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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1883)
1 h TfIr Pt1IL1' BEECOUNCIL BLUFFS , TUESDAY DLCIr1I13ER 4 , 1883. ii DAILX BEET C OUN CIL LLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , Dee , 4 , ! , SUIISCIUPTION itATF9 ; 11 Cardat - - - - - 20 cents per wrek Dp M.l - - - - - - - $10.00 ylef loan NO. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , P See Joseph Itoitera fall goods. Additional local on seventh page , Chap Railroad Tickets at Buslntoll's. Six per cent city old ant lonus , S , W Fergusson eC Co. , 39 Pearl St , utwiS The Mlln Ouornsoy company loft yus tortiny for Sioux City. Prof. Cadwcll gave another of his an using and yet iu tructivu ulosmoriccuter t t iirncnt lnat tt'Olllllg. A gontlenrn nod wife would like 'iii- furnished rooms for Ilououkocpiug. Ad. dresa J , 1V,11. , IIIt oflice. 1 Judge Ayloswortll Inas returned from his Thanksgiving trip , std ngnin ails ou the woolsack of tim anporior court. T1ore were 110 c9capcs front the city calabonso y estorday. . Tim only rcngat was thcro'woro ' no prisoners to cacnpo. City Mnrslml Jncksbn got after n cnu pie of crooks y c8terday , and painted out to them tire way out of town. They took it. The mayor needs to issue mother proclamation unrnnlg all vngralta and crooks to leave the city. The tir8t ono didn't take. The hound Table , aiatead of meeting this evening , will meet Thursday even- ing of this week at the rcaidonlce of Dr. Montgonlory. ; lira. D ( . Carroll , faaltietnblu drou- making. Cutting and tilting a specialty. r Approntlcoa wanted , No , 8'.0 First ayeh flue , up 4tairo. Spirtual Circle every Tucaday evening ' in Spiritual hell , eutrnnco eI lain or Pearlntrcet , Thin evening distinguisllcd modiunia will hu present. A. N. Warner , arrested for atcnling a Pair of boota from Farman'8 atom , has had his case cot for n hearing before Jos. tire Schurz next Thursday. The Spanish etudenta arrived at the I'acitic yesterday. Their nnnies on the register 1)roved ) a9 di0lcult reading its a I page of the moat ancient clilasica. Seine mere iulprOvemmlte are being made at the Crystal mills , Thu engine 1 and bailer houeo is being enlarged and n y n now boiler and other appliances put in. Cottage prayer meeting at the resi doacc of J 1Y. Berger , No. 714 k'irat avenue , Woduoaday evenitag. A. cordial invitation is extomled to any who de8iro to attod , Charles Nicholson , who is old otiough a tirotnan not to take a tumble , foil . through an elevator in Footer's drug store yesterday , and received aline rather bad bruises , though nothing very eerioue , The Sioux City route hna juat received and put on the St. I'aul train 801110 of the finest eiz wheel trock coaohea , whichever ran out of Council Bluffs , They are ae comfortable as they are elegant , and others are Boon to be added. There are already a number of caudi dates being talked of for the city mar- sludahip , among them the proselitincum bent , E , W , Jackson , Ofieor Cusick , George Edgar , E. ( ] ardnuq and some spegli cf phl9f Field as the coming loan. Thu move for the bgihlin1 ! eg c1u : c' ' to Aecommodo'o tim a11Ncdh11ia Misnion r Sunday school is taking tangible form , Ii I : nnli despite the action of the board of 1 education iu barring the school out of the Curtin street school ( mouse , the Mis- 51011 promfscs to Grow and prosper. 'Thoro was n little difficulty in Frank Lovinb's cigar store Sunday , which has resulted in Levine having Charles Allen arrested for assault , and Allen in turn t has had 1Villiam Faiteh arrested for threatening hint with a resolver. John Lindt has for the third time Muni 1 elected oommmndor of Abe Lincoln lioat I G. A , It , 't'his is a high coutpliutont i o him , indeed. Thu pout is maclo up o f ' thoau whom it would be a great honor t 0 lead emno term ; so Colouol Liudt's honor is a triple-pluulod one. Before .1 ustico Vaughan yesterday ti 0 Tnirud horse Stealing case , with time otku r trios growing out of it , were brought up Orattou's case was heard and the duels Lott put off for three days. Becker w a t ! discharged , and the eases a ainat Ir'ixom I wore 1mt ver until next 11 ednoada } . Mrs. Minnie Iublie wita the nautu u f the drunken woman lodged in jail Satur day night. Slme was sober enough yen ' tordny to bog Justice Schurz to lot he r $ o , an she had four cllildroa , but th e judge thought $8 and costs would b e about right. Tbrc a soiled onus , for disgraceful bold lieu on the street , were yesterday ilni dbe $14,1o each. ' ' 1'hoy gave the names o f Jennlo black , Goldy Brown and Lillt e O'Brien. The last nanud is the aaut o girl whose brother-tit-law lately rain n over front Omaha to reclaim nvsin I being but liftoou yearn old. It sem s she Imann' t b rut back itotne Yet , Suferirmtendont llunmE , of the stroc t car line , says the now boxes for Tecoiv - ing fare have arrived , and will soon b 0 put into the care , thus doing away will t the conductors. 'J'ltia will ate ) Limo note 1 rival going oft now on time Blain etree cars , a loed conductor who ro treaen 0110otel now , having a Dom ) utitor fm , the form of a olored TIorter re resent , lag time oilier hotel. Yesterday the eft Y auhorities made the latter take out a liconse. Now , why should lot the otlmn hotel runnura be made to take out at liccnso also ? I'crllaps the pol1CC can' t see then. Vith limo putting is of tin bozos , the hotel uomputittou will doubt JP w cease to annoy time passengers on tin Main street line. To combat ignorance , to uproot of d fogyism and confer health and hn , inosa 25 the object of ) 'The Science of Lie or fdelI-Ptesurvatiou. " The book Is advor Illeed lu another column , . Q. QUEER QUERIES , Ts There sorrnty In llaavrn , and le Tltrto Joy In Brit" _ . _ _ - The nodes of Sunday night lictures be. tuB g gicmt by Iter. J , G , Kamen , of iho B aptist church , hm o excited touch interest - est , rout rho nltondatcu upon rho last ono was not only orou larger than on any prot mins ocati + inu , but there ts are enticed ii i the nudionco many who are not often farad within the walls of a church , and nmaug them tunny of rnUmcr n skaptiull mind , yet whim evidently ware anxious to hoar n further discuasieu of acme of rho topics of the routes , The address was a uwro than ordinary ouu , mid tire subject m atter tins not only instructive , bathed enough 0E npnrldo nod freeluiosa hr it in prove cutcrtainmg. The speaker chose for his text ' , Jesus wept , aul firstaouttht to answer rims gncry , " ] a there sorrow iu lmenvou ? " IIo pichlrea Christ an weeping not unnroly at aio dentin of l + aznrue , Lot at mho unbuhof of those about hint. Christ's agauy in the garden , was of mho same typo , aul ilnero nu angel ministered to hue , 'limo angel could not but have felt symnpnthy , lu fact there wall fit time teaching of time bible mho assurance that Ilit hlity itself w'ns grieved at the prospect of nan'a falling frmn his eshtto. The speaker corrected sumo of time common notions of heaven. That place was not ono whore rho saints sit with long feces , old church psnhux from uuprnun till lnight , nod { vetch with de ligt the tortures of those in hell. It was no such place. biloraoll ; had said , "Time hlbno was filled with hmn ene nod hells , with mho ahiniug peeks of selfiehnesa , std mho lurid abysses aE flames. " ] tut who so filled ill Not tlt0 Bible , but rho rain teachings of maL The speaker said that if he had to accept sonic of rho te achings iii regard td lmenvel std hull he with Ingersoll would carne life amid du ly God. But mho bible nowhere ta ught that rho s Brits in heaven worn iii- se nsible to aullrin' in hell. The idea of God shutting souls n ) In hall come fr ont honthcuisn , the early fnthere on- gr afting their inherited notions into Uhriatianity. Time speaker did not be- h eve in n material hell , sty more then iu n immaterial heaven , 't'here were spiritual bodies thuru. All t , tlk ell"out Ilnmea mina p hysical tortures was limo mare bug beer of infidelity. In hoavet there felt w as no sorrow tut tor as mho soul's oa n condition was concornoa , but these sp irits would be cold and unlovcallo it th ey aid nut Taal a In mth for those whey b y heir owe acts amid oyn choice hod bcome lost. Time soeemd query , "Is there joy in kohl was nuaau equally intoreatitng , llEiltou had rho true radon whoa ho pie- tared sntnn as preferring to reign in ] cell than servo in Lenvau. Thera was a thrill of delight. in carne's heart , and all h ell rejoiced when mar full , std lie has over siuco delighted in every victory of sin , but flue joy was the joy of malice , like that of Dieken's hngnn , who took delight in teaching boys to become piclo- Ip0ehota. Pile men love their vice nua lo w rotate but whet ri rlmt minded man would scu run ] jay iii living in a sou of viral The spanker drew eomu practical thoughts from this , Infidelity wrongly claimed that Cod shut men up in hall and than tortured tltoro. Not so , sin , their own sin altars them up there. The gulf which eapnrntes heaven from hell was that which separates the righteous from ti me unrighteous hem. ilmgersoll asks , "how can a husband be happy in heaven when his wife is suffer. ins to hell ? Efe says if his wife was in hall he would want to go there too. The speakerehowed the fallacy of this by illus trntlona from the mroeout life. if , b crone strange chance , n loving wife folic from rho path of virtue , mina becomes time in mate of a sou of vileness , would the worthy husband went t0 go and line theta tool It is mt0t God titer Iona put h er h1 that h011. Itin sin. No ouu will b e in hall who dons not will it humunoif so to be , and , while their friends hl the heavenly ] Hurl may grieve over thong , thorn will be no aostro to fellow thorL 1'h6 ' } ' Is'ilUonjny other society aul have other happiness , , Diuat of mho relation. 81mipa Othie } lit' are ' animal ut their nature. An rho souls rise they are drilwn t o each other by nllinity , not by tins of blood. The guff hutwemn those wlu'do light in rho good nnd these who delight i ii evil fa a natural ouu nod of their own nluking. The npoakor gnvo Illgorsoll at anumsing turn 0u the tatter's doctrine of "good f ellowship , which rolled forth mazy a . omits J.-.Lo rolm0nrena Lgoreoll's ) story o f uroatiug n mat and oohing hint to drink , 'Phu men refusing , hewuaasked toemoku. A gain refusing , ho was aekud to take n chow. Still refusing , ho Tvas asked b mutt grass , mina na he declined was told tw p go his way , ns he was no lit compaly fo r elan or boost , 'l'imo speaker lictured in 'eraoll ottin into hanvml and eta tin 6 to an angel asking hint ; "Wont yo u t ake a drink ? " "We don't drink hcru. " "Well , hike a rigor ? " "We don't amok 0 Faro , " " 1Yull , take n chow. " " 1Vo dnu' 0t Dhow hero , " " 1Yull , thou , go , llir. Algol , you are ne uonlr'nuy for mat n r b0rlat.l" lugorsoll hinisulf , with this fro ! ing would not timid himself at Keno tkor o cud would stair himeoli mat , by going trm associate with these of his allinity Time elwukur ( tooted history lu , abut v the fallacy of good -fellowship rookie g the world happy. It brought licentious ' 'Hasa , arunkoenesa , uuurohy , mobs , riots Grunt minds had found its doctrine met emptinoaa l othe'e " " "Soup of Life" t1 rendered ne showing time walling of hi e soul. l'ea's "Dream Within a Draant , ' ' was also givbu byttlu speaker. To thus 0 who followed Christ's teaching limn wool d be more than a droant. They woul d Inako a glorious roiait } , Thu next of the series to be given m I next Friday evening will b0 nu " ' 1'h e Absurdities of SoiOncoe" ] t aced hen } ly be maid that Fir. Leual in not an op ' hmwut , but aim admirer of true eeielco and in his coming diecoursu will doubtless loss give to that handmaid of religion al 1 that is duo Fur , but will give soma mar fresh thoughts oe sumo uE file errors o f eo cnll0d tntlwr that real science , 'Tt1ENravoths , F. It , llurlburt has o ) ound , at. No , a t I'uarl street , a steam ayung and Freud h dry cleating works , 1'lwuus and tips + v0lvote silks satins gent's ' clothing rchant' ' shelf m e s woni goods , all made anal us uu11 , 1'hu long needed structure is nutrubou t ready for ocpupancy , ' 1'o be ecru , it is n it old building fixed over , amid patched uu + but still it is n grout iugtroyeuont eve r time old. 0mm the Bret floor , the front odic o fe for the mayor and city clerk. hack c this fs the auditor's o0ico , and still bac k of this the city oneineot'e , Up etai re there is a room , about ] 8 by 45 foot , fo r the superior court , with u gcod eizod ju ry a WWr Wr..ial4 - . room off from it , water and other can- ronioltces are being put in , oleo iliowltnlo will do n acairnblo clmanaa from rho old concern called time city hell , ALL FOR LOVE. , l 1'olnret11,1Ynnrnnr111mnptK to I n ti r l tcrnlly by time Norplllnc lion Ic. A colored woumnn unused 1Vasllitigton , who lives nenr the Chicago cl Norllmw ea b rim local depot , is reported as having attempted to 011(1 her dnyn Sunday night by taking n heavy doss of morphina She was discovered in Limo to anmmen ntediGll aid and by lively amid prolonged work she tuns spared to lmeraolf a little lougcr , ] t is sold that rho rv0mnu Juan bent quite iutimatu with the colored mat "Texas" and dent they hod n sort of lo vers' yumrel , which led her to ouch despondmtcy that. oho wxa tired of life , l'rnyhmg II'the l'r0Nhlrnt , Captain A. Overton arises to correct mho fullowiug atniumeut nindo in Sntur d ay's 11Er , coucorniug mho breaking of mho grotnma for mho l'uioa Pacific rnilwny ; "Time exercises were omited tvi.fll prayer by the 1te { , T , ] t. Leman , { eho omitted the prayer for mho proaideut of ti me Uuitod States , the runaou being that br , ] + mnon was n strong dmnucrat. IIo hna niucu changed his politics , and is Haw a radical republican , " Time captain says this is a big mnistako. IJo knows for ho was there , nod mho first gr ound broke was rot his pru mnption , next to Fix house. Ito says that. ltuv , T , B , Lemon did prey far rho pros- iclant , but'termal hint "the chief uxocu rive of our ] end , " turd if time reporter failed to rocoguizo Hader this nppollntiet ti me inosiaant of mho United States , it woe not lilt' , Lanai's fault , lmt colutectieu with this correction , Copt. Overton recoils the incidmlt of the come clcr6Yma1 , who is now n presiding ol der in Nebraska , , being rolled to nc count on n similar pomp while chaplain of time Nebraska house over ten yearn ego. It was his lnabtt to pray for the chief executive of rho notion , " nod sores meuber , while there was n rush of buai nose , clipped in n resolution calling upon him to pray for "thot'trcaidout ' of these United Staten. line resolution was passed hurriedly hod it was not until time chnplnin was iuformod of it that any s pecial thought was paid to it. Mr. Lennon at once explained his loyalty and that the only slave lie over owned ho bought an rho 3d of July amid act Eton on rho dtlm. After nbnking am afl'activu speech , which moved tire entire aesmnbly , li e offered his ruaignntiou , but instead of it being accepted , the resolution w ns quickly rescinded send he { ens urged to retain the position , trhich he did. It was doubtless owing to this incident nua rho peculiarity of his uianunr of preying for the president that led to his words being specially eomnwated ou at mho time of the breaking of ground for rho Union 1'ncific , - - - - - - l'I'ItSONAl : , . Capt. 0 , S. Ilnbbard hex retnruod from Shonnndonh , whom ho hex Kamm xlondlug , sov stet days with frlundN , Track Sidue , attorney at Cnrxon , seas at th e Paciflo yesterday. 1Vlllam Tnrnor , of Fremont , Net , . , nrrired at th01'ncllfc yoxtotdny , W , $ . Cuppy , of Avucxt , . was to the city yoxtotdny , and nmda headgnartorx at time 1'a chic , I [ , L , MclVtlliams , time well known Nenbtu , { vex at rho Pnclfic yoxtotdny , , Tohn W , Scott , of Tetawkn , 1 amisa. , was at the Ogden yesterday. .f , 1f. Skaggx , of ] 'IN + rn , was an Ogden hwmxc arrival yoxtotdny , It. A , hotel , of Smtmldwich , III , , ranched the Ogden yesterday. Julio Dowling , of Inbitque , [ styli , Is at the Ogden , Chnries I1,1urt , special potlsioe agent , of H'nshhtgbnl , ] ) , C ix nett ntpplmig at time O gden. 11EUUINa'x mussbt Salvo meats sv'ltlisv.inder- fttl xneCUVx Ill IIII 17lved of Nkhl rliMnl4 + e. Try It' - - - Teal Exlnto Tratefirs , Time following duce { voro filed for no- c ord in the racordur a office , December ; 1 , reported for Limo Bumi by P , J , Mc- real estate agent : Peter Swanson to 1V , S , Swanson , lots 1 to fi inclusive , block 14 , and lute 1 to ti inclusive , block ] ii , Crossett City ; $32. C. Latzendorfer tq J. It , ] taco , part tor ( i , Ralluts sub of el so j , G , 71 , $300. Thmtme It. Stowllrt to S. Ooldstcin et mil , late lU nod 11 , block .U , ] tours sub ; $500 , , T , 1V , Davie et al to Charles bills , part 9 , 77 , :19 : ; + : 'llt , 'f'atal sales , $1,739. How About Ihu lrosua , ' iltnu ' 1 let l rlo before I + 1 m a .o . litho upturn ly luqulre the slxo of the dose mid the atreugth of it. hl uxhlg 11utrlurk 1tGss ! ! ti ! Etta n toaslwlouhd for mho little ones cud two teaYIWlltlllx , for grown polka ore all that ix n1YoYxmtry at ouu flow , ' 1'hla mngnlliront ulodldnu ix mat only ocunomlral but very pleasant to mho taatu , SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICP.-8y + ett.l advartlaemoate , each ae Lost , FuuuJTo fsa.n , For Sale , To Rent , Wanly llnard Ing , etc , , gill Is , lu.etted to this column at the lu w ale of TIN CENTS 1'Elt LIMY. Tut' the first Insnttlu n out FIVE CENTd 1'hll UN } for cacti .utoquent In. ecrllon. Lose uhnrthtmenta at mnnnlon , N. > , 7 1'o.rlStreetrloarllruadNav , WANTS , j TANI'RU-.t goal smut , rnergrtlo otml to tak a half Inturwt in a nr.t cla4Y uUl good layln g buslnlu. . Only a nnnll amount of moon rrqulnal Addn .s F : 1blu. ! . real estate , 00110011 mans , I TANNIn-Tllrcu : moos. t9hnnhho lor snort 11 hours. , near Uae utlln' , by gcnllelnau Ida I wtle , Addres.ll , Ilva oaks' . ANTED-Essry boey m C4mntl PloUsto tak Tllahe. . Uollrered by carrlcrat only twcul y road. w xrek , I )14 pARUAINMquuu uuuthlgu pet of John ) wt" } lrytdo tells , ought st4tiWr. , eallgtt a lwr tulnbyeu111ugat711allraafkr + C .tUI1hT f 1'IIOTIei- by thu Bonn at the - tarot . der gallery , ii ( I Dlaln r net. Ouunrll llhuT Plamter , aid duullll fart tote way. . to Ouudla CU. tulncrr wt ordrr. . 1 $10 and utsuds , TANTEU-Eturyb.d ) tubuy a CIirlsilnar pro r I I mid north route thw dlamouuY-a Iss11r2 Ii ' the Mutual iJfo Inlurallee Cenucony , of how lork ( the IaOwtannpsuy ht the wcrlJ ( rvlus loxrr thnl i any other roulpauy. M. F. Itol.trr , ag'at for west urn IowaWuncSl nhlffp. FOR BALBANU RENT , r r1rU ItN.N'r-A goal loon , , nu by 1G trot , user n. . tttkw 1 p'te5iao , tachi t'farl ' strcrL Applyat the a _ ir , IIEN'AItU-Lot , ayearling Kul + sr , color n d , I sled wilt. , blank n..s , silt. Sill a LYIt 'helm Sal t Ieathcr.lrap en otvk U , M , Ult)11'N , 1:0,1w , I'tarl and Uroadxar , AB IJAHI Renders of Tlil ; BE1 : tummy wonder wily we headed this ndvertisenlen a3 nlOVC. "We Can't Tell a Lie. " 'I'ho1 eforc say to ytt ihut our object { testa attract year nttentiort to th e fact that omit' stock of Slippers , OVERSHOES AND WAVERS . , 1' or fall and winter weer , is time largest and best we hove ever had. ,111 bought FOR CtlSll froul nuulnfucturcrsdire'ct. ; Al I work warrant - + 'tl not to rip. Prices as low as the lowest. 7. T. LINDSEY & CO 112 ilronllwny , Council Bluff , l , Nest Side of , IOWA Squnre Clnrindn , l MAYNE & PALMER DEALKR9IN Hard and Soft Coal , ] IULKAND ! lIAlllllT. : L131,1.OUI9YILLD : AND I'OItTT.IND 01S3lFNT , M1CIIl0AN i'LAt1TEa , liA1 n AND SESYEE PIPE. No , a39 Broadway , - - - , - - COUNCIL IILUFFB , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , ll ltl - , I ro I In l W v'r 1 ; a I' ' H O K U E h r E 4 w Merchant Tailors. ri ) 7 and 9 Main Street , nIRaOTORY' , C10VNCJILr $ LVFFf I , X.- . JOHN W , BAIRD " { TTOiINES' AT LAW. MANAGER OF' POTTAWATTAkiE [ COUN , Tl'WLLELTIUNAOFNCS'.OIIlcewrunrBroadrvayand3latnstreet. : JOHN BENO & CO. , 18 Main aim ct and IT11 earns recta M A g l'lOHN CRE9TON HOUSE. ' l , Hotel , 217 and 210 31a1n street. DR , J , F , WHITE arF 1cE , , , , . Corner Matn and Fifth up etnlrs ] tealdence sUJ Willow avenue. N . SC RURZ , Ottlce JU9TICFOF over American TITE Express. PEACE , S W AGNER LWEitV AND FEED , r , will cantmct for luneraltl atreasanablo rotes. 22 Fourth etieot. J , M , Sr , JOHN . CO CASH BUYERS , Rholesalnbuttcreggepool tryand fru1G Ship teas. D raft by return mos. l/e I1ron.lwaP. J A COU , gOCH MERCHANT TAILOR , 11 D , Stock Complete. Suite made at masunabin prices No.BDb Maln St.l Gr F , S M IT H , Corner 7lhandllroadNat CONTRACTOR , 1'Inueandepeclacatlonetlvnlehad AND BUILDER , W W SHERMAN DEALER IN FiNK ItARNK99 , . , 1 have the variety that brings patronage. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , Arth.tlo Work anti reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. HUWE SON } unN1TUREBTOVES , i f and nmleehold 8upplloe. BD3 3Sroadway. LINDT tXi , HART ATroIL KYS AT LAW , . , James Block. Practice In stole and federal courts. SANITARIUM AodN . /.41'h ] and 493 Broadway. Tv Sovereign , Prop. P. J.llont . EDWIN J . ABBOTT J TITEPF\CE , t Notary 1'ublta and General l Com'cyancer. 415 Broadway. , REVERE HOUSE STIT , Broadway opposite Now Opera Ion o. Remitted ii , ele0 per da y r OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e Lowest rice IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSinEIIED , At MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , - 3371V , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. I.imbl1 tci1am p9 ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) WIOEY TO r 'O\j \ REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and' Lauds in the County , PREMIUM PORTRAITS -IN- Colors , Solar Cntnera Eular ontent for the trade at rensonnblc rates , Orders 'Dy mail promptly filled. C , D , LUCLOCI { , 143 Broadway , Council BlulT , GROSVENOR & GUNN f MANUFACTUItEIIS OF : B , It 0 0 M S. 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS OALL ON mi Corner Mniu ilntl prat , Avenue , Council Blutl's. IIo hits r Ihonl , PETER C. MILLER , . WIIOLE:9ALE ANl ) InFAIL Wall-PaPet' ' aod Whdow Shadesaod PalnItog Iii all its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.11131gouth hotarll t. - clotttnoil 1'llulfia Our lieu of Stoves is the ZOOS. complete iii no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! 11'0 have hannwrtx. the prices aou'u as thin as they tslll ahumd without breaking , and you lire invitol to call amid see imow thick tim stoves are in eontpurinon. PECiAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , oligatly tarulahcd , at a reduction of $5,00 Dank , > aV OL wRTQ'1rz'r , 504 Broaowa } and 10 and 12 Ma , , , St Council Bluffs. - Em kie Hardware 11 I ' I W XXoX ] IZ .axdn t ! /1 f m1 .T , 109 amid 111 S , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ; $ C 1if ] arc 3. NIOhFSArd : : in 4ui ms IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVS , 399 and 314 Broadway , COUNCIL RLUI'rS,1OlCA , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS IBought and 15sold. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished x. . - MoM E1 30N No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. LUANSa On City and Farm Property. S. . FERGUSSON & 3I ! Pearl Street , Council Bluifa , Iowa , MRS. 'D. A , EENEDICT DEALER IN Lathes' .Fu'nig1jflj ' Goods I NOTIONS , JEWELRY , CC , 337 W , Brondvay , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M. GALLAGHER. GR ® CER Ems. Now Store , Fresh Geode , Low l'rlces and Polite Attendanbl. TRY { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } Lowsu cnnllell lutonnwAY. Dltlffa. I STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; rTT T ® PETOTE7 ® BECIITELE'S European HoteL The only only hotel run on the European Ilat'in this city. New building , , newly furnishedatd all modern improvements , and is centrally located , PETER BECII TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - -Council Bluffs , Iowa. , PAWNBROKERS SALE OF Unredeemed Goods. GREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and gonts' solid gold and and silvar watches and chains , old a full line of sot and plain gold rings , ? fi0 men's and 00 boy's overcoats. All these articles moat be sold , Money lent on ALL KINDS of personal property. D , GOLDSTEIN 328 Middle Broadway , opposite city building , Council Bluffs. -TN- 1 ! 1 i Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on W , S. HOMER & CO. , 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'I' YOU oiT : )311 : nF' FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? . . . I'eitcet rittti' , Inst and oh. npc.t. Finn Llnen I'nllats and fniI + . No. 715 Fourth Streets Council Plufs , Xowaa w. R.VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peaces Omaha amid Coulmcil Bluffs , Real estate and collection agony. a Odd Fellow' . lock , over 8as In e dank , janSll JAWa S315. [ E , l'OADYELL , SIMS do CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OMce , Stain Strret , ltoom.1 and Shugart & bto Mallon' Ulork , SYIII practice lu State and elp..l c ourts limos , erriria , II. YL rpair. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Counca muff. la , Establishea - - 1856 Dealer. rl Furrlgn anti Domedtla Exchange and henna Sceubea Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter supply of Missouri hard. Wood. I MO ) hARD AND SOFT ccft1 : -WITII- P. , OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , Coupcil Bluffs , Iowa , And secure the best article and full mca.ureatthe very lorewt Arlo , Stove wood delhered to any leer of tie city _ J'OSEPII GAGIIEGAN. HARD WOOD ANn --COAL- Corner . Maln atreel and } 9ghth avenue , C1W1 Illutls. t'WNest ratcc and prompt deUt cry R. Rice Mr D. or other tumors removal without the ti fNCERS i knife CHRONIC D1SEASES of ktnt mm rf + .alalty , User thirty years practical experience , OSlee No , a I'uar ) street , Council I luf , , TOnnsultatlon free , DR. WHITTIER 611 St. Charles St , , St , Louis , Mo. AREOULARGRADUATE two medical college. ha. been en aGed longer to the treatment or ChIRONI0 , NEIL' OUS , SKIN AND 111.001) Dinar. ' than other ) Ii slclan In St. Lome , as citypapepsb t' ' and all old rvalde.nld know. OoneuRatlon I've an luslted , When Itlslnconvenlenttosteitthecity treatment , mudiclnes can be sent by mall or .r Ir. . everywhere. Cllmblecase. uaraateedwhere ; coo exlata it 1e frankly stated. L.0 or write , NervouProstratlon , Dlblllty , Mental and Phydoa Weakness , Mercurial and other afacllons of Throat , p e , loon impurities and Dined i'oldon leg , Skim' Affections , Old Sorer and Ulan , Impudb mentatomarriage. ltheumatbm , Pile , . Special at- case. from overworked brahSSUltOICAL CASES receive special attention. Disaees arising ' from Imprudence , Excesses , Indulgences - , ugoYthawhol. ; MtIlWktuany 7BCCipttl' NI10 Illay a--t-x. marrywhorosy nit. why , rouses , consequeocea and cure , Mailed for 2f e ; pnetausorstamps. aont25-dawtr DR BENDERSON rtg itat , me dlnlnu , Over dstees e9dand5O3W andolte9t , yme ' practice-twelve la CITY KANSAS , M0 , Chicago. Authorized by the state to less. Chronlo , Nervauaand Private dldaasee , Asthma , Eptlepey , Rheumatism Pile. , T po { Yorm , Urtnary and 8kbU Dla eases , Seminal Weakneerulght losses Sexual Debllltyfosa ntaerual power et , ee guaranteed or money refunded. Charge ( I w , Thousand. of case. cured. No Injurious enu.h- dned fumf.he oven to utlents at a distance. Oua- anltat lon trio and eons eatlal-call or wilts' age and uapelienro are Important A UOOK for bold odre.- Ilustrated-aud caeuhrs of other thins. sent woad with twoJcentstamps. FIiKKMUSKIJU , 1' marl o1 w ems. MEN dli Ii..5 , hoc. taellrreaon. , ureau or .lau..a. w .at , u.r.d. I.yldl.d. pap.Ltl1 del.d , Lad .a.a1.IS prr a lit.'s dwmie. 5n' erly. n. N arwel , ud pr.a- a.all , r.nd..I5..l.t.w..a a'f + rW. . a.doe.d a , d + ckn . cL.r. ud Ii , pray b , Yed.e. , war , . + "Taal. ' UD.CI.llq yerr. . . n.alitl t'.Ie&l irs.l le. , . . . , . . UAIISTONIIIldI $ . , a.a . .rem.tart.ILrell.e.t.aI tlluS f.q s.d.u,1. a . le. rolls. sleet , , plwul , W,111 % . 0.L.IiI.IIN11 1A1 pendu a. . . V.aYiTUN IIEMEIt U. Is e , tin et , . r.r awls r