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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1884)
$ U. Ml M.1MMM ( hWM THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , FEBRUARY < * , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Fob 4 , SUBSCniPTIOtf UATES ! Br Cttrler - - - - - - - wnta p r By ll t - - - - - - - - { 10.00 per Year OFFICE : No. 7 Tcarl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Ohoap railroad tickets at BuahnoU'0. The registry liata for the coming elec tion are now posted up. A return leap year party is to bo given in Shugart's tall to-morrow evening. The examinations at St. Joseph's academy commence to-day and continue throe days. HOLLKK SKATES Vineyard , Ilonoly and other styles , at Drackott'a , 220 ati(1 ( 22(1 ( Broadway. Some of the follows who cannot paj their fines might bo sot.nt work cleaning off the sidownlka. Skclton & llico's tailoring establish ment is closed by'tho foreclosure of n mortgage hold by eastern parties. M. J. Kelly , on lower Alain Btrcot. h tearing down his blacksmith ahop , and it to put up a brick building in its stead. Draper's Undo Tom'a Cabin company ia to bo at the now opera house on the ( ith , and Milton Noble's company on the 8th. 8th.Tho The city council meets this evening. As the time is up for the receiving ol paving bids , they will probably bo opened to-night. Thcro is to bo n quadrille party at St. Joseph's Academy hall next Wednesday evening , given by St. Patrick's Benevolent - lent society. A buggy in which Mra. Dobaon win riding along Broadway .Saturday woa run into by a farmer's wagon , causing the buggy to lose a wheel. The sifting out of facts to determine who is responsible for the dead horsu lying on Avenue A is to bo concluded in the superior court to-day. James Kenan and n man giving the name of Qleason were run in Saturday night for being drunk. They put up § 10 each for their appearance this morning. Some of the ornploycs of J. W. Sqniro presented him with a gold-headed cano on the occasion of his birthday , and ho wan ninded of the doy by gifts from other i fiends. A pair of pantaloons , evidently otolon from Boino store , has boon , found con cealed behind Mr. Dohany'u livery stable , and turned over to the city authorities for identification of owner. The grand march uHho opening of the now roller skating rink wns very finely carried out , and much of the success of the sixmo vras not only duo to Mr. Dan iels , but also to MissLoomis , of this city , who led the march with him. She is a very graceful skater. The two "doctors" arrested in Omaha are still in jail here. Ono of them was visited by his wife and little child yester day , .who just arrived from Memphis. The application for release on a writ of ' habeas corpus comes up before Judge 'Aylcsworlh again to-day. Tlicro'iB talk of organizing a local Prisoners' Aid associalion hero , the pur pose being to act in conjunction with like associations in other cities in- look ing after prisoners who are discharged , securing them honest employment , and helping them to lead true lives. ' Absalom Ponder , a farmer living six miles from Emerson , mc't with a soriouB Accident last Friday night. While rid ing along on horseback the horse stum bled and fell , upon him , crushing Mr. Fender's Jeft leg terribly , nnd causing thrco fractures between the knee and ankle. Business at the transfer has been quito brink gf late. . Some of the merchants have found it impossible to wait longer for. a ctt | in freight rates and have boon compelled to haVe their goods shipped to thorn to fill orders. Others still hold oft" , as the now freight regulations have had hardly time to bo looked on as per- jnaucnt. % Peter Belger , wUp by his own confes sion was the cause of the four boys being arrested for burglarizing the now opera house , was released on Saturday , his parents pleading for him. Peter BPCIIIS to bo a bad' boy , and has already been before the policd court several times. If ho doesn't ' bohayo now n trip acroas the atuto will doubtless bo taken by him. George Guanella was arrustsd Saturday night by Oillcer Ousick for kicking uj > a TOW in a saloon. Afior goltiutr him to the police station therowasquito a strug gle to got him locked up , it requiring four men to put him in. In a short time afterwards Mayor Bowimm released him , and ho went his way , It ia supposed that ho Trill appear in police court this morn ing to niuwer to the charge Saturday night us Seneca Morgan vat going home , ho , was overtaken by u teatr and the driver invited him to ride. Cot ting into the wagon , Morgan discovorci man named Allen lying down in lbt wagon , under the neat. It acorns an alt f ud haa existed for some time botwcci Morgan aud Allen , and after the formci had gotten into the wagpn , Allen bf gr.i pounding him and beat his face to a jolly Morgan either jumped out , or wn : knocked out of the wagon , and uati > > back to th& city and laid an informutioi a tinjt Allen , who came in Tuetdaj jiUil guilty ml waa lined $20 end cottc terribly bruised. I ATTEMPTED ASSESSMENT. The Union Paoilic Employes Again Callcfi on io Support a Hospi tal , Scheme , Dr. Mercer Its llcnd and Front of COUTHO. The Union Pacific railway company Imvo once more posted notices for the bnnofit of llicir 10,000 employes , tlmt they ( the employes ) will bo compelled to pay 40 cents each per month for the sup port mid maintenance of a hospital , This same proposition , it will bo re membered by the readers of Tin ; Bm : , was originated and s artod in July , 1882 , by Dr. S. D. Mercer , the surgeon of this railway company. The only difference in the amount to bo deducted from the em ployes is 40 cents now , whore the old assessment was to bo CO conts. It was ordered by the ollicials of this company that each and every employe from the president down , should bo assessed , and said fifty cents deducted from his pay , no matter if ho put in one day or a full month in their employ. And the paymaster did deduct thin amount from a few employes , but as the men inado such a general ' 'kick" against it , it waa decided to abtndon the idea and consequently they Imvo received their full pay since. It remains to bo soon \rhat this present month will bring forth in the way of a "kick" again. The principal causa of dissatisfaction in the 1882 assessments was openly stated by the employees at the time to bo that Dr. S. D. Mercer was to have entire control of said hospital. The Missouri Pacific railway has had , for a number of years , a hospital for their employees , which has been conducted on the assessment plan by lr. Jackson , chief surgeon which is located at Sodalia , Mo. , and it has been a great benefit to those for whom it was established. There is a hospital run on the same plan at Denver , Col. , which is highly endorsed by a largo number of railroad employes. It being under the efficient management of Dr. Wright. There is n good reason ( other than the ono sot forthwhich ciqUolchcdtho first assessment eighteen months ago ) why all the roads should not adopt this plan , as employes receive all necessary medi cal treatment in case of injury or sick ness to himself , and married men are treated at homo , while unmarried men are compelled to go to the hospital , ex cept in case of contagious diseases , treat ment of which comes from the hospital funds , but are properly cared for outside of the general hospital. Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. ' Cutting a specialty , 001 S. Main st. , up stairs. KAISING-KANE , Tlio Capture of Thnt Young Man Wanted For HouUory. Some time last summer a young man named John C. Kane , who had boon em ployed as watchman forono , of the largo agricultural warehouses hero , became in volved in some dispute with Wm. Englo , an old gentleman who is well known icro , and of whom Kane rented rooms , iuine thumped the old gentleman very severely , and was arrested , but , during the pondaiioy of the case , ( skipped town ind has not boon heard from until a few days ago , when ho was arrested at Mis souri Valley for robbery. Jt appears hat ho rohovcd a man named George Cilia of about $30 and a gold watch while n a saloon drinking. Kane was locked n jail , but the next morn ; ng , while breakfast was being msscd in ha managed to skip out , mill nado good his escape. Saturday afior- noon Ofllcor Brooka and Mullen , of this iity , found Kane secreted in a boarding louse on South Main street , and before ip could make any resistance they nabbed lim. Ho is now locked up in jail hero , ind will probably have no easy escape rpm the law new , as there are two cases till pending against him hero , while tha hargo of robbery seems to bo'pretty " learly proved , the watch and § 8 of th" > nonoy being found on him when ho was rrcstcd in Missouri Valley. SotiHixtlon in jUiiMcul Circles. Pirrsiiui'.a Pa. Jan. , , 7,188-1. J. Mueller , "Esq. , Council Blulla , Iowa. Dear Sir : Wo mail you some of our liot of customer * andjittlo book of ITiinliimn Pianos. If you got up anything of th ort plcaso mail us copies. Wo are handling tJio Ilardman as our test J'lanos and put up squarely in competition with the Steinway , Chickor- ng , ICunbo Pianos , and with the greatest ucccss. Within u month wo have trad ed Ilardman Pianos for three Steiuways , mo Chiokoring and two Knabos , and our lardman grand ia now uiiod by nearly all our resident players at their concerts , t has taken a good dealof work to overcome - como the prejudice in favor of the old tandards , but wo have done it hero , and f a number of Hardman Hgonts in the arger cities would handle the piano on ho eamo basis it would eoou occupy a first position then they would sell caiicr and wo would get prices nearer their aluo. Hope you are having a good sale or them. Yours , &IKLLOU , IIOKNII it ITulWIOKS. How About ilioTIHu ? There already begins n stir in the real estate market which gives promise of an ummual activity in tlmt line this year. Many are inquiring about property , and looking out locations , etc. , either for in vestment or improvement. A would-bo purchaser , after being satisfied as to piico , location and terms , at once raises the all.importnnt question "How about the title ? " Of course , the Heller tolls him it is all right , but the purchaser wants some tangible proof that it is. How can ho got it ? Why , the seller must furnish him an abstract. But how can the buyer know but what there is some mistake in the abstract ) There is but one way ordinarily , and that is to Imvo the abstract made by some firm which not only 1ms the confidence of the public , but which posies * a full , accurate and reliable set of books. Purtho * than this , the firm shall be so strong financially an to be able to pny for any legal liability grow ing out of any mistake in tha abstract. } It makes , therefore , n big difference as | to where ono gets u abstract , A man , i kr inMatico , who geta an abstract from uch firm as Kimball & OhampwhoEo of * fico is just opposite the court houso.nood not stay up at nights or dance around day-times worrying about it , Having the oldest sot of abstract book * in the county and havins them always up to dato. fi nancially responsible , with an establish ed reputation for accuracy and roliabilltv an abstract from their office is ns sure as any record can possibly bo , and settles surely the question , " How about the title ? " [ j > 1'KKSO.VAIj. Spencer Smith bus returned from the bnlmy south. Colonel JUllinfrall , of Ottumwn , arrived lioro Saturday. Col. Smytho , of Omixha , spent putt of Sun- dny In the Bluffs. John Y. Stone , of Glonwood , came to the DlulTs yontcrdixy. Mr. Otto Vcgolor , of Docltman & Co. , starts on the road to-tiny. Attorney 1) . 11. Solomon , of the Wabiwh rand , is at the Ogdon. RCol. L. W. Tulloys in expected homo to-day from a month's trip oast. J. 1' . Ailnms , the well known manufacturer at Sandwich , 111 , , is at the Ogden , Hon. John T. Baldwin has returned from the cant , having boon absent for several wookM. Sheriff Jonea , of Crawford county , was In the city yesterday , on the scout of some crooks , A. A. 1'arsons dropped In over Sunday , and leave * this morning on his wccldy busi ness trip. I'oittnixstor I'lill. Armour starts to-day for Washington , expecting to bo absent about ton days. County Auditor Kirkland now gladly makes room at hU fireside for a fair llttlo maiden just arrived , Mr. Brocl. Boll , of the U. P. freight audit- or'n otlico , pasnod a few pleasant hours in this city yesterday. Frank Shin" , of Carson , Hays ho does not intend to open a law oliico In Council Blulls for Boino ttino yet , C. W. Stover , of Cedar JRadids , traveling ngont for the A. , T. & S. F. railway , spent Sunday at the Pacific. 13. B. Gardiner and A. Gnus loft List evening - ing to attend the grand lodge of the A. U. U. W. , which meets In Davenport to-morrow , W. II. Graham , of Clinton , Mo. , is In the city interviewing Ills brother Knights of Pyth ias in regard to the Weekly Pythian Banner , which ho represents P. C. Braun , who travels fora St , Jco clothing firm , canio to this city Saturday , and after upending Sunday with his brother , W. T. Braun , skips out again to-duy. William Hutehlnson , of Bella Blaine , hot ) como hero to take tha position of master me chanic at this point for the Chicago & North western raliWay , the position being loft vacant by the withdraw * ! of Mr. C. 0. Md'horsou who goes with another company. G. W. Klngsbury , OHO of the proprietors and editors of the Yankton Press and Dnko- t\ian , was in the city Saturday. Ho and lib partner , W. S. Bowcn , have made a grand success of that paper , and it is still growing and prospering under their wise iiud onorgotia management. Hnrilnmii 011 tlio liaise. 'I NKW YOUK , January 2-1. 188 1. J. Mueller , Council Bluffs , Iowa : DE.UI Sin Copy of Tin ; BUK received. Thanks. The letter from Mellor , lloono & Houdricks shows the position taken for the Ilardtnan pianos by nearly all our agents now. Messrs. Button & Son , in Philadelphia , and White , Smith & Co. , in Boston have demonstrated what could bo done in those cities , while you yourself have had no , moan success with our pianos and wo have yet to hear of any single dealer who has not had the very best success with thorn. Wo appre ciate your efforts for thu pianos and trust you are doing all in your po\yer to put it in the front rank , whofo it bolongtt , and that your efforts are devoted to that cud. With very kindest regards , wo are , dear sir , very sincerely yours , HAUDMAN , DOWUNCI & Paeic. In Ticket OlllccH. The recent change in the relationship of the railroads running into Council Blufis has brought about n change in the location and arrangement of ticket offices. The Chicago , Burlington < fc Quincy nnd the Kansao City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs still have ihuir ufllcos at the old stand at the southwest corner of Broadway and Pearl streets , Captain 0. M. Brown being the ticket agent. Mr. Charles Keith , thu general agent of those roads , also has his headquarters hero. OTHER. UOAln. The Union Pacific , Chicago , Mil.wau- Icoo it St. Paul , Chicago , Rock Island it Pacific and Chicago & .Northwestern rail roads have their ticket office together at the southeast corner of Broadway and Pearl streets , with Mr. J. L. Do B > - voiso , of Chicago , to serve as agent. The Wubash , St. Louis & Pacific rail way ticket oliico remains on the south east corner of Broadway and Main street , ,1. 0. Mitchell beiufi the ticket agent , while F. M. Uault , the general agent of thu road , makes hia headquar ters there. THU OUT KA.TJJ ticket ofijco of a'l the different railwaya running in and out of Council Alulla jo- maiiiH at thu old stand , 505 Broadway > with Mr. U. Mi-Allistor as general ticket agent , Ileiil KstaU ) TvniiHi'oi-B. The following doouj were filed for re cord in the recorder's office , February 2 , reported for the BISK by P. J , Mo- Mahon , real uatato agent : W. S. Quick to Kilns J. Quick , part nine } and uo | n\vj , 21 , 7512,81 , . DUO ( Joorgo W. Hunt to J , C. llowanl , ill sof , 10 , 77 , ! 18 , § 3,200. James 0. Howard to ( Soorqo W. Hunt , lot 2 , block 8 , Walnut , S-iOOi Patrick Covlo to B. F. Palmer , part not , 11 , 7714 , SCO. . M. Hoopes ot al. to Jane Wright , lots 5 and 0 , block 0 , Meridclh's add. to Avoca , 8GOO , Total sales gO,7CO. _ Private lessons on cliinu given by S. D. Kohse. Studio No. 12 N. Main stroot. JAC011 S1M3. . K. 1' . OAUWELL. air/ia & CADWEUL , ilttorneys-at-Law , t'OUKCl L ULUFFB , IOWA Office , Jlaln street , llooun 1 nJ bhu utt k MoM - M liou' Ulatk. will i > rMtlo In Bt&ts Mil wlcnl Oar dpccch is short , but to the point. Best Chicago discounts every day in the year on JUIdp ; AND ARCTICS , Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the markot. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO , Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. TIBIIE lEIMIIPIIRIE ! ; " Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are bettor than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on thorn. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , , 12 Broad-wav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , DKM.KR3 IN Hard and Soft Coal AND WOOD , BULKTAND BAnUEI , LI1IK , LOUISVILLE'AND PORTLAND DEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTEK , HAIR AND SKWEIl 1'11'E. Ho , G39 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOIiTjEU. 'LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. W PATRTl ATTOKNKV AT LAW. MANAGER OP VOTTAWATTAMIK COUN- V -D.fiJLiXJJ , TY OOLLLCT10N AOENOY. Office corner Broadway and ilaln street. JOHN BENO & CO GENKRAL JIEUOnANDISE. , , 18 Main etroot anil 17 I'oul atrcct. MAX MOHN CRKSTON HOUSE. , Hotel , 217 and 219 llaln etroot. TTR T P WTTFP'P OFFICE , JJ1V U J . VVJjJ-XXj ) Corner Main and Filth up-ctnlra. RcsMcnco , COS Willow avenue. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , N SOHUBZ.JUSTICE SOHUBZ. , . OHIro over American Exprese. LIVERY AND FEED , SQ ) . Will contract ( or tuncrala at rcaaonalilo rates. 22 Fourth street J , M. ST , JOHN & Ca.CASH BUYERS , try. , , , , sap- * . Drixtt by return null. HB Broadway. MERCHANT TAILOR , JACOB KOCH , Stock Coinpicto. Suits made at reaconalilo prices. No. BOB Main SI I GF. . SMITH. Corner 7tli and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plans AND and BUILDER dpccllleatlons , turnUhed. MEUCHAhT TAILOR. JAMES ERANEY. Artl'tlo Work and rcaannablo charie3. 872 Broadway ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & HAET , Jamoa Blook. Practice In'Btito r.nd federal courts. Ani1 liatl1 house , 421 anil KZ Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. v. J. Jlont- Komcry. M. TJ. Phyglclnii. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Notary Public and ( icncml Con < o > anccr. 415 Broadway. TTOTTQ' ! ? SMITH & NORTON , JiU U Broadway opposite Now Opera House. Refitted $1 , C1.60 per day A Large Assortment of Haid and Soft Coal Being loft over , must bo Bold at your own prices. 1 need IMIIEZEID S kG-S to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. Mi. GALLAGHER New Store , Frtvli Cloocle , Low Prices and Pulito Attendants. \ First Door east ° f Metropolitan Hotel , AS AW ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE E8UITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , 'u coctUlcrail thelicst g'2.riOO In nfts of death , nml $1,000 endowment at the expiration of ton jeara. Asse's- monte inytiWo according to ttf | . M . OIhe I'illoythe agent will call and < \plnlii tlio plau upon your "c- t. jJirict ) our coiniiunlcatlons to VU Vine St. Council KlnlTa luua. DEALER IN ALL TILfi LATEST DESIGNS OF Bnterioir Decorations. 13 S , Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IM. OlUnu Moik at nl ) Hniira. Chut d'cui.lno Parties A Specialty. SPECIAL NOTICES , KOT1CK. Special ad > crtls mcnt8 , swell 03 Lodt , KouuJ.To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoard. Ins , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at tha low rate of TEN CENTS PEIl LINE for tlio first insertion and FJVK CENTS 1'Ell LINE for each subsequent In- Mitlon. Leave ad > ortlscineiita * t ouroOce , Ko. 7 Pml Street , near Ilroadvav WANTS. WANTTO-Keylyc Udlrewil bycnrtlorat only twcuty rcnU a e k. AlFANTKU A Koodhoiuo , lu 'nlcu locjitioii , wltli ' tlircu or four loom * . Address l > oxo. . VO , ItKK OlIlMI. " \\7AOTEO A iroul Intclll unt l > uy , about 'Uymra 11 ol KO , to learn a tradw. Apply at the lliat of- flccKo7 _ 1'ciul ktiect. QLIli rAI'KUS-ror tale at DEE cilice , it 25.ccnU : IT Olt IIENT Aniloifantly larnUhcdroom.lix-ation rontnl. Uofercncv * rmulred. Address A. II. BALK-IIouee No , 721 llarrlion street mid novcnloU , fJW. T7 > OU SM.K-Onc larira. orrol hone , \ , i ht 1 CO J1 J wiid , SjtaraolJ. , \ . J , Maudii , U25 llroad- OTOVBS-I h > oafcwiook uud lifatlii ; to > ( l h 1.1 ° .V r * i * , c" M' ' " c'oso ' out av srtat rctlucltoui. A'J. Mimku G HAND OPENING OPTHEHEW Boiler Skating Eink Corner 1'carl Sticet and Fifth Avenue , Friday Evening Feb. lt , Chapman & Mojlcne , . I'roprtetnrr , H , Uanlels , the Champion Skater WlLLfilVK Au Exhibition on This Occasion AND FINE MUSIC WILL BE PROVIDED , \V. W. CtUttiAX , Mauagfr. K N" objectionable clurteterj \ > l Ibo tdmltt&l. E. Bice M , D. nAVtripnO or other tuniow removed wltbouttht b/iriuJillU / | knUo w dr wliirof ; blood. ( JHROKIC DISEASES . ecialty. Our thirty ) van practical e i tt ace , 0Hc ( No 6 1'cArl itrt-et , Couui tl Dl.UIj rytzr& * 'ZT3 * ' 9 ? * 7f < ifp\ ifpEmpkie Hardware Co 109 nnd lllS. [ Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - ' IOWA , it , WHOLESAJjK DEALERS IN 342 and 314 Broadway , -COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BECHTELE'S The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and ia centrally located. PETER BECE TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) fO LOU ' 01 REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots nnd Lands in the County. GROSVENOR & GOTN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Sroadway , Council Blufis ; Iowa AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Granite and Tinware. Latest-Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line o extoaordinary Fine Carvers. Broadway , and 10 and 12 Main Street , OK I'cr Kittlnp , Best nnil Chcapcst.giFino Linen Collars and Culls. &To. 715 Foviyth Street Gonnoil Bluffs , Sowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FSB. 1 , WE Y7ILL GIVE 1 Tn all our Bocts and Shoes , regardless of Quality. Don'fc miss this cliniice. S. A. PIE170E , 100 Main Street. < < H A . Q. & TXW X , lPJ& { TtTtfJflW < G5 J ? & & & Is&j ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I , r od General lloose Furnishlnffs ! T MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY.w 503 Broadway , Council Bluil'CASADY ! | , OilCUTT & VBENCII. A DR. THOMAS JSFFEEIS , No. t23 Sixtli avenue , Council Muffs , Io\\a. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Heafer. Twr.STV-riVB HUM * cxrinictcr ; TIIIHTV M < UH ; A BK - IDKM OK COUNCIL PiaiiiOi > l9 ( dl'caBcd conditlni g dcxcrllicd ) without quesi lonln . Theru uro Int'iOrcJa nf uitnuvnou to thu fact tliii ihu I'lliid aru restored , thu iluaf niailo to hear , ftlioi uruljais and rheuintiibui of mom hi nnd years Btunillnir ( rcqiiijiitly cured In 20 minutes' time through iwj'thlu incBiiierlc , uplcit or soul force , "Thigo thui4oro ) not donoln a ocrncr. " Tliootily reliable pro\entatU and euro fur diph theria known ( keep U on hina ) . The best catarrh remedy In iiio. Small pox premitativc supcilor tn \avcnia1lon. Ktorycu o ol ludl cation ( du8j pela ) ciircil tlino iciUlreJ | one totix wtel.H. Olil niters , coinntonly called cancvrD roamvd without the us-o of thukinfo. In Uct all acute ami chronic clUoancn Bucccuffully treated , 'J ho records of mortality the * that Dr. Jcffu'lcs U tlio moot sutcossful i ractjcloncr ol inii'll'-liiu In tlio western conntrj . HUgreattbt succunj han brrii In caica that IIM 1 allied the ski ! ) of ntncr Juctors , an \ > ullna causing despair and financial ruin in many cased. TEUMS HBASONABLE. Ho dmrRo for consultation by letter or otherwise. Inco ) o tinheru ) ] anruurutokttcn are required. HcHt Kind cif rvfcrnceu iltcn. ; ( T < r Persons fren from eontngloiia tll3cn oill bo ro- cel\cd into hUln&tltutaol Health for t catuicnt. iunoreAN : MUSEUM Xow on cxtlbltlon at No. 3(7 ( Droaduay , for ccntltj men from 0 a in to 10 p. in , dilly , except Friday , from 1 to 0 p m . uiilchIs for ladlva imljon which daj the lecture will be pl\cu by a lad ) , iWrllilnj- > 11 dl < cctlnir partK uf the human frarno ami all dU * I uvu of children. ADMISSION 25 ccnUJ Mrs H J HiltOD M D , , , , , , , PfiYSIOrAN & BTOfiEOMT , ssa v , council Bluffs. JOSEPH GAGHBGAN. IHAB.D WQOD AND Corner Main etrbct and Eighth tu'iine , 0)an luirs. ZB'Lowcst rated ar.d prompt delivery CURE OR NO PAY Wo irna'aiitrti the cure nf the follow Inff named dis- Bcasea.oriio pay : IthcuinatUiu , Scrufula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Olood and > klnilUcaicn , Dvi ] jpsla Liver CompUInt , Kidney ami Dlukler lllscafces. Gout , Ken. ralglaandAethma , Tliew i Hprlnguaro thu jatorito resort ot tlio tired nn.l debillutail , nnd are tlio FKEIILB LADI I H IIKST FUIUND , Hood hotel , lUery nnd batlilnif accornodatlon both winter and uumincr. Locality hlchly r.icturesciuu ' . and healthy. Aroorelblo by Wab'sl , a h\onaorC.B. & ( J. , at Albany. Corrwijouatiio sollclUd , KEY. Jl , M , THOMl'SON , Blioam Springs , ( 'ara , I1 , O.acntry Cof"io. ANALYSIS. Bpoclflo Ora\ity Keaction . . . . . . . . . . . iieutia Caibonlo Acid Cos . ' 6 Vn'iiBr iilloi Carbonate Calcium. . as.A . . . Carbon&to Iron . . . . . - Mf-\ Suphr.t8Maincsla ! . . .VbU Sulphate CaVci an . . i'i < 6 OilorMe Sodium . 7500 Slllica. , , . . i jog Alumina . , . . . .iouiB dripxiiloaDd VoUtlle matter and loss . , . .1 459 Total Bclids jier gallcn. . . . 67,171 WIUOIIT& UKRimtjC moi orricsit , u. M. rvatir , OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS. Council IlluRi K Esiabiisneu 7d56 Dealers In FITI It'll d ' ' lo JOlra Kcmintl W. R. Justice ol the Peace , Omaha una Council Haifa. lt.-il . tUte nud e-Mlrrtloo ajreoc ) . u Oit FcUo ! . . c I'cr 3 > "iJft B&nk. ,