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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1884)
DAILY BEE-OMAHA , FJIIDAY , JANUARY 25 , RICHARDS ft CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Suporiutendiio u. P. RAILWAY 17TH ft 1STI1 STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLERQMILLS , : ill and grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth t STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WA'JJER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. © I i O < * . 'We are prepared to furnish plaus and estimates , and will contract foi the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevator.or for changing Flouring Mills , EremStone to the Roller System.1 SggT'EEpecial attention given , to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for same. Ueneral machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address ' RICHAJRDS & CLARKE , Omajia , Neb. PEBFEOTIQ N Heating Jand Baking JB only attatnod by usiiif ; CHARTER OAV Stoves and Eanges , ( BTH WIRE GAUZE Foi sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA- ' ' I UANUFAOTU11KU OP OF STRICTLY FIKST-CLASS AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1310 and ] iO llarnny Ktrcot and 4038. IBth Street , ) flTWATTA . Illustritod Cat loiuo furulshoiJ free ujion ajiplltatlon. / WAUiiO. * , UN DodgoSt. . < " } OIYIAHA. HEl iTANUFAOTUREIl OF KJNS iwinnrnn iwinnrnnD My Itcpodtory rcittntly filled with a'lelectjatoelr. Btrt Wotkmanablp RU ruleeJ. ffi.e and Factory S , W. Cvw 16th anil Capitol Ayenus , Qtioha FACTS FROM FREMONT , The Prcciiicl is Bmtnefl With Dehl anil Taxes , Jang and Anti-Monopoly , Dorsoy and the Congressional Boo , V Cnufltlu llcvluw of tlio CniiHCs AVhloli lluvo IiPtl to llio Pros- out CcmilltUm of Tl Corrospoiulonco ot THK BKB. Fui'.MONT , Nob. , Jnnuiry 24. Tiioda > iaion of the United SUtoa auprcinocourt olntivo to the Froinont precinct bridge jomls , to the talk all over tlio town. And rhon you consider that this decision snd- loa a debt of about $100,000 upon this irocinct , you will not wonder that the moplo nro considerably uxcitod over the lattor. About four years ago the plain * ITs , through their attorney , JFr. Mungor , nado a proposition to the precinct , winch , md it boon accepted , would have saved B about $30,000. Tlio Fremont board of trade waa at lis time looking after the interests of < Ycmont , and the matter waa brought > oforo said board , and a committee , con- isting of W. A. Marlow , A , P. Hopkins nd AInnlcy llogcrs , was appointed to con- idor this proposition and report to the jonrd. After , a thorough investigation , 10 committee unanimously reported in aver of accepting the proposition. A letition was then circulated , and freely igned , which waa presented to the coun- y counnisaionors with a view to having lipm take seine favorable action upon : iia matter. But in steps Nye Colaon nd Mauloy Rogers ( Mr. Rogers , for rca ons best known to himself , had subse- ucntly changed his mind ) , witli a re- loiietvanco , and the result was that no ctiou was talcen by the conimiasionors , nd instead of having § 70,000 to pay wo owba\o100,000. This adds another aurel to tlio great ninny won by the old ing , which has for so many yetvra been a 'isgraco to Dodge county. The really bad feature about this mat er is the fact that this immense amount f money will como out of tlio pockets of ho people who are the least able to bear t. llio small property owners , these who hayo invested in a house and lot , ho entire savings of many years of hard abor , will huvo to stand tlio brunt of this nirdeii , while these owning largo por- ional property interests will slip through roryeasy. A certain money shark of this city , vho never haa loss than from $10,000 to § lfi,000 in real estate and chattel mort- ages , bearing interest at from 10 per : ont to 50 per cent , when approached > y the assessor said : "Well , 1 will put down 81,000" if a certain other Shylock , callinir him "will down 1- by name , put § - , 000. " Thus it goes , the merchant and the > roker alike shirking their taxes , crowd- ng the burden of expenses upon the shoulders of the poor. And yet .hoy . wonder at poverty and crime , and ire willing1 to swear that tlio poor man las an equal chance with the rich and .hat whisky and tobacco are the prime causea'of so much poverty. What hypo crites and liara. They will exact pro- ection from the government to the xmount of one hundred thousand dollars .nd pay taxes on BIX or seven thousand , The railroads also shirk their taxes. 3odgo county receives about one-fifth in axea from the three roads which run hrough the county , of what she really ought to got. Chairman Doraoy's organ at North end has discovered a "maro'a nest" in .ho records of the outgoing county clerk. AVhethor there is any truth in these charges wo are not yet prepared to say. vHon. Charles Lang , the able , hdnest and trustworthy senator from Dodge , iftor paying in full , for value received , 70 suppose , the numerous little bills $400 among the rest ) which ho had pre viously contracted , nackod his little grip and left for Canada. Whether ho goes as n missionary to educate that people up .o a spirit of resistance against the en croachments of railroad corporations , wo ire not advised. Our knowledge of the nan , however , would lead us to believe : hnt ho is just patriotic enough to sacri- Ice everything for the love ho bears his native land. If ho succeeds in serving the people o 'annda ' as faithfully as ho did the voters of Dodge county who elected him to the senate , ho will certainly merit a prize , and will probably got one in llio shape oi n hump rope with n slip noose at one end. end.At At last the corporation congressman from Nebraska , Valentine , has beer heard from. That bill providing for the building of a bridge across the Missouri it Dccatur , vri I bo about all tro will hem From this fraud until some steal comet before the house , and then "Val" wil ugiiin bo put on record , and for tlio stca' of course. It is rumored that "last and least1 Dorsoy has a congressional bee in hii bonnet. This wp believe to bo a joke for notwitluti nding liia abundant supplj of cheek , wo do not believeho woult seriously think of allowing his nanio t ( go before the people tw a candidate foi congress. Ho la no more fitted for a po sition of that kind than ho is for heaven and his chances for getting there wouk not bo hnlf as good. An Opera. HOUHO fur GjiiOA < io.7unuary 31. Onoof the firs structures crouti-d in the business hear of the city after the greijtfiroof J8Jwa a three story brick building , known n "Exchange lilock , " corner of Clark am Washington streets. The building occu pied a lot 107x182 foot , the loasi of which expires May 1 , 1881. A nov lease for twenty yeara has been ollbctci to u syndicate , which has organi/.od ; stock company for the erection of 01 opera house to replace the present build inij , _ Plans are for a building nin stories high , with three fronts , estimate ! to cost § 000,000. A Ioctor'H Scorer. Cmcuno , January 21 , The Times dn clarcs this morning that Dr. Templu K lloyno , of this city , found the body of friend on a dissecting table in llahnt man college , BIX yearn ugo , and ulthouu ho has continued to attend the famil over since , novur disclosed the facts. J the meantime , the family of the decease have continued to pay innuranco pic miuini on n policy of § 20,000 , on she BUI position that ho may bo still alive. 1 u published interview , Jloyno say the deceased waa addicted t the habit of drink nnd probabl dieu on the atrcut fiom exptmno , th ) ody finding its way to the morgue. Uo oilers in explanation that ho waa shocked on discovering the body , and intended in 'orming the family , "but as the boys looded n subject 1 lot them go along with their work. " Ho also declares it night have boon n of mistaken dontity , which sustained him in keeping ho matter secret. PRAIRIE RUSTLINGS. Condition of Proflnets anil Business Mailers , Official Brokerage cm Public Funds and Monopoly Woo , XowHimi > ur KntnrprUrM i\n\i \ Com ments on Pnlillii Questions. } orro < < ! imlonca of Tun HKK. Ikitlor county had n largo corn crop , nit like in most sections this year it is of n immature and soft quality ; a great eal of it has boon unfit for cribbing or lipping so far , on account of its damp audition , Moro than double the nnni- > or of cattle and hogs are being fed hero lis season than any previous year , con- inning moat of the unmarketable corn ; nil at the still' prices for beef and pork , 10 feeders will nniko n handsome profit. uch of our farmers as have raised any onsidorablo quantities of small grain nro lolding for higher prices. In consequence of this condition of Hairs , and the delay of transportation of ur farm producta to eastern markets , msiness of all kinds has been somewhat tagnant , and money matters very close. 'here seems to bo not much hope [ of a oosuuing up of money matters nnd any lermancnt revival of business till the lore general movement of cattle , hogs , orn and other products to market com- lenccs in March nud May. Our board of supervisors , under the ownship system , are getting down to vork now , and at their meeting week cfore last considerable business , was ransactcd. An addition to the poor ouse was ordered built , and various thcr projects discussed. The settle- nont with the old county treasurer , Frank ) avia , disclosed a balance of over 27,000 of the county fuuds on hand. Jno of the honorable board informs the vritcr that the treasurer had done a lost profitable brokerage business dur- ng his three terms of ollico. on the coun- y money , loaning out the same on notn o farmers and merchants , at one to four or cent per month , and ( tpcculating ox- onsively in real estate ; in fact when the 'balances wore handed over to John larpor , the now treasurer , some § 20,000 onsistod in notes thus obtained. As his state of aifoirs is gradually leak. ng out , the question is often propound- d , "Wonder if the now county troasur- r will continue in the brokerage busi- loss ? " Mr. Harper's friends claim for lim that ho will run the ollico as it should aa ho ia a prominent member of the Congregational church , while Davis has Iways been the "right bower" of the U. " * . railroad company in this county , and .as never sulfered for the lack of passes vor the road for himself and friondaaud von now ho is said to have "inside ntos" on shipping stock over the U. P. in OS. Since the threatened war between the U. r. and the C. , B. & Q. , our dealer * ro again enabled to ship Canon City nnd ithor coal over the 15. & M. lines , which natter vras mentioned in our last lettoi aa a gaino of "freeze-out" being played > y the two companies on our people , so .hat . tlio U. P. could wax fat on its mar gins on Rock Springs cool. In fact , it is stated that the B. AM. officials arc wrathy over the non-complianco of the J. P. on the terms of this little prohibi- ion understanding , and the coal dealers lopcnding on the 13. & M. linen for get- ing their fuel are kicking terribly bo- lauso th'o B. A/M. knocked them out of ovoral hundred dollars profits during heso best months for their trade. Hon. George L. L. Brown announces .hat . ho will soon launch upon the roubled sea of fame "The Shining Way , " L monthly periodical , to light sinners onto the path of holiness from the dark and devious ways of sin nnd transgres- lion. lion.Tho The Divid City Tribune issued its first lumber last week. It is an eight column weekly , to bo published in the interest of straight republicanism , and to advo- rate the interests of the "ins" in county politics , while The Republican is charged , vith having bccnruninthointciosts of the "outs" faction. A little time will more ully develop the peculiar inwardness of ; ho complication , and your correspondent will endeavor to keep you posted. Mrs. Baxter wiu posted to loctura hero : ant Monday evening on "Tho Coming Woman , " but she did not come. Joins McFarlano , who was arrested on suspicion for robbing G. N. Hall , has liad his preliminary examination before Justice Clingmon , and was discharged , as intimated by us lie would bo. The steam mill at this place has just boon supplied with a complete system oi rollers for producing flour , and is now an institution of which every good citizen ie rightfully proud , Glade A ; Co , arc experienced millers nnd yon need not bo surprised if their "brand1 becomes the favorite. Tlio Homo Coni'ofcneo. , January 2 1 ThoSunprinti a long letter from Homo reviewing tin conference of American Catholic bishopr , The writer says the object of the Ameii can prelates' visit to Homo was to confoi with loading ecclesiastical authorities 01 the best mode for observance of the lawi and discipline for the welfare of roligioi and morals in the church nnd among ho ; clergy nnd congregations in the Unitoi States. The results of the conforonci will bo presented before tlio council n Baltimore in November. i Oporatlu Bntitliory. OIIIUAGO , January 21 The lapsen ii the presentation of "Lohengrin" b Abboy'a company nt Haverly'a last nigli provoke a torrent of ndvarao criticisoi this morning , all papers joining in th ory. The third act was entirely omitted owing to the break down in Campaniiii who has boon indisposed all the week , am duo , according to the papers , not t creditable causes. The Tribune declare "In any Italian theatre , the chorus an orchestra would have been mobbed , i they dared to treat a popular work in th saino brutal manner n chorus and 01 chostra treated Lohengrin laut night. The critics give individual praise t JulBKon nnd ono or two other artists , bi .ru uunjurinB ujjauiBt all other feutuu of the performance. The mutter was doomed of aulllcient imporfanco to bo treated nt length in the local columns , as n great audience was [ ircaont , which dis played marked signs of disapproval. AN Olil ) , IUnGK. VNOTIIKU UKItltN VT1ON OOMIXU. .CitioAiio , January 21 , It is stated on reliable authority that Tinted States Cir cuit Judge Thomas Drununoiid will pos itively retire from the bench about next March , At the close of February of this year Judge Drummond will have com pleted the thirty-fourth year on the fed eral bench , This long continuous sor- yicn entitles him , under the recent retir ing net of congress , to full pay _ for the balance of his natural life. An intimate friend of Judge Hrumiiumd is authority for the statement that the aged judi o is now preparing all his papers nnd matters of business vrith n view to nil early re tirement. It was the judge's intention of Uking nction in this matter aomo day , but the unexpected withdrawn ! of Judge McCrary from the circuit bench has caused him to delay from n desire not to embarrass the president w ith two vacan cies nt the s.tmo time. Judge Drum- mend is ono of the oldest judges of tlio United States. Ho was appointed to the United Slates district bench in 1850 by President Taylor , was made a circuit judge in 02 by Grant. The town of K her ton , Krniiklln county , fur- ntahoi n namplo of what n ll > o western tuun can do. A little tuoro than n yonr xtuco nil Incendiary tire ilostroyeil tlio main porttxin of the plnco , Involving it lom of about $ S3OOQ On this InrRO lost tiioro wan nu Ininranco of only $15,000. To-di\y lUvorton has roco\orci\ from her pront JOSH the town \\M \ \ boon re built , ntul her clttzoim nro on nn nolle ! n linim- clal foundation nt tlioy wnrn bnforo tlin firn. & 8O 5th ( Regular Montlily Drawing will take plao * In vhu Masonic ila > l , 11 MUIIlo Temple null- ling , lu Loulat Hie , Ky. Thursday January 3ht,1884. A Lawful Lottery & Fair Drawings , clmrierod b ) the leKWiUuro of Ky. , nnd tnlra duUar. cd legal by the highest court In tro State llond ghon to Henry County In the sum ot { 100,000 tor the prompt pa ) mcnt of all prizes old. A REVOUT1 ION IN SINGLE NUMI1KR DRAWING8 rK > crv ticket holder hlsown mipcnlsor , can call out the number on his ticket and nou the correspond ing number on the tac : placed In the \\hocl In hli presence. Those drawings will occur on the last rhurnday of oery mouth. Read the masulflcuit January Bchomo. 1 Prlto $ W.OOO 1 Prize , 10,000 1 Prize , 6,000 a Pritta , $2riOO each G,000 6 Prizes , l.OOOi-ach 6,000 SO Prizes , MJOc'Wh 10,000 100 Prizes , lOOcich 10,000 200 rrlzif , W each 10,000 tOO Prizes , SO each 10,000 1000 Prizes , 10 each 10,000 0 Prizes , 00 vocliApproxlmatlonPrlzM , 2,700 9 Prizes , ZOO " " 1,800 B Pilzcs , 100 each " " 900 1,876 PiUcs. . $110,400 Wbolo Tlckotn , $2. Half Tlckote , § 1 27 Tickets , $00. OS Tlottota , $100. Remit money or Rank Draft In Letter , or Bond bj express. DON'T SKND 1)Y RKOISTr.RKD LKTTEIl Oil POST Ol'flCKORDKR , until dirt her notice. Orders - ders of M and upward by o\prct , can lie lent at out expense. Addrosa all ordem to J. J , DOUOI.AS , Loulm Ille , Ky. od , V Sat t let 3v era GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. KHVOU8 & Debllil ) OF MANLY VIOOUSi > ormaton- luca , eta , when all other rema dloa fall. A curt guaranteed. 81.60 a liottle , Inrgo bottle , foul times the quantity. (5. lly express press to any iddroHS. Sold b } alldriiKRlsls. ENOUSII MK.D1 SAL IN8TITUTB , Proprleton , 718 Olho Street , St uoUfc , Mo. "I have sold Sir Antlcy Coopor'a VIU1 Rcetorativt or > can. Erery customer epcaks highly of It I onbesltatlnglyonjoroo It aa a remedy of trua merit 'T. F. OOODMAN , DrUKRlnt. I 1833. v'18-mSw-eoUly SCALE CQ 3TOV UtllllU'Alt , * IO. 31U > , HO. ll ftdO. Ili-uiu llox Iliclllili-il -240 It- It"AHMCR'S. SCALE , 86. Tim "J.frt. . liiiuiiiv.- , " 'i o. . in jr > lli. IU-JOTIIK11 SI7LH. K nrrd i'MUK USTrUrit. rOR&23 , TOOLS , &e. - nrt.i iniidK M nv. dm on < i , an i' > lh. A in 1 1 ii ml IC5f nrTnolii.Ulu l-o.mewtv l. , WMwM irff imiiiir ud 1 jab * . rv > r r | i.rnl * . ii.A ouui .irticlm WITH your work in done for all time to time to como. WE .CHALLENGE . The World to produce a more durable material for ntreot pavement than thu Sioux Falls Granite. I-OH ANY AMOUNT OU -on : filled promptly. Samples font uui estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAJN&CO. , S-oux Falls , Dalcotn. TUTTB TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. , , From tlicsu sources nrlso Unco fourths of lUo ilNonsus of tlio Imiiinn rneo. Thoao rviiilitoinslmUcntotiiolrocliitoiieoT < i oi rfl < | ietltc , ltivrln co tl\r , Hlclc Ilenil * nclir , fulliintt nflcr cntlnc , nrernloit ( o excrtlim of Ijmly or iiilnii , Kructntloii nf fonil , Irillntillllv of tciiii > er , T.nw | ilrlln , A trf\\i\K \ \ oi'liavlnr * nrRlrrtcil < itnrnlnty , J > | jT.luc iil'luttcrlmint < lie jilrnrt , l ol bcHiro Ilin > , lilulilycol- orcil ilrlur , C'ONSTI I'ATIO.-V , niul llo , mnnd tlio so of nmtnndy that nets Olrrctly mi tlin l.lvcr. Aaal.lvorjncdlolnoTnTT'.S 1III.S liiivotmuiiiml. Tliolr notion on tlio Hldui'ys i\ml Skin Is nlio prompt { removing nil liiipuiUlcs through tlicio tlirco CHT riipjr" or llio y m , " proiluolni ? trppo * lUotSOtind illRoitlon , rrfitilnr stooli , aclonr Bklunmlnvlijorousiboily. TOTT'.srir.I.S rniHo no iiiiusca or j.'rlplnR not Interfere with ilnllv work niul nro n vcrfcot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Hold over jrw heroU5r. OtMcft.-HMiirmySlMN.Y. < )6 UIUT lUiit on WIIIHKMU cimugott in- Jtmitly toi\Urx > iBY ULACK byusliiBlo uj > . lillciuloii of tliln lrn. fluid by Druggists , oracnt by exploit on receipt of U . OmVo,44.Murniy Stroot.New YorV. MniniAi nr USEFUL nir.EipTR taw Health is We ; IJu II. I" . WKMT'H NI.UVI : AND lluuN TIIHAT. , u Himrimtooil i-ix-cllin for lljBtorm , ) > izl IK-US , Convulsions , I'M ' * , Numnm Hcadnrlic , Norvoim fro > < l ration cvuipcil lij tliiuiRi tifnlcoliol or tiilmroo , Wnki'TuliipxH , Mrntnl Do- proMloii , Softi'iiing it 1ln < llmln rrtntltinir in in faulty nnd loading to mm'ry , uYrny nnd death I'ronmturo O1 < 1 AKIlliirri'iini'Mt , l.oi"i ( if turner in ( Mtlicr HOI , Imolnnlnry l imo nniJ Hwrmnt- nrrlitvn ruiiHwl byo\cM M > rtlim ot tholmun.u'lf- nliiiBoor ovrr-indnlk-onod. liich box contrnm ono monlli'M trrntniont. $ ! . ' < n lioxori < lx lioscr forTi. lvciilli'niidl ) iirctxiulon nveiptof iirico IVi : ( UTAItAXTI'.H HIX IIOXV..S To euro nny c s * With rncli order n-colvtMl by ni for nix Doicn. iia > nii > niii'lvitli ! $ VIH1 , wo will send tlio purcluiieruur writlon Ruirnntoo to ro tnnil the money it thn tnvttmmittlouuimtolTccI nr\mv. ( luunmtiva mi > in l onlyliy n. F. GOODMAN , A cm Onuha Nob. DR , FELIX LE BfiUN'S PREVENTIVB AND JOR EITHER SEX. Th romaily bt\ng \ Injected airootlr to the c t sense , requires no chiuipo of diet or nauseous , jiorcunal or poisonous medicines to bo taken Intern- lyVlien 'ucJ aa n prorcntlvo 1 > V cither BOX , It It Impoaelnlo to contract any private ulgonno ; but In the MBO of these already unfortunately Mulcted n o Kuar- intoe three boxes to euro , or we nlll rcfunil the money. IMco hv mall , iioatngo paid , (2 pet box , oi throe boxes for 15. liasd by ill anthorltc'djijcnlf. Dr-FelixLeBrunWo BOLK puopniKTons. Ha F. Goodiuau , DrUKi iflt.iaolo Agent , tor Om h pn mlo wlv DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will euro NtrMiiiMKFB , I.miitiiKMUhPunmll in , 1'nr iiltklit , NiuriilKlii , Milallrn. Klilliet , Hiliu | < inul I her , , imlluii. 1 r\ ( | .ilo , CuCjrl.l rlli1 * . I pit , PHY , IniptileiKT , Uilinliiruu. . I'nilnpom ftill. lie. Duly rli nlllli'l lu ll ic Ililtln Anu-i liii Hint Minis HinMi-ctrldo iiml nmtr iiillini Ilirnuuh Ihi'lHMlj.niuluiiibeivilmrful luiuiln lij the 1'ntl' nt. SI OOO Would Not Buy It. Diu HOIIHK I waa aflllctod with rhonniatlam , and cured liy lulnir iv bolt To any tine allllUod with tliat dlucaaa , I would say , Iniy Home's Kluctria Dolt. Any one can confer with me l > y writing or calling at 111 } etoreH20 Uouglao street , Omaha , Nob. WILLIAM LYONa 1IAIN OKFICK-Ojipoulto poatolllce , lloom 4 Pron- ter Itl'Klc fTKiJr Io U 0. K. Ooodnun'i Uruj Store , 1110 Fatimni atieet , Omaha. Orders filled 0. 0. 1) . Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlungor , . Bftvarjo. Culmbnchor , . IJiivnriii. Pilsner . Uohcniinii Kaiser . Broincn DOMESTIC. Buchveiser , . . , . St. Louis . n . . . . r St , Louis , Bust's . i . . . . Milwaukee , Schlit/-Pilencr . Milwaukee , Krug's . Omaha Ale. Porter , Domestic and Wiue. ED. MAURER , EED STAR LINE. Itoyal and U.3. [ Mull Stcanicrx SA ILTN01B VERY. SATURDAY HETWECX NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , The KMM\QtrnuH\y \ , Italy , JT < > llaiulanilJ''ranctl BtooraKo Outward. (20 ; 1'rejuld from Antwerp , ? ? ? ; xoumlon , ( (0 , Inclndliii ; teddlinf , tto ; I'd Cabin , ff)6 ; K > ciirnloii , 1100 : Saloon froic $00 to 830 ; I'.i- cunlon $110 to | 1 UO. 0Tctur Wright & Song , Oen. A ( ft a. en Itroulnty K , V. Oalduill , Hamilton & Co. , Omaha P. K Flodmm &Co.,203N. ICtli Htrect , Orailia ; J > . 12 Klinhull , Ouiaha ARonta. ( mioerHl-ly ( box No. 1 will cnro any canoln four daya or loea No 2 will euro the uiunt obetlnato case uo tnattvr ol boti A/fan's Soluble Medicated Bougies Nn nauieoun doses of lubebi , cojiabla , or oil of nan dil wood , tliit aron-.vAln to produce Ujsnepvla LI dcHtioylna the c < ntliigof the tomaili. 1'rlno (1.61 Kuld by all drugiiUtii , or inallud cti rvoclpt of prim for further particular ! tend for c'rrular. ' p.w.w CURE , Nebraska Cornice AND irANUKAOTl/HEUa / OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/M i'ATE.NT MCTALIO 8KYLIOHT , Iron Fencing Creitln/i , Itivlnitrailet , Vcrandu , Otnvouni llao lUtlluifVlndow and Cillir Utiardu , Ktr , COB. O ASUOtn HTIIKU * ' , t.TOCOLN NEB. VU. ( lVIaI.Il , J < u > , v , THE MERCHANTS Authorized Cnpilnl , - $1,000,000 Pnid-np Cnpitnl , - - 100,000. Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000. BANKING OFFICKi N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13ih St. 'RAVK MonniT , President. I SA I.E.ROOIIM , V-Prtu. DUN. II. WOOD , Cashlor. | LUTIIKII DHAKB , A. Cub. Dmncroiis : Frank Murphy. Samuel K. Roger * , Hon. U. Wood , Cli.\rlcs U. Houicl , Air. 1) . Jones , I.nthcr Drake. Transact n General Ilinkltift lluslnosi All who invaany Hanking business to transact are Imlted to All. No matter how Urga or small tbe transaction , t will reecho our careful attention , and HO promlao tunii courteous treatment IVxxs inrllculir attention to bmlnc'O for parties osldlnii outside tlio city. Enhance on All the i > rln IpM rltlci of tlio Unltcil State * nt \ cry lo c t rates. Account * o ( Ilankit ntul Danker * received on favor- Mo term * . Iwufs Certincnto of Deposit Ixmlnt ; S per cent ntcre'U limn ntul eolh Forctcn Kxchaiipc , County , City unit Government oocuritli * United States Depository First National OF OMAHA Gor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , 8UCCKS30I13 TO KOUNT7J ! ItROTnEBS. OrganUod la 1868. Drganlecd as a National Bank In CAPITAL $20OOOO SURPLUS AND PKOFIT3 . S150.OOO t omcias DrsBcrosa. HIRMAN Kotnrnn , I'rcaldciit. Joux A. CmtioiiTON , Vlco President A ouBTua Komrnii , 2d Vlco 1'rcaldent. A. J , I'DITLRTOV. F. n. DAVIS , Cashier. W II. VROWIRB , Autstant Cnshlnr. Trene&ctii ft genera banking bualncsa. Irnucs lima Krtincntea bcarln ntoreat Drawa drnlts on San rrancUco aoil prlncJpil cities In the United State * . Also London , Dublin , EdlnburRh and the prtncltta ttleii of the continent of Kuro o. UNITED STATES OK OAIABA. Capital , - - 5100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. S. S. CALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW , Cnshlor. DIRECTORS : S. S. OAunvEtt , B. F. SMITH ; 0. W. HAMILTON , LI. T. BAIILOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts solicited and kept sub- loot to sight chock. Certificates of Deposit Issued pny able In 3,6 and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on demand without In terest. Advances made to customers on approved securities nt market rate of Interest. The Interests of Customers are closely guarded and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking frqply oxtondod. Draw sight drafts on EnglandIre land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu rope. Sell European Passage Tickets , Collections Promptly Maae. ICE TOOLS OF EVERY.DESCRIPTION . 'I have eccureil the agency of Wm. T. Wood & Co. , To ncll tholr tools. They are making the bcit lee Tool : ) , and are tlio oldest firm In the United Statea Any Ice Company wishing t buy toola will rccelvo C attention by addrcfuln ? F. W. IlLUUVB , 1 Hhorman Av niia. Omaha N b JAS , H. tEABOBY M , S , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , , Nn. 1407 JoncH Ht UIIlc , No. 1509 Far- inin utrett. Ollico hourn , 12 in. to 1 n. in. , and i in. to C p. in. Tdcjihono for olllce , 07 , lUWcuci ) ) , filF.B. F.B. YOUNGHUSBAND , fl f 1303 1'arnam Street , room 3,0maha , Neb. 'ol ' ! < ctlon tullcltcd Montlily or othorwlne ; both In Ity iinil country , mid on all lines of Itollruads. So- urlly procured fur dvlitH not promptly laid. Hooka nut nnd ba'anccil weekly und inontlilA general udltliiK Inulncs.i donu. CominlHaloiis ot all kind * roniitlj | nttonotd to. U. S , N. IJiuU nnd beat of t'femiwanhon. I. N. WAITE , M. D. , ( Forratrly of Mercy Hosjiltal , Chicago ) JS ; p © oietlist 'or the treatnunt uf Ncr oui Dlneitca. L'hronlo an Dlecancn , mid Dlicagus of the l'o and 1 ar , C'oimultatlon and uxanilifitlou ( ice. Ol'FIUB Odd Fellow n Ulook , N. W. cor. 14th as'l ) ulco fati , Onaha , Nob. OUlcohoura o to 12 a. m. t < i 4 iviul 7 to H ji. to. Hum'ajs 1Q to 12 ! a , m. only. IF- DR. ERNEST H , HOFFMAN , Physician & Surgeon OFFICK-lSTn AND JACKSON BTS. lelsJenc * , 18th Street , over Ilelmrod A Dormut' oltlco ne r Jaokson atrtet llcfcreuoe A 20 voan' prxctlcul experience. . R. RISDON , 1 ItEPIUfiiENTSt Phoanli Awuranoe Co. , ol tioodoo. Cull Aj ot ( . , . . . . . . . . . . .t. . Weatchcster , N. Y. , Capital . , . . , . . , . ,000,000.0 rheUerJuuiU , ot Nc urk , N. J. , Capital lX76OuauO Olrard Fire , I'liUailcluhU , Capitol. . . . l.iOO.ooO.OS ( lieuwn'i twid , Capital , . , . , , . 1Z23,01&.00 OI'KICK : Itpnm 10. Oinitia Kof.oiul Iluik Uulld Ti lephone No. S75 ESVA 0. BABCOCK , AND TYI'K WRITER OI'EUATOU Copjlui ; on ihoit untlco Le , ' l w tk iv > po Itltr n nneu In iluut ht < d and irpa WdtliB ro'i ' > 1 . U * > Mrnr Tlfl n-nti Ittlulrue- . t -J/4J J/J. J. < <