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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1883)
r * THE DAILT BEE-OMAF.A ; WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 26,1333/tf kBEE. "Wednesday Evening , Dcd 26 , NoncKl A'o tutrtrtbtmtntt vill It intcrtol in tht evening jxyxr wifMJ yrttenod ( Itfvre S Advorliaomenta for Monday morning edition will bo received between the hours of 10 nnd 12 n. m. , undo and 7 P. m. Sundays. Advertisement * for the WEEK- XT BEE must bo handed in no Inter than Monday evening. LOOM. BREVITIES , "Nebraska 1'uel Company. " Frelcrick , Ltatling H&Uer , ISlh & Fecfwim. Bedford , boss coal dealer. Perfumery , drug store 10th and Dougl SATO , Ilnttor , Opera Ilour/o lilook. n3-tl Notarial Soalt Host nolld ntstal base 93.00. Novelty Worta , 14th Uot. nl3-l Auk for KrdmanV fmounlotrwwdn Hiram | | nSO-lra "Lchlgh Col" < on hand. Omaha Goal "Cbko and Lime Company. At the Grand Control Photograph CM lery you can rwniro fine worfcut the lowest prices. 2121Clhnlreot. nlO-tf. "Canon City" Cohl , Nebraska Fuel Co. SlCSouUiThlrtecnthstroot. d21-3 NlfM School at Wyman Collcgo.Mm A. Hlchard * , No. 2M South Thtrteontl street , 'lia atock Springs > real for nalo. 13-t Oinnha Coal and P.'Co. Colorado Coal Anthracite md Bituminous. Oniro 217 S. t 111 -St Sign of rod box. 15-t \V.\NTcn-"Tho BOTvicos of a compotcn Ijook-keoper , for three tnontlw. 13l5Joiigla street. J. Bonnor. d22t t lyjmtAitv ASSOCIATION ha\ agrandCmUtmftRbitllon Saturday evening December 29th , In ' ( Turner Hall. Wolcoirv nil. dec20-lt ) 'G. Svniinon&'Go. , merchant tallnn , 111 Tamatn , have just rccch od n now stock o line 00 d nnd will make unite at ] bottou 115-tf -Jllarrinon mixkoi [ HinniH to KIT from now fpoda just received , nt Wllkins & llvans Shirt Factory. d7-tf A few bargains In Sllpi > etD yet , nt Whit H Don't forgot the Swedish ball , on Sntiir day , Dec. 20th , Turner hall. d2C-28-2 ! > Sleighing for Now Years' . Lay away the buggy nnd got tlio. cuttc Mtown from the loft "My Son-ln-Law1' ut P.oyd's opera hous lo-nifilit , The Denver train from the went was tw lours la to thin mornlug. A little rumpuH occurred In Maurcr' saloon about 12 o'clock Monday night o\cr iratchwkloh fievcral parties was raiding for 3.iour of the dluturbcra veto lodged In jail. B"or toyo , fancy goods and Union mad cigars go to 1100 lougla ) . I thank the pub- ; lie for Hbotal patronage In the pnut.Ofit' Max JMoyor & Co. distributed a large number of boxes of cigars iimoug their friends 4Uid patrons. , A now arrival of fine New Yoar'n cards at Hospe'a. Come eoily and make a selection before they are gone. Officer Desmond , of the ] x > lco ! force , hns obtained leaver ot absence for ne\-cral dajH , Jmd left yeaterday morning for DCS Moinonto tlslthls little soijj who U with his grant ! t > arontt at th"al place , an l who ia quite Hori- usly < ill. Ihe Bale of these beautiful Koaldcnco loU in Patrick's addition on Saundera at. , is vcrj' active , and parties desiring a bargain * l < ould make their selection at once. A. S. 1'atrick , 313 14th et. T "My Son-in.Law , " a very amusing and refined comedy will bo presented by the Lou- nurd Graver company at Boyd's opera houuo to-night. JuJgo Bcnako pratonted each member of the | K > ! ice force with uboof cigars Monday etenlDg. Ho also presented Mar hol Guthrie THh a line oM pen and holder. The first gonulno snow storm of Iho sou havbsen raging to-day , and It is ono of the thoroughbred old blizzaids , aud Homo jicoplo would even go sn fa ; IIH to say It Li a "dandy. " The W. 0. T. U. will meet to-morrow .afternoon at thn Y. M. 0. A. rooms at three o'clock. All membera are requested to bo jiroBOnt , as Imiwrtant buslncHS is to bo trans acted. Mr * . Marian B. Baxter , from Mlchl * Can , will lecture at the Vint M. K. churcli Friday evening , December 28. Tlioro han b.ocn any amount of swearing Iff the car driver * nnd paaaongers to-day. The 3jeaatly < cars have iifaUtod upon running off th track at every turn , aud to add to the enjoyment - ment the car hones , at leant eomo of thorn are given to balking and utterly refused to -jmll up hill. Although the Hlcightng on 1'arnam strcci en Christmas day wax not particularly line yet one man in the city took advantage of it * nd the novel appearance of his rustic tdelgl vraa a oourco of .conildorahlo delight to many jiedestrlans who saw him , plough probablj not fco imicji'Bo to the jaded hon > ox that drew Wm t- ' , - j , .ITioripl 'wafiyrottded both In the after .noon aud ( evening yesterday with our bc jieople , ani-c-very one pcemcd plcanedwill the enUrtalument. To-morrow ( Thunday . venlng a pair of handnomo idtklo nkatos wll ' be awarded to the boat lady ukatcr. Th ' * ward will bo inado by ballot , each pcrsoi present being ontitloit to ono vote. A. L. fVVyman and Mies Julia llanl uiin were united In marrlagp at 7:39 last evening At Trinity cathedid. in the presence of a lim ited number of Intimate friends , The core viony was performed by Dean Mlllspaugl iminodlattly after which a reception aa hoh t the new homo of the youug couple \vher ongratulatloiu wuro extended by a large awinbcr of warm filond * . Dou't fail to attend the delightful holiday "wterUJanient to be given in the parlors of th 1"Jr t Congregational church , on Thursdaj evening and Friday afternoun. The 1'an JDrill , Baby'tf Oi > rft , and Boys' Orchestra. i25ctuU. Ouod 1VI11 Yestetxlay the clerka in the employ o f Mr. Hubonnann , the jeweler , pro wmtcd that gontlcinwi ivith a line book M and writing desk combined. It * beautiful piwo of funiituru and wn fully spprectateU by Mr. Ilubeniinnri wfco gave to each of the boys a , handsom S A BKAUTIFPL SILVER WATOII w y b bought of EDHOLM & EUIOK- JJON for fl5.00. Warranted to keep ' - > d'ti . NOTHING BETTER for tX money on earth. dll-tf MERRY CHRISTMAS s Ushered in Anil Sweet Carols and Happy GrooliDgs , The Dolnpn nt tlio Olitii-cli < ss nml the General l''cslIvltlos ot < lie Scnson In Thin Cltr. The eighteen hundred and eighty-third Minivoriary of the Babe of Bethlehem las come , and gene and Tfilh it Uio usual oy nnd festivity which gathers nround the anniversary of that sivcred event. Christmas eve is tin hour of rejoicing and merry making Tvhorovor the Chris tian religion is known. It has comedown through the ages , and , instead of the in terest tn thia occasion diminishing , it is constantly on the increase and probably will bo so until the end of time. With -this glad Christmas tide come the tokens of love given by ono dear friend io anotkor , and this example sot by the wise men , on .they lavished their gifta of frankincense and myrrh upon the Babe in the manger , is likewise closely followed , and many a heart ia caused to leap with joy as the tears of thanksgiving course down the chocks , as n little mess enger of love is received from dear ones far away. Monday night was ancason of rejoicing in this city , such as has never Doforo been equalled. The good citizens of this place have been abundantly blessed in the year which is past and gone and never before have they boon so able to bestow gifts upon their loved ones as now and right well they have improved the opportunity , as is proven by the enormous amount of holiday goods which have been bought and sold in this city during the past month. Year by year the quality of Christmas gifts improve and instead of light , trashy stuff , which has been sold in nuch largo quantities in former years , more substantial articles \voroKubstitutod. To bo sure there are moro or less of these toys sold each year , and always will bo BO long as there are children , for what would Christmas bo to t'lo six-year-old without the little jump ing jack or the toy whistle , or the tin i cam-boat or locomotive engine. These things nro just as essential to complete the happiness of the child , as are air and water essential to the life of man. Inhundrods of housosinOmahaMonday night there was Huch rejoicing as is only had upon Christinas evo. There , in one corner of the parlor , stood the beautiful Christtniis tree trimmed with long strings of pop corn and tinsel , while myriads of traxon tapers added a dazzling brilliancy the scone. In addition to these , the roe was loaded with presents for the arious members of the family , and the whole presented a scene which made the ihildron fairly shout for joy as the doors were thrown open and they were per- nitted to gaze upon the beautiful objects , and not alone the children , but the older tnps who hod boon instrumental in > ringing about this state of things , were carried unck to their childhood days , and hey entered into the merry-making with n zest _ which they would lot have believed they wore ca- mblo of. If there is any- hing which truly rejoices the heart of , ho parent , it is to bo able to bring joy md happiness to the hearts of the dear ittlo 01101 , for whoso existence they are responsible , and many a heart was made lappy in this way last night. A BEK re porter was permitted to nttond ono of JiosolittlofainilygathoringsMonday night uid npenks with every usaurunco of the joy nhich ia.durivod from such a aceno. As wo loft the houao and wandered up ind down the streets , wo piumed many liomoa wherein like festivities were in progress , and before Homo of the bril liantly lighted windows wo stood lost in thought and our mind wandered from ho gay and festive sccno to the lowly ot or the hovel .ivero the lavish hand never bestows its gifts , but it was too sad u contrast and we shook ourselves from the lethargy and drifted nway like a wood bcforo the wind in search of an other item. As wo wandered along wo came in front of the FIRST I'llKHllYTUIUA.N' CIIUKL'H , and from within came the sound of merry voices and the glad notes of song aa if inviting uu to ontor. Wo obeyed the summons , and walking up the stops pushed the largo door upon its hitmen , and stood looking upon n most happy ocpno. The church was appropriately trimmed , and in the front part stood n largo Christinas troo. The children were nil jubilant und each one of them vras presented with n little pall of candy. The services were both interesting and instructive. XftlNITV OATHEDIIAI , At Trinity Cathedral there was the regular carol service and it was attended by a largo number of both young and old. The singing was led by n chorus of twenty-two children , who \vero all per fectly trained and did their part very nicely. ' The house was beautifully decorated for the Christmas eorvico with ground pine and holly and presented a very Dcauiful appoarnaco , HT , n A 11 VA ins , At St. Barnabas church , corner of Nineteenth and California streets , the regular vesper service was presented , and n largo crowd was present to participate , in the festivities. THE A. M. K. cnuncir. At the A. Mf E. church , corner of Eighteenth and Webster streets , the colored people hold u fair , and as they are always given to having n Ural-class time , last night's entertainment was no exception to the general rule. Tim UKAlI.Nq lilKK. A goodly crowd was present at the skating riufe who could rcay moro enjoy , incut out of n glide over the amooth Hour on rollers than in any other way. The lull was beAUtifully trimmed for the holidays nnd looked very pretty , tOTHEH MODES Ol' KXJOVMKNT. The gambling halls and saloons were all well jiatronizod , as they always ore upun holiday occasions , and many a jolly good .health wan thrown down last night , preparatory to the regular "awcaring off' on Mow Yoar'a day , and yet for all that very little drunkenness won noticeable upon the stroeU. In some of the saloons elegant lunches were served and all was merry , nnd Christmas day was ushered in with tie tinkling of thick-bottomed ghsscs. CHRISTMAS DAY , Hcantirut AVcntlicr nnd nn Quiet Time Amusements of tlio Wo doubt if thjro has over bocnn imo , not for n\diiy years at least , when Christmas duy vrns as mild nnd pleasant was yesterday. Instead of the bleak tid chilling blasts of December , the tear sky nnd balmy breezes of spring vcro hero , nnd , aa wo listened , wo fan cied wo could nlmost hear the song of ho robin or the chirp of the cricket. "How little it seems like Christmas , " was the romnrk on every side nnd how , rue it was. The word Christmas ndicatcs the merry jingle of sleigh-bells nnd the happy sleighing party , nnd a Christmas without snow is like a Fourth of July without fire-crackers. This may , in n measure , account for , ho quietness of the day in this city. The places of business were nil closed early in the day , and the streets pre sented moro of a Sunday npponrance than of n holiday. Tliero was nothing in particular to at tract the attention of the public , nnd the looplo wandered listlessly about the streets during the forenoon , with no ap parent object in view. After the Christmas dinners had boon Imposed of , however , the numbers of icoplo upon tlio streets increased , and hey were going up nnd down , some to visit friends and some to other places. AT TUP. MATIXKi : . Boyd's opera house was well filled in , ho afternoon with people to witness the > reduction of "Ltapot , the Tomboy , " by ho Leonard Grover Comedy company. L'ho company were very well received , and some parts of the play were well rendered and called forth hearty applause. Tlio lame play was given in the evening. AT THE IIOU.EU UI.NK. In the nftornoon the attendance was : iot so largo , but in the evening a largo crowd assembled to witness the exhibi tion skating by Prof. Daniels and Muster Bert Bliss , n ten year old from DCS Moincs , lown. Together they did some very fine work and the little shaver is ertainly n wonder on wheels. Ho is as graceful and active as can bo nnd will doubtless bo the prince of roller skating in u few years. After the double exhibition , Prof. Daniels delighted his many admirers by an exhibition of his skill. It is needless to say that it was immense. ' Good mutac was in attendance and everybody hud n most excellent time. Under the management of Mr. Daniels , the roller rink is becoming a most favor- it ronort for male and female , both young and old. TKIX1TY CATlIEOHAr , Appropriate Christmas services were lield in Trinity Cathodial yesterday fore noon and evening. Tbo music prepared for the occasion was most excellent. The church was beautifully trimmed and dec orated for the occasion. THE .SOUTH M. K. ( 'H DISCI t. The Sunday school of the South Omaha M E. church , gave their entertainment it their church , corner of Tenth aud Pierce street , last night. The Christmas tree was a largo one , and was fairly loaded down with presents 'or the little ones. GOP. 0. 0. Howard delivered a very fine address to the little ones , which was anxiously listened to. Mr. G. W. Tib- tmls had charge of the singing , which was good. The little ones enjoyed themselves liugoly. AT Till' 1IA1T1.ST OHUlUIlf. The Christmas festival for the Sunday school of the Baptist church , wns hold lust evening nnd was n thoroughly enjoy able nllnir. The entertainment consisted of recitations , dialogues , solos , duota and choruses by the children , and these wore well selected and well rendered. The room was handsomely decorated with ( Ings , the most attractive feature being , of course , the Christmas tree , well laden with handsomeprosentu for the children. The appearance of Santa Claus , who dis tributed the presents , assisted by six lit tie faiiios , was the c'ojing and most at tractive feature ot tlio evening. The house- was packed with people , many being obliged to stand the entire evening. MiisTM.K. . ununcii. At the First M. E. church a largo crowd of children nnd grown people gathered last evening. A Christmas tree was the feature of the evening , but mom * bcrs of the Sunday school contributed to the evening's enjoyment by recitations , song , etc. It was a joyous occasion one every ono was happy. " AT THE CATHOLIC UATHEIWAI. tlio services were as usual grand and im pressive. High mass was celebrated al live in the morning by the pastor , Rev. Fr. O'Connor. The church \\na thronged. The main altar was beautifully decorator with natural and artificial ilowera , ant lit un by dozens of tapers. Above al the illuminated star to'd ' the story of the birth of the Saviour as plainly as columns of print. The side altnrs wcro profusolj docked with ( lowers and burnint ; tapers , the latter in the form uf the letter "M' ' and n heart , Pontifical high mass was cclobratec by lit Roy. Bishop O'Counor , with corps of assistants , beginning at 1C.-IJO The choir faultlessly rendered St. Co celia'o mass , at both services. THIS EVKNI.VO'H ruoaiuMMi ; . St. Mary's Congregational , Christmas services this evening at 7:30. : This \vil bo the first use af the now Sunday schoo rooms. At St. Barnabas this evening there will bo a carol sorvico. Tlio Southwest Presbyterian Sunday school vrill have their Christmas troi thin evening. Christmas tree at Trinity cathedra this evening. W-MOUWW'H I-KOIIUAUMK. The entertainment of the Firt Congregational grogational Sunday school will bo givei to morrow night. The annual dinner of the city mission schools will bo given to-morrow noon a tVie Y. M. 0. A , hall. In the evening a 0 o'clock a concert and Christmas tre will bo the programme at the same place Everybody is invited to attend and bj thus doing aid a worthy cause. A DISCOUNT of 10 PER CENT. on all Winter Garments ordered bofon February 15th. En. B. WILLIAMS , declD oed Buy a nice Seal Cup for Christmas n Saxo'a. Largest stock and lowest pricoa mw&ftjl BONNKIVS for Parlvr SoU ? BURIED ALIVE. Carles Forrest cangU Beneath a ' Falling Ml Yesterday , A Snclnml Solemn OlirlstmnH Journey front This LI Co Into the Great Unknown Kutiirc. Yesterday afternoon as three workmen were engaged in excavating under Dr. 'eaboJj's ' house , corner Fourteenth and Jones btrcot , the wall of dirt gave way , mrying ono o ( the men , Charles Forrest > y name The bank was about cloven feet high , and the men had dug under it for ft dis tance of eighteen inches , when it caved n upon thorn. The falling dirt caught 'orrest upon the legs and buried him nearly up to his hips. Ho WAS itnmpdiatoly extricated and moved to his residence , only n few doors distant , whore ho died about 4 o'clock. _ The coroner was notified and imincdi- itoly empaneled a jury , who upon hear- ng the evidence , state that they found .hat the diseased came to his death by a HOBS of earth falling upon him at the ilnco above mentioned. It is the prevailing opinion that a argo chunk of dirt must have fallen upon lim in such n manner as to have injured lim internally. Ho vrns about 37 years of ago and eaves a wife to mourn his losa. His funeral will take place to-morrow. Messrs. Guild it Mclnnin , the IGth trootdry goods merchants , extend to the niblic their cordial thanks for the largo latronago conferred upon them during ho holidays. This popular firm has at nil times nmdo efforts to draw trade by ) ffOring their goods at small profits. The argo patronage received during the lioli- lays testifies to the olfect. FURNITURE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Foot reals. Easy Chairs and Rocttors. Fancy Hanging and Standing Cabinets. Tables of all descriptions. Fire Scrcena.EaBclsand Work Baskets. Lauics' and Gentlumon's Writing Desks. linttan and Rood Chairs and Rockers. Secretary and Library Book Caaes. Pier and Mantel Mirrors. Fancy Hull Racks , Tables and Seats. And innumerable other articles suita- o for Holiday presents , and all at as : onishingly low pncon. Come early to ninko selections that you may have a greater variety from which to select from. CHAN. SHIVKHICK , 1200 , 1208 and IL'10 Farnam St. dlo-tf BONNER'S for Chamber Suite. Those beautiful BRONZE ana MAR BLE CLOCKS are the the finest ever 'iroitght to this market. The stock is largo and consists of numerous and origi nal designs. Prices low. Call and see them at EDHOLM & ERICKHOK'H , dll-tf Opp. Postotfice. Police Court. In police court this morning there were eight CMOS for disturbance of the icaco. Four of them paid a fine of ? 5 each and costs , two of thorn were con- inuod and two were discharged. Ono suspicious character , was held for examination. " Two vagrants gave n good account of themselves and were discharged. A man was up for discharging firearms and was lined § 5 and costs , which ho paid.A . A complaint was filed against John Holmes for asinult and battery. Ho will liavo his trial to-morrow morning. Ed. Foaron filed a complaint against Mai tin Frnnzcn , for obtaining from him two hundred cigars under false pretenses. Frunrun is now in jail and several other complaints will bo filed against him , In ( ho Future. When you hao a covgh and want relief , think of Komp'H Baham for the Throat and Lungs. A guaranteed remedy for those diseases - eases , Price f > 0 cents and $1. For sale bj Schioter & Becht. Over 310,000.00 worth of quadruple plated ailvcrwaro will bo sold this week at unheard of roductioim in price at Hu bonnan's Jewelry House , cor. 13th and Douglas. 17tf Wonted. A situation by a man of six years experience as traveling salesman with boat of references. Address Bales man.Boo office. Suggestions lit Hotel Patrons. If it rains , do not hoaitato to apply to the clerk for an umbrella. Ho koopa a largo stock constantly on hand , which ho loans cheerfully to guests of the house. Ho does not expect you to bring it bock. Do not neglect to look over the tele grama several times a day. It gives you an air of importance ; and , if you think o it , you might ask the clerk if "tho Hon. Mr. So-and-So" had called foryou"flinco you wont out the last time. " Above all things , do not fail to inquire the titno the trains on nil the diHbron roads take their departure. Do this lonj , before you intend leaving , BO that yov ran forgot about it and have to ask it nl OVIT again the day you decide to go , Remember , too , that one of the mos admired guests in any house is the ono who is always ringing for ice-water ant growling because the towels are not on imnd at exactly the minute ho takes liia bath. You should not forgot that the only way the chambermaid 1ms for "act ting oven" is to keep a man standing wet and cold while she goca down to the laundry. This is her sacred privilege established by A long line of precedent She would die for it and so may you. Commercial travelers , otherwise knowi as "drummor j" are entitled to primary consideration in all metropolitan hotels Because you are a member of congress is no reason why you should expect a rooii on the parlor lluor at second floor prices If the bell-boy ans.vors your call with in fifteen _ minutes after the time has gone by wl'.eu you needed him , romom- bur tlmt ho may have bcou n.ileep whei you called , nml has probably done as wel as you would if you had been out will the boys the night before. llrgutor } our naino plainly , forgetting uono of your titles. The no\repaperH want you in their "personals. " It v bo a pleasure , alto , to the hotel clerk to have you write your name so plainly that ho can read it backward and upside down just as well oa forward. If you think there is any subject upon which the clerk ! a not informed , you are very much muUkon. Ho is a walking sncyclopcdia of universal knowledge , and f thera is anything ho cannot toll you about , you ore at liberty to mnrk him down as n "green hand. " If there is anything that will make him love you it is this. If ypa have a silk umbrella of your ] wnwith n gold head , take a turnaround town in the evening , and in the morn ing , when the check clerk hands you a gingham umbrella with a hickory han dle , demand of him the difference in cash. You wcro not to blame because it took the night clerk nnd three porters to put you to bed a * 2 o'clock in the morn ing. An Kdltor'H Tribute. Theron P. Koator , J dltor of Ft , Wnyno , Iml. , "Gnretto , " writes : "For the jm t fi\o yours Imvo always mod Ur. King's Now Dis covery , for cough * of most cevoro clinrncter , O ucll an for those of a milder typo. It timer falls to effect a ppcedy euro. My friends to whom 1 have recommended It , tponk of It iu same high terms. Hitt Ing boon cured by it of every cough I ha\o hud for five years , I con- elder It the only reliable and mire euro for Cough * , Cold * , etc. " Call nt C. F. Goodman's Drug Store and got n free Trial Bottlo. Large SIze 51.00. Ladies and gentlemen's GOLD CHAINS in great variety at the Jewelry Store of EDHOLM & ERIOKSON'S , dll-tf Opp. Postofftcc. A largo stock of window and ornamcn- a\ \ glass at GOODMAN'S. nlS-tf BONNER'S for everything. Fou SALTS Two portable steam boilers , LO-horso power. Apply at D. FlTZrATKICK's , Bl7-tf 218 South 15th St. BRACELETS , BRACELETS. nilACEtKTH , Bracelets. We positively have the largest stock of ; old bracelets in the city. The variety is unsurpassed and the prices are much lower than elsewhere. We mean what we say. Call and bo convinced , dll-tf EDHOLM & EUICKSON. Fur Robes of every description at manufacturer's cost , at Richter'a. 15-tf BONNER'S ' for Upholstered Chairs. SEVERELY"INJURED , A. Painter Takes a Hard Fall from u Ladder Munduy Afternoon. Monday afternoon n Bohemian painter namjd Lon'gpowol , foil from a ladder to the ground while engaged in painting n house for Air. Hoffman on South Sixteenth street. Ho fell a distance of several feet and was picked up by Oflicer Matza , who happened to bo.passing at the time , and several others , and was carried into n neighboring house and Dr. Hoffman was summoned. Upon the arrival of the physician ho discerned that a piece of bone had been broken from the man's thigh bone and he waa also injured internally , but to what extent ia not yet known. Ho also complained considerably of his back. Ho is a young man 27 years of age , and has been married a Ijttle moro than a year. Bncklon's Arnica Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of the woitd. Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Outs , Ul cers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Cancers , files , Chilblains , Corns , Tetter , Chapped hands , and all ikiu eruptions , guaranteed to cure in every Instance , or money refunded. 23 cantn er box ' BONNER'S for Mirroro. AVIIG Pedro G. , son of Mr. Wiig , the dry goods meichant , died at 2:30 p. m. Christ inas Day , aged four months undeeveii days. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' CONNKK In this city , December 24 , after u long and painful illneK . Itmbel , beloved daughter of William anil Marp.irnte Con ner , aged 38 years , 9 months and 23 days. The funeial took plao this afternoon at 2 o'clock. BONNtill'S ' for Brackota and Wall Pockets. Son the nevr Holiday Hat on the JJun- lap block and A'noratylpa nt Frederick's , the only and the Leading Hatter , 13th and Farnam. dL'G-lt Ono car load of show-awes , oval and mansard , all sizes , just received at Good man's. _ _ n2-tf. Swecdish Le'ochos at GOODMAN'S. . ulS-tf _ BONNER'S , the' ' best place for Chil- dren's Chairs. 3 TWO CANING MATCHES Of n Very I'leabaot Character Occur red Yesterday. Andy Borden , the accommodating and genial ticket agent ot the B. & M. and iho K. C , . , St. J. & 0. B. railroads in this city ; wa < i yesterday presented a beautiful gold headed cano , by a few of hia numer ous friends in tins city. Andy was agree ably nurprised and a worthier gentleman could not have boon singled out , upon whom to bestow such a gift. A1 > AM MOHHKLL , the MUlatd hotel barber , was the reci pient of an elegant gold headed cano , ate to ton of esteem und respect from his em ployes. It was elegantly carved and ap propriately engraved , and waspresented by Mr/Pliil Jurold , foreman of the shop , who made a very nrat little speech. Air. Morroll was completely overcome with surprise , but Rssurod hia men that ho fully appreciated their kindness. A Very Itomurttublo 1 loco very. Mr. Oeo. VWilling , of Manchester , Mich. , write * : "My wife has been ulmoet helpless for five years , BO hclplcat that bha could not turn over in bed ulono. Shi used two Bottles of Klectric Bitten , and in ao much Improved , ( hat she is now able to do her own work , " iioctrlo Bitter * will do all that ia claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their pent curatho power * . Only fifty cents a bottle at 0 , F. Goodman' * . Soward'a Cough Cure never fails , AI nl2-tf GOODMAN'S. Christinas presents nt Snxo'ajSeal Caps , ohuB , Ladies' and Children's Mull'a mid Bo is , Fur and Cloth Caps cheap as the cheapest. SAXK 3 UK HATTEII , inwAftjl _ _ Opera BONNER'S for Silver nnd Plated ware. Truesea , Shoulder Braces , and Crutches nl2-tf At GOODMAN'S. NEW YEAR'S ' Tlio Young Men Propnrlnff to Observe the Popular Custom of CftlllnR. The custom of making New Year's calls will bo observed by our society young men with aa much enthusiasm next Tues day as has ever characterized the dny in Omaha , Already they nro selecting their styles of cards , and giving their orders. The variety of stylea this year is greater thim over , and among _ them are many now. original and beautiful designs. Mr. T. 11 , Cotter , the nrtistio job printer , who has for the last few years taken the leaden the specialty of Now Year's cards , carries a greater variety of design than any house in Chicago or St. Louis , lie always aims to RIVO his patrons the very best opportunity of selection to suit their tastes , Got your job printing at Cotter's. Picture cards of all design at Cotters , 1314 Douglas St. sO tf BONNER'S for best Lamps. Furs at cost at lUchtor'a. 15-tf VEUSONA.1 , . F. M. Sackbtt , of Albion , is at the Paxton. M. Muplcman , of Fairmont , ia at the Pax- tou. tou.S. S. C. Webber , of Sclmyler , is at the Pax- ton. \ D , F. McFarland , of Plattsmouth , is at the Mlllard. J , It. lltingnto and eon , of Blair , are at the Millnrd. , John JN. Peters , of Clear Creek , is at the Paxton. Mr. Frank Itogors , of Washington , Ia. , Is in town , Gco , L. Scott , of Ashland , is a Paxton tiouco guest. F. W. Barhydt , of the Perkins hotel , Platts- mouth , was In the city to-day. Mr. G. N. Crawford has returned from Idaho , and will remain hero until March. Mrs. W , L. Van Alatino , of Lincoln , ia visiting at her brother's , Mr. J. II. Winter- stein , in this city. Mr. G. N. Morgan , the Tenth street ticket agent , has gene south for.his health , aud will probably upend the winter there. Bon , F. Ilildcbrand , managing editor of Tha Pawnee Press , Pawnee City , Neb. , adled i t Tax IEK ! oflico to-day. AV , D. Motter , of the firm of Kuunard , Mottor&Co. , was married ycsti'rday in St. Louis. Mr. aud Mrs. Motter will return hero nt once to their now homo , 1814 Webster street. Capt Bourke , aid-de-ctmp of Gen. Crook , and wife , formerly Miss Mollie llorbach , re turned to Omaha from their European wed ding tour. They have been absent four or five months. A reception will bo given them on Thursday ovening'at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Horbach. ' W. J. Cuddy , now located at the flourish ing town of Caldwell , Idaho , where he is pub lishing a lively little paper , arrived in the city on Christmas day , nd last evening he started on bU return to Idaho accompanied by hia family. Mr. Cuddy boa excellent pros pects in Idaho , and his many friends will be glad to learn this factv Seal Skin Sacques a Specialty at Hen ry G. Richtcr , the Furrier'a. 15-tf BONNER'S fo STOVES. d9-5t A. L. FZTCK & CO. DEALEKS IN GENERAL IIR * * { f tf ill F&fiPBrtfiy RIHTFS QIM FURNISHING CONSISTING OF Furniture ! Cooking and Heating Stoves. CROCEERYGLASSWARE Lamps , Bab ) Carriages , CUTLERY , ETC. , ETC. We can furnleh tn ) thine la this line at the Lowest Prices. A. L. FITCH & CO. , 12th St , between Fomam * nd Douglas , Opposite Nebraska National Bank 1JROF. A. BEPNSTBIN'S MUSEUM OK AN ATOMT AND EISTOHY 1511 DOUGLAS STREETS , \S ill bo o ] n from 10 ft. m. to 1 p. nu , dal'y , the Uulldujs , for veiitliinui only. Nu l > crton tliould fall tnHl this wonJctful Intti- tutlon. It In a iilaco wlioree\cry person can fctuih and learn ho\r the human ) )0 > 1y 1 made , and lev all the dlCFreent urtfans In health nnil dlscnsr. During iho llolldan ocrj two lioutucrj lutoiestlui ; and Inttructholecturol will bj l\cn < m tliu Anatomical Apollo , a life tlio figure , wlikli Is ilUsuctcJ In 80 ( ll- ( ferciit parti , ho Ing every ornii none mucrleand e\ety illifcrcnt Lolien ol tlio huiiuii body. The pub- Ho will | ilco o tint rompare tlili museum with tlm BO- oiled Dime iluscuinu , Side Kliowp , tic. . II ) ax ui miule by all thuvreat mastery of Kuropr , and rejitc- tint the talue < ftdCOCO. StTKiiry Friday from 1 to 0 p. tn , , I will keep mj museum i n cxcliulvtl ) f r Ladle' , aim t > e lecture will be git en by a lady both In the 1'jiKllih and Uer- Very lleipcctfully Youni , A. llKUNSTKItf- Marked Down ! ALL THE Millinery and Hair Goods ! -AT- ALMA E. KEITH'S. gpwltl Inducement * .offered eteulngn. Store until 0 o'clock p. 10. 100 If-th Street Opp. Poatoffice. J JIEIICHANTS' LUKCU AND SAMPLU110OJI , 1203 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb. RESTAURANT . , 100 , 908 South Ittu Street.flfta \ tejind Might. YOU CAN Acrej Lots Splendidly located , thirty miiinels drive from the postofiice , mid vnth- , n twenty rods of the route of the Belt Road , for $125. 5 PER CENT CASH Balance $10 $ per YOU CAN BUT 21-2 ACRE LOTS fen f on handsome ground as nny ever offered north ot Cuming street , nntl especial y adapted for choice homes or market gardening , with liviug- water and a superb view of town for from $260 to $3 50. AND $10.00 A MONTH. 1507 Farnam St. We are selling some of the finest lots in West Omaha , location unsur passed. They ore within ten mi utes walk of the St. Mary's Ayens cars , and canndt be beaten in lo tion and desirability. These lots just in the market. They ore bein | sold on . MONTHLY PAYMENT Acre Properly. We .offer the largest list of property ever put on this marTje the lowest possible prices and e iesfc terms. ifYF LU eh We are selling city lots on nndj the vicinity of Stiunders St. , at prij ] and terms never before given. $15 to $20 Down Will buy lots which will in r | months time iucrense in value frj $100 to $150 ft lot. Thus putting property in the reach OF ALL BUYERS. a expended on the streetsjjof Oral willINCREASE INCREASE VALUES Now is the Time TO SAVE MONE' ' SOLE AGENTS FOR Hanscom Place , Redick's Additic Wallnut Hill , Plainvio Douccken's Addition , ' Koster's Additioi Hiinebnugh Place , Barkalow's Addition , ! Cote Brilliante , Tuttle's Snb divisionr Pratt's Sub-division , Hawver's Sub-division , Chatham , 1507 Farnam St Elf Office open evenings.