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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1884)
THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , FKIDAY , JANUARY 18,1881. ft DAILY BEE. I I COUNCIL BLUFFS , Friday Morning , Jau , 18 , 'stnfscnUTiorf UATKS : 110.00 per Year OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Strost , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Additional local on sovonlh page. Cheap railroad tickoU at nushnoH's. Mm. Noltio P. l'ox will locluro this evening on "Spiritualism. " The museum of anatomy now exhibit ing in Omaha is soon to open in this city. Permits to marry vroro issued yostor ? day to the following persons : Francis L. Everett and Elector Doldcn , of this city ; D. II. Bolto and Caroline llohorhostcr , of Nooln. Mr. J. S. Rand died at his homo in liardin , Wednesday afternoon. It was thought lie was on n fair road to recove ry , hut n sudden cold aggravated his troubles and death speedily ensued. The Nonpareil is undergoing a change. . .7.V. . Chapman having arranged to stop down and out , his one-third interest be ing purchased by J. J. Stcadman of the Creston Gazette , who it in understood Will assume control. Yesterday about 1 p m. a man was trying to Bleep oft" the effects of whisky in the alloy justnoutk of Broadway , near Main street , when a mischievous person placed a largo fire-cracker under him , which when it wont off caused a largo crowd to collect , they thinking tprobably another murder had been committed. Mayor Bowman haa filed a motion for change of venue in Justice Vaughn's court in the case of George Wcsnor vu. the city , claiming he cannot receive jus tice there. Wosnor sues the city for $23.08 for 108 yards of dirt placed in front of S. N. Portorfiold's residence. Mr. Peter Wois , of the firm of Wois & Clausen , was made the happy victim of a surprise party at his residence Wednes day evening. On his return homo from business ho found his parlors filled with friends , who had brought their own music Irl sic with them and wore prepared for a roorry timo. The preparations wore not t in vain , and a merry time , indeed , result ed. The occasion was the fifteenth birth day anniversary of Mr. Weis. The Turnvoroiti and the Maonnorchor have decided to unite in a concert and ball for the benefit of John Braun , the unfortunate man who fell from the top of the Masonic temple , upon which ho was at work. The poor man was fortunate - tunato in escaping with his life , but the injuries ho received have incapacitated him for work , and his family being de pendent on his Inborn are in a destitute ; condition. IIu i.i almost a stranger in this land , having boon hero but a short time , and a more worthy object for help could hardly bo selected. The tickets , with such a came in view , should moot with n ready Bale. Mra. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting > a specialty , 604 S. Main at. , up stairs. VKIISOXA.IJ. City Editor Woodbrldge , of tlio Omaha Herald , won looking at the wntor workx tosta yonterdnv. , Coroner Kout , city editor o ( the llopubll- can of Omaha , , cntuo over yesterday , but find ing no business other than sight-seeing , re turned homo thinking of the Imi > ro\ouient8 inndo here ulnco his last \lult. Col. W. 18npp him returned from DOH > Mollies. Air. Win , llynu , iiHsintant ouginoor of the Omahit fire dttpcrttncnt , VRH in the city you. terday. AV. II. Strickland , buutnoiM inunngor of .Shook tc Colllor'd original Union nquare "Lights o' London" company , IB at the Ogden den , where he will remain for xevoral dny . Prof. MoNaughton. the Huporlntomlout ofml the city schools , has gone to St. iTo to attend A mooting of the jmbllo uchool Mtporlntond- enU of the various citloa of the Missouri val ley , the object of the gathering being a dis cussion of school and educational matters i in general. Mr. It. T. Hooker , general Htock agent lof the 11. L , wai noticed at the Ogden yoater day. I Mark Thaiz , spoilt for the Ban Frauds c mpany , registered ut the Ugdon. Mr. Crostuwalt was at the I'acific ycstor J jr. Air. C , came from Atlantic especially to witnosB the water worka test * . Mr. Charles L'oaae , go\crnmont onglneor located in Omaha , wan over on thin aide of tbo river yesterday. Mr. O. J , Klug , nupotlbtoudont of tlia government ornment bnildlog about to ho erected here , ftt the Pacific , and cnn lie found nt rooii Mo. 40. Mr , 1 $ , KillowEj- , proprietor of tha O Jau Home , and hit ulfe , came from Cellar Jtuj Idi to witness the % sater works tent * 'und th opening of the new opera IIIJHBO , Mr. M. White , u' Chicago , In xtopptnt ; Jlechtelo'a. Harry II. Uraiiibridco , nn oldtlimtra itel ing man from Chicago , was rrgtHtered ye Ui ilajr at the Ogdon. Chief Butler , of the Omaha fire dqmrtinor took view of the UwU made yesterday , ifter UlnluK ftttheluclOc. Mr. F , If. Whitney , a prominent grid ruin of Atlantic la at the Ogden. George P. Wouilhelui , who U conuecto with the Oinalin flro department , took illnue nt the Pacific and witnessed the mcceufti teats made ywtonlay on our waterworks Attend Casady , Orcutt & Yroncli' great sale , to make room for sprit ) lock , Price * way down. ' The Home Laundry makes a special of first-class wprk and guarantees eatis faction. OflicolOT South Main street A trial aohcitod. V , 'f < > ' TRULY TESTED. The Water Worts Send Up Six SolU Streams From Different Points at Once , Other Exhibits Made in the Presence - once of Officials and Oitizonsi A Iook at the Machinery. Yesterday woa a great ono for Council Ulufls , it being the time sot for the testing - ing of the water works. At about 11 o'clock in the morning the city ofilcials , the county board of supervisors , repre sentatives of the press , and others , gath ered at the city building and from there took carriages for the pumping works , whore they were shown the machinery and the general arrangement , under the guidance of those interested in the com pany. Questions were answered , the workings explained to those who did not fully understand thorn , and the visitors had an excellent chance to watch the big pumps as they did their work like giants at their case. A glance at the register showed that with all the appar ent ease of movement , the machinery moving as smoothly as though of velvet , there was being pumped about 2,000 gallons lens every minute , or at the rate of be- between three and four million gallons a day. AH this mighty volume of water was being sent through the iron arteries and veins all over the city , there being about - ' ! miles of mains for the water to trail through , and yet all was moving as though it was the lightest bit of pastime. The visitors were particularly pleased with the machinery , all being in dupli cate , an assurance that in any event the works could run , despite accidents. The perfect finish , the thoroughness of the work , have all attracted attention and comment before. After viewing the huge reservoirs , the company proceeded to the riviir to view the viaduct and mouth. There was little - tlo to bo seen by them but ice nnd sand , however. The real interest and excitement of the day centered in the public tests given. This not on1 y interested the oflicials and committees , but largo numbers of outside citizens and visitors from abroad , who gathered about each hydrant , and every stream thrown into the air had a crowd of eager watchers , and every time that the water wont skyward a little higher than was expected , exclamations of ad miration were heard on all sides. It was amusing to hear the comments , nnd the estimates of distance , they varying greatly. There was a striking unanimity in the opinions in ono respect , however. No matter how much diiTcronco of esti mates as to heights and distances , all ex pressions vroro to the efl'oct that the water works was certainly in shapn to furnish all the water and all the power needed , oven in case of nn extraordinary flro. The testa required under the con tract with the city were various , but the company submitted to much moro than was required. One of the tests was that there should be six streams from six different hydrants in the business part of the city , thrown to the height of ono hundred foot , at the aamo time , the streams to bo thrown through ono inch nozzles. The hydrants selected , instead of being in the business portion of the city , were scattered from ono extremity to the other , ono being near the ICock Island depot , ono near the old Wabash depot , ono near Stewart's packing house , ono near the Ilall school building , ono near George Koolino's and ono by the Pacific house. At each of those hydrants was stationed - tionod ono alderman and a committee of citizens. THK Bur. had an observer sta- tionoil in Fairmount park , the highest point in the city , and with the aid of a - iipld glass nil details could bo brought to him , while with the naked eye the six streams could all bo soon at ono time , a most beautiful sight indeed. The wind was strong and very unfavorable for a good test , the broc/.o being strong enough to break the streams und sending them into apiay when reaching a great height. As seen from Fairmount park the streams . seemed , nevertheless , quito solid and strong. That at the Hall school build ing seemed tko best , it climbing up to a diuy : hight , while the eye swept toward the south onto the moro open land \rhoro - there was nothing to break the wind , the streams Boomed not so good. The streams as soon from the location of the hydrants were in some i aspects - moro satisfactory than from the park. - That at the Pacific house was watched - by a largo crowd , and admired greatly. It turned far above the hotel , and wont Hying over the ball on the ti- | top of the llaj stall'of the Nonpareil building. This stream , like the others , - wai a Hue ono , but yet was thrown under disadvantages. Aside from the fact of the strong wind , the nozzle was an inch : and a half one , instead of an ono inch. The nozzles used at the other points - were also n quarter of an inch larger than the contract called for , but there wore no ono inch nozzles to bo used , and so tlio , company submitted to this additional turdou. The streams thrown at the other points were estimated to bo fully up to the requirement , and those who , OV. claimed that they fell short , admitted Is I that the difference in thu size of the mzzles would moro than account for it. Another sot of six hydrants was then : tojtod in a similar mnnner , mx at reams at once. Ono of those streams was at noil- tha mayor's mills. It was a beauty , and wont up over the top of that high building - ing , ono of the highest in thu city , the stream being over a hundred foot. At the city jail another fine stream was thrown , and the other . < four were oven bettor than on the test of the first six hydrants. The third test was to throw two ttroatns simultaneously from the highest point in the city fifty foot into the air. The company submitted to trying three places at onco'instoad of two. The places chosen were Fairview cemetery , nt the high school and at the last hydrant on lint street. This was successfully done the stream at the high school , the highest - est point In the city , was fully fifty hin tlio air. That at Fairview cemetery was not so high a point , and hence a still bettor - tor stream was thrown there , and itm South First street the stream went ip ' seventy feet. Then there was ' A test at u hydrant opposite - posito Bayliss'park , the smallest sized . main m the city , Two powerful streams were tlirow from this at one time , the . twin streams climbing up into the air ' a height of about eighty feet , it being high enough to wet the top of the Bloomer school building spiro. Aldormnn SVood was anxious to see how much of a stream could bo put through ono thousand foot of hose , and accordingly this request was complied with , nnd hose being thus laid , ft grand stream was thrown over the court house , drenching its now roof down nicely. The numerous tests showed conclu sively that there ii no building in Coun cil Bluffs but what a strong stream can bo thrown over i . As to the height thrown yesterday there were various estimates. City Engineer Tostovin is the only man thus far hoard from who took anything like , accurate measure ments. Ilo measured the stream at the hydrant on Sixteenth ovcnuo and found it to reach a height of 105 feet , and oth er moosuromenta taken by him were likewise satisfactory. The wntor worka company may well fool proud of the day's trials. The works were not strained cither. A glance at the indicator in the city building showed the press to bo 120 nt thotmmping house , and ordinary figure , considering the fact that , if needed , ICO pounds pressure can bo put on. It is to bo regretted that Mr. Ilopkins , the president of the construction com pany , could not have been hero to BOO for himself the satisfaction which the tests gavo. Mr. Harry Birbinkino , the engi neer , who has done .iJ valiantly in over coming many obstacles , showed his usual courtesy yesterday in arranging details and complying with requests. Mr. W. S. Bolton , the engineer of the Knowles pumping works , was on hand to look after the Knowles pumps used in the works hero. The ofllcial reports of the several com mittees will not bo put in tabulated form and made public for sonic days yet , but whatever their figures may bo , the public was pretty well satisfied , yesterday , that water worka which arc able to fight six big fires at once , in different parts of the city , is about what Council Blufi's has needed , and what it has now got. Last evening fifty leading citizens of Council Bluffs joined in a telegram to Mr. Ilopkins , of Now York , president of the company , congratulating him upon tlio successful test of the water works. A FEISKY POMEE , Ho CctH CiiHh On Two OhcokM nncl Then SklpB Out. A man went into the grocery store on the corner of Broadway and Madison atroot , late on Wednesday evening , and bought groceries to the amount of four dollars , and in payment of the same pro- Bunted a chock for § 15 , purporting to bo signed by Deere , Wolla & Co. , and ask ing the grocer to send the goods to his residence. Upon his claiming to bo an employee of the above firm , the grocer gave him § 11 in exchange for what proved to bo , upon the opening of the bank yesterday morning , a forgery. The man then went into the Broadway meat market and ordered two hams to bo delivered at his house early yesterday morning , and again offered a check. The butcher being unable to give the neces sary $1-1 duo in exchange , kindly con tented to hand out all ho had in the store ? 0 in cash and the individual , very thankful for this small favor , con sented to call in the morning for the balance. The butcher is waiting wo expect with a cloavpr in his hand to find this follow , but in all probability ho has skipped out. No goods were deliv ered in cither case , but the money was. Messrs. Deere , Wells & Co. have no idea who the person vrns who took the ' liberty of presenting these forgedcliccks. THE COUNTY BOAED , Tlio ISuntls Fixed Upon Tor the Now Court House. At the meeting of the county board yoatorday morning the perplexing bond question was fixed up. It was decided that the best plan would bo to issue 1GO,000 of bonds for the now court house , and § 10,000 for the now jail , the bonds to run ton years , the rate of inter est to bo 5 ' per cent. No special levy will bo mad'o for the first five years ex cept to moot interest , and then the SIX will bo made suUicient to take up ? 10,000 ) of the bonds each year till all are paid oil' . This proposition will be submitted to the people to vote on besides that of 1ihn ' ' -1--11-- if t- ihn qu - - - - - - - - - shall Ibi put up , Last evening James U. Craigmile , bug- gagumastor on the bridge division of the U. P. railroad , was united in wedlock to Miss Myra , daughter of Judge Abbott , by the Rev. Mr. Mackayat the residence of the bride's parents. The newly united couple leave to-day on an eastern tour , and take with them the well-wishes of many friends. Mr. Craigmilo is an esti mable youug man , who has boon in the service of the baggage department of tlio Union Pacific for some timo. THK BKK congratulates him on lib good fortune. Private lessons on china given by 8. D. Ilohso. Studio No. 12 JST. Main street. SPECIAL NOTICES. KOTICK. Special adtcrtlsemonti , mcb aa Lett , Kound , To Loan , For Bale , To Ilont , Want , lloord. Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In tills column at thu low rate of TfcN CKNT8 PKU LINK for the ( tret Inwrtlon and KIVK CENTfl PKIt LINK for eaoh Bubseiiuont In- tortlon. tcatu atlvertl emenU at ouroliico , Mo. 7 I'earl street , near llroadav WANTS. Mth | | > OD ) , toiltlhurTiir. HK . "IIT'AKTKII Experienced dining room l , Wau-ia T ? (16. pir month , O Jcu HUIKO , Council llliifr * . o a. a.1 \ 1AMhll Kxcry body in Council Uluffato taku VV Tuillii. Dillvcrud lyiarrkrat only twenty mita . a ueiik. WANTKU Anaif man in Nebraska to look after the bnilnem of oiiu of the beat mutuil bonctlo'ary ' llfo ntmancx- eon > | ianlc * IHIVV Inroriur. ate I. lt ( trcMPf ruiulrml. Lltaral pay for thu ri ht rumi. Ailiiuuj J. W. lIxKottlio Ouiincll | lliia , OM low ) PAPJIHS Fur mlu at 1I K otlloo , at 'JMctnu a huudrvd. KUHAUOIIEAP-Aioi : > J lo.ii . , wc.ll ktookid , .rood lUturoii go < Hl locution , two IKKI ) taMci. . . . _ . , . . . . . . Clurliw f 4 . - I Hit Itn ! o "tf Ult HAI.K-Tlio uhelu or Vmlf lukrc.t in a ( 'tu- J. ' vral meritiandUo utoiv , dt > lng good Imilneu. ( iood and | UIU lent ruaton * for nouliij. , Andrew J. W. H , Dei olHcv , Ctitun II lllufld , lowu. T OIt UK-St-A larxo , l.ana omi.l > furiilibed room X1 at fl. ? lint i euui , t o blink * from PootoltUv. pOU HUNT Twofluclj furutiliuil rooms , uliiKle or ' in mile. auS a Oth truet. ixir. 3rd. Mtiiur. " " Mrs H J HfltOl M. D , , , lui m . Uii PHYSICIAN & SUBGEON , 322 Mliaie Broadway. Council Bluffs. Wholesale and Retail. We linve the following goods in quantities to suit purchaprra : Sheep Skin. Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , AH wo buy above "oods of Manufacturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , we are ennblea to Hell tbem low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 4:12 Broadway. Council BluiVs. Iowa ASADY & ORCUTT , 602 BUOADWAY , COUNCIL 11LVFFS , IOWA. Carpets and Curtains Alee many noteltlroln 1IOU8K KUUKIIISINa GOODS. Call and ? o w > . CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DEAT.KH3 IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK 'AND BAUHEL IJME , LOUISV1U.E AND PORTLAND CKMENT , MICHIGAN 1'LASTER , HAIR ANDBEWKKPrPE. NO , 039 Broadway , . . . . . COUNCIL BLDFFB , IOWA. SMITH & LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLDFWJ . , - - - - IOWA. 3OIH.OE3Orr03E8.-jr , GOlXlXroXXj 3B3jTJ05113B'J3f TAT T3 A TOT\ \ ATTORNEY AT uvw. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAJIIE CX > UN VV , nM I niJj TY COLLLCUON AOENGY. Ofllce L-orncr Broadway anil JUln street , T3PMn X * Pn GENERAI. JIEKCHANDISE. Jj llNU OC 13 Main etroet and 17 1'oatl street MA"Y" 1\7inTT"Nr CULSTON nous& .1V1 fA. . IxLUIllM , Hotel , 217 and 219 Main street. UK. J. Jb WiULUb , Corner Main im ! Fifth up etnlra. HcslJcnco , 809 Willow avenue. Q P UTTTJ " 7 JUSTICE op THK PKACE , i OUtHJUZl , Office oor American Express. Q QKT ArKTPT * ? LIVERY AND FEED , O > O VVxiVjLNJjJli , Will contract tor tunerolj at reasonable rates. 22 fourth etroet. J , M , ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BITYEKS , Pratt liy rctnrti mall. 148 Broadmu. _ _ _ _ _ _ TrnnTJ MKncnAirr TAILOR , JXUUJ-l , Stock CompieU. Sultumade at reasonable [ irictft. No. SOS JUInStl p Q ( v/iTrnrr CONTIIAOTOK AND BUILDKH , U JC t Ql'l J.i.Jl Comer 7th find Broadway. Plans ftiicl specifications turnlrfied. MKUCHANTTA.LO.U . . JAMES FRANE7 , Artbtlo Work and reagonable charges. 872 Broadway Xr QHTkT FHIOflTUKB STOVES , OS OUlMl nd nouwhoid Snppllea. SoS Btotdw y. TTNTTIT X-r TTA'PT1 ATTOUNEVS AT uvw , JUlriJJJL 06 JQliUjl , James Block. Pncttco In state nJ federal oonrta. C ! A TVTTT1 A131 TT\/T \ / Auit 1)&tn l u e , 421 and 423 Broadway. I * Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Monl. OO-iN 11 rt r\il UiVi gomery , M. U. Vlivulclao. EDWIN Jt AJjJjUlTt Notary lliMlo and nuierol Com u > an'cer. ' ' 415 Broadly. D'FTT'P'D'C1 TTnTTQP SMITH A NOIITON. HJj V J-lItJIl LU U O l | liroadway opposite New Opera House. J'.cllttcd $1 , f l.M per day AlLarge Assortment of Hard and Soft Coal STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Being loft over , must bo sold nt- your own prices. 1 need IMIIXIIEID IEkA.G-S ! I to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. DR. THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. ( > 'J3 8uth a\pnUB , Council llhifT * , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. t , TIIIKTV VKARS OK Cowcn. JUioilB ) ! ( ci ; Rj condlttoEH ikscrlbwl ) without ijui'B' ' loulnIliuru are huadrcda ol n Itneuxen to I lie ( art that tlin blind aru rfftiutx ) , the ck'af nuulo to licar , altn iiaral } nil aud rheuiiutiam ot months and jvaniiitaudlnir frequently curid in 20 mliiutra' time tlirouKhwyclilc \ monmeric , spirit or * otil forw , . "Thuto tlilngii wtro not done In a i < onier. " The only relUbloiirovcntatlve and euro for dlph. ttwrU Imowu ( keep It on banil ) . Tlio boat catarrh nriiiilj IniiMi. fenullpoxprti\eiiUttte superior to > aoduatlon , I ! > cryra o ol liidix'otloii ( doajxpela ) cured-tlmo leijulrcd ono to U weeks. Old ulccn , commonly called canoure remoed without the u o oitliu Knife. In fact all aotito und chronic dlauaus buixvulully trcattnl , 1 lie rwordd of mortality hliow that Dr. JitTerltn U Uio mo t Buncoiufiil rraoticloiier cf nwilriuu In thu Mcstcrii iotiiitrIIIigrcatCHtuunxiia has boui In auvu that haa batlled tlio tl.Ml ot otner doctorv , ai well IK raualu r donpalr and luiauclil ruin In many rusci. TKIISI8 KKAhONABI.Vi No cluro for nmiiultutloii liy litter or otnrwl ] . IiiclvHO t- > \theruanintre ) tolettm uru roculrul. | llost kind of rid mow . ttf 1'cmuiiB free from foiit.ntjtouj dUeuav Mill bt < ru ixht > d Into hblntlltuti v ( Health for tii-atnunt.- JACOU hlllB. i ; . | . CAUWKI.U SIM3A. CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Olllce ' , lt ln btrott. Uoona J uid hhuirart & Mo- U lwu' Block. Will practice lu Btato ud wlr l DourtiW. W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Jlwl UU and coUtrtloo wtnC7. Q fellowl ock , om a i1oi ll ak. , jla5 [ . JOSEPH GAGHEGAN. HARD WOOD AND COAL Corner Main Btrcetaod Klglith a\rnue , Couii Bluffa. ti'tt ratcu and prompt iltlhtry WINTERRESOBT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. ,01" 3 > To SPfiy. woirua anteo tlio cutout thu lolloulni ; turned dt > Ht'iutcs , or no pa.lllioiiniiitlsru : , heridilft , Ulcers. Catarrh , a 1 Illocxl BiidiKlndlfeotet , D\iiv'i \ | ! < > , I.lMir I'ouiplniut , Kldnty am ) llUil.ltr . Il ) a-.i , . ( lout , Mm- ralula and Anthnia , 'Ilieii Nprlnus are thu fatorlto rcnort of the tlnd an lilililliiutiil.und aru the I'KKBLK LADUS JI1 > , T I'lllKNU , Ooml hotel , lit ery and luithlnaci uiiiHlAtlnn hotli winkr and nuiiinur , Utility highly plrturLoiiue and lioalthy. Ant > nlblu InVub li rulluay , at Uvi'iia ' , orO. , 1) ) . 4 ( j , at Aliian ) . Corrupondi.uco ulldt d , UKV.M 31. IIIOMl'SON. Manager. H iloaui fc''rlnOora | ' , P. ( ) . , Ceiitrj Co. , ilo. . lee 3 1U action . . . . . , . . . . , Neutral Uarbonlc Acid Clan . , tl In. jmr Knlloii Carbouato liililuni , . . . . . . SS.IWI ( iralna Carbonate Iron . , , , , . . . 74i , , Htilpbate t'alclini . . ilu Chloride UtMtluin . , , , . 7tflo Slllk-a . . I.W.1 Alumina . . . . . . . . , , .0,011) ) OrKinicand Volatile tuattir and lou . , , .ll.r.l ! Total pellil * jur ( ration . 7,1T4 \Vnuiir.v ill H KILL , Chcmi > U. THOS. orriciB , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council IlluOi * . U. Established - - 1856 IVrrljn d lu ttlo Kich ug and Home hccuntiiM Empkie Hardware Co Hardware 109 nml 1111S. Main Street , S1 COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALKHS IN HATS , OAFS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS pEtoT3.erio.-e * .xxd. j Money Loaned ; Abstracts Furnished No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 2 BEOHTELE'S uropean Hot The only only hotel run on the European plan ln this city. Now building , newly furnished and nil modern improvcmente , and ia centrally located. PETER BECS TELE , PROPRIETOR , I- Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. > STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , 01' COUNCIL IJUJFFS. IR El 3VC O THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , ITob. , January 1st , HAVING SKCUllED W 23T & njlTCIir.R'S OLD STAND , 3LI3OS ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOil id. REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lauds iii the County. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF I ALL PAPER Interior Decorations. 1 S. Pearl Street nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOIl A SHOUT TIMK ONLY. ' Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of cxti iiordinary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT , 504 WHY DON'T YOU ( IKTSDMK OK FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Kitting , U < * t and Clu.niot.KKino | ! I.incn Collars and CulTx. No. 715 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. T . GALLAGHER. \ how fatore , Fresh UiHKlf , Liiw Prices and PoUtc AtUndnnt-i. f { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } GROSYENQR & ( HJNN , MANUFACTUUEHS OF MLjuiiiuii 0n > * ± " " " v "TS" " IEiO O IMC 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. FROM NOW UJNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE EXTRA BARGAINS In all our Boots mid Shoes , regardless fof ! Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. MEltCE. 100 Main Sireer. RUBBERS ! Oar apeoch is ahort , but to the point. JJeafc Chicago discounts every day in th year on Rubber Boots , , Shoes , AND AECTICS. Goods WAKIIANTED asood iia ANY in the market. They are made hy the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO , islln00fFKC.IAT1iiIld au P ENS13 a lock of regular and XiUA wmv Boots and fahoes in all sues , ready to ship on receipt of orders. THUS Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are letter than so-called fl many - firs quality , and. wo give a lar e EXTttA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & COM 4 ; > u' 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa ,