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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1883)
i : : -Y . . . T ; ; BEE..uM i Tn 'fTESDAY , D1C1EMi M 'i is4. . 7 _ ! . Sale ! . c\ . . -OF = CARPETS AND DRY GOODS ! -dT- Hark11eSS Bros . , BLUFFS , IOWA. J-Q"ST RECEIVED A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 01" RUSSIAN CIRCULARS Nevi Markets , 1 LkS a Ic1mui A.7 Latest Style for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " 50.00 , 75.00. " " , 6.00 , 9.00. 10 Dozan. ] lac ] OJ'elcsey aa.c .eic , we will offer at $2.50 each , sold elsewhere for X4.00. K' CAR . at 18c , worth 30c per yard. ' \ Ingrain carpets at 45e , worth 60c. j 'T'apestry Brussels at 60e , worth 90c. Best quality Body Brussels at $1.15 , worth $1.40. , 1,000 yards Canton Matting , at 20e , worth 30c , less than can be imported today. Ingrain Carpets at 22c , worth 35c. OUR NEBRASKA CUSTOMERS SILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO EARLY EgAYfIINE ] THESE GOODS , Our Stilled Workmen will Make and Lay 'Czrp3t $ in Omaha , at the same Price as in Council 73luffa. ( . - OUR STOOK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF ' * Silks , Bi'ess Goods , CloaRiugs , sVelvets , , &c. . ASD 06'RF.RDD AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION , ' 4 Omaha and Nebraska customers purchasing bills nl' S10 and upwards , will receive bridge transportation both ways. sc Iowa , customers will save their transportation by calling at i . ; . HARENESS BROTIERS , L ' 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , UO1L11L1tClrlir , COUNciL bt.U' i M lfu gr , 1VhoM-No. 2 spring , 70c ; No , S , fO ; rag jecled , fOc ; xl tIu nand. Corn-1)on1crR nrogtyhlg 3c for old corn and : Lc for now , Onto-IngtxtdrlotnsndnttVc ) fay-I OO ( f0 00 per ton ; LOc per bnlo , It o-4c ; light supply. Born 11rs1 101) ponutli. % YWtt-lolnl appply ; irk t + ii yuil + , t oO © G 00. 00.CoalUelhorcll , hard , 11 't ) per ton O 00 per ton Butter-Plonty mnlin fair de itnt it tic ; cromnor5 ' 83e. Eggs iicady snla at. 1'00 per dozen , l.nrdFalrbmrk's , sVholeanling nt ila Poultry.-Finn ; doalcr. nro gaaylog fur chickens lfa ; live , li N ) pcr d0uui. 1'egetahles-1'utntno. , GOc ; onions , 400 ; enb binges , 806 l0ti par dozen ; mppltts , ; i 00 ( , ; ; b0 par hnrrol Flonr-day flour , t G0 JJ s 40. Brooms-2 00@8 00 par daz , LIVK STOCK. Cattlo-3 00@3 G0 ; calve. , r , OOj)7 ) r0 , 110g.-Local ItAckorN iin1 n comhlollcxt linty. ing now nod tlmro IA n good denuoul for nil grndesat4 00@1 2t. A Case Not ltoynd help. Ur.l , Ii , IIhii 1 lu , Kc nllvco , Ill , it ofnrotinrkablocure of cousurnptiou. Ito say "A notghlwur'R who w ns nttnckud with violent bug ( ltsou o , mad praxnutccd boyoud hole fmm ( , nick Constnnption. A. n lavt resort sort the fmnily was pen + naded to try 1)l.'M. . IIALI1S 1tALSAbt 1'Oli ' 1'111ro LUNGS , To the nstnuishutont of all , by tire limn ale had meet torn half duzon bottles Rlio was nbaut thu house dohg her own work. I saw her at her worst and had no idon Rho could recovery" I'Ituttlug nu OI''hnrd. First , in aettin g out be sure to lirau the dirt on the roots by translmin6 as the dirt ie beinlg tilled in ; secondly , shorten top and thin out , so as to form a low , 01)011 lead ; third , to prevent niieo and rablits barking tiles ) , apply to the trunk , about awe foot ( ground up ) the following ; ' 'nku fresh cowduug 011(1 sand , nbout equal bulk , tutu with water to thin mortar ; add pine tar to give a sutoll of tar. Apply this orory fall while the trees are young. I1) time spring wash with strong soap. suds. A little tar might. bo added , to time soap sude. ) berth-h001) time ground svull worked. I dcen corn n good crop in an orchard. Fifth-Trim as little as Iwssiblu , siumtdy taking out Limo crossing limbs , 'I'ris nnumg causes wntursprouts to grow. ' 'heso have to be cut out , and cutting thou ) appears to make others grow. What 1 call water. sprout is a twig growing-straight up front n limb like a young tree growing out of the ground. Sixth-Keep close watch for borers amid cut thorn out ns soon at'i they appear. - - - - - - Sat1Hlitctlon Onlversnl. "ln the past three ntoutlIR I lima sold 0116 hundred mutt a ix'bottlosof Tlomna' Irlcetrfr oil Never Rnw a medicine in my life that gave such universal sntisfnctiun. Cured an ulcerated throat fur moo hi twentydour liurB , ; never failed to cure my ehildrotm of croup. " C. It. ] tall , Druggist , Grayville , Ill. . _ _ -s- . I'runing Grape Vlncs. hill pruning has many advocatest There is usually Immure tine at this season. 'Ihero is 1)o danger of bleeding , nod it is thought by careful observers that time vines do better pruned in time fmmll. Time work , however , should mover bu (10110 when the ground is frozen. No handling of vines or trees in frosty weather. ' 1'o prune is not difficult , if one rememn burs that next soacon's fruit must be borne on time next season's wood-canes , as Limo term is. The strongest of these canes should bo loft longest , and the weaker ones time shortest. In short Arun jug it is svoll to boar in mind that goner. ally the third and fourth buds Iroduco bettor clustore than the first nod second buds , counting trout the base of time canto. Fully ona imalf of the past season's wood should be removed in pruning , rmuom boring that more Imrm comes from lean fng too much wood Luau too little. Sono varieties require to ho pruned long , e , g. , Isabella mud Concord ; others short , like Delaware. Vines planted Inst spring or time previous ous fall , should be cut down to two or thrco good buds. It would be wall , also , to corer the young plants , bonding then gently down to the ground , and putting an inch or two of earth on them. A stone may be placed on top , to prevent thont from springing up avhusm time earth becomes soft from rmni or a thaw. Phis cove'iug should be removed in spring , as 50011 as clanger freu frost is over , It..1. BLA01 ; . iIIIEMnN , FAIIIFJEI.m ) COUNTY , 0. CAUSE of PAIIUIu'1. \Vant of confidence accmmts for half 01 the bluinuas failures of to lay. Schrotor & Ilocht , the drmggistsmtro nut liable to fall for tam emit of COI111do11Ce III 1)r. 116nrlnkn'a Cough and Lung Syrup , for they give away a bottle free to all avho are knffm hig { vial ( Coughs , Cold , Asthma , ComRumptlou amid all alfucttnes of thu Throat mutt Lungs. 'Prude suppfud by U , F. Goudnmamr )1 Useful 1'oslollce. letrolt ) Frcu 1'rci. 1York on time new Dutroht postollieo will begin fim December. It won't ' begin a day earlier by your asking the pushmastor about it. Letter carricrs huvo not bucn furnished wittm copies of the plans , and it will only ho time tlmrowu away to stop then on time street. It has not yet' been definitely settled wlmother the now bulldiug will have n public dancing hall out thin third fluor Or nut , and timero is sumac doubt as to runt. ling the basenusmt out for a restaurant. if either rluostian worries you , poasd apply time stamp window. Time new structure will be lire proof , waterproof , and burglarproof , You can leave your unmbrulla i1) the vestibule witlm perfect confidence that it won't got wet. smorbeceno time prop of burglars , 'hu building w'lll ho so uassivo that aim cnrthquaku will have to ] tick with both foot at onue to jar time cups and sau corn ofl the pantry shelves , and it will ho bcadquarters for inmtm'ancu amid rcul os tutu nmei in case mu a cyclone. Time lady at the gemerlml deisury win. dow has not boon infornmed as to how many nlovators the now building will be provided witL ) You'll ' have to rap on winluw and call up thu chief clerk , 011 time ether Immmd , the chief clerk has smut 1)0011 notified as to whether there will l)0 it balcony over the front 'lnor for time Convemiencu of brass bands and stunp speakers. You will limivu to ask Lime janl tor , 'J'huru ' will be no lmallgilll' gardens ml the roof of the miow JostalicO , 'A'hoy could huvo hung live or six gardens up there as well as not , but time lawyers in time ad. jacolit buildings would hmavu found some way to upprnpriato soma of time best truck , Some say that there will be a belfry with u boll in it , and that time bull will rhg wimenevor there is a latter for anybody , but such stalernemts'uru roor- backs sat afloat to imifluoncu time next clue. Lion. . - - . - 'I have hcmm mUllhmmtutl with an Alfec lion of time throat ( run clmlhdhund , cau.oml by diphtimeiia , and leave used varhouv renmdies , but have never feet nuything t.quul to IhtowN'H Iflmoxaltitl. 'I'aocsmst l.rr ay i1 , F. Hampton , ! ' ! Arlon , J4/ , Sold emily lu hoYea RIDING AN ELK. Strati o Experience of a 11orrison lIuntcrl Ho is Oarricd Forty-five Miles oil an Elk's ' Back , ( ) , n' ul'thi' Murat Tltrillhtg I plsnly" of 3lountaln I tIi' . fic' A. Mauntahr Nuwe , Dca. I , , h , IL iihrden , hotter kutravum as ' 'hock. horn Joe , " arrived III time city' yesterday with n wn nom load of 'game slum um Bear Creek canon and vicinity. Joe resides a few stiles from lllorrisomm smear time jimmies then of ( tear Croak anal 'Turkey Creek carious nod is one of the mi htiest. huu tes emi m ed i1) hu uishhu a new for the Donvur tiuirket. Ills load osterdawas the bust indication of lmis skill , It consist. al of two large elk , half a dorem deer , n mountain lion nod a large quantity of smaller qgnniu , "I toll yen that elk was a whopper , " daft 11r , lllardea to n News reporter wlmo was ins ectui g the load "and he gave mime such a ride as i holw ) ever tau enJ'o ) again , " " ( low vas thntl" asked the reporter , "IVell , you see , it was 01) I loudmty , and I w'as u , Turkey Creek ealmu out the lookout for gauno , i saww fresh signs of elk , mud 1 gclimnlotl u ) a rock to take n look around , I Mail to be nwful quint about it though so 's not to skeor time genie. Thu ruck I elmua wasmt't above thirty feet hkh ; , aunt I calkerlmted that there wouldu t h6 much dmuger of their gottiug sight first. 1 got up to time top mmd look around long enough to satisfy no that Hero wasin t anything in silt. 'l'iter I started to go down time other sale. It was very steep osm tlmt side , nod l renclmed out nmmd caught time limbs of a big spruce tree that stood up ngaimist the side of time rock , 1 luidu't scarcely inure thrum (1(1110 this titan rimy foot slipped front under me and 1 swing out oil the rock. My wei hit was too much for tlmG limbs 1 had hold of and I went down almost as though I was load , lakimm Limo liurbs with mmuo , mtl thouglm time ) didn t prove to ho of any use that i could discover iii what happunel after , 1 dtdsm't have nmuelm Limo to think wlmilo going down oll'that rock , btmt I had n very strong idea that 1 ens in for sumo cracked bones. I didn't strike ; ; round though , mmd now , colic to think it over , 1 wislm 1 had. You ace that elk with time suvou prong horns ens hiding usmdur the rock hn time sumlu of the spruce tree and l fell square o1) his shoulders. " 1 guess it would be hard to loll who was skeert time most , nme or time elk. Time elk started as though Ito wnsshotand that saved mime the trouble of doling scything of the hind , for he sot hmis ( mend back and brought then big hones of his right square down ( iii fly logs mud held nc .there as fast as if I was glued to his iaek Time wits summed skeert out of that elk. lie didn't seen to care where lie went or wltoro I wmumtod lmim to go. Turkey Creek cnuon seemed to please hint vary well for a little while , or mitil souse dot got after lminu. lle didn't ' appear to ) nave mummy regard for his safety and seemed only looking for dangerous places to ram nlong. 1 wasn't afraid for the elk , but svheu at times le skirted aluug time edges of preei- picas , where time fall wouk1 be nuywhoro front three to live Imundrod feet , l wits somewhat afraid that the eommarnod elk would loosmi time grip of his horns et rimy legs. Onct whet ho was tonrimig along the edge of a gorge whore I could lonlt down as 1 lung over and sue rimy face in time crook fully 600 foot foot below lime , I thou ht 1 could fool time grip of his ] torn rolaxln on may leg , and I tlmou gait hull that it was nil up withiumo , But he right on and in m few minutes 1me ens tearing tlmrou gam time treed , 'That's where I got scratched up this way. ] , suppose that I would lmavebeeu knocked to 1iIeovs oitlY for the way thcnm big horims lay over me. me."SVlmon we got to time head of time canon time elk BOmnet to think that ho hadsm't ' had enough of time fun , and wheeled round and started down Limo utlmor sub. " " 1Vhuy didn't you try to cut his tlu oatl' ' "I inight have tried to aumd did reaclm for any knife , but I had lost it i1) time fall , or rather just after we started on the rue. Wu wemt down the coon again , about as fast mm we came up it , Lima elk caring no morn for miry safety than if we had only just trot acquainted. I seeped to have known him for twenty years , and wouldn't luivo had that elk go over one of time rocks for Colorado. I didn't ' much mind buimig scraped up in this way or having rimy clothes tone to slmreds , provided od time elk would keep away lruam time odgen'I " 1)o you think that your nervcusness on this point was nccimstotlud by the fall which had led to your strange rides" "Wolf , hardly , " "Unw far did you rani" "I didn't run at mull , 'l'imo elk did lima runuiug and 1 lay just as still its l could. Sometiumee wlmmi he would leap over a chasmm. I would find any heart stauduig still ton. " "flow far did you go ? " "SVell , we went up ty the limid of Turkey Creek cannon at Limo start , a dis taimcu of about tat wiles , and them back again and out into item Creek eanamL 1Vhem time elk got out into this cnuon he soened only fresled up for the rem and only cnru anxious than ever beforu for taking i1) the hind scenery that time tour. ists cone omit here to look at. 1 laud Brown very tired of it , but this did not seen to trouble the elk. " "flow did yet escape ( " ' "Null , you sue as we cminu'dosnt hear Creek eauou after a rem of about twenty iniles ail this earion we allllost run over m y I1 year oid boy there , who was out hu11aug , and as quick uma a llashm time lad so11t mu bulhut thlroughl the henrtof time elk. 'flea we sto spud , I've rcckonud it u p mud if that elk aumd I w'esmt a foot we Went miles , " " Dlr. lllardcim bore litany eviduaces of Limo hardship which ho had uudorgano , his face mind hands being utterly flayed. Shaky1 scrawny , uisnnsua porsomus timmd afriond nn , VaNae'llun Atrvhw. $1,50 of drugpistx , 6 S'anutrifnt .lVia rfnn cured me of gomurul debility and dya rupsi.t , writes DIie1DOl O'Connor , ( ialusbu g 111 , flut at your druggist's , A Sentlnumtat Iturgtar. Chlcigu Trf , mar , One night last week a b1) ry svns coaunitted at the resideueu of Iilr. Leo nail , I'Suerdd uvenu mid'l'liirtyliftl street , 'J'hu hurglar untore(1 time house by forcing open a rear window , amid at oucu began a pmnu + uadu through Lhu im mrtuiutds hm suarch of valuables , la the bedrooum wburu lllr. Lunnmrrd fund his svifu wore sleeping he got a gold watch (111(1 ciaaimi , aunt sonic a oumv ) , without dis turbhig time sleepers. Then ho went to thu sluopimig apnrttnumtt occuphed by the FUR N IT UK El CHEAPEST" PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture - 7 8 - ' . ' ° - .SfJ' 7 utii i 93 ' They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. duuugitter of i ir , l4uemrd , a pretty , blue. eyed msidenl of about suvemmteeii. iluro ho obtained sumac valuable articles of Jew. dry. As Ina was about to leave time room with his plmldur , however , le lurued to look at time face of time fair sleeper ism time dim light of time low gas 'et nuJ time sight of the red lips nod rosy cheeks buried in time pillow uLoV0 the delicate lace of the engirt robe wits too tea ) ) tit ) to resist. lbu stole softly 1)D to time bed and llasmted n strop5g + Ihridrre tort kiss eu the uusus ) ectiu but imrvitiu g mouth g mid tlmen rushed from time roots Theg girl awoke with a start , amid uttecd n outh tide aeromun thmnt aroused the ollwr leg ) e in time house but Limo bu glarusen mmdthrotu gnu time window just in Line to avoid a shot front ] air. Lousmard's pistol. PoioiL : o M.nurt limo' prwiile minuremi'ervamidruld11x,11' Crlpi ics luau wnr , purtll mice anal famfnn curnbinud , 113 ou hat o e + , r hl at dl.en + as or skin liwnor , It It 3inr duty to y ursrif and ; art rl't h , take the umilyu c µ ctthlu cure , w hkh k So lft'e 5pccllic SoIfu' , Sm' hue la + relies 1,1 mite of Mat nisi Itlod I'dreu after hod be , n coati oh to Iho home for Inc mir + ntlis and ha l heen t Oh hlue name , calomel midolhcrpelsolloaednageunlil t was In dcspalr- 5dmt's 4pecino In Ile runmisly for lhl. kilid of blood polsou. 0. M. cL mtKE , Agent Suuthero Llre insurnw'e Ina , Auauta , Ca. FOR LADICS , I hatuben uslt + g for n mmeli Or two in my lams , , . hold , Sulfa' , 8pocllta (4 ( , S. 8. ) the grouter portion of of it haunt been narjunmel by the tonmloarnnn ; of miw fmnily , and walla t o hap dent remit , . It artful like n clans 00 mj' , , h en In had health far a lemig alum and forwhmimi , I hate lull I luuadroil of dollatii for + lncturs and mnedlclnes It urns to build hemp from IIto tint dnu. Aonlher fenn1c ucnd eruf ii' ) fan.lly took It 6ItII cgnlly.atlfaelo l-3'rerulte. ItI4terlnlalytime bodtuule for dellcnto laole. that I huu user u usl , and I list. t Ici teem all. I hauuaodonht that aumit of otercriru , cloco eomitlmic0lentiii poorly tenlltt0ed hnunuv , sewer eat poiten and "minrlal pul.en utter prixluco ricknts Rmong our who. , daoehler , and elders , nn , I hag Ilene 8wIt' ( . Sprcula Is taw rLotcdy for all this nomt of blued polraolug. I'.1..1iINES , J I' . ttiItinan , Ca. Treatment of Cnncor. For twenty 3oar. llone anifered from aeanecror ( hu silo of nt3 nrek ncnr time ehouldernnd ca lmnslyd the whole catalogue of reticdle. tttlmut any rllef Thu cancer grm + nlg w anon I the liie , mho whole up. rhart ormil3'bnd,1 bcca0m all ( anti full ofpaht. 1 Lad tlrhml y lost the 1)n of lath arum , , , y gc"eral limit ii had broken down amid m saw It , a , only a gnes'I mi of line uhuu iOu Itself would toil , .Iroe i. Ii thincoitdlllon I c"umcnecd lhu ueo of So lft's Spocllic 'I'hullr + tbottle rollatcdmeaft osllfthes. In time neck , tlm sucolil µ 1t u too pcrtoct lute of my inns , and I L el stnulg anti well In . .u cry tray. 1 am n poor flan but m u "uld not take 63,0 o ir the gee ! i hale eaatluneo' ; 1tnt ! 8.tstt'a Suet-ISO. I billow It will tote. " 1)t all the pni + nn amid cnru me. w. ii. 1iODISON , Dnlshoro , Init. roatlsu on IOntxland Skln wheate. mnlled tree to applmcmmts , 'riim stvlu r sruuipm m co. , Drawers , Nebraska Cornice -AND- ¶ orks ! MANUFALT7aEIm OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' aormor issdowns , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MErALiO SKYI.IOIIT , Iron Fencing ! CrestlnIye , Ilalutralot , veranda. , Olmceand fact llalllmig , , V1ndow mil ecimarUuarde , Ktc. N , W. Cott. NIN"r AND JONES em. _ - . OAISEI1 , Manager , The amof the term"Nhot S H 0 R 1 Lino" In connectlnn aIthtb , corporate nano elm , gran road cmn Idea of ut what mg0lrod by time trarulDlg hut , Ile-n Short IAno , Quirk Tim , and the host of aeconmod. U tlela-all of which are turn lslmed by time greatsut rallitay lii Amerlca. C HIOAGO , M ILV AUgEE And St. Paul. ituwne and operah'e over 4tOO mllcaof road. Northern lllluola , wmcnu.iu , Muurusota , Iowa and Dakota ; and att is mobs Ilmies , bronche. and oonuoa tine. reach all the great bnthtcos centres of tin Nurthn ust and Far wutt , It naturally mitwore lb. descriptlun of Short Llno , and Ilea Ilouto between ChlcagoImlllwuukuuSt. Paul nnd Sllnnenpolla. L'hicmmge , Slime nlikun , Ln Crou snot SVinuna. Chicago , Mf aankeu , Abonlucu mu ! IIlondat. : Chicago , 1i11waukeeKaum Ire andStllleatur' Chlrago , Mlh aukce , SVausau and Merrill. Chicago , Mllwrakou , heaver Haut and Oehkosh , Chicago , DI Ilwaukee , SVuukctlln amid Oconnmiwna Chlcag , , Mllunutue , Madlson anti I'ralrlodu Chloe Chlcagu , ! 11lx oikcu , Ou alunnn old t alrlbnuit. Cmileago , Ilelolt , Jamiool'iu ' awl Mineral Point. Chlcmgu , IIglu ; , aoetfinl out Iluhuquo. Cldcago , Clintu" , ( lock hlaril and Cedar Itaplde Chicago , ( 'oumicll ' limits amid ( Imaaha. Chleugu , Sioux City , Sienx Fall , mil Yanktou Clucagu , 3t Ittaukuu , ii Itchell tutu Chamherltht. hock ! , land , lubnqun , St , Paul anal Sllmint'aj.ell. . 1/ataup.rt . , Calmar , St. l'ald amid Mlnmicapilb , . I utlnwn Sleeper , mil the Flnt'et Illduu Cars ht world are run on mhomnfnllmi i ofthuCHICACp MILWAUKEE e ! , ST. PAUL 17AILWAI and dory attuuttinIsaldtopassengersby ; court , ml , cmplvye. of tilt ctnll.Anyt S , ri. ME111tt1.t. , A. 1'.11 , cARI'INTEit , ( hii I Maoagur , 1en'I I'aRS. Am onI .1.' , oio1LU1Arrohu ; , Our'I S61i t. A.u t Ocu' ! rasa. Aq't - Jr P. WEBER & CO. , n1ANUFACTL'1LL11S OF BRACES ! Ffll1'fliE C0111mI.fl'I . ( ( ) N OF IShysichl Deformities , Ilip alld Spinal DiseaSp8 , Claim Fcut , Still F nees , ( low Legs , Kiloclf 1Clloes , &c , TRUSSES of the beet malme kept min lend. 1'nu.u. repalrotl , Cna bar mwlu to order , Nmall Juba of all klode Bono bt Steel , fro" amid Wnod , teyltel alru.g of all ( mode d ime ucat , cheap and I1rump6 l'Ir.trrmuluutgtuuiourseek at the Ne- Lraska Slaty l'aIt c t 165t. ; , 801 Sofftlf Tenth Sf Omaha. 1 M -WITII- SIOUX' . FALLS GRANITE. Au(1 your work is (11)110 for till time 'to tinh' to coute. WE CHALLENGE The Wotid t0 jrodnce It I1101'O durltble material for street p IV0l11Ci1L than the ' ' Sioux Falls Orlulite. t I FOit ANY AMOUNT OF - - a I MACADAM ! BIIC(1 ( pr OIllhLly , Samples soft and estimates given upon application , WMMcBAhj , { c CQ , , ? Sioux Falls , Dakota. S. H , ATWOOD , Plnttsulouth Neb , t , - - - - un.ADar. or nlouounllIIthD ; AND Ilmut I aitAnA HEREFORD AND JERSEY CATTLE I AND milutoc oat JBItnxY Imyo awl\r , 1 .tTYmutgtockforru'o. : mekw.ty UFRENE & MENDELSS9FIN , cF RCHITECTS F DDLD MEDAL , PARIS , 11178 , BAKER'S ' i IJocoL 1Vurmuled ohretufrtg puny Coning ( chum which the cxeae a oil lms bcen it auvcd. It has three I ' tutu , e/rrnpA ( of Cocoa nmlxcd i trhla Starch , Arrowroot or eu µ ar , 1.j l cud 1s then-fore fur snore ccouoml. cal. It Is dehcluue , uour.hing , . * etrrnglheuingenmity dlgcted , and l midndrnbly atbqled fur Invnlds ( as wdl as fur person. In health , ! fold by ( irorera orer where. 1. BAKER & COI Borchos1er J Mass ; I _ _ _ _ _ ya y a H tMPEYS J 6 . MEOPATHICu sPECI volt Tllr. CtTRM OF ALL DISEASES 01 ? ' IIORSICAT'TI.R R'11EI'IO08,110C6 ) , hiiii' , umd L tl I Fait r-uvr. rv 1TAltn ; Ilnmphreva' Ilmnrn. nude S'clrrlunrv hnrcllle.loweb xm u.ed by Vnriui'rshuocli Urcudcr , L'rrrvi tnblonnd lur 'n , Ilor.nIIi1IlnOUlsAln nnfac urert. l'nnluuhihum ' , ' ' ' nldrnnu'i ' t'onannnlrs1'rnv'mc 111 ' . , hnuSllu atuck , nw 3lrnngrrlr. cud uthera ; ; rfttt suctvtie. . . ( l PP.1 Iln nphrnV. Vrterhtnry Dtmhsnl. , remit rre by malt um , rtrt apt of nrte. . H route . rii I'rnnphlrta si'ol iron Dim nppllcatluu. 1IUU1'nnL1'N 110311':0PATIIIQ111Cn.COe : 1001'ullmr CUcel , tmew . NERVOUS DEBIUTY ' Vitmml Weakness nail 1ror NUMPNR S' ( ration fruit , overwork or I n , H radically MEO aril C . mmdpromplly curd by ii. ileenIn hot' 0 rnre . SECIf No 28 -d the tort eurcrsa fun rometly knuwit lhlcnel lee via , erA vtnn anb large vial of puwdrr for s , , , 'III poet fr u in re. egllraaicaimUuruuUurd , LIW Yalruubi . N. Co , ST , LOUIS PAPERWAREHOUSE. Graham Paper Co. , 217 and Yla North Slain St. , St. Louts. SVIIOLEeALE 1)EALlas IN , n OI [ . i WIt1TINO NEWS , } PA P ER S l wIIA1'FINQ ENS'6LO1'Es , CAR ! ) .lhOAItt ) AND PRINTER" ' STOCK , pall or hags and F.p. StockeciilttalimL , . I'