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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1884)
JWBL'liSTL ' " , . T" THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , FRIDAY. JANUARY IS , 1884. r > ' RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent Omaha Iron Works U.P , RAILWAY 17TI1 & 18TII STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS | IN B WATER WHEELS , 110LLERQMILLS , : ill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING1 THE Celebrated "Anchor " Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. PSo I o 'We are prepared to furnish jjlaus and estimates , and will contract for the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , freniStone to tlie Roller System. Q ° Especial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Addi-pss RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb. 1409 and (411 ( Dodge St. , : Catalogues on Application. furnished ) I OMAHA. NEB , Invites the attention of the public'to hl > Lare and Well Selected Stoek OF Embracing all the Late Patterns m ever ) tiling in the Carpet Line. Oil- IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY JV ! ! BB 1313 Farnam Street , Omaha , ' "Nob , .IN Heating'and Baking In only attained by using CHARTER OAK : i Stoves and Ranges , | WITil WIRE GAUZE OVER DOOB& & Foi sale by MILTONjROGrJgRS & SONS OMAHA. THE ELKHORN VALLEY , The Land of Broad Prairies , Rich Fields ami Prosperity , Scenes mid Incidents About Falrllchl XI 10nlno of Tlino from n Stnudpnttit. Corro | xiiulcnco of TIIK UEK. FviiuiKi.p , Nob. , January 1 . Ono himlly knows how much wo have to bo proud of , M n statintil ho noes n portion tion or nil of the glorious and prosperous stnto of Nobrnskn. Your correspondent 1ms just returned from a Hying trip np the bonutlful nnd fertile lilkhorn valley , and upon all sides wnt scon the broad prairies , thnt wore , ono v.-wt farm ; plenty - ty and in more than ono locality abundance of everything that man could desiro. Ho ( saw no sign of want or of distress. Uvon the few _ little sod housei that ho saw bore an air of independence that is seen no hero else but in the grand west. Our good neighbor , Mr. James Itain tor , of Spring Itnnchc , returned Mon day from a visit among friends in Mia- souii , and reports short crops in that state , but plenty of storms. Farmers there , ho states , are paying $75 cents per bushel. Hov. T. J. Nowcomb's daughter. Mis. llaydon , uf Atchison , Knn. , is visiting nt the homo of her paionts. Mr. Thomas Gildersleevo had his thumb caught in the tlio grinders while shelling corn at tlio mill of Powers it A.vory recently , and it was ground on"at the first joint. Col. Hiram Hogdon , as mentioned in my last letter as having gone to buy stock for his ranch on the Blue liver , returned last Friday with ninety- four head of young cattle nnd ton or fif teen head of fine horses. The colonel has now CIO acres of land to use for the pur pose of stock-raising nnd intends to make it one of tlio finest stock farms in the west. Wo wish him success. Professor Buck's Happy Hcurcompany are hero conducting n musical convention. They have eighty students under t'rill. ' The company is composed of intelligent ladies and gentlemen. Prof. Buck , the loader , is an excellent drill master in fact , they nro all thorough in their lolo. They remain two weeks in each town , wo are informed , and wo feel confident , tak ing their work as a whole , that they are doing more good for the people of Ne braska than any other troupe of the kind that over visited the state. They give a grand concert in the M ! . E. church next Tuesday evening , when nearly ono han dled voicbs will bo hoard in the chorus. Our well known land agent , O. 1' . Alexander , received a pair of thorough bred Poland China pigs last week , from the stock farm of J. B. Howe , of Seneca , Illinois. Robert Renio had his toes frozen so badly , -while hauling ice from the Blue , recently , that it is feared nearly all of them will have to bo amputated. The ice on the Blue is in splendid condition for packing , being about thirteen inches thick , and clear as a dew-drop. Hov. A. Korshaw , pastor of the M. E. church 111 this city , is a young minis ter ot moie than common thought and eloquence , and is doing good work. His theme of discourse on a recent Sabbath was , "Need of Strong Sense of the Value of Time , " and took for his text , Psalms 00 , 12 : "Sr teach us to number our days that wo may apply our hearts unto wisdom. " Men , naid the lovorund gentleman , estimate the value of time by the things they associate with it. The idler and pleasure seeker regard it as a moans of dissipation , and it drag ° heavily unless thus employed. To the wealth seeker time is money. To the dying time is life , or the means to pro long. A moment thai , secures the right means saves a life. To the procrastinat ing soul on the verge of eternity , it means eternal life lost , because time , place and opportunity for repentance and reformation are gone. A moment then if more priceless thnn a'l the wealth of the Apocalyptic city. Its supreme purpose , then , this fitness for eternity and its value is measured by this. Its value is measured by what it leaves when it is gone. It is attended by cir cumstances , and forces that work in UE gicat moral changes. Shut u\ in a dungeon for years , wo might remain mentally the same , but surround ed by providential blessings and social influences , we cannot. Every moment loaves us diilbrent.Vo lemembcr with joy tlio innocence of childhood , and what a load the first sin was , and longingly desire sire again those days. The discord il wrought in the harmony of our nature increased still in youth nnd early man' hood a bright rainbow promise of thi future by walking in the way of righteous ness. If wo have not turned from sin , tlio discord has been strengthened nnd confirmed , and a dirk shadow of unrest and dissatisfaction settles down upon life , changing every moment for better 01 wurae. What does it leave us now' What Bhall wo loa\e it v.'hon wo are doiu with it ? Its value is jnhancod because of the difllcultics and infirmities that hinder ua from fully reaping its full advantages , Throe score yoaist If four scuro , but ar addition of labor nnd sorrow. It is besol with a struggle for bread , pains and af flictions , distress and perplexities , so that but a remnant is loft to that which it noblest in our nature. Wo deceive our selves regarding the years as our posses < sion , when hut momenta are. Time hoods not worldly ambition -nnd plans , but is doled out to us in morsels iino mont by moment , and yet that is ilont enough to save the soul. Now alouo ii the accepted time. in conclusion , the Hpe&itor exhorted the power of the text that God 'might 'teach us this deep sense of the infiniti value of time. That our he rU might cb ( as the tender plant , with ctory leal spread to utmost limit nnd drinking it with keenest relish in every nero the bright sunlight and rofresliincj dews. Sowing wisdom the wisdom of loving God with nil the heart and serving then : with fully consecrated powers. COLONKI. JAMK. . IturlccI ut IJHBI. The body of Jeusio Snoll , who wai killed last Saturday night , was laid to rest iu Prospect Hill cemetery yesterday morning. Prexel ifc Maul bought for her a lot and irevldcd a nice coffin and buried her. iho had a few effects , but not enough to defray the expenses of'her'funeral , It will bo six months 'at least before the gentlemen can got pay for their services , if they do then , ANOTHEH HJNK1UI , . The funeral of Josie Moran , who died at the corner of Eleventh nnd Harnoy street * , a tew days ainco , occurredycatef afternoon nt 2 o'clock. She was burice by the sporting women. AXHUIVlNClTOWN , Tlio HiislnenH GroMtli , Situation , nnt ( oncrnl 1'ronporlty ol DoiuliOHtor , CornMx | > mlmco of TIIK BKK DoociiKSTKit , Nob. , Jan. 12. Dor cheater is just 28 miles west of Lincoln It has n fine situation , being surroundct by some of the finest farming country ii the state. The population of the placi is about 000 and the people are of tha intelligent industrious class that meal business , nnd Dorchester is destined t < be ono of the finest towns in the west Up to the present year our town wna al moat nt n standstill , making but very lit tie progress , but it took a "boom , " MOV citi/ons came in , property changed hands and all wont to work. Mnny now build ings have been erected ; among them wi notice the fine and elegant two ntorj brick erected by our enterprising towns men , S. 0. P.uitor. The brick bank o Smith & Thurston , ono of the ncntcs buildings in town , nnd others wo migh mention but space forbids. Our streets are all graded nicely , am wo boast of having the best sidewalks o : any wostei n town of its si/o. S. G. Pantor , has n drug store that nc town would feel ashamed of. Case A Walswprth also do a good business in the drug lino. Fioidoll it Co. have just opened n full line of dry goods and nre reaping their reward for so doing. Thos , Jnrrott , wholesale and rotnil grocers if doing a large business nnd is a great holt to the business portion of the town. W , U. Toolo , Armstrong it Co. , Bullock Hyorson , nro all receiving a liberal pa- Lronago in the dry foods and groceries line , and keep n good stock on hand , Troyer it Troyor have n largo furniture ind undertaking establishment and aru building up n largo trade. Our genial uul accommodating postmaster. A. R. Peterson , carries n full line of books , itationory , toys , etc. Mrs. E. B. Ire land has n music and millinery store. The jolly barber , W. II. Brown , has a very neat shop with two chairs. The harness trade is represented by iwo good shops , D. T. Snow , and Dick A. Son , of Crete. McManus & Biggs and Thomas & Son have largo hardware stores , and nro doing well. John Obcr- lies and II. T. Decker , dealers in lumber and coal , are doing n largo business. Mr. Oberlics is the owner of a great deal ol pronerty hero , and works hard for the best interests of the town. W. II. Sow don , and Lay ton Butin furnish lunch tc the hungry , ami .A. Skinklo and J. M ! , Xiolio furnish meals and rcstto the wear } traveler. J. 11. Clark and Buchanan iV Co. , have largo elevators and cribs , am : pay the highest market price for grair and stock. Our schools , under Prof. C. F. Socord and Miss A. Travis , are well conducted The Star , one of the brightest paper ; in the state , is published hero cvorj Thursday. The Methodists , Christians , and Congregationalists - grogationalists all have i oed cliurcl buildings. Of societies wo have n thru- ing G. A. 11. Post and Camp of the Soni of Veterans , n largo I. O. 0. F lodDe , and also a lodge of the K. of H. uiu Free Masons. Prof. H. Ferguson hai a class in singing which is a credit to the town. town.Wo Wo greatly need a , largo hotel , nneJ there is money in it for some one , f brick yard , flouring mill , ft larger open house and a good bakery. Xmas was duly observed and a fine time was had at the Xmas trees. On the 10th of January the G. A. R. Post ami S. V. camp had a grand review , beam and hard tack supper and camp fire ir evening. C , ' . Army Orders. The tolcgiaphlc instructions from these headquarters of the 12th instant directing the commanding oflicor Fort Laranno Wyo. , to order Acting Assistant Surgooi W. C. Borden , U. S. A. , to proceed t ( Fort Bridger , Wyo. , and report for dutj thereat , are hereby confirmed. The travel directed was necessary fo the public service. Hereafter all company , troop and detachment tachmont commanders in this department mont will forward to these headquaiter at the end of each month during the tai got season , a report of the names of ofli cors and men who have during the mont ! completed ihoiy qualifying scores n marksmen , giving such scores and date of same ; and stating also in each cas whether marksmen's buttons liavo bee : issued in any previous year. A report of all oflicors and men wh qualified us marksmen during the month ot October and November , 1883 , will b forwarded to these hoadquaitors by coin pany and troop commanders on the receipt coipt of this circular. Recruit George W. Patterson , onlistoi at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , is assignei to Company II , Ninth infantry. Recruit Samuel 'Day , enlisted at For D , A. Russell , Wyo. , is assigned to th Fifth cavalry , and will bo sent to th station of his regiment nt the f.rat invorn bio opportunity. Under authority contained in para graph f > 20 , army regulations , as corrccto by general orders No < 1 , series 1882 from the headquarters of the army , th ration of broad for issue to troop D Fifth cavalry , and company F , Fourt infantry , is increased to twenty-two (2 ( ounces. 1. A general court-martial ia appointo to meet at Fort Omaha , Nob. , onth 18th day of January , 1884 , or as see thereafter as practicable , for the trial e Private Thomas McDonald , Company Ii 1th Infantry , nnu such other prisoners c may bo brought before it. DKI'.UI , HW TIIK Captain Win. H. Powell , Fourth ii : fantry ; Captain Thos , F. Quinn , Fourt infantry ; Captain Joseph Keoffo , Fourt infantry ; First Lieutenant Charles \ \ Mason , Fourth infantry First Lieutenant ant Win. II. Coflin , Fifth artillery ; Second end Lieutenant Chas. ( i. Treat , Fift ! artillery ; Second Lieutenant Chas. Me Quiuton , Fourth infantry ; First Lieutenant ant Henry Sotoli , Fourth infantry , judg advocate. A greater number of officers than thos named cannot bo assembled witliou manifest injury to the service. A Toirllilo Dentil. FAI.I. RIVKII , llass. , January 17. - Concerning tlio fatil burning of Mr Charles P. Stickney , it is stated that shi saturated the carpet with naptha , prc paratory to laying it over another ono and while laying down the carpet a stovi leg came off. Blie procured a napthi lamp to find it , and there was an explo sion. She was immediately enveloped ii flames , ran from one room to another and finally fell at the head of the atnir dead from inhaling the tlainea. She wa terribly burncel all over her boely. Mr. Sticknoy's hands wore so terribly burned that ho mny lose the use of , Now \ ork Notes. NF.W N OKK , .Tammy 17.Tho Metro- politnn Industrial league to-day appoint ed a committee on national legislation , to meet in Washington on the 2'ld instant , and wait upon the proper committee. ! of congress to oppose all legislation in favor of free ships or free ship building , and to ndvocato only such a policy as will revive American shipping in the foreign trade. The committee ndvocato the repeal of all interim' revenue taxes nnd the readjust ment < f the tarill'of 188 ! ) for protection of homo labor. Tlio Haytian consul announces that Mirngonc has am rendered to government troops. Miner- ) . Prt.January 17. Great des titution prevails amcng minors working in the ore bed of the Lower Morcmizie , Lehigh county , nnd along the Kist Penn sylvania railroad. Their pay was ro il need recently from 7f > to 05 cents per day , and now thu store keepers refuse to give them the usual monthly credit. Ko lOll'ect or n Go\ornot'H Me - snuc. vKG , January 17. - \ singular suicide occurrcel near Salt Ijnko this morning. Daniel Morris , aged 81 , n Mormon polygnmist with three wives af ter reading tlio governor's message went o a shed adjoining his house and hung 'limsolf. Troulilo PITTSIIUIIU , January 17. The striking ceial miners of Buena Vista persisted in larading again to-day. Ollicora have ; ono to the works to-night and will make wholesale . \rrosta to-morrow. Trouble s anticipated. COMPLETE TREATMENT , $1 , A uliiglo dose of Siinford's Radical euro In- ilantly rcllevcstho most \lnlent Hniuiin or IIcvl Colds , clears the head as by magic , KtO | > vvatrry dl charges from the > 'i o and Kvos , prevents lllnglrg S'olses In the bend , Curu ) Xervoun Headache and suliducs Chilli and l'e\er. In Chronlo Catarrh It cleanses the nasal iviisngcs of foul mucus , restores 10 Reuses of smell , taste and hearing when affected , rccs the head , throat and bronchial tiling of ollen- lvo matter , sueetiim and puriflei the breath , stops he cough and arrests thu progress of Catarrh to- iacds C'onBUtrntlan. Ono bottle Radical Cure , one box Catarrhal Sol vent and Sanford's Inhaler , all In one luirkago , of a ) IruggUts for $1. Auk for SASVOKII'M UAIIICAI , Cunr I'OTTXR Dlll'U AM ) ClIKMICAL CO. , IlostOII [ Collins1 Voltaic Electric Plaster I Instantly nltecutho Nervous Sjst in and banishes Pain. A perfect Klectrlo llattery com- . _ _ . . blued with a 1'oroui Plaster for IS Till : CIU ascents Itannlhllitcs I'aln , "PA UUIIzcsWcak and Worn Out SUfftRIKO KtnVf Parti , strcngthcna Tired Mus cleg , prevents UUc-ise , and dois more In ono half the time than an ) other planter In the vvoild. Sold DREXEL & MAUL , SUCCKSSOHSTO JOHNO. JACOI1S ) UNDEIITAKERS , at the old stand , 1417 1'arnam street. Orders telegraph Mllcited promptly attended DR. EMILY PAGELSEN , Of 1013 DODGE STREET. Office hours 10 I to 4fl SO to 7:30. : I. N. WAITE , M. D. , ( Formerly of Mercy Hospital , Chicago ) For the trcatmuit nf Nvnout Dlsctm , C'hronlo on Surgical IJlecasoH , and Diseases of the l'o and > nr CoiiBultatlon and examination flee. OFFICE Odd Fellow s lllock , N. W cor , 14th and Dodge htn , Oiniha , Neb. Olllcoliours o to 12 a , in , 11 4 and 7 to 8 p in. Hum'aB ' 10 to U a in. only. Steam D"e-Works ! 00 11 tli Street , bet. Famam and Douglas. D. B. WAUG-H & CO. . PHOl'IHKTOKH. Lilies' and Gents' Clothlnir cleaned , djod and re- palrui Plumes and tips clcannd.djed and curled ladles sultH , In Silk , Hatln and Velvet , cleaned by the Frrnrh dry cloanlni ; process. jtiTA llret-cl" > tailor aboil In notmoptton I'hmnli Assurance Co. , ol Condon , Cash Asset | iSA4OOi.C Wcalchcstor , N. Y. , Capital 000,000.0 The Merchants , of Newark , N. J. , Capital 1,271,000.01 Olrard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital. . . 1,200,000.01 Firemen's Fund , Capital 1.2S , Oir > .Pi OFFICi : : lloom 10 , Omaha National Hani llulld UK , 'IdcphnnoNo , 375 K. H. IVIARHOPh MANUFACTURER. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Mlllard HjJpl Blrck , OMAHA. . . NEB , DR. I , MATTICE Graduate of McOlll Onlvtrnlty , Mont eal , and o llcnal ColUt'e of Phjilciini , I/mdon. Kng , Late o Ixjbnon and Edlnburich iieneral honpltali , of I/ondoii Ihtoat Ilotpltaland Dublin llnnpltal for women. Office oppo lto P. O. Kill street. Hutldence 2324 St. Mary's a\tnue. HouriDtolla. m.,1 toaaud I tog p. in. OltlnnTulephonelii DE. ANNA BENSON , 1613 DODGE STREET. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. From Ilieso bourcoa nrlso tUrco-iourtlis ol jo diseases of tlio human rnro. Those rvmritninaliitlicntntliolr existence : T < omol Appetite , Itowrlii cnnflxr , Hick Heart * nclir , fiillncnii nftcr online , n\rr lon to riri Hint of lioily or inliiii , Krtictntloii of food , Irritability of temper , XMM * Kplrlln , A frrlltiK nrlinvlng iir Irctrd ,101110 il my , ] UzTlneiiriiiltorliiKntt lie ilrnrt.l > ( il lcrni-otlio fyri.hlirlilycol. nrcil llrliir , rna.MTIPATUKVY . nml do ummltlio USD ofnrmneclyttmt nets iltrootly ontho l.tvcr. AsaUvormodlcliioTUTT'S 1'IM.SImvorrocaunl. Tliotrnctlonontlio Klilnoyfnml Skin la also prompt ; removing nil iinpuiltlca through tlicso thrco " cnr- enRor * of ( ho nviUni , " iirodiiclnR ttppo- tlto , sound digest Inn , rrKtiliirHtonqnrl | ( < nr fitliiniuluvigorous botlv. TUTT'S rira.s cnnso no imusea' or frlplnR not Interfere with tlnllv worlc nnd ni o a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Mil ovcrywliorp.ane. Otlloo.41 Miirniy 8t.N .Y. UHAT IlAtit oil clmiificit Jtnntly to n GLOSSV IILXCIC \ > y iifdiiRlo up. pllrntlon of tlila l > ru. bold by linguists , or scut by express on receipt or 9l Ofllco , < 4 Jtiirmy Street , N > w YorK QUIT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS fSifc Western Cornice-forks , lUON ANDStATr.UOOFlNO. C , SPECHT , PROP , 1111 Douglas St Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTUIlKIl OF Galvanized Iron Cornices jUTDormcr Windows , flnlali. Tin , Iron and Sl t Hoonng. Bpccht'n patent McUlllo 8k ) light , 1'atcnl kdjilstpti llntchct liar and llrarkct Shelving. 1 am ho general agent for the above line uf goods. Iron enclng , Crcstlngs , Ualistradei , Verandas , Iron Dank ahings , Window llllnds , Cellar auardu ; also general nt for I'corsonii Hill atcnt Inside Illlnd. iiiiiiiniinniiiiniiiiiiiHHiiHiiiiii Tril the children to cut out and a\o the comlo ( llhouctto I'lcturm as they a'i-o r from iraua to Itsuc. They will bo i leafcd with the collection. This opaco is owned by BLACKWELL'S BULL. Of conrpe we mean the famcna animal ou the label of every genuine package of Black- wrll'rt Dull Durham Hmoklng Tobacco. Ever ) * dealer kiijps thlo , the Itit Bmoklng Tobacco made. Kouo geuulno without trade-mark of the Dull. 11 tin 11111 n M 1111111111 uji a 111111 IT u I DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will cum Jfi i \ inifni-f" , I.tiNilu\giimminuill i , I'ar W > t cTRIC BEtV v'iJ illMii . luiil.tliiiin.limit iyXOrt'.rfffi'SiHBi' 'IlKlllH' , l > ) MHl la , C.IIIH'I Kiaji fiit iiailnn. HlHlnM. | . fntniili , vrr : I'lln. 1 i > , | , Imixittnt } , Dumb.uliu , 1'inlaiiKiiH Vtill- ! . Onl > N Ii nlllli-1 Ii ) * in ll 11 In .Xiui lUa Hint K nilrflh , ' Klu likltj anil lnni > u UMIU Ihitiuifli llt < ibMl > nnil tan hoittlmiKi'l l > i mi In KtfUit l' > UKputUnl. . SI OOO Would Not Buy It. DR. HOIIVK I was nllllctod with rhouniatlem , and cured by unlnit a belt. To nnv ono alllletedlth that dlsoanv , I woulj ay , buy Homo's I'.lcctrioltolt. Any one can confer with ma b } writing or calling nt in ) torc,1420 Donglaa etrcot , Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OrFICE-Ojipostto postolllcelloom 4 Frcn- er lllock jf-d'For nc at C. F. Gotilmnn'a Viug Store , 1110 Farnain Bt-cel , Oni.ilia. Orders Illldl 0.0. II. WITH And your worlc is done for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE The World to produce a more durable material for Htreet pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. OIRIDIE.IR'S . ' roil ANY AMOUNT OP -OR- M'AC ' ADAM ! t. filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota , lUY LOTi CHEAP LOTS , AOEE LOTS' LOTS , LOTS , LOTS ! a. R. DOANE & CO. , SELL 'EM n Monthly Payments , $10 to $25 , IS TIIK rOt.LOWINCl ADDlTrOXS : BURR OAK , Oil EDIT FONCIBR. GIBE'S , ( Acre Lots , ) IIANSCOM PLACE , , HAllTMAN'S , 1IOKUACIPS2D , IDLE WILDE , IMPROVEMENT ASS'N. ISAACS & SELDEN'S , KENSINGTON , (5 ( Aero Lots ) . LOWE'S FIRST , MILLAHD & CALDWELL'S , McENTEE'S , ( Acre Lots. ) OMAHA VIEW , PARK PLACE , ( Aero Lots. ) PLAIN VIEW , PATRICK'S , SARATOGA PLACE , ( Acre Lots ) SAUNDERS & IIIMEBAUGITS , W. A. REDICK'S , WEST OMAHA , ( Acre Lots. ) ALSO BOGGS & HILL'S ADDITION to Grand Island. Thousands of acres of Farm Lands throughout the State. erms to suit purchasers. G. R. DOANE & CO. , Real Estate Agent ? , S. W. Cor. loth and Douglas. Lots ! Lots ! ! Lots ! ! LOTS dFlIIEM \tt > LOTH IH lUuTiioiisK. Every 0110 Knows this to bo tlio mnut thliiif In tlio market. AKRY vttvr LOTK IN KiiiKUufiu. Ihcso aru ncccilcd to be tlio tlioniiost In the inir ) > et. 200 Uus IN OMAHA Viiw. It ill pay } on to ga v ltd ua anil \ IKW tbeui. \Vu would Ijo pleased to show any property wolmo listed. Trices nnilaluo of all tills property ill advance In thu &prltir | , consequently it will pay to BUY NOW. anil DIM ) Irom ? 70 to $150. Belou we lve a fowbargains In IMPROVED PROPERTY. No- No1 32,000. House ol fho rooms on half lot , iilno lilookn fri in U. 1 * . depot. Terms casj. l---MK > . Business corner anil building. Terms to Hull. B Si.eiOO. House of six rooms on full lot on COtli st. Go for it. fl-4OCO. Two bouses on ouolotln a good loca tion. North 10th st , near street car , and all In KOOU repair. A Rood bargain. 7 44 000. A innirnlficcnt dwolllrif In Ilciltck'a tmb division , bran new , s\ith 11 the comforts of our modem civilization. A bargain forjou. 8 b v en room house , between Center and Dorcas htri'cts , sol en blocks from the V. 1 * . Jupot. $2,100 , a > d terms easy. 10 An excellent Inside residence property , highly respuctabU luoality , and u > erj thin ) ? In No. 1 shape ; terms , gS,760. 03-82,600. Good house of six rooms , icry con venient to U. 1' . depot. ThU property Is gilt edfo and can bo bought for the enisles ! termn | i08flble- 70 11,000. Neat cotUt'o on half lot In Parker's ad * dltlon. A bargain. 7'J llouno of seven rooms on Sherman avenue , con. \cnlcnt to the business part , and very deuirablo for rcsldeiicti. $ J'JoO. , 01 A house of tight rooms In Shlnn'a iddKion , nearly new and only ono block from itrret can , a very homcllko plate , and as a purchase bar- illn Himply Immense. Only $2.000. PS $1 000. A nco5 little cottage in tJhlnn'aJaJdl- tlon , cast fruiit , cheap. 07 81,700 House of four rooms on 27th ami Douuliis. 'lerms easy. 03 House of live rooms , netrly new , Shlnn's addl. tlon. $1,600 ; fiCO la cabli and balance In monthly payments. 103-8.2,000. A good house In Shlnn's addition , tit. rooms mid all In seed repair. Ono half dovvn and long time lor the balance. 107 J2.600. A nlu new house in Ilanscom Place. chta ] ) . 100 910OO. A email cottage and lot In Improve ment Atsoclatlvn addition , Look at It 02 * 3MX ) . 'JVn story bouiu , of nine roo.ns , on Nineteenth (10) ( ) btrtet. Ill Elizabeth place , ono block from etriret car line. Uo look at It for a bargain , $ looo. On Sherman avenue , n house and lot. ' 1 he lot has a 68 foot frontage ou two streets. Terms cai\ . 01 $0,300. Largo two-story house of U rooms and eood barn , having 0 complete box stalla and hay lot , on corner lot on Bnurman avtouu two bloeks from car line. Great place for hotel or business of any kind , do and look at It. 01 $1,000. A two itnry house of 10 rooms on full lot In Ehlim't ! llrtt uddltlou. Good Improve. inents. 62-81,800. A one itory cotUt'e on fu I lots la Par ker's addition ; food well and shade trees. Terms to suit purchowrs. 60-$4,700. Houte of fl rooms on very urge lot In Capitol hill addition. Ihls place Is complete , having barn , well , cistern , and onli- one mock from car hue , 100 * leoo , House and lot Monthly pavmentsot Jliieach. A rare bargain. 00-S1.000. IIouso of a rooms , and barn , on full lot In Han-corn plate , one block from car track , 00 $1,100. Story and half house of S roerns ou half lot near U , P. depot , Cosh bargain , ' BO-SI,800. Laige store bu ding on leased lot , lease to run 11 vo jeara. Easy terms and near depot. E5-l00. House and lot on Douglas and Twen- t-seventh strttts , good barn , well and cistern ; two dovv n and balance to su.t 82 JOOO. Two btory frame store building , 22i60 , on hhtoenth ttrett. bhulvlng and counters ! curtains , etc. The lease on lot can run five \tara. 'Ihlsbtore building It only three blocks from postolllce ; will sell fur cash , Sl-SI.SM. Houie and lot In Ivountx S addition , bitvuvnTtuth and Eleventh on Hickory. This Is a great bargain , 79-J5.000. Nice IIOUM and lot on Clark ittcet , E. V , riuilth'H addition. Convenient to street car ; a v aluable corner for rent deuce or busluew. CIII'Al' T.OTS In parts of the city AHUS parrs of the Slate. Unvejandog end all kind of Ugal papers executed at our office , Money loaned on Heal Estate. tff-Don't fall to tee other bargains on our llit , /iTNotarv Public always In our olllco. ' jtiTlIouBca to rent. ' Sears & Bosard , COn , 16THAND DODGE 8T3. , ( Wllllm ' Block )