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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1883)
. . , 'Y.\ ' ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . ' . . . ' I I I'LENTI-I YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 27 , 1883. NO. 139. : RTIHED BY RQULST. - Cc1ra1in 1h Clltnal of Nc . : York's ' Bc1icruoo Prom En- lisli Power , The UrcatMotropolis Lays Aside all Cares and Honors the . Event. ' Mi1os of Pooosion Roproonting : the PNgrosB ofOno Hundred - : dred Years , A Grand Statute of Washington Unveilel on the Stops of the Sub-Trcaury Building. 4'- ' - : . : Ti'110 .tittIvcw t' Vrt8it1enL ilrtliui'- SI1) Alit ! IflI(1Cfltl4. . I. YORK , Novcinbor io the ono liundrodth iuniiversary of the Evaeuaton Now York by the British 1 tnd tim nest extensive propnration , a already antiouiicod , had hOeti niado for 1 ' its ccleb'ratkrn. ' A sioossfu1 tETort wa IrnulO by all l1t43tll whistlcn in the bay and on the ivora to crcate the most disagreeable noise imagiuablo , titus eiiiphasiziug the wonderful difThronco 1 .etwoen , navigation in 1758.aiidi88. A 9 ( .ClOCk people . . took possession of the streetii and eiory . ueanf3.fconvoyanco leading down tovn. They filled cars , onmibuses 8nd still the sidewalks of 'fourth , fifth , and sixfii aye- : uuea .and. Broadway , presented a dense maosof 'humanity. ' The doorations were i . elaborate on publio.buildins and'chib- houses , butrosidents in dwelling houses contented themselves with a display of the sttrs and stripeu. Occasional- .ly the colors of France hand Goriui.ny mingled with tim rod white ' and blue. All places of business wore closed , anti the entire populatloui of Man- luuttanand Long Island have given them. sovcs upto the enjoyment of this patri. otie occasion. Points of hiutorie interest wore surrounded by crowds uixious to recall the scenes of the day when the BritislL withdrew front American shores , .and independence was really made secure. President Arthur , and Goveenor Clove. . land auit staiF are at the Fifth Avenue liotei. Other dignitaries foruit other places are also present. Included among them are the governors of .12 of . . ! tlle original 13 states. Tue display of the _ a 'military puomisoa to be fine. 1'1jveather this morning WM threat. eniisd , a 1)0110UflCOd rain soon (10. - , 'volos that increased as the day worn on I ' . . .Only he more courageous mon and wo. rne4I retained j.laces upon the ieviowing t .nt&nds , and those romainiugstood up , uulpmtected themselves a& well asthey ould with umbrellas. People on roofs t whence they oxpeoted to obtain a good : view of the parade as welt on sea as on 5 4 khoro , quickly bought the sbclter of chini. i ( UOyB or wont below. 'l'ho streets , however - ever , remained crowded. Broadway.was I .a-sea of umbrollas. The buntiuug.cluiug ; . . tothe flagstafFs and the walls of the . houe8 , and the brightness o t1iomorn. iu1 soon dissappearod. T1te fog oui the bay and rh'ors deprived the tl'tilta of ateaun-veesols ofmuch of its .cxpccted gloiy. k was a novel parade to New York and it attrnctedagroat deal ef ob3ervation. The prograunuuic laid down for it by Admiral John.JL. ttarin was strictly adhered to. 1Joat to the : number of several hundred rendezvoused in the bay formed in clivisionsand Hteam. . (3d.ifltO uirtli river nod aleng the New . .Jcruoy shore till OllOitO aixty 111th street Now York , thence ye- turning down the ew 'urk aide of tim river nrund the battery and in . .East river , stualning then as far ui the nuvyynrl antI returning Brook- Jyn .shore I. . , tito atartiiu point at Bay eltidgo. As the boat bearing the Admi- r ral of the fleet passed the Tennessee , the f .iiagship of Admiral Cooper , several ships of thurnitcd Statesfired a salute of L I * .guuus , maniied their yards anducado other .uliumonetrations customary upon such cc. .caaioim. At uioon every .thauiu whistle , in the city began a salute , which wan en- broken for live miiiutes tune , .during which it was to lust. r Notwithstauiding the miii all details of the , Fvacuatioii Day celubrtioui wore fully carried out. About 9 a. in. iPresi- dent Arthur. aCCflfllpauIiet by Ex.Prei- - dentGrant nad General \rariuum left the Fifth Avenue hotel for the point whore the2hoad'of the colunmwas being fernied. There tioy took their pieces in the S , It 10 o'clock before . yiui nearly . . . , . ' - ' the line was put in motion. Tizo police / had great dithicuLty in clearing a passage. After the poli caine General John Cochran , grand marshal , and stafF , ac- by the first troop of Philadol- phiia city cavalry. under conimind of Brigadior.Concral J. 13. Oyubb. The liratdiwjaion was c.cnimanded by Brevet Brigadicr'Conornl Uchard 11. Jackson , the fifth Unitcd Ltes troops , acting as escoft tO the distiuip&isIied guests , follow- lug zu carriages. ttwsidont . .rtIiur ad the cabinet ofli- oeri wore in the tirat carriages , followed by the governors of states , mayors and older civic otlicera , otlicera of the army and navy , delogatione of mercantile bodies - dies of ( lila and other cities. Grand Army . officers eamo next , fohlowcd by associa- timis of the volunteer tire deprtincnt of thu present and IlLBt , aUl lucre civic so- cieties. The head of thocouinuu reached the battery at 12i0 : p. in. When l'resi. dent Arthur nrrived at the battery stand lie was assigned a place thicro with the governors of states , and ievimved the 3'rocoaion ' , TJIC WANIUITO ( WtATU ) . Niv : YoRK , .Nounlber 20The un / veiling of the statue of ( ieorge W'aah. 1nton on the 5t431)a ) ( J the treasury was 4. 1 attended by a brilliant ermpauuy , iticlud. ! ' iug the vresileltt of thuti United Satcs , ( iuuenulwrs of his cabinct , the mayors of York autti BroIklyui , Ihtil op I'otte- , , 11ev. Dr. Storrd C.llector ltibert.ori nod Vm. ! . EvJrts. ( ItorgeV. . Lane , juresident the chamber of commerce , peuiel the C48CIIJIiCS ) ( ) with a brief ad tlro , speaking of the asoclatioiis con- nectcl with thu apot. 11ev. Dr. Storra iuaubu a short prayer , after which Royal J'luulps , On behalf of the statue commit. too of the chamber of cointnerce , pro- pouted hui zeport to PreBillont LaIC. thir , l'yeland ' then unveiled the statue , L - _ - ' : - _ _ _ _ ' an ( , . . I "bsided , 1'rt 11 Lunibut.t Pt Ar. titer and paid timt . p. . . J Of the chamber of commerce tim Pleasa1t duty dv-olvcd on bite of tu udering through Prcsidcuit. Arthur , to the governmo t of the United States , the custody of this statue \Vashington7 erected by the cit- lEens of Now Yoik , in pursuance to an act of congress , to commemorate his tak hug the oath of olhice on thin ap4 as the firit president , President Arthur , lii to- plying , said : "Mit. Pitasinsr in Vni.tow Ciri- ZENS-It : is tiLting that other lips thiaii 2111110 should give voice to the seuitinieuit of Pride and pleasure which this ( ) CC.5lOt cannot fail to inspire in every breast. To myself has becit itssigiied but a slight pitrt in the day's service , and I shalt not exceed it3 becoming limits. 1 have come to this historic spot1 where the first prosi. dent of the republic took the oath to Preserve and defend thu constitution , simply to accept in behalf of the govern- meat. this tribute to his memory. Long may tue noble statute you have hero set up stand where you have placed it ; a nuounment alike to your generosity and public spirit , and to the wisdom and virtue and geniui of the immortal Wash. inglon. " The chairnan thou iuitrwluced Ci1 Co. \Viu. Curtis as orator of the day. AL the close of Mr. Curtis' oration the vast assemblage - semblago united in singing ' 'praiso Cod from \Vhont all blessings how. " Assist- nut Bishop I'otter pronounced the beuio- diction and the PeOllO weiit. elf to look at the ProcsiO. Thousands of persons witnessed the corcmonicM from the wiiu- dews of adjacent buildings. In the evenitig there were many social gatherings. The Sevenths regiment lucid a grand reception in honor of visiting governors and ataffzs. At the thea- torn national airs were given by the or- chiestras. 2u8 flMtUIiT by Ike chamber of commerce to coin- meunorato the evacuation of the city of New York by the British was given this evening at Dolmonico's. A large number of distinguished guests and prominent merchants were present. President George V. Lane did the honors of the ovoniuig. At lila right sat President Arthur - thur , Coy. liutlor , Joseph II. Chalo , ltev. floury Ward Beceher , Mayor B 1- soil , (1ev. Hamilton , of Maryland , and Gov. I.tatio , of Maine. On his left were Gov Cleveland , lion. George W. Curtis , Coy.Yalter , of Connecticut ; Coy. Halo , of New Hampshire ; Ccv. Murray , of Utah ; Coy Bourno. of 11 I. afl(1 Mayor Low. Among others present were Win. henry Smith , P. 0. Mills , .r. Q. A Ward and Collector 1ob. ertsoui. Ninety odd representatives of Now York families of 1783 dined to-night in Hotel Brunswick to coninuoznornte evacuation - ation day. The dinner was purely social. There was no ) reBidiu1g otMcer and no responses to toasts. The Official Count , : Special Teieram to The Bes. LiNcot , Nov 26,2:3O : p. ni. iteoso 51,877 , Savage 47,108 , with Cus tor to hoar from. Official count for regents gents not complete. - Note.-Custor county duicial , received at this office from W'ihsoa hewitt , c1orl of Custer county , is fl&crn 480 , Savag 305. This givcs Reese a total of 52,807 , ; Savage 4,818. Rouse's mujority , 4,404. 8POUTNG NOTES. run mLLIARI' cnAzuIoi5I1r. Putis , Novoniber 26.-The cham. pionship iuiatch game of bil. lards between Schaefer and Vignaux opened to-night in the proseulco of a large number of spectat'ora. Schaefer 10(1 with .11 ; points , Vigsuaux followed with 8. At the finish of tim play , Schaefer stood 600 , Vignauz 4tB. Tac game . continuous jive nighta-lora ehuke .o 2000 The B. & 0. RoFli t. BALnuone , November ! tL-Thio an nuul : meeting of the stocklioldors of thc Baltimore Ohio itailcoad conulanT was held The fifty-seventh annual report , to September : : o. is , shows the earnings to ho $19,789,000 ; expenses , $11,084,000 ; working esponeca , 115 80 per cent. : showing an incroa4e , a1 cons. purod with 1882 , of 1,3ii5ftG2. ; The profit and. loss stecoutit shows an increase during the past fiscal year of ( Z1,855,821. The surplus fund , which represents iii- vested capital derived from net earning , auid which is not represented by either stock or bosnia , now amounte to e45,763- 470. The following drectcra wore elected : William F. Buruis , itobl. Oar- rott , .Johuii Spear Nichols , .hohu Gregg , M. Taylor , 0. A. Vonhingen , De ezituro JI. Miller , Jolnua ( . lJiu-voy , George W. flobbin , Henry 0. Smiths , Aubrey Pears's , . 1Z4IiIsHii nuund ltut. , . Bo'roN , November 20.-It in stated Governor-elect Itobinson will have something - thing important to say in his inaugural address on the subject of insurance. It wiil reflect paetty sharply upon the yuan- nor in which the department hues beers harried on in tlso past year by the corn- mission. It ; ic understood tine , ntatonsent that tine inaurirnco doprtrssont Iran boon crupt , will be denied , while shutiti the department examinations will be con. tinued and conduictesI nra donsunded by law. It ' .Vreoked Irolglit. Pmni. , November 2G.-st freight train coming east on thi Peoria division of thu Wabush was ditched at Sciota at 12 o'clodlz last night by colliding with a box car which was blowi frouni the side track on the main track. Tim engine was ditched and five cars wt wrecked. It. W. McMihIau , brakeman , was caugliti under the wreck and iutant1y kilcd. Ilrowii , the flroinanwaa au badly injured as to iiecesitato anlputatios2 of his rirhuti leg , .Johxn fcCart , onginneur , was slightly hurt. - 'FIi.i % Var ( ijicuN at 1)es IStolini's. : Iis ] ! orKnw , In. , November 26It seems as thnouilu the railroad toll war frouv Jes ? ifi.ii&es cast is coming right , hrIg. , , 'h'icket4 ore lseint sold to.dav in this city to Chsieagolor 5 straithnt. tickets are isot of the rebate order , and tuiay be lower to-morrow from what can be learned to-niuh't. ' "SkjOtriIv , " 1'i'isl h I ) nul. CttgoAao , Nuvcsuber 21i.-Thsu Jour- naPs Battle Ci'eol , Mich. , special says "Sojoursos " Trolls , tIne colorcd locturs r and sibyl , dhsl there this morilng , , aged 1011 ycar. I A SAFE ULAST. Btl1c Cro , Awakdllell y Thorouhrctl raeksffidll. A Safe Blown to Pieces and Thir- ty-aight Dollars ill Oash Scoured , A Bloody Pitohod Battle Between the Workmen of Rival Oom- panics Near Pittsburg. Fins-thor 1'ni'LIctilni's iii' tlu' 1at'sutula ituttIuet'y-'an'Iciuts Oilier Cn'lusut' ' . Corra'iondeneo of Tim BssL BATTIJ CItESK , Nob. , Nov. 20-Our little burgh was enlivened by a "safe blowing" on the nit'ht of the 21st. The ollice of our lumber morchmust , L. B. ilaker , stands some fifteen or twenty rods from hits rcsidonc , ausd has a small ISIOBlor , s : ; ] 3ahuiwuiu safe , used our ! ) ' for safe keeping of books , and the office change is usually kept in the box over night. The burglars effected an entrance by prying up it hack window in tIre of- flee. They roinoved the sto'u from in front of the safe and drilled a hole through the top of it so that the powder would liii into the book chp.uibors. From the violeisco of the oXp"iiis the chamber with the books in it tu have beoti frill A , fuse foundosi the promises shiowu that the parties fired it fronts the back window. The inafo door was thrown across the rmnn and the book arnl wood work set on fire , which had boeni ox. tiisguished by tine burglars. They their rifled the safe , strewing valuable papero over tIne floor , aund appropriating - propriating the money , $38 in change , as a reward for their service. The safe is r compieto wreck , and tine books aind PaPers badly damaged. Tue actors , beyond a doubt , was a gambler by tire inauuie of scott , who was following tine Anglo-American circus last fail , aniti of late has beau working sip small towns in northern Nebraska. Ho is acconnpanied by a strumpet claiming to be his wife. LI is forts are tine $10 box trick , and also awLueo1 of'fortune or cone with prizes from 2 to $100 , and all the priarn above sr. . secured from wiirnhsg by nails drivcui over these. One of his , iala is knowni as Jill1 3ohuaon , alias Batcr , vauitcd in bit county , Nob. , for horse stealing , and. in Kansas for murder. One or two other suspicious parties have boost with them , 'whe are unknown. The gambler , Scott , had made overtures to afarmer or ranchman , to go in with 1dm and entice a grocer of this place to a dsrnco in the coimtry and then go through his safe. Thmo ctrocivo work of the vigllantor . 'in ' 'bit and Sioux counties has driven a few- toughs 'and suspicloud' ' char tors into tints county amid an organization in I buixig affected to give ascii gentry a no : tire to quit or take the 'consequences. t 'Other consunuiuitca will please take warning and if such characters put in ems appearance "entertain their. " COxAP. - CItIMLN.Ui RECCltI ) . A LiVxiX "s'Az i : . " LacoilA , November 2tL-A considerable - : ble fracas occurred at Ituddy's honie last I evening. Time Irish iii town wanted a "wake , " 'which caused a row betwoesn L thtemayid those in charge cf the bodies. , They were tinselly driven from the 1limnse bytho ollicci's. : TJtI LACO1A uuscuin. : I't.VMOUTI , N. II. , Noveusber 26- Thomas Salmon , tins Laconia murderer , , vass taken tuneru on the train heaving Inert , S at.8 o'clock this morning its charge of olilcers. i large crors'd svitnossed the dqparturu. No detuomsatrustiotna. Mamny followed. the party 'tu Lacomniur out of curiosity. Thu prisoner slept soundly nfl night in a roont in the hotel closely guarded by offices. Ho ate a hearty supper mud hreakfaat ismid appears very self-possessed. LAcorA , Novormnber 2L-Clalmon ( , tine alleged murderer , arrived liens nmnl ( was takeim to tine county jail. fri tine coroyn- cr'.M inquest this insormning Dr. Faster tens- . titled to making am oxamitzatiomn of tine body of Mrs. Ford , carried to the Ruddy house iii a trunk. It was probable also caine to her death by a heavy body fall- lilt : ' mijmu her. Knife woundsons the logs wore doneafter ticaths. John 'C. Ford , hurbaund of time murdered wenian , wino wasarrcsted nmn suspicion , was jsreaunnt at tine meaning and volumitasily tosti. lied. lie was itpiiarouitlv unconicermied. JnALOUSV ANts 151.000. CJsoAoo , I Ii. , November 2c.-John Schmidt , a German : ; o years old , in easy circunnatances , inn a rage of jealousy , this afternoon , shot his wife and then killed himself. TIm womnuin ins still liu'iiag , but her recovery is doubtful. t , aooDY FruitY OP WOIKMImN. 1'lDISiuJua , Noveniber 2tJ.-ktelli. ganco was received to-night of a bloody riot at tine natural gas well , Murrays- yule , Vcnrttnorelatsd county , 40 miles cast of Pitt.thurg , hotumen the laborers of the rival gas ann fuai comnhlanies , to. suiting sin the death of octu annum atsd so- sbus injury.of four uithero. 'l'ine burniang well at tlnatipoint is claimed by tine l'emnn. syhrania fuu1.comnmtsy an4 ahio by Mit. tinn Weston , a ( Mnneago capimiist. The Pemneylvirnia fad company hiss heeni in possessiOns. Tlni.s aftornuosi a gang ot 80 much inn the employ of'e4tonn suede their appearaunco armed with ahtinti gums amid clnnhe. 'rho lintomntioms was fun take iioasussiofl of tine well and nrocrty nsumr roundinug. To reach tiso welt they rvuln1 ho obliged Is , remnosu a pile of lumber. 'I'hmo lahortira of the lonnmnsIr'amm FULl company were digging a trench for a pipe. As sonmn as the objeCt of tine inn- vadors ' .SSUS ktiowmn C V. Ilayntaker , a tiietnlsor t4 tine i'unmnssylvnusia Fuel conn. puny , ordered tine muon oat of time treucln. 'I'hoy veru umnaimsicul trust inn order to hold the musher pile art on it its a hoIy. \'estnn's forces nioved forward mend or- sIrtnl the lalmiors cti 'Fine latter iv- fusmi togo and nftrtinrcatcninm deminn. stratiomns time attacking mnarty massed their gmums and fires ! , 'fine assault wits unnmox pcLed and. tint result was filgiutful. \'husmi , time mnrsku cleared away 0. V. hlayminskcr and three otlnurs wore found lying vu the ground. ilaymmsnmker wnt ' - dead amid three others of his patty , whose nmos are riot yet learnied , were seriously , pribrliy , fm.tuhly mmnjured. A accuse of the gu..ost confusion onsaumed. The worknenr : of both partiksengngomt in a p'tchiL battin. A irsirmi imained Relict , who belonged to the \"eston parLy , was reriommsy ! injnirr.J. Sfaniy others were tiightly hurt Thu Weston forecar boning armed flimsily put the Pemrnmsylvniuia forcer to flight truth at last accounts were in 1)osscssioui. The shersiT has booni called ulion fluid detectives ( rein thni city wore dispatched to the cenro , A later dispatch from the scone of the riot says tine trouble oocurrcd thins mactin- ing cml that tine I'oinnsrlvanur fund comir- penny party , lcd by lliuymakur1 WCtO the aggressors. Tine well was hi the imoaos. slum of tine \\'cston forces. Ilaymneker early n the day engaged iii a scutilo whir a worknmurrn iraineit Bower and was co- voroiy boston , lie then collected eighty of in'ms simon , nrrnneL theme with clubs and after assaultiuing and fatally woumuding Kiefornu , Weston's wnclrman'estuit's party opeimed fire with the resi'it as given in the previous dispatch. Ilmryniaker's party fled to Murraysvillo. The shserilr started to tire secure wills a Poise. It is reported nlao that Ilaymakor's brother- mud friomnds organized a ltY and left. for tine well with tine avowed tutmutiont of lrnrving rovensgo at any cost. rue itmo : TiA1N stoninsav. CmnmAr.o , November 20.-A dispmutcin from tine ojl'ncernu of the Santa Fe road says : All the S'nnth : Fe folks lnow about tire Dcnmninng train robbery Is tlnati it use. eurred mrs Inns been stated , Tine engi- nicer amnd express nnousongor were killed , cud tinat tim Somntunorn I'soifnc road inns offired a reward o $2,000 for tine arrest Cf those wino did it , and thnt a compaimy of cavalry inns gone out from Fort Bay- ard , nmnd omne fromn Fort Ournnmnings , in pursuit , with mmtrnsg hopes of overtaking tlneni. flOtEt1O TItAgEnY. Cnnwa'tso , ovennbur 26.Tine News' Muncie ( imid. ) special says : Last Satur. tlay Italpir Scott , aft6r two yearn sejara- tion from his wife , returnied to her mouse nicer Eaton , twelve miles north of lrere. lie inssiatod that she should live with him again. Sine refused. Illo stabbed mar to denrtiun with a knife , thron killed tisoir child and took a dose of morphine fronnu winch he died. CAI'TUILE OF Ki1OP1tYIJiItS. IAvnNIoILr , Ia. , November 26.-'Fiurse Chicago Shiiphiftcrs , Kate 'uVoif , liemmahs itoollo and Caroline Shapp , wore arrested hove They victimized six atoros more and one in Rock island. A trunk and the stolen goods were recovered. ISARK nANImfl , BmninNumrAn , Ale. , November 20.- Hoarnnig of tinreats of lawlessness by iiegroca inn the city , the mayor last might ordered out two nnilitiary ' coinpamnies to protect. tine town. The negroes arc threatening retaliation since the lynnclning of Levis Houston for attemnptiirg outrage of a white lady Thursday night. They charge the janlor wihtizsglisurronderod the ptisonor to the snob Saturday night and thinut they authoritIea neglected to I take any mcasurcso prevent lynching. - 1)artncti4'Jns. I Poser PzutitvOnnt. , NoAomber 20.-A fire last mnigiit destroyed about 50OCO sr'ortih of property in tine center of the towmn. It. comnnsunsied ltuddya motel , aind made a deem sweep of tine north side of Qucemn street. l'hao ilames made snnin headway before discovery ihiati tinoy wore entirely beyond control. A strong south wind prevailed , and the flames , spreading to the south side , saved from destructioni tine rest of tine ( awn. A. large quantity of goods were removed in a damaged comndition. No lives loot. Total losses , $131,000 ; insurance , .5O000. CAIRO , fli , November 20.-A fire at Carboisdalu tints afternoon totally do. strayed the State Nurnuui university at tlnat city. Two fire engines sent from tiers arrived too latetohe of service , anul vcro met trkoni oIl' tine cars. Thu origin cf tine fire is unknown. No his'ea I.isti , Time building wits the fimsost in tine state. SAN FuANeisca , Novomubor 20.-A (1is1atcii fromn Caijemst. , says tine fire mi tine Sununer gold sniining works inn still burning iii time rrpur amsd hundred mend sixty foot levels. As tine tinibers m'ru connbummmel caves iCCttt. It is impossible to say how far tine fire linus progressed or to enutimnato limo danmgu. 'l'he worka nec situated its Koarinvilie , forty miles dis- taint stud cost tinroe.qtm.trtcna to ouso null. hum dollars. Owiing to temnporary cmii. barninnuammienit. of thmo oomn1psuy no nninera Were at work ' The seine iras fornnmtsrly owned by .1'iiimr P. ionca. 'I'hse origin ( Sf tine tire is mnmknowms. No innnarrmumuuo. - - - 1)eiIbL-rurIe.HimIcIle. 1'AitMos , ICa. , Novemmnber 26.-An umn- kuownu boy , ahormt. 18 yaarnu old , called at a inardware store to-day amid asked to oe a revolver. 7lniie oxamimninig it Inc sUp. Jed a cartridge into isime of tire channbsnrs stud iuuminodLuAeiy idiot. ininnisoif In tine bused nummni .ln'oppcd stead. Nothing , ns his ; sorson to identify him , but it. is-said Inc came ( rommn I ilinois and was looking for work. - - A Cltnco * 0 Mako$1O.fflD : , $ ! r. Looms , Novonibor 26.-A dispatch from tine coast says tine Central I'acific railroad company nnd time Wells , Fargo exIrisM company have ofrored in reward of 82.000 for each or either , or L1O,0OO for the whole marty that robbwi tine pta- senner train near homing Friday. It is believed tlmat Jolnmn l'rico , tIne notorious New Mexican desperado Was the chieluf thti , gang _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - Itiillmvny Is smnotfiuim. CIxIcAcin , Nov. 20-C. A. % Vhnualur , It is stated , will succeed .1 D. Layng as general tuupurinttnndenit of time Clnicag ( . d Nortinwesterzi railway , next Sate ada ) ' , 0 , 8. Lyford was to.ciay appointed gems- oral mnmporimmtondemmt of time ( Jinic.ugo & Itrstun-n , I illinois road. No general unami- tiger will benppoimntsd. Htars'4111o11 W'ugens. l'trnsuvuo , Nov. . .i0Thus , laborers ommiiuioycd at tlno Oliver urea. & l'hiilips' mnnihi wit ! he nmotiticd lu.d.ry that timoir wages will ha rcilmmced to $1. iur day , a reduction ml 25 cents. 'I'ino inca lucId mu msneoting timis mifternoomn to enmmusidor ilium mnotieo but tAOl lit ) uctiomn , Soverlul hum. tired are alIscteul I"aIIrmre. CII.rrANooaA , 'J'cnmn , , Novonnsbom- , . - 'i'Jne limos S. B Loir ts amid Lewis & Kirk aseigtmuul. Liahillties , , 59,000 ; assets nun- kmnown. Lowe & Kimic wore in the Ioumn- dry tumid nzmmcimimno inushnes , mend 8 , B L'mivu hi time mnmumnui5nctmuuig of mnsutahlio 1saiut mush gemierni .ims'ni onunmissiimr bui- 'less' - : : - A SIONOF PEACE. The Offer of En1ish icdia1ion Bc- IIOYCLI to I1ac Bcoii Acoopto by Prdllcc , The Latter Said to Pear tim Former's ' Interference in Oaso of War The Emissaries of the "False Prophet" Multiplying all Over Egypt. Time Sit nation 1ist Critical muimul A- Itiiieo Ilurricul to I 1mt 'rotnt Vtt.NCI' A'i ) CII11t , uNneisul stmmmmArmoN. 1'AnIs , November 20.- Liberto isublialies a telegram Irma iomrdonr stat' big tlnmrt Bmmglaurd otThreul to iriediato bo twi'oir France curd Chninmnu , mumrd Franice no ceinteul tine otrer. ' 1'lno tolegrirumi also says that Eirnylmuid recognizes tine iirterostum ( uf Frauco i nr Tomiqmnimi inert jrmstifioa tine oc- euipaliomr by the Premium of both Somrtng nnrl Ilacirinnin , hnt. Eimglamnd stronrly nut vis(3 Fraisco to imru a conneilmatory l)0l1CY. 'I'he coninmuitto of deputies on 'Pomiqtiimt credits orninninud iknmnrco , formerly mmliii- ister to China , relative to Tonqmnimu niat- tent. Fcrr' , primmie minimsister and militia. tar of foreign ailiuls's , were presomit at the examination. The comisrittec discuss the govornniomnt. P'roPosaln to-mnrorrow. The cimannberof (1oprrtiun imas bcgrnmn ii gem. oral debate on tire bridget. rnAiiN0 COMiLICATIONS. BmnrLmN , November 20.-The Paris correspondent of Tue Cologne Gazette sniys : Even if Chinese regulars oppose tlno French inn 'romnquhs , Frannco will not. cunsiler it cases btihi. Sine will snot blockade tIme Olr'nnrcao coast imor bonmrbrurd nuirritinnie towuis , cspeciahlyL1romn fear of complicatinisa with Emmglamnd. Tframico is convmmncod the British wonid not respect tine 1)lock'Lrdtn. if iii case of a blockade 'rannco siiouitl capture English vessels it. is feared Enrghnrnnd would be compelled to imitoroforo seriornsl7. There is , tincro. fore , reason to bolncyo Ferry favorably received the oll'or of Ennglisir mnodimu- tiomr. Unless China declares war after the attack on Bacuinsin hostilities will re- nmnaimn sommni-otliciul , stud be comnflnod to tine Iterl river delta. Tuna irni'rnnsir i'miur. : N.oeiAsT , .Tapami , Nov. 2tJ.-Tino Iirit- isit main-of-war Audaciomna time - - , flirgahnip of tine admiral of tine Cinimnose squadron , wiiicir itaa recomitly-dockod there for to. hairs , liar been unidocked rmndur'inrstruc' Lions telegraphed front the admiral 0f Shiaiigiiai , anti the vesol is flow j thn lnarbor with steam up awaiting fucthes orders. Two vessels of tine fleet have at. rcady sailed fur tine Citinu Sea fronts Vu , kohnrnm. - - n xlr . TiniOl'S Font csnlNA. MAJSSNIILI1 $ , November 20.-it inn ru inured 12,000 most will be mnsobolizoul inn immediately for China , and General Cam. pcnonn , mnnimniator of war , is mnegotiatumug ' for time services of ten great tramisports by winicin to forward tine troops to them destimmationm. Tire Fromncin gunboat Lynx left held. . zuong soon after the arrival of reimniorco. ' month. The Lymnx and Leopard have gsmne to occupy the river near ltacnimnin ut order t.u cut oil' tine uniounmy's retreat. GENEItAl. FOREIGN NBVS. FLYINuI jmsm'onui Tii1 YAI.H } : iJt0i'i1ET. Ciino , November 2t.-Tlne latest reports - ports fromni tire Soudan contirisi tine news of tint , defeat of Iticks Pasina , The panic at Khartoumnr in said tO inn imucrinasimig ow- iing to rnmnmnors timat 118 itluldi , witir a large force is advamncimmg upon that city amid inas cLt. ofi'all smmmplics dl graimm , Ulik'ial ad- % 'iccs , wmnilo mnut comnfirmirimug tIsiit , rumniorn , admnit that Emmropomuinu into leaving Riser- toutir by boats. 'i'wo tniumnsportns with gemsdnn'mes leave Suez to.mmmurrow for Sine- kimmr. Ilakor l'aslna will jsroiialiiy comn- mnauid cii oxpcditknm. I'inrmm are huiuig prePared for fortiticatiosms at. Assoniasm , ems tine sight lnamnlc of the Nile. o unu i'o ausmsr. LoNmmoN , Novoimibor 20-A JClmartoinni iii.pnrtchn says tine Arninu roiurt mu large 1(51cc of rebels close to IInartommmn , Ei ISlahidi has issued orders to mu tribes not to sumnil corus'to KInnnitAUmn. 'lime ulinspiutchu Hays WU only have food for a mouth. Two thlnrnsurmnd men mere dutoml nearly four miles of limo commnmnsmmumicatioi. It is perfectly useless to nitteumpti to mold ihar- tonnmnn wimuro tist , popimlatiomi hs a nsinnnnricr- ing "oicaiso. Thnim bend hue of retreat inn closed anul tine river hinma ninny ho stopped to-morrow. I'inn rebeLs are holding time chiff.s ovorinanginig tine river mit. Sihuiuhe. OiVUjiAL I5LIC5MAlLtiU4. CoNsranrJNonrr. , Novcmbor20.-ihdmri , l'itaina , chief of police , aunt six. officers of the secret. 1)tiCO , are nu trial cinarged witim hevyimg blacknanuil. Timoir 1)151 % of V.Ctinln was to ranko niccumsatioms againmti inn- noeenntpomaonns chargimmg bonn with coining falo incise ) ' ; them if time aecunseil worn wflhimmg to pay it heavy bribe prosucimtioun wins stopped , bmit if they rqmnmsed to give the anniount dennamnded conviction was umunilly secured through perjured tun.ti. nnczmy of police agents , amid bought wit messes. 'limo Plot n as uhiscss'on'etl tlmromuglm timei failure of hahn I'ashma to prny tImou winom ho employed to testily finmsoly , It is ktiowrm that inline ersoims wore convict- ml and lire now servurng 1(0mg ( terms of inn- prmsomnunemut inn coumeenluonco of their refmis. ul to s'rmbiniit to tine deunnnmsds of tutu black- mnaile i , .tur'mcn ( SRATIIt , 1 'A isis , oveni3or till , -Tine Jonmmnnl Iens lehnnta says ; ' 'if Etrglunmu1 shnonhii : nlarnstltsmm Bgypt thin barbariuimes mow mit its dors would i.umiiy time conuuntry mint cir' ihizutiomm iyomiiul nullor nsim imuminus'.s'n hinsa. I I fcar.u Jmnglamnm1 will such : to comsips.mnsnrto hzos'aohf ( ( II' tine iosen of Souclmrmi by takimmg tine lslammd ( ii himnimnan ( Ill' tiny coast of 'l'onquimm , tumid mudvinmes Jramnesm to accept Eimginnsul'ns , assinstemico in tine far euunt wjtim. out paying for it ( lean ) ' . Af'F.iiti4 IN ESITII' . CA SCO , Nucemniber 2U.--'lluu Kimedivo iinviuwe't a mmumnnber of troops about to start for $ miukimmm. Tine mnhiitunry critics mnot favorably imtjnrossud in' thick' nnJpcar. anco. Tine usmmnsnsniunt hCl fIahidi hays , arrived I mm 'i'uhiuohi numnul Aigoninu. Altiwnigin ujntiomumst. reports are smut btuhiuvtd , the j'ossilnihity ' of tine Egrtiianr Sourlann turns ) ' being ado is againi discmmasoui. Colonmel Ce'ottogamr scuds a msucaaugo from ICinartonniur , tinted November 25 , saynnrg tL' ) ' , artist of Tine London ( Irepinno , him the smio survivor of tine reemit - emit battle wntir ll llInhnrhi's forces and that inc ma a imr'nsomsor at Elolikd. Cci , Coettogami says limo stttnatiomr lii most criti. ciii. Tine Egyptuarr corvette S'eicirra air tire Fremichi crrniser Inifcnmnnrl hiivo bcoiu or. tiered to Suckles , Tlmm u'mnon'smnr's : WOnN. CAsino , Nov. 2G.-After time review to- daynf troops aborit to start for Snnnikinu , timely Turkish ohI'n ernr wemrt to licker I'ashna nun refused to go to Summit ant time grormnrd that their comntn'act was for their service iii Egypt. eloise. It is iruupel tIne matter will be arranugeul. 'rhnore inn a gems. curl senmne of ummneaa'nnmoss owing to nuigmss of revival of religious enthmnsiaamni at. Teirtain , especially. 'line eaptaint lYlnu ) bronigint time irowa ofjllicka l'iioina's ticket states inc allowed 'to escape only nm fessinig Mosloar hulls. Tine iruansacie , Inc says , wn.s inot no unsiversal as at. first bo- hiovwi , nun tlnooEgyptian soidiems wino were tie tirsposod. wor&i mihiowud to jour tine forces of EL 1nhmnli , 'l'inen'eu is reesomi to ) n'linvo tine cnnisnat'ies of El hahnili are titus ) ' iii tine large towmns of Bgypt amid us gonnersil risisig is IL'areLl. TRIAl. OF UAtK Tuliuvaun. LoNno , Noi'oiurber 20.-Tine trial of ( heorgoVnrtlems , nnnarnagor mmd casirior ( if tine Lomrnionr crud River Plato baurk , for atcaiimng , arid of .Johmn David ' .Vaitors , stock mumnut shinto broker , for atonslisig and receiving bonids of tine bnrnkbegnrni to-day. \Vardoni Plonuduti gtril ty. Tnt ! : SPANISh AnIMY. MAisitme , Nov. 20.-Tire govornilloirt hits docidud to disband ton regimnenta of infantry emit subatitinto thnerofor onto regi- snout oftrrtillery. It has also ordered an iircroaso in pay in nil minks 1)010w cap- tam. A iTIiANflE ) STEAtflmt. LoNDoN , Nov. 20.-Tire steamer Ni. sere fronni San Baya recently stranded an tine coast of Aclwers , Snnmuatna. Tine Dutch arntiioritica wore powerless to as- aistitire stcauirer because tine inoatnie rajah tirresiteired to kill thno crow of tine sinip , ivans touched. Tine Brit'naingnnboatPegn. arts wits ordered to tire scemno Irene Singa. Poro. rAuNr.Lm's OAiN. Dunmms , Movemubor 26.-Tire Pnrrmielt- ito varty gained oiglnt aeat mr tIne muumnic unit election to.dey. AN UNYOUNDP.I ) STORY. ltonms , Novmmibur 20.-'t'iie roirert that the Amniericami bishops prnponncd tinat tIre Vatican tend mu nnunicio to America is en- founndud. The report probabiy arose thnrormgin us misappreinomnsiomi of tire fact that the Vaticamn tininks of sending Mon. : sigmior Sepiacci to preside as apoRtqlir legato over tire labors of tire cuumicnl to I be ireid itt Amnoric.r in 1884. TIIC SICONh ) SUIiZ. 1'Amrm , November 26.-tnt an initor view Do Leasops said iso was lnigiuly gratified with the icaults of Ida tour iii England. He rogaruls the suttierniont ' of the queaUon of oiiatrtvt.lp of 4rt second Suez cl1nal nA v'nrttntfly sucum plisined. . womi"n INYRLNtL MauluINnoi. : 1onmoN , Novommnber 20.-Tine Tunic , says : It is now considered certnrimn tiia Voif's infernal ssnzrcimimnes would hays . boon used againnat the ( hernimni embassy wiUnin a few incurs , if not seized. The cll'ort would immuve been a'nmuihnnr to tIre cx piosion at time Preed street statioms of tine Motioiolibrn umrdorgrounndra'niway. Ther is rciuuosi to believe tine platters weru ( Italy' anxionns to produce niarmu. St. JViJllm'.mt mn'nNum , Itouhur , Loniis Nnupoieomn's muiisinstor ci nstat , is reported dyimmg. Attemmnpied Ilnutnir JCLlmet'y , Iiom ' , liiNEH , inn. , ovemmmben' 2fl.-4 bold attemimpti to rob Line ! rfurcimamnts' Na tlummnil hunlc : iveu : mnmnsdo at I ) o'clock , A ninun onstumrei amid onngugoul imn convomaa . timi whim tine canlmiur , while a pal crepi jim tire back ivnuy , grubbed time mmmoinuy amid ran , Tine cnnsinner saw mini just ins ho wnm rmmmmmsimng out stud gnuvo chase. So met ivuni tine lirft that time thief drojuped tin niomloy. 'rise olhicinriru ares umosy hookimnt for tine luarties. 'Flue timid herd six mmmii. .drod dollars , all of which ivan recovered. % S'reoIUs at Suat. PAN1tim.1 , Novunmuber 26.-Capt. lint. fain's bark , Avoum , sit Vaipariaso rotJ.rLs . hat. 28 , rs nnecomnda. amid iuimsg. 46 , 14 iroati , sew mi commjimmrctious , tine romnialnus of two vessels amid a , mimort dmstiumico away , a part of atimird vessel , I' Ilomibit , i'mmmiernnl. New iIA'nri , Noyemnhur 20.-A child L of .lamnos llmrggort died Thursday intel was omnnbnrinie'd. Tine undertaker loft the ltuisommous mmuixturo to be u1mpik'd to jim I fimee. A two year old sister thank scant S of it , dying soomn after. Both irons buried imi vine grave to-day. Hcrgcmtmne , % 515 Snuler.umsmrir. CtnZLtuo , November 20.-A cIot.uninn flnnn of thmms city , wimo corntractonl with Sorgoamst Masons , wIno shot. at ( iuitoau , to act as anloammuan for theta cmi sooni an ru- leased fromnn prison , have not. heard from mini since , hiss pardomi , and do not know rvhnuthe inns will fulfill thccommtract or not , . Camnasilamn Crops. OrrAwA , Novcmmsber 20-The demimamnd for money to move crops in October was 2,000,000 lois timamn inn October. - - TEJjEGItAI'Il NOTEI4 , Tins funeral of Dr. Wiihiann Siemens took iniacts yesterday , at ' .VetunImmtr Abbey , uvith Krotnt ceronnomiy. .lmi.ts Vales's , aunthnor , is ollhclaliy gnurettoul Spamslsln udmnl.tur to W'nrahlmgtcn , JtntIemns of Imncerluunution of timu Cisicago , lthiehii.i . , t iammu'iiin italhronsit comnmany wuro tiIftl , un Spminigtlelil yesterday , , hay Could asset isis 3'artmsuns ' are the iincenrisornt.ora. At Mt. ( lilecul , Ohmic , Crorm Mozier and mis eritlon fatally isurs senlously mohammed by eating cabbage doctored for wormnnn with 1'nI gninumn. Owimmy to fahlimig eyesight Vv'alker Given imr. retired fronmm thu rditorisj ( , of the i'eorh&e 'l'miimmscmlj't. ills sucunasuor hiss not bcomr . , , Binsmns Davis , ot Zsnmsesviiiu , 0. , jnut a cap iin a gmnmm supposed not to ho lunched , ilolftteei It. at tint , of Inis eight year old sot , , Linens called a tour year old boy to nuhi hue trigger umni ainootlms iii. tnniLher. , 'j'Iao guns uviss lend' cii amid tire boy - _ kiduil 'Fimo _ fiithser is franntlc , S'1mmii. ( limo 1301.15 DId. S. S. Graves , of Aks'ou , N. Y. , had 4stlnmzmnn or tine worst kimmul. 'result ommo ties. , of Thous.t , ' Eckc4rk Oil amid was relieved in five mnsiinuto , lie zuinla "Vuinld walk Loin nniiIns ( or Ode inueliclu , , smith l' ) ' t5 is Ittlu for it. it sanmod n.y . nile .1 ri.nrmmsrattum like unagic , " TIlE PIATIONAL CAPITAL. Illillois Tnrniii Out Vest QullhtIes ! of Hot Bricks for Yiinter GOllSu1llttOll , ThoTriohina , Oommission Favors a Permanent Job and an APProPriation , Two Important Now Committees Created by the Revised Rules of the Sonata , 'l'Imt' ] % tInsstnsg Rlseiii'ei' Imri'tt.eul to 1'ur Iltmmiasell'-Otlii'r' Itemnumu oflisterest. CMYITAI , NO1'1B. \VAHIUNOTON , Nov. 20.-Tine Proteus cotnrt mudjonirned till Deemmulner I'h ) , Tine supreuiro court elcc'ndoa tine Brooklymn brndge cirnimmot ho declared a nuiinruuce or. uisiawfnil structure. sInNcinsr's e.thn. Ex.Senmrtor Spencer wan brommgint ime. fore tine crimnimmal court to aunawor br con. tempt mi failing to appear ins tine star route case. Ex.Secrotnry Boutwuli , cormnmiol forulcfendant , nmuovcd to tine dis- mniasforwinmnt ofjunr'nsdiction. Merrick and hihiss opposed. . .htudgeVylio decided to iroar argumnsemit. At tine comnelrnsuioni , tine court overruled the motion of cerimssol for defense. Simoncer gave bonds for Iris appoannunco Iii $2,500 , aind ivan accorded tine privilege of purging binnaclE for contempt - tempt by ati'sdavit riur ruuioN or sumnrnur ctsorn nimeroly recites tire fact of tine trial mend i ' sonitonco , arid states time imnesidont for good and arnfl'mcienti reasons grants a fuli uncomrditioumal release. A iiOOM IN Nl'IRiTS. : Inforninstion received at the imrtornai rovenrtio bureau sinews increased activity iii distullimig circles in Ilhimnois annul eiao- ' where. A large increase in the capacity of eiintillories is miotod and tine reopcn'rmsg of niainy heretofore clomueui , Tine nrmmsibe of distilleries in operation in tine country is mrow over 500. On November 1st tine number was .180 , witik a total proelucinig capacity of 258- 000 g.silourmr daily , cmi increase of : iiooo : gmillonia daily over one month earlier. it is estimated , that those now inn operation are 'manufacturing nearly 400,000 gallons daily. mr Illinois 17 distilleries 'were operation Noveurber lint , iuiakiisg 103,000 gallons per day , againist it ; distnlicriea nicking bitt. 90,000 gallons I daily at tine sanib date a cara ago. liii- nois is mow stinking more than double the ninmount of whisky macdo by any other state. Tin ? TiiiCflLN. COMMISsION. , The commission nppoimnted by the state department and boards of trade to exam- ilium into tine triclninnn , question , has closed , b preliminary leboia it. CIricago snail - otincrpoiiifflui tifo wulrt1t. is nuder. ' Bt4)oel tinny will report tlmat ivlm(1e the presence of triciminsu iii .Americamn punk is not suds irs to warrsrmnt the course pint- sued by time Gornnamu and French govern- I mrrcmnts , it is eulhicicut to mniako the crea- - tiomi of a special colmmnmnasioni to study tine nnmitter. 'limo commission is of the opinu- ion that only after a icing , careful send imitelligensti study of tine subject can it. stnlve thro problem and that this can emily m be nccomnmplioimimd by the appointment of a nuuibic coinunission for that purpose and tim appropriation of a sufliciont aunun to omnables it to pursue tine investigation r tinoientmgimiy. HF.NATS ICULES. Tine senate conninnititce on rules created a now conmnmmiittoo on mmiternal iniprovu. . nnesmnt , to comisiat of mine senators , to immune tine jnmrmsdiction of null mnatters relating to imnmpror'ummnemsts of rivers amid harbors anti time river amid harbor bill. Time conmnnilt- I. toss emu coisnmsnorco its left to line juriatic- I than of smrnbjectnn relating to commerce , I ahippimug , nunorcinant. niarimso life aavini ' I service amid Jigint inouses. A now coinS - S mmnittee on expemiditures of public mnsonoy ins ciented , to comisinit. of soveis seismuton's , to cosishler sucim museasures tending to time Ccommonnny of public expenditures nsa shall be referred to it , and conduct inveatiga- flours imsto time oxpemiditurca of 1inblic nunonnyorderod by tine seinitte , uniess tine actuate otherwise directs. This work is. usually domio by spee.ialcounmnittenn. A ( JoId Wave. Sr. P.tue , Novemniber 20.-A cold % vavm struck thus city late heat' night. Tine J tinunmnmomnetstr dnoppod to 10' above zero. 'l'ho Nortinerni Pacifia railroad report fromni four to six moines of snow driftiuust itt Glendivo , Miles City , Forsythe aniI Biiiimmgs. At cinch of timoso places tineS thmormonntur , regiatorerl 12 below zero. ' ' Catarrh. At this saaan of the year everybody he. a cold &nJ aos.s yory bi4 one. . Sly frequenu mmmranMf thu m.o..o becunie very .on.Stlv , Aaci catynl , anti tuntluosizas art , sm.m4snnlc , . Relict muty be obtained by thu use of hood' , saraapuruma. ' ' , For inamsyyuars In 500i0lO , , begloumar so tar back I doe C iosuemnber wise , , , I hs the caUsrrh in UI , head , ii oitnamstsd of oostinual flow , lronn may . 'nose. Ringing and Bui'sfinfl hoises , tin nay lined. SonsctIm the hearing In may left car WisatTuctoti , Five year. ago about this .eaaon of the yuar , I begain ti tide itooJa sarauparmuta. i was hetted rmght away , bunS I co.itmns4 to use it untU I lelt my sisyseil cured.-Mri. ltz H. CauRlukl , LowtIl , Ma. . . Jerumni Itrownfl asurohant anti .ixtenaku uiflkr aS Vlotou. Ontario county , N. Y. , wrfts. : " 1 insme use.I 11004' . sarbanJaJImna for my Catarrh , and It has helped las. I oo,5Js , iIood , arsepsrUma os of thbeat , rsmedmcs fog blood dms.ase to bi obUlued , 100 Doses One Do/lap , "I lime boosi troui.lu4 with that distressing cole , pisInt , c..turrh , and liars been usmur 1moos Sates.- patiOs , asiC I5s,1 It trio of the ba.t retnedica I have seer taken. amy troubSo Isas. listed toss eaxa , sad neucrouuidgctaisy remk tmtstlI I commenced to u RootS' . SselanUl"-lsrLmn itSiIeId , ChIcago , III Dan je. froni Catari'h Dismd. the ursurumit and extent of thu 5s'jott , , Iou. mntectlos , , Ussyueett.rsably isutoy etsut ) , . n-ussr OOds.UW5)LlOt. lUll 55 tie' cit is , ssilccjo4 u.tsirti _ lInens Is in uIoles4 dl.tre , irotratv4 ijlet coughtug smwmn , nm y . n.eep. uRt Isou dIwhamt , and thu k.u.C tcni to arSit. in .inci , csus& a Hood' , tarL.Iisnlmn corrects tte tarI , tiy Its ttlrt nnettms Ins IItIastjlrg tIme hole Lt , . , islon4 Unronits : msIturu' great ot' Iha btattls' , seined tRust re.sbc tfe , SIStI 1 $ .sli4t-uinu. Hoots's ' Sai'sapat SoIlby slruzmnlts , el ; iix ton $ , Jf a , ittiof , &co. .I4lws'.ie,5eiLoj , ' , :