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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1884)
V V-SM > , . w THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , MONDAY , FEBRUARY , 1854. Has the Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lo-wost Prices. CHARLES SHIVERIQK , Purchnsers should nviu'l themselves of the opportunity now offered to buy tit Low Prices by taking ndvnntngo of the grcnt inducements set out by ELEVAEOK , 1200 , 1203 nd 1210 FarnnmSl To All Floors. OMAHA. NEB. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintenduo u. P. RAILWAY 17TJ1 & 18TII STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , HOLLERDMILLS , : li ! ! and Orain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth' 1 STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BEASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON.J § o I # § fe * . "We are prepared to furnish plans aud estimates , and will contract foi the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , remStone to the Roller System. ESF'iKpeeial attention given ro furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , uud estimates mndo tor same. Uoneral machinery repairs attondei to prcni tly. Ad'li-pss , I RICHA.EDS Ss CLARKE , Omaha , Neb. THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY U09 and 14)1 ) Dodge St. . J rsrssar } OMAHA. NEB lIANUFAOrUKKU OK FINK BL K ? Rcpoirt'ery ooeUntly filtod with ' elecljitock. Beat vYorUminslilpOMntoetl. Office vn factory S. W. Cn-nur 16th antf Capital Avenui Omaha1 * PEZIPECTI01T Heating and Baking In only attainedby ? CHARTER Stoves and Ranges , Mil WIRE GAUZE ( HER BOOH ! Foi sale by 1 , MILTON BOGJEBS& SONS OMAHA. CITY WALKS AND TALKS. "Thorogooa 'Commotloro Vftndorbllt,1' ronmrkcil Dick Wlldo. "WhoroJ" naked tlio UKK'S Man About Town , who WM nt n loss to know \\liy the nmn of iimny of mltltona alumld tlrop down In Omnha so siuldontjr , " 'lliorc , liltchod to that butcher' * cart , " replied Dick , AS ho pointed to nn old bay stnlllon drawing a wagon. "Thi l'n 'Coinmodoro Vnndorbllt , ' liorso with a history. Thnt liono was OHCO n famous trotter. Nearly twenty years ngo ho Lrottcil ngaln < t the bay Htnllton ' ( icorgo Wllkos'nt the Union co\irso \ , J.OIIR IMaud. John Crook * drove 'Wllkos' nnd Dan lace lro\o'Vnndcrbllt. ' The race \vm best three In ihc , inllo hcaU , to wiujon. Konr lic were trotted , tlio third bcini' n dead heat. The tlmo wa-i 1S.3I J , 2 : 0'J : ' . ' ! ) , and 2'HU. \Vllkci' vrta ( Ihtnncodon the last hoat. Tliat wai con < ildorod pretty fnst tlmo In tluxo da > . I'ho race wns trotted Is'uvembcr 0 , 18t > 5 , nnd was considered a great c\ont. Hero's n jilc- ; > tro of It , " snid Mr. Wlldo , ns ho pointed to nine ino HthoKraiih hinging in his roitdlng room. "Ills owners refined $17,000 for 'Vandor- illt , ' bnt afterwards Bold him for 810,000. Ho passed through \ ariotu hand , tnd finally found Ills way to Omaha , whuro ho jfcimo the property uf Dan Allen seine oion or oiRht yoara ngo. Dan sold him to Col. Clo ] > - wr , who Bold him to Col. Mat Patrick. 'Iho loxtotvncr was I'ylo , of 1/lncolii , who sold ilin to Andy Murpliy , the blacksmith , in this city , and now that butcher , who just drove jy , owns him. The butcher that owns him Is It.KMcCrath. Thooldstallloninusitboabont thirty yoara old. Ho has RON oral line colts In and around Omnha. I should think Vntidor- blltould buy the old horse and pension him , .is ho has dona honor to the nnmo of Coiimio. lore Vnndcrbllt. 1'crhnps the butcher mleht triko n lirotty fair bargain with Vandcrbllt. ( icorgo Wilko . 'tho horsntlmt trotted ngntnst Coininodora Vandorbilt' in that famous x > ng Island race , ilied in Kentucky n year or wongo. Hoas the propeity forjtlio last ovr yoarH c.f I . 1C. Simmons , of l.oxtntjtoii , vontucky. " "It's no\er too late mend , " remarked n oung man the other day , us hoas tapoiing ( T from u prolonged Bprco , with a cocktail. I remember a swell young follow who came to iinaha ton or twoho years ngo , fmm 'ngland with nbout ton th6usand ollnrs , plenty of line clothes , an Imtulauco of jewelry , nnd last , bnt not least , good education. Ho went on a spree width asted for eighteen months. Ono morning ho vole i up Hobcr , ttrangoto eay , and upon look- nc oor bia assets ho found that o\ory cent ! his ton thousand dollnrn was gene , and his othes and jewelry were inso.dcnthls 'nnclos. ' p'lmt chagrined him more thnn anything oleo vas to find tint all ids friends were gone , too. Vfter his inonoy was gouo ho had no friends , [ o then for the first time realized the fact thnt 10 best friend a man c.m have la the mighty ollar. Ho quietly packed up his grip Back , nd walked out of town , determined to brace p and earn n dollar or two for himself. At n tone quarry , in this state , ho found employ- ncnt as tlmo keeper , and shortly afterwards 10 secured a position as a school teacher , thus Halting use of his education. Ho kept ntcadl- y on , and eventually bccamo the principal of f a high school , and to-day ho is ono of the eat educators in Nebraska , and a happy man vith a wlfo aud sot oral children , and a com * jrtablo homo. I know him well , and occa- ionally meet him when hoisits Omaha , nnd lien wo talk over the old 'hurrah' times in Omaha. Ho is yet a young man. His history hews that it is never to late to inoiul. I pro- ese to follow his example. This is my last rink , so here goes ! " "How ( do you spell Marechal Neil oses ? " This question was asked by a BEK re- iorter of half a dozen different parties not a eng tlmo ago , when ho was engaged in wiit- ng up a brilliant wedding in which Marechal l roses figured quits prominently among ho floral decorations. No onn seemed able to pell the name of the rose correctly. The re > ortor couldn't find it in any English or French liclionary , and ho accordingly In ten iowod sev eral milliners , oil of whom admitted that they could not spell the naino although they could ironounco it. Kvorybody had seen it in print rime and timongain , but nobody could romom- > cr how to spell it , so the reporter spelled it 'Marechenillo. " but after looking it o\cr changed his mind and concluded to write it "Marshal Nnil , " and take his chances on it. LIe has since laarno 1 thnt the correct spelling 8 Mnrechal Noil. "Talking of the Marochal Neil rose reminds mo , " remarked a well-known society la'ly , who is n constant attendant nt the theatre , "that It is undoubtedly the pro per bouquet for opera. It is very expensive ; l > ut then it is BO white and Hits leaves are so soft that it is almost the embodiment of pnri ty. Jacqueminots are especially designed for the society drama , and % iolcts and camolias may keep them company. At times when one cannot get bouquets composed of those flowers , panties aud'chrysanthums will do , but they look better and apparently omit a sweet er perfume when comedy is on the boards. 1 noor go to see Barrett , McCtillough or Keene without carrying a tuberopo , for tubnrones seem to mo strong and half tragic in the in tensity of the odor they cast oil. The lily is too chaste for anything except a quiet homo reception , and heliotrope is put to so man ; uses that its lifo is ono round of drudgery.1' "Hartley Campbell , the author of'SI boria , ' which wo saw at IJoyd's opoia house , remarked a well-known thoatro-goeJ , "is a very successful playwright. Although h does not escape criticism from the nownpapc critics , ho touches the popular chord In hi plays. Ho is a prolific writer. His boo jilnys are 'The Galley Slave , 'My 1'artnor , 'Fairfax' 'Siberia' and Ids latest. 'Hopa tion/which has just been produced in NewYor and has inaJo n hit. A few ycara ago liarl ley Campbell was n poor country editor , am ho concluded to better his fortune by attempt ing to wrilo for the stage. His success ha. : iot boon instantaneous by any moanx I think ho has written forty or fifty play * fiom which ho has made n comfortable littl fortune. Ho spends his inonoy freely , mi < lives like n lord. Ono of the most ; promlnon Now Voik critics recently said of him that h had inado enough inonoy out of ordlnar plays to afford to take more tlmo to d > ; vote t u drama that would rise far above the avenvfi that ho could produce a play of rroat mor ; there was not the least doubt for ho hue already given evidence of possessing grea dramatic talent , and all that was rcqulrat was mora pollnh , which could be obtained b tinia and study. " "What do you think of that rumo about the Burlington running Us Chicag trains into Omaha ? " a promlnontrallroud man not a Burlington official , was Asked. "Tl rumor no doubt has a peed foundation , " nn ! he , "but just when the Burlington proposes to inaugurate this programme I catuiot say. ' . bolleveho\vnvorthat it will not befnrolf. Th llurliiu'ton IH evidently preparing to do com * thing < if the kind , andiii playing a lone ham ox It intends to do , it can well afford to niaki a mom of this character. It will bo well repaid paid by the pooulo of Omaha. The lit ) llngton is well fixed to do It. as has its own bridge and Its own entry nm terminal facilities in Omaha , and the wondc is that it did not do it long ago , notwllhetam ing the Iowa pool. I believe that not enl the Burlington will run Its Chicago trains Int Omaha , but all the other Iowa roads will d the game thing , There are going to bo sum Important moves on the railroad chess boon in thin vicinity during the next six moutlis and Omaha will bo trrearly beuofitted thcro by. " "Hour about Utah rates-one day tUe are fixed and the next da they are unfixed ? " "It doesn't jnaV much difference to any body juat now. M ill roads are carrying very , little Utah freight The fact of It Is that Utah LOB been over stocked with freight during the cut in rates and it will bo rouio time before the goods ou bo worked off. " "How about the trlimrtlt pool ? " "It's a game of now you nee u , nm now you Mou't. It't hard to keep track o the situation , anil tell who'd who. Matter are budy mixed , and dally growing worse , would not be surprised to hear of a Ihdy shaking up a sort of earthquake all nJor. the Hue , almost any day , " Will D , Katou well remembered b julto a number of Omaha people , as he ro elded hers /or two or three years. Ho woo employed a a job printer , aud during hi leisure hours ho acquired the art of phone * grapy. Ho wa quite a wit and an tssy , writer , and was a frequent contributor to th I press , Going to Chicago he obtained a post tlon on the IntO'-OcMn , nnd soon afterwards became the dramatic critic of the Chicago 2Vm . While employed on Iho Timr * ho wrote n play , "All The Uago. " from which he realized several thousand dollars. His nextoaturo was M editor of the Chicago HcraM. In which i > oiltlon ho remained for two or throe years. Ho wni re cently engaged ns parngraphor on the Wash- ngton JteimUican. Whether there Is any ruth In the following paragraph , wo are un able to nay n-s It emanated iroin llugonol'lold , the Chicago * Vw * parngrnphor , hose truthful- icss Is not nboxo pan "Jim llUlno'n Ixmk will bo Issued dlmultanoously In Kngllsh , Vonch and German. Mr. William D. Katun , ormorly n Chicago journalist of high repute , s mipen Idlng the translations of the work Into ho foreign languages , n force of ton transit ors h < tng ( boon placed at his command , Mr. HMnoghosMr. Kiton 83,000 for this work nnd a royalty of in cents uKm ) each \ohuno old In liormany nnd Franco. Mr. 1'aton ocs to 1'nrla next month to organise ngonctrs or the sale of the book , and before returning ionic ho will \ Islt Berlin for n similar pur- > oso. " * * During the performance of "Siberia , " t Boyd' * opera house , nn nmuslng incident occurred nt the end of the third act , where Iw desperate hand to hand strupglo takes ilnco between "Sara" ( Miss Adele llolgardo ) ind "ilaiacolf , " the joung KONornor-Konoral Charles Abbott. ) When "Sara" rtnnlly sue- cods In drawing ndaggor and Blabbing 'Mar- icolf , " uho falls to the ground , n young man n the back row of Boats , who had become vnmghttip ton high pitch of s > mpathctio ! \cltomont by the roall.ttio HCOIIO , xhoutod 'llullyl" Ills loudly oxiirc'sed sympathy for 'Sam' created n general laugh , ' w Several ChlLagoans who wcro In Omaha 10 other day when the streets wcro qullo inddy , declared that they had noor seen such uuiddy place. Upon their return to Chkugo icy fetiiul that city in about the same condi- on as Omaha , nnd they no doubt appreciated 10 following paragraph In the Chicago AVini ! Mud ! mud ! mud ! on sidewalk , nnd crossing , nd street ; and mud mud mud on Iron- irs , nnd skirts , niidjlcot. Black , beastly , nnd dck , It falls with a sickening thud on nhirt- routs so elick , does this beautiful municipal Hid. " lM3USONA.Ii. U. B. Anderson , of Cheyenne , Is nt the llllaid. A. Savage , Wymoro , is n guest of the Mot- opolitan. Chtrlos K.uifman loft for Hartford , Conn. , cstonlay. Frank I J. Johnson wont yesterday to Mon * abon , Iowa. li. 1' . Fuller , Warren , O. , Is registered nt the [ otroolitan. [ ) The Maggie Mitchell troupe are nt the [ etropolitan. Kdgar Egorton , agent of Frank Mayo , Is nt 10 Metropolitan. jr. M. Moore , n hydraulic oxpoit of Chi- ago , Is at the Millard. > William Murpliy wont east on last oven- ng'a train for Chicago. Henry and Godfioy Kaufman started yes- .onlay afternoon for Chicago. Hon. T , M. Marqnotto and It. B. I'utnam , f Lincoln , are guests at the Millard. S. A , Kly and wife , Now York , friends of Dr. D.irruw , are stopping at the Corons. Tnmofl li. Foley , of Cincinnati , and A. inrnes , Jr. , of Now York , are at the I'nxton. C. N Phillips , of Nebraska City , and Will j. Campbell , of Yordon , nro guests nt the 1'axton. P. . .T. Cullen , North Tlatto , nnd K. T. ilaxwoll , ClarKos , are guests at the Metro- ) olitan. A. A. Collin , Lincoln ; C. J. Furer , Vnir- old , and K. Tualor , ono of wcstorn Nobroa- en's largo stock raisers , are at the Cozzona. H. Fred Wiloy , of Kearney ; G. L. Hodges nd wlfo , of Kndlcott ; Charles D. Smith , of -incoln , and W. G. Whitmoro , of Valley , are oglsterod at the Paxton. 3 : . W. Murphy , North Platte ; 13. II. Gould ng , Kearney ; Charles Thorp , Chicago ; S. P. ilullon , Lowell ; and E. L. House , Lawrence , vansas , are registered nt the Metropolitan. W. B. Corwln , formerly salesman for II. & ! . F. Ilickman , of this city , has rotvrnod to Omaha. Ho will ttavel for the now wholesale louse of Henley , Ilaynea & , VanArsdlo , whlcli will begin business in this city on March 1st. Frco L. Paine and wlfo , of Boouo , Iowa , were in the city yesterday. Mr. Paine is ono of the most gentlemanly and popular passou ger connuctors on the Northwestern road , and runs from Council Bluffs to BoonoHe lo [ last evening to take hU train out. His wif is still in this city , the guest of Mm. Thomas Swobo , at the Millurd hotol. NelmiBka Applus. Chicago Times. Mr. J. S. Allan , secretary of tlio State Horticultural society , Bonds to the oflico of the Times a box of Nebraska winter npples , grown along the line of the Union Pacific railroad. As they were forwarded during the recent very cold weather , they arrived in a gruatly demoralized condi tion. A portion of nil of thorn was frozen. Still enough remained to give an idea of what they wcro at their best. In ni/.o they were very largo , and none of them were injured by insects. Thcso apples would command a very high price for "topping out" the barrels of inferior fruit raised in many parts of the country. Ton varieties were soul , embracing the most desirable kinds of late keeping apples raised in tlio , west. The enrly settlers of Nebraska who had tlio enter prise and foronight to sot out apple or chards nro now receiving the reward for their labor. Nebraska apples have ro- coivcd the highest award at of our national andititernational exhibitions. The freedom of Nebraska apples from in. sects is probably duo to the fact that the country in still now , but it is obvious that the cliinato and soil of the state are ad mirably suited to tlio production of apples. The state in well situated for disposing of its apple crop. If more are produced than nro wanted to supply the local market , they will command high prices in towns farther west. John It. 1'olln , thoCaifl county murderer , mot with an accident last Wednesday alter- noon that will probably deep him in the prison hospital for a few wocks to coma. Ho was engaged in "banking" rock at the peni tentiary yards when , by some iroana , two of his fingers bccamo caught between two im mense piles of utono , crushing them In a chocking manner , Dr. Carter , the prison surgeon , was called by telephone , and after examining the injured hand decided that two of his fleers must como off. The fingers wore amputated and yeuterday I'olin was reported to bo doing about \vellasoould bo expected. Sfato Journal. MVCH Saved. , February 3 , Nine small boys wuru coasting ou the Schuyl- kill in a largo sled to-day when the ice broke and all were thrown into the water. James Donnelly , aged 10 yoara , was drowned , but the others were saved by John llagun , aged 10 , STATK JOTTINGS. us-oot.s. Lion Johns mounts the loss of JW ) taken rom Ids pantaloons by the \\lly burglar. The business nf the postofllco during 1883 f Amounted to 3U'3,4U ' S3. Some of the business men of Lincoln have adopted tlio plan of collecting city accounts by mall. The masqucrndo ball , Thursday night , was n crushing nffalr In numbers ami succes In o > cry respect. There is a movement on foot to put a Tire boll on the toner of Masonlo temple , and connect it with the clnctric alarm , A Bo ton gentleman ( s talking electric light to proml.iont citbons here. Thorn Is strong hopes thnt n company will bo formed U start It. The suit of Loulo Mover for S. * > ,000 agntnst Prof , Stownrt , for Injuries sustained by fall- lug Inlin basement excavation , \\aa Bottled for S..W H Is reported thnt Mr. Fred. Funko , owner of f ho prudent opera house , has concluded to rebuild nnd enlarge the structure nnd make it equal to Boyd's. MUs Helen M , , daughter of Dr. Holmo * , was man led to John Js , Drydcn , of the Cen tral City bank , Thursnny ox oiling. The wed ding \\n3prl\Ato. The Lincoln city council has appropriated funds siitllclont to pnyotf the imlehtednenstho firemen of that city Incurred nt the firemen's tournament lost summer , Tom Nicholson and his \\lfo v ere divorced at Nebraska City a few months ago. They were romarrlod hero last week , and Bccmcd ns happy as If they nocr had ft "spat. " Tlio invitation to the B. & M , to cut loose from Omaha nnd settle down in Lincoln Is as spiteful as It Is absurd. Omaha has a popu lation of 1)1,000 ) , Lincoln about one-third. The Now s has discovered a moral ulcer In the shadows of the state capltol. The stork iin olcos ns follows all under ono roof : n 111111 , his wlfo , nnd two daughters , ono , the cldostof whom Is married , aud hiMbtud liven In the f mtly of his "mothor.ln.luw. " The domestic happiness of nil hinds must bo complete , as the nnmanlod daughter is nppaiontly nbont'to become n mother , nnd charges the sister's hus band with her "sub-rosa" circumstantial con dition. The society o\ont of the present year was thomnirlago of Miss Tillio , daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Otto Funk , to Mr. .laino.s U. Baiun. last Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Itov. Lewis Gregory nt the residence of thn bildo's parents , which was richly decorated for the event. The brhlo were nu olognnt hand-ombroldorcd dross of \ \ hlto cashmere , and diamonds. After the wedding dinner Mr. nnd Mrs. Baum left in General Manager Holdrcgo's private car Mr an extended red ding trip through the east and south. 1IKATIIICK. Marriage HCOIIFOS average three n day. The hasKl instruments telephone exchange now -Kl ments In uso. Beatrice anticipates n big building boom as Boon as spring opens- The marriageable young ladles have com pleted arrangements for n leap joar patty this week. The proprietors of the Pooplo's bank pro pose to erect n S 10,000 building next Mini- mor. It will bo of stone , three stories high with mansard roof. I'LATTSMOinit. Ex-Stuator Tipton is billed for two lectures hero this week. Kosgorshok Bros. , merchant tailors , have decided to remove their business to Omaha. The bodies of _ cloven victims of the Crested Bnttes mine disaster passed through town last week en route to Pennsylvania , where rela tives of the unfortunate men In o. It was , in deed , a funeral train , I'ho county seat contest ii still taping. Weeping Water will not give up until the courts decide some alleged Iraud In the vote of Plattsmniith. Pnpors hao boon filed In the courts setting forth wholesale illegal reglx- tration and Illegal voting , and iiraying the courts to Bat aside the canvAss ot the vote. Homo bad blood is being stlried up on both sides. THE STATE IN GENEIIAU Wayne is going to incorporate. West Point Is t.dklng of n water works plant to cost § 20,000. Stella is confident of Bocurinc a creamery the coming Rummer. The general olficea of the Sioux & Pixcllic In Nebraska are at Norfolk , The expenses of Nonce county for the irosont year are figured at $15,000. By actual count the Crcto public library ontains 1053 volumes of bound books. Spring'fiold , Sarpy county , is preparing for n nuslcal convention , to bo hold 1'obniary 1'J , o 23. 23.A A comocttlon of the Episcopal clergy o : Nebraska will bo hold in Grand Inland thli week. week.Mrs. Mrs. John Lackonby , of Alda , Hall county celebrated her 73d birthday nnnivorsary las vseol- vseolTho The enterprising citizens of Madison nro raining a puree to induce n creamery to settle there. The veterans uf the army and navy in Buf falo county will haven reunion nt Kearney on the 22d. Settlers are xtlll rushing into the country about Long Pine at n rapid rate , oven in mid winter. Sov on thousand dollars' worth of stock in the Keaiuoy creamery has already boon nub- Hcrlbed , A lied Cloud man has n curiosity In the Bhapo of a Swiss strike-repeating watch over 100 years old. A man at lowing , without any grooming 01 greasing , can stand Hat footed and kick 7 foot U Inches in the air. The cHi/nns of O'Neill will vote February ° .G , on ' bonding the precinct for building un $8,000'court house. Sulton boasts that It will put up an oporn house next siimmor that will luy over any thing west of Lincoln. A gang of amateur burglars raided a store at Wayne last weak and i Iliad the till , but failed to crack the safe , AInsworth , the seat of Brown county , hai deeded a block of ground to the county on which to crcet county buildings , Gamblers find Superior a tropical town to woik In , Kvory game started Is Instantly sel/ed and the cosh in bank confiscated. The Santee Indians occupy 110,000 acres ol land in the center of Knox county , which net- tiers and speculators would like to gobble , David Young , a ( armor at Salem , Itkhnrd- son county , foil from a load of wood and broke his neck. HU death woo palnloHS. Cant. < l. H. Sturgoss , of Crolghton , was "held up" by two masked men ( in the road n few miles from town , aud rcliovcd of bin wealth -W. Mr. and Mrs. William II. MoTnlnch , of London product , Nemaha county , celebrated the ! 2 ! > th anniversary of their lunrriago day on the 2S11 , ult. Brownsvilla ban twenty acrex of land uud other inducements ready for the B , & M. , If the company will bddgo the river antl cross at that point , Gillesplo's furniture store In Ord won burned on the L'lHh. Loss on building , SS'lO ; Intunid for 8400 , Loss on goods , nbout $3,000 ; in sured for 82,000. The saints of Silver Crook are on the war path ugulnat satun ; "Hot Work Anticipated" in the Impious title of un account of a lovivnl in Men Ick county. A dealer In wet groceries nt Liberty gota around Hlocum by advertising n "nice hair el of whisky pickles jiwt received , which will bo told cheap for cash " Blair's old Hour mill is being ( hanged to introduce the roller nroccm. When the alter , atlona nru completed It will huvo a capacity of 48 barrels In ten hours , Work Is being pushed vigorously on the U. k JkL cut off In Phelps comity , and the contractors - tractors report the grading nnd cutth ( 'very dlllic lit south of Holdrodgo. A forger who operated liberally In Johnson county , was corailod nt Wymoro last week Ho sailed under the name uf Lulce , end peddled tree * uud ho0'us note/ / ) . M. N. rariiudee , ex-W. & M , Agent at Junlata , in said to have gobbled about $200 from the exproM p-ickagos of the company , Tlw tiger uud toddy led to It. The people of Alblan d cot take kindly to the telephone. There is A scheme on foot to connect the business nnd private houses by n looal telegraph circuit for kith profit and pleasure. The crack poker player of Columbus gave tlio Midisonlnns a whirl last vvook , aid c.vmo out of the game no badly that his opponents had to chip In to pay his grub and tlckot him Inck to Columbus , Governor lawos has appointed ex-Gover nors Furnas and Nanco to represent Nebraska at the World's Industrial V.xpoMtlnn , to bo held nt Now Orleans , beginning the first Momhy In December , 1881. About $0,000,000 worth of property has al ready been adpilrcd by the B. , \ , M. for right of w y Into Grand Island. The property con demned Is all ou the o'vst sldo of Plum street , along which the rail ro .id Is ovpcctod to run , A "lly" young man named Clmrlcn Wilson Is badly wnntcd at Mjracuso , and several points In lown , where ho forged the names of business mon to notM nnd diafts and cashed them. Ho was finally nm down nt Council Blalfs laBt week. Two ISod Cloud lioyo , the loaders of Iho hoodlums engaged In smashing church win dews , were arrested last weeK nnd fined § 110 , which their dads had to put up. There was n wild tlmo In the paternal woodshed In the Immediate subsequently. It Is claimed that there Is no better place in the ntato for stock ralelng than is found in Glister county. Thoio is at present n largo number of stock ranches In the county , nnd omo of the ranch counties have n capital of 3180,000 Invested In cattle. The town of Sholttii Is only four years old. yet It boasts of having done n business of § 1,000,000 during 1883. tfivo Hundred cars of wheat were shipped from that point , betides iv largo amount of other grain. This shows how the str.xvv wiggles In that neighborhood. A young woman nt Wavno grabbed leap year by the bang , proposed In ono day , got Bplkod the no\t weak , nnd on the third day both took the train for California , nil of which happened during the absence of the brldo'a parents Button's now iniora house Is aald to bo a jewel of n plaything , It contains ample stage room and appurtenance * , dome in the colling from which a $150 chnndollor IH pond.uit , nnd the auditorium overlooked by n gallery. The decorative work is very neat aim appropriate. The orgaulr.vtion of the Sovvnid Con ! com pany was completed last week. The company iiivs leased two thousand acres of land ou Oak rrook. where Indieitlons have boon dls- cnvciod which load uvpciicnccd men to believe - liovo thnt coal can bo found , nnd they mo prepared to bore to n snlliclont depth to make puio whether there Is coal or not. Kxprott Agent lv.or , at Itcd Cloud , wni held up by mnskod vend agents nonr town , ono evening last week. Tlio haul was not worth the trouble § 2.75. Mr. IJycr says ho "gazed complacently down the barrels of three cocked revolvers from the wrong end , " which alone was worth the price of ndmls- Hton. Hton.A A wedding party , contesting of five or six couples , from n remote part of Loup county , came up to Ord In witness the prettiest girl nnd the smnrtost young man of tlio neighbor hood get "spliced , " ni they call it out there The contracting parties wore Mr. Chapman and Miss Gatos. The caiomouy wns perform ed by the comity judge , the proceedings winding up by the crowd singing "Tho Gnttn Ajar. " Herman loner , n section hand nt Stan ton , hooked a handcar to the roar end of a freight to take a ride down the road. The freight train pulled out lively , and , when It had reached u speed of twenty-five mllox an hour , Herman attempted to lot go , but In doing so ho xllppcd and fell under the handcar. Ills body wan badly bruised , his skull ciackod nnd ono arm broken. He was living at last no- Hints , John Zimmerman , the father of n family living nonr lucng. ? ! Holt county , finding him self and family reduced to extreme destitu tion , started to walk to Norfolk to llnd work mid food. After being two days on the road without nnything to oat ho laid downoxhnupt- od. When ho recovered consciousness ho found himself in the Norfolk house , whore his wants wcro supplied by the ch.iritahlo pee ple. A purse was rnado up nnd a supply of clothing nnd provisions procured nnd dis patched by n licet messenger to the Xiinmor- man house to succor the wife and children. Tlio City of ColuutbiiH AVrcolc. BOSTON , February 3. The nafo of the vreckcd stnainor City of Columbus was ccovorcd to-day. The divers think that bodies of the missing women may be rcovorcd with the cargo. The police iiavp recovered two valises from Oayhead " "ndiant. Kirn Itccord. ST. 'Louis , February U. A larflio four lory building on'8th and St , Charles itreots , occupied by N. 0. Nelson & Co. , manufacturers of plumbers goods nnd pumps , and Phillips , Grant & Co. , boot , nd shoo warehouse , wan burned thin morning. Nelson it Go's loss is estimated at § 00,000. Phillips , Grant & Go's loss 55- OOOj insured. A Fntnl Kxplonlon. BATON Roiion , February 3. Thia evening the steamer Natchez exploded n steam pipu , tearing up the gangway , kill ing a negro boy and badly scalding 11 W. Adams , of Louisville. Tlio cubit was filled with stonm , and much excitement mont was created for n timo. . TORPID BOWELS , ' 'QGSORDERED LSVERt and. MALARSA. Prorn tlioso uouiccj urUio threiMourtlia of Ilin diseases of ilia human incc. Tlu.ou rvmptoms Imlicato thalramstcnco : Xinn n i Appetite , Itowtl * coutHo , UlcU Ileud * oilio. Ciillnona nClot * oittfucs r.verilou to exertion of l > o < Iy or mind , JSrucljillou of fnml , IrrllubilUv t temper , l > IrU , A. fevlliiK ( into duty , Jlir.lnci. , i'fut crlii ntlie jftunrt , f > otu IM fore tliu ev ox , lilclily col ored Urine , COVfTIl ) > A'HOnV mid < lo vunmlUiauso of nrctuotly that nets ill molly on the Llvor. AaaT.lvorwcclloliiorrC'r'r'H l'IIr.N liavo IK ) Tliolr notion on the Klilnuyd nnd Bkln lu also prompt ; removing nil Impuiltlco through Uiosovhrco" tuT- tr.fsvm of the gycttm , " producing irppo. tnojBoumlilli'cstlon , reftulnr stools , a clear Bkiuumliivlijoroualioily. TUT'MVXXXM cauHo no nnusea or tilplnc not Interfere ivitli dully work and ai a u perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. tioMovcrywlifre.Uito. Olllpn.41 MurrnyBt..K.Y. T8JTTS HAIR KYEn GHAT IIAI ou WIIIBUKIIS OUBIIBUU itnntly to u ULOBSV DLACK byuHlnglo ois plication of tlila lint. Hold by Bnuitfleuj , orBcntbycxiiroasoiirocdlptof B > OfUco , 44 Jlnrrny fltroot , New lort . run'fl MANUAL OF USEFUL RFCEIPT8 F ! Tliu ntcuiulty foi prompt and oillcleul lioutehoM rimodloi lmnaiatl\v , nnd ol thcso Hoatutter'i Btoinach Ilitton li the chief lu mlrlt an J tlio iiuiut nariuUr , Irregularity of the etaiaaah and bow olj , nitUrldl fo\c , Ilviii couijilalnt , ilvlilllty , rlieuinatUm And minor ailments , are thoroughly tonquor- ixlbythl > lncompara. Llofaiullyrotituratlra and inwlltlnal gafa. uusrd , onil It lu Juit- ly rcrnrdwl " the _ piircatanilmottcaui. i/fttHf jiroheniilto remedy of IU class. For ulo by all Druirk'liU a ° d Dcalon genorally. DISEASES OF THE i J , T. ARMSTRONG , M , D , , C Kinnam Street , oppoiltu Paxtou Hotel , Ouiaba > 'cb. A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy , Spasnu , Coimil * 6lons , 1'nlKng Dunce , Alcohol- Opium Eat- Scrofula , Klngi ) IHERVE JTri ? , Ugly Dlood Diseases , flyspcp- , Nervousness , . Wtal-neti , Uraln Worry , . Hlllousnrifi , Cottlvcna * , Nervous Irostrntlon , Kidney TroiMts antl Jfrrrjultiritin. $1.CO. Hnmpln TritiliiinntnlK. , 'Samaritan Nm Inn In doing wonder * . " Dr. .T. O. MrLcmoIn , Alexander City , Ala. " 1 feel It my duty to recommend It. " _ Ir. 1) . 1' . Lniifililln , Clyde , Knngng. "H cnrcil where i > liysclnn ! failed. HOT. .1. A. IMIe , Hcnvcr , Ta. freely nnmvcrrd. ! > P or tc tlraonl l § nr.d circulars cnd Mnmy. . The Or. S.ft. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , holiMir all Dranliitii. (17 > | I. rJ , torgh ACt. , Agents , Clilcairo , . , l.r. . . . * ft U , aal& .r. rf ronMrtMii. A.k tour r < * nirrUt r C & UlkUluknur.tun4brIitl.J tl. b MKUKT * M1N3. BE. ; WHIT TIER 8J7 St. C/iarles St. , St , Louis , Mo. AnnaUtAU OlUDUATKof two me.llcal colleges \\M \ been engaged longer In the treatment of CHHONIO , NK11VOU3 , BK1N AND BLOOD Dieoiswl than ntlicr ph ) ilclan In St. Loum , as city papers show anil all old tLeliluntn know , Conaultntlon free Invited. When ltlalncomenlontto\lcltthodty treatment , medicines can bo sent by mall or oxprcg ovrrywhcru. Curable cases K > ifxnmtecdwhcro ; < lou exists it la frankly stated. Cell or \ \ rite. KerTom Prostration , Debility , Itcntixl and Thyslea \Yoaknona , Mercurial anil other affections of Throat lug , HliliACfectlons , OM ijotca and IHcem , Impodf inents to uurrlivge , UliomiutlLm , I'llca. Special at tcntlonto cases from ovurwoikcil brain. JiUllUlCAL- liAHKa toceho upoclal ouentlon. Dlacosea arising- from luiprnilonoo , Kxcouses , Indnlirenoes. marry.wnomaynoi s , conacquoncos and cure. Mailed for ZISo R tare tin "n t ilir S. H , ATWOOD , Pluttsmouth Neb , - - - - nnnADsnor TiioRouanitnRD AND mail ORADK HEREFORD AHO JERSEY CATTLE AND DUROO OR JRRBET RXD BWINB nrfomtg Btoclc for sale. Correspondence solicited. A regular Krudual * la HENDERSON DR , mciUcUic. Over oliteca O.damlCOaWymlotteHt jsura' practice twelve In KANSAS CTY.MO. Chicago. Authorized by the Btato to tiea. Clironlc , Notvom und Private disease * , Asthma , Epilepsy , Ilheunmtlani. Piles , Worm , Wnury and Bkln Dto- _ , i'Sosual Debilityloea ( nfetxual power ) , K , Cures guarantcod or money refunded. Cbargei uw. Ihoiiunda of roses cured. No Injurious modi- Inca furnlalicd even to iiutlcnta at a dlntanco. Con. ultatlon free nnd coufldcntlnl call or write ; Lgo and xpciivnco ire Important. A BOOK for both BOXOC ustratcd and clrculara of other thlnca sect scaled \itli w 8 cent sUaps. PRKE UU3UJM od od-w \\lioko ilc-lillliy. cxlmnntnm niui iiromnturo locii v nrnrauscil Iiy eic..iscs. errors of > oiitu , etc. . nro | ierfcctly rcslnrcil to r l > ii > t Jlc"iUU2H3 vlit < iiii miinhoiiil l > y THE MARSTO.N . S'jlcr\8 Wc'liUlly aml'vii'tlritl ' llcciiy l uniformly guccoiisfiil tir aniio nnccrt on porieci illtienoiili , ncwai'il direct tnctho Uiinanii Ki > lulnllHiroilrinihoalpd : TruatlBO free. MARSTON REMEDY CO.,40W.14lhSL , Now York. , : box No. 1 will euro any caaaln ( our dayi or less No. 2 will euro the most obstinate cose no matter of how long standing. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No nauseoua doiea of wbebi , copabla , or oil of san dal wood , that are K'.Uiln to produce dyapeptla by destroying the Cuatlngaaf the ntomach. I'rloa J1.60 Ko'.d by all driiKtrlsta , or mallei ] ou receipt of jirloa For further particulars send for circular. P. O.llo : J. Western Cornice-Works IRON AND SLATE HOOFING. SPEGHT PROP , , , 1111 Doujliu St. Omalia , Ntb. Galvamzea 'Iron Cornices /vTDormer Windows , Finlil . Tin. Iron and Slats Roollnjf , Specht'i patent UeUlUo Skyllfbt , J'itout adjiiited Ratchet Bir and Uracket BticlvUw , I am he Ktuur&l atfcuit for the above Hue 01 goods. Iroa encinif , OrootlnEi , Ualuitnwles , Verandas , Iron Itook aliings , Window UlUidt , Cellar Ouartlst also /orl'eerson * Ulll atfotJoildt. lillud.