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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1883)
W TyjrfcT ttgwwc * * TEE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20 , 1883. 8 6I I 1B B : lOll out lee > n 'Pi ' ip : ndra 1 r , gI I I febraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB. capital . . Nov. 1 , 1883 J 10.600 S , Provident , for many years Cashier elk k National Bank ot Omaha. \LIN , Vlcui President , ot Boston. | 0ISK , of W v. MORSE & Co. eoLLmg.oio.ii COLLINS. SLWOHTH , Counsellor & Attorney at Law. pM > , of Byron Reed & Co. Bk opened lor business April S7 , 1835 TOnS AND STOCKHOLDKIU art ng business men ol Omaha , and It j I * conducted with especial rclcrcnco to the cuing lntcrc tsot Its mercantile patrons. TIONS receive prompt attention and I lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere. _ T allowed on time deposits upon faror. I and upon accounts o ( banks and bankers. ON EXCHANGE , Government Bands and [ and Cltv Securities bought and sold. ioii Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. { Mortgage Loans Ncgptlatod. Commercial Sid all Hood Securities dealt In. 89 1'carl nit COO First avenue , Council Bluffs. IANGE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL NKW YOBK , December 21. noy Easy at li@2j per cent. , closed R6 B'lls ' 4.82 ; demand , 4.85. Pvornmonta Stromr. 'Cka ' The stock exchange opens for bust- [ { Wednesday at 11 o'clock. The market j y was weak and lower. Pullman car date - to $1.12kSt. Paul to 02c , Western bn to 7-1 lo and Oraahn preferred to 04c. bo close all were a shade firmer. COUPONS 101 Coupons 1149 ifio6'Bof'95 128 BTOOKB AND BONDS. erlcnn Express 91 1. , Codnr Rapids & Northern 80 itral Pacific G4 | jcago & Alton 132 do do pfd 145 , Burl. &Qulncy. . . . 119 ? pid. ' " ' . " ' . " . . " ! " ! ! " ! ! " ! ! ! " ! 7 $ rt Wayne & Chicago 133 milbal&St. Joseph 38) ) do do do pfd * ( ? 8J note Central 131J 1. , Bloom. & Vestera 118 nsas& Texas 1215 ko Shore & Michigan So 02 J chlgan Central 89 aneaoolls & St. Louis 17 do do do pfd 31 HouriPactfio 98 ftrthorn Pacific 25J do do pfd 55 irthwestern 11R3 do pfd 142J iw York Central 112J Jo & Mississippi. 22J do do pfd 90j orla. Decatur & Evansville 14i ick Island 118 . Paul & Milwaukee 92 do do do pfd 115J ! . Paul Minn. & Manitoba 95 ] . .Paul& Omaha 33 § do do pfd" . . . . * 94 as Paiafio 18 ? nion Paci6o 75J abash , St. L. & Pacific 18 | do do do pfd 31 estorn Union Telegraph. 74j ' 'Aukod. GRAIN AN1I PROVISIONS. BALTIMOBX. December 21. Wheat West in , steady ; No. 2 winter red cosh , 1 OSj d. , Corn Western , about steady , and quiet : ixod , cash. COic bid. I Oats Dull ; western white , 40@42c ; llxod , 3l@3 c. ' * [ Kyo Quiet at CC@G8c. [ Butter Dull ; western packed , 10@22c ] e\ry , 25@35c. Quiet ; frosli at 28@30c. TltAFFJO. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , December 24. Receipts and ship- onta of live stock for the past 24 hours have oa follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts , [ ittlo . 4,300 oga . 24,000 . . . . loop . 1,800 . . . . KANSAS CITT , December 24. Receipts and -ilpmenta of live stock for the post 24 hourt Lvo been as follows : [ ' Rocelpta. Shlp'ts , lattlo . COO togs . , 5,000 . . . . jheep . . . \ . 97 BRITISH GltAIN TRADE , ppearance. Trade is overcome by the checK fiat a mild seasan is given to. and there is but ttlo business , with a tendency to lowei itcs. Barley unchanged. Off-coast trade is sstrictod from lack of supply , which , how ver , Is quite equal to necessities. Four wheat argpes arrived , throe sold , ono withdrawn , jtid ono removed. Cargoes on passage in no 'oraand , and prices nominal. Sales of Kng ish wheat for the week , 7fi,553 quarters at 39 * 'd , against 45,178 at 41s Gd for the correspond ewook last roar OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale 1'rlccs , , OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BKB. \ Monday Evening , December 24. I TliO following prices ara charged rotation ry Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor ihnnts , with the exception of sprain , which ii inoted at the prices furnished ! > 7 the elevnton ind other local buyers : Gram. WHEAT Cash No. 2.81ic ; No. 8 , C5oJ BABLET Cash No. G2c. lira Cash No. 3.35@40c , CoRN No. " 2 , 45o OATS No. 2,83 < j. Hvo Stock. VAT BTEKiia Quiet at 4 00@4 7C. B"AT Cows 3 00@3 DO. Hooa 1 75@5 70. SUERP Firm at 3 00@3 CO. CALVES Fair quality 4 E0@5 OOj good.butct Bra' stock , 0 CO. Flour and Blillstnfla. W2KTEB WHEAT Best quality , patent.Ja . BEOONn'OOALITT 2 75g3 ( 25. SriiiKoYHEAT Best quality , patent 825@3CO. BEOOND QOALITT 2 C0@3 35. BUAK G5o i > er cwt CHOPPED PEED Per 100 Ibi , 85c. COBN MEAL 100@110 per ewtji BoJUtEHiuo C5@75o per cw.- General Produce. FJBUTTKB Fancy creamery. 83@35c ; col itorago creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 2 @ 24c ; bent country , solid packed , 12@ltH beat country , roll , lC@18c ; inferior grade. 10@14c. Receipt * are small , and the demon good. EOGB Market firm ; Bales to-day at 27 ( @ 28c. Advlie lib ral conslgnmentn. AFPLKH 1'ancy Jonathans , 84 50@5 0 ( fancy Ben Davis , 83 C0@4 00 ; fancy done 2io3 60 ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , $3 25@3 71 Land goodNew -New York State full cream , lal * " New YorkSUWfu cream , 10 hoop lota , 13Jc ; do full croamCO hoop lots , 13Je ; Wisconsin , full cream , in box , 14c ; Vmmg Ainoricv , strictly full cream , 14c ; full qrnnm , 12c ; full cro.iin 10 houp loti , IHc- full Unto , 12Jc : full cream llnti , lljc ; finry brick cheese , 100 Ib c.vie' , 15Jc ; him- burypr l.'Sle ; f ( ° > inliio old SnUs , 1'Jc. 1 oiATOKd Kccelpta small and prices rood , CoiislgninnnU of strictly ' cliolco , largo Rlr.pd , strnlght potatoes ara selling from 33 to 33o ; m' ' od cars 30 to 32o anil light domac'l ; ponchblows , 85to40o. Ef SWKKT VOTATOKS Choice yellow , 4l@5c. . ONIU.VS No demand ; market overstocked. CAKnAQE Market for choice stock 9500 ® GOO per hundred. Demand good. BEAKS Hand picked nrwioi , $2252GO hand picked mediums , $1 75 ® ' . ! 00 , Re * celpts largo ; demand good. GAME Prntrlo chickens , per doz. , ? 3 00 to 3 25. quail. $1 25 to 1 50 ; snipe , $1 50 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , 81 60 to 2 00 ; door saddles , llf to 12jc ; carcass - cass , 8 to Oc ; antelope saddles , 11 to 12c ; car * cass , Oj to 10& Demand good. Would advise liberal consignments. Bo careful that your game comes to market in nice condition , FiiKsit OTSTKK3 Selects , 45c ; standards , 40cj mediums , SOc. CELKIIT 15c. PODLTOT Llvo chickens , per dor , 1 75 ® 2 00 ; full dressed chickens , per lb,10@12c ; tur * keys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 1012 ; goose , 12@llc. LEMONS Kxtrn fancy bar lemons , S3 00 ; fancy Mosalnn lemons' , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box lots , Messina lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , SC 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $5 DO ; do 5 box lots , 54 50. OIUNOES Lonlslanas per bbl , $9 00 : do. , box. 85 CO ; stem cut Jan.aicos , porbbl , $10 00 ; per box , SO 00 : Florida , per box , 55 25 BANANAS Choice , per bunch , 53 00@4 00. CiiANDnnniKs Boil and bugles ; $1000 ® 12 00 ; boll and cherry , 59 50@10 50. Above quotations for choice , DATES Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@0c ; quarter crates , 10& Fins 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12ic ; 10 Ib. box , ayer , per Ib. , IGc ; smaH' vals per Ib. , 18c. COCOANBTS Kxtra fine , per 100 , 8 00. CIDKB Pure sweet elder , 22 gal keg , ? 0 00 ; M. & P. clarified , 10 gal keg , § 4 75 ; M. & P. clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. Plus FEFT , ImrE , ETC. Pigs feet , 15 Ib kits , 51 15 : pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , § 2 25 : pigs foot , 80 Ib half bbl , 81 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits ; $1 15 ; tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , $4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 50 ; pigs tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , $6 00. Lambs' tonjnios. 15 Ib kits , 82 C5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , § G 25. MIXCK MEAT Atmoro's , 181b buckets ( buckets 25o ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40o ) , Oc. ; lOOlb kegs , 9ci half barrels , Sjc. ABSOHTED JELLY 2-lb stone jars : 12 in case , per doz , 82 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 81 95 : schooner , per dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 doz. in case , $1 40 : 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in cose , 84 60. BULK JELLIES Currant , SO-lb wood palls , per Ib , 8Jc ; strawberry , 30-lb wood palls per Ib , 8 c ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 8ic ; blackberry. 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 8Jc ; crab apple , 30-lb wood palls per Ib , Sic. Ari'LK BuTTEn 35-lb wooden palls , per Ib , 8c ; 5-lb * wooden pails , C in case , per cose , 8350 PEAOH BtrrTEn 2o-lb wooden palls per Ib , 811 00 ; 5-lb wooden pail , G in case , per case , PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) R sp- berry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peach , 14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , 14c ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in case , per case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cabs , 2 doz in case , per case , SO CO. NEBRASKA COMB HONEY 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , 18c. HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; in bulk , 6.00@G 50 per ton. Grocers CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett pears.-por case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 3 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; plno apples , 2 Ib per case , 4 80@5 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 10c , S inch , lOle ; J inch , lie. > CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , ICs , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 16 oz. , Gs , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , coses , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 91c ; granulated , 8 c ; confectioners' A , 8pc ; Stand ard extra O , 7Sc ; extra C , 7ic ; medium yel low , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13 @ 13ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice , 16@17c ; fancy green andyelIowlG@lGlcold government .lava , 20@2Gc ; Levering's roasted. 14 Jc ; Arbucklo's roasted , ! c ; McJjaughlin'p XXXX roasted , 181o ; mitatlon Java , ICi RICE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Patma , GJa FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , .cits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05. STKUT Standard Com. , 34c , bols ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do. 4 gallon ke/s 150 SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per Ib , 2c- 4 PICKLES Medium , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 36@50o ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@7nc ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@40c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWAKE Two hoop polls , 1 85 ; three hoop palls , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; Wellbuckets , 3 85. SOAPB Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk'a satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'a white Russian , 625 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40e ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Baubltt.B boll 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY French mixed , in 30 Ib. palls , 18c ; American mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Brilliant mixed , in 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 30 Ib nails , 13c : Competition mixed , in 30 Ib palls , IL'ic ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib palls , 12c ; double refined , 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Crystal mixed , 30 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Hi pails , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Flirt , mixed , 30 Ib palls , lUc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib palls , lljc ; Tip Ton. stick , 30 Ib pails , 12o. VINEQAB Ixow York apple IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13c , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , In Backs , 3 60 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STAUOII Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloas , 9c ; Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7ic ; Corn , 80. SPIOES Popper , 17c ; allspice , 16c ; cloves 5c ; cassia 15c. LTB American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40j Western , 2 7B ; North Star. 2 00 : Lewis'nyo ! " ' i65j Jewell lye , 2 7 § % Dry Goods. BBOWH COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ; Applel ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF. 8Jc , Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7ic ; Ohltto. nango A. Go : Great Falls E.Sic ; Hooslor , GJc ; Honest Width , 8cj Indian Head A , 8e ; Indian Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7Jc ; Lawrence LL , 60 ; Mystlo River , 74o ; Poquo A , 83c ; Utlca 0 , G\c \ ) Wacliusett B , 7Jo ; dc A,8jo doE48,12ic. . . . .J-J4J * UJvi AJMUKUA MVt fcrtj 9 * " 3 > 'vt * > * in vw * O 4A , lifci Buckeye S 4 1 , CJc ; Indian Orchard AA 0-8,8ic ; Laconla O 89 , Sic : Lelilfjh K 4-4 , OJe ; Pojiperoll N 30. 7cj do 0 32 , ? lc ; do ll 8fi , 7fcj do K 39 , ( Jjc ; Pocw 0 4-4 , 7jc Wnumutta 4-1.13c. BLEACHED COTTONS Androscogrin L 4-1 Olc : Ulackstono AA Imperial 8Jcj do do hal bleached 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4 , 8o Fidelity 4-4 9Jc ; Fruit of the Loom , Oic ; do cambrlo 4--i 12h do Water TwUt , l&ic ; Great Falls Q , 9i Indian Head shrunk 4-4. 12o ; Lontdalo , lOi o cambrlo 37,12ic ; New York Mills , 12i ( TeouotA , 10c : i'epperel , N G Twills , 1'2i < Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jo : I'ocasaot 6-4 , 8J ; Utlct llcj WamsutU O X X , 12Jo UUCKH ( Colore < l ) Albany E. brown , 8c : d < O , drab , lie ; do XX strin&a and plaids , 121-2o do XXX brown and drab , stripes and phJda 12L2cj Arlington fancy , 1'Joi } 5runawicl brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l-2o ; do ex tra heavy , 0c ; Fall III ver brown , extra heavy IX 1.2cj Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neporaot / browu , 16o TICKINQB ArnoeVeag AO A 82 , lOej do XS blue 82. 18 l-2cj Anrowanna , 01-2c ; Clare moiit 1JB , I 2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l-2o Hamilton I ) , lll-2oj LewUtou A SO , 16c : Mln nehalia 4-4. 'Me ; Oinoun , super extra 4-4 , ' . Pearl Iliver 8it ! 10 f-4c ; Putnain XX blu tripe , 12c : Shotuckot H , 10 l-2c ; do 83 , 12c Yeoman's blue 29. Da DeNiiiS Ataoakoug , blue and browDiO l-2c Andover DD blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue Scotch , 18 l-2o : Concord OOO , blun ami brown , 12 1.2c ; do AAA , do do 131-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Haymaker's blue and brown. 9 l-2c ! Mystic HhcrDUstrtpolOl.'c ) Pearl Ulror , blue and brown , ICc ; UncAsVllle , blue and brown , 14 l-2c. OAJtmucs Barnard 5c ; Eddystono lining , 24 inch double face , Sic ; Garner A glazed , 5Jc | Manhattan plovo finish , 5Jc ; Newport do.,5Sc ! do glazed , Cjc ; Poquot do , 5c ; Lockwood kid finish , Oc. CORSET JEANS Amory. Androscoggin Ratteen , 8c ; Clarendon lifej Conostogga Rat teens , Tjc ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7&c ; Narragansott , improved , 8jc ; Pcpporlll Bat- teen , 9ic ; Itockport , Co. PRINTS Aliens , Cc : Amoncan , OJc ; Arnldo , CJc ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochwx ) , GJ jConestoga , CJcj Danklrk , Cc ; Dunnell , GJ@7c ; Kddystono , Gc ; Gloucester , Glc : Harmony , 6\c ; Knickerbocker , CJc ; Morrimac D , 7c ; Mystic , BJo ; Sprairuos , Cc ; Southbridjro , Cc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro bore , CJc ; Oriental , 8Jc. GINOHAHS Ainoskoag9Jc ; Argyle , 8c ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cumberland. 7ic ; Hlglilnnd , 7Jc ; Konllworth , OJc ; 1'luntott , 'Jic ; Sussex , 8c. CoTTONADKa Abborvllle , ISSc ; Ac A to , 20c ; American , lie ; Artlslan , SOcj Cairo D nnd T ISic ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Docan Co. ttriiMM D and T , ICc : Keystone ISJc ; Nan * tucket , 19c : Nonpareil , ICc ; Ocean 1) and T , 13jc ; lloyal , IGJc ; Sussex , 12c ; Tloga , Wachu- nott Bhlrtlng chocks , 12Jc ; do Nankin 12Jcs York , plalu Nankin , ISjc ; do cliocks , stripes vnd fancy , 12Jc : do 8 oz , 20o. SHKKTINQS Audroscoggln 10-4 , 27ic ; do 9-4 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32o : Continental O 42. lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1 ; 271cNow ; York m 11s 98. 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 53 , 22ic ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Ponuot 1028Jo ; do 74,19c ; do 49 , ICc ; Poppoaoll 9G , 29c ; do 07 , 21c ; do 17 , 18c ; UUca 90 , SGc ; do 58 , 22Jc ; do 48,17o. Immocr. WHOLESALE. Wo tiuoto lumber , lath and shingles' , on oars at Omaha at the following pricost JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft. nnd under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMDEB AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 : 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d'common ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. LlStE Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel' 35c ; oomont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 1100 Ibs , 3 60 ; straw board , 3 50 , PnlntH.Ollfl and Varnishes. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 14ic ; 150 ° water whlto , 18c ; lin seed , raw , ; pr gallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 58oLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 80c : No. 1 , 70cNo. 2 , COc ; castor , XXX , per gal lon , 1 50 ; No. 3,1 30 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. , porgallon , G5c ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating ) zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal * Ion , Sfic ; No. 2 , 25c ; sponn , signal , per gallon , 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , per gallon , ICc. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load. Omaha P. P. Go ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Glc ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; Kronen zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c : French zinc , in oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown. 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and Ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green L. M. & D. . ICc ; blind and shutter green , L M. &D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod. 9c ; Tuscan red , 22c ; Ameri can Vermillton. I. & P. , 18c ; clirome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , clip-tnut and ash 15c. l > rv Paints. Whlto lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ifc : whiting cora'l lie ; lampblack , Gonnantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramariuo , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 20o ; chromo green , N.Y. , 20u ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vcrmllllon , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusoss , 2c ; Venetian rod-American , IJc ; red load , 7jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo,3cochro ; , French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2c ; lehlgh brown , 2 c ; Spanish brown , 2c ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VABNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 5110 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sljcoach , extra , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , oxtrn , § 1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum , extra , 85c ; shellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish , 8150. Tobaccos. Ptno TOBACCO -Climux , 50c ; Bullion SOc ; Horseshoe , 60c : SUu , 50c ; Buddy , -15c ; Bier- soy's , 48c ; Black , 38@40c. FINE Cur Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® COc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; 'romium , 05c ; Diamond Crown , 5Cc ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMOKINO 0. S. , 21cMeerbchaum ; , 28eDur ; ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durban- 2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. Kj | Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; O. K DiuV" 'SOc ' ; Uncle Ned , i's 25c ; To' ' : S3o. Iicatlinr , dole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock bv.c 8c to 35c ; nciii o kip , 80o to 1 00 ; nmner 65o to 80c ; ncm o calf , 85o to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23c to 2Cc ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@35 : Greison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 110 to 165 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; rus sets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; top- ping's , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; pebble O. D , Morocco , S5c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 39c : No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , S5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No 2 do Sic . . HllICH. .u Dull and weak ; green butchers , Gc ; groo salted , 7i@7Jc ; dry ( lint , 12@13c ; dry salt , 10ffllc ) ; damaged Lidos , two-thirds price. TAIXOW Cc. SiniEr Pswa 25c@l 00. ' Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy , 13@15o ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; waahed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub and washed , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wool , 2@Co 'ess. Heavy Ilardwnro Uat. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , 7c ) crucible , 80 ; special or German , Co ; cast tooj do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per net , 125 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , Iron wedges , Cc ; 'crowbars , Cc ; harrow tooth 4c ; spring teel , 7@8c ; Burden's horsehoos , 5 00 Burden'smuloHhoes GOO , ' < BADIIED WIIIB In gear lots , 4Jo 51100 NAILB Hates , 10 to CO , 3 00. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 210 ; orlonta powder , koga , 040 ; do. , half kegg , 348 ; do. quarter kegs , 1 88 : bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse per 100 foot 50o. ' LEAD Bar , 105. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rln run Blossbuix , 1000 ; Wldtobreaat lump 5 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 6 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 1125@11 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Liquors. ALOonor , 188 proof , 2 25 per wine galloi extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 85 po proof gallon ; triple refined siilriU , 187 proof 123 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllcd whiskies 100@150 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 : Ken tucky bourbons , 2 00o)700 ( ) ; Kentucky am Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BHANi > iKar-Importod,000@1000 ; domestic 140@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 14i @ 300. Hoiis Imported , 4 50@C 00 ; New England 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 C0'3 50. PEACH ANII API-LK BHANDT 176@4 00. OiiAUfAQNEa Imported ) > er cane , 28 00c ( & 100 ; American. i > er case. 12 P0@10 00. * DION Vl51lAl ! AJIK J3T. OmiEn MEAT * AKD T AIID irams.l 17c breakfast bacon , 11501 % ; smoked sides , 9 fglOc ; ealt sides , 8i@Uc ; lard , lfl@llc. GKEKN FBUIT ANOPBODUCE Potatoes , 60Z ( 75o per 100 ix > und ; putatoen , sweet , pel 10 iraunds , 2 60@3 00 ; onions , p r 100 poundi 8160@2 00 : turniiw , per 100 Ib , C0@80c : Col orado cabbage , new , per 100 , 85c@lOC live chicken * , old , per doz , STOOfi 4 25 ; [ prairie clilcVens not doz , S3 75IOC eggr , fresh , par doz , 8235c ; butter , fair qua ] Ity cro.imery , finoit j > cr Hi , 353Q : rrcamory , fjxd , peril ; , 28fif Sic ; nrul Nobraskn bbl , "dftlOc ; Callforna IKIUM , per HI , 7@10c ; M < \ slim Iniiioui , extra , per box , 87 00 © S 00 ; ornngM , $12 00n ( 18 00 ; Colorado Ahont , | ) er 100 Ib , ? 1SO@138 ; flour , Col. orado , per 100 Ib , S2 002 2.1 ; flour , tialnnt , S2 W@8 00 ; flour , Kansas , per 100 Ib , $2 70 ® 3 00 ; Hour , Graham , jw 100 It ) , $2 002 M ; flour , rye , jmr 100 Hi , $2 G0@2 70) ) flour , Imck- wheat , per I VI , ? ll 60 ® IS f > 0 ; corn inoal , per 100 His , SI 05@1 8S ; corn , per 100 Ibs , SI 2 ( @ 1 30 ; corn chop , per 100 His. § 1 301 33 ; now oate , j > or 100 ) U < > . $1 33@l 45 ; eaU , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Ib , 51 30@l 40 ; oat * , Nebraska , whlto , per 100 Hw , SI S ® ! 45oat ; , Colorado , tier 100 Ibi , $1 25l 35 ; barley , per 100 lln , SI 60@1 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , 81 33 ® 1 40 ; bran , iior ton , $17 0019 00 { hay , loose , lior ton , S12 00@10 00 ; baled second bottom , $1000@1200 ; baled upland , S14 00@17 OOi clover , per ton , S20 00 ; straw , per ton , $3 00 ® 000. Railway Time Table. tocAt , TRMNS-BRIIXIKDIVISIONJ U. P. R U. , MAIN LINK.ARR1VT. L1AVX. ARR1VT. Paclfla KpreKi.l2:05 : p m AtUntlo KipreM75 : ik n- WesternKxnmM 8:00 : pm Wc tornExprcss. 80p : m 0. Iilandl'au , , . .4'SOp m U. l Und I'BSi. HUOam Lincoln Kx 12:30 Jim Lincoln r.x 12:65pm DUMMY TUAlNS-imiDnr. DIVISION. LCAYO Omaha : 7:10,8:00,00,10:00,11:00 : : : : n : m.,12 m ; 1:00,2 : 00,8 oo , 4:00 : , r > 00 , e.oo , 10:1011. : m. On Bun- ilnjs : 7:10,0:0 : : llooa.m : ; 2-00,4:00,0:00 : : , 10:10 : p. in. ArrUo at trannter depot 20 minutes Inter ; Broad way depotCoum 11 DUiITi" , 30 minutes later. I/CM o Council DluITii , Uroidnay depot , 8:00 : , 8:00 : , 10:00,11:00 : : a.m. ; 12 m.l:00 ; : , 2X0,8:00.4:00BW : : 0:40 : , 10:40 : p.m On Suinlaya : 8.00 , lO.OOa. in. ; IS mS:00 ; : , KKX ) , 0:40,10:40 : : p. in. Arrh o Tranilor depot , 10 min utes later. Lca\o Council niufli Tranttcr ilci > ot : 8:25 : , 025 ; , 10:25,11:28 : : a. in.18 ; ml:25 ; : , 2:25,35 : : , 4:2,1 : , 6S6 : , 0:26 : , 7CO , 10:55 : p. m. Arrho Omaha 0 mlnutoa later. . L1JLVB OKilU. LliVTI OODNC1L RLUrrS. No. 2. . . .7:65am : 1'aM. No. P. . . . 7:56am : " No. 10 6:46 : pin No. IB. . . .11:45 : ft m 11 No. 1 3:50pm 11 No 8.11:20m : ! " No. 8 8:60am : " No.61..7:15 : pm " NX. 0 8:16am : t" No. 1. . . . 785pm " No. E0..8:60am : | o. , w. & at P. n. iv u. P DKPOT. Uallft Ex 7:60am : IracUloKx 0:45am : UlanttoKx 8:60 pm | Mall & Ex 7:10 pm WAI1A81I , ST. LOUIS ft PA01FIO 1 . P. DKPOT. Jmaha 7:50am : | Omaha 11:20am " 8:60pm : | " 6:20 : pin 0. , B tt Q IU K.-U P. DEPOT. Mall * 7:60 : a m I Kinross 0:45 : am 8:60 : D m 11 I Mall * . ,7innn > U. , IV , 1tt 1' . U. U. U. f. UH.I/U1. Kinrosa 7:60 : ara I Mail 0:45 : m Uall 3:60 : pm | Express 7:10 p in 0. fc N. W. R. R.-U. P. XJKPOT. Uall * 7:60am : I Kinross 0:45mm : EiprorB 8:60 : p m I Mall" 7:10pm : S. C. & P. R. R U. P. DEPOr. Wall" 8:15 : n m I Kiprcsa 0.46 m Kiprcsa 0:00p : m | Mall * 7:10pm : MISSOURI PACIFIO-U. P. DEPOT Kiprc-M . . .7:00am : | ExprcM 8:46pm : 0. , ST. PAUL , M. & O. R. R.-DEPO1 ? N. 16TI1 8T No. S * SOnmlNo. 1 * tBOpw : No. 4 * . _ _ . . . .lOOiimNo : | 8 * 11:45 : aw SIOUX cnV A PACIFIO DEPOT N. IBtu Street. Leave Omaha ( or Valentine via St. Paul Line ( o Blair 7:30am Arrive from Valentino. 6:30 : p m 0. & M. IN NEBRASKA. Denver Express..8:15 : a ml Atlantic 0:80 : pm Pacific Exprcu9.eS5 : p m. | DcmerExr , > ress'0:40 : a n K. 0. , BT , JOK & O. B. R. R , B. IDEPOT. . ttall 8:25ara : I Kiprcos 0:00an : Exir088 7:20 : D ml Mall. . . , , .C:60pra : SunitayB cxocptod. opening ana GloBiug of Holla. KODTI. OP1N. CLOS1. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. C"&N.\V.C.R. .atP.,0. B. 4s Q. , St. Paul & Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 6:40 : C:1E : C.M.&S.P. . 0.&P. In Iowa 0:00 : 6:40 : Wabash Express . . . 12:80 : 8:1C : Wabashlocal 9.00 6:40 : K. O. , St. Joe & C. 0:00 : 0:00 : B:40 : 8:60 : Missouri Pacific 7:30 : 6:40 : a , St. P.M. & 0 6:00 : 7:20 Union Pacific , ( norland 8:00 : 11:36 : Union Paciflo , Denver Ex. . . . 4:00 : 7:80 O. & Republican Valley. . . 1:30 : 11:35 : B.&M. Express 7:00 : 7:40 : B. tt M. ( or Plattsmouth , S. Bend , Ashland tuul Lincoln. 11:00 : A Office open Hunaaje from 12:00 : m. to 1:00 : p. m. C. K COUTANT Portmart" lii K. 0. WEST'S Ncnvu AMD DIIAIN 1'iin.w. ttcNT , a Kuamntood bpccilio for Hysteria , liizzt. ness , ( louvulsions , li'il . Nervous Nouriilgin. ircadftclio.NorvonarrohtnitioncnuHUil bytliojiBf of alcohol ortolncco.VnUcfiiliicsi , Slentnl lu. pnwsHiii , BoftoniiiK of tlio llrnin roMiltiiiuinin finnity nnd londuiR to rnifccry , ilcrny nnd ilfiitli I'remnturo Old ABO , U irrciineso , LOFB < ) jiowci Hi oitlicr BOX , Imoluntnry Ixissca nni ; Bpormnt. orrlioM ciuibod ) > yuvor-cxortlnii of tholirnm.cqlf. nbiino or ovor-indulRonoo. Mien box contamt ono mnntira treatment. $1.H ) n boxer six boxoi for$5.COBOutbyiuiil jiroimidou receipt of iinco ivi : UA AXTJI : : MIX JIOXES To euro nny cnso. Witli each onlcr rocoivcd byui for six boxps. urcoiniiuiiicd with $5.00vo wil Bond tlio purchaser our written rjunrnntoo to re. fundthu money if the trcntmont does not offccl a euro. ( Jimnmtrxw iBBiiodcnlyby " " " C. F. dOODMAN , Solo A ent ( or Omaha JNcl ) . FELIX LE BKUN'S AND OtmB. Th remedy being Injected directly to the Boat lb lease , requires no change of diet or nauneoug nercunal or poisonous mcdlcliiea to bo taken Intern' ' | y * Vncn 'ued aa a preventive by either sex , It Ii nonoy , I'rlco by mall , postage paid , $2 per box , 01 three boici lor 35. nued by all autborlzed.'agents. DrJTelixLeBrun&Co BOLKPHOPRIKT01W. : 0. F , Ooodnun , Druggist , Solo Agent , ( or Omahi Neb , mlowlv 2G6TH EDITION , PRICE BY MAIL POSTPAlC. KNOW THYSELF , , A DIIK/VJ.1 AIISDIOAIi AVOHIt ON RftANHOOLDl Hihaiisted Vitality , Nervous and I'liynlcal Debility 1'reuuturo Decllno In Man , Hirers ol Youth , and th untold ml oile > rusultlnir from ludlecrctloui or ox coasci. A book for every man , youngr , middle aged and old. It contains 120 prpwrlptlnnii for all acut anil chronic diseases cactionu o | vtlilch I * Invaluable So found by the Author , whoso oxi/crlcnto for 'i > uara Ii Btich aajirobably never l > c lore fell to tha In ol any | > hj vlclan , SOU l > wi. buiind In bcautlfu Krenuiiniiiilln , tinbouuvdcovcrii , full Kllt.K'i'raiiteei ' to lie a llncr work , In every acnso , iniiliaiiloal , lit crary and professional , than Miy other uurk told I thli country for (2.60 , or the money 111 bo refundei In vt cry Instance. I'rlco only tl.OO by mall , putt paid , llluitratlvosaiiijilu 6c iits. Kendnow. Ool medal awarded the author by the National Media AnsocUtloii , to the olllceri ot which ho rclir * . IhU book should be read by tha young for Instruc lion , and by the atlllctul lor relict. It will buiiefl all London Lancet. lliero Is no member of society to whom this boo will not be useful , whether joutli , parent , gu&rdluc liutructoror Ucrgvinun , Argonaut. Addrcua the 1'eabody Medical Institute , or Dr. AV If , Varkcr , Nu. 4 Iluinnch Street , lloiton Mass. . wh n ay be consulted on all dlseasev requiring skill an e | eiienoe. Chronic andobktlnatodueaKciithat hav battled the tklll of all other pl'js-IJCftl clan a tnecloltyi Hucli treated ( Uovons-nuDL full without an initauco ol failure. TU VCCI C lilloCLr A victim of etrly Impradcne * . CAUilujr nerrout dobll fix , pmmttuta docar. ito , , uu > ma trlcil la la vcr kuo nremfcdr li dUcoTrrol f. Imul * rn nk ( el ( 3ur , wllch ho will uod 1'JIKK to liU ( ellow-turttrcr * . -Y , 8.UCUlUB UUWewyerk PAVUUISI ) A IIIGHIJH V1NB. y UHI Njf. Will Trtylor , tlio son of tlio present American Consul nt Marseilles , wna n good tlotU like other boys , \vlil1o nt school in his old homo , ot Hudson , NVis. Ono dny ho cnllod his fnthor into the library and Raid : "Prt , I don't like to toll you , but the tonchor nnd I Imvo hnil tronblo. " "Whnl'B the matter nowl" "Woll , I out ono of the desks n little with my knife , nnd the teacher iinya l'\o got to jmy n dollar or tnko n lickinV * "Woll , why don't you take the licking and sny nothing more nbont it ? 1 can stand considerable physical pain , so long as it viaUsour family in that form , Of course , it is not pleasant to bo Hogged , but you have broken n rule of the school , and I guess you'll have to stand it. 1 presume that the teacher will in wrath remember mercy , and avoid disabling you so that you can't got your coat on any more. " 'But , Pa , I fool mighty bad about it nlroady , nnd if you would pay my fine I'd never do it again. I know n good deal moro about it now and 1 will never do it again. A dollar nin't much to you , pa , but it's n heap to n boy that hasn't got n cent. If 1 could make n dollar as casv as you can , pa , I'd never lot my litllo boy not flogged that way just to save a dollar. If I had n little feller that got liokod bo- kii7,1 didn't put up fer him , I'd hnto the sight of money always. I'd feel as of every dollar I had in my pocket had boon taken out of my little kid's buck. " "NVoll , now , I'll ' toll you what I'll ' do. I'll ' give you n dollar to save you from punishment this time , but if anything of this kind over occurs again I'll hold you while the teacher licks you , and then I'll got the teacher to hold you while 1 lick you. That's the way I fool' about that. If you wan't to go _ around whittling up our educational institutions you can dose so ; but you'll have to purchase thorn nf tor- wards yourself. I don't propose to buy any more damaged school furniture. You probably grasp my moaning , do you noU 1 send yon to school to acquire an educa tion , not to acquire liabilities so that you can coma around nnd nmko an assessment on 1110. I fool n great interest in you , Willie , but I do not fool as though it should bo an assessable interest. 1 wnnt to go on , of course , nnd improve the property , but when I pay my duos on it 1 want to know that it coos townrd deve lopment work. I don t wnnt my assess ment togo toward thopurchaso of n school- desk with American hirooglypluos carved on it. ' I hope you will bear this in your mind , my aon , and bowaro. It' will bo greatly to j'our interest to bowaro. If 1 were in your place I would put in n largo portion of my time in the beware business. " The boy took the dollar , nnd wont thoughtfully nwny to schooland no moro was over said about the matter until Mr. Taylor learned casually several months later that the Spartan youth had received the walloping and filed away the dollar for future 'reference. The boy was after ward heard to say that ho favored a much heavier fine in cases of that kind. Ono whipping was sufficient , ho said , but ho favored n fine of $5. It ought to bo severe - voro enough to make it an object. Ex-Governor Odon Bowjo , of Mary land , praised St. Jacobs Oil for pains. SUPPOSE WE SWAP WIVES. A Novel 1'roposltlon Which AVas Im mediately Acted Upon byaPnlr of Missouri HuHbands. GAIKNA , Mo. , December 21. For some time Nathan Massongalo and llirnin Loomia , of Wliito river , have boon the most intinmto of neighbors , and scarcely a night passed that they with their charming young spouses were not in each other's company. They exchanged evenings - ings with each other nt games of whist and chess and exchanged wives for part ners. When they wont to the theater ono had the other's wife , nnd the most nllbctionato caresses seemingly could not rufllo the conjugal soronily. "Loomis , suppose wo swap wives , " said Mr. Mnssongnlo ono evening recent. ly while returning from a church soci able. able."That's "That's a bargain , old man , and I'm infer for it if the girls don't ' object , " and na ho replied Mr. Loomis drew Mrs. Masson- gale's arm closer into his and looked questioningly into her eyes that Hashed back a confirmation of the lew "yos" that escaped her lips. Yesterday the proposition was ugroed upon by all hands , nnd Nathan gave aver Mrs , Massongalo and a few months' od ) baby to boot in trade for Mrs. Loomis. But Mrs. Loomios tried to take with her a horse und buguy which she claimed is her personal property. Loomis objected , and Mrs. Massongalo murmured at hia interference , alleging that nt least the baby moro than counterbalanced the vulu of the turnout. "Tako your baby back , " uriid the now Mrs. looinis to her former husband. Mr , Massengalo drew a shotgun from the folds of his breakfast cent and blazed away , narrowly making a widow of his original wife , and Mr. Looinis , drawing n Remington from his snioking-jackot , also narrowly escaped making mi oiphnn of the disputed child. Matters , however , were finally amicably settled , and the icarrangcd families are now happy. Writs have been taken out in the courts , 59 ( atlio boy will bo able to know who is his father" . It. No modlclno has over boon known HO effec tual hi the euro of all Uioeo diaeanos arlalng from on impure condition of the blood a SCOVIU/H HAHHAI-AWLLA on lu ) > ou AWiLivKii HvitUl'fnrthocuroof Hcrofulo. White Hwol- llngd , Khoimmtlsin , J'lmplu * , JllutclioH , Krup- tlunn , Veiioroal Boron and Dl oaBO .CoiiHiiinp. tioii , floltro , UollH , Cancers , and all kimhod ( llsoaeoa. It imrifion the uyntoin , brings color to the cheeks and restores the sufferer to n normal condition of health and vigor , His asserted that the ordinary cosmetics luod by luilloH are productive of ruixt nils. cliluf. Wo bullovu UIM ! In to , and that a hot ter inoami of securlm ? u beautiful complexion IH to UHO Homo wood blood iiioiliclnn like HCO- VJUAS JU.OOD AND UVKK HYJtUJ' which demises tlio blood and gives pormaiiQiit beauty tu the akin. Nebraska Cornice -AND- MANUyAOr JltEUB OK GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MKTALIO 8KYUOHT , Iron Fencing ! Creitlniri , Jlalurtlidti , Verandai , Office and Bank lulling * , Wljfdow and Cellar ( luardi.Kto. N , W , COllf HUTU AND JONEB BTS. Our Cloak Department to the second floor we will sell our present stock Any Lady wanting a garment , or any gen- tie man wishing to make an ACCEPTABLE : .SENT will now have an opportunity [ of making a selection from our large and varied assortment of FINE CLOAKS ! At prices never before known in the West , There is no use stating prices. Call and See for Yourselves that the mark-down includes - every gar ment , from $1,00 to$75,00. We can con vince you that is to your interest to purchase of us now ; . . . 'I KJAU14L LW & &ULVI. WAIJLJ.JL UJJ. N I I JLUUrV ] Are included in this sale at Williams' 16th- and Dodge. * | fl You arc uwnro tbnt our Boj's' Clotlnnp ; is bettor mnilo imil given bettor satisfiictiou tlmu chuni > stuff bought elsewhere. Now it iinwb bo sold and now is your time to buy , before moving un-staira. L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets. OF ALARM CLOCKS ! At the Wholesale and Retail Jewelry Store of EDHOLM&ERICKSQN Holiday Goods in in great abundaiico and nu Elccrnnt line ofjjndiea nd Gents' Gold Watches and beautiful stock of Solid Silver Ware Diamonds , Jewelry and Spectacles. Wo would call special attention ; o the best and most RELIABLE RAILROAD WATCH Ever placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Train , Colum * bus , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others. Wo have the Agency tor the above renowned Piano , which is i second to none. Also the Lindeman & Son's Pianos , and have also the famous Hardman Piano on sale. Wo also carry full lines of best Organs and Sheet Music. Wo warrant oiu goods the besb in the market. An inspec tion will convince the most skeptical. Are located as below : Jewelry Store , Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Postoflico. Piano Waroroouiand Music Parlor , Crounso's Block , 10th street , near Capitol Avenue. Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos and Organs sold on monthly payments. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWE&ERS uth-castCorncivDolge , an 1 L ( > ; li , anc CipitolA. venue , OmahaN , .1 bn bng O3 CQ J rCt O XX 5S& & © JtSSL O O = = = [ ASK YOUIt U110UKIIS r01t TUB ' ± :0MAHA DRY HOP YEAST S ; - WARRANTED NEVER TO PAIL. .j Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Bop Yeast Go S 1s 2718 DUIIT 8TW.KT. OlIAIIA , NKU U.Uy , i)08Uory la ooniUntly fllloa with * > > leotstock.E.lJeit Woiknuuishlp gu r nteed. Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmak DEALER IN Lumberffash , Doors , BlindsBunding Paper LIME , CEMENT , HAIR , ETC , * , pBco unil Yrd , Oir , 13th and OoUfornittStreota , " OMAHA , HKB