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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1883)
- ! - ' - - 1' - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE DAL B1iE'--OMAT1A , W'EDNEbI ) &Y iOVEi' rllR 28 , 1883. r - - 4 ¼ \ Real . . I , Estate BARGAIN : $ . . -IN- . City , Suburban and Farm Property. , t We have aTFine rpIaot iiear Oentor of . Oitj Whie is a Bargain. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , 0 SPECIAL. tt1O-PuU lot fth 5 ooru hone on 15th St. , letwecn Cntr aHd 1orca. o)1 brn , tIL14 ) , CItCfl , ItIo :4 : , thrubtmry , etc. Great 13ariaIn. 3WO-flt' , 'itfW lot with 4 rncm house , good cellar , large ckt , etc. Sightly location. US $ , OO-L4)t 97x182 , with 7 F04Mfl cottaLce ouShrr mn RVCfltICbetWei3fl Shurnian and Clark treet. Good irosrt. lo S2,3U0-Twn b.tutllul Iota Lu McCruilckM addi. tinn , on Farnairt atrtvt. , 119 L'iae. I'ark avonui , full lot new two.story houo , 7 roOflIR , goo.t ce1tr ! and col he4g. cty water , truea and all Ln4JrooInout. . flanaln. 121 l,2OCah-tht38t3S n 11th t , in Kountzoe 4th a.IlItion. llouee % 1tflo roomq , lot buti. fully bcatcil tuid Ii really worth mucl inoro. Iteaon or eiIlng , tnuit liava ntncy. 1 l,2tacta tlir&'e buantiful ot lit Ite'o Ilaoo , Park nenue ou eay terms. It4 $1U-lIalf lot on thwmderstreot. Gooti tmotmo 4 roomn. go.i v1oMC.H , pItry. stable , e1I , cls termi , porch front amid nar L'rico $ , ) , two. thirds cr.h Thl is a lairgIn , Must b moid by thu tOth or will be wIthdrawn froum e.ilo. . Improved l'roperty. t8-12 room lou&e. nor. 13th a.nd CaUfornt trcet , C clomwt , celLar , city water , outhoueoti , E.7O3-l room hou on N. 13th street , cloEet , cellar , cLtein , rell , et. UItD1ORD & S'tJBR. SOO-Gc.od ! 'dx room house on Davcmmport , hot. 2l and 21th , two ory , C oet , intr ) , cdUr , cistern , well , ut ; nJ ahrubbcry , 4able ad . onthouaes. fz3 100-Full l.ze lot on ' ! cCondIIlm placo. ith two fram&c cottagemi , one 5 rnon otis 3 mon. For a1o or exchaugu. 2.lOO-Oood two and a half arm lot with vo I" rocmoottc.go , brick ceUr well , trulttrrce , eto. ; One ot tim bt three ory brick buemne * ho on Farnamu trect Terms IrIate. f3,2OO-New7 roam hOUO On N. LSth t3rOet. A. modern Improvmncnb. Oocd location. Cheap G e5,300-Ncw two etory houoe , Queen Ann etle. / /ll mrelemn imuprovemuents , city wattr , lot 1OO 100. ! Two full ) otm St. 1ary8 avenun and 20II , with 3 houses. YiU be fln.t clae buslnce property. Terms 0a33. tt,760-Lot 0t1x9&i , wltl.two housea. Cheap. e2M0-Two housee In Ndeon addition , on Cea. terjtret. Outaou'oo , citrr , , fruit tiroe3 , eta. . J3itlnoss houo ancl lot on Douglu etroot , 14th armil 15th. Terms eaBy. New 8 mow houeonCbleago. bet. 2lthand 25th. All lmprovemnentB. Two new houee , one e1 ami orht'r 8 ropm& Fret.c1M5 and nmodcru tmntdVCrnCnt8. : rer 1 . 3 2,70)-Lot 100s132 , College Street , itodick'i \ enbdtvWon , new 5 macmn hotme. Well improved. bI 2,50O-i.ot 5OxlbO , Couvent etreet. 8 cot. tage iara baemnet ailtablo forroomus. lmrn t'2,330aom ) mofie , Thornl1a addition barn , well , cLLrn , good Improumncnto. 00 cash. flbo0 on iom time. i,2oG-7 room houao on Iaveapoet , bet. ICth end 17th. . Lot i7SxbOO nfl Sherman , iarra houge , barn aimt ' other lmprovcmenta. 1.Ot without Improve- / ' - m'nt im3 worth the momov , wo ak tar It. , - , Tvo new housai and two IoU size lots on l'arle . aouo. ut anti cold watci , amid a wt.dern iri't clams lomrovenwnt ! . I1onem would coat what we ask for edinle. lxtra oed bsrgmiln. * 2,50O-Lot 2x1F0 cot. 17th amid Center , tmouae 4 roommu , harim , water , treea , outbmmIldtmmmi. V,60G-Fm'.e room honc , l8tm hot. Cailforoli & Yebtr , Nco mopcrty Terma 21,5'3-Lot ' 0 , block 5 , .Mhlmmn'a 21 edilItlon. One and a half atory house. T..rme cay. 2 d,0O-Jood 7 room house omishermnan. Modern Inmmrovemnento , , wcllclstern. A hataima. 13 $ ,000-.Fiil1 lot , otie 8 room and one 5 room house , new , 5 hlocla from thu opera h.use. Very cheap. 2 imMu-Spismmdh'I1ot ' on Dttee. imoar UAh. Cbea f3 $ 'fQ10-Lnr.o Imnuat , arid nudI cott.o. ro IOtatit ) ? ? 1li . . .e5 l.t iav.nm'ort mmem 19th , 55 i(1o-L.t Is ) yoocI 3 room hnv.e , nmIHiorn rnlroromeJmttJ. near itiini , , aim Ihurnmarm ase. c-2 $10)-1'wo lots , 12lt' ' ) , with hoimso stable etO. narccr : emib. mlvIjori. f ; 81,600.-hit anl a half , goomi houLme , Itcdlclc'e cub. division , ( corner. ) 6 Lot with 7 roam hot2te , , bet. 13th and 11th. ti end 5 room tmou.o. IIorlmacim' addi. thn , well , dtern , ott. lorytbIm In irood ro. a1r. a1r.tOLot and 4rocuz hotiso , Isard. her. ] UI amid 17th S rr Unimproved Property rort SALE 1W uKDrORD&souE1t. NJ , p 2 1O00-Lot 60I27 , Indiana sod Diviqion. S 700 each -Tao tot , 6I3m each , oa 11th. Clmeap , and 2 iota 66x13 ! cch cxm 10th. 1I $63 oaeh-7 tots In Yates & lteeml'g addition ¶ . :3 : 7,200-12 full Izo Iota , lImmcom i'iace , one liock west of I'ark avcnuo. s50 each-Two iota on i'ark cvenuo. UrgaIna. 11u41m105m4 lots ' ) fl Doiig ( , bctwcon 11th and ith. Si O0-Lot In imliim's addition. on Sowarl atreot. 83 3,000-Full tot , itoed'e1t addition , on 2tL1I ai.l , Chicago. 40 ,00O-SIx good lots In lLuiomn I'laro. liar galims. 54 $3,0001.Ot 50x120 , on Farimamn , near 90th. We climi ap. 59 Four macroe InWeet Omaha. o , ro-t.ot In Ioaaca & Se1dcn' addItion. 6l l,6OO-FInu lot , ReddtrIr's aldition , I'ark ave. 84 300-12 feet of block M , ShLmimi' addition. Flue view. S8 2,2O.J-.Lot44x60un 16th. liusinoas propsety worth twio tIii rboo mkn1. 04 i,5OO-u1l star graded lot on ChIcago , bat. . 13th and 14th. 93 tS09-Uoo.1 lot , hIgh IoctIon , south 10th. 10 , ) 23.Ooi-31xl3ou 10th , bet. ilarney anti Itow. azd. 101 VitO , ech-Tvn extra good lot In Ilona3omS adilitlon. Cuodhhrb l3catlomi. Bargains in Farms & Lands 1o. 10 C7 per acre-100 micro improett farm , near Crue. ton , Iowa , 10 atre'a woodland , 45 aAta corn , 5 acrci4 'timothy and Clover. 1 S4,000-53 acroc of a mnmlo wet ot Ft. Omaha two bouca , two Imarima. granary , corn crib , two wills , . .Oi herhmig fruit tioes , O0 grape ainoe. vIhI soil or orchammme. " 7,00O-2OlJ aeres , hall mite N. W. Elkhorn , 140 acrea lii cultlvatioU , taiaue pasturo. Four room lioTll4tm , stal.le. eta. Toemni , amaay. 31 Co-1tO acrea good laud , 4 1t mIles from hue. lIngomi , Cotfo county , Kancas. Will uithaimgo for Otmmaha property. 01 8oo-24o Acres adjoining city of Wilber , Saline couimty. All under femmee arid weU lmproytd. This lroiwrty isch.mai , at $10,000. 3 $ 'ZO per ucro-41X1 acres , 3 miles from Waterloo , Couglas county. Part in cultivation balance me,1ow , all good laud. WUI sell or will arrange ith cattle maim for co.partncrslilp , or will con tra't to ftc.l :100 or W0 hcad of cattle. 0 to Si--1O 000 ocred In Morrlck county. Good till ebb lauJ , end wIll be sold from $ to 0 per Row. gg 7 wr aero-.VlIl buy 1150 acres In Cedar Co. 93 615. Per acro-30 aa 2 mOos from hIanburg Iowa. 07 $15. peracre-hmuproved near Logan Iowa. 103 Severe. . ! lmumi.lrt'tl acrce In Coining Co. Nub. 105 SIx thmomlearmi acres In Stanton Co. Nob. 101 i0r acre-Z2HO acres timbered land In Ray ( o.Mo tlirvo smnalifarm. ontnhi. land , balance goid eottomiwootl tlmnoer , which will more thiae h'Y far tncotneut. or sale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 10 ,200-Jot 21ixtt0 , coy. . Ii and 1i.v.w St. , south Omaha , near Ilacauli Park , brick homi.e , fourioomn , ehi , clitern , stable , celLir. All In good couultlomi arid nearly now. 0 : l5 per acre-40(1 aere In Va&hlnmrt'im , county , 0 znhleq south of Iflalr , omm lIne of (1. hL P. 31. & 0. raIlroad. Statmimim mit corner of tlil land Oootl utroain runuiui water. 10' ) acres In cultIvation , Wi acre gra , Ill ) acres timber-oak , hhcknty SaIntmt atid ohm. Small tmouo good fruit aim lumid.imco of ttrapoo. IS h'artly temmcod. Ommo of the btiit. lanes in the county. It purelimiace wl'mImo. will sell honicater4t aiiji'Inin good heril of cattle. $ TCaIl amid okamalnu other iroPrty ) aot fated. BEDFORD & BOUER , . 14. 141a. bol. arnain otl UougIai tTT : . KRK WOOD1 , . - Lots in thii adc1iiou are soiling rapidly , Urn ! priceB vi11 bo again advanced ill a few days. 'rilose are withoul a tloiiliL thu rnost desirable lots ii Omaha , anti will certainly double iii price before sprilig. All who avej soon theni are well pleased and OIhOUUCO Lhtnii cbe.ip. ' i ; , : BEDFORD & SOUEi , / ReI stt& Agency , ! . : , m' , , 14th street , bet : fld Doug1a. . % . - . _ - j ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. llistori1 llcminiscguces of tha Eyae- nation of 1Tc York y 0 the British , SOIIIO l'olaulnr Plet IO1P4 I'iatieturetl. l1iSTiileAi. ' . ) lNClflENT , \v. A. Cr ttimt in Planter l'ro4 , 4 litltltlrCtl yelilil Rgo Now York scan titu tijirti city iii tim country , niitl nbotit aM big rt KIulSiIth'/O i H ( ) % , Alt 8l)0V ( ( Jty Ibtil 1nik witjt p. coW PaattttO. nUti vhuro the Fifth /tvclaLlo hutot lo wzte a ( laliguroll3 part of tlio ritrmil clStr'iet8. i'lio cow paturo is how 1 % 19t IlItIlrnll Imbitattoii , aint it i worth 15010 iUOl1C thait the whulti country S'Lt8 theii worth. A hutidrod yoare ago tu.tlay COthrlorS 011 horceback voru carrying to all parts of the harrow Htip noiig thu coitst , thou known as thu CoIoluwS , the giRti 1IOWR that. Now York , vhuic1i wits ovoui thou felt to ho the vital center of the coulutry , w'zt to bo turliuti ovur by thu 'nnqtiis1ictI British to the triutupluant robols. The imatriot tttordouuta1htoiu : , in all stages of picturesque rags , were scourilig tIp their ititiskets nitti brtis1uitit their Ii thtterillg garzneutui olt thit huigtllaIuIH U p the river , lit ahiticipatiolt of thogr'at OVmllt , ASltlOTN'H I1UTVItN TO ThU CITY. It iii otiti how little is kiuovuu of the veal history of that titan. It itt known that \\neluillgtU : ( caine into the city aIR ! 1St. stiiiuutl lO.tfWssinlI 011 Novonuber 1783 , Utut carcely aiay of the dutai1 of tlio evoiit are recorded aitywluero. it 18 ktiowit ttiat ho took formal 'leave of 11i8 officers out Docounbor 4 , the iioxt week , at Fraiinc' taVtlrll , a large brick buildiui Htill stmouduig itt the corner of Broad an Pearl atrcetm ; but who 1)Irtici1)atod , what ceremonies thieve were anti how long they hltMtotl , .5 lIlORtl } ' a matter of conjecture. That there wore iuiuposilug COrelulOlliOl iii luot to hii doubted ; \VaBh1i1ttoll , pite of the SiliIilicity of hiio chutractcr , wts : 't tactician 1111(1 a forn1il9t % III all aocitl : lflnf ters. ' 'A Proskielit Bliould lrivo noV V less than four horses , ' ' he said , and chueiu ho wa vresident lucre lie iaitttaitictl the extorimir majesty of the ollico'licii lie daBlued duwii Bromuloray in his 8ilvcr- inouuutoul coach bimhaind ai white hioriucs , with two COaCILIIICII iii front aitti two foot- 111011 balancing thieniselvo behiiul , aiit fiuur livened iierioiia galloping olt horse. baclt iii front and rear , Iliad when tuiis gorgonii o.uipago ] lIMed to whisk around into \Vall street to Federal halt , the capitol - tel , anitil boys got out of the way Frankliti and Dr. li1l911 wore much ccaii dahizemi by his ' ' ) olupmsity' ' ala they vigor. Otisly a1led it ; lIIt 11113 cerentounouiuuoss , tilled with glee the souls of .Joliui Adams aiitl Hamilton anti Jay , who rather thiotighut that a Ruuuato eketed for life and under class diitiuiction would be at good tl1i1)g. ) SOMII IIISTOI1IL7AL l1lthtOltS. 11 artier's Mii'mziflt ) for October and No voiuibor COiltaiIiS artiolei oit this very con- tcnuial occasion , and they are a full of eri-ors as if they hiati beet recoriling the feats ofJack the Giant Killer. The first of these iva written by , J. 'I' ' . Iloadley. [ Jo describers iti a very pkturcsquo inan nt'r-too picturoPcitIe altogether - how Vasliingtoui took leave of htia troops at Ncwbtirg Nov. 3 , 1783 , repre'enting that. the army was tiferu. lie say9 : 'lilt thcir rmwgcd reghincritale , ftoomI the old cuiithintzal' , to hear the farewell nddres9 of their great loader" Tim fact. is that there vero wore no trooin l'eunaiuhllg at Newburg - burg at the time. 'l'hey laud heeii disbanded - banded and sent lionuo the ; ) roVioIIs April. Sia the 1iatlietic illustration of time old soldiers , tearing themselves away froni each other is a gout ! ( Ical cx post facto. So is the picture of Washington refuit. ing the crowii , and of the guilty conspir. ator who offered that bauble , crouching before the iiudignatut aiitl virtuous luau. The iiotioti that such an event over hap- period was hong ago exploded. lie prob. IL1)1) . ' would have refused a crowii if one iitd been offered to him , but there is un IflOfltiOui ill hih writiups or these of aIIy contemporary of anybody ever having an iuitcrview with liirui and offering a crowxi or any other pieCe of royal furniture. But this writer utot only gives a graphic and beautiful description of an event that. uiovor hlapencd , 'but hibels the whole iatrit 11VI11 by makiuig nid. . that the crown Wlt'4 proflereti by tohuiers who wore disgruntled because they liati lnr ) ratioiis 1111(1 ho hack hillY I 'rho distinguished writer dashes along like ' 'our owii ioportor oil the spot" whcui hue says of the irnilgililtry cotuicil at Now. burg : "l'hue generals , one after another , rode up and di8uuountul at the door.Vayno anti I'UtullilIi aud Sullivan entered , one after anothfer , St"ubiui rode up from over the river , nntl Knox Slid 0100110 front Now Windor. " It : ortunate that the author is par. ticular to atatu ) that they rode up " one after another , " and 11180 that. they cii- tered " oxio after another. " It could not vehl iiztvo boon otherwjo , for not. uuioro thuaii 0110 ortwo of theta could pos- ibly have beeii prt'Houut. oui.thu occasion. ( t1fl. SYnyne , " MadAuthuony , " and Gon. ( irene wore both in South Carolina. ( Jon. Sullivan had rciigticd on account of ill health four yearn previously , and was tlieii attorney goneralof Now hampshire. Oeii. Putnam wan Prostrated with paraly- $18 at Hartford , lCnox was itt Lake George. Steuben miy : possibly huavo beeuu at Newburg or thereabouts , but to sup- 1)080 hint capable u4 taking part. in a COUI1CiI ( If niaIeouutouit. who thought. seriously riously of ievolting because they had ioir breami , is a gratuitous ahautlor. Why cloosui t the writer tnitke Btitmdct Arnold TUT1 TORPID BOWftLS , EflSORDERED LIVER , and MALMIA. l'rnrn ihmosu source's u&rlo tin , , ; -aonrthS of Un , , llseuss , of tile hmnmnun mw , ' . Thie&o tymiitomnj indlejito thair it ' - u" a' LttS Of Appetite , Ilovvtmls co vl , , , , fiilItana oaflor ciertlon of lOdy ea of 1043 ( : * , XrrIt4Li".t W cIIrlt , , it ' sonic duty af' , ! . . . 5U80 .1 i. . . 1110 dhart , S ) e. ' .uro I Ian ej' . , IifluJycol- ; ord U. , CI ) $ TJPt'liu34V , numl ( he. mftnI the imu ofa remn.nlythiitt ccl e illrm'ctl onhhlo Liver. AnaLtvornmedlein.m'EVTT' , fr'Ji.LM immive no oqmmai. ' .Fiulr , ntIou on thmQ iCLhuiuyti unul Skin Ii ahso PronuPt ; itmuloVinC all Impuultie throudt these three cauginim o thu sutom , " producIng uppo. I us , , tOUTI(1 higosf Ion , ivgimhmr stoolmu a clear ' , kuunil 'J'lTT' ) ' .uuu rio ijuumucee. or ; rjplig amer tntovtors isjlb dcliv work amid are a hurect ATIOOTE TO M4LARI 41id et'rynt- ) , , . ' , iic. ( ) lUe.4I lit , mrrnyt3t.h .Y. TTT DYL ( lutAY hl.uie Ott W'mfl8rER.i ( liauigal In. Phtumt ) ' to It ( rA8Y III.CX by a cImu&lo UP' illeatloms of limits iru. bull uy IrugIate , or UOui. 1)9 ? tfmrn5i O'I t'umIptof fU. Ithloo , 4 1 Mnrrtv 1itrem. , 1'ew 'i ark. Ta' : : ; hF lJt'i ' I3CUTS fRU. L _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - f'-- athll ( Ion , ' \\tarroii cater " one aflcr iui' ether V' 'rho artkho is rieh in illustration , If . has a futmo iiicttiro of Trinity chutarch as it stood in 1788. It. was bum'tied to the groutid in 1770 , and not. tobuilt till March , 1800. What wonder that WO iniike mistakes ocahutmIltAs and \Vihhiatmm 'I'tit , a'uI , Shakespeare mud 110111cr amid hercules anti Vuumtms , not to inciitiout Noah attl Athiin iiid 1ve , when ii wehl'knnwn his. tori.uu cannot tell any ne.irvr thaim this . what hiaipeiietl in inubhie tn the imiost COII5piClloN 1111111 of 11i8 tunic , barely 100 years ago. ago.AT Fht.tUNCIfH r.tviim. : The old btuijding kmioim as Fratmuco's tavern just after the revoluutioii , is a ccii- tcr of intoreaL I t was titi'ci , stories , nuid is iuti four stories high , built. solidly of brick , As I called recently , the Present lropriotor , Jacob Etiel , shmo makes IiIl'O lilOIle'f from boor thmalt frola boat-mi. ore , took inc oiut.sido alid chiotroti inc yhinro the Anmoricnii brick of thu tipuer stories joins the little comnprict lutch brick iii use 160 years ago , of which time loWer part. of the v4thts is imiade ; also whuoi'e the interior stairway , used in \\'ashuimgtoim's tiutic , lrns boelt' bricked up t-uit1 ! , amid thtu humor court. clOsed. Eu. trance umity now be lout only ( rein the street. ehirect. The old bammqtmet hail , with high , broad wiumdow.sills , is still pretty nearly as it. was wlieii'nsiuuigtoim 8100(1 at the table ( Etaci ( lociared tillit is the 8111110 table ) 'and took leave of his gell. orals emi 1)ccenibcr 4 , 1788. Irviuig , in hum life tmf W'ashhiflgtoll , says of this uvent : 'i'Ilt % PriuiCiPtl oIuicrs of the army a. senubied at Fraunce's tavern mumit ftr from t.he ferry to thke a final iehvo of him. On olutering the roont amid tiluhog 111111. self surroutuded l' his old comupammiomum iii almimehmu , hind silareti 'itit hutut so mumany sceimos of hardship , dili'ictilty 111111 ( hanger , lila agitated fouhimms overcalmie his usual self colnlllatmd. Fulling a gias of vimio amid turning flhOhi them his benignant but saddemiod countenance with it heart full ( If love and ratitudo said lie : "I now take leave of you , mmiost devoutly wishing that ynlmr hatter days immay be a hmrsPcr. ( ills uuiitl hunjapy fl your fot'ummer cues have liitomi glorious atiti hmouiorabk. ' having drumi uk tide farewell benedictiomi , lie ntlded rithu emumotiomu , ' 1 cannot COhliC to each of you to take may leave , but. viil be obliged if each of will conic and take imie by the hamm& ' ' 'Geim. lllOX , who was nearest , was the first to ativaliCO.Vashingtomm , aIlm.'cted to tears , grasped Imis hand ait1 gave hmiuii a brother's eummbracc , In time aiume atFec. tionato immamnior ho took leave uif the rest Not. a word was sp'oheum. Shout amid 51)1. 011111 they followed their loved coumumiimuimder as ho left time room , passed thmough a C1)r1)Ii ) ( if light intamitry , and proceeded Oim fmot \Vhjtohuall forry. Having cmi ereul thifl barge , hue turned to them , took oil' his lout , amiti waved a. silent adieu. 'Thou iv , ) all went. back to Fraumico's , ' says a letter of one of the hatticilamlts , still prcsorvotL 'amid had seine immure rumu. ' Kimox hind been chief of n tillory through time whole var , btmt WaO at its cluso only 33 years old. He was a very large iiauu , of soldierly presence , and it. is said that his voice could be heard across I lie Delaware. Ho wan a bookbinder iii Bostoum wholi time war brolcuout1ammd whomu time Britimili captured the city amid forbade anybody to leave with nrnms , ho caluumly took his wife on his at-ni and walked out to Leximmgtomm with his sword couucoakd under her dress. A \Vord to Fuuumers. To the rAlitor of the ilaE : : 'Uhio [ Tome for the Friendless recently established at Lincoln is in need of sup. plies. it is supported wholly by domia Lions , the appropriatioii of $5,009 by tue Iogislattmre being used for building pur. poses. 'lime mted and Imolplces are sciit. from all parts of the state , and Omaha havimug sent twenty , is ill duty bound to aid in their 8UilOrt. Vegetables. groceries , clothing , bed. dimig , etc. , can be forwarded pronmplly at it triflumg oxpertee , if left. at Mrs. 1)r. Dinsmnoru's , northeast corner Capitol Aveimue mmd 18th streets. Gardeui products could be given by 'MIt- fanner friends yiuo mire Solduni called (11)011 10 hO ! [ ) time needy , auid who would ( loUbtIess be gla(1 uf the opportummity to show their sympathy for the unfortunate. BA BLOO ] ) SCROFU LOU S. INHERITED , CONTAGIOUS 18'O th'rofulous tllceru , lirolo , . , ut on lily litai IN until my breast wa ouimm mimas of corruption. Scimim of tfiwimIcers , ) ieru not lci than , mme mmmii one-half indium In gllaummeter , time txigce rouIm , raggol and eeeimilngly llcDAl , time Cal it ) ' UIwII ( I ) the bone mumil lhIiodI'li oflemmalac tnatter. Eaerytlmhig known to tlmm nmctllcul faculty was trhoI In ' . slim. Gradually ube borim itself bteamno .Ienatl , arid timeti the eullurlsmg begat , in earnuet. . lionu Ulcers bogies to tat. , , limo ol tlmo'o hitherto ni , tlmtm surface. I bt'tpmic a more isruek. l'or lmioith eta tlinecould mmutgm.t my lianda to soy lead leoalio ofoxtruumie , .nruiiu. . Could NotTurru In flod. UneiY not what It wais to ho mum hour vum , frcu fioumi pale. flail nason ttl look uum life' 1144(11 VC Li CUFSO. III thu suiruner of isno , after ten sears ( if this ivretoliu.I oxlatesce' , , I begami to use the ( hitucura llemnedfs , imii titter two 'ears' terektemil flee of them the last Ulcer limol licaleel. Thu dread , liM.a'o lisa * UeCuliibtMI. All over time l.ruaat where' % as omiesi I. CC'1 ' l'fnoi'rmliitlon , k now a huoaithy kln , My elgiit hia liicreaat'el froems one huuidruil amid tiiinty.f bit ci. , to nun hmemnIrud and fifty-six pounds arid the geul ierk Is eitill golngei , , I feh myself a fleW Oman , amid iail through , thu ( . 'utlcura Ilenicelfus. . JAS. h. itiCirAIIIHON , Catetotim Ilouce , New Orleans. Hsorn to bflurtL'jiitud itatesiiiil.aToie , , J. I ) . CuiAWa'ORD. TO CLIANSE TilE BLOOD of I4crofuioue , Inherited atid Contagious humors. and thiu , iiioitm tIme most .Proliflo csuse of bumimn eiutfultig , to clear the skIn cif dieflgurlog blotsimea , itobliug 'Iortures lhimnmiiiatin EfliletlinS , anti h.oathu wnieu Soroil cauoeil hy impure or h'oIwried blood to lurlfy end beautify time Ukull , Rilil restore th flair so that 110 trace of , llimaau , menu-lu , ( 'utfcura its soiveut tile neW hood l'urilier , hilur. tie anti Ahicrlomit , and Cutlcmira ant Cutlcimrs , Hosti , the men-at title Cures raid lheautllleu , are IimfaIIiIle. They are thu otuly remimedios that euoce'c.l hioa hiyeIciarmim sad tall other means fail. fail.Groat Great Blood ModlalnoB. I Ti'e ' half iud not 1ern told ate to the irat : curative powerel of the ( 'utleura It niodieme. I bavuleufil Iiimu. efred of dollars for inolielimeim to cure , liMeasoe of the limed amid sfIn , gui uiover found snthlng eit to ecitial the Cuticura hiumnedle's. hiumnedle's.CIIM4. . A. WhIJJAMiJ , I'riI1 lien , 11.1. Kohl fey all ' ( * ' 'ta ; ltusni'.eat , Ii ; Koch. , ct. J'orrcgflnuti ANUCIICM ICAL Co. , hJotou Mu , , Sf1111 for "lIiw lu ( J'Jrtt Skin Diseaaes. ' S. H ATWOOD , PJittLshhlouutiI , - - - - IIIIPAIY.ftOf rpmoaot'oumsmms.u saD umiomu OILAIIU EDFODD [ MID JEASEY CATTLE * 511 fiUr.Oa Ca Jamuer.v : lieu aiiJr : , tirrouig etok tsr a.'o. Gorruajiomideuie saliolt.uit. - - - - - - - io RESTREL A victim of e'arly imprudeiie. reaming veryou dsbll. dJ . l'remature facay , etc. , hiacleg trts-4 In valli , cr , flownyemno4 lea dlaeoro.t aimil , mnegnaci' solG ails , ' 5 IILCb lie. "ill sanit h'BIE to hi. felIow.uffrrare , , .L4ika J.uw1y&Liobati ; it..Nuw 'urt - - - - - Thmc 'Ven1c tl tIme Iinptir' . 0 1'htc , lnc'rry little 2mhotlnttml brook , as ; t lightly ( lallCCh over time rocks 'tnd sparkles in time sunshine on its vay tiowit to tlit' river , is Ptmrc flihl 1can. It is active ; tltercfre , it i Qmcaltlmy It is vigorous ; tiereCorc , it resists ilflptlritv' . But time sluggish 1)01)1 , vIicre the Ctlrrent is lhOCStVOlhg citotigli to kCCj ) the water fit lihOtOll , IS ntilhtlnt : ; : rind foul. rirt nmd rtibb'ish are thrown tilto it , anti liri ( ) there. Illiptlritics nI hL Vile OmiCI'S IUakC it tt breeder of ( hmSCflSe nhll flit object to he a'oicicd. \Vhcn the blood is strong anti ulch tlll red , 811(1 vigorously courses its IICCIISOI1'ICl rounds thittl(11 arteries 'th1l veitus , the systent is hearty nid licaltity. \Vhen time blood is timihl nll.l poor and veak , iinIfliritics and tiefilemiments Ct-CCI ) itito 11 , amid it has uio stremigili to cast theni Qilt. 'I'hcii the systeni runs tlo'ii. 131.o\vn'i ; Iron-hitters coumtamns the omi1' PreParatiomi of iiomt wh'ich can ciii'iclt the blood , 811(1 inikc it vigorous , and healthy. A dollar a ) ottic at nearest thitnvtritit'ti , 0 CREATENCLISH'REMEDY. . )5 Curcs ? DebIIIt ' . " : t or ttiy ViGoil , SpemniMorl . . 4 ; : ' s.e , : ; ? OtlIl1Trfl ( \ .t.J'i.r.O ' a iottl.y , large ottIe , fem , , lIlacs time qtmaimtIt' , H. . hitI' , . , ilWire' _ _ to nil ) ' ititir , ' , ' . , oIi Ii - , ; - - nIl dumic'glsta. ( 1,1511 II tlil : CA ! . iNiii'ru'rr , Fri'pmletors , uS ( Sifie Htteut , St t.otikMo. - 'II have smihti ttr .ttley iror's'ltal 1tetoratI % , of years. iit'ry ( 'il.t.omiier speake highly of It. I tumb.'at.atiigl eumlor'io It am. a renc'ly of true merit , "C. F. tioop'iu , flrugglet. ni'i % , , 1 151,3 VIM.lioP.enili ) -TUll tLILD POWER OUflEJ.- UMPh1EYS' tOMEOPATUIC 1 SPECgFCSA In tms , 3 I ) elr.-r.aeli mntmnlirr tim e lawini Ire'- cerlitlimi of nfl IllIllielit llIlYe tin- I ii. ' u'lr ' IItueimie. P , Iii nmt i'iu re . ( ci 11(5 rur thu p o In us ? m'muiscmian sos. cumlis. I V" or. , ( 'angeetlon , iimtlamntlotm. 2. W'Oi lii I'ovcr.eruml , clue. . . : u. x ( , mhIc , or 'Ie'ethIIiil lit lIitiiti , , Z'm 'I , IInrrlica of ( imlitiren or . , iuIts , , , . , . 2 % lb It t'.elmn , C , ( lriplimg , III Illoii ' nih' , . . f ( I. ( Iuoi'a tlwbm , . , ' . . oumiltimig. . . . . . . 7. Cull. lirmmmciiltis . . . . . . . . . . . . . k eur. ; , I iii . , 1'iollimieh , ' I , ice'ucli e' . . , , . , 9 , lina Jnciit'p , li.L liumimiacimiw , \ mu ulgi , .ui I II. I 'a'.pn'aln , l'ii.loimee ttoumie'I.2. I I . WI.ircss'i or l'nlttfiil 12. % % iihInq , (00 i'rmmim , , , I't'rItf . . . . . . I ( . ( : releu , . Cough , llflmc'iilt ltre'lhiiuut..2 a I .8 . 4i , I I II iue'eeuii , IrysIwlns , Em ii , ( Iomm , .2 I hi , Illiemimitalli' , , , ilimioteimatlo 1'Iioe. , . . ,2 1 o. i , or , , tmit Acm , , ' . ( lull , Fever , % gtmcme .51) I 7 l'hle , . Iliumlel ur Illet'dlng , , , , . . , . , , , , % I ) I 9 , 0 'nI a mmii ecumu Or ciiioIiIc ; I lmfiIeiiz.'t liD li II , % VuioeiiIia ( 'i'd o1 , vIiPnt eomighi. . , sum 2 1 , SiruunrijI n-Idhltv , l'iiyMcal Se..umIio"eAuI 27 . Itlitnoy ilt.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , % vrioui' , Im.IIlIt . . . . . . . . . .I III ) : cO. LI I un ri' " ' " I ( meal. Vl tu lmg I lie bed .51) 32. Ii.n'e , ' of lime lIer , i'iuii'iauiiii. 1H ) 1'.oliI by tlruggl.te. or e't'UC tmy tIme COon Or sin. inc VIiI , freec or ullirRe' on roceipt. o Price. s'iliu fIr tSr , I flume ulirt. ie 11,1,111 CI ? ) II,05.ri , t 0. ( Ill Is , . I e litel rmiueit , 1iIui l'cltee Fit I II. AtOll' , , . , , II ' , I''Irn' , lllIll.i'llfln ! % ltd. I. , . . ' - . . . . . . T' . . , 'i . , . York. heretic. * FIIii. r-mi.lcTIto : voLttic IIr.T.T , sail otiu'r ltJirvun I j .ii'i't.u . 'wi : . . We vIII rind oil ThIrty hays' TrIal , TI ) lIEN , YOUNl ( Oil 01.1) , who am siimter1n Imimi Nrlmvou4 Ir.1ilmry , l.n'e ? % 'ITAUry. and 111.0.1 , ii.tiupo' , of a i'rmmoi , Nar'iis re-imitlmne fromi , AmiI'bil alul 01111111 ( la1'I'S. Speedy relIef and rein ietoi rrtoratlnn to iIeii.Tmt. ' ! aon cmiii Msmioon hUAIUNTIWD. Send atoimooorillcatmtedl'amnpliiol free. iuldrems V.OLTAIG BELT Co. , I1AR1IM11 , IICIL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 "Vedo.terby , cerfy fiat w010pervias the ci ra7ijepeflta ( or all the' Monthly amId .t'euns.Annu Drawiu.js of the LomrWana State Lottery C0flpaflh t4t ( ii er1oi ,1000mle amiml control the Damcie heiMetrO3 , and t/imit Uis same are conducted wmf ) 'omleayfarmiege ( , ulild , n gco'tlfaiM toward all pat It , , niad we aulForize the cunparay to we tlis as tItrate , withfac.itfrnilea of our signatures attached n ts adt'ersjrmuctta ' OOUMIftl0PJ. NPRECEIENTED . &TTIIAOTTON , U Over half a Mllinn Dhmmtributod. Lliisialla tat L ttry oinpally , humiorporatod In 13613 for 211 years by the Iegtalatui f r eiimieatlonal anit charlt..liu , ) ) iiip'(4-WIth a ca Sal of $1,000,000-to whIch a cessna fund of ne' i h5w,000 ha'm atieco 1)01111 abfd. . By an ovumahemiimlng ! P01'11lr nto it , ! frrmnhl. , .i.8 m4n a jiart of Limo prcermt state cammatitubtt' .doptcd IocenubOr Ids , I ) , 1879. its grand r.iumgle numuibor dras'ings tak. ilaco monthly. it loner eCale4 or 1.et1iic& Look at the fimhiow' leg distrltmtlomm : 163cl ( rarul ? il'ontluly ANI ) 'riii ; EXtFaaFi1ill1rV e1lli-Aflllh11 Bravin A'i N1W ofilSTuil : Y. hi'ChhI wsu : is , 'st. 1flier the mere nil superilaiun allil uilaliegenlent 0' ' Gemi. 0. "F. ] 3l'AU1tEGA1U ) , of Louis 15115 , and ( Jeit. JIJI3AL A. EARLY , of Virginia. Capithi Prize , $150,000. 7"NotIeoTickets arc Tan Ilollmars only , Ilalvue' , el , FIfths , II. Tcitlis , $ i. h.m'r OF l'ILIZEH. I fMI'I'FAl. l1illZE ( II' $ ! AtQ0 . . . . lt0.O0 1 GRANt ) PltlZl OV lijuoo , . . I OIL4l ) i'itiZIi ( fl' 20,000 . . . , 2 I.A'tiP l'IIIZES 01' 10,000 , , , , 2,00 ( 4 LAItOL PiIlZ4 OF 5.000 , , . , 20,00 ( 20 L'ithi.IQI OF 1,00.0 . , . , 20,00 ( 10 " aoo . . , . 100 " boo . , . , 80Q0 200 " 200 , , . , 4o,00 ( 000 " 100 . . . . eoO0 1010 " to . . . Am'i'ROlMA'flo PIIIZ1 $ . 100 AhiiiroxitIo11 i'riuun of $200 . . . . 20.00u 300 ' " l& ) . . . , lonl 100 " " lb. . . , I'rIzesAmounttiJg to ApplicatIon for ratiis to ciuba should ba made eel : at the offloc of thu Company fri New Orleans. Yor further fnfrrmatlomi write clearly gIving tul , ,4dresis. Make I' . 0 , Motley Oder pajabiv sni aUlroesu 1te'glsfrrud Letters to 1w O1LLY.ANS NAThONAL flANK New Omleens , La Postal Notes arid orlinary by Mall or Ia proc. ( all sulug OS jti &isl iupwiriLu by JCxiiress at on' ' uxhus ) to if A. DAUPhIN or M. A. DAUPIIh1I iow Orloarle , L. uid Ravoith St. , Wsi.iilzmurtniu ri. s , LOUIS PAPBR VAREllOllB. Graham Paper CO. : h17 md 215 North MaIn St. , St. Louis. WJiOLI18ALI 1)l'.ALEIW IN 1(00K , ) _ ( WIIIT1IUI NKWU , J , ( % YIIAI'l'fl'i ( ENYiLoI'i2 , CARt ) ROAIID A ND PRINTERS' STOCK t t'aehpaII ornag.anJ l'spe StockScMetuulnit DUFREME & MENDELSSOHN , &RCHITE -zuri ovi rANA'I1OA : .rLD THE NECESSITY FOR THE PEOIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , hfealong bean acbno'siedel nd more so at this eta than any uthey. The ra.1 fbI I of unilkal scionte I , evar Increasing , aol 114 tiii0CTOil bmticiis are brought nearer anti nearer to Iwrfetlnn , alm no one milan can any Ia Iger grmap Iliemim al ITsne'o the nec' ) ' for tuiiluncuho lalor , Anti It I true hoyocl , all doUbt thattli.eee , aflecting the gm to-miminary orgaims uiesit sli"cl ( I study more that , any hIn 1eo , If we evoull underet..unl ammil luiow how real thema hIroIwrlx. lilt. II. lYoNmit Is fatly aware that there are nlkny ph3 sIdan. , and porno seiislllo uCoile , " hii ichll OiOuIifeIflt , hIIm for mnailtig thk elas of char a.e ft ie cialty , lie Is 1maiy to kio , ' that wIth most i.r Sons , f reflurnient anti IlItellIgenco a mu .rc etilfghiter , tl view is t.ken of the cubist , anti that the lii sic an ivio , eI.ivotes leiuimseif to relisi Inc the ! IlIete'ul anti sviiig them from worse thaim , Ieatim , Is no lens a ; ihiI anthritlist , itai bemiefaetoe' to lila race luau thu MIt gron or lbsiciai , i'imo by eloim apulic'atltt , cccis Ii shy other tranelt of hIs Irnfesom , . Aumil fortuiiatcl or hnumiiftv , the ( iSy Ii ilawtilieg e bmtmm the false "n amithirolihy that oonIaunod thu itetlmns of folly e.i crime , hue the lepers tiiiIe time , Jo.tsl , law , to , lb uuicaroit for hIM h'wcI away. A Few Reasons 'hy 3'flhl shoulil try the celebrated Dr , It. Wagn.r'i enethoiie of ciun : 1. "Dr. 11. % Vagner is a ntumaI iihslIai , . " 0. S. I' , 't-hio Oratcst Ii' . lag I'hrrimologit. "Fur comm exevlyou a. mu elector. " IlL J , The World' , ( Ircateet l'hyslogiiommilaL . "Voit are wetimilerfullly htrofldelit In your knowl edge of dis'asi aim ! medicines. " Pa. .3. Msn'mica's. 4. "Tfe aflllcteil timid ready relict In sour lees t'licO. " hIs. .1 , 31(0.03. 5. "lIe , If. Wnmcr Is mu rogulor grmi.imudo from Ik'llcvuu liOoiiIiitl , ov Work city ; lee hail v , ry cx fcilrho imoplIai practice , amid Iii thoroughly l'tCil 00 all brama'he'e of hits tc1o ci sekomee , especially on miiromic mlle.ea.c , " 1)ss. llrowNatL 'a iwisa. 8. "hr. II. tS'acmmor ias Imimimiorlalhmed iilzmmeu'if hi hi'e isomilerfiI , iliocoiory of epct'IIio remmieeIice for un' ' mite muid I'O.lmfli .ii'i.a.'us.-'Irgiuila Cii ) ' Chronicle. 7. Tlmniis.thii of Invalid. tUck to so , , ) 'iumm.-fan rramueleco Ciromlicie. ii , "The hxtors long esperienco as ft sieciallol .hintl.t rcmmIcn hmimim very .iiecewsiml"itocky ! % ioumn. Imitim Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ommo time a uhisussIomi of the secret vice was cmi tiruly ci by thin 1ncfa'jlI. aimd lmmeIfeiut works el hut is fcii' ycaro an s dill hiarIl v umietiliomm IL. 'Ic-day the illi , iiriami 1' f a elilicremit iiilimloi , ; ho I , an ae that IL I. ) mm , ltmty-.tlemegrmehlo though II miimI le' , Lu habib I hIs muSt ter lIlt hinit glimi us amid .1o'ok 1mliily about It . ' muitl littefhlgumit hsruilt. ammo gimanhiamis will thliulk Idle for , lohmig si ) . 1 lu u'osults mitleiuillmii thi eit.tuct ho i Ice ciero for rimerly hut imii1t'ratiwi , or tilt l'ro1url tistimnittoil : , , iiti Ill , blipie 14111CC l'eiiic attzelcl , to ii , oml'jt.u't hieji lo It limiter , , tIne. not 1mm vile cl'u liii estlgmutiomi , it. ias . % lllllIly Iitii'retl. 'limo ii1lt ts generally cimltraetel teY 1110 301111 u'iili ) , ausmiulbIg s'hol' olier r'ommiimuilou , , timm'omlg their 0.aliil'It. , limay liii tosl'iiisiflo ) fur It , or It Ills ) ' I. ' ice 11111 t'I Iliromiglu aci'llcmmt , 1110 ( 'ctteuIellt mice c I.e I limici.i , tIm , , Iractlco II lii lie , cieatei agmilim all , egalie , ( Ill I II mat iat limo habit liecomimes flrmiu mitmil come 1.letl' I'iIe'ai 5.1 tIme i Ictlmn. ii duAl thu 11(1 VOIlS Cf iicIIimis mIte tmeim.ulhi' them i' Imniry u i'simlts cf stlf'iiliiiso \uiioiig I lm Injimrliiu. effect a lila ) be lmIeIitlOlIeih ia.l I tile , ileje'tlpi ci' irma lttIity of timmlit'r nnf general .lchillty. . 'rho lnv , , ae'1q st'cIii'4omi , iuimf rarely jiii , , ( ml limo sports of mf' eimnuiiiomi. . if lIe lie ii young enall he it tii i.e little finmimil in comni nny i , Ithi time othiom 'C1. , Cmlii ii triuhlt'I a ilk Ct'UtMILii smith aiiiiieytmig taiIifmilmmta4 Iii their i esemico. Lnscii hums , treamne , emimleedimi ammil cniitloime on the face , eta. , are I rolIlilicIlt , _ lmilt tommie. if time irnctim'o Is violeiitiy icrietel lii , niece si'nious iktumnl.aiict's mIte Ilaco. ( Imoit iaiumiUticml of time Im art , or cilkitlIc ciutviils.'ort , Rio cxjerIt'imcud , , amid I li , ) stmCercr immay full kite ma cilmimlilelo e'tnto of lilhicy be. fii n , IlimnUy , ilisithi nelici ci. liimi. 'I'm ) all thin-u vimgagl iii hits elamigereni. , practrc'o , I 'voumil say , lint 'if all , sthi It. mit em u ; ualmu uvur , , 'smifla e.ffrt , to .1 , , miii ; liimt U ) uilm fall , If your mien tills 53 temmi Is iilremulv ' to , uimtmch. phattcr'll , aimil eloise iiilt'lmtlS , 3 litIr . or hrkemi , ttko simile meri e I , , iile tie mild , i ( t * lie our elYort. I lavlmig fru'o.i yourself. froim , the habit , I ii cemlil fun tier cuilM'l , ) Ott to go C hit ommgh mm lecumliur ceimirse of treat lmicimt , for It I , a great imletake Li' , uppoe'o that nmiy ommo nuuy , fur smmo tiimmu , lie t every au hIm , glu u llmucolf imp to title faiclImatlIle limit tl.tiigenini'i oxclteimmemit without autIsm lug froitI its ill II ceimlhe4ttmeim' , . at hoimlo future tUne. l lie ulunmoct of i'nuumr mccli iu Immi are htlctupitcll d to fill I lie ulutie emijuimieti by o cdii ek is mularnmlmigly iar'e , amid iii miltie't of such autos limit. tmmmf.rtummato coiilitl'oii , (1 thtimgs can fe teat-el ti ) time hrarticu 'if etelf.mmhtmo , olileli hail loom , uiamiiormet , 3'nar , ago. I imulocil , a few Inliltims' iractlco of tltia liahtt i' iiullleiuuit Li ) intluice siicrimmmltsm-zhima I later earemimmtt I immuac ixmaml' of such cam us wider t.rcat muomIt at the lmLeOellt day. . Young Mei Who may lie tsmfferiimg from the cflects of yonthfui ( itlika , er IiitllscrrUoiieewhhl dii ucll tuMult llmeuucmluc , if this , tile greatest hicomi ci or fall at the altar of stif' fonirig iiummiatilty. 1)5 , IYAUSCII v1hI guarantee to for' felt taCit ) for us cry onju of suimibmal uucnlmica or disease of nimy hind ani cimariocturwiirii ) he under. take' tomumid Iallto cure. MiddleAged Men. 'nero are maims' at time agei of 30 to 110 who are trojbled uaitlm tmx , freitimeilt uvmIcumat.Iomla of the bind mier , oft.eim aceommmtamuied l' mu ilight e.imartiimg , 'in hmuru tag s.rlimithirl amiti a lu oIkemmllg , of ( ho systexmu 1mm s lnIuumlsr the fmiticnt camomot micc'uimt br , On oxmmnfmm' , ir.g time unitary , ielioHlb , a ruiy sidimimetit will often be found , amId , , , , mnetiimmc. inijill iurtlulea cit iIIummlmeuu V. lii iii har , hr thin cilir s Ill li of timbu hulk hill him , again cimniiglmmg to a .larI muid tiipIiI , auIt'arama'o. , There are nlatmy mmicimy Ilium , uvliie tile of tfils , llllktilty , lglmormmllt of thu CiumiMe , mu hiTch is thu e'vemid , , thgu if semmilimal.o cak. cmos. lr iV. uiiil gumaramitee mu i erfect. cure Iii all cases cud a iicmiithmy resterathim , of limo gemtlto.urlmmary or' galie. ComisultatIoii free. Thorough qaaimmlnatlou amid ad Vice , V. All eoniirmtuuicatloimo ei'imild lu add ro.rci , , Dr. Ifoiir usury Vagiwr , I' . 0. 22i9 , lhmzlvumr , Clomtdo , , 'File Young 3Itui l'oeket Cmmmi'smilom , , , hy tIn. ii tS'agnuc , ii i'rthi ' It , uuelgfit Iii golti to young cmlii i'rice dl , . Heilt by umuijl to nisy mumidrueme. Let Your Light Shine , Pr. Warner ftklrat.msl specialIst of Ioimvrr , Otlo. , 043 h4urimmt'r , 'tnuct , Ieliuues Ill letttimg fhuourid kim tiw fist , he ecu mill , aijel Is , httlimg for thmuisiumml , of tile teliowimicii. I ii , treatmoemet fir bat mnm.illllol Is ( Ire t.iu a iii hilmmi a imIlilu tllst ltatomrlty " 1 ldecii. 'rem , hmiummamiI tcstiimuimelmdi trummm all over time Ihuiltoil States cciii tiutwu ftu lies cured , Ic ' , IlMitlee that itodous One thio acrid cases of those dliasee. , 'Ihie aflllcted ruin curIum mlli eoiiimii dloan'a of every kinmi us Ill miii hhmi their lust frlciet. IletoI lilt mulvertlsuimmemit I : , all our city lairsmuild taIl ole himmi fir wlvlcc , as w know 'iu sill curnobrmitu moe iii smulllg lie Ii , Liii but loner' . true frleimd.-itoeky Moumirairm Nowa Relief to the Afflicted. In aieuitencs , Ci , til semomicu , the s'ociaImsto are till ( 'tie ' , uhoatwas enminit tO tlie front amid mu' ( miilliisi great results. 'lll remark Is et'e'cit.liy aphilleafilo te to llr , II. Waglier , of Llil u'lty. lie eitamll3 , mit tlmo 101 of li's peoksalomi , ruiil thu cures Ime iitrtuirrrms for Lime uiifC Ntif'i.tAJ WolilI SCCIII uculiderfimi if lInt limPer1 ; it is eu ill the light itt uedenUflc uniuiremimelmts. 110 (1 ( I aidulseil by thu iinmt ClflhilCilt Of thu mijoilkal faculty lIt. offIce at SEI Larmunir strCet , whemi em lie s Ill apoidi hmy elticta cure for fun suffering of eitht'r , cx , 510 moat. Len bow rcummillcaIoii Ihulr c.iilmImdmit.-i'omneroys Democrat. Chronic Complaints' Require Time for a Cure , h'erbOilS ate IIItamiOo alit ) wish lobe treated by tlr Wm.gller juecil imot fuel b't'kward bios.uso of hrmahililt to visit lilimu , if they 5(111 iS to liii doctor lie wi s.miil ( a lIst of ehtmatloliS is' umsImle's bimrm to beil mnelkiuos , : , tuuuaei amid to thousammd lIe him ( lover 1.4,00. , lIe has i' hI Civ ? ) ' dl ) ' , tush amid I statIon Ill Colorwlo sell ate alleivor tile Uiiitemm 31.1115. 14(0 ids at Ibis r.olvertlsomnsut.-Ihi , us , 'ribuue. Shall We Reform ? SiucStl0 nemameefiuie for silidmimoaros is time theory iractice mit IteseIlt of CllImCiita'd amid eslierlemloc ; hyslelmmzms amid Iii all large communIties they hiai their t1idm4tk.e , Li ) excel Ill uhicil they dined thel e'tUlllIle VJIU jiractlce , ir , % Yagnur is a succcaifui U immtratloml of I his Imrndrzm mchiuel of alsicialtlule. e.Iml Iii unpre2eeleIltumi success In the trcmm.iriunt of umnlv.t diseases is as wemiderful as It Is tlatt.eniimg.-Prof. .1 ' SInmuute. 'hiimie i'nIomis isho need immedhirul rhlef for time nios elellcnte of etIsow Whlhtimlil lill 5cc0inplllmed amId smut cesufuil lilYCl'liiu 1mm thu ieraim of Pr. % Vagmicr. No his liuluuersrcet , alIo Is imighuly rtvonumimcnifed b'th nuotllcal iulfesslrrm let hmoimie bid at'ord.l'einleroy' , liemimocrat. ihigotry mural Iplormulou Inust ( .liO 55) ' t I ) slsdonl util , I ho wire i.hiylt-Ja.ii h'eUo ; ( ' 11 In felting lii Ilglut ) illilu for time glory of iuU fchlow 1)1011 , i'rfnter - hi,1 , ( S thu Lone'h , hue lao butt uo to , giull. ' tlu wear amid elek one tl thio fOlmIltallI of hicmmhthi if thIs azLIcl .hiuld , lie fiatrimmuiemital as ii " ' 101101 I Ide . liT" mm oil a bill to gulilo suiti ring hiumnaility teStS I.amlmuc atruit , IieiIm'ee.'r , ( .iiora4o , It mmiii s1mevr the uurpos 2 for ehkh It umas irIttelu , Alliirei.i Dfl. IIENI4Y WAOUEB , I' . 0. box SIhO , or call at 013 harlmner htrrat Ikiuior. 0)10. . jlrhI'dibe ( ( 'ulucium hioa1o4 "The Nu.'essity , fl .i'uaJJ - CHLAPEi Lots IN TUE CITY OF ' 1 c 1t II ' ( \t-&ry handy to U. P. Shops , I'ost. ollice , etc. ) . FOR SALE. -IN- COLLEGE PLCE * it ( New addlt'lOfl of 3't lots. PROSPOT PLACE , ( Only ti8 Ls remaining unsold. ) : TOWJS' F11ST & SECOND ADDITTONJ3 I ( Nearly nil sold iti tiheSo 3 additions. ) -AND- Shinn's ' Third" Addition , ± (8 ( Beautiful I4ots left. ) On the Iollovdng StrcQts : -OAI4TFOILN [ A- -flU R'I'- clMING : , , -MAiD- . ' I ( 1 I OLAS- ' OALDWELJ , - -PAUl4- , -uAr4ToN- ( - , - . CIIAItLES , , - SEV tI1D. ' FFtANIClIN,1 - . S. ; ' DEOAVPUR , t' : -PA II IcE Ii.- . -BI4ONDO- ' ANDON _ _ ' ) ( ILI , IItI1 iii . -31st , 32d , 33t1- 34th , :35t1 : viitl 3flth ' I -Strcol i'- ' . ALL hNSIDE CiTY LIMITS-nnAtrrwuLLY LO. TED. STREET tAWS \V'ill run otit Cumilhg Srcet , ar1y Next Spring LO [ VIIE [ llDTI1E IIESERVIIffl1 -AND TIlE- BELT RAIL ROAD ! I IWlll be runmmhmmg iiext year wIthin ahloek or two ci thou lubt. All located witfilu thu minutes walk ut MUTARYBRIDCE AND TilE WIThIN TAIILfl 0 ? TIlE Red Street Car Line , On Nauni'r Street , nn'l all 51111111 flit ) Odilutle walk of the f2,001J , SJUOQL HOUSE. Cmi Ieiaocro ) anti KIrug streets , In l'rkcr'ee addi. . j. 11011. ] 'rice. : 0 $16O UPWARDS. Only 5 per Cent down anti f ye cent ; per nionth. rIouitlt' , Lola im1 all other kinds ci Iteal Eatato tel pale In simy 1(11(1 every hicattomm in and about Omumaha. NEV MAPS OF OMAH $ IOEACH. OAJ4L AND GET Plats andFu11 Paticulara ' BEIflIS Real Estate Office , I FIFTEENTH & DOUGLAS 8Th. - ' - - , , . ' er