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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1884)
rA. . i T r o 017 / * / rTMr < n I > TTTTICI iutTi\A'v T A TVTTT A T X/ f THE DA1L5T BEE-OMAHA , Fill DAY , JANUARY 18 , 1.884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA , Friday Morning , Jan , 18 , Tlio Woallicr. ' For the Missouri valley : Fair wcathoi slightly colder in the northern portion nearly stationary tomporaluro in UK southern portion , followed by falling winds shifting to northerly , rising bn remoter in the northern portion , nsin follovrcd by falling barometer in th southern portion. LOCAL BREVITIES , A slioottnp fracas \\'M reported near Jef forsou precinct yesterday , but it was entirely without foundation. In peltco court yesterday morning there wen three cases for dlsturbnnco of the peace. Oni was fined So and coils and the other was ells charged , llov. S. P. Vnn'Doozcr , providing older ol the Albton district M. K. church , died at the resldenco of B. I ) . Slaughter , In I'ullorton , last night. There was a pleasant llttlo private partj In the b.-wemont of theJOpora House Wodtiosdnj About twenty-five couples took part In the dance. dance.A A now and very pretty dance w111 bo In , trodticod by the Homo Circle club for the llrst timont their party thli ( Friday ) evening , at Masonio hall. Several of the young people of Omaho who are up In the dramatic line wont tv I'lattemouth Wednesday to assist in giving an entertainment thcro. Andy Bordon's ticket oilico has boon newly decorated an to walls and ceilings and tmppllcd with n lot of hand painted satin ticket cases for travelers mo. It Is rumored that Omaha is to have an other big bank. It is also stated that Hon. 33zra Millard will bo the leading spirit and prime- mover in the now project. The ladles of tlio First Prosbytorjan church hold a sociable last evening at the residence of Mr. George A. Hoagland , corner of St Mary's Avenue and Sixteenth street. Chief Engineer Butler and Jim O'Urion ' , of the fire department , and Councilman Loader , went to Council Blulfs yesterday to witnohg the test of the new water works System at that place. There are moro soldiers run into the city jail for drunkenness and disorderly conduct , now days , than all other classes of men put together. It might bo a good plan to keep tlieio follows a llttlo nearer the fort. The sidewalks of this city nro in a horri ble coiulitlon , and it islmrdly safe to walk over them after dark , Unless they arc re paired there will bo , heavy suits for damages , and tint ) in the near future too. The Oinalm Auxiliary society of tlio Homo for the Friendless will meet on Satur day , .lanuary 10th , at S i > . in. , at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Dinsmoro , 1721 Capitol avenue. AU members are requested to bo present. Mr. C. li1. Smith , who has boon for abou a year past a clerk in the oflico of the auditor of passenger accounts , U. P. railroad , 1ms been appointed ticket and freight auditor of the St. Joe & Western railroad. Ho left last e\enlng for St. Joe , his ImadquatorB. In offering a resolution rolatho to the North Omaha sewer , lii'Tuesday night's conn- cil meeting , Mr. Anderson stated that ho had entered the sewer with a lighted candle and found that there was in reality , no sou or , and that heavy freshet under the present condi. Uon of things would prove very disastrous. Last night , about 10 o'clock , n man bj the name of It. A. Simmon1) was arrested and lodged In jail , charged with larceny. Ho had boarded at the corner of Eighteenth and Cuming streets and had appropriated two overcoats and ono under coat belonging tc Homo of tlio other boarders of the house. Before fore his arrest ho had disposed of the clothlnf at a pawn shop. Tlio Kuth llobecca lodge , No , 1 , gavi the Hocond of their aeries of hops last night at Masonic hall. It waa a delightful affair am' over one hundred couplon participated in the fortuities , Old men , with hair turned t < miowy whitonosa , were there kicking up the ! heels like young colts. Inlno'a orchcstn furnlnhod the music for a programme o twenty dances. A man was walking along on Dougln Ktrect last evening , and every other Atop h would raise his band and give his car a brusl lie was considerably Intoxicated , and did nc notice that Homo one had laid n lighted stu of a cigar upon his hat brim. It had sot fir to the hat and hail burned a largo hole in ! l mid was then tickling his oar. A police ollicc happened along at that time , and lifted tli hat from Ms head and quenched the fin The fellow probably thought that ho ha them , sure. There was an unusually largo crowd pro" ont at the roller rink last evening to wituoa the first of a nerlea of touiimmontH which ni to bo given at that place. Max Meyer < 15ro. , with their accustomed generosity , Imv made a beautiful gold medal , of exquisite d < tiign and finish , which Is to become the pro ) orty of any party winning it in tlneo couaoi utlvo contests. There were eighteen ontrlt fur the contest last night , which was won b Mr. Will Gratton ; who made the circuit < the hall In fifteen and three-quarters Hocond and took three rings In his course. Ho is no entitled to wear the medal until the next coi test , and ii also entitled to all the privilege of the rink. POST OFFICE EOBBERY ; Tlio Post Oflico ut Council Ilium * It ported I lobbed. Thcro WM a report current on ti atroots of this city yesterday tlmt tl post oflico at Council JSlufl's had boon o tared by three men , and all the mono poatajjo stamps , and valuables of uvc description taken. A telephone message was received ) Marshall Guthrie asking him to look o for the burglars aud arrest them if post blv. Tlio incssago stated that the parti had escaped into the woods north of tl city , ana that a largo posse of men fro the Bluffs were in pu uit of them Upon investigation it is found that 1 Swanson , postmaster at Crescent Oit ; Iowa , was Wednesday robbed of § 300 liis own funds , but that no govenimei funds were taken , Kg clue of the robber has as yet bo < discovered , NENV PAWN BROKER. Money loaned on Clothing , Jowelrj Watchotand Diamonds. A ! Smith , 01 South Tenth street. CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Rcgnlar Meeting Held ii the Council Chamber Last Night , Ordinances Ordering tliu I'nvhiR o Ccrlnln Streets \vcrc I'naseil Kstlnmlcfl From City Engineer , Etc. Attho regular adjourned mooting of th city council last evening there won present Messrs. Anderson , Bohm , Has call , Kaufmann , McGuckin , Murphy llcdfiold , Thranc , Woodworth and Mr President. I'ETITIONS AXIl COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor : Approving .thoordi nanco for curbing and guttering streets , Filed. From I * . M. Mullen : In regard t < error in taxation. Referred. Frcm executors estate of G. C. Moncll to city of Omaha : Docd for right of way for newer. Accepted. From M. Donovan : Asking that lot 2 , block 8 , bo advertised for salo. Re ferred. From John F. Ilolton and C. 11. Gil bert : In regard to payment of judg ments. ' Referred. A number of bills were referred with out reading. From various parties : Bidding forllio purchase of lot 1 , block 017 , advertised for salo. The bids ranged from § 105 to $250 , the latter amount being offered by John J. llardin. Referred. From W. J. Broatch and others : Protesting against allowing Goorco W. Homan to place hay scales in alloy in block liiO. Referred. From A. M. Clmdwick : In regard to judgment in favor of David II. Bowman. Ordered placed in next appropriation or dinance. An ordinance ordering the alloy inalloy paving district No. 10 rcpavcd with .Sioux Falls granite , waa passed. An ordinance ordering parts of certain streets in the city of Omaha paved vrith Trinidad asphaltuin , and parts of certain streets paved with Sioux Falls granite , was introduced and passed. The ordinance provides for paving with asphalt that part of Ninth street between Douglas and the alley south of Ilarnoy ; also that part of Cuming street in paving district No. Ill ; also that part of Tenth street in paving district No. 14 ; also that part of Eleventh street in paving district No. 15 ; also that part of Twelfth street in paving district No. 1C ; also that part of Thirteenth street in paving district No. 17 ; also that jiart of Fourteenth street in paying district No. 18 ; also that part of Fifteenth street in paving dis trict No. li > ; also that part of Eleventh street in pavint/ district No. 20 ; also that part of Twelfth street in paving district No. 21 ; also that part of Thirteenth street in paving district No. 22 ; also that part of Fourteenth street in district No. 23 ; also that part of Fifteenth street in district No. 24 : also that part of Howard street in district No. 25. Ninth street botwebn the first alloy south of Barney and the north line of the depot grounds kof the U. P. II. 11. was ordered paved with Colorado sand stone. St. Mary's avenue , in paving district No. 20 , was ordered paved with Sious Falls granite. ' The board of public works was ordered o advertise for bids and causa the above vork to bo done. An ordinance repealing the allowance f a bill to the gas company was passed. Several ordinances levying special taxes o cover the cost of grading certain troots , were passed , including Jackson rom Tenth to Nineteenth ; Fourteenth rom alloy south of Harnoy to Dodge iixteonth from Howard to Loavonworth ? onth from Douglas to Chicago ; Dodge rom Ninth to Fourteenth ; Fiftoontl rom Jackson to Loavonworth ; Cumin ; rom Sixteenth to Military bridge ; Elov nth from Douglas street ; Jones fron 'enth to Sixteenth ; Sherman avenue am Sixteenth street from Iz.rd to Lake , am Seventeenth from St. Mary'a avenue t < joavonworth. An ordinance levying a tax to cove : ho cost of curbing and guttering Thir couth street from the alloy south o larnoy street to Dodge street wa An ordinance levying a tax to covoi one-half of the cost of grading Seven tocnth street from Capita ) avenue ti Farnam street was passed. Also an ordinance levying a tax fo curbing , and guttering part of Tout ! street , near Piprco. Alto , an ordinance for constructing ; sewer on Eleventh street , from Jono street to twenty foot south of qlloy soutl of Mason street , Also , an ordinance forcurbing and gut tcring Thirteenth street to the allo ; lorth of Howard to Leavonworth street HK.SOI.UTIONH , By Bohm , calling for correct list c all saloons paying license , as many saloons eons uro reported as soiling without a li conso. Mr. Bohm said that ho know person ally of six or eight saloons which wor paying no license. Referred. By Mr. Hascatl ; a sidewalk resolution Adopted. By Mr. RcdQold , granting thirty day ; leave of absence to Mr. Jas. Crofghtoii chairman of the board of public worki Adopted. By Mr. Murphy , regulating the paj niont of estimates for paving und othe work done , providing for the rotontio of a certain per cent. Adopted , The city engineer presented the estimate mate for paying , curbing and guttorin the streets and alloys about the posl oilico , § U,017.75 , accompanied by a rose lution to have the same forwarded to ou delegation' In controls , with a request t liaVo an appropriation made , wn adopted. An ordinance appropriating amount due curtain contractors , as per estimate of the city cnginnor , was passed. RKSOIA'TIO.S'S. By Bohm : Authorizing the city ongiu cor to make certain improvements in hi oilico. Adopted. By Bohm : Authorizing the city uttoi ney to employ Lewis L. Rood to prc pare any maps and descriptions of Ian which may hereafter bo noodeci Adopted. Adjourned. Saratoga Notes. Your correspondent has boon rajuoato to note the depredations of some of th Fort Omaha soldiers , which of late hav become unbearable. On Saturday ovei : ing hut , near the hour of midnight , tw qf said soldiers , who were nvidently r < turning from a carousal , attacked th house of Mr , Rittcr , breaking window and otherwise disturbing the stillness c the night. They were pursued by Mi R. , who intended to sh nt them , an < would have done so had his gun bee loaded , but unfortunately it was nol They arc hereby warned to keep thoi distance. The first evening of our fair passed every very pleasantly. Rov. Mr. Copolam will give an address this oVoning. _ To morrow the full I' . P. brass band will b in attendance , which , together with tin drama of "Undo Tom , " will bo the prin cipal attractions. CUCKOO. IJucklcn'fl Arnica Salve , The modlcnl wonder of the world Warranted to upoeilMy euro Hurm , Cuts , Ul corn. Halt Ilhoutn , Fever Sores , Cancers. I'llo" Chillhlnlns , Corns. Tetter , Clmmxnl liandt anil all skin eruption , gnrnntceil to euro ii uvory Instance , or imnoy refunded. 25 cent per box. For ornamental trees , roses , shrubs clematises , ttc. , buy from thoBlooming | ton Nursery Co. of 111. , which contain ; iOO acres of fine stock. For spring plant ing of nursorystockaddress E.II. Elliott Dmnhn. N. B. Edmond Paulson , in au .horuod agt. 2t THE SNELL TKA3EDY , It nn Accident or n Murder. Special Correspondence Lincoln Journal. Not since the yet unexplained shoot' ng of Col. Watson B. .Smith has there > ccurrcd in Omaha , if , indeed , in Nobras < ca , an aflair possessed of so much melan choly mystery as the death of the woman called Jessie Snoll , on the night of Satur- lay , the lth ! ) inst. There are not want- ng witnesses of the shot which killed icr ; there are many and anxious assor- ions that it was accidental ; but to the mind forming conclusions from prool only , to him interested in the mystoriee of psychology , in this case whore scarce ! } a witness is entitled to credence for hie own sakp , there is room for doubt and peculation. It is allodged that vrhilo the pistol was > dinted towards the man Snoll. who hold t , the young woman now dead seized it > y the muzzle and caused its discharge nto her own breast ; that the great afluc- ion for a long time hold toward".Icssio , " > y Snoll , proclucdostlio idea of shooting ntcntional on his part. I have said that in this case the wit- icBaos are scarce worthy of crcdonco. 'Major" Croft , under whoso roof the ragody was consummated , was formerly Methodist preacher. lie has , in con- orsation , and maintained in his oxamin- ition , a ejuiot and [ ontlcmanly demeanor ; iis eye is clear ; his facobears no outward ividouco of iniquity ; his hair has that raniiiil | whiteness which reverential > ooplo have regarded as a crown of glory , ) ut no ono has printed or spoken a word if this man but onoof loathing and hatred , tameless and numberless deeds of shame ro charged by the popular voice to his ccount. A painful and , to the obscr- ant , unconcoalablo anxiety to establish , > y force of reiteration , the unintcn- ipnality of the killing appeared to occupy iis mind when before the coroner's ury. ury.To this end admonitory shakos of the < oad and meaning looks were available ij * the "major's" fourteen year old son when the latter was testifying. Tlio son was twisted into an unwilling admission , hat the weapon was in Snoll's liande when discharged. The statement is nol mportant evidence. The anxiety tc icroou excites suspicion. The "major1 lad professional interest in lessoning the atrocity of the crime. The moro accidon al it could bo shown to bo the less of r "hell hole" his retreat might bo considered orod by that lawless and unreasoning : reation of rhetoric , the same no twe lours in the day "tho public morality.1 Whatever other interest ho may havi lad , wo cannot know. The expression ; of grief of the bereaved young man , hii desire to provide for the funeral expenses cannot count for much. They are ni moro than a wilful murdorpr would certainly tainly feign to mislead justice. Ono would naturally suppose that th < immediate circumstance of the shootinj would have loft some rational and coho rout recollections in the minds of tin spectators , but their accounts are conllic ting and inadequate. It is diflicult t < imagine that when two persons won wrestling with a revolver , and when , up on its discharge between thorn , the oni who is mortally wounded turns and lie down to die , anyone should fail ti come to the instant conclusion o the terrible truth , But no ono appear ; to have had a suspicion of it but the bo ; who , the "major" "thinks , " said li "thoughfaho was "hurt,1' ' no doubt hav ing reference to her feelings. Ono evidence wo cannot mistakebotl hands of the woman were blackened b ; the powder. This black and dismal wit ness has no ax to grind and n < friend to shield. There is no roasonabli doubt that tlw hands were in front of th muzzle of the pistol. They could no have touched the hammer or the triggo of the weapon , and , in time to have tiooi blackened by the muzzle , retreated to thi front of the barrel. There are to-day holes in the clothe of "Jossio" made long before this occurrence ronco by the bullets of Snoll. She ha said that when ho came down she woulc not live long. There have boon men will moro common sense and tear of God thai cow-boys , who have , in a moment of rage foiled to the earth a dearer object thai this woman , of whoso character the les said the bettor. The testimony is unanimous to her fem caresses of this man Snoll during th evening ; that moro than once her arm twined around him and her lips spok tender words. There waa no trace o disappointment ; and yet I thought tha there might bo a melancholy moaning ii that , after receiving that wound , she die not cling to him in the agony of ai irreparable blunder , or utter ono syllabi of fond good.byo ; her trongth might no have boon equal to this , but it was cqua to her walking to the next room and ly ing down to die alono. Pel hops there had como to her a sonsi of indiBcribablo horror of such a death There is evidence that she came of gooc family ; her foot are spoken of as vcn small , her hair as brown and curling ; ho : face as not unattractive. Her sister is t largo landholder in Dakota. There is tin utmost pathos iu a letter written her b ; her mother. She regretted to hear of he ill-health , had trouble with her lung herself , hoped it was not consumption was ulad her daughter was marriedliopw her husband was a healthy man am wished for both their pictures. Thor was a remembrance of n little sister n homo , and to all those there will bo who a revelation ! Buy your fruit treesraspberries , blaci berries , grapes and nursery stock of an kind from the Bloomington Nursery Ct It contains 000 acres of fmo and gee < cultivated stock. For particulars addros E. H. Elliott , Omaha. N. B. Kdmoit Paulson , is authorized agt. (2 ( AN ICE WATER BATH , Twelve Cattle Singling in the Coli Waters cf the Missouri , Flvo of riicin Drowned nnel tlic lie mniiulcr Kcsoucd In nn Almost Mlblcss Condition. Last evening , just before dusk , a traveler olor attempted to drive a herd of cattli across the Missoui i river at the foot o Dodge street. Ho drove thorn upon tin river at a point where ice had boon cu and consequently it was somewhat weak As the herd advanced the ice began t ( crack , and the cattle all huddled together gothor , thereby breaking the ice nndth _ ( whole herd , twelve in number , were precipitated cipitatod into the cold and turbid waters Then commenced a struggle to save thorn from drowning. The poor , fright' onod and chilled boasts plunged in a wild and ferocious manner , lashing the watoi into a foam. They leaped upon and against each other , and bleated in a most pitiable manner. They inndo desperate attempts to free themselves from their perilous position by endeavoring to leap upon the ice , but it broke as they approached preached it. In a short space of tiiuo , five of the poor brutes succumbed and sank to the bottom. After a desperate struggle , the remaining seven were landed upon tlio ice , dripping and exhausted , and it is oven now questionable whdthor they will survive their severe drenching. People driving upon the river , at this or any other point , while so many gangs of ico-cuttors are at work , should bo very careful that they do not drive upon some spot from which ice has boon taken so re cently as to make the now formation of ice dangerous and insulliciont to sustain the _ weight of a horse , or horses and vehicle. An End to Bono Scraping. Kdward Shepherd , of Hnrrisburg. 111. , R.iys : "Having received BO much benefit from Klec- : rlc lilttcrs , I feel it my duty to let Buffer ing lumaulty know it. Hn\o had a running Roro nn my lea for eight yonrs ; my doctors tohl mo [ would have t hava the bono gcrancd or log imimtnted. I HBOC ! , Instead , three bottles of Clcctrio liittora and seven boxes of liucltlon's \rnlca Bah o , and my leg Is now sound ntul veil. veil.Klectric Klectric Uittora are sold at fifty cents a bob- ; lc > 8 , and Ducklcn'.s Arnica Salvo at 25c. per > ox by C. V. Goodman. A TOKEN OF KEGAED , Clio Ministerial Association 1'ass Resolutions of Heaped on tlio Dent hoi' iiov. O. K. Stcllln- . WHEUEVH , It has pleased the great Scad of the Church to remove from among us our beloved brother Dr.Georgo 5" . Stalling , wo , the ministerial associa- , ion of Omaha , dcsiro to place upon rec ord the following testimonial of respect and esteem : "In all our association with him our brother manifested a strength of mind , a jonorosity of judgment and a kindness of liourt that drew us all to him. Ho hold liis opinions firmly and advocated them with ability ; yet ho was neither an ex tremist nor a bigot. His creed was scriptural and evangelical , and ho defended it with a vigor that did honor to his noble denomination ; yet ho was over ready to acknowledge the rights duo to individual conscience. In the truest sense ho was sound as a thinker : in the truest sense ho was liberal oa a man. For more than a year lie pre sided over our association , and uniformly conducted the proceedings with skill and dignity. While this church has lost an able leader , his denomination a farsighted - sighted advisor , and Christianity in general - oral a most devoted and fearless friend , \vo have lost a tried brother. His family , his church , his denomination and our selves wo commend to God ; and of us all moy it bo said truly as of him , "Well done , good and faithful servant ! ' " W. H. HAUSIIA , Chairman Committee. REV. D. Si ONE , President. lliv. : F. S. BIAYNEV. Sec. A Stnrtlinji Discovery. Mr. Win. Johnson , of Huron. Dale. , writes ttmt hla wlfo had boon troubled with acute Bronchitia for many yoai * , nnd that all ruino- dloi tried gave no pornuuiunt relief , until he procured a bottle of Or , Ktnifa New Discover er- for Consumption. Couglis , nnd Colds , which had a magical effect , and produced a p. i mnnont euro. It la guaranteed to euro' oil Dixooaos of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchial TuLos. Trial bottles 1'rco at C. V , Goodman's Drug Store. Largo size 81.00. A Pleasant Piu-ty. At the residence of Mr. 'and Mrs. Woodard , 417 Fifth slreot , South Omaha , last evening , there was a pleas ant little party of friends atsomblod. A band of musio wa present , and the happy crowd indulged in tripping the light fantastic until quito a late hour. A fine supr r was served , and it was greatly enjoyed by everybody who par took of it. The /allowing is a list of those who partfcinatod in the festivities : Misses Maria Walker , Ella Logan , MoDonnald , Julia Mahoney , May Mahoney , Mrytlo Eshos , Mablo Woodard , Minnie Wood- ard , Lula Woodward. Messrs. Charles Walker , John Cent" , Jerry Lacko , F. 0. Douglass , II. D. Woodard , Thomas H. Gclcon , Jones Sherman , Mr. mil Mrs. Drahos , Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. DIED. BUCHTKL. In this city , January 17th , at 2 a. in. , Mrs. S. A. Buchtol. aged 23 years , 1 uneral Saturday , January 10th at 2 p. in. , from the residence , 21111) ) ChicoRo street. , OL'UUr.N-In this city , January 10th , Lucy Uurreii , ngod 25 years. Funeral will take place to-day , January th. at 2 ii. in. , from her late residence , cor ner iie\onth : and Capitol avenue. Friends iu- llted. A SeiibllJlo Man , A gentleman from Beatrice , who haa but recently completed an elegant resi dence in that place , came up to Omaha on Monday last to purchase his outfit needed for the furnishing of guch a house. In this ho displayed hii exceeding - ing good judgment. H0 had carefully ewmmod the price hstsof eastern houses in the same lines and found that ho could buy fully as cheap in this city n en the cast , and find iust as good an i omploto an assortment hero as in any ci t in the country. Wo append a list d some of the merchants from whom larg purchases were made : S. 1' . Morse , dry eoods SKX ) 0 Uowoy A ; Stone , fnrnlturo . . . . 3,3.10 , 0 S. A. Orchard , carpets 1,3000 Milton Kogcn , stoves 275 0 This proves conclusively that there i no bettor place in the country in whicl to buy goods than Oninlw , so whonevo you are in need of anything in any lim of goods , como to Omaha. Got your timber trees , such as cotalpa cnttonwood , white ash and many other of fine variety from the Bloomingtoi Nursery Co. , Bloomington , 111. For par ticulara and prices address E. II. Elliott Omaha , Jj'ob. N. B. Edmund Paulson is authorized agt. 2t SERIOUSLY INJURED. A Man Una Oycr bv BienflorfTs Dolly cry Wagon on ThlPtecntli. Street , Ho Sustained A Frncturo ol' the Shoulder nnd Other InjiirlcH of a Serious Nature An Accident. Wednesday about five o'clock , as one of Biondorfl's ' delivery teams was being driven under the bridge on Thirteenth street , an engine passed over the bridge , Tightening the team , which started to run. The driver pulled back upon them , ; hus throwing the polo of the wagon up. A man by the name of D. A. Jensen , who was crossing the road at the time , was struck upon the temple by the end of the polo and Knocked to the ground. Uoforo the team could bo stopped they tad trampled upon him. _ Ho was picked up in nn insensible con dition and carried into the coal oilico just north of the bridge , and a doctor sum moned. Upon examination it was found ; hat his right shoulder was broken , his icael badly cut , his arm severely injured , and that ho had also sullorcd severe in- cnml injuries. After ho had been made as comfortable as possible , ho was taken to his homo , near the corner of Tenth and Hickory streets. A gentleman who saw him yes- erday stated that ho had passed a very miserable night and is in a very bad con dition. The young man who was driving the cam at the time of the accident , drove lurriedly to police court , but as Judge 3oncko had gone homo , ho hastened to lie sheriffs oflico and ollbred to give limself up. Ho stated that ho thought ho ho had killed the man. No blame is attached to the young nan , as the team was unmanageable at , hp time , and ho was putting forth every effort to control them. Thu injured man is a man of family , and , just at this season of the year the accident is a dear ono for him. PEKSON/VU / Adolph Meyers and wife ha\o gone east , tea > a absent a month or moro. Mrs , Meyers' lome is In the east , nnd many friends will bo rejoiced to BOO her once moro. C. W. Anthonyx of Blue Springi , is at the Metropolitan. S. J. Shipp , of Milford , is at the Metropol- tan. tan.H. H. A. Graham , of Broken liow , is at the Metropolitan. Wm. W. Lewis , of hnmolllo , 111. , U at the Metropolitan. K. M. Underwood , of Chicago , is a Metro- tolitiu guest. W. I , . Arnn Alityne , of Lincoln , h at the Millaul. II. H. LocWood , of Lincoln is at the Met ropolitan. . G. S. Games , of Cliicsgo at the Metro * [ xilltan. James IL Wheeler , of l.incon the Metropolitan. F. F. Vogel , of Stromsburg , is a Metropoli tan guest. P. G.Wright , of Peoiia , U at the Metro- polltan. Samuel Chapman , of I'lattsinouth , is at the Millard. It. It. Livingston , of 1'lattsmouth , is at the Millard. A. IX Vocum , of Hastingo , is a Millard juost. juost.W. W. 11. White , of Tokamah , is at the Mil- lard. lard.T. T. G , Ferguson , of Stella , ig a Millard ; uest , Gco'rgo Yule , of Lincoln , is at the Paxton , J. C. Crawford , of West 1'oint , is n Taxton jueat , S. MBaiber , of SIher Creek , is at the Paxton. Frank H. Planck and Oacar rfodwallol , Mtndon , are at the 1'axton , G. II. Powell , of Lincoln , is at the Paxton , Con. F. G rover , of North Platte , is at the L'ftxton. A. It. Comorso and wife , of Cheyenne , arc at the Millard. Choice Hams , 12Ao per pound , at il5-2t GfcO. IIEIMROD'S. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbli powder never T rUi. A marvel of purll trtuzh aud wboletomtncii. llore economical thi he oUlu-ry kludi , and cannot be told Iu couipetltlc wltbthtmultUud * of low tcit , ihotl weight , alum o > boipbkt powderi. SoM only la ctnt. Iloyil UiV V Vovdtr Oa. , 104 Wall Stt t Now York. for infants and Children. Castorlnpromotes Digestion Vhnt jrlvci our Clilldren rosnr chceVn , nnd What cures tliclr fevers , makM them olcpp ; overcomes i'liiuilonuy , Coiistlpa- 'Tin Cmturln. tion , Sour Stomach Diarrhcco nnd , , Imblcfi nnd turns When fret by , cry Fovcriehncss. It insifros health nnd Whnt cures their cello , kills their wormi , natural sleep , without morphine. lint Cfintorln. What quickly ciirei ConBllpnUon , Sour Stomncli , Colds , Indigestion , " Castorla Is so well nclnptott to Children that UntCnutorlit. J recommend It ng superior to nu y prescription luiowu . " . . Farewell then to Morphlno Syrups , to me. II. A. AnciiKn , Jl. K , Castor 011 and Paregoric , and 831'ortlnnd Avo. , Ilrooklyn , N. Y. andHnllCnKtnrln ! CENTAUR LINIMENT-nu ahsoluto euro for Bhounm- tlsin , Sprains , liurns , Gulls , &c. Tlio most Powcrflil andPono- trnting Pain-relieving nnd Healing Remedy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. fsrSpoclala will Fosltlvelynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance , TO lOAN-Monev. TOI.OAN In sums of f.Uu. ami upwards MONKY ruiiniti1 , on Douglas County farm ) . \clclros8 "It. U. Patterson It Co. , teal catnto brokers' U04 lUtnam St 874'IS * TO LOAN The lowest rates of Interest MONEY ' Loan Agency , 16th & Douglu 23t ! 1\TONEY TO t/JAN In sums ol IHOO. and upward. 1VJL O. F. Ia\ia and Co. , Heat Kstato aud Loin Agents , 1605 Fnrnam St. 333-tf HBIP WANTB1) . I'ANTKD A tint class barber at Sli N. 10th St. I Immediately. 878-17 } \\JANTED A ( rood Innuranco Holicl or to work In r > Jowa tfit the old reliable northwestern mutual Life Insurance Co. Allccral contract Kill bo Riven to the right man. For particulars address John htcel General Agent , Omaha. 860-21 \\7ANTEI-Agcnts to soil looking glass clock &o. IT on weekly pa ) mints. Iilheraltommljslon. M. F. Martin 1014 Clark St. near cor 20th. 830-10 T\7ANTEU-Olrl in small family. Inquire nt C. J. Canan&Co. , ISthSt. SOt-tl \1 AXTED A jlrl for general housenork at south > > west cor. 21st nnd Webster bts. S07-llJl ) ATT' 'l'ED-An apprentice boy at Evcelsloc Jla- > > Oilno Works. 109-10 f ANTED AoungRlrl to doll ht housework , T t and taKecaro of children. ( German preferred ) at 411 N. 17th b' . 870-17 " \WANTKD A goo I gtor \ \ ( ireneial house work. V > Apply at 812 South 18th St. S77 111 T\7 ANTEU A tlrl for K'tni'ral hou e\\ork at south T T west corner of Howard ana Fourteenth S s. WANTED firsttlass coat make-s , highest prices pala and toady work guaranteed ut AHLC ! & Co'a , Ieii\er Ciloiada. S33-17 T\7"Ai < TEl > A girl to do general nous-work. Ap- V T ply immediately at 2000 California street. S30-17 § WANTED A German dining room kitchen girl. Hesso and Hoppc , 418 S. 13th St , between larnev and Howard. 665-tf BIT UATIONS WAMTEP. "IT ANl'ED Employment by JOUD" man , trn t V > worthy , good at figures etl Addriss "J. Fv- IJee oilico. S58-175 TTCfAXTEU Atituatlonaswaiterb } ajoung Ger- V > man. Can gi > e best of referentcs Address "C. E."lJco ollicc. S39-171 ANTKD-hituation by llrstoa s took In hotel or iirhnte family. Itefetcnccs gitcn. Addrcsi II I ! BKK olllce. SS7 21. WANTED Situation bv an experienced grocer ) clerk , who speaks EnglishDaul-lund German. Address " ( J. L."Gianbecks grocir > corner Oth and 'ierco St. 857-19J "V\'ANTED Uy a ) oung man from Ogallala , a posIT - IT Itlon , has been ii'ghtcicik their , tan work kt almott any kind of worn. I will work for small wages this time ofear. C.V. . Johnson , Beootllcu. S7S-17 ! TTTAN TED Situation by a danisa girl to do gen- V V eral housework in a good American family. Address 56.'i llth street between Dodge and Capitol A > cnue. TIT" ANTED A situation as cook , by a lad ) of ex it pcrlence. Address "K. W. " 851-181 A Young man des'res ' a situation ns osslttint book-kceptrorworkln any kind of ofllee , where asteadymar Is wanted. Wages mtsa much ait ob- ett as a position. Address "C. T. I' . , Bee olllce. 843-275 A situation to do lututework ii a WAXTKD small family by a good German girl. Innuire at 313 notil ] 14th St , S4I-1 ! § ANTED A situation by a roan who li apcifect 1" I'inn.rcook. Addtcsu Ch licckor , Citv part ar.d sjj : Brlnd ht. , Ccutcil IBuffs 35 17I1 ' ' W'AM'KD-SituatlonmtiousB keeper , nurse or cock , thoroughly coialHuiit aud good refor- ence. "Y./"Bioulljo. 838 17S WANTl'.D By an experienced firmer awl stock breeder , a eituatlun as farm manager and u. lorintendcnt of a stock and grain farm. Twenty ears' experience in the feeding of cattle und sheep or market , togither with tlwirrowing ami fee Ing of roots. Address "C. " Bee ollicc. 820 101 A GENTLEMAN book-keeper of 01 er 12 } ears ex- ixjrlenco , and at present eonne'cted with una of ho leaillng llrms of this city , Is open for engage , merit. Address "limes , " Bie ollicc. 739-17 $ MISCELLANEOUa WANTS. \\\NTiD : To borrow ti.MX ) for flve > enrj at 8 ? percent interest , on illy imiiro\ed prapert ) . Addros * "S , " Ilao ollie S o'l8 { WANTED Furnished room for light house kf eii- Ing. ltefercnec c ch ugeil. Address "A. U1 V Bcoollltt. 850-1811 WANTED A few moro boarders at 1403 Cass street : 855-231 WANTED-To Invest el h ) or ten hundred dollars with sscnleea as book-keeper , or In some oth er clerical capacity. Would loan the money to em * ilocr. Address "C. " lies olllce. 819-20j WANTJ5D I'artner In land bmlncM. * 500 will buy rflsnlf Interest In a well cstalll.hcd , finely adiert ted n Xpaing roil estate and loan builness n town hu > lngTHO railroads , In southern Nebraska Flnc'rountrr oa kcellent chance for an energetic and refcpon lblo njantof experience. Addrew"llcal Estate"JJ.o olllce. 818-211 \xrANTED To trade flue single horse and a T T splendid carriage orbuggy toamfor realesUU BAllKEIl li MAYNE , N. K. corner 13th andKarnam , 7M- I T ADIES OU YOUNG MEN in city or country to Lj takn nice , light and pleasant work at their onu homes : 92 to 85. aday easily and quietly madejwoik sent by m ill , no cainasslug ! no etamp for reply , ricose address llcllablo HA"'l'l { Co. , 1'ullidelnhla 1'a. drawer TO ' i 7U-ino | | FOR KENT Bouses and Lots. IJlO't KENT Fhe room house totith ISth street No. ItKO. JOHN O'NEILU ' S05-19I ITiOUltEJiT-.Toafam'ly ' ele- . .1"gantly lurnuhed rcildeno. In best part of the city or C'npllollllll. 10 rooms , 1'urnacu aud all oiodorn luiprettmenls. AddriTM by letter ' \\"lee nllic . ' NI4-18 _ _ _ If > 0ll KENT Cottage oa 17th St. near Unonport. 1 S. LK11SIAN. f FOK RUNT Handsomely furnlthed loom , healed by furnace Capitol a > e , 710 155 FFOIl FOIl KENT 5 rourn home on Webster west ol IBih St. S. T. 1'utuiteii , real estate event , mth aud Uou'lu. ' 6 < U-tf FOIl KENT FurnUhed room ) , 1810 Dodge it reel. 780 * t | FOU llENr FnrnlihoJ room 1617 Cblcazo ht. &Sut ( > R UUST A nlocly furnUhed front parlor to let with or without bond , I Full HKKT Anewhouro , Brooitx , Uy luindow. Doublecoor , tor. 1'oclUo abd ISth treit. .iT-23 ( FOB IIENT Viultofiinfiinilihcl room * at cor. net IStli Mid Capltul a > * . 651-1SI 37IOU REST Twenty hoiuof , Innuire UcCij 1 Urcs oppoaiu I'ost tittlce , M8-H FOR KENT Furnished room with board , few daj boarders , 1814 Davenport. S3M9 ] OR RENT Furnished front room 606 N. 18th. 70M3I "TTIOK HUNT A larjro Discincnt , also entire second X1 door. Inquire 1113 Hamcy St. 802-13 KENT A well furnished ream onlSth street , FOH S blocks from the opera house. Inquire nt 017 toutb 16th street. 787-1711 FOIl KENT An elegantly furnished alcove room , south exposure , all modern conveniences , finest location In Omaha , y. W. Cor. 18th and Farnam streets. 737-tf FUll KENT Uomlortablo front room , south-cast corner Fourteenth and Davenport , suitable for t o gentlemen. 653-tf HUNT Furnished rooms on the northwest FOU cor. 18th and Capltolarcnuo , formerly Crclliton House. 189tf UKNT Rooms In Nebraska Natlomv Bank FOIl BulMlntr. Most desirable olDces In the city Supplied with hjdraullo elevator aud heated b steam. Apply at Bank. 826-11 ' FOK BAl.h. HALK ull UKNT House and naif lot on cast FOU Bide ISth St. , bet. la\cmvorth ami JIavoii. In- t [ > ilro at a. A. Llndipicst 1-00 Famam. KI2-at f > OIl SALE A llrst clt s lot on Sherman o.c. . , near I'opptrtcn's Manxlon. A great Vanoln < > f sold In ono \\cck. A. HAUNDEHS & CO. , opposite thu Paxton. 03-23 SALi : A real statu mort agu of P5fO. at a FOIl asarg ln. Address "fl. MoitRoge , " Bee otlice. S01-21 I poll SALE Oil llKNT-Farm : i miles from cit.\ . 1 In < | ulrof Mrs. Mcjcr , oxer Kotder'i Urui-tore 10th and Webster. 872-tf SALE Nice residence and full lot S II. cor : FOU 2Jinnd Tca\cnworlh$1000 , out- Block from Sc. car. . 871-231 : FOR SATjE-150 hold , dlftcrcnt grade and ages. 1IIHAM , v JIANUKL 1IOYEU , 84a-tf Scftanl , Xeb. FOU SALE Tare V How canary singer anl jiure green at 218 N 9th &t. 788-1711 Foil SAHn General storc.twith brick a llomishlnK Nebra ka town , st re ilolns a bus iness of 81H.OOO per ear. BAKKKU & MAYNE , N. K. corner 13th and Fernam. 76S-tf FOIl SALE Stock of general merchandise and building , \aluedat about $5 , 00. Address Bet - 61 , Firth , Neb. 761 tf. FOR SALK Two portable holltrs , 10 horse nontr Appl ) at t . FIT/.PATR1CK , COS-tf 218 South ISth St F01 SALK-Leading hotel in a Ihcly Nebraska , town. For particulars address or call at thfr olHco of BAUKK11& MAYNE , N. E. corner Farnam ana 13th Sts. 757-tf FOR SALE A small JIo < lcr , Bihman &Co. , fire proof safe , almost new , at this otllce. tf FOIl SALE Farm 18 acres , now house , barn and outHiildmss , shade and fruit trees , small fruits In abundance ; excellent location , 4 miles from post- olllce , J mlle from school. Just'the tiling for"tiuck" farm or dairy. Prlco S2,800. Will raise In 30 dajs. Q. K Doane & Co , Real Kttato Agents , 15th and Douglas stn its. 071-tf TTiOHaALE My two etory brick residence , 19th JD and St. Mary's avenue. Large barn , out-house , water wor s , well arranged. Lot 60x200. Pike 87.500. Best Bargain In Omaha , Call at M. Toft's People's B nk. 277-t SALE 12 lotd one l.toclt west ol Park avenue FOU nue cara Lota 60x150. Will Bell the whole tract ( or $7,100 , If sold before Januarylst , 1834. Real es tate owner ! bid thU bargain , K you call at People Bank. 27a-t ( _ "TT OK SALK Choice business property , three lot JD cor. Saundere and CharVes Streot. It will pay } cute to Investigate this Oder. Call at People's Bank. 27B-U _ _ _ FOH SALK Improved property , which will pay the bnj er 20 per cent ou the Investment. Kent * I1 : ( or 81,0 0 pi > r year. AU occupied by lint cl&tn ten * ants. Will sell ( or Stuoo , II sold BOOH. Altorono- half each , balance , one to Arc years. The aboie In- \C8tment Is worth InvcBtigatlon. Call at the People's Bank. jso tf ? _ n pOLLEll CATTLE AND OLYDKSDALK HOUSES. i To Biib'cilber Is taking orders ( or spring Im portation ol the abe o. Prices lunch below those at auction sates. References to those nupplled. John JIcCuIloUi. 111. Trustaud Sav. Bank , Chicago. SOS 2mt FOK SALK A first claw eeoond hand top buirzy Call nt 181B llarnev trp t. fl7 ( _ TJIOH HALK Old newjpRpera in Urge and rmill J quantltlea at this olW t' MIBCELLANEOUa. FOl'.VO A hnnt'ni ' ; ilo-r. OHiikrnui lave tama py pro > tngpropiriy and lajliiiroxtwiiM ! . . Ap ply to J . W. Barrett , U P. L.Kal ; Vre ght olllrc. _ _ _ bSl-1711 T AhEN UP On my prennsen on ! > ; . 15. i s ? , In JL e t Omaha , onu Cream Colored Puny , biual white > iwt in ( orehfad.inane and tall a little ilirkfr than the l dj. JAS. K VANIIKKCOOK. 825-5t lenkj _ S TO LUX l-'rom stable on 17th St. Iwt. Hurt ami Welster , ono Urge bUtlc pou ) , niare aciout ulv yearn old smillears , no shoos oaplaln Jialtei u.ark , property ot Qeo. UcKciiilu. Leava at Atuoo.1 . it Ko\ Itiid bun , on 18th and be rtoardcd , 8IM7 { 'T > YI.EK& COMPANY book-ke perandatountant . X Kxaiulno and adjunt dU-arrangcd books In a svi. tcmaito mill accurate luanncr.'i UIni ; correct ba'aiic'iw will tpeol lly attend to pofctlnjf up looks each il < \\tiaiu the nr ) lcei of a book-keeper are nqulicd but a ( ow hours , making out linolcct , statements , ad any oorreupondenoo conlldeiitUll > , also make collec tion ) . Olllce at P. Bo } er and Co. , 1020 Farnam 8. . _ _ 84s-lmo. . EDWARD KUEHL , . , CONDITION. 8. 303 Tenth street between , Famam and U r. ooy , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtaining M ) one gUapeoftb past and pre ent. and th corUln conditions la the future. Boots and ihoe * mala order. Perfect mtlatactlnn giiaran > jeil - Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. AS USEFUJD IN A GROCERY STOKE -a A rm or COUNTKIl SCALES.1 . . , , ,