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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1884)
8 - THE DAlLiT BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , FEBRUARY 4 , 1884. THE DAILY BEK OMAHA. Monday Morning , Fob ( 4 , Tl o Wontlicr. For the Missouri valley : Occasionn snow , followed by partly cloudy weather northerly to easterly winds , falling fol lowed by slowly rising temperature it the southern portion nnd rising temperature turo in the extreme northern portion where the barometer will fall. LOOAJ , BREVITIES , Toke a Turkish or Htlsslan Bath at 141 ! Dodge street and enjoy life. Im&o-lt The receipts of I lornftl llovonuo Col lector 1'ont , for January amount to 8128,173 , 21. , Coroner Kent has hnd n beatilful nlgi pnltitod , nnd has hung It tip In the olllco o lroxol it. Maul. The play of ( Don. Cesar do Bane wa lost evening rendered co a largo and npprocla tlvo nudlodca nt the Stadt thoatro. O. Has Ifagan 1ms arrived in Omaha am nsftumod tlio duties of assistant nt the government mont signal service oflico. Ho succeeds Mr Atf.old. During the montlis of December and Jan ary the number of deaths and births In thii city were just the same. How In that for aver nglng them up ? , Tlio Aaron Itoot property on Saundon street will bo surveyed , mapped and platted this week nnd thereafter bo known at Danho'H addition to Omaha , Manager MoKolvy , of the Union 1'aclllc base ball nine , has returned from attcndlno tlio Western League mooting nt Ilockford , Hllnolfi , and givoM Jound for hope of n xnlon- did Rorlcg of gatnos thU nooson , Frank Knspor Is onlltlod to the tliankn ol the citizens on South Thirteenth street , foi the placing of several crossings across the the street near his place of business. "Tho Hosier herd" -15,000 head of cat- Uo , on the north eido of the Flatto , was on Saturday last sold to tlio Ogallaln Land nml Cattle company , of this city , for Sl.'JuO.OOO. The finest and cloanoat Turkish and Kus- Rian Bath , 1410 Dodge street. m&o-lt Ex-Dclogato Clmrloa W. Cormony , of the Bluffs , Was ro-eloctcd to-day to represent the Bluff City Typographical Union nt the I. T. U. convention , to bo hold in Now Orleans In Juno next. A span of runaway muloa came running down Farnam street on Saturday evening nt break nock speed. They finally broke loose from the wagon and wore stopped by running into a street car in front of Ilollman & Co's store. The business men on Dodge Btroot wntit the express wagon stand changed from the corner of Fourteenth and Dodge streets , and the expressman also want an arrangement whereby only four wagoim will bo stationed atone ono stand. There is no doubt but that the ground hog has crawled back Into his hole , but nny hog that will hldo In the earth onsuch a day 03 Saturday , Is not fit to bo a hog , and 1s not a respectable hog at least. Invitations to the marriage of Isaao B , Jlyors to Hiss Fnnnlo Wiley at Waterloo , Towa , hao boon received by hta friends in thla city. Mr. Myers at ono tlrno was a pop ular clerk in Ilollman & Co.'a clothing store in this city. ferry Morgan , whlla engaged in an alter cation , Saturday , broke n window in Bal- comb's block and cut his hand , losing so much blood that ho was In danger of "passing In his chocks" before proper anrglcal attendance was obtained. 4 w Complaint to keep the peace was filed on Saturday last in Justice Itartlott'n court against H. L. IlamacclottI by William Croft. 'A bearing on the charge was hoard by the justko and the defendant was bound over. Tlio bond was signed by James Stophonaon and Ulaiuacclnttl was icloaaod. Take a Turkish or a Russian Bath , 1410 Dodge street , and got clean onco. m&o-lt The residence of M. M. Hamblln , ad juster for the I'hiL-nlx Insurance company , was burglarized on Friday night and two Indies' cloaks , ono young ladloa' cloak , ono \elvotbounot , and HO on were stolen , A re turn of the property ia requested , and no questions will bo asked. - " A gentleman , whoso narao could not be learned , while walking down Farnam street at a late hour Saturd y night was Ect upon by four colored mon and robbed of two gold H-atcIiM and a chain. The matter has boon placed in the hands of the police , who ore making diligent efforts to rccuro the oltoiulerK. The I'hllharmonlo society b do\otlng ita energies to its part of the Emma Thursby roncort , February 15th , and It IH confidently believed will do BOUIO very fine work on that occasion. There was an olfcctho rehearsal Thursday evening , and it has been arranged that the ono this week will bo on Friday evening , The "Siberia" company , who cloaod tholr engagement ntlloyd'bopora hovuo Saturday evening , didtho largest business which has over boon dpno at that house at three succos- hlvo entertainments. Saturday afternoon's mattinoe was the largest ono ever given In the city , the receipts being $25 more than for "Silver King1 a week previous. The first annual ball of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , Overland Lodge No , VJ3 , will take place at Masonic hall on Tues day evening , February 12. The jnuilo for the occasion will be furnished by Irvine's orchos * tra. The motto of the toclety la "bonovo- lonco , sobriety and Industry , " aud , If faith fully adhered to , will load to Influence and wealth Mn. HclenaOtt , on Saturday last , Insti tuted tuH , In Justice Wright's court , claiming $200 aa damage * under tlio Slocum lwugatu t JtuJolpli HIISJ , uho keeps imloou at the bar. rocka. I'laintiif Mays that her husband would become iutoxicktod at defendant' * place and in that condition would come home and break up her furniture , for the loss of which she hai sued toreco\er. - Transcripts from the Dolice court of the ! tt. ° ' following cilminal cases wcro filed in the dis t trict court on lout Saturday ! The uUto against Mayor Newell , charged with embezzlement ; the Uta against Oeorgle Sinclair , charged with eullcbtr young girl * under IB yearn ol age ( a dUordeily houses for the purpose ol jiroitltutlon , two CAMJ the state ogalml Morau , charged with ubootlng with Intent tc kill ; tui ) ttnt Against John Shannon , charged with BtMult pad bftttftry , appealed ) the ttatf # * Iut Loa George , cltarge , robuaryj the ttaU t J. V , Swwoy and L u Leveney , charRc { l llbl ; ttta Ut BgIost Dan Halley , Iu6 ay. THE WESTERN MAIL SERVICE Snpcrintcnflont White's ' Views on Hoi it is Contacted. . Clilcl Clerk Btncy ( o ho Hctalnod ti His Present Position. On Saturday morning last , Mr. Jamo E. White , superintendent of the ftixtl division of the United States railwa ; mail service , arrived in Omaha. Thi gentleman is a veteran in the mai Borvico , having served in rarious capaci ties in it continuously since 1800. Th division over which lie has charge is com posed of Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa , Min ncsota , the upper peninsula of Michigan Nebraska , Dakota , Wyoming , and part ; of Colorado , Utah , Idaho and Montana and lias employed in it 8GO postal clerks who travel over 28,000 , miles of railroad Mr. White was at one time a resident o Omaha , and filled the oflico of chio clerk , from which place ho was transferred forrod to the position which ho now hoi in Chicago. It 1ms boon reported several timci through the columns of a newspaper o this city that a change is about to hi made in the oflico of chief mail clerk , anc that n Nebraska man is to bo appointee to the place now filled by Mr. 0. E Stacoy. A BEK reporter wont to the ho tel whore Mr. White was stopping , tosoi the gentleman and learn from him the facts in regard to this statement , and tin condition of the mail service in tin : division. This gentleman was found and ready and willing to give the desiree information. "What is the condition of the railway mail aorvico in your division ? " was askoc of Mr. White. "Good. It is improving constantly notwithstanding the fact that the nmili are increasing faster than the facilities for distributing them. During the lasl fiscal year this division of the ser vice distributed 800,000,000 pieces of mail matter , and made one error in distribution for cacl : 4,150 pieces distributed. Wo regard this as an exceedingly fine showing and ; ho improvement made is shown by com- wring it with the record made in 1872 , ; ho year in which the present system of chocking errors was first instituted. Wo then made one in each 7CO pieces of tnail distributed. Since , the distribu- lion has become vastly complicated , but our mon have grown with it and hence ire able to perform moro and hotter service than could have been possible lad this not boon the case. " * 'Aro the mails increasing as fast now is in the past ? " "Yos. In looking over the records ho other day I found that in this divia- en wo had distributed during the first x months of the present fiscal year , 33,000,000 more pieces of mail matter , han wo did during the same six months ast year. " "How docs the service in Nebraska md the west compare with that in ether icotiona of your division ? " 'For the past four or five months it lajboon improving rapidly. The tone ) f the Borvico is bettor , the mails are jeing distributed moro promptly and horoughly , bettor service is given to ho public and bettor discipline is main lined in the corps of clerks employed. " "How do yon account for the change1 ? "TJio service is under charge of a hiof clerk who understands his duties nd then discharges thorn fully and ofllc- Diitly. Ho is a strict disciplinarian , firm i the enforcement of orders and instruc- ions , and at the same time just to those indor him. His experience has taught lim that the first duty of a postal clerk , iko that of a soldier , is to obey orders , lo knows what can and should bo done o make thonorvico ofllciont , and has the nclination and executive ability to BOO hat whatever will benefit the mail sor- orvico under his jurisdiction is put in orco at onco. Ho is recognized as an iblo olllcor by his superiors and will bo mstainod by those who placed him here. " "Do you know that an effort is being nado to have Mr. Stacy taken away from Dmaha and a Nebraska man appointed to ; ho chief clerkship here ? " 1 have hoard of such a movement , but lupposed that whatever had boon done in .hat direction had boon done under the mprossion that ho was to bo assigned to jgmo other Hold. A rumor of that kind ina boon in circulation , but has no found- ition , and had those mon , who have boon nstrumontal in the ofl'ortyou mentioned , vas sent hero to stay I do not think < hcy would hayo taken the action they lave. An impression exists that the position ihould have been given to a Nebraska nan , I have understood such a tooling ixiatcd , but there is no good ground for t The district assigned to the chief dork at Omaha is not limited to Nebras ka , but includes Wyoming , parts of Col- arado , Utah and Idaho , and the most Im portant line under his charge is , like the service , u national institution. Besides this , it has boon customary since the or- jauuntion of this service , to assign ofii- : ors to duty wherever it was believed they would do the most good. Fifteen years ago I was sent from lowu and after Doeowiiip a citizen of Nebraska and ox- orcUing rights as ouch , was transferred -o Illinois. Mr. Vandorvoort was uont lioro from Illinois ; General Superintend ent Thompion vros sent from Michigan to Ohio ; Chief Clerk Alexander was sent from Indiana to Pennsylvania. I could go on and give many ether illus trations of this kind , showing that the aorvico is not local in ita nature , aud that the department has always disregarded ntato lines in the selection of ita otllcors , considering only what would bo best for the service and the public. This policy mint necessarily bo continued , and under It Nebraska wjll have an an equal clianco with every other state. " "Thon Mr , Staoy will remain hero'/ / " \oa , So long as ho gives eatiafaetion to tbo department , discharges his duties elliciontly and deoirps to remain hero , bo will stay. I have rocei rod numerous assurances from businois mon in all BOO- tionc of thin district and from postmasters thatn great change for the bettor hae taken piaco ainco ho came here , and oak- ing that ho bo held. This being the case there is no reason why ho should be changed , and ho will thorctoro bo BUS. taiuod by the department. A. Hey Itumwuy. U. 11. Claiborne , the 15-year-old son of the foreman of The Sioux City Times , has run away from home , and his mothoi U nt-arly distracted with griof. The boj was hoard of at Dakota City on Tuesday Ho was then with another printer , anc the two told that they were on their WAJ to California. Uo is flcscribcd as of fin face , brown hair and eyes , wearing a blui felt hat , brown corduroy panta and a groj overcoat. If any one has seen , or shouk see a person who tallies with the abovi description they will confer a great faye : upon his parents by communicating witl them , Western papers please copy. A lawyer' * ? Opinion or Interest to All .T. 1L Tawnoy , I > q , , a lending attorney o Wlnona , Minn. , writ01 : "After tutlng It fo moro than three yours , I take great tilowmr In stating I regard Dr. King's Now Din covory for Consumption , as the host remedy litho the world for CotirfiiA and Colds. It has novo failed to cure the most navoro coldallmvi had , nnd Invnrlnbly relieves the pain In tin chost. " Trial Bottles for this nurocuro for all Throa nnd T < ung Diseases may bo had Vine nt 0. P Goodman's Drug Store. Largo tire , 81.00. SOCIAL HAPPENINGS , Tlio I'nsi Week lias Been nu Unnmi ally Qnlct One , So Fur nn the Social World IH Concerned. For months past there has not been i week vrhich was so unproductive of socia fruitaa the one which closed Saturday night. There seems to ho a lull and i spirit of calmness settled down upor the social world. The pleasures of the week began or Monday evening , when the much talkod-of TKLKanAPIIKUS HALL was given in Crounso's hall. Wo have often been told , when expecting to derive - rive great pleasure from some event tc bo colobratcd in the future , that the pleasure of anticipatim ia much greatoi than that of realization. That may be very true in some instances , but although many of thoao who attended this ball had boon for Boveral weeks , anticipating much pleasure from it , wo think not one was disappointed in the least. Every do. tail had boon BO precisely arranged and was BO carefully looked after by the various committees who had charge of the aflair that not ono could find a fault with any part oi the entertainment. The hall was tastefully decorated , the supper wat all that it could bo wished and moro than ill , each one of the company numbering fully one hnndrodand twonty-fivecouplos , comprising many of Omaha's moat worthy ritizons and some very excellent people From abroad , seemed to decide within himself that ho was there not only to on- ioy himself but to make the evening pass ilcasantly to all the rest. The conso- luonco was that all wont homo thorough- y pleased nnd deciding that the tele graphers had never given a moro enjoyable - able entertainment. Till : "POST TIIKATIIK. " Many of the friends of the ofiicors in Fort Omaha enjoyed the entertainment ? ivon by thorn at the post theatre Thurs- lay evening. The Hovoral characters n the programme were well sustained , , ho farce , "In Ho a Lunatic , " proving a most laughable ono. LlTiniARV. The Chautauqua literal y and scientific ciiclo mot at the residence of Mrs. 11. D. Hills , 2018 California street , on Tuesday evening. This society find the course of study which they are pursuing very bon- uticial and the evenings thus spent together productive of much social as veil as monlal enjoyment. inn CHAZY QUILT ivhich has been the subject of so much alk , was finally disposed of on Wcdnos- lay evening. Jn addition to the docis- on as to whom the quilt belonged , the nombors of the association had arranged programme which proved quite ontor- aining , w. o. T. u. The sociable given by the ladies of this oeioty on Thursday evening was a most n joy able as well as a very profitable no. ESWEHALDA. OLUI1 , Leap year parties are quito the rage at ircsont , and the ladies of the Esmoralda lub proved fully competent to manage 3110. The gontloraon nro wishing they ivould do so some moro. The young people of this church gave \ delightful tea party on Friday oven- ngwhich was quito successful finan cially. Swift's Hitoolllc In entirely a vegetable preparation , mid hould not bo confounded ulth the -various 1m- tatloim , uon Hccret humbugs , "Huccua Alter- uns. " etc. , nil of which cither contain Mercury or I'otaiih , or are composed of old remedies vhlch have long slnco been dlacnrded an of no value In the treatment of Blood DUoascH , nnd lone of them contain a ttnglo article which intern Into the composition of \\lffs Specific. Tlioro is only ono Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) nud there U nothing In the world llko It. Bo nuro to got the gonulno. Send for Tioatlsa on Hood and Skin Dieoatoa , free. TUB S\M SI-KCIFIO Co. , Drawer 3 , At lunta , ( in. The Monthly Hound Up , Below wo give the number of arrests nado by the police for the month of January. There were 177 in all , as f clews ows : ) bt&nlng goods aud money under fuluo pretense . 2 fngnuicy and aunplcloua ponontt . 10 threatening to kill. , , . . 1 /onuuittlng milsttnco . 3 ) olruudlng hotel keeper. . , . U fugitive from justice . . , , 1 Cecplng open suloon on Sunday . . . 1 < arcany . . . . . lo disturbing religious mooting . i 'rottltutlon . utoxlcntlon . , . . , . , . 12 Axsault and battery . , . 10 Htstructlni ; the sUoot . 2 jitorfurluglth the duties of poumlmaa- tof . , , . , . , . % ) Uturbauco of the po co . , . 52 tuning . , . , . 5 touting houMO to prostitutes . . . . . . . 1 AN AN8WKU WANTED. CAII any one brhiff us n uwo of Kidney or jlvcr Complaint that Kloutilo lUttcra111 not euro ? Wo nay they cannot , an thousand ) of riWM already iioniiuntly cured aud who are dally rocomeudiiifr Kloctrlo bitters. 111iroo. \ . Jrlght'a DUeoio , l > iabott , Weak Buck , or any irlnary complaint quickly cured , l yery bot- la i unriuitood. s'or eale at Wc. ) a bottle by O. IT. Goodman Card of Gratitude , To thojo good , sympathetic people , ono and all , who uwnifestod their Bympathy , soudolenco nnd encouragement during .ho illnojs , ceath and burial of our dar- inc Willie , wo return our heartfelt grati- ; udo and appreciation. Although not ranked among the old Bottlers , the largo and reopecUble funeral of our little Willie - lie iBhowod that wo hnd hosts of sympa thising friends , whoso kindness , cmirtoay , attention and floral offerings wo will ever remember with thauVfulnesi and grate ful hearts. PiJTuit and MAHY CO.VMOUV. Omaha , January 31 , 1884. NOKTH OMAHA , A Meeting of Itn Citizens , Who Dis cuss Matters of Pitbllo Impor- tiuico. The citizens of the Fifth and SIxtl wards hold a mooting in the pinning mil on Sixteenth street Saturday evening t < discuss the question of improvements foi North Omaha , The mooting was largol ) attended , there being nearly two hundrct of North Omaha proportyownors present prominent among whom wore Josopr Itedman , Thomas Brunnor , St. A. D Balcombo , Councilmen Lccdor , Andersen - son , and Baker , Jninoa Kyncr and Eric Peterson. Mr. Balcombo was appointee chairman , and Sir. Brunnor secretary. The question which Booms to bo of vita importance to that portion of this city is North Omaha sewer , the discussion ol which occupied a great portion of the evening. A resolution favoring the prop osition to vote $70,000 sewer bonds to continue the storm water sowora , pro- vidcd the city council will give $30,000 for the north branch of North Omaha sewer , $15,000 to extend its west branch west past the military bridge , and the balance to bo applied on Jones street sewer , was adopted. The opening of Nicholas street to Saundora was then discussed. A resolu tion instructing the councilmen from the Fifth and Sixth wards to advocate the appointment of commissioner * to assess the dnmago to real estate necessary to extend - tend Nicholas street to Saunders was adopted. A committee of throe was appointed to interview the various members of the board of education and secure , if possi ble , the establishment of the eighth grade in one of the Sixth ward schools. A resolution requesting the city coun cil to cause Seventeenth street to bo opened as far north as Olarko was adopted. A committee , to bo known as the North Omaha improvement committee , consisting of Eric Potqrson , Joseph Red man and Thomas Brunnor , was appointed. The duty of the committee is to determine - tormino the needs , in the way of im provements , of North Omaha , and to call meetings of the property owners for the discussion of matters of public interest pertaining to that part of the city. A committee of livowith James Kyner as chairman , was appointed to circulate petitions among the property owners of Omaha , requesting the Nebraska delega tion in congress to secure , if possible , an appropriation for paving either Sherman avenue or Saunders street to the bar racks. The mooting then adjourned subject to the call of the committee. Rucklcn's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily euro Barns , Cuts , Ul cers , Halt lihouin , 1'over Sores. Cancers , Piles , Chillblains , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands , aud all skin eruption , ( ; aranteea to euro in uvory instance , or money refunded. 25 cents per box. box.EAILWAT EAILWAT AFFAIES , An KIVoi-l to bo Matlo This "Week to Settle tlio Utah Complications , The issue hetwoon the Union Pacific and its eastern allies , regarding the res toration of Utah rates will bo settled this week , a mooting for that purpose having joen called by Commissioner Vining , to bo hold to-day at the Grand Pacific hotel , Chicago. The eastern allies , while they still maintain that the rate-making lower in the case at issue is vested in ; horn , begin to rctili/o that they have not aken the proper course , even though ; heir position as to rato-mnking may bo enable. It is generally conceded that ; ho commissioner was at f ult in not ordering rates restored pending a ilocision of the question at issue ; and now nnothor clause in the agreement , which had apparently been overlooked , ims plncod the Hook Island , St. Paul , Northwestern , and Wnbash in a peculiar position. The compact provides that "tho reduction of a rate ehall continue only so long as shall bo nccessaay because of competition. " The Burlington , the sidy competitor of the Missouri river lines for Utah business , restored rates last Monday , and has boon quoting tariff over since. The natural and logical con clusion would bo , then , that the "necm- i y because of competition" * for contin uing the out had boon obviated. ThoU U ucago Times , from which wo quote , t va that the attention of a freight oflicUl r > t > i tripartite line was called to the above claUBo m the agreement. "By George ! is that in the agreement ? " B4 > d ho. Ho drew a copy of the document out of n drawer , and after satisfying himself that that language was actually used ho was considerably nonplused. After ro- looting a while , ho jerked out , " \Voll , it is for us to decide when the necessity be cause of competition for a cut is re moved , and wo hold that the necessity still remains. " "But the Burlington , your only com petitor , has restored rates ? " "But that need not do away with the necessity for a cut. ' "Do you admit , then , thnt you cannot compote with the Burlington for Utah business without a differential rate ! " "I most emphatically don't. But this ; hing has more crooks and turns in it : han anything I over had to deal with be- 'ore , and I'll bo mighty glad when the natter is straightened out into something like a sensible slmpo. " Hal vu htu genuine merit iiiml vho two It will testify. 1'rlco ' . ' 5o. Iryit. Incensed to Marry. License to marry was issued by County Judge Chadwick , during the week ending Fob. 2 , to the following couples : Edward Mix and Florostoin Frost. William II. Ohadwiek and Julia Troy. 'O. A. Miller and Corn Belle Shafl'er. Arthur II. Dodson and Dola A. Wilts. H. A. Nolle and Maqj-io Hagijen. Lloyd Graft and flattie Buckley. Oscar Johnson and Matilda Peterson. 1- hot Keller and Mrs. Adol Ilolcom. Ihos. B. Murphy and Rosa Browloy. John F. Williams and B. Kalliha. Iko Demoratsky and Fanuy Horwich. 1'ranois ' A. Woodford and Martha Donovan. ESudilcu Doutli. Mrs. Mary Parmaloe , wife of Daniel Parmaleo , was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. She retired at her usual hour hit evening in excellent spir- ita nnd health , ilor husband , who slop by her side during the night , on wakinj tried to nrouso her from her slumbers and was appalled to find that life wa extinct. For seine time past the doccas cd had boon nfllctod with appooloxy an < the physicians who were called in yeatcr day morning deemed the cause of ho death so manifest that a coroner's inquos was uncccossary. The deceased was sixty-throo years o ngo , nnd had long been a resident o Douglas county. The funeral will taki place at the residence , corner of 20tl and North Center streets to-morrow n at ton n , m. STILL THEY GOME , Another Vlrst-olftsB Undertaking Es tnbllBhniont Ijocntcil In This City. Another first-class business houseliai boon added to the business interests : o : this city in the location of the undertaking ing establishment of Ilium it Co. Thoj are located at the corner of Fifteenth street and Capitol avenue. A BKU reporter visited this establish ment yesterday , and found it the most xtnpleto in all its appointments of any limilar establishment in this city 01 : ountry. Mr. Ilunn , the senior partner , : omca to this city ripe with an oxpori- ancojof thirty-five years as afuncral direct- sr and embalmer , and any business en trusted to his care will bo satisfactorily ittcndod to. His stock of caskets and jagos ia largo and complete , comprising ill of the latest and most approved styles , ind at prices which can not bo beaten. First-class hearse and carriages will bo furnished whenever dcaired. Hunn & Co. have secured the services if Mr. 0. W. Baker , a gentleman who is well known in this city , and who is thor oughly conversant with all branches of the undertaking business , having been in the employ of the late John G. Jacobs for a number of years. This new house is centrally locatedtho red and green line cars both pass the leer , and Messrs. Hunn & Co. can not 'ail to at least secure a reasonable share if the patronage of the people of this : ity. THE SPERRT LI&HT , Its Introduction nt the Millarcl Hotel Saturday Evening. A few wnoks since a Sperry machine ivas placed in the Millard hotel , and two amps were hung in the hilliard hall of ; hat IIOUEO. The proprietors were so well pleased with the Sperry light that they immediately ordered a ton-light machine 'or permanent use. This machine arrived last -week , and nras placed in the basement of the house. Dn Saturday night the lamps were , ighted by the now light. A largo num- jor of persons visited the house during : ho evening to see the now light , and all without a moment's hesitation pro- lounccd it the finest light shown in this : ity. It is very bright , and at the same ; imo exceedingly steady. Stock in the now electric light com pany is on the rise now , and the direct- ) ra will push matters along so that the ; nay have some lights in readiness in a rory short time. Kobbed in Month. Onmlia. Frantz Fitiquo , a Bohemian , who lives n South Omaha , is the victim of mis- ilaccd confidence. Ho foil in with a itrangor friend at a drinking place in part of the city ou Saturday night , ind both became very drunk. Mr. ? itiquo was invited by nis friend to go to lis room and accepted the invitation. iVhilo in his stupefiedjcondition there ho vas robbed by his friend of a check for ? 70 and $15 in money. Ho came to the > olico station yesterday and reported his oss , stating ho could find his man , and ) flicer Knight wont out with Fitiquo , > ut his friend could not bo found. The aloon-keepors say that the thiot was , bout that part of the city all day yeator- lay , making u very liberal use of his ill- [ otten trains. As the check scolon was lot endorsed , Fitiquo will not lose the JCO.Tho The case has been turned over to 3llicor Ma'za , who knows a man who an- wors the description given by Fitique in hat part of the city , and will arrest him his morning. Tlirro Ia to bo a meeting of the North- rn Convocation of Nebraska in St. Stephens hurch , ( ] tov. A J. Giaham ) , Grind Island , in the Gth , 7th and 8th of February. Bishop } lorkxon will tie prouqit. I'npors will bo read .nd addresses nmilo on the following subjects Prloathood of the Laity ; " "How to Help the tector ; " "Nocosulty and BentfitH of the Snc- araent ; " "Distinctive Principles of the Jhurchj" "Church Musioi" "Some of the ocullar BHIiculties of Western Missions ; " 'The Christian Workman1 Struggle ; " "Tho Need of the Sunday School ; " "Somo Uda to la\otlou and Missionary Aildroaaes , " V cordial invitation in extended to the clergy nil laity of both convocations. 1'rnulcli. h , deau , Mrs. II. T. Paddock , 0. S. Mitchell , and iVHl A. Paul are registered at the Millard. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powdci ne\er mrui. A matTel o. ' purll booth tad vrhole omen * < Ilor * cooomlikl thi b * odlnary kluda , andc * - be sold In cooi | > etlUc rUb tbemultltuda of lo < ui : , short-weight , alntn G ih pHit r > c Oer .l-cKI cnlyln ra.ui. Uo > tl La trader ( c.,100\s ll tint tiew Yo V. for Infants and Children. CastorlaproinotpqDlircsflnn and overcomes l < ltuuloncy , Consiipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nud Fovcrislmcss. It insures health nnd natural Bleep , without morphine. " Cftstorlix li so well adapted to Children thnt I recommend It as superior to nny prescription known to mo. " It. A , ARCHER , II. D. , 83 Portland Avo. . IJrooklyn , N. V , What clvcq our Children row ehPoTc * , What cures Uielr fevers , inakM them Bleep | 'Tin Cmtorln. \Vhen Imhlei fret and cry by turns , What cures their colic , kills their wornw , Hut Cnntorln. What quickly cures Constipation , Hour Stomach , Cold * , Indigestion , Hut Cn Farewell then f o Jlorphlno Syrups , Castor Oil aud Paregoric , and llnllCnfttnrlnt CENTAUR LINIMENT-au absolute euro for lUicwma- tlsm , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Powcrflil and Pene trating Paln-rellovhiB and Healing Remedy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. XJTSpoclals 'will Posltlvolynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Monav. TO LOAN The lowest rutos of Interest MONEY ' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas 234-tf 1\TONiY : TO LOAN In sums of JSOO. and upward. i\L 0. F. Davis and Co. , Ilcal Estate and Loan Agents , 1D05 Furnam St. SOS tf gni.1PJWANY.rjU. WANTKU-At the Motrorit lltan hotil.anojpctlen- cd chambermaid. None other ncoJ npnn. 1824 - of IS to kain trade. Call at i,14 WANFKD-llDj S. 13th St. 178 2" VJl ) ANTED Two of thrco llrstolass tblrt nmkco Immediately , tui > good scrxant girls. WANTED Ono na cook and ono second girl and help take care of children. Address 220 N. 13th street. 163 15 A neat , > oun'i glrl.for penoral hoii'u- WANTED App'y ' toMra. Samuel Ittes , cor. Lca\- cn"ortli and eolith a * cnuc. 105 tf "ANTED-A second girl. Appij at IBJS uo a- , W S. E. 2Uh street. 171 23 TTTANTED Clrl for general housework N. W. cor. VV 18th and Farnam. 131 tf bcnant pills o ( a'l kinds in need of WANTED , to call at our otllc ; , opposite post- ollloc , between 4 3QandD p. in. CANNON , JONE3 & CO , Frcnzer Block. 0401m Immediately two No. 1 Harness WANTED D. A. HOPKINS , 02151 North Bend , Nob. A German dining room kitchen girl. WANTED nnd Hoppo , 418 S. 13th St , between [ larnov and How ard. EOS tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-Sltuat'on ns feecoud ( 'lrl. Coodrefer- cncej. "II. O. " Employment Bureau , 217 N. 10th stieet. 134 21 WANTED Sltmtlon by ntuung man na assistant book-keeper , i coricupondcnt or some kind of olllcowork. ypoaks sc\cial lanfruarsesand bosc of references glxcn. Addrcsj' U. C. " this olllco. 18951 WANTED Bj' a lajy , n situation as housekeeper inprl\ate family , or as cook In a lirst-class JoardiiiRhoujo. Address N. E. Cor. 14111 and Ica\- enworth. 10221 WANTED rosltlon for light olllce woik or copj inic by ladv who has a t\pourltor , of lie own. Address , "X " Bco office. 116 21 TX7ANTED Situations for ( list iJasj domestics. V t Call nt our oHIco from 4 T ) to 9 p. m , Satnrdaj a 1 to 0 p. m. CANNON , JONbS & CO. , Opp. 1' . O. 047-ltu MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TT17 ANTED Thrco unfurnished roims viith board Tt for three adults and two children ( under four years ) , where there are no other boardcis state lo cation and terms. Address "It. II F. " lco olllce. 170 2J TX7AFTED Furnished house of 7 or 8 rooms In VV peed locality. Address M. " this olllco. 153-4t WANTED A'few persona to instruct m book keeping , as there ia a demand for competent > ook keepers I w ill learn n few , and wait for liulf of pay until situations are lurnisl.ed. J D. SMITH , 073-01 1516 Douglas St ANTED S1OCK OF MERCHANDISE ( Dry goods preferred ) , from ) , K > to $10,000 , will ( i ho In exchaiiRO good clear farm projierty and omo cash if necessary. Address "llandolph , tare BKB olllce , 151-4 WANTED For a customer , Btote room rn I'r W namSt. BELL 1.SIIRI VEK. 12U-S \\J ANTED Parties wishing boarders and these IT search of board in private homes , with or with out room , to rail at our olllco trim 4 30 to 0 p. m CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opposite Bobtolllcc. 015-lm WANTED A 'irnUhcd room , centrally locnttd In Omaha for tingle gentleman. K A. g. Paclflo House , Council lluHs. | | 188-4 T ADIE3 OR YOUNO MEN uTcity or country to LJ tnkn nlco , light and pleasant work at their own lomes : f 2 to $5. a day easily and quietly m&de ; work cntbymali , no camasslnpr ; no stamp for reply. 'lease address Reliable Man't'g Co , Philadelphia I'a. rawer TT. 7P3-lino FOB BSNT HOUBOD ana Lots. UENT HOUBO of l\ room * , stable anil all modern j > | iliaiicos. lnculrc | at U. & . Hotel , cor. Oth and Doufln. IS. ! 3 § FOK KENT Furnuhoil room \vlth hoard , uu Hallo for twot'ontluinen , 1812 Hajge St. 1:041 F'OH ItENT Pleasint room with K H. tre , and boanl tooneortwu jiitkmcu 3it H. 16th and larncj yt < na Bt KENT Kurulshnd room with or without FOrt hoard. 1'incat location In tlio city. Man feu able boarders wanted , N. W. t-or. Ibth and Tarnam. 183 tf FOIIKKNT LarguiiBW , twostorj ilculilo home , Shlnn'iaddltl'n hultablo Inr two famillia or xxxrdlng houec. inquire Kooni 24 , Onmlia MttionU Bank Building. 1(18 ( tf OH HBNT-Fiunlshed rooms at 1010 I'linum. F 057-51 FOR KENT Furnished room 1021 Capitol a > o. 102 4j FOR KENT Furnished roomawith board , Al o a few day boarders , 1811 liarcuport. 832 41 FOR ; HKN1' Uouee ard furniture for s le , a bar- tfaln , will be offued In thu furniture H applied for soon. Home contaliu 7 rooms , hall nnd closeU , rent fr35. Apply N. W. corner tltli and lUrnty. lUrnty.Hist Hist F lasted 2ii N , 10th. OTGtf FOK lU'.NT Kurnlsled loom for ieutlemani > o two for light liouw ) keeping IJeomeri block , comer Kl.'htli and Howard Bt 003 tf Foil HKNT 5 rcoin homo on Webster west ol 10th St. S. T. 1'ctcrtui , real estate cgont. Uth und Uougq | > . b03 tt ItUNT-Cointortablu front room , south-ea corner Fourteenth and iJaveupott , suitable ( or 'j OH IthNf runnsoed loum ou ttie norihwei 1 oor. 13th and Capltolaveouo , formerly Crelghton 11 11GNT Itoouia lu Nebraska Natloua Bank Uulldlu ? . Moat ileolntlo otHces In the city illcil wltn hjdreullo tietor and heated b ttuara. Apply at Bank. ( t H tf FOR OALK T7\OB SALK-Second band Bustle * Call at 1310 i1 Harney. ISMJ ITtflll SALK Lot 60x142 , BOVCU < ] uare ( rout new .L1 court huu o , ith pool ( unite. Best banaln In lha city-2WO. 1'AUIJJE.V & CQ , 15CO * rnam tticct. lbO-4 _ IJ J OU fl\LK A small tobacco and cigar buslneu , 1 2013 fuming ttreit. 187 61 I ? OK SALE CHEAl'-HoiM and bujuy. Inquire I of D. J , Uaydeo , ind of North 20th itrett. 1501 * i\OU UALb lanuSnilles from city , Inquire of J ? Mra. Mojtr , ever ItotJer1 * lituf Hon. 16th and Webster. 878 tf _ FOIlSALi : T\rocountenan4 fifty feet of eood bel\I iche p , at JOOa DwJtfoHt , HWtt FOR SALE TwolarRO Norman stallloiu. Adilrrtl 0. D. lllrdsallValnutlo a , 151-lm FOR SALK A good t o story store j ropcrty In Wane , Wnjno count ] , Nob. Address O. J ) . Bird- sail , Walnut , lovrn. 155-lmt SALE Drujt f toro In southern Nebraska. FOR trade , ( food town , Uo nllroads. For sale till Jlirch 1st , 1881 , Apply at onca. JJHO & CLAWATKll , 140-41 Kiullcott , Nub , FOR SALE Three show casoi , 10 foot IOIIR. In quire of KDUOLM & K'UCKSON ' , 147-5 | 7 < ORSALE llouso 4 or 6 rooms , full lot , barnire. , JL ? 12th street , between Dorcas and Center. If sold at one" , SI.COOlll liny It. Clionp 1 BARKER & MAYNE , N. E. cor. 13th and rarnain. 145-tf FOR I ALE full lot on lltli street , near Centre , fenced nnd fruit net out. Cheap. BARKKR & MAYNC , N. E cor. 13th and Farnim. 140 tl pOU RAM ! Hrstcltss corner lot OJxlSA House ' D rooms , barn fruit and elmJo tree ? . Very dc * slrvbl loc-itlon , near ttroot cars. Oflored S")00. lie- lowvxlue. Price $1.700. J. W. LO SllURV , Uth and Farnam. 130 tt 8AI.1' Two loti and now house In FOR and Seldcn'o addition , one block north of Coburn St , und two blocks wcbt of Paik n\c. Ap ply at II. Urceron p inil'is. 118-45 FOR SALE VtrytlcilrableloU In Coburn's Sub- dhUIon und Howard place on monthly payments nocltjtax. BELL &S1IU1VKR. 127-S FOR SALE Horse hugg ) and hatncs ? . For par ticulars Inqu're ' at Iluinau's T.hory stable. 112 2 } FOR SALE OR THADn A good span of mules , harnces and \\agon. Innulro Alex O. Charlton , at HcCngua Bros. OsO tf 10R SALE-Colorado coal. Tills coal is as free from F soot and as clean aj Rock Sprint ; . 034 tf JEFF. W. BF.DFOUD. SALE Stock of general merchandise and FOR building , \aluodat about $5,500. Address Box 61. Firth. Neb. 76t-tf. FOR SALE Two portable boilers , 10 horse nawa Apply at D. F1TZPATRICK , 608 tf 218 South 16th Bt. SALE A small Hosier , Bahman &Co. , flre FOR saft. almost new , at this ofllcc. tt SALE Sly two story brick residence , 10th FOR St. Jlary's ncnuc. . Largo , out-bousoj water worg , well arranged. Lot G0\200. Pilca ST.fiOO. Best Bargain In Omaha C.U1 at M. Tolt'i People's Bank. 277-t 17ORSALE 12 lots ono block west of Pork a\e- Jjnuocara. LotsCOxlSO. Will Bell the whole tran for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Rcalu tnto owners bid tills bargain , If 3 ou call at People Bank. 278 tf T7IOR SALE Cholco business property , three loti J ? oor. Sauudors and Charles Street. It will pay jell to ln\cstlzate tbit ofler. Call at People's Bank. 27H-tf IpOR SALE Improved property , which will pay 1 the buyer 20 per cent on the investment. Kent * for 81,920 perear. All occupied by flrst class ten ants. Will bell for 010,000 , if sold soon. All or one- half cub , balance , ono to lUo } cars. The abo\oln- vestment la worth Investigation. Call at the People's Bank. 280 tf POLLED CATTLK ANlJ GLYDKSDALK HORSES. JL The subscriber Is taldnt ; orders for spring Im portation of the above. Prices much below these ft ) auction sales. References to these supplied. Johif. SlcCulloch , 111 Trust and Sav. Bauk , Chicago. I 203 2mt FOR SALE Ola nowsuapers in Urge and qnantltlos at thii oHlca. If ' T ARQKl'etuf room ) , with or without board , In JLV prhato families furnished free of charge at out Qlttce , opposite postolllco. Cannon , Jones i. iki. , 4 HJ to 0 p. m 048-lin pitMaiid Rtovos , houses furnished JD un complete on wetKly paymeutsby M. F. ilai. tin 1014 Clark St. 177 45 TNTELLICJENT gentlemen given work on salarv JL a"d commieslon by \ \ ' . II. Hrultts , [ agent , at M \V. cor. 15th ana Farnam. Call Monday. 170 If. T OST A tuu month old newfoundland pun , four JLvtbite toes and uhlto Boot on hicast. Liberal rt\\ord will be pala by returning same to D. (1111 , 814 S loth St. 17t-3 | / 1UT THIS OUT AND I'RKSERVK-To trade , wild Vj land for Merchandise of nnv kind , cr tow n iiron- ert.\ . Address CLARK & IIOIIllAI'.U , Ida Orove , Iowa , _ _ _ _ 14361 TAt-KNUl' Cn my premises on Dec. 16. 1883 , In \\es ; Omaha , ono Cream Colored Pony. Smal white tpnt in forehead , inane and tall a little darker than the body. JAB U VANDERCOOK. 8256tlBwk { MAOISTKR OF 1'AttIYSTKRY AND ALIST , 303 Tenth street , between laranm and Bar ney , will , with the aid of Kunrllan oplntu , obtaining MI ) ono glance of tb past and present , and tbe strtaln conditions In the future. Boots and tlioej ma li n-d r. I'orferf ontibfactinn inmrantonil IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION warranted to wear longer , lit tbo form ncattr. und BvoHKitei | "lU.lfac"on thai ! aaiVSr wt refuiujid. Tlio Indorsements ui -'PUN ' H. V Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. GROCERY STOKE CAN Arroitu AS A FAin Off TO J1U COUMEU SCALES. Without li. H.aCLAWK.SOL PROPR.ETOR . ,