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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1883)
. - . - rrr r &V It UmWt THE OMAHA DAILY THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. THURSDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 27 , 1883. NO 162. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Eland's and Dingloy's ' Methods of Regulating the Ourronoy , The Man Who Explains "Why wo Laugh" is Miffed , Springer Peels Aggrieved Over the Committee Appointments , The Preparation of Appropriation Bills and Other Matters , NOTES. THE OUIIUEMJX. WASHINGTON , December 2(5. ( Mr. Bucknor , chairman of the committee on banking and currency , is preparing a bill to introduce when congress ro-convcne's , providing for issuing treasury notes without the legal tender Duality , to takotho place of bank notes going out of existence. Tlio purpose is the same as that of tlio bill introduced by Buckner the lirat ses sion of last congress. The proposition of Comptroller Knox to take oil' 1 per cent of the tax on circulation , and allow banks to issue on market value instead of par value , is not favored by the chair man of the banking and currency committee. Bucknor says if the plan of Knox was successful in avoiding contrac tion of the circulation of bank notes , it affords but temporary relief and in seven years from the present , when it becomes necessary to begin redeeming 4i per cent bonds , there will bo n recurrence of the present trouble. The national bank sys tem cannot live without n national debt , and as that debt is being wiped out grad ually and certainly , . Bucknor U of opin ion it is time to prepare for n permanent circulation. Ho is not favorably in clined to a removal of the tax on circula tion , giving as a reason that while in eastern states where the interest is low- circulation is not a valuable franchise of banks , but it is valuable and worth all the government asks in the western states. Bucknor says the franchise ia still more valuable because the rate of interest there is higher. The originator of the proposed measure is doubtful of securing any legislation upon the subject the pre sent session , owing to the diverse opinion among members. Dingley , who heads the list of republican members of the committee on banking and currency soys the most important question relating to national banks is that of providing for the stability of circulation. Ho thought but two plans proposed to this end were practicably. Ono was to provide for the issue of circulating notes to an amount equal to 00 per cent of the market value of bonds deposited to secure circulation. After a hasty examination of the list of members of the committee ho said ho waa of opinion , that this plan is moro likely to find favor with the committee. HB would * aot'vonturo an opinion , as to the treat ment the other plan he had in mind. I'KESIUENTIAL I'OMTOFFIUES. Under provision of the last postoffico Appropriation bill when the compensa tion of any postmaster of the fourth class reached § 250 for four consecutive quarters , exclusive of commissions on money order business , he was to bo as- rv si'tied to the presidential grade and the following named fourth class offices have been placed on the list of presidential offices with salaries as stated : Lebanon , 111. , § 1,000 ; Grayvillo , 111. , § 1,000 ; Wrights Grove , 111. . § 1,400 ; Goodland , 111. , § 1,000 ; Manning , Ia. , $1,000 ; Adol , In. , § 1,000 ; Frankfort , Kans. , § 1,200 ; Lundsbuag , Kans. , § 1,100 ; Howard , Kans. , § 1,100 ; Harper , Ivans. , § 1,400 ; Carbondale , Kans. , § 1,100 ; Laporto City , Ia. , 81,100 ; Walnut , Ia. , § 1,000 ; Minden - don , Ia. , § 1,000 ; Vail , Ia. , § 1,000 ; Osage Mission , Kans. , § 1,200. Many other offices in other states and terri tories will bo made presidential offices I'O.V WILL DECLINE. Congressman Cox , of Now York , who was appointed chairman of the house committee on naval affairs , has informed an intimate friend that ho ( Cox ) will pos itively decline to servo on that committee when congress reconvenes. The reasons assigned for Cox's refusal are that the committee en naval affairs is ono com paratively little before congress , and that wonty-two years service in the house en- itles him to the chairmanship of _ the oreign affairs committee. His friends ly , in that position Cox contemplated dding a nu.i.ber of reforms in the line if reducing the number of foreign minis- ors- investing consuls vith diplonmtio .owors when necessary , and improving ho consular system so as to make it a nore powerful agency for the advance- lent of the commercial interests of the ountry. NKW JJIMKKATIO.V ; COCIETV. . An organization to bo known as the Emigration Organisation , has boon [ formed among colerod residents of this city for the purpose , as set forth in the constitution , of helping colored people from southern states to emigrate nnd lo cate. Oflicors wore elected ns follows : President , W. H. Scott ; vice-president. W. Howard ; secretary , J. AV. Miles ; treasurer , A. M. S. Caroy. The consti tution provides for a prospecting * nd lo cating committee to be appointed , every head of a family is entitled to locate on IGOncienof government land , and shall upon paying ten dollars to the association lecoivo help in getting to his place , and have assistance for om year afterward. Till : CltKEK TUOUULK * . The secretary of the Interior , Inspector Benedict , Agent Tufts and Special Auont Townaimd will proceed at once to Mus- cogoo , Indian territory , to investigate the Crook troubles arising out of the re cent election of a chief , and will make recommendations looking tea _ settlement. Their recommendations will form the basis of iimil action by the interior do- jiiUtnient The gentlemen above named .are instructed to inform the Creeks that the department will if necessary enforce ( ho action recommended. THE T1EADE 1IOLLAU. Mr. Bland , chairman of the committee .on coinage , weights and measures , favor * recoiiiing trade dollars into standard and thinks the wauing of the latter should not be stopped , Mr. Bland is of the opinion that a mint ought to bo eitab- lisbed in the Mississippi valley , a d bo- cauto advantages nra offeredot _ St. Louii fAvora the selection of that city. curxjtKor. LOWE'S FCNKIUL. The funeral of Bi-Oovemor Lowe , of Iowa , took place to-day nt his Into resi dence. A largo number of prominent citizens and distinguished friends of the dead man assembled to pay the last trib ute to his memory. The pall bearers were General Bclknap , Justice Miller , Hon. M. A. McCord , Colonel M. C. Cowio , II. J. Frost , and General Dunn. The burial was at Glonwood. INSULTED. Congressman Springer , who desired the chairmanship of the committee on elections , and who was made chairman of the committee on expenditures in the department of justice , also contemplates declining when congress reassembles , giving as a i casern that both ho and his constituents are insulted by his omission from all the important committees. Till ! AlTUoriUATION HILLS. The house committee on appropria tions he'd ' its first nicotine this morning and decided to prepare if possible the pensions , fortifications , consular and military academy appropriation bills dur ing the recess so they may bo presented to the house when congress assembles. VAUIOUH M.vmnis. WASHIXOTON , Dccombor20. The issue issueof silver dollars last week wns 415- 500. Secretary Folgor has recovered his health and resumed his duties. The wife of Gen. Ilosccrans in dead after a lingering illness , The following gentlemen , personal friends of the general , will net na pall bearora nt the funeral tomorrow row : Senator John F. Miller , General Phillip H. Sheridan , Hon. John 11. Glasscock , General Hora tie J. Wright , Hon. John S. Barbour , Colonel Gilbert C. Kuitfon , General Henry J. Hunt , Judge Brewer W. Bart- ley. Gen. NcKenzio , commander of the de partment of Texas , has boon temporarily relieved of command on account of nerv ous prostration , which has disturbed his mind. The affairs of the department are directed by Gon. Schofield. The condi tion of Gen. McKenzie causes grave ap prehension of friends. A Dam Disaster. PiTTsntmo , December 20. This morn ing the steamer B. D. Wood , owned by John A. Wood & Son , of this city , while waiting to pass through lock No. 1 , Monongahola river , was caught in the strong under-current , swept over the dam and the barges sunk but the steamer saved. Loss , § 5,500. This evening a similar accident oc curred to the steamer Reindeer , owned by Majures & Son. which' was swept away while attempting to make a land ing. She caught the guard of the Ben Wood , owned by John A. Wood & Son , and carried her along. The velocity cf the boats was frightful. The steamers Venture , Little Dick and John Cash were badly damaged and others slightly. At the dam the Ileindeer parted in the middle and caught firo. She is a total loss. The crow were saved , but had a narrew escape. The total loss will ex ceed § 250,000. . . . ' . ' - . . - ; . " - T.-V.I.-vV Aggie 111 It's liovotx. ' .SAN FUANCLSCO , Tecember 20. The deposition of Frederick C. Buchard , an important witness in the case of Miss Aggie Hill against Senator Sharon was taken to-day. Ho testified that ho was the accountant of a wholesale grocery house of Portland , Oregon ; met Mina Hill at the Palace hotel in April , 1881 ; afterwards visited "Bolmont , " Sharon's country residence , with Colonel and-Mrs. Stager , Miss Hill and others ; while there saw Miss Hill frequently , proposed mar riage and she accepted. The engagement was acknowledged before the visitors ; engagement was broken off on the grounds that witness deceived her ns to the ex tent of his fortune. During the period of the engagement she told him that Fred Sharon and Dr. Bradford word both deeply in love vrith her and had made her offers of marriage , but no relations existed between Senator Sharon and her self other than those of friendship. A Bij titrlko in Prospect. Moss HANNON , Ponn. , December 20. There are lively prospects of nn exten sion of the trouble in the bituminous coal districts of Westmoreland , Blair , Hunt ingdon , Bedford Center , and Cloarfiold counties. The producers are exception ally reticent as to plans , but it is pretty generally known a reduction of wages iij nil departments of labor will bo exacted after Dccombor 31. Tlio miners are said to be well organized , und it is estimated fifteen to twenty thousand men have expressed u willingness to co-operate and assist. A general strike is laid down for the 1st of January. The rupture between bosses here , and the Pittsburg company and their malcontent minors is not entirely adjusted , notwithstanding reports to the contrary , and an undefined fooling ol insecurity prevails in the striking dis tricts. The Avjilnnelio Victims. DENVEK , Col. , December 20. The Re publican's Telluride special via Montrose the 24th says : At noon to-day n snow- slide came down Marshall basin , carry ing off the shaft house of Mendota mine containing feurtpon mon , eight of whom wore killed outright and tvro wounded , Four dug themselves out. . No particu lars are at present obtainable. A largo body of men leave hero for the scene ol the disaster in the morning. The mail carrier from Silvorton to Amos and Ouray , duo last Friday , has not yet been heard from , nnd it is supposed was lost in crossing the range. New York Nowu. NEW YOIIK , December 20 , The building - ing occupied by Wood it Co. , dealers in tallow , grease and oiU , was burned to day. Lo s § 32,000 , Two firemen wore badly injured by a falling floor. The large carpet etoro of Hadenborgit Co. , of Brooklyn , was also burned to- day. The loss will exceed § 100,000 ; par tially insured. Tlio Standard Fire Office of London , ono of whoso American trustees is Gon. Grant , has decided to withdraw its agen cy from this country Iloustan , the French ministerto Wash ington , has arrived from Havre. The Western Union stockholders have voted to open the transfer books January 2d instead of January 10th , an previous ly ordered. Declaring Dlvldundx. NKW YOIIK , December 20. Dividends were declared on Lake Shore , -Michigan Central and Canada Southern , payable 1'ebruary 1st. ROADS AND RATES. Miles of Eailway Built and Capi tal luvostcd During 1883 , An Effort to Stop tlio Out in Katos to the Missouri , The Tripartitors to Moot in Ooun- oil Bluffs To-day , Hugliitt will Trj to Wring in tlio Nortliwostorn , llAIlillOAH MATIKItS. THU YE VH'S UKCOIll ) . CHIOAIIO , Docoinbor 20. The Rail way Ago in its next issue will pub lish n summary of railway building in tl-o United States for the past twelve months. It shows 0,000 miles of main track laid at nil approximate cost of § 105,000,000 , making the total miles of railway in the country to date 120,000. The construc tion during 1882 was the largest in the history of the country , 11,000 miles , and the year before ! ) ,700. The states nnd territories which lead in construction this year are as follows : Montana 410 miles , Dakota 40 ! ) , Michigan 400 , Now York 875 , Pennsylvania M ! ) , Ohio 1120 , Mississippi 305. Now Hampshire , Ilhodo Island , Connecticut , Delaware , Nevada and Wyoming nro the only states nnd territories in which no road was built A CONFEliajfOK UALLKI ) . CHICAGO , Docoinbor 20. The Htato- mont in a telegram from Now York that the St. Paul road had agreed to n settle ment of the ditliculty with the trunk lines on account of Commissioner Pier- son's order allowing the Northwestern and Wnbash reduced passenger rates from Now York toMissouri river points , is contradicted hero. It is supposed the dispatch grew out of a telegram from a passenger agent that the road agreed to a temporary truce pending a conference. Commissioner Pieraon is now in Cleveland - land , and will bo hero to-day or to-mor row. Telegrams were received from him to-day askim ; a conference with western connections of the trunk lines on the subject. TO MEET IK COUNCIL llLUfFS. It is reported that Clark of the Union Pacific , Cable of the Rock Island , and Merrill of the St. Paul will moot "in Council Blufls to-morrow for the pur pose of making final arrangements for putting the tripartite agreement into ef fect , [ lughitt of the Northwestern loft for that point to-day. This is believed to indicate the position of his road in re gard to the agreement. OVER IN IOWA. AN OLI SET1LEK GONE. . , lo ra , J pcqmbpr , ; GC S7'Bowlihgwith'.one orcctptiotfthb oldest settler in Cedar valley and the owner of extensive additions to Cedar Rapids , died Christmas day , aged 71. Ho came to this region in 1838 , took up a claim , and his property is now n part of the city on the west side. TWO HUICIDES. A Vinton special to The Republican states that Charles Sewers , 25 years old , shot himself through the heart this morn ing. Cause , despondency. Also that Mrs. N. W. Auburn attempted suicide by cutting her throat. She will die. Cause , family trouble. Her husband is an imate-of an insane asylum. A 11AILWAY WHIX'K. A freight train on the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & North western road was wrecked early this evuning at Columbus Junction. Five cars wont oiF the track and Mark Fisher was killed. TEAOIIEU.S' MEETIXO. DES MOI.VKH , la , December 20. The state ossociation of school teachers of Iowa met hero to-day in annual mooting , which it to continue three days. Acting President Klincfoltor of Mason City ia presiding. Some four hundred teachers are in attendance. Col. F. W. Harkorj principal of the normal school of Chicago , delivered n fine address this afternoon , which was received with much favor. The ad r ess of welcome were deliv ered in the evening by Bishop Hurst , of Dos Mpinos , and the response by Presi dent Picknrd , of the state university. A lecture was given by Dr. S. N. Follows , of tlio state university. A Frightful Jttimtwny. ST. LOUIH , December 20. Mrs. Gen. Sherman and daughter Ilachad had u narrow escape from death this afternoon , They had boon attending Xnvior church , corner of Ninth and Lucas avenue. They had just seated themselves in their buggy to go homo when the horses became frightened and dashed madly up Lucas avenue until at Eleventh street they col lided with a lamp post and awning. The ladies were takoii from the wreck unin jured , but badly shocked nnd frightened. Ono horse had his back broken und was shot. A Paiilei In a Theatre. ST. Loom , December 20. During a matinee at the Standard theatre this evening smoke issued from behind the scenes in considerable volume and a cry of fire was raised. Women nnd children runhed for the doors wild with alarm , but the manager and employes succeeded in quieting the panic before anybody wiu hurt. The smoke came from the furnuco as the result of a badly built firo. A HcuVy Failure. PUOVIDE.WK. II. I. , December 2(5. ( A. D. Smith & Co , have assigned with lia bilities of over § 1,000,000 , largely duo Pnnidonca baiiko , The linn operated two cotton mills in thin city , two in Johnstown , and one in Wooimockot , in all 87,000 ojiiiiclles The failure involves the suopension of the Providence Steam Mill company , Groton Manufacturing company , nnd Pranklin Manufacturing company. Tlio AVrcullcfH. BOSTON , December 20. A match for 8500 a side and the heavy-weight collar- mid-elbow wrestling championship of the world , has boon arranged between Dur > fur and McMnhon. Tlio Jlloukiido In Xcxr York. NEW YOIIK , December 20. The ntorm has delayed all trains , Mnila from the wore throe hours late , while western hnd not boon hoard from un to 1 1. Those from tlio south nro two ana n half liours Into. Pittsburg mails were re ported four hours behind. Travel in the : ity is subject to loss interruption , many streets having boon p i linlly clonrod of snow. . A Colored Convent Ion. CoLUMiit's , O. , Docoinbor 20. The state convention of colored citizens con vened to-day. There wns n largo nttund- nnco from nil parts of the state. W. S. Thomson of Delaware , wns made torn- pornry chairman. Ho stated the object of the convention was that llio rights of colored people were more and more restricted nnd Danville outrages - rages show such n condition of affairs ns to load to organization for the protection of nil rights belonging to citixons. The decision of the supreme court on the civil rights law was gener ally discussed. The forenoon was occu pied in appointing committees on cre dentials and permanent orgauiitntiou. There was some contest over the make up of the committee on resolutions. Resolutions were adopted to petition the legislature to pass laws for their pro tection , to ropcal the old statues against thorn , to improve the facilities for educa tion of colored youth , asking both stnto and national aid for colored schools , rec ommending operating among colored people by the formation of joint stock companies in business , thanking Senator Edmunds for his civil rights bill , Justice Harlan for his dissenting opinion nnd Speaker Koifor for his services , nnd rec ommending the appointment of n stnto committee of ono from each congressional district to perfect a plan for the protec tion of colored citizens and organization throughout the state of equal rights leagues. The state committee was select ed nnd it wns voted to proceed with the permanent organization of the conven tion. tion.At At the afternoon s'ssion n permanent organization wua ollbatod as follows : President , 0. L. Maxwell , of Greene county ; secretary , J. G. Comloy , of Hamilton county. The convention con tinued in session until nftor midnight. At times the excitement over alleged race distinctions became vary high and the most inflamatory speeches were mado. Cold "Weather at Sen. NEW HAVEN , Docoinbor 20. The bark- Mohawk from Now York to Calcutta anchored oft Now Haven yesterday. All hands frost bitten and ono man dead. Her master requested assistance. The frost bitten mariners taken to the hospital nro nil Japanese , and it is thought twto will lose their feet. Otic was killed b'y falling on the dock Satur day night. An Old Editor Dead. DUIIUQOK , Ia. , December 20 , Intelli gence has peon received hero of the sud den death yesterday , tat Butler , Mo. , ol Jesse Clement , of Chicago , and formerly of DubuqueixHo.was cmo , of the original founders aiMHKek k p'dHo jpfi TJloDu. buquo- Daily Times in 1857 , and wns"ox- tenaively known throughout Iowa. Ho has always boon engaged in. literary pur suits. Educators In Council , MINNEAVOLIS , December 20 The Minnesota Educational association oponoc its annual mooting in this city this even ing and will continue in session three days. General Eaton , United States commissioner of education , and other prominent educators outside , will bo present to take part in the oxerciso.s. 1'orclio NEW OHLEANH , December 20. Arch bishop Perche , fet some weeks has boon in failing health. Last night his condi tion was so alarming that it was doemoe imperative to administer the last sacra ments. The archbishop milters more from ago than sickness. Death is expected poctod momentarily. General ftlclvon/.lo'B Condition. SAN ANTONMO , Tex , Docoinbor 20. The continued mental depression of Gen eral Mclvcmsio , commanding the depart ment of Texas , has led his friends to soiu him to the military insane asylum ii Washington. Ho goes in chargn o Liautonanta Dorst , Summers and Mid dloton. The Dentil of General Kano. PHILADELPHIA , December 20. Genera Thomas L Kane , ono of the most prom incnt citi/.ons of the state died nt his residence in this city this morning o pneumonia. During the rnbollion ho was colonel of the famous Buckutil ro i mont of Pennsylvania and waa a brother of the famous Arctic explorer. Kcalstanco nnd Doiitli. FT. SMITH , Ark. , December 20. Clmterbel , the Choctaw Indian violator of the intercourse law , was killed Sun day while resisting arrest at Double Springs , Indian Territory , by Elias Yarby , a member of the Choctaw light- horse. BOVOII ItoundH Fouftht. WILKEHIIAKUE , Docoinbor 20. Dick I'edlor and Bowkoy Dydo mot in the ring yesterday and fhougt ueven rounds for $200 a side. Podlor WUB declared the winner. Great brutality and en durance were displayed , and both men were badly used up. Thu Hiiyllcii Itebiilllon , NEW YOHK , December 2li. The Hay. tlcn government telegraphs the Hnytien minister that Jercmio hun capitulated , and advises Jacmel and Miragonno to do the eatno. Miragoano is nskcd to capitu late. The } 'II Hell ull I hu Sumo. LA WHENCE , Kan. , December 20 , The Kaloon keepers of this city have given up their fight on the prohibitory law and ull closed the back as well as the front doors. ltlbln ltiipldly. CJKCINNATI , December 20. The rhcr is etill rising two inches an hour with forty-eoven foot at 10 p , m. No ueroius inconvenience will bo foil unless the water gets above fifty foot. Train "WrccltC'd , ELUAHKTH , N. J. , Docomlmr 20.A Lang Brunch freight ran olT the track at the junction this morning , Fred. Spencer - cor , engineer , was killed , The train wan thrown over a high bank and totally wrecked , Cause , enow nnd track aprcml- inf. DEATH'S ' CARNIVAL Victims Supplied by the Bullet , the Rope and Accident , Street Pights in the South Fur nish Funeral Material , Colorado Minors Overwhelmed by the Awful Avalanche , The Negroes of Yazoo Oity do Some Needless Killing , CKIMKS AN1 > CA9U < YIjTU39. 1.1VKI.V SHOOTINO ANI1 I.Y.NCIIINO GMvisroN : % Texas , December " 0. Pho News' McDado special says : Monday light at 11:110 : , Henry Plainer , Wright HoLamoro and Tlmd McLiunoro were jikcn from a saloon hero by fifty well irmcd masked inon , carried into the mull nnd handed to a troo. T'md ' _ Mc- linmoro was nndor arrest nt the time , invin been taken early in the evening on the chariio of burglary preferred by S. J. Walker , of this town. The other : wo happened to bo present when the ynchors arrived. Pfoillor was under ndictnicnt na n horse thieft in this conn- , y. To-day nix men , friends and rola- , ivcs uf thoau luiii ; , ' , conio to town and licked a quartcl with Tom Bishop and joorgp Milton , and a light with shot guns and six-shooters ensued. Two of sox- : otto , .lack Unyloy nnd ABU Baylov , Were tilled nnd the third , Haywpod Bayloy , > adly wounded. The remaining three cicaped. Willis Griffin , rm estimable r'oung citi/.en of McDado , while assisting Milton and Bishop to defend themselves , was shot through the head and mortally wounded by liny ward Bayloy. The five corpses , the two MoLnmoros , two Bay- oys and Pfeiflbr , nro lying in the nmrket house yet unclaimed. It is thought friends will como to-night nnd the trouble will bo renewed. At ; i o'clock this afternoon the inquest on the five corpses nt MeDado wns still progressing , and Milton nnd Bishop , who were attacked in the streets by the friends of the one lynched , nro under ar rest. It is considered that they were perfectly justified in killing the two Bay- ley boyn , Their bonds will probably bo nominal. It is snid that every good man in the county stands ready to go secur ity. Willis Griilin , shot through the head wliilo helping Bishop and Milton , can live only n few hours. The brains nro oozing through the skull. Hey ward Bailey , who shot Griflin , is lying in jail dangerously woundad. Noble , the tele graph operator nt McDado , has boon on duty constantly without sloop 50 hours. Sheriff Jenkins nnd County Attorney Mnynurd were indefatigable , and regard less of the risk arrested Hay ware. Bayloy and Mr. Stevens in their own homos. It is learned this evening that during ihd street fight about" n hundred shots were exchanged between a trio of citi zens and n m-xtrUo of desperadoes , the result being that ono citizen win mor tally wounded and the other two unhurt. Two of the opposing party were killed nnd the remaining four wounded , ono dangerously and ono seriously nnd two slightly. Hnzloy , ono of the six though ! to bo wounded , is still at largo. The excitement has entirely subsided. TIIHKK K1I.LKI ) . HOUHTON , Tox. , December 2(5. ( This evening near Clear Crook an engine 01 the Galvcston , Houston & Uiuniltoi railroad collided with a hand car , killing two employes , names unknown , fatnllj bruising another named Henry Bontly colored , and slightly injuring a contrac tor named IS. I1' . Dowis. A YAHOO TU VOKDV. YATOO CITV , Miss , , Docoinbor 20. A terrible tragedy was enacted Monduj niuht. John T. Fosoy , of the iirm o Williams & Posoy , a most estimable young manhighly connectedwas inaultct by John James , a negro butcher. Goiiif , oil' and getting Homo frioiidu Posey ru turned to where James was lust soon Without warning the party fired ani John Posoy , Garnet Posey and Jaspo : Nichols were riddled with buckshot am instantly killed. A. O. Eliot was dan gerously wounded , and FritHaldoror slightly wounded. The ncgroou had or ganized , and nndor cover of intense dark ness shot down the whites who ro refrained from shooting because the street * were full of boys and men no connected vrith the dilllculty. To have fired would , perhaps , have boon to kill many innocent men and children. Only ono of the negroes was apprehended. The cil ; council at n mooting yesterday , the mayo presiding , resolved after invcstigatitij the causes loading to the tragedy , that the difficulty resulted from n personal alter cation bolwoon Posoy and .1 HIIICB nnc that the friends of both parties were drawn into the conflict. Neither politic nor race prejudices actuated either party Jftinea was killed this morning by citixon while resisting arrest , lie having first lirei three times. A NIMIJT IX Till' MOUNTAINS DK.svKHDccombor20. Further purlieu lars of Friday's terrible disaster at Vir ginius mine , near Ouray , uro just received coived by spooinl messenger to Montroao Immediately on receipt of the nowe a party consisting of 31 loft Ournyto brin in the dead. The journey tu the inin wua made in the face of great perils , as i great storm was raging. Having uaroc for the wounded and improvised sleds fo the bodies , the party started to return When the Cumborhin basin wan rouchoi a Bccond BIIOW slide descended , but bein , on the lookout all succeeded in reacbiii ; thu edge of the avulancho before it atrnol them and thus escaped instant death The sleds containing the four dead bodies however , wore carried 2000 feet dowi the mountain aide uiu1 then hurled eve a precipice live hundred foot high , where they must remain till spring , The party finally reached Ourny nearly dead fron exhaustion. IIUJIIIUI IN Till : HMW. AI.WA , Col. , Docoinbor 20. A sno\ slide occurred near Montezuma Mondft ; which carried John JJeiulstrom and Johi AlUtron and John Ling , three inineis half a milo down the mountain , am Ablstron and Ling were found tu-d.v badly , und will probably diu Headutrom is ntill missing , und mun have been killed. JUMJ'EI ) TIIll TJUVK. Si'jiiiuiiY , PennDecember L'O. Early this morning the Krio mail train jumped the track hero , nnd crashed through sev eral cars. Two passenger coaches were disabled nnd seven box cars smashed. Jos. Whcolnn , fireman , wns mortally wounded. The passengers escaped with bruises , A NKW OIU.KANS KIU.INO. Nnw OULKANH , ocombor 20. Wm. McCairory , n prominent ward politician and assistant superintendent of markets , wns shot nnd mortally wounded yesterday in a gambling saloon , by Dud Ilonnnd , ono of the proprietors of the establish ment. McCallbry died last night , 5 * 3 yUKNTHKt ) 1113 TiniiST. GLKVII..VNM : ) , 0. , Docoinbor 20. Henry Schroeder , son of a wealthy Gorman , with half n friends , at an early tour yesterday morning , attempted to iroak into George Oasnro's saloon for the nirposo of gutting drinks. Oasaro had iroviously refused to so1 ! on the ground hat they were drunk. On making the ittnck , Kdward Kyring , brother-in-law of ) ssaro , Bliot from a window nnd killed oiing ydiroeder. TKXJIS DKMI'nUADORH. SIIUUMAN , Texas .Ducombor 20.- The inndof desperadoes terrorizing the north- rest portion of this county , when raided ought the fastnesses of Itcd river bottom , ; illod an uuoU'eiiding negro at Pottovillo inturday nnd eincohavo murdered rv white nan at Dexter in Cook county , where hey also burned n church and school louse. Deputy Shorilla Muy.nnd Kelly rith a posse of citizens left last evening o Rcour the bruah. The parties guilty of the Pottovillo murder are known and vill bo readily identified. r. LOUIS CUIMI . ST. LOVIH , Docoinbor 20. D. C. Gib- on , chief actor in the tragedy nt his vifo's boarding houao Monday evening , icd yesterday. John Buflintoii is in n ritical condition. James 11. Jones was arrested yesterday or robbing the Porryvillo , ( Kansas ) post- office , n foyr nights ago of § 000 in inonoy nnd $200 in utamps. III.Y.S3CS (1UANT IN JAIL. DALLAS , Texas , December 20 Ulysses 3rant , son of .Jessie Grant , relative of Sx-Prosidont , was nrrestod to-day on the charge of burglarizing n house nnd purloining pistols which were nftor- rnrds sold. Ho was remanded in do- ault of $500 bail. This ia n second imo w ithin n few months that ho wns ar rested for stealing. TWO Kii.ixi ) , nvi : wnuKiinn. ALI.IINDALI : , S. C. , December JJI. ( A street fight occurred on Christinas in vhieh t\ro pordons were killed and five rounded. The eircumstuncoi nro ns fol- ows : John Hudlott , mnrahal of the awn , and his sons John nnd Tim , nnd ; rnndsons Evan and Joyce Strange , had m altercation with Frank Weaver nnd Ulry Middloton , in which Strange was wounded. Returning from this light , which was carried on until Weaver and Middloton got near ly out of town , they mot L. B. and Frank Obryan and GUB _ Allen returning from a dinner party , when onn of the Strange buys insulted them , iuid n' on- oral tight ensued , sticks , knives and pistols being freely usod. Evan Strange and Tom Hudlott were killed outright , the two John Hudlotts ppveroly wounded nnd the two Obryans slightly. AFntnlRtdo. Ci.KViu.ANi ) , December 20 , John S. Anstiotz and two daughters ware out flloighing yesterday | } * hftornoon | noai Bluillngton and while crossing the Lake Erie & Western track were struck by an express and all killed. Two Oil Men Drowned. MAHICTTA , Ohio. December 20. Ed mund and Frank Lang , two oil men 'o ! Bradford , Pa. , were drowned in Duck crook yesterday while trying to roach Marietta in a skill' . The bodies have not been recovered , Nine 1'crmmH Drowned. Ind. , December 20. In formation has just been received that n family named Boas , consisting of the parents and BOVOII children , were drowned in the freshets in IJimlin crook , Ivy. , Sunday night. BNATCllin ) FJIOM THU IJUHNING , A SMALL KIIli : AT KGAUNKV. Sjicolnl Dispatch to Tint WEB. KKAHNKV , Nob. , December 20. Aboul seven o'clock last evening n fire broke out in a tenant house located near the business portion of the city nnd belong ing to P. W. Wilson. This nnd nn nd- joining homo owned byAV. L , Nash were rapidly consumed. The timely efforts of the fire department and numeroiisciti/.L'ni prevented further conflagration. The lire is supposed to have originated frnn : an explosion of n lamp or defective chinv 1103no ono being in the house nt the timo. Loss estimated from $1,500 tr § 2,000 , Inmirunco will nearly cover loss , FIUKS IN HP. LOUIS. ST. LOUIH , Docoinbor 20. The larg ( ( louring mill of George C , Thilonors al Capo Girarduau , Mo , , burned yesterday , Loss $00,000 ; insured. Another serious lire occurred betwoci ; three and four o'clock Tuesday morning totally destroying the furniture establishment lishmont of Noidoringhaus , northwcsl corner of Tenth street and Franklin av enuo. The value of the stock is $00,000 ; insur anc9 $57,000 ; loss not ascertained. Tin houau iimiishiux store of Charles Noid csinyhuus , in the same building , was ulsi burned. Hu valuoa hiu stock nnd ma cliinory nt 50,000 , insured for 920,000 Loss on building owned by the St. Loui stamping comjiany , $20,000. Wnnei and John Oorynn , liremon , were nt'iirl ; aullbcatod in the building nnd had ll jump from the second story window t save their lives. A DAKOTA ni.m ; . MiNNHAi'OMH , December 20. A Trill imp special reports the burning of SOUTH buildings in thu liuaineus part of Far 'O Dak. IvOKs , 880,000 , insured. The Empire brewery wns burned to eluy. Losa , 840,000 ; insurance , Si-'IJ.OOO MILL lU'HNKl ) , Mix.SKAi'OLis , Docoinbor 20.Tin Tribune's llud Wing ( Minn ) special cay a tire yesterday morning destroyed tin building owned by Buckhartv , .Miller lladlor , at Hod Winf. LOJD , 2.000 insuianco , $5,000. u Pai don. BOSTOK , December 20Ciavernm Butler hut declined to pardon the Fall Jtiver nuirdoror , NEWS FROM ABROAD. A Terrible RiotEaging in a New foundland To\vn , A Ringleader of Russian fliotors Speedily Executed , Bert Afraid the American Hog will Make Fronolimon Siok , The Movements of the False Prophet in Egypt , OKN'RHAIi FOKIOIGN NEWS. A UUSSIAN mor. Ln A , December 20. The workmen and olllciuls of the railway works nt thin place engaged in n riot yesterday owing to exactions of the contractors. Ono ollioial wns killed , and Boveral workmen injured. The ringleader of the rioters luui boon executed. So LIVES LOST. PAIIIH , December 20. The report that innny persons were killed or seriously in jured by nn accident to n railway train between Avrin court and Paris is incor rect. The train wns thrown from tlio track , but. only some freight cars and homo boxes were shattered. AN CHANGE WOT. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , December 20. The Orangamon'ii procession at Harbor Gmco was attacked by n mob and three men instantly killed nnd mortally wounded. The riot nt this hour (8 ( p.m. ) is not quelled. Detachments of infantry , cavalry and police nro being dispatched by train and steamer to the scone. A MATTKU OP HALAUY. , PAIUS , December 20. The senate by n vote of 201 to 51 decided to reestablish lish the annual salary of the archbishop of Paris at 45,000 francs , the chamber of deputies having reduced it to 15,000. run FALSK CAIRO , Dccombor 20. The latest ad- iccfl received say that El Mnhdi is still t El-Oboid. UK FORMAL OR 1H.VVK. PAUIS , December 20. Von Montonf- of , governor of Alsace-Lorraine , has rdored the expulsion from Germany of wo Frenchmen , ono whom ia General ronvol , for omitting the observance of it flight formality in certain official tola- ions with the national authorities. nUEM TIIUUATCNKD. OAIUO , December 2J. ( Three thous and Arabs are reported threatening ) nom. VMlJUKLtt'tt rOLKIV. LONDON , Dccombor 20.r Immediately , ftor tlio Christmas holidays Parnefl lolds a series of conferences withhis , col- eaguce , relative to the extension and reorganization - , - organization of. the Irish partyjn Groak'- , E3ri airi'and ' Ireland , to "arrange tliojSol- " " * J cy of the party in the forthcoming ses sion of parliament. AFRAID OF AMERICAN HOOH. PAHIS. December 20. Paul Bert pub- ishos a letter arguing that the fear of an outbreak of disease from the use of American pork is in no way chimerical. EIo quotes statements of Dalrnors , inspector specter at Chicago , who certified that diseased and dying hogs passed his house daily , and that they were sold cheap and shipped to a Bordeaux houso. The Dlamnl Swamp. PETKUHIIUIUI , Pa. , December 20. Pro ceedings have boon instituted against the Dismal Swamp canal lottery , with the object of testing the company's right to sell lottery tickets in the state. SitlToontcd by Goal Gas TUF.NTON , N. J. , December 20. John H. Diehl , formerly collector of customs of Philadelphia , was found dead in bed at Dolanco , Monday. Coal gas is believed to have been the cause. Socialist Congress. : , Md. , December 20. The biennial session of the socialist labor congress opened to-day. It wai called to order by Hugo Vogt , secretary of the national executive committee. Twenty sections or branch associations were re presented. San Francisco nnd Cincinnati were represented by proxies. 'M liciioinctlons. CINCINNATI , December 20. The an nouncement ia made tliufc Reuben It. Springer , famous for gifts to thu public , has bequeathed to the Cincinnati Art museum his valuable art collections. It is also stated ho has given $10,000 more to the College of Music for new build * ings. A Hard Nut CrauUod. MALOXI : , N. Y. , December 20. Win , Ilatfield , an escaped convict from Michi gan , was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Stackwoll. Hatfiold stabbed the sheriff and also Allen Stuck well and wife. Ilat- lield was finally captured after being shot through the thigh. The sheriff and sou are not dangerously hurt. MISH Blanche WillU Howaul , the writer of ono of the best novuln of the Jny , IK described , In a letter from Itnmu , ug ' * u magnificent blonde uf gunerous proportions , with charm. Ing eyes , of n hazul cattt micli xvouen as , ono uf her udmlrerfl ictontlv remarked , men were mice wont to llclit fur In tha lists. " DYSPEPSIA1 Don not iret veil of Itself ) It requires cartful , per * litrnt nUcutlon awl n remedy Hut \rU as-slst nature to Ilirow oft tlie cnuws end lone up the digestive orpins Ull they rcrfonii their duties willingly. Urn. lioj-Hortli , of Amlicnt , K. II. , nftcr trjLoc maay "i uru cure * " without U'ncflt , found that Ifo ocl's Stirsapar ilia ilt'the nail en the Lead nnd mtorcd her to liealtb. Ainoni ! thu tsomeu c Jitcrluutalby the clj-upoi'tlc.arij ' iMrua U'forc or nf t r cutii4losj of apr-etlte , Irrteu- t'irlly of tha Iwu-b , wtml ir pu and lulu in tbo ftoiiuch , liu-irHmra , tour ttcnuch , , Va , ctuklag mcauiirwlon | , iieivoiulrfltiUlltyaudjktjiltSB * . uru. ItfoimreditvuuraifcdlMiotcoodfUccrMultrr 'ltxKl' SarsuparULi , U lias cured huudmlj.H will cure you If j-ou gl > p U ft fair Uianco. : iss u .C.I.IIoooAiCo. I ( . ' iiili'mi'ii l .ui > muflilM to try Hood'i Rare * * loriililpriuyyilr.vhuiuu un tiouUeTwiuifi ? Dlve.Uonimd delJllly lor ! . luiil ( event } mr whith ri-ally n.Bilrrol IwrtVeUe. IHIoro i * ISd UiienthelirfUiottla h r lioMtli roiiuiiewoj to Tut ! I } , ilw ? ' 'I',1 , " teWus tl" > lounU boultTuna , IIM- LrahliliAiutiulllyund venn-Uiriilly luiiei.uiul |