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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1883)
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : L-- - - - - _ _ _ - - ' - - - a S ' THE DAILY BEE---TUESDAY DEOEMBER .1. t83. - - - I THE DAILY BE1 OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , Dee. 4 , rho Wezithcr. For the tipper and Missouri v&lloys , wnrlfler parthy , clotuly weather lolloweti light 1ocai rnin.Vintls xuostly south to west ; lowerbarotneter. SpecI1 Mce1ng 01' ( ho 8lnte AlIIntwe. pocial ineothig of the i'aruor' , State Alliance will 1)0 held at 1earnoy , Nob. , \\70lne&lay and Thurdny , Taii. lfl amt 17 , 188 $ . All alliances which have at any time becit organized in ths Bthte are oatiiasfly requested to trniid delegates to tlila meetitig , and nil anti-monopolists of the stAtO are cordially invited to at- tend. No PRiI vilI ho sparal to make the meeting entert.'iiniimg and instructive. A programme of proceedings will soon be sent to alt alliances , giving imamnes of speakers , smulijocts nod all particulars. All ollicers of alliances are requested to ,4e0 that mcetingM are called amid arrange- nlontH mnmuIo to send delegates. SUtto papers , please CO1)y 1' . Ii. , . Pies't State Alliance. .1. thmiLmtov , soc. ad interimmi. . LOOAL BREVITIEB. -Au oxc1tlmi runaway occurroil about i O'CloCk yeiterday afternoon. A tetim nt tac'mod to Mike Leo's groccry wagon Ntart.ed fromn Fifteenth and 11owar41 strct , nuinlimg to the corner of Thirteemitli tool down that street nearly to Capitol avamflie. Then they turned Into a ilitch aititi came to a PrecIP1hI halt. The driver rotiialmmid on the wagnit mii. til the Itonics 8tOpOI1. Ito ay ho could have $ tOIICI them , but the foot.-boarI gave way and ho cumil.I iI ( , nothing. The driver camn iut. tiiiirt. ) The vohidu svaq badly briikeii up , aiid one of the 1mom'ion Is .uvcroly Injured. It was the ocnd thee yoterday that t1iI team ran Mvay. -A mnnII boy frmi , thu cumutry , rigol H ur years , camno Into tiwmi Iat eronlog nod wa 4 amiab1o to finti Imhi way. out to go lionmo. I 1 wan given Iodglnr at the city jaIl and vIII ha ient home ----Tb. . iT. S. court met again ye4orilay after adjournment ocr TIiazmtgIii. ! ¶ I'lio case ol 1nppc % . a clvii iuilt , Wlu4 ofl trial mr. leg the amid will go to tire jury t.hli mnormm Ins. In the ca.e of TIlomnIson ' . H. 1tavic1 4 ut ni , a mriortgago ntilt , the court gavu a decree ( If forceiouro. . -IIIn , the IrebclIor-Icbr , WII ( WaM to n. ' lear last evening at the Academy of Music , . iF 1ia catice1od his onvagoniont am ! vlii miot , i1ay lit Omaha at present. ; -Mfs Lillian Soncor and liar entire coin. jiammy , who eqipear at the ojsra house tiii , . vonIng , arc registered at the 'diiInrii. / -LOST.DIamnorid , soveu.elghths Fmidor 'vIII Iu rowardeil by leaving It at Mi Meyer & liro. . - Several iiurnIicr zulu litters working fm thuVe.thrn Stoarri ] Iozit1n e1)npany ! , IiavIim Iieen cut down to milmmo hours' work is day , you. terday'urornlng roftmetl to go to sork. Tiio wore therm utTered H ) cemd.s an hour , but do. nmanmed forty-the. Their t1aecs have iienri all boon filled. 4. nruiibor of carpentori struck Saturday night , after having bcor ro fimsoil a raise frnu 2,5O to a per tisy , -Time street paving w uric fr time year wai Ictinhletod ye4erthty. -Y tov. W. II. ihowno , the evangelist , will cIoo his work at the Baptist church th1 ( Tuesday ) nlghL This ovanlug ho deiilres t meet as many christians and these who desirt t be christians as win i'osibly attend. lIeU scrIces Sunday were well attended , thi after mneetimig Sunday being very gratifiiig some LO or ) O porrons having comu forwriri and expreitsoti their determination to talii their btaad on thu Lord's side Thi afternixin at 8 o'clockwlll be the last Bible reading. All are cordially IIIItcd. llo Browirti will to.night nddrcrs tli skeptlc4 , anti he hupis to meet all tilokO Ii tItlI ! : l1 are crdiaily In Itod. -Llitef ihiittiiic JIimttct yesterday ti1c coiiijilailnt ngaInt three boyi for tliunaIii , tir alarm bo'ces ' by throwing stones ogains them. -ihimito one Iui.i said that the three first iiiy hi 1)ecaiuber determines the nature of tli winter. if such be the cii.e , what a luvel ciimter we are to enjoy. - - 'l1ioVmnons Christinir Aid iwsuciatlo ieet 'l'imosday ovczi1n at In the Y 'il 0. A. roomn. Tire Indies of the ilitlaremit di nornillatlon ! of the city era invited to attemn --Cues. Ii. imnIUi filed comnpluimt : agalni George ItolmnD yesterday , charging him wit assault anti battery , and ( loorgo will cereals fore Judge Bomiake amid upb4mm why lt1mimm arc timusly. -Thouzas Js .KImbalI , wwlstamrt. gemiuri mimanager ol tlio Union l'zwlflo , loft for U i.outh Hunulay on time K. C. & St. ,1t , i 1114 OWn private car. ills car vrw immily iitt' Out for a three days' trli' . --In voUco court yesterday there viw UI CI3o of imrtoxIcrt1omi , firmed 1O cmiii cost. . Comi ' moitted. } 'our case.t for tlisturliimig the iec two of which wsrc fiuieti eSCIL anti cost. one i and cost. , the fourth being dlsehargei -The bai.emeut of Yal0000r'H dry goot titers will bi the center of mrttrgictiomi ti * week. The display Of toys and fancy gent will * mrpsw anything of the kind ever bofoj attempted In Ornahit and will at , tlnubt 1 ( sIted by hundred of ' .iItonm and purelimiser -urnhy Judge Bonko joined Jo immo rimnony Mr. John l'fdffer , of Frernomit , em M154 MlntL WIrth , of thi. dty. Mter tI ceremony hail been irefonnei an elegant au per sai 1)r81L4I at Jolui Wimth'd rci1.aurar The happy couple left for 1 romont on t llenver train butt evening. -Sunday night two burglars epttired t houae of Julia 1)opita , on Sixteenth , 4olo six pillowa and about S3O In mooney , u tore up seine valuable paners. Time robbe oecuzrod at730 , mill the occupanti of t house being absent eccept a little boywiui i In bed , anel who Jilt ! himiaseif viren ire saw t - two macu. -Tire remains of Jay ( billie , t1m wmm ac dentally kilied at Butte , Montana , will urn here on Wcdncsday macruing. Ilk fatli Mi. J 1 _ ' . Griffin1 Is epocted hero on Thu dimy morning from Las Vegi , the sad tie . , dif JmL aton's death having hoemi --The reticlptd itt the LYnltetltStates Intern I' ' $ vtotflce for the 'rIonth iii November r ) Iollonsm l'cnultlei , 1Ifl.18 ; Mplnit , t'J ; ti 427.10 ; t.o1iaco. 8.O ; cigar. , 82IO. I eer , * Ot9Go ; jietiaI tirn , * 12,470,87 ; tot BOARD OF EDIICATION. The Reu1r Moiithly Scssion I,1 EYCIIiII , ' IscmIg EeeI ig-iieimi ; lists ( Pr rczitIm- , el'i-'l : Iseelhitmientist IItISItttt4M. Thu board cif education met. iti regular monthly semsion best ovcliimig. l'rcscnt- Mcssrs. Conoyer , Copeland , l'oints , Gib. lOIt , Parker , Livosey , Specht and Long. l'rciilont Lung in the chair. I , ¶ llie estimates of Contractor l'otviir cia t.lio contriICtitIti of the school buildimig at. Seventeenth amid Leavenwortlr streets , showing amount. dime , $1,700 , amid by same contractor , on ICing and Delaware streets cliool , 2O55 , were presemitcel , accepted amid warramitti issued. Tire resignation of .1. 0. Brumier as Principal of Limo North Omnalia , school , to take afFect at the closoof tirapresemit term , was prescnted. Mr. hall moved tlmot it lrn accepted , and that a rpsoiiitiomi of thanks ho tend- eroti Mr. Bruuior for time able matmner in which he liar ; bug and faithfully ccii- ducted his work. Carried. Time applications of J. L. Cicmnirmemis , , ltulius J'odowjuky , Mrs. .1. II. Fraumuy , A. C. Ilooper amid A. Swanborg , all for imlaces as janitor , vero referred. Thmo reports of Misa Bali , spein1 teacher of drawing amid writing , and Miss llardonbumrgh , special teacher of ciocu. I tioum , were received. 4\lt applicatiomi from Williams for jamiltorship was received. The application of Miss , iemnuo Stull for a vrimciitsiP received. uInIOItTt4. , By Mr. IIalh That the city treasurer I fl ° W ready to pay oil $4,000 tif tire diii- trict paving bonds held by time board , amid which will immature July 1 , 1881 ; that I there is now to tIme credit of time ninkin I fund about 3,7OO , amid that $ iOOO sviil be avniiablo during 1)ecenibcr next ; timmit I the committee , aftorconatmitation , recoin- macmid that $12,000 of time city (1 ( per cent u district paving bomids of hocomnbor , 1881 , be takomi by time board at pmir amid placed I to tire credit of the sinkimig fund , I A(101)tod. ) ' [ 'lie conumimittoc ( in claimmua reported time teachers' vay roil for November , : ; , S8.7 ; cud janitors' , 668. Allowed. IIr. Points , from time commnuittee on teachers , reported back the appiicmrtiomus for pincus rum teachers amid IriiCiPaus ! without recommimmmummdrrtiomi. Adotecl. I I1iIr. l'arlcor , from the commirmmmttoe on rules , reported that they had revised tim rules. Upon motion tire report svas no- forred to a special mneetimig two voeks hence. . A mirotion tire recommunendimug employ- macnb of a mulenintomidomlt. of repairs , at a salary not to exceed $1,000 a year , I timid furnish Irimmi a emliop ; that lie provide his own horse and wagomr pay for niias- muustaimco , and give $2,000 bonds for faith- fit ! performance of Iris duties. Adopted : petitiomi to pave Dodge street with a81)hmalt frommi 1imithi to Sixtoemitli , amid . also to pave Eleventh street , was pro- r aemited to the board to sigum , and tire . president was authorized to sign it. , IrmSOLuTI0NH. : . A resolution to appoint a special corn- r muittee of three to select a school house S i'it ricer HascaU's lark , and also one at . nanscommi park , was adopted. 4t rosoiution to draw warramits for tire superintendents' amid toaclionmu' pay roll I tot' December , when thu tmuno is up. proved , 'as adopted. I A resolution to draw a warrant. for I $ ii,011,2S In paymireut. of senmi.miummiual in- I tet'oEt on $100,000 , high ciioo1 bonds , ) was adopted. A resOlIltiOui to use tire roommr oh Pacific i street , between Thirteenth mind F'our- teontli , for a night school , mind to nBign ; ono of time teachers frour tire milgirt school in 'iVoodworth'u block tO time emuiw , w1u adopted. Il . A resolution tiurt tire uxamnimming cciii. I. nuttoc sit Doconiber tiT and 28 was , . adopted. 0 hEr. l'nrker olThred. a rusoititiomi that our it and after Soptemmrbor next. all primlciIuils be required to hold first grade cortifi- catomi , and tirat without such certificates ii iio np11catious for jirimmcipmtlsurip 1)0 COil- , g sidero(1. Action postponed. t A. resoltti'mr to inlmtcu 5,0O0 additioural imicuranco on the EaHt school was re forred. it On motion of iIr. fi1lioir time board , ti . procoe to time electiomr of iuririoiimais I. for the Soventeomitir mind Loiivomiwortlm , Kimmg and 1)oiawaro , and North schools. a Miss Minute Wood , at primici. 1. pal of the .Tnckson treot school , wsis . elected principal of the LtravonworUm I istroetacirool murd Miss Annie Joos , at present 1rimmcipat of East inchmool , ivan it elected pnimrcipal of tire North school. 1i Miss Jeminie MoKoomi was elected prhmci. U. pal oftimo East michool. Miss Ada M. 1 I'urnor was eiectod primmeipal of thu Jade. soil street school. Miss Eva Lowe wa elected principal of tire West acimnol. 1 Time fixing of the salaries of toneirurs o was put over two weeks. mm .Jamrjtors were elected as follows : Coo. , ii Ehsorz for tire ICimig street scimooi Julius ltodowsky for time Loavomiwortim It , atcuot school. Il' Superintendouut , Taummes was gniuted a I , leavoof absence to visit tire jionvonworthm , S Kansas , schools. , Time ciaumn of T. II. Cotter for pnimrtimi . was referred to the committee with in. iN atruotlons to allow what they think time is work is worth. IN % 1tor sommue unitruportamut business tin rim board adjourned. ) O .tntmmswer Wnnted. 5. Ciium any erie lining us a cai.mi of kiiimm y ni t. liver commipialmit thmit Biectrle Bit tom-s will not speedily amine ? \\C iiiy tile ) ' Cam iii riot , mi thorramitlN of cases already permmmmimmmirmt he 1) ' 'imrstl emit ! viio are tlmiiii , rocommmmimeniiimr I. ' .le'ctnIc Bitters mviii imvu. ) Bmlght. ' . disease I diabetes , weak lock , or eny unlmiary coinpialim it. qimicy cimrtai. 'l'hmoy iamnily time blood , regim Lie late the bevel arid act aliruetly mi time ails eai.ed pzirt. 1t'ery bottle grmeraimteesl. Yn , sal at t.Oo a hiottieuv _ _ _ _ (1. ( _ V. _ Uswatlrmramm. _ _ he nil I . : Thu lelutt lug Saicicty on Its 1mi . . - - ho 'lilt At the regidar meeting of tire Sur'atogi ho Litornr'y und Debating society lime fol 1owmmg resolutions more vassed with bu .i. two dissuumtimig votes : Va WJIEBR.s , Louis Littlelietd , a mmmeunbo r , of time Saratoga Literary and Dobatin ran society , caused to be Inibilalmod 1mm Lu WI Omaha llrn of Novemmiber 27 the follow to inn : 4 Time litorsry.rramnimio ) of time lyce I Saturday uvummimig was umrusuaii In , light , amid the creditable feature was ma recitatiomi by hluss Mam-yCJruemmlg , Prom I , . ideaL Lawtomz Pflmi5ed a better prc 5 ; grammue at time next. iIio question , ' iCe mu. solved , that time teIegra)1r lines siren ! be owned by thu govurmanemit , ' WM spiT Red anti inkrcsrting. It wiu decided , as usnal , by incompetent judges mn favor of time side that Presemuted time poorest argu' mnourL" And Wmmnar..s , The above contaimus false flfll malicious statcmncumt.s , imusultmng to time judges and injurious to the repu. tation of this society ; JAoi1'fd , That in Messrs. itOhme3' , iCern and Eliot , , tire irotmorable judges , we recogmmizo gentleinomi of acknowledged intelligence and ability ; ' 1cMolrcd , That we do fully mmmdorsc tire umrnnimnolms decisionof time , judges as correct amid in miccord with time argument iirnlimced ; Ji'C3uiCt , Tlmrit we as a society d , tie' mmoummcu time article by liiumua laittlefloid as false amid immijimatifiable ; .RCKllCd , 'Plmat. timeso resoiutmomms be piililhsumcd in tire Omaha hint : . A true COJ ) ) ' . Attest : Em' . T1. 1'ATIrln ( , Secretary. \v. I I. L.t'TOs' , 1'rtiIi(1CmIt. - - SEEING THE CITY. TIio BCIIYCF PtY Take a Look Ovi' Omaha. , They Ii'nhli'titt igiit tor iimmsas ( Well L'Icnsed with Thou' VisII. A Baa reporter strolled dswmr to the car occtmp'ierl 1)y time lhmmrvor oxcursiommista , timus mnnrmrimmg , arid , with tire exception of several ladmes , tire uinrty imad gone to time river to immspcct time lJmmiomi I'acit'me bridge. The reporter followed and found. tiremmi all clustered around time vest end of tire bridge , time grmard refusing to lot tiroumi upon the structure. \Vimiio iitamidimmg there the dunimy tramum cammtu over , and they imad time plcitmirmro of .sceimmg a train cross it , wimicir was quite ii sigimt for seine of thremmi.Vc singled out Mr. ermmof tire Denver Tiimtosammd foumrd lmimmm a ,1casaurt , gomrtlonmmur. lie says that Ommrnhma iii munich mnore comnpactly built. luau Domwor. t'imo street cars here are much limier titan timose imi iris city. Ho said that iii Domiver rio pavmmmmiommt. was iroeded , tire streets holing so hard tirat a Pick _ ax would hardly umiako an imnprcs- aroil. lii speakimmg of dust lie remarked that it 'was simply horrible in iris city , ( wirat ii blessed tiring to have company ni umilsory. ) The party ammiused thummmsolvea by driv- lung around tire city iii hacks , and one and nil were very highly lloasc(1 with Omahma. It is a i'mrrning shame tinat mint a singl aldornrmrmm , with tine excoptiomi of I1r. hiakor , visited tire jmarty at their car. Time mayor received a telegrauri yesterday af- tormtoomi that they would be hero iii the evonimig but no olmort was made to enter. tritni thronm. We have procured a comimplute list of thno imimies of tine party , wimichr reinis as foilowa : B. J. Brooks , ircsidemit of tine cmnnmcil , wife amul two ( laugirtors ; Charles F. Leimmmercity clerk , wife and two cmii. dremiVilliaun ; A. Smnmtln , chief of jioiice , and wife ; VT. 1 ! . Beatty , city auditor , amid wife ; llichrard Sopris , Park coimnrnus- aiouer , and wife ; L. A. Vatkinru , alder- elan , wife , two daughters ; F. 'IV. Zern , hemnvor Times aund Miss SmmmallwoodVmn. ; . Y.rnnmm , wife and daugjiter ; Ben F. Barran , wife and child ; J. M. Huniwick and wife ; Thomas linton , wife atnid child ; Clnanles Brooks and wife ; J. S. Littoll ammd wife ; Mi85 Faurnie Evans ; i\tunt. Dimmgio , wife and child ; Mrs. Aspoll ; F. N. Davis and daughter , Mrs. Keith and child ; .T. M. Linadon amid wife ; W. D Anthony and daughter maid I. .1. Stevenson amid wife. Time party crossed tine river to Council Blutiit at 12 o'clock to-day , amid gill return - turn this evening him fine to take time IC C. SL Joe to lcnunsas City. At noon yesterday the party crossed tire river and viewed Council BluiTh for two or three iiormrs. They returned and spout tine reumminder of tine day looking about. Omaha. In tire ovonimng , Immamny of tire 1)atLY attended - tended tire theatre mit lloyd's opera house. 'I'hose 1)001)10 expressed thommiolve as unure than pleased with what they saw in Omaha. Tin , ollicial portion of the party kept their eyes wide 0h10i and were koemi in their observationt of the im- provomnuemnis uloir tumulor way. Aidormani Watkimms told a Baa reporter last might that ho had watcimed witir especial utter- emit tire work of pavimig. 1-lu thinks a javommmetmt like tine omrn boimig mmuie here is just what is needed ii : Denver. He vrna immtmcin imttom'catoil in tire 1)avimi. 1)roiiernl ) , tiumil took paimus to leant tine partrctniars of comnitructiomi of asphalt pavinunomit. Mr. It. Sopnianiayor . of ilenver and coin- mnisaiomier of public parks , was of tire : party. This wn his lint visit to ( ' ) mnahia simnco Lwemnty-five years ago. Of course Lucre is mm counpanusoil to mrmako botmveomu timat tune amnd this , but. Inc says ito did I not drcni of seeing Ornaira tine city that it now is. The party 1ft at. 11. o'clock last oven- , 11mg , via tine illussotiri l'acilio , for Leaven. , worth. 'Flicy will arrive thieve at ti , o'clock tinus Imrormning , and remain I iii aveRting. Fromri Leavenworth tinoy go te Kansas City. Their stay iii Kansas City I ii miocossarily short. . At 0:0 : this oveur- hug tinny leave Kainsas City , via tire Knit. I SM I'aciiic , for Iemwer. They will arrive hiommm int8i'oVtTodmuosday : ovemniimg. , t'1hl 0. U. M1Il'1'tlLY COMPAN A VloImriMhmIIlg trgaiulnmntlan - . Vim ) . flariiis Oidereml. Time umiemnibons of tire umtihit.ary coimmpan , of tine A. 0. II. lruld thick regular niect I jugs on Sumnday afternoons inn Cm-ounso'g I ball. They are mnaking arniuigomnorti fern bail emi time vOnniumg of December 81 , They have comiclutloti a comitract. with i Chicago firm to nnako tinoir ummiformims run : furnish them with rifles. m . Tire compammy let COmjOBtnd of energuti youing nnon , who will ito doubt unako i success of tire emrtorpnusu. Time drill il conducted iy CaptaIn Tarpoy timid Mr - O'liriemm. 'l'iioro are already about fort r mmnemnb iii the compaumy , curd it is pro posed to. increase timis mntnmnbento nun iruumdrcd mit8mkoarlyday.1 Thai ( 'miiuiimu 'l'I merit or. A large audience was present at till a Stadt-Thrtmntor last Snmmiday , at wimicin tilmul . was PresonitoLl "S. ( throF8onorc : t or Country and City ) . Mrs. lcrnflt-Fro asaummued time title role , mum imsual , amnd ira crowned by iuur usual success , Tire roe V of tire characters were all well taken , aumi ivoro greeted by rounds of applause. , - A bIlii SmivimigPrescnt. . iIr. tE. I : . AllmMn , Itaitcimimisomm , Kiim , . Sitvatl his life lay ii .lmmrplu trial bott1 of Ir , up iimig's Now Dtsetn'ery forconrumnniitloim , hiicl Li ciunbo. ! lmi'rm to liru II large bottles that coimi I ! lieti1V ii ietl imimim ivhcmi doctor. clnanmgo a I. ciImnist uitl an eryti4img UlbC had faheti. Astii . mmiii , bvnciritls , iwarseresi , bt1Veti cougii , mali ii mill throat ant ! hug thea asi , It Is guerantoci U . to cinru. 'ri-tel bottles free at 0. F' . ( icealmuerm' . i1ru store. Large sire l.00. - - --a SATURDAY NIGHT 111 Iheo ca11e iekcCi1y of Omaha. Time Night 'aVimleli I lie " lt'Imoya" IAk i'nmard U , , nnF\'hlchi IiAqti4 1imtlIlo.miiry ! , . ttrnlng. Saturday mdgint is looked forward to by that class kmmowmr as time witin a great deal of pleasure. Then it is timed. a large unumnber of the inixining claa no- ceivo compensation for thucir week's work arid then it is , in far too umuatny hustancre , that It is tblown iii" for tlmat which is worse timaum umotiriag. Satuurday might is time umnost lively umigint of all time week curd tine mmrcrclnamita of tins city make out uunusual efrort to arrange tireir sinew windows iun winch a nmuftmnmuor as to draw time nttcntiomr nimmn wiun time admnir- ittinmn of all , and to a large extent tiroir efForts are successful. 'lhne gas seommus to burn imnoro brigintly tmpomm Satrrrdny might Luau nipomi any other , amid particularly un tine gilded saloon aura gaumnbiinug ball , mmmd nnaumy a youumg mmnnmm , yes , amid older 011c5 , too , are drawun tinithcr. A stroll aroumud tine city with a reporter on a Saturday muightwouldastonish alargo mnumber of our citizonis wino are riot iii time inab'rt of frcqnuemntimmg sucin places. At 'every bar inn tine city , amid they are alunmost. * umnmnborless , are scores of mmmcmi , umuamuy of themmi sIemmdiimg umuomnay whr'rcii rightfully belongs to ivifo nuud ciiildromm.Vinemn auf. ficieuntly filled tij ) with time ' 'elegant , " imnimny of tlmemmn find their way to tire gain. bhimmg dens , winoro what was not left with tine bartender , is shoved across tine groom c1otii. Tine game o "faro" seemuus to mayo tine largostununmnberof devotees , but "haz ard , " " 'hrigin-ball poker" and tine various other games comae iii for their almaro of p itromnago. Sooimor cr later time ' 'suckers" are skimi- nod arid one by omw they slowly file out and dow'mn to tine pasvnsunol ) wimero a watch , ring , overcoat , or winatover of value they chance to have is put "iii soak" for a small stake to again "buck tine tiger. " Ounce inn a winilo tincy strik6 it , lint a great deal more often they don't. Saturday might witin tine "b'lnoya" gcmn- orally lmtath umntil ? ilomnday mnonuninug , ani vartictmiarly was this time came Sundayj for never , urout at in Fourth of July cci- obratien , wore tinere so ninny druukoim mom to be seen. Iii going up Farnairn street , frommi Tonrtir to Fifteomntii streets , last ovomming , a reporter commuted eleven uncut wino wore too druunk to inardly stand ahomno , ned yet tlnesaloomr doors wore wide olmemi amid tire boys wore still fmllimrg up. Tire saloon uncut ovhlomntly mayo very little regard for Marshal Gutinrie's order itt regard to ciosumugomn Sumuday. PILFERING PORTER. k hold Porthr 111 lila Act o Robill the Brawcr , Detcelive Vork by lime Cinmic , Arrest of ( mo Criminal , mimul 1tecoery of tirti Cash. .For seine tiimnu past tine clerk of time Metropolitan hotel Inns boon short in mu cash accouunts , some hiiys his shortage boitig as high as thirty dollars. Only yesterday ire charged lninisolf with $80.37 , amidas tine tiring was beginnimngtogrow tao- notounous ho determined to find out who it wits tinat was growing fat at Iris ox- pounso. lie procured nun augur and bored a mob through the east partition of tire oflice , and cutting the wall paper in such a mamnuner that he could secret himself in a dark hallway under tire stairway and watch all nuevounneints near tine money- drawer. John % Vihliains , tine porter , iveum sent out on nun errand just before dinnnorycsterday and winilo lie was absonit , Mr. .lomnes , the clerk , secreted Inimseif in mis little dcii arid awaited resuith. .Tohin returmued , the oflico was uaoccmnpiod , .Jolni ; saw his chance , Inc stretched his neck amid peered around , no onto in sight. lie mnadoadivti for tine money drawer , and by tine help of mis knife inc surcecedeil in apnlmglng time lock and inolped himself to the casit. , Jmuat us ho had pocketed tine plunder tine , clerk stopped ord. , took 1dm tire throat and donnnaunded that he dnegorge. Joinut aai l ho mae unotinimug , but I after tine clerk lied thrown him upon the floor and choked hunt xi. little , Ire canine dowmn witln tine stufl The imnomney mad Previously boon nmnarked , and as John mad tine mmurrkod money upon his porsomu , there cain ho inc dounbt. of lime gumlt. Au oflicer was ealled and Joinmn was taken to I the city jail. Time shortage imn all will amoumnt b I $200. , it is sun , s'nnnce time facts of the robbery have become known , timat a mann who was a fornuor rorter at the hotel , ma nhuasulmu. lb hind 1ft time motel about two weeks ago , amid was working else- . wimore imn time city. Last cvoinimmg he could mnot be fouum&'inetincr inc mad amuy knowledge of what was goimmg on , or why . Ire simouli ! leave just at this tnme ma mint knowmi , _ - - DiED. r ABNBY-I'eommnber ) the let , Joseph , Indent 'lint of Climbs amid Emily Abmnoy , ageti 1 S months mini ! 23 dayn. Qulmmcy ant ! Alton PP ° ' Ieaso py. Itt5 idonco-1OS I'ioroe stri t. TUTT'S H PILLS TOftPID BOWELS , , DISORDERED LIVEI , and MALARIA. From these sources arise thrco.fourtha of the cilceanes of tire bumminun race. Tiunso syunpwunsindncatoUnOIrnzrrt4il1esli51 oI Ap.trt.r , Bowels c' " - arch. , rulmmncas nfler xerhon r body i JrrltnbJti teed Li iipIrIt , A fce.s 'r mrS . $ o _ C a some d1 : uIt.aeurItecnu11mr 't the iICL-t I.uSfjgor. the cye..IiiJtriycoi- , on-ed iJrCi. . . ( ON8TIL'ItTION , arid do. mami tine mice ofa rernetlytinat aeia dImeoti V ontho Liver. .AsaLlvernnedlOimnoTWl'T' 5 1'ILL $ have rio equaL Their aotlonon the iltimmuysamntttikinhtiUiSOIroWpt romoyln r nU trepunitiumi through tIlCSOhIiICO"ICftY i engera of the .yat.ifl , " rO1UOiimg a\po. \ tltoeountiiltgoatton , regU1ur8tOisO ear skimranelavlgorousbOdY. TUT1'a Ii.L8 111080 no nausea or griping nor interfere whim daily work tuid are a Perfect ,1 ; TUTT'S HAIR DYE. . In. changed % Omtir limit Oii . I Stamutly toadLoseY JILACIC basingiO aD. ti 1tcat1on of 1111 $ B1i. $ OII 7 DrugghUi. LI oi. bent by express oil roooIptOf . . C Oflico 44innny8troCt.Sw eric. nfl's MANUAL of USEFUL IIEOIPTS FRU. -k--- - - - - - AMUSEMENTS. liiiimnn Spcntei irs " .tim. , ( 'i-cole. " A fair siaed nudieimco inst evening wit. inesuted tine perfornuamnce of "Article 47 , " at Boyd's opera house , Thno play has a Plot of a semusatioural cimaracter , ingemuioims. ly arrar.ged , numd is imitorusely imntorcstiumg. It was well Presemnted ly Miss Lillian Spemucer amid her comnpaimy. Miss Spencer , wimo aiipcrrrcd en ( 'era , tine Creole , is a lhmmo actress , nund sire Ls well supported. Time stagc.scttimug of tire P1Y was very imamidsoumio , partietmlarly un tire secoimd net. \Vo (1liestiO1 winetiner ntuy ummoro attract. lye aottiumM lies ever boom mmccii cii tine stags .f tine opera house. - - - - - UuckIemu' , Aruilca Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of the wend , iVarrainted to npeodiiy cure Bmnnut , Cunt. CI- corn Salt lthoumnFov.'r Sores Cancers i'ilcs , ChiIlaInn , , Corns Tatter , dlmapped hnmmdn , amid all skin cnimptons , gearauteed to cure In every Imustamico , or money r-efinualed , 2 cents or box . - . StImmr Ionbt I Ire itilmir Anil time mimotlvet of it mnuthiors , hurt miono who have tnsetl tinourm aloimbt tue tilileecy of 1)1tt ) ! Ittti ( r. This splendid lilooti toimic Is still without a hear. AKIfI POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'rhi , powder never varIeS. A marvel of urity , .tr emgh mutt s liolesornemictis. tiara vcinonalcai tummi the odinary kimid , , arni cannot ho .oiil lit competition wlththemuitltudo of uue test , short weight , rtlunt or iiiosplato posdcrs. Sold only In carts. itoyal lick tug l'owder Co. , 100 iVail Strcot Now York. SPECIAL NOTICES. LrSpocIaim3 will PositIvely not be Inserted unless Datd In advanco. TO LOItN-Dlonoy. I'- ' , . oNnY TO LOAN Iii siini of iO0 , or nioro on .1 tong time tI UI per ccitt von attmtunl by ii. C. Psttersoti &Co. , 1101 Farnamn St. 7C4.lrno JONEV LOANED-On chattel security. C. E. ITI MAYN & CC , lice Farnam St. in4-rmot , fONEY TO LOAN-Thu iowot rates ot interest _ Lu _ Jiomis' Loan Agency , 15th & noum. ' 4ONnY TO LOAN-Call at Law ottice of P. L. .LYL Thomnar , room 8 , Cright.on Block. I1OSEY TO LOA-4. T. Bratty cans on chattef .iNJ Property , 213 South 14th St. septiC flELP WABD. yMrrED-A gciotl , rcspcctablo girl for generar iton1esork in is fatally of tuo , ior s. 25th street 19411 -'I TANFED-A. genii gui at 112 lOUt btrect , bet. T Iiarrney auth howard. 22-5) ! -Vs .t.TED-1t.imntdia'.Iy , et the 1.tctropolltamt ho- ta-I , one UOi dialer room girl. omre othc.r iitctI apply. 220.4 - girl for goicral iioework , one yAsrEu-A who can go iimie at talgat. ieterenro. 2115 Capttoi avenue. . \ TANTED-Two girls fur kitchen work , lOS south ! 10th street. . 22n41t - - TANTI1)-.A trt ! citnsat to Ititroiluct' a new ' article. Apimy to "F' . 11. " lice 0111Cc. 223-tI 1 TA1FD-G1 stuart biivat 11c3Ii'ti 5Ot ) Doug. hwtrct'L Oooti cmianco to icanri trade. 217-Sf , T.NTI1)-A iirst class ujarbar at tilii.inil ifotel Sliom , . Salary i5 Per scek. I7ANTED girl Sorgeneraihousework , mit 806 V S South 18th Mreet. _ 103.4' - to miil.a .Icamna tuid cottotendli \ riamits. tdiires , [ 'ent Mular flee 0111cc. 120-3 ? i"11l CIfuit 11J ) il/INtl i'AcYItJiiNO Co. , of .1. ( Sticogo , Iii. , iitnt agents to cnuiva. Omiiia and icinity br ( lair mies iellCitlC-i. 'rhty drum ticir uet agaitits ckrr e7 m'r 1151. Cmrcimmars iron. T.t'vn'iu : ) A hey to ijiuliminim lied cattle at U. I. ' V Itaidnrt's m'.ti.3north .itit St. 1105 ! T.NT1iitt tnackluiemi , 79 itliorers. nue teamils 1 t for it. it. cork. .11.u1 U. tlamnasselier 11th St. leer i'arnem. mtiO-3 ) % V.Oltnan at nmuckele mitat niarkt to \ \7ANTEiA ii , , goitre ! linus. . stork. ( lood ay gintt , corlivr heron email 16th itt. 142-Sf ) - good czrnvaa.ers br Comoratlo. ' \TANTtI-TWo \ Knoaledgu 01 the scmiai look tradoiiceccsoary , roolit ii cmiii 7 Lcas itt's limock , Council nlkrffs . Iowa. 10 6 ' - lirst claio roliretur for imisteulmetit I yAN'ftD-A tutu cxm.eitees to one scito ccii fur. mibli i-county. Address . $ . iu" lice omilee. inl.Sf % yANTED-A few agent. ImnmcIintely , Omaha ritoro ltcpairWomio , nont S. 11th St. 913-lag ij7XTELi-Uimiior general inouseaork , mit 1020 I S ioriauas street. 743-ti ' . & - $ for cccli county In the U. \ S. i75 amid expenses. Good , sold by sample. Scott sleuth. l.A 1iELL1 31F0 CO , , Chicago , 111. 668.iJte'od , 1TASTE1)-OIIe good giniascook Ii. . ii boa rding V 1 house , suit ttsoood giris to wait on table Stcudl- work attil good sge. .tipuy at 1002 streCt , iOrmwr of lniitd. 20831 BITUATIONS WANEI3. V a competent vt > uritg uuian Will go tin the coon. . try. Address , 217 ii. 16th treet , Om&ha. 20n-5' . ) -EalloYnmemit eveitiiws , will keep a act WTANfKIEalloYnmemit WTANfKI of books or * 10 any other % uork. Adilri'.a 1 lIce office. 121 tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTh. , v hrte1ica. sptai. 3 isriguaga-ta testies Jkutt at refer , mice. Adirtaus "E. L. O. ' Iieeoitlcr. 218-If ) - - bye ) oumnr tIlSU lit the \ dike of a eomniiilsion or a s boic.alo house. ( loot ri feninees. ' 1' . U. " ftieoth. mna-41 . r.&NTEi-A sldmaor of Si sanuil like the tee V 1 iIulAlfltAItiett of a rtn jictteiitt. wittw at 25 or 31 years of age. Address " % . Ii. C. ' lIce oitlcu. 207.41 . " TANTEU-llonw bra I.oy 7. tenth girl S to attend I I is-hoot . icr tine % tiiuter or longer. Addm..s iv. o. it. . ' Lice attIca. nil Cl : Q-rocie 01' 0001)1IANTED1 sould like to but1 i. : t a-tech otgeitral moerchindlee , or it tins ) ho Ir t1ood A 0 Clothing , auc ( irni-eries , Dry ( lauds axu Imoot.s mitud lilunies. I ealut to . ) U ) cued ) br es.h. I % aaunt tOtt ) absuit a9ceiits . on titi dollar. Auitreen 'Owsiua 11o' , 1o. 100. ' 972-1 ! . 4ANTED-Suit of three roan. , , Iunmtiiiu.h foi r t 1 . , lIght honsukoclilug , Address , stating terms "it. ins Wiicu ti I roit arid Lots , . -U.'oic uuxr iriiisittei rootas , 1810 1)oigu itrect . I sni.ff - . ° ' ' " Futruulaiieal front reout , for aria or tc ) F gertt.1emieul , four blocks trout 011cm lii uuue at dnsouthm ilthnstroct , 2r0lt -r'oit , ; IUSNT-ifand.omneiy funumahati rooms , 813 I ' 1411 * stIed , , ttv.hatf block uroui I'srnteun. 198-4 - - - k-- - - - - - - - . for Infants and Children Without Morphine , or Nareotino , What glt-a'i our Ciuillm-cn roqr cbeelq , \VImnt cures their ferera , mnutkt-s them sleep ; S. 'Tin Oatorhra. i1uen Ilabios tm-el , nnd err iy litres , V'lUnt cures their colic , kills their e orms , , - hut (7istnnlrr. I What qnlek-iy cures ConstipatIon , I HourStomach , Colds , lndigu'stforn : ' - Plait Farewell then to Morpitine Syrupq , Csn.stor Oil and l'art-gonle , and ! ! flhI CatnnI. Centaur L1nIment.-Ab- solute euro for Rhoumatlam , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o , , antI an instantaneous Paln.roliovor. IXCIIANU1'- ) - nu-hicuuccs. ! fsurmuaamiuhiunns- Foil . chautcee. .1. iij. LOUNSBUIIV , 215-Imur 15th null Farnnu'n. OiL RuNTliescunent moot 2l00 N. \ % eisuur 1 Tenth miii Jones St. ' . tnjuiro : ol tIre. y. Keut- mtoly 8 1 cattier motut nil Jacksuimu. 22 $ tf 1Oi1 IIENT-Iloimso sosen rooms. I iso-tI .1 , VI1I1'PS hoE , Stir and Spninco streets. 1Oit BENT-Six room iuoiu.e , 21st amuul tae cmi. tsortlu streets. Inquire at mm Iounilas ) street. 200-tf Iti"t-TIree : furnisliol mum , for house- Felt ; . , Citealu. ( , thI at IfOS Farmtauit , room 14. 109-ti 31011 - - -\VttIt tuoanil , large front roouit tuith I holy tiO.lOO' , gas tuid hueti. . roomu , tnt n7ms Doego strpct 1117.71 iti.'iT-A t.ittitgt . sltlt hour m000us cellir , I linuim amid soft i den net 'r4. uicr lit , itttt. litilO ire at No. 822 south I8thu St. 13i-5f -loll 1tEN-r-uu it rooni vltlu uiunuu ti to it pe-mutlu. room , :22r4. : lfthi St. cuurncr lianuic3 ft. 133.31 mtii-r-t. : iuico new halt lime Lhslge 1t. In- Foil .iuniru ott premnisc4 18l-tf I1KNT-Ioumr autanmuuers couieluiutit for huoum. , . F i.CtIulTig , trout amid rear entrance , liamul auuum uut ! stateriutrtiCS ieaimug the cit3. iVilibcl.cneted the 'th 519 north 17th Street. 14:1-if : Oil mmnr-ooo.r room for tartier stuoIu Or oilier F small tniiiuins 412 S. 13th St. iieteeit ilarmucy end Ilossarul. 117-81 IIUN1'3 new housc-u , 10 rooms each , lath , FOR gas , hot utnuteolul vater &c. fuiuci. to flri.t dcci tcvauut. iiiliS a ; 1iltL. ins-in 1'tT1CK1Y furroisiteul ruoni tu , let skiu or slt1t iI brian ! 15131).ulge St. uti.NT : _ F'uurnlsbic.Iroomuus forgeuutleuiiruu Ad. FoIl , , Ortuic " .1. 0. earu Ilto ofti-c. ( j57.5J OIl IIENY-Iloine at 810 8. 23ru St. , uItIi iix F roilui4 kitehicut anti cutler , 'p20. vu r IiuIfltlt. I'1OIi ' it1NT-5 route cottage 22nd outI tiarney St . 850-41 nIENT-Furmiiouicd roomuu and day liocrut at Foil rcauomialIu , rates , nit 1814 Davenport etrect , 1tt isth clot 18th. 921-31 tOnt ItKN'i-FimrnIsiot ) rooms on the northwest _ I _ cor..l3lIi amuicnenuitomarenuu , tom-macely Crcigiitou IIou.c. lao-ti O NE furnlslie.I room for rent at n1O. large emuouigb for tso occupants , iOU WuiMeretreet. 848-ti IIF.NT-Booms In Nobnmnha Nationa Bank FOR . Most uieuirahio oiflce itt tmio city. Supplied with hydraulic elevator aumd heated by sterner. Apply at Bank. 626-ti auOu1 LEASE-Four choice lou , on 20th St. , long I. tlmno.217 N. 16th St. .1 , L Marble. ion ItENT-New store In Toil' , brook on Saun- _ 1 _ dens street. Good location for grocery store , butcher shop dO. inquire at reopmea Bank , Dodge St. t'olt arn'r-ae.iaencos and storebniidlmigs. BED- _ I _ P01W & BOLTER , Real Estate Agency. Olfice east side 14th street , bwuen Faruana and Douglas atreetr. 792-i 011 ltuNr-rumniiwuem room 11319 Kerriauuu street. F 1tI'NT-Baseuient furnished an utuifurniuhand -I : for houtsekeepirig. Also two furrnt4ied roomulr 101-St 1615 Chicago street. F Oil II14NT-Two hanuli omnely furithsited rooms "en suite " suttabie for too or four gentlemen. Bath room counenlencu. Also one smniami roulut. 1720 Capitol an-enue. 150-41 Foil SALn-2m-17&5oo : feet , Shernuaum ova no , gooui iui)1i5 , herO , ant ouher Inquros err emitS , * 8.iOu C l3I.i'u1i.1ti , 161-ti 1509 Farnamit. flit SAtl2New s-roam liouu.e , alearut p'nece , F Chlmno streut , 8O00. C i : ttAiNi & CO , 102-tf . mu i'arinam. oui SA1.E--27---.22oc20 feet , south Omaha , ecoiu I house , uveul , eluterim , liar , , . t to. . evurythimig in good repair , 52,200. C i : I1AYNS .k ( 't ) , las-ti 151:1 : tarmuamui. ° R SALE-OS-Fine route IWUiL , ifanliaclu's ad F ulitlon , uveui , cisterit , etc , nice plate , iOa-tf I. , E IIAYNE , 1509 I'.rmiaiut. f4AL4-5i-lcmncu ( of 7 rearm. , I t tlO'tl'24 , Foil ' emin mimdittoIu , 3m , i'o , on ion4 timune. 105-ti ti E MAYNE &CO , 1509 larnaun. I j'Oii r4ALi:12Firm : : of lao ara , , 16 umullec from ( ) uunalua , good hiouco , 1110 acres iiutdercumitiu atlumu , 20 acres in , maadow anti orelianul , 4uJ micros limuihr , running water , Ifu ) beaihuijz niutlu tuee , all Jtluu.iu ci sunali fruits. i-.i8 icracte. l : E3IA\S & ( 'O. loll tf IOu ) Farr.ani st1E-tl-Siteuhm : iuouust. ueru mind oilier lie. joa , hit U8lS3 , Ituurrocenuemut addition , 81,000. (1 C31AYNi3 Co. iao-tf 1509 Furziaun. RALE-.31-Tbrue mulc.o now cottages out ftnlibot , Font uma-an. oIl 10 tithilY laymcti. snioo aid , . C C.IIAYNn & CO. 181.11 1100 I'arnsmu , 1'fliSALE-ST--i'Aut of lit lutarcorner of Jackson 2 amiul 18th .treet , C 1 IIAYNI ; & CO. 15v0 Faritam- uut SAI,14-38-Atru lot In ( Ilec'-i addition , near I : $ aunders street , 7v0. C E MAYNII & CO , 133-ti 151)0 iamnani. -loll I4ALF.-l"Ite euro lets , uiear faIr groumids , u 8730 cccii , noodoen , bausmiec lii mnonthiy mente C 13IAYE&CO , 184-ti lies Yamnamu. 'r-uomn SAld.-40-Tsi I , and is hail acres , fi-roonn cot- .L' ( age , n4attnltrs street , a inu-galuu , 2,1uuo. 155-ti C i : MAYN& CO , miiO Farriato. 1 1OIi HAI.u-Ii-Fis : ii memo house , such , han , , cmii' ii tern , fruit , and other Iiiufrouenieut , lot lSxt IS , e.t side Coenujit itreet , 5,8u5) ) . 1Mm-ti C i ; SIAYNE , 1500 } 'artuturn. . : .ToIt HAIC-42-iIouuuof5 rooms , lot foams ? , 1 teiI , eiteruu , etc. , larker's addit out. SI .80) . tac tennis. C E3IAVNi&CO , liT-tf 1109 Farnam -I Out HALI-47-Iot oum iuatuuees ; art of i1Iirtta ) .i atrert , IIams-2 , fiiO. II n ; IIAYNE & Co. mac-ti 1ie9 Farnam. Itlit BM.n-4S-Ycrt milie 8-r.outi cottage , lit I I 1O0li8shadu mmmi ! fnmittreeus amud all kimudi 01 , -mimil fruut , two &n.I one-half lulocks jroinstret cam line. lenin. . easy , 4. 5 11A1uh & LO , 11.0-ti 1:09 1teinata - "ont sAuE--'rne titiest resileiicu lots in the city I , , err ciiezihI , 00 hong tltu. (3 Ii IIA1'NS In CC' , 1509 Farmuata. $ ALI-13-F.iegniuit little plies2113 IlariltI 4 street , f4230 , , urry cheaule nss.ti C. a. 1IAY3IS&CO. , 1109 Fenmialu. _ _ _ _ ohi $ .tI.12-32-A tow elegant iota on henley , lw 4 tsueeiu 20th smut 2lthtrtet4. . hI If U. Ii. MAYNF& CO. , 1500 Fanriminn. 1011 $ ALI-Su. . 1-7-room house , large hiarmu jI chtern , well , etc. Lot 1Oi.1tfl , liter u-cnterol clty t2 see , wo dna n. bamaunc tusonibly iialiunumuts. 144-ti C. a. 3r&t-Nl & CO. , 1150 Faraarn. iOlt SALF-Tuso beautiful acre lot , tin Califormui 4 stroch Acfu lute Imi Ilhumuetouclu's meidlUon ani "flrookilno' tumi monthly 1anmzeut. ; 2f nd 3 acra trtecta 8 tirhleii stest , IlS ) its acre ; muo cash Paumeni requIred down to tartlea who clii ituprose. ilousu 6 romo. , cad. front , Ciorgia asenue , near street L5I line ; easy terms. SIJItIVEII 3n IIEI.L , 192.3 ( ) p. i'OStottlCti , -'Oil ittT-Thuree nice room. suitable for ugh 4 houekcuipitig. intl one large room , SunWed o unfurnIthusdnortheatcor. 1iahand Ilasunmiport ate nvt-t : SilRlVEit I ; CaLL , Opp. I'ustotttce. - - - - - - - - - - . volt SALE. ' uoa 8.tL14.-A general stock , unt-iting of Dry _ & _ flusols antlurocenie , , for cc-b. Oo.I loosUoum , ' 1 ani a good tratlo SYIII eil or rent hiulhllne. lisa. son to , selling , Ioor hesitlu , Adulrps Teas. itisitton , luo 213 , Ncola , irate. 296-Si 1'oIt SAIl-Two seconul-hanul toju bttgltsanuI one _ I _ lihicton. lmujtmlre 131 $ ) miami 1411 Dodge street. . 205-SI -S. At'NItmtnnXi , iiitTimbiifi iciilii- L ) TION. The i let iii. jut been fbi for rca-ott , anuithe huts lii tutu new seuuil u.litaulo al Itlout arc now 1cm. g sold. 'hits addition lies cr13 ui itstoli frouui the City flccrvoir. a iom-tlnn of it ot-ctuiuyhu , a u ry high fluid eaton , , mudin positIon. A uuuulii' lark or llen.iIro zc'uurtumaiuhueen .lunattul to the jimillic ic the pruumimlcthnc , ehiun , take't luutocnnsllcratiun with Its Ittiillilty to tIne new uimie of stied cars. soot , to it uumt oum Mcrct-r areutue , mind tlrn 1rohmotul itch Lint hoar1 , uslulcit minuet ; oe'q tlioujh or near uus tliit auhit I bit , mi uo lit time most altuiralule ilaces for Its I-Mt intuit tu' I.e 1)110,1 1mm or fleer Omiiha. i'rla . tuna , uvr1 mow an , ) terms umnado to uit purchasers. Van commalal liii. addition to the lubhia as "tic of the hc'it Ina'eutmentslnreal cii ate. A. Satmnilcrit In Co.- liMo the unlate to show , nail thio lotuaro no.on'ualu at I 1t4 iaruusm strum , just IthuOcte time L'attun lintel , Aloe it. C. I'd em-con & Co's im..aI EtMu Estatau tgumtcy luavo their 1t. for sale. 212-it ! ) ) CAITLE AND CLYIE8iAl.f mnomtsms. I Tr o anub'cmlher is taking nrtcr for spring ito- hsurt&tlnn of the auouo. l'rlona mtuuthbc1w the. , , mat attutttnalea. lieterencetttnO 5tuPl'lt't tlcCuuitoth , 111. Triiitan.I ilas isemnk a I col : 2mt SAt il.--Tuo ( timi 0ts , 7 r ' i-a in. ui. . Foil , us eli. slruuube's , t IC , , ui50 : . ' ' I lilt , , a-ash or usill trait , for las , . s tthin tuanitu motha ! omaha. , . . U. tti . i : su . 187-ti mAe , . roltr4ALa-r5--7.r.mU itilutnit in tiifumt ut IS II , II , uspitmiulid order , acts _ nice piece , s2thO , i0o iuouvmt , tiulanco tnt , monthly mu.tauitnt , ott. jsm-tf : (1. fl. ttAYbr , in CO , ltC9 I'.urmtntn. ' MJU SAI.E-3-Elegamit eottagc , 6 tootuus , C1).Ct , , lsntrl cellar , eltern , city water , cti' , full miii , 19th streat , Ltaieueorth anl lltu.omm , 82t1xi , 0110 thtrd ( alit , ( a. MAVNI 8 ; CII , 145-ti 15t ) I neCluntiut. Oit IIALI----4-Tuuo corcr liutii on louver lelet I - atrcet. C. 17. IIM'Nl . . ( ( h , m ta-tf 1109 Faruuamu - . - - - - - - - - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ° ' 14A1E-5-Sesaui moot h.iuce , barn , el.-tt'rn. I i.hrutlul.ary , etc. , Shinimun as cone , 83,200 , luaU cAlm C , i-i. IIAYNTI & CO. , 1-47 tf Itoi i'iu-iiauu. Felt SAI.K-fl-New hiotncseneus rouumIc frtll hI , 1&thi strot , flier flautitamu's liresi tr , 51,00) . C. a. MAYNE & Ca ) . , I IS-ti 1,0 armiaumu. Foil iiALE-7-Extra tulctottnegttumoulermu , u an rooms , nicely Inipros iii , on huh lt , I Stht stn-et , * : t,2ue. C , E. 31MN ACO. . , 140-tt 1t)9 Fnrrmtnmu. 17'OIt n4Atl8Fanmim , 200 acre' , ten niile. Iron. _ I Omaha , 88 acres tinprosed , lualance good nsiy : lamid,3,50O , onetulrdcanult. ) ( s' . a.t1AYNb .t 'o- 172-ti 15oSFarnam. , SALa-IJ-iour olco lots lii Itnurker's sub Felt ulhislout , cheap C. ) S.MAYNE kCt ) . , 173-ti 1509 inrnauu. I O1t SM.a10house , 9 roonis , barn awl other linprouonnemttc , cheap , nw n-entitmmr ton 55. ® huer month. 1rice t3 ICC. C. MAYNI4 it CO. m74-tt 1509 } 'arnamun tlolr SALE-12-'nttaia- . rooms , closets , iantr.u. I cellar , ctc , lot 101Jx182 , oni block from street ear line , 5'SO0. C F. . MAYNC .k t0 , mTb-tf IILI ) Farnama. emi SALK-li-Four room houe , than blocks south ofratiroaui , ott 1ithtreet , lot StisiSS , nice hulacu 8iSOO. ( .7. 1. MAYN , t CO , n76-tf lice 1rnritaiii. 1 SALC-n7-Nteo cottage , 5 noon , . , butt , cis- - terut , ctc , lot 5O'ui&O , on Convent itreet , fS,0iO , long time ott lath C. E. MAYNFkCO , 178-Cf 15(9 i'.uruiam. F OIl SALE-ID-Two end one-quartoram-rs,4-roomn. liousewithu basement atid cellar , shailu treec , large orchard , all kinds of fruit , Iltn sitcom , soutb Omaha , * 3,200. C. a. 31Ak'NC & CO , 107-if 1500 Farnuni : F SALE-20-Nlco 4-room cottage- , halt lot , b'rmn , uneli , cisterti mind other 1011r0etzICIlts , Sautudens street , $1,400. C ii 3IAYNI1 & CO , 168-ti 1305 I'ariauti. , Ott StLK-Eegant residence lots wititimi fetu F lilockma of street cars. 8mb to 3C0 , C. cr cent downautul 5 pet ccitt inonthy. 1o lamer street rail- IIAYS or baliocit lines to onnriots , but good sllumwaik-s miii the way , Ii } MAYNK & CO , 163-it 1509 Farnam , 'om SALE-2i-Flvc room house , ( till lot , haiti , I I shrubbery , ctc , 15th .treet , south Omaiiuu5 2,110. C E MAYNE& CU , 170-tf 1D1) ) Farnaurm , 4. IJ1O1L SAtli--22---Six ruom house,2 story , lo'ets , .1. pantry , cellar , cistern , well , stable , otithuusnt , nuns , etc . Davenport etreet , Sl00. - 111-ti C I MAYNF. .k CO. ireu Farmiarn. -iuoni _ SALE-A imoanly new house of S rooms and .1 half lot , on Charles street , near Ktng , $ r,600 ; OO clown , balance monthly larnente. AdOre's , 186-ti ( JEt ) . 11. 1mA'rUBIJNcity. 1-ufimi HALE-Fine residence iota tin ( iramnd View mad. 1' , lithutj , 178 to 8325 on monthly gaynients. 170-ti C. E. MAYNE , CO. , 1609 Yarnam. - -Lots Itt Ilimebtugh place one block from SL car imne ; uerydcirablo resiulonco prop- eltI. SuutIVF.ttk HELL. 507.10 \ANLEDk situation as copyist or type-write-a I 1 Attuircss , 31. ii. , 201 N. 14th streeh 140-I T'Oit SAL1-A good reliable , sorrel , family horse , ii eight utters old. weighs 1,500 pound. , good tray- cier amid lit guOl condition. Can ho nought let $125 tuli. A. 3. MANDEL , 325 liroadway , Council liluflis. - - SALt.-6 good StOC4 , 50100 furniture and ma Foil large ujimauutit3 of excellent wino ucry cheat , 1R0i. C.uilf rota nt. 981-lie IOIi SALE-ChcaIu , good coUnter. Inquire at ' 1. 1" . 1)015's Cigar Store , 207 8. lltit St. Foil SALE-.49-Largo 7-room house , two full lots , tunern , w cii , cistern , etc. A splendid home ; $2,650 ; goo1 tuttie Cmi 1u3)muients. iso-ti C. K. MAYNE & CCL , 1109 t'arriam. SALE-lionse , and end farms , H. IL Foil co. , S. V. corner lito unit Farnauui. D1jtf ; .1 Oi1 SALK-il--lou nice lots lit I1ouimitz a 108th' , I ' 4 t.uiulltioii , cheap. Ease tcruii , C. Iii 31.tYN1I & Lu ) . , 1&C9 } arnam. . on s iiiA : few live nor , , lots ncar the l'ala .4 gnutud , cry clicalu. iou lung tune. 5,5-ti , CE. . MAYNC'eLO.i5O9 Fanmtaun Olt SALa-luit to 15J cords at itanui wood , now 1 helmugcluopued Ott ' Lou-o Farm' on Cumluug St. , ball mile ut eat of MIlitary bridge. Will only ho sold to one iuurchaser. BEMIS , Agent , 11th and Dougla streots. 153:1-ti : . -Oui SALE-Farm S mllee S. iV. ofmty. . inquire .4 ci Mrs. Meyer 623 N , lOthitt. 811-Intl SALE-tAi-Thrce-acru lots in Okahonte , (10 F Ilitlu attest , chrain. terms rsi-tt ( ' . a. MAYIuE , & CO. rica Finnuam. - CRANCF.-We offer forsale at a bargain , R- two thousand acres of hail lit a luody. will Snake a lIne stock raznch , SI miles fruim County Seat of Boone county , Term. easy. 0. F. DAVIS & CO. , 717-ti 1505 } 'amuiumu atreeh SALE-Two lotS N. W. corner of 25th and Foil St. Inqulxe of Edhoim and Erickson. 487.tI on SALF.-A few choice iota In Lowe's addition 4 amud 1rnspont plru'e , $173 to $280 , monthly in- , utalintemita. 4. ' . a , IIAYNI1 1 : CO. , iso-nt 1109 Farmuam. 1oii sA1.a-A Sr. $ claM ie end band top bugD. .1 CtellatuSlmiUaruoVatteeC 91t1 TIOItSALE-itoeldsnce and businea. groperty umu 14 .1' all parts of Omaha , md Fame Land. In iU parts of the fitate. REDFORD Ii 8011511 , 793-ti sna s. 14th 8 * , bet. Fmurnsmsnii iougiaq. IOlt SALE-Two portaoie oot.ore 10 , norse u.owa , . .U Auply at I U. FI17.PATIIICK , 668tf CiSSouth liltiuStreeL rroa SALK-At abargalnme email IlosiurlJahnnsnmi anti Cci Crc proof .aie. Inqulie at this oftloae. It -1uOnt _ : : ; &IALK-UmO newspapers in large am .1 quantitIes it Usia rtllce. ts nISCELLANEOUB. I A lAl CIIANCF.-One good man with small cajhtal i.i hod an opPrtunlty to douilc his ciipittel inuunthly , by tnddreseing "J. C. 11. " ulee otilot- . nt4-ii = wo ga-mtcmnen can lnutu good ddl1 bustrul 822 ri. ] Pith St. corner Ilantiey , r82 : it . - gold horse catch ttsrmn. uiuider sill hut- r.sanuied II metitrmic-tI to laO-ti C. a. il.tvNa . .tco , , 1500 I'arttau , . - Al't utkSt/eiiD-A Lie. k SI. i.knaru.m n'uv. - ; ) . ) lourunoithisold , no white , ft-wgra hafnu cmi cmuI $ , . hilts leather collar udgc.I aiid lttae a-itt. red , atrit3 iii irons 17 14 Douglas street , ems Thureda ) 1ttturarsd rtccluo re-aird. : , ,1OIIN l.i'LAhtOlY. _ ! ioAnmsndlodrlngIi.oo per atu'k at the lfirmiey 8t2-mu i1-staura-ts1. EDWARD tHL , luf&OIIITER OF PALMYSTERT AND CONDITION. - ALIIIF 803 Teeth itreot , betWSCO YSTUIIII inS Slit. L wlU , with LIsa aid of guardian .pinits , obt&Iullumr r giiCe of iS past and ) rnent , and the . cerium coasditl3mna to the future. aooie cod shoes ala Is coder. i'trfcct rstlshcion j.iiiraitteed. . - -c - . - - - -