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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1884)
* V * * ' " " " " THIS DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ml DAY , JAKUAUY 25 , THE DAIL * BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , Jan , 25. .suBscutrnoK RATES : By Carrier - - - - - - - ccnH per week By M l - - - - - - - - 110.00 per Yew omoE : No. 7 Poart street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Ohoap railroad tickets at Bushnoll's , Buy a revolver of Cooper & McGco nnd make it warm for the burglars. An cfllcial inspector of wood and weigher of coal would bo a pretty good thing for consumers. The sale of scats for the Lights of Lon don is the largest yet had for any outer- tainmont in the now opera house. Mr. D. F. Hawkcs , who was in the city the ether day hunting for his missing son , has found the boy in Davenport. T. S. Couch is having his lot corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth street filled up , and is making ether important improve ments to his property. The wood teams which arc in the habit o standing on Bryant street , near Broad way , have proved such an obstruction to travel that they have been told to "move on. " Attempts have been made , but in vain , to burglarize the residences of / . T. Lindsoy and Mr. Olmstead. The follows got frightened away by the awakening of members of the family. The thermometer got down in the mouth again yesterday , or down in the bulb , the mercury touching twenty-throe below at daylight yesterday morning , and continuing rather low all day. Ono week from to-day is the last ono of service for the February term of the circuit court. The docket is looking very meagre , and there is every indica tion of nn unusually light term. This will bo the first appearance of Judge Ly- man on the bench in this city. There is now a nice little oflico for the city woighmastor at the city building , and a sot of scales , but where , oh , yrhoro is that official ? .Clerking in the postofllco , disgusted at the way the council has used him nnd the oflico to which ho was * elected by the people. Cuff Johnson , who has boon wanted by the police for oonie time , was picked up yesterday at the Ogden house by Ollicors Clough and Cusick. Johnson is the col ored follow who was complained of for thumping his woman , and on being ar rested at the time broke and run from Officer Beawick. A number of Hod Oak parties were here yesterday to BOO about the case o ; ono of then : follow townsmen who was arrested and brought before U. 8 ; Com missioner Key on a charge of soiling whisky. There was found to bo no foundation for the charge , and the accused cusod went off happy with his friends. Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting a specialty , < W4 S. Main st. , up'stairs. An Awftil Threat. It isn't the easiest thing in the world to bo a justice of the peace. The mat : who tries to deal out justice squarely and fairly is not oven free from annoyance Aa a sample of some of these annoyance which corao in the fonn of anonymous letters from those who are soured by some decision against'them , is given thi following : "Tho wonder is if anybody has boon ashamed yet he who will dosido for trutl li : is liable to bowaidin a balance and fount ] wanton in the course of time votes wil bo precious articles and'tho friends the law will look to the same for strongtli and of course will got such. Annon w may laugh at their calamity and moc ! when there fear comoth. " The numerous burglaries remind u that nut doors and windows should b < moro securely fastened. Cooper it Mo Gee have the necessary implements Call on thorn at 41 Main street. MAKING VAG-EANTS , .The Mills "Which Grind Out Till Kind of Grist. There was yesterday brought bofor the bar pf the superior court a rathe ordinary'Iookiiig Teuton , charged wit ! vagrancy , , Ho gave the name of Johi Botches , and pleaded not guilty. 11 history appears to bo about as follows He worked last summer on a farm , and with the closing 61 the season , got paid off and came to this city to look for work for the winter. Ho got drawn into a gambl'iag house and it took every bit of his $35 of savings to learn how the game went. Having wasted all his substance be went to work at the waterworks , and , getting paid off the ether day , ho aoutrht 1 to get back the money wldch ho had lost at the gaming table. He lost again , and did not have a penny left with which to pay his board bill at the St. Jo house. He was accordingly turned out of his "boarding , place , and wandering up and down the streets far into the night was arretted and put in as a vagrant. The judge concluded that it would do no good to let him lounge around in jail ana got fat at ihe publio expense , and as ho was out of a job and out of money , the ju 3go -told Mm to hunt up work or skip the town , giving him at the saino time duo waraiag that if ho did not ho would put him at work on the poor farm. This ie Hot olitary incident , and shows what , cert of fruit it being borne from the open and free-for-all manner in which we gambling houses' of this are allowed to run , Wp ( till Stave a few choice heating 40VM which we are cloeinir out at a great jMtaiOw , Cooper & McGee , 41 Main J eob * at 510 Main street. Jones & THE USUAL SCORE , TSnrglars Contiiine to Make Two or THrco Visits Each limbt , Tlio Union 1'nclllo Loses About Twenty Dollars. The burglars and sneak thieves still seem to have it their own way in this city , and each twontyfour hours there is ono or moro raids made , and yet the po lice do not Boom to catch any of the gang. On Wednesday night there was an at tempt made at the houoo , No. 127 South Fourth street , occupied by A. B. Nicholas las and H. D. Harlo. The follows by the use of the jimmy or ether tool suc ceeded in forcing open the closed blinds , and attempted to raise the window , but a stick.ovor the window casing on the inside - side thwarted them , and in their attempt to got this out of the way they awakened some of the family , and of course they skipped out. The Broadway Hag-houso of the Union Pacific road was visited by burglars in the evening. The "depot , as it is some times called , was cloaca , as it often is between trains , and the thieves took ad vantage of the agent's absence to force an entrance , getting about $20. It is to bo expected , perhaps , that some of the pas sengers who have had to stand and shiver on the platform of the closed depot while waiting for the dummy train , will roll this news as a sweet mor sel under their tongues , and fool that it served the company right. It may bo a consolation for such to know that it cost the U. P. § 20 for its habit of keeping passengers locked out in the cold , but still there has boon so much of this sort of thieving lately that the public gener ally gets freshly indignant at each now outbreak , or rather , inbreak. How long it is to bo kept up , the thieves and the police only know. GBEETED BY A BEVOLVER , Ono Nocturnal Visitor Finds a Jjoadod Revolver 1'at Under His Noso. \Y. S. Cooper , of the Main street hard ware firm of Cooper & McGee , has boon so aroused by the numerous reports of burglaries , that ho goes "primed and loaded for boar. " Of Into ho has boon deprived of much sloop by the oovoro ill ness of his child , over whom ho has watched tenderly night following upon night. At a late hour the ether night , while setting in an easy chair and nod ding a little ho was aroused by hearing some ono nt the front door , and his veins tingling with the expectation of a burg larious visit ho seized his side-arms , and as noiselessly as possible slid to the front door. The door was not locked , but very well protected with weather strips , opened a little hard. Sure enough , someone ono was quietly but firmly pushing it open. As the strange visitor pushed open the door far enough to enter , Mr. Cooper cocked his revolver and at first glimpse of the man's face shoved the re volver under the stranger's nose. The latter naturally jumped back , and as he did BO Mr. Cooper recognized in the pal lid features those of his partner , Mr. McGee anything buta burglar. Expla nations followed as fast as the breathless reaction of the incident permitted. Mr. McGee had boon down to the opera house to an entertainment , and before going homo thought he had batter stop around to Mr. Cooper's house and find out how the child was. Not wishing to arouse othot members of the family ho thought ho would slip in quietly and inquire of the patient watcher , whom ho know ho would find on duty. The recollection of looking down the mouth of that revolver has almost cured him of his delicacy about arousing n whole family when ho wants to make a kindly call , while his partner has also taken n fresh vow to bo sure ho is right before going ahead with his burglar-shooting. PEOFIT FOE SOMEBODY , Some Queries us to tlio I'rlccs 1'nlrt for Dirt BaullnK > The perplexities attending the bring ing of streets up to grade are many , and pending the settlement of the vexatious legal questions involved there is a fever ish sort of uncertainty among property owners nd contractors , This may ac count for aoino of the contractors charg ing extra prices. Ono instance will suf fice : Ono property owner , wlio owns corner lots informed THE BEE man yes terday that the contractor who is to fill the street on ono side of his property has got the contract for 22 cents a yard , and has arranged to got the certificates cashed at 20 cents. Another man has the con tract for iilling the ether street , an easier haul of the two , and the council has given him the contract at 20 cents u yard. The property owner believing that the city and not himself will eventually have to pay for this street- filling , does not feel disposed to take any personal part in the street work , but ho has contracted for having his lots filled at 18 cents a yard. There appears then a difference of eight cents on the name class of work tlio , private individual contracting - tracting for 18 cents , the city for 28 cents. Who gets this eight cents a yard additional profit ? If these figures hold on work throughout the city , and they appear to , it amounts to several hundred dollars a day profit for some body ? The teamsters complain that. a man , team , and wagon can only earn about 91.00 a day , oven loss than when the city was paying loss for dirt. Some ono , cither the city out of the gen eral fund , or the property owner out of his private bockotbook , mutt sooner or later pay these cortificatea , face and in terest. If contractors can haul dirt at 18 cents and make a profit , there surely must bo big profit at 28 cants profit for somebody. Will these who discount these certificates make this big pile or will tlio contractors in fact , who ? There appears from tills practical illustration a difference of between 40 and CO per cent between cash and certificates of atsesa J ment. Who pets this 40 or 50 per I cent. If this diflefonco is necessary to j cover the feeling jpf doubt us to who is fcjto finally pay , and when , than these ( doubts ought to bo settled la ioriie way 1 l at once , for the property owners of Coun cil Bluffs , cither individually or collect ively , have got finally to pay this extra amount. Forty per cent on all the street improvements being made is a big addj- tional amount to bo settled for a big burden for some , a bin profit for others. Private lessons on china given by S. D. Rohso. Studio No. 12 N , Main root. ' COMPULSORY HDTJOATION , ho Council Bluffs Board of Educa tion Believes in It. The showing of the attendance of pu- ) ils upon the puplio schools of the city such as to attract oven the attention of ho present board of education , and they , \ro impressed with the idea that somo4 hing must bo done to secure moro rcgu- arity. The abstract of the monthly report of the teachers for the month of December shows the number of lupils enrolled from the beginning of the chool year , 2,35(5 ( ; number of pupils in attendance during the school month , 2,009 ; average daily attendance of boys , 875 ; of girls , 917 , making a total average attendance of 1,7)2 ! ) , out of an enrollment of . The cent , otmom 2,350. average per - mom- > orship was 91 , the number of days ab- once 3,271 and the number of pupils neither absent or tardy only 522. At the last meeting of the board , Mr. Aikina offered the following , which was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS , The paying of school taxes s made compulsory by law , and the at- cndanco of pupils is loft a matter of : > leisure or convenience ) ; and WIIEHEAK , The superintendent's report for October shows that 2,125 pupils were enrolled and that 1,780 was the average attendance , and that only 414 actually attended as contemplated ; and WUEUEAH , The amount paid for teach ers , j ( mi tots and fuel for October was 53,345 , which amount provided fully for all the pupils enrolled , thus uselessly ex pending a largo sum of money for the benefit of those who demand and need it , but who indifferently accept it ; there fore , bo'it Jtcsolvcd , By the school boardof the in dependent school district of Council Bluffs , Iowa , that wo respectfully peti tion the honorable senate and house of representatives of the state of Iowa to pass a suitable law making the attend ance upon our public schools compulsory. Resolved , That wo ask all school boards throughout the state to give an expression of their views of the matter , and further wo ask the papers in the state to publish the foregoing. Prof , A. Bernstein , proprietor of the Great European College of Anatomy , now on exhibition at 317 Broadway , is oxocted ] to arrive to-day on his return from an extended European trip , where ho has boon purchasing a great many life sized anatomical figures , a largo num ber of life-sized anatomical -wax iiguros , which ho will plao on exhibition in this city for the first time in America. Hon.1 Estate Transfers. The following doodj vroro filed for re cord iii the recorder's oflico , January 24 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Mo- Mahon , real estate agent : Henry Fisher to Ophalia Hubbard , lots 9 , 10 , 11 nnd 12 , block 5 , Under wood § 200. 0. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to Nols Nel son , swj , no } , 5 , 70 , 42 § 300. W. J. Maxwell to Samuel A. Reed , sol'noj , 13 , 75 , 41 81,200. Daniel Freeman to J. E , Bender , part of nwl noj , 12 , 75 , 40 81215. James Callanan to Michael Kilkenny , ( vl no ] and notnwj , 19 , 77 , 43 $050. C. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to G. L. Fullerton - lorton , ne ] sw | , 12 , 77 , 41 ? 440. 0. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to G. L. Fullerton - lerton , so ] swj , 12 , 77 , 41 $440. Total sales , 83,415. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , tuch as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board' ' Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at tlio low rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent In surtlon. Loaro advertliomenta at our offlco , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadwav WANTS. " TyANTED-Boy , with pony , tod.HterTim lire. WANTii : > A lint closH tailor , to work by the neck Itoltvr,310 Broadway , T1TANTED Experienced dining room Kill. WORUS IT } 15. ] > vr inoritu , Ogdcn House , Council Illullj , TXTANTKl ) Kvery body in Council Bluffs to take TV TimllKX. Delivered by carrier at only Uonty cents a week. \\7ANTKD A good hmiso , In nlco location , with T threw or four rooms. Addrms box No. 20 , BKK ' OLD PAPERS For gala at Bxc oltlco , at 2lccnt ! a hundred. T7HU 11KNT An elegantly furnluhccl roam , location JL ? mitral. Itofermicci requited. Address A. Jl. O.I > RKoirUc. FOR RENT Twi > flnvly furnltliwl rooms , klnglu or vn suite , y02H. Uth btrvet , cor. ! ) rd. atetiuo. DK8K UOOM-To Ilent. Call n H , W. Fcreuason , teCo. . 80 1'earI it. FOIl BALK Onu laryo Borrol horre. weight HOO pound * , Sj can old. A. J. Handel , 325 Jfroad- . a\ STOVES I ho a fe\\ cook and betting stovrs left iv r , which I w III close out at great reductions. A. J. Maiiikl. GREAT EUUOPKAN MUSEUM OK illTO Now un exhibition t No. 317 Broadway , for veutU ] men from II a iu..t 10 p. jn. dilly , xc pt Friday , fromltoBp III. vlikhi * for ladles onlyihlch day the lecture Mill beidten by a lady , ileicrlblni ; til dlmvctlni ; partii ot the human fromu aiul all dlk. tasei of children. ' ADMISSION Mrs H J Hilton M D , , , , , , , PflTSIOIAN & SUMEON , 223 Middle Broadway. OouncU Bluffs. R. Rice M. D. or other tumor * remottil without tb , knife or drawluir of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES "klnd wt'- - ' " otflc'No RUBBERS ! Onr Bpoooh is short , but to the point , Best Chicago discounts every dny in the year on Rubber Boots , , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the market. They arc made by the NEWJERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE Block of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoos in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are bettor than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , Broad-wav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK 'AND 13ABRKL LIME , IXDU1SV1LLK AND I'ORTLAND CEMENT , UICUldAtf PLASTER , 1IA1H AND SEWER MTE. No , 639 Broadway. . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOI/LEK. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Mnin street , COOKCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. , oorjrrxroxxj 3BZjTrE : 3E s , TAT" 13 A TT3TJ . ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAHIE COUN- Wt JJ M I n. I TV COLLECTION AGENCY. Office comer Broadway and Main street. T5P"r\Tn A * nn GENERAL MERCHANDISE. JjJJlNU OC UU.i . 13 Main street and 17 Pearl Btrccl. M A 'Y TV/1 nTTNT CRESTON HOUSE. IVI n A. JJUUHIN , Hotel , 217 and 219 Main street , DBi J. XWJdJLlXl . , Corner Main and Fifth up-atalre. Heal Jenco , 609 Willow avenue. "NT Q f PI TTR " 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. . IN. OvUlUJWlJU Oflico oor American Express. WAPATPP LIVERY AND FEED , SQ - VV JUT IN Jjlb , Will contract for tunerali at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M , ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BUYERS , Draft by return mall. 148 Broadway. 1 A PITR TTfifP" MERCHANT TAILOR , UjQ.UUJj JxUUIlt Stock Comi-ieU. Sulta mule nt reasonable prices. No. 805 Main 8U Q RATTTT CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , GP PIVIJ.XJ3.I Comer 7th nnd Broadway. Plans and epoclflcatlons furnished. PT ? A "MPV MERCHANT TAILOR. JIlxilNJ-l JLt Arthtlo Work and reasonable chargou. 872 Broadway. TTMTVP XT TTATJI1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JjllNJJJL GC U ± i.IlJL , James Block. Practice In etato und federal courts. CJ A "M Ml1 AT31TTl\/r \ / Ani1 * ) atn nou * < > . i21 and 423Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont- AiN 11 Alt IU IVI . . O itomery. M. p. physician. PTlWTM T A TJUHTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , XlJJVVJJM -Q..DDLM. . J. ; Notary Public and General Comejaneer. 415 Broadway. TJPTTPTJP TTmTOP SMITH & NORTON , H l V JDA l HU U kXDj Broadway opposite New Opera llouso. Refitted fl , $1.50 per day A'Large Assortment of Haid and Soft Coal STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! ' Doing loft over , must bo sold at your own prices. I need IMIIIXIIEJID H-A-Gr-S I to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN 538 Broadway. M. GALLAGHER. New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel. } AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE'AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OP WATERLOO , IOWA , 14 ooniUlured the IK st $2.500 In ciw of death , and Jl.OOO endow ment at tlio expiration of ten J can. Afsu s- ments paable according to ace. Mr . Olho Fllloy Iho agent will tall and explain the plan upon umr re. iU08t. | Direct your counmiilcatlona to 241 Vtue St. Council Hindu Iowa. O. IMCillonr. DEALER IN ALL TIM LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PIPER Jl 1101 Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wholesale and Retail. AVe have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As we buy above goods of Manufacturers in largo quantities for Spot tnsli , we are enabled to sell them low enough to suit competition. Onleis promptly attended to. - Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway , Council Blullfe , lovw. Empkie Hardware Co > : &JttiS& * K& 109 and llltS. Main Street * COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN" " 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TTfYffT i'KjaC8 T tfVBPQi A WOi T A "KTTlQi JbLUUiili& ! , JbUIfe AJNIJJ JU&JNJLID J3old. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished * * ' * ' 3VCo3VEEC : > : Kr No. 4 PearJ Street , _ KrCOUNCIL BLUFFS. BECHTELE'S uropean The only only hotel run on the European plan "in this oity. Now building , , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETEE BEGS TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale * Liquor Dealers * OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IR IE O THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , Neb. , January 1st , 1884 , HAVING SECURED WEST & FRITCHER'S OLD STAND , st. . "toetll eft ? ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN 1 SEAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands iii the County. GROSVENOR & ( HJNN , MANUFACTURERS OF IBIROOIM : 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. IM Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of exhaordinary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 " 4 WHY DOH'T YOU oirrsjME or FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Pcrfoct Fitting , liest and Cliiapckt. > ftFlno Linen Collars and Cuffn. Ho. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE XTI In all our Boots and Shoes , regardless of Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. DE , THOMAS JEFFEEIS , No. E2J Sutlimeuuc , Uoumll Illufui , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. TMK.MVH\K miw' KXIFKmMX ; Tlllltn IKAItS A 11KB. OK COUNCIL Dbunotls ( dltfased conditions descrllied ) without iiuestlonlnK. Them are hundreds of witnesses to the fact that the blind are restored , the deaf made to hoar , also pnrah nls and rheumatism of months and jcars standing > rc < | ueutly cured In 20 minutes' time through psychlo mesmeric , spirit or soul forte , "THese things ere not donelna corner. " The only reliable pre\cntathu and euro ( or diph theria known ( keep It on hand ) . Tliu best catarrh remedy In use. Bmall pox pre\cntottve bupcrlor to \acctuatton. K > erycatio of Indigestion ( desptpala ) cured time required one to six weeks. Old ulcers , commonly called cancers remou'd without the lisu of lite knife. In fact all acute and chronlo diseased guctoiufiilly treated. 1 he records of mortality show that Dr. JiiTcrlou I * the most successful uractliloner of mo Jlolne In the \tftttern country , HlsyreatCht oucceuj hax berii In C.ISCH that hua ballltd the rklll of other doctors , as u ill as causing dcopalr and Iliiaudal ruin In many cases. TKUM8 11CA.SONA1JLK. No charge for consultation by litter or otherwise. Iiiclvoo ttamp where aniwersto Utters are required. licet kind. f reftrnceu given. ti' ror iiD free from contagious disease will Ui re- uelud Into liln Institutii ul Ifialth for tuatuieut. JACOB SIMS. E. I' . CADWEIA. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL wLurrs , IOWA Offlco , lUlu Btrtxt , Hoom < i 1 and bhuirart & Mo- JIahou's Uock. Will pructtou lu titalv aud vdrr.J courts W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. lleal tiUte wid collection ijcocr. o Odd F Uuw ock , over Barlngi lUnk. , Ju.8f. AND -COAL Corner Malu btreit end Kllfhth a\inur , CJri BIutlB. . jTiTLonest rates and prompt delivery WINTER RESORT. ' SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. oxo T , xr. We uun anteo the tine of the follow Intr nutted UU- ncoscs , or no | > aj : llheumatltim , Rcrulnla. Ulcers. Catarrh , nl Illood and l.ln dlscoi us , Uni > i.uta | , Liter Uomplalnt , Kidney anil Dladdtr DUcases. Uout , Neil- r l la and Abthiuu , Iheii ) Sprlntfs uro the fa > orltv ri' ort of the tired an.l deblllcatAd , and are the FEUllLi ; LAUU8 BEST 1'IUKNI ) , Good hotel , livery and bathlii ; ; ac < omodatloii both winter anil summer , Locality highly picturesque and healthy Accculble by Wuhieh ralluav , a K\onaprC.B. & < J . at Albany. Corrt iondeno uollclted , UEV , Jl. Jl. THOJII'SON. 8llo ui Sprlnus , Oora , 1' . O.,0entry Cof'lTo. ANALYS1H. Hpoclflo Ora lty . , . / . , . . .j.ooSS HuaetiuH. . . . . . . . . . . , . Neutral Cafboiilu Acid Cas . ! Ulii. turirallvii Carbonate Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.0"1 ( J ralna Carboiuto Iron . , . /.7 , ( SuljiliatoMairnesla . , . . . , . . . . , . , , . , .SftB Sulphate Calcium . . . jud Chloride Sodium . 7.V80 W'llM ' . 1.E68 Alumina . , . . . . ,0,018 Orfanloapd Volatile matter and lews . . . .1,460 Total scllds pir fttllon . 87,17i \Vi laini , HeRKiLL. o. ir. ru r. OFFICER & PUSE Y BANKERS. OouncU Ulufft . . Establishea - - J856