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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1884)
THE DAI1/2 BEE-FRIDAY , JANUARY 18 , 1881. FURNITURE -THE- CHEAPEST- PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -IS AT- DEWEY They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , H. B. IREY 16th and Famam Streets. - - Omah.a ! , Below will bo found a few of the BEST nnd moat DESIRABLE BARGAINS : OMAHA CITY PROPERTY. No.211 2 atory brick residence , uear St. Mary'a avenue , at s bargain. No. 221 12 vacant lots , I block from atrcct cara , aamo distance from Hanacom Park. Wo offer theao lota , which are very desirable for building purposes , at a low figure for n few days only. No. 22C 3 Ipta on Saundera street , near Charles. These lota will bo sold cheap and nro well located for a block of atorea. No. 229 Business property , ronta for § 2.000 , pays 20 per tent. Best thing over offered. No. 235 Three houses and lots , rents forSl,200 | | per year. No. 241 3 lota in Bartlott's addition , very cheap. No. 253 15 acres in Cunningham's addition. No. 247 3 lota in Dnnscom place , No. 91 4 lota on S. 10th street. Eaay terms. Each , ? SOO. No. 102 House and lot. House , 5 rooms nnd basement. Lot , CO i40 , S. 10th street , near Charles , § 500 down , balance in 2 years. 51,400. j&t ' . No. 81 0 lots , 60x132 each , S. 10th at. Must bo sold altogether. I4.HOO. No. 77 3 houses , 2 brick and 1 frame , on lot 00x132 , S. llth at. $4,000 cash , balance long time. $7,250. f ) No. 40 One acre lot nnd house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mnry avenue street car line. Very cheap. § 3,700. Liberal terms. No. 11 3 housea and lota , C0xl40 , S. 10th at. , N of railroad. Thia ia the best bargain for an investor over offered in the city. $2COO. No. 90 A good house of 5 rooma , with basement and other good improvements. Lot , 50x150. .Fruit and evergreen treoa C years old. Nice residence property. Easy terms. § 3,200. No. 19 Now house and barn. Lot , 132x148. This is a very de sirable reaidenco property , and ia offered at a low price.VillJer - change for farm property. § 4,500. No. 143 2 lota in Block K , Lowe's 1st addition , $1CO each. No. 103 8 lota in Boyd's addition. $175 each. Easy terms. No. 107 2 lota in Lowe's aecond addition. Each contains 1 acre , with house nnd barn. Bargain. No. 109 4 aero lota in Lowo'a aecond addition. No. 179 1 lot in Kountz' third addition. Now ] house of 3 rooma , barns , etc. 81,800. No. 181 1 lot in Kountz1 third addition , 2 hoaaes , etc. $1,500. No. 184 2 lota in Block 3 , Kountz' third addition. Must bo sold together. $2,200. No. 186 3 acres in Okahoma , with good 5-room houao and other improvements. § 3,500. FARM LANDS. No. 201 40 ncroa near Fort Omaha. No. 202 2 good f.irma near Waterloo. 240 aero farm near Oscoola , Neb , $25 per acre. Will exchange for city property. Eaay terma. No. 12 2,000 aorea of improved land in llitchcock county , Nebraska , ramjing in price from § 3.50 to 810 per acre. No. 17 040 acres of good farm land in Dawaon county. Will ex change for city property. § 3,50 per acre. No. 22 The best farm in Nebraska , 7 miles from Oiunha , contama 150 acres , 2 houses , wells , cisterns , barns and all other firat clnsa im- provomenta. Alao orchard matured and bearing. Will ojcchango for city property. No. 107 Several valuable nnd low-priced tracka of land in Madison county. 10 farms within from o 12 miloa of railroad , and 23 piecea of im proved Innda , near Table Rock , Nebraska , all conveniently near market , and in many instances offered at great bargains. Among other counties in which wo have special bargains in fnrma and unimproved lande , are Jefleraon , Knox , Clay , Valley , Webater Sarpy , Harlan , | Boone , Filmoro , Caas , Seward , Merrick nnd Nuck- olli. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H. B. IREY & CO. , Real Estate Agents , ' Southwest Comer 15th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. J. O. PRESCOTT N. P OORTJOB. J. 0. PRESGOTT & CO. , EY.oto.ll PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music. Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. 'CHEAPEST AID IOST RELIABLE HOflffi tlio 9t .to. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OR BEND KIT ? PRICEP. MO. Farnam street - OMAHA. DUFRENE & A Til fC * TimrVt WtVan without med A. ( SITIV E | c | " XX r j - .tJ.A V JJ - ARCHITECTSA K < > . 1 Hill cure any caeejn lour dajs or lefci No ARCHITECTS 2 will cure tliu imwt obetluato case uo matter ol bov long bUndintr , Allan's Soluble Medfcattd Bougies OUAHA VAT1OVAL n t&'K ItTHKUOVKU No nauseam donos o itibebs , ctfiabla , or oil ol ian dalwood , < h i ar- " . j.ln tu pruluco dyspepsia bi - | the Ktomach. I'rlcs - ' . * * * P .liv a.uutikvil .li v VI'V Jlll Jdt I nil vllflH * P l r > w < < - xpnn-iy luiUoU by an druKKlott , or mailed on rooolpt ol prltx tin i u if n ( iii i uiui nn 1111 rtlier uriloulars aoiid lor circular. Box D. Peabody , M. D. , & SURGEON .ivrHi | it < > rur all Hit ltl ti.r II i < ( > MmiMhi : < pnitw/o OKnOK UOOUB , 8 and i ICOt FAHNAU. vtrk v , ix. \ \ . . - - " ' IlcalJocoe 1711 Dou Us Etrixt V COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL THE DOORS OPENED. Dohany's ' Grand Opera House Admired by Hundreds of Eyes , Clio Building and its Adornments a Credit to the City , Clio Kntcrtnliuncnt Too Clu-np foi Such nil OccnBlon , The long looked for event , the open- < ng of Dohany'a grand opera house , tool l > lnco Isat orcning. Jfo privnto enter priao IUM excited nioro of n public inter- oat tlmii this , * nml the structure an it hut .50110 up 1ms been \ \ niched brick by brick .mil timber by timber , by ninny uigor oyes. At last it 1ms reached n state ol finish , enabling ita proprietor to throw it open to thu public. The exterior is still lacking in ita adornments and finish ing touches , but inside , the sight was one tliixt charmed all. The building has cost about $55,000 mil is not only largo , but very finolj fitted up. There are o\nctly 051 scuts , bv count , not including the private boxes. On the first lloor the auditorium is GO by 70 foot. The scuta arc opera chairs , upholstered in leather and very comfortable. They nro also provided with it convenient contrivance beneath the seat for holding the hats of the gen tlemen. The parquotto seats 22i ( , and the parquotto circle 108 , making in nil : t)4 ! ) scats on the first lloor. The coiling is 52 feet high , and a lofty dome is givou the bine of the sky and the twinkling of the stare , -while from this la suspended an elegant chandelier. The prosicinum mch is : i.'l foot in heightand the drop curtain , made of heavy canvas , coated with a lire- proof solution , has been covered with a vivid picturing of the city of Council Bluffs itaolf in its earliest years , the work of Air. Ilottes , the skilltul artist , whoso brush has beautified the interior of the whole house. The curtain represents a viow'Of mi Indian encampment on the Blutl'a , with the deer just up from the bottom lauds , gazing our- prisoil at the sight. This view is in the form of n largo painting , framed in gold , resting on a ballustradu standing on a marblelloor , a little dra pery being arranged on each side. The dress circle has a seating capacity of SCO , and lias a twelve-foot passage in the roar , leaving room for one more row of scats , should they bo needed , and in the meantime giving very ample room for egress and ingress to each scat. In the upper gallery there are 300 more seats. It is claimed that there is not a single scat in the house which does not give an excellent view of the entire stage , and iho arrangement seems in this respect complete. The private boxes nro BUC on each side of the stage , and are carpeted and fur nished very attractively and comfort ably.The The stage itself is 40 by ( JO foot. There are six dressing rooms behind the stave , one on cither side behind the private boxes , and live more below. All have L'as , hot and cold water , and other con veniences. The nro protection is ample , there being - ing three stand-pipes with four hose con nections on the stage , and three in thu auditorium. The important matter of exits has also been well looked after , and they are nu merous , besides all doors swinging out. On the first lloor there are two exits on Broadway , one onto the side street , , and imo into the alloy at the rear. There nro three other exits from the first floor , making five in all , while from the dresa circle there are two stairways lead ing into Broadway. The gallery has one stairway opening on Sixth street for that part of the housealone. . There are two nro escapes in the front of the building and from each box there is an exit upon the stage , from which there are several exits loading out doors. Ventilation has also been cared for the heating apparatus being such as to bring the hot air from the ceiling down to thu very lloor and carrying it out under the Htago , the entire volume of air being changed every three minuton. The house in brilli.irtly lighted by 07 trns jots on the stage and 180 in the liouso proper. Thu architect of this fine structure JH > . E. Maxou , who has drawn the plans for several of the beat buildings in thia city. II. Hottos , the scenic urlint , has lone excellently in the interior decora- Jens , but there is still seine need of : urther touchings , which limited time lmt iroventcd , hut which when done , will irine out the full beauties of the decora- Jens , The plumbing , gim fitting , etc , , has ipen done by J , 0. Bixny. In the fur- lishingH of carpets , curtains , and up- lolstory the houses of llurkniwi Broa. , Ousady , Orcutt , & French , and E. Stock- ort & Co , has boon drawn npjii , The masonry of the building wns done by the Wicktmm brothers , wJiilu thu woodwork Ima been under the aupnrviH- on of Mr. Kossnor. It is to bo regretted that for the open- tig night of the now houao a btitttr on- wtaiiunont could not linvo born offered UM people. The Church Choir company pro onifd "Tho Bells of Cornovillo" very airly , butihorn'wfts nothing nf startling norit , mid much that wan very below the requirements. The audieimi was not to largo aa it would havb boon under djf. brant circumstances , but wu rullior n brilliant , dressy gathering , composed of tint best citizens of the place. Th now opera house i thus npmod , and now that there is a place of UIIHIHO- wont , there will doubtless b no stint of entertainments , and the city IH iilrewly [ iromisod better entertainmontrt Jiis mi.v son than hnvo over corno horn buforo , Council IJluffa having boon skipped by many managers becwiso of UH having no It place to appear. GIverH. ' Ilobimou Bros , give nvray to 'their latrnns BOIIIO very rich good * . The welfth annual distribution of gifts by Messrs. Ilobhuoii Bros , has reunited an i proviou * occasions , with everybody toing satisfied with the fairw ; wfof the notliods chosen. The first gif < , n diu- nond ring , a perfect gum , wenv to W. 0 , DorUud , No. 804. The oe'Jiul ' gift , a wautiful gold wfttoh , wns 11 Ool , A lochran. his number being 51 9SJ ( The hird gift was an tilegaut Fr * > n li clock , iven to IV , T. Thompson , No 62,481 riiis liouso Inya claim not only to boinj ho oldest in the city , but its reliability s iii keeping with ita ngo , nnd the conti lonco felt that they nlwnya moot fullj jvo y expectation inndo , is Atrongtlionet .mch year. Thia is the twelfth of them novel di'tributious , nnd there is yet to bt hoard the first complaint , POSTAL PLUNDERERS , Uiu- lars Mftko It Lively for the Post- ninRlor of Crcaucnt City , Yoatordny morning nbout 4 o'clocl burglars forced an entrance into the post iflico nt Crescent City , nnd after blowing ipen the safe secured nbout SHOO h > wish , nil the atamps , amounting to about $100 , nnd some postal notes. Mr. N Swanaon , the postmaster , was awakened by the noise of the snfo blowers , nnd hurriedly dressed , grabbed his tevolvci from under his pillow , nnd proceeded to investigate. Ho saw throe men leaving mil gnve chaso. Ho gained aomo on them , when they turned nnd fired aovorn1 shots. Ho returned the fire , and also returned - turned homo to make an investigation ol Ilia oflico. lie wna in thia city yesterday to mnko the nbovo report. It seems they drilled n hole in tin jafo and inserted powder , which blow oil the doors and pretty badly shattered the building , Mr. Swanaon thinks his visi tors preceded him to thia city , but at last iccounta nothing had been aeon or hoard of them hero. NEWSY NEOLA , Com ItiiHliliiK Into Town and \ K Gooil 1'rlccK Sonio the Now Court. NIOI. : v , In. , January 10. Since the cold simp the farmers are out in torco. About JIOO loads of corn are brought to this market daily. Farmers get tivo cunts n bushel more hero than they do at the surrounding towns. Persia , Minden - den and Underwood are doing very little in the grain trade on account ot Neola'a boom. C. S1 UobbinB haa returned from Mng- nolia , where ho has boon visiting for n few days with the "old folks nt homo. * ' Mike Hagorty has boon in Chicago on a business trip for some few days , but his familiar phis is soon among ua once more. more.V. H. Mullano , one of our follow townsmen , is slicking typo on a little shoot that is soon to make its advent and control politics and morality in the vil lage of Persia. A roller skating rink haa been opened in the city hall by Mr. H. Wilson , of Avoca , and in consequence the doctors hnvo ordered a full supply of artificial legs and arms. Win. McDonald has moved his Hour exchange to the Iliochart building , on the corner of Front and Third streets. Commodore- Mendel is atill with ui. do claims the nameof "Old Reliable , " but since ho wont to Europe on hia tour some time ago , ho has so many talcs of the voyage that ho haa been christened "Commodore. " A now sign adorns the front of the now Pnlnco hotel. Noola has called an indignation moot ing of the citizens of the town and vicin ity , to condemn the action of the board of supervisors in passing any such "white elcphunt" resolutions. The people of Noola are not ready to vote § 200,000 to burden the taxpayera of this county only to benefit Council Blutla. Noola ill ready to make a fight for the county sent , and when shp gota it Avoca and Council Blutl'a will not need to quarrel about ao small a thing aa ono week of each term of the courlB. VLT. Kcal Kslato TrannfVrH , The following doocli vroro filed for re cord in the recorder's oflico , January 17 , reported ) for the BKB by P. J. Mc- Million , real estate agent : Susan E. Case to Henry Herring , part of Iot8 , block 22 , Walnut $ t50. M. U. Allison ot til to W. F. S.ipp , lot 7 , block 3 , Baylias' 1st add 82,500. AV. F. Sapp to W. Seidentopf , lota MO and 233 , original plat § 210. M. W. Clattorbuck to Win , Montgom ery ot al , lot 17 , block 111 , Central aub $120. $120.Win. Win. Montgomery to .Fas. 1. Rhorolot 1C , block 31 , Central aub § 'JOO. ( Joo. Fritz to Win. 11. Negloy , part wiSH " SH ] nnd part m-j awj , HI , 77 , 41 81 , 375. 375.John John W. Moore to W. II. Book , n nwA , 2 , 7.1 , 38-81,740. Totul Bales , § 7,000. COUNClg liMJKfrt ilAliKKT. Wheat No. 2 MiiB , yfa ; No. 3 , 15cj ru- Jocteu , COo ; good UoirmtuL Corn 1/u.iltirn uro l ylu 3kj ( fur old corn anil 2So for n w , Oats In Kood dimaml ut25c. liny J 00 ( 0 IK ) | HJI tou ; f j , )0r lule. , Hyo 40o ; Hfiht supply. Gum Meal 1 2T > pur 100 pnuulx , Wood Unodiiipply ; priciw t Vard , C 00(4) ( ) T ( HJ. HJ.Ciuil Dollverod , luird , 11 W pur tun : unit ' ( iOdportonH KiitturMenty und In fair iloiniiiid at 'v'0o- creauiory , 3r o. KKKB I'lonty ; ( flow milo at'Ju pur do un. l.urd Fulrlunk'fi , whulonallu ia Uu I'nultry Koady miloj doiiloru uro iuyui ! < for cliicltoiiH K'Ju ; turltujh , Ifia. Vegot lloii I'otjktuiM , WJc ; unluiiH , 40o ; cub- ImU'w , 1. < W per dii7 < in ; niiplfw , riiwly ntli > at II WCa : Wl lor prlinn clock. mow city Hour , i win oo. liroon 2 'J.r @H W r r dor. LIVK KlOt'K , Cattle IKr ) < 5.S ( iuklvo \ ; , 5 00@7 CO. H I/ > cal iHckcnt are buying now and H > HHdiiiiiimd \ for ull Krmlei ; Uiolui , 0 2Sf B 3S ; mixed , I ( ifi D 00. IIiiUSANI > IIKIIOICUK. The Fort Colllim Courltir MUTH Cdlorailo itohi 100,1/00 / l > cof ntearu In 18H.'t , pro | > i > He to liny IDO rows nud 20 bullH for thoMonuiiterii liidlttn . ' 'genvy , in Now Monica , liiiln will btmituueil im tl.u iilnt. J'artlex on Um hordnr of the Kouth I'lattn In the ( ireoley and Sttrllugojiintry , leiiort a\x/ut live thouHHiid cattln UH liaviDg ilriftcd fioni northurn riingfs , many of thum crowing tliu rnur. , Thu Mouth park Ix wi ll stockiwl wltli cuttli iil'inullhirdiof/iom 1K ) t. ) Br 0 htuil , 'I hoi. am lmt fuw liordH that nuinlu r 1,000 head Tliu riiiiK" l oun of the l > ut tlutt can bo found In the Htato of C lorudo Jt | inrU heraUiforo current ( hat many cattle woroilyliitfln parUof New Mexluo for wunt uf water ure cuiitlftdlctcd by ntuckuioii , who nay that not a ulngla donth fun oocuriwd from Hit cauvo Water hm beoit xlmudunt all tl.o yetr past , and cattle iu lu flue omdltlon. The cattle rauxfto of Nevada have /urulKlwil in \ > uA yetat a inoNt oxtounlva pjntiir.igH for , liH vtMt herds driven there unuually and thom : m Inen ha afforded one of the most nrotitn- jlo BiunloymenU. Iwth lolarga wid umall way , , bo touud la the uto. Lwt year nearly > ( iO,000 ckttlo craiod on the nutritious bind < r sfi lurnldhod throwRhont the wntorod per .Ions of the Rtato. The NnrllwMtorn l.Ua Rtock Journs iimrns from ft c-ittloiunn from the rftnRei It Wyomlnff , thut upon uny nnd al tRo < fat lCof tvuld bo found. Not commoi oof , but milmMi with the tallow inlxod al lirmioh the flwh. rich nnd juicy. 1'rottj { wd lor RriiSB cnttlo In .lanuwy. If your complnlnl U want of npivotlto , tr\ iinlf n wlno glwi of Anjrost iirft Ititti-fM hnl > n hour Ixiforo dlnnor. liowura ol coimtui i-ltf. A-k yo\ir \ ( jrticcr oc dniRKNt for tli rpimlno nrtl da , munufncturoil by Dr. J. ( > , H Slcgcrt A. 3on . A AVONDKUKUIi QUII/T. V St. .limcpli Imily Hponds ThriM Yours Making Ono. There is n young Indy living nonr St Joseph who deserves n mcdnl. Her nnmt 11 Molly Williams , aho ia n native of New York , nnd lives with n prominent farmo lunio nix miles from the city. She lint. lived iu thia section nbout five years Some three ycnra ngo she conceived thu idea of making n qmlt.nnd wont to work She bcgnn to write lottera to prominent women of the United States , asking fern suinll bit of n dress. Hundreds of letters tors wore written , nnd let it bo said tt the credit of the noble women of America ica , they responded almost \\ith out nn exception. Miaa Mollie toll each of them what aho proposed to do and in almost every instance the acrn ] would come , nnd with it n few kind words nnd good wiahus , na well ns informing her when the garment wns mndo nm what for. Miss Mollie begnn making he quilt ; she worked nwny nt it every apnro moment , nud every dny added main piecea to her collection. The quilt is nlmoat if not ipiito completed , nnd The No\va inforninntanyflitis really n beauty It ia moat exquisitely mndo , n sort o crazy quilt , and very attractive. Our informant doesn't remember the number of pieces 'it contninn , but it goea up intt the thousands , and embraces all ahndcp , awes and quality of innturial , from the plain calico to the richest nnd moat bonu tiful fabric. When naked who contribut ed to thia wonderful quilt , our informant aaid ho couldn't begin to naino ono lift ! of the Indies , but did name some. He mentioned the names of Mra. Grant , Ah a Sartoria , Mra. Governor Knott , Mra Langtry , Fnuny Davenport , Ellen Terry Clara Morria , Muggie"iMitchol , Kellogg Uurnhardt , Lotta , Anna Dickenaon , Jha Ilondricka , Phcubo Coiuins , M ra. Vleteh or , Mra. Medill , Mra. Story , Thoa. E Fletcher , Mra. Carlisle , MM. Wattoraon Mra. Crittmidon , nnd fully 100 others , nl nioro or less known to fame. In nddi dition to hnving contrbutiona from nil the distinguished ladies of the country , many of our own Indiea were naked to contrib ute , nud a great ninny ladies of St. Joseph soph , Kansas City , and the funnllor citiei in thia neighborhood responded. The quilt ia the work of hilly three years , nnd has now coat quite nn putlnyto any noth ing of the lubor , which ia no small or trilling item. It is needless for ua to at tempt to describe the quilt or give our lady readero an idea of the labor "required to accur the pieces and make it , na any ono pos sessing any knowledge nt all and The Nowa' renders are happily blessed with that commodity in abundance for they know more about it than wo do. Miaa Mollie haa had ninny oilers from parties who wish to purchnso it. A great ninny ladies who contributed to making it beg ged to get nn opportunity of purchasing it , nnd told her to go ahead nnd make it and they would take it nt her own figures. Miss Mollie snya aho wouldn't sell it for anything. She can cnll oil" every squnro in it and toll who ont it nnd when the droaa wna worn. Thia ia probnbly the most wonderful article of the kind over made , nnd Miss Mollie deserves grent jirnjao , not only for her originnl idon , but for industry nud genius , which qualities nro certainly moat creditable. HorHford'HVoid Phosphate In Seasickness. Prof. ADOLP11 OTT , Now York , says : "I used it for senHickness , during an ocean pnsaugo. In moat of the cases , the violent symptoms which characterize that diaeaso yielded , and gave wuy to a health Ful action of the functions impaired. " DRY TETTER. Kor jcar I was atlllct d with Pry Teller of the Hunt ohitlnato tyio | , WIIH treated by many of the n. tihj | lDlan ; took nuintltloi of mercury , putiwli mil aMLiiIr , which , iu l < jal ol curlni ; tliu tetter , crlpplid iueiii ] ulth inluirul ) > olniiiiaiiil ihouiiiatUin , 11iu Tetter ciintliiuoil In iirnw worse , nrnl the Itching alinimt mnilu mo i ruzy. In this rmiilltlnii I wan In- diiujil to liiliu Hwllt'HHHiJflo. | iiml thu result w at a toiil hlii | { a It as 1'ntUfyliii ; , In a few months thu Fottur wan nr.tlrcly will , thu Mercurial PolionliiK ill out of niv y tLinnM'l ' I wna will man und duo 'lily lit Hullt'tf Hin'dflu. All llk > ufTi rern ulionJ ! Uko It. JAMK.1 DIINNINU , I. ul Ille , K ) , Our trraUro nn Illocxl and Hkln ll eum mailed fruo to auiillcatita. TlfBHWIrT HI'KOIKIO CO. , Ilraworl ! AtUntnOo. The u g ot the term Hhoi SHORT Lino" In connection wltbtiit duporato narno of a Kreatroad , con vcj an Idea of uet what ruiulrnd by the traveling I > ub I I IU IM liu-ft Hnurt L1"v > ( ' 'time I B In I " ' " ' "ll ) ' " " ' " ' accommoda tloim-all ot which aru lure h d by the luoutmt railway lu America. CHIC AGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. Itonni and optiratr * over 4,600 miles of * i I Sorthem IlllnoU , Wiscoimlu , Mmncaota , lowain Dakota ; and an U tauln llnwi , branches and oonnrc- llcimi reach all the xtwt biialnesa uintrei ot tbf NorthHuotand Far Wtat , It naturally answers tl , ItMcrlptlon of Hhort Mno , and Hunt lloute l twi > D Chlrac ) < 'f * lllHRiikt , Ht. Paul and Ulnneapolli , Chlcaifo , JlllnKUktu , la Criwuu and Wlnona. ChlcaK ° < Mllwaukeo , Alxirdeen and HloncUU Chlcaico , Slilvvuukte , Kan Claire and Stlllwater' thlcaito , Ullwaukiw , Waiinauand U err ill. Chicago , llllMaukeo , IIea\er Dam and Oahkoah , lhlc ! to , Ulluaukcu , Waukesha and Oconornowoo ChlcuKii , Vlllvtaiikea , Madlmn and I'ralrledu Chl r Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. aito , Ik-lolt JanentPloand Mineral I'olnt. iKu , hlinn , lluckforil and Dubu'iue. ' n , C'llntnn , Hock Island and Cedar Ilaplds. COUIH 11 Illnffsand Omaha i Ko , Hlnux Oil ) , Hl u > Kail * and Yanktoa Chicago. Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Ikxk Inland , l ) > ibuiliv | , hi. I'aul and MlnntaiKilli. Ihk-cnport , Calmar , Ht. I'aul and Mlauuauolu. rMUiuiii KUti | and the Flnoiit Dluhiff Oar * U > tvorldtto run on tlw main llnm of the CHIC AGO MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL RAILWAY .in J vteattciitlou I * paid to pawwa ( ra by court * } i of th ciioipaiiy. S. rl. UUlUILTi , A. V. II. CAKPKSTE11 , Uri'l Manager , Uen'l 1'ass. At-enl , J.T.fJLAIlK , IJBO U. UEAl-i'OUU , ' ' . Oou'lHnp't. JAS. H. PEABODY fii , D , PHYRICIAN & ; SURGEON , 1 en elf net No. 1(07 lonti Ht "iHc * . No. 1609 Fkr < lanistrrat. Otfloe huura , 11 m. to 1 p. m. , and t i m lo 6 put , T lepbouo Ivr otHce , 07 , lluildence , 61 , TUB LKA113KD Specialist ! : U LARIMER STREET. Why yon nhcmM try the cvlolinUxl Dr. motbodg of cure : 1 , "lr. 1L Wanner 1 < n natural phyiJcfan. " 0. 8 , HOWLM , Tlio Off\t < wt I.U Ing PhrcnolOKisU "Fowtxnc po jotiiM a doctor. " DR. J. Btnim , The WotM'n Greatest 1'hj fdotrncmlst. . "You ivru wonderfully proficient Inour l > no l edpo ol ilUwuo anil iiivuliliits. " IR. J. MATTIIMMI. 4. "The ntnlctoJ fiiiil ready riJIi-l In jour pre elice. " 1)R. J , SlXMfl , ft. "Dr. II. Wapncr In ft realtor rvlualo irom IlcllcMiu HcwplUxl , New YorK city ; Ins hn.Icty ox toiutho liospltAl practice , ni\il Iiuiorouxtil ) JKWIC.I 01 M l > nuiclir l his InJovixl gcloiico , i > | > ccl.ily ] 01 clironlo ill.iAm > 8. " Dun. HLOHAKLU& Kwita. A. "Dr. II. Wixgncr Inn Immortnllzftl lilnncll In his ttoiulerlnlill < x ) iryol n lflo rtmoillm for prl \ixto mill wxuit < ll caiKin. " \ IrRinIa Oil ) Cbroiilflo , 7. " 11iim aiiilA of liunllils Hock la co lilin. " ft.u Krwctwo Chronicle. 5. "Tho Doctor' * IOIIR ojicrli'iico | .t upcrinlltl iilioiill rciulcr him A cry iicocMtul. " lloclj Maun lain Xc3. . Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At ono Union illocuwlon ol the eocrot > Ice waa crv UrilynuiKleil by the profession , ami mnllcnlorka lmt a fo\v > ears ngaonM hanlly inoullon It , Tu ilnv llio i > Ii j lchn In of a ilifTcrcnl opinion ; ho It an nro tint It In hi * ilulyU iRrrcM > lu though II maj IH > to liaiullo Ihli iimltcr wlthinil Klo\i8anil ! | > ik plainly nhout II : mill Intelligent parents nut ] giunllannvlll think him for dohiK no. The rmnllii r.tUiiilliithU ( ilcHtrnctholrc wcro or- mcrly not umlerKlooil , or not properly cBtlni teJ : nml iioluiportnncaMncnltACheil tonnibjert which by Ita tmtiiro iloca not liulto doeo ln\e tliatloiilt wu wIllliislylxnoTOl. Tlio hahllli RenernUy Cfinlractixl liy Iho jonna hllo attciulliiK echnnl ; older eompaiilotm through their uxample , may hi npotiHlhlo for It , or It may be aniulreil through nccMwit. The oxcltcmcnt once ex perlrncti ) , thu prnrtlco " 111 1 * repeated rifnln ( raid airnln , until nt lint thohahlt becomes llrm anil com plotcly UIBU\ tliolitlin. . Mental nnj norxous &f lllctliiiiii nro iHually Iho primary rcmiltn of nil ahtmo Ainoni ; the Injurious elli-cln may Ivo tncntlnncil lasil- tilde , dejection or Irranclblllty of temper mid Kciicral debility. Tlio lioy seeks nudiiilon , and rarely Joins In the uportu of hfii companions. If ho lx > n joung man liowlll ho little found In company \ > lth the other rax , nml In troubled ulth oxeccdlni ; nnd annojlng In their presence lAHcltlonn ilreams , omlnelona nnd eruption ) ou Uio face , eta. , are also prominent symptoms. If the proctlrolalolentlyrcrat tcd In.moroBcrlotu dlaturbaiiccA take plaoo. Uroat palpitation of the icart , oropUeptlacoinuIriouH , nro experienced , and .ho Bufferer may fall Into n complete Btato of Idlooy bo- f ore , finally , death relieves him. To nil thotio engaged In thia ( linfcrouB , practice , ! would Bay , ( lmt of nil , stop It nl once ; make o\ cry loxalblo effort to ilo BO ; but If J on fall , If > our ucrv out ) Btom la nlrcndy too much nlmttcreil , nnd conso- quonlly , jour will-power broken , Uko BOUIO ncno onlc to nfd } on In ) our uffort , ll&Ing freed J ourscll romlha habit , I uould further COUIIRC ! jou to go hroueh n renilar ( courno of treatment , for It In a Croat nlalAko to Bnmw that any ono may , for Bomn time , je t o\ cry no ntr c Kliehlmielf up to this lancinating lUtcUiiferouaexdleinent nufforlne from lit oII con i | ucneeg nt Homo future tlma Iho numncr if > onnpinunsho nro Incapnclutol to fill thoilutiei enjolntxl by ncdlock In alannlnxly large , nnd In most of finch ne thlt unfortunate condition ot thlneH can M ) traced to the practice of Hclf-abuso , which had been abandoned ) cam auo. Indeed , n tow months' practice if this hnbft In HUfllclcnt in Induce spermatorrhoea ! J aUr ) ( r , and I ha\ama > i ) of BUchca/wii under treat noutattho present da > . , , ' * ( ) Young Men Who may Im eufforlnir from the effects ol youthlul [ olllos or Indiscretions nlll do neil toavall IhonucUot til this , the crcatoxt boon over laid nt the altar ol eul- terlni ; humanity. DR. WACINKR will ( ruarnntco to tor- fclt001oro\crycnsao ( hcmlnal wcakncxa or prl\ate illpctkH ol any kind and character .whlcJi lioundir- laki.8 to and ( alia to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of BO to 80 who arc roublod with too frnqum t 01 ocuntlona ol Uio bind- ! cr , ellen ocoomi > anl d by a blight fauuUng or bum. ng scriBAtlon , anil a Hoakcnlii ) ; of the njateru In a nonncr the patient cannot account for. Uu cxiunlii * ng the urinary ikpoeJts a ropy mdlmcnt will often be ounUiixnil nomcUmoii nmoll partlclea of albumen will immir , or the color will be of thin inllkUh hue , again haiiKliiir to a dark and torpid anpcaranco. Tliuro are nany , many mon who dip of thli ililllcuUyliiiorant of ho causa , wblth In thu KOCOUI ! staco of Beinliml-wcuk- leva Dr W. \ > 111 piarantco n | ierfect euro In all casoi uid a tiealtby routoratlou of the ( icnlto-urlimry or- Coniultatlrm freo. Thorcmgh examination and ad- lee , 85. All communications nhoulil bo addroiwutl , Dr. Henrj Icnry Wajtnor , I * . O , 2389. Denver , Colorado. The YoutiK Mali's Pocket Companion , by Dr. H VoKiior , In worth Ita weight In gold tojoung mcti rloo l,25. Hout by mail to any address. A FBIEND TO ALL. Duo Wlio ia Nootlod nnd Nobly Fills his PJnco. Dcmor Ifl m ru fortuntto than she known In the > ojtic 'iii of Iho talciitHiuiduiiurKloaof a man who ion nlvon bin tlmo and thought not merely to the > trftct'nn ' of MM skill an a prautltlomr of liln pro oiwK-n c.l medicine , but tu tin blnJy of those pro ouiiil thli KH otndiiKo and imturu which fond totho lorn foinjilito iinilcrftanilliiKof the prnblctn of Ufa nd of the lawn of nacuro unit thu muaim of galiiln , ; lie KreatiDt practical gaoilit to mankind from the In orn atlon thud acquired In Iho ah tmct. Huch a mil In Dr. \Vaitni-r , who \ located at 313 tailtucr trout Dr. WaKiiorilaiotoil imny juats t ) Ihnnc- inMtloiiof UIR knowlid o no ccxwary to hln jnofoi. ojiln a iiuintKr olthe luadliu medical nohools of ho inOHt eminent and profound tcachcri , niich aniCH an Dr. UTIIHI and Dr , I'amwaht nji ] > 04rlnt , ' IIIOHK hl prcceptorA Kurdli hlndtndli'i tnd Here , hey conthiuoil In the Held of the practicing family lil-lrlin nml In the uxperlcnrcN of a man "I uxli-ii. Ivo trutl. Ho ) i ivfvIU'do > er > picllon of Iho Unl- ed HtutcH | k-tyliiKiitudloiii attention to the illflercnt li ra ( UiUtlcn of thu\itrluu | ortlons of the countrT , utrtlculirly with rt-irard to their iffrct , cllmatlo ami thtiwlioiipon nealthand tlio dUTo-ent formscifdls- anna. With the combined povtcni ol clone sillily , ex iimho olinnatlun unil almmt unllnilud practice , > r Waifner minofo Deintr three jean ago equip- veil an low have the > liht to clilm to battla the foe f mankind , the droidrd enemy , dl > co > v. In onlor to i-nderthoKriaUHtKoodtasoiluty , Dr. rt azntrilcci' t l to lay aildo the general hrjnchcs of practice and irlna all h > M r IH-kii' > wledio and pnncr to bear up- n hu file which : the army of limiloin vatti aKcnts In the t rtatent , UU wldooxnrunco | ) iod tauht [ hl'iiwhat wtapoin to n and which to lncardaiidftor e < | iilnlii ] ) ( himself u < bin trained iidtiiuiit wimo well iv'lo to udvUo him ho com. neiico I liuldly and ( vintldently hli attack. In call- niitloK the ruiults and nurtxra achlo\eil , It U only icUHfatt toknnwthoiloct r'l ) ) ultlonand itandliiK t < idaVhllo located In thU city , hU practice U by no uitain conllned to tin llmlti ncr this rcctlon of xiiintiy , IIIncorroKpondincoaiid opri > Hn bool n un ity In buik and hliotr hU poittwonof atlcld of ) iw.tlc houn 'cil only by the linen whkh bound the iiK'th and bicauth of the country , at d which has and him where tt man of hit ! Ill and Intellectiui,1 , tUinmentailtm'rvts to I e , anil iho Id to ho euabli ilm to rcui h Iho lilhttt uphcro of UHelulniM to auf crlnij hntntnltt the piano of llnm tlal liidojicii cncu. Dr. WaK'ur haiu-oiitilhuted ot hU protipvrl- ) to the autatanllal linprokunieiit of Denver In the ru.tlon . of allno block on Imimcr sir t.t , opponlto lU prvHiit ollla , No. 311. It will 1 rea < ly for occu ancy Ina ew wtoln , and Ii an uvlJunco that the 01 tor In to be numlwrud among the pern anent and olid eltlzem ot the metropolis of the pUliia.Hen [ - er Tribune , DR. H , WAGNER & 00. , m Larimer St. Address Box 2389 , DKNVKK , COL. UNITED STATES OF OMAHA. Capital. - - $100.000.00 0. W. HAMILTON , Proa't. S. 8. CALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW. Cashier ; DIRECTORS ; S. S. OALDWKLI. , B. P. SMITH , 0. W. HAMILTOH , Jr. T. BARLOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Aooounts solicited and kept sub- loot to sight chock. Cortlflcntosof Deposit Isouod pay able In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on demand without In terest. Advances made to customers on approvedsocurltlosnt market rate of Interest. The Interests of Customers are closely guarded and every facility sompatlbto with principles of sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on England , ! - land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- 'opo. Soil European Passage Tickets Collections Promptly Maae. United States Depository OF OMAiiA Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , HUCCESSOKS TO KOUNTZR BUOTIIEUS. Organised In 18CS. Organized as a National Bank In CAPITAL $2OO.OOO SUHVJjUS AND PROFITS - 915O.OOO omciia DIUCTOUI tliawAit KODITTU , Prculdenl. JOUN A. CRKIOIITON , Vice President. A Gi' run KODNTIB , Id Vloo ITcjIJcnl. A , J , forruiTO * . F. II. DAVIS , Cashier. VT H. aEO < ) utu , AsaUtant Cashier. Transact * a genera banking business. Issues time ccrtlDootoa bi rln ntercat Draws drafts on Sao Pranolsoo and principal cities In the United Statoa. Also London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal cities ol the continent ol Euro ft. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , 1210 DouglM Street , Omaha , Neb. , JUllard note WHOISUNACQUAINTID MlYH THC OtOQFtApHY OFTMll COOM- IRY WILL err ov CXAMININQ THIS MAP THAT THI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R'Y 1)7 the conlrat position of Its line , connects the Uantancl thn Wcut by the uhortcit route , nnd car- ricH paa cnizrm. without chnnco of rnra , between CmonRo ana Kansas City , Council Blutlj. I f-avcn- .vorlli. Atalil'ian ' , Mlnnoapolia and St. Paul. It 2onncotn in Union llcnota with all the principal tlmnofroad ULiwccntho Atlintio and iho 1'aolna Oocann. Ita rquipmcnt 19 un.'tvalcd and niaKUlll- ; ont , h'tr-r" uouipe > l of Most Comlortablo nnd UPititlful ljy CoAL-hcn , magnificent Ilorton llo * illiuna Clialr Care , I'nllmjn'a rrrttlest Palace Slcrpinc Cart , mid ihn Deal Line of UlnlnR Can i | ihi'V/orld. Tlnce'iiolns bntwccn Chlouco and MUvourl Itiver PalntH. TwoTraiui * betivreuChl * 3111.0 mill Mlnncnpolm nnd HI. Paul , via thol'amoui "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A New and Direct Line , via fleuoca and Knulta. uco. JUH rccontly been opened between Jllclmioud. N 01 folk , Newport News. Chattanoucca , Atlanta , Au- ruuta , Naslivillc. l.ouuvllliLcllnslDii. . Clnolnnall. Indmiiapolluand Lauyctto. and Omaha , Mllineap- olin mid at. Paul and IntonnedUtn poinn. All ' 1 hrouEh ruaoeuccrs Travel on Kant Express Trann. Tiokcti for > nle at all principal Ticket Oinooo in tl > o Dulled Mtatcu and Cauada. VitKIiyo chcckid IhrouRh and rates of fare al ways a4 law uj aompctltora thaloifer less odvon- tapcs. Tor detailed information , ect the W na and I'old- ertcitlio GREAT ROCK ( SLAHD ROUTE At your nearest Ticket uddrets fl.n. nADLE , C. ST. JOHN , I'm AOcnlMjr , UcalTtt , hfui. 1U NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. 9. F. DAVIS & CO . , ( SUCCESSORS TO DATIS * BNYDER. ) General Doalen la REALESTATE ESTATE OUAHA. Hayo for sale 00,000 acres oartlully selected landi i Kagteru Kobraska , at low prloa and on euy terms. Improved farms for ealo la Dougtu. Dodge , Collar , > Utte , Curt , Cumin ; , Saroy , Washington , Merlck , launders , and Butler Counties. Taxes paid In all parts of the Btato. Money loaned on Improved farms. Notary Public Always la office. Correspondence ipllflted BOARD $3.5O. AT 1114 DOUGLAS STREET. &OOD SQUARE MEAL , 25 I CENT 26 MCCARTHY & BURKE. UNDERTAKERS ! 118 HTH STREET , BET. FARNAM" AND DOUG ? ; 4- * ?