skin Diseases nhould ho careful How they take the e mineral poisons , as In moat Instances the cllcrt of them [ i to almost premancntly Impair the constl * tutlon. 1o take the plaeo of these poisons wo i ffer j ou a Eafcmire , prompt and permanent relief from your troubles. Bnlft'sSpccifln U entirely n vogcta- ble preparation , and It Is e.isy to coin luce you of Its merit. I line cured permanently Dlood Taint In the third ircnerotlon by the use of Sniffs Hpecillo fter I had most slynall ) failed with Mercury and Potash. F. A. TOOMEII , M. I ) . , Perry , Ga , A joiin ? nun requests mo to thank you for hlscuro of Dlood I'olson by the nso ol j our Specific after a' ! other treatment had failed. Jos JACOIM , Druggist , Athens , Oa. Our treatise on Illood and Skin Diseases mallei ! free to applicants. TIIK SWIFT 81T.CIFIO CO. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ua. WIIN IHI c Ovfit t f TMIB COUN . IX * 'INIua lHt .M * lHrTHE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAMD& PACIFIC R'Y ) jy the rcnlrnl ? > niitton of Ita line , ortuaoctn the V.ajt untl ttu Wuct by tlio shorteat rotru * . and oar- > rloi iui > onzcr < . irltliaut cliunKO or can. hotv/oou ( 'liian'iu ana Kttui'i City , Cuuncll IJltKIi. Lea von. worm , Alcljlu-n. l'Jlntuuj | < iU ] nnd tit. J'aul , It euimcrltf in Unton UoiKU v/lih r.H tlui principal Uncial toad tntvtrcnlhu Atlanuu nna ( ha 1'iiclno ( /cciu . I l.i oatiiiuavct i > unnvnlcd or.J nusnlll. rout , hclnft con-nouptt or Most Comurtcblo ! nud Ucaullful Da'oui ) U' , Macnlflopnt litrton Ito- rllnln Chair Cai'j , tUlinan'a rrottiuit 1'ulaco Hlccpinr ! C'nro , end tha Heat Line of Dinlun Cum In tlu Vr'orM.ihreoTrnlus bntvccn O.tuiiKO and Mia < ourl lltvrr I'olmi. ' 1 wo Tralnii butwrril Chl- iKjoii.ld Miuncnpolu&ndbt. I'aul.-vU Ifcei'amou * "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A Ilrw end Direct lAie , vlnBoncca nrvt JCnnlia- Uiie. h Jd rocouily 1 1 on itp nod butwt'ou K lunonct. Wei lolit. Jfowiiort Jltwu. C'lmllanooKa , Allnijta.Au. ru iQ , Nitalivllle. I > otiuvtll , LexlUKton , Citv-lnnati , onil Omaha. Uinncap- cliv and 3t * Vnu ) atjtt liitarpictllnlo polnu. All TluouKli faiiouciiu Travel on i'oui Uiprom Tiokcu for fila at nil rx-lnofp l Ticket Offloeo In < ho Unllcil utnto und Cuufrta. chcck < xl Ihroutfi nnd roloo of fare fcl- tr.tyu a. low m eomptttlluM that otfcr leia lulu in. UKI.1. Vor detailed lnftrrn > tloneot tie Wop.und Itald- " " "CRCAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE At your ucaront Tulict OfUcc , or addrom ( ( .n.C.AULK , C. BT. JOHM. fin * Ueol'Ijr , > RpNNA BENSON , leases of Fomei DODGE STREET * DUNCAN & WALLACE , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Steam Heating a Specialty , AxebUfor the Imperial Caiollro Ua Machlueg Orders for llcpairini : vt111 receive prompt attention. 218 H. 16th Htfctt. Omaha Neb. lelcJionoNo. iio CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000 , only $ " > . Slmrcs in rro [ > tntlonTM Louisiana stale Lotlery Gin "H' dahertl > y eert\fi/that utt\ti > trviit th ni rangtnttnt * for all thr MontHlti atul Setnt-Anmiat nst tif //oufffana Stale t < otery Company , net on innncat and confrrJ Me Drairinai left and that thi Kline are ecntltielnltl \oiic tiiJii\rnrti.ami in rjooiJ/m'M fniranl nil rat titt , aivl fe authoritr tkt ccmptiny to tits /Ms ter tificatin A/ao-rimit ip/oup tianatutttattaint , wrfucmrnfj , " Incorporated In IMS for JS years by the locl'Utun fir educational mid cliMltAhto pmpwr w 1th n cap lUtof fl.000,000 to which it rciorvo fund of out I6CO.OOO ht elnco boon added. By an overnholmlnir jiopuliroto Ita frartfht * ( v ) made n part of the prtwnt state ( Miittltntlor vloptod December 2,1 , A. b. 1879. The only Lottery over voted on nnd en dorsed by the people of any State. It never sad or postpones. Ita grand single number drawings tnkt place monthly. A nplnmlul oiiportttnlty tonn \ I-Vrtuno , Second Grand JrawinR ( Jliwa U. nt Now Orleans - loans , TtiOfltlny , robrunry 11 ! , 1881 103th Monthly tlniuliiR. CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Vivo Dollars Knch. Trnc- lions , in Fifths In proportion , LIST 01' ritlZKS. 1 CAPITAI , 1'IIIZB 7 , CCt 1 do do , DO.PO. 1 do do , 10,000 s ruizra OF MOM. is.oix 6 do XOOOJ 10,000 10 do 1000 10OlX , 0 do COO 10.00C 100 do 200 , . . SM.OOC 3M do ICO CO.liOt f > 00 do (0. . . . . . . . . . .3)000 1000 do 2S S5.000 0 Approximation prlrcs of $760 , 9.76C D do do COO 4M 0 do do K > 2 , 6C OW Prlrcs , Mnountlng to RCf > , f > CC Application for ratca to clubo ehould hn lUAdo crjj nt the olllca of the Conipiny In New OrlcntiG. For further Inforuuthm nrlto dourly Ri\lng full nlJrosa. tlnko 1' . 0. Money Ordcra pajdblo uil address Kcplstorad Lottorn to NKW OULKAN3 NATIONAL n/VNK / , Now OrluanBA Post * ! Notes nnd or jlii.iry lottrrs bv Hull or Et ircss ( all tnina of (5 mi J upwards hy Express nt oui xpcnuo ) to M A. DAUPHIN , r if. A. DAUI'IIIN , Now Orlonng , U. 007 Bovunth 13L , Washington , D. 0. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO , , B. Frank EVIoore , 27 La Sal/a Street , Chicago. , few Manager of Chicago Ofnco. To w horn apply for Information ami tickets , 103th Monthly Drawing , Tuesday. Feb. 12. First Capita Prlzo 876.0CO. Tlck6la. & ; Bold n 'lltlu at $1 each. Boo full schema Klurrv CHEAP LOTS , ACRE LOTS' LOTS , LOTS , LOTS ! CD . SELL EM in Monthly Payments , I $10 to $25. IN aim roi/LowiNa ADDITIONS : BURR OAK , CREDIT FONCIER. GISE'S , ( Aero Lots , ) IIANSCOM PLACE , IIARTMAN'S ' , HORBAOH'S 2D , IDLE WILDE , IMPROVEMENT ASS'N ISAACS & SELDEN'S , KENSINGTON , (5 ( Aero Lots ) . LOWE'S ' FIRST , MILLARD & CALDWELL'S MoENTEE'SAcro ( Lots. ) OMAHA VIEW , PARK PLACE , ( Aero Lots. ) PLAIN VIEW , PATRICK'S SARATOGA PLACE , ( Aero Lots. SAUNDERS & IIIMEBAUGII'S , W. A. REDICK'S WEST OMAHA , ( Aero Lots. ) ALSO BOG'QS & HILL'S ADDITION to Grand Island. Thousands ol'ncres of Fnrni Lauds tliroughout the Stutc. to suit purchnsers. G. R. DOANE & CO. , Real JJstato Agents , S. W. Cor.J 5th nd D on DR , EMILY P GELSEN , Diseases of f den. 1013 DODGE STUEET. bfJl iourUU I to THE CHEAPEST PLACE INT OMAHA TO BUY STONE'S , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States { -411 to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , . ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , Jfl 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatablialiod 1878-Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patients 3urcd nt lloine. Write for "Tun MIWOAI.-MIHSIOVAUY : , ' ' for the People , J'Vcc. Consultation and Correspondence Grada. 1 * . O. Box SJ92. Telephone No. 220. * 10N. SDV/ARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , Raya : "Phyuician of Kent Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , vriloa : "An i.onorablo M.m , Fine Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours , 8 to 5. W. HELLMAN & ' CO , . 1301 AND 1303 FARM AM STREE1 COR. 13Th OMAHA. Anheuser-Busch CELEBRATED Kesj and Bottled Beer This Excellent Beer apoaka fcr iUolf. ORDERS FROM ANY PAKT OF TDK STATE OR THE ENTIRE WEST , 1 < § lplo J . Promptly Shipped. ALL CUE GOODS ARE MADE TO THESTANDAED F . Solo Agent for Omaha an ' Cor. 9k.U Sheet and OouUol 4 7t > rti "BURLINGTON ROUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. ) GOING EAST AND WEST. GOING WORTH AND SOUTH. Klesanl Day Coaches , Parlor Cam , with Ilooltn Bolia Trains of Elegant Daj Coaches and PuB-i ImrUhalrn ( si-its frco ) , HmoltinK Cars , with Ko- man 1'nlaco Sleeplnc Curs ara run dally to and vJIvinKClmlrB.lltllmnnl'alacoHIcoplnsCaraancl from 8t Louis , via I nnnlbnl Qulncv , KeoUufc , ! the famous O.S > . &Q.DInlnR Cars run dally to nml Uiirllnetpn. Codnr Itaplds and Albert Lea to Bt from Chicago & ICmisas City , Chlcaco & Council 1'aul and Minneapolis : 1'nrlor Cars with Uecllnlr" lUtilTB , Chicago & Dot Molues. Chicago , St. JoChalra to and fromSt , Jxiuls and reorlaand. ' scpli , Atchkon A : Topeltn , Only throiiKh line bo- and from St Loulo ami Ottumwa. Only a _ tweun Chicago , Lincoln ft Denver. TliroucU curs champ of cars between St. Louis and 1J ; . hctwccn Indianapolis & Council llluffs via J'eorta. Molnes. lowe , XJncsia , Kenroska , and DeiwC- All connoctlons mailo In Union Ueixita. It 13 Colorado , 1 laiowu as the Kreat THROUGH CAU LINK. Jtw universally admit W to be the Flnor.t Uqulppod Rnllroad In the World for all Classes of Travel , j f ' UANUPAOl'UUKU OK OF HTIUUIV AHD TWO CARTS. ItnOantllii'JO ManiDy Street r.nd < 01 U. lath StrccJ , ) IKuttratod Calkloeue furuUhed Iroo upon apvJlcttlon f Imported Beer IM BOTTLES. Krlnngor , . . . . . Bavaria CulinbuclHir , . Bavaria Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . Bohemian , Kaisor. . - . . . . .Brouion , JXMESTIC. Uudwoisor. . . . St. Louis AnliKusor . St. Louiw. Best's . Milwiukeo. SchlitPiliuief . Hilwaukco. Krug'fl . , - . . . . Omaha. Ale , Porter , Dotnef.tio and Rhino Wine. J3D. M URER , liiliFurimait t HIS 1U' > hiU. * IU. Slut. fv , t Ton BIX. XSIUIH tknn l < u-luiU > tl , 9C.O"iVMSIffR . . 9C.O | ' ' eOflLtJ.WO. lf"w. ; , fi.Uil'r'/'Mi'i ( . . Kllj ft > uutuiiK i'i a. HH. 4 iiiJ. < Tna' sc-aa-co , TOOLS. &c , mi lornTiui'u' ' I.M . * uir Him * , en uii. < n u M ujr. > UfnH. . f I l 4 Hfftl' WARD & BflHFIELDIS UltAND COMBINATION SALE OF- 125 Head of Horses , AND Seventy-five Jacks and Jennets. -AT- t Fob , 14 and 16th , 1884. /phlim'o ' will embrace 125 head , InolitJInB rholce J reprtBCutatlon * of Tiotton , lload t r , Harnea * wiwi * wuti i . > uuiuiuni . . oraoi. . . . . Alta T5 Kinu Jatljl and Jenncttii. Catalogues wi ? m&c-Jan. 2MS-Ftb. J. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 10 ! ) South 1 4th St. Kili .cl ci , ty0j furnl&hlnjr. cattlnei tnd M f t v of all UMcriptiou. wood tof . ,