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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1883)
ii _ _ : i BE-OMATrATUESD\.DECE11t 4 , iss L Eeai . I I : : . . . . Estate ; . ' . B A R 0 A I N S e City , Suburban and Farm Property. . We have aPiUQ Tract near Bargain. Center of Oity Whio is a I , ' ; SPECIAL. . . $ tltO-Full , lot vith 5 room housa on ltith St. , betecn CenLer and IJorca. Good coIIr , barn , aI liotise , cI.toru , BtLIOWflIkB , shrubbery , oto. great 1argaIn. 8roo-IJeatitIfu1 lot with 4 room house , good eflar , laro closet , cto. SIghtly location. us ,3OO-Lot97xl32 , wIth 7 roomcottaio onShcr i1an a-enuebetwcon Shorniaii and Clark trcrts. Good property. i , 2,8OO-Two beautiful loth In McCorniloki a4idl. Lion , on Farnain trcct. 119 3&O-Iteeao Place , I'ark avono , 'ull lot. now twu.tory houoo , 7 roorna , good colLar and coal Mhcds , city water , trees a.ntl all Improroments. Barti. ! 2l $ lt5OCash-LOt 36z183 on 11th St , In Kountzo' Ill. addition. llouoo 4 largo rooms , lot beauti. fully located and lii really worth much more. Itcaon for .clllng , must have money. )2 $ l,2O-ach three beautiful ole In ileco I'laco , I'irl avenue ota ea.y terms. 124 S1OO-lfalf lot. on Saunders street. aood house & rooms , good closets , paltry , stable , vell , cistern - ' torn , rurch front and rear Prleo $1,300 , two. thirds cash. Thu. Is a bargain. Must be aold by the 2Cth or wiU ho withdrawn from sale. . . . . Improved J.'roperty. 3BOO-12 room house , cot. 13th and California btroetfi , 0 closets , cellar , city water , outhouse , etc. 12.700-6 room house on N. 12th street , closets , oli&r , cisteru , weU , etc. BKUr.ORD & Sotrea. 3lOOO-Oood six room house on Davenport , bet. t3tl md 24th , two story o osats , pantry collar , cistern , well , nit uJ 8hrubbory , ets1e and outlrouscs. , . . , ; . $3,100-Full size lot on Mccandlisb place , clth two fraue cottages , coo 5 room , ona 3 rooa' . 4 2,1OO-Good two and a half acre lot with live . roomoottage , brick celiar well , fruittrcos , etc. One of the best three cry brick busmess ho 4u Farnam atrot. Tenns private. - 13.200-NewT room hous on N. 18th street. A. modern iniprovomcnts. Qood location. Cheap $ , ZOO-New two story house , Queen Ann style. . All wodern iinprovemcnte , city water , lot lOOx , . / . 100. 1 Two full lots St. Mary' . avenue and 20th , lth S . , , , houses. Will ho first class business property. , , . rorme eay , , . . $4,7f0-Lot 6x9 , witl two houaoa. Cheap. . . * 2,000-Two houses In Nelson . additIon , on Con. . . . . : ' , tr street. Outnoues , cistern , fruit trees , etc. . . . EtL4lness house and lot on Douglas street , bet. : 14th and 1th. Terms easy. Wow II room housoonchlcago. bet. 24thaad 2th. All improvements. Two new houses , one six antI orher S rooms. Thst-clasa and modern Improvements. Terms Easy 3.1 Z70O-Lot 100x132 , College Street , Rodiok's . subdivision , now 6 room house. Voli Improved. \ $3 Qboo-Lot bOxltc , Convent street , 6 room cot. tae ; , large basement suitable for rooms. barn StAr. ' 2I00-e 'oom houeo Thorncll'e &ddition , barn , . . well , ciLzn , good Improvements , 5OQ caah. . * 1,800 on long time. , $4,200.-7 rOom house on Dvonport , bet. 26th * fli 17th. . . Lot 1T5x500 on Sherman , large house , barn aol ' ' - other hnprovcinent8. Lot without Improve. ments Is worth the money we ask br It. Two new houses and two full iize lots on Park avenue. hot and cold water , and a modern Ilrst class Improvements. houses would cost hat we ask for whole. ltra good bargain. ,6Oo-i.ot 82x150. cor. 17th and Center , house I rooms , barn , water , trees , outbuildings. ,6OG-Fivo room house , iOta bet. California & Webster. Nice property. Terms. easy. Fl,5o0-Lot 0 , block S. Shlnu's 2d addItIon. One and a half story house. T..rms easy. 12 83,000-Oood 7 room house oriSherinan. Modern Iinprovelnents , table , wellcistorn. A bargain. 5,0O0-F'ull lot , one S room and one 5 room house , now , 5 block. from the opera Very . cheap. t2 $1tbOU-Splendlillot : on Dodo , near Itth. Cflea 03 ,00O-14r.e house antI small cottage. Exce location full . .lre It Iavonport near 19th. : 5 $4,630Lot 60x260. vood 6 room house , modern nprovements. near hii'4nes , on Sherman ave. n 1r.OO-1'wo lots , 16x14O , with house stable eta. Barker's sub-.tlvleinn. . 99 l,6O0-Lot and a half , good house , Redick's sub. . . diviAlon , ( Corner. ) 5 Lot wIth 7 room house , ChIcago , bet. 13th and 14th. I , , al 1,600-Lot and 6 room house. Itorbach' . addi. tion , well , cistern. etc. EverythIng in good ru. pairs * 050.-Lot and 4room house , lzad , her. 16th and ITlis . . 4 Unimproved Property . ron iALE IJYnEDFOItD&9OUEIt. 2 $1,000-Lot 60127 , tndian and Division. 8 700 each-Two lots6fxlS2 each , on 11th. Cheap , and 2 lots 65x132 each on 10th. 11 O0 oach-7 lots in Yates & Rood's addItion 23 V,200-12 full size lots , ilanseom l'laco , one block west of i'ak avenue. $5O each-Tivo lots on l'ark avenue. BargaIns. 1luslnc lots on Dodge , between 11th and 1'2th. Dl 5400-Lot In Shinn's , althltlan. on Seward street. 83 d,0O0-Fuli lot , Itoed'glst additIon , on 2lth and Chicago. 4 5 000-Six good lots In Ilanscom Vice. Bai gains. 54 $3,000-Lot 50x120 , on Farnam , near20th. Vo cheap. MI Fouracros InWost Omaha. 00 V5O-Lot Iii Isoacs & Sclleu's addition. 69 $1,000-Fine lot , itoddlck's addItion , Park ave. 84 40a-t2 feet of hilock M. Shinu's addition. } 'Ino view. 85 $2,200-r.ot4lxooon 16th. lluslooss propsrty worth twice the price asked. 4 d.lO0-Pull sIze graded lot on ChIcago , , bet. 13th ntl 14th. 93 $ $ OO-Oood hot , high locatIon , south 10th. 100 S.O0O-33xl82 on 10th , hot. llarney and 110w- aid. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot In Uansom additIon. location. Bargains in Farms & Lands . 1o. 10 527 per acre-160 acre improved farm , near Cros. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 25 neres Timothy and Clover. 13 $4,000-40 acres 3 4 oh is mile west of Ft. Om.aha two houos , two barns. granary. corn crIb , two wells , . ,00 bearing fruit trees , 300 grape lnee. Will sell or exchange. 14 TQQO-20Q rcs , hrthf mlle N. w. Ehkhorn , 140 acrexln cultivation , lastatice pasture , Four room house , stable. etc. Terms easy. 61 960-lC0 acres good land , 4 1- miles from line. hington , CoiIoe county , Kansa. Will exchange tot Omaha property. Cl 8,400-240 acres adjoining city of WiTher , Saline county. All under fence and well improved. ThIs property lscheap at $10,000. 6.5 20 per acre-tOO acres , 3 miles from Waterloo , Douglas county. Part in Cultivation balance meadow , all good land. Wiil sell or wifi arrange with cattle man for co-partnership , or will con tract to feed 300 or 400 hef.d of cattle. To to 82-10 000 acres In Merrick county. aced till able lanJ , and wIll be oold from S to $9 per acre. 89 $7 per acre-Will buy 160 acres in ( edar Co. g $15. per acre-820 acres 2 miles from Hamburg Iowa. 07 $15. paracre-Improved near Logan Iowa. 101 Several hundred acres in Cuming Co. Nob. 105 SIx thousand acres In stanton Ce. Nub. 107 elo-per acro-2200 acres tImbered land In hay Cu.Mo. three smahlfarms ontnla land , balance good cottonwood timber , which will more thac pay far Investment. For ale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 102 ,20G-Lot 2l9z2 , cot. . .h and Ueilt.w lIt. , south Omaha , near Ilasmii 8 l'ark , brick house , fourroonis , well , chturn , stable , cellar. AU in good conuition and nearly new. 0 25 per acre-.400 acres in SYashineton county , 6 miles south of hilalr , un lIne of C. be. P. M. & 0. railroad. lItctini at curlier of this land Good treani runnIng water. 100 acres in cultivatIon , 80 acres grass , 180 acres timber-oak , hIckory , walnutandehuru. Small house , good fruit auud abundance oh giape' . Is Partly fenced. One of the bent farnuis Iii thu county. If purchaser w1ehcs , will sell homestead adjclnln good herd of cattlo. LCaIl ned examine other property not Istod. . BEDFORD & SOUER , . 21 8 , 141 bet , arnaun sea Uougial I 1 _ - 4 KIRKWOOD1 . , , . . J . ; : . . . Ig ' : : " . 1' U4OtS n this a4diLion urojiellrng rapidly , and prices will ba ngain , , u1vauced iii a few days. 'fliese are without a doubt the most desirable tots n Olnhlila , aIll ( will ceraiii1y dOuble in price before sprileg. All who . . , S . havej seen tlieni are well pewed ! and pronounce tileni cheip. . * , BEDFORD & SOUER , . . : ReaI Estate Aency , . : E .4 Lx . ' 514th gtret , bet. Ftrnarn and Douglas. -rT-'r - - - - - - - _ ----L , p--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1y's SPECIFIC MEDICINES. TRADfl MARX TuaJftiUT F.'rQ.TRAD MAflC ) hl'uyret. .tn , luuufIlIn enrobe . Stminal Woak. c uuCss , ) A.Y Inca , Inu iotency , ' ' hnd all 4c9'tuuat : tuuat follow as a . 'I10u1pe of 5elf. . Alue ; as Iota of ieInry , Unlser. , tRE TARlMQ.alt.ashtuuioraIn 1TLR : i Back , DImness of Vlelcun , l'reniatueo 5h1 ACe , 1n3' otlwrulI.eass that lead toinsauuhty orCoui. , mption atuil t l'rcnuatOro OeM LIr.w.tuis , of 5,1 % crti.eiiuc'nt in refund money , hen druugusts from whom tIre uuurtlicuno Is bonuzlut do not rliidbut refer you to the uuiaiuuutactulrers , anul the relultelnerut are such tluat they usro suiiIoi , ( f ere ? ouuq4io.l s ith. Sco thuelr rltten iruarauutee. A trial of one sIiilo package ci ( Ira ) i' specflc tll cons moe the most skL'lticaI of Its 'el merIts. On account of cnuntecIters , m 0 have % Jopted tIme 'rappcr ; the ummul3' gruuuutno. trl'uull particulars In smut euuuphilct , 'hIch we do. sIre to scnu ) free by mail to esery clue. 4rThie Sl'O. cIlio liedlclno is sold by cli drugg1ts at I tr ImaCk' ago. or Mx icasos for $ .l , Or will be seuut trio by mall on the receIlmt of the mooney. by niilremnC TlIl Olt.MlUiClNlCO. . , juuutfalo. N. V. in Ouniha by (1 fler.hnati. jy l0mn&euo vu is A FACT ThAT Thhi.tln4 ( 01' 0111 llt'iulNFSr4 MIS (10 ( , ht I TI I Il Ii I ) l'l-it'l4 I S TI I l Mi IIINI Ni 1 A rriii : .t s tIN : .sv : I 11 I IT , Il , t I..Th : 1 X : Ih , rIhl.l : : II DtllI. A N fl .ii. ( iti ml' SOIl N. TI I hr4 IN EN. TI IlIl.i'NN It'l . ' 4r.hlV , I ( ) Il .t SI h (11l I mi OI' II hAl' $ l'.tll R 1.1 NIh lIAM ) I fl SI' IN'I 11 I' , Tar. rant's Seltzer Airoriont T.tKEN hilI4)IlE IIIIEAE V 11.1. I M II El 'ltTEl.V hlSl'EI. .l.1. IIImI : N ( iS III' I I E.V I N lS4. IIEMV E ( llNl'l.Y liii' MI I I llTI : I E C.iI 'SI , , 't N I P ( iI _ I'I I' I S1' ) I I E.l.TII V t ( 'TI I ) N ES Iht Fl 11111 . 01' TI I E S VS. TlM. Poll S.'l.I IlY hIlt ( tlIsT $ . $ aQ.QQD fcx $2. ! Monthul hcam.huu ) .lll take lace 4 Iii time lIaioiulurl Ia I , l aouml 1 motile 1lJuuIl. dIng , lii i.otuI I Ic , Ky. Thursday Deceniber 291183. . A Lawrul Lottoryt Fair Drnwlng. cliarcrcti by tHe of hiy. amuil tuuict' , Iomar. nI kgl by the Imlgluost eomirt ii 'ti * .tato lloiucl CR011 lo henry Couiuttr iii tIme simni of 10Ot0 for time I IleOlulilt % a3 inent of alt i rices sold. A REVOLUTION IN SINGLE NLThlBll DRAWINGS L4rEvcrv ticket holder huliown supervisor , can oal I omit the imumnber on hl ticket tmmi semi the coerce onil I log imumbur PU the tag luleet1 lii tIme whol lii hi. I Jireselee. These ulrasimigs iIl oucur on the last I thummrsiiumy of 0 % cry month. head the niagnltloent i = : h December Scheme , 1 l'ri7o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * VOCO I I l'rlzc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 I 1 l'rlzu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f,0O0 I - , l'ri7eS , * 2,100 cccli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fi.i00 I I ; i'rlzee , 1,1)00 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t,000 I 2(1 i'rlres , 500 cccli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 I 100 l'rhzes , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 I oo I'tizes , tO each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 tu l'rhees , tO cccli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.000 1000 l'rized , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 9 l'rhues , : ioo LarhAhi1)roIlmu'mtiou l'rIem. , ,7lO ) ii l'rlzes , 200 " 1,500 0 I' lee. , 100 eavhi ' 14 000 1trls Pilees. $ l1O,4C0 Whole Tickets , $2. 1ta1 Tickets , Si t17 Tickets , $50. 115 Tlccete , $100 , Ite'nit imuoiiov o Bank Draft mm Letter , or riuul b3 cvpros4. 1)ON'T ) lIEN ! ) BY 1IEGISTEIIEI ) LETT1'hl oiL i'OST OFFICE Ohl1)Eit , until further umotlee. Or. Ocr. of s ; cmiii iupwnrtl by i.prC.9 , can be , emit at on , expense. Ad rcu.s mill orileri tim J. .1. IOUm.LAS , Louisville , Ky. d.aat.tu.thm4w1t iiw cmii I ills Iili.t ci lmgviu'rrmm. I br t r"mo , .Cuui ely fIit I I c cli vi' or , Ir , iuui.iuti , , r t lie 5 ( ( mcnmtlv , , oiumui. 7II(1t' I ii nuistak , , a liout thin ilurtuu , heft. thin , .nn. I I C'liflhii .tliIuil , r : r.o. : Till r ii V i'ci1iicting \ shui.igI , , lii , ' nmms , r..x I , .1'i C I iumn t Iie.ilb : % at u.n. lb hOt eoiui ( hi' with I'Jetrle l , mr . crtI-I , I. , , .iit. , , til ilis I loui lioti i C , to. , it is tot itI , , , , j' lu. I LU oNI. % e'iwi ; HIIIu'r ' le piltiaP' 121i , . , . * . 'I l'rtri , il.'t ' o. ii RED STAR LINE. lielglnri ltuVril mumil U. S. titil Steiumuieemt SAI1Nfl EVERY SATURDAY 1IETWEISN NEW YORK ANO ANTWREP , 27uc .111. lime , (7'rnzany ( , Itaiji , liulla mud ttud Fraiwe. 'Outw.urd Stoerare , $26 ; l'repild from Arutwes-p.520 ; F.xciirsion , l3.00 ; tid CabIn , $55 Excursion , 100 ; Sceoon from 00 to 75 ; Eacurslon $110 to 125. t'l'eter ; Wright & Sour , Con. Agts. i ftro&dwsy , N.Y. Ca'dwell , hamilton & Co. , Oniruhun ; 1' . K FlouIman & Co. . 202 N. lath Street , Omaha ; 1) . B Kimball , Onuahia , Agente. mn&eec.d.iy CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 I , JVd do heteby certify that tee supervfss tms or ratugernemfs 10- alt tIm. Monthly and Scout-A nnun Dratonjs 0/ the LoiuirCauua Sfrzte Lottery Con pan ; add ( nperson , aauafe and control the Drawin 'hetne.ives , and fhaf the came are. condured wit , toncAtyfaimees. and in good/uafh ( toward all pat fee , and authorize the cornpaiuy to muse tMs oct ' ( 'Irate , withfae.oirnies of our atmaturcs attacl'md 'ii its advetusenmrmtg. e COMeFISSIONIP.s. . NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. U Over llatf a Milhioit Distributed. Lollisialla Statc Lottcry Colllp8lly , Inoorporatod in 1863 for 25 years by the legislator , for educational and charItable purposes-with a cap tal of iO00,000-Io whIch a reserve fund ci over ,5&O,000 tAos since buteu added. By an overwhelmIng popula vote Its feanchi. was made a hart of the nroecnt tate conatltutin , adopted December 2d , A. b. 1879. Its grand single number drawihigs th2 place Iflontlily , It nesce scales or lmOstine8. I.ook at thiO follow. leg dletrilutiorm : 163d Grand Monthly ANI'fliS Bxtraorillary cmi-Annua1 Drawing AT NEVOltLEANlITtJES'AVDECV.fIIIti lP , ' 83. Iliucltr the persurual summers isbn and snanagemi nt of ( Jell , 0. ' 1' , IiEAUREOARD , of Louis. iana , and Con. , JUIIAL A , EARLY , of Virjinia. Capital Prize , $150,000 tNotIcu-Tickets are Ten Iollare only , ILelvo. , d. Fifths , 2. Teithjs , 4i. 1.1ST or I'JUZES. I OftuPITAT , I'ItI'/.F. or er.ocoo . . . , I allAN ! ) l'IIIZFi oF 1,0,000 . , , . soooo 1 ( JItNi ) I'IUZEt Oh' 20,000 . , , , 2oooo 2 lA1LOIl l'htlZI * 0 ? 10,000 , , , , 20,000 4 IAilGI I'IIIZES OF b000 , . , , 20,000 20 L'IllZi.S Ok' 1,000 , . , . 20 ' (100 50 ' ( .00 . . , . 25'OOO 100 ' 500 , . . . 110,003 200 " 200 . , . , 40,000 500 " 150. . . . 60,000 0d0 " ro . . . A l'IItOX IMAVION lhiiZE $ . 100 Approxlruistloti I rItes of ' 00 'n ooo 100 'I l j3 : ; : : 100 ' I' 75 , , , 'E9 l'lzos Anmountliig to , Aeplcatlon ! for rates to Chubs should he made ouI at time chico of thu Company In Now Orleans. For further Isuformmution wrIte clearly giving full address. Make P. 0. Money Orders lyblo inc address Registered Letter , to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK , Now OrIcaru , , La. l'ost.mI Nok. and .rIiniyy letter. by Mail or Ka liroes ( all .ums of iS amid upwsrds by EClirebS at ous eXpSflImU ) so 51 A. DAUPHIN , or 1 ! . A. DAUI'IIlN , New Orleant , La. 607 Seventh St. , Washington , 13. 1. - DR. It , L MATTICE. Crsduate of ; sfcahII Uiunerit , Mont vaI , and . .f Itovuul CIleico of I'Iusslciuns. Iuudn , Emil : , LaIc of Lots or' aiuil EdIuubtirhu cenercl hop stahl , of Londoim S liroat I I orpltuul iul IubIIi I 1 , . , ) iltu4 I r wuiiwi. ( ) lttCo np t.sltsu I' . (1 111k btrec.t. hll.Ienco 2821 St IJary s aviiumt. lIous 0 to 11 a. u..l to 3aod 7 U 7.m. Os , ; IU. - - - -A - _ _ _ _ _ _ THE BMIRUADS. A Sccrt TrMo groenint fluti Union Pcifl. St , Paul1 aii liolc Is1rnl. Tue Now Oolllbiuatioll Specially Aimed ftt the Burlington--A Ggatitio War iii Prospeot1 i utimisger .l .t'riI1 I'rael ItlIy AlhIrius hits Trait Is of I hit 8'erq t'lnt. CJuIo.igi 'l'ilbuiie , 1)eioiiiber l , I1jto l1tribtItit has nil iihtng COhItOlhtkl that. the reasohiR gvtU Jiy L1IO ? u1tltyttkoo ' St. Paul for giving ill isofcei ( ml with. drawni from thu Iows Pt1l veru itot the real CutlISce for liii action , anti that ita flCtlIP.l motive to cimvthr tIll liergotiti. tiflhlS that vero go'ihlg flIt for solIteUhilo Pt lettvcrrn thu. ) 111101 % I'.iciIi , ? mIil. waukbo St. Pi11115 iiiitl (1iIicago , Uock I shuttid Pitcilic for tim forinntion sif a traffic ogrecinent by 'Inch those roads are tu get the bulk of th Union Paciflo's lmusiues at Oniaha , Thu 1.'tioii 1nci1'ic hia long been known to be jeaholls o thee Chicago , BlirlilIglohl & Qililicy , wlik'h Ituta jill OWU litteR lii Nubra.skn , and therefore - fore is able to get not ithily all the busi. 11035 frohn its OWhl lilies iii Nebraska , hut also nit equal share with the other Iowa rmad from the Uhhiohl 1'8ci1'lc at. Council llluIIs. Todestroy the ativahutage the fur. Ihigtou has thus far enjoyed , the titioii l'acil'ic has bceii Iabot1iit hatch for sonic niontlia to bring about a rulturo ) among the Ioiu a loOl hues , Ithtul for this rensohu Iizts been giViIIg the bulk of its live stock bnsiiuess to the Milwaukee S St. 1'itil and the Itock Island roads. lit order not to reveal the real objuct of tb hIlOVs3- .Iflehlt , the Rock 1811511(1 rather kept up a show of faint ( ) ) pOaitIOI1 to thu Iulilwuuti. kco & St. Paul , The chiuiiii of the latter road that its real object for honking the trouble was the refusal of thu Rock lalahid to allow it an equal suharo of the Council Bluffs passoligor business was evidently iii. spire by the desire to keep the real is- SIlO of the contract froiui becoming pub. lie. The atljoilrIlmIlIIt of the Iowa pooi meeting last week tIhitil December .11 tyits engineered 81mph ) ' to give tinto for COIn- pieting the compact between the Union [ 'utcilie , IIilwaukoo & . St. I'aul flIed Rock 1811111(1. Those v1to have bechu laboring tihuder the OIiltiohl thnt. the iletlohi of the IiLuvaukeo & St. l'gtul road was simply a I 'bulldozing" scheme to gaiii ceitahli COO- COSSiOhiS will 80011 IRI coi'upelted to Chahhge their minds. There can no longerbeahly doubt that the real object in bringing oh tile confiic was to break up the Iowa. pool and to goI nit OpjortUhlity to make war upon the Burlington , Uciacral Alanmugur S. 11. Ii. Clark , of the Ulliohi Pacific , President it. It. ktble , of the Rock Isbunl , and ( leneral Mmuii- ager S. S. Mcriil , of the Milwaukee & St. Paul , wore closeted all dity yesterday aL the Grand PacifIc hotel. No inforinie- tioli regarding the object of their imuoct- iIlg could be gained froiiu them , but it leaked ( flIt , iiuvcrtiuoless , that they had beeii considering the new compact to he made between them , anti it is positively stated thitt they have entered into it traliie agreement by which the business of the tlIrQQrQll $ i t.9 ? VYlcc1r Tn Union Pnclc ! , I1 cchslderD.tfan o sdviiig all itS Nebraska busicss to thlI Milwati. kco & St. Paul and tile itock Is1atit1 Is to be allowed to make the rates through to Chicago , and the two Chicago hues call make through rates frouui Chicago to Union l'acific points. The Chicago & Northwestern evidently got wind of what Wits going on , for Vice- Uresideict Marvin Ilughitt appeared UOfl tile BCCflO during the afternoon , and was admitted ijito tlio secret onclavo. Whether the Northwestern is to be ad- initted illto the now combination or not has not yet traiispired , but it is quite probable that it will bo taken into the fold if it makes cortaiii CohleosMons Oil tue Sioux City & Pacilic business. In such an ( Ivolit. the tight svill be botwethi the Union l'utciflc , Milwaulkee & St. l'aiil , Rock 181511(1 , and Northwestern - western on the one hahn , nun thu IturhiiugtoiiVabasli , 11114 This. souri Pacific on the other. 'l'hat this will reault in a gigalitic conflict iiiuust he plarent to everybody. it. is not likely to becouilined to the Iowa pool , bt to involve all other western luools Iii the cOlnbut. Thu Southiwestoriu aasociatioii has contended all fllohhg that it cuuiiiiot be affected by it wnr unnong the Iowa hues , but judging by the sluepu humuetters have 110W assuiuiecl , it C8fl hzurdly avoid being drawn into tilt , cotullict , 'The lhiuuhiiig- touiVabasiu and l'thit'souri I'aciliti routmis are litit lil.ely to allow their tiuroals to lie CLit at Council Bluffs and Omaha WitilOilt retaliating at all jOihltS WhItiro they comiio into contact ivith the Union l'acitic conibinatioii. .1 NEW roor xu A WAll. ? II1LIVAUKIi1 , December --Cloiuorah Manager Merrill , of tim Chicago , Mi- ! wuiukee & St. Patil road , refuses either to deny or aflirun thui truth of the state- umuent published in Cluicsgo to the cifluct tlimut au migruerulciut hind been eiitert tl into between the lTIhiIII Jtmtcilio aind Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'oui , and Chicago , Rock Islaini u I'eueilio roa(1s , by which tile first iimtintud road was to turnover to the other twit , mit Omaha , ui I i us east houipul illusiOn's. utuid tis otiier to turn over to the Union Pacific , at the saute point , all their west bound busluiess , thus pr.t.ticahly cuittihig 10081) frouui the Iowa Pool , antI uulninst certainly reciitmttiIug a ill which these roads will be Oil OhIO Situ ) . 110(1 thot I , Central , and Burlington , \Vabash : ind NorUiweatern on the other , General freight AgPult Bird of tile Milwaukee & St. 4'mttul with tile euideirsorumouut ofCIeulural fuIauiager Merrill says : "We have not , lIar ( to ilItOlud to take any sto1un tilult will prevent it reorganization of tue lowui 'l'runk 11110 atsociatiozu Uli II fair basis , " It is stated thusA aora have been drawui ( or all uugrcrnnellt to tile above cfrtrct t ( last twcuuty-fivoyeaz-s , but they are not yet signed. Clark of tile Union I'acigc : aulI Cithie of the Rock ] slauud are iuow Is : New Youk. Merrill ( If tile Milwaukee S St. Paul loaves to joiui thiehul to.IllOru-oW , It is said the agreenlent Will lo coinplttt. ed and sbncd there , The tstiuciaia of the 1tck JusiulId road in the city also decline to alhirmu or .leusy titust Ilegotiationa are pending for a tripar. tite alliance betweoii thumit road , the t1ih. waukco & St. 1'4ull , fluId tilt ) UuIhUIl Pa. cilie. AN Il'l'luJrlvE : 1'ilOTiV , LA 1'AYEtTI , I d , 1)eceuuubcr 8-'fhu ilt four , tue % Viebsah , iuuunt Lake iuic ¼ W'tsterhl .lhjlt ( ! withdrew frool lilt Lafayette tooi , Leko Ii-it & . S'esterui It'uitmiuig ill tile IllOvnurllOIlt. 'I'lie cIlse tII thou breakihig ( If tile pool was tue pl ottiul of the ' 1er'iiunts' auuul , imuiluf1wturer4' ' Excisiungo ngnlnat this dlscrilnillation agmuilust thobtuinesiof tills city. : litiy 113t1.l's illutory. CIIIv.tno , 1)ccolnbor -Thue coroner ( lila nfteriioon hmehi all ituqilest eu thit iloath of Mrs. Mary Hyde , aged ( O years , Wile lived as a recluse for years 81111 died ftlolle , 'l'Iue vordic is that ( lentil re- stlhtel [ mlii a t'Ohllllillfl.iOll of ashlhin. % , tvant ( , f Ilouriahlluehlt auth drink. Slue cluillutrel to be a niece of the luke of Ar. gylo and a couusiii ( If tile inrquuia ! of I .orne. Separatioht from Clan ( ' .iulmhi. hell , to which she belonged , vns cauttod by lularryillg ltelouv her station , I her htI.91 > dlll WItS lllUrdet1l by 1 luhittla 011 the overinuid trill tit Cuihiforiuin. tlhitty.hiV0 ) 'CatS ft ( ) . Ilettlvhlilig to Chuictgo nlu aiuiasscd consulerable lrPertY a teacher , but took to drInk 1111(1 dissi- 1tateul it , - - Tiut' , IutulI'M 'i'VIlll , ltsu.u ( iu1' , i'ItO , , lecounbor . , - ' ! ' case of 1ritlu1 , ' , ih05 , Chiargel vitiu the 111110 Cut tralu LullIluos- ( l Septeunlmr , 1881 , t2llflCS ill ) ill the ; ' CotIrt to. uutol-row. It. is coliskWreil likOl ) ' t1IhI (119 ( defence will husk that the trial be ulokrreul tuntil early hlext month. .lnhlIes , to all aphearaIlces , is hically ill liii ; tlsllhll health. - - w St'i u at i ii' . 'n ii I Ituli ) I ii u P 1t ) % I I Nnu VOIIIC , lcceuuibcr 1.-'l'Ile couch. tiofl of Sellator Anthony is steadily iuuu- provillg. iso ( lOtlbtul are how ellterb'uIIed ( If huis % hltiuulmtte recovery , 1 t is thloihghtt tIe will 50(111 he able to leave for \Vneiu- iugton. . - 1)IcuI Of hIM \VuuumIuiN. CiilltNIm : : , , 0. , Deconihor 8. . - flag- gage lulaster h4ougncre , shot by hiuurgimtrs at Shelby Inst Fuitlay , died tiuls hIhoruiIlg. % Marshall Suttonisilnproviug. . .1 rIterMoim I I I uuusol 1. gal ii , CucINN.u'I , 1)ccehmller 8 . .Jcmstphu , Jef. forson huts utus far rccoverel nut to nqmuar tolhigilt lIt tue ( ralld ( ) per ilotuse. I Ilis voice utqeitrS to be entirely rcct I erel. . - - - - - - A Ntulhucruu 1InMi. Nuu : Yoiui , Doceunbur 8..A severe 5101W storhut is roailiulg tiirouigiiont. the itortlucast 011(1 along tiuc coast. 'I'ohegrapll nuid cuhuhe 'seBareseriously alIocteut. : : _ Tl1.FG1LL'tJ NOTlS. Tenimysnut irt to be ruised to a mecrn. O'lohmluoll tIlh ho lunmuguil 1)ectiliuber 17. it. Is muon' ertiti that only oum.third of 1 licks l'LWhiib'ul nVtii3' WAS sluimughtored. 'l'hmo ' l'itt.sbtirg ( I ' .t. ) Ciuroulel , , amid 'l'clo- grnIhi are to couusohidate .Imtuuumtry 1. A reuluttuon of vmtgos on time Cauiacl a Pa. cllic lies camuuiil me strlk of Limo inmllr tvorkers. .1. touucmuuoumt hmouusn Ii to hum I.Ismnrlc inst uulglit reultetl Iii t.luo Inummulmug ciii uf tlucu dull. ( lrofl. 'rime reltcurt that ] .hout. .11111104 Puuver the Atistruuhiut Arctic ( llIrer , hail .ioJ , Is ueutrmuu' . .Iwi'Llil 1'mtoio OimICtCl of tiiti hmuus tier of .T.ilm mu h'.eumuuoy limit Imeomi rcfuucul mu munte' tu hat by tlmo Irioli courts , Samumon has couufoseul t.iiat ho mumurulored .Tmttuic lltltltl- mimic ! child amid ? ulrs. Form ! at Lacouha , N. 11. 'I'huo Priulci i 1:11 : ummiumo flImul said tor iaviuormt of Cumlormitlo nrc hiIn I mug to relieve thu mioluressiomi .iul tIme leail lutarloct. A fire yemtorilny iii swim lAverIIuoi ware- IuUICII , utoi em ! ts ithu eottniu , imemuiji mtmuui s ugor , caused a hues of ulo , 00. Eaui CiniroVis. . , Is oxcitmi user time dl. envery of me ailvcr 1111110 near BtmyI , iru unniuceti of 'ii0xMnImlol tldhlmlttS. A lnhifa , dispatch srv Vimti. Pr'r.-0 nuil seven 0fldn of thio a.tuutil $ r NowIlolcI , whuiI tryIng to i" nuiotltei' % thtsoh1 were lost. 1.A foafuul huMeaumn raged on tile Nct' .PuUIIfIIahm(1 Suumciay muight , doing gtat diettiuign to sblppiimg nuid It is feared caused tim loss of mnalmy lives. ' .tjmolhuas rotitt , chief ouugineor of ho Cole- rmt(1 , hu caarg'ed by the sumiervlsfng ; huospector of teain essol , t'it1 thin romumsIItIihty for tini eiii1eu'uui of the boilers , tsiuilo lumevlug hluuttuulo. I t its aouni.ollichmlly nnuiouumcad in l'uirlmi blunt Emughauid , Gorinaumy , .Auumstrica , Ummatslme muelul France vihl Partidilsato In a joint protection of tlus.dr NuihJOCLS aumul Interest's Iii Chum iii tim event of a war between France anti Cluiuun. Throw Away $8S0. ' "J'flumIIlOil with nsthuuiua for eight years Nmt. quito tWO b'ttloi of T/uouuas 1 ckctric Oil cured mum , eounhlobely muter IsIlOlIdilIg over 3i0 Witlitlilt tIme slightest Ijomuelit. " 'l'hlss is what 4uguet 'rrubuuer. ( If Tynimmo , 1a. , sulyil. THE .IEW SKATING ItINK. Its luumsismuraiI isimu 1umMt Eveuslrig-Ail lrIiihii lois by lniulol , I lie ileatoriiu1 iCing. Tue new OIhunluuu. rollcr.skutiuuu. rink , OIl Capitol arcuutue , watt ( Ipehueti Inst evening with me gralll skating reception. 'I'Ihero vnhi a large ntteiiditmuctu of B1leCtmi. tors , who occupidd cvc'uy sent slid every OuCh ( If ucvmuiiahuho ustnuidiuug reouui , whuilo tilt ) rink hoer wits Well filled with slcaterus , mull ( if whouuu SeclulC'l l.a be s1uuito itt. hlnhulu.m ( ill tile little wiueehu. I"or utit hIQuIr blue uckatenl giiuled mir.uuuad . tile huh , whuihch a hltuhud ( if music plimYctI frequent uuelec- tiuuls. At t ) o'clockVihl 11. Dauuici , the altatorimul king , gave all tiilihJit.iOhl of hula shutting , uviuichi was well wortii witIleHeiulg. lie is certainly ohIo of thin tuuost woilderfull fluId gultCtffUl skaters iii this Uhuited States. his fancy skatiulg elicited frequent ap. itlausu. 1Iliott & Fenton utro tue lropriotors ( If blue riilk , aiud Daniel is the Ilusulager. i'llC building is a large suulnstaiitiuti frauuuu sIruIctIlee , hO by IthO feet , itht high arciled roof. 'rhue skatillg floor is 50 by 107 feet , meud is of iumcrd hilmiptet. 'l'hiu mull its ihhuiuuuiiuuited by tilreu . 'luctrio lauuip. 'h'hicro tue coilveiliehit told recoin , auud the cuithihhialhiulunt ill BuIpJIhied Witll every Cl1'tmIuiCllCO , for blue couuufort uund pleasure of the P11111lC. - FoLYou , COlflJllX ) Ion SIflO ) JIUIIIIJILI lug iIhIJOli'tfC' ) llIll'Pl' lOlhi Volt lion , ivlioso ( ) flint SOIl iII'O TIIIIIIC(1 , SiI OW tutu tllSfigllrOl In COIIhl14 IllulCe , or ILIlYp Lrnptlons , 1odiies.s { , Jltlhgllflb ) * or 1111- wholesolno 11111 $ of CoiiiplOx- IOU ITO 811I IISO ililgaul's Mug- ilOilhi It ; Is a ( Ie1'l'tllO , Iiariii1es anti tlchlglitftil article , pro. tliichig thio IllOst iiitl lWIll 1111(1 ( ehhll'flhlIh1L. ( hii1 , I lie urth1lcI n11lS 0l ivItIeh io oh.soI'ver ( 'flil (1O1e.l ( ( ( , ziiitl liIchi iOOIl J)0COlZIt ) JiO1'hllttIlOlht it' the IiigiiohIitBit1uii 1jlLt1lC1OllS1 HOW DOES IT RESULT. Ser3uula ? runulti tromu , dlscasetl oonhltIn of blue lb d , emil is the blood thrive , Its suiotcnancefrom tht'stonmneh * rul .lepenmhi for Its pnrltis.hmnost v.hohly upon tIme ection of tht organ , wedalm that what is a good truclkthe for the ttotnach Is equally good for the lined antI coneqiently achapteit to scrofuha. ( 'cetaln It Is tint Ihurdock lihood hItters ctmo rcrotu Ia. Thuo are non only mm line remedy for 4i' of tIme rtoiiiarh himut a Ietfoo inure for serfuilt , ( It hem internal or uxtcrnat , Cult1 all other eI1i otl'tlng in the 1Iootl. ( uinO'.Ir otur. . of eery siescrIltuoum salt rheuute , rinorm , ttter , pOtiliucaj , i'lmlm1 , , nreIpclas sail er ) specueq of C In iliscosm' , mIre not nmsly trunpnearily limit lwrma. uitnthy euurctl 13 llmmalocic hilood flitter. , In 1 , CorullI huts uumalieluro .s a euro for , hIq'ase sf tIme Iphonil we umuate emily tlmo renqonatlo request that tIme iatieumt ( .t senstly % liattcuuil eereie frequmenthynnmlbrca he a plenty of gooI freilm aIr , all of ital eonsquuvtce to Ie.othi. . AIuttMOlsk . 'so one tliln , so , Ituirkl.v iletcrmhui.js limo bcauut8Cf tmlIne , ' , of a ' ( tsoui sq the suutfaeo of time feo-ttmo Skuim. A height etc me skiui m Ill make 1mno..t aumy flee ) iaimiisomne ; anti s Ithuomut smith , no . mrs feature. , no matter ) Iitv ( fluiely ummouhiled , eats ho regsetleI as tuaetlvc. hiuriock IlooI ; litters by , lthmIn omit tin- ) turltI from the IreuletIon mutter fail to tsautlfv , the skluu , They mire letter tb..ii. . ill the coqiuuetics amid taco h10tlers Iii thu % t odd. Ily IoiurgIst ct'r3wIuerlI. FOSTER , MILIIUIN &Co , . BuilaloNV , I'ILtSOt1j , \v. 1 % . Viuite , of Tuejiusuancli i at. the Mu. lard. .1. .1 . Adutmius , iii 'l'ekutmuuali , Is a sI illmurd am- rival. \t. Il. hrm1tovehl , if Tokiuuiumhu , stmma mit the Mlhhoril. 0 , ' 1' Couukhimmg , of Tokaunaim , Is nunmug thuo arrivals tot tim shiiharsI. it. 8. Tumynos , of St. I'aul , i ist.a3lur mut. thmo M ilimurmi. , lcii&mt I hmuuuuhtmu of Nebraska City , Is registered ut tiuti ul hihiril , lx.ouumctor A. S. i'atiduchc , of Beatrice , is met the l'a".touu. A. C. llichcotts , c,1 I , tmicoln , k registered at thin i'uixtouu. 1x.iuvoruuor ( Eutvld ) ilutlor , ( ti Pmnyllen , his at the l'n".touu , S. I 1. Callionum , of Nebraska CIty , Is at blue lx-Smw.rotmsry S. .1. .tloxuuuilttr k at time PlIXtulu. .1 . N. i : L'rhumtrt , of Asiulamusi , is mu 1'aton arrival. .1. 1' , 1 hitrtunmiuu , ICcuirumoy , is itt the 1'utttium. II I. F. ? sthiher , sst liolttuvtuo , is at tluo l'mt'ctouu. I ) . I. hurry , Of hiudii , is at. time sIhilmmrd. ( bio. A.Vobster , U. 4. A. , hi at time i'ut't- tiui , F. S. l'.utrlus , of LIulcIlhul , Is itt4tyiilg ut the i'itat.n , . A , \ . Field , ( If ilumettlum , is registered ust thio l'utatmlm. ) .1. Ii. I .a.mmar , of Central City , its a l'Il'tiIul 11(11.01 guest. \ luI. leiloy , of Llncului , VAI it time L'ax- ton yesterday. E. 1) . hligelow , of Ilhuuir , was mit the ? slhlhnrul t0lay. . .1.V. . Love. , of Frouuomit , Is a guest at tim l'atomi , 11. V. ] Cricr , of l'luuhuu Cucek h u4 } IO ' 4il lard. . A. mmumier , of Cucrictoum , w.u at the ? slhhiartl I tu.thmiy. ; Q. I ? ilartiui , iii LillCIllu , Is istuuyiumg mit time MiiInrl. \VLttJOil Uregg , of l.Iuicolui.i , ltllard gucat. - BEATH T1i WHEELS. 'J'IiouItusigIeI flotly ci' a Ilnok Agt'nt. I"Ilult Near I'renhomit YCsl'FllaY. The body of a lflflIl vit5 found lyirugbe. 81(10 the track of the 1.3111011 PacifIc road , ti few miles west of Preunouut , sunday uuuoruiiin. IL s'itri very bndiy malIntled and hot outsy to recoghuizo. It was placed thOfl the Oritiud IslaIld aCOlflh1lOdatibfl 1111(1 tutkoii to Freuuuont , whore by blue aid of rumuhlers fluId letters found in tile pocic- otis it , was identified uus the body of mu Mr. Vose , ii local hook ngullt for Appleton's 1)UhhicatiuulB. \Vluuiu or luow the ulpcilttILt occiirri'd is hot kilowll , ltlt tiue uulquost may throw 501110 light Upoll the iiuattor. 'l'llO UhmItIrtUihulte hihIlul leaves mu wife auuti 0110 child to lllUt11 his sudden and tragic cIlliuug. THE OITY COUNCIL. II'Ctitlg 115 U ISsiiiu ii oI E.imualhz.lition- Oilier MaItu'rs. The city cotiuicil iuiet yesterday itt 2 o'clock , to sit as us board of equnliza- ticiu 011 all fiunul etmtiuuiates for aving , curbihlg , gutteriuug and grading contracts , for c'quumeliziuig lthSCHulUlOfltS 1111(1 to hear CIIulltiulhltui ) ( It ProhiCh'IY owuierus. 'I'llCttl wore Preselit Mcsr. flohun , Kululfuulan , Leeder , ] { cdf'ueid , Tlurahuo fluId Voodwcl-til , withl Prebideult Baker jut thto chair. lhuloru tiuc regular meeting ivies oticut- ccl the lulmutter of rectiVilig and enter- tItillilIg the luhL'IuihIOlS of blue Denver city CIlhiICd , 1111(1 ( other otlii'ialts uiciw iii time city , iutfonuuuaihy ljcuscd , Notice cr118 sUiIt to tIm parly that as tue CoilhIcil wits ill seaI4iuhl utli II luomnrd of equaliziu. tioul tiutsy would be tIllable to liutiut tiieuui to-day. 'hue city cugiuuecr'u rollort vmus unilnuuit- lIl'ttted. AccouulpaulyirIg it wait V. 111151) shiowiiug ( lie iri ty by tile illlpr.VuIululItIs unuuuuer.utctl ill tue call fertile tile lileetihug , Illud which is to bp as- sessed. 'I'Iuuru were no criuuillmuints presOlited to the council , lOud. no further action was takilhl , Tiuu council adjourned to uiueet to-day from 10 a. iii. to 11 p. Ill. , for the 1)IIFPOIIC of homing couulhlhtuihltus fluId uuisking asaitsit. IuuUIItml , I'uhihi4i Speaker , . alimi Humu'er. flumI II. II. fnmmrlae3 ) Norm. ' CIOlCUiu cough lirops me stiro reuuuemly for hsoarscimvvm. - - - - Suiilusy , ' .Vou'i , There seeiuuu to bit a growing disposition - tion to turn Sunday into a gouieral woric- iulg duty ill thlU city , Not oniy tire tile workmen engaged iii iaviuug ( whuichu really seems puirtlouuublu ) kept at but all over the city , cflrIIChltCrs , pailltorn , roof. eu-us , iuid , ill fact , lull chassuiu of lallorors fllul luleciunluics are IuIrsuilug their daily 1L'OClttiOluis , I,1Iuchuiuuu shuuilus lire 1UhIIhitI full torco , 1111(1 it seouns as ii thai basses are losing suit regard for thso Smtbbatlu , 'lio paviuig couatactors htavu lund reason- 111110 ux.'use tar iVOI Iciuug their uticit on Stuiuduiy , but other 1iiurties luutt'o no buttui' tuxcuitti fm , such thilIgs 1101 % tilUll hereto- fore. THE JECESSITY FOR TilE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , ! ts long been achmnowtestget amid mote ci , at thIs da than any other , The art. field of medIcal aclcno is dIer Increasing , and its Ilmmmerou hrmicImc are brought nearer anti nearer to perfectIon , east I no one mn can any longer grasp them tci Ilenro the neeeshty for ilk l.llng the labor. .tn,1 ii I , trite hicysinil all , lsiilt that Olseaso , afioctlng the g fl toimelnary organs flecl 5looiaI etmuity moore than any. hung clqt' , If we comihil understand and know hose trat thrum properly. liii , II. WUNgIt is fmmll aware that there ftrt flilti' . piiaIeIans , iuiil some snsIllo lOPIO , rhe scSI CatIlfoloms hIm fat inst.img thIs class of sliseases a si- tilty , bumt ) iolshappy ti , know that % sltJi mast per- ant ol telliucnicnt tml intolhlgcimeo a rim .rc enlighten. ul lsvItakcui ct thmo orhijcit , and ( hunt the Iih3lC' an cilie , ilovote imbni.tlI to roIiesIiZ , the aflhictcd end as log thorn from erse than , leathm , tA no Psi ma phil. t nthrnpl.t ant 1enefactor to Iiti taco thaui the stir. gcoui or lulullcIaii ' s bun hmy .los' : . . . , - 'cli ii . : : .v othur huiRi' , of hIs litOfeIom. And fortmtIlte ! os huumumauulty , Ito dey is 'Mwnlunt rIpc , , t lie false ph suitlirohihy that. ccmmunuWd the cletlmims of folly or crlmmme , like the idlerS mmuimler the JuaIsh law , to illo tmmic'arctl for hue. , lassoul away , A Few Reasons Vhy yoml shoulil try limo celebratel lIt. II. Wsner's nietimods of Curd 1. "lIr , 11. Vs'mugumer he a muatural lshiicIaum. " 0. 8. FowLax , 'rime Greatest Lii log Phrenologist. " } 'W CAul card 3oIu as a doctor. " XIs. .t. SuMs , ' , The Vorll's Orcatoqt I'hmyIognomlst. . 's ohi ad , , wommlerftmhly PrflClCiit 1mm ) plum kuiowl edge of dI..eaeo and muuetuieimucx" lix , .1. MAniraws. 4. "Trio affilcicil fluid ready relict Iii onr ; 'r nice. " 1)R. 3. 8iMs , r , . "lr. II. Vagumor Is it regular grnuhimato Iroin llehlcvmmo hloshItuul , New York eit ; Ima bail very ox- temmolie ImoNpIunI practIce , miamI is thorouughly lied on all lmrruiehmes , ib tul btloied science , especially on chmronlo milesatco , . " lR.s. hiuiow'.iti.t & Ewiro. 6. "hr. 11. Warner has Iummunorthtletl himself b his uoiuIcrfuml ihi.couory of p1s.'chflo remntsllei. for pe - vato aumI soauual .lisetsrs-Vlrghuila City Ctironlcho. 7. "Thmoum.aihs of lmmvallmls [ lock to see hImn.-San Fr.uuclsco ChronIcle. S. ' Tluc lhctor' long eaperienco at a specialist. ihioumlil rciiiler hIm ucry succoisiful.-Itocky Mona- faIn Nouc. . Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one ( him mu nllscussion of the scCet utco uuss en- tlrely mci (11(10(1 by tIme ImroIceiohi , amid tne.hlcal works of but mu fewoars ago oiult hardly mention IL To.iiay I hue 11)13 ) sIcIai I. nil a , lllTereumt oi.Imulon ; lie Li auuare that it is his mhilty.-lIs.igreeuiblO though it nuii3 ho--to liauudlo timL matter sIthouut. gboucs arid s1ak plaInly about I1 and intelligent trents and guarsllamus ut ill thank bufumi for ilolui so. 'limo rtsuults iatteuuilhuig thli mhcstrumctiu o % ice were for- umierly lint iuuiierstood , or uuot lrOlerIY ttimnatetl mmiii iii ) Iimuj'ortaimro beIuig attachul to mu stulJect hidi i.y its uiatiuru .me' . not Invite dtio lmmie.Itioim , It was tu ilhhnugly igiuormml. 'Rio hiushit I.s generally contracted hr tIme youn while attenilliig school ; oiler eonipamukmms thurouIm their tamnplu , mumay lie reshiolusllilo for it , or It lucy l's , aequulre.i Iumriiugh muccllciii. TIme e'tciteuueuitommeo cx- llCrlCiuCCI , thu himethco tihil he reliateti naluu anti mugalmi , cuumill atlast tlio Iurublt hiecommios finn mmd coin. iIctely tumolaur's time ictImn. Mental rmmmd imeruous at Illcihmuis nrc uuMumlly tlio l'rIuiinrY resuihts of self-abuse. Amnotug the Iumjmirious ellects mnay ho nuentioned tassi- tuttle. slejectlomi or Irratelhlhlty ( if tculilier nimil general mielillity. Thu low eek secluslotu , amiml rarely joins imi the sped s of hi comnIlamuIoum' I f lie lo a youn niaui ho % u Ill lu lIttIo fouuul In coinpruly wIth the other cmix , nmml is trouihilm.d n ith eereihim.p amumi annoying b.u'hufuuhmimss Iii theIr iirtsciuu. l.uscitioim dreams , emiult'Imiuis aimd orimiitioiii , on tIm taco , etc. , mire also 1iromuuhiieumt 'I'IuihitiIuiR. I f the limetlee is t lolently perisiotol In , more serlon. , distumriiaimcrs take Iluct. ( Irrat lalpltation of thu heart , or epileptIc eouivuul'lomus , mere cxlericnceul , and lImo simPerer amity full into mu conqiletu atatu ofidlocy be. fore , uliurully , death relloucs himu , . Toahi tluomcmigegnh Iii thIs datigcrouis , prrtcticet uvomilil , ay , Ilut of all , 51011 It at oulcu ; miiake ( nery " ) elfort to tIn so : but if 30mm fail , If your , urrvouuq ' tystemfl is alrealv tot , iumiicli stumuttereml , amid commiie. ipiemutly , your dIl-pmner broken , take some Imervo tommie to utFit you In your etlort. hlauinug fmeeml 3oumunlf frouus tIme ) ummbit , I uvoimhil further counsel you to go through a meguular course oh treatuuuoumt , for it Is a great uumlstako 2u i stee that soy erie lucy , for some tIme , ls ; silttls , gluolTiTheehI up to ( liii faacImuatin but dangerous oxcltenueiut without entterlng from Its evIl coiuseqiucmmces at # ioiumo future ( lion. Time nunUmer fill ( lie duties of young mdi uiho are limmuiriclatcd to euiJouimrd by tu eihlock Ii , ah'mnumlnigly ' large , timid iii munsa of cmli ca.cs this tmnfortuimato coumdltluui of things can tie troceil to limo Iimctbce of self-aLumni , whIch had tAcen ahiammlonrml 3ears agml. indeed , a few months practic.s of thui lialilt is aufllciciut to Induce spermatonhu3 j later years , aunt I have litany of .uch case. minihur treat nnct rut the presemut day. . ; .d - YoungMet . t SS'ho mar In , iuYur1iug from lbs. tifoets cit youthful tllIcs or IimiIsr5thnini's will well to avaIl ttuemnxelve.i of this , ( lie greatest boon over haitI nut the altar of auf- fering hmuniamuhty. ls. iVAoNr.R sill guarantee to for- felt 50O for every case of semimimmal it ciiknes or private disease of any bImId atmil character , whieh be under- tAiku toamud ballsto cure. Middle Aged Men. There are runny at the age of 20 to 60 who are trouhhe'l wIth too frrqmuemut ouacmmiutioris of the bled , tier , otteum accoumupavuied by n slight tsmmmrthmmg or burn. lth actisation , auumi a weakenIng of the system in a manlier tIme le.tlent cachet account for. Cii oiainln- I Ir.g time urinary deioslts a ropy sedimmuent sftl often be found , and soimuetlnicssnmall particles of albumen whU Pi' ' ° . or tIme volor will lie of thin immllklslm line , again clmnnghumg to a .Jak anti torpId appearance. There are nmauiy mrny 10cr , u Iii , dIe of thul dllilculty , Ignorant of ( lie cause , su tulch is the secommil stage of , sommmhmmai.a oak. nets. Dr V. uill guarmtmuteonporfectrureimmall caaeis aims ! a healthy restoration of time gejiito-urlnary or- galls. Comusult.ation tree. Thorough uxamnlmuittiomi amid ned. vIce , 85 All coinnmmmumlcatlimnui isimomihil ho mutklrcsmied,1)r. Henry Ilomury Smtguuer , I' . 0. 23ID , heuuser , Colorado. Time \iiiuimg Maiia l'ocket Commiparuien , by Dr. II iVrgimsr , is worth Its weIght Iii gold tii oumig amen. I'rico tjl,2I1. l3eiut by uuahl to LIlY muddremss. Let Your Light Shine , 'Dr. Vucgnier ho coleuirmmtcMl 1iecinhIjt of Ioimwcr , Cole. , 348 Imirfumier strout , lehman. lii letting thuworlit know what lie cami mb , amui is iloluig for tluiumiamidi. of ImIs fehiowuieim. lhi trcatmiieiit fsir lost mammhuood lx uro to clii Imlmn a , iauimo that histrrItY will bless. Ten housemuil tesIInmonIaI4 frmImii all over time United StateM roimm ttmoso lie lmai. curcml , is Iroof PosItive tlmat Imedoos lure tIme umorut cases of thutam , dliseamsen. Time atllictemi nail cliroimlo arid sexual diseases of emery kind umlil mimi hIm ( bolt loot frisimd. , iea.i { hitA m'.iiiertisemnentin all emir City I OliOtS , mumid call ou hIm for ads ice , as kiuouvyoum mili corroborate us lii sayIng huc I. the ant ferors true friend.- Rocky Moumuralim Nens. Relief to the Afflicted , In niodicluics , as lii iclenmes , the specialists are the ones muluii alwes COmliOs to tIme trout and accanuphish great resmilds. ThIs uemimmirk Is especIally alpllcab2e tote to Or. II. Wa'mer , of tiuls cIty. lie tandx at the top of amid the cureislmui herforma for the ummfcrtuiiimto would seemmu umomudorfuul If cmoS Pr0IerIY slewe I mu thehlglmtof selemutitlo acquiremnonts. lie is emmdorseil by ( tie mimot ei.mlnemit of limo unethical faculty. his otilcu at :143 : Larmuiruir street , whore lie muSh speodl. ily utccta cmmro for tIme suierliug of cithertex , no mat. tor tmoW complIcated their oomplalmit.-Vomeroye Dummuocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Persons at a distance who wish lobe treated by Dr. tVaimer mmccii not feel Iiackwai-tj lecumuso of InabIlity I. , ) tistt him. if they wIll w to the doctor ho wIll scud a list of question. w cabled him to send ummedhrlime. , counsel moud to tImouoamid ho has never seoul. lb hires p In every city , town and itatiomu iii Colorado welles ailover the United 8t.toi. See lul' ad 11114 idortiisemeut.-Dcn. ocr Tribmuume , Shall We Reform ? Specillo remedies for all diseases I. the theory practice dt lirceemit of educated amid experience uihiyslclens , amid Iii oil large commzuunItk's they tmay their vhiCCI<luN , to eacel Imi which they direct their studlesaud practice. I ) , . wgi.or is me aueccsxfui II. lutrmttioii of this mnodermu school of ispedallics. imud his umiprecedeumtemt buectas lii the troatnielut Ut iris'ete uliseinos Lii as womiderful mix It ts Ittterhmig-l'gof. .1. Slomnis. 'ilioso persons who nmeelmnodicai relIef fof the mo. $ duliato of discuses usIiItimui lii ) accouupli4hed and alma- ccaful lihoskismu Iii tIme lerson of LIt. Wamener , No 513 I.arimumer street , nho is luighlyrocommcnled , bytho sumutilcal iirofc5sloml at ) iO&miO und iulioarul.-l'ouueruy's leuiocnuL uligotry and Itmiummmtu must give way to wisdom , timid time wise ithalelaz , believes lu lottilIghIs light stihmue for ( lie glory of hIs fuilow into. Prlmter's imik ii th torch ho can beat uo to guile thu weary auth sick omuo to the toummiahmi of healtt , if thIs articla hnuId be lmstrumammtal as a 'TOiWIlLIIi1et ( up. elm a hill t guIde suilerlmmg himunanity toSt3 I.arlunu itreot , honor , ( Jolorauio , Is will ansvcr f.ha I1UrP. her which it i as written , Addreai DR HENRY WAU11ER , P. 0 , box 23.3 , or call met I3 Laxhzcr Iltreet % oohuunn headed "The