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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1884)
v JT THE DAIL1 BEE-FftLDAY , JANUAJIY 5,1884. I Situated in West Omnhn only two blocks from tlio proposed line of the Cable Oars , with the Dolt Railway Crossing one corner , nud only three quarters o u mile from the present Street-car Line , at the prices wo nro asking for lots. OFFEIIS SUCH INDUCEMENTS TO UUYERS KITH nil VOft RESIDENCES OE SPECULATION. Lots in Tliomburg Place are bound to double in value during the coming summer. Now is the time to gt the nicest lots ever placed on the Omaha market. Prices 150. to $ < ! 50. on monthly payments. Wo have a few nice lots lett in iJ25. to § 400. each Easy terms 50 elegant lots in just south of theTJ. P.Dcpot , § 175. to 8800. monthly installments. r Beautiful 24 acre lots at S250. each. 25 beautiful lots in Prospect Place S200 fo 85(10. ( each. $15. down and 5 per cent a month. 15 lots in Lowes addition $175. to 8300. long timo. 8 lots in Boyd'a addition , S17f > . Piieh. 12 lots in Patrick's addition , SJ50. to SoOO. G lots in Plainview , tlr finest ones in this addition , § 47ft. to 500. Lots in Barkers Sub-division and the following additions : Isaac i & Selden's , Redick's , Millardnud Caldwell's. West Omaha , ICirkwood , Oma ha View , nawthorne , Pike place. Credit , Froucier , College place , Doncck- ous , Park place , Parkers , Capitol Hill , Hartman's. Plainview , &c &c. i Several choice acre tracts in Qises addition , Hawcs addition , South- Uniahaana West Omalm.jj | A choice-Sonera piece in Tuttles Sub division 3 acres in Okabama. 5 acres on Cumiug street. 3one , acre pieces on Sherman Avenue , near the fair grounds , also some verp choice business I lots on Dodge , Pnrnam , HarneyyJackson and other streets. * We have the fiuest market garden pieces to be had around Omaha. Four , five and ten acre tracts on IGth street , north of the fair grounds , 400. to $1000 each on monthly payments. A few nice acre corners in west Omaha'at less than half the price asked for adjourning land. Two lots'containing 1 - acres each , in Barker's a1 lotmenfc , south 10th street $800 and § 1,000. Easy terms. 3 acres , south 13th street , 3,000. Will divide. . FOR SALE Leading hotel in lively Nebraska town , alsj general store in good town , will take some land or Omaha property in part pay ment. In all parls of the city. AVe have some great bargains in residence property. , i In all parts of the State. Farms in Nebraska , lowe and Kansas. If you wnnt anything in the Real Estate line call and see us. We will show you around , and try to suit you. Houses , Stores , and Rooms for rent. IT. 33. Corner 13th and Farnam. OF ALARM CLOCKS ! At the Wholesale and Retail Jewtiry Store of Holiday Goods in in great abundance and an Elegant line of Ladies and Gents' Gold Watches and beautiful stock of Solid Silver Ware , Diamonds , Jewelry and Spectacles. We would call special attention o the best and most "DIPT T AT&T "ft1 1 ? A TT 1 ? A A Tb WAffW Jfev .ffijJul. iJt > JjIli Ibii.iJbM.U I.j- ' Wzi.JLlj'.Kl ' Ever placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Train , Colutn bus , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others. , - . We have the Agency for the above renowned Piano , which is second o none. Also the Lindeman & Son's Pianos , and have also the famous Hardmuii Piano on sale. We also carry full lines of best Organs and Sheet Music. We warrant oui goods the best in the market. An inspec tion will convince the most skeptical. OUR TWO STORES Are located as below : Jewelry Store , Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Postoffice. Piano Wareroom and Music Parlor , Crounse's Block , IGth street near Capitol Avenue. Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos and Organs sold on monthly payments. EDHOLM & ERIGKSON , THE JEWELER9 , Suoth-eoat Corner Dodge , and Kith , near Capitol Avenue. Omaha , Neb CARPET SEASON ! j. Invites the attention of the public to hl > Large and Well Selected Stock OF Embracing a/i tfio Late Patterns n everything in the Carpet Line , IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY 1313 Farnam Street , Omaha , THE LEARNED I LAJUMER STJIEET. Wliy you should try the colobratcJ Dr. I ! . Wagner' * methods of curn : 1. "Dr. U. Warier Is a natural physician , " O. S. FOWLKR , The Greatest U\lng Phrenologist "I'ew run exco ) ou as a doctor. " DR. J. SIMXI , The World's Greatest I < li\iogiiomlst ! Voti are wotulvrfnlly proficient Inyoiir know ) disease and mculclnos. " DR. J. MATTIIRWS. 4. "The afnlctcd find ready relief In jour pros cnco. " DR. J. SIMMS. 6. "Dr. II. Waenor la a roirular pradualo from liellcuio Itoipttal , Now York city ; has had very ox. tannho hoopiUil practice , ' and Is thoroughly posted OR all 1) ran dies of his beloved schiucc , especially on chronic diseases. " DRS. UROWN-JUL & EWINO. 0. "Dr. It. Wagner has Immortalized himself bj his wonderful dxco\ ! cry of sticclfle remedies for private vato and sexual diseases. " Virginia City Chronicle. 7. "Thousands of Invalids flock to see him. " San Francisco Chronicle. 8. "Tho Doctor's long experience ia n specialist should render htm very successful. " Hocky Moun tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At nno time n discussion of the oecrct vlco was en * tlrcly avoided by the profession , and medical works but a fewcars ago would hardly mention IU To-day the physician is of a different opinion ; ho Ii auaTO that it la his duty disagreeable though It may bo to handle this nutter without cloxcsaml speak plalnh1 about It ; and Intelligent parents and guardians wilt thank him for doing so. The results attending this ilestructh olco were or- morlynot understood , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance belli"attached to a subject which b ] IU nature doei not luvlto dose Investigation , It wai wllluigly Ignored. Tlio habit Is generally contracted by the younc while attending school ; older comvuiions | through their example , may hi responsible for it , or it may be acquired through accident. Tlio excitement once ex perienced , the practice will bo repeated again and again , until at last the habit becomes linn and com pletely enslaves the ilctlm. Mental and ncrtous at illctlons nro usually the primary results of self-abuse. Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or Irrascibility of temper and general debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely joint In the sports of his companions. If ho bo a joung man ho will be little found in company with thoothoi sex. and Is troubled with exceeding and annoyln ? bashfulncss In their presence. Lascivious dreams , emissions and eruptions ou the face , eta , ore also prominent 33 mptoms. If the practice Is violently persisted In , more serious disturbances take place. Great palpitation of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall into a complete state of Idiocy before fore , finally , death rellov es him. To all these engaged In this dangerous , practice , I would say , first of all , stop it at once ; make ovcrj possible effort to do so ; but if you fall , If your nervous system Is already too much shattered , and consequently quently , your will-power broken , take eomo nerve tonic to aid you In your effort. Ilav ing freed yourself from the habit , I would further counsel you to go through a regular course of treatment , for It is a great mistake to supposi that any ono may , for some time , bo t ov cry BO litf e give himself up to this f osclnatlne but dangerous excitement without Buffering from its ev il consequences nt some future time. The numboi of young men who are Incapaciatcd to flll the duties enjoined by wedlock is alarmingly large , and In most tit such cases this unfortunate condition of things can bo traced to the practice of self-abuse , w hlch had been abandoned years ago. Indeed , a few mouths' practice of this habit U juflleicnt to Induce spermatorrhoea' . 3 later years , and I have many of such cases under treat mental the present day. , . ' ; ) ] Young Men Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretions u HI do well to a\ till themaclvei of this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suf crime humanity. DR. WAOXIR will ( ruarantce to for elt $500 lor tn cry case of seminal weakness or prlvati disease of any kind and character .which ho under takes to and fails to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ORB of SO to CO who art troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder dor , of ten accompanied by a alight smarting or burn Ing sensation , and a weakening of the system la > manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits n ropy sediment will often be found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear , or the color will be of thin mllklsh hue , again changing to n dark and torpid appearance. There an many , many men who die of thin diltlcultylgnomnt ol the cause , which la the second stage of seminal-weak ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect euro In all caset and a healthy restoration of the frenlto-urlnory or gang. Consultation : free. Thorough examination and ml \Ico , ? 5. All communications should bo addressedDr. Ilcnrj Henry Wagner , I' . O. 23SO , Dem or , Colorado. The Young Man',8 Pocket Companion , by Dr. U Wagner , 1s north Its weight In gold toyouu ; men Price $1,25. Bent by mall to any address. A FRIEND TO ALL ! ' One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his Placo. Dciu cr In mnro fortunito than she knows la the possuislon of the talents and energies of a man who has git en his time and thought not'merely to the perfection of hU skill as a practitioner of his pro fession of medicine , but to the study of thoeo pro * found things of science and nature which tend to the moro complete undenUmllng of tbo problem of life and of the laws of nature and the means of gaining the grcatunt practical goods to mankind fruui the In formation thus acquired In the abstract. Such n man Is Dr. If. Wagner , who U located at 313 Larimer street. l > r. Wagner dot otedminy jears to theac. munition of tbo knowledge neccessary to hln proles- Him In a number of the leadlnz medical schools of the most eminent and profound teachers , tuch namtH us Dr. dross and Dr. Pancoast apixmrlng aiming his preceptors Nordli his studies end here. Tliev continue d III the livid of tbo practicing family phlblrUn and In the experiences of a man nf o\tcn < site triuel. He hltltcd every section of the Unl ted States | ilng studious attention to thu different characteristics of tliovariouo portions of tbo country , particularly with regard to their effect , climatic aim otheiwlsu upon health and the different forms of dis eases. With the combined powers of close study , ox temlro obtervatlun and almost unlimited practice , Dr. Wagner came to Dcmcr threu jcars ago equip ped as few have the tight to claim to battle the foe of mankind , thu dretited enemy , dlsewo. In order to render the greatest good to society , Dr. tVagner ileci- dod to lay usldu the general branches of practice and bring all h s rlpo knowledge and power to hear up on the foe which among the army of Insidious duath agents U the greatest. Ill ) wide experience had taught him what weapons to use nnd lilcli to discard , and after equipping himself at his trained judgment WAS so well uble to adtlne him ho com moncej boldly and conlldoiitly his attack. In estl mating the results and succcsn acliloied. It U only necessary toknow thu doctor's pillion and btandlng to-day. While located In this city , his practice ii by no means conllnud to tts llmlti nor tbU section of country , Illncorrcsioiidencoand | oipre a books UK- Illy In l/Uck'nnd Mlilloto Ills posccss un of a field ol inactlcs hounded ouly by the lines uhlcli bound the c njjtli and breoutli of the country , and which ban laced him where a man of hU skill and Intellectual attainments ilebervcs to be , and should to bu onabhi him to roach the hlghcit sphere of usefulness to mil ferlng humanity the piano of financial Indepen dcnce. Dr. Wagner has contributed of Ills prosper ! ' tytothubUbstantl-iUmprotement of Denver In the ere.tlon of a fine block on Larimer street , oppoiltu his prencnt ortlo , No. 813. It will bo ready for occu pincy In a low weeks , and Ii an evidence that tin doctor Is to bu numbered among the permanent an solid cltUcni of the metropolis of the plains | | Jtiu tcr Tribune. DE. H. WAGNER & CO. , 343 Larimer St. ' Address Box ; 2389 DENVER , COL. | omplicd with the request is far ns lie iotild , but the further infonnrtioii is ol > - ninccl that the young couple ycro soon , after leaving the court nouak happily voddod , and orn this are doubtless cosily hollered beneath the roof of thur Omaha 10USU. I Angostura Bittern , the world toiimvnoil ppotizcr mulitnlgorator , Imparts nVlolldous nvur to nil drinks niul euro * dj-apopaln , iarrlui-ii. fo > er iinil iigiio. Try It , but beware f counterfoils ; AKK your ( jrocerlor your ruggist for the eouulna Angostura , imnufnc- urod by Ur , , T. IJ. Sic/ort & Soun j C. 0. Oaka , of I'.mcrson , won nt ( Uiu 1'a- ific ycatenlay. , Kd. L. JCirko , of Sioux City , was nt the 'gdcn ' yoatorilny. K. ! ' . .Tames , of Missouri Valley , [ was moug the dinerx nt Jiochtolo'a yoatcrday. Doi > uty Clerk Wnrron is nblo to bo at IIH ! dice in the court house , but is still far from iigged. ] ' . Cadwell , i > f the well known law firm f Sims & CiulwoU , returned yoatcrJay frxm week's trip in Nobroakn , where ho has been Handing to aomo legal business. COBIMEUOIAli.1 COUNCIL DLCFF3 MA1IKKT. Wheat No. 2 spring , C5c ; No. 3 , COo ; ro- octod , 45c ; good domand. Corn L/oalors are payinj ; SCc for old corn nd 28c for new. Oata In good demand ntC. . Hny 100@G 00 per ton ; COc per bala. llyo 40@45c. Oorn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good aupply ; prices ut yards , G 00 ® " 00. 00.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft , i 00 per ton Butter Floiity and in fair demand at 20o ; creamery , 35c. Eggs In peed demand atOc par tlozon. l > urd Falrbnnk'a , wholesaling at lie. . Poultry Koadysnle ; dealers uro paying for cluckens So ; turkoya , 12c. Vegotablea Potatoes , 40c ; onions , 40c ; cab- ingo , none in the market ; apples , ready nalo nt : i 00@3 rl ) for prime stock. Flour-City flour , 1 C0@4 00. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LITE STOCK. Cattle 3 00@3 CO ; calves , 5 00@7 50. Ilogs Local packers nro buying now nnd horoia a good demand for all grades ; choice mcking , 5 25@5 35 ; mixed , 4 C5@5 00. Finding a Good. Excuse. Vail Street Dally News. Ono day three or four weeks ago a re- .ail grocer over in J oraoy sat down with lis clerk and said : ' "James , * I ewe Now York houses over $3,000. " "Yes sir. " "Wo have $2,000 ii cash in the safe , the stock is all run [ own , and this would bo the time to fail n business. " "It certainly would. " "But . wnnt a reasonable apology to givemy roditors when they coino down on us for an explanation. See if you can't think of something to night , and lot mo know n the morning. " The clerk promised , and the grocer wheeled u chest of tea and a bag of coifoo homo ns a beginning. ! ? ext morning when ho appeared at the tore the safe was open , the cash gene and on the desk was a note from the lork reading : "I have taken the § 2,000 md am prepared to skip It will bo the jest excuse in the world for your failing 0 flat that creditors can't realize 2 couts on the dollar. " Train Talk. Chicago HcroU. "Yes , Flood and O'Brien used to keep a oaloon , and so did Mackoy , " said an elderly passenger who had traveled about Boiiio und hadn't forgotten it. ' 'I was put on the coast myself back in the fifties , and there's lota of men who now carry pretty high that wasn't quite so proud them days. I know a case , a nan what's bloomin1 out fmo now , who was in them times a faro dealer. lie owned his own game , a eijuar' ono it was , ,00 , and had rmry a limit. The boya used to think Jim would give 'em a show 'or their white alloy , and ho had a ; oed manylfrionds in the camps. lie had icrvo , I tell yo , an" I believe it's nerve las made him what ho is. Nothia' like rue grit if send a man praucin * to the rant in this Morld. One Sunday lie was runnin' his lay-out iu a little shanty in our gulch , when a gang o' teamsters 'rom orcr the ranijo tackled the gamo. some of 'om wore ugly drunk , and weren't very porlito in their langwidgo. Bimeby the dealer rakud in a big stack o' tons oll'n < ho jack , what had turned up a loser. Ono o' the teamsters , a big , imllyin' cuss , swore ho had a copper n : ho stack an * hs | bet had won ) instead of oain , Jim quietly remarked that ho very rarely inado mistakoalbut perhaps lie had hia time , an' if the gentleman was euro ho was right ho would pay the bet , at the same pleasantly handin' over the two stacks. This inado the ugly teamster think Jim wan afraid of him an1 his gang , an' ho began to blow 'bout no d d gambler boin * smart enough to steal from him right before his faco'n' ' eyes , Jim turned his box ovor.told the playore to keep their oyoa on their chips , anc 1 suys miiot but solid like : " ' 1 aim to treat every man tha ploys at mv table like a contloman , but. J can't Bland no such chaU'as-that , sir , an ( 1 want you to cashinyor chips immediate ly and uit right out that door.1" . "Well , sir. I expected to sco the 1ml top o' Jim's head blowed elf , but th toatnstor , makin' jistono faint motion fo his shooter , caught the dealer's oyo.Blow ly passed his chins over , took his tu and skipped out. I tgll yo it took nerv to do n thing like that to nil uglydrinhin' toatnstor , surrounded by n gang o' his chuma. " " 1 shuld say so , " 1 remarked ; "but who is this 'Jim1 that you praise BO highly ! " "Bloss mo ! Didn't I toll you who ho was ? Jim Farley , now United SUtcs aoimtorfrom C.iliforny ! " NOT A MATCH l-'OU TIII3 IH'DK. An Ksthoto from Ilontoii Ilnfhcr ilnokHon , of Tc.\nn. Chicago News. "Talk about j or deeds , " said a Texas slockmnn on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy train last night , "but n lootlo the deed 1 over seen wuz a feller thot come down from Boston into our kontry n year ago las' September. " 'llo Didn't stay inToxas long , 1 guess , " Bixid a little man in a silk hat. "Yas , he's Ihoro now. " "I thought they wouldn't lot n dude live in Texan. " "Waal , I'll ' toll you how it wuwo como to lot him stay. Ho come down there with his peeked boots an * his tight trousers mi' yallor kid gloves , a slingin' more style than n now congressman on the fo'th o' July , an' a-tollin' folks thot his elector said he'd got the consump tion an' 'd have to live in a warm clim ate. " "Ah , yes , of course , you pitied the poor follow , and lot him stay on that ac count. " "Not oxaclly that ; but , as 1 was a- sayin' , ho slung his style like a mormon walkin' by a United States marshal's ollico. Waal , ono night ho como into a saloon where a lot of us wuz a-drinking , on' 'o steps up to the bar an' says : 'Aw I say , bah-tondah , give mo n trillo of aw wa in lomonado. ' Bill Jackson snort ed right out , an' then anys 'o ; 'Boys , what d'yo say ] lo'a make the deed drink gin. ' It wuv. a go , so Bill walks up an' olaps the deed on the back likoho'd break 'iin in two. Bill's the best man on the muscle iu our hull kontry ; 'Say,1 says Bill , 'you'd bolter drink gin. ' 'Aw but it is wa'm lemonades I dosiah , ' says the dood. 'Waal , ' says Bill , 'worm lemonade ado don't go in these 'ore parts ; you drinks gin or you drinks nuthing ; you hoar mo. ' 'It aw seems to mo you'ro mistaken , ' says the deed , 'ithout aeomin' to see there WU7. trouble ahead ; 'I want to aw dwink wa'm lemonade , ' an' ho rcch out fur the glass. Bill wunk at the rest on us , an' says to the deed ; 'D'ye know -what I'm goin' to do of you tries to drink anything but gin' ? ' 'Woally , 1 do not , niah deah boy. " 'Wall , ' says Bill , 'I'm ago ia' to stand you on yor head in that air box o' sawdust. ' 'Aw that would not bo wight,1 says the dood. a- tippin' up his "lass , to drink. Bill rech out an' grabbed 'im by the nock , an' I never soon u man git licked so quick. " "Bill was too much for him , was hoi" "No siroo , it wuz t'other way. It wuz Bill thot got licked. Jerusalem an' Gin'- ral Jackson , but how that deed did jump about ! An" every time 'o jumped 'o fetched Bill ono on the eye or under the oar or along the jaw , an' Bill couldn't git within gunshot uv'im. Why , thot air deed hod more tricks fur tightin' than Bill over droamp * uv. Furst lio'd bo behind Bill an' then on top uv 'im , an' then under 'im , an' every time Bill opened an eye the deed stuck a list in it erry fist , it didn't make no difler'nco to him. Ho wuz just about es handy with his thumpers os any man needs to bo in this world. It didn't ' tnko him moro'n a minute to go all around Bill an' ever 'im an' through 'im in the bargain ; un * then when ho had Bill pretty well licked ho took him the allfirodcst crack on the nose an' sent 'im ever in the corner behind - hind the ice-box like a bundle o' old clo'es. " "What did ho do then ! " "Wy , ho jest turned urouu' an * brush ed the sawdust off his knee where ho'd ducked down to como up under Bill , an' saya ho : 'Gentlemen , will you all join mo aw in n wa'm lemonade ] ' An" wo jinod 'im , too quick. "Yes , he's there yet ; an' I guess ho kin slay unless the consumption gits away with 'im. Tlioro hain't nothing else down there thot kin do it , that's sure. " Afraid ot IllH I'artncr. A gentlemanly farmer from Onion creek , who happened to bo in Austin last week , called at the oflico of a distin guished Austin law firm. Both members of the firm were in , but the granger only know ono them. "Como across the street nnd take a drink , " said the fanner. "As soon as I put on my overcoat. " "You don't need an overcoat. It's warm outside. " "Oh , yes , I do. " "What for ? " Puttin' on style , are you ? " "No , it is not that , " whispered the lawyer , as soon as ho got outside ; "but you saw my partner in there , didn't you ? Well , if I were to go out and leave that overcoat with him , when I came back it would bo in the pawnbroker's ollico. " , S CAUTION. Kwift's Spvctflc U eitlrcly a vegetable preparation , and should not bo confounded with the various sub stitutes , Imitation-noa-socret humbmri , "Succus Altcrans , " etc , , etc. , which aru now bclnc manufac tured byarlous poisons , None ol ( those contain a slnulo article which enters Into tbo composition of S. 8.8. Vhoro Is only ono Kwift's Bpccl/lo / nd there Is nothing In the world like It. To prevent dlitster and dlsapiiolntmont , be sure and get the genuine. Snlft'riHpucIno Is a complete antidote to lllooil Taint , lllood 1' , Malarial 1'olsoa and Bkln ll inour , J. PICKHOX SMITH , ( t DAtlanta , Oa. Ihno hod rflnarkablo SIICCLSS with Swift's S | > cinoln ihuiientment of lllood and Skin DUcan'S , and In Teinalo Diwaitn. I took It myself for Car buucKs wltlihajijiy ctloct. D. 0. U.1IK.SUY , M.I ) . , Atlanta , Oa. I uied Swift's Hpectflo on mr little dauKhter , who was allllcted with some Wood I'oUoa whli'h had re- Bitted nil sorts of treatment. The Bpeclflo rilvved her permanently , and I shall wu It In inypractlco. Ourtreatlsv on lllood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. applicants.TIBBWW | , , , co > . Drawer 3 , Atlanta , ( la. tor ! ii'iuk' inifMly tor thriiimil iU > iniKviiiiili of thu iniiciiitlviiuiuans. 1 lirri * l un mUUikH ubout till * liiitiuiiicnt , lli ran- lliinoiK "Iridiu of KI.V'.O- Till 0 IT V ( --riiiiUt ( IhriMivh Hit ( arts in.-i iii ( > ic Ilifm tc * liodltlif ailMiu lu ) not rciiilouM lint with Klittila lu-U * Mill.'lll4nlll \ I il'trlHilln pur yllllls I EBlrNV < vSriUJl I IroMihimliutiw ItUfor lloNt ; l v liy pmnow. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , o 109 South/4th / St. MaVo p IaHyof furnUliil.U casting * nd repair Ing ktovcs of all description , wood Hovel , changed t buru oonl 1 , urates , IlruUck , lUmpers , tic. constantly ou hand. "j'ry one ol gut itoto pipe uliclvcs an 0 clothe * Utyrr. THE OB'SAFEST PLACE Id OMAHA TO BUT , R DEWEY & STONE'S , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR. 'BURLINGTON ' ROUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Rnllrond. ) GOING EAST AND WEST. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH. Elrcant D.ijr Conches , Parlor CAM , with lUvlin Solid Trains of Elegant Pay Coaches nnd PnH-J nKCnnlM ( seats free ) , Hmoklntr Cars , with Ho- man 1'alacu Sleeping Cars nro run dally to and ] Diving Cli.ilrs , 1'nllmmi Palace Sleeping Cars and from St LouH via Hannibal , Qulncy , Keokulf , ) 10 famous O. I ) . A Q. Dining Unra rim dally to nnd lUirllngton. Cedar Itnplda nnd Albert Lea to 8t . , Council Tauland Parlor Cora with Uecllnlc * rom Chicago & KniHO.1 City Chicago A Minneapolis ; lulTH , Chicago DC.M Molnes , Chicago , St. Jo- Clmlrs to and from St. Louis nnd I'eorlaandt . pli , Atchlion & Toprkn. Onlv through line bo- nnd { rom St Louis nnd Ottumwn. Only oc. vi'cn Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars change of cars between St. Louis nnd BCT I'lvecn Indianapolis A Council lllulT.i via I'corta. Molnes , Iowa , Lincoln , zfeoraslta , andUcnvCTc 11 connections mailn In Union innxit * . 11 U Colorado. kiiovvnaa the irmitTllHOUGIICAU LINE. It U universally admit ted to bo the Flnnot Uqulppoti Railroad In the World for ail classes of Travel. . . J , VQTSm. 3d Vlco-lWt and Qon'l Manturer. PRllUHVM , MWEfX * ' Jen. MWW. A t. CblcaKC , ) M. BELLMAN & GO , . Wholesale Clothiers ! 7307 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13Th OMAHA , NEBRA8K Dr. CGNNAUCHTON , 403 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patients Cured at Homo. Wrilo for "Tun MEDIOAL-MISHIONAIW , " for Iho People,1 } Free. Consullalion and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 202. Telephone No. 22C. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaslor , Davenport , says : "Physician of Real Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , writes : "An Honorable Man , Fine Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours , 8 to 5. THE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE -A.T- WilliamS ? Night Dresses. 50c Good Muslin , Fine Coventry Kuflliug , H inches wide on front Collar and Sleeve. 85c Fifty solid Tucks in front , Torchon Lace Trimmed. 1.00 Tucked front with two rows Hamburg insertion. Other superb styles from $1.25 up to 84-.50. t CHEMISE. 25c Fair Muslin , plain. 50c Good Muslin , pointed front , four clusters of tucks , Hamburg trimming. 76c Solid tucked front , trimmed with insertion and Torchon Lace. Fine goods from $1.00 up to 2.50 , exquisitely made with real Torchon Hamburgs and tucking. DRAWERS 20c Well made , on fair muslin , five tucks ! * - * > * - 25 c Five tucks , Incc trimmed , nnd numerous other styles much below the regular. to be batter made , on hotter material than any brought to Omaha. Corner 15th and Dodge Streets. J. 0. PREBOOTT N. P. OURTIOE. J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , I'W la.oloetn.lo nmd. PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music. Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. CHEAPEST m MOST RELIABLE HOUS1 Xxx mo iSltxvto * it CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OR BEND F T ? PRICES. No. Pnrnam Street - OVIAH * . DUILEK .IN ETC.i LO\V PRIOKS AND GOOD GRADES. Call and ( Jet my Prices before bavin ? elsewhere , Yards , cornar and Douplud. i > iw VcU and Doul ; ,